#john x roy
johnnys-helmet · 2 years
i love them your honor
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too-much-tma-stuff · 5 months
Hyena!Danny AU Masterpost
Pairing: Jason/Danny
Warning: Descriptions of violence
Description: During a Pit flare up one of Jason's longest 'goons' reveals healing abilities he kept secret and offers Jason the chance to take out his anger on him. As this strange relationship unfolds Jason learns more about the man he previously knew as 'Fox'.
You can find the series on AO3 if you'd rather follow it there: https://archiveofourown.org/series/4130452
Main Story
Part 1: I Don't Trust the World with You
part 2: Caring Enough to Kill
Part 2.5: Flowers From One Bitch to Another
Part 3: Not Without Me
Part 3.5: I Want Better For You
Part 4: Lucky it's not Worse
Part 5: An Unwelcome Guest
Part 5.5: Tim Comes for Dinner!
Part 6: I Never Blamed You
Part 6.5: Double Date
Part 7: Healing is Slow, but Inevitable
Part 8: Will You Take Care of Her
Part 8.5: We Will Take Care of Her (Tim's POV)
Part 9: In the Light of Day
Part 10: Fear is a Dangerous Thing
Part 11: You Stay Away From Her
Part 12: Let's Fill Our Home With Warmth
Past 13: Reclaiming What We Lost
Part 14: Things Are Changing
Part 15: Never a Dull Moment
Part 16: This Isn't the First Time
Part 17: A Proper Fight
Part 18: Different Meanings
part 18.5: How Different Is It
Part 19: Beach Episode
Part 20: As Long as We Can Hold On
Short asides
Love me, Control me (18+)
What the Workers See
Some of Them Want to be Used (18+)
Sharing is Caring (18+)
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python-nebula · 3 months
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The four horsemen of throuples that should've been canon that contain an assertive woman with a strong british or spanish accent, and two guys who bicker a lot - one of which has dark hair - and they all love each other a ton + work together to help the world (whether that be through time travel, football, podcast crime-solving, or vampire hunting)
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phantomqa · 2 months
Guys the time I spend on here is becoming concerning, but do I care no. 🤠
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springtyme · 1 year
𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐞'𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ♡
The Bear
Sydney Adamu
Richie Jerimovich
Carmen Berzatto
Michael Berzatto
Chef Luca
Video Games
141 + König
Joel Miller
Arthur Morgan
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
Emily Prentiss
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Roman Roy
Kendall Roy
Shiobhan Roy
Peaky Blinders
Tommy Shelby
Arthur Shelby
John Shelby
Farleigh Start
Felix Catton
Miguel O'hara
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she-wolf09231982 · 9 months
Chapter 1- The Age of Chivalry
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Summary: You're reassigned to Easy Company when one of their medics was injured pre D-Day. You expect some sass from the Company since you'll be the only female soldier in 100 miles but never expected for any of them to befriend you.
Author Note: Mature audience, Joe LiebgottxFemMedic, WW2, Character introduction, Pre D-Day, She/Her Pronouns, Y/N, L/N, Cursing/Swearing, Derogatory Slurs, Womanizing Comments, Military Terminology, Inappropriate Nicknames, Band of Brothers References, Mentions of Weaponry, Smoking, Story takes place Episode 1- Currahee
*These stories may not fall entirely in accordance with the TV series timeline. I do not know the real soldiers the actors portray in this series, so please understand I show no disrespect. Some or most of historical events and character interactions in my fanfics are fabricated purely for the sake of the enjoyment of fiction*
October 1943
It was never a good idea to mix a single female with a Company of deprived men in the Army...but here you are. You found out you were assigned to Easy Company 2nd Battalion 101st Airborne Division in Fall 1943 when they lost one of their medics to an injury. Although you trained separately from the males at Toccoa in the Divisional medical unit and were one of very few females allowed to work alongside men, you got along quite well with most of the guys. You held your own never asking for special treatment or never played the ‘damsel in distress’ card, so Easy Company learned rather quickly that you can keep up.  
You remember the day you arrived at Aldbourne, England to make contact with the boys of Easy Company. With your reassignment order in hand, you approach a group of soldiers sitting at a picnic bench outside a building. All of them looking a bit rough, but nonetheless smoking and joking with eachother. They take a pause as they notice you approaching them. Some of them sizing you up and down as you carry your duffel full of medical supplies and wearing fatigues that have yet to see the battlefields like theirs have.  
“Hey, you lost there, lady?” Private Roy Cobb called out to you, sizing you up again as you continued to walk towards them without faltering. 
You shoot the mouthy Private a look of disdain before responding. 
“I’m looking for Corporal Roe. I was told to make contact with him as soon I arrived.” You speak to the group as a whole. 
They all exchanged looks and a few whispers. 
Corporal George Luz stood up. 
“Why, I’m Eugene Roe. But around here they call me, ‘Doc.’” He declared confidently with a cocky grin. 
The others started to snicker. One laid a heavy pat on his shoulder showing his appreciation of the joke. 
You rolled your eyes, releasing an exasperated sigh. 
Sergeant Denver Randleman stood from the bench, then walked towards you pushing Luz aside shaking his head as he passed him. He was a larger man. Like a bear. Never removing the cigar hanging out of the corner of his mouth as he spoke to you.  
“He’s across the way this way, I’ll take ya to him.” He said, motioning you along in the opposite direction. 
“Thank you, Sergeant.” You reply. 
“No problem. And it’s just ‘Bull,’ ma’am.” He said politely in his thick Southern accent as he passed you leading the way.  
You turn on your heel and proceed to follow Bull, ignoring the distant whistles you heard from some of the men you just met behind you. 
“I hope the guys haven’t given you too much trouble so far?” stated the actual Eugene ‘Doc’ Roe when you crossed into the designated aid station. 
“Nothing I haven’t dealt with before, Doc.” You say with conviction.  
Bull chuckled, finding your response amusing. 
“Yeah, I bet.” Doc replied before continuing. 
“Well, let’s get you in processed here, and squared away. Thanks for bringing her here, Bull. I’m sure those other idiots would’ve just sent her to their barracks.” he said with a roll of his eyes. 
Bull nodded with a small wave.  
“See you at chow, L/N.” Bull called back to you before he left. 
When Bull returned to where the others were still gathered, they bombarded him with questions. 
“Did you catch her name??” Sergeant (Sgt) Don Malarkey prodded. 
“-is she coming to Easy Company??” Sgt Bill Guarnere interrupted before Bull could answer. 
“-did she say anything about me?” Luz questioned. 
As the interrogation got heavier, he threw his hands up and removed the cigar from his mouth. 
“GUYS!! Take it easy, will ya? You’ll see her later at chow, just don’t attack her with all of these questions right away, k? We don’t want to scare her off now, do we?” He explained as he replaced his cigar and walked away.  
They all swapped looks of excitement.  
“Well, I don’t know about you guys, but I’m going to have me a shower before dinner this evening.” Corporal Joe Liebgott stated while flicking his cigarette butt, rising from the picnic bench, shouldering his rifle. 
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“Ok, Liebgott, like you have a shot.” Malarkey teased. 
Liebgott turned to him. 
“Oh contrare, I feel you underestimate me, Don.” He shot back at Malarkey while walking backwards, then turning back around. 
The group scoffed at him collectively. 
You got to chow early before any of the other men started to show up. You tucked yourself way in the back at a long table in the corner. You made sure to keep your head down, hanging over a tray trying to swallow some of the Army’s finest slop.  
“Should’ve just stuck to a dinner roll with margarine.” You whispered to yourself as you grimaced from the last mouthful of mystery meat from your plate. 
“Not exactly a high-end dish from The Ritz, now, is it?” Sgt Carwood Lipton joked as he sat down across from you with his own serving of slop. 
“Yeah, not quite.” You respond while poking at a hard, clay-like mound on your plate that was supposed to be mashed potatoes. 
“You’ll get used to it.” Bull stated as he sat next to you with his tray. 
You ‘psh-ed’ at Bull’s statement. 
“I highly doubt that. But I’ll make do.” You convinced yourself. “Surprisingly not the worst food I’ve had.” You added. 
“Really, there’s something out there worse than this?” Lipton asked astonished as he stirred his cold soup that looked like ketchup and water. 
“Oh yeah! Pixley and Ehler’s Diner on Clark Street in Chicago has some questionable selections.” You explained. 
“Is that where you’re from?” Corporal Frank Perconte queried as he sat next to Lipton. 
“I am.” You replied with pride. 
“You Italian then?” Guarnere asked, inviting himself to the conversation, sitting next to Perconte. 
“Italian and Irish.” You clarified. 
“Ssshh, a goddam Mick-Deigo.” Guarnere sneered crinkling his nose in disgust. 
“Leave’er alone, Gonorrhea.” Liebgott interjected sitting next to Bull. 
“I’m guessing you're Italian?” You directed at Guarnere. 
“Sicilian, actually.” He retorted. 
“Hm, you know that Sicilians aren’t real Italians, right? Sicily is just like Australia. All the criminals of Britain were shipped there to be ostracized from the mainland. Sicily is just an island of Italy’s delinquents.” You taunted. 
The others “ooooo-ed” in unison. Even Perconte who was the other Italian of Easy company. 
“She got you there, Guarnere.” Bull teased. 
Everyone laughed. Except Guarnere. 
“You think you’re funny?” Guarnere challenged. 
You sighed and looked at him deadpan in the face without an ounce of fear to show. 
“Come on, Guarnere, she was only dishing out what you gave her.” Perconte defended. 
“Shut your trap, Perconte, you should be on my side!” he said slamming a fist onto the surface of the table then pointing at him.  
The rest of the table filled up with remaining members of Easy Company that could fit that wanted to see the fight unfold. 
You folded your arms in front of you on top of the table and leaned forward, making sure you got Guarnere’s attention, then spoke with distinct fire in your voice. 
“You think I’m some dame just showing up here straight out of basic training not knowing how to handle myself with soldiers? I’ve been whistled at, barked at, howled at, catcalled, pinched, ass slapped, and manhandled by the worst of them, pal. You labeling me because of my heritage ain’t gonna do shit to me. But I’ll be damned you disrespect me like I haven’t earned the right to be respected. Just remember, I’m the one that’s going to be tending to you if you get shot in the field, sergeant.”  
You glare at him, then rise harshly from your seat, leaving the rest of the table in a state of awe and shock. 
“Good job, Gonorrhea. You pissed her off now.” Liebgott pointed out with an audible tsk. 
“Fuck her.” Guarnere spit back. 
As soon as you left the chow hall, you found a spot out of sight to catch your breath and slow your heart rate. You leaned against a post looking up towards the night sky taking deep controlled breaths. 
“Corporal L/N?” You’re startled by the voice of Lieutenant (LT) Richard Winters. You snap to attention ready to render a salute, but he waves you down. 
“As you were. Are you alright?” He asked as you relaxed your stance. 
“Yessir, just getting some fresh air.” You reassured. 
He looked at you with skepticism, not believing you were telling him the entire truth.  
You continued. 
“A room full of men who haven’t showered in a few days can make a gal lightheaded.” You joked. 
The corner of LT Winters’ mouth started to curl into a slight grin, trying his best not to laugh outloud at your quick wit. 
“I see, L/N. Well rest up, we’ll need you to be ready when we move out for the next mission.” He explained. 
“Yes, sir. Have a good night.” You replied. 
Winters gave a nod and entered the chow hall. 
LT Winters bee lined for his company’s table. His men all greeted him cheerfully as he approached the table. 
“Lieutenant, got a seat open right here.” Bull called out, gesturing to your vacant spot. 
“No thanks, Bull, I’ve eaten already.” Winters responded. He paused before he continued. 
“Just ran into Corporal L/N on the way in-” He paused again to assess the men’s reaction. 
Some continued eating, pretending like they hadn’t really heard. Lipton, Bull and Liebgott looked up at Winters waiting for him to continue. 
“She seemed somewhat troubled.” Winters finished. He waited for anyone to speak up, looking at the group expectantly. 
“Maybe her panties got all up in a twist, sir.” Guarnere offered up sarcastically. 
Some of the men chortled in response. 
Winters, Bull, Lipton, and Liebgott weren’t amused. 
“Well, she only said a room full of foul-smelling males made her dizzy and she needed fresh air.” Winters relayed, while looking at Guarnere suspiciously. 
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The men all started to smell their armpits self-consciously. 
“Corporal Liebgott.” Winters called out. 
“Get out there and escort L/N to her tent.” Winters instructed. 
“Yes, sir.” Liebgott acknowledged. 
“L/N will not walk around alone at night, gentlemen. I don’t care who goes with her, but make sure she always has a battle buddy in the hours of darkness. Tracking?” Winters asked, raising his voice authoritatively. 
The table responded “yes, sir” simultaneously. 
Liebgott rushed out excitedly and hustled down the street to catch you before you got too far. 
You were aways a bit ahead before Liebgott found you. 
“Hey, L/N! Wait up!” He called after you. 
You turned around looking for the voice calling your name. 
You stopped walking, waiting for Liebgott trotting over to catch up to you. 
“Can I help you?” You asked with a little more harshness in your voice than you intended. 
“As a matter of fact, I’m here to help you. I have the honor of accompanying you to your barracks.” He responded with enthusiasm and a smile. 
You were taken aback. You raised an eyebrow at him. 
“Oh?” You questioned before continuing. “That’s quite unexpectedly chivalrous of you.” 
“Well, you have Winters to thank for that, it was his idea.” He responded quite bluntly. 
You rolled your eyes.  
“Hm, I see.” You reply briskly.  
Liebgott realized he sounded like an asshole right then. 
“Of course, if you approve, I’ll appoint myself your permanent battle buddy from now on.” He extended with his signature smirk as you resumed walking together. 
You felt your face heat up. You averted your eyes to the ground so he wouldn’t see you blush. But Joseph Liebgott doesn’t miss a thing. He grinned wider. 
“If those are the LT’s orders, then have at it, Liebgott.” You replied coldly. 
“Nah, that last part was my idea.” He stated proudly. 
You shot him a confused expression, then he winked at you. 
You laughed nervously, looking away quickly to break the awkwardness you felt in the pit of your stomach. 
He smiled at you affectionately.
“And call me Joe.” He added.
“Y/N.” You reply looking up at him through your lashes.
“Look, sorry if I’m making it weird. And don’t listen to Gonorrhea. He’s just a jackass with a height deficiency. The kid always has some stupid shit to say.” He explained. 
You nod trying to suppress a giggle. 
“This is me.” You announce as you approach the entrance to your sleeping quarters. You turn to face Joe. “Thank you for the chat, and the company, Liebgott…I mean Joe.” You say dotingly. 
“Forget it. So?” He asked. 
You were genuinely confused. 
“Sooo?” You reply. 
“Am I your permanent evening escort?” he asked with a grin and a wink. 
This time you laugh outwardly at his attempt at a flirty sexual inuendo. 
“If by ‘evening escort’ you mean my nightly walk to and from one location to another, I’d have to say....I’ll think about it.” You respond flirtatiously with a wink in return. 
His face lit up. 
“Well alright then. We’ll take another test run tomorrow night.” He proposed. 
You shook your head smiling, astounded by the level of confidence this man had. 
“Good night, Joe.” You finalized as you disappear beyond the threshold of the tent entrance. 
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lizardboiii · 4 months
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⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
┃Last Updated: 06/03/24
┃Total Works: 1
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
Central City
Barry Allen
┃At The Tone
Wally West
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
Gotham City
Bruce Wayne
Dick Grayson
Jason Todd
Tim Drake
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
Clark Kent
Conner Kent
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
Hal Jordan
Guy Gardner
John Stewart
Kyle Rayner
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
Star City
Oliver Queen
Roy Harper
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
Garfield Logan
J'onn J'onzz
Victor Stone
▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 100%
⤷Refer to MASTERLIST for introduction and rules.
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springtyme · 24 days
𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 ♡
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I've decided that for October, I'll try to write 31 little fics, one for each day. It's mostly going to be fluff, but I'm fine with mixing in a few smut and angst pieces here and there for variety.
So, if you have any autumn/Halloween ideas or requests you would like me to write they are more than welcome <3 It can be for any of the characters on character list
It can also be for versions of a character and reader from any of my prior fics <3
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alannacouture · 1 year
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I just started an Arrow rewatch, so if I start posting a shit ton of Olicity content, that’s why. I figured I’d just give people a warning. 💚🏹👩‍💻
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mikyapixie · 1 month
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✨✨✨Happy Birthday To Red Hood Jason Todd!!!✨✨✨
I think I did a little too much here 😅😅😅 but it looks perfect!!!🤩🤩🤩
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kenstewytruther · 3 months
francesca bridgerton my beautiful autistic princess
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roseworth · 1 year
A who suffers more poll but it's batfam fans that actually read the comics vs dc fans who hate batman and the batfam
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starlightwoofwoof · 3 months
🖤🧡✨ Random Fun Facts about my SM x MLB AU (Part 2) ✨🧡🖤
I think I might make this a series if I think of more lol
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In terms of who’s been affected by the whole ‘nightmare/hallucination’ side effect of the akumatizations the most, that would probably be Roy, about Rage
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Okay, now, let me explain how Smokey’s powers work because I finally thought of them :D
So, basically, he puffs out the smoke from his cigarette which makes people he loves and cares for fall in a deep sleep, and then they get transported to this weird smoke dimension where they can all be ‘safe’
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If Sweetener and Count were to ever sleep together, they would probably sleep like this lol
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okay this is kind of more of a general headcanon than a fun fact in my AU ig- but Streber does have a prosthetic arm (he built it himself :D)
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nickysfacts · 2 months
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I love that Marvel chose Canada’s superhero representative to be a short grumpy elderly alcoholic!
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phantomstatistician · 11 months
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Fandom: Spooky Month
Sample Size: 682 stories
Source: AO3
Note: This chart excludes crossovers and x Reader ships.
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Not my roommate putting on that one Office episode where Jim and Roy are beefing over Pam with basketball, when it’s three days before THE jealousy episode of 9-1-1 comes out. How dare she!!!??
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