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solareclipsedstar · 4 months ago
Nobody probably cares, but I'm still gonna post about my characters-
I have no idea why, but I love making OCs that are just the children of The Joker..
There's Mischief, who I've already posted about, but they're just one of many that I have.. I'm gonna list all of the ones i have so far because I'm bored (oldest to youngest)
Brutus (19) She/Her
Vermin (17) She/It
Clown & Jester (16, twins) Both use She/Her
Joseph (14) He/They/It (JokerxBatman kid)
Mime (13) She/They/It
Mischief (12) He/They/She
Junior (9) He/It
I only have art of Joseph and Mischief right now. The rest are just picrews... So here's some art of Mischief and Joseph!
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I have more art of Mischief, but I've already posted that I think on my previous post.. And most of Joseph's art is just doodles as you can see
Joseph wants to be like Bruce. Meanwhile, Mischief wants to be like Joker. which I think their appearances shows
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enigmatink · 1 year ago
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My kid wanted to share his own art too! One of his favorite ships right now is jokerxbatman, and he's experimenting with perspective and profile :)
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year ago
by LittleLostGirl18 I ask for prompts for Joker/Batman (Batjokes) and I will write them! Please leave prompt in comments and I will write them :) Words: 64, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Justice League - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Joker (DCU), Batman Ensemble, Bruce Wayne, Justice League (DCU) Relationships: Joker (DCU)/Bruce Wayne, John Doe/Bruce Wayne, JokerxBatman - Relationship via https://ift.tt/1RnPkKb
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alicepooryorick · 2 years ago
Watched Lego Batman. If you say you ship JokerXBatman but only specifically them, you're correct
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eclectomanic · 3 years ago
Joker knows what he likes 😏😏😏
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silcojinx · 3 years ago
BatJoke: Superman knows
its amazing what shipping content one can find while sorting through the massive archive of comics. Latest find: 
Superman asking Bruce if he loved the Joker
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In which Batman has no response just stays quiet. He doesn't deny it.
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No, Clark he’s ignoring you because you stole his breakfast burrito. 
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thesexythighsofthebatman · 4 years ago
Holi,um,my english is not good(not at all)since it is not even a native language,but I would like to ask you something despite the little time that I follow you.Since when do you like Batjokes? and Why do you see Batman as the bottom? I'm not judging you, I also like a passive Batman.
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Hello! 😘
Excuse me for the probably late answer, but I don’t get notifications when a ask is sent! I’m not a native english speaker too, I’m italian in fact, so don’t worry! By the way, your english language is good for me 😊 Nice questions! First of all, I started to love JokerxBatman since as my love for Batman’s universe has born.  For love of clarification, I want to say that I only see their relationship as one-sided. So in my concept of them Joker is pining for Batman, but the feeling of lust/love/obsession is not reciprocated. Sure, for me Bruce knows that they have a particular and strong “bond”, but he is very conflictual with it.  No hate for who ship them in love for each other or with a bottom!Joker, I respect everybody’s tastes, I just really can’t see it in another way, that’s all 👐 The things I write are just about my point of view and opinion! A friend of mine, six years ago or so, gave me “Batman: Arkham Asylum” game as gift on “Steam” platform. I always been intrigued by him because of the concept of a dark hero without superpowers and, as the very first cutscene of Batman under the rain appeared, I felt in love with him at first sight, ahah!  😍 In the game Joker immediatly start to speak to Bruce and stuffs and because of the way he talked and looked at him, I thought “Wow, he looks like he is a little bit... attracted by the Batman”. Because of the game I started to read Batman’s comics, a lot of them and of course that concept became clear and canon. Joker is really in love/obsessed with him, even if in a really twisted and sick way of his.  I’m always had been HUGE fan of unhealthy and hard-kind-of relationships, so it become one of my passions 😁 Speaking of bottom!Batman, there’s some points about him that makes me see at him as a bottom. Despite the fact that “Batman is bigger and stronger makes him a top while Joker is small and thinner” is totally medieval, stereotyped and reductive to me and so I don’t make judgments on such ephemeral things, Batman is a very strong person, determinated, clever and brave. BUT there’s a lot of fragility in him and behind the mask of a full-grown and mature man there’s a child raised too fast and with a lot of traumas not processed inside of his mind. Although I don't like the idea of him having girlfriends (because I think he is too depressed and emotionally unstable to entertain a relationship), he is always attracted by strong women: Selina Kyle, Vicky Vale, Talia Al Ghul, Diana Prince etc, that always have on him a dominant take. Speaking of the Joker, I always think about this scene from “Batman: The Dark Detective” (Issue #5)  that, to me, describe perfectly the Joker and my vision on him:
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Joker is very, very thirsty for control and power. When it comes to Bruce, he shows a masochist side, because he loves him even for his power.
But he want to have that for himself, drink it and make it and him his.
He is fascined because he see another person like him, the same but completely different. Plus, he usually act in a very dominant way towards him, for example in the famous scene in “ Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth” where he slaps his ass, but this is just one of the many moments in which he shows this trait of his personality.
The Joker is not a “delicate” and “effemminate” man.
He is the Devil himself, a complete psychopath with no moral compass whatsoever, cruel and sadistic. 
He don’t want Batman to love him in a tender way, but he wants to possess him.
Again, sorry for the late answer! If you want to chat, my DM’s are open! ❤
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rockabelle · 5 years ago
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jokersfreaks · 5 years ago
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A new meme base for all you
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bad-poison · 5 years ago
“Tell me about your past (again)”
It's another story every day before he escapes again. Bruce knows.
Joker is sooooo restless.
"Do you want to hear me for once in your life, Batsy?"
"Well, I'll tell you the story of my past. One of many, is a new one, you know? I think I could call her the best of all my pasts."
"Joker, no."
"Start like this, an I, an Arthur Fleck, how many would it be? Thirty-something years, perhaps. I had a mother who, I think, was called Penny. But, and beware here, there is a biiiiiiiig plot twist ..."
Arthur, as he decided to call this time, has his eyes lost and he can tell.
"What are you thinking about?"
Talking during the week has become a routine, somehow he has noticed how passive he becomes by having him close, although that does not save him from escaping from Arkham Asylum and putting together all those plans full of chaos and fire and laughter (and kisses, yes, why not).
"In a joke that I'm sure will make you laugh."
"Well, well, imagine this boy, ten years old, his name is Bruce Wayne and his parents were killed by any guy in some dirty alley. This guy, as angry at everything and everyone, as everyone else, was caused by his worst and future enemy. Bruce grows up, and you know what he does to get revenge? Put on your briefs on your pants and dress up as a bat HAHAHAHAHA."
"Joker ..."
"And you know what's worse? Fuck him against the wall every damn night! Don't tell me it's not a good revenge? HAHAHAHAHAHA."
He does not finish listening to his laugh when Bruce is leaving the room. Another night would make him pay.
N/A: This is just a small reinterpretation of Joker (Joaquin Phoenix) final. It was only a small attempt. Enjoy!
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jokercita · 6 years ago
Se imaginan si bats leyera todos esos fanfics de batjokes 😂
Estaría tipo :
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whimsicalprinceofcrime · 6 years ago
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when your bud gets too rough so you gotta stab him in the leg
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maygenvandal · 6 years ago
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Gaze upon my horrendous fan art B)
DOTF 4 life
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year ago
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/1RnPkKb by LittleLostGirl18 I ask for prompts for Joker/Batman (Batjokes) and I will write them! Please leave prompt in comments and I will write them :) Words: 64, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Justice League - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Joker (DCU), Batman Ensemble, Bruce Wayne, Justice League (DCU) Relationships: Joker (DCU)/Bruce Wayne, John Doe/Bruce Wayne, JokerxBatman - Relationship read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/1RnPkKb
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imrealllybored · 6 years ago
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eclectomanic · 2 years ago
You heard him, Batman 😏😏😏
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