#johnny depp deserves an apology
dearreader · 1 month
i saw another video on the it ends with us drama and i honestly don’t feel comfortable with any of it since i found out that just baldoni hired the same PR firm that represented johnny depp in his trial against amber heard, marilyn manson, danny masterson, and so many other known abusers.
like knowing that + the whole cast doesn’t want to talk to him or do promo feels weird. and the fact that now the dramas turned into bagging on blake lively specifically it just feels wrong. like im not saying how blake handled the movie is right but it definitely feels like there’s a lot more to this than what we’re seeing.
(and the fact the internet loves to dog pile on a woman they hate and be mean isn’t good with which is ANOTHER thing i don’t like about this whole thing. no matter what she did wrong she doesn’t deserve this.)
because if it was just differences in telling the story or movie cuts why is the whole cast shunning justin and not doing promo? especially with colleen hoover wanted him to be the director and play ryle? because why is a guy who’s entire marketing is “i need to tell this story and spread awareness” using a firm who has represented known abusers?
idk it just doesn’t feel right and i actually want to know more of what happened behind the scenes besides what were inferring + how bad blake’s hair care line is. there is more to this than what we’re seeing and i feel like it’ll come out and everyone’s going to do a “we owe blake an apology” when this could’ve all been avoided if we had waited or not turned it into the drama of the week!
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papirouge · 1 year
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NEVER forget despite what pathological liars say, mainstream medias were in their vast majority, pro Amber.
Social media/the people, on the other hand, was siding with Johnny.
That's why so many pro Amber freaked out at the actual hate movement against Amber : they simply cannot stomach the fact that media don't control people anymore and that the common citizen can now make their own voice heard (no pun intended) loud and clear.
It was very interesting to see pro Heard complain about "the media circus" surrounding this case, as if the "society of spectacle" wasn't already a well documented observation of modern communications dynamics for the last few decades - and most importantly, not exclusive to the Depp v Heard case or society's (alleged) rampant misogyny.....
They precisely act like legacy medias which, feeling their power & influence significantly lowering by the time, attempt to remove any credibility to grassroot reinfo movement, calling them conspiracy theorists, fake news, etc.
... this reminds you of something? Pro Heard obsessively called the movement in support of Johnny "PR smear campaign" or bots. It wouldn't remotely occur to them that Johnny Depp overwhelming support in the general public was genuine, and could be rationally explained by the fact he's been one of Hollywood's most popular actor for decades with iconic roles (Edward Scissorhands, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Sleepy Hollow, Cry Baby, etc.) and mostly importantly interpreted one of Disney live action movie most beloved character: Jack Sparrow. Heard was a literally a 'who' next to him, which explains why she would never be able to leverage support in such a conflicting case (so no, it doesn't necessarily has to be misogyny)
They are obsessed in controlling the narrative, even if that means lying consistently about factual reality.
Look at them obsessively keeping tabs on whoever liked Johnny Depp first post trial Instagram post, and making entire lists off of them to be canceled....
Unsurprisingly they also suddenly started cussing out popular jury who aren't "law professionals" just because the court decision didn't give the ruling they expected... Those activists pretending to care about the people are actually the biggest elitists.
Their coping about "the tide is turning" or "I can't wait for the documentary exposing how we all wronged Amber Heard" never fails making me wonder: "who's the we?" Mainstream media were and are still in their vast majority pro Heard. The general public? They mostly moved on and rejoiced at Depp winning his case. They will never apologize or feel sorry for Heard because they don't think she deserves any apology. People don't owe nothing to celebrities. Crime of thought or opinion isn't a thing.
This is the internet: Amber Heard is not the first, last, or the only laughing stock it collectively decided to pick on for any season. And the internet will never feel sorry. Deal with it.
Tbh I also blame the #freebritney movement that made too many of you believe that TMZ and paparazzi harassing celebrities represented regular citizens and that people actively sought out to ruin her... Zoomers don't seem to grasp early 00s people were much more removed from "field reportreport" as we are today, which means they had a more apathetic perspective on celebrity struggles. If media decided to milk this repentance shtick regarding their collective coverage of Britney antics back then to revamp their image, that's on them, but expecting this dynamic onto random people (not media news) who didn't have any say on media narrative is wishful thinking....
Amber Heard is none of your friend, sister, wife or mother. None of you know her. None of you talked to her, and never will. So it's weird to me how some of you are hellbent acting like we owed anything to her.
Why elevating your parasocial involvement in a millionaire celebrity civil case as a cautionary tale for ALL women?
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bebx · 1 year
Hello 👋🏻 This is my first ask in Tumblr cuz I couldn't control myself, so I apologise beforehand for any mistakes and I only developed the courage to ask because you said you won't bite...... Well, two days before I somehow gave a shot to Pirates of the Caribbean and now I regret for not doing it too soon. Because I was very disinterested in Pirates concept but I just came upon the trailer of the movie and the impression the Captain Jack Sparrow gave was not the one I had in mind about a pirate. So I watched the trilogy and the whole plot was not what I expected. This is the first movie I watched with Johnny Depp and now I can say he became my favourite Hollywood actor without a doubt. Then I searched the tag about him and your blog popped up! The thing is it would be very helpful if you could recommend movies of him or series or whatever entertainment content related to him. His acting deserves a huge praise!! Thank you very much for your time and Good Day/Night to you! ❤️
hi!! there’s no need to apologize for anything, anon. I don’t see any mistake in your ask and I’m glad you decided to drop by! also glad to know you enjoyed Pirates of the Caribbean!
okay, as for the other projects of Johnny Depp, my gosh, there’re so many and everything he does is just amazing in my opinion. but I think some of my most favorites are;
Sweeney Todd: the Demon Barber of Fleet Street
Corpse Bride
The Lone Ranger
Sleepy Hollow
Dark Shadows
The Tourist
Alice in Wonderland
Secret Window
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Edward Scissorhands
there’s also this new movie of his that’s just been released, Jeanne du Barry. I haven’t had the chance to see it yet, but I’ll definitely watch it as soon as I can ❤️
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goldrushenthusiast · 1 year
Daily reminder that cancel culture only works on women.
James Charles collabs with new celebs. He has millions of views and fans despite the grooming that was so public. He came back.
Kanye West has millions of fans as well. His songs are still used for trends. People still shamelessly support him and use him to hate on Taylor Swift, despite his antisemitism and the fact he hailed hitler.
Johnny Depp, despite being proven guilty on some accounts, has amassed so much love and respect and has caused so much hate towards Amber. Despite his other accusations.
Donald Trump is running again. He has, again, millions of supporters, despite the rape jokes and allegations and racism.
Yet if we look at women, they don’t bounce back the same way.
Colleen Ballinger is still made fun of constantly and used as a joke for grooming & creepy behavior. Yes, she deserves this. So does James Charles & Donald Trump.
Amber Heard got so many hate comments and death threats for something we couldn’t even be sure of. Sure, she faked a few things, but both Amber and Johnny were both victims and perpetrators yet only she is affected constantly by it. He has bounced back.
People could argue Lana Del Ray bounced back from her cultural appropriation allegations, but haters still use against her whenever they justify their hate against any successful woman despite her charitable donations and actually sincere apology.
So yeah. Cancel culture only actually works against women.
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ariminiria · 1 year
I'll finish that other anon:
"Justice for Johnny Depp" because he's an innocent man who was victimized by a narcissist trying to take advantage of the metoo movementa (and in the process proved just how dangerous "believe all women" is
"Justice for Johnny Depp" because he deserves it
"Justice for Johnny Depp" because he's a good man who has put all of this behind him, and once he cleared his name didn't take the next step that most people would have won and tried to ruin H***d's life... he just let her do that for herself
"Justice for Johnny Depp" because the world owes him an apology for believing a woman who's sole purpose was to destroy his life and career
that anon had sent a followup but this is a much better one 💖
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joe-moi · 11 months
I don’t agree with harassment but I’m p sure that jq is a depp supporter (he said he liked jack sparrow) and also signed the Israel-biden letter? I think he also did a voice over for a commercial for a charity where the CEO of the charity also ended up having homophobia allegations as well. So I feel like he has a lot of to apologize for.
Not saying he should get death threats like he’s already receiving now from marvel fans & stuff but he is definitely not innocent
I’ve gotten a lot of messages like this. But this one seems to be the nicest one. So I’m going to respond to it.
The only one of those things that can be proven, is the voiceover for that horrible charity. Which he did not say anything about. The other two things cannot be proven. He might’ve said yes that he likes Johnny Depp, but he didn’t outright say I support him. so you really can’t make the assumption there that he does also, you can’t prove that that was him that signed that letter.
but if you have such a problem with JQ this is not the place for you. Because we are going to talk about him on here and I don’t think that he deserves death, threats or people saying that he is going to get his karma because he has shitty fans. a lot of what people say about him is frankly because you just don’t like his fans. Again, he is not in control of his fans. And he does not need to say anything if he doesn’t want to say anything. About any of these topics. We should never ever be looking at celebrities to give us news of the world. You should be doing the research and making your own decisions, and not be influenced by a celebrity. They are also allowed to form their own opinions, beliefs, speak up when they want or say nothing at all, and most importantly they are human and are allowed to make mistakes!!!
he owes us nothing and if you expect something you maybe need to find a more online celeb to be a fan of. And this isn’t necessarily directed at the nonnie who sent this but at all the ones creeping on this page, hating on jq and trying to cancel him for being human.
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zomburrito · 2 years
Things Scambuser Turd stans say. Part one.
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anthroxlove · 2 years
Summary of what the unsealed documents revealed. "...because, oh boy, did we learn some shit!..." He's hilarious. 😂
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the-desolated-quill · 2 years
Wait. You mean to tell me that those unsealed court documents from the Depp v Heard trial show that the man already proven to be an abusive lying wife beater is in fact an abusive lying wife beater?!?! WHAAAAAT?!?! You are loco girlfriend!
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ainsanepencil · 2 years
The Homophobia and Misogyny AH vs JD brought up is terrifying
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ambertrutharchive · 2 years
If you need to get past a paywall you can use 12ft. Ladder to do so!
Amber Heard Op-Ed: I Spoke Up Against Sexual Violence - and Faced Our Culture’s Wrath. That Has to Change.
The Assassination of Amber Heard
The Bleak Spectacle of the Amber Heard-Johnny Depp Trial
Johnny Depp Fans Making Memes of Domestic Abuse Testimony Sickens Some Online Creators
The Daily Wire Spent Thousands of Dollars Promoting Anti-Amber Heard Propaganda
Amber Heard Says She’s A Victim, but the Public Made Her a Villain. Experts Say It’s a Dangerous Moment for Domestic Violence
Johnny Depp Trial: How the Judge Ruled on 14 Alleged Assaults
Why Are So Many Survivor’s Supporting Johnny Depp?
What Does Amber Heard’s Defamation Verdict Mean for the Bi Community?
Nostalgia So Powerful: A Look at Johnny Depp’s Overly Dedicated Fanbase
Amber Heard’s Story is My Story
The Worst Hoax Ever
Why Do People Blindly Support Johnny Depp? I’ll Tell You Why
The Actual Malice of the Johnny Depp Trial
NCADV Appaled By Depp/Heard Verdict, Concerned For Future Of #MeToo and #SurvivorSpeaks
Has Johnny Depp Gaslit Us All?
The Trouble With Johnny Depp
Coercive Control and the Depp/Heard Case
What Really Happened at the Depp/Heard Trial- and How People Got It So Wrong
Opinion | The Free Speech Implications of the Heard Defamation Verdict Are Chilling
The Biggest Takeaways From Those Unsealed Depp V. Heard Documents
Note: The post will be updated as time goes along.
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jadedselfconclusion · 5 years
Toxic Feminity, Amber heard is a Abusive liar!
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thriftdyke · 6 years
johnny depp stans shut up challenge
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Living for the anti-snape theme of your blog rn
Well it's 2018 and people are still making excuses for an abusive piece of shit. Who did ONE good thing in his life of abuse and hatred and fearmongering. I think it's high time that we as a society stop victim blaming and being abuse apologist
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gellert-sparrow · 5 years
You all owe a big fucking apology to Johnny Depp. A man who was bullied, “canceled”, mocked, and abused for years while his abuser stood by and played victim. A man who almost lost his life while the woman he loved repeatedly abused, kicked, hit and berated him, calling him weak and mocking him for not fighting back. For not abusing her.
You all owe an apology to his children, Lily Rose and Jack, then-minors who were relentlessly bullied online for years and sent death threats when they defended their father. All the while, Amber was the abuser.
You owe an apology to his exes, who stood by him from the beginning and were ignored: Vanessa Paradis, Winona Rider, Sherilynn Fenn, Lori Anne Allison. All the while, Amber was the abuser.
You owe an apology to his friends and coworkers who sided with him, enduring years of online abuse: JK Rowling, Paul McCartney, Marylin Manson, Paul Bettany, Jude Law, Orlando Bloom, and Zoe Kravitz to name a few. All the while, Amber was the abuser.
Johnny Depp deserves better than for his story to be ignored because he is a man.
If you truly care about domestic violence and abuse, now would be a pretty fucking good time to show it.
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zomburrito · 2 years
Things Scambuser Turd stans say. Part FIVE.
This is how bad they are. They never stop. Ever. And they'll bully anyone who doesn't follow their views, for anything they can. (Looks, age, ANYTHING.) Most disgusting group of people I've ever seen.
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