#jjk manga and anime spoilers
rose-riot-johnson · 1 year
I have news my Tumblr Peeps😀 Since I have noticed that this Jujutsu Kaisen fanfic I have written with Gojo, Geto, and Toji, has been pretty successful, I decided that having separate fanfics about all 3 of them will definitely be something to write about, possibly in the near future, which would be my 2nd time writing about them as well. However I have done some recent thinking about this and I just have my reasons to possibly start off with writing about non other than Toji Fushiguro. I just feel like I'm having plans to write about him a little differently with this fanfic, than I did with the first fanfic that I have written, about Toji as a staring character for his ending. Plus I have been feeling that he was (and/or) is a victim of circumstance(s).
*Note: to warn any1 reading this, there will be tons of pronouns in atleast 1 or more paragraphs in this fanfic. This fanfic also contains 1 or more long paragraphs.
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🦋Due To Past Family Reasons, I Just Don't Like The Last Name I Was Born With🦋(Toji Fushiguro (Birthname: Toji Zenin) x Any Gender Reader)
Genres: Angst, Some Jealousy, and Comfort (Warning⚠️: Possible Spoilers, Mentioning of death pertaining spouses, Harassment, Language, Depending on the reader's imagination, Violence, Blood, Mentions of abuse from family, Mentions of Murder, and Language)
Days after Toji Fushiguro was defeated by Gojo Satoru, Toji heard news about Gojo adopting Toji's son Megumi Fushiguro, so Gojo can rescue Megumi from the Zenin Clan, the very clan Toji sold Megumi to. Toji was very happy Gojo adopted Megumi (Toji's son), because after his memories of his son Megumi, his wife, the Zenin Clan, and everything else he remembered, Toji did end up having regrets about selling Megumi to the clan. He just knew he has to turn his life around once more...
While Toji has been having a hard time changing his ways, he still keeps trying to do so. He just doesn't want to remember himself, as the man he was after his wife (which is Megumi's mom) passed away. While he knows he can't take anything that he did back, however he just wishes to, because of the simple fact that he has been regretting alot of bad things he did after his wife passed away.
All those memories, especially of his wife and Megumi, has getting on his mind alot, since the day he was defeated by Gojo Satoru. He was also bothered by his regrets to the point where he gave up working (with and/or for) the Time Vessel Association and even cut ties with the middle of the Time Vessel Association. He just wants to be done with everything that he did in his past, prior to being defeated by Gojo Satoru and his memories that includes his wife and son, Megumi.
One rainy day, Toji decided to take a walk just to try to get away from everything that's been bothering him, including his regrets. As he was walking he notices that you were being harassed by a few muscular men, as a couple of them grabbed both of your arms for the leader of that group (of the few muscular men) to get what he wanted from you. Toji then, out of instinct to run over to stop them from getting anything they could possibly want from you. When Toji ran over to the area you're being harrassed by the group, the next thing he did was punch the leader in the back of the head, then both of the men who grabbed your arms, decided to let go of you. "Hey! What's that for you jerk?! It's between us and this person we're trying to teach a lesson!", the leader shouted in anger at Toji, then the leader continued, "Don't you know it's rude to jump into other people's businesses?!". Toji then replied, "Oh really?! Don't you know that it's rude to harrass other people to get what you want, especially with your gang?! Because that's all I'm seeing, you filthy pricks!".
One of the other gang members pointed out that Toji used to be the sorcerer killer and warned the leader about Toji's strength, which it seems obvious that the leader pretty much didn't give a damn. The rest of the group ran away, then when the reader realized this he called the rest of his group cowards for running away due to the rest of the group members knowing what Toji is capable of. They figured if he is capable of killing sorcerers, he is more than capable of killing some men who don't care about honor and think it's fun to push other people around, which frightens them and they're more frightened of the fact that, what a very angry Toji saw them (including their leader) do to you, and they're even shocked about the fact you're the person he came to protect after witnessing their harassment towards you.
The next thing that happened was that in one punch, Toji not only knocked the leader outcold, however he also busted the leader's head open a little bit. Toji then said, "Sorry you have to see this, (beautiful/handsome). I just can't just keep walking by after I saw these men harrass you like that. Any particular reason they're harassing you? If you don't mind me asking...". You then answered, "Well, these men were gonna assault me, because (up to the reader's imagination what the reason for the harassment).". Toji felt bad for you and felt hate towards those group of men who were harrasing you, as he said, "Well, that's not very nice of them, so shame on them and it's a good thing I came here. Though they're right that I did used to be a sorcerer killer, however I'm willing to change that about myself. Anyways, my name is Toji. Would you like to tell me your name?", as he somehow knew that this could be a start of something new.
He just somehow just from the meeting you, you just somehow reminded him of his wife (when she was alive). Thanks to that walk he took and meeting you, he began to realize he will be able turn his life around once again. It's like you seemed to change his life for the better already.
You then replied, "Nice to meet you, Toji. My name is, (Any Gender Reader Name). Thanks for saving me. It actually doesn't bother me that you used to be a sorcerer killer. You saved me. If it wasn't for you, I would have been, (up to the reader's imagination what would have happened, if Toji wasn't there).". Toji then decided to exchanged phone numbers with you, as he figured it's time to do so, as he knew it would be the beginning of a new relationship, while the start of a new journey of his life. He just knew that he made the right decision to be with you.
Months went by, as both you and Toji have been together in his relationship with you for awhile. Toji knew he found peace, when he felt calmer, since he met you, just like when his wife was alive, she basically calmed him, as well. This is the first time eversince in a long time that he felt like he was at peace with himself. You're also someone he would do anything for, as well.
One day when you asked, Toji about marriage, he agreed with it, then you asked about his last name. He then mentioned, "Well, (Any Gender Reader Name), I was born with the last name Zenin, however when I married a women with the last name Fushiguro, I took her last name and my last name became Fushiguro, instead of my birth last name.". You then asked about what happened to Megumi's mom (Toji's wife). Toji told you that she died soon after his son Megumi was born, then he mentioned about his regrets after her death.
Toji then mentioned, that Gojo defeated Toji when he told him what is happening with Megumi and what he did, then he mentioned, that days afterwards, he heard the news afterwards about Gojo adopting Megumi, which made Toji happy to hear, however eversince he had his memories of his son, his wife, the Zenin Clan and everything else he was remembering, he was having a lot of regrets of what he was doing after she passed away and tried to change, then explained why he felt you made him the man he is right now, and he even mentioned that you're the light of his world. He then criticized himself about selling Megumi in the first place.
Once Toji finished opening up about it, you then comforted him, as you explained, "From what I'm understanding is... I mean I don't want to upset you.. It's just that... To be fair. Maybe true that selling your son Megumi to the Zenin was something that had made you become a bad father, however I feel that after you told your nemesis, Gojo about your last words, especially about what happened with Megumi, when your memories came back to you about him... I just feel thanks to your last words to Gojo when he defeated you, this helped Gojo know about this and wheather you realize or not, you letting him know is the reason why Gojo adopted Megumi. Someone who is brave enough to admit their skeletons, especially to their own nemesis about what was happening to their children, then telling their nemesis, what you told Gojo... To me, I think in the end you did the right thing by telling Gojo what you did, because of this, Gojo adopted Megumi. Still... Maybe you did sold your son in the first place, however in the end your words, helped Gojo know this, then your a good father for telling Gojo what you did in the end. And from what I'm seeing you basically had plans to better yourself and I'm glad you feel the way you did about me, Toji. Plus, I don't care what anyone else thinks of you, because I could tell you're a victim of circumstance(s), anyways. So, I love you, Toji Fushiguro.". Toji felt better about himself after he realized you accepted him for who he is, even when he told you his past, you just understood him. He then said, "I love you too, no matter what, (Any Gender Reader Name)... And thank you for understanding and accepting me... I think if it was anybody else I told this to, they would of reacted much worse, than you did.", he then kissed you on your left side of your facial cheek.
As a few weeks went by, you asked Toji if you could move in with him, which he was perfectly fine with and doesn't see a problem with it. Then a few months after you moved in with Toji, you asked him to help with some chores, and while he was helping you with the chores, he decided to sweep inside the bedroom he shares with you. As Toji was sweeping the floors, underneath the bed that he shares with you in the (now) shared bedroom, he accidentally discovered you had a (plushie of reader's choice) and a photo album, as he swept them up by accident, not knowing there was anything underneath the bed. Toji then, started to wonder that little that he knew that you were hiding something. While Toji, was looking in your photo album, he didn't see anything that may appear suspicious, until the very last page, with the very last photo of the photo album, as he notices in the photo of you hugging another person and kissing that same person on the right side of (his/her/their) facial cheek, as it appears to be another significant other. Toji was feeling furious and jealous, at first when he saw the photo, however he then thought it over, as he decided not to make any rash decisions, because he figured the photo isn't worth jumping to conclusions over.
Despite of Toji, believing that there has to be an explanation about that particular photo of you and the other person were in and not wanting to have his jealousy and furious expressions get him into jumping to conclusions of the thought of being cheated on for the other person, he still has a gut feeling you have been hiding atleast something from him. So, the only thing that Toji could think of was to see about having a talk with you about the photo and what you have been hiding from him. Toji just doesn't want hold his thoughts to the point where he would hurt from this inside and if you were to have any reasons to hide anything from him, he will makesure you don't hold it in and you also don't carry what might be burdening you alone.
Meanwhile, you were doing some dishes and as you were almost done doing some dishes, Toji then came out of the bedroom he shares with you, as he said, "Hey, (Any Gender Reader Name). Can we take a break from doing chores after you finish the dishes, please? There's something important I need to talk to you about, if you don't mind.". You then replied, "Okay, Toji. And a break from chores it is.", before you smiled at him, as he went back inside the shared bedroom. Not too long after that, you got finished washing the rest of the dishes before heading to go inside the bedroom, Toji shares with you.
Right after you went in the shared bedroom, you asked, "So, what do you need to talk about, Toji?", then you continued, "Whatever you need to talk to me about, I will definitely be honest with you about it.". Toji then replied, "Good... Because I will be expecting the truth from you and I may get upset, if you tell me the truth depending on how you tell me, however I rather you be yourself and for me to be upset from your honesty than not knowing what was or is bothering you or what you might be hiding... I wish I could do this without you feeling upset or frightened, however this is the best I can do...", as he was holding on to (plushie of reader's choice) and the last photo of the last page of the photo album, then mentions, "I know you're hiding something... I don't know exactly, however while I was sweeping underneath the bed... And I accidentally swept these up, then I was looking at the photos inside the photo album, because I wanted to know you better and to see, if you're hiding something, especially if it's part of your past... So, this photo of this other person, is what I found... Yes, I was jealous and upset at first, however I madesure not to jump to any conclusions, until I know what was actually going on... So, if you don't mind me asking,... Who's this person in the photo?", as he puts down the (plushie of reader's choice), then points at the person who was in that same photo with you. You then began to shake, as you hugged Toji, tightly, while you began to sob on his shoulders. Toji then, hugged you back, as he said, "You don't have to talk about it, if you don't want to, right now. I just don't want to hold everything in to the point where you end up hurting inside.".
You still sobbed, as you told him truthfully, "I'm crying, because the person who was in the photo with me was my (husband/wife/spouse)... Unfortunately, ((s)he/they) died in the hospital from having (any surgery up to the reader's imagination), a few years before I met you.". Toji was then confused, as he said, "Then why are you hiding these from me then, (Any Gender Reader Name). I think the (plushie of reader's choice) is cute and the photo album is pretty sweet, even if the last pic had gotten me a little jealous, only at first...". You then replied, "I was hiding these, because every partner I had after my (husband/wife/spouse) passed away, either want me to get rid of everything my dead ((s)he/they) got for me or complain from me mentioning even discreetly about (him/her/them), especially the death of my (husband/wife/spouse) or tell me never to talk about it again or dwelling on my dead (husband) from only mentioning about (his/her/their) death or (him/her/them) in general only once just to vent or I'm not entitled to talk about any partners especially dead ones who were (husbands/wives/spouses) before them when they were my partners at the time, then turn around to say what they want to me. I just felt invalidated by them and I feel I couldn't open up to anyone about this since I kept running into that with that partners I had after my (husband/wife/spouse) and before meeting you in person...", as you continued to sob. Toji then hug you tightly with his left arm, while petting your head with his right hand as he gently comfort you, as he said, "Well, they're not the right person then, if they invalidate you like they did. Don't get me wrong, I do apologize for my jealousy when I first saw the photo, however I'm glad I had you vent to me about it, after all. What they don't realize is they don't know a damn difference between dwelling and venting a little bit about past grief. Nothing wrong with treasuring your stuff from your past. Anything else you would like to talk about, my precious kitty?."
You then vented, "Well, Toji... It's not simple... My last name has always been the same, even after my first marriage. My family didn't want me to change my last name to my (husband/wife/spouse), so they forced me to keep my last name different than my (husband/wife/spouse) and when ((s)he/they) offered to changed (his/her/their) last name to the last name my family forced me to keep, they definitely got angry about it. I think my family wanted to makesure both my (husband/wife/spouse) and I, to keep the last names that the both of us were born with, just so they can keep me from getting anything I like, meaning they want me to buy alot of things that I don't like that they like.". "Would you like to tell me what else happened, (Any Gender Reader Name)?", Toji asked trying to encourage without prying you. You were hesitant to talk at first, as you were worried he would shun you, then you decided it has to be told sooner or later.
You then confessed, "Well Toji, the truth is the year before we met eachother, I had skeletons in the closet, as well. I couldn't deal with my family trying to control my life anymore, so one night, I snapped... I'm not sure, if you were aware of this... It's just... I was born as a sorcerer and my family figured I'd be their cash cow, once they knew about it, which I think is why they forced both my (husband/wife/spouse) and I to keep our last names different than eachother, while not letting us take eachother's last name. Anyways, my family kept treating me, as their slave forcing me to do their dirty work for the money, and that one night they tried beating me, once I refused to do their bidding anymore, so I used my cursed technique to kill them out of self defense.". Toji was surprised to hear that your were born as a sorcerer, as he said, "As much as, I'm not a fan of sorcerers, especially Jujutsu Sorcerers, I honestly feel in my heart that you deserved better, than a family who treated you like crap and used you for being born, as a Sorcerer.". You then replied, "Well Toji... After I killed my family, in self defense, I ran away from my hometown to become homeless and decided to keep my cursed technique secret after that fateful night, just incase I do become at risk of going to prison. I trusted no one after that. However after that rainy day that we met eachother, I did began to trust you. I just didn't use my cursed technique, because I don't want to risk going to jail, just incase if my family being killed, and/or my cursed technique, and/or myself would be on the News, or on the radio, or in the newspaper, etc... I just rather not get caught. I'm surprised you saved me. It's not because of you and it's not because of me... I just somehow thought it was a coincidence that someone was to save me and even not even knowing me.", as Toji kept hugging you and petting your head, while you also kept hugging him.
Toji then explained about his past, especially how he was treated by the Zenin Clan, for being born as a non sorcerer due to heavenly restriction, while being raised in the Zenin Clan, which they favor anyone in the Zenin Clan with any cursed techniques, especially strong and powerful cursed techniques and he disliked (or hated sorcerers) due to the fact that how the any sorcerers clan (just as well as the Zenin Clan) felt, which they end up favoring those with cursed techniques, which made him suffer. Toji, also opened up to you about his spiteful actions towards all sorcerers including the Jujutsu Sorcerers and leaving the Zenin Clan, eventually, which is why when he got married, he changed his last name from Zenin to Fushiguro. He also admitted those are the reasons why that it's not just sorcerers in general he didn't care for. Toji also didn't care for the "Zenin" last name he was born with and he could also tell you also had your reasons why you didn't like your last name that you were born with, that your family forced you to keep.
Toji then confessed, "There's something else I should be telling you... Megumi's mom, who I married... Well,... She was the reason why I was calmer and lived an honest life one point. Aside from what you told me,... Otherwise you remind me alot of her, personality wise... Anyways, after her death, I wasn't sure how else to cope with her death so, reverted into doing things I end up regretting and so much worse to the point where I forgot about my wife and my son Megumi. Then after memories came back, I just stopped killing sorcerers and try to prove to atleast myself that I'm willing to turn over a new leaf, however it became easier said or even thought of than done.". He then hugged you tighter, as he looked into your eyes. Toji finally continued, "I could careless, if you were born as a sorcerer or not, now days... In your case, I see you, as a victim of circumstance(s), just like you see me as a victim of circumstance(s)... If it wasn't for that same rainy day, as I met you in and beat the living, fucken, hell out of those bastards, I wouldn't have been able to be that changed man I am today. I truly feel that you brought light to my world, since that rainy day. I love you for who you are (Any Gender Reader Name), my precious kitty.", as he also continued to look into your eyes, while petting your head. You then replied, "Well Toji, I love you for who you are, too.", then you and Toji proceeded to kiss eachother.
Eversince after the conversation both you and Toji had with eachother, both you and Toji have been more open with eachother and gotten to know eachother more, as well. You also began to be yourself with Toji more than ever before. Toji has also proven to turn over a new leaf, more than he expected of himself. From then on, both you and Toji have been happier than ever before. (As for the reader's last name, it's up to the reader's imagination, on what to decide on, pertaining last names)
The End
Don't mind the long fanfic and some long paragraphs for this fanfic, my Tumblr Peeps😅 I really wanted to put alot thought for this fanfic, while I putted more thought into it, than I expected myself to, while adding some extra ideas for this fanfic, as well💡😀 So, I do hope you enjoy this Toji fanfic, as much as, I enjoyed writing about him😃👍And for now, I hope you have a wonderful day or night, my Tumblr Peeps😁👍
Fun Fact: For people who didn't know, I'm a fan of both Toji Fushiguro and Gojo Satoru😃👍Sounds crazy, however I meant what I said🤷‍♀️😁👍And I'm very serious about what I said.
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cyaaaali · 4 months
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meanwhile Gege: 😘😝🤩🥰
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kazuha-pista-badam · 27 days
you pretty, he ugly. you swan, he frog.
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frenchcoucou · 1 month
yuta in gojo’s body has puppy dog eyes 🥹
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pfpanimes · 6 months
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⌕ jujutsu kaisen - geto suguru.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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faintrustle · 5 months
King SUKUNA and his cute ribbon
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eepygeto · 1 year
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JJK Season 2 - SSS Trio ♡
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bokutosfatjuicyass · 1 month
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iveoy · 2 months
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mini yuji and itafushi for the new chapter 🥰🥰
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morzyin · 11 months
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[ Jujutsu Kaisen S2 EP13 ]
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briebysabs · 5 months
When JJK ends y’all better make t-shirts that say “I survived Gege Akutami”
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winterisawriter · 1 year
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God how much I miss him😭😭
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denial, delusion, coping
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temeyes · 1 month
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everyone adores you, at least i do.
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pfpanimes · 1 month
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⌕ jujutsu kaisen • new illustration.
like or reblog if you save/use. 🤍
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faintrustle · 2 months
Hot enough to convert non-believers.
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