#jk ideal type astrology
uyuforu · 10 months
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Jungkook Astrology Masterlist
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why only jungkook? = jungkook is the only member from bts that confirmed his birth time so only jungkook's astrology readings would be accurate. Until other members confirm theirs, I'll do Jungkook astrology first.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Basics
Sun • Moon • Mercury • Venus • Mars • Jupiter • Saturn • Uranus • Neptune • Pluto • North Node • South Node • Ascendant
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Asteroids
Juno • Groom • Briede • Union • Karma • Boda • Lovelock • Destinn • Child • Ceres • Pallas • Lilith • Chiron • Fortune • Vertex • Vesta • Sappho • Psyche • Fama • Harmonia (…)
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Houses
1H • 2H • 3H • 4H • 5H • 6H • 7H • 8H • 9H • 10H • 11H • 12H
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Persona Charts
ಇ. Moon Personal Chart
ಇ. Venus Persona Chart
ಇ. Juno Persona Chart
ಇ. Groom Persona Chart
ಇ. Briede Persona Chart
ಇ. Boda Persona Chart
ಇ. DSC Persona Chart
ಇ. Fama Person Chart
ಇ. Union Persona Chart
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Solar Return Charts
ಇ. 2023-2024
ಇ. 2024-2025
ಇ. 2025-2026
ಇ. 2026-2027
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Synastry
ಇ. Jungkook & Mingyu (Seventeen) Synastry
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Composite
ಇ. Jungkook & Mingyu (Seventeen) Composite
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ Astrology Readings
ಇ. Jungkook's Love Languages
ಇ. JK's FS appearance indicators
ಇ. JK's Ideal type (based on DSC Persona Chart)
ಇ. JK's Fama in Natal Chart + Briede Persona Chart
ಇ. When will Jungkook marry?
ಇ. When will Jungkook have children?
ಇ. Using Asteroid Union to predict Jungkook and his FS meeting
ಇ. Jungkook's In-Laws
ಇ. Jungkook's Fashion Style Evolution
ಇ. Where Jungkook's FS comes from? (in the examples)
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kfanopinions · 1 year
Jooyeon Ideal Type (Astrology)
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okay frist and foremost he is super cute!!!!! if i was younger i'd totally have a crush on him lol...anyway...i'll be looking into jooyeon’s moon and venus signs for this. both seem to be scorpio so this may be on the short side lol like always please take everything with a grain of salt <3
scorpio moon || scorpio venus
ummm... okay so this is with both his moon and venus signs...soo...beacase he is not 21 yet (remember his bday is in late sept.) i'll just say this...his partner may want to get used to the ole horizontal mambo...if you catch my drift *wink...wink...wink...* like they should already want it too >////<
intensity in ten cities <- sorry just being weird feeling his feelings is going to be a big thing. he needs someone who is able (not willing) but ABLE to handle the extreme ups and downs of his emotions
long-term look scorpio's vet people, okay? so if he finds someone he's shown interest in they should have it already implanted in their brain that they want a long-term relationship. this guy right here doesn't want that short fling. he wants a RELATIONSHIP
dr. jekyll and mr. hyde DO. NOT. CHEAT! this is what he needs in a person ^^
"yes your royal highness" his partner should devote themselves to him...okay not really...but physical touch and words of affirmation may be part of his love language. someone who tells him how much they appreciate him. who shows interest in him (but doesn't cross the invisible scorpio line) just someone who loves him unconditionally
in order to get YOU give opening up first and sharing their hurt, pain, joy, love, etc. will help him to open up. i will also advice for his future person not to give up all of their life's story completely. scorpio placements like a little mystery *wink*
secrets are meant to be kept this can include the relationship as a whole but someone who won't shout it out that i'm dating jooyeon would be ideal. if he wants to keep the relationship a secret or doesn't want "everyone" to know, he needs someone who respects this. or w/e he tells them they should keep it to themselves and themselves only
heat miser and snow miser a person like stated above who can handle his extremes is needed. that also means someone who can handle him being super loving and smothering them with affection one second and then making it seem like he hates them the next
(as a scorpio woman idk why we do this but it happens...i'm not saying this is what happens with him but perhaps our love batteries just need some recharging time <3)
stubborn as a mule someone who doesn't pressure him to cave in to what they want. unless there is a valid reason this guy is who he is. he feels what he feels. believes what he believes. challenging him will be like having a staring contest with a brick wall lol
leo's step aside there's a new king in town (jk) he wants to be the leader of the relationship. he needs someone who doesn't challenge that authority ^^
seducer someone who will entice him. who knows their self-worth and can make people crumble at their feet. a sort of femme fatale type...jessica rabbit? <- sorry just watched who framed roger rabbit lol ->
the hot seat a partner who can handle any and all questions that he will fling their way (even if they're weird ass questions or personal questions) scorpio placements dig deep trying to figure people out...he'll more than likely do this with a love interest whether he's aware he's doing it or not lol
the waiting game someone who can wait for him to get to the point of comfortability. scorpio placements take some time to open up to people. a patient person is ideal
keep him on his toes predictability is SOOOOOOOO boring. so a partner who keeps him at attention/always guessing will be A+
sorry it's so short but with him having scorpio in both his moon and venus i didn't want to repeat myself haha still hope you enjoyed it <3
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Jungkook's Ideal Type Observations
Hello my loves, how are you doing today? So, I'm here to talk about Jaaaaykaaaay lol Especially today being his birthday, but not just that...I've been suffering over him since Muster of this year ;-; So, I decided to celebrate this moment talking about/exposing (a little bit more) his type lol I hope you guys like, it's very direct and blunt, and spicier ok? And, as always don't take things too seriously, this is for fun <3
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Someone with brains, but humble plus glasses? He is on board.
I feel he could be into an edgy look and glasses. Kind of rock and roll meets nerd ahaha
This is a mixture of his Libra Venus, because since Libra is an air sign conversation, rationally, all this mental stimulation is important in a relationship for him; Plus, he owns a Gemini Eros, so again talking and showing that you know about stuff is a big turn on.
So, I feel someone with a nice and edgy plus nerdy look it's his kryptonite.
Well, in my opinion having these placements, but specifically Gemini Eros plus Libra Venus and Leo Moon makes him want:
Glasses. An air of sophistication.
Smart and intelligent.
A “book eater". Just someone who loves reading.
Knowledge. Passion when talking about the things she studied/read/saw.
An academic person.
Older girl who can impress him with how much she knows.
Could be a scientific knowledge, like the field she is in.
But because Jk is an awkward dude, it's important that he feels impressed by you and not intimidated, otherwise he will not engage.
His Leo Moon is all about inspiring and bright people, with a sense of humor.
He wants someone who can enjoy the little things with him. Doing the silly things once in awhile. I feel this can make him feel more chill around the person he likes, after all we know how hard he is own himself, and with Libra Ascendant + Virgo Sun, he tries to please and to reach the expectations people have of him so badly.
He needs a person who can be there for him, AND to help him when he's having his moments of self doubt, and thinking he's not doing enough. Someone who can encourage and support him it's important here.
If we are checking the sex part: I'm thinking that he could go crazy with thigh riding.
and yes, he would love to be exposed to some oral sex, since he's a Scorpio mars in the first house.
He could be into submission. I think he likes being with someone who knows what is doing. But, it's tough to say, because Scorpio Mars in the 1fs can be really into be "the boss" in bed lol and I'm feeling a good and old SM playing too(RM once said he is into exhausted his senses, right? He is into pain, especially physical pain (apparently) definitely he can take a lot (I'm mean...all that tattoos).
And I think esthetics matters here, so a nice environment it's always a good thing. I feel this is a Libra Venus thing AND he's a Virgo guy too so not just this, but also a clean and organized place
Sexy, sensual and delicate lingerie.
A good smell it's also very important (We know how sensitive he's about this,right?)
I think he likes pleasing views, like an aesthetic yk?
And because he likes adventure, why not doing it in a very high place with the most spectacular view? I mean, here he does have a nice place plus the thrill and the adrenaline he loves so much lol
And I do think challenges are very exciting for him, could be use as a foreplay, for instance.
And this is it for now, I hope you enjoyed this post! Let me know what you think in my ask box! <3
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findingmyselfatm · 3 years
Astro notes because these typa posts are getting popular
The usual dsiclaimer: I am no professional, take what resonates. Most of these are based off my close friends' charts.
To start off strong, I love venus in Aires. They're so passionate and fun in love, it's amazing. They most likely have a flirty nature with a streak of independence. I know, Aires isn't the best sign for venus, but if that's true why are they so cute??? Ok no jk jk, but for real now. As someone with a libra venus they make my heart go 📈📈. I feel like they're also the type to not want to label their feelings? Especially with some aquarius in the mix.
You have taurus placements? Be my friend rn. They're so down to earth and giving, not the most upfront about it but they care a lot for the people dear to them. Expression is different for every placement, but taurus moon is probably the most clear about it.
To all my mercury in the 9th house and 12th house people, you're not stupid just because these houses aren't considered a comfy place for the planet. Firstly 9th house is literally the house of higher studies and philosophy, I do not see the connection to lack of intelligence. And secondly, the 12th house also represents our subconscious, with mercuy in it, I suspect these people are more rational than they look or than their own expectations.
I have seen some astrology observations saying scorpios are attracted to leos and capricorns and uh, as a scorpio sun and mercury, cut the cams guys. This mix is simply so, good and appealing. The scorpio archetype values loyalty, truth and emotional depth. If there are any signs fit for this, capricorn and leo are among them. They're definitely loyal to their loved ones, not just anybody. They're devoted to their passions and most likely hard working too. What more could my scorpio juno want? (I am planning a juno post btw)
Another thing I have noticed is the observation that Neptune in the 1st/Pisces rising cannot be characterised by others easily. I have neptune in the 1st and yeah. Realistically, everyone acts a little different depending on the environment, but with this placement, I hardly feel like any personality test, kins, or other people's descriptions of me fit unless I tailor them and try to much them all together. I think this is because of Neptune in the 1st's tendency to be chameleon like, not necessarily on purpose. Also perhaps their disconnect from themselves. As someone who likes consistency in character, this sometimes infuriates me. If anyone else with these placements feels like this too, a word of advice is to accept the chameleon nature. It is human nature as well, not just astrology. Also, one single placement does not define your entire identity, so don't worry about it. If you wish to change something, maybe use neptune in the 1st's ability to change according to an ideal >:)
Find someone with their mars sign as your eros sign, or vice versa, if you're looking for physical/sexual attraction. Eros in mythology is the son of Aphrodite and Ares, Venus and Mars, he is basically the ultimate physical attraction placement. F.e: my best friend has mars in aquarius, and I have aquarius eros. Our chemistry is strong haha- and I have another friend whose eros was in capricron, and they obsessed over a guy with capricorn mars.
Talking about capricorn mars, I feel like it gets over-sexualised in the astrology community but for a good reason- ok no jk. These people have a great potential for an amazing work ethic, and really have a no bullshit attitude. I bet you can see why people thirst over them, right?
If there is one mars sign that always manages to piss me off, it's either gemini, pisces or aquarius mars. Gemini mars attacks you with their words, they most likely know where to hurt you. Aquarius mars is like this as well, but a whole lot more stubborn in the face of opposition. Meanwhile pisces mars is passive and they simply do not engage, which can leave people a little irritated (it's me, I'm people). However I believe these mars signs have a lot of positives as well. Gemini mars is very observant and witty, that's how they strike where it hurts. Aquarius mars is usually confident in their opinions, and pisces mars is great at mediating conflict when they don't run from it.
People say Jupiter in the 11th makes someone popular, meanwhile me, with this placements standing here with a friendgroup of at most 5 people. Ok no jk again. I get that it depends a lot on other factors. That's why I think Jupiter in the 11th makes someone jovial and easy to approach.
To all my other moon in the 12th house people, do you ever have moment when you respond emotionally to a situation you weren't expecting to? Like, where did that come from? I'll make a longer post on this, but I believe being in the 12th house, emotional workings are hidden and when they arise they are unexpected.
"Moon conjunct Saturn are unemotional" nah nah, they don't show they are emotional. Moon conjunct Saturn people can be extremely emotional just like anyone can, but they keep their feelings on a leash, to hell with it if they'd let them out lmao. Of course, they open up to the people they truly trust, which makes them very guarded but less likely to get stuck in a blackmail typa situation.
Chiron conjunct mars people have to heal some wounds regarding their anger. Perhaps they have internalised anger, or they express it too outwardly and hurt others without knowing. I sense there are some issues with figuring out where the blame stands (blame themselves too much or too little). Mars is also about protecting your own, so these people are most likely very guarded in terms of their issues and trauma.
Is it me or do we tend to have a love hate relationship with the sign of our descendant? I have Leo descendant and my experience with Leo sun signs isn't that great, however I am in love with leo moons even if they sometimes piss me off lmao- a friend of mine has Sagittarius descendant, and she said she doesn't like Sagittarius placements. And then she got a crush on someone with a Sagittarius stelluim-
And thay concludes it. Thanks for reading, and feedback is always welcome!
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chemicalpink · 3 years
༊*·˚ Jungkook as a glucose guardian ༊*·˚ | Tarot + Astrodice + Pendulum | 18+
Disclaimer: This reading is based on my experience and knowledge of tarot, it is not meant to be the absolute truth, as BTS are real people, and tarot can only capture so much about multidimensional humans that have had past experiences and cultural approaches amongst other things, it does not have to resonate with you since this is in no way related to anyone reading it (unless you are a member of BTS in which case, get out of here lol ) This is just for entertainment purposes. Remember that tarot as a form of divination only allows us to read current energy and as time advances it becomes less accurate, so it basically reads up to a 6 months period of time. Note that I am keeping “future partner” as a neutral concept, this does NOT mean any variation of soulmate, neither is it indicating marriage and the definition of partner is pretty broad on this one as the nature of the relationship is up to the ones involved (whether it is romantic, exclusive, sexual, is unknown)
A/N: The wifi thing isn't sorted yet so we'll see how this goes in the next few days. IF YOU'RE A MINOR DO NOT READ THIS OKAY IT GOT SMEXY. As usual, don't forget to keep up with my ongoing Namkook Birthday Project, love you guys, and let's scream together in my asks. I'll read you.
masterlist. tarot masterlist. astrology masterlist.
Repeat with me: JK the type to not free himself from his decisions because of an “I did this to myself” mentality. He really probably didn’t even notice when he agreed to be the splendaddy of someone and okay perhaps he just really isn’t into it, which wish I could say it surprises me but man didn’t have a pillow until recently so understandable [8oS] If or when he makes amendments with the whole idea tho, he would be the glucose guardian that will only contact you when he’s bored and mainly just to keep up with the quota of taking you out so that he fulfills his duties. Gotta give this man a trophy for the idiots to lovers trope tho, even when he doesn’t notice it or he’s reluctant to admit it, he would 100% admire you from afar when he takes you out and shows you off to the world [4oC rx] He would also be the type of sweetener benefactor that is into liberated, non-exclusive type of relationship that way he feels like it wasn’t so much of a mistake to take on such a responsibility AND gives you the chance to date someone you actually like/benefit from. He just really isn’t into commitment, sorry. [10oC rx] Honestly, as a glucose baby myself I would definitely red flag a Sucralose guardian like JK bc accountability is sexy (? BUT HEY if you’d like a young, millionaire, Splenda spender that fucks you real good, he’s the one for you especially if you’re into the whole power dynamics type of play in the bedroom just don’t really expect this man to come to love you at full capacity [the devil rx]
Scorpio Venus 9th & Sagittarius come in to tell us everything that has been said before, if JK was a fructose father, he wouldn’t be ideal, he likes pretty things, you are a pretty thing and he collects pretty things. AND he likes his pretty thing well educated in bed so I guess if you’re into that type of thing by all means go ahead, I wouldn’t give you more than a few weeks tho, there really wouldn’t be a way to change this man. It would make up a hell of a story tho.
Decks Used: Tarot of Pagan Cats, Harmonious Tarot, Romance Angels Oracle
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kpoptarotvibes · 2 years
I believe mbti is old and overrated as a system. Psychologists don’t believe in it. At best what it describes is superficial patterns of one’s self. Also you rely on the outcome based on someone’s perception of themselves which let me tell you not a lot of people can do. On another note when you have taken the mbti so much times as they have, you can observe patterns and switch your answers not on reality but rather on the ideal you wish to be or even a certain amount of denial on somethings. With that being said, the second to last letter in the types refers to T for thinking and F for feeling. This shows whether you react to situations and make decisions with emotions or logic. NONE of them are a T, apart from Yoongi and Jin. Jin I would assume is more balanced between feeling and thinking but if you want to look at what a true T is like suga is a true representation. So ain’t no way in earth Jimin and Jk are T..but you know whatever. I am just sending this cause I am sick and tired with how obsessed Korea is with this test. I will close on a quote from a psychiatrist when he talked about mbti and he said “ the more popular personality tests are often the most inaccurate” lol sorry to bother you but if you know anything about this damn test I would like to hear your opinion cause at this point I’ve seen in all. Jk ain’t intp sorry even Namjoon isn’t. This type is for geniuses. Just for measure Einstein was an intp… again sorry but people who see this, please stop believing and limiting yourself and your perception of others on systems created a century ago…..
I mean I hope everyone is just taking this test with a grain of salt. I mean for me it's just all in fun nothing serious. Like astrology is for me when they start trying to attach personality traits to that. I don't believe astrology is used for that but anyway.
It's not that serious for me. No personality test or any fun test is serious to me. It's just a fun laugh and joke like all Armys are seeming to make fun of it through making gifs. Let's just have fun with this and not make it serious.
And be analytical about it Jungkook Jr. 🤣​
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sugar-petals · 5 years
tarot + astrology masterpost
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K-Pop Readings + Astro Posts + Research Links
DISCLAIMER // there is no guarantee for accuracy. believing in the cards is a choice. all portrayals are speculative and for entertainment purposes only.
+++ LATEST READING: what they were too shy to tell you PAC
↳ for a personal tarot or chart reading, head to my blog @tiger-commissions​ (currently closed)
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warning ⚠️ some featured readings are explicit.
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BTS as major arcana cards 
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MTL Likely To Be in a Relationship
yoongi shadow mv reading
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how (often) do they masturbate?
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top 5 sex positions
bts as dads
will bts be considered legends?
mtl enjoy period sex
how they act around their crush
mtl practice tarot/the occult
bts’ personalities
mtl enjoy rough sex
mtl have sex on the first date
bts as friends
who needs the most aftercare?
what it takes to be with jk
mtl enjoy to receive a lap dance
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how bts and lil nas x see each other
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mtl poly sex
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MTL cock warming
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valentine’s reading: bts as boyfriends
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oracle messages for the bts members (what do they need to hear?)
your first time with them
yoongi’s dreams
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their future partner’s looks and kinks 
why does RM feel underappreciated?
where & how will they meet their future partner?
BTS’ messages to us (during covid-19)
Reading on the Yoongi x IU collab
favorite non-sexual affections/activities
their current energy (lenormand reading)
their future places of residence
bts x aftercare
how to flirt with jk
daechwita MV — yoongi as the KING OF SWORDS
bts during arguments
who’s the foreplay king?
how bts would treat their s/o
namjoon’s dream life
how the public will see bts’ relationships
life after fame
jk giving and receiving pleasure style
yoongi giving and receiving pleasure style
bts as cuddlers
their talents and hobbies
how they enjoy sex
how clingy they are
their first date with their future spouse 
what convo topics would interest jk
what convo topics would interest myg + how to approach him
when and why they meet their future spouse, and whether they are a celeb or not
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most romantic member
bts’ legacy
shiest in bed
why the tarot thinks yoongi is a virgin
yoongi’s dream life 
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bts’ confessions
their love languages
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massage reading
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who lurks on their crush’s sns
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The deck I use, unless stated otherwise, is the Rider-Waite one. Ask me about any other card sets if you need info on them, e.g. oracle cards.
last updated: nov 6, 2023
© 2017-2023 sugar-petals. Depictions fictional and for entertainment purposes only. Do not repost. The featured readings do not replace any professional advice.
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starrkdani · 4 years
Can you do a BTS MTL do date/marry a foreigner?
Hey Nonny! 
See also BTS Ideal Types 
Hyung Line
Maknae Line  
I’m surprised I haven’t got this question sooner, tbh
Under the cut.
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First of al, we have to understand that Korea is a country with a relatively small population of forgeiners, so it’s still a relatively new thing for them to have marriage to foreiners or non-asians. It’s not like Brazil (where I’m from) or The US, who are countries with  a lot of immigrants, ok?
Having said that, I personally don’t believe they wouldn’t date or marry a person because of their nationality. They don’t really seem like the shallow type that would do that..
So, as long as the person is nice, lives in Korea and/or speaks Korean, they’d be game.
So, charts...
Astrologically, I’d say that would depend on more than just having Sagittarius love placements (LOL). It would have to be a mix of things, and we would have to consider the whole chart. 
So, IMO, Jin, Namjoon. Hobi and JK are the most likely to be interested in a foreiger, because they have planets (Sun, Venus. Juno) in either 9th or 11th houses, which are the ones most related to “dating foreingers”
For example, I’ve seen many MANY things about Jimin Sagittaius Juno, which, IN THEORY would favor a foreinger partner (notice that I didn’t include him).... but they usually don’t consider his traditional Capricorn seventh house, so there you have your first... contradiction.
Jimin is also a Libra. Libras are people pleasers, and would rarely do something controversial or something that would upset their loved ones. 
We don’t know Jimin’s family but WE DO KNOW that he is very close to them, so if his family is not open to that.... and together with the info from his chart...... what to do? There isn’t a right, concrete answer to these things. 
Everybody has free will! So maybe he’ll do that anyway even if family says no! We can’t really know that!
Everything is a great IF!
(Please use the same idea with Taehyung’s Aquarius Venus , JK’s Juno in the 11th, etc...).
I don’t like to delve into delulu grounds.... not even like this... 
(Because if I say XXX member is likely to marry a foreinger people will start thinking they’re their soulmates.... and there is already enough crazy people after them)
“oh, but another tumblr did a reading and said that - ”
Well, this account doesn’t like to assume things. EVEN if there are signs of it in a chart.
At the end of the day, we don’t know BTS. No matter how expert our reading is, we can see and predict some things, yes, but their life is theirs, and they’re the ones in control of it.
Sorry for the long ( and somewhat dissapointing) post.
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neonun-au · 3 years
get to know me tag game~
tagged by: @nctsworld & @nochv
tagging: @mars-maybe @itsapapisongo @hy-ck-main @hchan @itsapapisongo @sunflowerforhaechan and anyone else who is interested~
what day is your birthday? june 30 baybee
what’s your favourite colour? bright oranges and yellows and also brown. 
what’s your lucky number? i genuinely never think about it so i don’t have any. maybe 11 since it’s my lifepath number or smth idk
do you have any pets? in my heart i have hundreds. but no
how tall are you? 5′6/5′7 idk something around that
how many pairs of shoes do you own? five or six? minus a few i need to get rid of. but mostly i exclusively wear my blundstones and my pair of toms that are falling apart lol
favourite song? this is impossible to answer but god only knows by the beach boys is a constant for me
favourite movie? lord of the rings lol also the shining and pride & prejudice 
what would be your ideal partner? what would be? a really nice shiba inu that becomes my partner in crime
do you want children? i don’t think so. too many reasons not to and i think it’s better to err on that side of caution rather than just assume everything would work out
have you gotten in trouble with the law? someone called the cops on me once when i was walking down the highway home from work one night. they thought i was up to mischief. maybe cow tipping. (also no, no i have not been lol)
bath or shower? shower. i do love baths but only if its in a good bathtub
what colour socks are you wearing? flesh socks
favourite type of music? i need variety in music so anything. i do have most of my roots in rock and the like, though
how many pillows do you sleep with? one pillow and one shark
what position do you sleep in? stomach, one leg up cause my thighs are thicc
what you don’t like when you’re sleeping? light, noise, heat, everything
what do you have for breakfast? i don’t eat breakfast
have you ever tried archery? no but i really want to start axe throwing when i move to the city
favourite fruit? watermelon. but i don’t eat much fruit
favourite swear word? none of them im an angel
do you have any scars? i have one scar on my forearm from where my dog scratched me once <3 also a biopsy scar on my arm, but that’s it
are you a good liar? i would say so, yes
what’s your personality type? infj although it’s from that 16personalities site which i have heart isn’t exactly that reliable in terms of cognitive typing. also im more of an astrology gal
what’s your favourite type of girl? i didn’t realise there were ‘types’ of girls
innie or outie? innie
left or right handed? right
favourite food? anything made of potatoes. good, creamy, garlic mashed potatoes
favourite foreign food? foreign to me as a canadian? poutine (jk) 
are you clean or messy? depends on the mental emotional landscape of the time
most used phrase? ‘fair enough’
how long does it take for you to get ready? idk depends what i’m doing. in the mornings i roll out of bed for work and get ready in 5 minutes 
do you talk to yourself? literally all the time
do you sing to yourself? yes ofc
are you a good singer? depends what you consider ‘good’
biggest fear? never living up to my full potential/wasting away all of my time in indecision and fear
are you a gossip? sure, sometimes. everyone is. gossip serves a very important evolutionary and social function
do you like long or short hair? whatever looks best on the person. for myself i like both depending on what im most annoyed with at the time
favourite school subject? any of the humanities
extrovert or introvert? introvert
what makes you nervous? phone calls
who was your first real crush? i really liked this boy in the 4th grade called shawn. he was v cute
how many piercings do you have? just my ears atm
how fast can you run? not fast i can’t even remember the last time i ran anywhere. it has probably been years lol
what colour is your hair? right now it’s just a dark brown
what colour are your eyes? green/blue
what makes you angry? coming into work after two days off and seeing the desk in a disaster and an inbox full of L&F inquiries that no one bothered to touch while i was gone 
do you like your own name? i don’t have any qualms with it
do you want a boy or a girl as a child? a dog
what are your strengths? beats me lol maybe a rather objective perspective
what are your weaknesses? too objective, often impersonal
what’s the colour of your bedspread? yelloooowww
colour of your room? a supremely unfortunate shade of mauve that i cannot wait to leave behind :)
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uyuforu · 10 months
What is Jungkook's type from his birth chart?
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Jungkook's DSC Persona Chart
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-> Hi! Thank you for your request and patience! So, technically, you asked to know jk's ideal type based on astrology, and I already did his Venus analysis, so I thought of talking of the DSC persona chart today! But don't forget it's not really possible to explain who is your best match based on astrology. Our partners are all based on what we like, there aren't really a best match. The closest thing would be his Briede Persona Chart that I already did and Venus Analysis :)
What is DSC Persona Chart?
Descendant Persona Chart is a Chart based on the Descendant. Also called DSC for shorter lol. It's a chart that represents the partners you tend to date so technically your type. Since we usually don't date people who are not our type lol. So we will study what is JK's ideal type is based on astrology.
A little reminder of all the romance based Persona Chart:
Venus Persona Chart= Individual's love style
DSC Persona Chart= What kind of person you tend to date/ go after
Groom/ Briede Persona Chart= FS
Boda Persona Chart= Wedding of the individual
Juno Persona Chart= Represents our soulmates, FS, destined love of our life
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Leo Rising, 17°
-> It represents how the individual approach their relationships, how their relationships appear to people. With this placement it obvious that it tends to be something people are curious about. It gives the vibe that whatever relationships he will be in, it will either be revealed to the public or people are just so into knowing it. Main character vibe. IT couple. It means he hates to hide his relationships, he would rather prefer to shine with his love in public, despite it may not be for the best all the time. JK tends to see his relationships as the most important thing in his life. He literally does whatever he can to put his relationship first. Generally, people (close to him) see his relationships as something he is very devoted to, and he literally shines in his relationships. You can see it literally makes him appear way more happy in his life when he is in one. He will tend to be more playful, suddenly burst of happiness. Cheeky. It also represents how the individual seem to be in a relationship! So for JK, it literally means he can be seen as a cheeky, courageous, proud, generous, but also a show off. He can tend to show off generally or just his relationship. He is a very devoted lover, maybe a bit dramatic sometimes. But the kind to always talk about how great his partner is, or how good his relationship is going. The 17° is also under leo so it's literally what it means lmao. He will tend to be more creative when in a relationship. His partners are his muses. He will also give the queen treatment in relationship. Not princess, Queen. This is extra placement lol.
Cancer Sun, 11H, 7°
-> Main theme of relationships, and how the individual act in relationship. Literally, three words here: home, friendship, romance. Here the vibes are Cancer, Aquarius and Libra. JK needs comfort in a relationship, so someone nurturing (idk how many times I said it before lmao), someone who can be his home. Someone who can pamper him, let him be dependent on them from time to time. Someone he feels safe with. So PDA is a big thing here too. He searches for that in his partners. So if his partners are searching for someone to totally depend on, move on to someone else girl! JK will tend to act like a baby who needs attention in his relationships, or cuter lol. Don't take it to the line, you must take it lightly. He will just act more cute, more childish in a way. He may also love to use a cute voice and cute nicknames while talking to his partner (and mercury is also in Cancer lmao). Eating with partner is a big theme lol. Loves to be cozy with his partners. So staying at home with them is his favorite thing. With the 11H placement, it makes me feel like friendship is very important for him. I wouldn't be surprised if he mostly dates his friends, in a sense he needs them to be friends before the relationship. And dating his best friend vibe. It can also reminds of social medias. So he may would want to post his lover on social medias. Pretty sure he wish he could. Showing off is part of how he loves don't forget! Love is important there as romance because libra is still there but Aquarius makes the relationships very friendly too. JK would love to feel best friend with his partners. Having fun, discussions about many different topics, talking and getting/ giving advices, etc. A real connection is needed. Feeling free also, not controlled. With libra, are you surprised to heart JK is a true romantic? Yeah, me either. Romance is needed here. PDA, cuddles, sweet gestures, lovely words, etc. JK will be the kind of romantic guy to suddenly offer flowers to his partner, or taking care of them. Fairness is important, if there is a feeling of injustice in the relationship or a cold treatment, it's not going to go well. Same as if the partner is too strict or controlling.
Virgo Moon, 1H, 6°
-> Emotional needs to feel satisfied in the relationship. How the individual will feel happy in relationships. How they express their emotions. This one conjunct JK's natal moon, which tells me it's literally the same as generally in his life. The 1H (Aries) placement makes me feel like being able to talk about him, his life, or even his relationship to others will make him happy. If he feels safe to talk about him, share details, then he is happy and comfortable. Otherwise he would never. If he can be a bit mean with his partner, like teasing, or even roasting each other, then it's love lmao. He would hate someone who literally takes everything bad. Someone who is strong enough to be roasted, who will roast him, and even can handle receiving criticism! Virgo placements often criticize their loved one "for their own good". In their point of view, they are giving you an advice about something you can improve to make your life easier. In the eyes of someone more sensible, you have been criticized hard lmao. If JK can express himself and show his flaws, then it's a win for them. If he shows what he consider his "bad side" (flaws) to his love, then he is happy. He hates people to see that in him, he feels the need to be perfect all the time. So literally him showing what he hates the most about him is literally a proof of love. Nothing much more to say lmao.
Cancer Mercury, 12H, 26°
-> How the individual communicate in relationships. The things you say, and how you say it. Conversations' topics. Literally what I said before: baby talk. I won't get to into this as I already talked about it. Topics can be about home, ways to make the home more cozy, activates at home, couple activities, childhood memories, etc. With pisces, it can be about art, spirituality, emotions, dreams. Often talking about the future. There is a gentle way to speak with the 12H placement. He very gentle voice, wanting the partner to feel loved and safe. With taurus placement (26°), talking about home decoration, money, fashion, beauty, food, good things of life, families, habits, etc. There is still a down to earth vibe here. Being realistic, helping each other with money, giving advices. Singing too, singing together. Writing songs. Just talking everyday as they never get tired of each other.
Gemini Venus, 10H, 5°
-> How the individual express their love in the relationships. How they want to feel loved. How to be happy in relationships. JK express love towards his partners usually with conversations. You know he loves to be with you if he actually stay there and talk. Spending time is a big thing. With his partners, talking can be big. Talking about many things, and learning together. He would love to learn from partners. And teaching too. Exchanging informations. Mental growth. I told before that words of expression isn't big for him but I feel like with this placement there, he would love someone who talks a lot, someone who can lead the conversations. He may be more of a listener. Also, someone spontaneous that can keep him on his toes. Someone who keep surprising him. He will be the same!! He wants to keep the love new, and keep that exciting feeling all along. In 10H, this placement makes JK be willing to work hard for the relationship to work, he is mature but expects the same. He hates laziness, so no effort= bye bye. Someone who is not consistent, someone who tells and does the opposite is a big turn off. He may lead the relationship or feel responsible to do so. He may also want to feel lead from time to time. With the 5° (Leo), def a show off omg. He wants someone that will feel proud to date him. He wants to be able to show off his partner. He is very romantic and loves big gestures. Gift giving can be a thing. Feeling creative in a relationships is important to him. He may also express his love this way. Writing a song, creating a playlist for them, painting something, drawing, singing a song in karaoke or serenading, etc.
Gemini Mars, 11H, 24°
-> Goal, motivation in relationship. Anger. What keeps the relationships drive. Learning & teaching each other stuff is important to keep the relationship moving. I said it before but if the relationship falls in a routine, it won't work out. If it becomes boring, then it's a no. JK needs to feel like he can't get enough of his partner. So someone he can talk with, and with the 11H, a friend, is important to him. Someone he can have fun with!! With 11H, he needs a unique relationship, just someone very unique, even if they can come off weird to others. He just doesn't want to feel bored and always excited to be with them. Friendship is very important and to judging each other. Softness, accepting emotions, spirituality could be a thing too. As for goals and motivation, the 24° can be helping each other doing shadow work, helping each other with addictions, helping each other with dreams and creativity. For the anger, communication over burst of anger is more important. JK doesn't want someone aggressive. He wants someone who can talk things though. Someone who wants peace and calm rather than a storm. So fights might happen quite almost never, only when really needed.
Pisces Jupiter, 8H, 27°
-> Where the relationships will be more successful. How to be lucky in relationships. Success with emotions shared! His relationships will be successful if both share how they feel, are not scared to express their emotions as it is, and even being each other muse. Keeping the relationships in their own bubble will also be a good idea. Both practicing spirituality! Listening to each other and being patient. Trying to help each other. Being intimate and not scared to be very passionate. If both feel obsessed with the other, it will go well? Very weird to say but the relationship will need passion, and devotion to work. They need to feel like the other love them so so much. JK will need this absolutely. TALKING. Talking, communicating is super big. If he communicates with his partner then it will go well. It means even talk about stuff that bothers him. But that means speak rather than bottle up, which can be very hards at time. Communication is a form of maturity.
Taurus Saturn, 9H, 1°
-> Lessons learned in relationships. Hardships. Lessons about stability. How to make a relationships stable, long term. It can also be related to different countries, languages, long distance relationships. Dealing with huge differences that make the relationships harder. Lessons about being more open-minded, patient and learning. Accepting the way you think isn't the only one possible. What you know isn't the universal truth. There are also lessons about committing too fast. Lessons can also be learned through non committal relationships (situationships). It can also mean hardships related to speaking to fast and not thinking enough. Not being patient enough. Acting more than talking. There is a need to be more calm and collected rather to act impulsively.
Sagittarius Pluto, 4H, 5°
-> Transformation in relationships. Struggles too. Learning about different cultures, different languages in his relationships. But it can also be a struggle for him. Def different languages in relationships. Long distance relationship can happen too, he may have experienced them or will. Different religions, philosophy, etc. Learning from the other without judging. He wants someone who can teach him many things that goes beyond what he already knows. Someone who can redefine home, someone who will teach him their countries' stories, usages, etc. Someone who will make him discover what they like and will transform his fame, what he loves, be a muse for him. But that also means snuggling with his fame with his relationships.
Taurus MC, 11°
-> Reputation and how the public view the relationships of the individual. For the Taurus MC, it means to me that it's still pretty private to me. Earth signs literally don't show off. It may be showing off less as possible, keeping things private to still have a stable relationship. Keeping things out of hands of the public, to keep the control. The public will maybe feel like JK has stable relationships, it's not just a random relationships, but a long-term one, even marriage. But with the Aquarius, it would appear strange, unique, surprising to them too. Like "??? her?? really?? okay...?" kind of vibe. People will def be surprised. For different reasons: his ideal type is right under so you will understand, and I keep seeing so any signs of potential foreigner wife lol. You know Koreans army (most of them) will not like it, and most of fans of the world will be super judgy. Most people think they are better while... gurl? You don't know the person. And move on! He choose unique partners because he loves iiiiit. Both signs makes me feel like PDA in public isn't big, it's quite reserved, or this is how people would see them. And things will maybe feel awkward? But Taurus makes them appear super charismatic and always well presented to the public (physically). Good manners and powerful couple vibes. Unique couple.
Aquarius DSC, 17°
-> The ideal type! It can gives off foreigner vibes. But mostly partners who are different. Uniqueness is such a huge turn on for JK. Don't be a sheep, don't follow anyone. He is not into people who wants to fade in the mass. People who stand out, who does thing as they want, free and are not afraid of judgment are such a thing for him. Friendly people, someone he can be friend with before dating (told you). Someone who will never judge him, always accept him as he is. A good listener. But he needs someone he can admire. Someone creative, someone courageous, someone who can say "fuck off" when needed. Someone confident, charismatic. Someone who literally attracts all attention on them. He might be into getting the one everybody want. He may feel like he won, he loves this feeling. Someone he can run after, or someone who will run after him. Kinda both? Someone who literally shine. Uranus conjunct the DSC so someone different is very important. Someone who are themselves and don't necessarily follow trends. They have their own unique style, own way to talk and expressions. Just themselves. Physically, he may love people with beautiful hair, thick hair, shiny hair. Just someone with beautiful hair. He would totally fall for someone who looks good it makes him shake in his knees. Someone who is not shy, introvert. He literally wants someone who can make him melt. And also someone who are so fun, he can be a child again, the cherry on top. He may love people who love to have fun.
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-> Main signs that may attracts JK (placed in the big 6* of a chart) based on DscPC:
*Big six= Sun, Moon, Rising, Mercury, Venus, Mars
Aries/ Taurus/ Gemini/ Cancer/ Pisces (all placed there because they were all equals)
Libra/ Sagittarius
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-> Main signs that may attracts JK based on his BPC:
Aries/ Pisces
Virgo/ Libra
Taurus/ Leo/ Sagittarius/ Capricorn
Cancer is not present much but it's the sun and also on his Natal DSC, so I'll also add it
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Thank you for reading!
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kfanopinions · 1 year
KB Ideal Type (Tarot Reading)
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okie dokie! this was interesting to do since i had no idea what to ask jk i'll share what questions i asked as well as the cards that came up with what i found. so please like always take it with a grain of salt and enjoy! ^^
Q: what is KB from OnlyOneOf's ideal type?
Page of Cups || Knight of Swords || The Hierophant
-> someone imaginative -> creative (may not know how creative they can be) -> shy/naïve -> someone who leaps into action -> isn't afraid to lend a helping hand -> there for others -> wise/has some wisdom -> people look up to them -> stable person/someone who has their sh*t together
Q: what is the energy this person embodies?
Vulture Spirit -> nothing is wasted
-> through their triumphs and struggles they have gained knowledge to use at their disposal -> very strong regenerative type of energy
Q: any chart information?
*this is information about the person but i'm wording it to fit what he would like in a person*
1st House || Pisces || Saturn || Square
-> someone who knows their self-worth -> even if their personality rubs someone the wrong way they own who they are -> someone who knows to take care of themselves and doesn't always bend over backwards for others (this person may need to keep this in check) -> someone who uses everything that has happened to them (good and bad) to their benefit and to grow from
astro dice - possible chart info/signs
signs - sagittarius // libra // gemini chart info - this is anything that might be of significance in any way pluto // sagittarius // 1st house
Oracle Cards
i used two different decks asking the same question... 'what can you tell me about kb's ideal type?'
stay optimistic about your love life - positive thinking and faith will bring you romance worth waiting for - divine timing is at work in your love life coffee cup || not today || stabbed in the back || love
-> could be someone that started off as a friend (or he might have an ideal type within his friend group) -> again this feeling of someone standing their ground. setting boundaries and not letting people walk all over them -> they may have suffered some kind of hurt but that has only made them stronger which is an admirable quality (maybe he might like someone who takes the hurt and turns it into gold?) -> someone who he finds attractive -> a person that gets him like there is just this instant connection
now this just for fun. they are possible facial details, eye colors, love messages etc. that this person may have or want to convey. this is for fun so please take this with a grain of salt ♥
charms and letters
-> cute -> sweet -> likes nature -> maybe into astrology or they like to stargaze -> perhaps someone that likes rock music (?) lol skulls came up and a guitar so maybe he likes rocker types? -> name could start with a vowel or have many vowels (letters: O, O, I, I, I, U, and D)
hair style || bangs // 3/4 part // eccentric hairstyle (this could be the cut or color) eye color || green eye // blue eye // honey brown hair color || light blonde hair // reddish blonde // warm espresso (dark brown) // burgundy // purple brown face details || thick/bushy eye brows // strong jaw (nice jawline) // longer face // beautiful long eyelashes personality || cheerful // good sense of humor // sensual // nervous/worrier love messages he (kb)/they (ideal type) want to convey || i'll be there for you always // you are the most beautiful person. inside and out // you are super smart! let's stay up and talk more!
Q: how can kb bring his ideal type into his life?
9 of Wands || The Star || 4 of Cups || 6 of Pentacles || 10 of Cups
-> getting rid of what isn't necessary. out with the old and in with the new -> manifesting. stating what he wants to the universe/wish on a star -> seeing what is in front of him. working on his relationships with those he cares about. sharing in the wealth -> enjoying the relationships he has both romantic and friendship -> being their for people he cares about -> getting rid of someone who wasn't there for the right reasons (there was just a shadow figure in the background of the 10 of Cups which makes me think someone was hanging around or it's like an ex)
*hope you liked it ^^*
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jacksvnshine · 4 years
What is IN, Minho and Hyunjin's ideal type? What would they be attracted to? Is there a way to tell what kind of physical appearance someone might like though astrology? If yes, could you include it in your answer? I see a lot of blogs skirt around this to spare their readers' feelings and claim that all idols will not care about their partner's appearance and only about what's inside. But I just don't think that's realistic when it comes to teenage or early twenties boys. Love your blog btw 💕
Hi Anon and thank you!😄 Emotional and mental connections go much deeper beyond appearances but if we’re talking solely appearances, Venus and Mars are a good place to start. Traditionalists would say that those attracted to women should refer to Venus while those attracted to men should refer to Mars, but I think its better to look at both in combination with each other because it includes a more well-rounded approach to attraction and romance that encompasses both love and lust🙊 I’d love to have their birth times to add their house placements here too for more depth but sadly, we just have to work with what we have for now~
Minho has his Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Virgo. He likes the confidently quiet types. In terms of appearances, he would be drawn towards people with a modest yet mysterious attitude and look to them - think of the ‘sexy nerd’, dark and elegant clothing, the person who doesn’t speak much but always has something witty to say if challenged. The less he knows about them, the better. Because he wants to be the one to learn EVERYTHING about them and he will👀 For a deeper connection, his Sagittarius Moon wants someone lighthearted who can take his humor and give it back twice as brutally because they know life isn’t meant to be taken so seriously🥳 Body parts he might be drawn or sensitive to, include the stomach and just straight up genitalia wow
Hyunjin has his Venus in Pisces and Mars in Aries. He likes cute and passionate types. In terms of appearances, he would be drawn towards people with a soft look yet fiery spirit - think of someone who looks harmless but can certainly fend for themselves, delicate accessories and pastels, isn’t afraid to put themselves out there and love fearlessly. He falls in love deeply and quickly, caught up in his fantasies of this person that aren’t always realistic but enjoyable nonetheless😖 For a deeper connection, his Virgo Moon wants someone thoughtful and practical who grounds him when he gets caught up in his head🥺 Body parts he might be drawn or sensitive to, include the temple, hair and feet yeah Pisces is nasty jk jk
Jeongin has his Venus in Aries and Mars in Scorpio. He likes strong, dangerous types. In terms of appearances, he would be drawn towards people with a ‘badass’ attitude and look to them - think of someone who is always somehow covered in injuries from fights, has a resting bitch face, or is smirking all the time and you might think of Changbin lmao If someone seems intimidating or out of his league...then that’s sexy and he’s interested😏 For a deeper connection, his Leo Moon wants someone warm and loyal who won’t make him chase them but instead feel like a King😌 Body parts he might be drawn or sensitive to, also include the temple, hair and again genitalia lmao gotta love Scorpio with the no bullshit
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gg-astrology · 6 years
Note: you can always search the artist (for desktop:  “tagged/-artist-”  to find posts about them💕
Sun-Moon Catalogue (Masterlist) ☀️ 🌙
Astrology Masterlist  PT 1🔮 | (<2018) Astrology Masterlist PT 2 🔮| (2019)
Disclaimers : Probably a post explaining why I don’t answer some asks (concerning topics/subjects like privacy or what could be harmful to others) + what goes through my mind when I try to talk about it to myself (working outs/technicalties, clarification, etc.) 
Black Pink
*scroll down to the bottom of page for answered asks about Black Pink! 💕
Sun-Moon Signs
Kim Jisoo
Inner Planet Natal Reading
Kim Jennie
Inner Planet Natal Reading
Lalisa Manoban (Lisa)
Inner Planet Natal Reading
Park Chaeyoung (Rosé)
Inner Planet Natal Reading
BlackPink Rosé: Explaining Pisces/Libra Rising Predictions/Clarifications |  
BlackPink Jennie: Why She’s Intimidating/Bitchiness: Placement/Aspects |
BlackPink Rosé: Ideal Placements + Attributes |
Jungkook - Rosé: Brief Synastry Overview (aspects + placements) |
Jungkook-Lisa: Shipping pt 1 | Jungkook-Lisa: Compatibility pt. 2 | 
BlackPink Lisa: Sexuality and Relationships | 
BlackPink Lisa’s T-Square: Escapism - Driving Force | 
Yoongi and Jennie - How Are They Similar?  | *Not synastry/compatibility 
Astrology Snippets
Sun-Moon Signs
Jung Yerin 
Inner Planet Natal Reading 
Red Velvet
Sun-Moon Signs
Kim Yerim (Yeri)
Bae Joohyun (Irene)
Irene ASKS: Appreciating her Love Style | 
Park Sooyoung (Joy)
Park Jihyo
Brief on confirmed birthtime 
Im Nayeon
Yoo Jeongyeon
Minatozaki Sana
Myoui Mina
Hirai Momo
Kim Dahyun
Pristin V
Sun-Moon Signs
Sun-Moon Signs
Team Dynamic/All Member Overviews
**ANSWERED ASKS: Wheein - Conjunct with Public/Relationships  | Mamamoo 2019 Solar Return | 
Natal chart for group + Solar Return for 2019/2020
Ariana Grande 
Natal Outlook 
*maybe later
Brief Overview
Amber Liu
Brief Overview 
Brief Overview
Christian Yu 
Brief Look 
Inner Natal Planet Reading
ASKS: Venus-Square-Mars (Synastry w/ Another person: Will it Resolve?) 
TOP (Choi Seunghyun)
Brief Outlook 
Translated Twitter Thread by HeizeBrasil in Portuguese Here ✨
Brief Overview
Hyolyn (Hyorin)
Inner Planet Natal Reading
IU-GD : Compatibility |
IU’s Ideal Type (in relation to JK) |
Choi Minho (Shinee)
Brief Outlook 
Lee Taemin (Shinee)
Brief Outlook 
Nam Taehyun
Brief Outlook 
Brief Overview
Full Natal Reading (w/birth time) 
Shannon Williams
Brief Overview
ASKS: Who Shannon would go for | 
Duo Dynamics (Series) 💕
Jung Soojung (Krystal) - Jung Sooyeon (Jessica)
Sun-Moon Signs
Summaries: Mars - Destressing 
Summaries : How to Heal with your Chiron 
Summaries: Facing Saturn (Aquarius | Pisces | Aries | Taurus Saturn) 
Rapline Analysis (Strength, Style, Signature) + JK’s Admiration For Them
BTS Answers: Different Gender Bestie | Social Relationships
BTS Answers: Love Language | Affections 
BTS Answers: Family | Future - Family (Fathers)
BTS Answers: Final Dispositions (+ Strictness/Seriousness side-quest) 
Kim Namjoon
Inner Planet Natal Reading 
*ANSWERED ASKS: Namjoon- Yoongi Brief Dynamic | 
Park Jimin
Inner Planet Natal Reading 
*ANSWERED ASK: Capricorn- Libra Suns ( low-key Taehyung-Jimin) Compatibility  | Libra - Virgo Suns (wasn’t thinking about BTS in particular but maybe?? idk??) | Scorpio Mars (Jimin-Jungkook) - Different Shades of Possessive/Protective | Jimin’s Gemini Moon (And Saturn aspect) - does it make him talkative on logs/fancafe? | Yoonmin brief (what I like about them) | Jimin: Shouldn’t he be into horrors since he has Scorpio placements (no?) |
Kim Taehyung
Inner Planets Natal Reading
Members Dynamic (Brief Overview)
*ANSWERED ASKS: Brief Taehyung- Jungkook Dynamic/Capricorn - Virgo |  Taehyung - Yoongi Dynamic (Taegi)  | Capricorn/Aquarius/Aries - Possessive/Jealousy? 
Jeon Jungkook
Inner Planets Natal Reading
Hobi, Jimin, Jk: Gift Givings | *based on the run episode where tae got his winter bear from Jimin 
BTS and Types of Communicator/Understanding (Context of: Upfront and Honest Communicator themselves) | 
*for fun - The most sun/moon moments each member has done | *not serious!
Taehyung + JK - art ‘aesthetic/taste’ | *please don’t ask for every member!! 
Yoongi and his poker face/dead-pan humour | 
Yoongi if he has a Libra Moon : Difference? | 
Possible Charts (different times) for Army | *when the fandom name/official was established
BTS ranking (for fun): 1) lets do it baby i know the law vs. the laws are strict and so am i 2) spontaneousity??
BTS Pettiness (Astrology) | 
BTS Anger (Astrology) | 
BTS - Skin-Ship/Physical Affections from Others | 
BTS in Relationships (Astrology Placements) |
Couple Culture: Brief on BTS - significant other wearing their clothes |
Namjoon’s ‘Ideal’ Type: Placements |  
Namjoon’s ‘Ideal’ Placements: Fire Moons (Aries| Leo Moons) Earth | Water Placements (+ Compatibility/Relationship 101) |
Namjoon’s Ideal Type: Physical Attributes (longer revised/expansion on Ideal placements) |
Namjoon - Jealousy |
Jimin: Why is he so attractive to everyone? | 
Jimin: Naughty Humour? Sense of Humour | 
Jimin’s Compatibility: Attributes + Placements (+ Brief Member x Jimin Relationship Dynamics) |
Jimin Season ASKS: ‘Jealousy | ‘Possessivenes’ | ‘Clingy’ ?
Jimin: Mars-Pluto Intense Hard-working drive? Has it eased up? 
Taehyung’s Ideal Type: Placements |
Taehyung’s Ideal Type: Attributes |
Taehyung’s: Unaspected Venus - Does it make him a cheater? 
Jungkook Have Hella Squares and He Made it Work: So Can You | 
JK’s Ideal Type: Placements |
JK’s Appetite (+ Hoseok) |
JK: Jealousy |
JK: “Glitches” | 
Jikook Relationship (Outline) |
Jimin - Jungkook’s Scorpio Mars - Different Shades of Possessive/Protective | 
JK: why people are saying he likes Taurus |
JK’s: Eyes Smile (Sparkly/Doe) | 
JK’s: Ideal Attractive Physical Attributes (+ placements) |
JK: Why people are saying he likes older partners (younger partners  advantages/explained) |
Jungkook - Yeri: Compatibility Overview |
Jungkook - Rosé: Brief Synastry Overview (aspects + placements) |
Jungkook - Lisa: Compatibility | 
BTS - Black Pink : Most likely to Backstab Someone |
Jin: Sags (and Aqua for Hobi) are extroverted always? |
JK and Namjoon: Differences (brief) 
JK Birthday Project: Virgo Boys (Kim Namjoon- Jeon Jungkook)
Virgo Boys Masterpost
BTS: Virgo Boys - Virgo Notes (JK) 
BTS: Virgo Boys - Sun/Sun 
BTS: Virgo Boys - Moon/Moon (+ Tae/Jin’s Aries Moon) 
BTS: Virgo Boys - Stage Persona/Performance (Moon-Mars)
BTS: Virgo Boys - Social Relationships (Moon-Venus)
BTS: Virgo Boys - Namjoon’s fondness for Jungkook
BTS: Virgo Boys- Jungkook: Habits and Quirks 
BTS: Virgo Boys -Jungkook: Values in Honesty
BTS: VIrgo Boys -Jungkook’s Mercury: Visual Learner/Details 
BTS: Virgo Boys - Jungkook’s Venus: Cinematography (GCF)
BTS: Virgo Boys - Jungkook’s Venus: pt.2 (Libra Venus focused) 
NJ Birthday Project: Virgo Boys (Namjoon Centric) 
NJ ‘Birthday Project’ Masterpost 
BTS: Namjoon’s endearing clumsiness (Moon/Mars/Venus)
BTS: Namjoon’s Intellectualism (Moon/Mercury) 
BTS: Namjoon, Love Yourself (Astrology) 
BTS: Virgo Boys - Namjoon’s Aegyo | Embarrassment (Mars) 
BTS: Virgo Boys - Namjoon’s Fashion Sense (Venus)
BTS: Namjoon’s Koya - Comfort Style (Mars) | Sleeping Cycle (Mercury/Venus)
BTS:  Namjoon’s - Rejected Handshakes | Interviews (Mercury/Mars/Moon)
BTS: Crab Joon | Observational Nature (Sun-Moon Astrology)
BTS: Virgo Boys - Namjoon’s Thankfulness | Leadership (Sun | Moon | Mercury)
BTS: Virgo Boys - Importance of Public | Private Self (JK - NJ | Virgo Sun)
BTS:  Namjoon’s UN Speech (Astrology) |  Bouncy Amplified
BTS: Namjoon Stage Performance pt.2 | Scorpio Venus - Cancer Mars
BTS: Namjoon’s Mischievous Nature | Pt. 1 - Shade (Libra Mercury - Sagittarius Moon) 
BTS: Namjoon’s Mischievous Nature | Pt. 2 - Flirtation (Sagittarius Moon)
*Namjoon Fashion Sense is now also on a twitter thread via virgojooneyes  ✨
Jimin Birthday Project: Jimin Season 
Jimin Season: Masterlist
Jimin Season: Sincerity | Libra - Scorpio
Jimin Season: Nurturing | Scorpio
Jimin Season: Polaroids/Memories |  Libra Mercury
Jimin Season: Teasing Nature | Libra Sun - Gemini Moon
Jimin Season: Fun-Loving | Libra Sun
Jimin Season: Caring | Libra
Jimin Season ASKS: ‘Jealousy | ‘Possessivenes’ | ‘Clingy’ ?
Taehyung’s Birthday Project: Tae-day’s Menu ✨
Tae-Day’s Menu (Masterlist) 
Stage i. SingulariTae + Stigma
Stage ii. DualiTae | SinceriTae + CharismaTae
Stage ii. T(ae)ripple - Threat
Kim Minseok (Xiumin)
Over view 
Byun Baekhyun
Brief Outlook
Park Chanyeol
Brief Outlook
Kim Jongin (Kai)
Brief Outlook
Im Jaebum (JB)
Inner Planet Natal Reading 
Kim Yugyeom
Brief Outline 
Mark Lee
Inner Planets Natal Reading
Lee Donghyuck (Haechan) 
Brief Outlook 
Seventeen Natal (group) and Solar Return for 2019/2020
Choi Seungcheol (S.Coups)
*Add on for Natal Reading w/ Birth time!
Vietnamese Translation (via FB) by lynrin99
Yoon Jeonghan 
Hong Jisoo (Joshua Hong)
Wen Jun Hui
Jeon Wonwoo
Kwon Soonyoung (Hoshi)
Fan-sign birthtime (got at a fansign) *alleged, op hasn’t come back with a source yet so as of now it’s still unconfirmed
Lee Jihoon (Woozi)
Inner Planet Natal Reading
Xu Ming Hao (The8)
Chwe Hansol (Vernon)
Boo Seungkwan
Actors 💕
Park Seo Yoon - Outline |
Nam Joo Hyuk - Outline | 
Astrology Asks 💕
**Please check Astrology Asks Masterlist 🔮 for Full List 
Sun - Moon Catalogue ☀️ 🌙 (Sun signs x Moon signs Descriptions) 
Astrology Help 💕
>> Astrology Asks Masterlist 🔮 << 
*most post are in the link above!! 
Why we use ‘12PM’ for unknown birthtimes |
Opinion on ‘predicting rising signs/birthtimes’ ....sometimes its confirmation bias? |
Friendly Guide to Draconic Charts | 
Astrology - Rising/Ascendant Tables (for writers - character studies) | 
Note: Requests are already put in my draft! 💕 If you want to know who’s already requested, please search their name in the tag!  If nothing comes up, you can definitely send in a request for a reading! 💕 If you want to be tagged when it comes out, you can dm me or reply to the ask with a request to be tagged! 💕
Biasing someone based on the signs (Different type of biases) | 
Idols looking ‘approachable’ (short answer) | 
Scorpios as Leaders of their team? | 
Kpop and Astrology Pt 2 |
Leaders in Groups Pt. 2 | 
FOR FUN - Having fun with thinking about BTS rising sign | 
All 12 Signs Description of Cutesy Factors (relation to Idols) |
Shipping Idols x Idols |
Recommendations on Idols you might want to try reading/practicing with |
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mini-pretzel · 6 years
… what have i signed up for?
//cracks knuckles
grab a juice box, grab a snack.
we’ll be here for a while. what have i gotten myself into
1. Talk about your first love. 
oh jesus. i actually recently found my old journal lol
from way back when. 2009 i think? i was 13 or some shit. jesus. ok. so my first love was actually over the internet.
yeah, i know. nowadays we’re spoiled with tinder n shit, but back in 2009, all we had was myspace and msn and i met this fucker on skype.
i was so ahead of my time.
anyway, it was october 25, 2009.
here’s a snippet from my journal entry:
well i met a guy on skype. he’s a month younger cause my b-day is on oct 14 and his is on nov 18. but i don’t mind it.
yoooo i was into younger guys even at 13, jfc hahhaa //kill me jk hmu
and then on the next page hahahhaa omg
december 2, 2009
well me and ___ are no longer together. well we never began. he broke my heart two times already. going in depression. please don’t bother. first love, ha!
omfg damn, two months. yeah, that lasted long. also old me: ur so dramatic lol
also i was a feisty lil fella, jeez.
2. What’s the most beautiful songs you’ve ever heard in your opinion? 
this one
3. How’s your heart feeling right now?
a lil stressed. im like, hoping i can get through all of these questions without my computer crashing. pray 4 me.
4. What kind of self care is your favorite to do? 
ok, first thing to note, i fucking love self care. like, too much if im honest.
baths with bubbles and nice smelling scents, lotions, a face mask, taking my time with washing my face and hair and putting on the cutest clothes after. also snacks, always snacks.
when im feeling like spending money: massage. full body. best thing ever. i treat myself to it at least once a year for my b-day.
5. What’s your skincare routine? 
ok so i just got a new skincare line. it’s from nature republic. i have a cleanser, a toner and a moisturizer. it’s fairly simple (unlike 9 steps in korean ahhahha, but like i’ll probably get there in time) also i have a peel mask that smells like bananas that i put on twice a week to get rid of dead skin cells. oh and sometimes i do korean face masks, too.
6. How did you get to be so beautiful?
answered that q here
7. Do you have any stuffed animals?
NO! //hides them all away
8. Best trip you’ve ever been on?
thailand. my parents took me w/ them on their honeymoon.
lol idek why either. trust me.
i was just there for the swimming, riding elephants, getting food poisoning and downing two banana splits in one afternoon. good times.
9. Favorite thing about your room? 
i live in a jungle. but also in an art gallery cause my mom buys paintings online and resells them, but it’s become such a habit for her they are literally EVERYWHEREE I CANNOT.
also sorry mom i keep forgetting to water the GAZILLION plants THAT YOU HAVE MOVED INTO MY ROOM FOR SOME REASON. they’ll be dead by the time ur home. srry ilyyyyy.
also tae hmu if u want some paintings. i got way too many.
10. Opinion on love? 
dude. idk. i mean. it’s definitely not something one can describe easily or fully grasp.
im still waiting for my big love to come along, so like, we can talk about that when we get there.
otherwise, i’ll say this quote that i heard in a song:
give your heart, but keep your head.
11. Are you affectionate? 
with certain people. im weird.
with some people im like no, don’t touch me pls. i bite and scratch.
and with others you cannot get them out of my death love grip.
12. Who do you look up to? 
i look up to bts a lot. they’re doing a lot of good and they’re very respectable artists.
but i also look up to a lot of writers on here because i want to create worlds and writings like them. i won’t tag them cause rip them trying to find why i tagged them in this long ass post haha.
13. Favorite poet? 
lol sorry bae
ur gonna have to scroll to find out why i tagged u. and then go red and yell at me. hahah.
i also like silentium! by Fyodor Tyutchev
also everything by pushkin (esp ‘i loved you’ fuck that one gets me every time). seriously. that man isn’t called the golden poet in our country for nothing.
i actually don’t read a lot of poetry nowadays unless its my own or my friends’
but im open to recommendations
14. Song that makes you happy? How about one that calms you down when you’re in a bad place?
answered here!
15. Do you play an instrument?
lol no. i was almost taught the piano (lol rip me, i wanna kill my younger lazy ass self) and i dabbled into learning the violin. but that’s like a whole story and a half hahahaha.
16. Do you do art? Using what (pencil, watercolor, etc)?
i used to pencil draw, nothing special tho. a lot of naked ppl lol. butts n boobs were my fave. also pecks whoo.
17. Do you dance? What style of dance? 
i don’t! but i want to. i’ve been looking into dancing schools. i might do hip hop n stuff. see if i have the rhythm, i can’t tell from just jumping around my room lol
18. What’s your zodiac sign? Do you believe in astrology? 
im a libra yo. diplomatic and indecisive af.
i kinda do? there’s some sense there, but it’s too vague. i think ppl need to look into their charts to really grasp their character.
and for some it may not be true at all, so like. idk. we’re all just doing our best here.
19. Favorite old film? 
a russian film that i always watch over the new year. my mom would always joke that the new year doesn’t start till we watch it lol
the irony of fate
20. What’s your hairstyle? 
21. What weather is the most beautiful, in your opinion?
cloudy but warm. so there’s not too much sun but u can enjoy a nice walk outside without getting rained on.
22. What upsets you most about the world? 
i only have two hands but there are so many cats and dogs. i cannot pet all of them.
23. Are you in love right now?
answered ;)
24. Do you have a crush? If so, talk about them!
here u go
25. Do you have pets? Talk about something sweet about them! 
i don’t! but i wish i did i would shower them with my love.
but @the-trth-untold dogs are the cutest and @psycho-slytherin cats make my day. pls spam meeeee. also i love @paristae cat too.
26. Do you have a lucky number? 
yup. 22.
27. Have you ever wished on a star? What about on a fallen eyelash? 
i’ve never seen a fallen star, so no.
but i’ve wished on a fallen eyelash, always.
28. Do you believe emoji spells to work? 
emoji spells??
bruh i’ve never even heard of it till this ask wtf is that shit
bruh i mean if it works for ppl all power to them??? idk i never tried it
29. Do you believe in magic in general? 
i believe in magic tricks. but magic died for me when santa stopped existing.
30. What’s the most beautiful thing in life, In your opinion?
31. Opinion on the color pink? What about baby blue? 
gorgeous colors. i quite like mauve pink and deep dark blue tho.
but baby blue looks amazing on some folks. oof.
32. What instrumental sound is your favorite? 
piano. always.
33. Do you like the sound of wind? What about the sound of rain? 
answered :)
34. Who makes you happy? 
bts and all of my mutuals
35. What makes you happy? 
sleep, food, music, writing, cuddles. and forehead kisses.
also more listed here
36. Imagine your ideal life, the life you wish to make, what will that look like? 
i live in a nice apartment. doesn’t have to be expensive, just nice and clean with wooden floors and spacious windows.
i have all the necessities that i need and im never lonely.
i have also touched countless hearts by my books and am able to live comfortably just from my works.
haha. you said ideal, right?
also have someone to spend it with. someone i’d write poetry about daily. a bestfriend first and foremost before a lover.
37. Do you wear makeup? If so what’s your favorite type of makeup or specific makeup product? Favorite store to buy makeup?
answered this fella here
38. Do you wear dresses? If so what’s your favorite dress you own? 
i used to have dresses. but not anymore.
i liked the long sleeve sweater black one i had with a low cut. it was gorgeous. i dont have much of boobage but i always felt like i was sexy in it.
39. Ever been heartbroken? How do you deal with it? 
yep. you just kind of take it one day at a time. some days will be better than the last. some days you’ll cry a little harder and some days you move on a little further. it takes time. make sure you have good people around you so you don’t fall into depression.
40. Who’s your closest friend? What do you love about them? 
ah, to be honest i don’t have a closest friend. i’ve always been the kind of person that always had friends around her but never anyone too deep. and i kinda wish i did. i just don’t know who would come to fill that spot. people always leave, so i kind of gave up assigning that spot. i think the people that want to be in that spot will show themselves and tell me. otherwise i will not assume or assign.
41. Introvert or extrovert? 
introvert. but i have my moments. i can be charming and friendly when i want to.
42. Do you like MBTI? What’s your MBTI? 
i had to look it up cause i forgot what it was lol
i took the test a while back: im infp.
there’s not a lot of us, apparently. which is cool. shout out to all infps out there!
43. Would you be a fairy, a mermaid, a vampire, a siren, or an angel? 
hmmm. what kind of fairy tho? lol
maybe vampire? idk i’d be a sexy immortal lady that’d bite innocent boys and girls that just want to have a good time lol
44. What’s the best song a friend has ever introduced to you? 
this oneee
45. Parlez-vous français? 
46. Most beautiful place you’ve been to? 
butchart gardens
47. Where/when do you truly feel at home? 
48. Does smiling put you in a better mood? Try it right now, you’re smile is gorgeous! 
kdjfalkfjdlkdsaf //hides
this ask is flirting with me…
well that’s as much action as im going to get this new years eve lol
49. Favorite shoe you own?
my sweet rose gold kicks, yo.
50. Can you walk in stilettos? Do you like them? 
lol no. i cannot. and i do not. im not made for heels. im tall enough as it is.
51. Do you feel loved? 
every time i talk to my mutuals yes //cry
52. How do you express love to those you care about? 
by saying cute words and by clinging to them like a koala.
53. Favorite term(s) of endearment? 
sweetheart, dear, idk im just like anything honestly. love, baby. go crazy.
i also love mean terms like idiot and stuff. or nicknames that hold inside jokes, something between the two of you only.
54. Most romantic thing someone’s ever done for you? 
hasn’t happened yet. so yeah. any takers? lol
55. When is the happiest you’ve ever been? 
reading a good book for the first time. or just experiencing something new that i end up loving for the first time. nothing can replace that first feeling.
56. Are you happy right now? 
happy im almost done hahhahahahaa. ha.
no but srsly i am
57. What makes you smile? 
stupid jokes. puns. someone laughing and showing themselves fully.
58. Do you laugh a lot? 
i mean. i think so? i try. i make jokes a lot and laugh at myself if that counts?
59. What’s your favorite kind of aesthetic? 
ughhhh comfy bf aestheticcc
60. Do you want to marry for love or for some other reason (like money)? 
i have a sour view on marriage. so only if i love someone hard enough. but even then i don’t know if i’ll do it. it hurts too much to think about marriage and wedding rings for me.
61. What would your dream wedding look like? Do you want to get married? 
see above.
62. Favorite flower?
63. Favorite artist?
claude monet.
64. Favorite music artist?
bts lol
no surprises there.
65. How kind do you think you are? Is kindness important to you? 
its not something for me to decide. i try to be kind to everyone, but how it is interpreted is different for everyone. i’d like to think i’m kind.
and yes, very important. especially being kind to yourself.
66. Ever made a playlist for someone? 
yes i have. i love making playlists for people. i don’t get asked that enough.
67. Do you have anything you do to physically comfort you when your sad? Such as a favorite blanket? Or a relaxing bath? 
music. music always helps. and tea.
ideally i’d love for someone to massage my scalp, but hahah no one’s been able to do it the right way. when it’s done right i melt and forget about everything.
68. Early bird or night owl? 
night owl.
moonchild, lol
69. Morning routine? 
wake up, look in the mirror, look away from the mirror, go back to bed.
70. Night routine? 
also fresh sheets.
71. What is the most lovely quality a person could have in your opinion? 
answered here
72. Do you cry often? Does crying help you get the emotions out? Do you feel better after? 
i only cry when i watch or read something. and it does help. i always feel better after. but i tend to keep my emotions hidden away, the negative ones at least.
73. Do you like hugs? 
i love hugs. come hug me, bro.
u must smell nice tho.
74. When was the last time you kissed someone?
75. Are you small or tall? 
tall. 175cm.
76. Do you like wholesome memes? 
77. Favorite thing about the past? 
cd players. chia pet commercials. flip phones. mom jeans.
78. Do you ever wonder about the future? 
all the time. esp mine. i have no idea what the fuck im doing.
79. Have you ever lived in a different country than you currently live in? 
yep. i’ve lived in america and canada before. and traveled a lot.
80. Do you like plane flights? Airports? 
i don’t mind flying. and depends on the airport. some are better than others.
81. Sunrises or sunsets? 
sunrises. every day is a new day~
82. The beach or a forest? 
bitch- i mean beach. :)
83. What time of day do you tend to be in the best mood? 
any time i am eating. or sleeping. or reading.
im so close to being done omg. this is fun tho.
84. Do you push yourself to act together and in a good mood even when you aren’t? 
always. ain’t nobody gonna deal with that baggage lol
85. Favorite kind of tree? 
japanese maple tree
86. Do you care about the health of the Earth? 
i mean i don’t even care about my health that much tbh, i need to work on that.
87. What did you like most about your childhood, if anything? 
that i got to travel and learned english very young.
88. Do you read a lot? What’s your favorite book? 
answered here
89. What are you most nostalgic for at the moment? 
old school disney
90. What’s your favorite personality trait you have? 
answered this bad boi here
91. List at least ONE thing you love about your appearance. 
eyes. have to work on my ass tho. squats baby.
92. When was the last time you truly felt calm, without much of anything to worry about? 
after a massage.
93. Do you worry a lot? 
eh, i worry enough, i suppose. there’s just some stuff you can’t control.
94. The dazzling lights of the city or the relaxing countryside?
dazzling lights of the city. especially in the evening. and in the winter. ahhhhh. someone hold my hand and walk with meeeeee.
95. Ever changed the shoelaces on one of your shoes? For what reason? 
no i haven’t had that pleasure, lol
maybe next year
96. Favorite pastry? 
97. Do you like doing little acts of kindness? 
yes. uwu
98. How’s your day/night going? 
well im finally done with this ask holy shit, and i need to resume writing my namjoon fic so… fantastic. i also have noodles. whoooo.
thank you for reading this whole damn mess of an ask.
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sweetbunnykook · 6 years
Leo anon dont worry😭 Jungoo will love you! According to astrology, Jungkook is the ultimate baby boy sub who loves the dominate and aggressive. I follow 'bangtanastrology' and 'timetohajima' who study bts' signs and both stated JK's love for strong women. Timetohajima actually made a theory that JK really only says IU is his ideal type to throw people off for his love of the femmefatals👀 Lmao it's just fun don't take it too seriously and though none of us know bts personally a bitch can dream
Here it is Leo anon!! ✨ I gotta check out timetohajima (lmfao that username tho got me rollin 😂)
- 🐰
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starrkdani · 5 years
Based on astrology can you tell if any of the members would ever be okay with dating someone that is plus sized? Probably not I know culturally thinness is highly important to Koreans so :/
See ideal types here: Hyung Line  Maknae Line
Hey Nonny!
Their charts don’t show anything considering that especifically. I don’t really know if you can’t tell that from a chart... that’s... not know things work.
It shows some “age difference” in JK’s case and a preference for more mature people in general for Jin, Yoongi and Taehyung. Other than that, there isn’t anything specific like that.
I think all of them would be ok with dating a plus sized person if they find the person attractive and likes them enough. 
However, we do know that beauty standards in S.Korea are... intense.But that’s what is prased and considered good. And it’s difficult to get away from standards pushed on you by the society we live in. 
Now... from my point of view.... if being overweight (or fat, or plus sized, or whatever) is a no in dating for them (or for anybody, for that matter) then, sincerely, I want nothing to do with them. That doesn’t seem to be the case.
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