#john 16
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re4med · 21 hours ago
Devotional: Day Forty-Four (Gen. 44, John 16, Psa. 44)
Devotional for March 3, 2025 Reading: Genesis 44 | John 16 | Psalm 44 Genesis 44 In our last reading, we left off with the brothers dining in Joseph’s house. If you recall, this was the second trip to Egypt to buy grain, bringing Benjamin with them. Judah pledged his life for Benjamin if anything happened to him. Joseph orchestrates a plan to entrap Benjamin, provoking the conspiracy’s ringleader…
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biblebloodhound · 3 months ago
"I Have Overcome the World" (John 16:25-33)
You, and not just someone else, possesses the love and peace to overcome the world.
All Are Alike Unto God, by Madison Wardle “Though I have been speaking figuratively, a time is coming when I will no longer use this kind of language but will tell you plainly about my Father. In that day you will ask in my name. I am not saying that I will ask the Father on your behalf. No, the Father himself loves you because you have loved me and have believed that I came from God. I came…
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fardell24b · 6 months ago
Church notes - 15th September 2024
15th Psalm 93
John 16:5 - 16
vs 13 The Spirit will guide us into all truth.
How do you forget that?
vs 7 Para beside Clatos called or sent
John 14:16, 17
Jesus was with the Disciples as the Spirit is in us now.
Para Clatos Gr. Advicatus Lat.
Advocate - Roman lawyer
A purpose The purpose vs 18
Judgement Day will come
We can get caught up in daily life and lose perspective on Eternity.
What is good and right vs what is our thoughts and attitudes.
The ideas the Holy Spirit implants in our heart are as important as the Scripture is. (But need to be tested against Scripture)
Jeremiah 31:31 - 34 The Holy Spirit is personal
Wesleyans called 'Enthusiasts' as a derogatory term.
A personal relationship with God.
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megatronusprimedecal · 4 months ago
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"Always got your back." "No matter what."
Transformers One (2024)
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reedreadsgreek · 1 year ago
John 16, Reed's Version
“I’ve told you all this so you won’t fall away from your faith. Be prepared for them to kick you out of the synagogue. In fact, the time is coming when they’ll think that they’re doing God a favor by murdering you. That’s because they don’t know the Father or me. So I’m telling you all this so that when the time of their victory comes, you’ll remember that I warned you ahead of time. I didn’t give you all these warnings earlier because I was still with you to protect you. But now that I’m going back to God, who sent me, none of you asks, ‘Where are you going?’ I can tell you’re in anguish because I told you that I’m leaving. But the truth is, it’s actually better for you that I go away. That’s because after I leave, I’ll send the Helper to you. He won’t come unless I go. And when He comes he will demonstrate the world’s error with respect to sin, righteousness and condemnation. He will expose their sin, namely, that they refused to believe in me; He will demonstrate true piety, since I will no longer be here to model it; and He will confirm the world’s condemnation, since its leader the devil already stands condemned. 
“There’s a lot more I want to say, but it’s too heavy for you right now. But that’s OK; when the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you through all truth. He doesn’t speak on His own, but He will speak what He hears and He will show you what’s to come. The Spirit will honor me, because what He will relay to you is only what He has drawn from me. Everything I say is from the Father, and likewise everything the Spirit will say is from me. 
“In a short while I’ll be gone from your sight, but a short while after that you’ll see me again.” But some of his apprentices whispered to one another, “What does he mean by, ‘In a short while I’ll be gone from sight, but a short while after that you’ll see me again’? What does it mean that he’s ‘going to the Father’?” They continued to wonder how long he meant by, ‘a short while’; they didn’t understand what he was saying. 
Jesus knew that they were too embarrassed to say anything, so he asked them, “Are you whispering to each other because I said, ‘In a short while I’ll be gone from sight, but a short while after that you’ll see me again’? Truly, while you are weeping and mourning over my death, the world will be rejoicing over it. However, your sorrow will soon turn to joy! A pregnant woman experiences great pain when the time comes for her to give birth. But as soon as her baby is born she quickly forgets the pain because of her joy in bringing a child into the world. In the same way, you’re in pain right now, but I will soon see you again! Then your hearts will be joyful, and nobody will be able to take that joy away from you. 
“When that day comes, you won’t be anxious with questions anymore. And to be sure, if you ask the Father for anything in my authority, He’ll give it to you. You haven’t yet asked for anything in my authority; but whenever you do, you’ll get it, to maximize your joy. 
“Until now I’ve been speaking to you figuratively, but soon I will no longer do so — I’ll explain the Father to you in plain language. When that time comes, you yourselves will ask from the Father with my authority. It’s not that I’ll ask the Father for you; no, He’ll hear you directly, because He loves you since you have loved me and believed that I came from Him. I went out from the Father to come into the world. But now I’m leaving the world to go back to the Father.” 
Then his apprentices said, “Finally, he’s speaking plainly and not in riddles! Lord, we’re now convinced that you really know everything, and can explain it all without us even having to ask for clarification. That’s why we believe that you’re really from God.” Jesus replied, “Oh, now you believe, do you? In fact, the time is coming — it’s almost here — when each of you will run away and abandon me. But I won’t really be abandoned; my Father is with me. My goal in everything I’ve said is for you to have peace through me. In this world you’ll face many troubles. But be encouraged; I have overcome the world.”
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versebyverse · 1 year ago
John 16
These things I have spoken to you so that you will not fnbe led into sin.
2“They will fnban you from the synagogue, yet an hour is coming for everyone who kills you to think that he is offering a fnservice to God.
3“These things they will do because they have not known the Father nor Me.
4“But these things I have spoken to you, so that when their hour comes, you fnmay remember that I told you of them. However, I did not say these things to you at the beginning, because I was with you.
The Holy Spirit Promised
“But now I am going to Him who sent Me; and none of you asks Me, ‘Where are You going?’
6“But because I have said these things to you, grief has filled your heart.
7“But I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I am leaving; for if I do not leave, the fnHelper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you.
8“And He, when He comes, will convict the world regarding sin, and righteousness, and judgment:
9regarding sin, because they do not believe in Me;
10and regarding righteousness, because I am going to the Father and you no longer are going to see Me;
11and regarding judgment, because the ruler of this world has been judged.
“I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them at the present time.
13“But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.
14“He will glorify Me, for He will take from Mine and will disclose it to you.
15“All things that the Father has are Mine; this is why I said that He takes from Mine and will disclose it to you.
Jesus’ Death and Resurrection Foretold
“A little while, and you no longer are going to see Me; and again a little while, and you will see Me.”
17So some of His disciples said to one another, “What is this that He is telling us, ‘A little while, and you are not going to see Me; and again a little while, and you will see Me’; and, ‘because I am going to the Father’?”
18So they were saying, “What is this that He says, ‘A little while’? We do not know what He is talking about.”
19Jesus knew that they wanted to question Him, and He said to them, “Are you deliberating together about this, that I said, ‘A little while, and you are not going to see Me, and again a little while, and you will see Me’?
20“Truly, truly I say to you that you will weep and mourn, but the world will rejoice; you will grieve, but your grief will be turned into joy!
21“Whenever a woman is in labor she has fnpain, because her hour has come; but when she gives birth to the child, she no longer remembers the anguish because of the joy that a fnchild has been born into the world.
22“Therefore you too have grief now; but I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice, and no one is going to take your joy away from you.
Prayer Promises
23“And on that day you will not question Me about anything. Truly, truly I say to you, if you ask the Father for anything in My name, He will give it to you.
24“Until now you have asked for nothing in My name; ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be made full.
“These things I have spoken to you in figures of speech; an hour is coming when I will no longer speak to you in figures of speech, but will tell you plainly about the Father.
26“On that day you will ask in My name, and I am not saying to you that I will request of the Father on your behalf;
27for the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me and have believed that I came forth from the Father.
28“I came forth from the Father and have come into the world; again, I am leaving the world and going to the Father.”
His disciples *said, “See, now You are speaking plainly and are not using any figure of speech.
30“Now we know that You know all things, and that You have no need for anyone to question You; this is why we believe that You came forth from God.”
31Jesus replied to them, “Do you now believe?
32“Behold, an hour is coming, and has already come, for you to be scattered, each to his own home, and to leave Me alone; and yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me.
33“These things I have spoken to you so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”
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extraordinary-machine200 · 2 years ago
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authorlakisha · 1 year ago
Are you grieving properly?
Last night, we continued our Bible Study Series, Weigh-In. The topic is grief because I’ve found that grief, when not managed properly, can become a weight. In John 16, Jesus was preparing the disciples for His death, but they missed it. Sometimes, our loved ones can be preparing us too, but we’ll miss the preparation being focused on losing the person. Are you grieving properly, especially…
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culturevulturette · 1 year ago
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Take heart!
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melvingaines · 1 year ago
Sunday School Live Stream - September 17, 2023
https://www.facebook.com/akronalliancefellowship/videos/2014120495617739 Asst. Pastor Melvin Gaines John 16:25-33 #sunday #sundayschool #livestream #John #akron #akronohio #thealliance
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slavhew · 11 months ago
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lazywhispersobject · 2 years ago
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biblebloodhound · 10 months ago
Pentecost (John 15:26-27, 16:4b-15)
To experience Pentecost, it is necessary to invite change and to allow ourselves to be changed.
The Holy Spirit, by He Qi “When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who comes from the Father, he will testify on my behalf. You also are to testify because you have been with me from the beginning… “I did not say these things to you from the beginning, because I was with you. But now I am going to him who sent me, yet none of you asks me, ‘Where are…
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foxy-alien · 1 year ago
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I'm obsessed with this moment in NTN, where we realize that John is no longer the prey but the predator
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nature-godsgardenofeden · 9 months ago
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John 16:33 (NLT) - I have told you all this so that you may have peace in Me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”
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reedreadsgreek · 1 year ago
John 16:29–33
29 Λέγουσιν οἱ μαθηταὶ αὐτοῦ· ἴδε νῦν ἐν παρρησίᾳ λαλεῖς καὶ παροιμίαν οὐδεμίαν λέγεις. 30 νῦν οἴδαμεν ὅτι οἶδας πάντα καὶ οὐ χρείαν ἔχεις ἵνα τίς σε ἐρωτᾷ· ἐν τούτῳ πιστεύομεν ὅτι ἀπὸ θεοῦ ἐξῆλθες. 31 ἀπεκρίθη αὐτοῖς Ἰησοῦς· ἄρτι πιστεύετε; 32 ἰδοὺ ἔρχεται ὥρα καὶ ἐλήλυθεν ἵνα σκορπισθῆτε ἕκαστος εἰς τὰ ἴδια κἀμὲ μόνον ἀφῆτε· καὶ οὐκ εἰμὶ μόνος, ὅτι ὁ πατὴρ μετʼ ἐμοῦ ἐστιν. 33 Ταῦτα λελάληκα ὑμῖν ἵνα ἐν ἐμοὶ εἰρήνην ἔχητε. ἐν τῷ κόσμῳ θλῖψιν ἔχετε· ἀλλὰ θαρσεῖτε, ἐγὼ νενίκηκα τὸν κόσμον. 
My translation: 
29 His disciples say, “Look, now in openness you speaks and you no longer says a proverb. 30 Now we know that you know all things and you have no need that anyone should question you; in this we believe that you came from God.” 31 Jesus answered them, “Now you believe? 32 Look, an hour is coming and has come that each of you will be scattered unto his own places and leave me alone; and yet I am not alone, for the Father is with me. 33 These things I have spoken to you in order that in me you might have peace. In the world you will have pressure; but take courage, I have conquered the world.” 
The subject of the historical present λέγουσιν (from λέγω) is οἱ μαθηταὶ. αὐτοῦ is a genitive of relationship. 
For ἴδε, see note on 1:29. 
The temporal adverb νῦν modifies the present λαλεῖς (from λαλέω) as does the prepositional phrase ἐν παρρησίᾳ (lit. “in openness”, i.e., “plainly”; equivalent to the simple dative in v. 25) denoting manner. 
παροιμίαν (“a proverb, figure of speech, parable”; see note on 10:6), modified by emphatic negative οὐδεμίαν (“no figurative language at all”), is the direct object of the present λέγεις (from λέγω).
The temporal adverb νῦν modifies the perfect οἴδαμεν (from οἶδα perf. form with pres. sesnse). ὅτι introduces indirect discourse after a verb of cognition. The direct object of the perfect οἶδας (from οἶδα) is the substantival πάντα. 
καὶ continues the content of οἴδαμεν after ὅτι. 
χρείαν is the direct object of the negated present οὐ ἔχεις (from ἔχω). For ἵνα after ἔχω χρείαν, see note on 2:25. τίς is the indefinite pronoun (τὶς “anyone”); it looks like the interrogative due to the accent from the enclitic σε falling backward. σε is the direct object of the present subjunctive ἐρωτᾷ (from ἐρωτάω; subj. after ἵνα; same form as pres.). What is the connection between this statement an the preceding? The disciples’ point here seems to be that Jesus’s knowledge—not only of subject matter but also of the minds of his hearers—is so complete that he can teach it without any need for questions of clarification (cf. v. 19). 
The prepositional phrase ἐν τούτῳ is instrumental (“by this”, NASB, NRSV, HCSB; NET: “Because of this”). τούτῳ refers to the fact of Jeusus’s supernatural insight. The phrase modifies the present πιστεύομεν (from πιστεύω). 
ὅτι introduces indirect discourse after a verb of cognition. The prepositional phrase ἀπὸ θεοῦ denotes source with the 2nd aorist ἐξῆλθες (from ἐξέρχομαι). ‘ἀπὸ implies a less intimate union between the Father and Jesus than either παρὰ or ἐκ’ (CGT). ‘Strictly, ἀπό ought to signify mission, while παρά or ἐκ ought to signify origin; but these prepositions are not sharply distinguished in John’ (ICC). 
The dative direct object of the aorist passive ἀπεκρίθη (from ἀποκρίνομαι; aor. pass. form with mid. dep. sense) is αὐτοῖς and Ἰησοῦς is the subject. 
The temporal adverb ἄρτι modifies the present πιστεύετε (from πιστεύω). The sentence can be punctuated as a statement (taken as an exclamation, “Now you believe!”; so ICC), but most translations regard it as a (rhetorical) question. 
For ἰδοὺ, see note on 4:35. 
The subject of the futuristic present ἔρχεται (from ἔρχομαι) and perfect ἐλήλυθεν (from ἔρχομαι) is ὥρα (NASB: “an hour is coming, and has already come”; NIV: “A time is coming and in fact has come”). The ἵνα clause is epexegetical of ὥρα. The adjective ἕκαστος, which for obvious reasons does not occur in the plural, stands in apposition to the implied subject of the verb, ὑμεῖς. The aorist passive subjunctive σκορπισθῆτε (from σκορπίζω “I scatter”; see note on 10:12; subj. after ἵνα) is modified by the spatial prepositional phrase εἰς τὰ ἴδια. τὰ substantizes the adjective ἴδια, idiomatic for, “one’s home” (most translations), or possibly “one’s own way” (ZG). CGT says, ‘to his own home, property, or pursuits.’ 
κἀμὲ is a crasis of καὶ + ἐμέ. κἀμὲ is the direct object of the aorist subjunctive ἀφῆτε (from ἀφίημι; subj. after ἵνα above). μόνον is a predicate adjective (“leave me alone”). 
καὶ is adversative (“yet”, most translations). 
μόνος is the predicate adjective of the negated present οὐκ εἰμὶ. 
ὅτι is causal (“for, because”). ὁ πατὴρ is the subject of the present ἐστιν (from εἰμί) which is modified by the associative prepositional phrase μετʼ ἐμοῦ. 
The substantival ταῦτα is the direct object of the 1s perfect λελάληκα (from λαλέω) and ὑμῖν is the indirect object. 
ἵνα + subjunctive indicates purpose. The prepositional phrase ἐν ἐμοὶ, denoting union with Christ, modifies the present subjunctive ἔχητε (from ἔχω). εἰρήνην is the direct object of the verb. 
The locative prepositional phrase ἐν τῷ κόσμῳ modifies the present ἔχετε (from ἔχω). NIV, HCSB render the verb as a future, but as CGT notes, ‘the anguish has already begun’. θλῖψιν (“tribulation”, NASB; “suffering”, HCSB; “trouble”, NIV) is the direct object of the verb. 
ἀλλὰ indicates strong contrast. 
θαρσέω (7x) is, “I am enheartened, courageous” (BDAG), from τό θάρσος (1x) “courage” (cf. θαρρέω, 6x, “I am confident, courageous”). θαρσεῖτε is a present imperative. 
ἐγὼ is the emphatic subject of the perfect νενίκηκα (νικάω “vanquish, overcome”) and τὸν κόσμον is the direct object.
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