#john bidwill
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tenth-sentence · 1 year ago
One morning Bidwill found a black carrying off his flowerpots.
"Killing for Country: A Family History" - David Marr
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drhoz · 8 months ago
#2349 - Libocedrus bidwillii - Pāhautea
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AKA kaikawaka or New Zealand Cedar. Named after John Carne Bidwill, an English botanist who worked in Australia and New Zealand and who was the first director of Sydney's botanic gardens.
Reachs 25m in height. Growing on both the North and South Islands, but threatened by the introduction of brushtail possums from Australia, who can easily kill the trees by eating the growing tips. The timber, if you can get it, is very lightweight, and purple in colour.
Whakapapa Villagee, North Island Volcanic Plateau, New Zealand
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ashleysingermfablog · 10 months ago
Wk 12, 26th of April, 2024 Research
Latin Meanings of Plant Terms
alba - white
albicans - becoming white
albiflorus - white flower 
alpina - alpine 
angustifolius - narrow leaved 
apetala - has no petals 
arachnoides - spider or spider webs e.g. Sempervivium arachnoideum, the house leek has spider web like appearance 
arboreus or aborescens - tree like appearance 
arenaria - of sand, referring to plants from sandy places 
argentea or argyraea - silver or silvery 
atro - dark coloured as in 'atropurpureum' 
attenuata - narrows to a point 
aurantica - orange 
aurea or aureus - gold or golden 
australis - southern 
azurea - azure or sky blue 
banksii - named for Sir Joseph Banks, botanist on Captain Cook's voyages 
bellidioides - daisy-like appearance, referring to bellis, the daisy 
bicolour - two coloured 
bidwillii - named for John Bidwill, early New Zealand alpine plant enthusiast 
Brachyglottis - short tongued, referring to the short ray florets 
buchananii - named for John Buchanan, early New Zealand botanist 
caerulea - dark blue 
caerulecens - bluish, blue tinged 
campanulatus - bell shaped 
canadensis - of Canada or North-eastern America 
canina - of dogs, usually means inferior plant (the Romans were not dog-lovers!) 
cardinalis - scarlet, cardinal red 
carnea - deep pink 
cataria - of cats, eg Nepeta cataria, catmint 
carractae - of waterfalls 
chathamicus/chathamica - of the Chatham Islands 
chinensis - of China 
chlorantha - green flowered 
cinerea - ash colour, greyish 
coccineum - scarlet 
columaris - columnar 
colensoi - named for William Colenso, early botanist 
confertiflora - flowers that are crowded together 
cordata - heart shaped 
crassifolius/crassifolia/crassifolium - with thick leaves 
cunnihamii - named for Allan Cunningham, early botanist 
decora - beautiful 
delayavi - for Abbe Jean Marie Delavay missionary and collector 
dieffenbachii - for Dr Ernst Dieffenbach, naturalist 
discolor - two different colours 
dissecta - deeply cut, usually of a leaf 
domestica - cultivated 
davidii - for Pere Arman David, missionary plant collector 
Dracanena - female dragon 
Echinops - a hedgehog, spiky 
Echium - vipers ( a snake) 
Erodium - heron's bill, referring to the shape of the seedpods 
excelsa/excelsum/excelsus - tall 
eximia - exceptional 
fibrosa - fibrous 
flava - clear yellow 
florida - flowering 
florus/flora - of flowers 
foetidus - smelling, stinking 
folius/folia/folium - of leaves or foliage
forestii - for George Forest, Scottish plant collector 
fragrans/fragrantissima - fragrant 
frutcosa - shrubby 
fulvida - tawny coloured 
haastii - for Julius von Haast, explorer 
hastata - spear shaped 
hookeri - for Sir William or Sir Joseph Hooker, directors of Royal Botanic Gardens Kew 
hortensia - of gardens 
horizontalis - flat, horizontal 
humilis - low growing 
Geranium - crane's bill, referring to the shape of the seedpods 
gracilis - graceful 
graminea - grass-like 
ilicifolia - holly-like (from Ilex or Holly) 
incana - grey 
indica - of India 
insignis - notable 
issima - very (as in 'bellissima') 
isophylla - equal sized leaves 
ixioides - ixia like 
japonica - of Japan 
jucundum - attractive example 
kirkii - for Thomas Kirk, botanist 
laetus/laetum - milky 
latifolius/latifolia - broad leaved 
lessonii/lessoniana - for Pierre Lesson surgeon and botanist 
lineata - striped, with lines 
lucida/lucens - shining, bright 
lutea - yellow 
lutescens - becoming yellow 
lyallii - for David Lyall, surgeon 
macrantha - having large flowers 
marcrocarpa - having large fruit 
marcophylla - having large leaves 
meleagris - spotted like a guinea fowl as in Fritillaria meleagri 
microphylla - very small leaved 
monroi - for Sir David Monro, plant collector 
montana/montanum - of the mountains 
moschatum - musky scented 
myosotis - mouse's ear 
nigra - black 
novae-zelandiae - of New Zealand
orientalis - eastern
oides - similar to
paniculata - having flowers in panicles 
Pelargonium - stork's bill, referring to the shape of the seedpods 
petriei - for Donald Petrie, plant collector 
Phylla/phyllus/phyllum - A Greek word that refers to the leaves of a plant
praecox - early, of flowering 
procumbens - prostrate 
procurrens - spreading 
prolifera - prolific or free flowering 
prostrata - prostrate or lying on the ground 
pseudo - means false
pumila/pumilo - dwarf 
purpurea - purple (Echinea purpurea) 
purpurascens - purplish, tinged purple 
Ranunculus - frog, because both like marshy, boggy ground 
recta - upright 
reflexa - bent backwards 
reptans or repens - creeping 
richardii - for Achille Richard, French botanist 
rigens/rigida - rigid or stiff habit 
roseum - rose colour 
rotundata - rounded 
rotundifolia - having round-shaped leaves 
rubra/rubrum - red 
rugosa/rugosum - wrinkled 
rupestris - growing in rocks
salicina/salicifolia - willow like 
sanguinea - blood red 
scandens - climbing 
serotina - late flowering or late ripening 
serpens - creeping 
spictata - in spikes 
stans/stricta - erect or upright 
supine - supine or prostrate 
trigida - spotted like a tiger 
umbellatus - flowers appearing to be in umbels 
ursinum - a bear, referring to shaggy appearance 
vernus - of spring 
viridis/virens - green 
viridfolius - green leaved 
versicolor - multi coloured 
vulgaris - common 
Zebrina - zebra, referring to the stripes
from Plant Encyclopedia.co.nz,
Plantpedia is here to be an online reference guide in all areas of horticulture (and now have a garden centre based in Tuakau River Road Nursery). Plantpedia has factual and trust worthy information relative for New Zealander gardeners.
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maturemenoftvandfilms · 3 years ago
Top 10 NFL Owners I’d Like to Fuck
Here we have my top 10 NFL owners who I'd love to draft me as a wide receiver or tight end. If you get my what I'm saying. And if you didn't, I mean I want to fuck them.
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#10. Art Rooney II - Pittsburgh Steelers Owner
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#9. Mike Brown -  Cincinnati Bengals Owner He kinda has a Dave Cummings look to him. And he'll be even hotter if he's hairy and have a cock like Dave too.
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#8. John Mara - New York Giants Owner
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#7. Woody Johnson - New York Jets Owner
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#6. Bryan Glazer - Tampa Bay Buccaneers Owner
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#5. Terry Pegula - Buffalo Bills Owner
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#4. Michael Bidwill -  Arizona Cardinals Owner
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#3. Robert Kraft - New England Patriots Owner Of course Bob is in my top 3.
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#2. Joe Ellis - Denver Broncos Owner Damn he's gorgeous.
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#1. Jimmy Haslam - Cleveland Browns Owner
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Jerry Jones - Dallas Cowboys Owner
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Jerry Richardson - Former Carolina Panthers Owner
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news-china-com-au · 4 years ago
澳大利亚 - 悉尼不同地区寿命差异令人咋舌 - 澳洲新闻 - 澳洲唐人街 - - 澳洲华人生活大全
澳大利亚 – 悉尼不同地区寿命差异令人咋舌 – 澳洲新闻 – 澳洲唐人街 – – 澳洲华人生活大全
从BidWill开车经M7高速到Cherrybrook不需要25分钟。<br /> 然而在一项最基本指标上这两个悉尼社区的差距令人咋舌:寿命。 根据Torrens大学公共卫生信息发展小组(PHIDU)的分析,2014到2018年Bidwill当地公共卫生地区的死亡中位年龄是69岁。而Cherrybook的数据显示88岁。 实际上所有悉尼社区中死亡中位年龄在86到88岁之间——寿命的最高区间——的地区在城市北部和东部的富裕地区。 然而3/4的寿命最低的辖区——死亡中位年龄69至72岁——在较不富裕的西部部分地区和悉尼西南。 2014至2018年间,整个大悉尼地区死亡中位年龄是81岁。 PHIDU负责人John…
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diarynz · 6 years ago
40 jobs at new Greytown medical facility
New Post has been published on https://diary.nz/40-jobs-at-new-greytown-medical-facility/
40 jobs at new Greytown medical facility
A privately funded, multimillion-dollar state-of-the-art medical facility will open in Greytown towards the end of next year, employing more than 40 people.
The medical facility, to be built on an 8000sq m commercial site on Bidwills Cutting Road, will be named Five Rivers Medical in reference to the Tauherenikau, Waiohine, Waingawa, Waipoua and Ruamahanga rivers.
The facility is the initiative of Wairarapa couple Shane and Lynnette McManaway.
The couple own “Gold Creek” Charolais and Deer farming operation at Matarawa.
“This is a dream we have had for some time … building a much-needed medical facility for people in our community,” said Shane McManaway.
“We have a growing population and an aging population here in Wairarapa as well an increased level of mental health issues affecting many in our community.”
A visual of Five Rivers Medical, which has been designed by James Silverwood of Silver Architects, and will feature a stunning schist and cedar exterior. Photo / Supplied
“We are extremely passionate Wairarapa people and we want to put something back into this community that will benefit everyone – those that live rurally and in our urban centres.”
The Five Rivers Board is made up of Chair Bob Francis, Shane and Lynnette McManaway, Company Director John Cameron, who has considerable experience in corporate governance at national and international levels, and well known property developer David Borman.
Five Rivers Medical has been designed by James Silverwood of Silver Architects and will feature a stunning schist and cedar exterior.
There will be extensive parking and the surrounding landscaping will be in keeping with Greytown’s heritage and history as the first town in New Zealand to celebrate Arbor Day.
Listen to Jamie Mackay’s interview with Shane McManaway on The Country below:
Once completed, Five Rivers Medical will feature a comprehensive wellness centre including physiotherapy, a rehabilitation gym, a pilates studio, massage therapy, mental health and counselling services.
A suite of consultation rooms will service a range of visiting specialists.
There will also be an in-house pharmacy and a full range of general practice services, previously delivered on the old Greytown Medical site.
It is expected Five Rivers Medical will employ at least 40 full time staff as well as have a team of specialists that will cater up to 5000 patients.
Five Rivers Medical Chair and spokesperson and former Wairarapa DHB Chairman, Bob Francis, said the facility will work collaboratively with Tū Ora Compass Health, the Wairarapa DHB and ambulance as well as with existing medical specialists.
“Five Rivers Medical will set a new standard of medical care in Wairarapa providing excellent health services and will attract the very best medical expertise. It will be based on best practice and ethics with a huge focus on putting the customer first,” said Francis.
“This is an amazing project and will benefit so many. With a number of specialist services soon to be available through Five Rivers Medical, it will mean some people will no longer have to drive over the hill to access these in Wellington, as they currently do. This philosophy is also in line with the Government’s Strategy around health in that they are wanting to deliver more services close to home.”
Building is expected to start later in the year with the project to be managed by well-known developer David Borman.
Borman has been behind the upgrade of numerous commercial buildings throughout Wairarapa, including the upgrade and development of Kuripuni Village and the Screening Room Cinema and Eatery.
Recently, he oversaw the build of the new Masterton netball complex on Colombo Road, the Martinbourgh Town Hall and library complex and he is currently managing the development of the new Big Save Furniture store in Queen Street.
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princeashy · 6 years ago
Cardinals' firing of Steve Wilks is unfair and outrageous - Yahoo Sports
Cardinals' firing of Steve Wilks is unfair and outrageous – Yahoo Sports
When the Arizona Cardinalshired Steve Wilks last January, team owner Michael Bidwill touted Wilks’ defensive acumen and leadership, even noting that his new hire had made such a “strong impression” on him during the search process that he didn’t need to interview any of the coaching prospects who were about to take part in the Super Bowl. That group included Frank Reich, John DeFilippo…
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itsfreesportstips-blog · 7 years ago
Cardinals, Diamondbacks, Arizona Teams Honor Sen. John McCain After Death
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Cardinals wide receiver Larry Fitzgerald also posted a tribute to McCain. After Sen. John McCain's death Saturday, several Arizona teams paid tribute to the late politician and sports fan. The Cardinals tweeted out a statement from president Michael Bidwill, saying "the world will never be the same" without McCain's voice. "We are heart-broken by passing but know that the character, courage and conviction that he demonstrated throughout his life will forever endure," Bidwill wrote. Cardinals wide receiver Larry Fitzgerald tweeted a tribute to his "dear friend." Fitzgerald and McCain developed a bond after the wide receiver joined the Cardinals in 2004. Last December, Fitzgerald penned a personal essay for Sports Illustrated on his trip to Vietnam, where McCain was a prisoner of war for nearly six years. In his essay, Fitzgerald honored McCain, a model of heroism. Former Cardinals coach Bruce Arians also tweeted a special message. McCain was also a big fan of the Diamondbacks since their inception in 1998. Before the fifth inning of their game against the Mariners Saturday, the Diamondbacks honored McCain on the Jumbotron, as well as recognizing former and active military members. The team tweeted photos of McCain at games over the years, and Diamondbacks president and CEO Derrick Hall wrote a touching tribute on his memories of McCain. Other Arizona teams shared tributes to the late senator. McCain died Saturday at the age of 81. He was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives from Arizona in 1982 and elected to the United States Senate in 1986. Read the full article
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ontapsportsapp · 7 years ago
Cardinals Moving Closer To Finding Coach - AZCardinals.com
Cardinals Moving Closer To Finding Coach AZCardinals.com General Manager Steve Keim (right) and team president Michael Bidwill are moving closer to finding a new coach. The NFL's championship games did the Cardinals no favors Sunday when it comes to freeing up potential head coaching candidates. The ... Sources: Cardinals want to interview Super Bowl-bound Brian Flores, John DeFilippo againAZCentral.com Fantasy Football Breaking NewsRotoworld.com Keith Armstrong's, John DeFilippo's potential coordinators unknownCards Wire all 16 news articles »
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meanwhileinoz · 7 years ago
Cardinals WR Larry Fitzgerald to make decision on future ‘shortly after’ new coach is hired
The Arizona Cardinals are in the midst of some drastic changes after another disappointing season which ended without a playoff appearance. It wasn’t that long ago that the Cardinals were considered a force to be reckoned with in the NFC, but now the team looks much different with more changes to come.
With head coach Bruce Arians and quarterback Carson Palmer retiring, the future of the franchise hangs in the balance. Along with the need for a new head coach and a plan for the quarterback position, veteran wideout Larry Fitzgerald remains uncertain about his future in the NFL and will wait until after the team has hired a new head coach what he plans to do, via ESPN’s Josh Weinfuss.
“I don’t have a head coach right now so, I mean, there’s a lot going on,” the 34-year-old said. “I’m going to take some time, figure it out. Our owner and president Michael Bidwill and general manager Steve Keim are out right now interviewing head coaches.
“So, I’m interested to see what’s going to happen. I’ll make a decision shortly after, I would imagine.”
Although Fitzgerald hasn’t been able to win that elusive Super Bowl title at this point in his career, it would be safe to assume he’ll be a first-ballot Hall of Famer when the time comes. Despite being 34 and at the tail end of his career, the veteran wide receiver had another solid season in Arizona catching 109 catches for 1,156 and six touchdowns.
Fitzgerald can still produce at a high level. The longtime Cardinal was able to put up solid numbers even with a shaky quarterback situation meaning his decision may weigh heavily on whether the team can compete in what may be his final season in the NFL.
The Cardinals brass isn’t wasting any time as they have already interviewed numerous candidates to be Arians’ successor, via Weinfuss.
The Cardinals have interviewed eight candidates for their vacant head-coaching job: Eagles quarterbacks coach John DeFilippo and defensive coordinator Jim Schwartz, Panthers defensive coordinator Steve Wilks, Patriots defensive coordinator Matt Patricia and linebackers coach Brian Flores, Steelers offensive line coach Mike Munchak, Vikings offensive coordinator Pat Shurmur, Cardinals defensive coordinator James Bettcher and Falcons special-teams coach Keith Armstrong.
Only time will tell whether Fitzgerald has played his last down or if the Cardinals will have their face of the franchise back for at least one more season.
JUST IN: Broncos’ Brandon Marshall thinks Denver will get a QB in NFL free agency
Related TopicsCardinalsLarry Fitzgerald
The post Cardinals WR Larry Fitzgerald to make decision on future ‘shortly after’ new coach is hired appeared first on .
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stevieforwood8-blog · 7 years ago
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For every single business meeting, there is actually an individual which has the minutes, and now, that individual is you. Being acknowledged as one of the leading wedding ceremony specialists by Wedding event" has actually earned Mayernik Facility" the Bride-to-be's Choice Honor 2010," and is among the leading 3 very most intimate wedding locations in Pittsburgh. A meeting for the winter season hath been for several years past, composed part of Upper Springfield, at a residence provided for the objective, nigh Shreeve's Mount." In 1728, the conference of Upper Springfield was actually created, and their meeting-house built the exact same year upon ground from Joshua Shreeve. Italian Health And Wellness Minister Beatrice Lorenzin informed reporters on Monday that the administrators were able to exercise terminology reasonable to the United States during the course of their ministerial meeting in Milan, while likewise acknowledging the variations in point of view due to the United States drawback coming from the Paris accords. Newsworthy, analysis is actually revealed that artificial news has actually had an effect on elections in the UK, France as well as the U.S. and handful of validates extensive misperception dued to artificial updates, taking note 64% of USA adult say invented news stories cause a large amount from confusion regarding the general realities from present concerns and also events that complication cuts across political lines. A lot so excellent, I have actually been flying globally due to the fact that the starting along with the YEAR, journeying on learns, complying with a bunch of new people, trying brand-new foods plus all without any any kind of health issues. Drew had actually dominated the leading nosh UM for 5 years straight and also made a decision to go all out along with EJ. Drew placed all his eggs in one container that year along with EJ. For six months, Drew was chronic as well as unrelenting with finalizing EJ on as a client. On hand at the appointment were actually Goodell as well as the game's football functions main, former player Troy Vincent; and also owners Michael Bidwill (Arizona), Arthur Space (Atlanta Ga), Terry Pegula (Buffalo Grass), Robert McNair (Houston), Shad Khan (Jacksonville), Ross, Robert Kraft (New England), John Mara (New York Giants), Fine Art Rooney (Pittsburgh), Jeffrey Lurie (Philadelphia) as well as Jed York (San Francisco). That is actually the second longanimity in Could's best crew in a week, underlining her weak spot at a time when she experiences the challenging task of undoing more than 40 years of ties with the European Union and storing a profoundly separated party together. Freshly opened up in 2005, all areas within the lodging have spectacular be-fit-maxblog.pt ocean perspectives and also are bordered through an aromatic pine woodland which encompasses the sandy beach, producing it the excellent spot for getting 'an area along with a perspective' for your meeting.
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whats-in-a-sentence · 1 year ago
Bidwill's gardener, George Dart, remembered:
After we crossed the bar and coming into the river, scores of naked blacks swam to the schooner and boarded. They explained to the captain where the deep water was, pointing the way the schooner would have to go. When we arrived at the wharf at the "Old Township" there were more naked blacks, male and female, about the wharf, more so than whites. As soon as they commenced to discharge the cargo of the boat, which was principally flour, a train of blacks began carrying the 200lb. bags of flour to Mr. H. Palmer's store and other places on their heads, and all in rotation. In fact, nearly all the discharging of vessels in those days was done by the naked blacks.
"Killing for Country: A Family History" - David Marr
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junker-town · 7 years ago
NFL owners to consider rule requiring players to stand for national anthem
The owners will discuss the rule next week in New York.
NFL owners will reportedly consider a rule change that would require players to stand during the national anthem, according to ESPN’s Adam Schefter. The discussions around the rule happened on Tuesday, where NFL players met with owners.
For the players, Anquan Boldin, Darius Butler, Russell Okung, Kenny Stills, Julius Thomas, Michael Thomas, Mark Herzlich, Kelvin Beachum, Demario Davis, Eric Reid, and Josh Norman were representatives. From the NFL and NFLPA, DeMaurice Smith, Eric Winston, Don Davis, Roger Goodell, and Troy Vincent represented, while Michael Bidwill, Arthur Blank, Terry Pegula, Robert McNair, Shad Khan, Stephen Ross, Robert Kraft, John Mara, Art Rooney, Jeffrey Lurie, and Jed York represented owners.
The NFL and NFLPA released a joint statement after the discussion:
New from the NFL and NFLPA http://pic.twitter.com/lMQMhlDGAB
— Brian McCarthy (@NFLprguy) October 17, 2017
Last Wednesday, President Donald Trump tweeted his support of NFL commissioner Roger Goodell:
It is about time that Roger Goodell of the NFL is finally demanding that all players STAND for our great National Anthem-RESPECT OUR COUNTRY
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 11, 2017
The NFL then released a statement, trying to separate themselves from Trump’s comments:
Commentary this morning about the Commissioner’s position on the Anthem is not accurate. As we said yesterday, there will be a discussion of these issues at the owners meeting next week. The NFL is doing the hard work of trying to move from protest to progress, working to bring people together. Commissioner Goodell spent yesterday with Miami Dolphins players, law enforcement and community leaders witnessing first-hand the outstanding work our players and clubs are doing to strengthen their communities. Players from around the league will be in New York next week to meet with owners to continue our work together.
Colin Kaepernick sat for the national anthem during the 2016 preseason, before converting his protest of police brutality and inequality people of color face in the United States into a kneel.
After Kaepernick’s protest was noticed, many players followed his lead, including others around the country in other sports and levels of sport.
Discussions around the national anthem were raised after President Donald Trump attacked NFL players who kneel while it is played. Trump said at a rally in Alabama that NFL owners who have players “disrespecting the flag” by kneeling should say “get that son of a bitch off the field right now, he’s fired.”
It led to a Week 3 in the NFL that showed many different demonstrations, from kneeling, to linking arms, to not coming out for the anthem at all.
In Week 5, Vice President Mike Pence left the Colts’ game after 49ers players took a knee for the national anthem. Pence sent out a series of tweets before firing off a prepared statement in what appeared to be a planned PR stunt.
I stand with @POTUS Trump, I stand with our soldiers, and I will always stand for our Flag and our National Anthem. http://pic.twitter.com/B0zP5M41MQ
— Vice President Pence (@VP) October 8, 2017
Later that afternoon, Jerry Jones told reporters that players who “disrespect the flag” wouldn’t be playing, echoing the sentiment that Trump delivered at his rally in Alabama.
Jerry Jones: "If there is anything disrespecting the flag, then we will not play. Period. We're going to respect the flag and I'm going to create the perception of it."
— Brandon George (@DMN_George) October 9, 2017
Last Tuesday, Trump tweeted that tax laws should be changed so that the NFL doesn’t get “massive tax breaks while at the same time disrespecting our Anthem, Flag and Country.”
The NBA has a rule that forces players to stand for the national anthem. The league and deputy commissioner Mark Tatum reiterated the rule in a memo to teams and players recently. The rule reads:
2) Players, coaches, and trainers are to stand and line up in a dignified posture along the sidelines or on the foul line during the playing of the National Anthem.
Tatum’s memo says teams could have players or coaches give a joint pregame address, or prepare a video tribute or PSA speaking about issues they care about, per ESPN’s Zach Lowe.
ESPN obtained a letter that Roger Goodell sent to teams last Tuesday saying that, like many fans, the league believes players should stand for the national anthem.
It is an important moment in our game. We want to honor our flag and our country, and our fans expect that of us. We also care deeply about our players and respect their opinions and concerns about critical social issues. The controversy over the Anthem is a barrier to having honest conversations and making real progress on the underlying issues. We need to move past this controversy, and we want to do that together with our players.
Building on many discussions with clubs and players, we have worked to develop a plan that we will review with you at next week’s League meeting. This would include such elements as an in-season platform to promote the work of our players on these core issues, and that will help to promote positive change in our country.
Trump picked a battle with NFL players, but with owners who donated to his campaign, he might get what he wants if the rule is passed.
NFL's early message of 'unity' diluted Colin Kaepernick's reasons for protest
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jennywotshaking · 8 years ago
Larry Fitzgerald, Cardinals Send Support to John McCain After Cancer Diagnosis
Larry Fitzgerald, Cardinals Send Support to John McCain After Cancer Diagnosis
After Arizona Senator John McCain was diagnosed with primary glioblastoma, a type of brain tumor, the Arizona Cardinals offered their support. Cardinals senior vice president of media relations Mark Dalton shared a statement from team president Michael Bidwill on Wednesday praising McCain’s “toughness and courage throughout his life”: Wide receiver Larry Fitzgerald and safety Tyrann Mathieu also…
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primascriptura · 8 years ago
Cardinals president Michael Bidwill believes the team has solved John Brown's sickle-cell issue.
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stevieforwood8-blog · 7 years ago
For A Great Firm Gathering, Pros Offer 2 Words Of Advice.
Whether the purpose of the conference is to enlighten, inspire or captivate, many adult students prefer relevant information currently, they want that swiftly and also they desire to carry on. Unimportant topics, sound speakers who do not entirely know the industry and conferences that start behind time are substantial turnoffs. While the idea from overcoming your lunch time hr might certainly not be actually an eye-catching suggestion, that could simply be the very best time to meet coworkers or customers that were actually already set up for a meeting. A formal deal by Great Wall for Vehicle will put in play a brand that was as soon as a symbolic representation of UNITED STATE army energy, and right now illustrates American myths from liberty and experience, each time from enhanced exchange rubbing in between Washington and also Beijing. As a result of this request for comfort, and as a result of the Great Western http://Extraform11.info postponing techniques that have actually produced it impracticable to host an appointment to select directors on a meeting meaningfully just before June 13, Ahmanson has actually informed the judge that this will not look for to advance that meeting date. As you can plainly find, there is very a distinction between meeting London Asian Escors and trying to pick up women in pubs or even clubs, because of that in the very first situation, you perform certainly not need to bother with everything. I found my bf on POF and also before that I had actually never goned on a dating site, yet we chatted for quite a while on there and then started conference and then dating, initially it was actually even more of a good friend manner example. The intelligence, shared at a meeting recently along with Russian Foreign Administrator Sergei Lavrov and Russian Emissary Sergei Kislyak, was actually provided through an U.S. ally in the match versus the militant group, both representatives with know-how from the circumstance claimed. Handy at the conference were Goodell and the organization's football operations principal, former player Troy Vincent; and managers Michael Bidwill (Arizona), Arthur Space (Atlanta Georgia), Terry Pegula (Buffalo), Robert McNair (Houston), Shad Khan (Jacksonville), Ross, Robert Kraft (New England), John Mara (New York Giants), Fine Art Rooney (Pittsburgh), Jeffrey Lurie (Philadelphia) as well as Jed York (San Francisco). Spaghetti straps however, are an absolute NO for me. Spaghetti bands are really slim bands that hold your top up, they perform. not look specialist or even sophisticated and also ought to not be put on any type of meeting at the national convention. As they meander around the galaxy meeting (among others) the leader from the universe, a robot with a mind the measurements of a planet as well as many other vivid characters our team are actually hit by the special attributes of the personalities and regardless of the issue they often enter into, you know they will consistently end up doing well regardless of just how improbable (in prank listed here!).
Although you can easily specify a program for a purchases meeting for new students, it's often better to make use of time-tested company results, prep purchases student books as well as store one-hour appointments for sale sounds, the business's goals and also values, necessary appearance, details policies the group need to abide by, as well as eventually, appointing each student an advisor where questions can be positioned.
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