#joe mazzello mentioned
9 people I’d like to get to know better tag
Tagged by evil @airsignss
Last song: Red Wine Supernova by Chappell Roan
Currently watching: Luv island (DONT talk 2 me) and rewatching Nirvana the Band the show
Currently reading: Farewell Leicester Square by Betty Miller
Current obsession: writing my phD thesis is consuming all my time 🤪
i tague : @snoopyish @cloudbear and whomever wants 2 partake
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blueberry-ovaries · 8 months
PSA: i have no idea what happens please do NOT judge me
- Loving Rob Leckie, if he dies i’m deleting the app.
- JON BERNTHAL?!? what are you doing here 😭
- australia on the map! i’m wondering if the ANZACS are shown in this… in like passing yaknow?
- I hope Manny doesn’t die. i can’t handle losing another bad bitch.
- If i catch Rob Leckie’s dad… it’s on sight.
- Joe Mazzello my beloved
- Sid fucking dies doesn’t he. i just know he dies.
- those look like real nice oranges
- them landing on the beach is so awkward, like genuinely would die of embarrassment.
- Chuckler is done of my faves tbh
- it’s different to BoB… Like straight into the action instead of starting at training… i’m confused on who the people are atm
- i would not survive this. too many bugs, i would cry.
- did they cut people up???? and tie them to trees?!?
- the doc died?!? 😭 poor man got blasted.
- this moves really fast… time is irrelevant and i have no idea how long they’ve been out here
- the guy who plays chuckler looks like emmett cullen
- “we’re killing ‘em” hmm… are we sure about that one?
- why are we tourturing the enemy?! just shoot them??
- i’m really confused on the time line here??? how long have they been here???
- are those cigarettes up his nose???
- rob leckie is like if david webster was less baby girl and more malewife
- that’s a funky ass infection
- “those guys look like they’ve been through the ringer” yeah no shit?!?
- hoosier confirmed pretty boy???
- SID IS 18?!? HES A BABY!?!?
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deanscroissant · 2 years
Reunited…and It Feels so Good
Joe Mazzello x fem!reader
requested by: @borhapgirlforlife19 (i hope you like it, hun xx)
warnings (im terrible at these): mentions of smut but nothing that deep (twss), lots of fluff, and a tiny bit of angst.
a/n: my first joe fic in a year or so 😬 i took a brief hiatus from writing in general so pls be gentle with me. im getting back into the swing of thangs. 😁 i hope you guys enjoy!
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It's a special day today because someone is celebrating a birthday: your husband Joe of six years.
You couldn't wait to celebrate it with him because he's been gone for a long time—half of the year just about. But having him home safe and sound with his family has been such a relief. You missed Joe, but not as much as your four-year-old daughter Jade (Jay Jay, as you and Joe, would call her). That girl loves her father more than anyone in the world. Sometimes it'll make you a tad bit jealous when she shows more attention to him than you, but the thought goes away when you see them playing and laughing together.
She wanted to sleep with you two last night, but Joe wanted to spend some alone time with you. So instead, he decided to lay with her in her room until she fell asleep. Joe felt terrible, but his attention was entirely on her the whole day. Not that you both mind it; he just missed you and wanted to show you how much he did.
You looked over at him and smiled softly. Joe was sleeping peacefully. His under eyes showed how exhausted he was. Without waking him, you slowly removed the covers and left the bed. You tipped toed to the other side of the room to look for your night clothes, where Joe threw them, then quietly left the room, closing the door behind you.
You figured Jay Jay was asleep because it was almost seven a.m., but the sound of hard plastic and animated mouth sounds flowing through her cracked door told you otherwise. You softly giggled while opening her door wider. She was fully awake on her floor, playing with her Barbie dolls that she recently got from your parents last week. Her precious green-hazel eyes averted to you, and they lit up as she leaped off the floor and into your arms.
"Hi, princess," you said, smiling while hugging her back and kissing her temple. "You're up early…as always." you chuckled as you tickled her side, her giggles filling the air.
She calmed down and said, "I wanted to play Barbie with daddy when he wakes up. I was just waiting for him." He did promise her that he'll play all day with her. But, unfortunately, he didn't get the memo when she wanted to start bright and early. "Well, I think daddy needs to sleep a little longer."
"Why?" She pouted while moving her unkempt hair from her eyes. You began walking to the living room to sit her down with you to explain why.
"Because we need to surprise him. It's his birthday!"
Her eyes widen as she lets out a gasp, "Really?! I have to make him something!" She slides off the couch and runs back toward her room but stops before going further. "Wait! Mommy, you can make breakfast for daddy. Don't make him cereal. Make eggs and waffles for him, okay? And bacon!"
You couldn't help but laugh at the little diva toddler. "Yes, ma'am, I got it. Thank you for telling me."
She gives you a cheeky smile before running off, following to get off the couch to start Joe's birthday breakfast. Jade returned with her supplies and paper and asked you to help her put her things on the table. Once she got in the chair, you resumed back to cooking.
Joe eventually woke up when the smell of his favorite waffles hit his nose: Chocolate chip. Also, the sound of his daughter's laughter abrupted his sleeping. Hearing her laugh made his heart warm. He was so happy to wake up at home with his family instead of in a small rental apartment that gave him restless nights. He felt awful for missing half of the year without seeing Jay Jay, but he knew he could make it up to her soon enough.
He got out of bed to use the bathroom and brush his teeth before joining his family. Jay Jay was drawing while you made the next batch of waffles when Joe stopped in the living room to admire you both. Joe sometimes can't believe he has a family of his own, which he wanted for a long time—way before he met you. When he got to know you more, he was happy that you were on the same page as him wanting to start one someday. You were perfect for him and his daughter. Joe couldn't think of anyone better to be his wife and the mother of his children.
Jay Jay's attention turned to the movement she saw from the corner of her eye. Her hazel-green orbs met the same set staring back at her—gasping in surprise at the sight of her father. "Daddy!" she screeched, jumping from the chair and running into his embrace when he got down to her level to embrace her back. "Good morning, baby girl!" He pecks her cheek before picking her up.
"Happy Birthday!" she said with glee, her little arms stretched out, making Joe grin even harder.
"Well, thank you, Jay Jay. I appreciate it!" He gives her cheek some more kisses, which sends her into a fit of giggles. Joe has yet to shave his beard that he had to grow for the project he worked on, only because hearing Jay Jay laugh hysterically gives him a dopamine rush when he gives her kisses. You started to laugh while listening to them as you began whisking the eggs. Jade had a contagious laugh, and it was hard not to laugh with her. It was one of the cutest things about her.
Joe places her back down, and she grabs his hand (well, two of his fingers) to lead him to the table, "I made a gift for your birthday, daddy." She climbs back in her chair while Joe sits beside her, propping his arm on the back of the chair she was in to look at what she crafted for him. She picks up her handmade card buried underneath a pile of gold and red glitter, blowing off the excess before handing it to him carefully. Joe's mouth agape dramatically at the crafty card made from printer paper. "For me? You shouldn't have!”
With a cheeky smile, he opens it and laughs when more glitter spills out. 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY,' it says across the paper, written in marker with each word in different colors. Below it was stick figures of you, Joe, and Jay Jay standing outside our house surrounded by trees and hearts. It made Joe's heart swell. "Oh my gosh, thank you, baby girl! It's so beautiful!" He says while pulling her into his lap and kissing her cheek. Her small hands tried to pry his head away as another round of giggles escaped her mouth.
"You're welcome!" she says in between laughs. Joe could do this all day and never get tired of it. Jade returned to drawing, and Joe put the homemade card on the fridge. You had just finished the eggs and got ready to set the plates when Joe came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing gently on your neck. "And good morning to you, gorgeous."
You had wished Joe happy birthday around midnight after doing "late night activities" with him, which led to another round after you teased him about getting old and not being able to do that "thing" you always loved him to do.
Proving you wrong was an understatement.
"Good morning, birthday boy." you smiled, turning your head to kiss his lips before finishing up what you were doing. "How did you sleep?"
"I slept like a baby, thanks for asking. I missed that bed so much." He sighed as he placed his cold hands under your shirt, rubbing your warm tummy. "And I missed you laying next to me."
"Aww. Likewise, babe." You cooed, now placing a stack of waffles on Joe's plate. "I was asking if you were still interested in going out today. That's if you're too tired to."
"Well, I did want to go eat pizza for lunch, then come back home and enjoy the rest of my day with you beautiful humans." He tightens his arms around you, burying his face in your neck as you roll your eyes. "By that, you mean let your four-year-old boss you around all day."
"You know it." he chuckled, "You guys are my birthday gift."
"Oh, you are such a sap," you teased, turning around to peck his lips. "This is the only thing I'll ask you to do today: Will you help Jay Jay clean the table, please?"
"Yeah, right. Let's see how long it will take for you to ask me to do something else. I bet five minutes." He teased back before turning around to help little Jade with the table. You giggled when you saw a trail of glitter coming from the table to the fridge where he put the card. "You're probably right because you left a trail of fairy dust behind." you pointed out on the floor, and Joe looked down, a laugh escaping between his lips. "I did no such thing!"
"Yes you did, daddy!" Jay Jay giggles as she runs back to her room to put her stuff away. Joe fake gasped at her. "Not Jay Jay ratting me out."
"She's an angel, unlike you." you poked out your tongue, making Joe scoff. "Who said I was?"
Another giggle came out as you returned to finishing Joe's plate. You wanted to surprise Joe by putting whipped cream and sprinkles on his waffles. You set the table once it was clean, pouring everyone's favorite morning drink with the delicious dish you were about to demolish.
Joe marveled at the sweet breakfast treat before him, his smile resembling Jay Jay's on Christmas. "Oh, I'm just getting spoiled left and right today." He said. Jade walked back in and gasped. "Oh my gosh, Mommy, these look amazing!"
"They do, huh?" Joe said, pulling you into his side and looking up at you. "I think she did a pretty good job. Thank you, honey." You grinned and kissed his cheek. "Anything for you, babes."
Joe felt content now that he was home, even though he got home a few days ago. It doesn't steer away from the fact that he missed so much time away from his family. He missed birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries. So he did feel a little guilty that he was celebrating his birthday. But if it meant he could return home to his beautiful girls, he wasn't complaining.
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rossmccallsqueen · 2 years
Alone - Joe Mazzello x Reader (smut)
Summary: You were feeling a bit lonely lately, but Joe knows how to fix it. 
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: SMUT. Also some angst. mentions of anxiety and depression, but there is a good ending i promise!
*pls dont read if under 18. srsly please no under 18!!!*
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For you, it had been a long day. A long week, in fact. The only solution you could think of when you were by yourself is taking a long hot shower. You need to feel the steam deep in your soul, relaxing you from the inside out. You had not seen much of your fiance during the week, he was on set most of the day and you were usually asleep by the time he got home. It did not leave a lot of time for the two of you to spend together, and you didn’t want to cause him any issues during his work when you could handle your stress on your own. It couldn’t be as hard as everyone says it is, you were a big girl and could handle your own problems. 
Not that you were not grateful for the fact that because of the pandemic, your job was almost entirely remote and you could work from anywhere. That meant that you could follow your love wherever he went. That is what the two of you always wanted, to travel the world together. You always said that the most important thing was that the two of you were together, and as long as you had the other you would be fine. But after a few months, it had become a lot of being alone. The apartment they set up for you seemed empty, there weren’t a lot of decorations on the walls and the only thing that made it different from the base apartment was the few pictures and memories that you thought to bring with you this time. 
You knew that picking up your whole apartment back home and taking it with you every time didn’t make sense since you would be back there at some time anyway, but you just wished that your current abode felt like it had more life and love in it. As the water dripped down your back, you thought about Valentine's Day coming up. Joe had tried asking the director to make sure they ended on time that day but you didn’t necessarily believe that he would make it possible. The only light that was on in the bathroom besides the fan lighting from the shower, was the moon through the window. The lights were on in your bedroom outside, so you felt okay enough to have minimal lighting. Lots of bright light just made you more anxious when you were stressed and tired, so mood lighting for the shower it would be. 
The work that you did would make your hands hurt a lot at the end of the day, so most days you couldn’t even shower by yourself. You had tried when you got in, but for now, it was just standing in the hot water and hoping it did enough. It was still only around ten at night, which you considered late due to having to get up early for work with timezones. You were so in your own thoughts that you didn’t even hear the front door open. 
“Hello? Y/N? Are you home?” You heard Joe shouting. 
“I’m in here.” You said, but not very loudly. You just couldn’t make yourself be louder, you didn’t have the energy in you. 
“Are you okay?” He sounded like he was outside the door now. You turned and looked and there he was. You almost didn’t want him to find you like this. He helped you with so many things, you didn’t know if you could actually function without him. He helped you do basic everyday things, like making the bed and folding all of the laundry whenever it needed to be done. He would always make dinner, as long as you could help point him in the right direction. He even did things he knew you could do, but he could always sense when you just couldn’t do them yourself. When you didn’t answer, he opened the bathroom door fully and saw you standing in the shower by yourself, just letting the water fall all around you. 
“Hey, you.” He said, his face softening. You could see the relief he felt in his entire body once he laid eyes on you again. You felt the same in yourself when your shoulders relaxed just enough to where you felt better. It was like seeing him was instant serotonin 
“Rough day?” He asked, waiting for your response. You just nodded back at him. 
He gave you a gentle smile and started taking off his clothes after a long day. The shower door opened and you briefly felt a cold burst of air. The shower had become your own personal sauna and you did not like the cold one bit. His arms wrapped around you and you knew then it was your favorite place to be. His fingers gently grazed your back, a sensation you couldn’t quite describe but it was one that gave you immense comfort. When you could finally stand up on your own again you slightly pulled away so that you could look at him. 
“Just let me help you okay? I’m here.” He grabbed your shampoo off the shelf, and you turned around so that he could wash your hair. It was so gentle you almost couldn’t feel him doing anything. He ensured that getting the knots out didn’t hurt you, and when the suds were completely out of your hair you felt like a whole new person. You could only feel you and him, the feeling of your body touching his felt like home. 
“I’m always alone.” You finally said.
“I’m right here love, you aren’t alone.” 
“For now, until you’re gone before we wake up and don’t see you until it’s time to go to bed again. I just need to feel you again.” You could feel it in your bones, but at the same time, you felt bad as you didn’t want to make him think you didn’t love him. 
“I know nothing I say can change what it's been like lately, but you are my number one priority. Everything else comes second, it’s important to me that you know that okay? I’m only filming one scene tomorrow. Do you think you could call in tomorrow?” You had never heard truer words come from someone. 
“My love, tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. I’ve had a whole day planned for us for quite some time now.” You could feel panic set into your body. You knew it was soon, but you had completely lost track of the days. Everything felt like it was blending together, and you couldn’t even remember what you ate for breakfast the day before. Joe always thought of everything you didn’t, it was hard to remember a time when you didn’t have each other. He could tell you were panicking a little, and pressed the front of his body into the back of yours until he could feel your heartbeat start to slow again. He finished helping you and showered himself, and when you walked out into your room he already had your diffuser going, along with the heating pad you never went anywhere without, and a cup of tea next to each of your bedsides. 
“How did you do all this?” You asked, you didn’t even hear him until he started calling your name and came into the bathroom looking for you. 
“Because I know you better than I know myself.” 
“I love you.” He kissed you gently, before helping you get into bed and then going around to the other side and curling up behind you. You didn’t bother putting on any clothes after you were dried off, the two of you barely ever slept with any on anyway. Joe always joked that they just got in the way of things, and it took too much time to take them back off. You loved the feeling of clean sheets and the way your and Joe’s bodies fit together so nicely. You could be completely intertwined with each other and it would never be close enough. His fingers began tracing patterns all around your back, ever so slightly touching the surface, and the way he was doing this sent shivers through your nerves in a way that felt so good. 
“You know for our wedding I was thinking we could have one of the guys perform the ceremony. It would feel more personal for us.” He spoke softly into your ear.
“You know I think Brian is ordained, we should ask him.” You replied, pressing your body into Joe just so. 
“You want me to ask Brian May to marry us? The Brian May?” Joe seemed a little shocked.
“Joe he was there when you proposed. He just texted you this morning, I do not think it is that far off.” You could feel him smile, like he knew you were right. 
“I’ll ask him tomorrow. What do you want my dear?” He knew you were one of those girls that had their wedding planned out since they were ten years old, but you knew weddings were about what both of you wanted and you wanted yours to be about the life that you shared together. Your wedding wasn’t going to be very big, neither of you wanted a huge affair, you just wanted the people you loved you. Lots of people also made you overwhelmed and it was supposed to be the best day you’ve ever had. 
“I want raspberry filling in the cake,” You told him. 
“I think we can have that arranged.” He squeezed you tightly and helped you turn over so that you were looking at each other now instead. Your faces were mere inches from each other and he leaned in to place a kiss on your forehead. You quickly brought his lips down to yours and kissed him with enough pressure that invited him in closer to you. You wrapped your leg around his body, so he could feel just how damp you were. He brought his hand around to the back of your head so you could feel the hunger in his kiss. It wasn’t rough, no, but it felt needed. You just wanted to feel one another. You wanted to be relaxed so that every inch of your body felt like it was satisfied, and you would do everything in your power to make sure that Joe felt the same. 
You began to feel his hand roam to other parts of your body, cupping your bum so he could bring you closer. You felt him against you, hard and wanting every part of you. His lips began going elsewhere, placing kisses everywhere around your neck, your collarbone, and all the way down to your clit. Joe placed you on your back, bum up on a pillow, and arms raised above your head. They would soon find their way down to his hair like they usually did, as the sensation overwhelmed your body and you didn’t know what to do with them. 
You knew the rule, you were not supposed to move your hands from above your head. Except for when Joe’s tongue began licking at your clit. He went slowly at first, and you needed him to go much quicker. Your hips bucked up into his face, and he used his hands to push you down into the mattress. One of his hands left your thigh and ran up your side to your breast. Your nipple was so sensitive, as soon as you felt his hand on it you felt like you could feel it everywhere in your body. You couldn’t help but move your hands and your fingers laced through his hair, trying to send him the signal that you needed your release and you needed it now.
“Joe I swear to god if you don't..!” The groan that escaped his lips matched the ferocity of his nails when he squeezed your breast. He edged you again and again, getting you just to the point where you would go over the edge and then he would slow down. Each time he did so your hips moved involuntarily, wanting so badly to finish. Without warning, he began kissing his way up your body to your mouth, the taste of you still on his lips. You could move your hands again, cupping the sides of his face like you never wanted to let him go. 
“Can I?” He asked, forgetting how to use your words you nodded ‘yes’ at him and he flipped you over onto your stomach. Once you felt comfortable, he brought your ass into the hair, with it situated perfectly in front of his dick. He gently scratched up and down your back, making you relax into the bed and reach for something to hold onto as you knew you would need it in a second. He leaned over and kissed the small of your back before getting back up and getting himself ready. He took his dick in his hand and rubbed it up and down your wetness, getting it wet and making you even wetter. Once he felt you were good to go, he eased himself in and you could feel every inch of him. Joe’s hands gripped your ass and began thrusting into you, bringing you onto him over and over. The speed that he was going was something completely new. He maneuvered his hand around you bringing his finger to your clit sending you into overdrive. The feeling was almost too much, but you could feel yourself getting close. 
The moans escaping you seemed to give him a new sense of power, snapping his hips in quick motions and hitting the spot you wanted. Combined with the motion on your clit you squeezed around him, feeling yourself cum, and any support you had been giving yourself went away and you collapsed onto the bed. You yelled out, and Joe adjusted so his hips could somehow move even faster. You had never felt him move so hard, but you were loving whatever it turned on in him. The feeling it was giving you was the best thing you had ever felt, and you never wanted it to end. He leaned over and whispered, “I love you” into your ear and one final time he snapped and you knew he had finished too. 
You could feel both of you relax, and since you had collapsed on your stomach Joe laid to the side that your head was facing which was to your right. Joe reached over and brushed the hair out of your face, and nothing could take away the joy that you felt at that moment. There was no pain or the outside world, just the two of you. 
“I promise you, you will never be alone, ever again.”
if you’ve read this far, thank you! if you’ve been following me since the OG borhap era and you’re still here, THANK YOU! I’m back yall. 
also im starting a new taglist so please let me know if you would like to be on it!
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omgsquee2001 · 2 years
Can I request a fluffy Joe Mazzello x fem. reader long fic where it's Christmas Eve and Joe and reader are standing by the Christmas tree cuddling with each other and Joe hands reader a small wrapped present and when reader opens it it's a velvet box and he takes the velvet box from reader and he starts this speech about how much he loves her and that when he first laid eyes on reader when he met her in college it was love at first sight and he gets down on one knee and when he opens the box it turns out to be a ring and he asks reader to marry him?
I absolutely love this!!
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Merry Christmas: Joe Mazzello x Fem! Reader
[Y/P] = Your Profession
You sighed in content as you rested your head against your boyfriend, Joe Mazzello’s shoulder. Joe smiled and pressed a kiss to your head.
“You okay, babe?” Joe asked. You smiled and nodded, looking into the crackling of the fire in the fireplace.
“Yeah. I’m just fine.” You said quietly. Joe smiled contently. There was a moment of silence.
“Do you remember how we first met?” Joe asked suddenly, breaking the silence. You smiled and chuckled.
“Of course I remember. How could I forget?”
You were attending the University of Southern California. You were going to that particular university, wanting to go into [Y/P]. You were sitting in class one day, listening to the professor, when the doors opened and someone rushed in. As the who class looked back at him, you noticed how cute he was. Short, brown hair, fun filled brown eyes. The professor turned around.
“Joe, you’re late.” The professor said. Joe nodded, out of breath.
“Yes, Professor, I am really sorry.” Joe apologized. “You see, my cat ate my alarm clock, so I wasn’t able to wake up on time.” Joe said, causing the other students, including yourself, to chuckle. The Profesor nodded, smiling slightly.
“Don’t let it happen again.” The professor said. Joe nodded, taking the empty seat by you. Joe glanced at you, and it was as if his breath had let his body. He was captivated by your [h/l] [h/c] hair and your sparkling [e/c] eyes. He saw kindness behind them as well as an eagerness to learn. He gently poked you in the arm, gaining your attention.
“Hi. I’m Joe, Joe Mazzello.” He whispered. You gave him a smile.
“I’m [Y/N], [Y/N] [L/N]. And I know who you are, Jurassic Park.” You said. Joe’s eyes lit up when you mentioned the movie he had been in as a kid.
“You’ve seen Jurassic Park?” He asked. You smiled.
“Are you kidding? Jurassic Park is one of my favorite movies!” You whispered. Joe swore you were even more beautiful now.
“Well, it’s not everyday you meet a beautiful woman who also likes Jurassic Park.” Joe complimented. You felt heat rush to your cheeks at the compliment.
“Mr. Mazzello, Ms. [L/N],” the professor called, making the two of you fave the Professor. “Is there something the two of you would like to share with the class?” They asked.
You chuckled and shook your head.
“I still can’t believe that I met my favorite child actor that day.” You said, turning your head to look at him. Joe chuckled.
“You better believe it, Darling. Cause you’re dating him now.” Joe said. He smiled as you chuckled. He then leaned forward and gently pressed his lips to yours. The two of you pulled away and Joe cupped your cheek with his hand. His eyes then widened. “Oh! Wait! I have another present to give you!” Joe said. He rushed out of the living room and into your shared bedroom. You chuckled to yourself as you heard Joe silently curse to himself. “Ah ha!” You let out a laugh at Joe’s exclamation. He came back into the room, holding something behind him. You rose an eyebrow in confusion.
“What are you doing?” You asked, smiling. Joe smiled back and let out a nervous breath. He then got down on one knee and brought out a velvet box. Your eyes widened. You sincerely hoped Joe was doing what you thought he was doing.
“[Y/N] [L/N], ever since I met you in University, I thought you were the most beautiful woman in the world, and I knew it was love at first sight,” Joe started. Tears started coming to your eyes. “You have been with me through thick and thin. You supported me in my role of John Deacon, and you supported me through one of the toughest years of my life,” Joe let out a breath. “I know now what love is. Love is, dedicating your entire self to your partner. Love is every kiss I share with you. Love is every smile of yours that brightens up my day. Love is,” he opened the box and revealed a beautiful ring. “Asking you to marry me and making me the happiest man alive.” Joe said. Tears were streaming down your face. “So, [Y/N] [L/N], will you marry me?” Joe asked. You nodded, taking deep breaths. Joe nodded his head, trying to get you to use your words. You let out a teary laugh.
“Yes. God, yes! I’ll marry you, Joe Mazzello!” You shouted. Joe smiled in relief. He quickly got up and wrapped his arms around your waist. He pressed his lips to yours and spun you around, making you laugh. Joe set you down and the two of you pulled away. Joe slipped the ring onto your run finger. It fit like a glove. You stared down at it, smiling from ear to ear. You looked up at Joe.
“Merry Christmas, Future Mrs. Mazzello.” Joe said, cupping your cheek with his hand. You smiled and leaned into his touch.
“Merry Christmas, Mr. Joe Mazzello.” You said.
//I hope you like it. I have to fly on the plane tomorrow, so my nerves are keeping me awake. What better way to stay awake than answering requests?//
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I posted 361 times in 2022
93 posts created (26%)
268 posts reblogged (74%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 108 of my posts in 2022
#carrie writes - 46 posts
#carrie self reblogs - 15 posts
#carrie speaks - 14 posts
#bohrap cast - 14 posts
#joe mazzello - 12 posts
#carrie recs - 11 posts
#joe mazzello fluff - 11 posts
#gwilym lee - 11 posts
#joe mazzello imagine - 10 posts
#fanfiction - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 97 characters
#(happy birthday baby boy happy birthday old man words cannot describe how much you mean to me 💖)
My Top Posts in 2022:
Can you do a fluff story of roger taylor *ben hardy* of like the reader is making breakfast and roger goes behind them and scares them but then puts music on and starts dancing
You got it!
Since no gender is specified in the request, I will make readers neutral so they can be whatever gender identity you want.
Link to my Ko-Fi
Warnings: Just Fluff. An In-joke. Mentions of food, cooking, knives, and eating and Reader getting spooked for a second.
Also, the song is "I Was Made For Lovin' You" by Kiss! Go check it out, it is SUCH a bop!
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You walked out of the door on that light blue morning, careful to close the door slowly. Roger seemed to be still asleep. He was lying on his stomach on the bed, arms up to the pillows, and his beautiful blonde hair cascaded around.
But you sat there relaxing for a bit. Enjoying seeing the sun rising up, adding pink to the light blueness of the sky. But your stomach kept rumbling. Dinner from last night felt like ages ago.
So you began to start cooking what you usually like for breakfast, be it some toast or eggs or bacon or getting cereal.
You opened the purple bag of coffee by untwisting the string around it, careful to measure it into the black scoop next to the machine. Once you poured some water from a jug into it, you got a fresh filter, poured the rich French roast grounds inside, closed the lid, and pressed a button to start brewing.
Recently you bought some fresh fruit. Surely that sounded nice along with your usual breakfast tastes. You picked out a red Honeycrisp the size of two baseballs, a sharp knife, and began to cut it into slices.
You get so involved in the process of slicing the apple, that you didn't see a blonde head move toward you or hear the pattering footsteps arriving behind you.
And that lit, seeing you so focused, decides to creep up on you and very quickly place his hands on you.
"AHHH!" You screamed, dropping the knife in fear.
But behind was a familiar laugh that made you relax or else armed with a sharp knife you would have attacked back.
Placing the knife down you turned around to see Roger laughing, you waved your arm to smack him lightly but wound up getting the pot on the machine and moving it out of its place mid-brew.
"Please not the coffee machine, Y/n!" Roger yelped as he grabbed it, any stray dark liquid spilling out briefly onto the counter before he set it back in place
Both of you paused. For a second it hit you what he said and you began laughing too.
"Rog! Really! I might need to call Deaky and tell him you said that right now!"
Roger turned around to find the radio.
"Well, that can wait for a bit..."
As he switched it on, there was a blast of an electric guitar and a quick, catchy beat.
It began with a chorus of "do do do's" that Roger sang along to, his head bobbing up and down to the beat.
A bright, expressive rock baritenor began to sing the solo as you felt Roger's hand catch yours.
"Here! Have a dance!" he offered
"Are you sure?" you asked.
"Never more sure!"
So he sways you around, pulling you back and forth. But it was quicker with the tempo of the song.
As it erupted into the chorus, you both twisted around, holding hands and grinning, half-singing along.
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47 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
Can I request a fluffy Joe Mazzello x fem. reader where reader has given birth to their second daughter and Joe’s mom brings their toddler daughter to the hospital and Joe and reader introduce their daughter to her new baby sister?
This sounds so cute! OF course!
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It was painful, of course, it was painful. The first time was painful. God, you forgot the pain.
But once it was over, it was worth it. Worth the hours of labor to see the sweet little face.
"Congrats, miss, the girl's healthy!" the midwife said as she held the little bundle. Already you heard the baby crying with its new lungs as if saying "I'm here! I'm here!"
Breathing in deeply and out, you sighed. So many other women weren't as lucky as you.
Looking over, Joe was in the same headspace as you. His eyes went big at the side. Despite the medical mask over his face, you could tell he was smiling.
You were given the little baby. She smelled sweet and she calmed down right at your touch.
"Ah, mama's girl already!"
He smiled and embraced her. "She's beautiful...."
You were spoiled with gifts and flowers and cards. The nurses even treated you to a steak dinner and plenty of adult diapers to cope with the post-birth flow once you got home.
Only hours later, you heard a familiar voice. "Are you ready to meet your sister?"
To which your older daughter, with the refined thoughts a three-year-old could voice, replied "whee! whee! wheee!" accompanied by light, excited footsteps.
Inside walked Joseph's mother with flowers, holding hands with the little girl. She was happy as could be-all spiffed up in a pink shirt and overalls as her tiny tennis shoes lit up with her exciting steps.
"Hi there!" she chirruped.
Both of you leaped from where you were sitting, Joe put his hands over his mouth.
"Hey Mama!" Joseph greeted. They both hugged each other. "We thought my brother was looking after her and...your-your headache and such!"
"I'm doing fine- the headache's gone! Your siblings called me and asked them to take me...they wanted this girl to meet her sister!" Mrs. Mazzello explained.
Outside the sunshine warmed up your side of the bed. The baby was fed and you were happy to cuddle her. The warmth of the weather and of the new life in your arms was welcome.
"And how are you ladies doing? Both of you?" she asked.
"We're great. Labor wasn't too bad- well, you know, just bad enough as usual. And this one is healthy as a horse," you explained.
"Daddy! Mommy!" your little girl greeted. Joe picked her up and carried her.
"What's up, princess? Are you ready to meet your sister?"
Your daughter nodded. Then Joe walked closer to her. There was a chair next to your bed. Joe sat on it while holding your daughter up.
"Here she is!" you announced proudly.
The little girl leaned forward, smiling as she looked at the baby. She reached her grubby hands forward but Joe held her back a little.
"Be gentle! You gotta be gentle with Sissy!" he instructed.
She grinned.
"She's so cute! I love her!" the little girl said.
See the full post
53 notes - Posted April 16, 2022
Hi everyone!
This is your reminder for fanfic writers-
If you think your idea for a fanfic is too “weird” or “not traditional” or “off” or that “no one will read it…”
Trust me, there were a couple passion projects of mine where I was worried about notes or what people would think or that it wasn’t this kind of fic that was popular right now.
People read it- reblogged it, kudos’d it, commented, gave me asks praising them…
So just do it! At least three souls out there want to hear your story and give it attention and a listen and will be touched, moved, or enjoy it!!!
So whatever it is, don’t be ashamed- WRITE! THE! FIC!!
65 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
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Elvis (2022) dir. Baz Luhrmann
160 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
headcanons for comforting the Queen boys when they’re crying?
AWWWWW. I really like this!
You would catch those odd moments of his emotions. He would be alone and tears would be streaming down his face despite his smile. You hardly knew what and when you asked, he did not reply. “Darling, I can’t talk about it now...”
 “It’s alright, Fred, you don’t have to tell me!” you insist.
You lean his head close to you so that he lens against your shoulder and let him cry it out.
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Roger was always the cheerful one. He would rarely get sad, truly, truly sad. But when it did, it broke your heart. He was shaking and rubbing the tears off with his sleeve.
“Here...shhhh” You would say.
 You let him hug you- and he does on tightly. His fingers pressing into your skin desperately. So deeply, you are sure there are marks. You would suggest doing something like going out for dinner, drinks, and/or a movie. An activity out there to get his mind off.
See the full post
242 notes - Posted January 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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imtrynnawriteshit · 6 years
Rami Malek x reader
For @angelfuzzy2!
I do feel like the ending could've been better, but honestly, what's writing without a lil regret, amirite
I did my best to do the request justice, so I hope it's come out fine! Reiterating: I know nothing about music, so if it sounds like I don't, that's why haha
(also if someone would teach me how to pick titles I would rlly appreciate it)
Request: Can I ask what If like , rami(Freddie Mercury) gets a co star in the bohemian Rhapsody movie right (it’s au) and the actress sings in the movie , but in real life is a pop star , and rami(and Freddie ) falls for her ( like how David Bowie sang in labyrinth, but he’s a real life singer)
Words: 1439
Warnings: swearing again haha
Movie: Bohemian Rhapsody
Characters: Reader, Rami Malek, Bryan Singer (mentioned), Ben (mentioned), Joe (mentioned), Gwilym (mentioned)
Relationships: Rami Malek x reader
"Rami! Come on over, there's someone I'd like you to meet!"
Rami, who had just walked in, cradling a cup of coffee, turned to see Bryan Singer waving him over. It was only as he headed towards him that he noticed another figure standing behind him, practically hidden away until he was close enough to see them.
(Y/N) (Y/L/N).
Rami almost froze mid-step, but managed to force his legs to work. It probably wasn't the smoothest recovery, but that would just add to his charm, right? Right?
You glanced at him as he approached, and the smile you gave him made his palms sweat and stomach knot.
He really didn't know how he was going to get through this shoot without royally fucking up around you.
Rami had been extremely excited to meet you ever since he found out you were going to be his co star and love interest. He'd been a huge fan of your work for as long as he could remember (well, since you'd started working in the entertainment industry anyway). Your albums? He'd bought them all. Movies you'd starred in? He'd watched them all.
He supposed he was a casual supporter.
Thankfully, he hadn't embarrassed himself yet. With that thought in mind, he lifted his hand in an awkward little wave as you stuck yours out to shake it.
Oh no.
Letting out a nervous laugh, he lowered his hand, grasping yours and praying you couldn't tell he was trembling.
"Hi, I'm Rami."
"(Y/N). It's great to finally meet you. I love your work."
If Rami had been excited before, he was over the moon now. If only he knew you were going through the same thing.
You'd barely slept the night before, mulling over how to introduce yourself best to everyone. And especially to Rami Malek. Your fucking idol. You'd come up with the perfect, fool proof plan, only for it to go right out the window the moment you saw him. Your brain was going a mile a minute, and all it was doing was berating you for trying to shake his hand.
For fuck's sake, who even did that anymore?
You almost winced when he laughed, somehow managing to keep your cool as his warm hand wrapped around yours.
Yeah, you're still not quite sure how you handled it.
You continued to make small talk, getting to know each other, and by the time you two were comfortable enough to relax and crack a couple of jokes, you'd been beckoned thrice by now impatient makeup artists. As you took your leave of him, you were both glad the other person couldn't see the goofy grins blossoming.
"And cut! Great job, guys, take five, and we'll work on the next scene."
Rami immediately turned to find you. After having finished god knows how many days of filming, he'd grown close to you. Closer, he liked to think, than you were to the other boys.
Jealousy? Never heard of it.
He saw you standing off to the side, script in hand and concentration evident in your features as you went through your lines. Before he could take a proper step in your direction, though, he was stopped by a wall of people.
Three people, to be specific.
Rami rolled his eyes as Ben, Gwilym and Joe smirked down at him, "I don't like this."
Joe smiled wider, if that was possible, "don't like what?"
"Your faces, at the moment. What the fuck are you doing?"
They shared a look, before turning to look at you, then back at Rami, eyebrows raised.
Oh no.
"No, whatever you're thinking of, don't do it."
Ben shot him a look of mock disbelief, "don't you trust us?"
"Frankly speaking, no."
Joe clapped a hand on his shoulder. Hard. "Kinda rude, but whatever. You need to stop pining and make a fucking move. Today. Not just because I'd win the bet, but because everyone is sick of seeing you two flirt every second of every day. Sick. It's sickening."
"Wait, what bet-"
"What Joe means", Gwilym interrupted, "is that you should definitely make a move. No need to hurry, you don't have to do it today, take as much time as you need. Do it tomorrow. Or later this week. Both are good. But for the love of God, do it."
"Would you keep your voice down?", Rami hissed, seeing that you'd spotted the four of them and were making your way over.
"What are you guys whispering about?"
Ben smiled a little too innocently, making Rami glare at him and you tilt your head in confusion, "actually, Rami was just telling us about how he hasn't been able to figure out the piano yet."
"Figure out the piano?"
"Yeah, finger placements or whatever. Hey, you play the piano, don't you?"
By this point, Joe and Gwilym had caught on, and Rami wanted to die. Ben was a lot of things. Subtle wasn’t one of them. You, to your credit, were beginning to suspect something, but didn't have a chance to think about it as Joe put his arm around your shoulders, "so (Y/N), why don't you teach him? He might learn faster if he's being taught by a professional, you know?"
Curiouser and curiouser.
Letting go of your doubts (for now), you nodded, smiling at Rami, "sure! If you'd like, we could start today, once we're done filming. What do you think?"
Rami muttered something about it being perfect as you turned away to get ready for the next scene. Words couldn't even begin to describe how grateful he was that you didn't see him punch a cackling Joe's arm.
It was the end of the day, and almost everyone had gone home, with the exception of a few stragglers. Today had been tiring, and you couldn't wait to get home.
Fortunately, Rami was right on time.
You stood up straight from where you were leaning against the piano and waved him over.
"Hey! Have you decided what to work on?”
“Oh yeah, a lot of stuff.”
You frowned, “specifics, Rami. What do you need help with?"
"Um..finger placements?."
"Yes, but- you know what, never mind, we'll figure it out. Let's just start with Bohemian Rhapsody, shall we?"
You sat down on the bench, patting the spot next to you. Your pulse was racing as he plopped down beside you, and you had to almost physically restrain yourself from leaning against him when his arm brushed yours. Clearing your throat, you played the opening to the song slowly, letting him observe the keys.
"Why don't you try? Go slow, one key at a time."
Rami placed his fingers on the keys, some of them (intentionally) incorrectly. You adjusted his fingers before awkwardly placing your hands in your lap. And then he played.
And you knew you were right to have been suspicious.
"You needed help, huh?"
Rami froze, gulping audibly, a small "fuck" escaping him. He'd forgotten the instructions drilled into his head by the others (“pretend you’re an absolute moron who wouldn't know music if it slapped him on the arse”), driven only by a need to impress you. He glanced at you.
Your expression was expectant and even though he could see a glimmer of amusement in your features, he panicked, stumbling over his words.
“I- I didn't- um I just-I'm a quick learner?”
You signed, shaking your head, “I wasn’t born yesterday, you know. What's really going on?”
Rami wasn't sure what to say. He could tell you the truth, but what if you didn't feel the same? Taking a deep breath, only stopping to say “fuck it”, he decided to trust Gwilym (“trust me, its definitely worth a shot, mate”) and go for it. He turned to face you, his hands hesitantly coming up to cradle your face as he leaned closer, "can I kiss you?"
You were taken aback. This was the last thing you had expected.
Not that you were anything but pleasantly surprised.
Not wanting to take too long and make him think otherwise, you quickly whispered a "yes", closing the distance between the two of you. A while passed before you broke apart, and you laughed as you did.
"This whole thing was a ploy for you to ask me out, wasn't it?"
"Yeah, pretty much."
"You could've just asked."
"Hey, I was going to, but then those three happened. I didn't have anything to do with this!"
You only chuckled, glad the “trio of insufferable assholes” (as Rami was now calling them) had taken matters into their own hands.
You both were, really, no matter how much Rami denied it.
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i know most of you don’t care, but since it’s my quarantine birthday [8.26], i’m gonna treat (myself) and you guys thisss!
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marielle-heller · 5 years
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Jurassic Park (1993) // The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)
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mazzelo · 5 years
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Joe Mazzello unleashing his chaos at a Yankees game
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m0etenchandon · 5 years
Period sex (Reader x Joe Mazzello)
Pairing: Reader x Joe Mazzello Summary: Joe wants to help relieve your cramps, resulting in fluffy period-sex Warnings: SMUT (18+), fluff, period-sex, blood mention, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), fingering A/N: I only got positive response from you guys when asking if this was something you wanted to read, but if you don´t just skip it. It´s not really graphic, but there are definitely mentions of blood. Wish I was funnier so I could capture Joe´s personality better.. Thanks for reading! Wordcount: 2.6 K
“Are you sure there´s nothing I can get you?”, Joe asked with a pout. You were on your second day of your period, cramps actually slowly killing you. It was the first time Joe had experienced you on your time of the month, having opted to postpone them using your birth control for a while. You hadn´t been together for that long, only 5 months, and were still very much in that everything-ends-in-sex-phase of your relationship. Therefore, making it an easy decision to just skip them. However, you figured you could handle one period. What you didn´t expect, was how intense the cramps would be. Joe had immediately come over to your apartment when you told him, showing up with ice cream and chocolate. Being the amazing boyfriend that he was.
“No, just hold me”, you said, snuggling further into his embrace. His arm that was around you were drawing circles on your back, desperately trying to soothe you. He hated seeing you like this, hated feeling this helpless. There was nothing in the world he wouldn´t do for you.
“It´s so unfair that women have to go through this”, he said. Joe was leaning down to kiss your head when you suddenly fisted his shirt, feeling another wave of pain hit you. A whimper leaving your mouth as you clenched your eyes shut.
“Sometimes I wish I was a werewolf, you know like in teenwolf, and then I could take all your pain away”
“What are you talking about, Joe?”, you giggled, slowly opening your eyes to stare at his dopey face. Happy to be distracted for a few seconds.
“Just saying, I would definitely become a werewolf for you babe. And, bonus, I would be really fast and strong”
“You´re such an idiot”, you laughed. Putting your hand on his face, you leant up to press a kiss to his smiling lips. Completely melting into his touch, pulling away with a smile on your face.
“And besides, who decided that your boobs will look fucking amazing right now but be too sensitive for me to touch”, he pouted. You rolled your eyes, letting out a small laugh. “I love your boobs”
“I´m sure that’s awful for you, my love”, you said patting his chest. “At least you´re not the one who has to walk around wanting to fuck whenever and wherever”
“You see, that´s where you´re wrong. I would take you any surface of the house, anywhere, anytime. I will never not find you attractive, babe. Pretty sure I would fuck you even if you had the personality of actual garbage”
“Even if I never put on makeup?”
“Definitely”, he answered as he kept caressing your cheek. A huge smile plastered on his face.
“Or if I only showered once a week?”
“Even if I said I hated the Yankees?”
“Hmm, I´d have to think about that one”, he giggled before pressing his lips against yours. He pressed his tongue into your mouth, slowly moving. His hand holding your face close. Humming contently, you kissed him back.
“I could give you an orgasm, you know”, he blurted out once you pulled away. Completely taken aback by his abruptness, you raised your eyebrows. “I heard it helps with the pain”
“Well yeah, they do, but trust me you don´t want to do that”
“I would, babe. I´m serious, if you want to then I´m more than willing”, Joe said. You eyed him, searching for any sort of hesitation in his expression. Getting your period always left you a horny mess, just a small naughty thought making your heartbeat increase. You had never tried period-sex before, but from what your friends had told you it was a whole ordeal. It was messy. The relationship was so fresh still, and this was the first time he saw you in this situation. It felt so intimate, so personal. However, you found yourself wanting to. Needing him to give you an orgasm in fact. At least one. Your legs involuntarily clenching together.
“But it´s so messy”
“We´ll put a towel down, it will be fine, babe. I know you´re desperate to get off”, he said as one of his hands started teasing the waistline of your shorts. Shivers shooting down your spine. “I´ve seen how you bite your lip, how you clench those beautiful thigs together whenever I do or say something even mildly sexual. I know you want me, I know I turn you on”
“Aren´t you grossed out by all the blood?”, you asked. Your heart was beating at a million miles an hours, body warm with both arousal and embarrassment.
“You think I can´t handle a little blood, babe? I´m an actor, I see blood all the time”
“Yeah, but this is different”
“I want to, Y/N. Please, let me help you”, he said before caressing your cheek with his thumb. Eyes locking with yours. You bit your lip, contemplating his proposal. You couldn´t understand how he even found you attractive in this state. Your hair was in a messy bun, one of his hoodies covering your body. However, you trusted him. Trusted him to tell the truth, to make this pleasurable for you.
“Okay”, you whispered, seeing his eyes light up.
“Yes, now get to it”
You were impatient at this point, the mere thought of having an orgasm getting you excited. Your clit had been aching for his touch for days.
“Suddenly eager, are we?”, he teased. His lips started pressing soft kisses on your neck, your back arching off the bed in response. Your hand tangled in his messy hair.
“Do you have a tampon in?”
“Geez, yes, Joe. Oh my god”. You felt embarrassed at his words. He was so blunt, obviously not at all disgusted by the whole situation. Joe hummed against you neck, enjoying how you were squirming under his touch. His fingers started dragging down your torso, avoiding your sensitive breasts, and falling to rest just above the waistline of your shorts. Teasing, sucking onto the skin on your neck. He dipped them underneath, immediately finding your clit, making you gasp. You were so turned on, even the lightest of touches sending you into overdrive. The pleasure was so intense you found yourself arching of the bed, rutting against his fingers. The coil in your stomach instantly tightening, lightning bolts shooting up your entire body. Whimpers leaving your mouth.
“So responsive, Y/N”, Joe muttered against your neck. You could feel him smirk, but you were only concentrated on his fingers. You were so close already, clit twitching under his touch. He touched you with just the right amount of pressure, drawing perfect circles on the sensitive nub. “Are you gonna cum already?”. Out of breath, you found yourself not being able to answer him. However, the loud moan leaving your lips was all the confirmation he needed. “It´s okay, babe, you can let go. I´ve got you”, he whispered. That was exactly what you did. Your fingers dug into his scalp as you felt the knot in your stomach start to unravel. Your clit twitched, pleasure washing over you wave after wave. Joe´s name left your mouth along with a string of curse-words, eyes rolling back into your head. The orgasm was so intense, you didn’t even know what to do with yourself, legs shaking uncontrollably.
“Wow, that was quick”, Joe laughed. His breathing was short, the bulge in his pants uncomfortably tight. As your eyes fluttered open, you turned to look at your boyfriend. His eyes were blown wide, a thin layer of sweat covering his forehead. You placed a kiss onto his lips as your hand fell to rest on his bulge, earning a whimper from him. “Shut up”, you mumbled into his chest, embarrassed. Trying to regain your steady breath.
“Are you sure you want to do this?”, you asked as you slipped your hand underneath his joggers. His breath hitched in his throat as you wrapped your hand around his aching shaft. Desperately nodding his head.
Pulling your hand out, you sat up to discard your hoodie along with your shorts. Joe´s hands were all over you, caressing your every curve. He placed open-mouthed kisses on your shoulder, your neck, your jawline. Humming contently, you pulled of his shorts and boxers. His cock sprung up to hit his stomach. Warm and heavy. He pulled off his own shirt, before sliding your panties down your legs. His hand immediately inching its way towards your heat. You arched into his touch, before remembering that you still had the tampon in.
“Wait, I have to go and, you know, sort myself out”, you said as you pulled his hand away. Joe seemed to know what you were getting at, shooting you a smile as you headed for the bathroom. Your entire body felt hot, aching for his touch again.
You discarded of your tampon, grabbing a towel, and walked back into the bedroom. Joe was sprawled out on the bed, one hand lazily stroking himself. Your mouth watered at the sight, your knees growing weak.
“How do you want to do this then?”, you asked hesitantly. You really didn’t want to make a mess of the bed, and certainly not of Joe. The imagine of him covered in your fluids sending a shiver down your back. “I think maybe you should be on top”, you continued, walking over to him. That would at least make it a bit less messy.
“Come here, Y/N”, he beamed and rolled onto his side. He opened his arms and gestured for you to come lay in his grasp. You laid the towel down on the bed, before crawling over to him. Leaning down to place a soft kiss on his lips, you yelped as he flipped you over, your back against his front. He wrapped both of his arms around you, holding you close.
“This way?”, he asked, placing kisses on your shoulder blade. You nodded, walls clenching at the feeling of his hard cock poking into your backside. Joe lifted your leg, scootching closer to your heat. Reaching down, you lined him up with your entrance. “At least we don´t have to worry about lube this time”, Joe snickered against your shoulder, making warmth spread across your entire body. You couldn’t believe you were about to do this.
“Joe, I´m sorry it´s gross”, you whined. You were about to pull away when he thrusted his hips, sinking his cock into your slick entrance. The sensation was out of this world, a gasp leaving your mouth. You were so sensitive, both from your previous orgasm and your time of the month. You could feel every ridge, every vein of his cock sliding against your walls as he slid in inch for inch.
“Fuck, I love you so much, Y/N”, Joe moaned as he bottomed you out. Those three words never failed to send a smile to your face, butterflies going wild in your stomach. He had said it only a few weeks ago, but you were positive he meant it. You could see it in his eyes.
“P-please, Joe. Can you mo-move?”. You were impatient, craving the feeling of him filling you up again and again.
He nodded, pulling out before sliding back in. Moans left your mouth as he continued his slow pace.
“It feels so good, princess. So tight for me”, Joe whined. The frequency of his thrusts increased, sending bolts of pleasure through your entire body. He placed hot, open-mouthed kisses to your shoulder blade. The hand holding your leg up definitely creating bruises. The room filled with slick noises, along with the quiet whimpers and moans leaving the pair of you.
You felt your leg start to ache and by the heavy breathing Joe was doing, you could tell the position was straining for him too. “Wait, let´s switch positions, Joe”, you whimpered. He hummed, ducking under your leg to take you missionary instead. The new angle causing him to hit your g-spot. You let out a gasp, a smirk forming on Joe´s face as he started thrusting again. His now free hand started rubbing tight circles on your clit, you back arching off the bed.
“Better?”, he asked as he leant down to give you a kiss. You hummed as his lips met yours, your arms wrapping around his back, holding him close as you felt yourself nearing climax again. Joe was too, his breathing uneven, thrusts growing sloppy and less precise. “Gonna cum for me, Y/N?”, he asked, pulling back from your lips slightly. His breath hot against your mouth. Not trusting your voice at this point, you nodded before pulling him to you again. Your legs wrapped around his waist, urging him to finish as well. With a particularly angled thrust combined with his fingers working your clit, you were pushed over the edge. White, hot pleasure shot through your body as you felt Joe twitch inside you. He kept rubbing your clit, cock stilling as a warm sensation coated your walls. Your legs were shaking, fingers digging into his back. Your name left his mouth along with a string of “I love you”s  as he held you close. Riding out both your orgasms.
You stayed like that for a while. Joe on top of you, still inside. Your fingers traced circles on his back, enjoying just having him close. He placed soft kisses to your neck and jaw as you felt your eyelids growing heavy. “You can´t fall asleep yet, babe”, Joe hummed. You knew he was right, but you just felt so loved at the moment. His body hot against yours, dopey smiles on both your faces. You could stay like this for the entire day, but the slick feeling between your thighs kept reminding you that you had to shower.
As Joe slowly slid out, a hiss left your mouth at the sensation. He sat back on his knees, a grimace covered his face. “Not to alarm you babe, but it looks like a fucking murder scene down here”, he laughed. Your eyes went wide, hands flowing up to cover your face. You were absolutely mortified. Joe wasn´t however. He pulled your hands away and placed a soft kiss onto your lips.
“Oh my god, that’s so embarrassing”, you muttered once he pulled away. Reaching up to wipe his hair that was matted to his forehead away, he beamed at you. Butterflies going crazy in your stomach. “I love you, Joe. Thank you for doing this”
“I would say the pleasure was all mine, but from the sounds you were making I´m pretty sure you enjoyed this as well”, he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows at you. Giggling, you rolled your eyes.
“Shut up”, you mumbled, punching his chest lightly.
“Do you feel better?”. Joe caressed your cheek, genuine concern flooding his eyes. You leant into the touch, nodding your head. If not completely gone, the cramps had definitely gotten lighter. You grabbed his hand, placing a soft kiss onto the back of it, earning a huge smile from your boyfriend.
“Come on, babe, let´s get you cleaned up”, he stood up, holding out his hand for you. Trying not to let your eyes drift down to the mess you´ve made on both Joe and the bed, you went to stand up. Cringing from the slick feeling between your thighs.  “We can act out the shower scene from Psycho”
Permanent taglist (open, let me know if you want to be added or removed): @tanya-is-dead, @meghans-corner, @killah-queenz, @miss-tayylor, @sunflower-borhap-boys, @seasexnsun, @valkyrie-and-lokis-daughter, @joes-milk, @pantamemes, @unicornofdanger, @monochromedeacon, @pushthetide21
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o-holynight · 5 years
Good Vibrations
Title: Good Vibrations || The Good Kinda Love pt 3
Pairing: Joe Mazzello x Reader
Word count: 4.3k
Summary: You and Joe continue to hide your romance with each other, until one night when you are exposed--in more ways than one.
Tags: big smut in this one, public smut, friends-to-lovers, secret relationship
[A/N]: My sincere apologies for this taking so long. Life took over, and this piece of work kind of got put on the back burner. But it’s HERE at last. I hope you enjoy it as much as you have enjoyed the last two chapters! Big thanks to @lovehelpmewrite for helping with this concept SO many months ago. I owe it all to you, bb.
Part 1 || Part 2
“You sure you want to come with me tonight?” Joe asked on the phone as he was driving over to your apartment to get ready. He had invited you to the after party for a red carpet that he and the rest of the boys were attending. At first you were worried about showing up to a red carpet with Joe, for fear of speculation getting out, but he convinced you that it would be just like always--him taking his best friend as his plus-one.
“Of course I want to Joey. A real life cocktail party? With real life celebrities? How could I possibly say no to that?” you joked.
“Fuck off. I’m a real celebrity.” he scoffed. “Hey, by the way, I got you a little something for tonight.” 
“Oh you did? What is it?” you asked, curiosity piqued. 
“Why don’t you answer the door and find out?” Joe crooned, and hung up the phone. 
You shook your head, smirking at the dramatics. Not wanting to keep Joe waiting, you turned off and set down your curling iron. You shuffled down the hallway to your door, and opened it to find Joe leaning up against the doorframe, already in his tux, with a small pink bag in his hand.
“Aren’t you just a sight to behold.” you breathed, pulling him into your apartment by his lapel, and kissing him against the back of your door.
He tried to restrain himself, placing his free hand on your waist and gently pushing you away from him. “You can behold me later...after you open your present.” Joe said, holding the bag out between you two.
“I feel bad. It’s your red carpet event, and I didn’t even get you anything.” you said, pulling the tissue paper out of the little pink bag.
“Oh trust me, you wearing this under your dress will be my present.” he smirked, as you pulled out the sheer stockings and garter belt.
“These are...really sexy, Joe. Thank you. I’ll definitely wear these tonight. It’ll go perfectly with my dress, which—“
“There’s something more.” Joe interrupted, raising his eyebrows and peering down into the bag. 
A pair of black satin panties laid in the bottom of the bag. Upon picking them up you noticed they were on the heavier side for such thin silky material. That’s when you saw it. The lining of the panties were exceptionally thick. Almost as if concealing something. And as if he could read your mind, Joe reached into his pocket and pulled out a small keychain. 
“Joseph...what are these…” you asked incredulously, even though you were pretty sure the answer was clear. 
“Just a little sweet revenge for you teasing me in front of my friends. It’s your punishment, you naughty girl. Now I’m gonna tease you in front of our friends, and maybe a couple strangers as well.” Joe said, suddenly pressing the button on the keychain.
The panties sprang to life, startling you as they dropped to the ground. You could hear them buzzing away on your hardwood floor, and a blush crept up into your cheeks. “You son of a bitch. You want me to wear these all night? On the red carpet? With everyone watching?”
“If you’re good, you might get to cum a few times tonight.” Joe said, twirling the small remote around his index finger. 
“You wouldn’t dare…” you breathed out, horrified at the embarrassment possibilities, but thrilled at the taboo nature of it all.
“We’ll have to find out I guess.” Joe said, picking the panties up off of the ground. “Here, go get ready. I’ve got a limo coming to pick us up.”
Sitting in the privacy of the back of the limo, Joe’s fingers trailed up your thigh, lifting the hem of your dress slightly, tracing his fingertips over the lace band at the top of your thigh high stockings. His lips played at your ear softly, whispering, “Do you think we should try it out?” His hand reached into his pocket, which you knew contained the remote to the apparatus nestled against your clit.
You clutched your purse a little tighter, nodding slowly, nervous for the results. You kept a keen eye on the rearview mirror, making absolute certain that the driver couldn’t see or hear you. Then suddenly a buzzing hit your core like a volt of electricity, causing you to tense up, and clench your thighs together.
“Ooh boy, even I can feel that one in the seat. Better be careful with the settings on this thing. That’s—that’s powerful.” Joe said, fumbling around in his pocket, not turning it off while he was searching for the intensity settings on the remote.
“Joe...uh, please--” you whimpered out, reaching over, gripping his knee tightly.
“Doesn’t take much, huh?” he chuckled, finally finding the setting to make the vibration less intense. But now he knew the full power he held over you.
“Yeah, yeah. Laugh all you want,” you said, catching your breath, “you’re not the one with it pressed up against your--”
Your sentence was cut short by the car stopping and the door opening to reveal Ben and Gwil climbing into the back of the limo as well. Joe reacted quickly and cut the vibrations off right before either of the two were able to sit down on the seat. 
“Got a text from Rami. He’s already at the venue. Probably got a few drinks in him as well. Should be a fun time.” Ben said, sliding in next to Joe, filling you in on what’s been going on, as neither of you have been checking your phones or responding to texts. He looked over at you, with your dress still slightly hiked up to reveal your lacy stockings. “You look nice, Y/N. Really nice.” 
“Thanks Ben. So do you, as always.” you smiled, taking the compliment and dishing it right back out. You swear you could see Joe’s hand twitch in his pocket, making you think he was going to turn on the vibration again, but he wouldn’t dare with the two of them sitting on the very same seat. 
Or would he?
The four of you climbed out of the limo and onto the walkway when you arrived to the venue. It was not your first red carpet, being friends with Joe since some of his first gigs, but it was your first red carpet trying not to raise suspicions about the definition of your relationship with Joe. Before, you could pose and act any way you wanted to, and despite the headlines that may have popped up, you had no trouble denying them because they were always objectively untrue. Now, that is not the case. Still, you strode down the carpet, following quickly at Joe’s heels until you hit the first mark, making sure to stand in the middle of the boys. When your arms were enveloping both Ben and Joe, no one could make any claims against either of them. 
A couple more pictures of the group, and a couple more pictures where you stepped aside, letting the boys have their moments together, and it was off to the event.  You started walking off of the carpet and towards the entrance when you felt it. A jolt to your crotch, this time, a dull almost annoying buzzing. As you walked it created even more friction against your clit, threatening to make you weak in the knees. You turned around to see Joe smiling widely, gaze focused intently on you whilst in the middle of a conversation with Gwil. You swallowed thickly, falling back in line with the guys. 
“Hey, you doin’ okay?” Joe asked you, hitting your arm lightly with his elbow. 
“I’m fine.” you said through gritted teeth. “You?” 
“‘M on top of the world, Y/N.” Joe answered, clapping you on the shoulder, giving a knowing squeeze before turning his attention back to Gwil.
That bastard really was teasing you relentlessly. His hand reached casually into his pocket, switching off the vibrations as the group of you walked into the event. You breathed a sigh of relief, and it almost came out as a whimper. As much as you adamantly did not want to have an orgasm at a red carpet gala, this was the second time Joe had turned the toy on momentarily, leaving you wanting more. You figured it was better to avoid letting you reach your peak until the two of you were alone, but damn if it wasn’t going to be annoying to walk around aroused the whole night.
Immediately the boys were surrounded by colleagues from the industry, congratulating them on their film, asking them what was on the horizon. All managed to stay humble and somewhat brief, enjoying the attention, but not wanting to spend the entire night talking about themselves, when they knew a press tour was in their near future.
“Hey!” a voice came from across the room, just barely cutting through the hustle and bustle, as well as the low thump of background music. It was Rami, approaching the group, a drink in each hand, and Lucy on his arm. “You guys came!”
“We couldn’t not come, Rami. That wouldn’t look very good, now would it?” Gwil retorted, clapping Rami on the back. The guys chuckled, Rami shaking his head.
“No, yeah, of course. I just meant--you’re here! Now the real party can begin.” Rami handed the second drink to Lucy, as they took a sip in unison.
“Mm! You guys need drinks yet. C’mon, we’ll grab you some, go mingle.” Lucy said, grabbing you by the arm, and whisking you away to the bar. 
While you and Lucy were at the bar, the boys continued talking to people; directors, producers, anyone nearby really. Everyone wanted a moment to chat with the stars. They obliged, enjoying themselves for a while. But when a free moment presented itself, they took some reprieve and found a relatively quiet corner that they could stand in and chat with each other. After a little while of waiting around, Joe took his hand out of his pocket, flipping the remote around in his palm, debating whether or not it was time for another round of teasing, when he failed to notice his friends’ conversation had ceased, and their attention turned towards him. 
“Hey mate, whatchu got there?” Ben asked, startling Joe, who nearly dropped the remote out of his hands. 
“What? Nothing.” Joe answered immediately. 
“Well, it’s not nothing. I can see it in your bloody hand.” Ben said, reaching out for the keychain and snatching it from Joe. He protested adamantly, silently pleading for him not to press any of the buttons. 
“Is that...what I think it is?” Gwil asked, sheepishly.
“What, what is it?” Ben pleaded, fiddling with the controls, to Joe’s chagrin, turing the settings up the highest they would go.
“You’re...gonna regret that…” Joe said, rubbing his neck awkwardly, knowing the jig was up.
Leaving the bar, you felt a sudden jolt to your core. Just as you had expected, Joe was teasing you again. But a moment later, the buzzing became out of control, figuring he had turned the setting up to its maximum, even though he saw the effects it had on you in the limo. You stopped in your tracks, finding it hard to walk.
“Are you okay?” Lucy asked, noticing you fall behind, gripping the glasses with white knuckles.
“Y-yeah, I..” you stammered, the vibrations almost taking the air out of you. “I’m good let’s just...get back to the guys,” You walked with purpose, determined to get back to Joe and demand to turn it down, or off, or something. But the closer you got to your group of friends, the closer you got to losing control, thighs shaking as you tried to hold back the urge to cum. Finally reaching the group, Joe looked at you with his brow furrowed. You shoved the drinks against his chest, gripping onto his arm as he took them from you. “Please Joey...please I’ve had enough...I don’t--” Your voice caught in your throat before you could finish your sentence, begging him to turn it off.
But it was too late. “I--I don’t have the remote.” he breathed, as you clenched your thighs together, gripping his bicep through his suit jacket. The tremors that traveled through you rendered your legs almost useless, using your grasp on Joe’s arm to keep you upright. You didn’t hear what he said, because of the blood rushing in your ears as your orgasm washed over you. Your knees knocked together and you buried your face into Joe’s shoulder, breathing ragged. The vibrations didn’t stop though, and you had never had such a prolonged orgasm in your life.
“Please. Off...it’s too much.” you sobbed.
“Guys, turn it the fuck off.” Joe ordered Ben, who was staring open mouthed at the two of you, shocked only slightly more than Gwil was. Ben fumbled with the buttons again, making sure that all of them were in the off position before blinking in disbelief at what he suspected the situation to be.
“So...it was what I thought it might be then, huh.” Gwil raised his eyebrows, rubbing his lips, trying to wipe the growing smirk off of his face.
You scowled at him, and at Joe, for letting the guys get ahold of the remote. But now, you supposed, that the secret was out. Why else would Joe be able to make you cum at the press of a button, if you were not somewhat involved with each other.
“So...you two are together…” Ben asked, handing the remote back to Joe hesitantly, but you reached out and grabbed it from him instead.
“Fucking, duh.” Rami said, and all eyes instantly snapped towards him.
“We--we’re not--” Joe started, but Rami cut him off.
“Oh please. You think you’re so sneaky, but I’ve been onto you for a month at least.” Rami gestured with his drink.
“It hasn’t even been--” you said, after regaining your composure, despite still feeling the evidence of your orgasm threatening to drip down your thigh.
“Oh but it has. You two have not stopped flirting since the day I met you. I was just waiting for someone other than me to notice. I was sure Ben was onto you when you two were sending dirty texts to each other on my couch. Thought someone might even notice that you, Joe, came back from the bathroom chewing Y/N’s gum that day at your place. But no, it took an entire orgasm in the middle of a release party for you all to see what’s been right in front of you.” Rami went on and on, explaining all the evidence he had collected over the duration of your escapades.
“So they are fucking.” Ben smiled, elbowing Gwil almost triumphantly.
“We’re not.” you and Joe exclaimed in unison.
“Oh sure. What’s just a couple of casual orgasms between friends, right?” Lucy said, sipping her drink which she retrieved from Rami after handing Ben and Gwil theirs.
“You seriously have not slept together...and yet you’re wearing...vibrating panties?” Gwil asked incredulously, lowering his voice for the second half of his statement.
“N-no.” Joe stated plainly.
“Well, we know what’s happening tonight. Or are you all tuckered out, Y/N?” Ben teased.
“Oh shut up.” you said, blushing and burying your face in Joe’s shoulder once again.
The rest of the event went pretty well, eventually growing used to the feeling of the now-dormant vibrator in your still dampened panties. You still kept your PDA to a minimum, because there were press pictures being taken left and right and you weren’t completely sold on the whole world thinking you two were in a relationship. Were you? In a relationship?
By the end of the night, you and your friends had consumed more than a couple drinks and spent the rest of the evening dancing like no one was watching. But the night was over now, and you bid Rami and Lucy goodnight, sarcastically thanking Rami for completely exposing you to the rest of your friends. He said that it was not his doing, but your own. Couldn’t really argue with that.
Finally, the four of you that came in the same limo, departed in another limo together. The tension in the car was so thick you could almost reach out and touch it. It certainly didn’t help that you were sprawled lazily across Joe’s lap, head resting on his shoulder, hyper aware that you were sitting directly on his crotch--the only thing separating you being his trousers and the panties that ended up being the catalyst of the night.
“Boy, you two sure didn’t waste any time gettin’ cozy, didja?” Gwil piped up, as his gaze was focused directly on the two of you.
“Man, you don’t know how hard it’s been keeping it on the down low all this time.” Joe said, carding his fingers through the hair at the back of your skull, relieved to be so comfortable with you in front of his friends now.
“Rami sure didn’t seem too surprised.” Gwil chuckled.
“Why did you keep it from us mate? Didn’t think we’d be supportive? We love you, man. Both of you.” Ben said, putting a hand over his heart. You weren’t sure if it was the alcohol talking, or if he was genuinely hurt that you didn’t tell him sooner. Maybe a little of both.
“It’s just-- we weren’t sure ourselves, yet.” you chimed in, lifting your head off of Joe’s shoulder. “It just sorta happened, and we just sorta went with it.”
“But you haven’t slept with each other.” Ben reiterated.
“Not...technically, no.” Joe stated.
“Well get on with it then.” Ben said emphatically. “You’re all over each other already. Practically grinding against each other--”
“Ben, we’re not even moving…”
“Ahh bup bup, I don’t want any more lies.” You and Joe looked to each other, trying not to roll your eyes and snicker. “I just want you guys to fuck and get it over with.”
“How romantic, Benjamin.” Gwil said, leaning back against his seat.
“Well, look at them, they’re clearly in love.” Ben said, gesturing to you two.
“Alright, alright, that’s enough. Maybe you shouldn't have had that last Long Island, hm?” Gwil intervened, a hand gripping Ben’s shoulder, guiding him to sit back against the seat as well.
“‘M just sayin’.” Ben said, and crossed his arms.
As fate would have it, you had finally pulled up to the hotel where Ben and Gwil were staying. “C’mon mate, out you go.” Gwil said, guiding Ben out the door before him. “Congrats you two. And for the sake of us all, go get laid.” He nods his head affirmatively, as if giving orders to the two of you. 
All you could do was chuckle in response as the driver closed the door and returned back to his seat. The limo was silent for a few beats before Joe cleared his throat awkwardly. “So...uh, should we? Y’know...do it.” 
You looked to him, mouth twisting up in a smirk, as he searched your eyes for the answer. You didn’t give him one right away though. Instead, breaking your gaze and reaching down his side, slinking into his pants pocket to procure the remote. He laughed softly as you held the remote delicately in your hands before turning it on, sending vibrations against your clit, and down onto Joe’s crotch. 
“I’m gonna take that as a yes.” Joe surmised, starting to squirm underneath you. 
“Yes,” you said, dragging out the word as you ground down against his lap. 
“Stop, stop stop. We’re here.” Joe breathed out, grabbing the remote from your hands and shoving it in his pocket as the driver opened the door for you. He did not, however, turn it off. You climbed out of the limo, thanking the driver, and climbing up the stairs, only to have Joe come up behind you with a sharp, playful smack to your ass. 
Once inside, you wasted no time in making your way to the bedroom, dragging Joe along behind you by the wrist. You reached your bed and turned around, pushing Joe’s jacket off, down his arms and letting it pool on the floor. He threw you back against your bed, hands clamped around your waist, holding your hips in place. He reached up under your dress, finding the edge of the infamous panties, and yanked them down your legs. The loss of contact made you whine, but when you saw Joe reach into the middle of the panties and pull out the bullet-vibrator, your whine turned into a moan. He spread your knees apart, and you let them fall to the bed on either side of you. Carefully, Joe brought the tip of the vibrator down against your clit, dipping down into your folds, now having full control of where the buzzing sensation was being focused. 
“I’ll never forgive you f-for letting Ben steal that remote.” you breathed, arching up into Joe’s touch. 
“Don’t lie. I saw how much you enjoyed that. Having an orgasm in front of all your friends and thousands of other strangers. Do you think they knew? That you were falling apart in my arms, Y/N? Do you think anybody noticed the most beautiful woman in the room unabashedly having an orgasm right there in the middle of the floor?” Joe teased your opening a number of times as he spoke, fingers dipping in and out of you while his other hand controlled the vibrator. “But this one is just between us, baby. This one’s all for me.” Joe said, as he ducked down between your legs, licking a flat strip up your pussy. He worked his tongue along your slit. “Cum for me babe. Just for me.” he spoke against your cunt as he dragged the vibrator across your nerves one last time before you reached your high, gripping fistfuls of Joe’s hair, pulling him further into you as you came. 
You were panting as he emerged from between your legs, lips glistening until he licked them clean, along with his fingers. “Fuck,” he breathed, as he tossed the vibrator to the side, scrambling to undo his pants, freeing him from their tight constraints. You laid there catching your breath for a moment, with your eyes lazily focused on Joe disrobing. He untucked his shirt, pushing his trousers down just enough to pull out his cock, already painfully hard, impatient and eager to finally be inside of you. “Can’t you gimme a second Joey?” you pleaded, still throbbing from your orgasm.
“Thought you’d be used to overstimulation by now. You--you really want me to stop?” Joe asked, holding himself, just outside of your entrance.
As much as you ached from having multiple orgasms already tonight, you knew you would be falling apart for him again in no time, especially seeing him so ready and waiting. “N-no. Don’t stop, I want you.” you confirmed, wrapping your hand around his, and guiding him inside of you after many weeks of teasing. His head lolled back as he sunk deeper into you, biting his lip as he thrust slowly, gauging your reaction. Your sensitivity quickly faded as he finally picked up his pace, turning into sheer pleasure. 
After so many years of being friends, so many years of flirting, so many years of apparent stifled feelings, it was finally happening. Joe rested his hands on either side of your head, dipping down to kiss you. You could taste yourself on his lips, until the kiss was broken by a moan when you clenched around Joe. He leaned his forehead against yours as he slid his hands under the small of your back, angling your pelvis upward as he thrust deeper into you.
You gasped as he hit that spot inside of you, and fisted the back of his button down shirt. “Wish we waited just a little longer so we could get out of these clothes, huh?” you laughed breathily, exposing your neck as he kissed down your jaw, sucking at the skin there. “Wanna drag my nails down your back so I can admire the marks tomorrow in the shower.”
This earned a growl from Joe, and he quickened his pace, chuckling. “Couldn’t wait any longer. We’ve waited long enough.” He brought one of his hands down between you, grazing his thumb over your clit once more. You winced at the stimulation again, but eventually settled into his touch. “You gonna cum with me baby?” he asked, voice strained.
“Don’t know if I can--” you said, eyebrows knit together, trying to chase after another orgasm.
“Well I’m, I’m gonna--” Joe started, beginning to pull out, but you stopped him, linking your ankles around his waist, keeping him inside of you.
“Don’t you dare pull out, this dress is too expensive.” you scolded, and he nodded, staying buried inside of you as he reached his climax, dropping his head to your shoulder. He stifled his moans in the crook where your neck met your collarbone.
Suddenly his head lifted up, looking into your eyes. “You’re...you’re on the pill, right?”
“No I just thought it’d be fun to start a family the day we start dating. Of course I’m on the pill, Joey.” you said, hitting him in the chest, smirking. 
He finally pulled out and rolled onto his side, looking over at you. “Oh, so we’re dating now?” he asked playfully. 
“Officially…? I guess you could say that.” you replied, turning onto your side and facing him, unable to contain your smile. 
“Oh goodie. Can’t wait to buy my girlfriend all kinds of things. Like more sets of lingerie, perhaps? And maybe even a dress that I can ruin.” Joe smirked, running his hand up the side of your dress, finding its place on your cheek and pulling you in for another of many passionate kisses to come.
tagging people who have expressed interest: @godyouredull @toger-raylor @painthatiusedto @totallynerdstuff @rogermeddowstaylorr @misskvegas @queen-irl-af @princessleiaqueen @icantgetnorelief @ramimalekedd @katiesobsession @okkgray @jubel-raised-you-from-perdition  @ramibaby @drbrianmayy @lelifesaver @allkinds-oftrash @borhapmusings @mjssjngyouu @rogerina-deacon @babemazzello @deakmedowndeaky @perfumefromparis @hardcoredisneynerd @sevenseasofdeacy @callingallgirlsinhotspace @icantgetnoreliefficrecs @m0etenchandon @witchy-little-chicken @eekwhatthefreak @anotheronebitesthedeacon @angeleyestaylor @rami-sunflower-malek @secretpieexpertbasketball @qwerty-q-01 @queen-in-funerland @bellamy1998 @istheresomebodywhocanimagine @killergwil @killer-queen-xo @dolokhovcocktail @sweet-ladyy @fancytelephonepatter @brianprobablywill @a-night-at-the-0pera @dtftomholland @supersonicfreddie @anotheronebitesthedeaks @i-frootsnacc @someforeigntragedy @favorite-oldies-radio @mayibeexcludedfromthis @theholycakehole 
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malekedd · 6 years
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Gwil on how Freddie inspired him (and Joe gushing!)... (x)
2K notes · View notes
babemazzello · 6 years
829 notes · View notes
This is the only thing I’m gonna talk about
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I’m really dying
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Could I request a hc for a (secretly insecure) tall + skinny reader? Like she’s upset that she has zero curves and is so freaking bony and everyone assumes she has an ED. if you’re comfortable thanks!! With Joe or Ben, or both separately :*
Sure thing! I will write HC's for both and keep them separate!
Also, this is going to be a reader that identifies and presents as female, for clarification everyone.
TW: hints of steamy stuff, language, and mentions of eating disorders and mentions of drinking.
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Joe is so soft and squishy, he likes to hug you to keep you warm. You like to joke with him that he is your teddy bear.
Also, since he is more on the average height side, you like to also teasingly but also lovingly call him a "short king."
When you discuss other guys in the past not being interested in you due to your height he fake gags, "they don't know what they were missing!"
When people assume you have an ED, you insist no and Joe will run up like Sonic the Frickin' Hedgehog to defend you. "My girl is perfectly healthy! And fine, thank you! Her eating isn't any of your business!"
He does enjoy going shopping with you. He will look for clothes that fit you and if they are too big, he finds all sorts of cute belts that accentuate your waist so that the pants look fitted or the skirts or dresses bloom like a flower.
When you feel bad about your lack of curves, he will hug and kiss you on the cheek. He then gently puts his hands right on your hips as he hugs you from behind, resting his chin on you, listing off every one of your beautiful features.
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So Ben is a thiccer guy. So naturally, he is very protective of you ut still soft and sweet on you. When it's cold, he LOVES giving you his coat or hoodie. Seeing it drape over you and the sleeves fall past your hands just makes his heart melt.
Though you feel self-conscious about being taller, he actually loves it since not only do you have killer legs, but you give badass, majestic vibes to him.
Your tallness has him puff up his chest, knowing that he has to "step up" his game to let you know he can protect you and still baby you when needed But he is not opposed to you being all sweet and babying him.
If someone says "hey Y/N, you're so bony! Do you have an eating disorder???" he will turn his head and call out their rudeness. "Why the fuck would you ask anyone that? That's none of your business!" and put an arm around you.
He enjoys it since you are taller you can usually keep up with his walking, especially in a pretty spot with your hand in his.
You can also keep up with his drinking nights at the pub and you two can go there as a fun, relaxed date to bond over some fun drinks, be it a pint of beer or a pint of something of your choice.
Since you sometimes complain about how you feel "unsexy" you bet Ben buys you some lingerie right in your size in the perfect colors ;) and you bet you wear it on... "special" nights ;)
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