#johan schmidt
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widespot · 4 months ago
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So that day at the Printer Sisters (and a Brother) had things going wrong left, right, and center, and I had to quit once, and by the time I got them to Three Lakes I didn't feel like playing the tour. Since then there's been one thing after another, some good, some bad, all tiring. I've almost got the vacation played out but it turned out I did not have all the bugs worked out of Three Lakes.
So you'll see that when you see it, and meanwhile, have some background pictures at Widespot, LGU, and Bigg City. No idea who that little downtownie girl is, but she sure can sing! The No-Tell Motel needs better age controls, though.
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marvelgifs · 11 months ago
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Hugo Weaving as Johan Schmidt/Red Skull CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER (2011) dir. Joe Johnston
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Psycho Analysis: Red Skull
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(WARNING! This analysis contains SPOILERS!)
It seems today that all you see is Nazis in the White House and Nazis on TV. But where are those good old fascist villains on which we used to rely?
Well, here you go.
Johann Schmidt AKA Red Skull is the mortal nemesis of Captain America, the right-hand man of Hitler, and the head of HYDRA. Schmidt is actually the second man to take on the Red Skull moniker, but he's the most famous and the one who you probably think of when you hear "Red Skull." He's certainly notable enough to get revived by HYDRA in the 60s, at any rate.
Now, Marvel comics is no stranger to Nazi supervillains--you can't spit in any direction without hitting one between all the Struckers and Zolas and Zemos--but the one the average person will know best is Skull, likely because of his striking design and just the sheer coolness of an evil Nazi skeleton duking it out with Captain America. But I think that just saying his looks is why he's such an iconic and memorable villain is a shallow way to look at it; no, Red Skull is iconic because he is one of the nastiest motherfuckers in comic history.
Motivation/Goals: He's a Nazi terrorist. What the fuck do you think his goals are? What you see is what you get with Schmidt.
Performance: Red Skull has appeared quite a few times in films and shows, and he rarely has a bad performance given to him.
Perhaps the most notable portrayal was by Hugo Weaving in the underrated MCU pulp action film The First Avenger. While Weaving reportedly didn’t really give a shit about the character at the time (something he eventually changed his tune on), you wouldn’t believe it with how hammy and over-the-top he goes. He delivers the sort of sneering, menacing performance you’d want from Cap’s mortal nemesis.
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In the 90s film, he was portrayed by Scott Paulin, and while he’s certainly no Weaving he manages to be chilling and menacing despite being out of the red makeup for a vast majority of his screentime. He also drops the rawest villain one-liner ever right before the final battle, so I can’t hate his performance.
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Final Fate: Red Skull sure does fucking die a lot, huh? He’s one of those villains, one of the ones who die and come back and die and come back and die and come back and so on. No idea why Jean Grey gets the bad reputation when dudes like Johan here die every second Sunday and pop up next quarter to boost comic sales. Here's one of his deaths you might be familiar with, since it gets posted out of context a lot because of how hard it goes:
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Unfortunately, since comics are bullshit, this awesome killing is kind of soiled by what happens immediately after, but that’s a conversation for another day.
As for the movies, MCU!Red Skull ends up getting blasted to the planet Vormir after misusing the Cosmic Cube, where he is eternally forced to stand guard over one of the Infinity Stones. It seems like he gets off easy, but he can never leave and, because no one loves him, he has no way of acquiring the stone he’s guarding. So he’s forever unable to achieve any of his goals even though the thing that could most help him do it is right fucking there. Plus, considering the ending of Endgame, there’s a bit of an implication Steve might’ve whooped his ass on his time travel journey.
In the 90s film, he’s simply given a classic Disney villain death, where he tumbles off the side of his fortress. It is genuinely hilarious how the camera holds on his body tumbling down the cliff face into the sea, I love it.
Evilness: This comic panel, which you have probably seen a thousand times before, really says it all:
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When the fucking Joker thinks you’re too evil, you’re not anything less than a 10/10. And Skull is 100% irredeemably vile, so it's no exaggeration on the part of Joker; you could easily make a top 50 list of the most vile things this guy has done, from his slaughter of innocents to his friendship with Hitler to the treatment of his own daughter. Oh, and this is how he talks about Wanda:
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Though Mr. J is a tad hypocritical considering the sort of women I’ve seen him hanging out with…
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Best Scene: We’ve already gone over the time Magneto fucked him up and that time the Joker tried to kill him for being too evil even for him, so let’s highlight a moment from the criminally underrated The First Avenger where he lets Zola have the keys to his cool car to escape the exploding factory. Genuinely all his interactions with Zola are great as he seems to actually like/respect him, but this one takes the cake.
As far as comics though, I do like this bit where he calls Magneto out on his rank hypocrisy:
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This moment had to be a catalyst in Magneto turning good, because if Super Hitler pointed out that I was like him and he actually wasn't even slightly wrong, I'd probably rethink my whole life.
But hey, let's show Magneto getting one over on him again:
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Here's some more context for this particular moment!
Best Quote: In the 90s film, Cap refutes Red Skull’s dismissal of him as “a clownish symbol that no one cares about” with a simple “I care.” And how does Skull respond to this incredibly badass yet simple rebuttal? With one of the rawest lines in cinematic history:
“You care? Then come to me, my brother. Let us see if this heart of yours is stronger than my hate.”
Say what you will about any of the changes made to the character in the movie, but that line feels like a perfect summation of the two characters’ dynamic across their history. It is always a clash between Cap and his love for his fellow man and Skull’s seething hatred and contempt for humanity, and the fact that this silly film gets that and manages to hit the nail on the head speaks volumes.
Final Thoughts & Score: Red Skull is one of those villains where it’s only possible for him to do one or two things, but he really excels at them. Like, Red Skull is a Nazi. There is no getting around this. So whenever he shows up in a story he has to be somewhere on the evil scale. The question then becomes “How evil will he be this time?” and that can be plenty of fun. He’s not a particularly deep villain no matter the incarnation, but he’s a villain that it’s fun to hate and watch get fucked up.
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It’s kind of interesting how people joke about how he’s a character that would be impossible to put in games like Marvel Rivals in this day and age. Like yeah, he is a Nazi and all, but he’s kind of a Saturday morning cartoon caricature of a Nazi most of the time. There’s no need to tone down how evil he is when you can just tone down how openly Nazi he is, y’know? The MCU did that just fine by having him be so evil he wanted to overthrow Hitler.
Red Skull is just one of the all-time great comic villains, and definitely the most iconic foe of Cap. When Cap isn’t able to punch Hitler, be it because WWII is long over or because Hatemonger isn’t available, Skull is the next best beatdown target. In a broad sense across all of his appearances I’d say he’s a 9/10, with his film and cartoon incarnations being around 8-8.5/10. This is mostly because they really water him down and don’t let him get nearly as vile as he should be, but it is pretty telling that even if they slightly soften him he’s still an awesomely despicable bastard.
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cheezitthefuzz · 6 months ago
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Johan Schmidt would have done numbers on tumblr
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goalhofer · 7 months ago
2024 olympics Denmark roster
Kirstine Danstrup-Andersen (Copenhagen)
Simon Hansen (Herning)
Ida Karstoft (Lemvig)
Lisa Pedersen (Copenhagen)
Katrine Koch-Jacobsen (Ballerup)
Viktor Axelsen (Odense)
Anders Antonsen (Aarhus)
Kimmo Astrup-Sørensen (Copenhagen)
Anders Skaarup-Rasmussen (Copenhagen)
Mathias Christiansen (Copenhagen)
Mia Blichfeldt (Solrød Strand)
Maiken Fruergaard-Sørensen (Hvidovre)
Sara Thygesen (Frederiksberg)
Alexandra Bøje (Copenhagen)
Nikolai Terteryan (Vejle)
Lasse Madsen (Solrød Kommune)
Victor Aasmul (Rudersdal Kommune)
Morten Gravesen (Copenhagen)
Magnus Sibbersen (Hvidovre)
René Holten-Poulsen (Sakskøbing)
Frederikke Hauge-Matthiesen (Høje-Taalstrup Kommune)
Emma Aastrand-Jørgensen (Bagsværd)
Mikkel Norsgaard-Bjerg (Copenhagen)
Michael Mørkøv-Christensen (Kokkedal)
Mads Pedersen (Tølløse)
Mattias Skjelmose-Jensen (Copenhagen)
Carl-Frederik Bévort (Copenhagen)
Tobias Aagaard-Hansen (Odense)
Niklas Larsen (Slagelse)
Rasmus Lund-Pedersen (Odense)
Simon Andreassen (Odense)
Sofie Pedersen (Aalborg)
Rebecca Koerner (Herlev)
Cecilie Uttrup-Ludwig (Frederiksberg Kommune)
Emma Bjerg (Silkeborg)
Amalie Dideriksen (Kastrup)
Julie Norman-Leth (Aarhus)
Caroline Bohé (Hillerød)
Malene Kejlstrup-Sørenson (Randers)
Daniel Bachmann-Andersen (Sønderborg)
Peter Tersgov-Flarup (Viborg)
Andreas Schou (Kolding)
Nanna Skodborg-Merrald (Kirke Hvalsø)
Cathrine Landrup-Dufour (Kirke Hvalsø)
Nicolai Højgaard (Aarhus)
Jacob Olesen (Dubai, U.A.E.)
Emily Pedersen (Copenhagen)
Nanna Koerstz-Madsen (Nørrebro)
Niklas Landin-Jacobsen (Gladsaxe Kommune)
Magnus Landin-Jacobsen (Gladsaxe Kommune)
Niclas Vest-Kirkeløkke (Ringe)
Emil Manfeldt-Jakobsen (Kerteminde)
Rasmus Lauge-Schmidt (Randers)
Emil Nielsen (Aarhus)
Magnus Saugstrup-Jensen (Aalborg)
Hans Lindberg (Høje-Taastrup Kommune)
Mathias Gidsel (Skjern)
Henrik Møllgaard-Jensen (Bramming)
Mikkel Hansen (Helsingør)
Lukas Lindhard-Jørgensen (Lejre)
Lasse Bredekjær-Andersson (Copenhagen)
Simon Hald-Jensen (Aalborg)
Thomas Sommer-Arnoldsen (Skanderborg)
Simon Bogetoft-Pytlick (Thurø)
Sandra Toft (Gribskov Kommune)
Sarah Aaberg-Iversen (Nykøbing Falster)
Rikke Iversen (Nykøbing Falster)
Helena Hagesøe-Elver (Copenhagen)
Anne Hansen (Glostrup)
Kathrine Brothmann-Heindahl (Rudersdal)
Line Haugsted (Skive)
Althea Reinhardt (Aarhus)
Mette Tranborg (Aarhus)
Kristina Jørgensen (Horsens)
Trine Østergaard-Jensen (Skanderborg)
Louise Vinter-Burgaard (Esbjerg)
Mie Enggrob-Højlund (Voldum)
Emma Uhrskov-Friis (Herning)
Michala Elsberg-Møller (Aalborg)
Lærke Olsen (Hørsholm)
Sverri Sandberg-Nielsen (Tórshavn, Faroe Islands)
Marie Hauberg-Johannesen (Solrød Kommune)
Julie Poulsen (Odder)
Astrid Steensberg (Sorø)
Clara Hornæss (Copenhagen)
Sára Johansen (Tvøroyri, Faroe Islands)
Nikoline Laidlaw (Dunblane, U.K.)
Karen Mortensen (Fredericia)
Caroline Munch (Bjæverskov)
Nanna Vigild (Copenhagen)
Sofie Vikkelsøe (Copenhagen)
Frida Werner-Foldager (Roskilde)
Sofie Østergaard (London, U.K.)
Hedvig Rasmussen (Frederiksberg)
Fie Udby-Erichsen (Hobro)
Frida Sanggaard-Nielsen (Copenhagen)
Johan Søe (Aarhus)
Johan Lundgaard-Schubert (Aarhus)
Nikolaj Hoffmann-Buhl (Lyngby-Taarbæk Kommune)
Daniel Nyborg (Copenhagen)
Mathias Bruun-Borreskov (Skanderborg)
Andrea Schmidt (Aarhus)
Johanne Schmidt (Aarhus)
Natacha Saouma-Pedersen (Odense)
Anne-Marie Rindom (Søllerød)
Jesper Hansen (Bjegsted)
Rikke Mæng-Ibsen (Herning)
Stephanie Scurrah-Grundsøe (Roskilde)
Viktor Solmunde (Copenhagen)
Thea Blomsterberg (Birkerød)
Martine Damborg (Kastrup)
Elisabeth Sabroe-Ebbesen (Skanderborg)
Schastine Tabor (Copenhagen)
Julie Kepp-Jensen (Hvidovre)
Helena Rosendahl-Bach (Holstebro)
Signe Bro (Copenhagen)
Table tennis
Anders Lind (Hørsholm)
Martin Buch-Andersen (Rudersdal Kommune)
Jonathan Kjaer-Groth (Albertslund)
Edi Hrnic (Brøndby Kommune)
Clara Tauson (Kongens Lyngby)
Caroline Wozniacki-Lee (Miami-Dade County, Florida)
Emil Holm (Frederiksberg)
Alberte Kjær-Pedersen (Aarhus)
Turpal-Ali Bisultanov (Copenhagen)
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gonzalo-obes · 11 months ago
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Viernes Santo, Año Internacional de los Camélidos.
San Segundo, Santa Catalina y Santa Derfuta.
Tal día como hoy en el año 1983
En Alemania Federal, el demócrata cristiano Helmut Kohl, se convierte en canciller, esta vez avalado por las urnas, al ganar su partido las elecciones. Kohl ya era canciller desde el 1 de octubre del año pasado, fecha en la que fue investido tras haber llegado a un acuerdo con el FPD para presentar conjuntamente una moción de censura contra Helmut Schmidt y formar un gobierno de coalición. (Hace 41 años)
'Tras diez años de combates, Estados Unidos completa la retirada de su ejército de Vietnam. El saldo en vidas de esta terrible guerra es de 500.000 civiles y 200.000 soldados vietnamitas por 57.000 soldados norteamericanos. Otra consecuencia ha sido la profunda división en la sociedad estadounidense. Además, de las arcas americanas han tenido que salir, en todos los conceptos, cerca de 300.000 millones de dólares para sufragar la contienda e impedir que Vietnam del Sur cayese en manos comunistas. La guerra proseguirá hasta que la toma de Saigón en 1975 fuerce la rendición incondicional de las tropas survietnamitas y la unificación del país, bajo el control del gobierno comunista de Vietnam del Norte. (Hace 51 años)
En Argentina, las Fuerzas Armadas confinan en la isla Martín García al presidente Arturo Frondizi. Anulan las elecciones y designan a José María Guido, presidente del Senado, para ocupar la presidencia a fin de mantener una imagen de gobierno civil. (Hace 62 años)
El general norteamericano Winfield Scott arrebata a los mexicanos el puerto de Veracruz, tras siete días de férreo asedio e intenso bombardeo. Después de esta derrota, se librarán duras batallas en las localidades de Cerro Gordo, Padierna, Churubusco y Molino del Rey, tras las cuales México perderá Texas, Arizona, Nuevo México y la Alta California. (Hace 177 años)
En América del Norte, colonos suecos, comandados por el explorador Peter Minuit, fundan su primer asentamiento en Delaware, al que llaman Nueva Suecia al erigir el Fuerte Cristina (en honor a la reina sueca) cerca del lugar donde hoy se encuentra la ciudad de Wilmington. La Nueva Suecia estará formada por varios cientos de colonos suecos y finlandeses, que más adelante tendrán problemas entre sí. En 1643, el recién nombrado gobernador sueco Johan Bjornsson mandará construir nuevos emplazamientos en Varkenskill, Upland y Nueva Cristina, mientras los pastores luteranos se dedicarán a la tarea de evangelizar a los indios. (Hace 386 años)
Thomé de Souza, militar y político portugués, funda la ciudad de Salvador de Bahía, primera capital de Brasil y una de las ciudades más antiguas del país y centro administrativo y religioso de las colonias portuguesas en América hasta 1763, año en que se trasladará la capitalidad a la localidad de Río de Janeiro. (Hace 475 años)
En Inglaterra, durante la Guerra de las Dos Rosas (asi llamada porque cada casa tenía una rosa representativa, la de Lancaster era de color rojo, mientras que la de Yorkshire era de color blanco), tiene lugar la Batalla de Towton, una de las más grandes y cruenta en territorio inglés, en la que las tropas comandadas por Eduardo de York, vencen al ejército lancasteriano de la Reina Margarita, convirtiéndose en el Rey Eduardo IV de Inglaterra que mandará perseguir y matar a los derrotados. La Reina Margarita y su esposo Enrique de Lancaster, se refugiarán temporalmente en Escocia. (Hace 563 años)
El Imperio Otomano bajo las órdenes del sultán Murad II, inicia un asedio de tres días a la ciudad de Tesalónica (Grecia), que concluirá con la conquista de la urbe y la captura de 7.000 de sus habitantes para ser utilizados como esclavos. En 1492, cuando los judíos sefardíes sean expulsados de España por los Reyes Católicos, esta localidad les acogerá bien. De este modo, la ciudad se enriquecerá y gozará de un gran desarrollo económico que alcanzará su cima en los siglos XVIII y XIX. (Hace 594 años)
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klaraschur · 8 months ago
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cast Isabel Höckl, Petra Michelle Nérette, Patrick Schlegel, Sandra Julia Reils, Alexandra Paal, Jonathan Albrecht Director, Script Masha Mollenhauer DOP Noah Böhm 1.AC Daniel Müller, Leander Hartung Gaffer Andreas Blind Spark Dominik Salcher AD Clarissa von Kummant, Hilde Weiler, Hafida Ibaoune, Victoria Schmidt Casting Sandra Julia Reils Movement D. Alexandra Paal Set Design Laura Stoib Luis Penn Make up Alyssia Sashu Achille Costume Klara Sophia Schur Colorist Johan Nurmilehto Original production sound editor, re-recording mixer Daniel Bautista Sound design editor, first instrumental Julian Riegl Composer original music Cosma Joy
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motorsportverso · 1 year ago
Resultado rally Transparaná 2024
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1-Leandro Riffel\Michael Masson-Troler
2-José Andrade Jr\Bedrnanrdo Andrade-Troler
3-Gustavo Schmidt\Tiago Poisl-Toyota Hylux
4-Flavio Kath\Rafain Walendowsky-Troler
5-Sandy Roncaglio\Betão Spessato-Troler
1-Dirceu Sala\Diego Salla-Troler
2-Antonio Miranda Filho\Marcelo Novais-Troler
3-Giovani Mello\Marcos Evangelsita-Mitsubishi Pajero Full
4-Cesar Leobet\Eduardo Leobet-Troler
5-Marcos Brigadão\Leonardo Framarim-Mitsubishi Pajero
1-Henrique Soares\Henrique Moura-Mitsubishi Pajero
2-Denys Santos\Carlos Eduardo Santos
3-Anselmo Souza\Luiz Scarati-Troler
4-Denilson Bonafati\Bruna De Oliveira-Troler
5-Alessandro Weirich\Gabi Weirich-Troler
1-Ricardo Lins\Gabriel Cunha-Mitsubishi TR4ER
2-Bruno Trento\Barbara Trento-Suzuki Jimny
3-Johanes Kler\Elvis Felema-Troller
4-Luiz Barbosa\Maria Barbosa-Troler
5-Andersson Colaço\Fabio Pasinato
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Antonella Frontani Il festival di San Biagio, giunto alla XV edizione, è ormai una manifestazione internazionale. Ecco il racconto dell’incontro...
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widespot · 1 year ago
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Matthew Smith is working on getting to know his new stepchildren, learning new skills, and making himself useful around the house. The yard needs a lot of work! Once you smash up the asphalt, there's not any real topsoil underneath. Still, he doesn't represent the garden club for nothing.
The kids are in good moods from a succession of dates last time I played the house, and Sean reaps the benefit when he gets the mail. He leaves for college at the end of the round (due to his dating Delta; who they make friends with determines how old they officially are), so it's not like he won't have a good use for them.
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darksaiyangoku · 4 years ago
Avengers Age of Heroes: Blue
Steve Rogers looked onboard as his fellow soldiers sat in silence. He knew that deep down they were scared and he couldn’t blame them. It was discovered that the Nazis, with the aid of the insurgent group HYDRA, have built a superweapon to target the allies, thereby awarding them victory. Steve’s hands tenses into fists. The lengths he had to go through to obtain this intel lead to the death of his commandin officer, Nicholas Fury. His dying wish was for him to take over his squadron; the Howling Commandos.
Jimmy: Nervous there, Steve?
Steve: Would you believe me if I said I was?
Jimmy: Truth be told, so am I.
Steve: *chuckles* You’ve survived the worst HYDRA can throw at you.
Jimmy: I know... but there’s more at stake now. This is the end of the line.
These men needed support. They needed a leader. Taking a deep breath, Steve rose from his seat and faced his squad.
Steve: Alright men, here’s the situation. HYDRA are this close to winning the war. This is no longer about just the United States anymore, because if we don’t stop them, the entire world will be under their rule. I know you’re all scared, but now is not the time for fear. Swallow it down and keep on marching forward. Fury may be gone but his will lives on in all of us.
The Commandos all stared in awe. He was right. This was bigger than the war itself. What the world needed now was heroes.
Steve: So I ask you all; will you join me?
Big smiles were on the squad’s faces and they all cheered. At that moment, the hatch opened. It was time. Standing in front, Steve pushed the button on his bracer and his uniform changed into one of blue, with red and white stripes down the middle, red gloves and boots and a blue face helmet.
Captain America: Bucky? My shield please.
Bucky Barnes, Steve’s best friend, handed him the shield. Crafted by Howard Stark, it was a beautiful thing. Painted red and blue, this shield was the strongest metal to ever exist and was much lighter to boot. On his signal, the Commandos deployed onto the ground, followed Captain America. As they landed, they caught a view of HYDRA’s base; a large, black castle.
Captain America: Well, Red Skull always had a flair for the dramatic.
Trudging along the wastelands, Captain America and the Commandos used the ruins to their advantage, hiding wherever they good. However, it was short lived as they witnessed a flare being shot into to the skies. They were spotted!
Captain America: Ah crap, move!!!!
Gunfire hurled towards their direction as the commandos all took shelter in all corners. The only exceptions were Captain America and Jimmy, who charged through the bullets as if they were rain. HYDRA soldiers were bewildered, not having time to react when Captain America slammed at them with his shield.
Moving swift as a swallow, Jimmy tackled two HYDRA gunmen and lay a vicious beat down on the third. Captain America, meanwhile, blocked incoming assaults from the towers and crashed through the doors.
[Beneath the castle]
Red Skull: Now then, time to begin.
Red Skull didn’t even flinch as he heard the wreckage.
Red Skull: Captain America. *chuckles* You certainly know how to make an entrance.
Captain America: It’s over, Skull. Hand over the detonator now!
Red Skull: Oh I wish I could, except... *presses the button*
Captain America: NO!!!!!
With the detonator activated, the roof of the castle opened up. The weapon was ready. Enraged, Captain America bolted towards Red Skull, slamming his shield into him. However, Skull managed to catch it just in time and punched him straight in the gut.
Captain America: Agh!!!!
Red Skull: You really should’ve killed me when you had the chance.
With an opening in sight, Skull threw punch after punch, even managing to break Captain America’s helmet into pieces. Mustering all his strength, Skull delivered one final punch, only to be countered with the shield.
Red Skull: Wha-?!
Captain America: Not today!
Fighting back, Captain America roundhouse kicked Red Skull to the ground. As much as he would love to finish the fight, the mission was to stop the weapon. Not wanting to waste anymore time, Captain America did the only thing he could; he ran towards the weapon itself as it launched. From the ground, the Red Skull laughed maniacally.
Red Skull: You really think you can stop it? It’s too late. The Allies will fall!! You lose, Captain!!!! HAHAHAHAH- AGH!!!!
He looked down to find that something had pierced his chest. With one last gasp, he fell to the stone ground. Above him stood Jimmy, with a pair of bone-like claws sticking out of his hands.
Up in the air, Captain America, in desperation and anger, smacked his shield on the skin of the missle, piercing it. From his pocket, he drew a grenade and dropped it inside, jumping off as quick as he could. The missile soon exploded and Captain America was sent flying into the ocean. As he sank deeper and deeper, he thought back to his first day at the army, where he met his dear Peggy, his best friends Bucky and Jimmy and the brilliant Dr. Abraham Erskine. It was because of him that Steve was able to become Captain America, the first super soldier.
Steve: Fury, Jimmy, Bucky, I’m sorry. I’m sorry too, Peggy. But this was only way. After this day, I hope the world no longer has any need for super soldiers fighting in war. I hope this marks the end for all war.
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gentryfilm · 6 years ago
...so he probably had a conversation with Red Skull when he did.
(Any artists want to do a depiction of that...please be my guest.)
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wh40kartwork · 7 years ago
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Come at me, Slaanesh!
by Johan Schmidt
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lucwar1comics-blog · 7 years ago
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Ze Red Skull
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cabin7-hufflepuff · 4 years ago
Hogwarts during the sorting ceremony
Tony Stark’s funeral
The Marianas Trench
On a conveyor belt while a cashier is checking a customer’s groceries
An empty middle seat of an airborne plane
🎶Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated🎶
Disney world
Vormir, before Thanos and Gamora get to the soul stone “Nico. Son of Hades.” -Red Skull
My room
i want a “weirdest places nico could accidentally shadow travel to” chain.
i’ll start:
• the white house
• the space station
• the underground bunker we all know is connected underneath the white house because we’ve seen movies
• the pentagon
• buckingham palace
• an entirely different dimension
• tartarus (i think that’s possible)
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penig · 7 years ago
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Bigg City Schmidt After getting the kids off to school, Johan Schmidt went to the Art Museum with Matthew Smith to check out how (or if!) the local art scene has advanced at all since he left all those years ago.
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