#jingliu my love
moonbiit-arts · 9 months
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happy Jingliu release!!
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miothle · 10 months
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the high cloud quintet⚔️
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k9wa · 7 months
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⠀ — it is not he that is familiar to you, nor you to him.
⠀ OR
⠀ — time and reincarnation aren’t enough to ever make you truly forget each other.
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⚠︎ angst if you squint, fluff, mild hsr spoilers? thank u to the high cloud quintet for having the most heart breaking lore, i listened to memory by toby fox on repeat while writing this.
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dan heng wasn’t sure what to feel when his eyes met yours.
familiarity? no, that’s not possible. he’s never met you.
nostalgia? no, that too was not possible. he cannot name one person who your eyes could possibly remind him of.
…what was it? what was it that had left dan heng unable to will his gaze to move somewhere else? surely the intense eye contact was leaving you uncomfortable, even he was beginning to feel squirmy in his own skin as you stared back at him with an equal intensity.
dan heng can feel something in the deepest pit of his mind, leaking down and adding to the tense knot in his gut. 
yet, the feeling isn’t…unwelcome.
it’s warm. it’s akin to a comforting hand on his shoulder, or a small squeeze to his fingers. he could not, no matter how hard he tried, recall a time such a sensation had left him so utterly speechless. 
“dan heng?”
it’s welt’s voice that finally pulled him out of his trance, his eyes blinking rapidly a few times before he turned his head to look at the older man.
“sorry. what was that?”
dan heng shook his head as if to rid himself of the thoughts of you. what was your name again? yukong had just informed him. not that he was really listening, anyway.
the conversation between his crew and the sky-faring commissions helm master continued on, talk of stellarons and something about the cloud knight’s general. dan heng couldn’t seem to focus despite his efforts.
another voice calls out to him just before he can depart alongside caelus and march, however this time it is not the deep and rough voice of his companion, but one that is much sweeter, and seems to strike a chord somewhere within him.
“dan heng?”
he turns around and is once more met with your eyes. dan heng willed himself to blink and nod before he could be entranced by them once more.
“i apologize, but…”
you trailed off before you were able to get the words out of your mouth, and there you found yourself back in the odd silence the two of you had just broken out of.
“…have we met before?”
you asked, and it finally clicked with dan heng where he had seen only snippets and flashes of you before.
my dreams, he thought. the dreams that haunted him night in and night out, but would occasionally grant him just a glance of a peaceful memory.
“no. we haven’t.”
you’re an amicassador of the sky-fairing commission, one brought on board long after he was banned from the ship that you called home. your meeting at any point before now would have been impossible.
yet, his mind drifts to the occasional memory he has only when deep in slumber.
“yingxing gifted me this.”
he looks down at you, head in his lap as you pull a small jade coin out of your pocket, a fine “永” carefully carved into the surface.
“he has too much time on his hands now that jing yuan is growing.”
your chuckle is soothing to his ears, the sound like a balm applied directly to his soul.
your face is unclear, almost as if his eyes are unfocused. yet your voice is unmistakable.
“i don’t disagree.”
is all he responds, fingers idly pushing a few stray hairs behind your ear as he looks down at you. although he can’t see it, he can feel the grass he and you reside on, smell the pollen off the fresh flowers the breeze blows towards him, can feel the sun on his skin.
“you’re sure?” you question again, voice just as calming as he was sure he’d imagined until now.
“you just—“ you chuckle a bit, almost awkwardly. “—seem so familiar, is all.”
you try to approach the topic subtly, but you truly did know him. from your own dreams, the ones you had that woke you in a cold sweat from just how real and jarring they felt, regardless of whether they were mild or sweet in nature. they conjured such emotion in you.
“baiheng was telling me of reincarnation.”
you muse to him, sitting with one hand on the ground just over his crossed legs, leaving you leaning across him.
“do you believe in such a thing?”
“of course.”
he nods, hand naturally finding it’s place on your waist.
“don’t you?”
“i don’t think so.”
you reach your free hand out to play mindlessly with the silver trim of his robes.
“it’s a nice thought, though.”
dan feng can only hum quietly.
“some day,” he began, drawing your attention back up to his face. “after i reach my end, i’ll come back to find you.”
the small tug of his lips could only be described as a smirk, but it felt softer than that.
“to prove it to you.”
you tilt your head teasingly, brow cocked.
“how will you recognize me?” “I would know you blind.”
he can feel his chest warm as you smile at him.
“i’ll hold you to that.”
“sorry.” dan heng bowed his head lightly. 
“but we haven’t met before.”
he was being truthful, you hadn’t. it was your past lives that you two had been acquainted, had formed a bond so strong that it appeared to have transcended death itself.
dan heng did not wish to have dan feng’s deeds or past haunt him any more than they already do. the urge he felt to sit and talk with you, to perhaps hold your hand or touch your face would surely only lead him down a path he’d apparently gone down centuries ago.
you nod at him, bowing yourself.
“sorry to keep you, it was nice to meet you.”
dan heng was released and regrouped with his crew, march and caelus bickering about something or the other and walking ahead of him. he decided to stay a bit further behind with welt.
his decision quickly regretted when welt gave him a knowing look, the lines on the older man’s forehead deepening as his eyebrows pushed together.
“you know them.”
“i know who they used to be. that’s all.”
welt can read the room well enough to know to end the topic there. dan heng had never enjoyed or been keen on talking of dan feng, and being back on the xianzhou alone had already left him with an unusual tension in his shoulders.
even as he walked away, moving up to engage in conversation with the sillier two of the quadrant, dan heng couldn’t shake you from his head. your smile, the way you held yourself as yukong introduced you, the small laugh that he had not expected would weave itself so deeply in his chest.
he kept walking on anyway. dan heng was not him.
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paperglader · 6 months
So… I did jingliu’s companion mission…
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you’re telling me that the only thing that’s been keeping this woman alive is hatred and a promise she made to someone she loved like eons ago… and that the reincarnation of that same woman who she made the promise to told her that she could cure her mental turmoil if only she let herself rid of the torments of the past, and jingliu was like “nope, my pain is the only thing that’s keeping the memory of my loved one alive, so I shall bare it till the stars go dark” TO HER FACE. And then proceded to tell her that even though she couldn’t physically do anything to aid her illness, just by being near her once again, she healed more than any medicine could’ve ever done.
So, she’s doomed by immortality to live her life infinitely with the grief of the loss of the one she loved + the loss of her own sanity, and the guilt of the deeds made whilst she wasn’t lucid in her own body. Believing herself a sinner and a criminal, with no memories of the good times, all stolen by her own mind- with only hatred left towards the people that she once called her friends. A revenge that could never be fulfilled by her own blade. So, she seeks for one last final respite before being locked away at last, to serve her due. She tries one final time to draw blood, to diminish, to sever- to grant a favor, to end a life. And throughout that last display of violence she gets, once again, to see a flash of the face that she had missed so dearly, of a soul she once loved that until then had been stored amongst forgotten phantoms of what once was. In the end neither of them get what they sought. Either way, they are doomed to keep trying still, for eternity. To hate each other. To mourn. To hate themselves, to punish themselves, to punish each other. To kill. To die. To be reborn, yet again, with the same weight on their shoulders and a feeble mind that’s just on the verge of collapse. Sick and tired. Forever.
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shorkteism · 10 months
my new comfort character be like
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sinsmockingbird · 3 months
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baeshijima · 4 months
bitches will still be crying over the high-cloud quintet at 2 am months later and never get over them
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its me. im bitches.
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theellipelli · 5 months
Sooooo in ur authors notes of nostalgic chill u mentioned that you’d be willing to explain how Yanqing’s going thru it on ur tumblr….. mayhaps you could talk about it?
(Ur fics really good btw!! And I love all you’re art for hsr!!!)
disclaimer for those who come across this withotu reading my fic: this is a character analysis for yanqing in this fic. ignore canon. it holds no dominion here. thank you hoyoverse for the characters but ill take it from here. anyways, people say the fic is good, so consider reading?
anyways. IM SO EXCITED TO ANSWER THIS, forgive the long drabble youre about to read.
OK SO. first up standard YQ and JY.
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YQ has been kept mostly in the dark about the sedition of IL, but he has a rough idea about what went down. in his head, it went like this: "something bad goes down and everyone abandons each other for self preservation."
this isnt... wholly right, but he's not entirely wrong either. the whole point is that YQ has only ever known the aftermath of the event---blade being angry and vengeful, JL being... herself, and then JY suffering almost constant heartache.
so, when he meets the younger JY, hes very... uncomfortable
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not only is this version nothing like the general, hes also much happier. hes surrounded by people who YQ believes will one day abandon him entirely, causing him to spend the rest of his life grieving a group of people that never seemed to care for him as much in return. (note, this is how YQ sees it)
not only this, but seeing HCQ together makes him realise that he is closer to the general than any of the HCQ members were to JY---and devolves into a whole new crisis.
YQ has, for the past 10 or so years, been the general's closest confidant---his son, his only family, his apprentice and his best friend. knowing that he hasnt been able to make a dent in the grief left behind by people who don't appear to be more than his friends takes a large chunk out of YQ's self confidence, and he begins questioning how important he is to JY.
now, normally, YQ would bring this up with the general. but currently, thats not really possible. he tries, after losing to JL, but the more he talks to the younger JY, the more he starts seeing the JY he knows instead.
not only that, but the entire fact that he is in the past has YQ constantly on edge. he doesnt know if his actions will change the future he comes from, so having to watch this inevitable trainwreck forming around him without being able to help adds an extra layer of unease.
i was going to talk a bit about JL but i now realise i havent actually finished that chapter so were all just going to hafta wait for that!
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vryarts · 6 months
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I’m gonna go through every design that baffles me and make my own version to use instead
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fandomrose · 7 months
Blade- Scars of love.
Hello- this is a Blade 'what I think he'd be like in a relationship with a non-immortal.' Or rather a scenario I just dreamt up one day.
I tried to make his character as believable to Canon as possible, but, well its Blade and he's a bit 'not suited to a relationship.'
I do think he is alot different than alot of popular portrails of him. Alot calmer most of the time. Alot more caring but also not outwardly. Very much a ride or die (lol) man. And very dramatic. (We love)
There are warnings because.. Blade.
So content warnings for: angst, talks of life and death, blood, injuries, scarring.
Enjoy 💙
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Today started like any other. You and your partner Blade had just finished a sparring session and had showered together to clean off. It was a nice time, the two of you bonded through battle and a mostly innocent, yet intimate bathing time. 
Like any other day you and Blade lay in bed completely naked as you trace his scars softly. The two of you were very comfortable with each other's bodies at this point, Blade never saw any point in being squeamish over nudity and that eventually rubbed off on you. His eyes are closed and his breathing even, if you didn't know his body so well you would think him asleep. You were jolted out of your reverence of his scars by his voice softly calling out to you though his eyes remain comfortably closed.
"What is your fascination with my scars? Do you not find them unsightly?" His voice was rough as always, but there was a softer quality to it than usual even if he was still intense.
"Hmm, no. On one hand its sad that you've been hurt so much but, I like your scars, they are attractive." You kept tracing them as if trying to prove your point. 
"Good, you are strange from what I understand, but good it's good you like them..."
You wondered what had gotten into him this evening, he never asked anything like this before. Even if he tried to seem blasé, he definitely had something 'scar related' on his mind.
"Of course I like them, they are a part of you. Also you'd be surprised, there are quite a few people that find scars attractive."
He didn't answer but you noticed that his breathing got slightly heavier. 
"I want to ask you something.." You were once again startled by his voice. He sounded a lot more intense and slightly hesitant. 
You looked up at him jolting slightly when you saw his eyes open and stare you down.
"Of course Blade what do you want to ask me?" His intensity was slightly alarming, clearly whatever he was thinking was deeply important to him.
"... I would like you to contribute to the scars you enjoy so much..."
"What? Blade, what do you mean?" You think you understand but surely he can't be actually asking you to injure him.
"I mean I want you to cut into me deeply, scar me, leave an everlasting mark on my body." He said it so simply, albeit incredibly intensely. He'd clearly been thinking of it for a while.
You were shocked speechless and his request brought up the insecurities of your relationship. You are mortal, he is not. He had sworn off love after being betrayed by his best friends, he couldn't even fathom a romance before you. But you are mortal, and you will leave him behind one day unless he finds a way to die sooner. Elio claims he can't see the future you and Blade will share so you are both taking a shot in the dark with this relationship.
Blade was still staring at you waiting for your response. He wasn't a fool, I knew this would be a big deal for you. Hurting Blade was out of the question in your mind, you hated him getting hurt let alone you being the one to hurt him. So he knew to let you wait to make a decision he would wait for you.
After a short while of deliberation you eventually decide to say... "yes, okay, I will scar you, but-" You put your finger up getting his attention for your terms. "I want us to prepare properly, towels, a med kit, sterile equipment. Even if it won't kill you I won't have you getting an infection." 
"I want you to use the knife I made for you" was his only response. You sigh deeply. 
"That's not safe Blade..." He raised his eyebrow and looked at you blankly. 
"I'll be fine, you know that."
You sigh again, going silent to think before you nod. "Yes you'll be fine I know I just.. i don't want to hurt you unnecessarily. Obviously there will be pain I mean you want me to cut into you so deeply it scars for a long time-"
During your worried ramble blade sits up and covers your mouth with his large hand. "Enough, I, will, be, fine. I know you care about my wellbeing but I will be fine. I want this. You- will leave me one day and I want something to remember you by, marked on this wretched body. Though I would rather die by your side." 
He had never verbally acknowledged the reality the two of you face and neither had you, preferring to leave it hanging above you both like a guillotine. You feel sharp, hot tears prick your eyes, blinking rapidly to be rid of them.
"Don't cry, it is merely reality" He said simply as if he didn't have a care in the world. He did though, he cared and you knew it. He wouldn't have requested to be carved into by you if he didn't. It was such a bittersweet request and it touched you to know he cared but your very soul ached at the reason. 
Blade twisted his hand to wipe the couple of tears that dropped from your eyes. Sniffling, you regain the courage to speak.
"I know it's reality, it doesn't make it hurt less. I really love you, you know. I can't fathom leaving you alone in this vast universe." You lean your head into his hand and breath deeply before continuing. "I will do it, I will scar you with the knife you made for me... what would you even want me to scar into you? Have you thought about it?"
"I have, I want it to be simple but memorable, not something that can be easily replicated by a random injury and something that wouldn't take you too long to do.... I couldn't think of something specific though, do you have anything that fits that description?"
He really did think of nearly everything, even going so far to think of your own comfort. Something did come to mind though, something that did fit the description and symbolised you fairly well. You retrieve the knife he made you and look at the carvings, one was an intricate symbol of love from the xianzhou and the other was a simple four-pointed star. A representative of you and the way you met. Under a large four-pointed star that was suspended in chains, hanging above you in the world of your birth. That same four-pointed star would be your symbol of existence from birth to after death.
"I have an idea blade." He saw you looking at your knife and nodded a rare soft, almost imperceivable smile on his face.
"Alright, let's get set up then.." blade rose from his place on the bed and retrieved a med kit and some black towels. You could feel your heart beating faster with nerves as you watch him move through the room retrieving the necessary items and laying them out on the bed.
"Here we go. ... is everything okay? Do you still want to do this?"
"Yes, I'm just nervous, what if I make it badly, or ugly." 
Blade frowned and you couldn't help but think you said something wrong.
"The purpose of the scar is to remember you by not be pretty"
"Right, yes I know I can't help but worry." 
Blade just nodded and layed down taking deep breaths as he prepared himself mentally. 
"I'm ready when you are... the scar is to go over my heart. Just to clarify."
You nod and move to straddle his lap sitting on his stomach being in the position to cut into his chest. 
Blade looked relaxed beneath you, his arms were underneath his head and his eyes were closed. He was awake just more relaxed than you feel he had the right to be considering your own anxiety about what you were about to do.
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belazarts · 10 months
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i wanted to draw Yukong since her story quest, finally✨
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miciiq · 2 months
Got Aventurine in 60 pulls!
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He’s so auxhuehuche I’m so happy I have him now
#This is actually from 10 days ago but i forgot to post it so#I started on the 20th and i just got to equilibrium 3#Im at the part where we should leave luofu but we visit a few friends we made along the way or smth#Im so happy hes my first limited 5 star i love him#Hes my second oshi after dan heng or maybe even my first#I want to change the voicing to english for aventurine but i cant bring myself to abandon ito kento as dan heng#Maybe i can just change it to en for most of penacony and change it back when jing yuan and dan heng somehow appear#Ugh im still regretting missing out on jing yuan voiced by cyyu#But Ito kento#But i also like english dan heng too omg#Oh i also want to hear eng dr ratio bc he acts slightly differently towards aventurine compared to like jp#Like he sounded much more uh passionate in the aventurine keeping up with star rail video and i was living for it#hsr#hsr aventurine#honkai star rail#Aventurine#aventurine hsr#star rail aventurine#Hm idk im not sure if i should skip all 4 characters in 2.2 and after that (firefly and jade etc)#I have almost 100 tickets saved rn but like im not rly sure ab pulling for any of them#Idk im not really attached to any of the characters rn#Maybe i should wait for ruan mei? I don’t particularly love her tho shes inhumane but pretty idrc#Firefly and robin are apparently rly good but i feel like im baiting myself everytime i read another reddit thread and watch another video#Like idk the only 5 stars i have are yanqing dr ratio and aventurine all e0s0 and i dont feel like pulling for topaz either (boothill idk)#im really tempted to pull for jingliu but im probably going to pull for dhil maybe next year when he reruns just bc i like him so again idk
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i struggle to find the words to describe how much jingliu and yanqing’s odd little friendship means to me. they make me so happy.
i want their bond to persist and grow. i want yanqing to be the light of jingliu’s painful existence. i want their experience together to remind her that bonds were never shackles to the sword, but an integral part of it. i want her to rediscover that through training him. i want her to be reminded of her time teaching jing yuan, and how much pride and joy it gave her to watch him grow.
and i want the little things. i want to see jingliu’s playful side more. i want to see them banter. i want to see jingliu smile and laugh as she teases her grandson- i mean temporary student. i just want good things for them ssob
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socdfoe · 2 months
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spring surely makes me starve for sapphic love
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paperglader · 9 months
i keep seeing videos of people being like “you should technically pull topaz or seele over jingliu” but, no, i HAVE to pull for the sad loser little lesbian with the dead girlfriend that’s been traumatized through hell and back and is now losing her mind because of a magic curse. She simply comes first.
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mymarifae · 1 month
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hsr age estimates... i was just sorting out my thoughts since same face has everyone except the Kiddos looking like they're 20 when that's definitely not true for a good chunk of them + ages are EXTRA poorly defined due to not all the characters being human and having different life spans. so for those guys these numbers are like. vague equivalences. also using the 20s as an example "early" would be anything from 20 to 25 and "late" is 26 to 30
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