#john constantine > threads
familiaanteomnia · 1 year
Constantine wasn’t in the best of shape; not all that surprising given his long history of bad luck. At least he was going to get paid adequately for the messy situation he’d just handled. Taking off his tie- using it on a gash he’d received to his arm. It would have been easier if didn’t encounter one of his jilted ex lovers. Trying to decide if should stop by the motel- change clothes and clean up before going to have some drinks. Or just find some seedy place; use the restroom for an quick clean up and call it good enough. Yet it ended up having to paused in it’s consideration. As noticed somebody in the street light just staring at him. “Oi, bit rude to stare.”
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soultoken-archived · 10 months
[ as i drink chamomile to get a decent night of sleep for once ] mmmhh. i want to write horror.
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morethanonepage · 2 years
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talentforlying · 7 months
standing before you today to say that the jld writers' choice to assign constantine the house of mystery, aka the one that belonged to cain, was a WILD move and SHOCKINGLY emblematic of a lot of who he is as an archetype, particularly in relation to his family: as betrayer son and brother, defiler of his father's house, favorer of bloodless sacrifice yet steeped in the opposite, the first killer (or so he believes), cardinal sins of pride and envy, murderer of those he claims to love, liar to the face of god. cursed forever to walk alone, city-coded, shielded from vengeance but unable to shield those around him, slaking the earth in blood where he only ever wanted to sow, an eternity of regret is not enough to repair the damage he has done.
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"At some point when John wasn't looking, new age travelers has become travelers, and bright eyes had gone dull. You could see the hippies underneath, but it was along time ago.
The roma were there too, another change. They kept to themselves in the corners of the field, but the children played together.
That was indicative of something. Something about how it was no longer a fun thing to rebel, but a way of life, with no safety nets. Strength in numbers, huddled together. Even the closed of Romani were aware of that.
The music was angrier. Deeper base, harsher beats, even the bubbly fiddly de de was talking of monsters.
It had changed while he was gone. The kids were new, some babes, some teens, some adults in their own right, with babes at the hip.
Fuck he was old. He remembered these people as bright eyed and bushy tailed and barely adults themselves. Now some were grandparents. Maybe that was why the roma came closer. There's something about raising your child on the move, how a movement becomes a community. They proved their skills and toughness."
the start of a fic about john going back to a traveler festival and the difference between then and now as well as musings on the creation of a people.
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shefatalesarch · 2 years
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WHATEVER REASON SHE HAD FOR BEING HERE PROBABLY WASN'T VERY GOOD. was he even looking to get tangled up in any kind of ... what? what kind of mess was seeking him out, he hadn't even asked yet. "you know when people actually seek me out, which ain't easy by the way, it isn't usually for a good reason ... what exactly are you hoping i can do for you?"
@vampirecrack ♥ for a starter from john constantine
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makeowndestiny · 2 years
starter for John Constantine from Aisa Cruce | @anakinsstuff
Aisa sat behind her register counter, one leg crossed over the other as she read a book. It was just her in the store today. Cassandra, the witch who was under her care and also helped her with the store, was in classes today. The goddess didn’t mind. While she enjoyed the companionship, she didn’t mind being on her own for a bit, especially on such a gloomy day where she honestly would much rather be curled up on the couch with a fire going as she read. 
The bell hanging above the door chimed, causing Aisa to look up. A smirk graced her lips as she recognized the sorcerer who just walked into her shop. “My, my look at who finally decided to walk through my door. How can I help you, John Constantine?”
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monenblogi · 4 days
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@playedbetter (zee) - for dis!
“... Yer mad at me, aren’t you.” 
Probably. Usually. He definitely forgot to call and go ‘hey, I’m alive’ yet again so John knew he already was playing at a disadvantage here. At least he had the right mind to bring flowers as an apology. Everyone liked flowers. 
“Look--y’ know me, things got complicated.” A bit more complicated than he was comfortable even sharing with Zee, which said a lot, but he was going to keep that to himself. “C’mon, I’ll even throw dinner on top of things. Like that Italian place y’ like.” 
Assuming it was still around... 
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adventurepunks · 1 year
Was John a difficult apprentice?
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"Every apprentice is difficult if you are unprepared to accommodate a person with their own personality and ideas of how things should be done. But I will assume you meant to ask if he was a troublesome student, which the answer is no. I choose my apprentices very carefully, he was a driven and determined young man that often was found asleep on a tome refusing to let even sleep get in the way of a solution,with good instincts and a talent for thinking on his feet, appropriate references can be provided upon request."
From the desk of Nicholas E Nolan
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lunabaris · 2 years
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corruptedarkness · 2 years
tag drop.
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familiaanteomnia · 8 months
@setitallaflame liked for an starter
It had been quite the day; what should have been an easy job becoming an dozen not so easy problems to solve. Paired with the rotten luck of realizing he had no cash on him, only an single smoke and of course only no lighter or matches. Grabbing it out, pack thrown in the bin and one incantation later.
Tiny flame on the tip of his finger to light the cigarette before cutting the spell off. Unaware he'd actually overlooked that was actually somebody in close distance. Not that he actually cared all that much though.
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
Both Ways at Once Part 3
wc: 1565, Masterpost
Danny wanted to pace. He wanted to work out the energy and anger burning under his skin by moving. But he couldn’t— he wouldn’t. Red Hood still had a grip on his sleeve and Danny wouldn’t take that grounding point from the other, not when it seemed to help the man so much. Not when Danny knew how bad the separation from one’s haunt hurt.
The touch was also grounding him, Danny could admit that much. He knew that his powers were getting away from him. He knew they were seeping in that way that they did these days, bleeding out and warping pieces of the reality around him. It was more than he wanted to show the Justice League, but he couldn’t keep it all inside. He was spiraling.
Danny took a deep breath and tried to focus.
“It’s alright, Red Hood. You don’t need to stand guard in front of me. They won’t hurt me,” Danny said. At least he hoped they wouldn’t try.
“You are a threat to them.”
Danny shook his head. He could be, of course, but he wouldn’t be. “I’m not.”
Red Hood turned his head, just slightly. Even without seeing the other’s eyes, Danny felt he was being watched. “You didn’t do things their way. That means you’re a threat. They eliminate threats.”
Danny bristled. Not at being called a threat, but because of the picture that painted about Red Hood’s captivity.
“Perhaps we should all have a seat,” Wonder Woman suggested as she took a seat sat the table herself.
Everyone else hesitated a moment, but Danny nudged Red Hood towards a seat and took one across the table from the heroes himself. He held back a sigh as Red Hood chose to stand behind him instead, one gloved hand rested on Danny’s shoulder. It was an improvement, at least.
Batman took the seat to the right of Wonder Woman, and Superman the right of him. They clearly framed the man. John very clearly put himself in the middle of the two groups— both literally and figuratively. Uneven odds, but Danny had faced worse.
“I need the whole story, Constantine,” Danny said, not waiting for one of the others to take charge. His hands were gripped white knuckled together where they rested on the table. He couldn’t keep the thread of anger out of his tone, but he reigned it in as best as possible. “Because from my point of view, I walked in on you all torturing Red Hood in a way that could very well kill him.”
“We don’t kill,” Superman said, puffing up with his pointed words.
Danny stared at him for a long moment before he glanced up at Red Hood. “Is that the way of theirs you went against? The one that made you a threat?”
The hand on his shoulder tightened subtly.
“He’s a murderer,” Superman said, leaning forward as if imparting something important. “He beheaded people to make a point.”
“I’m sorry,” Danny said, crinkling his brows up purposefully in confusion. “Did I ask you anything?”
While Superman looked like he’d sucked on a lemon, Danny turned to Constantine. He knew the shadows were growing around him, lengthening, and he let them this time. “I need the whole story. Now, John.”
John glanced from Danny to the others, cigarette turning restlessly in his fingers. Whatever he saw in the big three, it was enough and he slumped heavily back into is seat. The sigh he heaved was full bodied and he just looked weary suddenly. “Justice League asked me to check something out in Gotham. Which is…”
Danny nodded and motioned for him to go on. Gotham was a cursed city of pretty notorious reputation in the magical community. In general, people of any real power stayed away unless they were up to something very dark. The only ways to operate in Gotham as a proper magic user was to be supported by Gotham’s curses or be supported by Gotham herself, and her favor was rare to earn.
“So I recruited the vigilante known as Red Hood. Not… exactly the one behind you,” John said, motioning with his cigarette. “And by recruited I mean badgered him until I promised to play errand boy for a few things.”
“…and yet you claim you didn’t know he’s a protector spirit?” Danny asked sharply, the words almost hissing with his rage.
“Pomp,” John leaned forward, spreading his hands over the table top. The cigarette barely stayed between his fingers. “I swear to you, in full weight, that I didn’t. Other Red Hood was alive. He reeked of death, but all the Bats do. You do. I went to him since he uses magic, abet dubiously, and is…” John shot a glance at Batman before grimacing. He continued anyways. “He’s a sodding Son of Gotham, alright? His presence at my side let me work in the city.”
Danny sucked in a breath through his teeth. Well fuck.
“How angry is Gotham?”
John shrugged. “That’s… complicated, Pomp. Let me finish the damn story?”
Double fuck. Danny leaned back in his chair and tried to unclench his hands.
“So we go and find the problem,” John continued. “Which of course…”
“Cult. What else in Gotham, right mate? We fight, Red Hood comes in handy, but then the head fucker shows some serious skills— or paid for some serious skills at least. They go on this rant about undoing what made one what they are today, motioning with this staff. I can only think that it was meant to get rid of how I got my powers, but Red Hood shoves me out of the way and takes the blast to the chest instead. There’s a cloud of magic because the whole cult is showy bastards and when it clears, there’s this Red Hood standing there and also his civilian ID, or at least a version of him. Looks a might bit smaller, mind you.”
“Okay, sure, right,” Danny said. He could feel the headache coming on. “So we’ve got the vigilante and then… who he would have been if he’d never been a vigilante?”
Danny swore Batman shifted at that.
Batman never shifted.
Danny was about to call him out when Wonder Woman cleared her throat and leaned forward. She rested a deceptively delicate hand on Batman’s arm. “No, before he was Red Hood, he was a Robin.”
“What it changed,” Red Hood explained, voice rough even for the modulation, “Is if we died. I still did. I feel it. I’m the Robin that died.”
Even Batman didn’t manage to hide his flinch at that.
Triple fuck.
AN: Surprisingly, Danny hasn't gone off yet! And we're starting to get more answers! Kinda? Somewhat. Now I wonder what that other version is doing...
Stay delightful, darlings!
I no longer tag people, but you can subscribe to the Masterpost instead to be notified!
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
I think that prior to Tim being found out as a spider demon, only Cass had good thoughts about Spiders. And maybe Damian but in more of a "don't kill it, you put it in a cup and move it to the garden" kind of way. Dick *hates* them and Jason had a bad experience with Beast Boy using the form of a spider the size of a dinner plate to jump scare him when he was still Robin.
As for how he makes his silk, i once saw a design of a spider demon that had two black dots at the corners of its mouth and when it pressed a finger to the dots and pulled them away, a line of string was hanging between their finger and the dot. I think his thread looks like normal spider thread (including the size) but is durable enough that only a few strands can stop a charging Bane. It's possible for him to take the silk he produces and turn it into thread and from thread into fabric. The fabric moves and feels like high quality silk but is about twice as durable as Kevlar due to how strong his threads are.
The only reason all of the Bats aren't already decked out in full Tim Silk Gear is because of the sheer amount of time and energy it takes to make that much thread. If he uses all of his spare time to make thread and turn it into fabric as quickly as he can, he would only make 2 or 3 fabric napkins in a month. If he was only eating, sleeping, and making silk he could produce a single sheet about the size of a picnic blanket in the same amount of time. Not exactly a lot of fabric to work with. Plus there's the fact that his thread is very weak by the standards of his species due to a mixture of malnutrition, constant exhaustion, and frequent injuries.
However, most of his family does have at least one thing that he made with his thread for them. They have no idea what kind of fabric it is that Tim brings them things made of and when asked if he can get more, he simply shakes his head and says, "I wish I could, but farming to much of the material needed to make this stuff can seriously harm the type of creature that creates it. I'm keeping it vague so that you guys don't try to buy it yourselves. The person I get this from have been very, *very* heavily researched to make sure that it's done in a humane way. Basically anywhere else you find this stuff is almost garenteed to be horribly mistreating the creatures to force them to produce as much as physically possible. And I got my guys entire stock just to make this for you." This throughly covers his tracks and makes it so that the Bats won't consider trying to buy more silk from other sources. Most of the things he makes for them are small, like gloves or Domino Masks or at most an under shirt to give them an extra layer or protection. Cass's whole cowl is made of Tim's Silk.
As for what kind of malnutrition Tim has, the Bats already knew about that, sort of. John saw Bruce's new gloves and after feeling them asked where the fuck he got that much Jorogomo Silk and why it's such Shit Quality. When Bruce asked for him to elaborate, Constantine ran his hands over the gloves a few times while muttering to himself before sighing, "Malnutrition. Their silk is a direct reflection of their health. Whoever made this, they have *not* been eating well. Probably only just enough to survive and with no... well, you'd probably be glad to hear that the one who made your gloves hasn't been chowing down on an human flesh. But it's an important part of their diet. Yeah, this one seems to have been trying to use supplements for the shit it needs, but that'll never truly work. Like you can take all the vitamins tablets ya want, but unless you go out and soak in some sunshine every now and then you'll always be deficient in Vitamin D cause your body just won't process it. If I were you, I would get in contact with your seller and get them a deal with the local mourge. After all, you're from Gothem. I'm sure no one would notice if a few of the already dead disappeared."
That night Bruce had an uncomfortable conversation with Tim about how his seller might not be as good as he thought and what Mourges tended to "loose" bodies most often. Tim did start eating some from the already dead but he hates it. Not because hes eating people but because they've been dead for a while and only fresh bodies taste good.
As for Jack, he goes into a coma until Tim gets there and he uses some of his threads to make Jack his puppet. However, Tim doesn't have any practice with preserving the bodies of his puppets yet so after about a month, Jack is starting to fall apart a little so Tim sets up for him to be part of a car crash and makes a new puppet to be Uncle Eddie. The second puppet does last longer, but only about 2 and a half months and then Tim eats what's left of Uncle Eddie. Maybe one day he'll be able to make puppets that last for years like his mom did, but not just yet.
Also she isn't dead and does stay in contact. She just got bored of her life as Janet Drake and ditched her puppet, telling Tim "here's my new number and new name and the puppet of your father. Good luck kiddo." And Tim was like "YOURE THE BEST MOM" because really, by their standards she is. Most of his species are completely abandoned once they can walk, hide themselves, and produce silk. Most don't have any idea who their parent or parents are at all.
Ooh! The way you made his silk OP but then put in a very realistic limitation was cool as hell.
I'm also curious how the Bats would feel about Tim needing to consume human flesh. If Red Hood is still killing, it would he super cool of him to offer up some of the people he murders. Hopefully that will be a bit fresher and better tasting for Tim.
Also, would Alfred try to cook food for Tim's diet? Or would that be too much for Alfred to handle so he refuses to cook human flesh?
If Tim or someone else cooked that food (post-reveal), they probably would have to build an entire kitchen just for him. They wouldn't want to cross contaminate that since it could make the humans really really sick.
You mentioned that Tim doesn't hate consuming flesh. Does he have any reservations about it? Are there parts of his being that he hates for not being human enough?
At least Bruce doesn't seem to mind a creature consuming already dead people. Though, maybe Tim (pre-reveal) worries Bruce would mind if it was someone he knew.
I'm also hella curious where puppet Uncle Eddie comes from. Dead body? Bad guy Tim doesn't mind turning into a puppet?
Love Janet Drake. Maybe Tim could go visit her every once in a blue moon. If not, at least both of them seem happy and content with their relationship
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talentforlying · 1 year
"Hey baby, are you the first card in the tarot deck because you got me actin' like a fool." Mulder strikes a pose, before spinning around and trying another pick up line.
"What's up, hot stuff? Can you feel the magic? I'm about to cast a spell on you." Another pose. This time he finds a chair near John to lean against. Wait are those sunglasses?
"Did you know that Venus is in conjunction with Uranus?" Mulder stop-
' oh christ. '
he's trying not to give mulder the satisfaction of a laugh. he's doing his bloody best, here. but exasperation and the dread of knowing this will go on for as long as mulder has air to draw breath are rapidly giving ground under the onslaught, and his lips are twitching behind the protective guard of his hand.
' really. seriously. whole bleedin' world of beatles-flavored pick-up lines available an' you go with the magic. could i pay you t'shut up? at least take yer shirt off f'you're gonna give us a show. ' his smile is all but audible, crinkling the corners of his eyes and tugging on every syllable. stupid, this is stupid. he's always been soft for stupid. one of the files he's been slogging through becomes handy ammunition, balled up and lobbed with shocking accuracy to bounce off mulder's chest. ' eugh! sunglasses indoors, you pillock. '
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his revenge is timed out carefully, planned without a hint of mischief on his face: he hooks the tip of his shoe around the nearest leg of the chair mulder's leaning on and yanks it askew, hopping out of his seat to catch mulder around the waist before he can fall — only to promptly step on the back of his heel and make sure he falls. the resulting dip is entirely too graceful for a bit of spur-of-the-moment fuckery, and constantine is smirking as he swipes the sunglasses, holding them up to his face and peering down at mulder through the lenses.
' did it 'urt when you fell from your alien spaceship? ' head tilted to the side, innocent, almost genuinely concerned. then his supporting hand releases and: WHOOMF. dropped to the carpet. should be okay, though — mulder's used to falling for him by now. constantine sits back on the nearest desk, the very picture of an unconcerned bystander, twirling his prize between his fingers and snickering. ' not as much as that, i 'spect. '
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spacedace · 1 year
Snippet/prolog thing from a DP x DC fic that lives almost entirely inside my head outside of this & a few other bits.
Please feel free to take this as an overly long prompt haha
If anyone wants context to this let me know and I'll be happy to info dump at you lol
The kid had been eleven the first time John Constantine met her.
A little ghost girl, too small for the crowns and dominions that were rightfully hers, wandering the world alone and unattended because to stay in one place would drive her mad - or worse. He didn’t think himself as having a particularly soft heart, but there was something about little Stella Phantom that grew on him - a bit like a mold, he liked to explain. Maybe it was the way she swore like a sailor and kicked a demon in the low hangers with a feral grin the first time he met her. Maybe it was just how lonely she looked, small and slight in the large world she was so obsessed with exploring.
She had a family. A Grave of her own that worried about her, but who couldn’t follow her on her constant travels no matter how much they wanted to. Proof that being some of the most powerful beings in existence wasn’t enough to prepare you for parenthood.
Somewhere along the lines she started following John around. Interested in what he was doing, where he was going, who he worked with. It hadn’t taken long to get her folded into JL Dark. Zantanna had blanched when he’d shown up with little Elle, pulling in the big wigs from JL Light to argue about the ethics of involving a child in their work. As if Supes and the Bat had legs to stand on with their own brood so often in the thick of danger. Elle was safer under his watch than she’d be under the loose oversight the Titans had or whatever fresh hell was going on with Young Justice but hell if anyone would listen to him on that front.
He lost the war when she met Superboy Jr. and Robin V.
She’d adored them from the start, delighted at having children her own age around to spend time with. They formed a little team, working together here and there, then more often as they got older. She still worked mostly with JL Dark, but she was growing up. Spreading her wings a bit.
Elle was seventeen when the Bonds first formed. The spider-silk thin threads finally winding themselves into the heavy binds that spilled out of her Core and reached out for anchoring in the boys. It was sickeningly sweet, in the way puppy love always was. She was too young for Core Bonds like that to settle, of course, in the way children were always too young when they fell in love the first time. It was normal though. Ghost children the Realms over made Bonds only for them to fade or change as they grew, almost never anchoring to anyone til they were full grown.
She’d blushed as red as Marvel’s suit when she realized John could see them, stuttering and embarrassed. He’d teased her about it for a long time, about how much she’d grown up, how much trouble she was going to cause, how he was going to have to fight the big bad Bat and his pet boy scout when she inevitably dishonored their poor, innocent sons. It was entertaining, endearing.
He waited for the Bonds to fade or shift. Weeks. Months. Years. As she turned nineteen, he started to wonder if they would stick around. If in another few years they might strengthen, begin the slow process of anchoring.
She was twenty-one when her boys - calling themselves Flamebird and Phoenix now - started dating each other.
The Bonds remained, steady and solid and painfully unanchored.
John stopped teasing her about them.
They hadn’t changed to accommodate platonic bonds, nor had they faded any. Their tendency to tangle around her like snare was another point of concern. Core Bonds weren’t meant to cause difficulty for the ghost they were born from, and they certainly weren’t meant to wrap around the ghost’s limbs and body in painful loops like that. They weren’t supposed to hurt.
When she was twenty three he started suggesting it might be time for intervention. The irony that he of all people would be trying to get someone to take steps to cut out the thing harming them was not lost on him. Nor was the way the fond feelings he had for the girl had skewed decisively paternal over the years in a way that his younger self would have mocked him for endlessly.
He felt better about broaching the subject knowing that her Grave had been suggesting the same thing. That he wasn’t overstepping the bounds of whatever odd partnership they’d developed over the years. John was, he had very reluctantly come to accept, the girl’s mentor if nothing else. His job was to teach her and guide her, not be her parent.
No matter what his old, battered heart might try and suggest.
Even still, he couldn’t help but be concerned.
She was twenty-five when they got temporarily launched into that broken, bleak world. When they met the Elle and Flamebird and Phoenix of that horrible dimension.
The three alternates’ bonds were anchored completely, tying the triad together in threads of silver and green. Not even Other-Elle’s complete, sickening deterioration into something cannibalistic and feral had been enough to break them. He can’t imagine how much it must have hurt to see that, for his girl to glimpse a world where something she’d longed for for so long happened, only for it to seemingly be at the expense of reality itself.
He helped cover for her, after their two groups had been mixed up and separated for the night - or what might be called night in a world that no longer had any light to make those kinds of distinctions in time. When she came back with the Flamebird and Phoenix of that world, after their little separation from the larger group he kept her two boys misdirected. Distracted Nightwing and Zantanna so they didn’t go asking too many questions he knew Elle wouldn’t want answered. The Bat John was helpless to do much about, but thankfully the big brooder seemed too intent on the desolate, lightless world itself to notice the way Elle’s gaze was going distant, bittersweet at the edges.
He didn’t know what, exactly had happened in the hours she was gone. He could guess, from the way the Other-Phoenix and Other-Flamebird looked at her, the way she avoided her boys. Loneliness and desperation made for an easy slide into bad decisions. John might just have to admit that Zantanna had been correct, all the times she’d said he was a bad influence on the girl. Not that there was any surprise there.
Elle’s Bonds were even more of a knotted mess than before. Offered something so close to anchoring only to find no purchase. They twisted about her throat like a noose now, ready to strangle the life out of her one day.
He signed off on her leave of absence when they finally made it back to their home dimension.
Anyone else would want details to write down. Would want to know the specifics of why and for how long and a whole mess of other details she either wouldn’t or couldn’t answer. He’d get his ass roasted over the fire for the mess the paperwork was in, but that was fine. He’d endured far worse for far less important reasons.
Personal leave, he’d written.
Duration of leave: indefinite.
Reason for leave: None of your fucking business, Bats.
They shared a cigarette on one of the high catwalks in the Watchtower watching dawn break on the world below. Grateful to see the sun and stars again after those two days in utter blackness. They didn’t talk about her Bonds. About what happened. About how she hadn’t talked to her Boys since coming back. Just stood and smoked. He pretended not to notice her tears. She pretended not to notice his. Neither of them had ever been any good at goodbyes.
When the time came she bumped his shoulder in thanks - for the cigarette, for the company, for the years of friendship and family - before turning and stepping through the bright purple door standing impossibly in the middle of the walkway.
He glimpsed the green of the Infinite Realms and the distant shape of her Lair beyond. A world of worlds, paradise to one that never stopped, always off to find something new, something never seen before. It was against all odds that she’d even stumbled upon this one in the first place. A small speck in the crushing infinite.
When the door closed it did so slowly, a painful whine and a soft, mournful click all that marked her leaving.
John watched it bleed out of existence, and wondered if he’d ever see her again.
Six months later, the stars started to disappear.
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