#jon betz
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sitting-on-me-bum · 2 years ago
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With measuring tape and notepad, marine ecologist Enric Ballesteros surveys the organisms living on a healthy reef in the islands. When author Enric Sala and his team first visited here in 2009, they found these reefs in a pristine state, with a profusion of species, many of them rare.
Jon Betz/National Geographic
This coral reef resurrected itself — and showed scientists how to replicate it
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A parrotfish scrapes off and eats turf algae from coral skeletons at Millennium (Caroline) Atoll. This promotes the growth of pink, rock-hard crustose coralline algae — the best surface for coral larvae to settle on and rebuild the reef.
Enric Sala/National Geographic
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A school of small reef fish, one of many fish species that inhabit these waters.
Manu San Félix/National Geographic
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y00h00 · 2 months ago
Happy Hippy Mixtape 2024
Holy shit, y'all. It's been a full 20 years since I started making these year-end mixtapes. Two whole decades of building strings of musical gems: the songs that made me happiest, that moved me to dance, that made each day a little better than the one before.
I'm not gonna lie; this has been a really difficult year, but there was also so much good music in it. There's a metaphor in there somewhere. Something something creativity in the face of despair. Isn't that how we fight the darkness, ultimately? By creating, sharing, listening, curating, sending?
Listen to Happy Hippy 2024 on Spotify (29/30 tracks)
Listen to Happy Hippy 2024 on YouTube (30/30 tracks)
Download the entire Happy Hippy 2024 MP3 mix in ZIP or MP3 format
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Track List:
Death & Romance / Magdalena Bay
Good Luck, Babe! / Chappell Roan
Down Bad / TATYANA
Perfume / The Dare
Crazy / Doechii
Give in to you / REZZ x Virtual Riot feat. One True God
Paralyzed (feat. Attack Attack!) / Conquer Divide
new way out / Poppy
God / Jake Daniels
Smoke / Caroline Polachek
The Seed (feat. Anna Lapwood) [Live from the Royal Albert Hall] / AURORA
MOTHER ATE / Jane Bell
Don't Forget To Breathe / Associanu
Lioness / Swedish House Mafia
Guess / Charli XCX featuring billie eilish
it boy / bbno$
FLATLINE / Frost Children
Cowboys Are Frequently Secretly Fond Of Each Other / Orville Peck & Willie Nelson
I Guess Time Just Makes Fools of Us All / Father John Misty
Chalk Outlines / Ren & CHINCHILLA
Frog and the Volcano / Frog Pocket
Forever Held / Jon Hopkins & Ólafur Arnalds
Helvegen / Kalandra
The End of Suffering / Gary Remal Malkin
Your Song / NCT & Genetics
Riviera (ft. Makoto) / Keeno
Tales Of Summer / Crash Comet
Intro / M83
Bunch Of Draclias (And They're All Playing Flute) (feat. Mike Betz) / Tom Cardy
As always, special thanks goes to Fluxblog and CPI for continuing their dedication to the art of the MP3 blog. I found most of these tracks through them.
This year's companion dance music mixtape, Dancey Hippy 2024, is available here: https://y00h00.tumblr.com/post/770316381330735104/dancey-hippy-mixtape-2024
You can browse all my mixes on Tumblr here: http://y00h00.tumblr.com/tagged/mixtape
The complete Happy/Dancey Hippy mixtape archive going back to 2004 is available for download here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1E2ZbJOv28bw1AYYjuu_FzcpIk8dPVgWj?usp=sharing
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roysexton · 6 years ago
"Christopher Columbus!" One Off Productions' Little Women the Musical
“Christopher Columbus!” One Off Productions’ Little Women the Musical
Christopher Columbus! Can you hear that beautiful noise coming from the eastern edge of Washtenaw County? Listen carefully. Something really magical is happening in a small jewel box of a theater on the campus of Washtenaw Community College. One Off Productions – I love that name! – is presenting Little Women, the Broadway musical none of us remember but all of us should.
I had heard of the show;…
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mrmedia · 7 years ago
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Happy Birthday to Jon Betz, documentary filmmaker of Queen of the Sun and Seed: The Untold Story! 2012 VIDEO INTERVIEW by Bob Andelman
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kinoteatro · 7 years ago
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SEED: The Untold Story, 2016 _ Taggart Siegel, Jon Betz
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persinsala · 8 years ago
Le voci dell'inchiesta - Pordenone: 10ecimo Festival di cinema del reale
Le voci dell’inchiesta – Pordenone: 10ecimo Festival di cinema del reale
I temi della contemporaneità inquadrati e raccontati da registi diversi per provenienza e formazioni, ma accomunati dal medesimo sguardo esplorativo e critico sulla realtà. (more…)
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leasabbah · 4 years ago
Montréal revoit son plan de lutte contre le plomb
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La Ville de Montréal reconnaît l’échec de son plan de lutte contre le plomb dans l’eau et change sa stratégie de remplacement des canalisations. Elle obligera les propriétaires à remplacer leur partie des tuyaux en effectuant les travaux à leur place et leur enverra la facture, remboursable sur 15 ans.
« La Ville prend ses responsabilités. Si les propriétaires ne le font pas, on va le faire à leur place, parce que c’est une question de santé publique », a lancé la mairesse Valérie Plante en entrevue avec l’équipe d’enquête constituée du Devoir, de l’Institut du journalisme d’enquête de l’Université Concordia et de Global News.
Le nouveau plan d’action de la Ville en matière de gestion du plomb dans l’eau potable sera dévoilé mercredi matin.
Depuis le premier plan d’action adopté en 2006-2007, la Ville est à la recherche des tuyaux en plomb sous nos pieds pour en remplacer la partie publique, qui se rend jusqu’à la limite de la propriété privée des Montréalais. Il revient toutefois aux propriétaires de planifier et de payer le remplacement du côté privé.
« On se rend compte qu’il y a un très grand décalage entre la partie publique qui a été remplacée par la Ville, versus les entrées privées qui elles n’ont pas été remplacées. […] On a trouvé une solution [pour] s’assurer que la job soit faite », explique la mairesse qui est elle-même propriétaire d’un triplex dont elle loue plusieurs logements.
À l’heure actuelle, la Ville remplace tous ses tuyaux en plomb lors de travaux d’infrastructures et de réfection de chaussées. À l’avenir, si elle constate que l’entrée de service du côté privé est aussi en plomb, elle la remplacera en même temps. « Pour ce qui [a déjà été remplacé] dans le passé, si on n’a pas à retourner [faire des travaux], ce qui est prévu c’est qu’on va forcer les propriétaires, par règlement, à remplacer leur côté », précise Chantal Morissette, directrice du Service de l’eau de la Ville de Montréal depuis 2011.
De tels travaux peuvent représenter une dépense de 2500 à 5000 dollars pour un propriétaire, estime la Ville. C’est pourquoi elle offrira la possibilité de rembourser la facture sur une période de 15 ans. « On va devoir débourser en amont et il y aura un remboursement ensuite. C’est une décision importante qui va avoir un impact sur les finances de la Ville », admet Mme Plante, sans toutefois pouvoir préciser le budget qui sera alloué à un tel plan d’action.
D’après les données de la Ville depuis 2007, la moitié des entrées de services en plomb remplacées du côté public, ne l’ont pas encore été du côté privé. Très peu de propriétaires profitent des travaux effectués par la municipalité pour changer leur partie des tuyaux en même temps. Or, plusieurs études effectuées notamment par Polytechnique Montréal démontrent qu’un remplacement partiel des conduits en plomb ne diminue pas la concentration du métal dans l’eau, et peut même l’accentuer à court terme.
« Si on veut vraiment éliminer le problème à la source, il faut changer toute la conduite », insiste Valérie Plante.
Pourtant en 2014, cette même idée avait complètement été écartée. Lors d’une rencontre de la Commission permanente sur l’eau, une conseillère de l’époque, Elsie Lefebvre, avait avancé l’idée d’instaurer un règlement pour que les conduits en plomb, dans leur entièreté, deviennent une propriété du domaine public. Elle s’était alors fait répondre que « la Ville pourrait être poursuivie si le terrassement n’est pas refait de la même manière, comme à l’origine », peut-on lire dans le procès-verbal de cette rencontre.
« J’ai trouvé ça décourageant », se souvient Mme Lefebvre en entrevue avec l’équipe d’enquête. « C’est une absurdité complète parce que la Ville, avec des fonds publics — les taxes municipales des citoyens —, vient déjà faire les travaux jusqu’à la ligne de propriété privée. Il y avait vraiment eu un manque d’imagination juridique [pour trouver] une manière pour que tout le monde y trouve son compte sans avoir de poursuite et en réglant ce problème de santé publique. ».
« Aux États-Unis, plusieurs villes, et même des États, obligent désormais à faire uniquement des remplacements complets [des entrées de service en plomb] », explique de son côté Michèle Prévost, titulaire de la chaire industrielle en eau potable et professeure d’ingénierie à Polytechnique Montréal. « Ils sont allés en cour avec ça [parce que] ça pose des questions légales importantes d’aller sur le terrain d’un citoyen ».
Elle voit toutefois d’un bon oeil le plan proposé par Montréal. « Le faire à la place [des propriétaires], c’est bien. Le citoyen moyen ne sait pas comment faire. […] Si la Ville fait l’ensemble des travaux, elle va sûrement les faire à meilleur prix, parce qu’on n’a pas besoin de déplacer des équipes deux fois et ça va être le minimum de dérangement pour les citoyens. »
Recommandations tardives
Le plan d’action présenté par la mairesse s’est notamment appuyé sur les recommandations de la direction régionale de la santé publique (DRSP) de Montréal, transmises il y a quelques semaines à la Ville et révélées à l’équipe d’enquête la semaine dernière.
D’après le Dr David Kaiser, responsable de l’équipe en santé environnementale à la DRSP, « la situation à Montréal nécessite une action rehaussée, une action importante, pour régler la question [du plomb dans l’eau] connue depuis plusieurs années. »
La DRSP a ainsi recommandé à la Ville d’accélérer le dépistage et le remplacement des tuyaux en plomb. Elle a aussi conseillé d’offrir un moyen de protection aux Montréalais jusqu’à la fin des travaux qui prendront encore plusieurs années, considérant les milliers de remplacements à faire. « On juge que tous ceux qui vivent dans un bâtiment avec une entrée de service en plomb devraient avoir un filtre certifié pour réduire la teneur en plomb. On sait que certains ménages, pour des raisons financières ou autres, vont avoir plus de difficultés à adopter cette mesure volontaire là ; alors, on pense qu’un soutien est nécessaire », fait-il valoir.
Questionné sur la question de savoir pourquoi cette dernière recommandation n’avait jamais été proposée à la Ville auparavant, M. Kaiser a répondu que « la science est en évolution constante » et que l’évaluation des risques doit aussi prendre en compte le changement des habitudes de vie des citoyens. « On fait beaucoup la promotion de la consommation de l’eau et de l’économie de l’eau, ces dernières années. C’est moins plausible aujourd’hui qu’il y a dix ans de demander aux gens de laisser couler l’eau du robinet parce qu’on leur dit maintenant de l’économiser, ce qui est une bonne chose. Donc, ça nous amène à des recommandations différentes. »
Une idée que l’administration a décidé de suivre puisqu’un pichet d’eau doté d’un filtre certifié contre le plomb sera distribué aux résidents des logements où la présence de plomb aura été détectée, afin de les protéger le temps que les travaux soient terminés. La Ville fournira les premières cartouches du filtre, équivalant à une durée d’un an. Il reviendra toutefois aux résidents d’acheter de nouvelles cartouches par la suite.
Et pour permettre à tout un chacun de connaître la qualité de son eau, la Ville compte mettre en place un site Internet où seront publiés les résultats des tests de dépistage. « Les gens vont pouvoir taper leur adresse et ils vont voir s’ils risquent d’avoir une entrée de service en plomb », souligne Mme Morissette.
Dépistage massif
La Ville compte aussi appuyer sur l’accélérateur en matière de dépistage et de remplacement des conduits en plomb.
Depuis le premier plan d’action, 21 000 entrées de service en plomb — du côté public — ont été remplacées par la municipalité. À l’époque, celle-ci évaluait à 69 000 le nombre d’entrées de service en plomb sur le territoire montréalais. L’administration actuelle considère toutefois que 100 000 bâtiments doivent encore être testés, et la moitié d’entre eux pourraient bel et bien avoir des tuyaux en plomb. La Ville se donne d’ailleurs trois ans pour effectuer les tests de dépistage des bâtiments restants. L’année dernière, ce sont 10 000 dépistages qui ont été effectués à travers la ville.
L’administration Plante n’a par contre pas précisé si elle serait en mesure de respecter l’objectif initial, soit de retirer tous les tuyaux en plomb d’ici 2026.
Aux yeux de Michèle Prévost, c’est un coup à donner, si l’on considère le travail abattu ces douze dernières années et ce qu’il reste encore à faire. « C’est beaucoup de tuyaux, on n’en est même pas à la moitié, remarque-t-elle. Ça va prendre beaucoup de bras, beaucoup de personnels pour faire ça vite ».
Annabelle Caillou, Brigitte Tousignant — Le Devoir Ian Down, Michael Wrobel — Institut du journaliste d’enquête de l’Université Concordia
Équipe d’enquête, Université Concordia:
Mia Anhoury, James Betz-Gray, Matthew Coyte, Miriam Lafontaine, Franca Mignacca, Lea Sabbah, Ayrton Wakfer
Reporters, Université Concordia:
Michael Bramadat-Willcock, Thomas Delbano, Elaine Genest, Adrian Knowler, Mackenzie Lad, Benjamin Languay, Jon Milton, Katelyn Thomas
Équipes de production:
Le Devoir: Véronique Chagnon (chef de projet), Lea Sabbah (stagiaire)
Institut du journaliste d’enquête de l’Université Concordia: Patti Sonntag (productrice et superviseure), Colleen Kimmett (coordonnatrice du projet), Fabio Luis Leon-Rosa (assistant éditorial)
Avec la collaboration de Global News
Produit par l’Institut du journalisme d’enquête de l’Université Concordia
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narcisbolgor-blog · 6 years ago
Health exec on leave after denying, then apologizing for, ‘disgusting’ cop-bashing social media post
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Michellene Davis, a health executive in New Jersey, was placed on leave for an alleged racially charged comment on social media. (LinkedIn)
An executive and corporate affairs officer at a New Jersey-based medical clinic was placed on leave Thursday amid allegations that she posted on Facebook a racially charged comment about school police officers.
On Wednesday, Michellene Davis, an executive vice president at RWJBarnabas Health, allegedly commented on a Facebook post that linked to a NorthJersey.com story about armed officers placed in Fair Lawn’s public schools.
“Who is going to train them not to shoot black children first?!?” Davis allegedly wrote under the link.
The comment quickly stoked outrage on social media, with some users deriding it as “disgusting and disgraceful.” Davis reportedly deleted the comment.
According to screenshots, Davis on late Wednesday blamed the comment on being hacked.
But by Thursday morning Davis posted an apology on Facebook, writing that her post had been “an extremely insensitive and offensive comment,” the Asbury Park Press reported.
"[W]e need all white people to stop calling something racist just because a black person points out something racist that happens. Us calling out racist behavior doesn’t make us racist."
— Monique Judge, columnist, the Root
“My concern for the safety of schoolchildren and gun violence led me to react to a headline without thinking,” Davis wrote, according to the paper. “Having a late sister and other family in law enforcement I deeply respect the law enforcement community and appreciate their service and admire their sacrifice.”
By Thursday afternoon, Davis had reportedly deleted her Facebook altogether. An officer of Fair Lawn PBA Local 67 called Davis’ alleged comment “disgusting.”
“We are held to the highest standards and pride ourselves in our professionalism and our love for our community, especially our schools and children,” he wrote.
Others were critical of Davis' employer's handling of the matter. Monique Judge, a columnist for the Root wrote, “We need all white people to stop calling something racist just because a black person points out something racist that happens. Us calling out racist behavior doesn’t make us racist.”
An attorney by training, Davis was the first person of color to serve as an executive vice president at RWJBarnabas. According to her bio, she also served as chief policy counsel to former Democratic Gov. Jon Corzine of New Jersey.
Bradford Betz is an editor for Fox News. Follow him on Twitter @bradford_betz.
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xlnc1 · 7 years ago
Seed The Untold Story
Seed The Untold Story
Seed The Untold Story
A film about the importance of heirloom seeds to the agriculture of the world, focusing on seed keepers and activists from around the world. Directors: Jon Betz (co-director), Taggart Siegel (co-director) Stars: Vandana Shiva, Andrew Kimbrell, Jane Goodall
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lesnerinn · 7 years ago
We’ll be honest. We think that we have the best job on Earth because every day is a party at Lesner Inn! Every Monday, we meet to recap the weekend’s events & have been keeping a running list of some of the most memorable weddings of 2017. At the end of each year, we sit down to go over all of these lists & pick our favorites to share with you, our past, present, & future couples!
We hope you enjoy scrolling through some of the most beautiful, touching & even comical moments from Lesner Inn over the past year!
Best Something Old
As the saying goes, you must have something old, something new, something borrowed & something blue on your wedding day. Courtney nailed it with her something old by altering her mother’s wedding dress for her own wedding. Her mom did not get to see the dress until the day of & the result gave us all chills!
Below: Love Simply Photography
Best Something Borrowed
Continuing along the path of something old, new, borrowed & blue, Liz’s something borrowed pulled at our heart strings when she wore a bracelet from each of her grandmothers. We love that she tied in both sides of her family on her wedding day!
Below: Beth Hamilton Photography
Best Something Blue
Elizabeth made sure not to forget a single bit of blue on her wedding day & we loved her take on a coastal wedding. They even kicked off the day with blue champagne!
Below: Echard Wheeler Photography
Best Cake
This amazing creation by Whipped Up by Mimi quite literally takes the cake for the year! We see so many different styles of cake but we were head over antlers for this rustic naked cake. Oh & those antlers…they’re pure white chocolate!
Right: Lee Yen Photography
Best Cake Smash
Tim & Kate cracked us up from day one & that didn’t stop after they said “I do”! These two have such a laid back style & didn’t feel the pressure of wedding planning one bit. Kate clearly wasn’t worried about what Tim’s white shirt would look like after she smashed cake into his face, and we found it hysterical!
Below: Echard Wheeler Photography
Best Dessert Alternative
Amanda & Surge aren’t big cake people so, instead of a traditional wedding cake, they brought in Confetti Gelato! We knew that we loved this sweet couple but, when they told us that they were skipping the cake & going for gelato instead, we knew that they were meant to roll with the coordinators at Lesner Inn!
Below: Wasin French Photography
Best Cake Topper
Justin & Ariel weren’t messing around when they picked out their cake topper!  We got such a kick out of this one that we had to award it best cake topper of 2017!
Left: Ashley Peterson Photography
Best Bridal Bouquet
Kelly Gish, you are the florist of the year with this incredible bouquet! We loved Nelson & Nicole’s color palette for their wedding & the flowers were just the cherry on top of a beautiful day. Check out those small pops of purple nestled in the arrangement!
Below: Luke & Ashley Photography
Best Ceremony
It’s rare that a bride & groom can surprise us with something new, but we are pretty sure that this is our first couple to get married ON the water. Morgan & Jake sailed out into the Lynnhaven River with their immediate families to tie the knot while their guests enjoyed cocktail hour in the Waterside Deck. This beautiful moment is definitely the most unique ceremony of 2017!
Below: Lee Yen Photography
Best First Look
Mike, you HANDS DOWN had the best reaction of any groom seeing his bride for the first time when Alishia walked down the aisle. We are so glad Dustin Lewis captured this moment!
Below: Dustin Lewis Images
Best Kiss
The moment that we saw this photo, we knew that it had to be awarded the best kiss of 2017. We love that this groomsmen got down on his hands & knees to give Jonathan a boost to his bride!
Right: Kelly Dier Photography
Cutest Ring Bearer & Flower Girl
Alright, so these two actually weren’t from the same wedding but we were so taken with them that we had to award them cutest ring bearer and cutest flower girl. Kayleigh & Wayne created this “Ring Security” badge for this little guy to make sure that everyone knew what his main job was. And even though it took a little nudging from their coordinator, Kyle & Amy’s flower girl strutted her stuff down the aisle once she realized that she was the center of attention!
Left: Jason Jarvis Photography  –  Right: Dragon Studios
Best Décor
Style Events did it again with one! Meghan & Craig had a beautiful wedding with long banquet tables, stunning linens from Waterford Event Rentals & romantic florals from Palette of Petals. Their use of creative floor plans & floating florals on the arch wins them the best décor of 2017!
Below: Echard Wheeler Photography
Best Theme
We will be the first to admit that we were a little confused when Tim & Kate told us that theme of their wedding was going to be America. But these two are the goofiest, most fun-loving people so we knew that we were in for a treat. They tied the knot on Memorial Day weekend & requested that all of their guests wear white with patriotic flair, had Statue of Liberty centerpieces, & danced to God Bless the USA for their first dance while their guests surrounded them waving American flags. Hands down, the best theme of the year!
Below: Echard Wheeler Photography
Best Stationery
One of the parts of the planning process that we rarely get to see is the invitation suite. Every once in a while though, a couple will bring them in so the photographer’s can snap a few photos of them. We loved Nelson & Nicole’s trendy invites with the agate textured background!
Right: Wasin French Photography
Best Traditional Wedding
We see all sorts of family, religious & cultural traditions at Lesner Inn. This year we were lucky enough to be able to learn about the Bengali culture during Trina & Greg’s wedding ceremony. They incorporated both of their traditions into their marriage ceremony & you can read much more about the traditions and customs in their wedding spotlight here!
Below: Chelsea Anderson Photography
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Best Exit
Oh hello beautiful Lynnhaven River! We love when couples utilize the water for a boat exit or entrance &, even though it was a misty day, Thomas & Lauren still sailed away in style. This boat exit won the best exit of 2017!
Below: Dragon Studio
Best First Dance
Tyler & Rachael’s first dance gave us all the feels & when we saw this photo from Kelly Marie, we knew that they stole the spotlight for 2017. What is better than a handsome man in uniform spinning his new wife around the dance floor?
Right: Kelly Marie Photography
Best Sunset
Lesner Inn is FAMOUS for the epic sunsets that you can catch every evening from the venue. While there were 365 contenders, Jon & Andrea win the award for the best sunset photo of 2017!
Left: Winston Veranga Photography
Best Party Crowd
Everyone looks forward to a wedding for the drinking, dancing, & love. Jordan & Nicole’s guests were no different but these guys REALLY came to party! Check out the top right photo, even Grandma got in on that open bar action!
Below: David Champagne Photography
Best Dressed
This category is a liiiiittle deceiving, but it is going three years strong now! We aren’t quite sure what makes guests want to strip down on the dance floor, but anyone who does definitely deserves to win best dressed!
Below: Dragon Studios
Best Rainy Wedding
Rain on your wedding day isn’t what most couples hope for, but sometimes Mother Nature has another idea in store for us. Kent & Haley rolled with the punches so well when it started to pour right before their ceremony, but luckily our Sunset Deck is covered so you can still have your outdoor ceremony, even with a little inclement weather. Because of their positive attitudes all day, they get the award for best rainy wedding of 2017!
Left: Bryan Myhr Photography
Best Groomsman Photo
Guys can be goofy… but this crew really had us giggling! We love that they took posing into their own hands by stealing the bridesmaid’s bouquets.
Below: Jason Jarvis Photography
Best Squad Pic
Amanda & Matt got busted with their squad when the First Landing State Park rangers jumped in on the action. Nothing says a party like some flashing lights & sirens!
Below: Dustin Lewis Images
Best Personal Touch
Jamie & Jill hid a little personal touch inside of their wedding dresses. Here is what they told us when we asked about these blue hearts:
“One thing that we decided to do was cre­ate our own lit­tle memo­ri­als for those who couldn’t be with us on our spe­cial day. Jill’s father passed away sev­eral years ago, so she cut a heart out of one of his blue shirts… and, Jamie’s grand­fa­ther had passed away in Feb­ru­ary, so she cut a heart out of one of his favorite jean jack­ets. We pinned these inside our dresses – as our some­thing old and some­thing blue.”
You can read more about their wedding on their wedding spotlight.
Below: Valerie Betz Photography
2017 came & went so quickly, & we cannot thank the people & vendors we worked with this year enough for making our weddings such a success!  We can’t wait to see what 2018 has in store, & to meet all of the wonderful, beautiful couples who will tie the knot at Lesner Inn with us in the years to come!
Best of 2017! We’ll be honest. We think that we have the best job on Earth because every day is a party at…
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stefanjase · 7 years ago
Contemporary Services inks South Loop lease expansion
Contemporary Services Corp., a provider of event security for NRG Stadium, has signed a 5,684-square-foot lease expansion at 2656 S. Loop West. Zach Leger and Jacob Aldridge of NAI Partners represented landlord, Forbes Land Corp. CDI Corp. has renewed a 19,337-square-foot office lease at Westchase Place, 11200 Richmond Ave. Bubba Harkins and Russell Hodges of JLL represented the landlord, CREA Investments. Jon Lee with CBRE represented the tenant. DivisionOne Construction has leased an 8,200-square-foot office building at 11280 West Road. Gloria Parrino of Betz Commercial Brokerage represented the landlord, TAG Texas Property Holdings. Reed Vestal of Lee & Associates represented the tenant. from Business http://www.chron.com/business/real-estate/article/Contemporary-Services-inks-South-Loop-lease-12393364.php
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progettositespecific · 7 years ago
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Vuoi capire meglio la questione ecologica? Vuoi costruire un futuro diverso ma non sai da dove iniziare? Ogni incontro sviluppa un diverso nucleo tematico che affronta un particolare aspetto dell'ecologia. Inizia con un film, un documentario o un video che, attraverso l'informazione, la denuncia e la sensibilizzazione, apre una prospettiva critica. Prosegue poi con un’esperienza laboratoriale, sempre legata al tema dell'appuntamento, per facilitare un’elaborazione collettiva e l'esplorazione di vie d’uscita e soluzioni efficaci facilmente attuabili. L'idea è quella di innescare un processo che sia poi in grado di formare un gruppo consapevole che possa agire autonomamente, e riprogettare collettivamente alcuni aspetti della propria vita quotidiana in una direzione più ecologica.
Ci vediamo di Sabato dalle 17.00 alle 20.00 presso l’associazione BOAT, Cantiere Navale Gruppo Faldis Giudecca 554
Programma: 11/11 “Il pianeta verde”  1996 di Coline Serreau con introduzione al progetto ed esperienza di relazione vegetale 18/11 “Before the flood” 2016 di Fisher Stevens con workshop tenuto da Paolo Grazioli del Transition Network 25/11 “The true cost”  2015 di Andrew Morgan con momento di scambio vestiti con L'angolo del baratto 2/12 “Story of stuff” 2007 di Louis Fox con laboratorio per produrre sapone con l’azienda Gaia Erbe 9/12 “Seed. The untold story” 2016 di Taggart Siegel, Jon Betz con incontro con il seed saver Agostino Vazzoler 16/12 “Domani” 2015 di Ceryl Dion, Melanie Laurent con incontro con l’attivista e agricoltore Domenico Maffeo Evento riservato ai soci BOAT (possibile tesserarsi all’ingresso)
Evento Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/181580619085710/
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mrmedia · 7 years ago
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Happy Birthday to Taggart Siegel, documentary filmmaker of Queen of the Sun and Seed: The Untold Story! 2012 VIDEO INTERVIEW by Bob Andelman
TAGGART SIEGEL podcast excerpt: "Honey is miraculous, the first sweetness of man. You'd think we be getting down on our hands and knees and worshiping bees. We have to get more into the wonder of bees... If we save them, we're saving ourselves" 
#QueenoftheSun #documentary #film #filmmakers #WholeFoodsMarket, #honey #beekeepers #hives #colonycollapsesyndrome #Kroger #Publix #supermarkets #organic #Monsanto #TaggartSiegel #JonBetz #industrialfarmingpractices #corn #crops #scientists #MichaelPollan #GuntherHauk #VandanaShiva #CarloPetrini #RudolfSteiner #colonycollapsedisorder #pesticidefree #habitat #MrMedia #Interviews #BobAndelman
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godivagarnet · 8 years ago
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Seed: The Untold Story Dir. Jon Betz, Taggart Siegel 2016 USA
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indieethos · 8 years ago
In Seed: The Untold Story food commodification means bad news -- A film review
In Seed: The Untold Story food commodification means bad news — A film review
Our earth is a delicate, sensitive, living, breathing organism that needs the care and attention we have not given it. Taking it for granted and wishing to control nature have been the markers of modern life. However, ancestral knowledge always recognized the importance of maintenance of that ecosystem that supports our life. In Seed: The Untold Story, Directors Taggart Siegel and Jon Betztake…
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collectiveeyeblog-blog · 12 years ago
SEED: The Untold Story // Update from director Taggart Siegel & producer Jon Betz!
Dear Friends, We are so excited to have reached our Kickstarter goal of $75,000 and beyond! We're now halfway to spring, looking forward to the planting season, and scheming some fun new seed projects around the office and at home. We just spent the morning packaging beautiful heirloom seeds to go out to those that pledged in support of the campaign to provide funds for SEED: The Untold Story. We packaged Red Express Cabbages, Cosmic Purple Carrots, Early Wonder Beets, Bolita Beans and Mary Washington Asparagus all for this year's gardens:
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So many varieties, flavors and smells are held inside each seed. It's amazing. We can't wait until they're planted, grown, and ready for eating! If you still want to donate to SEED: The Untold Story it's never too late. Every tax-deductable donation will go towards production and post-production to help us make the most inspiring, beautiful film possible. FILMING UPDATE! We just finished an amazing seed shoot in New Zealand, a country named Aotearoa, "The land of the long white cloud", by the Maori. Since it was one of the last major land masses settled by humans, both the Maori and English ancestors brought many important seeds, some of which have all but faded away.
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That's why we filmed passionate seed saver Kay Baxter from the Koanga Institute, who has been saving old varieties from New Zealand from extinction. We also filmed the legendary biodynamic farmer Peter Proctor, who was featured in One Man, One Cow, One Planet, and who gave us great insights into soil and the seed. We have much filming yet to come, and we look forward to sending more updates your way. In service of seeds, the foundations of life on this planet, we thank you for making this film possible. Warm Regards, Taggart, Jon and the Collective Eye Films Team Follow us on Twitter @seeduntoldstory Join our FACEBOOK Page
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