#johnny headcannon
astheskycries · 2 years
Happy Valentines Day babes 💗 how would Johnny surprise his love today???
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Oh he’ll be prepared to impress as much possible. He’d pull all the stops- high-end restaurant dinner, chocolates and flowers, a perfect night, all of it. But it isn’t until the evening that you get the real treat- Johnny taking a hot bath with you, gently washing your body and covering you with sensual kisses as he finds all those little spots that make you want him more. He’ll ravish and savor you over and over, until the sun comes up and you’re both too spent to go to work the next day.
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v1x3n · 4 months
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incorporealmoon · 4 months
how i think your camera roll would look like if you were in a relationship john mactavish
this man would do anything for you. i mean it.
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teapartyprincess4two · 7 months
Can i ask for a johnnie guilbert x reader where the reader is a friend of tara who is a very private person, so she gets know in the channel as "baby" and people start to notice that johnnie gets shy and is always looking somewhere off camera (to her)
A LOTTTT of pinning by johnnie (like so much it hurts)
And maybe at the end he confesses she kisses him and a lil sum-sum 😏
Thank uuuuu 😘
Babygirl- J. Guilbert
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pairing: shy!reader x Johnnie
classification: fluff
warning: use of y/n, slight cursing, slow build up, Jake and Tara are dating in this, suggestive content but NO smut, very long
inspiration: request^^, Deaf, Mute, and Blind Baking, Becoming Tara Yummy for a Day
summary: You didn’t choose a life in the limelight, you were just famous by association, and now you’ve earned yourself the nickname “babygirl” by the entire internet.
Most people wish they had the fame you had, they spend their entire life reaching for an unattainable dream that fell in your lap by coincidence. They wish for the fancy cars, the expensive clothes, and especially to be so famous they’re stopped by fans on the street for a picture.
Tara, your best friend, was one of those people. She spent her childhood and teenage years fangirling over pop stars and YouTubers, hoping that one day people would be fangirling over her too. She worked hard to earn the platform she has today, bringing you along with her to the top. But you never asked for any of this.
At first her newfound fame didn’t affect you, you were just a recurring background character in her videos and would sometimes, but very rarely, have a main role in them. Although you tried remaining in the background, the internet is quick to get attached to shy, background characters and before you knew it the fans were begging for more content with you.
So now you and Tara are a well known YouTube duo and you’re featured in almost every one of her videos, most of the time opting to participate from behind the camera. You especially remain behind the scenes when Jake and Johnnie are involved, specifically because you’re never able to hide your crush on Johnnie and would probably die from embarrassment if the fans caught on.
Like today for example, Jake and Johnnie are over at your house filming. They’re filming a video they’ve filmed many times before, they’re turning Tara emo. The three of them are piled onto the couch, discussing topic after topic as Johnnie packs on black eyeshadow on Tara’s eyes.
“Ow, Johnnie. You’re hurting me!” she squeals as Johnnie accidentally pokes her in the eye with the bristles of the brush. You can’t help but giggle from behind the camera, watching as Johnnie becomes flustered. “Sorry! I only ever do my own makeup, okay?” he apologizes, not becoming any more gentle with his motions. Johnnie glances at you quickly, a smile forming on his face because of your laughter.
“Why are you laughing, Y/n? You’re next,” Jake chimes in, following his statement with a boisterous laugh. Your face flushes slightly as you reply with a laugh, “no I’d prefer not to be tortured.” Johnnie laughs at this, sending you a fake pout, “you hate my look that much?”
Your face becomes even more red, if that was even possible. You didn’t mean the comment like that. Tara, whose face is being attacked with makeup, chimes in, “No, Y/n is too babygirl for this.”
“Oh God, you’re making me sound so high maintenance,” you laugh, shaking your head in disbelief at Tara’s comment. “It’s true though!” she exclaims, turning to face you just as Johnnie begins applying eyeliner, causing a black streak to run from the corner of her eye to her hairline.
“Guys, Y/n is probably the most high maintenance out of the four of us. She gets a manicure exactly every two weeks, she gets her hair redyed like once a month, her room is NEVER dirty. She almost never ever has dirty laundry, AND she irons her clothes. Who irons their clothes?” Tara exclaims, flailing her arms in the air dramatically.
“So yes, she’s babygirl,” Tara’s talking to the camera now, completely oblivious to her appearance. You scrunch your name at the nickname, the internet tended to latch onto things like that, “First of all, you look ridiculous right now. And secondly, don’t call me that. I don’t need to be known as ‘babygirl’ for the rest of my life,” you reply, laughing as Johnnie tries to fix his mistake but fails.
Jake, who’s sitting on the couch next to Johnnie, straightens up and leans forward to look at Tara. He immediately laughs at the sight, the black eyeliner smudged all over her face. “You’re just mad that it has a nice ring to it,” Tara retorts, choosing to ignore the mess Johnnie made. You scoff, glad that the camera isn’t on you to catch how your eyes train on Johnnie.
“Okay, but doesn’t it sound cute?” Tara proposes the question to the boys, waiting expectantly for them to answer. Jake was always quick to agree with her, it was a trait she trained him to have over the years of their relationship, “yeah, it’s pretty cute.” Tara nods her head in triumph, turning to Johnnie for his response.
Johnnie doesn’t know what to say, he agrees that the nickname is cute, but he’s afraid he’ll say too much and expose his crush for you. “Johnnie?” Tara says, widening her eyes as she awaits his response.
“What was the nickname again?” Johnnie asks, trying to act casual. But if the cameras zoomed in they’d easily catch how his hands tremble as he fixes Tara’s eyeliner. “Babygirl?” he reiterates, attempting to sound confused and oblivious. Tara nods her head, causing Johnnie to mess up once again, but he’s too busy trying to keep his composure to care.
Coming from him the nickname doesn’t sound so bad, it actually makes you want to take back everything you just said. “Babygirl is cute,” he murmurs, sending you a small glance before quickly turning back towards Tara. You hide your face in your hands, trying to hide your flushed cheeks and the smile that won’t go away no matter how hard you try.
“Enough with the babygirl talk,” you groan, but you really loved hearing him say it.
From that moment on, you were known as babygirl within the fandom. You couldn’t escape the nickname no matter how hard you tried, and the fans loved teasing you about it. Whether it be through edits, Instagram comments, or tweets; the fans were always calling you the nickname.
Johnnie, Jake and Tara are currently filming yet another video, despite your protests. The three of them are standing behind the kitchen counter, with either tape on their mouths, earmuffs on, or blindfolded. They were trying to bake a cake, something they struggled to do even without the inhibiting factors, so all they were really doing was making a big mess.
They understand your hesitance with being on camera, so they never force you to make any special appearances, but you still loved to watch. You sit behind the counter, just out of view of the camera, watching in amusement as the three interact.
Johnnie keeps getting distracted by you, fumbling and stuttering his way through the intro. You watch as Johnnie struggles to find the supplies needed for the video, searching through every cabinet in the kitchen. “Every time Johnnie says he’s ready, he’s never ready,” Jake comments, adjusting the black beanie on his head. “Where the fuck did I put it? No, Jake where did you put it?” Johnnie replies, scavenging for the baking supplies.
“They’re in the pantry,” you comment, walking over to Johnnie briefly and guiding him towards the pantry. Johnnie smiles at you, grateful that there’s at least one sane person here to help him. The interaction was caught on camera, but you were too distracted to realize.
“Thanks babygirl,” Tara exclaims, bopping her head to the music blasting through her headphones. You roll your eyes, helping Johnnie take everything out of the grocery bags and sprawling them out onto the counter. Once everything is in order, Johnnie’s mouth is quickly covered with a sticker, but he’s happy he isn’t blindfolded because he can keep sneaking glances at you.
The entire situation was chaotic, none of them had any clue how to communicate properly and they had less knowledge on how to bake a cake. Jake’s arms were stretched forward as he tried finding his way through the kitchen, Tara’s loud singing making it hard for them to concentrate on one task alone.
Tara, who wore the headphones, was more focused on singing than the cake. You watch them intently, unable to stop yourself from laughing, “you need to whisk the cake!” Tara, who can’t hear a single thing you’re saying, repeats your statement causing you to burst into laughter.
Johnnie pulls out a plastic butter knife, deeming it appropriate for the task. “Get the beater!” Tara yells, following it by belting out song lyrics. Johnnie has no idea what Tara is talking about, so he sends you a pleading look. If there’s anyone here who’s going to help him finish this cake, it’s you.
“The whisk, get the whisk!” you exclaim, trying to talk over Tara’s singing as best as possible.
“What’s going on?!” Jake asks, one of his flailing arms slapping both Johnnie and Tara. Johnnie’s laughs are muffled by the sticker as he holds the whisk out for Jake, guiding him to the bowl.
“Babygirl?!” Tara is being so loud, her voice a good three octaves higher than normal. “Stop yelling!” you exclaim, but she ignores you and changes the song, continuing to belt out the lyrics.
“Y/n, we need your help,” Jake comments, stirring the bowl so aggressively that it was twirling. “We have no idea what we’re doing,” he continues, lifting the whisk up and blindly taking a lick.
“JAKE DON’T LICK IT!” Tara yells.
Johnnie’s laughter and shocked scream are muffled, his face scrunched up as he laughs uncontrollably, and you can’t look away. You wish you weren’t so shy, so that way you’d be able to join them in this fun activity without feeling anxious.
“This cake is going to be so bad,” you chuckle, catching Johnnie’s attention. His eyes linger on you for a little too long, a moment the fans were definitely going to clip and edit.
“What did you say?! Did you say my singing is bad?!” Tara is still yelling, following each and every statement with loud singing.
Many dirty dishes and a messy kitchen later, the cake is finally done. The oven rings throughout the kitchen, and Jake and Tara send Johnnie to fish the hot pan out. The cake didn’t look too bad, but considering you watched them make it, you weren’t too excited to actually try it.
“You have to wait until it cools to frost it!” Tara exclaims, the headphones causing her volume to be more than pleasant. Johnnie can’t respond because of the sticker, and he doesn’t want to wait for it to cool, so he continues haphazardly spreading the icing over the camera. Jake, on the other hand, is in his own world.
“That actually looks disgusting. It’s raw,” you gasp, watching as Johnnie lifts the spatula to reveal an uncooked, watery mess. “It’s undercooked!” Tara yells, her inability to hear you causing her to repeat everything you say in different words.
Johnnie’s muffled laughter is infectious, earning a string of laughter from you. “Let’s just eat it,” Jake suggests, facing the complete opposite direction of the group. The beanie on his head inhibits him from seeing the state of the cake, but even if he could see it, he would probably still ask for a bite.
“Wait let me help,” you get up from your seat and walk behind the countertop, immediately searching for something to serve the cake in. “This is gonna have to do it,” you hand Johnnie three plastic cups. He scoops up the raw batter, the liquid cake jiggling in the cup and running down the sides, immediately coating his fingers in frosting and batter.
“We’re gonna get salmonella,” Tara is staring at the goopy mess in shock, how had they managed to mess up such a simple recipe?
“I wanna see… I think we should take this off,” Jake yanks his beanie off, a fit of laughter attacking him as soon as he sees the state of the cake. Tara was subconsciously poking at it, creating a big hole in the center. Johnnie’s hands were full of chocolate frosting, and he held them up in exasperation as he waited for someone to remove the sticker from his mouth.
“Here lemme help you,” you murmur, gentle hands removing the sticker. Your touch lingers a little too long, but he doesn’t complain. If he had it his way, you’d have your arms around his neck and his lips would be on yours.
“Thanks, babygirl,” he whispers in return, loving how easily the nickname riled you up. You hated how much you loved hearing him say it.
“This is actually not that bad!” Tara’s boisterous voice breaks you two from the intimate moment, forcing you to reenter reality. “Try it,” Jake suggests, going back for a second scoop.
Johnnie is hesitant, but he grabs the cup and puts a spoonful of the raw cake batter in his mouth. His face contorts in disgust, but it couldn’t be that bad, could it? “Here let me try,” you take the cup from him, using his spoon to take your own bite.
As soon as the cake hits your tongue, you’re gagging. “Oh wow this is horrible,” you say, fighting the urge to throw up. They’re all laughing at your reaction, Jake pulling a long hair from his mouth in the process. “I love this hair, adds flavor.”
“Oh my God, I’m gonna throw up,” the hair Jake held between his fingers was only making the situation worse for you.
“See, she’s so babygirl,” Tara laughs, joking about the situation even if she found it equally as gross.
It seemed like your friends were always filming because every time the four of you hung out there always seemed to be a camera lurking not too far. Like today for example, Tara gathered everyone for a casual hangout, but once you arrived she explained that everyone was going to be living like her for the day. At first, you declined her invitation, making a lame excuse about not feeling good. But she begged and begged for you to be in the video, and before you knew it you were an integral part of it.
“Okay, since you guys are becoming me for the day, it’s only fitting that you dress the part. So, put on these track suits,” Tara says as she hands you, Jake, and Johnnie each a pink track suit. You’re trying to hide from the camera as much as possible, but Tara keeps pulling you back in every time you almost wander away.
The three of you shimmy into the outfits, immediately feeling the Tara Yummy essence wash over you.
“This is sexy,” Jake comments, admiring his figure as the sweatpants hang loosely from his hips. “I’m serving cunt,” Johnnie says, joining Jake in admiring himself. Their tattoos peeked through, contrasting the pink outfits entirely.
You emerge from the hallway seconds later, the track suit providing you with a newfound confidence, “I feel so stupid, but I also kinda feel like that bitch.” You stand still, allowing the camera to pan to you before hitting a dramatic pose. You turn around to show the camera the backside of the suit, the word babygirl written in curly white letters across your ass. “Slay, babygirl, slay,” Tara chimes in, strutting over to you and hitting the same pose.
“Let’s please not start with the babygirl jokes,” you groan jokingly, adjusting the sweatpants that kept riding up, you were starting to get a wedge. But you knew you weren’t going to escape the babygirl comments today, especially not with it written across your backside. It was like a label that you were forced to wear for the rest of the day, and the fans would surely seize the opportunity and run with it. To top it all off, the four of you were so well color coordinated that you looked like a 90’s girl group, ready to perform on stage at any moment.
“This is fun, but I still don’t understand why I’m being forced to do this,” you say, staring at Tara blankly.
“Because you’re my best friend,” she replies cheerily, offering you a big smile and booping your nose. It was hard to stay mad at her. She walks away, joining Jake as they engage in conversation.
“And you’re babygirl,” Johnnie teases, coming up from behind you unexpectedly, immediately causing a blush to form on your face. He loved watching you get flustered over the nickname. He laughs at your reactions, relishing every bit of it.
“Alright, first things first, time to eat. Mama’s hungry,” Tara says, ignoring yours and Johnnie’s interaction before facing the camera and leading everyone to the car. Jake and Tara are far ahead, leaving you and Johnnie to trail behind.
“It’s gonna be leaves,” Johnnie whispers to you, earning a laugh in response. He loved making you laugh. “Yeah, how much you wanna bet we end up at Health Nut?” you ask, settling the bet with a firm handshake between you and Johnnie. His hand holds a firm grip on yours, almost like he’s hesitant to let go as he says goofily, “$2, take it or leave it.”
As predicted, the four of you end up at Tara’s favorite restaurant; Health Nut. It’s no one else’s restaurant of choice, but you’re living as Tara for the day so it doesn’t matter what the rest of you want. You’ve been here with Tara enough to be familiar with the menu, so you order a simple salad and drink before moving to the side and allowing Johnnie to order. Once he’s finished ordering, he pays for your meals before letting Jake and Tara order.
Johnnie is playing it up for the cameras, trying to embarrass himself with his actions before the pink track suit does it for him. He’s sitting on a toddler chair and you stand next to him, choosing him as your comfort zone.
Because you always opted to remain behind the scenes, most of the viewers weren’t completely aware of yours and Johnnie’s dynamic. You two were always clinging to each other in uncomfortable or unfamiliar situations, making quiet jokes to make the other laugh. You both also had a huge crush on each other, which further served as a gravitational pull.
“Order for… babygirl?” the employee calls out, a hint of confusion in their voice as they read the name on the order. This immediately causes you to laugh out loud. “You did not do that,” you whisper shout at Johnnie, who held his hands up in feigned defense as he tries not to burst into laughter. You awkwardly grab the food, both of youwalking over to Tara and Jake’s table.
“Did they just call you babygirl?” Tara asks as soon as you’re sitting down. “Yes dude, fucking Johnnie told them that was my name,” you laugh, hiding your red face in your hands. They call out Tara’s name and she dismisses herself briefly to pick up the food.
“Let’s go!” She exclaims from the restaurant’s front door, bag and drink in hand as she pushes the door open and walks outside. “Oh, I guess Tara Yummy eats in the car,” Jake says sarcastically, the three of you following Tara to the car.
Once you’re in the car, you and Johnnie sit in the backseat while Jake and Tara occupy the front. “I wanted to eat in there, but you guys are so embarrassing,” Tara says, handing Jake his food.
She doesn’t give any of you enough time to respond, “you guys are already pretty embarrassing, but the pink track suits make us all look genuinely crazy.” She’s obnoxiously shaking her salad from the front seat, causing the entire car to rock.
“Damn, don’t gotta put your whole pussy into it,” Jake laughs, earning a sly remark from Tara. Soon, they’re lost in a conversation of their own, leaving you and Johnnie to talk quietly in the back seat.
“Why do you keep pushing this ‘babygirl agenda,’ sir?” You ask, both in true curiosity and to make light of the nickname. He blushes, mindlessly picking at the salad in front of him.
“Oh come on, don’t get all shy now,” you tease, piling up a good bite on your fork. He smiles at you awkwardly, preparing to admit something embarrassing.
“I think it’s kinda cute,” he admits with a shrug, taking a big bite of his food. Your eyes blow open in shock, this whole time you thought he was teasing you, but now it turns out he thinks it’s a cute nickname? “Don’t make fun of me,” Johnnie pleads in defense through a mouthful of food.
“I’m not, I just wasn’t expecting that,” you respond, trying not to be too loud. You couldn’t help it though, your giggles were soon filling the backseat. There was something about the confession that gave you hope that maybe you and Johnnie could be more than just friends. But you don’t want to get your hopes up, ir could easily all be for the video. You’re about to say something crazy and bold, but you’re cut off by Tara.
“Are you two done flirting? Cause I’m in the mood for coffee.” Leave it to her to ruin a sweet moment.
The day is finally over and the four of you are now wearing pajamas, reminiscing on the day’s events. Tara and Jake leave once the video is over, leaving you and Johnnie to lay on the large couch. The room is silent, but it’s not awkward, you’re both just catching up and joking.
“I was serious earlier, by the way,” he murmurs, staring at the ceiling above. “Yeah?” you say in a teasing tone, rolling over on your side so you’re facing him.
He takes a deep breath before continuing, “Yeah. If I’m being honest, I’ve had a crush on you for a long time. I’m surprised you haven’t noticed, I mean the fans definitely have.” You mindlessly play with the strings of your robe, subconsciously scooting closer to him.
“So that’s why you keep calling me babygirl?”
“Mmm yeah, mostly. I think it sounds cute,” he smiles down at you, your figure just slightly further down the couch. You feel a surge of confidence wash over you, something you don’t usually feel as a shy person, and straddle his lap.
He looks at you in shock, both arms limp at his sides. “Say it,” you whisper, moving your face dangerously closer to his. You use your hands to grab his, placing them on your waist. He feels excited, nervous, and shocked all at the same time, was this really happening?
You grind your hips down onto him, hoping to elicit a response from him. “Babygirl,” he whimpers, the sudden friction sending a shiver up his spine that has his hips bucking. You hum in response, finally inching close enough to connect your lips to his.
You’re in a heated make out session, completely obvious to the world around you. Johnnie’s hands are roaming your body, your hips are grinding down onto him, and your fingers are tangled in his hair. You kiss from his lips down to his neck, sucking and biting the delicious skin until you leave a hickey.
The situation is about to escalate, but Jake and Tara interrupt before it can. They saunter in loudly, both you and Johnnie jumping off of each other in shock.
“About damn time!” Jake says, applauding you both for finally make a move on each other. “Get it babygirl!” Tara laughs, joining Jake in his obnoxious round of applause.
“So annoying,” you groan, throwing a pillow at them and shooing them out. Once they’re out of the room, you and Johnnie share a sheepish look.
“You’re never escaping that nickname,” he chuckles, silently pulling you back on top of him. “That’s okay. If you’re the one saying it, I don’t mind,” you murmur, kissing him again.
“Okay, babygirl.”
a/n: Such a good request, I LUV being challenged with these specific requests!!! Hope I did it justice bby, I rewrote this like 5 times & had a different storyline each time. Also, I mentioned the famous hickey (💀💀) and I changed it from “baby” to “babygirl” because he mentioned that he’s “so babygirl” on Trisha’s podcast.
anyways, enjoy hunny bunches. Luv uuuuu
taglist: @nicksmainbitch @sturniololovers @mayhem-72 @worldlxvlys @gnxosblog @meg-sturniolo @creamoncreamoncream2 @mattnchrisworld @sanyi5 @lustfulslxt @whicked-hazlatwhore @tworosesblackthorn @mxqdii @fawned01
note: if you want to be tagged in my fanfic related posts, you can access my TAGLIST and comment 💐
note: requests are open, I will be writing as many as possible because you guys have sooo many good ideas. Please be patient 💗✨
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johnnycakesb14de · 8 months
I don't know if this goes past your rules but can you do like (greaser) x reader when someone in the gang catches y'all like making out?
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He would definitely be the more secretive type when it comes to kisses mostly because all of his friends are immature
But I imagine y'all would be in the kitchen alone it's his day off and the boys are out
One thing leads to another and y'all are just being romantic and showing affection by making out
Next thing you know you hear the traditional caught-off-guard-cough-laugh
Darry looks up and sees Dally, Johnny and Ponyboy.
"Y'all enjoying yourselves?"
"Shut the fuck up Dallas."
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He was on break at the DX and you stopped by to see him and bring him food because you wanted to hang out with your boyfriend
Y'all were in the back just hanging out be cuties
Hes flirting with you
You know giving his typical sodapop charm flashing you his million dollar smile
He kisses you a few times and it leads to a make out and y'all are just in the moment not really thinking about muchv
Then Steve walks in
"Hey so what ar- HELLO? WHAT THE FUCK?!"
Y'all both turn around and you roll your eyes in embarrassment
"Do that on your own time please."
"Shut up Steve."
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Say your older in this maybe like 15-16 because for the first while of y'all dating you wouldn't be allowed in his room alone even with the door open Darrys just crazy like that
Y'all were in his room working on some homework or just hanging out when you totally very sneakily shut the door all the way thinking Darry won't find out because he's cooking
And start kissing
Not even two minutes later Darrys nosy ass barges in
"What did I say about the door kidd- Oh excuse me?!?!"
Y'all create distance from each other staring at him wide eyed
"I swear it isn't w-"
"be quiet Ponyboy. I have these rules for a reason, you guys can come into the living room since you can't be trusted."
"Y/N, don't start."
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Yall were in the lot because where else would you be
You kissed him a few times and it let to a slight make out nothing crazy
Two-bit came up to tell Johnny that unfortunately Dally had been arrested for some odd reason
And the SECOND he sees you he's instantly teasing y'all
he's trying to tease you but he ends up just making it really uncomfortable
"Lord almighty, what's going on here?! Save room for Jesus, she might get pregnant!" Insert two-bit laugh wheeze
"Cut it out man."
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Y'all were at Bucks for some party and it was getting really loud
You were overstimulated, Dally was tipsy and everyone was getting on his nerves so he took you outfront for some fresh air
Dally was being Dally and talking to you and kissing you a few times and it leads to a make out
Then Steve walks out
(I imagine him and Dally are actually pretty good friends)
He starts laughing
"Uhhhh, Dal'! Y'know where Evie is?"
"Why the fuck would I know where your girlfriend is?"
"I dunno, just wonderin'."
He rolled his eyes and dramatically sighed
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You were at work with him trying to help him
Which actually just meant he was yelling at you for certain tools
You were getting bored he was getting frustrated because he couldn't figure out what was wrong with the car so you told him to to take a small break
So he took a break and you both just started talking and he kisses you
After he pulled away you kissed him back
Darry walks in looking for Soda
"Oh, my bad. I was just looking for Soda"
"In the back Darry."
He leaves and you laugh
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Y'all were at the drive-in just hanging out
He was bothering people yk just being two-bit
And somehow you both ended up at the drag race that Steve, Soda and Dallas were at
You were leaned up against the hood of his car and he was in front of you and you were making out
Soda comes up and laughs at y'all
"HAHAHA, Steve come look!'
Two-bit looks at him and also starts laughing because hes two-bit
And your just there like 'omfg'
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ctrlchar · 8 months
Could you do jake’s reaction to you getting nipple piercing please? x (can be whatever you want <3)
jakexgf getting nipples pierced
a/n:thank you for the request! I decided to add a little smut at the end as well 🤭
jake had been out and about with his friends leaving you in the house to your own devices. that being said an idea popped up into your head.
you’d always wanted to get your nipples pierced,knowing how good jake looked with his. that being said you text jake asking him when he’ll be home to which he replied
jakey<3:i should be getting back within the next hour or so what’s up?
you:oh nothing just wondering😊
jakey<3:i’ll see u when i get home babe
after your exchange you go into your closet finding a tight fitting shirt that shows your nipples poking through the thin fabric.
you change into some of jake’s sweatpants before you get into your car and drive to the nearest piercing shop.
you drive about five minutes until you reach your destination. you get out the car grabbing your purse before entering the shop
you walked up the the piercer at the front desk telling her you wanted to get both of your nipples pierced.
after you had paid you laid down on the table as she stuck the needle through your perky nipple and then through the other.
the pain wasn’t as bad as you had expected,the piercer then put on a silver barbell before getting up and walking towards the front desk where you paid and tipped her.
you grabbed your belongings before heading out to your car to show jake your freshly pierced nipples
hoping he wasn’t around his friends,you sent him a photo of you in your almost skin tight shirt,two barbells seen through the material
you could almost hear the shock through the screen as jake texts you back in an instant
you: *one attachment*
jakey<3:are you shitting me rn
jakey<3:did a guy do it?
jakey<3:i’ll beat his ass
jakey<3:send me another one
you:no baby it was a girl
you: same one i’ve went to for all my piercings
you:and give me one minute i’ll send you another
you laugh at his reaction through the screen,his attitude going from pissed to wanting you to send him another photo
you pull out of the parking lot and into an empty one. you carefully pull up your shirt,trying to not irritate the fresh piercing
you take a photo of your bare breasts and send them to jake
seconds later your phone buzzes and it shows jake calling you.
you quickly pick up the phone and put him on speaker before setting the phone down on the dash
you can hear other cars in the background therefore assuming he’s already in his car headed back home
“i’m so hard right now” he says making you giggle at his bluntness
“are you headed home?” you question as you fix your shirt back over your tits. judging by the acceleration of the gas you tell him “that’s not you’re car is it? you sound like one of those assholes who rev their engine up all the time ” you joke eliciting a chuckle from jake
“what can i say babe,it’s not my fault your tits look that good over the phone,can’t even imagine now good they’ll look in person” he says his hand on the wheel the other attempting to fix the tent in his jeans by adjusting his pants
you pull out the empty driveway deciding to head home yourself so you don’t make jake wait too long “yeah well remember you cant touch them yet we have to wait for them to heal” to which he groans “i know i know, I get it…i can still fuck em’ though right?” he pleas as he turns onto his street
“hmm” you say pretending to think as you drive “i’ll consider it”
jake lets out a fake sigh before informing you he’s almost home,with you doing the same. you tell him bye and that you’ll see him in a minute.
you pull into the driveway,your car right behind his. you park the car grabbing your stuff before heading into the house to be greeted by jake sitting on the couch the large erection still in his pants despite him trying to hide it
he shoots up from the couch,begging you like a child “lemme see lemme see” he begs staring at the metal through the fabric
“geez jake nice to see you too” you say lifting up your shirt “yeah yeah yeah” he mumbles completely enthralled with your breasts. he begins to grope them avoiding your nipple not wanting to cause you any discomfort
“fuck” he mumbles under his breath “these are gonna be the hardest couple months of my life”
“can i fuck em’ please” he begs his voice needier then before.
“fine” you say “can we at least get to the bed first?” to which he nods eagerly,grabbing your hand and guiding you to your bedroom.
he laid you on the bed as he quickly made use of his hands by taking off his jeans,leaving him in his shirt and boxers. he got onto your lap before taking his hard cock out of his boxers.
you held your tits closer together as he slid right in between them. you made sure you could see the piercing in between your fingers. which was evident to jake as he kept alternating his eyes from the piercing to you back to the piercing
“your so hot mama” he moans out as he fucks in between your tits. he places on of his hands on the back of your head for support as he continues his movements
you see the tip of his cock disappearing between them with each thrust of his hips,especially now,his thrusts getting sloppier as he feels close
“gonna cum” he groans out as he begins to slightly grip your hair eliciting a soft moan from you. you could practically feel his cock twitching from between your tits
and just like that he came,all over your chest right above your tits,some of it going in between them as he fucked himself through his orgasm which was the absolute hottest thing to him.
he then pulled himself up and back into his boxers. he gathered up some of his cum onto his finger before putting it up to your mouth to which you open. you begin to lick a stripe up his fingers,slowly sucking on them in the process.
he slides off your sweatpants,which were actually his, and with his free hand he takes his other out of your mouth and slowly slides it into you
“gonna make you feel good now okay baby?”
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pricesfav · 1 month
Retired Price who can not let go! He’s constantly checking in with his team he misses them and wants to know how they’re doing :( but perhaps multiple times a day
Retired Price whose wife is ecstatic to be spending more time with him only to have him moping around grieving the loss of his beloved job.
Retired Price who still hasn’t quite gotten the hang of retirement and can not stand to be still for a second
“What are you doing?”
“But why? We could be out. Lets go on a hike”
Retired Price who, though old, cannot stop moving and always has to be active even if it causes some strain on his back
“John please can we go home?”
“Just a mile more okay love ?”
Retired Price who finally calms down… after he threw out his back. The wife has never seen John so calm before but there he was in the backyard sitting on a lawn chair listening to his audio book clipping away at his bonsai.
Retired price who is now obsessed with keeping his lawn extra tidy. He bought a new (and expensive) lawn mover, waters it every morning, makes sure none of it is dead. Anything to keep his lawn in tip top shape
Retired Price who keeps finding things wrong with the house and throws himself into renovation mode fixing every little problem he finds
Retired Price who can finally get back into his hobbies and finally get back working on his dads old 64 Chevy Impala
Retired Price who’s cut down the texts to his boys from every day to every other day which is progress.
Retired Price who is having much more fun spending time with the missus now that he knows how to relax. They have lots of fun gardening, cooking, baking, and just being in each other’s company.
Retired Price who still goes on hikes but doesnt make it John prices mission to get from point A to point B. His only mission is to enjoy his hike with his lovely wife.
Retired Price who finally finished the car and takes the missus to the beach for a well earned picnic with no hike
Retired Price whose house and lawn has never looked better. Who has a cool new (old) car. Who’s picked up a few new hobbies and skills and who’s been the happiest he’s been for a while
Retired Price who realised he made this decision for his wife therefore he will spend the rest of his life with her and keep her happy. After all happy wife happy life.
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paul-ster · 2 months
Happy Outsiders Headcannons because 🕴️🕴️🕴️🕴️🕴️🕴️ (I’m in a jolly mood today.)
Once when Darry overslept, Sodapop and Ponyboy woke him up the same way that Soda and Darry wake up Ponyboy.
Dally sometimes steals Ponyboys drawings of himself and boasts about it to himself before keeping them under his bed.
Sometimes when Ponyboys reading, he’ll put his finger where he is on the page, a habit that Johnny picked up when they were reading together.
When Darry’s home alone, man will just blast music to himself and try to enjoy himself. If the gang catches him then they’ll just join in on the fun.
Johnny and Two-Bit tried to recreate the Curtis brothers chocolate cake at Two-Bits house…… yeahhh
Sodapop and Steve mess around during work but the second a customer comes in you’ll just see them lock in and try to stop giggling.
And a lil special mention for someone- that Steve enjoys cuddling. But bro is always somehow the small spoon. 💀
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cherry-romper · 12 days
Pet Names
+ Lui Kang, Kung Lao, Raiden, Bi-Han, Kuai Liang, Tomas Vrbada, Johnny Cage, Kenshi Takahashi, Syzoth, Shang Tsung, Reiko, Havik
Warnings; none
Contains; F!reader, fluff
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Liu Kang;
Your name tastes so good on his lips. From time to time, he’ll add a ‘my’ in front of it to emphasise how much you mean to him. In private, he’ll refer to you as ‘sweetheart’ or ‘my love’, especially during intimate moments or times of vulnerability. 
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Kung Lao;
‘Babe’ is his absolute go to, he uses it more than your name. When he wants to be teasing or flirt with you, it’ll be “whatever you need, Angel” sometime he’ll add a ‘my’ to them to make “my baby” or “my angel,” but only when he’s feeling particularly lovey-dovey - which is rare. 
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“Good morning, beautiful,” is whispered to you everyday. He loves to tell you how pretty he thinks you are. When he tires of that nickname, he’ll switch to “my love.” You are the object of all his desires, you must be reminded of this fact everyday. 
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To him, nothing is more intimate than your name. Depending on the situation the two of you are in, he will utter it in a different tone. Sometimes, it will drip like honey from his tongue. Others, he will whisper. Some he will moan. Rarely will he ever shout it. Never has it said it in vain. 
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Kuai Liang;
You are his love, his one and only. Nothing is this world can calm the way you do. More domestically, he’ll call to you as ‘honey’. It’s more expectable to call you this in front of other people; it makes for less awkward or embarrassing moments. 
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Tomas Vrbada;
Not ashamed to call you any term of endearment he can think of. From ’my heart’, to ‘my love’, even ‘baby’, he’s called you it. He tried more experimental ones like ‘cutie’ and ‘sugar’ but they never really stuck. 
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Johnny Cage; 
When he wants something, he’ll call you ‘honey’. It never really did anything for you, you much prefer when he calls you ‘doll’. Sure, it’s old-fashioned, but it’s something only he could pull off. When he’s being silly or teasing, he’s been known to throw out the odd ‘boogaloo’.
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Kenshi Takahashi;
More often than not, he’ll call you by your name, but when he’s alone with you he refers to you with per names in his mother tongue. He’s also been known to use ‘babe’ around a certain people.
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Calls you ‘sweetness’ when you’re alone together - dragging the ’s’ out deliberately to tease you. When in the presence of people, your name is all he will call you. He keeps things between the two of you; known else need know your business. 
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Shang Tsung; 
‘My dear,’ is the first thing he says when he first sees you, his arms often outstretched, awaiting your embrace. Though he has never said it to your face, when defending your honour in fights/combat he uses ‘my beloved’.
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‘That’s my girl.’ Need I say more. Loves to praise you while simultaneously reminding those around you that you’re his. Doesn’t use other terms very much, but if he does, they always have ‘my’ in front of them.
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Calls you ‘Bella’, a shortened term for belladonna - aka deadly nightshade. Also refers to you as ‘my poison’ or simply says ‘you are my weakness’.
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pfhwrittes · 14 days
i'm thinking about a transmasc reader that can't wear a binder. maybe they tried but the binder is waaay too small. or wearing a binder is a sensory nightmare. or they have back/shoulder/neck/chest issues that make wearing a binder a complete no go. and then i was thinking about how the 141 would help their transmasc sweetheart with dysphoria.
for ghost it's easy. no matter how big you are, his shoulders and chest are always larger. he'll chuck a surprisingly soft zip up hoodie (with the labels meticulously removed) at you and won't say a word when you wear it everywhere. in fact he has three just for you (which he will deny deny deny) so he can swap one out when it gets dirty with a clean one. and look, he's not admitting to it but he likes being able to pinch the fabric around your forearm and rub it between his finger and thumb. it's groundin' or summat.
price has no issue wrapping you up in one of his flannels. absolutely deludes himself into thinking it's slightly more mature than him dressing you up in a hoodie emblazoned with his name (it's not, for the record). he loves the way you snuggle deep down into the collar of his flannel and "subtly" sniff the hints of smoke and aftershave that linger on the collar.
gaz is a complete sweetheart and has been waiting to spoil you with a new wardrobe. he's making sure his guy is looking good AND feeling good. new hoodies? check. new shirts? check. new jackets? check check check. absolutely gets a matching set of loungewear with you. also he's not above getting a hoodie emblazoned with "GARRICK" on the back. oh what's that babe, you won't fit into his clothes? say less, he's already got that hoodie in the correct size for maximum comfort for you.
soap is a little shit. don't ask questions about where the giant black hoodie came from or how long he's had it. what's that? it smells a wee bit like his lieutenant? naw, yer dreamin'. what's this about a flannel smelling like cigars? naw, naw he's never seen it before in his life. he definitely didn't steal clothes from price and ghost. haud yer wheest. but maybe fer his dignity don't wear it down the pub with the rest of the team, eh bonnie lad?
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ghxstyfae · 7 months
Headcannons of johnnie x strawberry shortcake/ sanrio obsessed reader ! How would their relationship be when they have completely different aesthetics? How does johnnie deal with all the pink???
(Also I love your work sm!!)
Strawberry Shortcake ☆ J.Guilbert
Warnings: n/a
Synopsis: ask
Taglist: @sunflowerleii @dreamcastgirl99
Note: Thankyou so much for the ask Nonnie!! You're the sweetest
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You probably met at hot topic accidentally
You was looking for a cinnamonroll plushie and he was filming another shopping video with jake.
You accidentally bump into him and compliment his hair. At first he thinks your just kinda fucking with him
He compliments your outfit too (im thinking something like this, this, or something w these pants)
Jake asks if they can record you and even invites you to film with them for the day, noticing Johnnies immediate crush
You accepts and they film a little introduction for the viewers, and then spend the whole day together, Johnnie being disgustingly adorable w you
You exchange contact info and they walk you to your pink buggy
Johnnies stalking your insta the whole time they walk to Jakes car and getting in the car
Jakes laughing at him the whole way home from how pathetic he was
Constantly stands out when hes sitting on your bed, surrounded by pink blankets and hundreds of fluffy plushies (note)
He knows you lov having fresh flowers, so its routine to buy you a new boquet every saturday. On a couple occasions he got you these sanrio boquets
He likes how easy it is to separate your clothes after a night out (you both throw your things everywhere, but he knows anything dark is his)
When your feeling upset, whiny, or especially your period, hell watch sanrio, strawberry shortcake, monster high, barbie, and even powerpuff girls
Jake has posted pictures to his story, catching the big bad emo curler up with his frilly gf watching Strawbery Shortcake under a pink blankie
He really doesnt mind though
Corruption kink goes brr
All dolled up in pink, pretty and delicate just for him
He would definitely let you tie black bows on his hair, and maybe let you tie one around his 🥜🍆 if u ask nicely
The fans think you guys are adorable
You make videos a lot of baking, shopping, doing your makeup, etc, qne they love when Johnnies helping out (its so adorably out of character)
He loves the pink tho lowkey turns him on
Im sorry its so short sweetheart:( ♡
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k6tzie · 5 months
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task force 141 'sharing' nsfw headcanons
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be advised, the following content explores consensual sex involving multiple people during intimate encounters. reader discretion is advised
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soap: he's a man of adventure and will try everything once, even if he thinks he might not like it. if he were to have a threesome, he'd share ghost or another close friend he can trust with you, not the other way around. it's almost like a dream, both guys splayed out on soaps bed, legs spread as they take turns fucking your mouth.
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gaz: in all honesty, i don't see kyle being the type to have sex with another person or people involved (sorry to disappoint). maybe some light-hearted kissing or messing around but he wouldn't be interested in 'sharing' you with someone. if you really wanted it, he might do so just to please you but it'd be cut short and lots of cuddling after...y'know, to assure you still love him.
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price: thankfully, john isn't the overly jealous type. he fully trusts you and your intentions especially when it comes to sex. so when you proposed the idea of having another person, he was okay with it as long as there were some ground rules. he cared about everyone's needs being fulfilled. but of course, when the other person leaves, he'll fuck one last orgasm out of you until your legs give out. and i can't forget, aftercare king!
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ghost: he wouldn't be too eager to have another person involved but would only make an exception if he knew and trusted them. he more so enjoys the thought of other people drooling over you whilst he's the only one who can fuck you dumb. so if you wanted someone involved, it'd most likely be someone else from the tf141, probably johnny, "keep that pretty mouth busy, johnny. someone's making too much noise." whilst he fucks you with purposely slow, deep strokes.
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this is my first post so i hope you enjoyed it, feel free to let me know if you'd like this with any other characters. i'd be happy to write it. thanks!
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v1x3n · 7 months
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Johnnie Guilbert NSFW Alphabet
(first time writing, lmk how I did and pls pls pls request some more for johnnie guilbert if you enjoyed because i think hes insanely under appreciated and deserves more written for him)
A=Aftercare (what they're like after)
Definitely big into after care and does whatever he can to take care of you after
B=Body part (Their favorite body part of their partners+their own)
Partner-thighs, they're plushy and he loves squeezing them and loves the way they look when they are wrapped around his head
Theirs-Hands, he loves what he can do with them and he loves how they look around your neck
C=Cum(Anything to do with cum)
He prefers finishing inside to avoid mess but would ultimately do whatever you wanted.
D=Dirty secret(Self explanatory)
He definitely gets off to pictures of you when you're not w him and he's feeling frisky (or if he's js to shy to tell you)
E=Experience(How experienced are they?)
not really at all, except for giving head.
F=Favorite Position(Self explanatory)
Cowgirl-He dies a little bit every time you ride him, he seriously can't get enough of it. Or any position where he can touch you while making eye contact with you
G=Goofy(Are they more goofy or serious during the act?)
Definitely depends on what you're comfortable with but will most likely be the type to make a joke or two and then be really serious after that yk
H=Hair(How well groomed? Does the carpet match the drapes?)
Doesn't really need to do much since he's a natural blonde but will maybe trim it up if he feels like it. Doesn't care if you have any, he agrees that if hair wasn't supposed to grow there, then it wouldn't.
I=Intimacy(How are they during? Romantic aspect ofc)
He is the touchiest mf there is. Loooooooves to touch and see his hands all over you and more verbal than you'd think
J=Jack off (Random Masturbation Headcannon)
As stated before, he definitely Jacks off to you when you aren't around and he's feeling rather frisky so maybe like 3-4 times a week at the most
K=Kink(1 or more of their kinks)
Switch-loves seeing you on top and in control but will take the reigns every now and then
Marking-Loooooves to see bite marks and hickies and such all over you and loves it more when you leave them on him
Hair pulling-loves when you tug on his hair while he fucks you/eats you out
L=Location (Favorite place to do the deed)
Prefers the bed but will eventually escalate to the shower or maybe even the couch when no one is home 😈
M=Motivation(What turns them on? What gets them going?)
Literally anything you do could get him going because he's so infatuated by you, and I think he may be a bit sexually frustrated 💀 but loves skirts, lacy lingerie and fishnets specifically
N=No(something off limits)
Anything that could hurt you or him
O=Oral(Giving and receiving preference, skill. Etc)
is a GOD at giving head. About the only thing he's really experienced with and IT SHOWS. Does like recieving but poor baby would be too shy to ask so you'll have to offer
P=Pace(Are they made rough/fast or slow/sensual or other)
Anything you prefer because he doesn't wanna hurt you or make you uncomfortable
Q=Quickie(Their opinion on quickies)
Doesn't care for them much at all, he likes to take his time and cherish the moment
R=Risk(Do they experiment? Do they take risks?)
Will experiment within his boundaries and your own
S=Stamina(How many rounds can they go? How long do they last?)
Can last about 3-4 rounds before he needs a minute, if you're not satisfied don't you worry because he'll give you so much head to make up for it
T=Toys(Do they own/use toys on their partner or themselves?)
Doesn't own them for himself but would be down to try them if you brought it to his attention
U=Unfair(How much do they like to tease?)
He doesn't start the teasing often because he's too shy but will do it back if you start teasing him
V=Volume(How loud they are, What they sound like)
Quite shameless when it comes to this intimate time with you, doesn't care who hears
W=Wild card (Random NSFW headcannon)
He secretly loves to fuck you until he can see your eyes rolling into the back of your head and loves fucking your mouth/throat but will only do so if you ask him to
X=Xray(size of his- basically)
6 inches soft and abt 8.5 inches hard
Y=Yearning(How high is their sex drive?)
Higher now bc of you
Z=ZZZ (How quick they fall asleep after?)
Prefers to cuddle after sex and loves falling asleep like that, he'll fall asleep after he knows your asleep
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teapartyprincess4two · 7 months
Messy- J. Webber
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pairing: Waitress!reader x Mechanic!Jake
classification: SMUT SMUT NO FLUFF
warnings: 18+, MDNI, literal sex, messy sex, public sex, facial, cream pie, cursing
inspiration: request
summary: Jake is a regular customer at the diner you work at, eating the same meal everyday before returning back to work. One day, when you’re taking his order, you can tell he has much more sinful intentions than a quick meal.
The diner is slow today, it always is on Sundays. You’ve had a total of 5 customers and it’s already past noon, making the day feel endless. You’re currently messing with the fryer in the kitchen. It turned off suddenly and now it won’t turn back on. “Stupid fucking fryer,” you grumble, clicking random buttons until it finally starts heating.
Suddenly the front doorbell rings, indicating a customer has entered the lobby. “Hello! I’ll be right with you!” you call out from the kitchen, peering your head over the order window to catch a glimpse of the customers. You instantly recognize that it’s Jake, he’s a regular customer and arrives everyday at exactly 12:30pm without fail.
Jake saunters in, dirty and sweaty from a hard days work. He works at an automotive repair shop that sits right on the corner of the street, choosing your diner everyday as his preferred dining spot. The walk from his car shop isn’t long, but he always leaves early so he misses the lunch rush.
Because he’s such a frequent customer, Jake knows the diner well, so he situates himself in the booth that gives him the best view of the kitchen. When he first started eating here, he realized that this booth provided him with a cinema worthy experience because he could watch you work as he enjoyed his meal.
You emerge from the kitchen with a big smile on your face, walking around the front counter and over to Jake’s table. “Can’t get enough of this place, huh?” you joke, retrieving a small notebook and ball point pen from the depths of your apron.
“Guess so,” Jake replies with a chuckle, folding his dirty hands over the table. They’re permanently stained with car oil, calloused by countless hours of manual labor. Your eyes travel from his broad, tattooed shoulders down to his folded arms, relishing in the way his sweat glistens in the sun that trickles in through the window. His white tank top is adorned with black smudges and stains, ripped and frayed along the edges. There’s dirt under his fingernails, a detail that you’d usually find disturbing, but it adds even more grit to Jake. You love the idea of being fucked by a hard working man who isn’t afraid to get dirty.
Jake’s messy look completely juxtaposes yours. You’re wearing your diner uniform, clad in a pastel pink dress and an apron so white it reflected the sun. Your hair is curled and pinned back, a matching pink bow dangling in between your bouncy strands. Stark white sneakers sway back and forth, as you wait patiently for Jake to order. You looked so clean, too clean, and Jake wanted to roam his hands all over you and watch how messy you could really get.
“So, your usual?” you ask, knowing Jake’s order by heart. Over the course of his visits, you’ve learned that Jake is a simple man. He orders the same thing everyday and although the food was slightly above average, he claimed it was his favorite as an excuse to watch you work.
Jake loved watching as you diligently wiped down tables, your hips rocking back and forth as you worked the rag into tough, grimy spots. When you were mopping, he’d scoot closer to the edge of his seat and watch you bend over as you rung out the mop. He especially loves watching as you walked over to his booth with his meal in hand, because once you arrive to the table you bend over just enough to expose the top of your breasts.
“You know how I like it, baby,” the nickname slips out naturally, the flirtatious undertones evident in Jake’s voice. At first you would become flustered with his incessant flirting, but now that you’re used to it, you get turned on. You feel like a car engine, revved up and ready to fuck some miles into him.
“Alright, it’ll be right out,” you reply with a playful smile, shoving the notepad and pen back into your apron before making your way back to the kitchen. Your hips sway as you walk away, the string of your apron slapping against your ass with each step.
Jake’s eyes are glued to you, mentally undressing you from across the room. He’s really hungry now, but not for the food.
20 minutes have passed and you’re still not back with his food. Jake isn’t the type to complain, but he knows it never takes you this long. Loud beeping rings throughout the diner, followed by a loud yell from the kitchen, “Ow! Fuck!” Metal clangs on the floor shortly after, a string of cuss words coming from you.
Jake’s natural instinct is to get up and check on you, but you come out from the kitchen before he can act on it. You’re pressing a cold, wet towel on your hand, “Sorry, it’s gonna be a while. The fryer’s been acting up all day and it just turned off. I burnt myself trying to fix it, but I popped your fries in the oven instead, okay?”
Jake sees the opportunity and takes it, “No problem. I can take a look at it if you want?” He’s an extremely handy man, and he’s hoping to get handsy with you if he plays his cards right.
“At what?” you ask confused, applying pressure to your hand.
“The fryer. I can try to fix it. It’ll only take a few minutes,” he replies, using his hands to push himself out of the booth. Before you can protest, Jake begins walking to the kitchen. His dirty work boots leave a trail of footprints on the floor as you follow closely behind, trying to keep up with his long strides. He quickly finds the fryer, following the smell of gas until he locates the source.
“No, it’s okay! I’ll just put in a work order,” you reason, watching as he kneels in front of the machine. You were beginning to panic, no one other than employees were allowed in the kitchen. What if your boss suddenly showed up and found him back here? Not to mention how unsanitary it was for him to be touching everything with his soiled hands.
“Yeah? And when will they finally come fix it?”
The question has you stumped, causing you to think for a while. The maintenance men usually didn’t come until weeks after the initial work order was put in, and working without a fryer for that long sounded like actual hell. That didn’t mean you wanted a customer working while on their lunch break, “Probably a couple of weeks, but it’s okay. It’s not a big deal, really!”
Your words fall on deaf ears though because Jake is opening the fryer hatch, a whiff of cooking oil and gas hitting him straight in the face. From that smell alone he immediately knew the problem, “Yeah, see, the gas line isn’t connected. One stray spark and this whole place is blowing up.”
Jake’s used to working in much hotter temperatures, surrounded daily by the summer weather and even hotter car engines. So, although the fryer is emitting a lot of heat, it’s nothing compared to what he deals with daily. He manages to find the main gas line, turning the nob off to ensure there isn’t any other leaks. After that, he swiftly turns the machine off before unscrewing a hot, black tube. He pulls the black tube off with a grunt, causing a loud hissing noise as the last bits of gas spill out.
“How do you know it’s the gas line?” you ask curiously, blissfully unaware and nose blind to the smell. “The smell,” he replies blatantly, strong hands removing random pieces from the machine. Well they were random to you, but Jake seemed to know the purpose of each piece.
The oven dings faintly in the background, indicating that the fries are finally done baking. You would love to stay and watch his arms flex as he worked, but you didn’t want to cause another hazard, “I’ll be back, those are the fries. I don’t want them to burn.”
He hums in response, the sound being followed by another animalistic grunt. You feel your core clench at the sound, there was something about him that made you want to push him to the ground and get messy.
You force yourself to look away, finally walking over to the oven to retrieve the fries before they burn.
The fryer was worse than either of you anticipated, causing Jake to spend more than a ‘few minutes’ working on it. He’s lying face up on the floor to get a better view, a broken down cardboard box is sprawled out under him to serve as a cushion and as a barrier from the cold floor.
Luckily you’ve only had one other customer since then and all they ordered was a drink, so you’ve been able to watch Jake work this entire time. Your pussy is throbbing at the possibilities, your mind delving into uncharted territory as you imagine what he’d look like under you.
Jake’s hips buck upward as he adjust himself, pushing himself further into the machine each time. Your eyes fall onto his crotch every time, you can’t help but stare and salivate at the growing bulge. He knows you’re watching and it’s turning him on.
“Here, hold this piece right… there,” he instructs, voice trailing off as his fingers pinch a wire in place. You comply, scooting closer so you can properly hold the wire in place. The position is uncomfortable though, your legs struggling to remain in place as you try not to fall on Jake.
After a while your legs start to hurt, trembling from the constant strain. “I can’t reach,” you explain, attempting to shift your weight so you’re comfortable.
Jake lifts his head up, careful not to hit it against the metal above him, as he peers at you. You were awkwardly reaching over him, one hand gripping onto the edge of the fryer as the other stretched to properly hold the wire in place. He looks down at your legs, watching as they shake before he accidentally catches a glimpse of your underwear.
“Here, just…” he begins to say, forgetting his sentence as his mind fills with sinful thoughts of you. He places his tools on the ground before taking a hold of your waist, dirty fingerprints immediately soaking into the fabric of your dress. He uses his hands to carefully guide you over him, stopping once you’re situated directly above his crotch.
“Try again,” he instructs, forcing himself to think about anything other than the newfound pressure you’re applying to him. You reposition the wire with your right hand, your left hand resting on Jake’s chest for support. Once the wire is in place, he scoots forward, his hips bucking up again as he does it. The rough material of his jeans rubs against your clothed pussy, causing you to squirm from above him. You’re forced to bite back a whine, realizing that this was not the time nor the place to be getting all riled up.
Jake is extremely concentrated, choosing to ignore the growing erection in his pants. “Hand me the pliers,” he says, but it comes out more like a command. His toolbox sits next to you, the short distance being close enough for you rummage through it quickly. You subconsciously grind down on his crotch, surprised to feel the outline of his dick through the thick material of his jeans.
His hands instinctively travel to your hips again, a firm grip willing you to stop your movements. “Sorry,” you murmur, becoming drunk on the idea of Jake fucking you long and hard on the kitchen floor.
Jake lets out a small groan, the innocence in your voice seducing him even further. “Here,” you whisper, eyes locking with his for a second through your long, thick eyelashes. He takes the pliers from you, forcing himself to return to the task at hand.
“Don’t look at me like that.”
You squirm from above him, wiggling so you can feel him again. Usually you wouldn’t be this bold, but your pussy is hungry and your mind is drunk. Jake chases the feeling too, wishing there was nothing to restrict him from feeling you entirely.
“Don’t look at you like what?”
“Like you want to fuck me,” he replies sternly, the heels of his boots digging into the floor as he drags himself out from under the fryer. The cardboard makes it easier for him to slide out and he’s strong enough to bring you with him, eliciting a gasp from you as you place your hands on his chest to anchor yourself.
He sits up, his left arm immediately wrapping around your waist in the process. “Don’t start something you can’t finish, princess,” he smirks, pushing you down onto his crotch.
Your hands gingerly rest on his shoulders as you look at him through hooded eyes, were you really going to do this? The sexual tension is blinding you, causing you to make yet another bold remark.
“What if I do want to fuck you?”
“That’s fine, baby. Just don’t complain when it gets messy,” he replies coyly, pulling you further into him. Jake’s plump lips latch onto yours, metal lip rings digging into your face. The pain only eggs you on, your hands traveling up his neck and tangling into his hair.
“So eager,” he murmurs into the kiss, scrunching your dress up around your abdomen. His hands find your ass, slapping and kneading the skin in his firm grip. Moans are slipping from you, all of them being swallowed by Jake as he hungrily kisses you back. Your hips grind onto him again, desperate for release.
You’re whimpering, trying to feel as much of him as possible through the multiple layers of fabric that separate you. “Patience, baby,” he moans, but even he’s becoming impatient.
It comes to no surprise when you scoot back onto his thigh and feverishly unzip his pants, he doesn’t protest either, instead he watches eagerly. You make swift work of his pants, Jake lifts his hips to help you tug them off. “I want you to make a mess on my face,” you whisper, hopping off of Jake’s lap so you can wiggle further down.
The suggestion makes Jake’s dick twitch, precum spilling out from the tip and soaking into his boxers. You pull his boxers down and they pool around his ankles alongside his pants. His dick stands up straight, and it’s so big you begin to wonder if this was a good idea. How was that supposed to fit inside of you?
Jake knows exactly what you’re thinking, smirking at the sight of you gawking over the size of his cock. You’re brave though, so you crawl closer to him and slowly begin pumping his shaft. His head is immediately thrown back in pleasure, your touch alone almost being enough for him to spill his seed onto your hand.
You wrap your lips around the tip, your head inching down to the base slowly. If you go any faster, you’ll surely gag around his cock and start crying. “Just like that,” he groans, swooping some of your hair out of your face with one hand as the other holds his dick in place for you. Your lips kiss his hand as you take as much of his as possible, your throat struggling to keep up with the sheer size of him.
His hips thrust into your mouth, eliciting a gag from you that flips a switch in Jake. He wants to hear that sound again and again, so he holds your head firmly and guides it up and down his cock repeatedly. Each time you reach the tip, you gasp for air before he’s pushing you back down again. Saliva is dripping down your chin and bubbling at the corners of your mouth, tricking far enough to coat Jake’s penis entirely.
“Making such a big mess, beautiful,” he grunts, pulling you away from him to get a better look at your face. Streaks of mascara run down your face, your hair is all over the place, and saliva is actively dribbling down your chin. “Come here, let me ruin you,” he instructs, pulling you back down so he can coat your face and uniform in his cum.
He pumps his cock aggressively over your face, watching with a slack jaw as you close your eyes and allow his cum to paint your face. You’re glazed in the liquid, squealing slightly at the new sensation. “Yummy,” you giggle, licking your lips to gather as much of it on your tongue as possible.
Jake isn’t done though, he’s fully prepared to go another round with you, but this time with his dick balls deep in you. Right as you’re about to continue, you hear the front doorbell ring.
“Hello?” a customer asks, peering over the counter in search of an employee. Luckily, because you’re on the floor, you’re perfectly out of view. Jake gets an idea, immediately pulling you onto his lap and pushing your panties to the side so aggressively they rip.
“Sit,” he commands, aligning his cock with your entrance. You look at him in shock and whisper shout, “there’s a customer!” He’s unrelenting, dragging the tip of his cock up your folds as a response. You bite your lip, accepting the challenge as you sit on his thick dick.
A small gasp escapes your mouth once you bottom out, the girth of his cock stretching your walls.
“Hello? Anybody there?!” The customer shouts, tiptoeing to see behind the order window and into the kitchen. They’re becoming more and more impatient by the second.
You begin bouncing on Jake’s dick, his hands leaving prints all over your dress. You’re a whimpering mess, the stretch being both pleasureful and painful.
“C’mon, princess, is anybody there?” he taunts, sucking on the skin of your neck. You pull him in closer by his neck, moaning into his ear as quietly as possible.
“I just want a coffee!” the customer pleads, still trying to find at least one employee. Jake slaps your ass, silently instructing you to respond.
“Take a seat! I’ll be right with you,” you squeak out, trying not to sound like you’re getting your brains fucked out. Jake is satisfied with your response, arms wrapping around your waist as he pulls you down harder on him.
“You’re making me wait for a coffee?!”
Jake’s angles you forward so he can fuck you harder, his head resting on your chest. “I’m fixing the- fuck,” you begin, but Jake hits a spot inside of you that has you clenching around him. “What are you fixing?” Jake questions, loving how flustered you are.
“I’m fixing the fryer,” you spew out, the lame excuse annoying the customer further. The euphoric feeling in your pussy is enough to wash away any anxiety you feel, your walls clenching around Jake with each thrust.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” he moans, his orgasm from earlier catching up to him. “Cum in me,” you demand, so drunk off his dick that you don’t realize what you said. The idea is enticing, so enticing that Jake doesn’t second guess it either.
One last thrust has him spilling his hot seed inside of you, the warm feeling sending you over the edge shortly after.
“Just a coffee! UNBELIEVABLE.”
“I’m coming,” you yelp, as your orgasm washes over you. You’re whimpering, moaning, and panting as you convulse around Jake’s cock. The statement puts a smirk on his face, you were definitely coming.
Once you come down from your orgasm, Jake is pulling you off of him slowly. You look like a beautiful mess. White liquid drips from your hole down your thighs, your underwear is ripped, your dress is stained from Jake’s oily hands, streaks of mascara run down your cheeks, your face is coated in cum, and your hair is tangled.
“Go get him his coffee,” Jake teases, watching as you slowly realize how crazy you look right now. He slaps your ass one last time before you’re hopping off of him, adjusting your dress and smoothing your hair down haphazardly.
You grab a napkin, running it across your face as you try and clean yourself up as best as possible. It’s no use, you look a mess. Without another word, you’re stumbling out into the lobby.
First Jake story
- L.A.M.B👼🏻💗
taglist: @nicksmainbitch @sturniololovers @mayhem-72 @worldlxvlys @gnxosblog @meg-sturniolo @creamoncreamoncream2 @mattnchrisworld @sanyi5 @lustfulslxt @whicked-hazlatwhore @tworosesblackthorn @mxqdii
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johnnycakesb14de · 6 months
Sodapop Curtis the type of guy to fake sleep in the car so the homies will carry him inside and tuck him in
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