#jk good for her
investingestincest · 1 month
starting the movie in tears because i already know who he'll choose
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clouvu · 4 months
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Save me french yuri... Save me
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konakoro · 1 year
I was having a decent day, until I remembered a brief, easily-missable side story in one of the first levels of Bioshock 2, where a school teacher and a group of children on a field trip end up trapped in the amusement park level you’re in when the civil war started, and how you hear from her audio logs how she willingly gave up her own food to make sure all the children were well-fed, eventually finding a final audio log on how she realizes she’s dying from starvation but still worries about the kids she’s watching, and you find this audio log by a corpse positioned in a resting pose surrounded by candles and drawings and stuffed animals and I’m sobbing oh god -
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spywhitney · 19 hours
Claire: Full on throws herself at Carmy unapologetically and from her perspective, has a perfect relationship with him. / Overhears him say one negative thing about the relationship and has made no attempt to come back into his life.
Sydney: Gives her all to the actual Carmy and the restaurant and has continued to do so, and only walked when he disrespected her a bit more than usual. / Came back after he gifted her a place in a fucked restaurant. / Sydney still deals with the same bs and has a panic attack over leaving Carmy and the restaurant/what she'll choose/the way Carmy has treated her etc etc etc because she cares so much.
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essektheylyss · 1 year
I just want to tell you that World Wizard Entertainment is the most fun I’ve had in this fandom in a long time. Thank you for putting it out into the world
Hello! Thank you! I'm really glad people are having fun and participating, which was really the whole goal here.
To break character for a moment, I had been watching polls around this fandom and hadn't really seen a proper tournament bracket. But the thing with polls is that... they really are only popularity contests, not actual fights or games where a lot of chance is involved, unless you go hard into gaming them or everyone's in on a joke. So really what I was trying to figure out was whether or not the Critical Role fandom could make that happen with some kind of setup.
And honestly, even if today's result doesn't turn out any differently from the rest, I still think that we did it! I did get a bit pessimistic at times (and, admittedly, still do, looking at the state of some of my notes), but I do want to shout out the absolute unhinged chaos factor of the Veth contingent, because that kind of participation is really what this is about—making the weirdest, wackiest argument.
I'm very much a proponent of fandom being participatory and collaborative and fun, and doing a funny bit and writing a long and ultimately meaningless argument is fun! And I will not lie, I did get a little teary-eyed when I posted the final to discover that a surprising number of folks had prepped for this and also sat down yesterday to write out whole speeches, which was the whole point!
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foundfamilyhq · 2 months
Hey! I was wondering, does "No Harry Potter" include Fantastic Beasts?
Yep, nothing from any of JK Rowling's franchises, including any other book series she's written outside of that universe, will be accepted here. Mod is trans and from the UK, so I don't want to think about these series on a blog I'm running for fun 👍
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thegoodmorningman · 3 months
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Happy Trans Day of Visibility!!!
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housecow · 5 months
i’m like. young and don’t even have my first degree yet why does getting recommended r/FirstTimeHomeBuyer feel like getting punched in the throat 😭
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Can we stop referring to JKR as a "violent transmisogynist" instead of a "violent transphobe"? Unless you're specifically discussing the transmisogyny aspect of her bigotry, only acknowledging her transmisogyny erases the significant damage she's caused to other trans people. Her words are influencing laws even in America that are targeting young trans men, transmascs, and non binary people specifically, so it's about time we stop pretending she's only a transmisognynist instead of an all around horrible transphobe.
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ratstuckinamarble · 10 months
Haven't seen anyone mention these on here so:
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From the Nickelodeon UK instagram account btw.
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sky-is-the-limit · 11 months
Patrolling with Abby Anderson fics need to be more realistic bc wdym we're not fucking the second we're alone?
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hacked-wtsdz · 4 months
So tired of jk rowling demonisation. Yeah the woman hates trans people. She also spent amounts most of y’all have never seen on humanitarian causes and charities. She is not a one hundred percent horrible person deserving of shunning. Are people allergic to nuance
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jkpng · 7 days
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happy pride month (25/30)
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apeachtree · 14 days
aphmau public statement tiktok just dropped and 12 year old me is would be in a. state finding out that mcd got fucked up and cancelled bc garmau stans were harassing jess online AND IRL?????
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priyemma · 2 months
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The brainrot is leveling up 😔😔😔
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xuroky · 1 year
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Castti Florenz my love
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