#jinx needs a birthday party
alienatmosphere · 10 days
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𝘚𝘰 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦’𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘶𝘴.
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Ok so fun fact: I paint. Sometimes clothes. And sometimes said clothes is my very own custom merch
I’ve been putting off this one for like……. a year and it still needs A LOT of work
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This is what happens when Riot won’t give us anything
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archangeldyke-all · 3 months
No bc I keep thinking of modern Sev trying to get into the dating game because she wants to settle down and she gets on a dating app because Jinx had mentioned in a conversation with Silco and she ends up matching with reader,,, ahh it’s stuck in my brain
i changed this just a bit to make jinx even more of a shithead hehehe i hope u love it
men and minors dni
"aunt sevy." sevika rolls her eyes at the nickname she hates, and looks up from her book at jinx.
the girl's ten years old now, old enough to know just the right buttons to push to annoy sevika. and sevika's stuck on babysitting duty, because she's an idiot and agreed to be the shithead's godmother when jinx was still a harmless, quiet baby.
"what?" she grunts.
"why don't you have a wife?" jinx asks.
sevika groans. "did your dad put you up to this?" she asks. silco's been bothering her about the same thing lately.
"no." she says. "'m jus' wonderin'. when we have birthday parties and stuff, all the adults bring their boyfriends and girlfriends and wives. but you never do. why not?" jinx asks.
sevika tries her best not to kick jinx's shin. she manages, but not without flicking the kid's forehead.
the truth is that sevika's been asking herself the same thing lately. but she's realized that after so many years of emotionless hook-ups, she's got no idea how a relationship would even fucking work, and she's decided it's easier for everyone if she just... doesn't try.
"mind your own buisness." sevika grunts eventually. jinx studies her with those frighteningly inquisitive eyes of hers, before she smirks, turns on her heel, and runs to her room.
sevika's too relieved by jinx's disappearance that she doesn't even consider that the girl could be up to something.
three days later, sevika gets a call from silco at five in the morning.
"do you know what fucking time it is?" she groans into the receiver as she rubs her sleepy eyes.
"i'm sorry."
"what's so fuckin' important that you couldn't wait to tell me at work?" sevika asks.
silco's responding sigh is long enough for sevika's stomach to sink. "you should dress nice today. a suit, maybe, or at least nice slacks and a button up."
"why? do we have a meeting?"
"no." silco says. sevika waits for him to elaborate, but he doesn't. she huffs.
"silco what the fuck is going on?" she asks.
"you have a date tonight."
it's silent for a few moments. sevika tries to remember if she'd drunkinly given out her number to someone, or if silco asked her to butter up a client. she draws a blank. "...i do?" she asks.
silco sighs again. "jinx got the idea in her head that you need a wife, so she made you a dating profile."
"she's been cat fishing some poor person as you, and she's scheduled a date for the two of you tonight at seven."
"she what!?" sevika screams. her neighbor pounds on the wall that they share. sevika pounds right back. "silco, there is no way in hell i'm going on a date jinx set up for me."
"yes, i figured you'd say that." silco sighs. sevika's phone buzzes. "check your messages."
sevika pulls her phone away from her face and checks the new text sent from silco.
she gulps when your picture pops onto her screen.
you're... everything. if sevika was asked to describe her type, she'd have described you to a tee.
silco starts talking on the other line, and sevika blinks down at your picture one last time before pulling it back up to her face.
"fine." sevika grunts. she can hear silco's smile, and she huffs. "shut the fuck up. which suit should i wear?"
silco cackles on the other line.
sevika almost passes out when she meets you in person. you're stunning, and she's nervous, and she knows absolutely nothing about you even though it seems like jinx has told you everything about her.
it's only when you've ordered your dinner and are chatting over bread that sevika finally confesses.
"i have to tell you something." she mutters.
you pause mid-chew, your lame story about a fat squirrel you'd seen earlier today entirely forgotten at the sight of your gorgeous date's grimace. "don't tell me you're straight." you groan.
sevika cackles, and you relax a bit into your seat, smiling as you watch her catch her breath. "no!" she laughs. "god, no." she wipes her eyes. "i am very gay. and i find you..." she trails off, her eyes darting down to your lips for just a flash, before she blinks and shakes her head. "very attractive." she says.
you gulp, ignoring your sudden arousal. "so... what's the problem?" you ask.
sevika sighs and looks down at her hands. "you've been catfished."
you frown. "uh..." you study the woman in front of you. "you are sevika right? i mean... you look just like your pictures..."
sevika chuckles and shakes her head. "yes, that's me in those pictures. but you haven't been talking to me all week."
"so..." you're beyond confused. "who have i been talking to?" you ask.
sevika cringes. "my fucking shithead niece." she says.
relief floods your body. this isn't a scam or a fucked up prank-- it's a real date with a beautiful woman who's looking at you like she's expecting you to throw your glass of wine in her face.
instead, you burst into laughter. "you sound awfully fond of her."
sevika's stiff posture relaxes, and she huffs her own laugh. "she was cute before she could talk." she says, shrugging. you laugh even harder, reaching across the table to take sevika's hand and squeeze it as you try to compose yourself. "but now she's old enough to ask me why i'm still single and work a smartphone..."
"well, that explains why you had so many typos in your texts."
"oh, god." sevika groans.
"you misspelled 'restaurant' like five times."
"it's a hard word." she chuckles.
you pull the gorgeous woman's hand up to kiss her knuckles, and watch in fascination as all her worry and embarrassment melts away. "so." you say.
"so." sevika repeats.
"if you'd like to leave i understand, i won't be offended. i'm not sure i'd be into the dates my little cousins would pick out for me."
"no!" sevika shouts. she cringes as half the restaurant turns to look at her. you giggle. "no, that's not-- i really want to be here. i just-- i just wanted you to know that you weren't talking to me... you were talking to a ten year old."
it's quiet for a minute as you try to wrap your mind around the situation. so you'll have to re-introduce yourself to the woman in front of you-- that's fine. you're looking forward to getting to know her, and it seems like she wants to get to know you too.
you take a sip of your wine, then giggle when a thought occurs to you. "god, i'm so fucking glad i didn't try sexting with you." you say.
sevika bursts into surprised laughter, and she has to pinch herself to keep from launching over the table and kissing you.
(jinx never lets sevika live down the fact that she married the first person she picked out for her aunt.)
(jinx also officiates your wedding.)
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @realgreeniebeanie @k3n-dyll
@sevsdollette @ellieslob
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toomuchracket · 2 months
i wanna marry you (birthday party!matty x reader fluff)
tiny little fluffy slice of life. enjoy <3
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“i wish it was next week already.”
you smile at matty’s words, snuggling further into the warmth of his bare chest and letting him entwine your left hands. the sunlight streams through the living room doors and glints off your engagement ring, and you suddenly get very giddy about the fact that it’ll do the same to your wedding rings in a few days’ time. “gonna be the longest week of our lives, i think, waiting to get married.”
“don't jinx it, please,” he groans, burying his face into you - you smile even wider when you feel him kiss you. “i’d marry you this instant, if i could.”
you hum happily. part of you agrees with him, to be honest; the summer evening is romantic enough, curled up on the sofa with a bottle of wine and the remains of dinner left on the coffee table, the dog snoozing at your feet and music playing softly through the house’s interconnected speaker system. that was only added in the minor renovations that took place when you moved in, a result of you telling matty you love how he’s weaved music into and throughout your life since being together, and him liking the metaphor so much he wanted it to be literal.
but still - “the wedding’s gonna be perfect, though,” you twirl his hair around your finger. “can't think of better circumstances in which to become yours forever officially.”
“neither can i, my love. mon amour, i should say, s’pose.”
you giggle. “if you do that bad of an accent while we’re in france, they’ll exile you.”
he hums. “like napoleon.”
“indeed,” you sigh dramatically. “and god knows what that would do for the people already mocking you for being short.”
matty laughs, the stupid cackle you love so much, and lightly pinches your hip. “you're so weird, babe,” he gently moves your head so you can look at each other properly; the love in those pretty brown eyes is so palpable you could drown in them. “but i love you so much. so much.”
“i love you,” smiling, you bring a hand to caress your fiancé's pretty face, heart fluttering when he turns to kiss your palm. “can't wait to be weirdos together for the rest of our lives.”
“that is literally us, isn't it? a pair of weirdos, with our dog,” matty looks at you shyly. “and maybe, at some point… also with a baby?”
you nod, pressing your forehead against his as if you could share the thoughts in your mind with him, thoughts of the tiny cheeky-smiled dark-haired baby girl that seem to have taken up permanent residence in your brain since the pregnancy scare from almost three years ago. “definitely with a baby. m'also seeing a cat somewhere in our future, too.”
“well now i think we're going a bit far.”
you laugh. “guess we'll just have to see what happens. but right now,” you softly kiss him, savouring the way his eyes flutter when you pull away. “i'm more than happy with just being your wife. don't need anything else - just you, and me. a bed, preferably.”
matty smiles, kissing you. “can i take you there now, my girl?”
“yes, please.”
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miloformula123fan · 19 days
Could you do fic for James Vowles with wife reader? Tom Brady was at the Williams garage during the FP1. James wondered what took his wife's attention from him. There, Tom Brady and her chatting up and he feels jealous because she was not spending time with him. Maybe he did something to gain her attention. Just something fluff and PDA. Thanks!!! :))
i'm going to be honest, I finished this a while ago and then just never published it, partially because then James started doing questionable things - like Logan! wtf man! and I feel bad for Franco cause he's doing amazing, outqualifying his teammate and he doesn't have a seat for next year! and zak's run out of funding for f2, like bestie, you have a wholeass f1 team backing you? basically Williams is fucked, and maybe I'm going to become a full time ferrari fan
i suppose they both made q3 tho so??? i won't jinx them for tonight
Please keep requesting - y'all have awesome ideas we agree on a lot of stuff :) - my guidelines are here, and if you want some prompts, they are here.
also feel free to come in and start chatting to me in my asks, would love to get to know y'all better
and if you want to be added to my taglist lmk :)
james vowles x wife!reader
James cracked his neck as he stretched taking the headphones off. It hadn’t been the worst FP1 from the entire season and it being Logan’s home race it was important for them to try and get some points on the board for the team.
But for now he was not thinking about that. He was just planning on finding his wife, and maybe curling up on a beanbag with her. He just needed to find her first.
He started asking around the garage, asking if anyone had seen her. Not many had, but a few PR people mentioned that they’d seen her heading towards hospitality.
So James headed towards hospitality. He remembered the PR people mentioning some celebrities coming to the grand prix. But he didn’t really care about any of the so-called ‘celebrities’ that came to Miami and considering he always had the excuse of work to have to do, he barely had to tolerate them.
But all those thoughts exited his head as he entered hospitality and saw Tom Brady sitting at a table, eating lunch. He was attempting not to fanboy at the sight of one of his favourite football players. And it was very easy to stop fanboying when he saw who Tom was eating lunch with.
Y/N was sitting on the table opposite Tom, looking heavily interested in whatever he was saying and nodding along as she ate her lunch. Some of the shy smiles she was showing, James rarely saw, solely because he was unable to surprise his wife a lot. She was unsurprised now when he kissed her or told her how beautiful she was. She appreciated it, of course, but he hadn’t seen this smile since he surprised her with a birthday party.
And then there was Tom Brady, a famous football player, seemingly flirting with his wife.
James was not someone who was very into public displays of affection, or PDA, but he genuinely saw no other option as he watched Y/N laugh again as Tom Brady said something. 
He walked over to the table, throwing his arm behind Y/N’s chair as he leaned in and placed a kiss on her cheek.
“Hello Darling. Did you see the end of FP1?”
“Oh, hello James. Yeah we did, we watched the final few minutes here. Sorry I didn’t wait, but I wanted to beat the mechanic rush and I was a little bit hungry. Oh and by the way, this is Tom Brady, y’know, he won the superbowl a few times.”
He laughed and James had to clench his teeth to not spit at him “Only a few times, closer to 7. Sorry, I’m Tom, and you are?”
“James. I’m the team principal for Williams.”
“Oh, well lovely to meet you. Would you like to join us? I’m sure we could pull up another seat, and you could join us?”
“Yes, well I would love to join my wife for lunch, however I have a meeting. If you don’t mind darling, can I join you for afternoon tea?”
“Oh, of course.”
Y/N sat down in the booth waiting for her husband to slide in opposite her. She was not expecting her husband to lay another kiss on her cheek before sliding into the chair opposite, handing over the food.
“Are you okay James?”
“You mean other than whatever is going on with my team, yeah I am, why do you ask?”
“You seem a little tense.”
“I’m not tense darling.”
“Yes you are, now tell me why.”
“I’m not tense.”
“James, I married you 5 years ago. I know when you are tense.”
“Okay. Fine. I was jealous.”
“Jealous? When would you… oh. James,” she took his hands, leaning to try and look at him “James. Were you jealous of Tom Brady?”
“James, it’s okay if you are. But you have to know that I much prefer the sexy, nerdy British team principals than the hot American football players.”
“You… do.”
“Of course. That’s why I married one. I know I’m attractive James. And I know I could marry whoever I want. And I want to marry my sexy, nerdy British husband.”
“I love you too Darling.”
taglist: @leosxrealm, @tallrock35, @wolf-knights, @janeholt3, @pear-1206
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year
Hii! So you know the vigilante reader, jinx? I’m sorry but I love them sm so I want to ask for him x batfamily where he accidentally refers or calls Bruce dad or he refers to one his older brothers (Tim, Jason and dick) as his big brother?? Maybe you could fit both in one story? And their reactions to him calling them that because jinx is more comfortable with them but never really referred to them as family, SORRY ITS KINDA STUPID BUT YKK..
It's not stupid, it's adorable. I am most definitely putting both into the story.
Summary: Jinx gets more comfortable with his family.
Warnings: fluff, Jinx is too adorable
I'm running out of ideas for gifs...
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Jinx has been here for officially a year and was kind of happy to say that he liked it here. He was now more comfortable with everyone, even with Damian. Although, he will deny saying that Damian is the best Robin until the day he dies.
But there was one thing that the family needed to do. And that was to celebrate his birthday. Bruce said that they were going to celebrate it no matter what and after a few days he found out when (Y/N)'s birthday was.
He wanted it to be a surprise, since it falls on a Friday and they could celebrate it after he got back from the internship at Wayne enterprises. So, Alfred and Bruce made sure that (Y/N) didn't get a single sniff of the surprise party.
They asked Jason to pick him up from his internship and to bring him here, but not to ruin the surprise. Jason said sure and then went his own way. Bruce went to get a present for (Y/N). Alfred was tasked with baking (Y/N)'s favorite cake, aka cheesecake. There was something about that cake that made (Y/N) crazy.
Naturally, Alfred baked it often, whenever he had ingredients. Bruce thought about what he was going to get and then he realized. He didn't officially adopt (Y/N), with the certificate. (Y/N) was just his ward and not really his son.
He had just a plan for that. Thankfully, he knows a lot of people who can speed it up. He already started the process, staring a week ago, but he needs to sped it up.
The others got him something else too. Damian was going to give him a small portrait that he painted over the course of a month. He took his time with it.
Dick got him a book on microtechnology that would help him with his internship, since he know how much he works with micro and probably nano.
Jason got him two knifes, with custom handles, painted with the colors of his suit and his favorite color. On the handles Jason had put (Y/N)'s full name in black color, to contrast the colors of the handles.
Tim decided to get (Y/N) a complete new desk set up with two monitors and a place to put his laptop. It's better for him because of his calculations and simulations when he is working on his own suit and also, Tim could finally get help with updating the Batcomputer and improving the overall security of the house.
(Y/N) had ducked behind a table as a new engine for the new Batmobile prototype exploded. Lucius was thankfully far away from it, but it did make him flinch.
(Y/N) poked his head up and looked up. What the hell? Everything was supposed to be fine for this motor. Why the hell did this shit explode?
" Are you okay?! " Lucius asked from across the room.
" I am! Just caught me off guard! " (Y/N) yelled back, approaching what was once an engine.
" Do you think that it got over heated? " (Y/N) asked Lucius, who came and looked down at the remains.
" It could be, but it could be something else. Let me look at the stats on the computer. " Lucius said, walking back to the big computer.
(Y/N) looked at his phone, seeing that it was time to go home.
" Can you let me know what you found next time? I have to go. " (Y/N) said, making Lucius groan a bit.
" Just when it's getting interesting. See you on Monday (Y/N). "
" See you too Lucius. " (Y/N) said, taking his bag and going back to the elevator.
" Tell Bruce I said hi. "
" Will do. "
Jason drove him back to the manor, chatting with (Y/N).
" And then the engine exploded. " (Y/N) finished the story as they both got out of the car.
" Do you know what caused the explosion? " Jason asked, closing the door of the car.
" No. I had to go when it happened. " (Y/N) complained, entering the manor. He took his jacket and shoes off.
" Where is everyone? " (Y/N) asked as Jason led him to the kitchen.
" Surprise! " Everyone yelled at the same time, making (Y/N) jump back. He laughed as he put a hand over his chest.
" What is it for? " (Y/N) asked, still clueless.
" Your birthday dummy. " Jason said, moving to stand next to the others.
(Y/N) didn't realize how he forgot it.
" Did you forgot it? " Bruce asked, tilting his head.
" I guess I just never had a reason to remember. " (Y/N) said, looking away.
" Well, now you do! " Dick said, moving closer with his present. " Happy birthday bro. " Dick said, giving him a hug.
" I was looking for this book! How did you know? " (Y/N) asked, making Dick shrug.
Next up was Tim and he had to lead him to the living room. " Your new desk top set up. I know you like to sketch and do simulations so this is way better than your laptop, but don't worry, you will have place for your laptop. " Tim said, watching (Y/N)'s reaction. His mouth dropped.
" Tim, I mean... Wow, thanks... I didn't expect this. " He said, giving Tim a hug too.
" Don't mention it. Now I have help when it comes to coding. " Tim joked, taking (Y/N)'s bag off.
" I'm afraid of the other gifts now. " (Y/N) admitted, watching as Jason walked up to him, giving him a box. He held it as (Y/N) opened it, eyes widening.
" These are beautiful Jason... " (Y/N) said, in complete awe as he took a blade out.
" Be careful, they are sharp. " Jason warned, watching as (Y/N) put the blade back down.
" Thanks Jason. " (Y/N) said, giving him a hug.
It was Damian's turn and now (Y/N) was nervous.
" Close your eyes (Y/N). " Damian instructed.
(Y/N) did so, but very nervously. He heard Damian moving and he stepped in front. " You can open them now. "
(Y/N) did and was shocked when he saw that Damian painted a portrait of him.
" I love it. " (Y/N) said, looking at the portrait that Damian was holding. " I look better here then in real life. I feel like I will be stabbed if I try to hug you, so I will refrain to do so. "
Everyone laughed and now Bruce stepped forward. He handed (Y/N) the envelope and (Y/N) was a bit suspicious. He opened it and took the paper out. His eyes widened as he read it.
He officially had a dad. Everyone waited in silence, before (Y/N) put it back and hugged Bruce tightly.
" Thanks dad... I really have the best big brothers too. " (Y/N) said, making Damian clear his throat. " And younger one too. "
" Now, how about some cheesecake? My gift to you master (Y/N). " Alfred announced.
" I also have the greatest grandfather ever. " (Y/N) said, giving Alfred a hug. The others joined too.
It was the best birthday ever.
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rubyroboticalt · 3 months
Minecrafters grab your pickaxes, and catch up on the QBLR QUATERLY!
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What's up guys, update just dropped! It sure is something to try and decipher, huh. We've got pages of new stuff to go over so let me learn you a thing about all the events and mishaps that happened on the server this week!
Some of the creatures on the server don't like sleeping in beds, and this egg is sleeping in a dumpster. Tonmy reverse adopts some new parents! Plume tries to solve some fun puzzles. Salem has an attempted revival using a grave-shaped shrine.
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Salem is not the only deceased party this week. Solace loses their Apa. A small grave is built to remember.
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Dot creates a small bubble of nature in the deep abyss, a respite of nature in the dark.
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A sweet little pink and black house is constructed and decorated. It's very cure. And a little public pool is made in the clover fields.
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A toy shop is added to the marketplace! It has plushies, Rubik's cubes, and even a build-a-bear workshop!
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Saoirse has a good day. Angel also has a good day. Swamp also has a good day, because they attend a wedding reception.
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Jay doesn't have a good day because a treasure map jinxes them. Spore finds a pepsi hat, and the slug cats from Rain World visit!
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Ruby adds three new buildings to their coastal town, after not recording anything about being rescued from the Nether. The buildings even have interiors!
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Panji has a cookout! Grill master extraordinaire time at the family barbecue. There's even a dance party!
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Desnay reads a father's day book from Halo, a very emotional moment. It turns out the Nether Angel needs help, and Noname and their parents are perfect to assist. Also, food diversity olympics.
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The Brain Baby, thusly named Bibi, learns how to have a nap. Something's not right with Lim. and Apple cubito finds some interesting places on the server!
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Eva receives a lobster statue for their 2 month birthday! And Mae adds a park to the maze. Mapic builds a stand with banners and lanterns at the festival grounds.
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And now for some autistic Minecraft behaviors.
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For the first time in news history, the image limit on the post has been reached, so a link to part two will be [available here.]
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steviestits · 6 months
WIP Wednesday - Fic Naming
So, this was supposed to be posted last Wednesday, but well, you guys saw the anon. Anyway, I know it's usually you give me a title and I make up a story to go with it, but I suck at thinking up cool titles, so I thought I'd do a reverse of that game. I'll describe my fics, and you guys send in a title that you think will fit it. Or you can just send words of encouragement if you're as stumped as me.
All of these are ones that have their first chapters finished or are close to being finished. I thought I'd maybe attempt to post a bunch after my birthday. I think I might be slightly less busy then? Though, i feel like I'm jinxing myself by saying that.
And before I forget, WARNING! Dark shit is listed below! Expand the post only if you're into that sort of thing!
Addams Family Values AU - Everything that happened in the Addams Family Values movie happened exactly the same way except that Debbie/Steve lives and it's set in the omegaverse. Argyle is Eddie's adoptive brother and is married to Jonathan. El and Will are Wednesday and Pugsley. The Party are a combination of Joel. While Hopper and Joyce are Lurch and Granny. Eddie is a bit worried that his relationship with his mate will go stale if Steve keeps up these passionate murder attempts, so Argyle helps him think of a way to get him to settle down, which is to get Steve pregnant.
Canon Real DnD - Basically, anything that Eddie makes happen in his campaign happens in real life. It takes place pre-s4 then moves on through s4, but instead of Vecna, Eddie is using his author stand-in as the main villain and in turn grows more powerful. He, of course, abuses this power to make Steve into a blushing virgin who wants Eddie to fuck him and at one point, Eddie proceeds to feminize Steve. I want Steve to get pregnant at some point because of the campaign, I think, but right now, it's just something that's in the planning stages of the later chapters.
Cyberpunk Bitching Drugs - This one is one of the fantasy prompts that I'm expanding on. The cyber network in it isn't science-based and instead runs on magitech (my favorite kind of tech). In this, Eddie runs a pharmaceutical company that produces drugs/potions to help with omega and alpha medical problems. Eddie tricks his intern Dustin into giving Steve something that is supposed to help with his worsening ruts but in reality bitches Steve then Eddie gets him pregnant. There's also some light brainwashing as Eddie uses subliminal messages to manipulate Steve into thinking that he needs help with his ruts in the first place. Going try to get this to go through Steve's pregnancy, so it won't be a one-shot like System Hacked was.
Dark God Cult AU - When he was a kid, Steve was kidnapped and brought up in a cult where he was to be with Eddie (the reincarnation of a dark forest god) before the cops found him and brought him back to this parents. Years later, Steve goes on a camping trip with a couple of friends near where the cult compound used to be and one by one those on the camping trip start being ritualistically murdered. While the murders are happening, Steve begins having visions of himself as a pregnant goddess who makes love with an eldritch abomination aka Eddie. Heavily inspired by the Blair Witch Project, though there are some other horror movies in the mix, too. This one will definitely have a murder husbands vibe by the end of it.
Lost Boys Mermaid AU - The movie Lost Boys, except with mermaids. Steve is brought with his parents when they go out of town for business then they promptly ignore him and go to do their work. As he's wandering around, Steve comes across a supposed metal band, Corroded Coffin, and their lead singer, Eddie, becomes particularly enthralled with Steve, so much so that he begins turning Steve into a mer and his mate. Though, it does branch off from the movie in that, unlike David, Eddie succeeds in making Steve his mermaid bride and bringing him into his murderous pod.
Mummy (1999) AU - Based on the movie The Mummy (obviously) and has Steve as a former archeologist, who tanked his career after returning scarred from the horrors he saw when he was drafted into the Great War (WWI) and now more focuses on drowning himself to forget while attempting to help boost Robin's, his adoptive sister's, career. Nicknamed "King Steve" by some of the bars he frequently visits. Eddie is a Medjai warrior, who let a French Foreign Legion soldier go, not expecting her to survive the harsh desert. Nancy defied his expectations, and now Eddie must fix his mistake before the mummy that his people have guarded for centuries is released. There's also a small soulmates au plotline buried in it between Eddie and Steve due to me working the events of the Mummy Returns into the plot.
Omega Transmigration - Loosely, and I mean LOOSELY based on the show Outlander (which I've never seen). Omega Steve gets sent back through time and space to a medieval world where magic is real and elves are rebelling against their human oppressors. After helping an Elven boy with his modern day medical techniques, due to him being an EMT, Steve is brought directly into the stronghold of the elves. The leader there, Wayne, doesn't believe that Steve's intentions were altruistic and wants to have Steve hanged as a spy regardless. Eddie steps in and claims Steve is his true mate. Steve then goes through a process that turns him into a beautiful Elven omega and directly ties his fate to that of the Elven clan's. This one probably won't be that dark and will more follow Steve's struggle to fit in with the clan along with the war with the humans itself.
Omega Rehab - Uses a Victorian Clockwork Punk setting where Steve's parents are traditionalists. After getting into a few fights with alpha and running out of etiquette schools, Steve's parents convince him to try one last place before they leave him alone for the rest of his life, which is the Munson Omega Rehabilitation Center. Steve goes, believing that it will be more of the same, but the Munson Center has a different, more "scientific" way of rehabilitating the omegas that are sent to them. Eddie, of course, personally takes charge of Steve's training to turn him into the perfect little omega, who will happily carry the pups of his alpha without complaint. This one includes Steve training with mechanical sex dolls like in HoLN.
Pet Succubus AU - Steve comes from a family of witches who used demons to power their way of life. The higher up demons finally caught onto their schemes and slaughtered most of the family. Eddie took Steve as a pet, transforming him to have a woman's body before training him by way of fucking machine to become a sex addict. Once Steve is trained, Eddie turns Steve into a succubus and shows off his pretty little pet every chance he gets, keeping the new demoness stuffed full and satisfied. There isn't a lot of plot to this one, just more of an excuse to write extended scenes of Steve being trained by a machine as Eddie watches.
Royal Hypnotism AU - Someone called me a sick fuck over the original prompt, so I decided to make this one worthy of the name-calling. Set in a futuristic magitech society, King Eddie comes across Steve's small village and falls for him. He secretly buys Steve from his family and takes him with him to the summit where he's meeting his friends and fellow kings to discuss what's going on in their kingdoms. In Gareth's kingdom, where they're meeting, there's been some small rebellions, but Gareth stopped them by kidnapping the leaders and putting them through a feminization facility/factory and hypnotizing them in order to rewrite their memories. He proposes to send Steve through with the next batch and turn him into Grant's sister. Eddie agrees, and Steve is turned into a princess.
Time Travel AU - Redoing this one slightly, but I'm going to put it on the list anyway. What's different from when I first posted the snippet is that Steve is going to be feminized due to the portal that sends him back to the 80's. One, to make it more understandable why Steve doesn't recognize himself before he goes to the past. Then two, so that Eddie can get him pregnant, because I like getting Steve pregnant. Plot is the same though, Dustin sends Steve back in time to be the big sibling he always wanted and Eddie seduces Steve so that he marries him and stays in the past as a woman to become his wife and the mother of his children. Eddie might go a little darker than simply seducing Steve, but we'll see how it goes as I get through more chapters of the story.
Upside Down Transformation - In this one, everything that happened in s4 happened, only difference is that Eddie survived and Vecna is perma dead. They all return to their normal lives when Eddie notices that he's slowly changing, getting taller and stronger. His dick is getting bigger and thicker, too. He notices, also, that Steve is changing, too, but doesn't realize that it's to a different extent. Steve is humiliated to find out that he's going through the opposite kind of transformation, becoming more feminized. He tries to isolate himself, but Eddie barges in on him and catches Steve masturbating with his new pussy. The two fuck. They're basically the equivalent of alphas and omegas because of their bat bites and are the only ones in the world. I kind of plan to make it just a porny one-shot, but then because it's set in canon, my brain wants the government to capture them and experiment on them. So, it'll probably be a series, maybe, if this one receives positive feedback once it's posted.
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lifeofamarauder · 2 years
The Dark Prince 1
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Mattheo Riddle x Odette 
Part 1 <3 (it gets more spicy as we go but you first need to SUFFER)
Word count- 1,313 words
I wrote this not from Y/n perspective but let me know if you want me to post that version as well if you prefer it! I tried not to use too many descriptors for Odette, other than her house and family names.
Intro: I had a few quiet first years at Hogwarts. I explored the castle, read books in the library, and even brought a black cat to join me my in fourth year. It was all so quiet and nice. Until he came along.
I'm officially fifteen.
I'm officially fifteen and I have planned absolutely nothing for today. If my mum were here she would be scolding me about not having planned some grand party in the astronomy tower or at the very least invited my friends to Hogsmeade then getting drunk off of butterbeer and pumpkin ale. I couldn't tell her how impossible this was seeing as the only person who knew and cared about my birthday was Luna, a fourth year who would join me and jinx (my adorable kitten I brought with me last year) reading together or playing wizards chess. I also could never tell her how horrible I was at wizards chess and that miss Luna Lovegood beat me every time. I value my life too much for that, though I don't mind either of these things myself. But I am truly the antithesis of her.
My mother is a kind woman, as long as you are one of her party guests or my older brother, Silas. Two years older than me and more perfect than any other Ravenclaw Purebred around, Silas may as well be a Prince according to my mother. He even became Prefect this year. We're all so very thrilled (or so I'm told).
But today, I get to do whatever I want, and I don't need to tell anyone else about it. Today is the one day of the year I can be completely selfish and introverted. I only take this one day to myself, as my mother and my brother take control of my other 364.
I pet Jinx and move her off my chest before I set out some toys for her to entertain herself while I'm gone. Even though I know she will just end up sitting at the window watching ravens fly by the tower, I want to make sure she has anything she might need. I've never met a more spoiled cat and honestly? She deserves it.
I manage to make it all the way to the library without running in to Silas or his Quidditch buddies who would immediately notify him about my whereabouts. I'll count that as my first birthday gift of the day. I'm all prepared to sit in my favorite nook debating for around 30 minutes over which book to read first (I brought 3 just in case) when I notice someone in my spot.
Now, I didn't pick this spot my first year for its comfortable sitting or bright lighting, I picked it solely for it's purpose that it would be the very last place someone else would try to sit.
If this were any other day, I would walk away and decide to read in the astronomy tower or the empty corridor by the DADA classroom, which will most certainly be empty on a Saturday, but today is MY day. So I suck it up and decide to ask him to kindly leave him. I stand there awkwardly looking at his back and impulsively choose to poke him to get his attention.
His dark eyes immediately look up and I take a moment to fully look at his face now. He has a scar forming on his nose and another on his cheek that looks like it's been there a few years now. My breath catches when we make eye contact and I'm struck by how dark and deep his eyes are as they bore into mine.
I realize I'd been standing there staring at him for longer than I should, and shake my head a little to clear my thoughts before I force myself to continue.
"Can you move?"
He just keeps staring at me, his dark curls falling in his face, so I gather what's left of my courage and force out another sentence, slightly stronger this time.
"I need this seat. Can you please move to somewhere else?"
He, again, doesn't say anything, but this time his eyes darken slightly and he has the faintest hint of a smile.
I force myself not to smile back but unfortunately I cannot hide the blush escaping. I open my mouth to elaborate once more when he finally says something.
"What's your name Princess?"
I'm taken aback by the unexpected pet name. Princess? I just met this guys and he thinks its ok to call me Princess? He just keeps sitting in my seat, not acknowledging my request and SMIRKING at me. My desire to smile at him is gone, now taken over by annoyance. Who does he think he is?
"Apologies your highness, you must not have heard me. Honestly." I roll my eyes to give full effect of my annoyance. "I just want-"
"I mean I'm more than happy to keep calling you 'Princess', Princess, I just thought your name might be more favorable to you." he interrupts me while turning back to his book. And wouldn't you know, he's STILL smirking. I'm starting to lose it.
"You most certainly may not keep calling me Princess, my name is Odette and it's my birthday and all I want for this one day is to read in my spot where no one will bother me and maybe if I'm feeling adventurous I'll steal some hot chocolate up to my room and read THERE until I fall asleep and have to wake up and then once again do everything else for everyone else until I can't take it anymore!!!"
I realized my voice was rising and I had begun gesturing quite frantically but I kept eye contact with him. A small win. His smirk was still there, but this time his mouth was more agape and he looked like he was slightly shocked by my sudden outburst. And maybe impressed? I can't tell. I'm too shocked myself at my outburst that I can barely register anything else. I take deep breaths and try to calm my heart.
He slowly closes his book and stands up. I hide my head in embarrassment until I see his feet come almost in contact with mine as he backs me up into the bookshelf. My eyes shoot up and lock instantly with his which does nothing to calm my heart. I swear his face gets closer and I can feel his breath tickling my face but I'm unable to look away. He pulls in close to my ear and whispers, "My name's Mattheo but by all means, please keep calling me 'your highness'."
He pulls back only slightly to look at me, my face flaming by this point. The corners of his mouth lift up once more and he looks down to where I'm clutching my books in my hands. His hand reaches out and I think maybe he's coming in closer and I instinctively flutter my eyes closed. Instead, I feel one of the three books I'd long forgotten being pulled out of my hands. Mattheo steps slightly away from me, making the space he left suddenly feel cold.
He inspects the cover and looks back up at me before simply saying, "This is one of my favorites." He sets the book down on our table and he starts to walk off. I shake my head once more trying to clear it of whatever just happened.
"Happy birthday, Princess!" he calls over his shoulder.
I begin to call after him, feigning annoyance, to say that is not my name once more but he's already vanished.
I look back to the spot I just won back expecting to feel more victorious, though it suddenly looks much less enticing then it did minutes ago.
I sit down across from the book he laid on the table and attempt to pick through the two that he didn't touch but I tell myself I'm only curious as I pick through the one he claimed was his favorite.
I become fully immersed in the story and fail to notice the jealous eyes that had been peaking out at me from behind the shelves.
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captain-gillian · 30 days
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sneak peek snippets/wip tag games | find me on ao3
jessie ✰ she/they ✰ 20s ✰ professional procrastinator ✰ habitual hyperfixator ✰ wannabe writer ✰ shipper of sapphics ✰ you can find my fics on ao3 as nancygillianmvp, at the link above or in the directory below
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to kiss you again (new years fluff, marjan pov)
1,108 words. rated t. In search of a new beginning, Marjan shares a New Year's kiss with a friend at a party.
and again (new years fluff, nancy pov)
2,023 words. rated t. It's New Years Eve and Nancy is hoping to start off the new year with a kiss from somebody special.
i'm in love with every song you've ever heard (3 + 1 fluff)
6,221 words. rated m. Three times Marjan surprises Nancy, and one time Nancy surprises Marjan.
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'i love how big your heart is for bringing in strays' (tarlos get a dog)
1,910 words. rated t. After a chance encounter with a stray dog during a call they were both on, neither TK nor Carlos can think about anything else. Is it time to finally get a pet together? rewrite of my first tarlos fic
happy birthday, my love (tk birthday fic)
3,216 words. rated t. Carlos Reyes is determined to make his fiancé's birthday the most perfect day ever.
are you kitten me? (tarlos week 2022 prompt fic)
2,603 words. rated g. Carlos Reyes still deserves a pet he can, you know, pet. prompt ‘please tell me it’s not a lizard.
we make a pretty good team don't we? (tarlos week 2022 prompt fic)
1,614 words. rated t. TK and Carlos are flying for the first time since the day of Gwyneth’s funeral but will it go to plan this time? prompt ‘do you need that much luggage?’
loving you is the easiest thing in the world (tarlos week 2022 prompt fic)
1,126 words. rated m. TK bakes Carlos breakfast in the short window between their shifts, but Carlos has other ideas of how to spend the time. prompt ‘i'm gonna be late for work.’
home isn't a place it's a person (tarlos week 2022 prompt fic)
1,719 words. rated t. TK and Carlos talk about the breakup & the future of their relationship. prompt 'don't do this'
family is not always the picture that comes with the frame (tarlos week 2022 prompt fic)
3,621 words. rated t. 3 times TK and Carlos tell their families about their engagement, and one time they wish they could. prompt 'don't jinx this'
you taught me how to be loved (tarlos week 2022 prompt fic)
1,523 words. rated t. all TK and Carlos want is to plan a peaceful wedding, but danger seems to follow TK wherever he goes. prompt 'i'm too young to be a widower'
i love you beary much (tarlos week 2022 prompt fic)
1,847 words. rated g. Carlos takes TK to Build-A-Bear to make a bear for Jonah to remember his mom by. no prompt/free choice
nothing a kiss better can't fix (carlos reyes sickfic)
2,196 words. rated g. Carlos has a hard time admitting when he's sick, but when he gets hurt on the job, he's forced to let TK take care of him.
you and me against the world (tarlos eloping fic)
3,318 words. rated t. When well-meaning but overbearing parents turn wedding planning into a nightmare, TK and Carlos take matters into their own hands.
when everything's made to be broken (introspective carlos)
1,373 words. rated t. an exploration of carlos' feelings in 4x01
i love him on purpose (tarlos date night)
1,756 words. rated t. After a long week, Carlos plans a cozy date night of reading and comfort food for his husband.
if there are tears to weep (4x04 coda)
3,330 words. rated t. TK and Carlos attempt to find solace in the aftermath of 4.04/a 4.04 coda
somebunny loves you (tarlos get a rabbit)
1,816 words. rated t. TK brings home a new pet from a call, again.
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sugar, butter, flour (5+1 tk & gwyn fic)
4,430 words. rated t. Five times Gwyn & TK bake cookies together + one time he bakes them without her
mothers always know (tk and andrea wedding planning fic)
1,416 words. rated t. Andrea supports TK through his grief during wedding planning.
strays (nancy pov 5+1, outsider pov tarlos)
6,110 words. rated g. Five times Nancy talks TK out of bringing home strays from calls, and one time she doesn't.
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i never knew what i needed (7x04 coda)
1,407 words. rated g. after a world-altering realisation, hen helps buck make sense of his feelings
no thing defines a man like love that makes him soft (bucktommy date night)
2,407 words. rated t. In the wake of a powerful solar storm, Buck and Tommy take to the skies for a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see the northern lights over California.
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kalixora · 2 years
Caitlyn observed Jinx as she sat on her sister's bed, muttering to herself and hurling her phone violently against the bed as she scrolled. Jinx then buried her face in Vi's fluffy pillow, which she had given Vi for her birthday a month earlier.
Caitlyn paused, unsure what to make of the situation in front of her; it was true that she and Jinx had a strained relationship, even after Vi told her that she and Caitlyn were dating. Caitlyn swallowed her reluctance and asked, "Is there something bothering you, Jinx?"
Caitlyn raised her eyebrows when Jinx let out a muffled scream, now even more concerned than before. "With your face under the pillow, I can't understand you."
Jinx raised her head and gave Caitlyn a scathing look as she turned to face her. "It doesn't matter."
"Well, if you're shrieking into your pillow, I'm sure there's something bothering you." Caitlyn clarifies.
"Nope, all good here, just go back to whatever you're doing," Jinx says as she rolls her eyes and raises her hand to wave Caitlyn away.
"Jinx, it's okay to talk about your feelings," Caitlyn sighed.
Jinx laughed a little, "Pft you? No way."
Caitlyn hums, relaxing her body as she motions for Jinx to sit up. "It doesn't have to be me; it can be anyone, but I think you need to let it out right now, so I'm offering you my ears."
"Tch, I don't need you, I have Fishbones," Jinx said. "Fishbones is a great listener! And a great friend, the best of the best, no one could ever replace him!"
"Not even me?" Vi chuckled as she entered the room.
"Not even you,  sorry sis, nothing personal, Fishbones is just better," Jinx remarked, squinting her eyes at Vi.
"Darn, well, looks like Fishbones will have to take you to the concert tonight then since I'm not the best anymore," Vi snapped her fingers while pouringly glancing at Jinx.
Jinx quickly turned her body, leaping up and tackling Vi into a hug. "Heh heh, Did I say that Fishbones was the best... I meant my cool amazing big sister Vi is the best of the best-est, ten out of ten, way too good for Caitlyn."
Before sighing, Caitlyn complained, "Best-est isn't a word, one, and two what tickets are you referring to Vi? What are they for?"
Vi reached into her back pocket and took three tickets. "Not sure little man gave me these tickets about a week ago, all he really told me was that it was for a concert and told me what day and time to be there."
"For free?" Caitlyn inquired.
"Yeah, why? Something wrong cupcake?"
Jinx gagged at the pet name then shot a glance at Caitlyn. "Who cares! Free tickets are still free tickets!"
Caitlyn shook her head, "Just because something is free doesn't mean it's good; what if it's a trap?"
"Cupcake, we've known Little man since we were kids, and he'd never do something like that," Vi reassured.
"Enough with the boring cop shit Caitlyn, just accept free gifts and let's get this party started!" Jinx groans. "I haven't seen Little man in ages; he hardly ever texts me anymore! Which, by the way, is extremely incredibly rude! What kind of friend abandons their other friends like that? Like hello! It's me! Who wouldn't want to talk to me?"
"Well, Powder people change and they get busy," Vi patted Jinx's head.
Jinx let go of Vi, crossed her arms, and leaned in closer with a pout on her lips. "What could he possibly be up to that he doesn't check in with us? For crying out loud you make time for me, hell even Caitlyn makes time for me."
Caitlyn blinked a few times, "Should I take that as a compliment or?"
Caitlyn nods shaking her head, "Noted."
Vi laughed while shrugging her shoulders, "I don't know Powder but maybe he'll tell us one day but for now let's go get ready for this concert yeah?"
Jinx huffed throwing her hands up in the air, "Fine! Whatever!" Jinx went to grab her phone from the bed then headed past Vi out the door shutting the door behind her.
Vi turned to Caitlyn with a slight grin on her face walking up to her and engulfed her in an embrace. "She didn't give you a hard time did she?"
Caitlyn chuckles, "Yes, but nothing I can't handle."
Vi shook her head, "Of course."
"Although, there is something that's troubling me..."
"Jinx has been acting a little weird for the past couple of days," Caitlyn explained.
"You noticed too?" Vi replied, raising her brow. Caitlyn smiles and nods "Actually, not long before you came. She was on her phone, scrolling normally, when she became agitated and hurled her phone across the bed. And a few days ago, I noticed her doing the same thing, she was on her phone and then just got irritated and threw it away from her," Caitlyn added.
"It's funny you mention that," Vi mused. "She's also stopped talking about that girl."
"What girl?" Caitlyn inquired. Before Vi could respond, the door flung open, and Jinx stood there with a broad grin on her face, shoving her phone out in front of her and swinging it around a little as she exclaimed, "Guess who texted me!"
"Oh would you look at that, Little man didn't forget about you at all Powder, see look, he even apologized for not answering you," Vi said as she walked over to her sister, looking at her phone.
Jinx drew her phone and giggled as she bit her bottom lip. "Yeah... Oh! We should probably get him something on the way there?"
"That's unusually generous of you," Caitlyn remarked.
"What? I'm not heartless, "Jinx scoffed. "After all, the little man is still my closest friend. Now come on let's go!" Jinx says this while grabbing and tugging on Vi's arm. Vi rolled her eyes. "Alright, alright, but Powder, you have to leave Fishbones here."
"Nope, wherever I go, Fishbones follows!" Jinx gleams.
Vi parked the car, got out first, then turned around to open the passenger-side door for Caitlyn. Jinx pushed open the door, almost hitting Vi with it. "Whoops sorry!" Jinx said, hopping out of the car while going to stretch her arms and legs, "Woah, this place is cool! I love the dark alley vibe that's going on here. It's so dark and mysterious. You sure little man gave you the right address, Vi?"
As Caitlyn exited the vehicle, she bent her body to stretch; as she did so, she heard a few cracks and sighed in relief. "I have to agree with Jinx on this one; are you sure you were at the right place? This is certainly an alleyway leading to the stadium."
"Yeah, this is the spot. I guess we're supposed to head over to that door over there then?" Vi remarked, pulling her phone from her back pocket.
Jinx dashed over to the filthy metal door with no hesitation. Jinx raised her hand and banged on the door, which opened to show a tall, buff-looking man who furrowed his brow at Jinx and asked, "What?"
"Step aside big guy, I've got a little man to find," Jinx said. The security guy sighed and rolled his eyes. "Do you have a ticket? Little lady."
Jinx nods, pointing back at Vi and Caitlyn, who are approaching them. Vi put her hand on Jinx's shoulder, gave the guard a quick once-over, and then pulled the three tickets from her back pocket. "Here, anything else you wanna check, sir."
The guard grumbled as he examined the tickets. "Come on in and follow the green line on the wall all the way down."
The three entered, Jinx stuck her tongue out at the guard while Vi gave him a dirty glare before Caitlyn quickly shoved them inside. "Will you two cut it out, he's just doing his job." 
"Yeah but he doesn't have to be a prick about it," Vi said. 
"How was he being a prick?" 
"The way he looked at us," Jinx says while twirling her hair. "He's got a tree stuck up his butt."
Caitlyn huffed as she looked between Vi and Jinx, not wanting to be more perplexed by the sisters' responses to her questions. The green line came to a halt in front of a door with the words "Party Room 3" labeled in glitching colored effects. Vi opened the door to the smell of cooking food and a whirlwind of screaming and applauding from the audience below. Caitlyn exclaimed when she saw the seats; they were luxurious.
"How did your friend obtain these tickets?" Caitlyn inquired, her finger trailing over the chairs as she observed the crowd below them. "What's true damage? A band?"
"I have no idea..." astonishedly, Vi replied. "Whatever it is, little man has some explaining to do."
Jinx instantly leapt into the middle seat, an enthusiastic smile on her face, butterflies shooting around in her tummy as she bit her bottom lip, wriggling impatiently in her seat, as a ten-second countdown began to play on the screen.
Jinx and Vi's gaze scoured the stage as they heard a familiar voice begin counting down with the crowd. "No way, no how..." Vi and Jinx's heads twisted to glance at each other, then back to the stage.
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tkblythofficial · 5 months
can y’all not jinx it and turn it into a 4-way BB early birthday party meet up 💀💀💀🫵🏻 WE MANIFESTING A BREAK UP it’s just zeglyth being hot and having fun together. 😭 ruined my mood real quick at the thought. I accept Hunter being a part of Zeglyth hot-ness gathering only! TBOSA Reunion! Snow with his women. 🐍🪽🕊️❄️
That finger is so aggressive 💀
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But I want Zeglyth crumbs 😭 don’t care if BB and the boar is with them, we need something!
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by JenFMax
Vi is a retired MMA fighter, having retired early due to a brain injury, her rival Ashe, caused in her last fight. Now, a retail worker, she works for Silco's Retail Store with Viktor and Jericho. One day, the most beautiful woman enters her store, and her crush begins..
Four months later, her birthday party night arrives, and she meets the other side to Caitlyn, meeting who "Cupcake" is.
Words: 2460, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Arcane: League of Legends (Cartoon 2021), CaitVi - Fandom
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F
Characters: Caitlyn (League of Legends), Vi (League of Legends), Mylo (Arcane: League of Legends), Claggor (Arcane: League of Legends), Ekko (League of Legends), Viktor (League of Legends), Ashe (League of Legends), Miss Sarah Fortune, Kai'Sa (League of Legends), Jinx (League of Legends), Powder, Babette (Arcane: League of Legends), Jayce (League of Legends), Tobias Kiramman, Cassandra Kiramman, Silco (Arcane: League of Legends), Jericho (Arcane: League of Legends)
Relationships: Caitlyn/Vi (League of Legends), Caitlyn & Vi (League of Legends)
Additional Tags: Love at First Sight, Caitlyn and Vi are in Love (League of Legends), Soft Caitlyn (League of Legends), Bottom Caitlyn (League of Legends), Top Caitlyn (League of Legends), POV Caitlyn (League of Legends), Badass Caitlyn (League of Legends), Vi Needs a Hug (League of Legends), Protective Vi (League of Legends), Top Vi (League of Legends), Good Sibling Vi (League of Legends), Lesbian Vi (League of Legends), Lesbian Caitlyn (League of Legends), Fluff and Smut, Eventual Smut, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Idiots in Love, Falling In Love, Declarations Of Love, Useless Lesbians, Mixed Martial Arts, Strap-Ons, Hexstrap | Hextech Strap-on (League of Legends), Oral Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Lesbian Sex, Canon Lesbian Relationship, Career Ending Injuries, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting
Read on A03. from AO3 works tagged ‘Caitlyn/Vi (League of Legends)’
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arwenkenobi48 · 1 year
Meds, Job Hunting And Summer Plans
Hi everybody! Apologies for the lack of updates, I’ve just been focusing on irl stuff atm, as well as adjusting to life on antidepressants. It feels like I’m truly able to think and feel and experience life without it being exhausting for my brain and while it is beautiful, it’s really taken me by surprise.
But there is some outright good news as well; I’m finally employed! Sure it’s only as a part time cleaner at a hub for local charities but nevertheless, it’s a start. And something even more incredible has happened. I’ve managed to sign up for a work experience training course with a major TV network and I’m not only going to be taking virtual masterclasses on the TV industry, but I’ll also get to be on the set (and behind the scenes) of a popular TV series! *squeee*
Because the course puts an emphasis on unscripted TV, it’ll most likely be a reality show or a talk show or some kind. I’ll have to check for an update from the admins so I can get all the details. But yeah, this could actually be my big break into the media industry! I could actually begin to build the network I need to bring my passion projects to life!
One final update: I don’t wanna jinx anything, but I’m pretty sure that by the time my 23rd birthday rolls around, my financial troubles will finally be over once and for all (at least for a good long while). As a result, if all goes to plan, I shall have the summer holiday of a lifetime. I’m already planning a couple of week-long holidays - to Canada and Glastonbury specifically - and trying to get my passport sorted out (bc I don’t actually have one atm).
Oh and I could possibly get a chest reduction surgery at some point this year so yayyyy I’m gonna pass way better 💖💖💖💖💖
All in all, things are really looking up. I think my Ramadan prayers have been answered. I’m still a little anxious about the Earn It Act but in the meantime I’m gonna try and keep writing what I love and won’t let my fears control me anymore. I can’t believe that only a month ago, I thought my life was over. But I know better now. My life is only just beginning. I think the saying “it’s darkest before the dawn” really holds up.
I’m so excited to be 23 as well 💞💞💞💞💞
Me and my boys are gonna party like rock stars 💖
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buzzkillzine · 1 year
My girlfriend and I went 10 pin bowling yesterday. I go bowling, maybe once or twice a year. I'm inexplicably good at it. I don't know why. I have zero sporting prowess in any other aspect of my life but bowling is something I'm somehow weirdly good. Not like bowling a 300 every game but I think I'm pretty good for someone who only plays, like, a grand total of 20 minutes a year bowling?
Bowling is a pretty social thing. As a kid i went to a couple of 10 pin bowling birthday parties, I went bowling one time for end of year activities in maybe year 10 and, I was not very good at it.
Then, one day, I hadn't been bowling in maybe 3 or 4 years, I went bowling either a group of friends and bowled 5 strikes in a row first up. Last year, the community radio station I volunteer at won the charity fundraising bowling competition. And yesterday, I got 5 strikes and a bunch of spares. It was actually embarrassing to have to keep turning around after knocking the pins down because I don't know how I was doing it. If I had practiced, had good technique, strategy etc then it would be different but I was literally just chucking a ball down the lane.
I don't brag about things, particularly sport things, but I'm somehow just pretty good at bowling all of a sudden. I'm not going to join a competition league or anything. I prefer it to just be some random thing that I can be pretty ok at cos there isn't many things i can say that about. Hell, even writing this may jinx it for me.
But at the end of the day it was a fun thing to do, which I need to do more of.
I also purchased another typewriter or a hunch. It's an Olympia Splendid 66 from 1968 and.... it is in script typeface! I got pretty lucky with it. I saw it on marketplace and noticed it had a '1' key. Normally portables will negate this key and you have to use a lower case L instead. But I took a chance and it paid off. I'll try and write next weeks post on that so you can see how fancy it looks.
Here's a picture of it.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Anyways. I've had a very good week and have no words of wisdom. Other than go bowling and buy a typewriter. Both are fun activities.
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independentzaun · 2 years
🎁🎁 For Sevika and for Silco (you can chose if its one fact about each or two 😌)
For each   🎁   I receive, I’ll share one Birthday-related fact about my muse! Still accepting. Sevika: 1: Doesn't particularly worry about her age (for various reasons) but is more than willing to have an adult birthday party, because party.
2: Is actually kind of difficult to get presents for because there's just not a lot she wants or needs that she doesn't already have and can actually be...well... boxed up and offered as a present. Silco:
1: He doesn't actually care about his birthday. As a matter of fact he probably went the entire time between The Drowning, and adopting Jinx without ever celebrating it. It's just not a big deal to him
2: (Personal headcanon, will give way to any Jinx's I write with if they disagree) he discovered that Jinx likes celebrating his birthday if only because it's an excuse for cake, and noise, and excitement and it's one of the few times she can convince him to take the day off to spend with her. Silco will always maintain it's for Jinx's benefit, but he secretly has come to enjoy it and likes spending the time with her.
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