#joey is so scary oh my god
ask-the-esmp-emperors · 2 months
KATHERINE! How did you feel when you found out Shrub got kidnapped by Xornoth. Were you scared for your wif-? *gunshots*
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THEMM <33333
Katherine: Well, um- uh! Joey: Oh my god, you're blushing! She's blushing! Shrub: I don't think she- Katherine: It was really scary, honestly.. I didn't want anything bad to happen to her. [radio silence for 30 seconds, and then an explosion of squeals and 'THATS SO CUTE'] [click]
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boldlyvoid · 7 months
Yours, mine & ours | Part 2: good dads
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Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington | Single Dads fic
Summary: Eddie adjusts to being a... dad? Guardian? He's not sure what to call himself. However, he does know he needs to call in backup.
Warnings: pure fluff, mentions of parental death, needles
Word count: 4.2k
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By the time they pull up to Daryl's place, Matthew has a whole new wardrobe, he’s clipped into a brand new booster car seat and he’s so excited to meet Eddie’s friends. He hops out of the van and his light-up shoes shimmer against the pavement, his smile is infectious, making Eddie beam as they walk up towards the door. 
“Eddie!” Laurene is the one to open the door before they even get a chance to knock. 
She is the sweetest woman Eddie has ever met. With her curly red hair and her big toothy smile, she makes the most delicious cookies in the world and she would do anything for her family. And not just blood family, no, she takes in people as her family all the time. She has 3 families she babysits for, a few of her children have friends who practically live with them after school, and all Daryl's co-workers are always welcomed over. 
She has a big heart, and Matt’s about to experience it firsthand. 
She squats down to be at a child's level and she smiles, “You must be Mr. Matthew.” 
He nods, blushing a bit. “Hi.” 
“I’m Laurene, you can call me Aunty Laur if you want?” she reaches out for his hand and to Eddie’s surprise, Matt takes it with a nod. “It is so nice to meet you.”
“Thank you,” he answers with the smallest voice. 
Eddie runs his hands through Matt's hair, “he’s a little shy, but he’ll warm up. He’s also really excited to meet you guys… do you have any other kids over today?” 
“Just one, little Shelby is having lunch with the boys,” she explains while getting back up. “Come on in, I’ve got sloppy Joe’s ready for you guys in the kitchen.” 
“Speaking of; how are your kids?” He asks, ushering Matthew inside. “Take your shoes off, bud,” he whispers down to him. 
“Why?” He looks up with concerned eyes. 
“Some people prefer shoes off in their homes,” he explains while toeing off his Converse. “Put them beside mine right here, you don’t want to get outside germs on someone's carpet.” 
“Oh,” he nods along, sitting on the ground to pull the Velcro straps up and slip his shoes off. 
“The kids are good,” Laur answers his previous question with a smile, admiring the way they work with each other. “Liz is out with the girls, Joey is god knows where on his bike and Kenneth is on his second sandwich, you might want to hurry up before they’re all gone.” 
He laughs, “Sounds like Kenny.” 
Eddie leads him into the kitchen, hand on his back, “Have you ever had a burger before?” He asks. Matt nods, “Sloppy Joe’s are like burgers, but the meat is mixed with a delicious sauce. You should like it, but if you don’t, don’t feel bad.” 
“Okay,” he tries to smile through his slight anxiety. “Is Aunty Laur dad's sister?” 
He shakes his head with a slight chuckle, “No, sometimes aunt and uncle are names we give to grown-ups that are important to us. You’re going to see Laur and Daryl pretty often, they’re really special people in my life.”
“Oh, okay,” he follows along. 
“Matthew!” Daryl cheers as they enter the kitchen/dining space. “Pleasure to meet-cha!” 
“Hi,” he gives him a wave. 
Daryl is a bigger guy, around 6’3 and a few hundred pounds but he just calls it stuffing. He’s a big teddy bear and he shows that when he comes over and wraps Eddie up in a big hug. Matthew stands close to him, close enough that Daryl's hand comes down to tussle his hair as he pulls back from the hug, “Come have a seat, we’ll get-cha some lunch.” 
“There are boosters in the corner if he needs one,” Laur calls out from the kitchen. 
“I got him one for the car today,” Eddie explains as he grabs one and puts it on a dining chair. “It was scary driving to the mall without one but we got it.” 
“I never had one before,” Matthew shares, climbing up into the seat. 
“Yeah, well, that’s cause your dad didn’t like following rules,” Eddie says with the snippiest of tones. 
Little Shelby is sitting there quietly, not making eye contact with Eddie but she does stare at Matt a few times between her little bites of lunch. Laur comes over and puts a plate in front of Matthew, “this is Shelby,” she motions over to the toddler in her chair. “Shelby this is our new friend Matthew.” 
He waves at her, “Hi… she’s tiny.” 
“She is,” Laur smiles, soothing her hand over Shelby's hair. “You’re doing such a good job eating, honey. Your dad's going to be so happy when he gets here.” 
“Do you watch her most weekends?” Eddie asks. 
She nods, “Yeah, her dad has a few clients on weekends, so I take her for a few hours. She’s the best… I think you went to school with her dad, Steve? Steve Harrington?” 
He looks at her like she has 3 heads, “the king of Hawkins High has a kid?” 
She laughs, “he’s 26, it’s not that shocking. I had Liz when I was 21.”
“Yeah, but he’s… Steve?” Eddie can’t believe it. “He had a different girlfriend like every week, except for that year he was with Nancy Wheeler, but then he went right back to having a million girlfriends. He didn’t even go off to college? He was always with the kids from my club, he was like their babysitter or something?” 
“See, he had experience with kids and now he has his own,” Laurene pushes right back. 
“Sounds like you know a lot about this guy?” Daryl teases, knowing Eddie’s preference. He’s seen Eddie pick up a few guys from the garage, they come to get their breaks done and leave with a date. 
He tries not to blush, “I don’t. I just know of him. Everyone did. He was always around.”
Daryl just hums and takes another bite of his sandwich, leaving Laurene to pipe up. “Well, he’ll be here at 2 to get Miss Shelby and you’ll get to see how wonderful he is.” 
“Does his wife ever come in to get her?” He asks, wanting to know just who Steve Harrington ended up with. He wonders slightly if it’s Wheeler, or maybe he got with Buckley from band cause they were always together in her senior year…
“Oh, no,” Laur shakes her head, looking sad. “Um, no, she’s no longer with us.” 
“Oh,” Eddie's heart drops into his stomach. He looks at Shelby, so little and innocent and she’ll never remember her mom. Unlike Eddie and Matthew, who had the blessing of knowing their moms. For her, it’s either a privilege to not know how wonderful she was and what she missed out on or a curse to never have experienced the love of a mother. 
“But it’s okay,” Lauren’s voice gets even softer as she wipes sloppy Joe off Shelby’s cheeks. “She has me and Liz, and her aunty Robin, and grandma Claudia. She has so many wonderful women in her life.” 
Shelby smiles so much at all the names she just heard, lighting right up with that Harrington charm. 
“He’s still close with Buckley, that’s good to know,” Eddie nods along, taking a bite of his food finally. 
“They live together,” Daryl adds. “She’s the art teacher over at the high school now. They got a place together cause it would make them more financially stable.” 
“It was smart, they have enough room for all 3 of them and Robin goes to Indianapolis to visit her partner on weekends,” Laurene continues. “Which is why I get the pleasure of watching Shelly today.” 
“What does Steve do?” 
“He’s a hairdresser at the mall,” Kenny throws in. “He cut my hair here in the kitchen last week.” 
Eddie almost laughs but he knows better than that. He was always so… fluffy. His hair was always done, even after gym class, you’d expect it to be sweaty and ruined but he was able to make it look flawless. He smelled of expensive products, it wafted down the hallway when he’d walk by. It’s not really a shock that he’d want to get into that as a career. He probably makes a killing off all the girls who come in just to flirt with him while he touches their hair. Like when that Hargrove kid worked at the pool and the moms were drowning for the chance to be touched by him… Eddie can only imagine how many botched colours Steve has to correct. 
“Maybe he can cut your hair?” Eddie teases Matthew, nudging him slightly. “Unless you want to grow it out like mine. I’m surprised Al let you keep it so long.” 
He’s got messy hands from his sandwich so he uses his forearm to push his hair back, “I like it.” 
“Me too,” Eddie smiles at him. 
The conversation lulls a bit there, they move to talking about what they got at the mall, sizing and registration for kindergarten. Laurene knows some people at the elementary school, she dug up boxes of clothes and sorted aside ones that she thought would fit him. Just by looking at him, she knows she got it right. 
She helps Matt clean up his hands and face before breaking out the new clothes, letting him set aside the stuff he really likes. Which is almost everything. He’s so overwhelmed but also excited, that it breaks him out of his shell a bit. He gets comfortable with her, asking if he can try some of it on. This is how they end up doing a fashion show when Steve Harrington walks in the door. 
Daryl has Shelby in her lap as he walks into the house, “hello, anyone home?” He calls out in a teasing tone. “Where’s my favourite girl?” She lights right up at the sound of her dad's voice and starts to climb off his lap and jump up and down happily on the carpet with her hands flapping in front of her. 
“In here!” Eddie calls back in a girlish voice, the urge to piss off the popular kid never left when he exited high school. 
When he enters the living room, he’s also shoeless. His sock-clad feet pad over the carpet softly, he doesn’t walk quite as hard as Eddie imagined him to. That big head and all that hair aren’t as heavy as it looks.
“Munson?” He asks, taken aback a bit, just as Shelby runs into his leg for a hug. He scoops her up quickly, kissing her cheek and whispering that he missed her. 
“Harrington, how are ya?” He gives him a charming smile. 
He’s still just as pretty as he was in high school, just, older. His hair is lighter, he has highlights or something. His skin is more freckled, he’s put on a bit of weight and he has a cute little bit of facial hair going on. His lips are still pink and pouty, his nose still strong and his eyes still as welcoming as ever. 
“Good, good,” he nods, trying to not get too personal. “What are you dong here?” 
“Tada!!!” Matthew comes running down the hall from the bathroom towards the living room again, in green cargo pants and a yellow shirt this time. He does a spin and poses for them, smiling away and then he freezes when he notices the stranger. “Oh, hi.” 
“Hello,” Steve gives him a smile. “You look great! Yellow is your colour!” 
“Thank you,” Matthew blushes. 
“I didn’t know you had a kid?” Steve turns back to Eddie, “he looks just like you.” 
“Oh no, he’s—
“We have the same father,” Matthew cuts in. “Eddie’s going to be my dad though. He said dads are special and different from fathers, so if he keeps reading to me before bed and taking care of me and if loves me like Wayne loves him, he’s going to become my dad.” 
“Oh,” Laur holds her hand over her heart. “Did you say that?” 
Eddie nods, getting down to Mathew's level. “There’s no if buddy, of course, I’m going to take care of you and love you forever. You’re mine now.” 
“That’s…” Steve looks all choked up. “That’s so beautiful. Wow. Dustin always said you were good with the new kids in your club.” 
Eddie looks up at him with wide eyes, “Henderson? I haven’t heard from him in a while. How is he?” 
“He’s good, he’s graduating from MIT this year,” Steve says with a proud, almost fatherly nod. “He’s somehow always getting smarter, it’s actually crazy.” 
Eddie laughs, standing back up, he runs his fingers through Matt's curls and smiles at him. He remembers messing up Dustin’s hair all the time, Matt’s hair is so much like Dustin’s. And he’s smart. He’s going to end up being a little nerd too, he’s already so interested in Eddie’s things that he can’t wait to introduce him to DND and teach him how to play guitar. 
“Yeah, he was the best,” he reminisces. “Do you still talk to the others? Mike and Lucas?” 
He nods, “Yeah, Mike did a 2-year social work course, he’s working in Indianapolis for CPS.” 
“Oh,” that’s a little bit of a shock, but he’s probably good at it. Probably really good at it, actually. He brought in a lot of lost sheep for their D&D club after Eddie graduated, he basically took over Eddie’s role of leader when the older kids left too. He was always good at making people feel accepted and wanted. 
“Yeah and Lucas is at Notre Dame, he started on a basketball scholarship but also tried out for football. He’s their quarterback now. He brought them to NC double A championships this season,” he brags, so excited for him. He’s holding little Shelby’s hand and starts to bounce her slightly, making her smile. “We went up to see him play in South Bend a few times, didn’t we?” 
She nods, “Uncle Lukey.” 
“Yeah, Uncle Lukey,” Steve smiles. “She’s super shy, she can talk she just doesn’t talk often, which is weird cause she’s around Aunt Robin all the time and all she does is talk.” 
She rests her head on Steve’s shoulder with a smile, snuggling into him. “Oh, she’s tired,” Laur teases, getting up to gather all her things. “She had a good day today. We played Barbies and she helped me water the plants outside and then we had some sloppy joe’s for lunch.” 
“Ooo,” Steve plays up the excitement for her. “That sounds like a fantastic day.” 
Laurene hands him Shelby’s bag and runs her hand over her hair, “I’ll see you on Monday, sweet girl. We might have our friend Matthew back for some afternoons too.” 
Eddie hasn’t even asked her about that yet. He still has so much to do before he looks for a babysitter— like sign the kid up for school, but it’s good to know she’s already down to watch him. She’s such an amazing woman with such a huge heart, of course, she’d want to take in another little kid to take care of and love while their parents work. 
“Oh, fun,” Steve bounces her again, making her giggle a bit before he pulls an envelope out of his pocket to hand to Laurene. “Well, thank you so much again, we will see you on Monday.” 
“You will,” she quickly puts the envelope in her own jeans pocket and waves to Shelby. “See you later, have a good rest of your Sunday with Daddy!” 
Steve takes her back to the entryway to get their shoes back on and Matthew follows, which makes Eddie follow him. “Hey, hey, we’re not going yet.” 
“I wanted to say bye?” Matthew almost whines, sad. 
“Oh, okay,” Eddie gives in quickly. 
“It’s okay,” Steve assures him. “You’re so sweet, buddy. What’s your name?” 
“Matthew,” he smiles, bursting out of his shell. 
“Well, Matthew, it’s been very nice to meet you,” Steve compliments. He sets Shelby down on the bench near the door and reaches for her shoes. “It’ll be nice for Shelby to have a new friend near her age.” 
“How old is she?” He asks. 
“She’s 3,” Steve smiles. “Aren’t you, Shell.” 
She nods, holding up 3 fingers, still not really talking. 
“She’s smart,” Matthew compliments. “Can she read?” He asks, something Eddie asked him just yesterday. 
He nods, “a little. She watches Sesame Street and they’ve been teaching her a lot of stuff before she gets to go to school. And I read to her at night, she’s started to pick up on what words look like and she’ll read things out to me.” 
“Wow,” Matthew thinks that’s just the coolest thing. “You’re a good dad.” 
Steve puts his hand on his heart, “thank you.” 
“And I like her shoes,” he points. They light up too. “I got new shoes today.” 
Steve reaches over to the brand-new, light-up shoes on the carpet, “these?” He holds them up. 
“They are so cool!” Steve hypes him up. 
It makes Eddie’s heart swoon. 
Yeah, okay, maybe Steve Harrington has always been good-looking… but seeing him with kids. Seeing him with Eddie’s “kid”… that makes his heart swell so much. He’s so kind and being a dad looks so good on him. His weird little crush on King Steve has started to resurface.
He’s doomed. 
Once Steve stands up again, he slips into his shoes, grabs the bag again and picks up Shelby, all while still talking to Matthew about reading. 
“Yeah, Eddie’s reading me Lord of the Rings,” he brags. 
Steve laughs, “Of course he is. I’ve heard it's a really fun book.” 
He nods, “it is.” 
“Okay, well, it’s been so nice talking to you but we’ve gotta get home now,” Steve says as nicely as possible. Reaching for the door handle. “You have a good day, Matthew.” 
“Thank you, you have a good day too!” He calls right back, waving as they slip out the door. “Wow… he’s so nice.” 
Eddie smirks, “he is… he really is.” 
Daryl gives him Monday off so that he can get things settled with Matthew. They take a trip up to Indianapolis in the morning, they see a doctor and find out that Matt's had most of his vaccines when he was 3, before his mom died, he just needs them updated… but he was so young when he had them last, he doesn’t remember what they’re like and it’s scaring him. 
He’s cuddled into Eddie’s side while the doctor preps the shots. He’s shaking a bit, he looks up at Eddie with big sad eyes that break his heart, “it’s okay,” he runs his hand over his hair, soothingly. “You’ll be okay.” 
He starts to cry a bit, not believing him. So he does the only logical thing. 
“Do you have like a flu shot or something you can give me?” Eddie asks, “I just want him to see that it’s not painful, I’ll get one first so he knows he’s safe.” 
“Oh, yeah,” the doctor nods. “I can give you a tdap but you’d have to pay $45, it’s good to keep those updated.” 
“What is it?” 
"Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis which is whooping cough,” she explains. “It’s good to get them every 10 years, you might’ve had your last one at 16.” 
“Yeah, I might’ve,” he shrugs. He really has no idea. “Let's do it.” 
So, she finds another vial and she fills a needle all while Eddie takes off his jacket and pulls up his sleeve. “You can watch, if you want?” Eddie assures him. “They don’t hurt. It goes in for a few seconds and it helps keep you healthy and makes sure other kids don’t get sick because if you don’t get these, it could hurt other people.” 
“Oh,” he takes a deep breath, wiping his eyes. “I don’t want to hurt anyone.” 
“Cause you’re a good kid,” Eddie reminds him. The doctor approaches him with the needle and he reaches out his hand, “Here, you hold my hand and then I’ll hold yours when it’s your turn.” 
He nods, gripping Eddie's hand tightly. 
“Okay here we go,” the doctor says as she puts it in his arm. “1, 2, 3, and we’re done.” It’s over just as fast as it started. 
“Wow,” Matthew whispers. 
“See? It didn’t hurt,” Eddie shrugs it off, pulling his shirt sleeve back down. “Let's get your arm ready.” 
Eddie helps him take off his sweater and push his t-shirt sleeve up, he sits on Eddie's lap and Eddie holds his hand. “You don’t have to look, you can look over there at the wall,” he explains. “You’re doing so good.” 
“Okay, so I have to do 2 different shots, so we’ll do one in each arm, okay?” She explains, waiting for a nod. 
Matthew takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, “do it.” 
“Okay, brave guy,” she says as she sticks it in his arm in one fluid motion. “1, 2, 3, and we’re done.” 
He opens his eyes, full of shock and awe, “see, it wasn’t that bad?” Eddie teases him. “You did great.” 
“Best patient I’ve had in a long time,” the doctor compliments him too. She gets the other needle while Eddie helps him roll up his other sleeve. He looks the other way, closes his eyes and she does it all over again. “1, 2, 3, and that’s it. You’re all done.” 
Matthew lights right up, “I did it?” 
“You did it,” Eddie hugs him. “You’re so brave, buddy.” 
They get his paperwork done, proof that he’s up to date on his vaccines and info on when he’ll need more. He had a checkup 2 days ago when he arrived with CPS, they took him to the hospital for that tho… it’s Eddie’s understanding that Al was selling drugs from their apartment, there was worry that he was making them there too and that the fumes and chemicals were affecting Matthew, but there was no proof of that. No lab, no equipment, and no trace of anything in Matthew's bloodstream. 
Thank god. 
They stop for lunch before they head back to Hawkins, a couple burgers and fries at a little diner neither of them has been to before. The waitress fawns over Matthew, loving his curly hair, saying he looks just like his daddy… and they don’t correct her. They simply say thank you. 
On the way home, Matthew is in his car seat in the back of the van, tapping his fingers on his knees along to the music. Eddie watches him in the rearview mirror with a smile. He’s the cutest little guy in the whole world. He’s opened his heart right up, he can’t imagine a life without him now. This was where he was supposed to be.
He turned the music down a bit, looking at him through the mirror once more, “how are you feeling, buddy?” 
“My arms hurt a little,” he says trying to be brave about it. 
“I’m sorry buddy,” he apologizes. “Do you think you have enough energy to come with me to the school to get you registered?” 
He nods, “Yeah.” 
Well, he didn’t. 
By the time they reach the “Welcome to Hawkins” sign, he’s asleep in his chair. Eddie doesn’t have the heart to wake him up and drag him into the school, so he simply drives right to Wayne's trailer. 
Wayne doesn’t leave for work for another 2 hours, it shouldn’t take Eddie that long at the school. He lightly wakes up Matthew as he picks him up, “hey buddy,” he whispers. “You can go back to sleep in a second okay, I just need you to know where you are.” 
He just groans, “where?” 
“This is grandpa Waynes trailer,” he whispers, holding him close, Matthews head on his shoulder. He walks him up to the door and opens it up without knocking. 
“Ed!” Wayne light right up and then quiets down, “oh, hey.” 
“Matty, had his shots today and he’s tired but I have stuff to do at his new school, can you—
“Of course,” Wayne reaches out for him, taking him from Eddie with a groan when he realizes how heavy the kid is. He puts him down on the couch, head on the pillow and reaches for a blanket to cover him. 
Eddie kneels down in front of him and brushes his hair back off his face, “I’ll be back soon, you’re safe with Wayne. You have a good nap and I’ll see you later, okay?” 
He just hums, “Bye da-Eddie.” 
He smiles, leaning in he presses a kiss to his forehead and stands again. Wayne is swooning a bit, he never thought he’d see Eddie with a kid of his own, but here he is. “I’ll be an hour at most, I don’t think getting him registered will be that hard.” 
“Do you have all his information?” Wayne asks, making sure he doesn’t get all the way there and needs to turn around. 
“Yeah, in the van,” he points as he reaches the door again. “Thank you for—
“No need, he’s always welcomed here,” Wayne assures him. “It’ll be nice to have a mini Eddie to watch again.” 
He slightly chuckles, “Okay, well, have fun. I’ll be back.” 
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Single Dads fic
@stevesbipanic @panicatthediaz @jizzing-bastard-600and69 @sharingisntkaren @ellietheasexylibrarian @missmagillicuddy @platinum-sunset 
@nosaladallowed-ao3  @wifeyreid @girl-with-an-orange-cat @sunshinemunchkin @luna-munson83 @manda-panda-monium @steve-thehair-mamabear 
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in-death-we-fall · 1 year
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The Songs That Saved My Life
Kerrang 1633, August 20 2016
This Iowan drum demon has been a bit quiet of late. But now he’s back, we couldn't resist the offer of getting together with him to crank up some metal. And Stevie Wonder…
This week: Joey Jordison, Sinsaenum
(drive link)
The song that reminds me of home is…
Celebrate Me Home Kenny Loggins
“This is so hard because there’s tons for me. I grew up on music, I’ve been listening since I was in the fucking womb, man. But I think the song would be Celebrate Me Home. When I was growing up, Kenny Loggins was played heavily by aunts, uncles and parents in their households. I was very young, so now when I’m on tour sometimes, I think about that song. It comes from before I discovered metal or even hard rock at all. It always has this deep, gloomy, kinda sentimental place in my heart.” FIND IT: Celebrate Me Home (1977)
The song that made me want to be a musician was…
Little T&A The Rolling Stones
“My dad brought their Tattoo You album home after work once, this must have been around 1981. It’s still, to this day, in my top 10 favourite records of all time. My dad had built these huge-ass speakers in the basement of where we lived. I heard those riffs cranked up and they hit me. I thought, ‘Whatever it is, that’s what I’m doing!’ Little did I know when I was five years old and hooked on this record what T&A actually was. I remember asking my parents – and they tried to call it something different! Keith Richards [Stones guitarist] was just on fucking fire on this and Mick Jagger’s voice, the riffs, the drums, the way it’s produced… This song is unbeatable!” FIND IT: Tattoo You (1981)
The song I’d like to cover is…
Deuce KISS
“My friends, my bands, my management and my lady will tell you the list of songs I want to cover is very long. They’re all like, ‘Fucking enough with those cover ideas!’ You gotta make sure you do it justice and be really careful about how you do it. I bought [1975 live album] KISS Alive! when I was super-young. I saw them on TV and I had to have that cassette. The reason I bought a live record first was because of the cover and how many songs it had on it. It wasn’t like a regular record – I was like, ‘Oh my God, this album’s so long!’ Deuce was the first song, and KISS Alive! is still, to this day, one of my favourite fucking records of all time.” FIND IT: KISS Alive! (1975)
The song that makes me want to stage-dive is…
Suit And Tie Guy D.R.I.
“Have you ever seen the video? Look it up on YouTube – it’s the ultimate stage-dive video. It’s like, you hear that song, and even if you don’t like stage-diving, you’re gonna have to! Otherwise you’re not a fan. If you look back at old Slipknot videos, I always used to stage-dive. In Murderdolls, I’d jump 20 feet down from a PA stack. There was this one time I was barely caught – I swear I must have been, like, 10 inches from landing on my fucking ass before they got me! I used to crowd-surf with the guitar. I almost broke my ass, literally my tailbone. I just don’t do it any more. If someone’s gonna stage-dive, catch their ass and be supportive – don’t be a fucking asshole and get out of the way!” FIND IT: 4 Of A Kind (1988)
The heaviest song ever is…
Black Sabbath Black Sabbath
“The heaviest song ever written is still, to this day, fucking Black Sabbath by Black Sabbath. It’s unbeatable and will never, ever fuckin’ be out-heavied. It’s the most evil song ever, easy. It’s the most eerie song ever, it’s the heaviest song ever – the lyrics could not be more creepy. The album cover is the fucking best, and it started a whole fucking generation. Besides the bridge where it gets climactic, there’s three notes in the fucking heaviest song of all time! No-one has ever come close to that scariness for me, and, to be honest, I don’t think anyone will come out with something that tops it.” FIND IT: Black Sabbath (1970)
A secret about one of my songs is...
Iowa Slipknot
"We recorded my drums in a small room. Everyone was in there, right in my space. When we did the song, we all drank, we each got a little bottle of cough syrup and slammed it – we were all tripping balls on it! We went in, turned the lights down, the producers were in there, the techs were in there and you could not move. We were right in each other's faces, drank all this remedy liquid and I counted in the song. We were in such a fucking zone, it could never, ever be recorded again like that' FIND IT: lowa (2001)
The last song I listened to was…
Take Me Out To The Ballgame Melvins
"I'm a huge Melvins fan. They're pretty much my favourite band of all time. I was just listening to their new record, Basses Loaded, so the last song I actually listened to was Take Me Out To The Ballgame, which is the last track on it. That record just came out, make sure you check it out – as well as Ozma, Bullhead, Houdini and The Maggot. Go and graze on the amazing back catalogue and the genius of this band!” FIND IT: Basses Loaded (2016)
The hardest song of mine to play is…
Scissors Slipknot
“Fuck! Man, this is fucking tough. You know what, I won’t say it’s hard to play, necessarily, but it’s very intricate as far as the space and time of things that need to happen within the song, and that song is Scissors – the last song on the first Slipknot record. It’s not technically difficult, but the many things going on and which need to happen to make the song sound right are all controlled by the drums. There’s so many things going on, so if my tempo is too fast, this song sucks. It’s a very emotional movement – that’s why it’s the last song on the record. We really needed to be in the zone for this one because you cannot play that song if you’re not in the mood. When we used to play this song live, I’d do a fucking insane drum solo before the end. The song is like a fucking head-fuck and you have to have your emotion and your head in it to even start it. That’s a tough one.” FIND IT: Slipknot (1999)
The song you wouldn’t expect to find on my iPod is…
More Than A Woman Bee Gees
“There’s a ton. I actually have the entire Bee Gees collection on my iPod. Which song? I don’t know… fucking More Than A Woman? They are the kings of falsetto, for sure. I don’t even care the fuck you are, you just cannot go wrong with the Bee Gees. You know, before I discovered KISS, when I was five years old, the Bee Gees were my band. Then I turned!” FIND IT: Saturday Night Fever Soundtrack (1977)
The song that makes me want to cry is…
Isn’t She Lovely Stevie Wonder
“It’s gotta be Isn’t She Lovely by Stevie Wonder. This one gets me every time! He’s the man, an absolute musical genius. You sit there and you try to learn it, and you stop yourself after a couple bars, like, ‘How in the hell did he write this?’ It pisses me off! So, cheers, Me Wonder, this song gives me the eye fountains. I salute it!” FIND IT: Songs In The Key Of Life (1976)
The greatest song ever written is…
N.I.B. Black Sabbath
“Nothing beats this riff! People can try all they want, but no-one’s gonna get close. First of all, i love the song because it’s catchy – one of the catchiest riffs of all time. Then on top of that, it’s heavy. Tony Iommi [guitar] is simply unbeatable. Bill Ward [drums] will forever be the forefather and god of metal drumming. And Geezer Butler [bass] is the only guy that can pull off a bass solo through a whole song and still hold a rhythm.” FIND IT: Black Sabbath (1970)
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mxlktxa · 2 years
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Old Days
┊┊❁ཻུ۪۪♡ ͎. 。˚   °
pairing; (teen!)joel miller x (teen!)reader
summary; reminiscing and dreaming about older memories is always fun. especially when they were ones that paved the way for where someones stands. whether the memories were positive or negative. lively or miserable. as long as they held a special someome they have today.
warning; 18+/suggestive scenarios, language, mentions of abusive behaviors/acts, drug usage, self harm, use of tobacco
word count; 3,127
author note; i wanted to try a little something but im extra nervous about this one… someone pls help me better my writing, i beg
┊┊❁ཻུ۪۪♡ ͎. 。˚   °
❀ 6
Who the fuck was this child and why on God’s green Earth was he staring at me so hard? With a smile and holding a flower out to me, like a total loser. An adorable loser.
“Hi,” he giggled.
I stared him down, eyes squinted at the flower in his hand. He stepped forward and pushed it out to me, causing me to jerk back, humming softly.
“My name’s Joel and I’m six.”
Fuck you, go away.
“Y/N. I’m six too.”
“Do you want this flower? It matches your shirt.”
Why are you being so nice to me? And how did you fine a yellow flower in this almost completely bland park?
“Okay,” my little hand reached for the miniscule plant, cautiously taking it. The boy named Joel giggled at ran away from me.
“I’ll find you more!”
Why? Don’t do that. Strange boy.
“Okay,” I kinda just stood there, watching him run around the playground for his flower finding mission, “You’re weird, Joel.”
❀ 16
“Fuck you, y/n. You’re nothing but a washed up slut. Nobody would even think to love you.”
“He said that to you?”
“Yep. My own father. To his sixteen year old daughter. Crazy, isn’t it?”
“Y/N… We need to get you out of there.”
“Oh, please, Joel. I’ve had worse. Done worse. I’m pretty sure I can make it just a couple more years in that house.”
“Or I could just ask around for you, see if anyone is willing to let you stay with them.”
“Joel. You and Tommy need to chill out. I’m gonna be fine. Swear,” I knew I was lying to these boys. But I couldn’t show them that I was weak.
Joel couldn’t take his eyes off me, staring down at my bruised rib area and cut up legs. Huffing, I swung myself off of the table, kissing Joel’s cheek and heading toward the swingset in front of us.
“Where is Tommy Boy anyways? Home?”
“Yeah. He’s just having a tough day today but he should be fine by tomorrow. We can all go to the movies then too.”
“Oh, fuck yeah. Ugh, so excited! I wonder who’s gonna chicken out for the movie first. I bet you it’s gonna be Tommy.”
“Tommy don’t like scary movies, you know that.”
“He’s gonna have to learn to,” I laughed, running my hands along the cold metal chains that held the swing up, “Come push me, Joey. You’re always so serious.”
❀ 17
School. Never liked it. Not one bit. I never really had friends, wasn’t known by anybody. If anyone did know me it was because I was the kid known for skipping class to hide out and smoke in the bathrooms or an abandoned classroom, the girl that sleeps with any guy she wanted, the freak who just looked like she was in a cult so she must be. I only ever had Joel and Tommy. Even if Tommy was younger and wasn’t even on the same grounds as Joel and I.
Well they had one thing right. I skipped class to smoke, that was a fact even teachers would agree to.
“You are so high off your ass right now. Aren’t you?” Joel sounded angry at my current situation, arms crossed and eyes filled with annoyance and rage.
I looked back at the doorway from the corner I popped myself into, giggling and waving to Joel, “Don’t worry, Big J,” I cooed, taking a quick puff and exhaling, “It’s only a cigarette this time. How’d you find me, Boyo?”
Joel snarled in disgust, marching over. I quickly pulled my shades down and tugged down on my sleeves, looking back into the wall.
“I understand that this is some sort of stress reliever for you, Y/N, but do me just one favor and quit it until school ends for the day.”
I looked down at my shoes, ignoring how upset Joel seemed, though it was hard since he was right beside me, tapping his foot on the ground and burning holes into the side of my skull.
“Joel. Now isn’t a good time.”
“No? Because you were just all happy-go-lucky when I found you.”
“Because I didn’t think you’d find me anyways.”
“You choose the same three abandoned rooms, Y/N. It’s not hard,” he huffed, snagging the cigarette from me and putting it out, “Let me see em’,” Joel demanded.
Shit. I’ve known him for too long then. Way too long. Not even Tommy understands that sunglasses and baggy clothes hides the damage done from a day ago. Maybe even hours ago.
“Joel. Please.”
“Please, just let me see.”
Silence. Joe wasn’t even mad anymore just upset and heartbroken. Simply because I didn’t want to hear his quivering voice anymore, I pulled back my sleeves and lifted the sunglasses. Joel immediately huffed and his knees nearly buckled.
“Cigarette burns? More cuts? A bruised, swollen lip? Fuck, Y/N!” Joel held back his crying, gripping my arm and shaking his head.
“Joel, please,” tears pricked my eyes, falling down after I looked away from him, meeting the corners of my lips, hesitant of falling from there, “I know it’s bad, I know. But I have nowhere else to go. My grandparents on either side don’t care to even check if I’m still breathing, I have no friends but you and Tommy, and I have no money and no help to move on my own.”
“I’ll beg my mother to take you in.”
“Joel, your mother will end up in jail for a kidnapping, no.”
“There has to be something!”
“There isn’t! Joel! There’s nothing!” I broke down, shooting up from the chair and pounding on his chest.
Fuck. I’m crying and screaming at him. Maybe I’m not all that strong. Not even a good friend. Sucks to be me, I guess.
One hand landed behind my head, pulling me into his chest, the other on my back, creating small circular motions. Gradually, we ended up on our knees, Joel comforting me and kissing my forehead, plenty of times.
“Let it out, Y/N. It’s okay.”
“Fucking help me, Joel.”
“I will. Me and Tommy will do anything any everything to help you.”
“Please. I’m begging you.”
❀ 19
“Joel! Joel, Joel, Joel!” my feet were forcing me to charge over to Joel, jumping on his back and covering his eyes.
“Woah! Y/N, slow it down. What’s going on?” Joel chuckled, carefully pinning me between a wall and him.
“First of all, I haven’t smoked a single cigarette since graduation, so congratulate me.”
“I’m proud of you, sweetheart, good job.”
“Second, I got excepted into college, another congrats, let me hear it!”
“Wait, what? You’re serious right now?“
“Unnecessarily serious.”
“Get off me right now,” Joel got serious so suddenly, it was kinda scary. He stepped forward, letting me drop down, turning to me with a straight face. For a second, he looked at my face then chuckled and pulled me in to kiss my forehead.
I sighed in relief, holding onto his wrists and he was now aggressively smashing his lips on my forehead, eventually pushing me into the wall.
“My baby! Look at y-, you smell like weed,” Joel raised a brow and ceased the kisses, still cupping my face with both hands. I gave a nervous smile, knitting my brows.
“At least it wasn’t a cigarette?” a nervous laugh was thrown in, watching as Joel shrugged and recommenced with the kisses.
“So, does this mean you’ve a dorm now? Or do you still live with them?”
“I have a dorm, don’t worry. I just… Hope my roommate is nice.”
“Me too,” Joel grinned, resting his forehead on mine. My thumbs ran across his wrists, trying to persuade my hands to not run to his waist or ass. Very tempting, truly.
“Fuck, Joel. Maybe… You’re my lucky charm, yeah?”
“Oh, of course. Only because I’m able to help tou get back on the right track every single time,” his words felt like a warm blanket, shielding me from how cruel the world could be. But only for the short period of time.
“Mmm, let me go before I try to fuck you.”
“Yeah, no, we are very much in public and that would definitely screw us over a bit.
“Yes… Okay, let me go,” we laughed, Joel kissing me sweetly before letting me go, “I’ll come again when you get off work.”
“I promise. Big ol’ baby.”
❀ 20
I sat in my dorm bathroom, shaking profusely and rocking back and forth, roommate crying and banging on the door like a police officer.
“Y/N, please, sweetheart, come out! Don’t let him get to you, please. We can file a police report and press charges! I’m begging you, please!” Veronika pleaded, jiggling the handle and sounding like she was close to choking on her words.
Just then, there was pounding on the front foor. Veronika’s breath hitched and her footsteps left the bathroom door. I slowly lied on the floor, ignoring the razors and blood beneath me.
“Where is she?”
“She’s in the bathroom. Please get her to come out. I’m scared she’s done something crazy, Joel.”
Joel. God, Joel.
I curled up into myself, squeezing my eyes shut. This wasn’t happening. I didn’t deal with anything crazy today. Totally didn’t. I didn’t have another man I trusted just completely overpower me while I was vulnerable today. Take advantage of me and viciously threaten my life. No. Not at all. It was all just some sick dream my brain wanted me to dream of. Right?
“Y/N. Open the door, sweetheart. Please. It’s me, it’s Joel. Come on out.”
“She hasn’t said anything the entire time she’s been in there.”
“How long has she been trapped in there?”
“Almost three hours.”
Silence. I silently cried on the floor, scared of what was to happen next. Would they leave? Would they discuss what they think is happening? What was next to come?
That’s when there was insane kicks landing on the door. I screamed, sitting up right and staring as they just kept coming down. Eyes hurriedly scanning the small bathroom, I looked at the window and weakly stood to wobble to it.
There was… Laughing? From multiple people. I shook my head, climing over the tub and trying to open the window. This wasn’t happening. No, not again. Never again.
“Leave me alone! Go away! I just wanted help with my work!”
“Come on out, Y/N! We just wanna talk is all,” a distorted voice was cackling behind the door, multiple laughs, multiple voices.
“Come out, gorgeous!”
“Let’s have a little fun, baby!”
“Leave me alone!” my voice nearly cracked and failed to deliver the scentence, the window opening half way. I punched out the screen out, taking the opportunity to crawl out, applying pressure to the fresh slits all over my arms and legs.
“Y/N! No!”
I was yanked from the window, held in a pair of frightfully strong arms that wouldn’t budge. I clawed, kicked, screamed, squirmed, pleaded, did everything to release myself.
“Don’t touch me! Get away! Please leave me alone! Please!”
“Y/N! Hey! It’s me! It’s us!” Veronika, cooed, hands on my face, feeling wet and smelling like metal, “Look, love. It’s me and Joel.”
It took me a minute but her face was morphing, replacing from my abusers to my sweet, scared roommate. I still kept trying to escape but toned it down, keeping my eyes on her.
“Hi, sweetie. It’s okay. It’s us, mama. It’s us. You’re safe.”
I eventually gave up, being lowered to the ground and set up against the wall, still tearing up like crazy just silently.
I looked to the other person, seeing Joel absolutely distraught. My view just wouldn’t stay focused on one person for too long, constantly switching between to two safest people I had with me now.
“I just wanted help with the work. I didn’t want him to do any of it. I was scared. I couldn’t-“
“Shh, shh, shh. It’s okay. We know, baby, we know,” Joel was bawling his eyes out, his hands replacing V’s and his forehead on mine.
“Help me? Please? Can you guys help me?”
“Yes, yes. Of course, sweetheart. What do you need right now? You wanna get all cleaned up? Want some fresh clothes?”
I nodded anxiously, still glancing between the two and shaking like crazy. Veronkia gave me the okay, running to get me clothes while Joel ran the water, checking up on me every two seconds. Literally.
“I’m right here, Y/N. It’s okay.”
What the fuck. Why the fuck? It was gonna take me forever to process any of this.
❀ 25
“Y/N? You okay over here?” Tommy questioned, rubbing my back, “You’re staring off into space with wide eyes again.”
“Yeah, I’m cool. Just thinking about some other things right now.”
“Sinking my teeth into a thick ass steak or something,” I laughed, leaning on Tommy. A snort left him as he leaned his head on mine, rubbing my shoulder.
“You’re tellin’ me. I’d kill for a steak right now,” he huffed.
Tommy and I had been sitting at a bench near a park bathroom, waiting for Joel, Maria and Veronika to come back. It had been maybe ten minutes since they all left to use the bathroom.
“Hey, Y/N?”
“Where do you see yourself in a few years?”
Ah. The infamous question I’ve been getting since middle school. But this time I had a not so depressing answer. My eyes met Tommy, shyly smiling.
“Uhm… Waking up to two crazy kids. Right beside Joel. Laughing and playing in bed with them. Making breakfast for my happy little family. Kissing Joel goodbye for work and taking the kids to school then going to myself.”
“Yeah. Yes. Definitely,” I started giggling and chewing at the skin around my nails, “Why?”
“Because he said almost the same thing when I asked him what he wanted.”
Joel actually wanted to marry me? I was just letting my little brain entertain me and allow me to assume Joel still loved me. After everything we’ve been through.
“So… Joel is in love with me? Like? For real?”
“No for fake,” Tommy paused with a blank look, looking away, “Yes for real, dummy!”
I huffed, punching Tommy in his knees, crossing my arms, “You scared me!”
Not really. I just don’t wanna hear what I already thought I knew.
“Okay, sorry, sorry! Look. They’re taking a little bit and I wanna show you something cool. Do you trust me?” Tommy questioned, standing from the bench as his hand reached out to me. I took it and stood in front of him, eyes covered by his hands.
“Nope! Have to have them covered. Just for a little bit. You’re safe, promise.”
I put my trust in Tommy, holding onto his forearms to keep my balance. Tommy hummed a little tune as he walked me around, carefully guiding me.
Maybe five minutes of walking and Tommy stopped, “Okay. We’re here. Ready?”
“I’m scared but yes.”
“Okay… Look!” Tommy backed away, hands removing and both Maria and Veronika throwing white confetti at me. Startled, I squealed and waved it off, earning a laugh from the three.
“You wanted to show me white confetti?” I giggled, brushing myself off.
“No, silly. We wanted to show you this though,” Maria laughed, both her and Veronika stepped aside, revealing Joel, behind the two girls and on one knee. He held a beautiful bouqet of different flowers with what looked like a box in the middle.
This wasn’t happening. This was all a dream and my brain was just trying to give me a happy moment.
“I know I said I would get you similar flowers to when we first met. When we were kids. But I got you this instead. Not a single one matches your outfit right now but… It’s still just as beautiful as you.”
“Joel, are you-? You’re serious?”
“Listen, Y/N. I know we’ve had our ups and downs, you hated me plenty of times and I didn’t wanna be around you from time to time either but I’m happy we never gave up on each other.”
“Holy shit, just shut the fuck up, yes!” I giggled, holding back tears and pushing past Veronika and Maria to go kiss and hug Joel for what felt like forever.
Joel chuckled, standing up and sweeping me off the floor the second he wrapped his arms around me. We stayed like that laughing, kissing, crying, hugging, all the good stuff for what felt like an eternity.
“So Tommy was telling the truth. About what you said.”
“What does that mean? What’d I say?”
“That you also wanted me to annoy you for the rest of your life.”
“That’s not what I said.”
“It’s close enough.”
“Not even a five minute walk to being close. Now get down and let me put this damn ring on you.”
❀ Present, 30
“Y/N. Wake up,” Joel groaned, lightly shaking me. My eyes shot open, scanning the room and landing on Joel a few times before wandering again to confirm I was home in bed with him.
“What happened? What’s going on? Are-“
“Yes, Y/N, I’m fine. You were flailing around like crazy then you were calm a bit then just huffing. Like you were crying or something.”
“Oh, no, I’m fine. Strange dreams. You know me, Joel. Big J. Joey. J-“
“Alright, alright, I get it,” Joel lied down, pulling me on top of him. We laughed a little bit, lying together and trying to get back to sleep.
“Joel?” he hummed in response, hand meeting mine on his chest, “Thanks.”
“What? For what?”
“Not giving up on me. I don’t know where I would be or what I would be doing. If I would even be alive-“
“Hey, hey, hey.”
“Sometimes, I don’t even think this is real. Like right now. Is it?”
“Yes, baby. It’s real. It’s all real. Don’t start that crying because I can assure you this is all real, you’re right here with me. Right now. We’re happy and healthy,” Joel attempted to look at me, blowing me a kiss and smiling.
“I love you, Joel.”
“I love you too, Y/N. And I would give you the world of I could.”
How and why did I get gifted this fucking guy since I was a kid? I was just super thankful to even lay my eyes on him and spend quite literally my entire life with him. Maybe I’m not entirely upset that that child stared at me with that dumb little flower.
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I know I know I know I am still in the middle of forgetting Ashville but someone made me so curious about 51 and 52 that I had to do an intermezzo.
Neil trying to split them to go each to their own domains, and then pendragon being like yes let's split up Britta stays with me lol.
Neil wanting to grab Britta to keep her with him and away from pendragon. 😭
Neil is so anxious, poor boy.
Uhoh. The shower went silent???
Miles daydreaming... But sir about what? 👀👀
Wait is this the same day? Because it sounds like Miles has been in office for a little bit? Or am I misunderstanding?
Johnny calling Miles your highness with sarcasm is so good.
Nara! Is she Miles's doorman now? What's been happening?
Miles is so casual about everything? Was his uptightness all because he didn't get laid?? You can't tell me him and Marcos didn't get it on now and then.
Miles is trying so hard, but this is all so complicated. Noooooo this is unbearable. I cannot deal with this awkwardness and Miles saying the wrong thing. It's too much, please I cannot handle secondhand embarrassment. Why would anyone want to be Prince?
What is happening right now??? Miles is being collected?
Okay not gonna lie, it's not that this episode isn't good so far, but I don't get the big deal with this episode. So far.
Johnny as senechal??? 😂😂 And primogen?? And Miles didn't even tell him beforehand?!? Why???
What???? These fucking princes, bunch of shitheads. I am so confused.
Wait praxis again?? Lmaoo is new haven going to be a revolving door of praxises? 😂
Not the rust coloured jacket!!! How dare they!
Okay but what is Miles's obsession with chopping people's arms off?
5 celerity actions??? Damn
Holy fuck. They are both absolute beasts this fight, like it's kind of scary actually.
He's trying to rip the guy's arms off??? I'm screaming!!! Reminds me of "is your weakest at the elbow or the shoulder?"
An sos from his fucking daughter???? Right now???? Can they never have a moment of peace???!? Fucking fuck.
Kabir!!! I totally forgot about Kabir!
Oh my God! New mechanic?? Seizing narrative control!?! That's cool!
Jesus christ!! That static was a fucking jump scare omg!!!
No little boy can survive....?!? Don't you dare touch Joey!!!! I will murder you.
This narrative control is crazy!!! So badass.
"my Joey" omg I'm gonna cry! 😭
Kabir is gone?????? Because she took narrative control??. Cruel but amazing.
"Baby?" Not the baby omg. 😭😭😭 Parents talking gentle about their children is my weakness.
The shower turns off and the sink begins to run? Why?
... Is that racist against toreador??
Can she even...? NEIL! How were you going to finish that sentence???
"I've done sex" clearly said by someone who has had sex... Clearly.
The way I cackled when Neil said that.
Neil just talking about how he likes that his family is closer and Britta is the glue. 😭
Fester! Don't you dare make Neil doubt that Britta loves him!!
What what what??? What is happening???? What is this conversation??? Neil's sire?? What? Fire?!? Molotov cocktail??? Fester Neil's sire??? I'm so confused?!?
He has some guts, just pulling her by the corset and starting to untie it. So fucking rude!
"it's just rational to let him help" suuuure Britta.
In front of a fucking mirror??? Pendragon is such a walking villain cliché.
Jan Petersen is Miles's sire right?
Also so far the only redeeming quality Pendragon has (aside from sexiness) is the way he says camarilla.
They're just having a normal conversation and I think oh this isn't so bad, but then he goes to brush his hands over her arms and touch her and I'm just squicked out! And forcing her to see her moon. GROSS!!!!
This man is using such classic abusive tactics of pulling her in, being semi nice, and then threatening her. Like what a piece of trash!
Don't you dare be disarmed by this girl desperately trying to save herself from meeting the sun!!!
He summoned her to the bathroom?!? Like dude you can just call her over she is like 15 feet away from you. You are such a piece of SHIT!
I hate pendragon. And I hate That part of me is still going 👀.
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pro-crastinate17 · 11 months
hello this will be a reaction to black friday starkid because i like to talk about the things i like
(it ended up only being act 1 bc it got super long lol)
ths is only my third time watching it and the first time was like. 2 years ago (the second time was only a few months ago but i didnt absorb enough or write this so here we go again)
will be VERY long btw
in the jingle when angelas sniggle says "we're the sniggles! don't be scared!" she winks when she says dont be scared. this is. foreshadowing :thumbsup:
never getting over "hes deep down in drowsy town, sleepng the dreamless sleep of the dead!"
also JAMES TOLBERT!!!!! his VOICE im so <3 [heart]
also oh my god im reading WAY too far into this but. "hes riding santas sleigh cause hes friends with all the elves" wigglys main allies are uncle wiley and linda monroe, who are played by joey and lauren, who both play elves in santa claus is going to high school!!!
OUGH i love the announcer whose voice is that?? it is reminiscent of big bill hells lol
"i wanted a salad, but now i have a child" never gets old lol. also the exposition in this scene is FLAWLESS mwah
THE LA DI DA DA DAY MOTIF IN THE BACKGROUND LMAO (it is definitely NOT a la di da da day)
"i do not get flashbacks!!! ...i remember bad things vividly." TOM IS SO ME CODED LOL
emma doing paul's "okay" thing gives me LIFE
DYLAN SAUNDERS APPRECIATION MOMENT i love tom houston so much i love dylan saunders oh my goodness gracious literally flawless acting !!! and his VOICE i cant even (also him holding up his hands like the steering wheel is such good foreshadowing for him having been the one driving!!)
tom is COMPLETELY unable to read sarcasm. tom houston autism confirmed. (/silly)
OK OK I KNOW that "bud" is a common way to refer to weed. however. lex smoking weed in hatchetfield and says "bud" specifically?? PERKYS BUDS REFERENCE!
the "to nordstrom? ah shiiit!" he sounds so canadian?? i cant be the only one hearing this lol what was that
COREY DORRIS APPRECIATION MOMENT!!!!! HIS VOICE HIS ACTING HES SOOOO <3 [heart] also the frank and uncle wiley interaction is SO FUNNY !!! and the condescension paired with calling lex "alexandra" is a rlly good way to make it obvious how icky frank is i love it
"honest?" "cross my heart, hope to die" BUT HE WAS LYING AND THEN HE DIES. I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE STARKID
am i the only one whos curious about the gerald cinnabon story lmao. what did he DO that was so bad that gary goldstein attorney at law couldnt save him from the consequences?
"thats called a BRIBE and its ILLEGAL!!!" *skeptical look* "...or it SHOULD be." IM GIGGLING
im osrry the "my CHILDREN were accidents" line KILLS ME lmao. esp bc she literally IS making it everyone elses problem (by demanding 4 wigglys)!!
ik this fandom talks a lot about "stop crying gerald i wasnt talking to you" but i dont think we pay enough attention to lindas stanley monologue. like holy shit.
ALSO TOM TAKES THE SPOT BEHIND BECKY IN LINE AND DOESNT PAY ANYONE and no one even notces bc theyre all too busy gossiping lmao also what do you say is SUCH a good song aaaa!!! (why is the homeless man so invested on
"tHe YeArS hAvE pAsSeD"
unrelated but i just noticed curt (the farmer who has peanuts the hatchetfield pocket squirrel during what if tomorrow comes) does not currently have peanuts the hatchetfield pocket squirrel! how does he come to be in possession of peanuts? was peanuts also drawn to wiggly (since he is canonically a sentient being?) what is really going on here? maybe this was the real conspiracy all along /silly
JEFF BLIM WIGGLY HANDS (also distinctly resembles the wiggly hands jon does as wiggly in npmd!!)
also feast or famine is an INCREDIBLE song like actually AAAAAA !!! chaos reigns!!!
is ethan wearing a kilt? or a skirt?? also him saying "more bad" instead of worse GIGGLE
tom scaring gary off just by looking scary is PEAK comedy i take no criticism
"aHhH yUmMy!!!!!"
the resurgence of hello naughty list?? does sthat mean uncle wiley originally wanted lex to be the prophet. DOES THAT MEAN UNCLE WILEY ORIGINALLY WANTED LEX TO BE THE PROPHET.
i cant stop saying "i have pepper spray and i use it more than you can possibly imagine", also "ohh i dont know if you wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna FUCK with me miss monroe" ITS SO SILLY
when he sings the little "why should you give when you can get" BE STILL MY HEART (i have gender envy for joey richter)
"all you gotta do is just do what you do best-" "SHOP." "-be a mother." "...right." I LOVE THEIR DYNAMIC.
"yEs I fUcKiNg SeE hIm"
"iLL bItE yOuR nIpPLe OfF"
the way the wiggly is damaged is NOT what wouldve happened from being shot. but thats ok bc its my babygirl general john macnamara <3 [heart]
MONSTERS AND MEN IS SO GOOD. I LOVE JEFFS VOICE SM JEFF BLIM APPRECATION MOMENT !!!!! also he looks Rigjt at the camera when he says "its nothing on your phone" GIGGLE
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awigglycultist · 1 year
Finally got some free time this week (well actually I did have free time before this but that was spent crying about my last day of school) so that finally means I finally get to watch VHS Christmas Carol just barely in time for the finale day of this week of Rewatchers2000! (it's still Sunday for me okay?)
I've said many times before but I absolutely love VHSCC and I always end up thinking about in the spring time, so this is definitely great
I love everyone coming through the audience
I love Fred's energy so much
Here's my man Bob Cratchit!!!
I love that the background turns all static when Scrooge is yelling at Bob
I love the way different characters react when passing by Scrooge during the "the crabbiest, scumbaggiest" bit. Like AJ ducks below him, James makes an angry face and like steps up to him and waves him away, and Jaime blocks her face.
The way Clark and AJ sound together during the transition song, especially on the "as the man begins to speeeaaakkk" bit ugghh omg they sound so good
Ugh Meredith as Jacob Marley hnggg
"these scary chains I wear" can't help but to make me laugh I little I'm sorry
I love how much cheering and screaming there is for Jaime through I'm The Ghost
Jaime's voice is so hnngngng aughfhf snhmfnfa ya know?
I'll never get over the Ghost of Xmas Past smoking a cigarette
Also I love the way she teases Scrooge during the transition song and That Scrooge
Seriously they all sooo amazing
Ahh my man!! Ghost of Xmas Present!!
I love Scrooge trying to stop himself from dancing
I sure feel the Christmas electricity in this Chili's tonight
Shout out to AJ's little facial expressions during this bit
And we got some real cocain!
James' glasses and shoes lighting up and being the only things you can see in the dark is so fun
Also Scrooge is high let's goooo
Does anyone know what Brian says after "our tiny tin is getting heavier" bc I still have no clue
Oh boy Priceless time!!
God the disgusts on Emily's face Vs how happy and proud Bob looks is so funny
You really can feel the love in this song
Haha among us
Big Chungus
Go off Ghost of Xmas Present
Final Ghost is such a bop
Jamie really does sound etherial
Scrooge you dummy you're the dead guy
I will never get I've over gay couple
Ugh the emotion in Joey's voice
Woo quick change
Ugh its so cool that they included Ali (and Britney in the preshow)
Once again saying it but the hug between Bob and Scrooge and Marley and Scrooge are so warm
How am I just now realizing that AJ And Corey don't come out during the bit where they all walk across the stage ("Scrooge was better, than his word" ect) and instead don't come back out until the "the meanest man there ever was" bit
Also shout out to the little boop on the nose Scrooge gives to Tiny Tim
Shout out to the person who yells "he's back!" when Brian comes out to bow
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syn4k · 1 year
Open mic night
Requests are closed. Please do not send any in.
One warm spring night, all of the emperors were invited around Oli's campfire on the Olipelago.
"Now," he said, leaning towards the flames, "we have an evening of storytelling and music, drama and mystique!" He leaned back and raised his arms. "Welcome to the Olipelago's Open Mic Campfire Night!"
There was polite clapping from all sides. "Ooh, it rhymes," said Joel to Jimmy, who was sitting next to him and nodded.
"As your host, I'll go first," said Oli, taking out his lute and experimentally strumming a few chords. "I've been practicing this one for a while, and I think you'll all like it." He grinned, and couldn't keep a small snicker out of his voice as he went on. "Anyways, here's Wonderwall."
Jimmy had to be physically restrained from jumping over the fire and beating the lute into the ground, but otherwise, the performance went as smoothly as could be expected. Fwhip kept his head in his hands, Gem looked anywhere but her neighbor, and Pix kept a neutral expression on his face, trading marshmallows to roast with Sausage nearby and quietly showing him how to get them onto s'mores. A couple people clapped halfheartedly when Oli finished his performance.
"I'll go next," announced Jimmy loudly as soon as the last note had wavered out of the air. He stood up on the log he was sitting on. "In the mesa, we have a long tradition of telling scary stories at night to keep ourselves busy while out at outposts," he said, voice lowering. "One of the most popular tales, and the one that I'll be sharing with everyone here tonight, is that of the Forgotten Horseman."
A few people around the fire gasped, but quieted down as Jimmy went on. The Forgotten Horseman, he explained, was a long-lost fifth spirit of the mesa that had been separated from her brothers when she forsook her station to do good for mortals upon the world. She had once been known as Fate, but she stayed entirely neutral. Legend had it that she was still wandering around the mesas at night, keeping guard over the town. But if you ever said a bad thing about her, she would hear and cause misfortune and havoc in your household.
The campfire was very quiet when he finished. "You're right," said Oli. "That was scary."
"Thank you," said Jimmy in a cheerful tone much different than the more solemn one he had used for the stories. "Anyone else?"
"Uhhhhh, I might have something," mumbled Joel. Everyone looked at him, and he shifted in his seat. "It's not a very long story," he said quickly. "I don't think many people would be interested in-"
"Any stories are worth sharing," said Pix. Several people nodded, and Joel sighed and went on haltingly.
"It's about the ocean," he said. "Some people say that because the rivers go into the ocean and because it drips into the caves and goes into the air and all that, the ocean knows everything. That's why sometimes people sail across it to other places and learn things."
"Oh, that's a thing I've heard too!" exclaimed Joey. "At my seaside town, we have a saying. It goes something like 'the sea is a knowledgeable mistress, but her tempers are dangerous.' Out on the open ocean, things can change like that." He snapped his fingers.
"Well, that's not ominous at all," said Lizzie.
"Anyone else?" asked Oli. Everyone but Pix shook their heads.
"I was going to go last," he said. "I have a yarn to spin, if anyone would like to hear it."
"The history man tells a history story?" asked Oli. "How surprising!"
"Well, I wouldn't say it's history," said Pix. "More of a legend."
"Pix tells the best stories," whispered Jimmy to Sausage, who nodded. "Go on."
"Well," said Pix, voice taking on a mysterious and solemn quality, "it's been said that in another land long ago, there was a man who tangled with a Creator.
"Back then, the gods and the more common players mingled freely and shared space more often than they did now. The world was smaller back then, you see. But this man was so powerful that eventually one of the gods decided that something had to be done to stop him."
Everyone leaned in, and Pix laughed a little. "Oh, yeah. Apparently, this guy was so powerful that one of the Creators decided he had to do something about it himself.
"So he walked up to this guy like normal, but instead of talking like they usually did, the god took out an axe and chopped off his arm."
Everyone around the fire gasped. "Is he alright?" asked Oli.
"Oh, yeah," said Pixl. "Apparently he just made himself an arm out of metal and wire to replace the old one and became even more powerful."
Gem squinted at him. "This sounds familiar," she said.
Pix shrugged and gave her a smile. "You might have heard it somewhere before," he said. "It's an old legend, but not a very popular one, and as time goes on I'm seeing that it's fading into obscurity."
"Thank goodness you're here for that, then, Pix," said Fwhip. He lifted his small glass of water. "Three cheers to the story man!"
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hunterwritesstuff · 5 months
Marcy relationship chart perhaps?
Pre-Fall of studio:
Hunter: "My son..."(Family)
Sammy: "Hunter's latest...interest..."(Tension)
Joey: "Loneliness is terrible...but that doesn't mean you get to treat people terribly..."(Tension)
Rebecca: "..."(Family?)
Bruce: "...my...my "husband"."(Loved?)
Susie: "Glad to help..."(Friendly)
Tom: "....thank you for stepping up..."(Tension)
Allison: "...tired..."(Tension)
Wally: "I'm sorry."(Tension)
Kenneth: "...sorry."(Tension)
John: "you seem...sweet..."(Tension)
Henry: "I'm doing what I can."(Tension)
Norman: "..."(Tension)
Bertrum: "..."(Tension)
Lacie: "A..A strong woman."(Tension)
Mary: "...he....he's scary..."(Tension)
GENT(The company): "...I've only heard bad things..."(Tension)
Barley(Hunter's bio dad): "...please....please, God, let this be some sort of fucked up nightmare."(Loved)
Grant: "...."(Tension)
Post-fall of studio:
Hunter: "WHERE IS HE?!? WHERE'S MY BABY BOY?!?"(Family)
Sammy: "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!?"(Tension)
Rebecca: "please find him...please, God, find him..."(Family)
Susie: "Beauty is more than the outside."(Tension)
Tom: "Protect him with all you have."(Tension)
Allison: "You too...protect him with all your Goddamn heart."(Friendly)
Wally: "Oh God..."(Tension)
Kenneth: "...I'm so sorry..."(Tension)
John: "...poor thing..."(Tension)
Henry: "...I'm sorry."(Tension)
Norman: "Oh God...Mr. Polk...?"(Tension)
Bertrum: "..."(Feared)
Lacie: "this is no fun..."(Feared)
Mary: "Oh GOD!! What HAPPENED to you?!"(Feared)
GENT(The company): "The stories were true."(Hated)
Barley(Hunter's bio dad): "Please GOD LET ME WAKE UP ALREADY."(Loved)
Grant: "....oh..."(Tension)
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herecirmsims · 1 year
15 Questions Tag Game
Thank you @alpine-lapine​​ for the tag! I’ll put the questions and answers below a cut so as not to clog the timeline. Random story screenshot above, just because.
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Are you named after anyone? Yeah, a person my mum met while backpacking during her gap year.
When was the last time you cried? I stabbed myself in the eye a few weeks ago on some rush grass, I cried then. It left an ulceration across my cornea (which apparently has the most nerves in the eye?) and was UNBELIEVABLY painful. I spent a couple days unable to see because moving the damaged eye (which I couldn’t open anyway) meant it rubbed against my eyelid and hurt like hell, and I had to keep my good eye closed to avoid the temptation to move my eyes to look at things. I don’t recommend, tbh.
Do you have kids? Absolutely not.  😅
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Not really. I s’pose I might be peak British and say “Oh yeah it was fucking amazing” if someone asks how a bad situation went.  🤔 I enjoy sarcasm when I understand it/know the person using it, but otherwise it stresses me out when people say things they don’t mean.
What sports do you play/have you played? None competitively, I don’t really enjoy them.
What’s the first thing you notice about other people? Their energy, which is the most hippyish response I could’ve said.  🤣
Eye colour? Blue-grey, somewhere in between.
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings! I enjoy a lot of angst on the way there, though. The angst makes the happy ending sweeter, I think, but I like to know that it will end well. Nothing worse than investing myself in a story only to be left feeling sad and empty at the end of it.
Any special talents? Hmm... no. I’m quite good at finding things - noticing small insects or interesting things amongst the stones at the beach, stuff like that.
Where were you born? In the UK.
What are your hobbies? The vast majority of my hobbies are Sims related - storytelling, posemaking, playing. I also enjoy looking for old bottles in Victorian dumps (a lot of farms have them round here), looking for cool things on the beach, bug-hunting, growing vegetables, archery, writing fantasy, hiking.
Do you have any pets? Yes! I have a cat (an ex feral kitten) called Belleraphon or Bel for short, two ponies called Cash and Joey (though they’re really my partners. One was bought because he was going through sales, and with his issues my partner knew he’d have a bad outcome - he’s not ridden and lives in retirement with us. The other was given to us for free by a roofer we had in, and we took him because he’d been living on his own for four years - equines absolutely need company), and two mules called Marty and Xato who are mine (my own! My precious! I bought one for £1 and the other was given to me. I don’t talk about them much in my Sims community circles but I’m obsessed with them... mules are absolutely my number one special interest).
How tall are you? 5′3″
Fave subject in school? English and Media Studies
Dream job? I'd still say author, though whether I’ll ever get over my perfectionist trait and publish anything is another issue. I enjoy writing drabbles for myself, and I enjoy my Sims story which is god-awful but I embrace that - it’s been really freeing just to put down whatever I want to read, and share without overthinking anything. It would be nice to earn money from things I enjoy, but that then puts pressure on them.
I’m not tagging anyone because I tarried and I think everyone who I would’ve tagged has done this already, so if you see this then it’s an open invitation. 
And because I think people might ask, and I can’t resist talking about them a teeny tiny bit... here are my mules. Marty, on the left, was photographed here on his way to the shops; Xato, on the right, was helping me carry sacks of pulled hemlock up to the bonfire. Marty is my going out and about mule (he also does litter-picking, takes bottles to the recycling centre, carries food and luggage on long hikes), and Xato is the work-on-the-farm mule. Though neither have done much at all for a while because sometimes I’m not very good at walking.  😅 
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ab-arts · 2 years
I finished the game a few hours ago, still almost doesn’t feel real skndjsjs
But HOLY FUCK it was amazing!!
Of course I have my nitpicks but overall I give it a solid 9/10! Wish my shit ass computer would’ve given me more than 3-5 fps sometimes (not exaggerating)
Some rambles regarding the game below, nothing coherent or an official review just some thoughts:
Alright so first of all HOLY SHIT THE GRAPHICS, GOREGOUS
Even the very beginning of the game I was on edge, the atmosphere the game gave was immaculate
Once again wish I hadn’t been lagging so bad I was constantly faceplanting into walls XD
All the mirrors in the game actually worked!! Idk why that amazed me so much but it did
Audreeeey, omg I love her, I love her so much,,
She reacts to things! She’s dynamic she’s alive!! Henry I love you too but please man you’re a little bland considering the horrors around you dhdjdh—but ooh I love her and her personality,, there’s some parts I wished she’d reacted to more n had more lines but mostly I just really loved listening to her talk,,,
SPEAKING OF HENRY, HENRY HAS A CANON DESIGN NOW!! NEAT! Still keeping my own the same though cuz I like it better jdndjdh
ALSO JOEY WAS THERE TOO—he was so fascinating?? Like..he wasn’t this evil guy, he regretted what he did? And he and Allison were friends I think? And he helped Audrey? AND OH MY GOD THE REVEAL THAT HE MADE HER IN THE REAL WORLD?? I was blown away honestly. And omfg my design for Joey had a Bendy pin and GUESS WHAT CANON JOEY HAD
His design is a little weird for me tho? Like it’s cool and absolutely is scary, I’m just not fond of his face?? His teeth?? That’s not a smile that’s just teeth, he gotta have a smile, turn up the corners of his mouth plz
Also was not very thrilled by the mechanic where you have to hide from him, except he’s not even there and it’s just a countdown to insta-death? I was hoping to actually get hunted by him and have to stealth, Alien: Isolation style. The mechanic also annoyed me in another way cuz it usually caused a lag spike aaaand it’s hard to hurry and find a hiding spot when you have 3 fps and keep running into walls, though that was caused by my shit computer, not the game itself, so it gets a pass. Still would’ve preferred getting hunted by the Ink Demon though
Also can we talk about whatever the FUCK the Keepers were?? Those things were CREEPY like, EIEHGHHG WHAT THE HELL, the way they TALKED dear god
They don’t even have legs they just SLITHER AROUND
The Lurker was funky but I don’t have too many thoughts about it itself, more about the LONG ASS SIDE QUEST you can do for it that I didn’t know was OPTIONAL
I had to go all the way back up to the fuckin Animation Ally and oh my god the amounts of times I died, the many times the map broke or the one time it just wasn’t there at all (once again I blame my computer), the time in a fight in which it was lagging so bad it nearly crashed and the audio was freaking out, and what do I get after all that? A FUCKIN SCHEMATIC AND SOME COLLECTABLES
Allison omg, I loved her in this- I only wished she showed up more, she was a delight and I really wanted her and Audrey to become friends. Tom was there too but I don’t really care about him kdndjjd
ALICE THO, GOD what a return, and it was SPECTACULAR. The riddle (that was fun to solve, and not stupid hard like some of the other fuckin puzzles I hate puzzles I suck at them), the fucking ELECTRIC CHAIR she put Audrey on, HAVING A GUN??? THE WHOLE OH SO TENDER SCENE BETWEEN HER AND ALLISON,,,?? God I have feelings
Wilson is..hard to describe cuz honestly I didn’t know what to make of him? Like the beginning scene with him in the elevator was very ew creepy please stop, I could just feel Audrey’s discomfort, and obviously the whole turning on the ink machine (I was so obsessed with the gathering ritual items for the pedestals parallel) and murdering himself and Audrey scene was a big red flag, and ofc the creepy ass posters and lying and just having dictator-y but distant vibes, but later on he kind of seemed like he had decent motives?? Idk..but OH IT WAS A TRICK, A TRICKY TRICK—HE TRIED TO TURN AUDREY INTO HIS OC
It was sooo funny to watch that scene play out and Wilson starts dragging her toward that machine, and I was just going like “push him in push him in push him in” and then she DID and I was like YEEEAH
I’m not sure which is scarier though, that thing whatever it’s called or the fuckin SPIDER THINGS WITH TEETH
Oh my GOD I hated those so much, ESPECIALLY THE BIG ONE
I think I was either lagging too much of never got killed directly by it to see it, but aPPARENTLY IT HAS A DISTURBING DEATH SCENE WHERE IT EATS AUDREY ALIVE
I wanted to see the deaths scenes in non-laggy format and I watched it and YEAH
Oh I can’t forget about Bettyyyy, what a sweet gal, I love her and I need more of her
And whatever the fuck that weird book was, the Mug and the Maiden?? Who wrote that they sound hilarious
The whole thing about the ink world and the real world being SEPERATE WORLDS was wild too, like—there was a CITY there, it was HUGE, and the implications of the ink people there being memories, like Joey—the real world versions not there at all but simply alternate copies living a hell (ofc the exception being Audrey and Wilson I’m assuming who’s real world selves were Actually There)
OH OH AND BABY BENDERSSS!! Didn’t do hardly anything and kind of just followed me around for a bit but he was cute! Immediately followed with oh my fucking god as I found out he got tortured by the Keepers
Also in this butcher shop (which had a clever little Meatly reference in the name that made me chuckle) there was just these words that said “the beef is people” and like wow, Audrey accidentally committing cannibalism real
NO CUZ ID BEEN EATING IT. THERES FOOD ALL AROUND (more than just bacon soup! It was all very creative and I liked it ^^) AND SOME OF ITS SLABS OF MEAT
But anyway, I saved the most important details for last—THE PARTS WITH SAMMY!!
There were hardly any. My day is ruined and my disappointment is immeasurable. BUT, I did enjoy the ones that were there! Sammy having a couple memos, him being held in a cell by the Keepers (FREE HIM) as he’s designated a Cyclebreaker, just playing his banjo looking all vacant, and during the final combat scene HE HAD VOICELINES! A few, before he was SHOT OFF A BALCONY BY ALLISON. ALLISON HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME. FIRST YOUR HUSBAND NOW YOU. WHY
He did a fucking Wilhelm scream as he died (for the 4th time in the series mind you) tho so that was hilarious, but STILL
GIVE ME MORE IN DEPTH SAM CONTENT JDS. DO I NEED TO BRIBE YOU. (for legal reasons this is a joke)
But yeah! Overall these are most of my thoughts regarding how I feel about the game, and though there’s things I would personally change (aaand considering I didn’t get nearly all of the achievements and there’s probably bounds of secrets I didn’t find, there’s prolly a shit ton I still don’t know), I still thoroughly enjoyed playing it! For me it was worth the wait ^^
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shatteredinkglass · 1 year
What I think about Bendy: Campus Crush
So... I watched the April Fools video for Bendy: Campus Crush, and I'm having conniptions.
On the one hand, I love the idea of a Bendy story taking place in a modern-like era. On the other hand, some of the character designs are making my brain go into a million different directions on what the plot would actually be.
First off: What do I think about the characters.
Audrey: She looks like a completely different person. And I get it's supposed to be "anime-like", but I just see it as mid.
Henry: Literally looks like somebody's Henry design before we got Henry's ACTUAL appearance in Bendy and the Dark Revival. I actually DO like it, but I think they could have made him a LITTLE bit older looking.'
Boris: Just... WHY? I mean I get it, he's a wolf, and it's accurate, but THIS is one of the things that have been giving me conniptions! Like, are humans and beastkin (what I call human-like animals) living together in harmony or is this a werewolf situation? Plus... Is this Buddy or Tom? If it's Buddy, I'm going to rage. If it's Tom... Will still rage but have a lesser amount.
Sammy: Oh my god... He ACTUALLY looks good AND accurate. I WANT the REAL Sammy to have this outfit in the next real game. But he's also been giving me conniptions! Like... Is he just a theater kid who wears the mask to be mysterious or does he have some kind of facial disfiguration like Susie and uses the mask to hide it?
Joey: He looks like if he was back in his war days. No, I'm serious. Not only does he look like he kind of has his life together, but he's probably a lot happier too.
Susie/"Ms. Angel": I HATE it. It just looks like they just took some of Twisted Alice's disfiguration and slapped it on a random anime girl they found on the internet.
Bendy: I do like this one, but the horns are a LITTLE bit too big. Size them down a bit and you should be good.
Ink Demon: I had chills when I first saw him. But in a GOOD way. Looking at him reminded me of the early days of DDLC when Monika was ACTUALLY scary.
Allison: Same argument I made about Audrey but a bit more mid. She looks like an elementary student but I still do care about her. Don't see her as romanceable though.
Wilson: NO. Just NO. Get him off this campus. I do NOT want him anywhere near me or the others.
Next: The plot.
Now THIS is what's been keeping me up at night, but I think I have some kind of idea.
First, this is a female Y/N story, meaning you either have a default name or put in your own name.
And I know what you're thinking.
"Why would you immediately assume the Y/N is female?"
Well, considering the actual Bendy series takes place in the 60s and 70s, the LGBTQ representation wasn't exactly THERE back then, so of course the MC would be female.
Second, this is going to be a loop story, kind of like what DDLC did. Basically this means you're going to go through each romance path once until you get the true ending.
Like for example, you go through Henry's path, but at the end you either die or get corrupted by a certain someone, then you go back at the beginning, but you will not be able to romance him anymore.
Once you go through Boris', and Sammy's paths, you'll be able to get to the true ending which is the Ink Demon. That one I'll explain in a bit.
Third, Bendy and Audrey are your guides. You don't assume anything at first, thinking Bendy's just some hallucination the MC's mind created, but you find out that Audrey and everyone else can see him too. Also, they stay by your side after every loop until the true ending. I imagine him being the "little brother and big sister" characters to the MC that at first dislike them but end up seeing them like the siblings they never had.
Fourth, there is a matchmaking mechanic that will be used in the true ending. Basically, it means you have to get your former romanceables with people who ACTUALLY love them, like for example Henry with Linda and Boris with Allison.
Fifth, Wilson is the true antagonist. Let's face it, the guy's a villain through and through, no changing that. He'd basically pull the same act that he did on Audrey back in Revival on the MC by pretending to be on their side but in the end, he reveals he was the one killing the MC in every ending except the true ending.
Sixth, the "mystery" will be our MC trying to get their real memories back. Yes, I know. The "Amnesia" trope has been done to death but considering this is a loop story, I think it's warranted.
Seventh, the Ink Demon will be the real romance path in the true ending. This is because I believe the MC was the Ink Demon's future bride but on her wedding day Wilson ended up killing her. The Ink Demon then revived us but the first time we ended up with amnesia. After all the other paths are done, we then go down the Ink Demon's route that is basically the MC just falling in love with him all over again and we defeat Wilson for good.
These are my thoughts so far. For those who want to somehow make this a reality, you can use my this as some kind of guideline. Have a good day/night!
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haysprite · 1 year
ask and shall receive
the rest of the killers. I haven't really made any progress on any of them but the inspiration for the fantasy au was my love for fairytale-like stories and how dark they can be (like the Grimm brother's tales or etc). so I mostly put characters in who would most likely fit in a fairytale au. the huntress is one of them since her story sounds like a folklore story. the wraith was once a human but he reincarnated into a spirit of a magic forest. the trapper was the son of the Macmillan house in a different kingdom (perhaps the richter kingdom). so coming up with a role for herman is hard since he's all electric but I feel like he would be a doctor while he would invent some punishments or execution devices (I got inspired by the fact that a dentist was the one who invented the electric chair).
now onto the fun stuff Julie x Frank. they had multiple fun adventures together with Susie and Joey. they travelled to many places, stole valuables and sold them on the black market, sometimes Danny and Amanda would visit them, and at one point I feel like they settled to live in a nice village, built their own cottage and started their own mini farm :). they did attend a masquerade ball and Frank cried about how pretty Julie was and they had a fun night. while they were still in the Kostenko kingdom Julie and Frank shared Julie's bed (they didn't do anything, just to clarify). sometimes they would do some silly roleplays together where they make fun of those fairytale stories. onetime when they were doing it some guy actually thought Julie was in danger and tried to "save" her by pulling her away from Frank and running away from him. she got pissed off and told the man that she was fine and that she was only pretending however the man didn't believe her so she just punched him in the nose and walked off with frank.
alright now onto the angst stuff. basically, the whole group got caught because somebody snitched on them (it was Meg) so they were all brought back to the kostenko kingdom. since Frank had committed the crime of "kidnapping" a royal family member he was publicly executed, Joey and Susie weren't allowed to be with Julie alone anymore and they rarely see her Julie was forced to marry somebody she didn't like and was kept on watch 24/7. so basically Julie's life became very miserable, she was forced to watch the love of her life die right in front of her, she rarely gets to spend time with her friends and she was forced to be around somebody she hates :(.
YEAHHHHHH HUNTRESSS!!!!!! On god it'd be so fucking funny if the Leg ever interacted with her, just big scary lady with hatchet living in the woods that would immediately befriend (or surprise adopt) Julie and Susie 🙏 Also that's honestly exactly what I was thinking Doc would be all about as well! He'd defo be into that like, torture/punishment/execution bullshit, just utilizes electricity like he normally does !
Also I regret asking about this part now, actually /j Goddammit I like, figured this is what it would be, BUT IT STILL HURTS :(( Like oh my god, the idea that Julie finally got everything that she wanted, only for it to be taken away from her within such a short period of time is so painful oh my god 😭 My heart be broke so many times istg, I just want her to be happy </3
Godddd I've said this before but I'll say it again, I fucking adore this AU so muchhhh! Like, my own personal AUs/story ideas are typically what's on my mind, but sometimes this AU just kinda wiggles its way in there and sits there and I just enjoy thinking about it so much !!!
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bigbroemen · 1 year
1, 2, 13, 16 for the gaming asks :3c
ask 1 ive got answered for brostateexam on some that he sent me, this is what I wrote
1. Last game you finished
i am like pretty sure it was dark souls. ive been playing a Bunch of stuff on and off for the past 3 or 4 months but dark souls was one that i stuck to and i beat it with my caster character naomi in like early march
2. Game(s) you’re currently playing
ok oh god. okay i SAID i was playing a bunch of games on and off but truthfully i have Started a bunch of games and have not finished them and my heart isn't too set on touching back on them. some im ok with that and others i feel like i should get back to them
Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time (JP) [dead/i should get back to it]
i stopped playing this in like late february and i definitely want to start playing it again. it has been more constructive for me for practicing japanese because it is just a bit less dense than other games like path of radiance. i think i like only finished the first little arc though LOL in the forest w the caterpillar boss
Super Mario Galaxy (JP) [dead/i should get back to it]
i got pretty far here! i think ive 100%ed everything up to the bedroom. there's not much i can say about what ive practiced with this game besides it was a nice refresher/maintainer; there's furigana for the kanji and all the characters speak in unique ways that are still digestible
Dark Souls (again. as a cleric) [dead/its ok i got like more than halfway through so it'll be fun to pick up again whenever i do]
after i beat the game with naomi i like immediately started another file as my cleric madeline. its been really fun with her and ive been enjoying using ultra great swords/lightning magic with her. iiiii got the lordvessel and i saved the cleric in the tomb of the giants, and i made it to the ash lake and the painted world for the first time this playthrough
Sonic Riders (JP) [dead/its ok i unlocked aiai&nights&ulala]
it is very very interesting playing japanese sonic because some of the characters have like very different personalities. sonic is more like, Cool Dependable Upstanding guy who like shouts stuff in english sometimes (ALL RIIGHT/Hey !), where I feel like english sonic is a little bit more of an rascal
amy is like a LOT more "cute". like english amy is like scary and Her Own Girl but jp amy is just like more sweet (for the record i feel like english amy is a lot more engaging and fun (I love lisa ortiz amy))
WAVE is like SO interesting, i feel like english wave is so bitchy and mean (love and respect to her all the same) and jp wave is still Mean but she's so much more cordial and polite, she's kind of like a gentleman about it and still offers respect to the people she speaks to
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic [dead/IM SAD ABOUT IT BUT I CANT DO ANYTHING]
i had been playing it for joey and he was Loving it and i was loving it too because i just love that game, but after i saved bastila the game started like crashing non stop. i did some troubleshooting/research and it turns out discord streaming and kotor just Do Not mix well. we had to give it up and im so sad. i had a demolitions/security dual wielding blade girl named DYNA BLASTER and she failed every single speech skill check
Stardew Valley [alive]
me and joey have been touching on this with our collective farm the past few weeks. its hard because his work and where he lives tires him out so bad, so he just needs to sit back and rest more than he can play games with me, but were in the beginning of the summer right now and things are going well. i am like being a spreadsheet farmer making max profits while he's got his strong variety of crops at his place so we can actually complete the bundles. we didn't realize we had access to the mines until the end of spring though LOL
Valkyria Chronicles [alive]
I will have joey fall asleep to me playing games and after kotor stopped working this is what i picked up. i like this game a lot, a lot of the uh.. the voice acting can annoy me (SOMETIMES i really like it) and how lightheartedly the game depicts war and racism irks me, but i love love love love how the game plays. its fire emblem but you're down On The Field doing the work and its very engaging
13. Quick, name the first song from a game that comes to mind
oh fuck ok well the first thing that came to mind was the metroid prime theme LOL
16. A game you’d like to replay that you haven’t
oh oh oh omg??????? I wanna replay crash bandicoot 2??!!!! i played it all the time as a kid when we still had our playstation like 1999-2001 and i remember the girl with her tiger and there was like a level with hot air balloons. i have slowly been building more and more motivation to get to it and this is like doin smth. time to add another game to the currently playing list
THANK YOU BRO bitch im gonna send u some........
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catrose13 · 2 years
Chapter Nine Spooky Scary Skeletons (In The Closet) this Chapters "Brought To You By" is Being Gay and Doing Crime. Also Joey Breaking the Fourth Wall Again. This Chapters Art is very detailed and makes me feel inadequate
You mean the tiny elephants were real??!
...The Spooky Bunny? Is...is that them? ...Possibly a Celtic figure instead of Egyptian?
Shadi ready to storm the castle just like in Princess Bride
Vixen threatening a God
Shadi judging Pegasus' taste...and laughing at the Foliage version of his old friend
Poor boy with understandable trust issues
Oh no now he's sad
...Shadi confused by the laughter he hears
This is about the point that realisation should be dawning
Wrong White Haired Millenium Item Bearer
Shadi throwing shade on "whoever" gave an Artist the Eye
The Scales trying to locate Multiple Items? Or is the Hare some how also related to the Eye?
"He's so cunning and intelligent" Pegasus *snores*
Trying to figure things out... Why is there a pic of me?!
Year confusion
Finally the shouting. He's confused and concerned and he want to know how the heck Pegasus know him
Oh no, Kemo's getting drunk with the incredibly Shady Hare I trust it not at all
Kemo stop starting to feel comfortable with it!! Why could Keith's common sense not infect other members of Pegasus' staff?
Wine labels are very weird
And now the Russians are there
Sergei took that title and is now running with it
"My Weed Dealer’s Mechanic’s Client’s Brother’s Nephew-in-Law"
Well at least Kemo is aware Pegasus' eye is fucked up?
KEMO THE HARE IS NOT A "Nice Guy"!! The Hare is Hella Sus, it is encouraging Pegasus' delusions of Grandeur
Misha? Why does the Shady Hare know you? And why do you sound like "creaking wood" what are you Misha?
WAIT Pause! That Hare almost said "writing" the Hare is breaking the Fourth Wall too, I thought only Joey had that power in this fic??
...I knew that Hare was shady
Shadi! x2!
I still don't trust that Hare or the "Hole" in his pocket
Ah hah! Scaly-Shadi is being pulled to either the Hare or other Millenium Items
Shad-key in the meantime is quoting Alice in Wonderland and I'm a little worried about what that could be foreshadowing
Anubis is now smol
Was it a Chupacabra? I was sure it was Ammit. Damn
Who/What is that Damned Hare/Rabbit!!
"A Greek Statue with arms" very nice
...Bakura....who you nuzzling at in your dream Bakura?
Yugi's "Prowess as a Human Plushie"
Yeah there's more of them Seto they have you out-numbered
Love that he's giving Mai all the respect
I'm learning things again... only this time it's not things that will traumatise me
Joey making deals with the Foxes
Seto... well I guess in the right light and if you aren't a nature-y person it's possible to mistake Foxes for Cats...possibly
"Tits"... Well you did get up close and personal with some chests Bakura so it's not in-accurate
Ah morning hugs
Joey measuring Yugi to see who he's greeting
Oof early morning no glasses "why does everything look wrong?" it also helps explain the confusion about the foxes
"Eating for two" whatta way to phrase that
Yami and Téa having a heart felt moment only for Seto to interrupt
They're Foxes Seto. Foxes
Seto you Miette'd that fox "You Kick the Fox? You Kick it like the Football?! Oh Jail! Jail for Human for a thousand years!" or rather "ten millennia of imprisonment"
...Grandpa what're you up to?
Aw man Tristan's poor family... I hope he's not in too much trouble
It's probably not going to be Mr With-A-K, I think he learnt his lesson
...Is that...Anubis?...Di Joey just...?? I think he did... oop
"San Fransokoyo"! Baymax! Tadashi! Aunt Cass!
Joey...this whole conversation and kidnapping have been a train wreck.
Oh no... Guys don't make me sing the song again... I'll do it
Well...your argument is sounding valid... but I still don't like it
Yugi maybe shouldn't be encouraging Seto to set things on fire when they are planning on robbing the place
Oh dear, now Mai also wants to set shit on fire
...Yugi stop thinking about Seto's tits
I'm glad Tristan's genre savvy enough to know not to tempt fate
Oof heat and humidity are terrible I'm with her on this one
Odion? You have a sensei?
"Vulpine Cyclical Zoothropy" that's being a werefox right?
I love the consistency, we learnt about Sasha from the Russians and now we're hearing about her again, I think I remember another reference to her as well
Aw Marik you are a good overlord to your minions
Dammit Hodgekiss this is a Serious Moment
...Well at least Marik knows the importance of helmets?
"Dr Chopper"... Is that...????
Hmm who are you Odion's Sensei?
Odion you liar
...I think he less restrains his brother and more gently directs him at worthy targets
Hounds and Hare....
"A bit of Arson and a lot of Larceny" I feel like that could describe the mood of this chapter so far
Marik needs glasses? Maybe??
Ah Peace and Quiet and Brotherly Understanding....A lack of Hodgekiss....
I feel like Stephannie knows so much
What a bunch of idiots
How much do you want to bet each of those listed kids is going to show up in this fic?
Joey is officially losing his shit
...Joey you... you see Dr Crane? DOCTOR CRANE?!!
You guys definitely went overboard
...That was a lot of swears that I honestly had never heard before
Joey has a lot of trauma
I think Keith's regretting getting his boys to kidnap this one
Keith's older sibling energy is so strong, he's trying to comfort Joey
Oh Hey Joeys back. He checked out for a bit and kinda spewed his trauma everywhere but he's back now
Mokuba did what? I mean I'd believe it
Keith I feel like you're in the wrong genre
At least Kemo's warning people about the Rabbit/Hare/Thing
"Cursed Shit Be Afoot"
Keith finds out Pegasus can read minds and steal souls and shit. Keith instantly decides the island is too unsafe for his little dudes
"Nobody dies or gets sunburned or gets their souls ripped out" Good job Keith
Bakura just licking stuff that came off walls
"Zorc" this is a Name thing right? Where you don't say the True Name for Fear of Invoking or Giving Power to the Entity
Don't worry Tristan the Ring is still in it's Cheezy Prison...Not that that's stopping it's current occupant
The Counting
For the love of everything Tristan! he's not a Werewolf!
I'm doing the squinty eyes of suspicion "were-rabbit" why are rabbits so important?
Socially Awkward Brit or Vampire? It's hard to tell
"Fae ancestors".... Is the Spooky Bunny one of the Fae???
"Sunnydale syndrome" Does Buffy exist in this world?
Poor Tristan's Mom
It's so interesting that there are PSAs and awareness things about it
"Forks Syndrome" The Sparkly vampires exist here too?
The Parasite was such a dick
Yami... doesn't know what a vampire is...Concerning....
Does Seto also have Thorin-itis?
He's treating Mai as an informative podcast? Lol
...Ah tangenting in your head only to completely derail conversations. You know how you got there but everyone else quite is confused
Well... I'm glad they've found some common ground to talk about?
Oof Mai
Ah Anubis you've returned... I think
He's found someone to carry him!
Ah naturally chatty people who train their friends and associates, even if you're too tired to verbally respond just make an acknowledging noise every now and then and I'll be happy
Pegasus was basically Mai's parent, oh now I'm having a sad
Trans bonding
Does Seto have Hyper-mobility? My Friend has it and from what he's saying about how he grew too quickly it sounds like something he could have
Anubis The Emotional Support Animal
Yugi O....
I'm glad Téa's self aware of the Goddess like nature of her quads
I think Osiris maybe... Grandpa did spend a lot of time in Egypt
Yami making life difficult for Yugi
Téa not minding at all
Lol "It's very cozy" Yami get your mind out of the gutter
I wonder what is the dumbest way to conduct a seance that Bakura's ever heard of
Bakura is not a fan of his family. Which honestly understandable
Right Téa's Mom is definitely in the Bad Parent Box
Tristan's Brother-In-Law sounds awesome
Time sounds screwed
lol "Thoths Hangovers"
...Tristan Bakura's not likely to beat on someone for making out with his sister, he's seems like the kinda guy who'd let his sister decide that for herself
Aw Tristan
Poor Bakura's sister
Tristan you also did not kiss a ghost
Lol He's not offended cos your a dude he's offended cos you could have been "making out this whole time"
Joey and Yugi are just on the same wavelength
"Serenity Fucking Krieger" I feel like Bakura could tell stories about her
"You seem a nice young man and she threw a nun out a window" Bakura so confused by how they're related
It's only the knowledge that Joey once mugged Yugi that helps him grasp their relation
The Cards tried their best to help but Joey was Having a Moment. and also knew nothing about Zombie cards
"Leather Goth Knows No Gender" Nice
Hex Girls! Yass
Yami wants his skirt back
Muahahahah prepare to go down Pegasus
I don't think a shellfish allergy makes you sneeze
"Those kids problems have problems" How right you are Keith
"The Autism" ... I don't think they cancel each other out Joey, you can have both
Joey misses the PSAs, that's not good
..."accident" how much you wanna bet his fucked up Dad did something?
...Yami is there something about melons you'd like to tell us?
You should never try to force someone to open up if they're not ready
Yikes wouldn't want to be God on the day Téa finds him
I love the descriptions "rippling a bit like an over-animated Ghibli character" I can envision it perfectly
"more loose screws that a discount whorehouse" very nice
Just asking random kids if they know what a propane tank looks like.
Mokuba why don't you and your brother have any sense of Self Preservation?
Mokuba also know how to use his child-like charms (tm)
Mokuba has Realised!
Yes Shad-Key be concerned by this child
"Do you have a Twin?" Not that he knows of
Oh hey Croquets not Stoned anymore!
...Pegasus you're sounding very invested in your appearance
..."fell down a hole and vanished" actually surprisingly accurate description of what has happened to Kemo
Just list the problems fast enough and he may miss one...Nope he even brings up one you didn't mention
Whats up with Dukes father? Clow...Clown thing? Clow as in Clow Reed? What is Happening???
Scaly-Shadi is confused and possibly irritated? Definitely annoyed
Pegasus now Super Offended "How Dare you Forget Me?!"
"I didn't sleep with you did I?" "No" "Thank the Gods" Pegasus now even More Offended
And Duke just enjoying Brunch and a Show
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mbarrcra · 2 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Can you tell us about the character(s) you have played?
“Think it’s pretty safe to say most people know me from portraying Sam Carpenter in the latest Scream films, she’s a protective older sister and the daughter of a serial killer, a total wild card. And most recently I had the honor of portraying Joey in Abigail, a woman with a dark past who, along with a group of fellow criminals, accidentally kidnap a ballerina vampire who is thirsty for blood.”
Who would be your dream final girl to team up with?
“Already hitting me with the hard questions, I see. Oh my god, there’s so many iconic final girls I love and adore, including all three of these beautiful and badass women sitting up here. The ultimate dream? All of us together in a project.”
Do you think you would be able to survive a horror movie?
“Honestly? No! I mean, I guess it mostly depends on the situation? Like, if I had to face off with a scary clown… well, I’d probably just faint on the spot but I might be able to survive a day or two in a zombie apocalypse or something.”
What is the most interesting part of making a horror movie come to life?
“I’ve learned filming a horror movie is kind of like being on a playground with your siblings and friends. Like, that level of imagination and having to pretend to be scared and scream your heart out is kind of ridiculous if you want to be rational about it so you really have to let go and let your inner child kind of come out and be fearless and do all these crazy things that horror requires. It’s just always the best time, I absolutely love it.”
What horror scream queens from the past inspired you?
“Jamie Lee Curtis is kind of the goat, right? The ultimate scream queen who paved the way for the rest of us.”
What did you to unwind after a day of intense scenes?
“All the dog cuddles and a relaxing playlist.”
Would you like your movie(s) to get a sequel? If so, where do you see your character going? 
“Listen, I’ve been begging Matt and Tyler for an Abigail sequel and even pitched a few different ideas, but I think Abigail and Joey teaming up and kicking vampire ass would be an absolute blast.”
Would you ever return to making another horror movie/series?
“Oh, absolutely. I don’t think I’ll be able to get away from horror, and I also don’t want to. It’s become a genre I’ve really grown to love and one that has fully embraced me, which I’m extremely grateful for.”
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