#johnny depp's father
dyrewrites · 8 months
Let teenagers experiment.
Let them figure themselves out without judgement or pressure to be anything yet.
Let them have what you didn't/don't.
Let them revel in their lack of responsibility.
They're not adults, but they're not kids, and it isn't terribly fun existing in-between.
Let them be.
If you are a teenager, try to find a way to enjoy this weird time when your body hates you, your brain might want you dead, everyone is telling you what you are and what to be and even your peers are judging you mercilessly.
Find what brings you joy and cling, just fucking cling. Revel in that thing that makes you smile, no matter how much it makes those around you cringe. If it brings you joy, it is worth your time.
It's hard, but you can do it.
You'll live through it. You'll be changed, maybe a little cracked, but hopefully unbroken.
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Alice Through the Looking Glass (2016, James Bobin)
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butdaddyilovehim99 · 3 months
No need to worry! Nate’s 27!
whew! i can’t like men my age, gotta have an age gap
austin and callum are the youngest men i’ve liked until timothée i hate myself don’t worry and now nate and at the rate i’m going i’m starting to fall for the whole cast
what has mota done to me 😩😩
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clairedelune-13 · 1 year
I was today years old when I discovered Johnny Depp’s Sparrow was inspired by Keith Richards cuz pirates were like rockstars in that century. And then they got Keith Richards to play Teague in AWE.
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mairateixeira10 · 1 year
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fuckingrapeculture · 1 year
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[Tweet by Paul Elam @RealPaulElam
Johnny Depp made it harder for women to be believed about domestic violence and sexual assault. THANK YOU JOHNNY!!!
When MRAs and rape supporters (but I repeat myself...) are the ones celebrating alongside you, you should probably rethink your position.
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7soulstars · 1 year
A lot of you guys have been sending me asks to write a Part 2 of my Johnny Depp x Daughter!Reader Fic A Good Father
Please send in any ideas you have for a scenario that you would like me to write it on!
I'll choose the best one to write on or maybe I'll write on all of them!
Please send your scenario ideas in my ask box!
Thank you for reading all of this !
~Love, Hri
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blackberries45 · 2 years
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old-movies-stuff · 1 year
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What’s eating Gilbert Grape - 1993
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Alice Through the Looking Glass (2016, James Bobin)
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xxlelaxx · 1 year
Situations have situationed cause God forbid my family be normal about stuff...
But I've had some interesting conversations yesterday and am now considering how to proceed in handling one Person.
The issue is that they are mentally ill and mentally ill people do stuff they regret.. but at the same time I've had it. And they've had it rough. I know you do stupid shit when caught up in stuff..
but at the same time... I think I spent a big chunk of my life getting manipulated by that person and I'm not sure that they even care... Like they suffered and were hurt, yes, but they keep blaming everyone and ignoring the things around us. Hell, my sister and I got told that we are the reason for them developing an eating disorder cause they would horde all the "special snacks" (we didn't have a lot of money) and refuse to share while we always did. All we wanted was them to share and stop being a selfish ass (an issue this person still has). My sister has long lasting issues with this cause they kept stealing her food??? And they complained about being locked up as a kid (definitely wrong) and being made to feel like an animal (also very wrong) but they would attack us in a very scary and feral way. Like we had no choice except them hurting us a lot unless we locked them up. It was wrong but nobody was helping and at some point you're over being hurt. They refuse to acknowledge that they used to hurt us... like they would kick us (mainly my sister I kicked back) and threaten us with physical violence to the point. At some point I started fighting them for fun so they would get it out of their system. Like consensual beating between siblings (also wrong, but nobody knew and it helped). They even sought me out to have those fights cause they helped them calm down and we had signals for when things got too heated or personal. That doesn't make the things that happened okay, but it's not like everyone was evil and just hurt the little baby. And now they keep having angry breakdowns and destroying stuff and making us feel bad about it even though they got themselves into that situation and they refuse to take responsibility for anything they do. How is it our fault that they have anger issues??? I've told them before that I get anger being too much but this could be seen as something being manipulative (which I had forgotten about but this also isn't the first time). It is starting to feel like they do it on purpose cause this just happens when they don't wanna do stuff. (Same as with using self harm as a way to pressure us to act like they want). And now supposedly it's our fault for triggering them??? But they ignore the well established and known triggers of others? Like there have been situations where they purposely triggered my sister and they never really apologized??? And we haven't even been rude. We've been very nice about this situation which many people would not have been in an attempt to save their relationship with some friends they met in the last year. They keep backstabbing us for other people but going off about loyalty as if they even know what that word means. And they also talk down about us sometimes cause a therapist made the mistake to tell them they had a high IQ. Now they believe they are so much smarter than everyone else but are not able to do their own resume for a job they needed half a month ago because they struggle so much with their ADHD... Which at this point I also can't hear anymore. Like it's disabling but can you please stop pretending that everyone else is beneath you when you literally cannot do anything on your own and rely on those people you shit talk to do things for you??? You're not better just like they aren't better for being able to do things you can't do. This is just rude. Also everyone around you not behaving like you want to is not because they are stupid but because humans are different???
Like we've apologized for what we did in the past several times but I'm over being blamed for everything cause someone can't make real tangible progress in 5 years of therapy... And especially for things that just aren't my fault or they refuse to communicate. We're not here to be punching bags and fixing their mistakes and never really getting anything back. That's not how life or relationships work.
Another thing is that I know this therapist was someone elses therapist and they did the exact same thing. They were told multiple times their behavior was manipulative and they were aware of it and kept doing it. Also because they were "so smart". So I think the therapist might be enabling this behavior.
I really wanna be supportive and understanding for their sake but I don't know for how long I can listen to being blamed for everything while everyone pretends they do no wrong... Cause honestly they broke a fucking chair into six pieces and blamed us for self harming while this situation is fully their own responsibility.. like they are a grown up. Not a kid anymore. This was preventable if they had acted according to the role they assumed in this whole situation. This is the second time we are going through this and the first time they agreed to taking up that role. A role that was obvious they would have to assume to get what they wanted out of this. If you can't handle the responsibility you don't get to reap the benefits. That's just how it is. And if you know you are not capable of those things, don't get into those situations.
Like for once in your life take accountability instead of pretending everyone else is to blame and out to get you while life has been giving you chances for free just cause you are male presenting and have a very supportive family.
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justiceamberheard · 6 months
Lola Glaudini shared a new story about Johnny Depp from the set of the 2001 film ''Blow'' on an episode of the Powerful Truth Angels podcast in January. The actress says the experience was brought back to her mind while watching news footage of the Depp/Amber Heard trial.
Johnny Depp… comes up to me, sticks his finger in my face. And I’m in a bikini, on the ground, like this. And he comes over and he goes, ‘Who the fuck do you think you are? Who the fuck do you think you are? Shut the fuck up. I’m out here, and I’m trying to fuckin’ say my lines, and you’re fuckin’ pulling focus, you fucking idiot! …Oh, now? Oh now it’s not so funny? Now you can shut up? Now you can fuckin’ shut the fuck up? Oh it’s not funny now? Okay, the quiet that you are right now, that’s how you fuckin’ stay.’ First day on the set. I’d never met him. This is my first studio movie, I’ve just done indies until then. And I have the star who I have idolized, who I’m so excited to work with, reamed me in my face. The only thing going through my head was, ‘Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry.’”
Demme didn’t intervene on Glaudini’s behalf, and over the next “five, six more hours” she was treated by everyone on set as a “pariah.” “Like, no one wanted to fucking talk to me, because I’m the bitch who he railed at,” the actor recalls. Afterward, she went to her trailer and sobbed, then spoke to her father, who said she could either choose to walk away or “don’t let them see you sweat.” Resolved to stay on the film, she left her trailer and was confronted by Depp again. Looking down on her from the doorframe of her own trailer, the star gave her “a non-apology apology,” giving excuses that he was “really in [his] head” and that the Boston accent he was doing was “really fucking with [him].” When he said he wanted to make sure the pair was “cool,” “I just looked at him and I was like, ‘I don’t even know what you’re talking about. Of course. Totally cool,” Glaudini says. “’Cause I was just like, don’t let them see you sweat. And so that was that. And then we had six weeks in Acapulco.”
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youremyheaven · 6 months
Outcaste Nakshatras: The Outsiders (part 3)
Here's part 1 and part 2
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The more I study Mleccha nakshatra natives and the art they make, the more I understand how deeply lonely it is to have a Mleccha nak (Bharani, Ashlesha, Vishaka, Shravana) and I really feel for them. To live your whole life feeling misunderstood and othered is so difficult.
The movie Edward Scissorhands is a really good example of the "outcast" trope. The titular character is played by Johnny Depp who has Ashlesha Rising and his love interest is played by Winona Ryder who has Mercury (amatyakaraka) & Venus (atmakaraka) in Vishaka
I find Outcaste nak pairing very interesting because obviously you only feel like you belong/truly feel accepted in the presence of another Outcast.
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Sidharth Malhotra, Vishaka Moon is married to Kiara Advani, who has Mercury & Venus (atmakaraka) in Ashlesha (if you have 2 or more planets in the same nak that energy is very concentrated even if its not your big 3)
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they're both known for being pretty low-key people which is unusual in Bollywood lmao
Sid is an "outsider" which is what we call non-nepo actors in India. imagine the extent of nepotism in cinema in India that its the exception to be an "outsider"lmao. anyway Sid is pretty reserved and introverted and is known for not fitting in with the Bollywood crowd. Kiara is also kinda like that I guess but idk too much about her personality. They both seem happy together tho
Kareena Kapoor, Shravana Moon is married to Saif Ali Khan, Ashlesha Sun & Shravana Moon
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Kareena's parents are famous actors who are separated (her dad was misogynistic and abusive and didn't want women to act) and even tho she's a nepo baby she didn't grow up with the same privileges as others in her famous family. Her elder sister had to drop out of school to support the family by acting as they were raised by a single mom and had fallen on bad times. You can see how the "outcast" themes were present in Kareena's life even though she's a very privileged nepo baby
Saif is also a nepo baby (welcome to bollywood lol) but he married a much older actress when he was 21 and had two kids. they later got divorced and Saif received a ton of bad press for alleged adultery, not getting custody or visitation rights of the kids, not paying child support (the amount was absurdly high tbh) etc he didn't fit in with the other actors of his generation. The media & public went crazy when news of Saif & Kareena getting married came out bc Saif is a divorcee with 2 kids (this stuff is still taboo in India unfortunately) and Kareena is one of the most successful stars of her generation. But they've been married for 10+ yrs and have 2 kids and are as happy as ever.
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Even Kareena's longterm ex-boyfriend, Shahid Kapoor was a Mleccha caste nak guy (he has Vishaka Moon)
Expanding on the outcast tropes, Shahid's parents separated when he was young and he saw little of his biological father. He had to work very hard for very long to break into the industry and even now, he's not really given his due as an actor.
Alia Bhatt, Shravana Rising is married to Ranbir Kapoor, Shravana Moon
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their marriage seems hella toxic to me ngl BUT they've both had similar childhoods.
Alia & Ranbir are both nepo babies (welcome to bollywood), Alia is like a tier 3 nepo (her father is a notoriously controversial filmmaker) whilst Ranbir is like a tier 1 nepo (he is a 4th generation actor from the biggest film family in India) however both their parents had unhappy marriages, and both of them had abusive fathers. trauma bonding, mayhaps? they're both also extremely close to their mothers as well (Moon dominant people often tend to be)
Its another example of Outcaste naks bonding over their shared experiences/feelings of being the outcast.
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all members of Blackpink have an Outcaste nakshatra in their chart that is prominent in some way.
Jisoo- Shravana Moon, Venus in Vishaka (darakaraka), Ketu in Bharani
Rose- Venus conjunct Jupiter (debilitated) in Shravana
Jennie- Vishaka Moon, Mars in Shravana
Lisa- Jupiter in Shravana (debilitated), Swati Moon (Swati is a Shudra nak, which is the lowest caste so the themes are similar to that of outcaste naks)
This is interesting to me because BP is the biggest girl group of all time yet they are also probably disproportionately hated for things they cant even control. they were mismanaged by a shitty ass company with very few comebacks and barely got to display their true calibre as artists and their media interactions, promos, other activities etc were severely controlled and restricted. all of this is to say that despite being the most successful group their actual experiences are far from sunshine and roses. they were treated like outcasts by their company and the industry and fans. they trained for 4-6 years, enduring a brutal and toxic system, worked very hard with what they were given, with 0 creative liberty to come this far im glad theyre pursuing solo careers now and hope to see them thrive<333
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the movie Lost in Translation is a good example of two outcasts/lonely people who find comfort in each other
Bill Murray is Shravana Moon and Scarlett Johansson is Vishaka Moon
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Sridevi, Ashlesha Sun & Rising and Boney Kapoor, Vishaka Sun & Mercury
So they had a really fcked up marriage that I won't get into but they were both people who felt like outcasts in their lives. Sridevi grew up with a stepfather and was pushed into acting by her mother when she was 3-4 years old (she's like an Indian Judy Garland tbh) who deprived her of formal education and a normal life so that she'd be the family cash cow. Being South Indian, she also found it hard to fit in among Bollywood folks as she initially spoke neither Hindi nor English. Boney's the ugly duckling of his family and his younger brother is one of the most famous/iconic actors ever, he had to become a movie producer since his brothers became actors and his father (who was a movie producer) thought it would be better if he stayed behind the scenes. themes of exclusion and outcast-ness crop up in their lives and in the lives of all the people I mention here.
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Lady Bird is a good example of a movie about a female teenage outcast. The titular character is played by Saoirse Ronan, who has Bharani Moon
Recently I came across the content creator, Alana Lintao who often makes shorts about social behaviour. This one in particular stood out to me because its literally about one person being excluded by a group of friends or being treated like "the other".
Alana plays the excluded friend in this short as well. She has Bharani Sun, Swati Moon and Mercury in Revati amatyakaraka (Swati & Revati are both Shudra naks)
Outcaste naks are vilified and crucified for mistakes others get away with.
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Janet Jackson, Vishaka Rising & Ketu
Janet's career took a hit and her life took a tumultuous turn after the Superbowl incident. She did not deserve all the vitriol she received then especially considering how so many others get away with wayyy worse
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Jennie, Vishaka Moon gets hated on for absolutely nothing
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Lana Del Rey, Ashlesha Moon, Vishaka Rising (&stellium)
Lana does say dumb things from time to time but she gets soooo much unnecessary hate
I have noticed how Outcaste nakshatras often tend to have really difficult childhood experiences
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Jeanette McCurdy- Ardra sun, Bharani Moon & Pushya Rising
Jeanette opens up about her abusive mother and terrible childhood in her memoir. I mention her other placements as well because I've noticed that both Ardra & Pushya natives also experience abuse in their early lives
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Britney Spears, Shravana Moon
she has endured so much abuse from so many people including her family. i wish her peace.
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Wheein, Vishaka Moon grew up with a single mother and later after she made her debut her estranged father tried to borrow money from people under her name?? there was a minor scandal about it many years ago. She also grew up quite lower middle class if not poor.
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David Bowie, Shravana Rising
Bowie once said, "“It wasn’t a particularly happy childhood, my parents were cold emotionally. There weren’t many hugs. I always craved affection because of that.”
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Cole & Dylan Sprouse, Ashlesha Sun
Speaking on the Call Her Daddy podcast, he explained that their mother's issues with mental health and addiction contributed to her being "financially the most irresponsible woman ever." He said that when their dad was given forced custody when the boys were 10, their mom had already spent everything they'd earned from their early acting jobs. Though their dad wanted them to be "normal kids," he ultimately decided that the boys' acting careers were a financial necessity.
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Ariel Winter, Shravana Sun
Ariel Winter has spoken out about how acting wasn't her choice, but it was her mother's. Ariel shared that her mother, Crystal Workman, had dreams of being an actor herself. Ariel said that with Crystal as her stage mom, she dealt with a lot of abuse and exploitation.
Once Ariel's acting career began, she said her mom put her on a strict diet and neglected her education. Her mother also had her dress in outfits that sexualized her. Ariel claimed her mom put her in “the smallest miniskirts, sailor suits, low-cut things, the shortest dresses you’ve ever seen. People thought I was 24 when I was 12. If there was going to be a nude scene when I was that age, my mother would have a thousand percent said yes.”
Now Bollywood is an industry run by film dynasties, its very rare for someone from the outside to break in and make it big. Being an "Outsider" is very difficult, people bully you, try to sabotage your career, try to isolate you etc etc, needless to say its not for the faint of heart. So lets take a look at some of the most successful "Outsiders" in Bollywood who made it big without any family in the business
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ofc we have to start with the most successful outsider of all time, Shahrukh Khan, Shravana Moon
he truly came from nothing (father died when he was a teenager, mother died before he made his debut, has a sister with special needs who he has taken care of his entire life) and became the biggest star in the world.
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Akshay Kumar, Vishaka Moon, he was a martial artist, chef, waiter and worked numerous odd jobs before he started modelling in his late 20s and later started acting and today he has a net worth of $340 million
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Anushka Sharma, Bharani Sun
her life is truly a case of being lucky af, she was a model and by the age of 19-20 she was cast in a film opposite Shahrukh Khan aka the biggest actor in the country produced by YRF, one of the biggest film production companies in India. its truly a fairy tale because neither can Anushka act nor is she gifted in any other way (bad dancer, heck she was even an awful model) but she's incredibly successful in every way and is now married to the (former) Captain of the Indian cricket team
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Deepika Padukone, Shravana Rising
she is from a privileged background (her dad's a renowned badminton player) but she worked very very hard to get where she is today and has had more career longevity than just about any other actress.
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Bipasha Basu & John Abraham, Bharani Moon
they were both a hot couple who were really popular in the 2000s
there are many other successful Outsiders but they don't have outcaste naks lol, these are the only ones i can think of rn :/
i hope this post was informative<33
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captain-lessship · 5 months
Kurt Cobain x fem!Reader Headcannons (NSFW included)
A/n: Was a request from for ever ago
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- You and him were.. very different.
- To start, you were a sunny vacation town girl who’s daddy dearest owned several businesses in. You were on the more popular side in highschool, prom queen and Miss Seaside winner for two years in a row. Your parents expected you to go off to college, get an excellent degree and marry a lawyer. You didn’t go that route.
- You went to a few auditions and you got casted in a movie and that set off your career.
- They were proud that you were a Hollywood gal. Their sweet little girl? an actress! A loved one: funny, pretty and kind. You demanded the focus of the camera and it loved you. Now they expected you to win awards and marry an attractive actor like Johnny Depp or Leonardo DeCaprio. But the one you picked? Kurt Cobain. He wasn’t even an actor!
- Kurt was the kinda man your mom would faint and send your Dad into heart attack if you ever told them that you and Kurt were together. (Thank god you told you mother near a soft couch and your father has great health insurance.)
- It shocked at lot of people when you were seen at Nirvana shows, singing along and vibing with the rest of the crowd. It shocked them even more when Kurt came to your movie premiere. He wasn’t a formal guy yet here he was: by your side, supporting your achievements.
- Your parents eventually came around to the idea of him and warmed up to him being around. Kurt knew he was officially part of the family when he saw a stocking his nitial on your alls mantel.
- Kurt was a very gentle person despite the persona he developed for the stage.
- Many thought that he didn’t love you when the pictures of you both appeared in magazines. In those pictures, he looked like being with you was torture but that wasn’t the truth at all.
- In the majority of the random paparazzi pictures, Kurt seemed standoffish like a cat who had its tail stepped on, while you were just rattling on about what your plans were. You both blamed it on no context.
- Your voice always grounded Kurt and sometimes his anxiety would hit him in public.
- But the ones your loved ones took?Kurt looking at you like you are the love of his life (you are). Your favorite was from the Christmas dinner you and the rest of Nirvana decided to have while on tour. You were sitting in Kurt’s lap and you were unwrapping the gift Krist had gotten you. Kurt was looking at you like you were an art piece and you frozen in laughter. You kept this photo on your bedside table and had another copy in the hallway.
- After it was well established that you both were together, Kurt was affectionate in public. He would pepper kisses to your cheek and the corners of your lips when you sat in for interviews, leaving the talking to Dave. He could be seen resting his head against your shoulder during car rides, award ceremonies and when you guided him home when he had too much to drink or smoke, his lips would always try to attach themselves to yours.
- If Kurt was ever missing, all they had to do was find you and he wouldn’t be more than a few feet away.
- If you’d let him, he’d be in the bathroom while you took a shower. You didn’t mind it because it was never an inconvenience. Kurt knew when he could and couldn’t be attached to you.
- Kurt jokingly covers Dave’s and Krist’s eyes if you have a semi-nude scene in a movie. But if they were to stare too hard (they don’t), he would throw something at them.
- You both share cigarettes often. He used to grumble about the lipstick stain you left on them but he grew to love them and miss them even.
- He was even more affectionate in private, constantly laying his head in your lap, pulling you into his lap on the rare occasion he was sitting up. Krist and Dave joked that if he wasn’t touching you, he’d die.
- It was half true. He was saddened and moody when you weren’t around. Krist gave up and called you when they were trying to take the pictures for the Nevermind album. The second you walked in the building, Kurt’s mood improved tenfold
- It was mutual. Any time you were having a near breakdown over something, someone just had to call Kurt. He once came to your studio to console you over your hair, which the stylist who stepped in for your regular, had just melted with bleach. He assured you that you looked sexy with shorter hair and you felt better and the stylist lived to see another day. (He was right and you were a real trend setter with your shorter hair with layers.)
- At home, you and him were very quiet (strange ik). But it was comfortable quiet and it never was completely silent.
- Only the sound of soft guitar playing and the flipping pages of your book could be heard. It was peaceful.
- People were always shocked to hear you say how good of a lover he was, which highly offended you.
- “He can be a four to you and a ten to me and that’s alright cause he’s not for you.” Is what you snapped at an interviewer who was wondering why you were dating Kurt.
- They wanted you to say either money or fame but your answer was what you thought. Kurt was pissed that they were all but calling you a gold digger when you actually had your own gold and no need for his.
- Flowers came to you every time he was away. You kept a dried flower from every bouquet
- He would pick a necklace from your jewelry box and wear it if he was going to be gone for a while.
- He kisses you softly, as if he would bruise you if he did other wise. His finger traced shape into your arms and on the top of your hand.
- His stubble tickles you often and he purposefully rubs his face against the side of your neck or your face to get you to laugh. (You go through the stages of grief every time he shaves)
- Matching tattoos <3
- You took great care of Kurt. When he would go into a depressive episode, you would tenderly coax him into still taking care of himself.
- You would sit in the bathroom with him when he showered, sometimes even wash his hair for him. You would wrap him in a bath robe and have him face the wall and you would blow dry and brush his hair. He hated seeing himself in this state so you had him avoid the mirror.
- You would sit out clothes for him and he’d get dressed while you made him something to eat. He would eat and you would talk to him, hopefully keeping him distracted from his thoughts.
- “You deserve better”
- You didn’t believe him when he said it. “I think you’re perfect for me.”
- That eased his thoughts for a while. He believed that you deserved someone who wasn’t sick, in pain and moody all the time but you wanted him. He knew he had to wife you up.
- To give him credit, he took great care of you. He would paint your nails, clean your makeup brushes, rub your shoulders and would leave you little treats in the house or in your car.
- Every night that he was home, he would hold you and rub your back til you fell asleep. If you held him, you would play with the hair at the base of his neck til you heard soft snores.
- He was always appreciative for all that you did for him, often gloating and talking about you. “Oh my girlfriend? The angel that was sent to earth? Yeah she likes my songs.” “My girlfriend can do that.” “Have you seen my girlfriend in that new show?”
- He worshipped the very ground you walked on.
- You and him were acting like an old married couple from the day you made it official. With wild careers, you didn’t have it in you to have wild free time. You were both gentle souls deep down and it was brought out when you were together.
- When you and him got married, it was a bitch to plan. He had shows, you had filming. After months, you decided on a September wedding at a nice venue. Everything had gone perfect until your reception. You had changed into your shorter party dress and were heading to see Kurt when it happened.
- It started to rain. Kurt looked at you and you looked at Kurt. You both had the same idea.
- You kicked off your heels and he took off his jacket and out you two went: playing in the rain.
- You both were soaked and laughing. You and him were kicking water at each other. Some of your less up tight guests joined in. Slowly turning it into a muddy brawl.
- Best Wedding Ever.
- The first time you and Kurt had sex was after one of your award shows, you didn’t win but you were about to win something else.
- Kurt had been loving how you looked in your dress. When you returned home, your usual make out session seemed to have more behind it. You picked up on what he wanted to do before he admitted it.
- It was an experience. He fucked you like you’d never been fucked before. He held one of your legs up by your ankle and had magnificent rhythm. He loved the honey dipped noises that came from you.
- Has effectively ruined the idea of ever having sexual encounters with anyone else (not that you would ever think about it but if anything ever happened between the two of you? It’s a life of nun hood for you.)
- After you were finished and cleaned up, you and him laid next to each other, smoked a cigarette and looked at each other with nothing but love.
- Playful wrestling was typically how you ended up making love. You either ended pinning him down or he would hold you back by the band of your bra, pushing him to be tempted to take it off of you.
- There was another popular reason that lead to sex. You were not oblivious to how the grunge girls looked at him like some sort of god. You weren’t typically the jealous type but just something about the very dedicated fans hit a nerve. grabbing his hand and leading him away.
- He was confused the first few times this happened, thinking you were mad at him but it clicked when you entered your hotel room. You simply took off your shirt and pants and Kurt got the hint.
- While Kurt didn’t get jealous of your male co stars, he would jokingly make fun of them to Dave and Krist. If they were staring at you or were trying to get that on screen romance to translate to real life, he would simply enter the conversation and mock them to their faces. He did it in a way that they really couldn’t do much without having to admit they were after a taken woman.
- He then would take you home. He would ask things like “Do you think he could do it like this?” I am better than him, right?” (This lead to neighbors being able to faintly hear you scream Kurt’s name)
- Kurt is the president of the thigh lover club. He kissed, bit and sucked hickeys on them.
- Kurt isn’t mean persae but he has a mean streak. He would hold off thrusting back into you if he wanted an answer from you, take a little too long to do things or his famous line that he gives if you say speed up. “You do it then.”
- You do it then = He would lay on his back and let you ride it out like a maniac with very little input from him.
- Most of the time, if neither you nor Kurt had the energy but the urge, you would simply rest yourself on his cock and stay until either you had to separate or one of you wanted to properly fuck the other.
- Due to his back problems (it’s what he blamed it on in the beginning before you told him that having preferences were important and his were respected), his favorite positions were ones where you were on top or were you both on your sides.
- ABSOLUTELY loses it when you look back at him while you are reverse cowgirling.
- When he was on top, he had to be looking at you. He wanted to see your expressions. The turned on haze your eyes made him cum almost instantly.
- You and him have had “funny” sex. Meaning you will try things you see in movies and pronos that you both know wouldn’t work between the two of you but would be funny to attempt (Mythbusters of Sex). Even if it completely failed, you both would laugh it off and go do something else like you riding Kurt for dear life.
- Since you were an actress, you had access to costumes and props. You would have sexy fashion shows. His personal favorite was the 70s go-go dancer get up, mainly due to the moves to match.
- There have been some absolute sexual blunders; You were slightly sticky which made you uncomfortable after he finished licking whipped cream off your tits and he nearly froze to death during the lead up shower sex. A sticky woman is an unhappy woman and a frozen man is an unmotivated man.
- When he would go off on tours, you would eventually get so horny that you would have to call him just to listen to his voice. When he figured out that you were touching yourself during these phone calls, his mean streak took hold. It was like a game: he would say the most perverted things to you and you would have to tell him when you came.
- You loved this game, which is why you kept calling.
- When he got back home though, it was your turn to play around. You acted completely oblivious to the call you made and this confused the man. He wasn’t a beggar but an only after a few hours of being home, he would be begging.
- You mercilessly teased him about it, sometimes throwing his word back at him.
- “Missed me? Poor baby.” “So turned on you don’t even know what to do?” “Tell me exactly how you want it.”
- Neither one of you were set in the dominant or submissive role, it depended on the mood.
- You would be the more submissive one if Kurt was gone for a long time or if Kurt seemed very happy.
- Kurt would be the more submissive one if you were mad at your job or if you were the more horny one.
- This man tries to seduce you in the serotypical ways (He read those romance books with the shirtless cowboy men on the covers) but it doesn’t work on you. But when he isn’t even trying, you’re looking at him like a sex god.
- One time, all he did was walk up behind you and massage your shoulders as you were venting about a particularly stressful day, the only difference to the million other shoulder rubs was the fact he leaned in and whispered in your ear. A few hours later, you were spent, half asleep and Kurt was laying there with a hundred yard stare and the post nut shivers.
- You have flashed him during a Nirvana show and he turned bright red and nearly forgot the words to the song.
- Poor Dave has walked in on you guys once. Was traumatizing and he couldn’t look you or Kurt in the eyes without turning red. (May or may not have was to teasing from the both of you like offering him the chance to join, asking if you both could make it as porn stars and asking if what design of tramp stamp you should get since he’d see it too)
- Suffice to say you and Kurt have a healthy and gratifying sex life.
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drugs-and-daddyissues · 6 months
Hear me out: Johnny Depp who didn't know he had a child
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Johnny Depp, who had gotten you pregnant from a one night stand.
Johnny Depp, who you had no way to contact after it happened. You went through all of it alone, giving birth to a healthy baby girl.
Johnny Depp, who 2 years later shows up at your door after you had put your daughter to bed. He looks at you with the most heartbroken expression, "You didn't tell me I had a kid.." He says softly, but his words are coming out almost broken, tears threatening to spill.
Johnny Depp, who after talking with him a bit, you decide to let him be a part of your daughter's life.
Johnny Depp, who's the best damn dad. Plays with your daughter, holds her, feeds her, everything. She wants to play Barbies with him? He's all in. She wants to paint his nails? He'll tell her how beautiful it looks after she's done.
Johnny Depp, who after a few months, watches your daughter for the night while you go out on a date. Who tells you how gorgeous you look before you leave, who doesn't know why he's feeling so jealous at the thought of another man being on a date with you, if he'll hold your hand, if you'll kiss him, if you'll do more with him. You had one night of lust with him, why is he jealous?
Johnny Depp, who's still at your house when you get home. Your daughter's already asleep, and he's asking how your date was, jealousy coursing through his veins. And when you go on about how nice the guy is, how handsome he is, his resolve wears thin.
Johnny Depp, who tells you how he hates the idea of you going on dates with another man, how your one night together was more to him than he let on, especially after spending time with his daughter, and with you. Who you get into a small argument with, because you think he's better off dating models and actresses.
Johnny Depp, who after you cool down from your argument, decides to give you a taste of your own medicine, who taunts the idea of him going out and hooking up with whoever. You, who's feeling that same burn of jealousy in your veins.
Johnny Depp, who takes it too far (because he's stupid), genuinely pissing you off. You, who makes an excuse about going to check up on your daughter to get away from him.
Johnny Depp, who after you're gone for a few minutes, goes to check on you. You, who's sitting on the little sofa in your daughter's room, a softer look on your face. "Are you alright?" He asks quietly, careful not to disturb your daughter, as he sits next to you.
Johnny Depp, who puts his arm around you gently as you talk about how you're scared of how everything is changing. How before it was just you and your daughter, then he showed up. How you're happy that your daughter finally has a father figure, but that your jealous outburst just proved that he's breaking down the walls you'd spent years carefully constructing. "You have that effect on me, and that's terrifying." You whispered to him.
Johnny Depp, who knows that the dynamic between you and him is shifting, and that tonight was just the catalyst.
Johnny Depp, who brushes your hair out of your face, who shifts closer to you, your faces mere inches apart. Who tells you that no other woman has made him feel the way you make him feel, how he wishes he could've been there during your pregnancy, during the birth of your daughter, during all the parenting up until this point, but that now he's here to witness and be apart of every little milestone for the rest of your daughter's life.
Johnny Depp, who presses his lips against yours so softly, so lovingly, that everything just falls into place, that you stop fighting the feelings you knew were already consuming you.
Johnny Depp, who's no longer just the father of your child, but the love of your life.
Johnny Depp, who- after your daughter wishes for a younger sibling for her 4th birthday- wastes absolutely no time in trying for a baby with you that night.
Johnny Depp, who this time around, is fully present. Who doesn't miss a single little milestone in your pregnancy. The first time you can hear your baby's heartbeat, he's there, completely amazed. When you find out it's a boy, he cries a little, overwhelmed by the thought of raising a little boy with you. The first time you can feel the baby move, he's already got his hands on your stomach, gently feeling the soft kicks of your unborn baby.
Johnny Depp, who's fully preparing your daughter to become a good older sister when the baby gets closer to arriving.
Johnny Depp, who's so supportive during labor, who gets you anything you need, who holds your hand and whispers praises while you're pushing his son out.
Johnny Depp, who's unashamedly crying when he gets to hold his son, finally getting the true experience that he didn't get with his daughter.
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☆ like what you've read? masterlist
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girlmostlikely · 7 months
My 2024 pop culture predictions:
- Beyoncé and Jay Z divorce
- Ryan Reynolds publicly cheating on Blake Lively
- Jacob Elordi and Bella Hadid dating
- Johnny Depp overdose (still holding out hope for this one)
- Taylor Swift gets married and divorced
- Jack Harlow fathers his first child
- Britney Spears biopic announced and slated for later release
- Oprah Winfrey dies
- Kanye West fathers his fifth child
- Harry Styles hair transplant
- Dakota Johnson blackballed
- Joe Biden collapsing during a press conference
- Grimes dating a famous basketball player
- Jeffree Star companies disbanding
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