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39 posts
Find me on archive at Shan282 | KO-FI ✿ Masterlists: Far Cry Masterlist | Assassin’s Creed Masterlist | Character 
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shan282-ao3 · 5 years ago
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Fallout 4, Fallout (Video Games) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Paladin Danse/Female Sole Survivor, Porter Gage/Female Sole Survivor, Male Sole Survivor/Piper Wright, Mason/Female Sole Survivor (implied), John Hancock/Female Sole Survivor (Implied) Characters: Female Sole Survivor, Male Sole Survivor, Paladin Danse (Fallout), Porter Gage, Piper Wright, Preston Garvey, Mason (Fallout 4), Father | Shaun (Fallout), Deacon (Fallout), John Hancock (Fallout), Nick Valentine, Robert Joseph MacCready, Sturges (Fallout), Dogmeat (Fallout), Original Dog Character(s) Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Canon-Typical Behavior, The Railroad (Fallout), Nuka-World Amusement Park (Fallout), The Institute (Fallout), Brotherhood of Steel (Fallout), Past Relationship(s), Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Not Cheating, they're not really together anymore, Sad and Happy, Sad Ending, its not sad for everyone okay, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, the commonwealth is green and alive, no more of this everything is dead shit
Summary: Nate died in the vault. Nora had watched him get shot. She'd seen Kellog pull the trigger, she'd screamed until her throat was raw and her cryostasis was activated again. She'd sobbed in front of his lifeless corpse. She'd mourned and moved on, Shaun was the only thing she had left now.
Nate should have died in the vault. He'd been shot, there was no reason why a skilled mercenary should have missed. But he didn't, he'd woken up cold and alone. He had one mission now, find his wife and son. Whoever had shot him, whoever had taken Shaun, had to have taken Nora too. There was no way Nora would have just left him behind. Right?
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shan282-ao3 · 5 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Far Cry 5 Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Female Deputy | Judge/Faith Seed Characters: Female Deputy | Judge (Far Cry), Faith Seed, Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Fluff, Pure Unadulterated Fluff, Idiots in Love, Angst, just a bit Series: Part 3 of The Harbinger
Who was she to deny the Siren?
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shan282-ao3 · 5 years ago
Nora Williams/John Seed. Nora finds her soulmate.
For @farcry5-obsessions
“I honestly had such a fun time writing this. I hope I was able to do Nora justice and I really hope you like it. <3”
Soulmates are a funny thing. There are all sorts of movies about people finding the person they were meant to be with and yet very rarely did it happen. It was hard to find someone with the exact same freckles as you. There were entire websites dedicated to matching distinct patterns together and still the number of people who actually found their other half was less than a million.
Nora had never understood how it all worked when she was little, if she was being honest she still didn’t totally understand it but at this point, she’d accepted it. Her skin reflected her soulmate’s: if she scraped her knee they got a scar; if they broke their nose she woke up with her’s a little crooked.
She wasn’t sure when the first scar had appeared, her mother was never specific but Nora always suspected some of the smaller ones had always been there. Silvery speckles decorated her palms, presumably from where her soulmate had fallen over and over again, causing the wounds to scar over.
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shan282-ao3 · 5 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Far Cry 5 Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Female Deputy | Judge/John Seed Characters: Female Deputy | Judge (Far Cry), Original Female Character(s), John Seed Additional Tags: Cuddling & Snuggling, Fluff Series: Part 2 of Far Cry Prompts & Requests, Part 2 of The Harbinger Summary:
He leaned away enough for one of his index fingers to poke her forehead, staying between her eyebrows for a few seconds longer than was really necessary. “Your face pinches when you start thinking, it’s cute. And your nose crinkles when you get worried and you’re doing it right now so stop worrying.”
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shan282-ao3 · 5 years ago
🖊️ sara??
It took me like a million years to respond to this sorry. Thank you so much for the ask because dammit I love talking about Sar-bear and I don’t get to do it enough. [x]Let the gushing commence. This is about to make no sense, be longer than it should, and essentially be a nonsensical rant about my precious baby Sarah Lamb.
I’ll put it below the cut so I don’t clog up anyone’s dash:
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shan282-ao3 · 5 years ago
🖊 a dark secret abour sarah?
Ooooo okay. I’m not gonna name names because that’ll spoil my fanfic and I’m not there quite yet but I will give a brief overview of not one, but two dark secrets about Sarah (they connect though so you could count them as one).
She’s willing to let people who trust her die to keep her secrets safe. Someone (I’m not saying who) threatens to tell the Resistance about her relationship with John and to protect herself she lets them bleed out and doesn’t do a thing to help them. Then, maybe a few months later, someone who trusted her is put in a situation where it’s up to her to save them and without hesitating she lets them die, Lion King-style. She just lets go of their hand and lets them fall to their death because in her eyes they were a danger to her and in this case Jacob. In both instances, she goes back to her friends distraught (she did just kill two people she had previously fought side by side with she isn’t faking that) and lies about it all being an accident, crying explanations of “I couldn’t stop the bleeding” and “I wasn’t strong enough to pull them up.” When it comes down to her secrets and the people she loves, she never thinks about anyone else. She’s selfish and cruel at times, though she’ll never admit it.
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shan282-ao3 · 5 years ago
“You’re making a face. I know that face. It won’t work, I will resist it.” for Sarah and John? *-*
It took me forever to respond to this but I finally did it! I’ve been in a writing funk for a while but I think I’m finally past it. Thank you so so so much for sending me this prompt @onl-you, you don’t know how much I adore these things. I haven’t gotten to write a lot of soft Sarah and John so this was really fun.
So, without further ado, I present some soft Sarah and John:
Prompt: “You’re making a face. I know that face. It won’t work, I will resist it.”
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Sarah flopped down on the couch beside John and picked up her discarded book from earlier. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him look up from his paperwork at her for a second before looking down again. He continued to repeat the action until Sarah finally let out an exaggerated sigh and put the book down.
She pulled her legs onto the couch and turned to face John, wrapping her arms around her knees. He immediately put his papers down now that all of the attention was on him and watched her carefully. He opened and closed his mouth a few times like he was on the edge of saying something, his teeth visibly grinding.
Sarah narrowed her eyes and leaned closer before she spoke. “Well, spit it out, I don’t have all night.”
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shan282-ao3 · 5 years ago
🖊️ mercy?? :)
It’s taken me so long to respond to this I’m so sorry. Thank you so much for the ask, no one really knows Mercy since she hasn’t had her fic published yet. [x]It’s still a lot of info but unlike with Sarah, this is almost all I know about her, whereas with Sarah I could fill a thousand notebooks.
I’ll put it below the cut so I don’t clog up anyone’s dash:
I honest to god don’t know a whole lot about Mercy which is sad considering she’s my oc. The thing is there are two Mercy’s to me: Mercy from before the Collapse and Mercy from after. I know Mercy from before, she’s a happy girl. She had big dreams once upon a time but shit happened and she eventually found religion in the church of Joseph Seed. Jacob trained her, she was good but not anything special. She lived at the VA Center and worked in their “infirmary”, that’s how she first met Sarah. She never got all that close to Sarah before the Collapse. Staci however, now they eventually became thick as thieves, especially after the bombs dropped and they ended up stuck in Jacob’s bunker together. (That’s right my Staci ended up being loyal to the cult from the beginning whoops.) She and Staci might have had a friends with benefits thing going when they were in the bunker, I wouldn’t put it past the two of them. At some point in the bunker her arm got hurt and she developed an infection which resulted in her left arm getting amputated. After they left the bunkers, she left to find her sister. Along the way, she joined the Highwaymen briefly and that’s where she got her fancy-schmancy robotic arm. She left them after a few months because she wasn’t giggy with what they were doing and ended up in California where she met Thomas Rush (*insert uwu here*). She fell hard and fast for Rush. They started out casual but that didn’t last very long. I refuse to let Rush die so they end up carving out a life in Hope County and Mercy is key in forging an alliance between New Eden and Sanctuary.
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shan282-ao3 · 5 years ago
Originally posted on Archive of Our Own [x]
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Far Cry 5 Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: John Seed/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Original Female Character(s), John Seed, Jacob Seed, Joseph Seed, Faith Seed Additional Tags: Weddings, Wedding Fluff, Idiots in Love, that’s it y'all, we’re just living for this wholesome fluff Series: Part 1 of The Voice
“Isn’t it bad luck to see a bride before the wedding?” She teased and hooked her fingers through the belt loops on his pants, pulling him flush against her once again. John simply shrugged leaning down to kiss her again.
Read Below:
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shan282-ao3 · 5 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Far Cry 5 Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: John Seed/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Original Female Character(s), John Seed, Jacob Seed, Joseph Seed, Faith Seed Additional Tags: Weddings, Wedding Fluff, Idiots in Love, that's it y'all, we're just living for this wholesome fluff Series: Part 1 of The Voice Summary:
“Isn’t it bad luck to see a bride before the wedding?” She teased and hooked her fingers through the belt loops on his pants, pulling him flush against her once again. John simply shrugged leaning down to kiss her again.
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shan282-ao3 · 5 years ago
Fallout Masterlist
AO3: Shan282
This masterlist includes my Far Cry AO3 fics as well as requests that I post on @lil-miss-wanderer​
none so far, requests always open here and on @lil-miss-wanderer​
You’re S.P.E.C.I.A.L. [AO3]      ✿ Danse/Female SS ✿
Ch 1 || Ch 2 Posting Soon! ||
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shan282-ao3 · 5 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Far Cry 5 Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Male Deputy | Judge/Joseph Seed, Joseph Seed/Original Male Character(s) Characters: Joseph Seed, Male Deputy | Judge (Far Cry) Additional Tags: Fluff, thats the best way i describe it, brief nudity, Sort Of Series: Part 1 of Far Cry Requests Summary:
“Screw them if they do. Screw that resistance shit.” Dep reached out and placed a hand of Joseph’s knee in what was hopefully a comforting gesture. “They’re not here right now, I am.”
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shan282-ao3 · 5 years ago
Joseph/Male Dep request from @masastiy​:
Maybe deputy is sneaking into Joseph’s compound at night in hopes of finding out more about the plans of the cult and accidentally stumbles across Joseph, and them having a conversation and a quiet moment alone in the church. Or maybe deputy accidentally spots Joseph while he is swimming in the river naked, you know, like Greg in a live-action trailer. Or better yet, it would be cool if you combine these two ideas together.
Warnings: None, there’s brief mentions of nudity on Joseph’s part but nothing explicit
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shan282-ao3 · 6 years ago
You’re S.P.E.C.I.A.L.
Originally posted on Archive of Our Own [x]
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fallout 4, Fallout (Video Games) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Paladin Danse/Female Sole Survivor Characters: Female Sole Survivor, Paladin Danse (Fallout) Additional Tags: Fluff, that’s it
Summary: “Those things are for children and MacCready.”
“Okay two things: first, these ‘things’” She used her hands to emphasize the word, “are timeless and second, MacCready is a child so that statement was entirely redundant.”
Read below:
Nora watched the man who she’d come to think of as more than just a friend.
Danse kneeled in front of his power amour, an X-1 suit she’d given him after Maxson exiled him and took his Brotherhood suit. He’d be very against taking it at first, but after assuring him over and over again that she’d never use it he finally begrudgingly accepted her gift. It had brought a smile to her face.
Sanctuary was relatively quiet for the first time in weeks, almost everyone was down at the bar she’d built with the help of Sturges. That left her alone with Danse who hadn’t spoken a word since she sat down.
She didn’t break the silence between them though, she’d told him about her feelings towards him that morning and when he was ready to talk to her he would. She could wait. She’d waited 210 years to see her son again, she could wait a while for Danse to finally realize he deserved love.
She pulled a comic book from the bag sitting by her feet. If he was going to insist on not talking then she was going to pass the time somehow.
A scoff dragged her attention back to the former soldier who was shaking his head in disapproval now.
“What?” She asked, her voice halfway between playful and defensive.
“Those things are for children and MacCready.”
“Okay two things: first, these ‘things’” She used her hands to emphasize the word, “are timeless and second, MacCready is a child so that statement was entirely redundant.”
Danse met her eyes, his gaze very serious for a moment before a small smile broke his mask of professionalism. He chuckled and returned to his tinkering, Nora couldn’t help but laugh.
He seemed to have finished whatever he was working on, that or he’d given up. Nora took his offered hand and he hauled her up, grabbing her bag as she whistled for Dogmeat to follow them.
The old house she’d shared with Nate a lifetime ago still stood across the street. She’d fixed it up since she’d left the vault with the help of various people and it almost felt like home again. She’d turned Shaun’s old room into a guest room for her traveling companions when they stayed with her in Sanctuary.
Danse reached the house first and held the door open, Dogmeat pushed past them both and quickly made himself at home on the couch she’d dragged on a brahmin from one of the vaults, it almost looked new. Nora flipped on one of the light switches Danse had wired for her and the house light up.
“I’ll put your bag on the table.” Danse slid past her and walked to the kitchen, Nora took a second to appreciate how good his ass looked in his Brotherhood uniform.
“Don’t get me wrong, I love that outfit, but why do you still wear it? Maxson exiled you, all your friends turned on you without a second thought.” Nora leaned against what used to be a bookshelf, the shelves had either rotted away or been torn off and was now covered in pictures Nora had taken with an intact pre-war camera she’d found. A particular candid of Deacon grinning over something stupid with MacCready was her favorite.
Danse didn’t answer immediately, in fact, he took so long Nora wondered if he’d even heard her. “I don’t have anything else.”
“We can get you new clothes Danse.”
“No,” He said sharply before lowering his head a little. “No thank you, I’m fine.”
Nora wanted to push but she knew it would get her nowhere, she nodded instead nodded and stifled a yawn with the back of her hand. “Goodnight then Danse. We can talk in the morning, I’ll make Mirelurk omelets.”
“Goodnight ma’am.”
“Please stop calling me that.” She begged and patted his arm as she passed on her way to her room.
The door closed softly behind her and she walked over to the window to shut the curtains. The giant hole where the glass panes used to be left very little privacy but at least she got some illusion of it with the curtains. They were purple, she’d taken them from one of the houses in Covenant when she and Deacon were clearing it out months ago.
Nora had just changed and climbed into bed when there was a very soft, very hesitant, knock on her door. If she waited just a minute he’d go away, she knew that, but it was Danse and as comfy as she was she would always get up for him. She pulled on the robe she left by the door and opened it with a smile.
Danse looked unsure of himself as she pulled him inside, like he hadn’t actually meant to knock. She sat down on the bed and patted the spot beside her, waiting expectantly for him to sit down.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Nora asked with a hopefully encouraging smile. Danse sat down and looked at the wall behind her for a few minutes before answering.
“Did you mean what you said earlier?”
“About buying you new clothes? Of course, I treat all of my Commonwealth men right.” She smirked and caused him to roll his eyes.
“Not about that. Wait what over men are you buying clothes for?” He looked suspiciously jealous, Nora couldn’t hold back her shit-eating grin.
“Deacon mostly, he goes through a lot of clothes. Mac, but that was just the jacket I pulled off Kellogg and one of Maxson’s spare coats that I stole.”
“You stole one of Elder Maxson’s coats?” He looked appalled.
“Honey, I stole a lot of things off that airship. Why do you think I have so many fusion cores in that chest in the workshop? Did you think I found that many or actually spent caps on those?”
“You don’t even use power armor, why did you steal so many?”
“I don’t know, because I could, I guess.” Nora shrugged and Danse sighed but dropped the subject.
“I meant did you mean what you said this morning, about you having feelings for me?” Nora was honestly a little shocked that he was talking to her about that. She’d figured it’d be at least another week before he even tried to bring up the subject.
She smiled at him and touched his arm. “Yes, Danse. I meant that, I meant everything.” He still didn’t look entirely convinced. “I know I joke around a lot, Piper says it’s my coping mechanism for all the shit I’ve been through. But I wasn’t kidding earlier, I am in love with you. And it’s fine if you don’t feel the same with, just being around you and being your friend is enough for me Danse.”
“I—” He cut himself off and surged forward, awkwardly pressing his lips against hers. Nora’s eyes widened in shock for a moment before she kissed him back. It was a sweet kiss, something soft that Nora wanted to wake up to for the rest of her life. “I feel the same way. I’m sorry I didn’t say that earlier, I just wasn’t sure if you would change your mind.”
“Never.” She breathed, unable to contain the smile on her face.
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shan282-ao3 · 6 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fallout 4, Fallout (Video Games) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Paladin Danse/Female Sole Survivor Characters: Female Sole Survivor, Paladin Danse (Fallout) Additional Tags: Fluff, that's it
Summary: “Those things are for children and MacCready.”
“Okay two things: first, these ‘things’” She used her hands to emphasize the word, “are timeless and second, MacCready is a child so that statement was entirely redundant.”
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shan282-ao3 · 6 years ago
Desktop Facelift!!!
Hi all! Exciting news (to me at least)!
I have given my writing blog a major facelift. It’s adorable now and it’s got a fancy navigation page. The navigation page has links to the fancy new masterlists (all of which include both the links to the corresponding Tumblr posts and their matching AO3 links). It also has links to my new OCs pages. The three stars in the bottom left corner of the blog’s home page also have a little bit of information when you click them: Request Status, About Me, and Fandoms.
Currently, the only OC page that’s nearly complete is the Far Cry page though it still needs some touch-up. The Assassin’s Creed and Red Dead pages have characters but no details or information. I will make a post when I finish them up. The Red Dead masterlist is missing links to the chapters of the three fics I’m writing as they haven’t been posted yet but will be soon.
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^ new theme
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^ new navigation page
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^ new masterlist pages (the Far Cry masterlist is pictured here)
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^ new oc pages (the Far Cry oc page is pictured here)
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shan282-ao3 · 6 years ago
Reblogging this again because I finally posted all the rest of the chapters for TDHC and updated all the links
Far Cry Masterlist
AO3: Shan282
This masterlist includes my Far Cry AO3 fics as well as requests that I post on @deputy-sarah-sux
Joseph and His Judge [archive]
The Devil Has Come [archive] (part 1 of Bottom of The River series)
Ch 1 || Ch 2 || Ch 3 || Ch 4 || Ch 5 || Ch 6 || Ch 7 || Ch 8 || Ch 9 || Ch 10 || Ch 11 || Ch 12 || 
Bridges [archive]
Ch 1
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