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A smile can be a simple gesture to get you through the day. I think that this smile is an accurate representation that life goes on at the end of the day, after the fight, Clint goes on about his day. Although he did not like Marvin, he still stood up for Clint. People are not always as they seem. In this case many people are like that, Marvin is one of them. At the end of the day Ah-so gave Clint a smile and he knew that everything was gonna be okay. Even though Clint doesn't like everyone, sometimes he doesn't notice his complete surroundings.
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What's in the trunk?
Really all I wanted to know....
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Perception of race
There are many things to consider while reading these two pieces of writings, mainly race. Both have different perceptions of how to categorize race. Clybourne Park focuses on the community around them, while Fences focused more on the individuals themselves. In Clybourne Park the main focus is how others feel about a white family moving out of a white neighborhood, while a black family is now moving into that house. At first they did not know it was being sold to a black family, but then once they find out some people in the homeowners association make a big deal about it. Bev at first is very confused and doesn't like it at first but then thinks, why not give them a chance. Once Lindsey and Steve buy the house the homeowners association does everything possible to stop them from moving into this neighborhood, even though they are very nice people. This is a main difference compared to Fences. In Fences, Troy is worried about himself and his family. He never worries about white families moving in, he only worries about how they are stealing jobs from blacks. Troy is perceived to be the stereotypical black man. He is big, tough, and kind of mean, and above all he does not like the white community, while Steve and Lindsey are very open minded about the white community. Troy doesn't not worry about how he affects anyone else's lives. For example, Troy decides to ask his boss why only white people drive the trucks, and then comes back with black people know how to drive too. He believes that all things given to a black is bad, useless, and not helpful. Whereas Steve can be semi-appreciative about good things to come. Both Steve and Troy can be very similar. Both of them are blacks who are not afraid to stand up for what they believe in. They also believe that some things are needed to be done regardless of if they like it or not. For example, Troy cheats on his wife, then ends up having a baby with her. The baby was not his choice and it didn't make him the happiest man, but it became his priority. Steve is also in this situation because he married Lindsey and the only way they would stay together is if he would agree to have children with her, even though he did not want kids, he made that sacrifice for her. Both of these men are black, whom some portray the typical stereotype, and others may not; altogether, they are both very similar.
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So I did look up Neapolitan and the first thing that came up was "a native or citizen of Naples" and "relating to Naples". There is a little fun fact I also found out. It is not just a type of ice cream, but it is also a type of pizza. Neapolitan ice cream was named after the cuisine of the Italian city, Naples. It is said that immigrants brought frozen desserts with them to the US.
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This is great and so true😂
The two gifs represent what I pictured to happen at the very end of fences. The first depicts Gabe playing his trumpet in an attempt to open the gates to heaven. The second gif shows the realization Gabe must have had all of a sudden when the trumpet did not work.
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This song is a song that has got me through some very rough days, and as I was listening to it the other day, I immediately thought of Cory and Raynell. The song starts out with "You're broken down and tired, Of living life on a merry-go-round" Basically Cory and Raynell don't know each other and throughout both of their lives they try so hard to become successful, so their father will love them just the same. Yet, they keep going round and around in a circle.. one that is stuck in the same place. She later on sings "I'll rise up, I'll rise like the day, I'll rise up, I'll rise unafraid, I'll rise up, And I'd do it a thousand times again" This made me think about how strong the both of them are. They rise up together and join for their mothers happiness. They overcome so many obstacles just so they can do it all over again. In the end what makes them rise and overcome everything is the song, the song they sing together.
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A child coming into life is not always a bad thing, it can symbolize being pure and natural. When troys baby was born it may have gave him a sense of relief knowing that she was innocent. She did not know the things he has done. Ray bell was a fresh start for Troy. A new beginning. And it’s crazy to think that something like a child being brought into the world can give you that
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When your mouth is a black hole...
When Gabe comes in and Rose and Troy tell him to go eat watermelon and all you can think about is watermelon for the rest of class
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When you're reading Fences aloud in class and don't even know what you're reading
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Personal challenge: read a part of fences without autocorrecting the text
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Does the way that the characters are portrayed (such as grammar, language, etc.) take away from their messages?
So being the grammar nazi that I am, that’s probably one of the biggest things that stood out to me (bad grammar makes me cringe). That and the foul language they use towards each other. However, instead of doing a whole spiel of my opinions, I’m gonna leave this open to thought and discussion. But what I will say is, that their grammar and language shouldn’t take away from the fact that Troy’s advice towards his son for getting a good, sturdy job to support himself is a good thing! Isn’t that what everyone should be trying do to in life? P.S. this gif was fantastic and hilarious so I had to include it.
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Troy was working one day and posed the question "why are white people driving the colored trucks? I can drive the colored trucks." Apparently in this time period, questions like these were not appropriate to be asked. This scene reminds me of the Rosa Parks bus incident. Rosa was told she wasn't allowed to sit on the bus because it was a white persons right to get the seat first. But is that really right? Many Africans work ten times harder than whites and they get paid less. Troy is one of these men. He makes just enough to cover his bills and food money. He tells people the truth, for example he said he was just asking a question, what are they going to do about a question. Just like how Rosa refused to get out of her seat. She said everyone has a right to sit on the bus.
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Lulu and KP
“That’s how I got most of them, strange to say, for I was never any looker. It was just that I kept my youth” (Erdrich 274). Reading this quote, Lulu reminded me of this girl I know. I will refer to her as KP. Lulu admitted that she was not pretty, and she knew that, but she gave the men what they wanted. As does KP, she is not much of a looker, the only difference is that she thinks she is. She is heavy set and is extremely sexually active. Lulu has eight children with all different dads. Good thing KP is childless, she already has enough rumors about how many men she has been with. The one major thing that really connects KP and Lulu is that they do not care what others think about them. They know the rumors but yet they still embrace their sexuality.
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When your gunna have to write a final essay and this ending sucks.
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In crossing the water, Lipsha finally gets to meet his dad. But oddly enough the are both on the run. This reminded me of the show Prison Break. It was a show about a guy named Michael who gets into prison just so he can break his brother out. Throughout the whole series they continually break out of multiple jails. This reminded me of Gerry. Gerry continually breaks out of jail even though he could just serve his term and be done. This specifically reminded me of when the cops came to the door and Gerry disappeared. Later on we found out that Gerry somehow made it into the trunk of the car, then Lipsha found him. It reminded me of how Micheal broke his brother out of prison even though Lipsha did nothing to help his father, he just somehow ended up being the accomplice.
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"One time, long ago, both of us were fishing together. We caught a big old snapper what started towing around us like it was a motor" (page 247). The first thing that came to mind while reading this was some of the language that is used. I picture a big lake with one tiny little boat in the middle. Some of the language used in this whole sections reminds me of the "country" stereotypes where everyone is dressed in plaid, jeans, overalls, and cowboy boots. When you normally think of country you think of someone who doesn't get the best education, and has a southern accent. Later on, still on page 247, they say "I ain't no snapper. Snappers is so stupid they stay alive when their heads chopped off". They seem like people who have not been taught proper English. Going back to the quote, this was from a very important scene showing the bond of Lishpa and the grandfather. Fishing with my grandfather is something I can relate to just as well as Lishpa. It's a safe place. A place to spend time with one another, cherish the peace an quiet. Fishing is where you forget all of your troubles and learn to sit still until the pole starts tugging, seeing the ripple effect on the water. I think this can really relate back to the story. I believe Lishpa safe place is with his grandfather on the fishing boat. He reminisces back to before his grandfather is gone and realizes what he is missing. I also think that the snapper can symbolize that love is never ending. The book says snappers are stupid because they stay alive after their head is chopped off but I believe they are just trying to say love is never ending. It stays alive through the toughest times but oddly enough it never stops. You can always find love and a place to cherish just like Lishpa did with his grandfather and the place they went fishing.
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