#jon snow ygritte
fantasydreamland · 4 months
Where did I get such high expectations of men?
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I have no idea…
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mysticalcatpeanut · 3 months
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Just wanted to point out, Arrax (Lucerys' dragon) is also son of Syrax (Rhaenyra's dragon)... so both mothers are mourning in this scene
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emprcaesar · 1 month
me when jon and robb parallel each other in the way that they are both honor bound to serve the realm (one as a member of the nightswatch and the other as a king) and they both fall in love with a girl from the enemy side (ygritte and jeyne) except jon chooses duty over love and robb chooses love over duty. so ygritte is dead while jon lives and robb is dead while jeyne lives.
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vassssssssssss · 7 months
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i'm pretty sure that somebody already did this but who cares
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melrosing · 1 month
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back at it again. wildling edition
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shripscapi · 1 year
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some wildlings (including mance for an anon a while ago!) + jon
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jeyneofpoole · 2 years
at the end of the day i think the reason we’re all so obsessed w jon snow in the books is the inherent comedy of the Chosen One being sent to magical boarding school and just hating every minute of it. he’s not realizing his full magical girl potential he’s just exhausted. mans is TIRED. there’s a literal giant camping out in his front yard and he’s stressing over salt beef. there is an uber hot magical witch actively trying to seduce him and he’s just like ‘omg ygritte had red hair... im going to kms’. he is actively becoming a wolf. like straight up animorphing into his pet dog. and he doesn’t give a shit he’s like ‘hm that’s weird’ and then he gets distracted smelling satins’ hair again. easily the most character of all time. god.
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silverflameataraxia · 2 months
I don't care if people ship Jonsa, but stop stealing content from Jonrya and somehow making it about Sansa when it's actually about Arya. And stop lying about Jon and Sansa's importance to each other.
Jon and Sansa rarely think about one another. Sansa thinks about Jon one time while pretending to be a bastard, and that was only after someone else brought him up. And that was the first time she thought about him since AGoT.
Jon, on the other hand, hardly thinks about Sansa either. It's Arya that he misses even more than Robb, and Arya who misses Jon the most out of all her siblings.
Jon compares Ygritte to Arya, not Sansa.
Jon wants to kill Ramsay for being betrothed to Arya, not Sansa.
Jon sends Mance to find the grey girl on a dying horse which was supposed to be Arya, not Sansa.
Jon was willing to forsake his vows to the Night's Watch for Arya, not Sansa.
Jon's favorite person in the world is Arya, and Arya's favorite person is Jon.
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Game of Thrones by Matias Bergara
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strangesmallbard · 11 months
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(character sheets under the read more)
brienne of tarth: paladin / oath of devotion / folk hero
cersei lannister: warlock / the fiend / noble
jaime lannister: paladin / oath of devotion oathbreaker / soldier / noble
arya stark: rogue / folk hero / charlatan / urchin / noble
lady stoneheart: paladin / oath of vengeance / haunted one
sandor clegane: fighter / great weapon fighting / soldier
daenerys targaryen: sorcerer / draconic bloodline (red fire) / folk hero / urchin / noble
stannis baratheon: cleric of r'hllor lathander / war domain / noble
melisandre of asshai: cleric of r'hllor lathander / light domain / acolyte
jon snow: ranger / ranger knight / wasteland wanderer (cold) / soldier / noble
ygritte: ranger / keeper of the veil / wasteland wanderer (cold) / outlander
mance rayder: bard / lute player / outlander / soldier
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fantasydreamland · 4 days
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My Saviour
jon snow x fem reader
Summary: After escaping a wildling raid you find yourself being chased by a hungry wolf until a man of the Nights Watch rescues you. Your first night sleeping at castle black has you shivering to the bone until you seek warmth in your rescuer.
Notes: 18+ ONLY!!! some violence in opening story, smut, loss of virginity, a little fluff, some spoilers
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You just barely escaped your village being raided by wildlings. You saw some others escape in the opposite direction while everyone else was slaughtered like animals.
Once you managed to get far enough away to catch your breath you stop behind a tree, panting onto your frozen hands. A twig snaps and your eyes dart up to meet a pair of vicious golden eyes through the thick snow watching you from another nearby tree. The wolf growls and before you have time to think it sprints towards you. You let out an unintentional scream and bolt in the other direction trying to twist and turn through trees to throw it off your path.
Frozen tears run down your face and your skin screams from the frost bite as you run for your life. Eventually you’re led to a small frozen river. You step a foot onto the ice and it lightly cracks. You quickly remove your foot until you see the wolf turn from a tree and spot you. You hold your breath and quickly tiptoe along the cracking ice. The wolf chases after you but then stops dead at the edge of the ice as if it knows the danger.
Halfway to the other side you slip and smash into the ice scraping open your exposed skin and causing the ice to form a much larger crack. You freeze in horror as you watch the loud crack slowly expand.
“Here! Quickly!” You hear a man’s voice shout to you. He spots the wolf on the other side as it turns around and leaves.
You look up to see a very handsome man in all black jumping off of his horse and pulling off his large fur cloak. He throws one end of the cloak towards you to grab onto. You grab it tightly as he slowly pulls you towards him. Your mind was in such a state of shock you no longer felt the ice nipping at your skin as you slid against it.
You began to shuffle closer and the ice let out another loud crack.
“Careful.” The man’s wide eyes met yours, he looked nearly as scared as you. “Remain still, just let me pull you.”
You nodded and put your full trust in this total stranger as he carefully pulled you off the ice and lifted you to stand. You instantly begin to fall over, your frozen bones not able to hold you up any longer.
“Gods, you’re frozen.” the man says as he wraps the cloak around you and rubs your arms to try and warm you.
“Do you think you can get up?” He says gesturing his head to his horse.
You nod, unable to speak through the shivering. He puts a hand on your back as you put your foot through the stirrup. His strong hands grab your sides and lift you up onto the horse. He quickly gets on behind you. You sigh as his warmth radiates against your back, you couldn’t help but press into him.
His arms remain tightly around you as he rode quickly. To where? You didn’t know. But the man just saved your life, you couldn’t help but trust him.
“Thank you.” You choked out in a breathy whisper.
“Shh,” he said as his arms squeezed you tighter. “You’re safe now.”
You barely remember the rest of the ride as you drift in and out of consciousness.
“Rider!” You heard a man yell far in the distance.
A loud horn blows and you open your eyes again. Your blurry vision adjusts to a giant wall of ice. The wall. This was Castle Black and this was a man of the Nights Watch. You felt slightly relieved as they’ve been known to protect the people against wildlings.
The large dark door began to creek open slowly. Finally, it loudly came to a halt and he rode in.
Your mind was too hazy to comprehend your surroundings. You could barely see the blurry visions of men dressed in all black through the snow. Soon you began to drift off again.
“Who is this?” You heard a man say.
“I don’t know. I heard a scream then I found her being chased by a wolf.” Your rescuers voice radiated against you as he held you in his arms. You couldn’t even remember him taking you off the horse. “She’s frozen half to death.”
“Bring her inside.” The other man said.
The next time you awoke you felt much warmer. You open your eyes to see yourself in a bed of furs in a small dark room with a warm fire going. You look to your side to see the man watching you from a chair. He flinches when you make eye contact with him.
“I- I’m sorry I just wanted to make sure you were alright.” He says shyly. You give him a soft smile.
“Thank you.” You say quietly.
He nods. “Are… are you alright?”
“I think so…” you say unsure.
“Well, there’s a warm bath and fresh clothing waiting for you.” He gestures to a tub in the corner.
You sit up and hiss in pain. You suddenly became more awake and aware of the pain radiating throughout your entire body. The man jumps out of his chair to help you out of the bed.
“Thank you again, sir.”
“Jon,” he says. “Jon Snow.”
“Jon.” You smile at him as you take his hand. “I’m (y/n).”
He gives you a sweet smile. He helps you up and leads you to the tub.
“I’ll give you some privacy.”
“Could you…” you quickly say. “I don’t know if I can do this on my own right now…”
“Oh, um, yes. I can- I can help you, if you want.” He says timidly.
You nod and turn your back as he comes closer to you. He unties the strings of your tattered dress and his fingers brush against your skin causing electricity. He turns his gaze away as you slowly pull your dress off your body, leaving you fully exposed. Your heart races as he lends you his hand to hold while you step into the tub. Heat rises in his cheeks and it takes all his will power to not stare at your naked body.
Your weak arms shake as you lower yourself into the warm water. Your hand grasps on the edge of the tub as your other squeezes tightly onto Jon’s. The warm water soothes and stings your skin at the same time. You lean forward so all he can see is your bare back which was covered with cuts and bruises.
The air is tense as you both move in silence. He sits down on the stool beside the tub. He grabs a sponge and soaks it in the water before lightly wiping your back. You hiss and quickly he pulls away.
“It’s ok.” Your eyes meet his with a soft look.
He nods as he continues to gently wipe the dried blood from your skin. The tenderness of his touch made you sigh. When he’s finished he grabs a small pale beside the tub and scoops up some water.
“Lean your head back a little.” He says almost in a whisper.
You do as he says and lean your head back. You close your eyes as he pours water over your hair. You sigh and lean more into his touch as his fingers work through your hair. The new angle giving him a slight view of your exposed breasts makes him nearly choke on air.
You turn your head and look into his eyes as he gently wipes the remaining blood from your face. The world felt still as you gazed at each other. Staring deep into each others eyes felt like you had known one another for a lifetime. He softly wipes the blood from your lip and couldn’t help but think of what it would be like to kiss them. He thought you were the most beautiful and intriguing woman he had ever seen.
“What happened?” He breaks the tense silence.
“Wildlings raided my village…” you said quietly, turning away and looking down into the water. “I barely escaped. I was running from them then suddenly I was running from a wolf chasing me… I don’t know how I’m still alive right now.”
“Did anyone else get away?” He asked.
You met his eyes. “Some. I saw people escaping the other direction.”
He nods, a sad expression on his face. “And your family?”
You shook your head looking back down.
“They could have escaped…” he says reassuringly.
“No.” You said flatly. “I saw the savages kill them.”
“I’m sorry.” He said lightly brushing your shoulder. Your breath catches at the touch.
Jon grabs you fresh robes and sets them on the stool before turning to help you up. You take both his hands as he lifts you from the water. The candle light illuminating your naked frame. He can’t help but glance at your wet body before meeting your eyes again, making you blush. He awkwardly looks to the side with red cheeks as you step out of the tub holding onto his hands. He passes you the robes to put on and steals one last glance of you from the corner of his eye.
“I’ll be in the room right next door if you need anything.” He says shyly.
“Thank you, Jon.” You stand near the bed as he heads towards the door.
“Goodnight (y/n).”
“Goodnight.” You say as he leaves the room and you crawl into bed.
You wake in the middle of the night shivering. The fire was dull and the warm room turned cold. The wind whistled loudly from a storm raging outside. After trying hard to fall back asleep you give up and get up from bed, wrapping one of the furs around you.
You sneak out the door and into Jon’s room. Your heart stops and you gasp as your eyes connect with the red eyed white wolf laying next to Jon’s bed. You stumble back and bump into a table causing a clatter that wakes Jon.
“(y/n)?” Jon says hazily as he wakes up. He notices your terrified expression toward the wolf.
He gets out of bed revealing his exposed upper half which manages to distract your thoughts for a moment before you turn back to the wolf who was still laying down leisurely.
“I promise he won’t harm you. He’s not wild, I’ve had him since he was a pup.” He walks towards you and turns to the wolf. “Ghost, come.”
The wolf stands and slowly walks over causing you to stumble backwards again.
“Shh it’s ok, I promise. Here…” he says taking your hand.
You timidly move your hand with his towards the wolf. You held your breath as he sniffed your hand then gave you a small lick. Jon lets go of your hand as you pet Ghost, all the fear easing away.
“He likes you.” Jon smiles.
You smile and stand as Jon opens the door for Ghost to leave. “Wait outside boy.”
He turns back to you, rubbing his bare arms as he adjusts from being out of the warm bed.
“Is something wrong?” He asks.
“No, I just can’t sleep.” You say as you begin to shiver again too.
“The nights can get very cold here.” He says, noticing your obvious shivering. “We can share the bed… if you want.”
You looked at him for a moment and didn’t respond before walking past him toward the bed and slowly crawling under the furs. Your eyes met his and he followed as he also climbed under. The shivering didn’t stop and eventually your teeth began to chatter.
“Come here,” Jon said pulling you closer.
You let him pull you into his arms until he was cuddling you close. Your heart raced and you swear you could feel his racing against your back.
“I’m not hurting you am I?” He suddenly asks, remembering your injuries.
“Not at all.” You whisper back.
The room is still cold but the warmth of him behind you soothes some of the shivering. You shuffle closer into him and freeze as you felt something hard pressed against you. You knew he noticed your reaction as you felt him also tense.
Your breath quickened and you didn’t know what to do. After a moment, you took a deep breath and relaxed against him. You feel him relax his arms before hugging you tighter. Although you managed to relax your body you were still filled with nerves. Pushing your fear away you boldly press yourself against him again, this time clearly intentional. Jon groans in your ear and pushes his member harder into your backside.
“Jon…” you breathe as he slowly begins kissing your neck.
You turn around to face him and your eyes meet full of bewilderment and lust. He takes your face in his hands and kisses you hard. His tongue demands entrance to your mouth and you happily oblige. He kisses you like it’s the last kiss he’ll ever have.
You pull him closer against you before your hand moves from his waist trailing down his torso. He gasps into the kiss as you lightly grab his member over his trousers. You reach for the strings of his pants but he quickly grabs your hand to stop you.
“I can’t…” Jon says with a pained look on his face, clearly not wanting to stop.
“Why not?” You whisper.
“I- I swore a vow. As a man of the Nights Watch.”
“They make you swear not to lay with a woman?”
“Something like that… we swear to never marry or father children.”
“So… you don’t actually swear off of… sex.”
“Well I- Yeah… I guess not…” Jon furrows his brows at the realization.
Without another word he throws caution to the wind and reaches between you to pull the ties of your robe before pushing it off your shoulders. He grabs your breast and leans forward to put the other in his mouth making you let out a quiet moan. His lips make their way up your collarbone to your neck until they land back on your lips. His hand begins to explore your body until his fingers brush against your most sensitive area causing you to gasp and break the kiss.
“Jon…” You sigh, “I’ve never…”
“Me neither…” he whispers back.
You smile and lean over to capture his lips again. This time he lets you pull the strings of his pants before he pulls them fully off. You barely get a glimpse of his lower half before he’s on top of you littering kisses all along your jaw and neck.
“Are you sure?” He whispers as you feel him rubbing his length against you.
The feeling makes your brain fuzzy and you quickly nod staring into his eyes.
“It’s going to hurt… at first.” He says.
You nod again and he pushes into you making your jaw drop and your face scrunch in pain as you grab hard onto his biceps. He stops but you pull him closer signaling to keep going and you hear a low groan escape him as he pushes through. Once he’s fully inside you he stills. You pant through the pain as you adjust to him. He waits not just for your sake, but with the way you squeezed tightly around him he was already struggling to not lose control and finish before it’s even begun.
After another moment he begins to move slowly as your foreheads are pressed together. You breathe through the pain as it starts to fade. Your pained expression soon turns into pleasure and you’re suddenly desperate for more of him.
“Faster.” You whisper to him.
Without another word he starts thrusting faster into you until your moans fill the room. He kisses you in a failed attempt to keep you quiet.
“Shh.” He smirks down at you, slowing his pace. “You’re going to wake everyone up.”
“Sorry…” you whisper and giggle.
His speed picks up again and you bite your lip to hold back your loud moans. Your hands tangle into his curls and tug hard. He groans and gently bites your neck in response then kisses the tender spot. It becomes harder and harder to keep quiet as he slams into you harder and harder. You bite down on your lip so hard you thought it might bleed again. You gasp his name as the pressure in your belly builds. Every cell in your body ignites and you begin to see stars. Suddenly everything snaps and he quickly covers your mouth as you scream out. His thrusts become more sloppy as he quickly reaches his own peak and pulls out. He can’t stop himself from grunting loudly as he spills himself onto your stomach. In that moment his mind was so blurred by the feeling of you he forgot where he was. You nearly faint at the gorgeous sight of him above you as he came.
He crashes down beside you and reaches for a cloth before cleaning you up.
“You’re going to wake everyone up...” You tease.
He chuckles, “I would be very surprised if we didn’t.”
“Well… at least I’m no longer cold.” You give a shy smirk.
He smiles and kisses your temple before pulling you in close so you’re laying on his chest. You would face your problems in the morning. Right now you just savor the feeling of your saviours strong arms wrapped around you and his heart beating against your ear as you both drift off to sleep.
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Jon discovering dying Ygritte is a very sad scene. And it gives the lovers the chance to have a final intimate moment...
...until you remember that Jon couldn't move well on his own ( with his injury) and a couple of parallels above he describes Satin not only helping him get down to the yard but also move around.
So while Jon and Ygritte have their farewell scene somewhere nearby Satin is standing looking like this:
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stormborns · 29 days
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GAME OF THRONES 3.06, The Climb
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daenerysoftarth · 1 year
personally I like to think that, amongst the nights watch slash stannis’ army when they finally get there, jon snow has a big reputation for being a whore. getting up naked in the baths and just walking out angry on alliser thorne and whatshisface while naked as his nameday. hooked up with a wildling girl beyond the wall, and now both the wildling princess and old man warrior are flirting with him like crazy in front of everyone (aka val makes barely concealed threats and tormund is constantly talking about his penis). made satin his personal assistant and the first question whatshisface has is ‘are y’all fucking.’ now alys karstark rolls up in a wedding dress and asks for jon snow personally and everyone sees them giggling together during her wedding that jon arranged? and the rizz he has is unbelievable, as sam will personally tell you
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jaehaeryshater · 2 months
“[Would he] become the Lord of Winterfell? It seemed an easy choice when he thought of it in those terms . . . though if Ygritte had still been alive, it might have been even easier.” - Jon XII ASOS
Part 1 in any crown design series, art by: @nataa.draws on twit
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For about a year, I have been thinking about creating a series of artworks with my designs of crowns that either canonically existed in the ASOIAF universe but went without description (Ceryse’s crown, Jaehaera’s crown, Naerys’s crown, etc.) or crowns that could have existed but didn’t due to deaths of the ladies involved or a break in betrothal (the Ygritte one above and a Sansa QOT7K crown, which is what I’m hoping to do after this one). The only problem is, I’m awful at drawing! The design I can get down to the smallest detail and envision it in my head, but it simply doesn’t translate to paper. And because this is a series rather than one piece, it was a bit difficult to find an artist that both drew jewelry like I envisioned and also could make a commitment for an ongoing project. Luckily, I did end up finding Nata, which I was SO happy about because she was somehow able to commit exactly what I was envisioning on paper, and for that I’m so grateful. She is a lovely and talented woman.
I do want to talk about the designs a little bit, because I have been working on it for so long and absolutely in love with it, but I do want to make one thing clear first. This is not necessarily ship art, and the crowns I work with Nata in the future most certainly will not be. The relationship between Jon and Ygritte is problematic at best, and the other Queens I have mentioned above have even more abusive relationships with their husbands/betrothed (with the exception of Jaehaera and Aegon III, whose relationship was practically nonexistent and the problematic elements came from the situation and not from either of them individually). The focus of this series is on jewelry and designs that reflect the culture the person is from and their personality, rather than their relationship to their husbands. So I hope even if Ygritte and Jon are your NOTP and/or if you absolutely despise Ygritte, I hope you can still appreciate the art and cultural influences. The art was originally just supposed to include the crown and therefore be up for interpretation of it was Ygritte or Val’s, but I got carried away with the dress design I had thought of and because it was green which goes beautifully with red hair, I went ahead and asked for Nataa to draw Ygritte.
Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, I can talk about the design, which I’m sooooo excited about. The main idea was the merging of Freefolk and Northern culture, but I still did want to remain relatively true to the 15th to 16th century English time period that ASOIAF is roughly centered around. I understand the idea that Ygritte would never be caught dead in such a thing, but you must understand!!!! Jon designed it for her himself when preparing to ask for her hand. So she grumbled and griped, but was secretly chuffed, so she wears it. From the beginning, the main element that I think Ygritte needed if expected to wear a dress is that she needs lots of furs lining it. Not only because of the cold, but also as a symbol of where she came from the make her feel more comfortable in her skin. The puffs are meant to be general fashion at the time, something more common in the Vale or the Reach, but I imagine that could be more of a Sansa influence on the North. The emeralds’ only purpose is to contrast and compliment Ygritte’s hair and to show the wealth of the dynasty. There are two different weirwood embroideries implemented in the dress design: the one on the top that is by the wolf, which of course represents the Stark dynasty that she has now married into, and the bigger weirwood at the base of the dress which has mammoths walking underneath it. Mammoths are one of the symbols of the Freefolk, and weirwoods are very sacred to both the Northern people and the Freefolk, and their shared religion following the Old Gods. I imagine that when Jon was designing this dress for Ygritte, he was more attentive and involved than men in this universe usually were, and his ultimate goal was her comfort and for her to feel included in her new position instead of feeling like a commodity for Jon and the North.
As for the crown, which was the reason for the commission in the first place, I wanted it to follow the same general design as the King of the North crown. I know there’s lots of different ideas of different crowns Jon could adopt as King of the North instead of somehow either regaining possession of or replicating his brother’s crown, but there were way too many options and it made my head spin, so we’re doing this. So the structure of the crown is the same, but the main difference is that instead of being made of metal, this crown is made of weirwood. Of course, weirwood is very special to both cultures, but I figured that metal wouldn’t impressive Ygritte or her culture as much as weirwood would. Therefore, the texture is very different. There are emeralds around it to compensate the lack of metal and extra agency, and to give the crown more of a feminine look as well as to compliment Ygritte’s hair. The tops of each bar are meant to look white and as if capped by snow. This is meant to symbolize the Beyond the Wall influence and I was also thinking about the Crown of Winter when creating this part of the design. The Crown of Winter was given up by Torrhen Stark when yielding to Aegon the Conqueror. We aren’t given a description of it, but I have always imagined it having those snow caps and generally being mostly white. I’ve thought of Jon bringing back the design of the Crown of Winter, but because we have so little to go off of, I chose for there just to be a small influence included instead of going off nothing and trying to create something from scratch. Lastly, there’s the three engraving in the middle. The two mammoths are meant to show who Ygritte is, where she’s come from. She is a member of the Freefolk, and becoming a Northern Lady is not meant to erase that or get her hide that part of her (not that she’d ever agree to that anyway), but it is a part of her and a part of the future of the North merging together. There’s a wolf in the middle as well, because she’s married in to that family and she is a representation of the Starks. But her and Jon and their resulting family is part Stark, part Freefolk, and both of those cultures are meant to be displayed and remembered. The next generation is a merger of the Freefolk and their ideals, and the the traditions of the North.
Okay, that is all, thank you so much if you read all of this! I loved working on this so much and I want to thank Nata again, because she did an amazing job. I hope this is enjoyable to someone else like it’s enjoyable to me. I think the idea of Ygritte as Queen of the North is hilarious, although probably bad for the health of Northern Lords. I can’t even imagine what unhinged things she would do, or how violent archery practice could become. The only thing I can say in her favor is that I think she would get along great with Rickon and be a good (well depends on what you think a good upbringing is, manners would lack, but I think he would be happy) mother figure to him. They would be the worst duo to terrorize Winterfell. I also like to think that Theon and her, although she would not like him, could build up some sort of beneficial relationship between them and she could help him regain his strength and his love of archery, because that is something they share. Anyway, I’ll see you soonish with my next commission ^_^
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wodania · 9 months
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A collection of Jon Snow!!! My favourite child that every grown man wants dead.
I wanted to try to get a solid design going for him where he actually looked his age and this is what I came up with.
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