#johnica week extras
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Johnica Week 2025 • +18 extra prompts 🔥
Do you want to explore some more intimate moments and write a spicy fic for the Johnica week? That's allowed, but remember to tag everything properly both on AO3 and on Tumblr, and put your fics under a :readmore: if you post on Tumblr! You can use the main week's prompts but if you're looking for an extra push here's a few +18 ideas for you that are still in the theme of Gold! 👀
Golden lingerie/body paint
Massage with happy ending
Hot/cold metal play
With age comes experience!
With age come... issues.
Jewels of all kinds
Please avoid interacting with +18 content if you're a minor and mind the tags when approaching NSFW fics. Hate is NOT allowed, respect authors, other readers and the ship, and remember this is all fictional.
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Veronica or NOT Veronica?
John is elusive, but Veronica is even more camera shy than him! We have very few photos of her, some are blurry, some are in black and white, in some she's not even facing the camera, which has mislead many people in the fandom to mistake other women at John's side for her, and some others to not believe it's her when it's a confirmed photo. Let's check all these photos together:

◀️ Top and bottom left: Zurich airport and Bruxelles hotel, 1982. ▶️ Top and bottom right: South America tour 1981.

Hot Space end of the tour party 1982, Embassy club.

John's birthday party, August 1985

Wembley 1986 (footage!) Thanks to this amazing post by @growfasterfaster
Party 1986 (thanks to Growfasterfaster for finding the photos and thanks to @john-deacon-fucks for removing the watermarks that were right on Veronica's face!)

September 1993 (expecting Cameron!)
NOT Veronica!

Top row: Julie Glover (has worked for Queen for a while, got credited by mistake also as John's sister Julie. We don'thave any photo of John's sister.) and Jacky Smith (head of the Official International Queen fanclub).
Bottom row: a journalist (here Roger is with Dominique and I've also read some ppl crediting that as Dom's sister but she's not), Roy Thomas Baker's wife (she got credited as Veronica on Getty Images but it's a mistake: Veronica was heavily pregnant at that time and a Japanese magazine confirms the woman as RTB's wife.) And journalist Annemarie den Daas.

Another journalist in South America 81 (left, credits to noepereira84) and this is the singer Sonja Kristina with Freddie, even if she got mistaken as Veronica many times.
No, sadly as far as I know we don't have photos of Veronica prior to 1981 (I still have hopes!) but there are a couple from Robert's wedding and one shared by Cameron a few years ago, but I won't post them. She looks pretty much like the '93 picture but with glasses 😅
I hope this post will be useful not only for who wants to join the Johnica week but for everyone in the Queen fandom!
#john deacon#queen#queen band#johnica#john deacon queen#veronica deacon#veronica tetzlaff#johnica week 2022#johnica week extras
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Roll for Romance - Johnica Week Day 4
A/N: Written for @eileen-crys Johnica Week and the Prompt: Party (and Alternative Universe) Disclaimer: I usually don't Play DnD but Pathfinder and never in english so it might not be super accurate but I tried.
Can also be read on A03.
Veronica opened the door to the common room, balancing her bottle and the extra books that hadn’t fit into her bag anymore in her arms. She was already late and felt awful about it but the lesson had dragged on for longer than she expected and until she had found her way to the common room where the meeting for the Book Club, she was way too late.
As she rushed into the room, she wasn’t faced with a group of people discussing books but instead five guys sitting around a table decked out with papers and pens, a screen of some kind of screen separating a part of the table from the rest. Veronica stopped dead in her tracks. Her bottle finally won the battle against her and dropped to the ground.
“Ah, sh- Um, sorry, I thought the book club was meeting today?”
She stopped the bottle from rolling away with her foot, clutching her books to her chest.
The guys couldn’t be any more mismatched. One of them was dressed more fitting for some nightclub or fashion show than a common room in an university. His dark hair was framing his face, the eyes standing out thanks to a generous amount of kohl accentuating them. Another one of them was dressed somewhat similar but yet not at all because he looked like the complete opposite of the first guy with his blond hair and bright blue eyes. The other three were all dressed more “normal”, even if the guy with the brown hair was wearing a knitted sweater vest which was not something she would have thought to see anyone wearing at this age and day. The last two guys had dark hair, one long and curly, the other short and straight, neatly combed.
Veronica couldn’t even guess what they were doing here.
“Yes, originally, but Mary Austin asked us if she could have Tuesdays instead of Fridays, so we swapped days. So it’s the same time, just a different day.”
She stopped for a moment, mentally going through her schedule and grimaced when she realized she wouldn’t be able to attend any meetings because she would be in class then. Veronica sighed and blew a strand of hair out her face.
“Alright, sorry, I’ll be off then. Thank you.”
The next bus that drove into the direction of her apartment was coming in an hour. She could find something to do in this hour, though. There was always something to do after all.
“Oh, don’t let us chase us away!” The guy with the long black hair said. “Sit down and get comfortable if you want to.”
The university had many common rooms all over campus so she could find another one to do whatever she was going to do to pass the hour but the room was big enough for them and her without getting in each other way, even if it wasn’t the biggest common room around. She nodded thankfully and finally got rid of the things in her hands by putting them down on one of the two other tables. The curly haired guy got up and picked up her water bottle, holding out for her.
“Thank you.”
She settled down at the table, rummaging through her stuff to find her notebook, searching for something to do to pass the time. The year had just started a week ago and there were no essays to write yet, no presentations to prepare just now and so she was stuck with flipping through her textbooks.
It wasn’t really interesting nor what she had hoped to do with her day. Still, it was way better than wandering around campus without having anything to do.
The guys were going back to whatever they were doing, papers rustling and pens scratching, pages being flipped. She wished she had brought her headphones but they were most likely still lying on her bedside table. They weren’t loud at all but she felt as if she was intruding something despite having every reason being here.
“So, I was thinking about a druid.”
Somebody laughed then and more joined in and Veronica looked up shortly. The guy with the short black hair was shaking his head but also smiling as he grabbed a book, opening it on a marked page.
“Okay, druid it is. Which race? And keep in mind, we’re doing a pretty combat heavy campaign. Just for your background and all.”
She still had no idea what they were talking about. The brown haired guy had noticed her staring. He was smiling, though, and Veronica blushed, quickly looking away.
Her mother had always told her staring was rude and she should never do it. Manners had always been the most important thing to her and Veronica had grown up with her breathing down her neck to make sure she was the proper and polite daughter she had always wanted. Even now, after moving out and starting her own life in London, her mother’s words rang after her and she found herself correcting her behaviour to please her mother despite her not being here.
“-because I’m always the one who has to do heavy hitting! The only one! Because you guys alway want to play rogues and mages and shit.” The blond one complained. “Maybe I want to play a mage for once!”
“Do you want to play a mage?” The guy with the long black hair asked, propping his elbows onto the table and resting his chin on his hands.
“Fuck no!”
“Why do you complain about it, then?” Curly haired guy asked.
Veronica had been re-reading the same page for a while now, too distracted by the guys and intrigued by what they were doing.
“Hey, do you want to play, too?”
It was the brown haired guy who called over to her. It had caught the other guys’ attention, too, and they looked back and forth between them.
“I have no idea what you are doing.” She admitted.
“Dungeons and Dragons.” All of them answered, the words quickly becoming a jumble of sounds but it was somehow still clear enough for her to understand what they were saying.
She had a vague idea what that was, only from some throw-away mentions from TV or some people she had been hanging out with but she had no real knowledge about it. She told them as much. What followed was an explanation- admittedly, a bad one because everyone starting talking all over each other and kept interrupting- but Veronica got a better idea of what it actually was. Not a good one but it was something.
“We could always need another player. If you want to, you can try it.”
Veronica looked back to her textbook. She hadn’t comprehended anything from the page- hadn’t even tried to if she was being honest- sighed, then closed it and got up. They made enough space for another chair and cleared off a little bit of the table.
“I’m Jim, by the way.” Short, straight black haired guy introduced himself. “And those are Freddie, Roger, Brian and John.”
“My name’s Veronica.”
As it turned out, Dungeons and Dragons- or DnD as they kept calling it- was way more complicated than she ever thought it would be. Her head was spinning with all these options for races and classes and many other things Jim was explaining to her now.
“It’s alright if you don’t understand everything just yet. You’ll get there with time.” Freddie assured her.
Veronica didn’t even know if she was going to take the time she might need to understand everything. She hadn’t anticipated this at all. Her day had started out with her firmly believing she was going to joining a book club, not doing this. She had planned on joining some kind of club at university because it would help her making friends with people with similar interests outside of her classes. But since she couldn’t join the book club now, she might as well find something new. If this new thing in question was this, she didn’t know yet. It might as well be.
“Okay, easy thing first: Which race do you want?”
“Uh, elf maybe?”
Jim flipped through a book- the rulebook, she was told- and when he found what he had been looking for, he pushed it towards her. She read over the part he pointed out to her which explained to her how elves worked in this.
“There are also half elves, just on the other page.”
She hummed absently, already busy reading. Jim seemed to be happy with that and went back to talk to Freddie about his character idea. It helped a little bit so Veronica understood somewhat more and afterwards she read the text about half elves, too and decided she liked them way more. Jim was still busy with Freddie and she waited awkwardly, holding the book open at the page.
“Did you pick something?”
John had noticed her looking like she didn’t have a clue what she was supposed to do now. It wasn’t far off from the truth, honestly. She felt kind of lost in the midsts of all this. There was just so many things and Veronica had no idea where to even begin.
“Yeah, half elf?”
It sounded more like a question, her voice trailing up at the end and she searched for any sign that she was doing something wrong.
“Alright, solid choice, do you need help with the classes?” He asked.
“Yes, please.”
John chuckled lowly and tugged on the book so she would let it go and turned a few pages.
“Do you want something that’s more combat, heavy-hitting, or more range or maybe magic?”
She looked at him helplessly, shrugging and John smiled and nodded. Veronica chuckled, feeling somewhat embarrassed. It was stupid because she knew nothing about DnD so of course she had no idea about anything, really. There was nothing to be embarrassed about because why should she know stuff about something she never dabbled in?
He didn’t seem to hold it against her- because there was nothing to hold against her, she told herself- and started explaining the classes to her. She tried following it all but it was a lot. Thankfully, he didn’t mind when she asked question after question, willing to explain things several times. He really went into the details, spelling out the pros and cons of all classes for her.
“I guess I’m playing a fighter. Someone has to be able to do some damage.” Roger said, shrugging. “Hey, Deaks, pass the rulebook real quick, I want to check something.”
John rolled his eyes but did as he was asked.
“I can play a damage class.” Veronica said.
She kind of sold herself to joining this group. This game sounded like fun and Fridays were the only days she really had time for any clubs activities. The university had many clubs and she had chosen the book club because the timing had just been too good to pass up. She adored reading and doing so with other people and exchanging thoughts sounded like fun to her. This wasn’t reading and she didn’t understand this at all yet but it had something that intrigued her.
Roger grinned at her.
“Oh, look, someone who wants the party to survive for once! I like her already, you all can suck it. Veronica is my best friend for this campaign now.”
Freddie and Brian rolled their eyes at the blond but in a fond way, giving themselves away with their smiles. Jim was looking like someone who was used to this whole spiel and happy yet looking already done. She had no idea what the correct reaction to this was so she just smiled at Roger and then turned back to John.
“I guess, I’m a damage class then?”
“Rog, give back the book, we have to talk damage classes!”
Roger laughed and winked at Veronica, making her laugh, and gave back the rulebook. John flicked at his nose, missing by a mile but the blond waggled his eyebrows and blew him a kiss which only made John chuckle lowly as he shook his head.
“But only because it’s for Veronica!”
In the end, she went with a cleric of the light domain. There had been so many things to choose from- domains, armor, weapons and all these little extras- it made her head spin. All of them helped her, giving her tips on what she should choose but leaving the ultimate decision up to her, even if it was something they wouldn’t suggest her to choose. Afterwards, she listened to the others creating their characters.
Brian was playing as an elf druid with a badger companion Nobody seemed surprised by that- in fact, Jim said it before Brian could and the curly haired man blushed before clearing his voice and agreeing, continuing on as if nobody had said anything.
They must be friends for a while already, Veronica assumed.
John made a human artificer and it was only thanks to Jim passing her the rulebook to read that she understood what John was saying. She understood what fighters, rogues and rangers and all these things were- she wasn’t stupid and read a lot of fantasy books- and it wasn’t too hard to get the gist of some more specific classes but she had never heard of an artificer before.
Freddie’s character was a tiefling bard which seemed fitting for what she had gotten from Freddie’s personality so far. He obviously had put a lot of thought into his character’s looks, too, going on for a while to describe the exact shape his horns had. It was somewhat adorable, seeing how excited he was as he gestured wildly.
Roger played as a dwarf fighter because- in his words- it was the best combination of all and he had expected to be the only heavy hitter on the group. He did shoot her a thankful look, though before going fully into the description of his character.
Jim, who was their DM as it looked like, then told them about the setting of their game and it was then that Veronica knew she wouldn’t miss the book club all that much. By the time Jim was giving out sheets so they could build their characters backgrounds, hours had passed and she hadn’t even really noticed.
After this, they rolled their stats which were explained to her in detail and Jim helped her where to put what stat where. She didn’t quite get what the numbers meant exactly just yet but she was assured she would with time. There was a lot of more maths and adding numbers to the character sheet they had gotten.
“We’ll meet again next week for the first actual game but please tell me about your backgrounds at least on the day before. Veronica, can I add you to the group chat?”
She gave him her number and was quickly added to a group chat with the other guys. She saved the numbers into her phone and so did they.
“I can send you some links that explain things, if you want me to.” Jim offered as they packed their things together.
“That would be useful, thank you.”
Jim smiled at her and Veronica smiled back. They said their goodbyes and she gathered her things again, carefully putting her papers between the pages of one of her textbooks so they didn’t get crumbled.
Freddie, Jim and John left in the same direction as her and they kept an easy stream of chatter between them. Veronica couldn’t help but smile as she listened to them, occasionally joining in with her own short remarks. Freddie hugged her when they had to part ways, Jim and John waved after her.
She didn’t even mind having to wait another twenty minutes for her bus.
“Make a persuasion check.”
Roger groaned but grabbed his die, shaking them in his hands before letting it roll. Veronica watched with one hand clamped over her mouth, her face hurting from laughter. Freddie wasn’t fairing much better as it looked like, his shoulders shaking with mirth. They exchanged a look, both of them breaking into a new fit of laughter that infected Brian and John, too.
“Uh, 13?” Roger said. “Is that enough?”
He shot them a quick look, desperately trying to keep it stern but it only lasted about a second before he started laughing, too. Jim was the only one who was halfways composed but he was also giggling as he went through his notes.
“Alright, then.” He said, clearing his throat and slipping back into his DM voice. “The guard looks kind of weirded out by you, eyeing you up and down, but eventually nods and lets you all pass.”
Jim then launched into a description of the town and Veronica quickly composed herself and made some notes of things she thought might be important.
John, who was sitting next to her, opened a new bottle of water and when he noticed her looking, he offered it to her first.
“Thank you.” She murmured, not wanting to interrupt the DM and took the offered bottle.
“You’re welcome.”
Roger, Brian and John were waiting in front of the lecture hall and Veronica smiled when she saw them, squeezing past other students.
“Hey, Veronica! How was class?” Roger greeted her, pulling her into a half hug.
She hugged Brian, too, having to go on her tiptoes to be able to wrap her arms around his neck and then she hugged John. It might just be her imagination but she thought maybe the hug lingered just a little bit longer than usual.
“It was nice. A bit boring.”
They had planned to take advantage of the good weather, holding this week’s session outside in a little secluded seating area. It was probably a stupid idea and they all knew it but the idea had come up and they kept joking about it and now they were doing it.
It proved to be an awful idea because it was windy and the table was way smaller than they thought it would be and they basically were sitting squished together. Nobody could sit next to Jim- for obvious reasons- so they only had one measly bench to sit on.
John’s thigh was pressed up against hers and she could feel the warmth of his skin seep through the fabric of her skirt. She couldn’t move without brushing up against him. It made her blush madly and she just hoped it could be played off as coming from all the laughing.
Veronica had no idea when this little crush had started but it was a thing now and she didn’t know what she was supposed to do with it now. Sure, John was nice to her but he seemed like the guy who was nice to everyone. She wasn’t special in this regard. She wasn’t special at all, in fact.
There was absolutely no reason for him to like her in any other way than a platonic one. Which was fine. She could live with that. Maybe. If John would just stop moving and knocking their arms together. It wasn’t his fault and Veronica felt bad about getting a little bit frustrated with him because he wasn’t even doing anything.
“I’ll cast fireball against the owlbear.” She said when it was her turn in combat.
John gave her a thankful smile as his character had been quite knocked around by the monster which was now distracted by Veronica’s character. She smiled back, ignoring the way her heart fluttered.
Veronica had no idea what time it was, she only knew it was late and she was tired. They had assembled at Freddie’s and Jim’s apartment, sitting on the floor around the new battle map Jim had bought for a weekend full of dungeon crawling.
She couldn’t feel her left leg below the knee. It had fallen asleep about an hour ago and by now she really didn’t want to stand up, dreading the inevitable pins and needles that would bring.
Roger yawned loudly, almost knocking into Veronica as he did so. Jim followed, then Brian and John and then all of them were yawning.
Veronica slumped a little bit, closing her eyes for just a moment while Freddie charmed his way into the hearts of the noblemen. John’s shoulder proved to be a pretty comfortable pillow for her head.
“Ronnie, hey, we’re done for today.”
She flinched, sitting upright suddenly and groaned at the stiffness in her neck. Blinking blearily, she looked up at John.
“Did I fall asleep?”
“A little bit.”
A blush rose on her cheeks and she rubbed her neck, awkwardly clearing her throat. John smiled at her. He got up with a low groan and held out a hand to help her up. Her leg didn’t appreciate it and she winced, pinching her calf and immediately regretting it. She hissed and squeezed John’s hand.
“You okay?”
She nodded and let go of him with an apologetic smile, carefully stepping over the miniatures and the battle map. She stretched, frowning when her spine popped loudly.
“Oh, I heard that.” Freddie said, face contorted in empathy.
Veronica laughed quietly as she squatted down again to help cleaning up the room, grabbing the empty chip bags and used cups and brought them into the kitchen. John followed not long afterwards, carrying several plates.
“Where’s the dishwasher?” She asked him.
“They have none. Just put it in the sink for now. We’ll take care of it tomorrow.”
The idea didn’t really appear to her, she would rather take care of it now but she also didn’t want to do dishes now at all. So she only nodded and put the cups into the sink and threw the bags in the trash. Brushing off some crumbs from her shirt, she checked the clock. Just past three in the morning. She groaned.
“Ronnie, you get the sofa!” Jim yelled from the living room.
“Thanks! Appreciate it!”
She could faintly hear Roger mock-complaining about her being favoritized and she rolled her eyes, barely suppressing a grin.
“I’m glad you could make it.” John said.
He wasn’t directly looking at her, rummaging through the fridge instead but he glanced at her quickly.
“So am I!” She admitted.
There had been so many essay deadlines and presentations she had to deliver in the past week and Veronica hadn’t been sure if she could come. Honestly, there was still a lot of things to do but she decided she deserved a break.
“We probably would have died without you.”
She chuckled and knocked their shoulders together.
“You would have.”
“We are very cocky today, aren’t we?” John gasped, his wide grin betraying his hurt and betrayed voice.
Veronica bit her lip, unable to not smile back at him and then shook her head slightly. She also didn’t know where this suddenly came from. John was chuckling and pulled out two cups of yoghurt from wherever they had been hidden inside the fridge.
“Late night snack?” He asked.
“Yes, always. I get the spoons, you hide the food from Rog.”
“I can’t buy them.”
She stared at the dice displayed in front of her. They were beautiful, yellow with white in a marble effect and Veronica really wanted them.
“Why not?” John asked, effortlessly looking over her shoulder.
“I didn’t came here to buy anything.”
That was true. John had asked her if she wanted to go to the comic book store. He said he needed a certain color for a new miniature he was painting and she hadn’t seen any reason to not come along.
“Just because you didn’t plan to buy anything doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to buy anything.”
Veronica turned her head to look back at him over her shoulder. He looked amused, a grin tugging on the corner of his mouth. She looked back to the dice and bit her lip.
“I already have a pair of dice.”
She did. Right after the first playing session, she had ordered the dice she needed. It was a simple pair, just simple black dice and they were nice but they weren’t pretty like those were.
“Yeah, and? Have you seen Freddie’s dice bag? He has so many dice! Probably more than any of us combined. Brian has quite the collection, too.”
He wasn’t wrong. Freddie had a huge bag that was filled with dice of all kinds of colors. He had borrowed her some until she had bought her own. She shrugged.
“I don’t need them, though.”
“But you want them.”
Veronica made a frustrated sound. She did want them. They were pretty. But she didn’t need them. John sighed, then chuckled and reached around her to grab the dice.
��If you won’t buy them, I’ll buy them for you.”
She grabbed his arm quickly and held it tightly, eyes wide as he shook her head.
“No! I can’t let you do that. I don’t need them, I’m fine.”
John leaned in a little bit, smiling at her before he let his head fall against her shoulder and sighed.
“Buy the dice, Ronnie. If they make you happy, buy them. Or let me buy them for you.”
He quickly straightened up again, easily pried her fingers from his wrist and pushed the dice into her hand. She contemplated it for a long moment, then sighed and nodded.
“Fine, I’ll buy them.” She grumbled.
His grin was wide and he squeezed her shoulder. Veronica blushed and clutched the bag of dice in her hand as she followed John to where the paints were displayed.
Veronica straightened out her skirt and fussed over her hair for a moment before grabbing her purse and rushed downstairs.
John’s car was already parked in front of her apartment and he was standing next to it, dressed in a nice shirt and pair of pants. Veronica’s heart sped up a little bit. She smiled, blushing when he returned the smile.
“You look very pretty.”
Her cheeks felt hot already and she absently brushed over the fabric of her skirt. He had surprised her when he had asked her for a date after one of their play sessions. It had been embarrassing how long it had taken her to form an answer but John hadn’t seemed to mind much. His face had been bright red but the relieved smile when she had said yes had been adorable.
“You look good, too.” She said, gently fixing his collar.
John drove them to a small but nice restaurant, holding open doors for her and asked before he took her hand. The food was good and she had worried they wouldn’t have anything to talk about but that wasn’t the case. They were chatting the whole evening and Veronica didn’t want it to end. John seemed to feel the same, drawing it out and only asking for the bill only when he really couldn’t hold it off anymore.
“Do you want to go for a walk?” She asked.
“Yes, please!”
There was a park not far from the restaurant and John took her hand again- asking for permission again- and they walked along the pavel paveway. Veronica listened to him ramble about his latest engineering projects and it was fascinating even if she didn’t really know how most of it worked. John probably didn’t understand much about her curriculum classes but he listened anyway and asked questions nonetheless.
At some point, they could not make any pretenses anymore and had to go back to the car to drive home again.
“I’d really enjoyed this evening.” Veronica said.
“Me too. Can- May I take you out again?”
She nodded, bit her lip and tucked her hair behind her ear. Would John try and kiss her? She would like that, she thought.
He didn’t kiss her, instead he got out of the car to open her car door and help her getting out. He did press a chaste, almost fleeting kiss to her cheek after bringing her to the apartment door.
“Thank you for the nice evening.” He mumbled, a dark blush spreading over his cheekbones.
She chuckled, ducking her head slightly and squeezed his hand, their fingers still laced together.
“No, thank you. See you tomorrow for the game?”
“Wouldn’t dare to miss it.”
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This time for the Johnica Week extras I'm here with some phrases! They can make an idea bloom, you can write a whole fic, a scene or even just a little drabble around it, or sneak it in the wip you're already writing! These are all from @/screnwriter, where you can find even more ideas, I just picked some that may fit best with Johnica! 😊
"I've been worried out of my mind for you. "
"You're out of your mind if you think I'm just gonna let this go."
"I don’t want to bother you. Seriously, it’s all just… a lot."
"I told you. I've been busy." "And you couldn't pick up your phone and call me?"
"I haven’t mastered the art of kissing yet..." "Wanna practice?"
"You said you’ve never kissed anyone before. I'm planning on changing that."
"Maybe if you kiss me, I’ll do the dishes."
"You kissed me first." "I definitely didn't." "You were literally all over me."
Idiots in love/friends to lovers
"He/she's everything I ever wanted, but I don’t want to risk losing him/her as a friend."
"You flat out just admitted... that you have feelings for me."
"He/she's just a friend? You're kidding, right?"
"Are you asking me out?" "No. I mean... yes, maybe, as… friends?"
"Make me forget."
"Let me repay the favor. You were always there for me when I needed you."
"I don’t know what’s wrong with me. it’s like I can’t stop crying." "It's ok, let it all out."
"You know, you’ve got a really pretty smile." "You call this a smile?" "Yes."
"You're the best thing that has ever happened to me..."
"I'm not leaving you."
"I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
"I’ll sit here, with my arms wrapped around you, all night."
Johnica Week 2022 prompts and rules
#johnica week 2022#johnica week extras#johnicaweek2022#johnica#extra prompts#fic prompts#queen fandom event#queen ship week#john deacon#john deacon x veronica tetzlaff
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No ideas on what to write for the Johnica week? You feel like you don’t know enough to settle the fic in the real world, but you're struggling to find alternatives? Don’t worry, we love AUs and here’s some nice prompts and ideas for Alternative Universes, feel free to use them or mix them with your own! 💜
Genderbend AUs: you can make only John a lady and turn Johnica into a wlw couple... but also make Veronica a man and turn Johnica into a mlm couple, or swap both and have male!Veronica with fem!John! Do you want to make one or both trans or non-binary? That’s also a huge YES!
Non famous AU: what if Queen has never sailed and John became a “regular” electrical engineer or sound engineer? What would his work be like? Would he work in a studio with bands or make something unrelated to music and concerts? Veronica would have to work more, so how would she deal with teaching at school?
Villains AU/Addams AU: what's better than a villain? A couple of villains! Ready to take over the world with their mischievous plans, they balance their evilness with absolute lovey-dovey adoration for one another! If you don't feel like making them too evil and conquer the world, you can take the "Addams Family" way, children included, and turn them in the most unique neighbours ever!
Alternative first meetings: we all know John and Veronica met in the disco at Maria Assumpta College in 1971, but what if their first meeting was... in a different year? Or in a completely different part of the world? What if they have already met once, then parted ways for a long time before meeting again?
War AU: settled in times of war, John, Veronica and their little army of children have to deal with the conflict or escape to a safe place, trying to survive and relying on each other while the world is crumbling apart.
Single Parent AU: one of them or both are single parents, meeting at school or at the park, or through friends in common.
Art model and art student AU: Veronica is a student at art school, John is a model part-time to get some extra money.
Fae AU: one of them is a fae or a mythical creature hiding in the depths of the woods. The other is a human, a species that faes and creatures fear and avoid, but it's lost and not really a threat. How will they meet? How will their love bloom? Will each other's species accept the union?
Arranged marriage AU: yeah, this is a classic trope, but what if their marriage was arranged by their families? Why, and how would they deal with it? How long would it take for them to get use to each other and eventually fall in love? (If you want to take an enemies to lovers path 👀)
Others: there are so many AUs you can choose from! Angel/Demon, the classic bookstore/coffee shop/flower shop, Hogwarts, High-School, Mafia, superpowers, Fantasy, modern time... they're all amazing and I'd love to discover what you can come up with! 😊
Johnica Week 2022 Rules and Prompts
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Do you want to explore some more intimate moments and write a NSFW fic for the Johnica week? That's allowed, but remember to tag everything properly both on AO3 and on Tumblr, and put your fics under a :readmore: if you post on Tumblr!
You can use the main week's prompts but if you're looking for an extra push here's a few +18 ideas for you! 👀
Sensory play/Blindfolded
Role reverse/Roleplay
Angry sex/Makeup sex
Sex in public/hiding
Sex toys
Phone sex
Sleepy/Waking up sex
Pregnancy sex
Praising/worshipping kink
Dividers by @/firefly-graphics
Johnica Week 2022 Rules and Prompts
Please avoid interacting with +18 content if you're a minor and mind the tags when approaching NSFW fics. Hate is NOT allowed, respect authors, other readers and the ship.
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RachelB's 50 fics celebration!
Hi everyone! By posting my latest fic for Queen Hurt/Comfort weekend, "I thank the Lord above, my life has been saved" I reached the count of 50 fics written and posted on AO3! 🥰
Yeah, I know, the count says 47, but the remaining three fics/oneshots have been posted as chapters in a couple of stories, namely "Please stay awhile" for Queen trough the seasons (2 fics in 1) and "The tales of John, Roger and Veronica" for Dealor Week 2022 (3 fics in 1). 👀🤭
I must admit I've never expected to come this far with writing, but reading and writing fics helped me SO much improving my English, as a non-native speaker. And I'm so happy to be able to tell stories not only through visual art but with writing as well, I'm very proud of how far I've come.
And most of all I'm grateful to everyone who is willing to read my silly stories, despite I'm very much indulging so much on a single ship with few exceptions; and I'm glad my own writing helped others to get interested in Johnica and inspired them as well, exactly as it happened to me after reading @kinole009x 's stories! 🥺💖
"I love the fact that I can make people happy, in any form. Even if it's just an hour of their lives, if I can make them feel lucky or make them feel good, or bring a smile to a sour face, that to me is worthwhile." - Freddie Mercury
⚜️ My Masterlist | My AO3 account ⚜️
The Game
To celebrate I'd love to share something with you and let you ask me about my fics, my stories, my opinions, etc.
Send me an ask with a number and/or a letter from the lists below, up to maximum 3 each. And/or you can add an extra from the third list!
Under the cut I'll put the ask games' lists, that I collected from various ask games around Tumblr or wrote myself.
NUMBERS (up to 3 in an ask)
1) What's your total AO3 kudos count?
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
3) How many fics did you write in (year among 2019/20/21/22)?
4) What are your top five fics by kudos?
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
7) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
8) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
9) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
10) Have you ever had a fic gifted?
11) Have you ever had a fic translated?
12) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
13) What’s your all time favourite ship?
14) Do you have a WIP you've abandoned or will never finish? Why is that so?
15) What are your writing strengths?
16) What are your writing weaknesses?
17) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
18) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
19) What tropes you thought you wouldn't like but ended up enjoying?
20) What's something you'll never write?
LETTERS (up to 3 in an ask) (lots of these have been taken by the "Salty Asks list")
A. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
B. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
C. Have you ever had heavy fights over a fandom opinion?
D. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
E. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
F. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously disliked?
G. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
H. Do you read pairings you don't write?
I. What pairing would you try to write if given the occasion?
J. Which unpopular character you'd like to read more often?
K. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
L. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
M. What are your thoughts on crack ships?
N. Most shippable character?
O. Least shippable character?
EXTRA (one per ask! Copy and paste the question 😊) (This is meant as you asking me about a fic, to be clear 💕)
Suggest me... a fic of yours to start reading your fics, I'm a new reader!
Suggest me... the first fic you've read about Johnica!
Suggest me... a fic of yours to read if I'm not a huge Johnica fan. Either lull me into it or give me something different.
Suggest me... an old fic of yours you wish had attention again!
Suggest me... your favourite series from another author!
Suggest me... your comfort fic written by someone else.
Suggest me... a smutty fic of yours! ;)
Suggest me... an old fic of yours you would re-write, let's see if it's as bad as you say.
Suggest me... the fic that made you saddest while writing.
Suggest me... your fic with least Kudos!
Suggest me... your longest oneshot!
Suggest me... your shortest oneshot!
Special thanks are always a bit of an awkward moment for me because my memory is not that great and I'm always scared to forget someone, if I did please believe me I didn't donit on purpose 😔💕
To my beloved Johnica pals (who also are included in the following lists haha) @beydeaks @john-deacon-fucks @john-paul-george-ring0 @blossom-melina-burnickel @julescape @kinole009x and -maybe to a lesser extent abt johnica lately but still important- @deakysgurl , to my beloved friends and supporters @warriorteam1924 @finland-shoes @seventhmoonforreal @the-world-of-erit , to the whole writers Discord group, full of wonderful and super supportive writers such as @a-froger-epic @queenies-bug @freddie-mercury-rising @sokkas-first-fangirl @bambirex @sparkleslightlyy @quirkysubject @idontknowhowthisworked and more, who all helped me sooo much since I joined. And EVERYONE who reads, leaves kudos and comments on my fics, thank you. I love you all, truly. 🥺💖💕💜💖💕💜💖
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Remember that if you have any question aboout the next Johnica Week feel free to send an ask to the sideblog @johnica-weeks 🥰 also follow the blog for more updates, useful infos and extra prompts!
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Johnica week 2022 useful infos before starting!
There are only five days until the Johnica Week 2022, so here’s a little recap of the extras, the rules and what you can do to join!
💖 Johnica Week 2022 prompts and rules
📚 > Here is the AO3 COLLECTION where to post your fics! <
💜 Use the tag #JohnicaWeek2022 in your entries here and on Instagram!
💜 Tag me in your works so I can read, see and share them!
🤔 Alternative Universe prompts
🤷🏻♀️ Veronica or not Veronica? (Clarifying some pictures)
🔥 Smut prompts +18!
💬 Phrases and dialogue prompts
Do you want to join but have no time? It’s ok, the AO3 collection will remain open for a whole month after the event’s over. However, if you want to join during the exact days, little drabbles and quick sketches are allowed! Use the prompts to write a single dialogue or just one or two scenes, make a collage or moodboard, engage with other artists and writers!
Be sure to read all the event’s rules and write me if you need anything! 🥰
#johnica week 2022#johnicaweek2022#johnica#john deacon x veronica tetzlaff#queen fandom#fandom event#queen ship#queen ship week#john deacon#john deacon fanfiction
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Johnica Week 2021 (12-18 January)
Hi everyone! After a lot of uncertainties and overthinking finally I decided to pull myself together and organise a 2nd edition of the Johnica Week! Exactly like all the Queen Ship Weeks this event is meant to express some love to a couple by using your creativity! Once again the week dedicated to John and Veronica Deacon is set during the week of their wedding anniversary, the 46th this year, which takes place on Jan 18th! 💜 Since now that day is a Monday the Week begins on a Tuesday and ends on a Monday, I hope y'all don't mind.
💕 The tag here on Tumblr and also on Instagram is #johnicaweek2021 , remember to use it for your entries! THIS is the new AO3 collection, where you can upload your fics!
💕 At the end of the event I'll make a Masterlist with all the entries. HERE is the one from last year, take a look at it! Also HERE is the AO3 collection of last year’s event!
💕 Under the cut there's the prompt list. Some of them are from last year's event, some are brand new! Your entries can be fluff, smut, angst, written pieces, drawings, comics, moodboards, edits... anything you want! You're free to use the prompts as you prefer: you can use one or more than one prompt together for a single work, get inspired by the songs I added as extra prompts or put it directly in the fic or even completely ignore it, mismatch the prompts and the AUs, etc... You're free to do a piece a day, just some of them or even a single one for the whole week, all that matters is that your contribution, small or big, is always highly appreciated! Don't feel forced to join or to overwork yourself, it's meant to be a fun and relaxing event ✌🏻💕 [Cont.]
DAY 1 ~ Tuesday Jan 12
• No kids day
• First time
• New haircut
• Photography
+ “Friends will be Friends”
DAY 2 ~ Wednesday Jan 13
• Songwriting
• Cuddling
• Japan
• Fantasy AU
+ “In only Seven Days”
DAY 3 ~ Thursday Jan 14
• Soulmates AU
• Touring together
• Pregnancy
• Tight clothes
+ “Cool Cat”
DAY 4 ~ Friday Jan 15
• Getting caught 👀
• Social Media AU
• Forgiving
• Bodyswap
+ “Need your Loving Tonight”
DAY 5 ~ Saturday Jan 16
• Nowadays
• Superhero/Superpowers AU
• Far from Home
• Memories
+ “Was it all worth it”
DAY 6 ~ Sunday Jan 17
• In sickness and health
• On holiday
• Playing with the kid(s)
• Chasing your heart
+ “You and I”
DAY 7 ~ Monday Jan 18 💖
• Wedding day/night
• Anniversary
• Royalty AU
• Dancing
+ “You’re my best friend”
💕 NOTE: As you can see I added some AUs in the prompts, but didn't put other very popular AUs such as Fem!Queen (or King AU) where Joan and Veronica are a lesbian couple, genderbent AUs (Fem!John and Male!Ronnie), ABO of any kind and Modern/other timeline AUs, etc. This is in case you want to write your favourite AU for all/some of the prompts instead of being linked to a single specific day. Also you can mix the AUs like Royalty AU and Fem!Queen idk just have fun and be creative! 👀
🔥🔥🔥 IMPORTANT: During the event, if any of you/your entries recieve hateful comments or messages towards you, your entries, the Johnica ship, the event or other creators, please DELETE the hateful comment/message right away with no interactions and let me know! This is no place for haters, just for creativity and love.
🔥 This event is purely made to show some love and appreciation from the Queen fandom to Deaky and Ronnie, always respecting their privacy and their lives! We don't know many personal aspects of their love life and don't want to go in too deeply, gossip or speculate about them, so you can fly with your fantasy to fill up the gaps! All the entries, whether they're inspired by real events or not, are ALL FICTIONAL! So be creative!
Ask me and @john-deacon-fucks if you need any advices or clarifications, we'll be happy to help you if possible! (Ex. Not sure if a woman in a pic with John is Ronnie? Need to know their kids' birthdays or a hand with timelines? Have doubts or want suggestions for your piece? Etc.) This project is meant as a tribute and not as a chance to invade their private lives, judge or harm them in any way, so BE RESPECTFUL towards them and towards the creators!
Happy Johnica week everyone, I hope to see lots of entries! 💜

Header pic edited by me (eileen-crys) • Soulmates Text dividers by @firefly-graphics • YMBF text pic by @80sroger
#queen ship week#johnicaweek2021#johnica week 2021#johnica#writing event#ship week#queen ship#queen couple#john deacon x veronica tetzlaff#john x veronica#john deacon#john deacon fanfic#john deacon fanfiction#veronica deacon#veronica tetzlaff#queen fanfic#queen fanfiction
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I apologise for being a bit late with comments on the Johnica Week fics, I'm reading and kudosing each of them and loving them all, you're all doing a splendid work and I couldn't be happier 🥺💕💕💕 I want to leave insightful comments to each of them and that takes some extra time, but I promise you'll see at least one comment from me in every entry 🥰
Meanwhile, I invite you all to give a read at all the wondeful fics that are already in the collection and I reblogged here on tumblr, and support the authors with kudos, comments, reblogs! 🙏🏻💕
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The Johnica week is getting closer! 🥰💕
Don't forget to check the event's blog to see extra prompts, ideas and to ask anything!
Welcome to the 4th Johnica Week! I can’t believe it’s already the fourth edition and I’m so happy to have still lots of talented artists and writers joining the event and keeping the fandom alive by contributing (also) to the growth of this wonderful couple 🥰💕💕💕
When is the event? 📆
This year’s Johnica Week will be a bit shorter, only four days, in order to keep entries more collected, avoid burnout for those faithful creators who want to challenge themselves and join everyday, and for everyone who loves to read fics but has less time on their hands. The event will start on Sunday 15th January and end on Wednesday 18th January, aka John and Veronica’s 48th wedding anniversary!
Where? 🔎
Here on Tumblr, on AO3 and also on Instagram for visual artists!
💚 Use the tag #JohnicaWeek2023 in your entries here and on Instagram!
📚 > Here will be the AO3 COLLECTION where to post your fics! <
💚 Tag @eileen-crys and/or @johnica-weeks in your works so I can read, see and share them!
📚 At the end of the event I’ll make a Tumblr masterlist with all the works!
2020 Masterlist | 2021 Masterlist | 2022 Masterlist
The Theme 📚
You’ve read it right, this year Johnica Week has a theme, linked to the 46th wedding anniversary, that is BOOKS. Like all the prompts, it’s up to you to follow the theme or not, consider it just as a general theme that you could build your entries around. I chose some prompts that might fit this theme, that are about books as physical objects or as idea for an alternative worldbuilding.
How? 🖼
You’re encouraged to join with your preferred creative media or challenge yourself with something new! Fanfictions, drawings, comics, poetry, collages and photo edits, moodboards, anything you like! More in the RULES below.
Like all Ship Weeks, this is a fandom event to share love and creativity related to a particular couple, so be sure to engage with the entries and support all the artists and writers that chose to join! Reblog, leave likes/kudos and comment on the artworks to keep the fandom alive! 💜💖💕💜💖💕
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#johnica#john deacon x veronica tetzlaff#john deacon#john deacon fanfic#john deacon fanfiction#johnica week#johnica week 2023#johnicaweek2023#queen fandom#queen fandom event#john deacon queen#queen fanfiction
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Were you planning to join the Johnica Week 2024 but you're late? Absolutely do not worry! 🙏🏻💖💖💖
The collection on AO3 will stay OPEN, and I will keep sharing all thr entries here and on my main blog! 🥰 The event's dates are indicative and recommended, but every late entry is accepted and I will add everything to the masterlist, just be sure to tag me and/or JohnicaWeek2024 so I can find your entries more easily.
Valentine's day (14th Feb) and/or Veronica's birthday (11th Feb) can also be great occasions to post a Johnica fic! 👀
You can find all the prompts and rules in the pinned post, and here's a shortcut to 2024's:
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Remember to check the johnica-weeks blog to see the extra prompts and ideas! 🥰
Welcome to the 4th Johnica Week! I can’t believe it’s already the fourth edition and I’m so happy to have still lots of talented artists and writers joining the event and keeping the fandom alive by contributing (also) to the growth of this wonderful couple 🥰💕💕💕
When is the event? 📆
This year’s Johnica Week will be a bit shorter, only four days, in order to keep entries more collected, avoid burnout for those faithful creators who want to challenge themselves and join everyday, and for everyone who loves to read fics but has less time on their hands. The event will start on Sunday 15th January and end on Wednesday 18th January, aka John and Veronica’s 48th wedding anniversary!
Where? 🔎
Here on Tumblr, on AO3 and also on Instagram for visual artists!
💚 Use the tag #JohnicaWeek2023 in your entries here and on Instagram!
📚 > Here will be the AO3 COLLECTION where to post your fics! <
💚 Tag @eileen-crys and/or @johnica-weeks in your works so I can read, see and share them!
📚 At the end of the event I’ll make a Tumblr masterlist with all the works!
2020 Masterlist | 2021 Masterlist | 2022 Masterlist
The Theme 📚
You’ve read it right, this year Johnica Week has a theme, linked to the 46th wedding anniversary, that is BOOKS. Like all the prompts, it’s up to you to follow the theme or not, consider it just as a general theme that you could build your entries around. I chose some prompts that might fit this theme, that are about books as physical objects or as idea for an alternative worldbuilding.
How? 🖼
You’re encouraged to join with your preferred creative media or challenge yourself with something new! Fanfictions, drawings, comics, poetry, collages and photo edits, moodboards, anything you like! More in the RULES below.
Like all Ship Weeks, this is a fandom event to share love and creativity related to a particular couple, so be sure to engage with the entries and support all the artists and writers that chose to join! Reblog, leave likes/kudos and comment on the artworks to keep the fandom alive! 💜💖💕💜💖💕
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Soon I will start sharing again prompts and ideas for the event here in the Johnica Weeks side blog so give it a follow if you want to keep updated! 💖 Many extra prompts and ideas will be the same from last year because I think they're still valid, but I will also give new ideas according to the theme of this Week! 🥰
Welcome to the 4th Johnica Week! I can’t believe it’s already the fourth edition and I’m so happy to have still lots of talented artists and writers joining the event and keeping the fandom alive by contributing (also) to the growth of this wonderful couple 🥰💕💕💕
When is the event? 📆
This year’s Johnica Week will be a bit shorter, only four days, in order to keep entries more collected, avoid burnout for those faithful creators who want to challenge themselves and join everyday, and for everyone who loves to read fics but has less time on their hands. The event will start on Sunday 15th January and end on Wednesday 18th January, aka John and Veronica’s 48th wedding anniversary!
Where? 🔎
Here on Tumblr, on AO3 and also on Instagram for visual artists!
💚 Use the tag #JohnicaWeek2023 in your entries here and on Instagram!
📚 > Here will be the AO3 COLLECTION where to post your fics! <
💚 Tag @eileen-crys and/or @johnica-weeks in your works so I can read, see and share them!
📚 At the end of the event I’ll make a Tumblr masterlist with all the works!
2020 Masterlist | 2021 Masterlist | 2022 Masterlist
The Theme 📚
You’ve read it right, this year Johnica Week has a theme, linked to the 46th wedding anniversary, that is BOOKS. Like all the prompts, it’s up to you to follow the theme or not, consider it just as a general theme that you could build your entries around. I chose some prompts that might fit this theme, that are about books as physical objects or as idea for an alternative worldbuilding.
How? 🖼
You’re encouraged to join with your preferred creative media or challenge yourself with something new! Fanfictions, drawings, comics, poetry, collages and photo edits, moodboards, anything you like! More in the RULES below.
Like all Ship Weeks, this is a fandom event to share love and creativity related to a particular couple, so be sure to engage with the entries and support all the artists and writers that chose to join! Reblog, leave likes/kudos and comment on the artworks to keep the fandom alive! 💜💖💕💜💖💕
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