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quotenova · 17 days ago
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Looking for a change in your life? Start by changing the one thing that annoys you about yourself. https://www.quotenova.net/authors/john-gray-u-s-author/x9w4e2
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nityarawal · 1 year ago
I love #johngray xo
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deliciouslytoolove · 2 years ago
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ohhdarxling · 3 years ago
need to talk more about him
hi my dearest!
Lately I was searching about John Gray’s life but I didn’t find too much :( 
But the simple fact he was taken as inspiration for a character in a book is pretty fascinating.
I found online a book that, in a nutshell, would talk about his life, his professions and associates but I don’t know if it’s reliable.
I want to know more!! Tell me what do you think about :) 
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lamenteinnamorata · 5 years ago
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I due sessi provengono da pianeti che sono praticamente vicini di casa, eppure per molti versi è come se fossero ai capi opposti del sistema solare. Non stupisce che le venusiane fatichino ad andare d’accordo con i marziani, e viceversa. Gli uomini di Marte sono concentrati sulla ricerca delle soluzioni, mentre le donne di Venere sono più orientate verso i sentimenti. Le donne vogliono essere amate, mentre gli uomini vogliono sentirsi necessari. #johngray #reggiadicaserta #criptadivenere #venere #art #nature (presso Reggia di Caserta) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6qp7yUiHtf/?igshid=jizerky5kcmr
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➡ read more on www.dancingbookwormstudio.wordpress.com 😊 #menarefrommars #womenarefromvenus #johngray #blog #blogpost #bloggersofinstagram #wordpress #wordpressblogger #booklover #bookstagram #bookworm #bookstagrammer #booknerd #love #dating #relationships #couples #communication #commitment https://www.instagram.com/p/B7565j7JnvQ/?igshid=11gj8pwj19bt8
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deandreabyrd · 5 years ago
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#Repost @browntablebiz • • • • • • Celebrating DeAndrea Byrd – Atlanta, Georgia USA @deandreabyrd as a current Black History maker . She’s straightforward and keeps it real based on her experiences as a coach, author, and motivational speaker. She knows the importance of having a vision, researching it, and preparing to walk it out. Meet DeAndrea Byrd. Her first 4 answers are here and the last 2 are in the comments. . 1. HOW DID YOU KNOW YOU WANTED TO BE AN ENTREPRENEUR? I knew I wanted to become an entrepreneur from watching my mom make money with her side hustles. She showed me that freedom is for sale. You can be creative and get paid to do it. Straight up. I also have a fascination with queen Cleopatra of the Nile and Madame CJ Walker. I did all my Black History and research papers on these two bossy, powerful women. I would always choose them and to learn more about them as a kid in school. They were both self-made in their own right and I wanted that. 2. MOST PEOPLE NEVER START A BUSINESS BECAUSE THEY ARE AFRAID IT IS NOT GOING TO WORK OR THEY ARE GOING TO FAIL. WHAT IS YOUR ADVICE FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE AFRAID TO START? Failing is a part of the process. I have f*ked up and failed sooo many times, like I literally can’t count. You have to just get started because you will fail anyway. Failure is how you learn though. Failure is what takes your business to higher levels. Failure makes your skin tough. 3. WHAT KEEPS YOU MOTIVATED? What keeps me motivated are my dreams. I got places and things I have to do before I leave this Earth. Plus, I want to leave my kids a legacy. I also like money and nice things, you feel me. 4. WHAT BOOK(S) ABOUT BUSINESS, OR LIFE IN GENERAL, DO YOU RECOMMEND? . • From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur • Wealth Beyond Wallstreet • 48 Laws of Power • Millionaire Success Habits #sunday #sundayschool #tashacobbs #johngray #stevenfurtick #thepottershouse #relentlesschurch #blackwomenrock #blackcellence #sundayservice #tashacobbs #michaeltodd #joycemeyer #joelosteen #torikelly #sarahjakesroberts #blackgirlmagic #explorepage #atlantanetworking #sadierobertson #therealdaytime #blacktwitter #girlsbuildingempires #mombosssunday (at Atlanta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8o8GnWAdch/?igshid=xhm2z6e1zoid
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defyyourfears · 5 years ago
Tony Robbins Intro!!! (Power of Success Event) This man is a BEAST at inspiring people with his energy and positive vibes. Watch the crowd to nuts during his intro. Great event! Many awesome speakers with a hype crowd making it an uber memorable day. Looking forward to the next! . . . . . #powerofsuccess #powerofsuccesstoronto #tonyrobbins #rachelhollis #jtfoxx #garyjohnbishop #mollybloom #johngray #energyiseverything #inspired #accountability #toronto #peopleareawesome #defyyourfears #feedyourattitude #fuckdepression #pickyourselfup #livelifetothefullest #onlyonelife (at The International Centre) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4Q8VReF-w7/?igshid=6k4omhz0enz8
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quotenova · 4 months ago
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The best success usually comes after the biggest disappointment. https://www.quotenova.net/authors/john-gray-u-s-author/x623eb
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shelfauziah · 6 years ago
Lelaki Mars dan Wanita Venus
Laki-laki dan perempuan memiliki fitrahnya masing-masing. Buku yang ditulis John Gray, Men are From Mars Women are From Venus membuka banyak hal, terutama terkait perbedaan lekaki dan wanita. John Gray mengibaratkan lelaki dan wanita berasal dari planet yang berbeda. Lelaki berasal dari Mars dan wanita berasal dari Venus. Mereka berbicara dengan bahasa planet yang berbeda. Ini yang seringkali kita lupakan.
Perbedaan 'bahasa' ini akan berpengaruh pada pola komunikasi. Mungkin karena ini juga kita sering mendengar kalimat, "karena wanita ingin dimengerti" 😂 Lalu saya mulai bertanya, mengapa tak muncul klimat ini, "karena lelaki perlu dipahami". Mungkin karena lelaki cenderung lebih selalu ingin berada melebihi wanita. Atau mungkin karena lelaki tak seperti wanita yang lebih sering mengungkapkan perasaannya. Mungkin begitu ya, entahlah. 😅
Ada beberapa kalinat menarik yang ditulis Ghray dalam bukunya itu, ini salah satunya.
"Kaum pria jadi termotivasi dan bersemangat ketika merasa dibutuhkan dan kaum wanita jadi termotivasi ketika mereka merasa dicintai"
Membaca ini saya jadi teringat kisah Rasulullah saw. dengan Aisyah ra, istrinya yg paling pencemburu. Tapi ingatan sya hanya terfokus pada kalimat ttg wanita dari John Gray itu. Sepertinya kisah ini sudah tidak asing lagi pada kebanyakan kita. Suatu waktu Rasulullah marah kepada Aisyah ra. Ketika itu, beliau berkata, "Tutuplah matamu!" Kemudian Aisyah nenutup matanya dengan perasaab cemas, khawatir akan dimarahi Rasulullah saw. Nabi berkata. "Mendekatlah!" Tatkala Aisyah mendekat, Rasulullas saw. kemudian memeluk Aisyah sambil berkata, "Humairahku, telah pergi marahku setelah memelukmu"
Jangan tanya, kenapa membaca kalimat John Gray tadi membuat saya ingat kisah itu. Tapi lihatlah bagaimana Rasulullah begitu memahami wanitanya. Akhlaknya terhadap istrinya sangat luar biasa. Rasulullah saw.amat tahu, perempuan itu tercipta dari tulang rusuk yang begkok. Rasulullah saw. amat lembut memperlakukan wanita.
Dari Abu Hurairah Ra bahwa Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda: “Saling berpesanlah kalian untuk memperlakukan wanita dengan baik, karena sesungguhnya wanita itu Diciptakan dari tulang rusuk, dan sesungguhnya yang paling bengkok dari tulang rusuk itu adalah bagian atasnya. Jika engkau bersikeras untuk meluruskannya, niscaya engkau akan mematahkannya. Dan jika engkau biarkan, ia akan tetap bengkok, Karenanya saling Berpesanlah (saling menasihati) dgn baik pada wanita,” (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim)
Ini kalimat menarik selanjutnya yang ditulis John Gray. "Untuk merasa lebih enak, orang-orang Mars masuk ke gua guna menyelesaikan persoalan mereka sendiri."
Lelaki akan menarik diri, ketika ia memiliki dan ingin menyelesaikan masalahnya. Ini seringkali tidak dipahami wanita.
Membaca ini saya teringat kisah pertama kali Rasulullah saw.menerina wahyu. Kala itu, Rasulullah saw.amat ketakutan. Hingga ia pulang ke rumahnya dan Khadijah menjamputnya. Rasul berkata, "Selimutilah aku, selimutilah aku." Khadijah pun langsung menyelimuti Rasulullah saw. Khadijah tak banyak bertanya. Mungkin jika kita bertemu dengan orang yang ketakukatan begitu langsung akan bertanya, "Ada apa?" sambil menunjukkan kepanikan. Tapi tidak dengan Khadijah. Ia begitu amat tenang. Kalau dibahasakan pada istilah John Gray, Khadijah membiarkan Rasulullah saw.masuk ke guanya.
Khadijah tak bertanya tentang apa yang terjadi, ia menunggu Rasululullah saw. tenang. Hingga akhirnya, Rasulullah saw. berkata kepada Khadijah setelah memberitahukan masalahnya, “Saya takut pada diri saya.” Khadijah berkata, “Demi Allah, Allah tidak akan menghinakanmu selamanya, karena kamu adalah orang yang suka menyambung hubungan silaturahim, membantu orang lain, memberi orang yang tidak punya, memuliakan tamu, membantu orang-orang yang tertimpa musibah.”
Jawaban yang amat menenangkan dari seorang wanita pada lelakinya yang sedang ketakutan. Ia menunjukkan penghargaan dan dukungan pada Rasulullah. Dan kata John Gray, penghargaan dan dukungan serta keyakinan ia dapat menyelesaikan masalah yang harus ditunjukkan wanita pada laki-laki
Kita lanjutkan pada kalimat menarik selanjutnya.
"Utk merasa lebih enak, penduduk Venus berkumpul bersama dan secara terbuka membicarakan kesulitan mereka." Begitulah biasanya wanita. Ia akan mencari seseorang yang mau mendengarkannya. Khadijah ra.pernah juga begitu ketika belum menikah dengan Rasulullah saw. Ia menceritakan kerisauan dan keinginan agar Muhammad menikahinya pada Nafisah. Hingga akhirnya kecerdasan Nafisah menjadikan perantara Khadijah menikah dengan Muhammad.
Menarik membaca buku John Gray ini. Tapi tentu saja, lebih menarik ketika kita bisa mengambil pelajaran itu dari teladan terbaik. Dan itu tentu didapatkan dari kita mempelajari shirah Nabi dan juga shirah sahabat-sahabat Nabi.
Saya tahu, tulisan ini berat sebelah. Lebih berat pada perempuannya. Hey, bagaimana pun saya perempuan ✌🏻 Terakhir, saya ingin menutup tulisan ini dengan kalimag indah dari Ust. Cahyadi Takariawan, "Lelaki dan wanita itu bukan lawan jenis, tapi pasangan jenis."
Tulisan ini sudah pernah diposting di
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toluthatslimnigga · 6 years ago
I pray for everyone looking at this post right now that you will heal them in their hearts, those who have been hurt bad that you will restore them with your love...those experiencing lack that you will send them angels....those who are sick in their bodies that you will heal them!!! FILL THE ROOM OF EVERY HEART THAT IS READING THIS RIGHT NOW IJN!!!! . . Watch FILL THIS ROOM FULL VIDEO LINK IN MY BIO Download it free by simply googling “fill this room by TOLU and KRYSTELL”..... #gospelmusic #gospel #music #jesus #praise #neworleans #tashacobbs #johngray #prayer #miracles #allglorytogod #tylerperry #bible #lifequotes #williammurphy #church #churchplanting #tdjakes #god #newmusic #gospelrap #eastafrica #divineorder #chh #jamalbryant #jesuschrist #worship #faith #christian #grace https://www.instagram.com/p/Btz6-s3gIvM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kyd9pc7iiqja
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ohlalune · 2 years ago
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Baca buku ini gak sekadar cinta-cintaan atau memahami pasangan sendiri, melainkan paham diri juga. Bahwa wanita itu tidak rumit, mereka punya sifat alami sendiri sesederhana ingin didengar oleh telinga lain. Sama hal lawan jenisnya, mereka akan masuk ke dalam gua, tempat ke-alami-annya bekerja.
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stasiunbukujkt · 2 years ago
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Mars and venus. John gray. Gramedia. Segel Rp.20.000 #johngray https://www.instagram.com/p/ChCBSJVv_Q1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ladyaswad · 3 years ago
In The News (Headlines)
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smartrecoverybc · 7 years ago
What an absolutely amazing #business #event last year by the #mymfamily #mymsuccess with #johngray Hosted by#colinsprake (at Vancouver Convention Centre)
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makingloveinvskitchen · 3 years ago
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Dont miss Ep. 3 of “This Sunday’s Word from #johngray Check out my previous post. This is #justatouchof_j .. Everything else is God.. I’m just tryna put it all out there in pieces for you Baby! Linkinbio Thank you for the 64,000 JustATouchof_J podcast plays! New Podcast Alert! Listen to “This is #JustATouchof_J and I got somethin else to say. Ep.6 👉🏾 Back then U didn’t want me. Now Im Hot they ALL on me! & Im still pleased to announce that I’m CO-AUTHOR in the book DESTINED TO WIN Vol 4. “Pierced for a Purpose!” 6,000 of you showed love towards my new book via my mobile app! If you missed my other podcasts called, “Happy New 2022 Year from J & Matt! The old us and our New Things!” Check it out too. #linkinbio @mynameisroni76 @makingloveinvskitchen @justatouchof_jsfitness @werjustatouchof_j @thejatoj_podcastnetwork 👉🏾Download my JustATouchofJ App to listen to any of my 478 episodes of my recent podcast.. it’s being played in over 150 countries 🌎 for free! Just tap the (ListentoV) icon for #vspodcasttopics Podcast is also available on over 50 streaming networks! @spotify @iheartradio @pandora @spotifypodcasts @applepodcasts and Amazon.com just to name a few. @makingloveinvskitchen ..✍🏽 Is where I do my food thing. New recipes are on “The JustATouchofJ App” & my JustATouchofJ blogs too. The JustATouchof_J 🌱 Line has released my “première édition numéro un” rolling papers! These French European Rolling Papers are exquisite. Remember All you need is #JustATouchof_TheJ And check out “MY FIT” 👉🏾#jsfit ... #fitnessapparel and Clothing online store and so much more. @justatouchof_jsfitness To listen my #podcast , radio show ,new music, & also view my blogs #recipes, #foodporn, and #fitnessmotivation see my link in bio! #Google JustATouchof_J #chef #femaleentrepreneur #ceo #author #buisnessowner #podcaster #mobileapp #speaker #blogger #radiopersonality #motivationalspeaker #influencer #christian #thissundaysword #church #preach #godsword (at Gwinnett County, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZF8L9Kr0Fu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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