#john seed/irene seed
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punkpandapatrixk · 21 days ago
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🥖Establishing Your Identity ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
I promise you there isn’t a single thing that’s exciting about being a copy of someone else’s elegance or magnificence🌹Since that in itself is already effort anyway, if you must establish a unique identity, why not stay true to your Divinity?🌻After all, isn’t everybody already singularly UNIQUE within themselves?🌸Just as a tulip isn’t to be compared to a jasmine or a magnolia, each specimen of flowers is fully accepted to be uniquely BEAUTIFUL in its own way~🌷
As a human woman, all you need to do to become the highest expression of your DIVINE BEAUTY, is to think like a flower… DECENTRE THE OPINIONS OF THE PATRIARCHY, BIH!🥖🥖🥖
Who the fuck cares what some penis-wielding creature thinks a woman can or can’t do?🐙Why should you allow the self-restrictions of femcel women define the limits of your personal interests?🦐
In this world that’s only forgotten the value of individual beauty, never underestimate the importance of YOUR unique imprint~🐾Being individually, organically, singularly and identifiably ORIGINAL in a garden of factory-produced plastic flowers is possibly the greatest, most valuable gift of fragrance you could share with the Divine Femmes of this world~💐
Psst...did you know that flowers are an enlightened expression of plants? Yup.
music: Like A Flower by IRENE
film: Flowers (2010)
deck-bottom: XI Judgement Rx, Gold Astronomer (John Dee), Priestess of Healing
[PAC Masterlist] [Part 2] [Part 3]
[Patreon] [Paid Readings] [buymeaboba]
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Pile 1 – Sweet Thorny Rose Who's Only for the Strong
vibe: Mafia In the morning by ITZY
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seeds of Light – 6 of Cups
A bit dramatic. A bit over-emotional. More often than not, you’re super chaotic on the inside! Do you realise that you possess the superpower of HILARITY?🤪Yup, apparently that’s a word. You’re…rather unexpectedly…friendly, and actually pretty funny once people get to know you. Your hilarity, when displayed to the right people, can be panacea to their insecurity, confusion and even heartbreak🌿Oh my gosh, isn’t that a rare superpower—because obviously not that many people have your special kind of social intelligence!🐬
Most of all, you’re somebody who’s fiercely loyal to yourself! In the way that you simply exist, you sow the seeds of loyalty-to-self in the hearts and minds of those who are similar to yourself but lacking courage🦔In this world, people get swayed by external opinions, expectations and all that shit (blame the media, culture or whatever) and they become very doubtful of their worth and place in the world, so your particular kind of confidence in your sense of humour and self can be deeply healing, on top of inspirational~🌞
The thing about your confidence is, no matter what is at stake or what you have to sacrifice, you won’t let even the most expert manipulators, gaslighters or enablers bend and beat you into whatever stupid shape they wish you to be👻You stay true to your heart and vision no matter what it costs you to ‘lose’ in a battle of wit. You can ride the wave but you won’t lose yourself in the sauce. You never let society’s dictation—which is often highly unintelligent—influence your dreams or ideas about how you wanna go about Life~🧠
And that’s…how you win the war over your psyche! Now tell me how this isn’t a thing of the superheroes?🦄
growing and glowing – 7 of Pentacles Rx
In your boss babe aenergy, you tell yourself, every day, that you decide the pace of what you want to see manifest in your world. It sounds crazy and if you’re met with the wrong people, they’re gonna assume you’re a narc or a self-serving megalomaniac—but the whole time, you’re just a SIGMA or some shit🤪You’re the type of person who doesn’t require even an ounce of other people’s approving look to know that what you’re thinking for yourself is right. You, don’t even respond well to rules and orders that have ‘unreasonable’ written all over them🥴
And about ‘hard work’ or ‘hustle culture’? Well, if whatever is being discussed involves a lack of intelligence or sensibility, you ain’t buying it. It isn’t to say you can’t work hard at anything—it is to say that you will only devote yourself to endeavours that truly matter at the core of their conception🫀You don’t even buy this whole ‘work smart not hard’ narrative; for you, it’s always been about whether or not an effort is meaningful to your growth or the growth of the community in the grand scheme of everything. That, is how BIG your thinking gets🤯
And this is exactly what most people can’t even begin to grasp. People often frustrate you. And more likely than not, if you remain clear about these values of yours, you may be shunned by those that are weak and lazy in their minds🧳Their loss. You ain’t even interested in working or even walking with them slow ass fools—although you do possess enough empathy to understand that such fools are just afraid. But oh well~ can’t let other people’s Realities slow you down, now can you? So just like that, you keep on flying higher like a motherfucker🚀lmao
enlightened crown – King of Pentacles
Oh, you are certain to be richie rich at some point in Life—even if you had come from poverty, for instance, but that’s not the point. You’ve got this tenacity in you that’s obviously gonna be rewarded by some financial abundance in this lifetime. ‘Richie Bitchie’ is written all over your birth chart—go check, maybe you have strategic Capricorn/Saturn placements?🪐Anyway, keep your ‘genius hustle’ all to yourself and remember that you don’t gotta share your secret sauce to abundance with nobody who don’t respect you for you, OK?🍅🌶🥫
You’re free to live for yourself, in a paradise of your own making, with only your people—you know what I’m saying? When it comes to other people’s company, I always say: ‘Never chase after anybody’s attention. Let them prove themselves worthy of your affection.’ Then again, who am I to even be telling you this?🤡Your mind is strong and you already know all of this. Maybe you just need to be validated/reminded every now and then, so you don’t feel so alone in your ‘sigma’ aenergy🎃
Anyway, in a world so social, surely every one of us needs to compromise every now and then—after all, we live in society. But I think, you shouldn’t ever give in to its rules and expectations when it comes to your guarding your values🛡It’s weird how some people be making it sound like being assertive or introverted or shy or a loner is a crime—the world has bigger problems than girls liking their own company and focused on their personal goals🤹
courage to be yourself – Silver Historian (Polydore Vergil)
always be alright – Priestess of Luxury
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Pile 2 – The Caterpillar Who Became the Butterfly Who Became a Dragon
vibe: New Woman by LISA
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seeds of Light – XVII The Star
Hello, natural-born Superstar!🎇Do you have strong Aquarius placements or 11H Stellium? Maybe you have strategic fame-degrees in your natal chart? 5°, 17°, and 29° are three of the most common ‘fame degrees’ in astrology, so you might wanna check that out, too. Basically, since your preconception, you were written to be a trailblazer of sort. It doesn’t matter the capacity or the variety—you were designed to achieve some level of publicity or notoriety in this lifetime����huehue
For that very reason, in this incarnation, you were never meant to be static, just this one thing that appeals to everybody’s palates. Part of your ‘blueprint’ involves constantly changing and transforming yourself, your paradigms, again and again, numerous times until you become one again with your Higher Self whilst in a physical form💞REINVENTION is your middle name. You are boundlessly creative and fresh! Although sometimes you may get exhausted…
That said, if you’re somebody who isn’t easily defined, it’s only because you’re too ORIGINAL. It’s because you’re a PROTOTYPE fresh out of the blueprint; people are still catching up with figuring you out~🧬hahah But that’s what’s really exciting about being BORN EXTRAORDINARY, right? Many would love to be reborn as something similar to you in their next lives, did you know that?🎈
growing and glowing – 6 of Pentacles
The reason that you’re a prototype, which obviously can be quite a lonely experience, is that your Soul wanted to bring more extraordinary colours to the whole Human Experience itself. Your Soul saw and understood how drab and dull the lives of many on Earth look to the Celestials, so you came down to contribute something more exciting~☄️That was all, really. Uplifting of the human spirit, so that their eyes become upgraded enough to perceive more colours of Love~🌈
Prototypes are rarely the most popular things or people, but one thing for sure is that they’re remembered, venerated almost, as the ones who started this new thing no one had even thought about. Prototypes are ones forever remembered as a positive force of change; the opener of new pathways of thinking or being, breathing, living, expressing~🍏Of all the Piles, you really came down here to be of service—first and foremost by just being yourself😘
The truth of the matter is, it’s enough that you’re here. And if you really feel a pull towards that fame and notoriety, all you need to do right now is keep doing this one thing that’s most authentic to your Soul. Keep at it until you become so masterful at it the world can’t help but MANIFEST you into the world stage so people can actually benefit from your Lightwork! Crazy, right? But it’s really that easy! You really be magical like that, hoe~🤩
enlightened crown – 8 of Wands Rx
The 8 of Wands in reverse here is basically saying: ‘close your ears to the world!’🙉hahah No, no, it isn’t telling you to become a narc—it’s saying that you can safely listen to your Heart’s whisper when it comes to establishing your identity in this loudly confused world~🙈Babe, you’re the voice of reason that’s meant to tear down the old paradigm of boredom, where’s the sense in you instead following the crowds?🙊Ya got that?
If you’re going to grow and bloom into anything magnificent at all, might as well grow and bloom into the most enlightened expression of Yourself🌺Be honest, speak your truth, don’t get yourself killed lmao The way to immortality, the way to remaining evergreen in the minds of those still living on Gaia, is through being the most ICONIC person to ever walk there. And you can only be that way if you’re honest to your heart to boot🌼
Let yourself grow day by day, breathing deeply at every moment, and should the occasion arise, always be ready to paint yourself anew, to serve a new era of Mankind, where people actually get to establish their Heaven on Earth through conscious choices that reflect the Divinity within🐛Remember that you are the Prototype—one day all of Humanity is going to be just like you🦋But for now, you’re the caterpillar who turned into a butterfly who became a DRAGON!🐉
courage to be yourself – Silver Astrologer (John Dee)
always be alright – Priestess of Patience
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Pile 3 – Sensitive and Strong Shine On Soft Spectre of Surreal Sunshine
vibe: Mantra by JENNIE
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seeds of Light – 5 of Pentacles
Oh, you silly goose🦆On the outside you look unrealistically beautiful and almost intimidating, but on the inside, you’re just a smol hamster who wants to be friends with everybody🐹At the core of your being, you’re thee definition of a girl’s girl—anybody would be lucky to have you as a friend. You’re loyal as fuck. But hey, society is rife with losers, right? Your looks have gotten you misunderstood and hated for literally the lamest reasons. That’s a little ‘problem’ we could have for being a natural-born Royalty—those with a peasant mentality tend to harbour resentment to those they recognise as possessing an ✨EXPENSIVE✨ aura. You know that, right?🌛
Thing is, you’re not at all intimidating like Gordon Ramsay or Marco Pierre White or Anna Wintour. You’re a different kind of intimidating altogether. You’re sweet, beautiful, polite and friendly, basically you’re a ray of sunshine. People think you’re gullible—whoops!💀With you, it isn’t just a matter of status or accomplishment, but that people hate with a passion women like you who know exactly what you’re worth. Your standards for almost every aspect of your own existence are sky-high! Babe, you are the standard of existence🪁
Women like you are rare and should be cherished as a role model for young girls. High-quality Human female who not only possesses a good heart and brains but also has the audacity to own your pretty!🩰What’s society gonna do with a mutiny like this? Woman was supposed to take a supporting role and remain eternally humble and doubting herself so that man could take on the role of uplifting her from her 'default' confusion, right?🎣
Men have composed sleazy scriptures to confound the Divine Feminine; how dare you sing against their gospel?😫pffft
growing and glowing – Knight of Pentacles
Keep confounding them then. Give ‘em a taste of their own medicine, gurl. See, people think you’re gullible or stupid, right? That makes everything a lot easier—because in reality, you’re the kinda gal who strategizes immaculately, all while thinking to yourself: ‘This is how big girls play. If you can’t play the big games, go away.’ Actually, you take great pleasure in outdoing everybody if only you’d vocalise this😜Buuut, you’re too graceful for that~🤭
You’ve got sense. You’re superbly intelligent. You were most likely born rich or have that presence about you that gets everybody thinking: ‘Surely one day she’s gonna be stupid rich.’🫦Beware of leeches at every turn, girl! You’ve gotta be able to admit to yourself that not everybody’s gonna have your best interest at heart, OK? You could totally be targeted for your resources when people realise that they can’t even begin to compete with you on an even ground, let alone WIN against you. And that’s truly, really the sad part of all of this…🩸
Because you never wanted to compete with anybody. If you’ve ever competed with anybody it is with the you of yesterday. People are weird to be feeling a sense of competition with you, because the whole time, you chose to be born at this passage of time exactly to uplift other women—to awaken them from their own complicity in upholding the patriarchy. To simplify, and if you’ve never thought of this before, let this be the first time you’re hearing it…
enlightened crown – 9 of Wands Rx
Women who are inclined to feel inferior to you are those who possess a femcel psychology deep inside of them. These are the dangerous pick-mes, queen-mes, and malignant female narcs and manipulators. These types of women seek to be a harbinger of chaos in the lives of PRETTY GURLS like you. Don’t be wasting your time on these Ghislain Maxwell wannabes if you wanna live a prosperous Life!🤠
This that pretty girl mantra. Pretty girls don’t do drama… ‘less we wanna
Yup, ‘less you wanna and it’ll be depending on the type. ‘Bring the drama only if it’ll make me munny’📞lmao You smart like that. Drama is a hustle. Hustling can be dramatic. Reputation on the line? Might as well gain something out of it, so that whichever way the wind blows, you WIN BIG either way. Total boss babe move🚬
You’d never let people waste your time. Since dealing with people is exhausting anyway, you gotta make sure that you get some kind of compensation. Hmm I’m sure you’ve got some strategic, auspicious Capricorn/Saturn/10H placements hahah Jennie Kim, Jang Wonyoung and Lily-Rose Depp come to mind when I think about your aenergy. Such unfailingly kind, optimistic and beautiful aenergy~🎀
courage to be yourself – Silver Physician (John Dee)
always be alright – Priestess of Opulence
Access bonus, cards + affs on Patreon🌸
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[PAC Masterlist] [Part 2] [Part 3]
[Patreon] [Paid Readings] [buymeaboba]
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jefferyryanlong · 19 days ago
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Infinite Pau Hana - February 12, 2025
Hour 1
Distant Lover (live) - Marvin Gaye You Always Hurt the One You Love - Laura Michele I Love Every Little Thing About You - Stevie Wonder Lament for the Sky - Acidslop Gypsy Woman (live) - Curtis Mayfield Jealous Guy (live) - Donny Hathaway Someday We'll Be Together - Diana Ross and the Supremes Mellow Mood - The Wailers Love the One You're With (live) - The Isley Brothers Lay Lady Lay (live) - The Isley Brothers
Hour 2
If Not for You - Bob Dylan Love Hurts - Gram Parsons Someday Soon - Judy Collins Amoreena - Elton John Raining in Darling - Bonnie "Prince" Billy Angel Flying Too Close to the Ground - Willie Nelson When the Roses Bloom Again - Billy Bragg and Wilco I Made a Lover's Prayer - Gillian Welch Please Send Me Someone to Love - Percy Mayfield Ruler of My Heart - Irma Thomas How Can you Mend a Broken Heart - Al Green 99 Miles to LA - Johnn Mathis I Know - Fiona Apple
Hour 3
Busby Berkeley Dreams - The Magnetic Fields Our Way to Fall - Yo La Tengo I'll Be Your Mirror - The Velvet Underground How Did the Feeling Feel to You - Karen Dalton Pegasi - Jesca Hoop I'd Like to Walk Around in Your Mind - Vashti Bunyan At the Hop - Devendra Banhart Into My Arms - Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds Goodnight Irene - Tom Waits Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes - Paul Simon Only Love Can Break Your Heart (live) - Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young Trouble Me (live) - 10,000 Maniacs Bluebird - We All Together Love IS Strange- Wings
KTUH - 90.1 FM Honolulu, 91.1 FM North Shore, ktuh.org
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severingt · 6 months ago
The GT Radio Show 8th February 2013
All Right Now - Free
Life Of Riley - Lightning Seeds
Lost Weekend - Lloyd Cole and the Commotions
Lovestruck - Madness
Live It Up - Mental As Anything
Lifes A Gas - T.Rex
Is Anybody Out There - K'Naan featuring Nellie Furtado
If You Gotta Go (Go Now) - Manfred Mann
Hymn For The Dudes - Mott The Hoople
Cold Turkey - John Lennon
50 Ways To Leave Your Lover - Paul Simon
Goodnight Irene - Ry Cooder
Like A Hurricane - Neil Young  
Street Fighting Man - Rolling Stones
Shot By Both Sides - Magazine
Sha La La La Lee - Small Faces
Silence Is Golden - Four Seasons
You're 16 (You're Beautiful and You're Mine) - Ringo Starr
Nothings Gonna Pull Us Apart - Graham Parker and the Rumour
One For The Road - Ronnie Lane and the band Slim Chance
The Poacher - Paul Weller (Live BBC)
Shamrock Shore - Horslips
The Old School Yard - Linda Lewis
Veronica - Elvis Costello
Respectable - Mel and Kim
Pound The Alarm - Nicki Minaj
Opportunities - Pet Shop Boys
Payphone - Maroon 5 featuring Wizz Khalifa
Princess Of China - Coldplay featuring Rihanna
0 notes
petervc88 · 1 year ago
Cappelle Calling - 18 maart 2024
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Deze uitzending had ik een co-host: Nancy Mahulette. Ze is wekelijks in mijn programma te horen in de jingles die zij heeft ingesproken, Vandaag was ze er om nieuwe jingles in te spreken, omdat Cappelle Calling binnenkort naast 90FM ook bij Slotstad Radio zal worden uitgezonden. De LP van de Week was 'Body & Soul' van Joe Jackson uit 1984. De Filmplaat stond in teken van de vorige week overleden Eric Carmen, en de DisCovered van de vandaag jarige Lykke Li.
Terugluisteren kan hier.
Dit was de playlist:
Uur 1:
Chuck Berry - Roll Over Beethoven The Rose - Back To Me Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel - Make Me Smile Joe Jackson - Cha Cha Loco (LP van de Week) Fleetwood Mac - Dreams Elbow - Good Blood Mexico City Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Red Right Hand Triggerfinger - I Follow Rivers (DisCovered) Teddy Swims - Lose Control Eric Carmen - Hungry Eyes (Filmplaat - uit 'Dirty Dancing' ) Irene Cara - Flashdance.. What a feeling Joe Jackson - You Can't Get What You Want (Till You Know What You Want (LP van de Week)
Uur 2:
Maroon 5 - This Love Stan Walker - I AM Joe Jackson & Elaine Caswell - Happy Ending (LP van de Week) Vampire Weekend - Classical Lykke Li - I Follow Rivers (DisCovered) Nothing But Thieves - Time :: Fate :: Karma :: God The Gaslight Anthem - The '59 Sound Racoon - It's You Or Me Neil Young - Lotta Love Tessa Rose Jackson feat. Franklin Mansion - Anti-Hero Joe Jackson - Happy Ending (LP van de Week) The Indien - How Many Nights John Lennon - Imagine
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Cappelle Calling is iedere maandagavond van 20:00 t/m 22:00 te horen op Radio 90FM. Iedere woensdagmiddag wordt de uitzending herhaald van 18:00 tot 20:00. Suggesties voor DisCovered of De Filmplaat zijn welkom via de Facebookpagina van het programma of via [email protected].
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the-silver-chronicles · 2 years ago
It’s probably a good thing that the Reaping doesn’t happen in Far Cry The Inquisitor’s Chime AU. At least for the Seeds and Eden’s Gate.
Because Rae Rae and Inquisitor!Silva are good friends, hell, the latter is even the godmother of the former’s son, Ryan (who I assume is around the ages of 8 or 10). She was one of the first people who helped Silva, her lover Irene and their hija Persephone. And that connection remained even after Irene and Persephone’s deaths. Why is this important to why the Reaping doesn’t happen in FC:TIC?
Because Rae Rae is one of the first victims of the Reaping. It’s completely unavoidable. She (and who I assume to be her ex-husband, Russel) is killed by John and his people, and it’s ambiguous if Ryan followed Rae Rae’s instructions (and who knows if he was anywhere near the Resistance or shelter when the Collapse came) or was taken into John’s Bunker (which doesn’t survive in the canon Far Cry 5 game, but does appear somewhat operational in Far Cry New Dawn, though I don’t think it should be).
Inquisitor!Silva, who allows and does things bad things, and is infamously patient with others’ misdeeds (to a certain extent depending on what it is), she would not allow Rae Rae’s death and Ryan’s orphaning to go unpunished. And Inquisitor!Silva is the head/don of the American branch of the Yellowjack Mafia Family (due to Paul reuniting and taking her in again, without any animosity because in this AU, Paul didn’t kill Persephone, Omar’s Guard did, which creates a very less moral/more dark grey Silva, same with Kamski as well), who’s trained alongside her fellow dons/siblings (Nashira, Adaro, Fÿredel, Gaius and Zhan Tiri) and all under Paul himself, operating the mafia for either 5 (at the least) or around 10 (at the most) years, with Inquisitor!Silva hiding in plain sight doing her illicit work in Hope County for three years (and she’s gathered a lot more information on Eden’s Gate and their activities than she did in her first official encounter with them), giving her an advantage that her Deputy counterpart from the main Far Cry The Silver Chronicles story didn’t (Deputy!Silva is a retired badass who hasn’t got into any dangerous confrontations for three years, only keeping up exercise and some skill, before working to become a Junior Deputy, an occupation she’s only had for two months).
Why is that relevant? Well, she’s more easily capable, and even more prepared, to deal Eden’s Gate when the time came, including ensuring her own personal fighters were up for the task as well. And the original Reaping probably began from the end of July, lasted through August, and then ended in September, giving a rough estimation of maybe almost 2 or 3 months, while FC:TSC’s Reaping lasted a little longer (due to the involvement of the Congregation of Omar’s Guard), but if Inquisitor!Silva was involved in the Reaping? Something she’s prepared for along with her fighters? Likely gaining a title as leader, (given her popularity and then evident heroism during the Reaping) organising and strategising counterattacks against Eden’s Gate operations with the other factions? And a newfound determinism to avenge everyone that another cult has taken away from her (as well as wanting to get her illegal operations back into order to appease Paul and his Mafia)? Well it’s likely the Reaping would last at least 3 weeks give or take. And she probably wouldn’t kill the Seeds (though she would lie about it). After all, Inquisitor!Silva is a lot crueler than Deputy!Silva, especially after being wronged by this group. And the Collapse would be unlikely to come because a) the seals aren’t broken, and b) Paul is the main organiser as to why the bombs drop in most of the AUs. He would have no reason to now, and the governments view him as a scary boogeyman that can make any of them disappear, so they wouldn’t dare cross him.
So yeah, a No Reaping and No Collapse AU in Far Cry The Inquisitor’s Chime is most probably the best case scenario for the Seeds. Sure I could make a few oneshots of a “Reaping & Collapse does happen” AU in FC:TIC where Inquisitor!Silva doesn’t end up killing/putting the Seeds through a fate worse than death, but still punishes them for the injustice they’ve caused (which could be dark or not depending on how I see it), but everything above this paragraph is most likely to occur instead.
To summarise: Rae Rae alive? Eden’s Gate just gets to be blackmailed into fighting other mafias and cults threatening Silva’s operations in Hope County as well as get to know and somewhat like Inquisitor!Silva. Rae Rae not alive? The Seeds would likely not survive Inquisitor!Silva’s wrath.
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rory-iero-real · 11 months ago
Here are my notes (live action) :
TW for spoilers
Lestrade with sideburns is amazing
Sherlock......... in a PLAID SUIT
I love how this was filmed
Why am I scared
"It's a shotgun wedding" baddie moment
Everyone looks so sexy in the 1800's I love this
"I have some urgent business" IS IT MYCROFT?!?!
M is prob mycroft
Wait do we not get to see Molly?!?!
"It's never twins" he said the thing!!
Not the secert twin-
Can I marry Mr Hooper?
"Now that daddys gone" AHHHHHHH BE MY HUSBAND
"And I should have to go deeper still." cunty
Eating up the Victorian dressing gown
Idek what he just said bud talks too fast
"Who have I been talking to all this time?" Awww sherlock misses his man wife
Why is John being a dick
"If inconvenient, come anyway" he said the thing!! Pt 2
"Shut up" love a sibling rivelry moment w the Holmes boys (if their seeing myc, idk yet)
What..... is happening.....
"Sorry what" me that whole scene bud
The way they are depicting Mycroft is- something
I know it's Canon but like-
Not them betting on Mycrofts life
This makes how Mycroft is in the 2010s feel sadder
Love the brothers bickering
Please get back to case solving
Still trying to figure out where Mary is going
"Those are my specialtys" love that guy
A priest?? GHOSTS?!?
Are those seeds?? Am I dumb??
I'm very confused
"My sins have found me" DID HE KILL HER?!?!?! WHAT
Was she his ex wife??
That bed looks mad comfy ngl
I'm scared it's too misty
Is he dead?!?¿
The head tilt is giving me the hibby jibbys
"But he could be" lmao
"And I was about to laugh in your face"
So theirs no ghosts??
Babe that was NOT sleepwalking
Sherlock feminist moment
He's so funny
This episode is sideburns central
Ohhh so their orange seeds
It's not scurvy.
"The game is afoot" he said the thing!! Pt 3
Dad thinks it's finally twins ("cause it's NEVER TWINS")
I think it's ghosts (I like ghosts)
Love their yapping
Watson just wishes holmes had game
"A brain without a heart"
"Oh Watson, nothing made me. I made me."
I'm dizzy wtf is happening
I'm fr kinda scared
John bby u can't shoot a ghost
"THEIR ARE NO GHOSTS" WHY are u yelling at me Sherlock
Yay Lestrade is back!!
Dude how is it John's fault??
Benny hunnny PLEASE talk slower
If Moriarty doesn't have sideburns I'm turning the TV off/j
Mind palace mention
"I just sort of do" I love you Mrs Hudson
"Or are you just pleased to see me?" HE SAID TJE THING!!! pt 4
Not him posing so cuntly
"where's the intimacy in that" PLEASE kiss
Yes. I do need to know how.
It's ghosts. It's ghosts.
Wait he was dreaming?!?!?!!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh he WAS dreaming
ohhhhhhhhh is that why everything was so- sherlock
Ie. John being "dumb", Lestrade being "weak", Literally JUST made a shot at Mycrofts weigh
Wait now I'm sad
I love Mary
"Yapping?" YAPPING.
"It was my fault" BABY PLEASE I LOVE HIM
"I could break every bone in your body while NAMING THEM."
Awwwww John just cares
"Wear the damn hat" he said the thing!!! Pt 5
IS IT CULT SHIT!?!?!?!??!?!?!?¿?
"Being the slow little brother" MARY BADDIE MOMENT
Wait so they're showing how she did it like how they showed Sherlocks
Love that
This is so cool
But confusing
New #1 episode
This is so fuckinf cool yall
Slay Mary tech queen
"Smartest person in the room istg" - my dad
YAAAAAAY LESTRADE IS HERE!!! (he's my fav) (can u tell?)
"Mary's taking me home" he gets pegged.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaay Moriarty!
Imagine they kiss
"Not in your mind, I'll never be dead there."
"That's not fair there's two of you" waaaaaawaaaaaa poor stinky baby
"Since when do you call me john?"
"Pretty damn smart."
Awww the little smile
Stumble stumble
"Promise me?" he just CARES AHHHHHHHGGGGGGG
"Look after him, please?" SOBBING.
Watching The Abominable Bride w my dad
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deputy-sarah-sux · 5 years ago
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I realized today that I never posted my babies. I got the chance back in February to commission the absolutely fantastic @ziorre again and I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out. I can’t fucking thank you enough for how perfect this is. It’s legit my laptop’s background. It’s gorgeous!!! Seriously your work is fucking perfection I can’t get over how in love I am ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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hislxmb · 5 years ago
tag drop !!
0 notes
shan282-ao3 · 5 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Far Cry 5 Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: John Seed/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Original Female Character(s), John Seed, Jacob Seed, Joseph Seed, Faith Seed Additional Tags: Weddings, Wedding Fluff, Idiots in Love, that's it y'all, we're just living for this wholesome fluff Series: Part 1 of The Voice Summary:
“Isn’t it bad luck to see a bride before the wedding?” She teased and hooked her fingers through the belt loops on his pants, pulling him flush against her once again. John simply shrugged leaning down to kiss her again.
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ebaeschnbliah · 4 years ago
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Still at the centre of the web ….
For the 10th Anniversary of Sherlock BBC (July 2010) the Royal Mail released a lovely collection of six stamps, that display key characters from several episodes of the TV show, as well as hidden messages only revealed under UV light.  (X)
I took a closer look at those stamps in the Anatomy of a Stamp Series:  A Study in Pink   The Great Game   A Scandal in Belgravia   The Reichenbach Fall   The Empty Hearse   The Final Problem
Alongside those stamps and in partnership with The Royal Mint (X),  a special medal has been crafted as well to ‘celebrate Sherlock’s genius – and his nemesis’ ... to explore Sherlock’s ‘turbulent relationship with arch-rival Moriarty’ as the description says. 
A little sideways glance at that medal and the collage of images with which it is surrounded couldn’t be wrong, I thought. :)
TBC below the cut .....
That anniversary medal is available in two versios (cupro-nickel&sterling-silver) and it displays:
on one side - Moriarty’s message ‘Get Sherlock’, the note he carved on the Crown Jewel glass case in TRF, to invite Sherlock to play his game
on the obverse side - ‘The Game is on’, which is meant to be Sherlock’s modern take on the literary version ‘The Game is afoot’
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James Moriarty is known to be the famous archenemy of Sherlock Holmes. Contrary to canon, Sherlock BBC introduced that character already in the first episode A Study in Pink and Jim commits suicide (alongside Sherlock) in the sixth episode of the story, which consists of 13 so far. According to canon, Sherlock fakes his suicide and comes back after his hiatus. Although Jim is considered to be really dead for years by now, notes and messages of the character turn up repeatedly on various data carriers ... electronic as well as paper. 
Interestingly, it has been chosen for the 10th anniversary of Sherlock BBC to create fan memorabilia which focuses mainly on the confontration between Sherlock and Jim, whose life ended rather quickly at Bart’s roof in The Reichenbach Fall. A great honour for a character who is long dead and seems to be irrelevant for the ongoing story of this adaptation, in which another character - Mary - married John and shot Sherlock and therefore became a sort of new archenemy. Nonetheless, not only every stamp is - in one way or another - linked to Jim Moriarty, the medal and the collage of images with which it is surrounded, displays also mainly text messages connected to Sherlock’s (in)famous nemesis Jim Moriarty. 
Here’s a summery of those texts + the corresponding screenshots in the episodes. It surprised me though, that I couldn’t match all of them. There are some interesting exceptions. First the obvious ones:
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A Study in Pink
Two images have been used to create this manip for the medal collage. Both are visible thoughts out of Sherlock’s mind palace. And both screenshots don’t turn up side by side. Sherlock’s entire thinking process lies between them. Jeff Hope, the man who killed the lady in pink had been sponsored by Jim Moriarty.
RACHE  German (n.) revenge
The correct letter settles into place ... Rachel
He squats down beside the body .... wet
He reaches into her coat pockets and finds the umbrella ... dry
He moves up to the collar of her coat ... wet
He inspects the delicate gold bracelet on her left wrist ... clean
... then the gold earring attached to her left ear ... clean
... and then the gold chain around her neck ... clean
The wedding ring ... dirty
Conclusions appear in front of Sherlock’s eyes ... married ... unhappily married ... unhappily married 10+ years
While the outside of the wedding ring is still showing ... dirty
the inside registers as ... clean
Sherlock has reached a conclusion ... regularly removed
The final deduction about her ... serial adulterer
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The Great Game
Three different scenes from this episode have been used for the collage. Two are connected to a serial killer called The Golem, who asphyxiates his victims. One is directly connected to Jim Moriarty, who has planned all the cases in TGG. 
1- The Golem killed Alex Woodbridge, security guard and hobby stargazer. That killer appears for the first time on Sherlock’s radar when he searches on his phone for ‘most wanted’ criminals:
JOHN: He’s dead about twenty-four hours – maybe a bit longer. Did he drown?
Sherlock has called up on his phone: Interpol Most Wanted Criminal Organisations Regional Activities LESTRADE: Apparently not. Not enough of the Thames in his lungs. Asphyxiated.
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2- The Vauxhall Arches turn out to be the hiding place of the Golem and Sherlock gets the address from an informant of his homeless network. It’s a note written on a piece of paper:
SHERLOCK: Hold that cab. (John trots back to the taxi while Sherlock goes over to the girl.) HOMELESS GIRL: Spare change, sir? SHERLOCK: Don’t mind if I do. JOHN (to the cab driver): Can you wait here? (The girl hands Sherlock a piece of paper. Unfolding it, he sees that she has written “VAUXHALL ARCHES” on it. Smiling briefly, he turns and walks back to John.)
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3- The third image out of this episode is one of the exceptions, because they’re not imagined or written words but an actual text line spoken by Jim Moriarty during his showdown with Sherlock at the pool.
JIM: I’ve given you a glimpse, Sherlock, just a teensy glimpse of what I’ve got going on out there in the big bad world. I’m a specialist, you see ... like you! 
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A Scandal in Belgravia
It is Jim Moriarty who adviced Irene Adler how ‘to play the Holmes boys’. It is Sherlock though, who wins that game and is able to get access to Irene’s camera phone. The confirmation of his success appears on her mobil phone screen:
IRENE: Everything I said: it’s not real. I was just playing the game. SHERLOCK: I know. And this is just losing. (Slowly he turns the phone towards her and shows her the screen. She looks down at it, tears spilling from her eyes as she reads the sequence which says: I AM SHER LOCKED
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The Reichenbach Fall
Three different scenes from this episode have been used for the collage.
1- Jim Moriarty sends Sherlock his invitation to play the game, while sitting inside the smashed glass cage of the crown jewels, dressed as and equipped with the insignias of a king. The message appears on Sherlock’s phone. This starts the game.
JOHN: Sherlock ... SHERLOCK: Not now. JOHN: He’s back. (Sherlock lifts his head and takes the phone. The message reads: Come and play. Tower Hill. Jim Moriarty x.
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2- Sherlock searches for the traces hidden inside the residues of the kidnapper’s footprints. What might be the fifth element? Those five big questionmarks+the number 5 appear as visible thoughts out of Sherlock’s mind palace and are embedded between Sherlock’s rememberence of Jim’s threat ‘I owe you’ and Molly asking about this afterwards. It turns out to be the clue to find the kidnapped children and it marks the beginning of Sherlock’s downfall. 
SHERLOCK: I ... owe ... you. SHERLOCK: Glycerol molecule. He sighs heavily as he struggles to identify the item, seeing it in his head as: 5. ????? SHERLOCK: What are you? MOLLY: What did you mean, “I owe you”?
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3- Claudette Bruhl, one of the kidnapped children, seems to recognize Sherlock as her kidnapper. The seed of doubt is sawn at Scotland Yard. Then the letters  IOU appear on the windows of a building opposite. This message proves to Sherlock that it is indeed Jim Moriarty who is behind that kidnapping case.  
LESTRADE: The kid’s traumatised. Something about Sherlock reminds her of the kidnapper. JOHN: So what’s she said? DONOVAN: Hasn’t uttered another syllable. JOHN: And the boy? LESTRADE: No, he’s unconscious; still in intensive care. (In the building opposite Scotland Yard, all the lights in the offices come on. On the second floor, spray paint has been applied to three of the office windows. Sherlock stares at the enormous letters that have been painted: I O U
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The Empty Hearse
From this episode two different words out of one of Sherlock’s mind palace deductions have been used for the collage. Sherlock is working on the fake Jack the Ripper case (How I did it), which had been planned by Anderson to lure Sherlock back to London because he firmly believed the detective not to be dead. Sherlock notices the trick though. He comes to the conclusion that the fake corpse is only six moths old and its Victorian outfit had been exposed to first: sun and then: fire damage. (Sun exposure, fire damage, undead .... it’s a bit hard to not get ideas about Dracula here ... X X X  :)
The words ‘pine & cedar’ are displayed again as visible thoughts out of Sherlock’s mind palace. And just like in ASIP those words lie several screenshots appart. For some reasons ‘spruce’ has been ignored: 
LESTRADE: This one’s got us all baffled. SHERLOCK: Mmm. I don’t doubt it. (..... Sherlock sniffs at the body and tries to decide what he is picking up: PINE? SPRUCE? CEDAR NEW MOTHBALLS Moving on, he sniffs again: Carbon particulate ... He sniffs more deeply: Fire Damage
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The Final Problem
Images of three different scenes out of this episode have been used for the collage. 
1- The movie Mycroft is watching in his private cinema at his place is interrupted first by images of an old family video, then by Eurus’ message on screen ... “I’m back”. It  announces the return of Eurus, the secret sister.
I’M BACK VOICE: Mycroft ... Mycroft ... MYCROFT: Why don’t you come out and show yourself? I don’t have time for this. CHILD’s VOICE: We have time, brother dear. All the time in the world.
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2- Sherlock stands in front of the ‘funny gravestones’ at Musgrave Hall and puts together the dates on the stones until he has a long string of numbers in front of him ... visible thoughts out of Sherlock’s mind palace. This brings Sherlock finally the solution to Eurus’ riddle.
.... 1520 1818 2426 1617 1822 32
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3- Just like the numbers, the four verses of Eurus’ riddle appear as visible thoughts out of Sherlock’s mind palace. He connects the string of dates from the gravestones to the verses. It is the second verse that has been used for the collage.
I that am lost, oh who will find me? Deep down below the old beech tree Help succour me now the east winds blow Sixteen by six, brother, and under we go! Without your love, he’ll be gone before Save pity for strangers, show love the door. My soul seek the shade of my willow’s bloom Inside, brother mine - Let Death make a room. Be not afraid to walk in the shade Save one, save all, come try! My steps - five by seven Life is closer to Heaven Look down, with dark gaze, from on high. Before he was gone - right back over my (h)ill Who now will find him? Why, nobody will Doom shall I bring to him, I that am queen Lost forever, nine by nineteen.
The exceptions ...
So far, these have been the obvious links between the images used for the collage and the corresponding episodes of Sherlock BBC. Beneath follow the less obvious and the ones I failed to find a match for. 
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Blue chemistry ...
There are two episodes in which chemical formulas are displayed in the form of drawings. 
1- In The Hounds of Baskerville (S2/2) Sherlock is looking for a monstrous hound from hell. Instead he finds the H.O.U.N.D. project in which experiments had been conducted with a deleriant drug, based on fear and stimulus. The informations on this project are key-coded by the name MAGGIE (short for Margaret Thatcher)
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2- In The Six Thatchers (S4/1) Sherlock tries - with the help of Toby the bloodhound - to track down the person who smashes plaster busts of Margaret Thatcher in order to find a hidden flash drive with secret informations about A.G.R.A. a group of terrorists. One of the four members had been Mary Watson.
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Although there exist several drawn chemical formulas in both episodes, very similar to the one used for the collage, and despite I scanned those scenes screenshot by screenshot, I wasn’t able to find a perfect match. Maybe I still missed something. Maybe that formula on the collage is indeed just an unrelated decoraton .... But it’s interesting to note that the story connects this kind of ‘chemistry’ always to Hounds and Thatcher. (more about chemistry)
Red drop of blood ...
That blood drop used for the collage appears actually in each official episode (TAB as well) because it’s part of the intro. And for the creation of the medal collage, that image has been used two times. In the background there is a smaller and paler version, which is overlapped by a bigger and darker version in the foreground. Of that one, only the lower half is visible. Using two times the same image in one picture, always reminds me strongly of the many Pairs, Twins and Double oh’s mentioned in Sherlock BBC. 
Mostly I connect that ‘sign of two’ with John Watson. In my theory he represents the ‘fixed point in a changing age’, the ‘eternal just-friend and still stubbornly ‘not gay’ Watson, the very aspect in Sherlock’s experiment, that needs to be transformed into a modern version of the same character. In other words: the old king has to make way for the new king. According to the original meaning of the Musgrave Ritual that says about the crown of a king: “'Whose was it? His who is gone. Who shall have it? He who will come.” 
With this in mind it was easy to compare the drop of watery liquid that falls onto a drop of blood in Sherlock’s experiment, to John in the well, drenched by the water Eurus exposes him to. Emotional context indeed. :))))
When a drop of emotions/chemistry brings the blood to a boil ... (1 2)    Drop of blood 
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Search: London Bridge ...
That’s the most mysterious addition to the collage. While all the other words and images can be linked to the show .... this one is the absolute exception. A ‘search for London Bridge’ doesn’t happen throughout the whole story. Not once. London Bridge doesn’t even play a role in Sherlock BBC. At least not yet ...
Bridges of Sherlock BBC:
In ASIB Irene Adler texts Sherlock that she can see Tower Bridge from her room. In TST Sherlock stands on Vauxhall Bridge while he realizes the involvement of fake AMO, Vivian Norbury. 
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In TLD Culverton Smith gives the cryptic advice ‘We must be careful not to burn our BRIDGES.’ ... at the same time Sherlock walks with Faith through London and crosses Millennium Bridge and Golden Jubilee Bridge beside Hungerford Bridge.
In TFP little Sherlock stands on a small wood-bridge while he is searching for his lost dog Redbeard.
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‘Bridge’ as extension of names:
In TGG security guard Alex WoodBRIDGE is found dead at the bank of the Thames, between Waterloo Bridge and Southwark Bridge.
In TSOT guardsman Stephen BainBRIDGE consults Sherlock and starts the case of the Mayfly Man. He is the first of the three guards (Bainbridge, Sholto, Mary) in this episode. (Changing of the Guard)
London Bridge though does not appear in Sherlock BBC so far. This leaves the question ... why is the note to search for that bridge even on the collage? Where does it come from? And why is it so closely connected to the episode spanning double image of the blood drop from Sherlock’s experiment? The words are displayed inside the smaller, paler blood drop. One wonders .....
(Thanks @gosherlocked​ for deciphering ‘London’ in that bridge’s name. :)))
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The blue ribbon ...
Something that looks like a ‘blue ribbon’ runs through the lower part of the collage. The very distinctive loop, right under the name Moriarty, gave me the idea that this ‘ribbon’ could be the river Thames. And really, my assuption turned out to be correct, it is the Thames. What’s even better, at this distinctive loop the river coils around the peninsula named ... Isle of Dogs. 
It surely isn’t an unusual thing to add a part from the map of London, including the Thames, to a collage of images related to Sherlock Holmes. After all, Sherlock is a most famous residient of London. It it is also quite fitting, especially for this adaptation, to display Jim’s name side by side with ‘dogs’. Dogs and hounds do play a major role since the beginning and are closely linked to Jim, John and Sherlock. The barking of a dog in the night can be heard right after John wakes from his nightmare in ASIP, missing shoes lead right away to the villain (very similar to the original Baskerville case) and TFP is all about a lost dog/boy. But there is a little bit more that came to mind, when I recognized the Isle of Dogs.
TheGameIsNow ...
During the run-up to TheGameIsNow-Escape Room Event, (summer 2018) a video was released .... a call-out from Mycroft Holmes to recruit volunteers for The Network. As a part of that call-out, Mycroft mentions a ‘rush of incidents across the capital’ and while he speaks, a map of London is displayed on screen on which a red line runs along and strings together the involved locations, which are marked with the ‘eye-sign’ of The Network. And that red line stops exactly at the Isle of Dogs. That’s why I recognized that peninsula immediately.
Again ... one wonders ...
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All in all, one can not deny that a lot of considerations, of work and also of knowledge regarding the show, have been put into the creation of those stamps, the medal and the images used for their presentation. And as usual with Sherlock BBC, some little intriguing mysteries have also been woven into it.  :)))
I leave you to your own deductions. Thanks @callie-ariane​ for the scripts. 
January, 2021
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annethepancake · 3 years ago
Sherlock rant
I recently rewatched BBC Sherlock for Rupert Graves, and aside from the lack of Lestrade appreciation I have a lot of problems with this series. Here are my thoughts:
1. It was all a blur
My second first impression of the show: I don't remember anything but the characters. And some characters I just blatantly forgot, like Mary. And I loved Mary on my second watch! I really forgot that at one point John actually got married and I don't even remember when I watched the show for the first time. I can still recall most of HIMYM's events and I hated that series.
2. It’s overall not a detective/crime show
Watching Sherlock for the second time, I mostly turned off my brain and just let it play in the background because (1) there's hardly anything for me to solve with the characters, most clues are taken by Sherlock off-screen anyway (especially after season 2), (2) they focus way too much on the quirks of the characters that make it almost like a sitcom that got dragged on for way too long. A crime/detective show shouldn't allow me to turn off my brain.
3. The characters just kinda fall flat
Exploring the depth of human emotions is not a bad approach to a modernized version of anything, I’m not trying to pretend I’m better than someone who gets sentimental over fictional character (if you know my blog at all, you know I am not), but at least write good characters. Sherlock is hardly a multi-faceted person; in fact, he’s kinda like the Wattpad teen fic main character sometimes. He physically fights off some terrorists with a machete to save the damsel in distress? He gets high off his tits but still got everything right all the time? John is just kinda there for most of the cases. Jim is a poorly written antagonist. Irene is a lesbian but gets the hot for our main character, surprise surprise. The only interesting characters to me are the ones who act like normal people: Molly, Greg and Mary. They are the multi-faceted characters, ones who I can actually relate to without feeling inferior to them in any way. Write characters like them, stop trying to be smart about it and stop writing Wattpad fanfictions for Sir Conan Doyle’s original works.
I get that they try to make Sherlock more like a human with emotions, making him quirky and arrogant, then make him quirky and more likable. It’s hardly a convincing character development though. He’s given over-powered deduction skills, so edgy, so high and mighty all the time. When he is finally written as vulnerable, turns out he has plans for that too. I would love to see him get it wrong once and maybe get humbled by that mistake, but getting Mary shot and killed is hardly even his fault, he is only doing his job. And killing off Mary is overall a bad idea anyway.
4. They treated the fandom like shit
I was absolutely disgusted at the start of season 3 when the showrunners just straight up shat on their fans. I wasn't there with the fandom during the wait between season 2 and 3, but I believe it was a pretty long wait (2 years, I could barely wait 2 years for my comfort series, and they have like 10 episodes per season), and they were presented with the first actual mystery of the series: How did Sherlock survive the fall? After years of waiting and having fun theorizing, they were met with a mockumentary about them, starring the most hated character of the protagonist and the fans. Those are the people who actually cared about the show for god's sake. The fact that the showrunners treated fans like crap and there's still an active fandom for the show appalled me.
Now not only The Empty Hearse bugs me, but the entire show does as well.
Allow me to digress.
Doki Doki Literature Club is a great example of audience engagement done right (Sorry for using this example I’m not actually that invested in the other franchises). After the success of the first game, the story provoked so many fans into solving the mysteries of the characters, some of them went really, really far. And that’s because of the actual mysteries that the development team took effort to plant into the plot. There is actual pay-off for painstakingly following the clues; as far as I know, only two (2!) people in the world have come close to solving the mystery of the first game (or they actually did). The game developers value their fans and their intelligence enough to have planted those clues where they did, and it’s a genuine exchange between the fans and the creators. Now even though you haven’t actually played the game, when you hear of the name and you’re only kinda familiar with gaming (like me), you’ll probably know what it is. What started as a mere open-source game by an indie developer became a sensation which left millions of fans begging for more.
Looking back at Sherlock, there are tons of logical flaws for a self-proclaimed crime series, virtually no clues for the audience to solve crimes along with their favorite detective, and when there was actually a mystery (Sherlock jumped off the building), they plainly showed him alive and well minutes later. Do we really need to see things spelled on screen to know what’s going on? Are we supposed to accept that Sherlock Holmes is an all-knowing future-predicting genius now too? Not a great sign of respecting the audience there.
So far, the only thing left that’s interesting about this series is the characters’ dynamic. Which brings me to the next criticism I have for the show.
5. The plague that infested mainstream media
Why is there still an active fandom? Queerbaiting and targeted marketing.
Community marketing is proven to be one of the best marketing methods there is, if not the best, to lengthen the lifespan of a product or service. The way they do that for shows and films and video games is usually by planting seeds of possible lores and history inside the content. Look at Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings, they are franchises that ran for multiple years with a ton of history and world building that provokes fans’ imagination.
Sherlock - well, Sherlock has sexually ambiguous men.
Sherlock has a formula for success. It was an adaptation of the most iconic detective novel in the world, funded by one of the biggest TV networks in the UK and possibly the world (don’t quote me on this). Making this series means you can appeal to such a wide group of audience even before airing. Adding in the quirky smart men who live together, you’ve basically guaranteed a prime-time show with millions of loyal fans all over the world.
Fans are not stupid, and queer people don't just find queerness everywhere they go. They know a gay subtext when they see one. Sherlock came back from the literal death for John, pretty gay if you ask me.
This show is very much not just about some guys being dudes solving crimes, they have relationship that’s deeper than friendship, and definitely not platonic. They deliberately wrote a sexually ambiguous Sherlock Holmes from the get-go - literally from the very first episode, then capitalized off of the targeted demographic, never a pay-off for their anticipation. Martin Freeman said in interviews that he could recognize Sherlock fans, them being generally women from 16 - 25. No shit Sherlock, this show targets them and capitalizes off of them, being quirky and gay as hell, of course the fanbase is generally 16 - 25 and female.
Sherlock queerbaited the fandom for years for the sake of marketing and there’s never a pay-off, nor was there any recognition to the community, and to add to all that bigotry, queercoding pretty much all of the villains? Why was a show aired in the 2010′s allowed to do this? Why did Mark Gatiss, an openly gay man, a writer of the show, allow this to happen? Why are millions of fans all over the world allowing all this to go on?!
6. Conclusion
Now I haven’t read the books yet, so I’m not at all qualified to criticize the adaptation quality of the TV series; I’m just talking about the TV series on its own. Despite my criticism, I think the first two seasons did quite okay. There are quite a few nice cases there, I like The Blind Banker and The Hound of Baskerville. They did those well because the focus was on the cases themselves, and the connection between John and Sherlock was only in the background. I, like many other fans, like to figure things out on my own, to read between the lines, and to not have things spelled out for me. With the next seasons bombarded with Sherlock and John bonding it seriously felt like mere fan service for me and even though I wasn’t there when the show was on, I still felt like I was robbed and my interest in the show was abused.
Sherlock is undoubtedly super influential in pop culture even now. It has to have done something right to be in that spot (capitalizing off loyal fans?). I’m not writing this rant to change someone’s mind about the series, by all means, I’m still gonna love the hell out of Gavin Lestrade, and absolutely lose my mind over Mary Watson. So do take my words with a grain of salt, I’m just disappointed that one of the most influential shows there is is just short of my expectations.
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mousedetective · 3 years ago
Would you be willing to do all of the salty questions with bbc sherlock? 👀 (if not then 3 and 7)
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?* I’m not really sure why people ship Holmescest? To each their own, but I don’t get it.
Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?* Jlock, and even that’s with a more fanon John.
Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? Oh yeah. I’m anti-TJLC (but not anti Jlock) and I’ve been followed by some TJLC-positive blogs so sometimes, depending on how rabid they are, I block them.
Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?* I’m not super into Jlock, because I write it for friends, but I don’t ship it myself (for BBC Sherlock only...I’m an avid Granada/Ritchie Holmes Jlock shipper)
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?* The fandom for BBC Sherlock definitely ruined Jlock for me a lot. That’s why all my Jlock fic is AU.
Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?* Yes! I wasn’t a Mystrade shipper at the start and was rather annoyed by another slash ship in the fandom until I read some amazing stuff in the fandom, and now I’m a huge fan of the ship.
Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?* I can still stand it, though not as much, but Mollstrade. Not due to fandom though! Some of the commentary from Rupert Graves skeeved me on the pairing.
Have you received anon hate? What about?* Not so much anon hate, but I mentioned how my son was on the autism spectrum and he was a fan of Benedict’s even after the kerfluffle on stuff he said and someone who was in the Sherlock fandom (and was fairly popular) said I shouldn’t regain custody because I was a shitty parent. I blocked them and took off the dedication for a fic I was going to write for them, but yeah. That stung a lot. But that’s also why I never turn on anon messaging on this blog.
Most disliked character(s)? Why? John Watson. Firstly, I don’t like Martin Freeman much, and secondly, he reminds me way too much of my dad in a bad way.
Most disliked arc? Why? Mary’s death and the aftermath. It was just handled so badly that I still haven’t had the nerve to watch series 4 (I was spoiled to death when it aired and got all the info and meta I needed to write the season without watching it).
Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? I guess Molly? She gets a lot of shit but I adore her. She’s strong and resiliant and caring and just such a good person.
Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? Maybe Tom? I like it because it shows Molly didn’t spend all her time while Sherlock was “dead” moping around. She moved on, even if it was to a thinly disguised clone.
Unpopular opinion about XXX character? @lady-of-the-spirit picked Irene, and I guess my unpopular opinion is that I like her with Sherlock as a ship. Adlock gets so much shit but it’s intriguing.
Unpopular opinion about your fandom? There are so many misogynists in this fandom. I hate that the male characters have fans that are fans at the expense of the female characters and treat the actresses like shit on social media.
Unpopular opinion about the manga/show? I don’t think there should be a fifth season. It ended at a good spot to let people continue the stories in fic.
If you could change anything in the show, what would you change? Mary would have lived.
Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…I think I would have started the Eurus arc earlier, around series 3? After they got done with Moriarty, they should have started planting seeds for Eurus instead of dropping her on us the way they did.
Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased? According the the fandom, yes. But in my opinion? Much more fun to be a multi-shipper, so the fact I don’t ship the big OTP doesn’t mean anything other than I like to spread myself around and have more couples in my sandbox.
What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom? See the misogyny answer above.
What is the purest ship in the fandom? I don’t think this fandom really has any. Maybe that’s a bad thing, maybe not.
What are your thoughts on crack ships? Love ‘em. My OTP is a Star Trek AOS crossover (McMolly, or Leonard McCoy/Molly Hooper).
Popular character you hate? John Watson
Unpopular character you love? Sally Donovan
Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not? Honestly, this is one of those shows where I think others have done it better (I happen to also be a huge fan of Elementary), but I would recommend the show for some fine examples of acting on Benedict Cumberbatch and other’s parts and just tell people to avoid the fandom.
How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX? I wouldn’t change the ending at all. It ended in a really good way after the Eurus stuff.
Most shippable character? Molly Hooper
Least shippable character? Philip Anderson
Salty Ask List
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rookissssms · 4 years ago
♡ ( kat dennings, she/her, 30) - is that IRENE HARRIS (DEPUTY JUNIOR/ROOK) seeking shelter in mystic falls ? i heard that SHE are from FAR CRY 5. they’re usually known as PROTECTIVE & WRATHFUL. people often associate BLOODIED KNUCKLES, SCARS LINING PORCELAIN SKIN AND A TORN GREEN UNIFORM. when they look at you. whispers around the town say that they DO remember who they are.
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Canadian Trash bag again !! This time with a video game baby. Warnings for CULT MENTIONS, RELIGIOUS EXTREMISTS, DEATH, MURDER, END OF THE WORLD. **SOME MINOR FLASHING IN THE LINKS BELOW**
Given that there is technically three endings to FC5, Irene hails from the ending where Joseph Seed was right, that smug son of a bitch. The world did come to an end, in a hail storm of death chaos and NUKES.
Mind you, that’s the last thing that Irene remembers, is watching the horizon change and a blast of wind so strong the church and it’s wooden paneling was almost taken right off the foundation; let alone herself and the others that all toppled over.
 Despite it being quite some time since she found herself in a new part of the states, she still is incredibly paranoid that she’ll be face to face with the cult and the consequences of what happened.
There’s a hell of a lot of guilt eating away at her, knowing that Joseph was right. After all the people she killed in the name of protecting Hope County from said cult. Let alone the deaths of Jacob and John.
Irene does suffer from bouts of PTSD via her time in Hope County. After all killing countless people, police officer or not, running for your life from grizzly bears and drugged up wolves -- yeah she’s a little off
Although part of her wants to join the force here in Mystic Falls, or be somewhat productive of getting back to her own world, she hesitates. Several reasons, but mainly because she’s TERRIFIED of this all being a dream. Or purgatory.
pansexual panic
Here is the wiki for the deputy (who Irene is)
Trailer for the game
Literal 30 minute indie film the actor who played the villain made
45 second tribute to the game as a whole
longer tribute to the game as a whole
Extra fun stuff about the game for insight
Favorite Joseph Seed video
Favorite Jacob Seed video
Favorite John Seed Video
Favorite cult video
Favorite resistance video
Essentially just give me everything for her. 
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sunshinetidings · 5 years ago
seeing this heritage post led my friend and i to have a whole bitch ass convo in our discord server that i will transcribe here because i refuse to believe that anderson fucks
involves: @woodenstringsandcrickets, @jazzforyourinnards, @tawhoreblews, @ha-youwish but pretty much only @woodenstringsandcrickets
keep in mind: we havent rewatched sherlock in a While
jamie: i love the sexually active part it’s so unnecessary
me: hes not sexually active and thats that on that he doesnt fuck he lied she lied too he didnt pay her money to fuck, he paid her money to lie and say they did she made bank off his virgin ass
jamie: he and donoven ||fucked||, aurora
me: nope! they lied nope! sherlock is dumb as shit hes fucking stupid okay i figured it out hold on i can explain the whole thing
jamie: in real life YES but in the show he has a massive fucking brain and is right all the time sherlock is the chad of science
me: they knew that sherlock would want to do some stupid show-off-y deduction so anderson paid donovan to agree to do some fake evidence shit to throw sherlock off his bitch ass rhythm huh
jamie: he is like written to be the smartest character do you really think hed be thrown off huh you really fucking think that
me: yknow how sherlock didnt pay full attention to all of his mary deductions? how he couldnt deduce anything from irene while she was butt-ass naked? there are flaws in his deduction and they took advantage of his bitchass that thinks people are always having affairs i think that while sherlock is pretty smart he is also a bitch ass motherfucker who is overconfident and convinces people hes right because of it even if he isnt
jamie: OKAY but both of those situations are weak to compare to this one
nikolai: you fucking nerds smh
me: sometimes his shits are so outlandish ppl just believe it bc he explained it but really it was convoluted and he isnt always convinced himself
jamie: irene- attraction, sex distracted him mary: he IGNORED the deductions but he still HAD them
me: uh oh ! irene too sexy no can deduce distracted! pozofasuhaksdcar
jamie: exactly this does not translate to donovan and anderson
tahoe: Idk who irene is but she’s probably too sexy for me
jamie: because those are are assholes who hes used to and likes to embarras
me: but consider this sherlock stupid want impress watson dumb man
jamie: fuck fuck you fucking got me fuck
me: he said: friend???? need him to like me. impress time
jamie: exactly
me: deduce…………
jamie: nonoono wait
me: that fucking ‘scratch near phone charge hole means drunkard?’ deduce………… need impress john
jamie: okay okay yeah that was to impress him but here me the fuck out
me: i here dw
jamie: then WHY were donovan and anderson embarrassed and didnt rebuttal
me: acting
jamie: also fuck
me: next question
me: im smart my meat is huge and so is my iq
jamie: i know but consider youre wrong
me: > they knew that sherlock would want to do some stupid show-off-y deduction so anderson paid donovan to agree to do some fake evidence shit to throw sherlock off his bitch ass rhythm acting
jamie: okay but why would they do that
nikolai: [bush image]
jamie: what sparked them to do that
me: to bully sherlock
nikolai: [like he straight up just sent picutres of pres bush]
jamie: so they would be embarrassed?
me: they later revealed to watson the whole lie
apple: why
jamie: that was never a scene
me: so he would question sherlock’s ability
jamie: holy shit
me: it was all leading up to sherlock faking his death after they tricked him and he said that shit they reached out to him and they were like “dumbass we fooled you bitch” and he was like ‘hm. i can use this’ so when he started planning how he would fake his death, he asked them to tell john to sow the seed of doubt all for the build up when sherlock was like “its true im a fraud bye lol *jumps*”
jamie: youre just writing fanfic now
me: no thats it im done thats the whole theory THE TRUTH
jamie: you just plotted out a fanfic
me: anderson does not fuck and that whole bitch is my proof post s2 sherlock is a chad
jamie: fanfic tag- canon divergence: anderson doesnt fuck
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onelittlebookgeek · 5 years ago
Book Challenge 2020 (100 books!!) (I did it!!)
After forgetting to track my reading for three years, I started recording my reading on Tumblr last year again, and I’m committed to continuing that this year!
This year is my final year of my Bachelor’s Degrees (I’m finishing English in June) and I’m planning to do a gap year from September on, so now more university after June (at least as far as 2020 is concerned).
I do not really foresee any issues or obstacles to reading this year, except of course finishing my thesis which will probably take quite some time, so I do expect a decline around April until early June. Although I do have a lot more time off in my gap year, I used to read a lot of mandatory books for my studies, so I don’t know whether having a gap year will mean reading more books. Since I’m not doing any university studying, I am interested in reading academic books by myself, studying by myself. Those books are often longer, denser and just take more time to get through; consequently, I might read fewer books in the same amount of energy and time spent reading.
To make a (somewhat) long story short: my expectations are in line with the amount of books I’ve read in the last years, so I’m expecting to read 75 books this year!
Update: it’s mid-October and I’ve already read 99 books this year, so I’ve finished my original goal of 75 books! Now I’m going for 100 books (which should be easy to do, and after that we’ll just see how it goes!).
The crossed book is the one I’m currently reading, I’ve written reviews for books that have a (x) behind them, with the (x) being a link to my Goodreads review!
Update: Today (November 23) I’ve read 114 books so I’ve finished my challenge of 100 books! Right now, I’m still 25 books ahead schedule! Let’s see if I can keep that energy up!
The Fire Next Time - James Baldwin (5/5) (x)
Serpent and Dove (Serpent and Dove #1) - Shelby Mahurin (4/5) (x)
Lethal White (Cormoran Strike #4) - Robert Galbraith (4/5)
Weirdos from Another Planet (Calvin and Hobbes #4) - Bill Watterson) (5/5)
Selected Poems - E.E. Cummings (5/5) (x)
Niets zal ons redden maar een beetje liefde is oké - Henk van Straten (Dutch) (4/5) (x)
, said the shotgun to the head. - Saul Williams (4/5)
Loud and Yellow Laughter - Sindiswa Busuku-Mathese (3/5)
Fireborn (The Aurelian Cycle #1) - Rosaria Munda (4/5)
Sylvia Plath Poems Chosen by Carol Ann Duffy - Sylvia Plath (4/5) (x)
The Comedy of Errors - William Shakespeare (3/5) (x)
Nieuwe Herinneringen - Remco Campert (Dutch) (2/5)
Dido, Queen of Carthage - Christopher Marlowe (3/5)
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo - Taylor Jenkins Reid (4/5)
Alles wat er was - Stine Jensen (Dutch) (3/5)
Zij in de geschiedenis - Alies Pegtel (Dutch) (4/5) (x)
Good Omens - Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett (reread) (5/5)
Prometheus Bound - Aeschylus (3/5)
The Lost Hero (The Heroes of Olympus #1) - Rick Riordan (reread) (4/5)
The Son of Neptune (The Heroes of Olympus #2) - Rick Riordan (reread) (4/5)
So You Want to Talk About Race - Ijeoma Oluo (4/5)
The Mark of Athena (The Heroes of Olympus #3) - Rick Riordan (reread) (4/5)
Educated - Tara Westover (3/5)
Prometheus on Caucasus - Lucian of Samosata (3/5)
Reading Old English: A Primer and First Reader - Robert Hasenfratz (4/5) (x)
Still Foolin’ ‘Em: Where I’ve Been, Where I’m Going, and Where the Hell Are My Keys? - Billy Crystal (3/5)
The House of Hades (The Heroes of Olympus #4) - Rick Riordan (reread) (4/5)
Quick Question: New Poems - John Ashberry (1/5) (x)
Exploring the Language of Poems, Plays and Prose - Michael H. Short (3/5) (x)
The Call of the Wild - Jack London (2/5) (x)
The Blood of Olympus (The Heroes of Olympus #5) - Rick Riordan (reread) (4/5)
The Waste Land - T.S. Eliot (reread) (5/5)
And Still I Rise - Maya Angelou (4/5)
Poëzie in Utrechtse Muren - Ingmar Heytze (Dutch) (5/5) (x)
To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolf (4/5)
Mijn dood en ik - Remco Campert (4/5)
Ecology of Fear: Los Angeles and the Imagination of Disaster - Mike Davis (3/5)
Native Son - Richard Wright (2/5)
Dido, Queen of Carthage - Christopher Marlowe (reread) (4/5)
The Plague - Albert Camus (4/5)
Absalom! Absalom! - William Faulkner (4/5)
Modernism’s Mythic Pose: Gender, Genre, Solo Performance - Carrie J. Preston (2/5)
James Joyce and Sexuality - Richard Brown (3/5)
Daisy Jones & the Six - Taylor Jenkins Reid (4/5) (x)
Modernism, Sex and Gender - Alison Pease and Celia Marshik (3/5)
The Burial at Thebes: Sophocles’ Antigone - Seamus Heaney (4/5)
The Host - Stephanie Meyer (reread) (4/5)
The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games #1) - Suzanne Collins (reread) (4/5)
Catching Fire (The Hunger Games #2) - Suzanne Collins (reread) (4/5) (x)
A Terrible Beauty is Born - W.B. Yeats (4/5)
Mockingjay (The Hunger Games #3) - Suzanne Collins (reread) (4/5)
White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism - Robin DiAngelo (4/5)
Are Prisons Obsolete? - Angela Y. Davis (4/5)
The Final Empire (Mistborn #1) - Brandon Sanderson (4/5)
Everything Leads to You - Nina LaCour (2/5) (x)
The Tempest - William Shakespeare (reread) (3/5)
Hag-Seed - Margaret Atwood (4/5) (x)
American Slavery (A Very Short Introduction) - Andrea Heather William (reread) (3/5)
Angels & Demons (Robert Langdom #1) - Dan Brown (4/5) (x)
Mythos: A Retelling of Myths of Ancient Greece - Stephen Fry (4/5) (x)
Mean Time - Carol Ann Duffy (3/5)
Lijfrente - Vrouwkje Tuinman (Dutch) (4/5)
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (The Hunger Games #0) - Suzanne Collins (3/5) (x)
Sonnets from the Portuguese - Elizabeth Barrett Browning (3/5)
A Room of One’s Own - Virginia Woolf (reread) (5/5)
The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold (4/5)
Onbreekbaar - Hans Hagen (Dutch) (1/5) (x)
The Penelopiad - Margaret Atwoord (reread) (4/5)
The Importance of Being Ernest - Oscar Wilde (5/5)
Het goede leven: een briefwisseling - Piet Gerbrandy & Andreas Kinneging (Dutch) (2/5) (x)
Constructions of the Classical Body - James Porter (3/5)
The Complete Poems - Anne Sexton (4/5)
The Kissing Booth (The Kissing Booth #1) - Beth Reekles (2/5) (x)
The Daily Show: The Book - Chris Smith (4/5) (x)
The Duchess Deal (Girl meets Duke #1) - Tessa Dare (3/5)
Between the World and Me - Ta-Nehesi Coates (4/5)
Fragments - Heraclitus (transl. by Brooks Haxton) (2/5) (x)
Animal Farm - George Orwell (reread) (5/5)
The Hidden Oracle (The Trials of Apollo #1) - Rick Riordan (reread) (4/5)
The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue (Montague Siblings #1) - Mackenzi Lee (reread) (4/5)
Kitchen - Banana Yoshimoto (4/5)
Catilina’s Riddle (Roma sub Rosa #3) - Steven Saylor (2/5) (x)
When Dimple met Rishi (Dimple and Rishi #1) - Sandhya Memon (1/5) (x)
Adulthood is a Myth (Sarah’s Scribbles #1) - Sarah Andersen (4/5)
Normal People - Sally Rooney (3/5) (x)
Not All Dead White Men: Classics and Misogyny in the Digital Age - Donna Zuckerberg (4/5)
Sadie: A Novel - Courtney Summers (4/5)
The Myth of Sisyphus - Albert Camus (4/5)
Vloedlijnen - Piet Gerbrandy (Dutch) (4/5)
Red, White and Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston (reread) (4/5)
This is Going to Hurt: Secret Diaries of a Junior Doctor - Adam Kay (4/5)
Envelope Poems - Emily Dickinson (4/5) (x)
A Murder on the Orient Express (Hercule Poirot #10) - Agatha Christie (3/5) (x)
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - James Joyce (4/5)
Titus Andronicus - William Shakespeare (4/5) (x)
The Mysterious Affair at Styles (Hercule Poirot #1) - Agatha Christie (4/5) (x)
Het verhaal van Aeneas - Vergilius (trans. to Dutch) (reread) (4/5)
If Beale Street Could Talk - James Baldwin (2/5)
Lesbia, Verzen van Liefde en Spot - Catullus (Dutch) (transl. by Paul Claes) (4/5) (x)
The Nightingale - Kristin Hannah (4/5) (x)
The Cat Inside - William S. Burroughs (reread) (5/5)
The Murder on the Links (Hercule Poirot #2) - Agatha Christie (3/5)
Such a Fun Age - Kiley Reid (3/5) (x)
Narratology and Classics: a Practical Guide - Irene de Jong (3/5) (x)
The Murder of Roger Akroyd (Hercule Poirot #4) - Agatha Christie (4/5) (x)
The ABC Murders (Hercule Poirot #11) - Agatha Christie (4/5)
The Great Cat (Poetry Collection) - ed. by Emily Fragos (3/5) (x)
Weapons of Math Destruction - Cathy O’Neil (4/5)
The Northern Lights (His Dark Materials #1) - Philip Pullman (4/5)
Vincent van Gogh en zijn brieven - Leo Jansen (Dutch) (3/5)
My Dark Vanessa - Kate Elizabeth Russell (4/5)
The Fill-In Boyfriend - Kasie West (reread) (4/5)
Poirot Investigates (Hercule Poirot #3) - Agatha Christie (1/5)
My 2019 challenge
My 2016 challenge
My 2015 challenge
My 2014 challenge
My 2013 challenge
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deputy-sarah-sux · 5 years ago
Originally posted on Archive of Our Own [x]
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Far Cry 5 Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: John Seed/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Original Female Character(s), John Seed, Jacob Seed, Joseph Seed, Faith Seed Additional Tags: Weddings, Wedding Fluff, Idiots in Love, that’s it y'all, we’re just living for this wholesome fluff Series: Part 1 of The Voice
“Isn’t it bad luck to see a bride before the wedding?” She teased and hooked her fingers through the belt loops on his pants, pulling him flush against her once again. John simply shrugged leaning down to kiss her again.
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Smoke wafted out the open window at the ranch, trailing out of glossy red lips as a woman dressed in all white dragged on what was most likely her last cigarette. She smoothed out the crisp white fabric of her dress and turned to the mirror on the other side of the room.
“We really doing this?” She asked her reflection and stood from the chair she’d been man-spreading in, the cigarette hanging loosely from her lips. “Really gonna marry John Seed? Marry into a cult? Gonna have little cult babies one day and prepare for the end of the world?”
She took a final long drag before stubbing out what was left of cigarette in an expensive-looking ashtray on the vanity table. She blew the smoke into the mirror and smiled at her reflection as it appeared before her.
Faith had helped her get ready. Her make-up was flawless, her hair curled and pinned away from her face, a few strands framing her cheeks. Faith had made a hair clip of bliss flowers that pulled the outfit together while she wore her own flower crown.
The dress was custom because of course, she couldn’t wear off the rack, this was <em>John Seed’s</em> wedding after all. She had to admit, she felt like a queen in the lace ball-gown dress with a tulle skirt and train long enough that she had tripped on it nearly 10 times in the last hour.
“I, Irene, take thee, John Seed, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer though if we ever get that far I’m pretty sure you’ll die without your custom Prada shirts.” She giggled at her own joke and took a sip from a glass of champagne, he’d broken out the good stuff, even Joseph had been alright with it.
“In sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till prison or death do us part. And if your brother’s crazy prophecy turns out to be true then we’ll live in a fancy bunker and fuck like bunnies until the world stops burning.”
“Will we now?” John’s laughter cut into the warmth of the room and she turned around to see him in the doorway. He’d dressed in his absolute best formalwear: navy blazer, vest, bowtie and pants to match, his white shirt looked like it had just come off the machine. “You’re ready, my love?”
“I’m ready.” She stood and turned to face him, she couldn’t keep the smile off her face.
John stepped into the room and pulled his bride into an embrace. He grabbed both of her arms and held her away from him, looking her up and down.
“You look amazing.” He brushed one of the loose strands of hair away from her face and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
“Isn’t it bad luck to see a bride before the wedding?” She teased and hooked her fingers through the belt loops on his pants, pulling him flush against her once again. John simply shrugged leaning down to kiss her again. He slipped his hands underneath her thighs and lifted her, walking her back to the vanity and dropping her on it.
“I can’t wait to be married to you.”
“Fifteen minutes babe,” She kissed him again and pulled back so she could look him in the eyes. “Fifteen minutes and then under God and in front of your family we’ll be married.”
“Don’t know if I can wait that long.” He complained, kissing her neck and pulling her against his hips.
“Well you’re gonna have to.” She swatted at his shoulder and pushed him away, standing and fixing the strands of hair he’d put out of place. “I’m not gonna sin on my wedding day.”
“You already did this morning.”
“Sure but we were in pajamas then, now I’m in a fancy wedding dress that cost more than I want to know and I don’t want you ruining it.” Irene walked to the open window, her fingers laced through John’s to pull him with her. “Look out there, everyone’s here for us.”
The field outside had been decorated in white lace and bouquets of bliss flowers. Joseph was standing by the alter talking to Jacob, they were both dressed in their nicest suits as well. It had taken John early two months to convince Jacob to wear one and it didn’t help that he’d be adamant they all wear matching ones.
Irene could see Faith darting around talking to people and fretting over details. She seemed more invested in this wedding than Irene. She and John had spent hours pouring over details and getting everything perfect while Irene sat back and watched.
“Last chance to run.” John wrapped his arms around her waist, his chin rested on the top of her head. “Take the bridge to Missoula and never look back.”
“Hmm, no thanks. I’m about to marry into a cult ran by three of the sexiest men I’ve ever met.”
“We prefer the term 'religious sect', and did you just hit on my brothers? To me? Your fiancé? On the day of our wedding?”
“Yup, you gonna do something about it, flyboy?”
“Oh I intend to, it’ll just have to wait until tonight, unfortunately.” With a final kiss, John left the room. Irene returned her attention to the window and watched John stride across the property and towards the alter.
Thin clouds of bliss floated above the floor of the aisle, drifting out of the bliss bouquets next to the seats and giving off the illusion of fog. People were clapping and cheering, someone had dragged an entire grand piano out of the field and was playing a cheerful tune. Irene couldn’t stop herself from grinning as she pulled away from John and laced her hand through his.
“Can’t get out now,” John whispered in her ear, running his thumb over her wedding ring.
“Don’t want to.” Irene retorted and looked around at her new family as they made their way down the aisle back towards the ranch.
The reception was tasteful, again, all John's and Faith’s doing. The music was peaceful, happy; the Hope County Choir had come out in full swing for the day and Irene couldn’t be more proud. She’d spent the last year working with them to record the Eden’s Gate music for Holland Valley, she’d grown quite close to them. John had promised that once they were married and she was officially inducted into the family she would be given charge of the choir.
Of course, John had also brought his own music, he may have given up his old life but there were some things he was still attached to and his music collection was one of those. The choir sang during the photography section of the reception, the orchestra during dinner, and his playlist now blasted on the speakers around the dance floor.
Freya Ridings’s cover of “Maps” started on the speakers and John pulled Irene from her chair and on to the dance floor for their first dance, everyone else quickly vacated the floor.
“Remember this one?” John asked, his voice low enough that only she could hear him over the music. They swayed back and forth to the music, neither had bothered to learn any fancy footwork.
“It played in my car on our way back to your place after our first date.” She reminisced, she often looked back on their first date fondly.
He’d been in Atlanta finalizing some things, Joseph and The Project were in Rome at the time, and he’d somehow convinced her to go to dinner with him. They’d met before when he was a practicing lawyer, she’d been called as a witness for the defense and after the case’s conclusion, they’d swapped numbers. It’d taken him another two years to finally ask her out, finding his long-lost brothers after so many years was a good excuse though.
“You sang along the entire time. It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.” Even after nearly two years together, John still looked at her like she was his entire world. She wasn’t sure she’d ever get used to it.
“Oh?” Irene hid her face in his neck to conceal her blush.
“I knew right then that we’d end up here again. That this was going to be our first song.” Irene peaked up at him and was floored by the complete vulnerability and unconditional love she saw reflected in John’s eyes.
“I love you.” She pulled him down to her height and kissed him.
“I love you too.” He brushed his thumb over the Eden’s Gate tattoo on her right hand.
A fist pounded on John’s bedroom door and Irene shot up in bed. John groaned beside her and rolled onto his back, rubbing his eyes and yawning.
“What?” He called, voice groggy.
Seeming to have taken as meaning John was inviting them inside, the door opened and Jacob stepped inside. Irene pulled the sheet up to her chin to better cover her bare chest. Jacob looked between the two with a smirk and flipped on the lights. John practically hissed at the sudden flood of light.
“Get up, Joseph wants you both downstairs. He wants to go over Project business now that Irene is a part of the family.”
John finally sat up, if only to glare at Jacob. “What is there left to go over?”
“Just come downstairs.” Jacob rolled his eyes and kicked a stray piece of clothing out of his way as he left. He was kind enough to close the door on his way.
The room was quiet for a minute, John yawned and threw back his blankets, <em>their</em> blankets. Irene let the sheet fall from her hands and stood, reaching up and stretching until she felt a few of the bones in her spine pop. A sigh drew her attention to John who was still seated on the bed staring at her like she was some piece of art.
Irene laughed a little at his slack jaw and threw one of his many decorative pillows at his head, John caught it with ease and joined in her laughter. He lunged across the bed and yanked her back down, pinning her below him.
“Good morning, <em>Mrs. Seed</em>.” Irene mirrored his excited expression, the man’s joy was infectious.
“Good morning, Mr. Seed.” She pulled him down to her by the back of his neck. Their kiss was slow and sweet, nothing like the heated ones from the night before. She’d have the rest of her life to kiss this man, there was no need to rush it now. When John pulled away to breathe, she gently pushed at his chest so he rolled away.
“If Joseph is expecting us we really should hurry.”
“We just got married, I believe we’re entitled to being a bit slow.” John shot back, his tone dismissive.
“Do you <em>really</em> want Jacob to back in here?” She looked at him sternly, keeping the smile from her lips when he began pouting like a child.
“Fine.” He finally rolled off of her and stood up, now it was Irene’s turn to stare. John looked back at her and winked before walking to his closet to get dressed. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
She couldn't help but snort and marvel a bit at the fact that this idiot was now her husband.
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