#joey x bertrum
bertrumstrousers · 8 months
slides u the opening of the joetrum fic that i have been scrawling in the middle distance
Writing contract agreements came to Joey just as easily as breathing.
Joey hadn’t quite meant to break his interviewee down into his base components, nor did he intend to analyze, then wring those pieces out upon the table they shared.
His hours’ worth of heaping praise onto the architect was routine. It worked for his other department heads, ones whose guards were up far higher than Bertrum’s and twice as hard to tear down.
Joey easily spotted the man’s immediate submission to flattery. In that moment, as much as Bertrum attempted to play off his interest, Joey knew simply mentioning the opportunity for more of the same praise would hook him.
That, and he had the feeling Bertrum would lunge at any opportunity to sign a name he seemed to value so highly on a line as lucrative as the one Joey offered.
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reanimationstation · 1 year
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this commission was for @bertrumstrousers !!! it was lovely to get to draw your TINE AU boys Joey and Bertrum wahh.
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jo3ydr3w · 2 years
my joey/bertrum fic has been published; here's the link! https://archiveofourown.org/works/42321393
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angelofthepage · 7 months
Thoughts on the "Updated" Bendy Employee Handbook
Before we go any further, let's make it very clear what kind of post this is: we're not here to hate on the book, and none of anything I'm about to say is said with ill intent. I am here for analysis, constructive criticism, and discussion. This post is a little more critical than what I would usually share, so viewer discretion is advised.
Today we're talking about the newly updated Bendy Employee Handbook, which just recently released as of this month at the time of this post. And I have a lot of questions about this entry, and really, game guides as a whole in our modern gaming world. This book appeared to advertise itself as a rerelease of the original handbook with additional content for Bendy and the Dark Revival, but upon comparing the two, I've noticed there's actually a number of changes they've made, some good, some bad, and some that I'm not sure what to make of. So come and join me under the cut, and if you have some thoughts of your own, feel free to comment or reblog and add to the discussion. Without further ado, here we go!
Part 1: The Baffling Amount of Cut Content
Our story begins where most stories do, the table of contents. So right off the bat, when comparing this book to the original, you'll notice something off.
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No, your eyes do not deceive you, an entire section of the original book was cut, on top of making other sections shorter. And the weirdest part? Some of these things were exclusive to that original book, they didn't appear anywhere else in the Bendy franchise. So already we're off to a weird start. Some of these missing pages aren't so bad though. In some cases, they're just format changes to make the book flow a little better/take up less room. Sometimes they succeed in that, sometimes they end up feeling more cramped, it's pretty subjective whether or not this improved the book. But it certainly does cut down on pages. Case in point, the beginning of each chapter of BATIM.
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Don't worry, Joey's letter hasn't been cut, but it has been moved to earlier in the book, so it's no longer in Chapter 1. This was a very odd change. Other things that are missing are character monologues, but it's inconsistent. Alice Angel's speech about the screaming well of voices and Joey's monologue right before the final boss were kept, but Sammy's "sheep sheep sheep" speech and Bertrum's audiolog right before his boss fight were inexplicably cut.
Here are a few cuts I found pretty significant.
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These pages are all missing from the update. In the case of this newspaper article, what does that mean in regards to whether or not this is "canon" or "retconned"? Joey Drew, did you or did you not have plans to expand into a Bendy themed toothpaste? The people need to know! X''D But seriously, while some of this is inconsequential, some of it matters. The mascot costume in particular, that's the only sketch we get (that I'm assuming came from Bertrum or Joey regarding that part of the parks, no one is specifically credited for making it). It doesn't show up anywhere else in the series (to my knowledge). It's strange that it's just, gone now. The Bendyland spread is such an unfortunate loss, that's some of the closest we've ever gotten to seeing the map of the park. Yes you can see it in BATIM, but being able to get up close and personal with it without having to control Henry was really nice. It makes me wonder if they're trying to erase the past details so they can do more with Bendyland in the future, something that's different from the original vision. I don't think that's it, but it could be, though they'd also have to go back on The Illusion of Living too, given it’s discussed there with some really fun details.
Speaking of which, that's the weirdest piece of cut content: the missing section that ends the old book (that was reiterated in The Illusion of Living). It's Joey Drew's tips for making a cartoon. It's formatted differently and has no images in TIOL, but the basic information is still the same. What's not the same though, is the loss of the tutorial pages for drawing the toons. These are another thing that don’t show up anywhere else in the series, making them a much more permanent loss. And even though this section is cut, it’s still referenced on the back cover of the new book, which is a bit odd.
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These were really cute and showed so much personality for not just the toons, but for Joey as he described them. Cutting this was genuinely disappointing for me. Same with the paperwork in Joey's apartment. Those were some of the highest quality images we had of what was on his desk and bulletin board, and I liked being able to see them clearer. The biggest loss of the cut content isn’t just the pages themselves, but the personality they gave to this book, and the Bendy world as a whole. 
This was the very first Bendy book to be released, and therefore our first look into this world in this format. And while I don’t think it’s the greatest thing in the world in terms of being a game guide, I didn’t pick up the original for a game guide. I picked it up because I wanted to see if it provided more context for the world. And when it does that, it does a good job. The memos from characters we know, Joey’s financial records, the images from the desks of people like Joey and Bertrum, they give us insight into how things were going at the studio. Some of my favorite details from the original are Joey’s memo about how Susie was replaced by Allison, and the receipt for Joe’s Fine Dining. The fact that that memo was distributed to everyone but Susie enhanced what we already knew from BATIM, and it paints him as a much crueler character than we knew him to be. Not to mention the repeated use of “I have to say, I’m an instant fan”. Having Joey say those words makes the concept of him creating the cycle so much more interesting. Like did he script out every little action these characters take? Or is this something Susie picked up and recycled from him after potentially finding this memo in real life? Oh there are so many delicious possibilities. And the lunch date, oh my gosh. One, it started my quest to build the Joey Drew menu using all the things he eats in the books, because damn does he have good taste. And two, it was so cool to have a look into an interaction Susie told us about in that one tape. Like that was REALLY GOOD. Give me more like that! When you have other parts of the series back up things we’ve heard only one character say, it gives more credence to the idea that they actually happened that way, or gives us a clue that we need to check for character biases when they tell us their side of the story. And in a series where MOST characters are unreliable narrators, that is REALLY IMPORTANT for establishing timelines and figuring out what’s real versus what’s fabricated. That was my biggest hope for the update, for more flavortext and world building that expands on things we already know. 
But um…the dark revival part of the book doesn’t do that. 
Part 2: The Dark Revival’s Minimal Offerings
After an abrupt jump from Bendyland to BATDR, we get into the new stuff. The Bendy and the Dark Revival section of this book is alarmingly short and has very little substance. There is no new expansion of the worldbuilding or insight into these characters. I mean, the book describes Heidi as being a female lost one? So if you wanted a confirmation on her gender, there you go I guess? I guess that detail was never like, stated explicitly, but this is me stretching to find something new that it gives us. Actually, wait, it does give us one new thing, but I’m gonna be honest, it kind of rubbed me the wrong way.
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The book refers to Allison having a “pet wolf” when we get her introduction in Chapter 1. It then later describes that Tom “likes being pet” when we get his introduction in Chapter 5. Which by the way, is the only image of Tom in this entire book, since his original render from the old version was cut. Now, I’ll be honest, I used to like that second detail, I thought it was cute that he doesn’t just tolerate Audrey, he actually LIKES being pet. Those are two different things, having some insights into Tom’s feelings and characterization would have been a breath of fresh air. But no, when I reread the book and saw that first detail, that made that really weird and uncomfortable actually. It would be one thing if in-universe, Tom called himself a pet, or Allison called him that with consent. Heck, if there was another character in-universe who wanted to purposely insult Allison and Tom by saying that, that would be fine too, then it’d be reiterating the narrative. But on its own? I take issue with taking Tom of all characters and calling him her pet. The Safehouse Boris never got treated that badly, hell, Buddy in the books never got dehumanized this badly when he became a Boris. But Tom, Tom gets to be the one that’s dehumanized? There is something that really rubs me the wrong way about that. Especially if he turns out to be Thomas Connor or has some connection to him. I can’t assume if he is or isn’t anymore given all the stuff BATDR pulled with Allison and Henry. But on the chance he IS Thomas Connor, do you have any idea how bad that looks, to have a character that, because of details written in Dreams Come to Life, many fans speculate to be a person of color, referring to him as Allison’s “pet”? And even if he ends up not being a person of color (I say as I groan about the inevitable discourse for the DCTL graphic novel that’s coming out), it’s still kind of awful to say that about anyone. Tom is a character that has repeatedly gotten the short end of the stick in this series. He’s relevant to BATDR for all of a couple of minutes, and he’s incredibly underutilized and lacking details or depth for most of the series. Thomas Connor, he gets a bit of depth as of The Lost Ones, that novel does great things for him. But Tom Wolf? Short end of the stick. And I’m sad to see that continue here. 
The one positive thing I have to say about this section is that it’s really nice to have so many of the audiolog character transcripts here. Most of the notes and logs from BATDR are here with all their words typed out. The ones that in-game had a chiller styled font are transcribed a bit strangely, as now they’re written like the messages written on the walls in-game. But it’s not the worst. If anything, all of this gives me a great resource as a theorist. Having a record of all of these and what chapters they appear in makes my goal of constructing a timeline and cross checking information much easier. 
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Though from a graphic design standpoint, these pages frustrate me a little bit. They’re so cramped, and there’s several spots where the text isn’t centered properly within its text block. I get the sense on some parts, it’s because it’s placed so close to the spine of the book, so they don’t want any information getting cut off, but it still looks funky. And there are several spots where that explanation doesn’t really apply. There’s also some weird placement of fun facts. While I love that this book lets us in on some secrets, they’re not always placed in an area that makes sense? Like, there’s a note about how to get the Inkjets Concert, but the steps for how to get it are placed way after a point in the narrative where you’d be able to get it, and I’m kind of scratching my head as to why it was done that way. Is it to encourage a second playthrough? Or is it to not spoil the story? Why not split the information up? Or have a dedicated secrets page like they do with the achievements and theMeatly’s cutouts? 
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Though speaking of not spoiling things, this book is really odd about what it chooses to focus on. So, Henry’s model is in this book, right next to a passage about a “mysterious man” you can meet in the Cyclebreakers area. They showed his model but didn’t name him as Henry? I don’t quite get that choice. Also, despite the cyclebreakers being very important to this story, they aren’t really mentioned before this very brief section. However, Porter? The character shown for all of a few seconds? He’s got at least three images throughout this book. The balance feels off with what this book chooses to put emphasis on. 
Also, this one really annoyed me: Allison. So for everyone who’s actually played BATIM, you would know that Allison Angel is never referred to as Allison within BATIM. We only know she’s called that because people dove into the game’s files and revealed her and Tom’s names upon the release of Chapter 4. And the book follows suit with this, it does not call her Allison in the original handbook whatsoever. HOWEVER, the BATDR section messes this up. When it introduces her, even though in-game she introduces herself as Alice, the book introduces her as Allison. But when we get to Chapter 5, the part where she’s actually named Allison by Audrey, it suddenly switches to calling her Nice Alice? It’s a weird choice and I don’t understand why this happened. 
It leaves me wondering just how much the new author of this section and their editors know about the Bendy series before going into this project. What context were they given to write this thing? It makes the book feel unpolished to have so many mistakes in its formatting and information. I don’t know what the quality control team for this release looked like, but a part of me wonders how many editors this went through before making it to the final release. I don’t work in publishing to know what that looks like, but I’d genuinely love to learn more on this subject, it’s fascinating. 
There’s also a very strong dissonance in the imagery. While I’m glad to see the renders from BATDR’s advertising so clearly and up close, the difference in their coloring looks strange when put next to the rest of Bendy’s usual color palette. It leaves me wondering what assets the book team was given for use in this release. There’s a lot I could say here about the importance of press kits and brand guidelines, especially in this day and age when so many fans are making just as high quality of content as the official releases of media. And that leads me to the most disappointing part of this book. 
Part 3: Stolen Content
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If you’re active in the Bendy fandom and know its many creative members, then you may already know what I’m about to dive into. MLSpence3D is an artist that enjoys 3D modeling, rigging, animating, and rendering. He can often be found engaging in all sorts of corners in the indie mascot horror community, such as playing a notable role in the production of SuperHorrorBro’s upcoming title, Glitched Out, as well as providing the renders used on the Bendy Wiki of the in-game characters. Spence has had his work mistaken for official renders before, and unfortunately, it’s not just fans making that mistake. The render of the Piper used in the BATIM portion of the original handbook is Spence’s, and it unfortunately hasn’t been removed in this update, nor has he been credited or asked for permission to have it used here. I’ll admit, his stuff looks so official that I’ve mistaken it as such too, and it speaks to a much needed conversation on assets, metadata, and protection for artists of all mediums. 
Our fandom is not the only place where this happens. Back when FNAF: Help Wanted was in production, the cover art mistakenly used fan renders as a part of its photomanipulation. Developer Scott Cawthon was quick to apologize and make things right, removing the renders and replacing them with officially made FNAF models. Heck, we had something similar happen right here with Bendy back when the voice cast of BATDR started working with Streamily. The initial post that advertised their Streamily debut used renders from Spence and a few other artists that had to be tracked down, and they didn’t have the rights to use them, nor were they credited. It makes a lot of sense that this happens, when you don’t have sufficient resources and aren’t an active member of the fandom, if you’re a graphic designer trying to make a piece to advertise something, you’re going to need assets to make that. And if you’re not given sufficient assets by the people you’re designing for, you turn to other sources to get the job done. They may not know what on Google is official vs fan content. The fans are so skilled and passionate about what they do, and with the number of series that have fans steadily joining the official teams, it’s incredible what can result from being passionate. But it also makes for a much needed reminder to add metadata to your files so that they can be traced back as belonging to you. Watermark your stuff, clearly mark your work as fan content in the tags, captions, and descriptions, in an effort to protect yourself. Don’t use images you find online unless you have a very clear idea of where they came from, so you can direct people back to the source when they ask about it (or better yet, link the source in your description from the start). Give people another reason to pause and double check their work in the chain of command (they should be pausing to double check anyway, but let's be real, we don't live in a perfect world). In a world where credit and sources are more important than ever, remembering to give credit where it’s due from the start will save you all kinds of headaches in the future. Video game developers, especially those of you in the indie scene: please develop press kits to give to people your teams collaborate with. By giving them assets they can reliably use to advertise for you, you will save everyone a lot of hassle in the long run. And if this is still happening even with a press kit, it merits having some conversations to evaluate why and solve the problem. If there is no other takeaway anyone gets from this post, this is the big one I want to see some positive change on in the future.
Part 4: The Functionality as a Game Guide
This book works for your first time through BATDR, but not for any kind of sequential playthroughs. The way it directs you through the game uses the audiologs and notes as waypoints. Once you pick them up, they are removed from the environment, and so if you’re picking up the game after a long time away from it, you’re not gonna remember where those were, so it’s likely not going to be useful for navigating. It reminds me a lot of the way my parents talked about one of our old hometowns. We lived in Vermont for a little while, and there were two things about our area that we laughed about. One, never leave your car unlocked unless you want it filled with zucchini. Two, if you ask for directions, you’re not gonna have a clue unless you’re a local, because they word everything in a similar fashion to “you’re gonna drive past where the old barn used to be”. At least give me a landmark that still exists, or a map! The BATIM chapters aren’t much better, they sort of give you a layout map, but it’s not helpful. Especially in Chapter 3, the place where you arguably need a map the most, there is no kind of instruction for how to get through Alice’s fetch quests if you get lost. 
In my mind, a game guide is something you turn to when you need help getting through a game. Now, mind you, I am not the target audience for a game guide. I don’t own game guides. There are a few in my household that my siblings own, for stuff like Super Mario Sunshine, and I guess technically my Pokedex for Pokemon Black and White 2 DOES double as a game guide. But like, we now live in the age of the internet. If you want to know how to get through something, there are a million articles and Let’s Plays that detail how to complete the base story, find secrets, and even suggest strategies for tackling difficult challenges. Some of these are designed to be informative, and some are more reactionary and built for entertainment, there’s lots of flavors to choose from! 
And it makes me wonder, what does that mean for the medium of game guides as a whole? I think they still have their place. For one thing, different people benefit from different learning styles. Being able to read a guide may work better for someone than a video depending on their brain wiring. And for people who don’t have reliable or frankly any internet, or rely on a library for that, it’s nice to have a book so that you don’t have to wait to keep playing. I’ve never seen anyone get a game guide from a library, but I absolutely think it’s something a library could have. It’s also just really convenient to have all of that information available in one book, as opposed to having to search through multiple forums and sources and risk getting spoiled. And when they’re done well, sometimes they can have secrets not even the existing player base knew. Like I knew that there was this secret about a ghost train that appears if you set your system’s clock to 4:14, but I didn’t know if AM or PM mattered. Thanks to this book, now I know that it doesn’t matter, both work, which is really handy to know! But uh…most of the secrets that were revealed in this book were things I knew within the first month that BATDR came out. None of them were new to me as someone who’s plugged into the world of Bendy. There have been multiple videos detailing how to get these secrets, and how to play this game, by many different indie horror enthusiasts. It almost makes it feel like this book came out a bit too late, and it’s only released about a year or so after this game came out.
Which really begs the question, who was the target audience for this book? Was it for new fans who were struggling with these games? Was it for longtime fans who wanted a memento of the occasion and a record of all the stuff in these games? Was it for lore hunters hungry for new secrets and world building? Having read both versions of the employee handbook, I still can’t definitively say who the target audience is. That kind of frustrates me, that’s the first thing they taught us about back when I went to school for graphic design. It’s important to keep your audience in mind when designing something, that way it caters to their needs, appeals to them, and gets your message across effectively. 
Part 5: Final Thoughts
I still can’t say for sure what I was supposed to get out of this.The parts of it that I found charming and appealing were not continued or built upon in this update. There is no new world building or lore. It doesn’t do an effective job as a game guide given its reliance on non-permanent elements of gameplay. It doesn’t give us tools to cross reference what we know from previous entries, nor does it expand upon details that lacked clarity within BATDR or BATIM. It removed some of its more charming content, and it still has stolen artwork from its previous iteration. By the time I got done reading this book, I was left feeling disappointed and kind of exhausted. No joke, I grabbed a friend, and we went through it all to compare it page by page to see what changed. It was something you could make a drinking game out of, not that I would recommend that. 
I would struggle to recommend this book to any Bendy fan, unless you’re a completionist like me who wants to own every book as a physical copy. The original employee handbook was a far better read, and if you can find a copy secondhand or at your local library, you’re in for a small but tasty treat (quite literally if you decide to make the bacon soup recipe, which fun fact, originated in this book and was developed by the wife of Bookpast, one of the writers on this series!). The Dark Revival section feels tacked on and not as well thought out as the original book was. There is a very odd disconnect between the two. I’m genuinely confused as to why it was put in a rerelease of this book rather than making an entirely new book for Dark Revival. Dark Revival is a much longer and detailed game than Bendy and the Ink Machine. I would expect a book that describes how to play it and its world building to take up a lot more pages and go in depth on different details than this one did. So why was it done this way? Does this have to do with some sort of contract with Scholastic that we don’t know about? Was there a time constraint, or a page count that had to be met that they couldn’t meet with just BATDR? Did the people working on Bendy have too much on their plates to dedicate the time to a new book? What happened here? I wasn’t expecting to leave this book with more questions than answers, but here we are. 
Overall, I don’t think it was worth what I paid for it, but it’s going to live on my shelf with the rest of my books. This will be handy for when I need to reference the audiologs and don’t want to look up a YouTube video to remember what was said. It’ll also be nice if I’m traveling. See, whenever I visit my grandparents, their wifi is pretty limited, so if I want to draw anything while I’m up there, I have to print out references or download images on my phone before I go so I can do that. Having some of the new renders in this book will be useful if I decide I want to draw Bendy stuff or theorize while on the road. 
Now it's your turn. Tell me your thoughts on the Updated Edition of the Bendy Employee Handbook! Is this something you want to read? If you have read it, did you enjoy it? Were you left wanting more? If we ever get another book like this, what sort of things would you like to see? Let's talk about it. And remember, if you did enjoy it, that's not a bad thing, absolutely no judgement there. Just because it wasn't for me doesn't mean it's not going to be enjoyable for someone else. Every work of fiction has its audience. <3 Here's wishing you a wonderful rest of the day, and happy reading!
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Hey dudes and dudettes, Mod Roddy here!
I didn’t want to make this post, however, with the release of the preview pages of the DCTL Graphic Novel, Cobalt broke into my house demanding the staff be redesigned to be more “canon complicit.” They feared with our current designs the Bendy devs would be afraid of interacting with us; “I mean, imagine the horror Mike would feel seeing our Norman!” They muttered, body shaking with either excitement or fear. Of course, my response was- “What? The loosely bendy-based story where Henry is Joey’s brother, Joey and Sammy are married gay lovers and Bertrum x Jack is a thing needs to be closer to canon now?” Their response, as moving as it was mocking, was “Do it or I won’t let you ride the ink demon this summer.”
I am currently pressing charges, but before I had it arrested, it created these edits for me to base the redesigns off of. After they’re done serving their sentence, posting will continue as normal <3
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starlightscarsyt · 1 year
BATIM •Henry Stein - Charles Cuevas •Joey Drew - Whit Young •Boris - Levi Fontana •Alice Angel - Veronika Grebenshchikova •Alison Angel - Teruko Tawaki •Tom - Xander Matthews •Wall Franks - Ace Markey •Sammy Lawrence - Arturo Giles •The Projectionist - Min Jeung •Bertrum Piedmont - J Moreno •Ink Demon - David Chiem
BATDR •Audrey - Mai Akasaki •Wilson - Rose Lacroix •Porter - Nico Hakobyan •Heidi - Arei Nageishi •Steve McGregor - Hu Jing •Betty - Eden Tobisa
Enjoy this lil' AU, I'd love to see what designs people come up with, I may wanna use em', with permission, ofc!
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trihallow746 · 1 year
Rating Batim Ships (At least the ones I’ve actually seen people shipping)
(Also as a note, I don’t judge anyone based on if they ship any of these and the following are just my opinions so pls don’t get mad at me 😭 it’s all for goofs)
I don’t ship them at all but them being divorcees is funny as hell so they get points for that. This was definitely one-sided on Joey’s end at some point
Also I should mention the Ink Henry x Memory Joey variant of this. While I think it’s interesting and definitely less toxic than the original, I’m still not about it. Tho the score went up a point because of it
This one also gets points for being funny as hell despite the fact that I don’t ship it at all. Just Joey pathetically pining after Sammy while Sammy does not care at all (and is annoyed by him). Incredible.
Tho I saw someone shipping them fr once and it was just
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While I see them more as being friends I still think this one is pretty cute. I love their duo
These two are really cute, very healthy, A+. I’m glad they at least have each other in ink hell
It’s pretty cute ngl. I think they could really help each other grow and be happy. Quite solid
Henry/Ink Bendy
That is a father and his son absolutely not
They are just friends. That was a whole thing in the book. Don’t like this one at all. Only got points because Buddy and Dot are a top tier duo
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(Don’t mind my annotation)
I really like the idea of them bonding in cyclebreaker jail and helping each other heal post BATDR. Also I’m biased because they make up 2/3 of my favorite batim characters trio
I think these two would definitely vibe but I don’t know enough about Grant to feel too strongly about this one. Maybe there’s more of him in one of the books I haven’t read yet or I’m just uncultured on Grant idk
I don’t really care for this one. I can’t really explain why I just don’t like it that much. Something is off but idk what. Maybe it’s because I like to headcanon Sammy as being gay. That’s really it tho
Kinda confused by this one ngl but I’ve seen a couple people shipping it. It’s definitely not terrible I just don’t understand it. If you ship them pls feel free to explain why so I can better understand
Sammy/Ink Bendy
Not a fan of the vibes on this one. It does not seem at all healthy or able to grow into something healthy. I gave it some points tho cuz someone I follow on here likes it and I think they’re cool. Also I know this one is pretty popular so I’m sorry ya’ll 😭
I like the idea of them being weirdos together. It has some interesting implications or possible angst due to the fact that Sammy killed him. Not my fav but still pretty solid
I mean sure? Bertrum didn’t really seem to like Joey at all in the games but in DCTL they were acting buddy buddy. Maybe it was the drinks idk. Either way this one kinda just exists to me but I have seen it before so it’s on here
This one’s only marked down a couple points cuz we’ve never met Linda before or know really anything about her, but I bet these two are a cute couple. This ship also has really sad implications for Ink Henry but at least Irl Henry is happy 😭
(I’m also now realizing that there are a lot of Sammy ships geez)
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inkyinkwells · 10 months
Welcome to the Inkwell Au!
The ask box is now officially OPEN and ready to answer any questions, unless you read the rules down below! Please read before asking a question, thank you! - Zillion (Owner)
Please be respectful of my AU and HCS, there's no reason for debate and arguing, you'll just be ignored and forgotten about. It's incredibly rude to be a negative person on this blog, even if you hate my views, just please move on!
Keep 18+ asks to a minimum and censored, don't just outright explain your weird kinks and fetishes you wanna see in characters. I'll allow such as outfits and positions.
Anonymous are allowed as seen previously on this blog!
You are allowed to hug characters! The characters you can hug will be listed down below.
You can ask me questions just no 18+ , I'm not comfortable when it's about me.
Don't spam the ask box please! One person can submit 2 questions only!
Do not harm any characters! You'll be ignored.
OCs will be included in this blog and drawn at a later time however their names will he listed, some are available for questions.
You can ask the benry (bendy x henry) children however the older ones will be answering the questions, their names will be listed.
PLEASE DO NOT MAKE FUN OF MY SHIPS AND DEBATE ME. This goes for bendy x henry, I have different views on their relationship, just leave me alone, I get its a controversial discourse in the fandom but shut up! It's not hurting anyone! Ships will be listed.
If you want me to draw your character (for the non-anons) just attach an image, I love drawing your guy's ocs!
DO NOT STEAL, TRACE OR REPOST MY ART. I WILL FIND OUT. Reposting is forbidden, I have a Twitter for a reason, soon I'll make a pinterest.
Don't try kissing characters please, hugs and head pats are allowed.
Characters for asks:
Ink Demon/Bendy
Henry Stein
Linda Stein
Joey Drew
Audrey Drew
Shipahoy Dudely + Crackle the Crab
Alice + Allison Angel
Tom Boris
Buddy Boris
Sammy Lawrence
Norman Polk (Projectionist)
Jack Fain
Wilson Arch
The Keepers
The Butcher Gang (Charely, Barley, Edgar And Carley)
Bertrum Piedmont
Wally Franks
Lost Ones
Atlas Angel (Available For Asks/Questions)
Boaz The Unicorn (Available)
Kiki The Angel Demon (Available)
Cheshire (NOT available)
Zadikal Angel (NOT available)
Inky Angel (Avaliable)
Cupid Angel (NOT available)
Seymour Cloris (NOT available)
Rebecca Arachnid (Available)
Pie The Lovebird (Available)
Lila Stein (Available)
Swan (NOT available)
Axis Angel (NOT available)
Raveen Ravin (NOT available)
Seraph Angel (NOT available)
Sindy (NOT available)
Percy (NOT available)
Nondy (Available)
More to be revealed...
Benry Kids:
Older = Available For Asks
Leviathan (Older)
Endy (Older)
Tinie (Older)
Bendy Darling/Junior (Baby)
Classi (Older)
Wendi (Baby)
Allin (Baby)
Jasper (Baby)
Bammy (Child)
Zenith (Older)
Bendy x Henry
Sammy x Norman
Allison X Tom
(That's all for right now...lol)
Bendy (In toon form)
Buddy Boris
Sammy Lawrence
Audrey Drew
Henry Stein
(Not many but yeah...)
Thanks for reading and being respectful, another post with a short fanfic about the AU will be published soon!
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(Alt Text Added.)
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nayialovecat · 2 years
Nayia, did you think/plan the story of the BATIM characters between the creation of the ink machine and SATIM?
Could your version of the humans young Sammy, Jack, Susie and others be available for questions?
I have made up some threads from Henry, Joey and Sammy's past that I probably won't put anywhere (there's not much room in SATIM, in Before Henry it doesn't fit, I don't want to write more fanfics), so… ok, let's go. Why not. If I have something in my mind, I can answer. But I wouldn't ask for characters I personally don't care for like Grand Cohen or those other little fish that aren't Sammy, Bertrum, Jack or any of the other major SATIM characters X"D
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26 for Joetrum? 😳👉👈
What do they fight about most?
At work: the fucking theme park.
Bertrum's proud of all of his creations and Joey's nitpicking with things he's completely inexperienced about really pisses him off. Likewise, Joey gets pissed off that he and Bertrum can't see eye to eye well enough to make the animator's dreams a reality.
At home: Financial struggles.
I don't think I should reiterate this but Joey sucks with money.
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Any thoughts on the ot3 Joey x Henry x Bertrum?
My first thought on it is that Henry is young enough to be Bertrum’s son, and he really shouldn’t have to mediate between these two crazies. But, I do appreciate getting shipping asks on characters other than Sammy, Joey, Henry, and Norman (the ones I get most commonly). And making these headcanons got me to warm up to it! 
-After Bertrum finally agreed to go on a date with them, Henry coached Joey on how to win Bertrum’s heart. They quickly realized that they share an artistic vision and a passion for entertaining others, and were getting along swimmingly by the end of the night, leading Bertrum to join their relationship. 
-Between Bertrum and Joey, they’re insanely rich. The three of them manage their two companies together, and Bertrum helps Joey to run the studio in a way that doesn’t leave it hemorrhaging money. 
-Henry is gonna have to mediate the fights. When they’re mad at each other, they go to complain to Henry about it. Then, Henry gets the other side of the story and helps them come up with solutions. 
-Joey and Bertrum eventually learned how not to enrage each other. Joey learned only to call Bertrum nicknames (like “Bertie,” and “Sweetheart”) in private, and Bertrum learned that Joey doesn’t take lavish gifts as a compliment- he takes them as Bertrum silently bragging about how much richer he is. They have different love languages, but compromise and understanding helped them work things out. 
-Henry and Bertrum hang out together when overwhelmed- they’re both lower-key people than Joey. Often Henry will be working on a recreational drawing and Bertrum will be working on a ride, music playing in the background. Or they can play chess together, or just talk about their current thoughts and projects. (If you’re an introvert, you know how good it feels to find someone who’s as easy to be with as being alone. It’s like that.) 
-Henry and Joey often have to leave Bertrum behind for activities where he’s too old to keep up or participate. That’s okay- Bertrum loves people in short bursts, but he also needs lots of alone time. 
-Do lots of travelling together. 
-Bertrum has a son from a previous marriage. It’s a little awkward because he’s only a couple years older than Henry (and is younger than Joey), but he gets along with the family and can tell that Bertrum is a lot happier this way. Plus, it means that Henry and Joey get to play with the grandkids!
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bertrumstrousers · 2 years
obligatory I’m Still Here post!!
I am taking my very sweet time with BatDR but please know im still losing my mind overall about batdr in the background. I have a LOT of emotions about it, but haven’t made it all the way though—I am continuing to avoid spoilers! Be back soon ❤️🎢
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cosycaracal · 4 years
What do you think of ships like Joey x Bertrum or Sammy x Joey?
I think Joey x Bertrum is alright? Like, I get where people come from but I personally don't ship it, mainly because of my headcanon that Bertrum is Joey's father :'')
I love Joey x Sammy though! It's definitely high up my list of my favourite BATIM ships;;
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inkdemonapologist · 3 years
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So recently in Abby’s Sammyserver, @bertrumstrousers’s wandered in and announced “Step Right Up AU: Bertrum runs an evil circus” and for some reason this just struck a chord in all of us and we went absolutely feral for several days brainstorming an AU where Bertrum is the one making ink monsters for a freakshow/sideshow/terrifying circus. Please look at his ringmaster bertrum
[Joey design/ Bendy!Joey by @wallyfranksismyspiritanimal, Buddy design by @xraytheredx, Ringmaster Bertrum design by @bertrumstrousers ]
I think Gi is planning to do a masterpost at some point but brief overview of context for these scribbles:
SRU Bertrum’s ego gets the better of him as things get worse and worse, but he really genuinely loves all his inky creations as his children. The circus is like a family to him and he started with the best of intentions.
some roleswap vibes where SRU Joey is working for Bertrum, providing cartoon designs for the ink machine, and becoming Very Concerned when they don’t come out like they’re meant to and start forgetting themselves
how dare u, Bertrum thinks they’re PERFECT, IF UR SO PICKY DO IT URSELF [tosses Joey into the machine]
SRU Susie is WAY HAPPIER here... she looks basically the same as canon, but in the circus, she’s treated as a star, loved and feared and perfect
SRU Sammy, like most of the others, was a sideshow attraction before all this (he’s been missing some fingers and bits of his face from birth, and he’s an incredible pianist) and he’s easy enough to rebrand, so he doesn’t go through the machine... meaning he’s one of the few unaffected by the ink and not losing himself and realising that things are going VERY BADLY. He’s determined to figure out how to help the others and Set Them Free
SRU Buddy’s Sammy-assigned nickname is “Backstage” b/c he doesn’t think Buddy belongs here. Buddy’s not Weird like the rest of them, he’s just a kid who ran away to join the circus.
SRU Jack’s a little person with a BUNCH of performance skills (u might call him a... jack of all trades....) and he and Sammy performed together before the ink. theyre boyfriends your honour
combat was pondering if SRU Joey might have some leftover effects from being a bendy even if he’s changed back.... they are ALSO boyfriends your honour,
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the-crooked-empire · 4 years
Joey: *About Henry* Can I marry your son?
Bertrum: I don't know, can you?
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Your collages are so beautiful! Do you think you could make one for Bertrum x Joey? :D
Oh, it was hard, a rather unpopular leap, you know, it's hard to find material on them, huh...
But I did it, and I'm glad about it.
(I hope you too)
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Do not appropriate the stranger authorship of you, if you do not want to repeat the story of these two! :)
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