#jjba tickle fic
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cringemesstickles · 5 months ago
Joseph Joestar: The Phobia Expert
[TickleTober Day 10: Spidering]
Word Count: 2091
Pairing: Josecae implied
A/N: This is my first jjba fic yippeee
I always found it funny how it's canon that Caesar doesn't like bugs, so here we are. :]
(also im posting this on my laptop because mobile tumblr is busted for me rn. so if the formatting looks goofy, sorry :'))
Joseph was on the balcony of Lisa Lisa’s castle, watching the waves dash against the rocks of Air Supplena Island. Despite the gorgeous view, the Joestar was left grumbling and irritated.
“Stupid Caesar… stupid Lisa Lisa… stupid Island…” He huffed, chucking a pebble over the rails.
Of the three things he mentioned, his new training partner took the cake. Joseph had never met someone so insufferable.
Simply thinking about his smug face got under the brunette’s skin even further, bringing him to kick the concrete like an angry child.
“Who does he think he is?! He’s nothing but a-”
Before he could finish that thought, a panicked yell echoed through the halls of the massive building. It was hard to place where exactly it was coming from, but it sounded like it was from… Caesar’s room? And that was certainly Caesar yelling!
In spite of his distaste towards the man, Joseph dropped everything and darted through the halls.
Was Caesar okay?! What was he yelling about?! Were they already under attack?!
Joseph couldn’t get the worried thoughts out of his head. Sure, he hated his training partner… but he didn’t want him to get hurt.
When he reached the Italian’s room, he kicked the door open and frantically scanned the area.
But the sight had him stopped in his tracks.
The normally pristine room was now a chaotic mess. The bed sheets were crumpled and peeling off the mattress, pillows were on the floor, the desk was a disorganized sprawl of papers— it was as though Caesar had already been fighting a battle which he was losing terribly.
The Italian was standing on his mattress, holding onto the wall and gasping for air. His normally neat hair was mussed and his skin was a few shades paler than it usually was. His eyes were wide and panicked and… maybe even a little wet.
It looked like a tornado had struck the room, which was NOT how Caesar liked things. 
What the hell happened? It looked like the threat was still present by the state the older man looked.
“CAESAR!! WHAT HAPPENED?! ARE THEY HERE?!” Joseph asked wildly, his eyes scanning rapidly around the room.
Caesar’s head snapped to the door, a bit panicked by the fact that someone else was witnessing this. Nevertheless, he was relieved to have some backup.
“J-Jojo!! The chair!!”
Joseph blinked, his brows knitting in confusion. He looked at the chair, but nothing was there… at least nothing big enough to see from where he was standing. 
He stepped closer…
“CAREFUL, JOJO!!!” Caesar pleaded.
What on earth was the blonde so freaked out about? It must be some sort of invisible- wait…
Joseph froze in his place.
There was no way… no way THAT was what the great Caesar Zeppeli was so freaked out about.
Joseph kept his eyes glued to the spider at the top of the backrest. Sure, it wasn’t a tiny spider by any means… but a SPIDER?! Caesar was a hamon user for crying out loud!
“Um… Caesar?”
“What?! Why aren’t you doing anything?!”
The spider, however, was getting a bit antsy from all the noise happening around it. It started crawling to the back of the chair, and the movement made the poor Italian squeal in terror as he clutched onto the wall with a death grip.
The Brit couldn’t stop the laugh that jumped from his throat. This was just too good…
“Caesar, it’s just a little spider!”
Caesar, however, wasn’t finding this funny in the slightest. He shot the taller man a look of desperation, his eyes wide with terror as they flickered between Joseph and the spider.
“It’s not little, you dolt!!! I-It’s the size of my hand!!!”
Joseph snorted. “Yeah, your palm…”
The spider, oblivious to their conversation, started skittering down the backrest, getting closer to the floor. The sight made the Italian more frantic and he squeezed his eyes shut, a slight waver to his voice.
J-Just kill it or something… anything!!!”
The brunette’s head tilted at that. 
Caesar sounded legitimately distressed… as much as he didn’t like the guy, he couldn’t just let him suffer mentally. 
He sighed and bent over to untie his shoe, taking it off his foot and standing back up. Fearlessly, he strode over to the innocent creature and squished it with a loud thump. He almost felt bad about it, but he knew the Italian wouldn’t calm down unless the thing was dead-dead.
He put his boot back on and stood up, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms.
“There. Nothing but a pancake now.”
Caesar was speechless for a few moments, staring at the little corpse. He eventually exhaled, his shoulders slumping as the tension drained out of his body. As he let the air out, he let his body drop onto the mattress, crossing his legs and burying his face in his hands.
“T-Thanks…” He muttered under his breath.
The Joestar cocked his head to the side, raising a brow. He wasn’t used to seeing his partner like this and he kind of hated it.
Not that he LIKED the guy’s cocky, know-it-all attitude… but seeing him all undone like this? That was worse.
Sure, over his interactions with Caesar, he’d think to himself that he wanted to see the guy undone and break that stupid facade. But he didn’t mean he wanted to see him terrified over a stupid little spider, though it was admittedly kinda funny at first…
“What makes you so terrified of spiders? I mean… you fight nasty, immortal beings, so what’s the deal?”
The question caught Caesar off guard. Joseph sounded legitimately curious… he wasn’t mocking him or anything, just asking a simple question.
“Well, I don’t know. It’s an irrational fear, okay? And it’s all bugs… the way they skitter around… they’re all disgusting and they’ve got too many legs and some of them are slimy and-”
“Alright, alright, point taken.” The Brit cut him off, rolling his eyes. Something inside of Joseph wanted to help… but he wasn’t much for feelings, nor was he a therapist.
But something about that spider gave him a different idea…
Suddenly that signature cheeky grin spread across the taller man’s face as he rose from the chair, striding over to the bed to plop next to the Italian.
“You know, Caesar… I’m a bit of a phobia expert. I bet I can get rid of your weird bug thing in no time!”
Caesar looked over at the cocky look on Joseph’s face, a mixture of annoyance and dread filling his stomach. 
He knew that look… it was the look of someone up to no good.
“Oh yeah? And how do propose we ‘get rid of it?’” He scoffed, crossing his arms.
“Close your eyes.”
“Absolutely not”
“C’mooon…” Joseph whined, “just do it!”
The Italian wasn’t easily swayed… not at all. But the guy was offering to at least mitigate his phobia. He knew it was likely a load of crap, but he couldn’t help his curiosity. 
“Fine…” He grumbled, his eyes fluttering shut.
Seeing the shorter man listen to his command, Joseph’s eyes sparkled with mischief. He raised his hands and wiggled his fingers in preparation, then they dove into the blonde’s neck, skittering against the soft skin like the legs of itty bitty spiders.
Caesar’s eyes shot open and he jolted.
“GAH!” He yelped, immediately trying to swat the Brit’s fingers away. “W-What are you doing?!”
The response made Joseph’s heart leap.
“Exposure therapy!” He exclaimed cheerfully, giving a playful wink.
He continued to mimick an insect’s walk with his fingers, spidering his nails along his partner’s neck and occasionally wandering up behind his ears, eliciting uncharacteristic squeaks. The Italian was a mess of giggles, a state the Joestar never thought he’d see him in.
It was quite refreshing. But was it adorable? Absolutely not!
Okay, maybe a little…
“J-Jojohoho, stop it, you oaf!” Caesar protested between noises of mirth, bringing his shoulders up to his ears and his chin to his chest, a failed attempt at protecting his ticklish spots.
No matter what he did, the Brit was persistent, digits scrabbling over any spot he could reach. It didn’t matter if his targets were cut off, he’d easily find a substitute.
“No can do, Caesarino! You gotta face your fears!” Joseph snickered, enjoying the Italian’s frantic laughs and snorts.
Caesar was squirming every which way, trying to get the brunette’s hands away from him, but that only seemed to make the tickling more intense.
His cheeks had tinted scarlet by now, the smile on his face more genuine than his usual cocky smirk. His nose was scrunched and his eyes squeezed shut, refusing to look at the taller’s teasing expression.
His attempts at pushing the offending hands away were futile. 
He was a skilled hamon user, sure… but with all the laughter, he couldn’t regulate his breathing. He would surely blow Joseph out the window once this was over though, regardless of whether it was helping or not.
“Q-Quit it!!” Caesar insisted, still batting at the fingers while trying to twist away from them. 
He was also desperately holding back his amusement. He really didn’t want to give the annoying brunette the satisfaction of giving him a good time… even though he kind of already did.
“You know, Caesar… I didn’t exactly peg you as the ticklish type~” The Joestar teased with a mischievous smirk, fluttering his fingers down to the smaller man’s collarbones, earning a loud squeal, which got an amused chuckle out of the tickler.
“S-Stop laughing!!” Caesar huffed, but as soon as the words came out, a wave of bright, hysterical laughter tore from his throat, his head falling back from the strength of them.
What caused this? Joseph had found his ribs.
The spidering gimmick was given up in favor of digging into the sensitive ribcage, the younger man’s eyes lighting up with glee at the dramatic reactions.
“Aw, did I find a good spot?~” He teased with a grin, easily overpowering his training partner due to how weakened he was from the tickling.
Seeing the uptight Italian shrieking and giggling like a little kid was something Joseph couldn’t have predicted. He also couldn’t have predicted how cute it would be…
Why was this so cute?!
Caesar was oblivious to the subtle blush on Joseph’s cheeks as he himself was reduced to helpless flailing and stuttering giggles as those damned fingers dug skillfully between each bone, lighting his nerves on fire with tickly sensations.
He fell back on the bed, still squirming and laughing like a madman.
“M-Mercy…! Plehehease!” He cried frantically, a couple mirthful tears falling down his burning cheeks.
Joseph immediately pulled his hands away, snapped out of his slight daze. He was so wrapped in his own thoughts that he forgot the poor guy needed to breathe and-
Wait… did Caesar just beg for mercy?! He never thought he’d see the day.
The brunette crossed his arms and leaned against the bed frame, giving his training partner some room to calm down. There was a cocky smirk on his face as he watched the normally suave hamon user reduced to a giggly mess.
He was starting to like the guy more than he’d like to admit…
It took a few moments for Caesar to catch his breath. His cheeks were flushed, and his eyes were still slightly watery from the attack. 
As he sat there gasping, he shot a glare towards Joseph.
“S-stupid idiot…” He muttered breathlessly. But there was no real bite to his words, and the corners of his mouth were upturned in a slight smile.
The sight drew a red hue to Joseph’s cheeks, but he played it off by carrying his playful demeanor.
“Well? Are you still freaking out about that silly spider?”
The question caused Caesar to huff and roll his eyes. He didn’t wanna admit it, but…
“Fine… maybe you’re not totally useless like I thought before…”
Joseph’s grin widened and he was going to make a snarky comment, but something in the Italian’s expression prevented him.
“Thank you, Jojo…”
Caesar’s words made the taller man blink with surprise. His face was overtaken with disbelief and he waited for the Italian to follow it up with a sarcastic remark, but that moment never came.
The man was serious.
“N-No problem.”
When his training partner gave a smile in response, Joseph’s heart leaped.
Maybe Caesar wasn’t so bad after all… maybe Joseph even liked him a little bit.
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goth1clee · 1 year ago
Polnareff x male reader
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Summary: you are the newest member of the SDC, who joined shortly after iggy did. Similar to kakyoin and polnareff, you were an enemy stand user turned ally, who also wanted to defeat Dio. (This fix does contain tickles so if you don’t like it then scroll).
Tw: not many, mention of people changing and being shirtless
Word count: 1885 words
“Good morning y/n. I hope you slept well.”
You awoke to the sound of Advol and Joseph cooking breakfast. You yawned and smiled in Advol’s direction. Even though you had only been a part of the Stardust crusaders for a short time, they were all quick to make you feel welcomed. However, one member stood out to you. Jean Pierre Polnareff was the third person to meet you, and was the first to warm up to you. Your first impression of him was quite unforgettable.
You were sat with both Advol and Joseph in a small cafe, waiting for the rest of the crusaders to join you. Suddenly, the door to the cafe burst open.
“God, it took me forever to find this place. I’ve been walking for almost an hour-“
The man in the door way suddenly paused his short-lived rant and stared in your direction. He was like nothing you’d ever seen before; he had a thick French accent and was built similar to that of an ancient Greek statue. He smirked and sauntered over, pulling up a chair.
“Ah, you must be the new stand user, non?”
You replied quietly, which caused his heart to melt ever so slightly.
“My name’s Jean Pierre Polnareff, and not so long ago I was in a similar situation to you mon ami. Dio had one of those horrific flesh buds implanted into my brain.”
You listened carefully as he explained his whole story: about his sisters death, his mission to avenge her, and how he met Dio and obtained his stand.
He stopped talking and began discussing plans with Advol and Joseph. Very few minutes he would turn his head to catch your gaze. A sappy grin would plaster his face every time you made eye contact, and looked away in panic. Everything was so new to you, especially him.
As you slowly arose from your sleeping bag, your eyes began to adjust, and you started to function. As you began to eat, a shadow cast over you.
“Well good morning y/n, I see you slept well.”
Polnareff towered over you, smiling as he always did. You nodded in response and the Frenchman sat next to you and began eating his breakfast.
“Mm Joseph, I’m amazed at how you can achieve such incredible food in the middle of a desert.” Polnareff spoke between bites, which made Joseph smile.
“Good food comes from experience Polnareff” Joseph replied, much like a father lecturing his son. You sat and spectated all of the crusader’s conversation, as you didn’t talk as much as the rest of them.
“So y/n,” Polnareff turned to look at you, breaking through your internal silence, “you’ve been with us for almost a week now. How are you finding it? Entertaining non?”
You paused eating and thought for a moment. Your journey so far had been incredible so far. Yes, it involved fighting enemy stand users most days, however you had visited so many amazing places, it was worth it.
“Yeah, it’s been nice so far thanks.”
“Oh, je suis content!” The Frenchman beamed at you. He seemed to do this often, despite only knowing you for a short time. Even the others could tell, he acted different towards you. You were no different from the rest of the crusaders, however Polnareff seemed to be drawn to you in more ways than one.
After everything had been cleared from breakfast and the campsite had been packed away, you and the rest of the crusaders began to make your way towards the nearest town; your destination was a hotel not far from the city centre.
Journeying with the boys was nice. The conversation was always interesting, and Polnareff always made an effort to try and get you to come out of your shell.
“Ugh, we’ve been walking for ages Jiji, how much longer until we get to the city.”
Although Jotaro was the only one to voice it, everyone was sick of walking.
“Only a few minutes now Jotaro.” Joseph replied.
Soon enough, you had reached the hotel. Joseph had insisted on booking all the rooms, due to his wealth.
“Ok, so I managed to book three rooms. Two have two single beds.” Immediately Jotaro interjected.
“Me and kakyoin will take one of the single bed rooms.”
“Right,” Advol spoke up, “ and me and Mr. Joestar will take the room closest to the ground floor, in case of an emergency.”
“Ok,” Joseph spoke, “that room is also one of the single bed rooms. So that leaves…y/n and polnareff. You both don’t mind sharing do you?”
Before you could say anything, Polnareff spoke up,
“I don’t mind at all Mr. Joestar, although I do snore, so I warn you Y/n.” He spoke playfully, and didn’t notice how red you were.
“We’re both adult men, we’ll survive two nights.”
You grabbed your bags and took the lift up to your room. When you got there, you unpacked your bags and sat idly on the bed.
“Already chose your side of the bed y/n?”
You turned around to face Polnareff. To say you were nervous was an understatement. He made you nervous; not in an uncomfortable way, but he had a strange effect on you.
“I-I don’t mind which side, I was just sittin-“
“Woah woah mon ami, I was just pulling your leg. I don’t care about sides.”
He gave you a reassuring look, before placing his bags down.
“I’m just going to freshen up. You don’t mind do you?”
“No not at all, go ahead”
After a few minutes, Polnareff walked out of the bathroom, with only a towel draped over his waist. His hair dripped over his shoulders. You’d never seen his hair down.
“Je m’excuse y/n, I forgot to grab my clothes.”
You quickly turned around as he picked up his clothes. The Frenchman chuckled at your reaction.
“Aw, quel est le problème y/n, I’m not offended.”
He retreated to the bathroom and shortly came out wearing a baggy t-shirt and pyjama bottoms. He slumped down on the bed next to you. You quickly arose, and got changed in the bathroom also. You came out wearing a similar outfit.
“You ok y/n, you seem…jumpy?”
You froze. He was perceptive to say the least. The very thought of sharing a bed with Polnareff made you weak, and he secretly knew it.
“I’m fine thank you Polnareff.”
You sat on the bed next to him, rigid as a wooden board.
“You need to relax mon ami.”
Polnareff rested his hands on your shoulders.
“Hey, I give a killer massage. How does that sound huh?”
You moved out of his grasp, your stomach in knots.
“No thanks Polnareff, I’m not overly fond of massages.”
“Aw why not?”
You stopped a moment to try and think of a lie. The truth was you were incredibly sensitive. It would only take a small squeeze on your back, ribs, or pretty much anywhere else, and you’d burst into uncontrollable giggles. It was humiliating to say the least.
“Uh, it’s just not my thing.”
“Oh don’t be silly, here-“
Before you could interject, Polnareff’s hands dug into your shoulders lightly. You jumped and let out a small yelp.
“Whahat was that mon ami?”
Your reaction amused Polnareff, but it also confused him.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to-“
“Don’t apologise y/n, I should’ve listened. But why did you react?”
“I-I don’t know”
“Oh come on y/n, we both know you know, so spill.”
You were speechless, much to the Frenchman’s dismay.
“Is it pain.? Non? Were you startled, uncomfortable, heck, ticklish!”
The last word made you react visibly. You were incredibly embarrassed. However, this delighted your French counterpart.
“Well I would never have guessed.“ he jested.
“I can explain-“
“No need mon Cher. I’m just surprised is all. I mean, you’ve taken down stand users with immense power, yet you buckled under my touch.” It’s quite sweet really.”
You felt more at ease knowing he wouldn’t judge; this was short lived. A shit-eating grin spread across Polnareff’s face, and he suddenly had you pinned to the bed.
“W-what are you doing?” Panic filled your voice, which only made Polnareff chuckle. He gripped both your wrists with one hand and had the other hand placed over your stomach.
“What, you thought I wouldn’t use this new information mon ami? I’ve finally found a way to loosen you up. About time.”
“Please. It’s embarrassing”
Polnareff scoffed “Absurdité! You need a laugh y/n, and I’d be more than happy to give it to you.”
Within second, the Frenchman’s fingers spidered across your abdomen, making you artist with bubbly giggles. Your protests only made Polnareff’s smirk wider.
“tes rires sont comme de la musique,” polnareff often switched to French halfway through his speech, more so with you than other people; he enjoyed your reaction every single time.
“Un garçon tellement chatouilleux~”
“Stop teasing!” You begged through giggles.
“Oh I’m afraid I can’t do that gentil garçon, this is too much fun”
He dragged his index finger along your bare ribs, which drove you mad. He decided to switch positions, and straddled your waist, pinning your wrist with silver chariot. He placed both hands on your hips and drilled his fingers into your skin. Your laughter picked up.
“Oh you beg do you,” Polnareff teased, “has the chatouiller le monstre found a bad spot.”
You replied with louder giggles, snorting occasionally. Polnareff began to slow down, making sure you could catch your breath.
“Aw, tu es tout rouge~”
“Ok ok, that’s enough., plehease stop.”
Your giggles began to gradually stop. As you regained your senses, you noticed Polnareff’s gaze. There was no judgement or malice behind those eyes; only love and adoration.
“Oh, but one more thing y/n..”
Polnareff swiftly lifted up your t shirt, exposing your bare stomach. His head rested on your torso as he blew raspberries on you stomach. You squealed in surprise. You felt your wrists loosen and you immediately rolled onto your sides, clutching your ribs.
“Pl-plehease, no more.”
“Alright, J’ai fini~”
Polnareff pulled you close to him and hugged you. His face beamed with joy; he hadn’t had this much fun in a while, and to tell the truth, neither had you.
“Well I quite enjoyed that,” Polnareff began, “it’s refreshing to hear you laugh finally y/n. You’re always so quiet, but now I know what get you giggling huh?”
“It’s been so long since anyone has done that to me.”
Polnareff looked surprised.
“What, no way. But you’re so ticklish, how has no one ever seen this side of you?”
“I’m not quite sure, I’m not massively close to many people.”
“That’s tragic y/n. Well, you’ll be glad to know I’m not easy to rid of. And I’d you think I’m not going to use this tactic when never you’re being too quiet, then you’re mistaken.”
You smiled coyly in response. You yawned; it had gotten late now, and the Frenchman had tired you out.
“I suppose we’d better get some rest,” you began, “ I’m shattered now.”
You both layer down on opposite sides, however Polnareff was not one for being awkward and distant. He moved closer to you and wrapped his arms around your torso. You tensed up, but soon relaxed once you got used to his embrace.
“Mm, bonne nuit y/n, dors bien~”
“Good night Pol.~”
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farfaripol · 1 year ago
I noticed that few people wrote JoJo fanfiction. Besides, no one has ever done Lee Johnny before. So today I'll fix that! Enjoy:)
Roles: Lee Johny! Ler Gyro
Relationship: PLATONIC
Warnings: it's a tickle fic; tusk tickles?
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"Hahahaa! Ahand this is your stand? He's too cute compared to you." Gyro laughed at Johnny's stand while looking at the tusk
"yes, yes, very funny." Johnny had no time for Gyro's words now. While the owner of the steel balls admired the stand, Johnny was busy with the map and laying out the route to the next race
At this time, Gyro had already picked up the floating pink creature. He held it carefully, and carefully looked at every detail. Each time the stand seemed cuter and cuter to him
"heh, such a cute thing~" Gyro took the stand in one hand and used his index finger to tickle the stand's belly.
"PWHAHAHA!!" Johnny immediately covered his mouth with his hand, and a blush began to grow on the cheeks. Hearing the laughter, Gyro immediately stopped ticklings and looked at Johnny.
"What the hell was that?!" Realizing what was going on, the cowboy returned back to the stand, using slow circular movements to move his finger across Tusk’s stomach. "Is someone ticklish here! Nyo-ho~"
"wait..wahait!! Gyroho! Dohohohn't!! Johnny didn't have time to finish his words before he immediately fell into constant giggling. Johnny couldn't stay in a sitting position and fell to the ground holding his stomach.
"Gyrohoho, stahahp i cahan't" Johnny lay on the ground, having completely forgotten about the map he was working on. And Gyro continued to spider his fingers over the tusk, causing Johnny's laughter to grow even stronger.
"Gyrohoo!! Plehease stahAHAP AHAHAH!!! NAHAHT!! DON'T GO THEHEHERE!!" Johnny curled up into a ball, laughing hysterically as Gyro's hands darted across his back. No matter how hard Johnny tried to stop him, he couldn’t yet. Because of his laughter, he lost all his strength and couldn't even pull his Stand out of Gyro's clutches.
"don't go where? Right heereeee?~" Gyro slowly lowered his index finger down Johnny's spine.
"NAHAHAHA!! GYROHOHO!! DICKHEAHAD! AHAHHA STAHP" Johnny immediately arched his back, throwing his head back and laughing hysterically
"what did you said about me?? Now you'll regret what you said" With these words, Gyro squeezed the sides and ribs of his Stand user. And tackled him with no mercy.
"AHHAHHHAHAH NAHOHO GYROHOHO STAHAP IT!!" Tears began to form at the corners of Johnny's eyes. He hit the ground with his fist and could no longer to say out a single word.
Gyro was too caught up in the tickling that he didn't even notice someone sneak up on him from behind. Johnny, despite being ticklish, was able to hit Gyro on the head with an overthrown newspaper.
Johnny hit Gyro over the head with a rolled-up newspaper, causing his hat to fall off his head. At the same time the tickling stopped. "I told you to stop. It's time for revenge"
"WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT!! Okahay.. i'm sohorry! Don't do anything bahad..."
Johnny wasn't listening anymore. He came up from behind and started tickling the cowboy. Gyro has already bursted into laughter "NAHAHA JOHNNY I'M SAHAHARY PLEASE STAHAP"
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theoncelee · 2 years ago
Yknow I’ve been here awhile it’s time I actually make one of these:
Hi! I’m Tree!
This is an SFW (at least mostly) tickle blog! I’m 18. I’m a full time college/uni student and I live on campus. I use he series pronouns. Been going by Tree on here so you can call me that, but my real name is Nathan and a buncha ppl call me Nat so any of those are fine tbh. I won’t say my exact location but I live in the US. I am taken 🩷
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All ages can interact. There will be nothing explicit on here as I am aware that many minors follow me, and tickling is not a kink for me. Might make sex jokes or cuss though if that bothers you.
That being said, I don’t feel comfortable engaging in teasing or any tickle talk with minors unless we were friends before I turned 18. Friendly conversation is okay, just no tickle talk sorry!!
NSFW accounts can interact as long as the interaction itself is SFW
Dms are OPEN (please dm me I want friends) for 16+ (exceptions made for those I met before I turned 18)
Ask box is OPEN for anyone to send friendly asks or genuine questions. Please don’t send teases in my ask box.
Regarding teasing and all forms of tickle talk, I have to know you first and please ask before jumping right in. I’m not always in a lee mood and I like to be able to decide whether I want to be teased or not.
Requests are OPEN for both fics and art (pls specify which if you send a request and also specify if you want tickles or not)
Fics and Art:
Nothing NSFW
Nothing non-con
No promises on timing I’m both very busy and very slow
No fandoms that I’m not familiar with (if you’re unsure just ask)
JJBA (parts 1-3 only so far)
Hazbin Hotel
Stranger things
Sanders sides
Umbrella Academy
Harry Potter MAYBE
Frequent tags to search or block:
“non tickles” or “non tks” = content not tickle related
“tickle community” “tickle fic” “tfb” = tickle/tickle community related content
“Tree’s bs” = random thoughts or a rant
“Tree’s frens” = my friends being awesome/adorable
“moot moment” = exactly what it sounds like. A moment with mutuals in it.
“my fics” = a fic I’ve written
My fics:
A Paper Alternative (Lee!Bakugo Ler!Kirishima)
A Different Kind of Bet (Lee!Virgil Ler!Roman)
Merry Chanukkah (Switch!Logan Switch!Roman)
SS2k23 Submission (Switch!Bakugou Switch!Kirishima)
Honest (a story I wrote for a friend that I decided to post)
Have a fabulous day and be sure to drink a snack and eat plenty of water :)
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simtorta · 1 year ago
Hello @terresdebrume and thank you for the tag :)
Name: Martyna aka. Simtorta
Pronouns: She/Her
Star sign: Taurus
Number of siblings and fun facts about them: One older brother - he had for the long time long copper hair and none of his nicknames was associated with it. Now he shaves himself bald and grows impressive mustache xD
Number of pets and their names: For now none T_T Maybe in future.
Fandoms: I'm multi fandom enthusiast and fandom hopper :3 In this moment is mostly Final Fantasy VII , JJBA, Genshin Impact.
Favorite color: Lame answer but a I like all of them :)
Favorite song: At this moment - Better Place by Nsync, Turn Off The Lights by Kim Petras & Elvira and Honey (Are U Coming?) by Måneskin.
Favorite author (books, fanfics, zines, webtoons, etc.): I'm genre kind of girl. I usually judge a things for themselves (unless the author is disgusting - fuck you JKR)
Favorite fic type: Promise me happy ending I'll survive the worst angst also smut with plot is also my thing >3
Favorite holiday: Halloween maybe? Funny spooky things tickle my aesthetics.
Do you have a partner (romantic, qpr, etc.)?
No. To much homebody for this.
Hobbies: Anime & Manga are always my things and I slowly enter intro the cosplay.
Fun facts about you: I'm surprisingly good at imitating a cat meowing.
Anyone who wants to do this can consider themselves tagged :3
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years ago
You know I had to slide in here when the requests are open but congrats again on the 400 u have worked hard and earned it as ur writing is top tier and I can't wait to see the book that ur working on and I wish u lots of motivation , anyways on to my request I was wondering if u could write a (ofcourse) kakyoin x reader caught making out cause omfg I am a huge sucker for those kind of fics they have me kicking my feet and giggling all the time -♡
OMG HI!!! literally this is crazy because you send this to me right when i hit 400 and now im closer to 600?!?!?! like how crazy is that?? your kind words mean so so much to me always and a little update on the book, im hoping to finish it this year!!! no revisions or editing, just get the damn thing done so i can do the hard part! thank you again for all of the kind words and for being so so amazing. i hope you have a wonderful rest of your week and happy new year!! this is my first fic of 2023!!! <333
Caught - Noriaki Kakyoin
Pairing - Kakyoin x reader
Warnings - kakyoin being hot and cute <3
Word Count - 364
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“Whoops,” Kakyoin giggled, “accidently” falling on top of you and pinning your arms to the couch. “My bad. I suppose I fell.”
You laughed as Kakyoin placed kisses up and down your neck, your hands gripping tighter to his.
“K-Kakyoin,” you laughed harder, trying to squirm out of the hold he had you in. “Noriaki, that tickles!!!” You accidentally kneed him in the gut, making him topple over in pain. “Oh, shit! Nori, are you okay?” You lifted his chin to find him smiling with tears pricking the corners of his eyes.
“I'm fine, y/n. You’re just so…” his voice fell to a purr next to your ear. “So strong.”
You blushed and jokingly pushed him away from you, but he just pulled you back and on top of him, holding you by the hips. “My… you look pretty up there.”
“Stop it, Nori. My face is already red enough, it doesn't need anymore.”
“I love you.” His voice was soft and sincere. God you loved him.
“I love you too.”
Kakyoin brought you down and your lips brushed against his. He pulled you closer somehow, his lips just on yours. His tongue slid into your mouth, making you shudder and he smiled into the kiss, holding the small of your back. You grabbed his hair and pulled him deeper into the kiss.
That’s when you both heard it, freezing, your lips on his lips.
You looked up and saw the whole rest of the Stardust Crusaders giggling at you. You quickly pushed yourself off of Kakyoin and fell onto the floor. You moved your hair out of your eye, now heavy breathing.
“Shit. How long have you guys been here?”
Polnareff was the first to speak up after lifting his eyebrows at the two of you. “We just got here, don't worry.”
Joseph laughed and patted Polnareff on the back. “You two can get back to your little makeout session, but we leave in five minutes, so make it snappy.”
Sometimes there were downsides about traveling with friends.
You looked at Kakyoin, who smiled and helped you off the ground.
But most of the time, there were a lot of upsides.
jjba masterlist (2) --- pinned post
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birdiely · 3 years ago
you guys should send me sbr fic promots i wanna write
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confused-red-head · 3 years ago
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Dragon!Jotaro x Fem!reader
Previous - Current - Next
Chapter 3: "Family Reunions"
Warnings: fantasy au, dragon!jotaro, violence, implied/mentioned minor character death, fem!reader, breaking and entering, cursing, yelling
Thank you to @helpimhyperfixating for beta reading for me and getting me into jjba! Please go check out her fics!❤️
Thank you to @ahoge-fish for allowing me to use some art from her Witcher!Jotaro AU as a reference for Jotaro's sword here! Please go check her out! She makes AMAZING art and hilarious scenerio comics between Jotaro and her adorable OC!
If you would like to see the art of Jotaro's sword, it's here!
Taglist: Open
Let me know if you want to be added to taglist!
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I awoke to a tickle in my nose. Crinkling my face, I attempted to dispel the feeling and return to the land of dreams. Unfortunately, more sleep was not in the cards for me.
I rubbed my nose with the back of my hand as sleep seemed to wander further and further away, much to my disappointment.
Upon the realization that the room was much too quiet. Instead of chattering children, I hear the chirping of birds. I pry open my tired eyes, only to find myself in a bare, dust-filled room.
I racked my groggy mind, trying to recall where I am and how I got here. Thankfully, clarity soon made itself known as the memories of last night resurfaced.
I recalled escaping the orphanage. Found the hunters and freed a dragon. Learned that said dragon could talk, shape-shift into a man, and was named Jotaro. Traveled to the house with said Dragon. Lastly, I collapsed into this dusty, old bed as all of the exhaustion from the night finally caught up to me.
It all felt surreal. For a moment, I almost believed it was all a dream, but the memories were all too real.
I swung my legs off of the rickety, old bed, stretching a bit before slipping on my boots. Leaving the room, I spied Jotaro slouched over in a chair next to the front door with his hat tipped forward. Squinting a bit, I noticed his breathing was regular
A mischievous smile grew onto my face as I quietly strode over to the dragon-man's large figure. Once by his side, I leaned over to his eye level.
"It's about damn time you woke up.", I spoke, trying to mimic the man's own baritone voice.
I heard a groan as Jotaro lifted his head, clearly unhappy with the disturbance.
"Don't you know never to wake a sleeping dragon?"
"I do, in fact, but you were either already waking up or never slept in the first place. Am I correct?"
Jotaro narrowed his eyes at my small deduction, clearly disgruntled at the fact I could easily read the situation.
"Forgive me, but you clearly aren't someone to easily let your guard down. Leading me to believe you were guarding the door the whole night. With each snap of a twig and the cry of an animal would have left you alert all night, wouldn't it?"
Jotaro only grunted in response, which I took as confirmation. I turn around with a nod.
"Well, since I'm no longer on the brink of collapsing, I'm going to grab what I came here for."
I approach a writing desk nestled next to a large bookshelf and a landscape painting hanging above. I clamber onto the desk and lift the painting from off the wall to reveal a hole in the wall. Within the hole held a few large leather bound books, a pouch of coins, and various other seeming useless nicknacks.
"What the hell is this place?", the male's question sounded more like a demand as I heard his footsteps from behind me.
"My childhood home... or one of them at least. My father and I moved around a lot. For what reason, I do not know. This house was the last one we resided in, until he whisked me off to the orphanage." I reached for one one of the books and dust off the cover, skimming the contents.
The dragon-man only grunted as I took the coin pouch and five books out of the hidey-hole, the fifth containing a singular loose ribbon, seemingly used as a bookmark. I pluck the ribbon from its place, thinking of another use for the strip of fabric.
I climbed down from the table's surface, having gathered what I was looking for.
I could practically feel Jotaro's sharp eyes digging into my back with intense curiosity and wariness.
"If you're so curious you can just ask. They were written by my father." Without looking, I picked up one book and handed it to Jotaro.
He took the book with a wary look.
Jotaro flipped through the book, reading excerpts about Avalon: The City of Legend. Avalon itself was supposedly a symbol of unity between man and dragon. The city was believed to simply be a myth, just another fairytale told to children. After years of war and hatred, the tale fell into obscurity.
"Hm? Oh yeah. He was uh... kinda obsessed.", I kept my response relatively short, not wanting to talk about it.
Jotaro only grunted in response. I appreciated that he kept it at that. Most would be asking many questions or spewing criticisms.
"Right...", I cleared my throat in an attempt to disperse the uncomfortable air. "Well, I got what I got what I came here fo-"
"Shut up"
"What are you-"
"I said shut up.", Jotaro growled a bit and latched his gloved hand over my mouth.
I was baffled by his sudden interruption, but realized his focus wasn't on me, it was on the front door.
"I hear voices.", he spoke in a hushed tone.
I didn't hear anything myself just yet. He took his hand off my mouth and set it onto my shoulder, urging me to move to the side of the door. He drew his sword and pressed his ear to the wall.
I stepped back to give him some more room, when I heard the floorboard creak under my weight. I quietly lean down to lift the floorboard to find a small cache of weapons.
'I guess hiding things beneath the floorboards is a family trait...'
All the while I begin to hear muffled voices approaching the house.
"This is it."
"Are you sure?"
"It has to be."
Jotaro stiffened hearing two gruff male voices. He tightened his grip on the blade as the door jiggle.
"Damn it! It's locked."
"Allow me."
Clicking noises were heard coming from the lock, Jotaro took this moment to adjust himself into a defensive position. Then... the clicking halts.
The door swings open and Jotaro lifts his blade in case of attack as a figure crosses the threshold.
Both males stood there frozen in shock. Jotaro lowered his blade, recognizing the stranger as his grandfather. The man had slightly tanned pale skin, trimmed, gray hair and surprisingly vibrant green eyes. He wore a brown doublet with a cream undershirt, sleeves rolled up to the elbow. His tan pants were tucked into brown boots he wore.
"Aren't you supposed to be on another continent?"
"Now, Jotaro, that's no way to greet your grandfather!"
Suddenly, a bolt shoots out, headed directly toward "Gramps", before it was caught mid-air by a ghostly purple hand and snapped in two.
The bewildered men's eyes snapped towards me and I looked down equally shocked... to the rusted crossbow I was holding.
"Why the hell do you have a goddamn crossbow?!", Jotaro growled low and threateningly.
"Uhhh.... better yet, why don't YOU have a crossbow, Jotaro!"
Jotaro's eyes narrowed and his scowl deepened. I quickly broke under his glare.
"Look! I'm sorry the stupid, fucking latch broke, but I wasn't going to just sit here with nothing to defend myself with! I'm not just going to depend on you for everything!", I threw the now broken crossbow to the side as a small sign of submission.
"You could have killed someone with that thing, you dumb bitch!"
Jotaro and I glared at each other when the tension was suddenly broken with a boisterous laugh.
"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ahhh... Jotaro, your mother never told me you had a beloved! You two almost remind me of my wife and I when we were young!", the old man strode over to us.
"It's not like that, you senile old man.", Jotaro gave an irritated grunt. "What are you doing here, anyway?"
I practically saw the gears turning in his head.
"Ah! That's right! Avdol! The coast is clear! Come on in!"
At that, a dark-skinned man entered the house. He wore a long, orange robe with a thin, beige doublet, similarly colored pants and short brown boots. Although, what stood out most was the large, golden earrings that connected into a single piece that could easily be mistaken for a necklace at first glance.
Avdol strode over to the three of us as Jotaro's grandfather began introductions.
"Avdol, this is my grandson, Jotaro, and his... companion... excuse me I don't think I ever got a name, young lady."
"Oh uh... it's... it's Y/n.", I stumbled over my words, still reeling over the previous tense situation.
"It's good to meet you! I'm Joseph Joestar! Jotaro's grandfather!"
Jotaro pinched his hat, tipping it forward and muttering a 'good grief' under his breath. Ignoring his grandson's reaction, Mr.Joestar turned to Avdol.
"And this is a friend of mine I met in my travels."
The man in orange robe steps up to introduce himself, "I'm Muhammad Avdol, It's a pleasure to meet you."
Avdol gave you both a polite bow as a greeting.
I straightened up a bit, feeling a tad more confident.
"It's nice to meet you both! I um... I'm sorry about the crossbow... I thought you were hunters..."
A confused look crossed Mr.Joestar's face, "Hunters?! You were being hunted down?"
"We'll get to that. Why are you here?", Jotaro wasted no time in getting back to the conversation at hand.
"Right..." Mr. Joestar's suddenly became much more serious. "I have reason to believe we are all in serious danger. Our family, especially."
"What the hell do you mean by that?", Jotaro tensed up and spoke lowly.
Mr. Joestar closed his eyes in thought.
"To explain, I'll have to start from the beginning. Take a look.", he pulled out an old, waterlogged journal and handed it to Jotaro, who took it in return.
I peeked at the journal the best I can, only catching a glimpse of drawings and script.
"That is a record of a hollow coffin found aboard an empty vessel floating amongst the sea, not far from where my grandfather was killed defeating his nemesis and evil incarnate, Dio.", as Mr.Joestar's speech went on, the more furious he sounded. "Or so we thought. We fear Dio has returned, and not only that...", he reached into his pocket to pull out a small book. He flipped open the book to show the blank pages and tore a page from the book. For a moment the page remained blank but soon an image appeared. The page presented a drawing of a sinister looking man with his back turned and a star mark on his shoulder.
"He's stolen the body of my grandfather! Jonathan Joestar!"
I was in disbelief. This all sounded as if it came out of an epic tale. Never in my wildest dreams would expect myself to even have a minor role in. I found myself lost in my own thoughts as I heard only snippets of Mr.Joestar's speech. Some things about "stands", "dio", and "birthmarks". I almost felt like I had never woken up in the first place and this was all some sort of strange dream.
'This... is turning out to be an incredibly strange turn of events...'
I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. I looked up to lock eyes with Avdol as he smiled gently.
"It's alright if you don't understand, Y/n. It can be quite confusing at first."
I felt my head clear a bit as I took in a breath and sighed.
"Thank you... Mr. Avdol, was it?"
Avdol nodded in confirmation.
"Avdol, is just fine. Would you like a ride to town? It wouldn't sit well leaving a young girl here, so far out in the woods."
Before I could even answer, another voice spoke up.
"She's coming with us to the haven."
Both men were surprised at Jotaro's statement.
"She has a dragon's oath. It would be dangerous to let her stay here, so I intend to return her to whoever she belongs to.", Jotaro elaborated, allowing the two older men's faces to fall from surprise to something of understanding.
"You talk like I'm some lost child..."
"If you don't want to be seen as a lost child, then don't act like one."
Mr.Joestar held a fist to his lips in an attempt to stifle a chuckle, while Avdol turned to me again.
"Are you alright with this?", Avdol's eyes showed concern, looking for confirmation in mine.
"Yes, this is fine. I didn't have much else planned after coming here. Besides... I have a lot of questions and if I can find who gave away this dragon's oath, perhaps I can get some answers.", I smiled in an attempt to ease Avdol's concern.
Avdol nodded and smiled in return.
"Alright! Well since that's dealt with, we need to head out. I suggest you gather all you need as quickly as possible and we'll meet you by the wagon.", Mr.Joestar announced as he turned to leave the household, both Jotaro and Avdol following suit.
I grab my pack and satchel from the bedroom, remembering one thing I wanted to do before leaving.
"If you don't mind just... just give me a moment. I have to do one last thing before we go...", I compiled the books and coin purse into my pack, slipping it onto my back.
I leave the building, turning the corner and make my way to the back of the house. I traversed through some thicket to an alcove of trees, plucking a bouquet of wildflowers along the way. I binded the wildflower bouquet with the ribbon I obtained and approached a lone stone slab.
"It's been a while..." I lower myself to sit on my knees before the slab and rest the bouquet down on the ground. " I'm sorry I didn't come sooner, but they would never let me leave the town let alone the orphanage. I'm sure you know... sometimes it felt like you were there. But... I'm here now. Although, I'm sorry I can't stay long. I promise I'll come back to visit after I get some answers. I just wanted to visit you while I had the chance... I hope you like the flowers."
I sat there for a few more minutes as l felt eyes boring holes into my back. I finally stand and dust off my dress.
"... Goodbye, Mother."
I turned back to the way I came from and saw a familiar, dark figure leaning against a tree. I began trudging toward the figure, making my way through the thicket once again.
"I know you don't trust me, but I just want to remind you I want to know whose oath this is just as much as you do."
Jotaro didn't say anything as I walked past him. He just stared at the eroded stone slab with my mother's name carved into it. I ignored his lack of response and continued towards the wagon.
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'Things just keep getting stranger and stranger...'
Author's note: So this chapter took a bit longer than the first two. I didn't exactly have a clear image for what I wanted. I had to take breaks from it multiple times in order to figure out what I wanted and because of that I fear that this chapter might be a tad choppy. Choppy Chapter. Fortunately, after finishing this I have a clear image for chapter 4!
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deranged-bastard · 2 months ago
I really enjoyed this!! IT WAS SOO CUTE. It was so in character!! Bravo👏
Polnareff x male reader
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Summary: you are the newest member of the SDC, who joined shortly after iggy did. Similar to kakyoin and polnareff, you were an enemy stand user turned ally, who also wanted to defeat Dio. (This fix does contain tickles so if you don’t like it then scroll).
Tw: not many, mention of people changing and being shirtless
Word count: 1885 words
“Good morning y/n. I hope you slept well.”
You awoke to the sound of Advol and Joseph cooking breakfast. You yawned and smiled in Advol’s direction. Even though you had only been a part of the Stardust crusaders for a short time, they were all quick to make you feel welcomed. However, one member stood out to you. Jean Pierre Polnareff was the third person to meet you, and was the first to warm up to you. Your first impression of him was quite unforgettable.
You were sat with both Advol and Joseph in a small cafe, waiting for the rest of the crusaders to join you. Suddenly, the door to the cafe burst open.
“God, it took me forever to find this place. I’ve been walking for almost an hour-“
The man in the door way suddenly paused his short-lived rant and stared in your direction. He was like nothing you’d ever seen before; he had a thick French accent and was built similar to that of an ancient Greek statue. He smirked and sauntered over, pulling up a chair.
“Ah, you must be the new stand user, non?”
You replied quietly, which caused his heart to melt ever so slightly.
“My name’s Jean Pierre Polnareff, and not so long ago I was in a similar situation to you mon ami. Dio had one of those horrific flesh buds implanted into my brain.”
You listened carefully as he explained his whole story: about his sisters death, his mission to avenge her, and how he met Dio and obtained his stand.
He stopped talking and began discussing plans with Advol and Joseph. Very few minutes he would turn his head to catch your gaze. A sappy grin would plaster his face every time you made eye contact, and looked away in panic. Everything was so new to you, especially him.
As you slowly arose from your sleeping bag, your eyes began to adjust, and you started to function. As you began to eat, a shadow cast over you.
“Well good morning y/n, I see you slept well.”
Polnareff towered over you, smiling as he always did. You nodded in response and the Frenchman sat next to you and began eating his breakfast.
“Mm Joseph, I’m amazed at how you can achieve such incredible food in the middle of a desert.” Polnareff spoke between bites, which made Joseph smile.
“Good food comes from experience Polnareff” Joseph replied, much like a father lecturing his son. You sat and spectated all of the crusader’s conversation, as you didn’t talk as much as the rest of them.
“So y/n,” Polnareff turned to look at you, breaking through your internal silence, “you’ve been with us for almost a week now. How are you finding it? Entertaining non?”
You paused eating and thought for a moment. Your journey so far had been incredible so far. Yes, it involved fighting enemy stand users most days, however you had visited so many amazing places, it was worth it.
“Yeah, it’s been nice so far thanks.”
“Oh, je suis content!” The Frenchman beamed at you. He seemed to do this often, despite only knowing you for a short time. Even the others could tell, he acted different towards you. You were no different from the rest of the crusaders, however Polnareff seemed to be drawn to you in more ways than one.
After everything had been cleared from breakfast and the campsite had been packed away, you and the rest of the crusaders began to make your way towards the nearest town; your destination was a hotel not far from the city centre.
Journeying with the boys was nice. The conversation was always interesting, and Polnareff always made an effort to try and get you to come out of your shell.
“Ugh, we’ve been walking for ages Jiji, how much longer until we get to the city.”
Although Jotaro was the only one to voice it, everyone was sick of walking.
“Only a few minutes now Jotaro.” Joseph replied.
Soon enough, you had reached the hotel. Joseph had insisted on booking all the rooms, due to his wealth.
“Ok, so I managed to book three rooms. Two have two single beds.” Immediately Jotaro interjected.
“Me and kakyoin will take one of the single bed rooms.”
“Right,” Advol spoke up, “ and me and Mr. Joestar will take the room closest to the ground floor, in case of an emergency.”
“Ok,” Joseph spoke, “that room is also one of the single bed rooms. So that leaves…y/n and polnareff. You both don’t mind sharing do you?”
Before you could say anything, Polnareff spoke up,
“I don’t mind at all Mr. Joestar, although I do snore, so I warn you Y/n.” He spoke playfully, and didn’t notice how red you were.
“We’re both adult men, we’ll survive two nights.”
You grabbed your bags and took the lift up to your room. When you got there, you unpacked your bags and sat idly on the bed.
“Already chose your side of the bed y/n?”
You turned around to face Polnareff. To say you were nervous was an understatement. He made you nervous; not in an uncomfortable way, but he had a strange effect on you.
“I-I don’t mind which side, I was just sittin-“
“Woah woah mon ami, I was just pulling your leg. I don’t care about sides.”
He gave you a reassuring look, before placing his bags down.
“I’m just going to freshen up. You don’t mind do you?”
“No not at all, go ahead”
After a few minutes, Polnareff walked out of the bathroom, with only a towel draped over his waist. His hair dripped over his shoulders. You’d never seen his hair down.
“Je m’excuse y/n, I forgot to grab my clothes.”
You quickly turned around as he picked up his clothes. The Frenchman chuckled at your reaction.
“Aw, quel est le problème y/n, I’m not offended.”
He retreated to the bathroom and shortly came out wearing a baggy t-shirt and pyjama bottoms. He slumped down on the bed next to you. You quickly arose, and got changed in the bathroom also. You came out wearing a similar outfit.
“You ok y/n, you seem…jumpy?”
You froze. He was perceptive to say the least. The very thought of sharing a bed with Polnareff made you weak, and he secretly knew it.
“I’m fine thank you Polnareff.”
You sat on the bed next to him, rigid as a wooden board.
“You need to relax mon ami.”
Polnareff rested his hands on your shoulders.
“Hey, I give a killer massage. How does that sound huh?”
You moved out of his grasp, your stomach in knots.
“No thanks Polnareff, I’m not overly fond of massages.”
“Aw why not?”
You stopped a moment to try and think of a lie. The truth was you were incredibly sensitive. It would only take a small squeeze on your back, ribs, or pretty much anywhere else, and you’d burst into uncontrollable giggles. It was humiliating to say the least.
“Uh, it’s just not my thing.”
“Oh don’t be silly, here-“
Before you could interject, Polnareff’s hands dug into your shoulders lightly. You jumped and let out a small yelp.
“Whahat was that mon ami?”
Your reaction amused Polnareff, but it also confused him.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to-“
“Don’t apologise y/n, I should’ve listened. But why did you react?”
“I-I don’t know”
“Oh come on y/n, we both know you know, so spill.”
You were speechless, much to the Frenchman’s dismay.
“Is it pain.? Non? Were you startled, uncomfortable, heck, ticklish!”
The last word made you react visibly. You were incredibly embarrassed. However, this delighted your French counterpart.
“Well I would never have guessed.“ he jested.
“I can explain-“
“No need mon Cher. I’m just surprised is all. I mean, you’ve taken down stand users with immense power, yet you buckled under my touch.” It’s quite sweet really.”
You felt more at ease knowing he wouldn’t judge; this was short lived. A shit-eating grin spread across Polnareff’s face, and he suddenly had you pinned to the bed.
“W-what are you doing?” Panic filled your voice, which only made Polnareff chuckle. He gripped both your wrists with one hand and had the other hand placed over your stomach.
“What, you thought I wouldn’t use this new information mon ami? I’ve finally found a way to loosen you up. About time.”
“Please. It’s embarrassing”
Polnareff scoffed “Absurdité! You need a laugh y/n, and I’d be more than happy to give it to you.”
Within second, the Frenchman’s fingers spidered across your abdomen, making you artist with bubbly giggles. Your protests only made Polnareff’s smirk wider.
“tes rires sont comme de la musique,” polnareff often switched to French halfway through his speech, more so with you than other people; he enjoyed your reaction every single time.
“Un garçon tellement chatouilleux~”
“Stop teasing!” You begged through giggles.
“Oh I’m afraid I can’t do that gentil garçon, this is too much fun”
He dragged his index finger along your bare ribs, which drove you mad. He decided to switch positions, and straddled your waist, pinning your wrist with silver chariot. He placed both hands on your hips and drilled his fingers into your skin. Your laughter picked up.
“Oh you beg do you,” Polnareff teased, “has the chatouiller le monstre found a bad spot.”
You replied with louder giggles, snorting occasionally. Polnareff began to slow down, making sure you could catch your breath.
“Aw, tu es tout rouge~”
“Ok ok, that’s enough., plehease stop.”
Your giggles began to gradually stop. As you regained your senses, you noticed Polnareff’s gaze. There was no judgement or malice behind those eyes; only love and adoration.
“Oh, but one more thing y/n..”
Polnareff swiftly lifted up your t shirt, exposing your bare stomach. His head rested on your torso as he blew raspberries on you stomach. You squealed in surprise. You felt your wrists loosen and you immediately rolled onto your sides, clutching your ribs.
“Pl-plehease, no more.”
“Alright, J’ai fini~”
Polnareff pulled you close to him and hugged you. His face beamed with joy; he hadn’t had this much fun in a while, and to tell the truth, neither had you.
“Well I quite enjoyed that,” Polnareff began, “it’s refreshing to hear you laugh finally y/n. You’re always so quiet, but now I know what get you giggling huh?”
“It’s been so long since anyone has done that to me.”
Polnareff looked surprised.
“What, no way. But you’re so ticklish, how has no one ever seen this side of you?”
“I’m not quite sure, I’m not massively close to many people.”
“That’s tragic y/n. Well, you’ll be glad to know I’m not easy to rid of. And I’d you think I’m not going to use this tactic when never you’re being too quiet, then you’re mistaken.”
You smiled coyly in response. You yawned; it had gotten late now, and the Frenchman had tired you out.
“I suppose we’d better get some rest,” you began, “ I’m shattered now.”
You both layer down on opposite sides, however Polnareff was not one for being awkward and distant. He moved closer to you and wrapped his arms around your torso. You tensed up, but soon relaxed once you got used to his embrace.
“Mm, bonne nuit y/n, dors bien~”
“Good night Pol.~”
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ransprang · 3 years ago
hiii i'd love to participate in your valentine's day event it's so cute :33
character: bucciarati (jjba)
3 personality traits: sensitive, simple, individualistic
relationship trope: friends to lovers
your ideal date setting: in my room gaming <3
your love language(s): quality time & words of affirmation
thank you and take care pleaseee
We got carried away and found the perfect song to accompany this fic too! Here it is: Mi sei scoppiato dentro al cuore by Mina
Valentine's Gaming Date with Bucciarati
600 followers event
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You and Bucciarati had been friends for a while now. You met him in Italy on a solo trip. You being simple and naïve, lost all your money and in a fit of misguided frustration ended up selling your pants for cash. That is how he found you, penniless and pantless. Naturally, he adopted you, thinking you were in desperate need of help and you joined his gang of misfits. Since then your friendship was untouchable.
Bucciarati and you were at your house. You were playing video games and cursing at your teammates in game whilst the bob haired man was watching with a glass of wine in hand. "Ratty! One of my teammates called me Putang Inamo. I think that's a swear word in Filipino." you pouted.
Bucciarati frowned and gently lifted the headset from off of your shoulders, bringing the mic to his own plump lips. He unmuted and began to rain down a torrent of fiery Italian swearwords in a deep baritone coupled with some truly frightening mafia-related threats upon your teammates. By the time he was done, you noticed you had been kicked out of the party but you could feel nothing but fondness and the faint stirrings of arousal for the man before you. Bucciarati was panting slightly, with his face appearing pink and flushed, either due to the wine or the swearing. He had never looked more beautiful to you in your life. You ducked your head, blushing at your own thoughts and quickly set aside your controller and stood up.
You both decide to watch a movie together and so you gather some snacks and plop down next to him. You see that he has chosen The God Father. Giving Bucci an incredulous look he shrugs and says, "Just curious on how we're portrayed bella". As the movie progresses, your cold foot touches his warm one which sends an electric feeling down Bucciarati's spine. He lets out an unmanly shriek but recovers quickly. "Bella your feet are freezing. Do you need help warming them up? Here, slide them under here," he lifts his legs and you place them under. You feel his body heat through your feet and it warms you up.
You two sit closely like that as the movie plays. The story gets more and more intense causing you to watch the scenes with bated breath. You don't realise as you find his hand and grip it tightly. He realises you're scared and moves closer to you. A while later he casts his gaze onto your face, you don't notice a thing since you are engrossed by the movie on the screen. There was a strand of hair on your face which he slowly removed due to his caring nature. You immediately get shaken back to reality and look over at him.
Both of your stare into each others eyes as the movie plays in the background. His lips are quivering, aching for a kiss and so are yours. Entranced by his blue eyes, you lean in for a smooch, but he held you from the back of your head and pushed you in for a deeper passionate kiss. Your tongue explores his mouth as you both sloppily inhale each other. He pushes you back onto the sofa bed as he gets on top, you wrap your legs around his waist as he uses his hands to grip your chest. You use your hands to scratch his back while you ache for more. Bucciarati's bangs tickle your forehead as you moan into his mouth.
Bucciarati pulls away the moment Marlon Brando says "Look how they massacred my boy" in the movie. You both stay there staring into each others starry eyes while panting heavily, not quite understanding how all this happened. You look at him shocked, with growing nervousness in your belly. Bucciarati searches your face, looking for a reason of your displeasure. "Bella, what's wrong?" "I- I'm sorry, Ratty. I didn't mean to-" Bucciarati shushes you gently, cupping your face "Tesoro mio. You have nothing to apologize for. I have loved you for so long. I've been trying to show you ever since I realised but I'm glad at least you can see it now." "I never knew," you gasped out. Bucciarati chuckled, "You always had trouble seeing your admirers. My one of a kind and perfect bella." He said, tracing your lips with a finger. His words cause your heart to race faster but the nervousness dissipated. You smile shyly at him, "I guess we weren't really alone for Valentine's day then," you say as you pull him in for another kiss.
yours rattily,
admins san & sav
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(sorry this is on anon but i'm shy :'))
Literally every time I find an amazing JJBA fic and scroll down to leave an extremely long gushy comment, I find that you've done the same. Therefore, I have come to the conclusion that we must have the exact same taste in extremely niche gen trauma fics. I've already made my way through your entire list of fics (which are all terrific of course) and I was wondering if you possibly had any recs?
Anon, this is the funniest thing in the world; I am SO tickled that you and I are apparently hopping through the same extremely niche gen trauma fic circles.
Okay! Extremely niche gen trauma fic (below a cut because this is absurdly long and in no particular order):
Come Together (post-VA, Giorno-centric)
on your way (post-VA, Mista & Trish)
here comes the first step (post-SO, Jotaro & Jolyne)
Eleuseos (pre-SDC, Kakyoin's mom-centric, JUST TRUST ME ON THIS ONE)
running with the wolves (post-VA, Trish-centric)
I Don't Live Today (VA, Fugo-centric, this fic messed me up in the best way)
a dagger for impetuousness (VA, Fugo & Bruno)
circle of life (SO, Emporio & Anasui, this is not strictly speaking trauma fic except in the ways it is)
undertow (post-VA, Giorno-centric)
Space Boy's Dream (SO, Rykiel-centric, AGAIN JUST TRUST ME ON THIS ONE)
Your Ghost (post-SDC, Holly-centric)
the sun is the same (in a relative way) (post-SDC, Jotaro & Polnareff)
lion's share (post-VA, Trish-centric)
queen of swords (BT, the Lisa Lisa character study you never knew you wanted)
no shade in the shadow of the cross (post-SBR/JJL, Johnny & Lucy Steel)
Fluency: Revised Edition (post-SO, Jolyne-centric)
Untitled (1980-2014) (SDC to SO, Jotaro-centric)
no time for fairy tales (DIU, Yukako-centric, yelling about this fic 24/7)
Some bonus fics that aren't quite genfic but are still worth the read:
New York and London, 1880-2010 (Speedwagon-centric, this fic genuinely made me cry in the best way and I think about it constantly and it's a huge shame that it doesn't have a bigger readership)
from yesterday comes tomorrow (post-SDC, Jotaro & Polnareff)
here, again (also post-SDC, Jotaro & Polnareff)
what is living is burning (post-SDC, Jotaro/Kakyoin, there's a scene in this that is seared into my brain forever)--actually just read all of desertmint's fics, you can thank me later
mix of gen and not (but all trauma all the way down), but Broodthaers's fics are generally super interesting (VA and post-VA, mostly)
dialect (VA, Fugo/Mista/Giorno)--myrkks's fics are generally very good
a soft place to fall (VA, Trish-centric)--another one where I rec everything the author has written
this love ain't made for the faint of heart (post-SDC, Holly-centric)--but also you should just read librisdedita's fics! for that good open-wound trauma mood!
House of Four Doors (post-VA, Bruno/Abbacchio, two mentally ill people falling in love :') )--obviously you should be reading kawauso if you aren't already
The Shortest Route Was a Detour (SBR, Johnny/Gyro, I am SUCH a sucker for interactive fiction)
tidal volume (JJL, Josefumi-centric)
Eventuality (BT, Joseph/Caesar...sort of, ITERATIVE STORYTELLING!!!!! *rattles the table vigorously*)
Anyway, that's probably enough to get you started, haha.
(Also totally respect the anon--I am also painfully shy and VERY bad at initiating conversations--but I promise I am very friendly if you ever want to talk off anon!)
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gladdyator18 · 2 years ago
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I posted 142 times in 2022
115 posts created (81%)
27 posts reblogged (19%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 117 of my posts in 2022
Only 18% of my posts had no tags
#gladdy draws - 86 posts
#my ocs - 72 posts
#fanart - 60 posts
#pokemon fanart - 37 posts
#jjba fanart - 16 posts
#tickle fic - 16 posts
#gladdy writes - 16 posts
#apex guardians - 13 posts
#tickletober2022 - 12 posts
#for a friend - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 26 characters
#this means the world to me
My Top Posts in 2022:
Date Planning - TickleTober2022 Day 14 (Self-Insert; OC x Canon)
Expect some art for this fic by the ever so lovely @giggly-squiggily! Enjoy!
Summary: While Todoroki and Shiori are walking home from school, the two start coming up with dates to go on. When Todoroki doesn’t seem enthusiastic about them, Shiori comes up with the perfect way to help her boyfriend be more expressive.
Word Count: 1492
It was the start of another weekend at UA, and class 1-A was lucky enough that they didn't get any homework from Aizawa. After saying goodbye to her friends, Koda Shiori started her trek home.
"Hey! Shiori!" called out a familiar voice.
The girl whipped her head around and saw her boyfriend jog up to her.
"Hey, Shoto!" Shiori said, "What's up?"
"Oh, I just... wanted to walk home with you." Todoroki said with a faint blush.
The two heroes-in-training have been together for a little over a year, and Koda never gets tired of seeing how flustered Todoroki gets when asking to do "couple things," like walking her home.
"Sure! I'd love your company!" Koda said with a smile.
The half-and-half hero smiled at his girlfriend, a faint redness on his cheeks. Shiori would take the bus home, but walking home beside her boyfriend beats taking public transportation.
"Last week's date was super fun, don't you think?" Shiori suddenly asked.
"Hm? Oh, yeah. Really fun," Todoroki said.
"I'd never expect you to be so good at go-karting."
"Well, Midoriya and the other guys had invited me to go with them once before, so I guess I picked up on it."
Shiori chuckled while listening to her boyfriend.
"We should go there again next time for a date," Koda said, "How does that sound?"
"Sounds fun," Todoroki said calmly, "Let's do it."
Shiori's smile fell at what her boyfriend said.
"Well, where would you like to go next week, Monday after school?" Shiori asked.
The half-and-half hero hummed in thought before looking at his girlfriend.
"We can go to the National History Museum," Todoroki said, "Maybe we can find something about your father."
What Todoroki said made Shiori's heart skip a beat. Todoroki blushed as he took Shiori's hands in his.
"I know how much finding out about your father means to you, and I want to do everything in my power to help you find him." Todoroki said.
Shiori felt tears well up in her eyes.
"Shoto..." Shiori said softly.
Shiori smiled and wrapped her arms around her boyfriend.
"Thank you," she said, "That means... everything to me."
Todoroki grinned and returned the gesture.
See the full post
20 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
Horns VS. Halos - TickleTober2022 Day 25 (Ticklish Non-Human Attribute)
Expect some art from the lovely @giggly-squiggily for this one!
Summary: When Acheron isn’t being respectful towards his superior, Raziel, the artificial Divine decides to teach the Feral a lesson, but we all know Acheron isn’t going down without a fight.
Word Count: 2177
⚠Warning⚠: slight swearing
"You can be so infuriating sometimes; you know that?" Raziel questioned.
"So I've been told," Acheron answered as he sat on a nearby loveseat, "I have that effect on people."
The Divine groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. It was a cloudy Fall afternoon, and Raziel had asked Acheron to join him on a recon mission, but the golden Feral rudely refused. After a few minutes of persuasion and rude comments, Raziel was ready to pop.
"God, why are you like this?" Raziel muttered.
"Heh, you're one to talk." Acheron commented, looking down at his phone.
Raziel felt his wings twitch in irritation. The Elite sighed before walking up to the lax Feral. The older Vadakin sibling glanced at the Elite, their eyes locked, and an unsettling silence passed through them.
"Apologies, Vadakin, but I didn't quite hear what you said," Raziel inquired, his eye twitching in irritation, "Would you mind repeating that for me?"
"What, your ears not working?" Acheron asked, "I said that you're one to talk. You are how you are because you're an overrated sellout lab experiment gone wrong. Did you hear that, lab-rat?"
Raziel sighed and pulled away from the golden Feral.
"Loud and clear, Vadakin..." Raziel growled.
Acheron smirked before looking back at his phone. Then, time started slowing down; to Acheron, anyway. Before the Feral could react, he felt himself moving, but not out of his free will. When time resumed to its regular speed, Acheron found himself underneath the Divine Elite.
"What the hell did you just do!?" Acheron questioned.
"You seem to have forgotten that I have Feral magic, despite me being a Divine," Raziel said, "You also seem to have forgotten who your superior is and how to talk to them."
When Acheron tried to push Raziel off, the Elite swiftly pinned his arms beside his head. Acheron growled before grinning at the Divine.
"What are you trying to get into?" Acheron asked.
"Sorry, but my heart is reserved for someone else," Raziel deadpanned, "And I know your heart is reserved for someone else as well."
Acheron felt his cheeks heat up as he turned away from the Divine.
"S-Shut the hell up..." Acheron mumbled.
"Ooh, did I strike a nerve~?" Raziel asked, leaning in.
Acheron glanced at the Divine and snarled, baring his silver fangs.
"My, the nerve of some people," Raziel deadpanned, "Looks like you need to be taught a lesson, Vadakin."
Raziel smirked as he gripped Acheron's wrist with one hand.
"Since when did you get so strong?" Acheron asked, utterly in shock.
"When did you get so weak?" Raziel countered.
Before Acheron could petrify the Divine, Raziel used his free hand to scribble across the Feral's torso. Acheron inhaled sharply as he started squirming to break loose.
See the full post
24 notes - Posted October 25, 2022
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Helluva art piece, eh? So, this is me (center, red glasses) and my OCs (that are human/half-human)! If you’ve been keeping up with me and my art, you can guess who’s who. In this art piece is Sienna, Kolra, L’Arachel, Zelara, Eragona, Gladys, Libelle, Saraline, Gladia, Sharena, and Koda!
I just wanted to put something out to show you guys what I’ve been working on with what little time I had. I started this a week ago and put it off for a week, and I just finished it now.
In my art finder masterlist, this will be under “Random Art”
More art coming eventually, so stay tuned!
26 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
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An art piece I did for a good friend of mine, @fluffomatic!
I had offered to draw them as a Pokémon character, so here you go! Hope you like it!
More art coming soon, so stay tuned!
29 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Starting a new trend for myself: Simply Me!
I pick out random art styles that I like, and I try to recreate them, but as myself IRL! So far, I have these 2!
This is my new little trend for 2022, and if you wanna hop in, go right ahead!  Use the tag #simply me art
I’m gonna tag my artist friends @hhf23art @hollyberry06 @fifthnail @nitia95 @ticklishfanart @kwaiibb @magikchicken If you guys wanna jump in on this, go right ahead! Remember, you can use your art style, or something completely different from the norm!  Use the tag #simply me art
More art coming soon, so stay tuned!
33 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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tea-twords · 4 years ago
I am a tickle blogger! I write fics sometimes (I stopped for like two years but I think I’m getting back into it) but sometimes I post normal things
This used to be a blog dedicated to writing for Danganronpa, and then it expanded to Your Turn To Die, and pretty soon will expand to Genshin impact and maybe even Jojo's bizarre adventure if I believe in myself
For Danganronpa, I'll write for almost any paring or ship. I like rarepairs in this fandom. Others I'm not sure about, but if it's not a creepy ship it should be fine!
I write for Genshin impact too! Mainly only the playable characters, but I can make exceptions
AND ADDITION: Also into the promised neverland too! (Still reading season 2 though so)
ANDDD Your turn to die pls!!
I've been all caught up on Danganronpa, Your Turn To Die, and Genshin Impact (if you even can), and I'm on Part 6 (Stone Ocean) of Jjba!
No Incest or Pedophillia. I shouldn’t have to explain. It really is disgusting
This is a scrictly SFW blog, so please don’t send in any NSFW asks. I wholeheartedly respect if you are into it, but this wouldn't be the blog for you
Also, quick thing about me, I won’t write x-reader. Nothing against it at all, I just personally feel like I wouldn’t be able to write reader well and get a teeny bit uncomfy reading them
I think that covers most of it, thank you for reading, and asks/requests for headcanons and fics will always be open! Cant guarantee when they'll be done, though
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abbacchiosbelt · 5 years ago
🌟 Abbacchiosbelt Masterlist - 2020 🌟
An updated masterlist of all my works on this blog. Hopefully, I didn’t miss anything! ♥
Under the cut for length!
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All Writing 📝
AO3 Archive [A majority of my works on AO3 have been archived on this blog, though not all of them are. If you’d like to check out my AO3, here’s the link!]
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BY CHARACTER [Fics, Headcanons, Ask Prompt Responses]
Part 1 - Phantom Blood ☀️
Jonathan Joestar
George Joestar 1st
Part 2 - Battle Tendency 🧣
Joseph Joestar
Caesar Zeppeli
Lisa Lisa
Part 3 - Stardust Crusaders 🔪
Dio Brando
Noriaki Kakyoin
Part 4 - Diamond Is Unbreakable 💎
Rohan Kishibe
Jotaro Kujo
Yoshikage Kira
Tomoko Higashikata
Josuke Higashikata
Okuyasu Nijumura
Yukako Yamagishi
Part 5 - Vento Aureo 🐞
Bruno’s Gang
Bruno Buccellati
Leone Abbacchio
Giorno Giovanna
Guido Mista
Narancia Ghirga
Pannacotta Fugo
Trish Una
La Squadra
Risotto Nero
Unita Special
Part 6 - Stone Ocean 🕸️
Jolyne Kujo
Hermes Costello
Weather Report
Narciso Anasui
Part 7 - Steel Ball Run 🏇
Johhny Joestar
Diego Brando
Gyro Zeppeli
Hot Pants
Funny Valentine
Part 8 - Jojolion ⚓
Josuke Higashikata 8 (Gappy)
Yasuho Hirose
Confession Session ❤️
Phantom Blood ☀️
Jonathan Joestar
Erina Pendleton
William Zeppeli
Battle Tendency 🧣
Joseph Joestar
Caesar Zeppeli
Lisa Lisa
The Pillarmen
Stardust Crusaders 🔪
Daniel D’arby
Terence / Telence D’arby
Mariah Confession
Vanilla Ice
Hol Horse
The World
Star Platinum
Silver Chariot
Hierophant Green
Magician’s Red
Diamond Is Unbreakable 💎
Yoshikage Kira
Killer Queen
Vento Aureo 🐞
Sticky Fingers
Moody Blues
Gold Experience
Sex Pistols
Purple Haze
Bucci Gang / Bruno’s Gang
La Squadra
King Crimson
Squalo & Tiziano
Part 6 - Stone Ocean 🕸️
Jolyne Kujo
Hermes Costello
Foo Fighters
Weather Report
Narciso Anasui
Steel Ball Run 🏇
Diego Brando
Johnny Joestar
Gyro Zeppeli
Hot Pants
Funny Valentine
Jojolion ⚓
Gappy (Josuke Higashikata 8)
Yasuho Hirose
Jobin Higashikata
Fluff Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
Ask Prompt
Yandere Prompt
JJBA Headcanons
Mini Fic Headcanons
Valentine’s Day 2020
Monster AU
General AUs
Unwrap Me, Baby | Joseph x F!Reader [NSFW]
Portraits of Home | Family AU - Jonathan, OC Elisa Joestar, and Dio [SFW]
Still Breathing | Cioccolata x F!Reader ! Please read the tags ! [NSFW]
Your Hand In Mine | Kira x F!Reader [NSFW]
See You Again | Prosciutto x F!Reader (Shae ☻) [NSFW]
Stay And Love Me | Bruno x F!Reader x Abbacchio [NSFW]
Easy To Please | Joseph (Part 3) x F!Reader [NSFW]
Sweet Spot | OC x Risotto [NSFW]
Happy To Say | Abbacchio x F!Reader [NSFW]
Lights Out | Mista x Reader [NSFW[
In Care Of | Proscitutto x F!Reader x Risotto [NSFW]
Give In | Dio Brando x M!Reader [NSFW]
Paradise Isn’t Far | Guido Mista x F!Reader [NSFW]
Stolen | Diavolo!Bruno x F!Reader [NSFW]
Always Forever | Bruno x F!Reader x Abbacchio [NSFW]
Hold My Love | Diavolo x Doppio [NSFW]
Disregard | Prosciutto x F!Reader [NSFW]
Anything For You | Prosciutto x F!Reader [NSFW]
Just Like That | Prosciutto x F!Reader x Melone  [NSFW]
Full | Risotto x F!Reader [NSFW]
Need | Risotto Nero (Solo, F!Reader S/O) [NSFW]
Drift to Me | Jotaro Kujo x F!Reader [NSFW]
Reckless | Tiziano x F!Reader x Squalo [NSFW]
Purple Breeze | Merman AU w/Jotaro & Star Platinum [SFW]
Violent Intimacy | Cioccolata x F!Reader x Secco [NSFW]
Unfinished Business | La Squadra and Cioccolata [NSFW]
Human Nature | Mikitaka x Reader [SFW]
Amore Carino | Doppio x F!Reader [NSFW]
When I’m With You | Jotaro x Reader [SFW]
Moonlight | Abbacchio x F!Reader [NSFW]
Show Off | Prosciutto x F!Reader [SUGGESTIVE]
Control Yourself | Sorbet x F!Reader x Gelato [NSFW]
Lovely Beings | Kars x Reader [NSFW]
I Want It All | Doppio x F!Reader [NSFW]
Feels Right | Abbacchio x Reader [SFW]
Bomb Pop | Polpo x Reader [NSFW]
Process | Melone & GN!Reader [SFW]
Lucky You | Bruno x GN!Reader [SUGGESTIVE]
Midnight Snack | Gyro x GN!Reader x Johnny [SFW]
Ride With Us | Gyro x F!Reader x Johnny [NSFW]
Hold That Pose | Jonathan x F!Reader x Dio [NSFW]
Try | Guido Mista x GN!Reader [NSFW]
As We Believed | Merman!Risotto Nero x GN!Reader [NSFW]
Say You Will | Siren!Abbacchio x GN! Reader [NSFW]
Morning Surprise | Johnny x F!Reader x Gyro [SFW]
Tomorrow Is Safe | Naga!Doppio x F!Reader [NSFW]
Teacher’s Pet | Professor!Diavolo x F!Reader [NSFW]
Il Mio | Cioccolata x GN!Reader [NSFW]
Coming Untouched | Melone x F!Reader [NSFW]
Soft | Jotaro Kujo x GN!Reader [SFW]
Prompt Responses 💌 
“Hold my hand tight. I’ll protect you.” - Leone Abbacchio x GN!Reader [SFW]
“I was wondering how long you were going to keep making out like that until you realized you weren’t alone.” - Leone Abbacchio x GN!Reader [SUGGESTIVE]
“Were you just touching yourself?”  - Funny Valentine x GN!Reader [NSFW]
“Try to stay quiet for me. Can you do that?” - Devo the Cursed x GN!Reader [NSFW, YANDERE]
“When do you think help will come?” “Not for a while, I guess we’re stranded here alone for the time being.” - Pannacotta Fugo x GN!Reader [SFW]
“I’m in love with you.” - Diavolo x GN!Reader [SFW]
"I'll keep you warm. Hold me closer!” - Gappy x GN!Reader [SFW]
“Spread your legs. I want to feel how turned on I made you.” - Diego Brando x F!Reader [NSFW]
Do you want to continue this in the shower?” + “Harder, Deeper…” - Weather Report x F!Reader [NSFW]
“Are you my secret admirer, the one that’s been sending me all the flowers and notes?” - Ghiaccio x GN!Reader [SFW]
"Say my name" and "I love hearing you moan" - Guido Mista x GN!Reader [NSFW]
“Bite me,” “Where?” - Dio Brando x GN!Reader [SUGGESTIVE]
“Does this kiss tickle~? Haha. Why are you laughing so much?” - Jonathan Joestar x GN!Reader [SUGGESTIVE]
“I want to hear you beg for it.” - Diego Brando x F!Reader [NSFW]
“Your nipples are so sensitive today.” - Prosciutto x GN!Reader [NSFW]
“I want to kiss every inch of your body before I fuck you.” - Kars x GN!Reader [NSFW]
“You’re my perfect match.” - Bruno Buccellati x GN!Reader [SFW]
“So, do you want your underwear back?” - Melone x GN!Reader [SUGGESTIVE, YANDERE]
“I hate the way they look at you... so fucking much.” - Joseph Joestar x GN!Reader [NSFW, YANDERE]
“I could fucking kill you right now, you know that?” - Yoshikage Kira x AFAB!Reader [NSFW, YANDERE]
“I’ll do whatever the fuck I want to you.” - Leone Abbacchio x GN!Reader [NSFW, YANDERE]
“I wish you would just me have you.” - Risotto Nero x GN!Reader [SFW, YANDERE]
“Just give into me, love.” - Formaggio x F!Reader [NSFW, YANDERE]
“Don’t worry my love, I’ll protect you.” - Steely Dan x GN!Reader [SFW, YANDERE]
“You’ve been so good to me lately, pet. Don’t make me punish you.” - Dio Brando x F!Reader [NSFW, YANDERE]
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Mystic Messenger
MysMes Fics 💌
Finally Yours | F!Reader x Jumin x Zen x Yoosung x 707 [NSFW]
In Your Hands | F!Reader x 707 x Yoosung [NSFW]
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Boku no Hero Academia
BnHA Confession
BnHA Fics 💌
Chapter 1 [NSFW]
Chapter 2 [NSFW]
Chapter 3 [NSFW]
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Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Fire Emblem: Fates
Fire Emblem General Tag
Fire Emblem Confession
FE Fics 💌
Chapter 2 
Prompt Responses 💌
“You’re so cute when you’re struggling.” - Hubert von Vestra x GN!Reader  [SFW, YANDERE]
“I’ll consider kissing you if you beat me.” - Edelgard von Hresvelg x GN!Reader [SFW]
“…Do we always end up on top of each other?” - Lorenz Hellman Gloucester x GN!Reader [SFW]
"You're really red right now." - Sylvain Jose Gautier x GN!Reader [SFW]
"[pins __ to floor]” / “[pins __ to wall]”? - Sylvain Jose Gautier x GN!Reader [SUGGESTIVE]
“You’re…really close right now.”  - Ferdinand von Aegir x GN!Reader [SFW]
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Hunter x Hunter
HxH Confession
HxH Fics 💌
Complex Flavor | Hisoka x F!Reader [NSFW]
Prompt Responses 💌
“The world doesn’t deserve an angel like you.” - Knuckle Bine x GN!Reader [SFW, YANDERE]
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Boyfriend to Death
BtD Fics 💌
A Reason to Stay - Ren Hana x GN!Reader [SUGGESTIVE, YANDERE]
The Fox and the Bunny - Ren Hana x F!Reader [NSFW, YANDERE]
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KLK Confession
Kill la Kill
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The Arcana
The Arcana Confession
Prompt Responses 💌
“I want to tell you I love you until my throat bleeds.” - Julian Devorak x GN!Reader [SUGGESTIVE, YANDERE]
“You’re such a pretty little thing tied up like that, baby.”  - Asra Alnazar x GN!Reader [NSFW, YANDERE]
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gigglingknight · 3 years ago
Hey there! I saw that u were in need of HC ideas 2 distract urself. Well, I wanted 2 ask u 4 1 but idk of u do this fandom
If u r into JoJo's Bizarre Adventures, can I request tickle headcanons for the Passione team from JJBA: Golden Wind? If ur not I to that fandom, that's completely understandable
If u can't do that, then maybe tickles during cuddles with Shoto Todoroki? I'm writing a self-interest fic with him and my MHA OC, and yea
I hope u feel better! Praying for clearer skies for you, as well as all the happiness and blessings
Sorry, I don’t watch JJBA!
I also don’t really do BNHA headcanons for the students anymore because people in the community have been kind of weird about the kids. It’s not because I think you’re weird, I swear, I’m just not comfortable writing for them anymore.
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