#jin crashing the horse
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estellardreams · 9 days ago
"Why is there a HORSE in the Nexus?!"
Ft my crackship Mangopie, taking place in @purble-turble's Battle Nexus AU
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There was a loud ping over the intercom, a new gateway beginning to open for the Battle Nexus.
Jin and Yin very quickly ditched their posts to greet whoever came through, scrambling to grab their papers.
The first one who stepped through was a new MK, one in his Monkey form with two ears sticking out on each side.
The second immediately crashed into him, causing the two to fall to the ground. The gold and silver demon twins blinked, staring at whoever the hell crashed into him.
Fluffy bright pink hair... Light pink skin... Pony ears and a tail with sky blue eyes.
"Pinkie... Haha! Please get off me!" MK laughed a little.
"Oops! Sorry, Xiaotian!" Pinkie bounced off of him, pulling the monkey to his feet.
She gasped, looking around in awe.
"Woah... This place is SWEET!"
Her voice somehow echoed through the entire area, nearly making everyone stop what they were doing to stare at her.
She winced, cracking a smile. "Oops."
"Okay, uh... Welcome to the Battle Nexus! I'm Jin, and this is Yin! Just fill out this form and we'll take the rest from here." Jin offered the papers to the two.
Pinkie was very quick to grab them and give the other to MK, the two filling them out before handing them back.
Yin quietly pulled his brother back once they got the papers.
"Should we... Do something about the pony in the room?"
"Oh, definitely."
"Pink pony, you're coming with us!" Yin said.
"No not yet! Our office isn't clean!" Jin snapped.
Pinkie laughed. "It's alright! My party cave is also pretty messy, haha!"
"You don't mind, right?" Yin began to pull Pinkie away from MK.
He shrugged. "Totally fine."
"Okay, come on!"
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A spotlight was shined right into her face as she was sat down.
"Okay, kid. What's your name?" Jin slammed his hands down onto the table.
"Pinkie Pie!"
"How did you get here?" Yin asked.
"I went through the portal."
"No I mean specifically did you use something."
"Why are you here?"
"I just wanted to have some fun!"
"What are your abilities?"
"Hm... I can do lots of things! I got my Pinkie sense, my reality breaking, I can store literally ANYTHING, I have a party canon, I love throwing parties, I have lots of friends, I'm the element of laughter, I know everypony I meet by heart-"
"Okay stop."
"You've already written this down. Do you know what this place is?"
Pinkie's ear twitched. "This is the Battle Nexus where any Xiaotian's, Xiaojiao's, Hai'er's, and Nezha's can come and hang out, chat, or battle it out in the arena!"
"What's your relationship with these people, then?"
"Nezha's chill. Red's funny! Mei's a sweetheart, and I'm dating MK!"
The twins immediately dropped their notebooks.
"Oh maybe that's why..."
"Haha! Nope! I just can! Like I did earlier back in Equestria!" Pinkie laughed.
"What's this Equestria?" Jin immediately questioned.
"My home! With all of my friends!"
"So you admit to coming to your universe, somehow, and now came here because you could as well."
"And how did you get to your Megapolis?"
"Another portal!"
The twins stopped. Yin groaned, throwing his notebook across the office.
"Okay this isn't working." he mumbled.
"She's not showing up on our software either. She just... Is." Jin said, showing his computer to his brother.
"Then what do we do?"
"Can I stay? Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please-"
"Yippee! Thank you!" Pinkie excitedly leapt out of her chair before bouncing out the window.
"... She's the only unique one here, isn't she?" Jin said.
"I mean... We got the Reincarnations."
"And the swaps."
"And the fusions."
"... Yeah okay this ain't anything new."
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Pinkie bounced around the entire Nexus, eventually bouncing into a small café in the back.
"Hello!" she waved excitedly.
Multiple Red's stopped to stare at her.
"Ooh! There's so many of you! Fun!"
"Hello, I am Prince Red. You must be the new member everyone seems to talk about." Prince Red greeted cordially.
"Hehe, yep! That's me! I'm Pinkie Pie, nice to meet you Prince!" she happily shook his hand a little too violently.
Prince staggered back, surprised. "Wow! You're full of energy."
Demon King Red stared down at the horse in the room as she happily walked past them, his gaze never leaving her.
He got up from his seat, TT Red instantly on edge, ready to fight him if he started something.
"Do you have a... Chimmy Cherry Changa?" she asked curiously.
"Uh... We got a cherry parfait?" Yin said.
"Alright, that can work! Thank you!"
"Excuse me." King Red tapped on her shoulder. She turned to look at him, wide eyed.
"Oh, hello!"
"If I may ask... What is your status with your MK?"
"Oh! We're dating, why?"
His neutral expression shifted to a scowl. He pulled her closer to him.
"Well, here's some news to you, little girl... He's mine. So back off from him... Understand?"
She giggled. "Is that a challenge?"
"Hm... Yes. Yes it is."
"Then I accept it! It's a duel!" she grabbed her drink and bounced out of the bar area.
"... Oh, she's gonna get torn apart, isn't she?" Prince winced.
"Good riddance. She'll have what's coming to her, anyway." King said.
"Are you KIDDING me?! She's already gotten into a fight?!" Jin exclaimed, slamming his head onto the bar in frustration.
"Brother it's fine. This'll just be a normal day, I promise."
"But her world according to our research is on literal friendship magic!"
"... Is she gonna use rainbow lasers?"
"I don't know. Guess we'll see."
"MK! MK! MK! Check this out!" she stood up on her hand, holding up her cup whilst balancing on her other arm.
"Okay, ya goof! Come on down!" MK pulled her back down from her position, fixing her position.
VMK silently watched before approaching the pony.
"Excuse me? Is this a newcomer?" he asked.
"Oh, yeah! And, um... You are?" MK asked.
"Villain MK. An extension of Prisoner MK."
"I'm Pinkie Pie! Nice to meet ya, V!" Pinkie chirped, holding her hand out.
"... Same to you. Listen, I heard you're going to fight King Red soon."
"Oh, yeah!"
"And... How are you going to do that?"
Mk glanced at Pinkie. She cracked a smile, whipping out her own brand new staff, this time colored a soft cyan and gold.
"Wait... How do you have your own?"
"I made it, silly!"
VMK blinked, hesitantly taking the staff from her. He grasped it, feeling it's weight.
"Still heavy, like the original... But a touch lighter. Fascinating." he handed it back to her.
"Got anything else up your sleeve, kid?"
"Mhm! Everything I need, no need to worry!"
"Good... Good. Just making sure. Well, I wish you luck miss Pie."
"Thank you!"
TT Red silently watched the conversation from afar, his eyes widening at the sight of the pony's staff.
Is that how she got in? Did the system consider her an MK?
... Actually. In hindsight that made some sense. But at the same time Jin and Yin really needed to fix their system.
"Well... I'm sure this'll just be our only anomaly." he mumbled.
"Hey, TT." Rapunzel MK greeted.
"Oh, hey. Are you new here, too?"
"Mhm. Also there's the actual Rapunzel here now, too. I just wanted to say that cause Jin and Yin are already flipping out over this happening-"
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"Welcome everyone to our fourth tourney of the day! The unexpected duel between the King of all Red Son's... Demon King Red! And our new face in this tourney, Pinkie Pie! Both fighters to your positions! We'll begin the countdown shortly."
Pinkie bounced right to her spot, planting her feet into the ground.
King Red focused his fire into his palms, holding himself in position.
"3... 2... 1... GO!"
Red charged at the pony, slamming his fire right into her. Pinkie ducked underneath the fists, sliding past him. She whipped out her party canon and blasted it at the king.
Red fell back, burning away the confetti in an inferno tornado. He struck her again, sending the pony crashing into the wall.
Pinkie bounced back out, hand right beside her ear. She leapt into the air, summoning a staff as she stared down at the king.
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"Here... Comes... PINKIE PIE!" she yelled, swinging it around as she came crashing down onto Red.
He leapt out of the way, skidding back before charging into her. He rammed her off the staff, pinning her to the ground. Fire crept to her face as he glared down at her.
"King Red wins! Now can someone take the horse to the infirmary?!" Yin yelped. Jin bolted down and yanked the two away from each other.
"Oh, don't worry! I'm alright!" she laughed, brushing herself off.
... She collapsed to the ground right after.
Her mk leapt off the stands, scooping Pinkie up and carrying her out.
"... Yeah okay I need to kill him again." VMK muttered.
"No! Don't do that!" Prince hissed, yanking him back.
"No, he's got a point. He absolutely should." TT Red shrugged.
"He deserves it."
"You're not supposed to kill anyone!"
"Unless they're really bad and a jerk and hurt your mk and-"
"He's proving my point. I'm going down." VMK leapt off the stands, approaching King Red with his ice blade.
King Red took one glance at the MK variant and immediately teleported out.
"... Fuck."
"WOO HOO! Someone get me my cotton candy bag in my party canon, then I'd be alright!" Pinkie cheered, a tad whoozy.
"... Wait did you drink before fighting?" MK questioned.
"Haha, yeah. So?"
"... That explains a lot. Somehow you still maintain your accuracy, though." he commented.
"Thank you!"
She playfully kissed the monkey on the cheek.
"Thank you, Xiaotian!"
"Heh... No problem, Pinkie."
"How is she? Anything broken?" Jin asked, entering the tent.
"Nah. She's just a bit tipsy." MK said.
"Ah, okay. Good to know she's not causing many other anomalies..."
"But the staff is at least proving that the portals might've mistaken her for an MK." Yin cut in.
"Yeah, probably." MK turned to her.
"... Are you two gonna kick her out?"
"I mean... She's not supposed to be here." Yin said.
"She's also not causing too many problems, either." Jin said.
The brothers turned to each other. They ducked into a hold, whispering amongst themselves, sharing glances between Mk and Pinkie.
"... Okay as long as she doesn't turn evil, she can stay." Yin finally said.
"Yippee!" Pinkie cheered, collapsing onto her cot.
"... Yeah, wait until the alcohol wears off on her." MK winced.
"Good to know."
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lowcountry-gothic · 1 year ago
That's it for the Lost tarot cards. I wish I'd finished the deck, at least the major arcana. Maybe I'll do it one of these days.
If anyone's curious about which characters/scenarios the rest of the cards were going to feature, I put the list from my notes app under the cut.
Temperance: Hurley (holding jars of ranch dressing and peanut butter) The Devil: The Man in Black (obviously) The Tower: the plane crash, broken apart and in mid-fall The Star: Claire, holding a banded seagull by the shore The Moon: Kate (white toy airplane on one side, black horse on her other) The Sun: Desmond...but I already used him for the Lovers, so I probably wouldn't have ultimately gone with him. But I love the image of him with his golden smile and surrounded with the white light from right after he turned the failsafe key Judgement: the church scene in the finale The World: the Heart of the Island
Torches (Wands): 1. Eko's stick 2. Jack chasing "his father" through the jungle 3. Jack staring at the ocean under the Lighthouse 4. Reunion scenes 5. Either Michael and Jin or Sawyer and Sayid fighting 6. Charlie, Hurley, & Jin driving the Dharma van 7. Jack vs. Locke, torches crossed Eko confronting the monster 8. The trek to the radio tower 9. Michael carrying an armful of bamboo towards the unfinished raft 10. Pushing the completed raft towards the ocean Page: Charlotte Knight: Richard Alpert Queen: Ana Lucia King: Christian Shephard
Bottles (Cups): 1. The cup Jacob's mother gives him 2. Either Hurley and Libby on the beach, or Shannon and Sayid 3. Hurley, Charlie, & Desmond drinking MacCutcheon on the beach 4. Lapidus in Eleuthera before he sees the "wreckage" of 815 5. Jack doing the dishes as Sarah leaves him 6. Cindy playing with Zach & Emma 7. Locke imagining what's inside the hatch door (Twinkies, supplies, hope, etc.) 8. Ben leaving Dharma to join the Others 9. Sawyer giving Juliet the flower in the Barracks 10. Hurley's surprise party with his parents and the Oceanic Six Page: Shannon Knight: Yemi Queen: Penny King: David Reyes
Knives (Swords): 1. Locke's hunting knife 2. Ana Lucia with Sayid tied up after Shannon's murder 3. Locke's murder (with the extension cord knot forming a heart) 4. Jack asleep, having been drugged by Kate 5. Michael leaving on the boat with Walt 6. The Oceanic Six coming ashore on Membata 7. Nikki & Paolo with the diamonds and spiders 8. Sawer or Kate, locked in the Hydra cages 9. "We have to go back!" 10. Juliet with the Jughead core Page: Walt Knight: Pierre Chang Queen: Eloise Hawking King: Faraday
Coins (but with Dharma logos) 1. Hurley's lottery ticket 2. Pressing the button (balancing that with sleep, exercise, etc.) 3. Charlie helping Eko build the church 4. Sawyer's stash 5. Shannon asking Boone for money in her bedroom 6. Hurley handing out DHARMA food from the Swan 7. Sun tending her garden 8. Sayid fixing the transceiver 9. Hurley listening to records in the Swan 10. Rose and Bernard in their "retirement" with Vincent Page: Libby Knight: Cassidy Phillips Queen: Carmen Reyes King: Charles Widmore
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a-force-dyad-in-space · 10 months ago
Writing Patterns Tag Game
Tagged by: @cenedrariva 💖
Rules: Post the first sentence from your 10 most recently posted fics.
Oh, this looks fun, let's see. 🧐✨️
The first message finds her the morning after she left. (A Fall So Gentle Into That Good Night)
Xue Yang's heart was going at a thousand miles an hour. (Wherever You Are, It's Somewhere, Walking Straight For You)
What happened to him? (Somewhere Deep Inside of These Extras (Bonus Chapters for the Angsty SongXue Fic))
If there was one thing Lance wanted to make abundantly clear, it was that taking the elevator had not been his idea. (Closed Spaces)
As soon as Xie Wang woke he was out of air. (All the King's Horse and all the King's Men)
There was a crash outside Jaskier's cell, interrupting his singing mid-note. (I Love You (Derogatory))
'Come immediately', the emperor's decree had said, instilling a deep anxiety inside Fang Zhu, so he'd left Jifeng Pavilion without further ado as ordered. (Until the Water Runs Cold)
Chengmei pulled Xiao Xingchen to a stop and the latter could hear the breath catching in A'Qing's throat. (Eyes Among Ghosts)
Lan Xichen's heart started thundering in his chest, the second he recognized the hungry look in Jin Guangyao's and Nie Mingjue's eyes as they looked first at each other, and then at him. (Love me, praise me, destroy me)
Song Lan could see his own reflection in the puddle of blood as he approached the monster to strike the final blow. (Somewhere Deep Inside of These Bones)
No pressure tags: @byallaccountsitdoesntmakesense @lisanalgaibs @calamity-queen
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castershellwrites · 2 years ago
Ghost of Tsushima CYO Fic
Please enjoy this fic, there's a poll under the cut to vote for what you want to happen next. This fic will reach no higher than a teen rating and pairings (if any) will be determined by votes.
This fic is set after the events of the main game and the Iki Island DLC, there will be spoilers. Jin is on Iki island deciding what to do now that the island is free.
Fic and poll under the cut:
Jin Sakai sat atop Kaze, his bay stallion, while the ocean breeze whistled though the plates of their armor. Their armor because Jin had on The Ghost armor made by his late friend Taka, and Kaze’s tack was covered by the armor of his late father’s horse. That armor filled out the still fattening frame of his horse. Kaze certainly wasn’t Kage… he was leaner, faster, and more stubborn… but he was proper samuai’s steed and a loyal companion.
When they’d first been stranded on Iki, Kaze had truly proven himself a capable fighter in his own right. Now, months after the Khan’s defeat and having finally freed Iki from the looming shadow of the Eagle, Jin and Kaze fought together as one. They were of the same mind. Tenzo had commented on it with awe and some jealousy. Jin had only shrugged, unable to come up with a platitude that wouldn’t be condescending or remind them both of the vast difference in their stations.
The ocean waves crashed against the sands and rocks of the coast. The tide was coming in. If he left for Fune’s Refuge now, he’d probably arrive at its zenith, meaning the rocky path would be treacherous and slick. He needed to return to Tsuhima soon, but not at the cost of his life from slipping off a rock and drowning. He’d had a near enough experience to that in Zasho Bay and was loath to trust his luck a second time. Third if he counted falling off the bridge almost  year ago as his first near drowning. Jin shuddered and pointed Kaze inland.
Without realizing it, Jin found their travels took them to Hachibee’s house. He was drawn out of his head by the constant low buzzing. The bees seemed agitated today. Was it the weather? Or perhaps this was their swarming season? Hachibee had many freshly carved logs set at intervals around the clearing and through the nearby forest, prime real-estate for any queen seeking a new home.
Jin dismounted, and chuckled.
Kaze immediately retreated away from the little insects that filled the air. His ears twitched with annoyance, but perked forwards to listen once Jin began playing his flute.
This would likely be the last time he played here, for Hachibee’s bees, or—a second flute joined in harmony as Jin knew it would—with Hachibee. Three songs later Jin stopped for breath and to embrace the feeling of warm sunlight on him. He felt warmed to the bone the same way he had when Hachibee had offered him tea sweetened with honey.
“You’re leaving soon?” the apiarist asked without preamble.
Jin raised an eyebrow and answered the question with another, “How did you know?”
“Your flute sounded melancholy, my lord—uh—Jin.”
“It’s fine. I think half the island knows I’m samurai now.” Jin didn’t voice that only a handful on the island knew his clan. Fune and Tenzo had done well in keeping their own council on the matter.
Hachibee held his flute across his lap and bowed his head. “You don’t deny you’re leaving.”
“I am leaving, soon. I wished to say farewell to you, Hachibee, and to your charges.”
“Safe travels, Jin. Before you go”—Hachibee sprang to his feet, feigning lightness and levity—“allow me to give you a parting gift.”
Jin knows those on Iki don’t have much. He also knows better than to reject generosity and kindness when it offered freely. He accepted Hachibee’s gift gratefully and with a deep bow of his own. The small jars were heavy.
“Honey,” Hachibee proclaimed, “for wounds, medicine, eating. For whatever you need, Jin. Please, travel safely.”
He didn’t ask for Jin to write. Jin never bothered to find out if he was literate. He may try to send a letter back regardless. Hachibee has been a good friend.
“Thank you. Your kindness is appreciated. I will miss playing music with you, and your bees.” Jin bowed again, and waited for Hachibee to rise from his own reciprocating bow before taking his leave. That was one farewell made. His next stop would be Fune’s refuge.
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ao3feed-dilucnkaeya · 2 months ago
Crushing it (not really)
Read on AO3
by ratiljost
Between juggling lectures, a part-time job, and hopelessly pining over his crush, the last thing Ajax needed was his ex crashing back into his life.
Author needed a ChiScaraLuc fic in his life.
Words: 828, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, M/M, Multi
Characters: Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact), Diluc (Genshin Impact), Scaramouche (Genshin Impact), Xinyan (Genshin Impact), Yun Jin (Genshin Impact), Jean (Genshin Impact)
Relationships: Diluc/Scaramouche/Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact), Diluc/Scaramouche (Genshin Impact), Diluc/Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact), Scaramouche/Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact), Xinyan/Yun Jin (Genshin Impact), Diluc & Kaeya (Genshin Impact)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Slow Burn, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Diluc and Kaeya are Siblings (Genshin Impact), Crepus Lives (Genshin Impact), Tartaglia | Childe is an Idiot in Love (Genshin Impact), Scaramouche Being a Little Shit (Genshin Impact), Diluc is Good at Feelings (Genshin Impact), ChiScara are exes, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Kaeya is a horse girl
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yeluki · 3 years ago
a/n: this was inspired by what @/kouyun did hehe,, i thought it was cool. oh and by the way, all of this has actually happened. i have a really disturbing life
i once... swallowed a penny - albedo, yoimiya, itto, cyno
i once... slid down a horse's neck - beidou, jean, noelle, yun jin, ayaka
i once... punched a hole through my wall and hit my sister who was in the other room - scaramouche, diluc
i once... slipped on a key and almost broke my arm - barbara, mona, kokomi, lyney
i once... sat on syrup and pancakes - xingqiu, ningguang, sara
i once... slid down the stairs which launched my slipper off, and then, after i finished falling, got hit on the head by the flying slipper - raiden, lynette, sayu
i once... slapped my mom with a fish on accident - diona, chongyun, ganyu
i once... broke my shower curtain railing thing by swinging on it like tarzan - itto, bennett
i once... licked a sheep at the zoo - razor, kaeya, scaramouche
i once... dropped actual robin eggs then asked my mom if we could cook them - klee
i once... called nipples nibbles - klee, yoimiya
i once... almost crashed a tractor on a baseball field - itto, yanfei
i once... asked by 4 month old sister if she wanted me to bite her, then she didn't respond so i bit her (ok i was 2 shush) - scaramouche, la signora, rosaria, xiao
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tpwkjerii · 4 years ago
as you wish | 1
your one true love was lost in a pirate attack five years ago, and now you’re engaged to a cruel prince. with all your misfortune, you didn’t expect three unconventional thugs and a painfully familiar pirate to save you from a dreadful future. (inspired by The Princess Bride)
pairing: pirate!seokjin x princess!reader
warnings: fluff and angst, reader is forced into engagement and becoming a princess, death (no main character), kidnapping, choking (nonsexual), mentions of murder
genre: fairy tale/pirate au, semi established relationship au
word count: 1.5k+
a/n: first (and def not the last) seokjin fic!! loosely inspired by The Princess Bride, but doesn’t totally follow the plot! jin isn’t in this first part much but he will be a lot in the rest ;)) this part is on the shorter side but the rest will be longer!
next | m.list
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There was once a time where your life was wonderfully simple, and with blissful simplicity came peace and harmony.
Before your father fell ill and passed away, you spent most of your days on the family farm. Every morning followed the same routine: wake up, get ready, prepare breakfast, and summon Seokjin for work. You remember Seokjin with a fond smile; he was your farm boy and, if you were being completely honest, the only man you ever truly loved.
In the beginning, you and Seokjin had a very average relationship. You were merely the daughter of his employer, and he was just the farm boy your father hired since he needed more help after your mother passed away. During the first few weeks, you hardly saw Seokjin as you favored spending your time alone in your room while you mourned the loss of your mother.
However, when the months grew warmer, you found yourself spending more and more time outside. You easily gravitated towards Seokjin, who had a smile that brightened everything within a ten mile radius and told jokes that always lifted your spirits. You and Seokjin quickly fell into a comfortable routine and dynamic together. Whenever you called him, he was there, and he did whatever you needed, whether that was fetching the bread to providing a shoulder to cry on, with a smile and three words in response: “As you wish.”
Now, as you sat in your new room in the country’s castle, you realized you would do anything to hear Seokjin’s “as you wish” just once again. Unfortunately, that was impossible.
Seokjin died two years ago in a pirating accident. What was supposed to be a simple visit to his parents across the sea ended with the loss of his life and all others on the ship. The news hit you heavily, and once again you found yourself holed in your room; although this time there was no Seokjin to lift your spirits and make everything feel alright again.
You still remember the last conversation you shared with him, and how he told you that he would return with “a gift that would make you happy for years to come.” That very conversation was when you discovered he loved you, and was also when you first told him that you loved him.
Unfortunately, you didn’t expect that the first time you told him “I love you” would also be the last.
You wondered how different your life would be if Seokjin hadn’t boarded the ship that day. Would he live with you on the farm? Would you have moved overseas to stay with his parents? There were several potential scenarios, but you knew one thing was sure: if Seokjin was still with you, there was no way you would be trapped in this suffocating castle like you were now.
You sighed as the maids knocked on your door for the third time.
“Princess Y/N, please let us in. The ceremony is to start soon and the King is awaiting your arrival,” they pleaded, and you willed your anger away as you knew that the maids were only trying to do their job and your reluctance would only get them in trouble.
With a sigh, you stood from your seat by the window and moved to unlock the large doors. Instantly, the maids darted in, pushing you into the chair in front of the vanity and attacking your face and hair with brushes and creams.
You remained silent as they worked, still unaccustomed to your sudden lifestyle change. Your quaint home and expansive farm turned into a stone castle with guards on every corner and maids ready to cater to your every need. These days, all you wished for was time alone, and the only time you really had that was when you went for a ride on your horse.
After a dreadful announcement ceremony where you stood before the people as their new princess and soon-to-be queen like a doll for sale, you rushed out of your formal gown into a much simpler dress more suited for riding. Without even saying a word to Prince Donghae, the man who forced you into your current arrangement, you ran out of the castle to the stables.
In lightning speed, you unchained your faithful horse and hopped on top of her. Admiring the beautiful sheen of her smooth black coat, you lightly kicked her side, a gesture to take off. Luna, your horse, took you along your usual course along the river at the edge of the kingdom. The serenity at the outskirts of the kingdom reminded you of your days at the farm, and the quiet allowed you to ignore reality and reminisce the past.
You felt the wind in your hair as you rode through the woods and wished that you felt this free every day. Ever since you arrived at the castle three weeks ago, your days were often occupied with various unenjoyable tasks. As someone who grew up on a farm, you were very much out of your league at the palace, and the court royals made sure to remind you of that every chance they could.
“How can the future Queen of this kingdom be this stupid?” they would mock you and force loud laughter out of their throats. You knew you weren’t unintelligent just because you didn’t know the rules of court (since you didn’t grow up in it like many of the others), but you bit your tongue back each time they ridiculed you — the commanding presence of the Prince always held you back from defending yourself.
Prince Donghae was not a kind ruler. Those rumors you heard around your small village were confirmed when he almost killed you the first night you arrived at the castle.
“Anything you do out of line embarrasses me,” Prince Donghae told you the first night you arrived after you caused a scene while being escorted to your new room. “You will not talk back in this castle, do you understand me?” he asked, his voice deep and threatening.
You had no choice but to agree as his grip around your throat tightened. You nodded frantically as you choked for air, your eyes tearing and your hands shaking on top of his. He smirked in satisfaction at your struggle and dropped you to the ground before walking away, leaving your struggling body alone on the cold stone floors.
Ever since that day, you did your best to avoid the Prince. You attended court when needed, putting up with the officials’ relentless bullying, and spent the rest of your time in your room or outside riding. Now more than ever, you wish Seokjin was here to comfort you.
Luna slowed as you reached the river, her pace slowing to a light tread along the banks of the large river. You admired the scenery; a few flowers were beginning to bloom and the river waters were crashing gently along the bank. Everything looked like it did yesterday, except for the small ship and three men that were just ahead of you.
Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion as one of them gestured for you as if he knew you personally. Considering that you didn’t know many people, and that his face was completely new to you, you doubted that was the situation at hand. Your horse slowed down as you neared them, allowing you to get a good look at the three men.
They all looked young, potentially around your age or even younger, and were dressed like commoners. One of them had black hair that fell messily against his forehead and ended just on top of his eyes. He had strong and sharp facial features that you’d never seen before. The man standing next to him was equally beautiful; his bright red hair contrasted beautifully against his tan skin and drew attention to his pink lips and fox-like eyes. The last man matched the other twos’ beauty — he had blond hair that accentuated his sweet eyes and plump lips.
“Do you need assistance?” you asked as you finally reached the three men, hopping off your horse
The blond one stepped forward first, a thankful grin on his face. “We are poor, but lost performers. Is there a village near here?”
You frowned and shook your head apologetically. “No, I’m afraid that there’s nothing nearby for at least a mile.”
His grin quickly flipped from friendly and grateful to sly and sinister. “Then there will be no one nearby to hear you scream,” he stated, nodding to the dark-haired man next to him.
Your face dropped in confusion, and you were barely able to scream before the dark-haired man pulled you off your horse and into his strong arms. He covered your mouth with one hand and used the other to touch a spot on your neck. You instantly felt yourself lose consciousness; the world grew dark as your eyes slowly closed, and the last thing you heard was the cry of your horse as it trotted away.
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mysinsforbts · 4 years ago
The present I couldn’t give you
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Kim Seokjin x (f) reader
Dom Boyfriend Seokjin x Sub (f) reader
Rating: +18  
About:  Birthdays mark the day of someones birth. That's why we celebrate those days and want to give presents to the people we like/love. You weren't any different. Seokjin's birthday was a day away and you wanted to make him happy. But what can you give to someone who has everything, at this time of the year, 2020. When you're insecure about yourself, Seokjin gives you courage and shows you the real meaning of a present. After all, things that come from the heart are the most meaningful ones. 
Warnings:  semi angst, smut, cursing, dom/sub heavy, dom Seokjin, size kink,  dirty talk, handcuffs, kitchen sex, daddy kink,  hickeys/marking, masturbation, vaginal fingering, oral (f), handjob, squirting, teasing and A LOT fluff.  (Let me know if I forgot something~ )
( I’m sorry it took so long! I’ve lost my inspiration for a long time. But I’m better now~ The description above sounds very bad.. lol ♡ )
2 years of love. 2 years of happiness. 2 years of trust and hardships. Today is the day your wonderful boyfriend, Kim Seokjin asked you to be his girlfriend. It's a special day but not only because of your love. Today is also Seokjin's birthday. That is why you planned on doing something special for him.
~ A day before ~
"Ahh.. god! I don't know what to do. I don't want to buy something for him.. that is to easy. We also can't really go anywhere because of.. well 2020", you sighed while looking at your phone. You were talking to Jimin, a great friend of yours and Seokjin's group member. "Mhh... How about you sing him a song?", jimin smiled while trying not to burst into laughter. You giggeld but sighed straight after, "For what? To embarrasse myself or hurt his ears??". You knew that Jimin loved to tease you, but now wasn't the time. You just had one day left and you still didn't have a clue of what you could give to him. Jimin startef to laugh and turned away from you, "Sorry.. haha~ Mhh.. you could paint him something?", and than he continued to laugh. "Jimin!..", you blushed at the thought of giving Jin a weird drawing. You for the hell of satan couldn't draw or paint. "Do you have fun pointing out my weaknesses?", you giggeled while shaking your head. "What?? I'm sure Seokjin-hyung would love it. He probably would hang it on his wall no matter how bad it is~", jimin laughed while pushing his hair out of his face. You rolled your eyes and sighed, "But it can't be bad! It has to be something beautiful!".
"Write him a letter!", jimin said. "I did that already last year. It was 2 pages long", you sighed. "Make him a album with all your photos in it!", jimin brought up the next idea. "That!... oh no I did that also last year.. for christmas", you slowly lost hope. Was there anything you haven't done for him at this point??  "That is very difficult than..", even Jimin sighed now. "Good! There is only one option left! Do you wanna hear it?", he said with this smirk on his face. You knew something was up. "What??- I have the feeling it's a bad idea.. but tell me", you answered while taking your cup to take a sip from it.
"Give him a lapdance!", jimin proudly said while licking his lips. You couldn't believe what you just heard and chocked on your drink. "I should- What??-", you asked shocked while coughing. "Yeah! People do that and more in movies all the time!", jimin smirked, "That is porn jiminssi!", you heard jungkook's voice in the back. After you could breath again you turned back to your video chat, "I-.. you know what.. I'm not even gonna ask!", you blushed, "But Seokjin and I aren't that far in our realtionship..", you looked shy away.
"You can't tell me is vanilla?? He for sure isn't!", jungkook all of sudden grabbed jimin's phone and looked at you.. "I saw him buying handcuffs a few days ago!", he bursted out. "HE WHAT??", jimin and you asked at the same time. "I really saw it! So I wouldn't be suprised if he would be into a lapdance.. from you~", kookie smirked while giving jimin his phone back. "Ohh.. that is some news~ Who thought Seokjin-hyung is a dom??", jimin smirked too. You cheeks were so red and you felt so hot, like you were out in the glowing sun. The thoughts made you curious and you wanted to ask more, but..
"DID YOU honestly think I'm a sub??", you heard a voice behind your back. The voice sounded pissed but also ironic at the same time. "Jinni!", you said while turning around to your boyfriend. He was home sooner than expected. "Hey love~", seokjin said while kissing your head, "I didn't know you were disscussing our privat live with my group members~", he said laughing while taking off his jacket. You just blushed, "I- didn't-", but before you could end the sentence, Jimin answered for you. "No hyung, it was my fault I was teasing her about beeing so slow in a realtionship!", he giggeled and winked at you. You got the hint and decided to play along, "Yes and I was trying to explain to them why our realtionship is like that! And that I'm happy that it is what it is", you sighed while leaning on jin. Jin sat down right next you and kissed your cheek while laughing, "You're doing such a good job love! Not everyone has such a high sex drive like you Jimin~". Jungkook and you both started laughing while Jimin just pouted.
And the day also went by.
~ Today ~
As you woke up it still was dark outside. You looked around in the dark room before your gaze stopped at your sleeping boyfriend. He looked so handsome even in the dark. You were so lucky. As you layed there and watched him you still thought of a present. Buf before you could make a decission Seokjin cuddeld close to you and hugged you thightly. It looked so adorable. His big body with his bright shoulders clinging on to your small one. Not wanting to wake him you didn't move, just raised your hand to caresses through his hair.
Than an idea came to your mind. 'Something beautiful doesn't mean it has to be a lot', you thought. You decided to keep it simple this year. 'I will just make breakfast and give him a good massage!', you smiled, happy that you finally found a present. The only problem now was, how would you leave without waking Jin up. Seokjin's head was laying on your chest while his arm is laying on your thighs. Carefully you tried to sneak your legs out under his arm. As your legs were hanging out of the bed you gently lifted up jin's head and layed him on the pillow next to you. For your luck Seokjin just continued to sleep as he cuddeld himself into the blanket you just gave him. You toke your phone from the nightstand and searched for Seokjin's shirt. You loved wearing his clothes, they all smelled like him and they were so comfortable. You just had to find your underwear and than you could go. But finding it with just your phone light was not as easy as the shirt. 'Shit?! Where did jinni threw them last night??', you cursed yourself for not picking them up before you fell asleep.
You eyed Seokjin's boxers and smirked, 'well.. his fault', you thought while putting on your boyfriend's boxers. Now you finally could go into the kitchen. The moment you stood up, you felt yourself beeing pulled back, "Where are you going love??", seokjin whined while having his arms around you, pulling you close again. You layed your hands on top of his arms and giggeld, "I was going to the bathroom jinni~". You whispered, "Can you let me go please?". After a few seconds you felt his arms disappear, "But be fast! I feel lonely without you~", he whined while turning around. You did your best not to giggle at him. For what is he so adorable??
As you looked over to him once again, he breathed slowly. 'Guess he fell asleep again..', you smiled and stood up. You went into the bathroom and almost got a shook while looking into the mirror.  Your whole neck was covered in hickeys and bite marks from last night. Not just your neck, also your shoulders and thighs were full. 'Shit.. that's hot', you bit your lip and brushed your teeth. After you were done you walked into the kitchen and closed the door. It was still dark outside and the kitchen was colder than expected. First you made coffee for yourself, while taking a sip here and there you started to prepare everything for the pancakes. 'Cooking might be not my thing but for my wonderful boyfriend I'll try my best', that was what you thought.
Well.. it sounded better in your head. The moment you put the oil in the pan everything went wrong. First try. Second try. Third try. All those pancakes were to thinn and also a bit burned. Teary eyed you looked at the ruined food. 'If I continue like this jinni will laugh at me. I'll just embarrasse myself..maybe I should stop here?', you turned the stove off and thought about whatelse you could make for breakfast. But the longer you thought the more tears started to run down your face, 'I really don't deserve him', that was your end thought. 'Jinni does so much for me. But I... I can't even cook without having any problems..', you never felt more disappointed in yourself. You hid your face in your hands, not knowing what to do now, 'I'm the worst girlfriend ever.. I don't even have a present', the negative thoughts crashed down on you and it felt like all you could see was black. 
As soon as you wanted to rub your hand over you cheek, someone caught your hand in his. 'Jinni-', you thought while looking up to him. But all you saw was a blurr. The feeling of his warm, big hand on your cheek made you feel butterflys in your stomatch. With one touch, one word, one gaze he managed to wip all those bad thoughts away. "Love?", seokjin asked with his raw morning voice. The look on his face told you that he was confused, worried but also ready to protect you from whatever had hurt you. In that moment Seokjin was like the moon which stripped away your darkness. He was like a prince on a white horse. Like a hero from a action movie.
"What happened?? Please don't cry!", he whispered while kneeing before you, caressing over your cheeks. He reached over to gave you a tissue. But all you could do was hugging him, clinging on to his back. Without wasting a second, without saying anything he hugged you back. Seokjin held you tightly in his arms, while caressing your back. He looked around and realised that you probably wanted to cook something. A second later he found himself smiling. Today was his birthday and his amazing partner wanted to cook him something. That meant so much to him. He thought highly of you and he loved you so much. "Do you need my help? You know I'm the cook champion right?~", jin whispered in your ear and smirked as you started to laugh. You laughed with tears in your eyes. It always was a mystery to you how seokjin could make you feel so many things. One touch and you felt so safe as no one could ever hurt you. One word and you felt like the most loved person on this world. One gaze made you feel so much hope. And one kiss can make you lose your mind.
Jin looked at you with this warm, loving gaze. His eyes were so welcoming. His hand caressed the last bit of your tears away, before gently pushing your hair out of your face, "Whatever happened, I won't be mad love. So please talk to me?~", he said with a calm voice. You pouted while looking at him, "I wanted to make you pancakes for breakfast as your birthday present.. but I failed.. no matter how hard I try it just won't work. I'm very sorry Jinni". Explaining made you almost tear up again, "I thought you would be dissapointed, you always do so much for me but I can't even make you a simple birthday present..". As soon as you looked down Seokjin's fingers grabed your chin to make you look at him, "I'm not dissapointed! The thought alone makes me happy. That you would make something selfmade for me and you also tried so hard. Which makes me so proud as your boyfriend! Thank you Y/N! But my most amazing birthday present is you, by my side, 24/7~", jinni smiled and cutely squished your cheeks, "So please stop crying now? We should make some pancakes for breakfast right? I'll train you from today on! You better be greatful, the pancake-champion himself will train you!".
You started to laugh and grabbed his hands to pull them away from your face, "Okay I won't cry anymore jinni!". The moment he turned around, you moved fast and hugged him from behind. Hiding your face in his still naked back, "Thank you Seokjin! You're the best boyfriend someone could ever have! I'll try my best to learn from you", I whispered. After a few seconds of silence you noticed that Jinni still was shirtless and you just hugged him tightly. Blushing and trying to control your emotions you let him go while walking past him to the stove. "S-so what do we need first?", you asked while looking around trying to find an answer. From behind you could feel Seokjin smirk. But than he walked next to you like nothing happened. "We should start from the beginning, so you'll learn better", he said while smiling at you.
That's how you learned to make pancakes from your handsome boyfriend. You couldn't help but to admire him. Even his teaching was attractiv. Everyone knew how amazing Jin is at cooking but seeing it for yourself is really a blessing. The way his hand had such a strong grip and his veins just turned you on. Who could blame you? Your boyfriend was making pancakes, shirtless and with his veins popping out in his arms. Also the look he gave those pancakes didn't make it better. 'I wish he would look at me like that and grab me like-',.. "Y/N are you there?? Have you been listening to me?", seokjin stood infront of you with some finished pancakes, "I said.. you can sit down. We can eat~", with that he walked past you and sat down on a chair. You blinked once, twice and shortly followed him to also sit down. The moment Jin started to eat, you stopped him, "Jinni! Hold on!". - "to your hand?", he looked at you, just to start laughing. Leaning over the table, still laughing over his pun, you kissed him gently and whispered, "Happy Birthday", against his lips. Seokjin smiled against your lips. "How are you this sweet?", he smirked and kissed you back. Than he leaned away and placed a part of the pancake in your mouth, "You should eat too~". Your eyes opened in suprise and you sat back down. Chewing on the pancake you pouted and looked at your now happily eating boyfriend. He looked like he was in paradise. This picture infront of your eyes made you so happy and you couldn't help but to smile. After enjoying the sight for a few minutes, you started to eat too.
~ 2 hours later ~
You just finished cleaning up kitchen while Jinni went to take a shower. Sitting on the chair while leaning your head on your hand you couldn't help but to think about that handcuffs thing. What does he want to do with them? Will he test them out on me tonight? Just the thought alone made you thighs temble. It's not like Jin and you had never done it before. You did it a few times and you enjoyed every second of it. But that thought of beeing a sub for him turned you even more on. The wetness between your legs wasn't to ignore anymore, so you rubbed your thighs together. But that wasn't nearly enough. Wanting more, you pushed a hand down your body. Carressing over your already hard nippels, down to Seokjin's boxers. You pushed one hand under them as you gently rubbed your clit. That felt so good.
Your memorys from last night played out once again in your head. The way his big hands felt on your body. The way his big king sized cock pounded into you. Seokjin was so hot with sweat running down his face, growling your name. His words made your head dizzy while his hands overstimulated you. Without noticing it you pushed two fingers in your now wet and needy hole. The fact that you fingered yourself in his boxer just turned you more on. Your clit pulsed, it wanted to be touched so bad. Letting out a sigh and a moan here and there you closed your eyes. Totally lost in your thoughts and pleasure you didn't hear Jinni come out of the bathroom. He walked towards you but stood still the moment he saw what you did. His eyes got wide and he almost moaned at the sight.
Seokjin felt his cock getting hard through his towel, "Fuck.. I'm so lucky..", he said with a deep, raw voice. His gaze lingered on you, just watching you getting yourself off. Slowly he rubbed his hand against the towel, trying to hold himself together. But he wanted more, he wanted you. All of you.
The moment you let out a cute whine was when he lost it. Seokjin walked towards you, grabbed your hand and kissed you deeply. You whined at the lost of touch but happily kissed back as you felt Jin's warm, soft lips on yours. After a bit he pulled away and took your hand to his mouth, just to suck on your fingers. Gosh..
That sight was so attractiv. You rubbed your thighs together while watching him with sinfull eyes. You started to wonder what that tongue of his would feel like between your thighs, on your clit or while thrusting in your hole. A moan left you as you felt Seokjin's other hand rub over your clit, down to your hole and back up. He didn't add much pressure to tease you. One of his finger started to slowly circle your clit while he looked at you with those wide blown eyes. He also wanted you, like you wanted him.
"You're such a naughty girl, you know that love? I saw you earlier~", Jinni said while still playing with your clit. With the next few words he added more pressure to his moves, "Did you want to be seen by me?". His words sounded more like a statement than a question. You whined and couldn't help but spread your legs more apart. Wanting more of his touch, of his dirty words you looked at him with a pout, "Jinni~ I'm so wet for you~ Please help me?~", you whined. Your sudden cuteness made him laugh and shake his head, "How can I say no to such a cute lady?", he smiled as he looked at you. "But..", than Seokjin's sweet smile turned into a evil smirk, "A lady doesn't get herself off on a kitchen chair. Right my princess?", he gently snapped his finger against your clit and stood up. "Take your clothes off and lay on the kitchen table! I'll be there in a few seconds princess~", his voice sounded even deeper than before. With one last glance to you he walked out of the room.
Still sitting on the chair, letting out a deep breath and trying to realise what just happened. Your cute boyfriend Seokjin just turned into one hot dom. His behavior completly changed. You didn't know if it was just you but today he seemed even more of a dom than yesterday. The pluse of your clit brought you back to reality. Without wasting another second you jumped up and took of Seokjin's shirt and boxers. It was something new, it made you excited and turned you on so much. You layed on the table like Jinni told you too, now waiting for him. Lucky you didn't wait any second longer because he just walked back into the kitchen. You looked to him and saw the pair of handcuffs in his hands. 'HE REALLY BOUGHT THEM??', you blushed at looked away again. But before you could look anywhere else Seokjin grabbed your chin and turned your head to him again, "Getting shy now love? I want to try something new today! I'm sure you'll like it!", he leaned in to kiss you once again. While pushing his tongue in your mouth and starting a make out with you, he pulled your arms over your head. Gently caressing over your wrists while moaning into the kiss.
'Click'. After the sound Seokjin pulled away and licked his lips, smirking at you, "After all you want me to help you right?~", he looked at you with this dark shining eyes. You felt your clit pulls once again. 'Fuck- Why is he so hot??', you bit your lip and nodded at his words. His hand caressed over your neck, down to one of your breasts, grabbing one and massaging it. With his thumb he played with your nipple here and there, making you whine. "Do you like this?", jinni whispered against your other breast before licking over your nippel with his tongue. He played with you and you loved it. The way he teased you, made you drip even more. Your legs were shaking, your whines are geting louder with every pull of your nippels. And than Seokjin stopped touching you. He moved away from your body and looked at you, "Answer me love!". You looked up at him and quickly understood why he stopped, "Yes Seokji-", you started but let out a yelp as you felt a pull of your right nipple. "Wrong name love!", he spread your legs while looking at you with this intimidating stare. You knew what he meant but you were to shy to actually call him that. It was one of your kinks, you told him that once. You just weren't expecting him to bring that up one day. With one day you meant now. Closing your eyes, you felt your face heat up, '"Yes D-Dadd-", getting cut off in the middle of your answer, you opened you eyes quickly. "Worldwide Handsome", jinni said while looking at you with a bright grin.
As he saw your flushed, shocked face he couldn't help himself but to laugh. As you realised that he just pulled a joke on you, you started to pout and laugh too, "Yaah! Jinnii..", you whined and looked away. Seokjin chuckled and leaned down to give you a kiss, "Sorry love~ Did I spoil the mood now?", he smiled at you. Shaking your head and kissing him back you answered, "No I'm still wet for you Jinni~".
"Will you let me eat you out than, princess?", he asked with his deeper voice while kneeling down infront of the table you still layed on. Your smile left your face as all your dirty thoughts came back. Spreading your legs open for him you whined,"Please jinni.. my prince~", you added teasingly. Seokjin just smirked up you and leaned forward. First he gently pressed his tongue on your dripping slit, giving you small kitten licks. The way his eyes closed and he just tasted you made your clit pulls even more. "You taste so good my princess~", he whispered against your cunt. The moment after he circled your clit with his tongue, gently sucking on it here and there. With his one finger he played with your entrance before pushing it all the way in. Your moans became louder with every touch he gave you. Also the table just got runied as your dripping juice landed on it, wetting the material. But you couldn't care less as Jinni pushed another finger into you, slowly starting to move them. In and out. Up and down. His tongue played harshly with your clit. Licking, flicking and sucking it. His breath felt so hot on your skin. You wanted to touch him so bad but couldn't. The handcuffs didn't allow you to move very much. But you enjoyed it, you loved it and you wanted to feel more.
"Do you like it when I thrust deep into you?", he asked, looking up to you. His eyes were so dark and full of desire. With one move of his fingers you arched your back of the table and almost screamed. Seokjin smirked. He found it. He found that one spot that let you see stars. "You really liked that huh?", he leaned back down to suck on your already red clit. As he started too hit your hidden spot with every thrust of his fingers you lost it. Screaming and throwing your head back and forth was the only thing you could do.
"Cum", is all he had to whisper and you let go. Your legs felt shaky, your eyes were closed as you tried to catch your breath. Seokjin pulled his fingers out and licked them clean. With his other hand he gently caressed over your stomatch. "Are you okay love?", he asked and leaned down to kiss you deeply. Kissing him back while nodding. You felt how his hands moved up to yours and opened the handcuffs. Jinni took your hands in his and gently caressed them, "Did it hurt?". You looked up at him and smiled, "No Jinni~ You were amazing and I very much enjoyed it!". He kept holding your hands and looked into your eyes. It should feel tense but there was something different now. He had a slight hint of happiness in his eyes.
"When you fell fron heaven to become my sinner?", he winked at you and started to laugh. You couldn't believe he used that line on you. "D-Did you just-", is how you started but ended as you realised he called you a 'sinner'. "DID you just c-call me a SINNER??", pulling your hands away from his, you gasped. Slapping your hand over your mouth, "How could you??". Seokjin just had to look at you and understood the game you were playing. He loved you for it. "What are you than? A nun??", he smirked while looking at your neck, "But a nun shouldn't have those things~", he pointed at your hickeys. "N-No! But I'm an Angel~", you smiled as innocent as possible at him. Jinni started to laugh while shaking his head, "Says the one who discusses our sex life with my group members~". Making you gasp again while grabbing something from behind, "Says the one who uses handcuffs on his girlfriend~", you smirked right back at him. And than both of you started to laugh. Everything was like usually and that was what you loved about your realtionship. It's doesn't always have to be serious. Jinni always made you have fun.
Seokjin hugged you and kissed your cheek, "I love you so much my princess~", he kissed your nose and than your forhead. Enjoying his touch you giggeld, "I love you too my prince~ Very much~", you leaned in and kissed him deeply on the lips. Out of the soft kiss another make out started. Your tongues were all over each other. Without thinking you pushed him down on the table and pulled down his towel. His king sized cock jumped straight up in your hand and pullsed once. You pulled away from the kiss just to look down. A glance of his throbbing hard dick alone made you all horny again. Taking it in your hand and rubbing lazly up and down. Your slow moves got faster after a bit time had passed. Jinnis growls were so hot. Just as you were about to lean down he pushed you gently away, "S-Stop! I want to cum in you~", seokjin said while sitting up.
He stood up and before you could say something he picked you up as you were his bride and walked back to your bedroom. Arms around his neck, face against his sweaty still wet chest. He smelled soo damk good and you felt so damn safe. It was an amazing feeling. But that soon ended as he just dropped you on the bed and almost jumped over you. "Sorry princess, but I can't wait any longer! I can't be gently now.. let me ruin you?~", seokjin growled, spreading your legs and leaving more marks on your neck. His hips started to rub his cock against your  wet slit. You moaned and let your head fall back against the pillow, "Y-Yes please ruin me Daddy~". You did it. You let it all out. Your fantasy finally becoming reality. You looked up at your prince, to see how he reacted. Jinni didn't mind at all. His innocence was long gone and everything you said just made his cock want you more. He couldn't wait to feel your insides,to feel your clench around him. Without a warning he pushed into you. Softly, inch by inch. But his inches were huge. He wasn't even half in yet.
"Are you sure you can take all of Daddy today?", he had stopped for a while. Caressing over your thighs while kissing your stomatch. You just nodded and whined a quiet, "Y-Yes more daddy", since your mind was blank. All you could feel was him. Lucky that was all Jinni needed to continue. He pushed all of him into you, until his hips met your thighs. You felt so full but you loved beeing full. You loved taking all of his huge cock.
Seokjin stayed still and played with your nipples, "Daddy is so proud of you~ You take me so well! Look how amazing we fit together~", he praised you again. The feeling made you tear up. It just felt so good. "M-move please..", you whined while laying your hands around his neck, wanting him closer. But you also just pushed him deeper, which made both of you moan loudly. All of sudden you felt his precum dripping down your thigh. Quickly forgetting about it as you felt a hard, deep thrust, "Look what you did love! Making me lose my mind! I will destroy you~", seokjin moaned against your neck while grabbing your legs. He pulled them over his shoulders as he thrusted into you in a fast pace. Hard, deep and fast wasn't the best thing for you. You screamed, yelled, threw your head from side to the other and even cried tears as you two got lost in the ocean of pure desire. You were such a mess and Seokjin enjoyed that.
"I'm going too-", jinni growled while pounding into you with an incredible speed. "I'm your dom Y/N! My cum in you will be the proof for it!". His dirty words made you fall over the cliff. Your whole body started to shake and you even squirted. Screaming out his name over and over again. Seokjin felt you clenching around him. You would cum any second. As he heard your scream his name it was over for him. With a few quick, fast thrusts he painted your walls white. Breathing hardly he let himself fall on top of you and rolled you over. Now you layed on his chest while he held you close. Jinni caressed over your back while kissing your forhead gently, "You did so well my lovely princess~", his voice was filled with so much love and warmth. You smiled and looked up to him, kissing him with all the strengh you had left. "You also were amazing Worldwide Handsome~", you whispered against his lips with a giggle coming out of your moth. Seokjin just chuckled and grabbed the blanket just to pull it over the both of you, "Let's stay like this for a few more minutes until I'll clean you up okay?", he whispered while kissing your hair. The only thing you could do was nod as a sudden tiredness overcame your body. The last thing you heard, before you fell asleep was Jinnis, 'I love you'.
 ~ A few hours later in the evening ~
As you felt the sun shining on your face you slowly opened your eyes. The first thing you felt was Seokjin's breath against your neck, the first thing you saw was the sunset over the city and the first thing that came to your mind was Seokjin's birthday. You two should've been with his other members by now, celebrating his birthday. But instead you were sleeping almost all day. Looking over to your wonderfull, still sleeping boyfriend you couldn't bring yourself to wake him. Jinni looked so happy and calm. You raised one hand to caress through his soft, fluffy hair. The only thing you could at moment was admiring him. You were so damn lucky to have such a boyfriend like Seokjin.
"Love?", you heard his still sleepy sounding voice in your ear. All of sudden you got pushed back into the matress as Jinni got on top of you. Suddenly kissing you with so much passion. Still suprised but so in love, you kissed him back while caressing over his bright shoulders, down his strong back. After another make out he pulled away and smiled at you. The brightest smile you ever saw on Seokjin. "I'm so happy to have you Y/N. You always do so much for me and you're always there for me. Today I had a great day, thanks to you. I actually have everyday a great day because of you. I don't need bought things or special suprises. The only thing I need is you Y/N. You are the best present I ever got!". His words sounded so beautiful, so honest and also so full of love. You could yourself feel getting teary eyed and your heart atched so painful but also so full of happiness. You weren't sure what you felt but it was a rollercoaster of emotions.
You smiled at him and just realised from his look that you must have started to cry. A minute later you could feel a tear running down your cheek. Today morning you were so insecure and frustrated with yourself and now your boyfriend just told you how he feels about you. That you were more then enough for him. That fact alone made you feel so happy.
Hugging jinni while trying to find words you could say to him, "I'm glad jinni! I was scared that I wouldn't be good enough for you since I didn't have any kind of idea for a present. But now I don't think so anymore! I'm just so thankfull to have you by my side~", is what you rambled together. Your tears stopped in the middle of talking but your voice still cracked a bit. Seokjin hugged you tightly while just letting you talk. He caressed through your hair and chuckled as you finished. "We really must be destined to be each others presents. Because I never told you, but there was a time when I had the same thoughts. But not anymore~", he leaned away to look in your eyes, "I truly love you!", he said with a bright smile on his stunning face. "I truly love you too, Kim Seokjin", you said with a happy and honest smile on your face.
"AWWW~ What a beautiful Scene!!", said a voice from the bedroom door, "You're amazing Hyung! No wonder that your realtionship is going on for so long!", another voice. This seems kind of familiar. Jungkook's voice! Your head snapped towards the door and you saw the two younger members, Jimin and Jungkook standing there. Smirks covering there face. You pulled the blanket closer to your body while hiding behind the sheets. "YAH! What are you doing here?? Out! Now!", Seokjin gave you the whole blanket and jumped up to see the boys out. But sadly he forget that he wasn't wearing anything either. "Hyung are you sure you wanna go out like that? The others are here too, you know?", jungkook pointed at Seokjin's body and tried his best not to laugh out loud.  ( I was dying writing this lol ).
"Wow! Did you grew bigger since the last time I saw you?? That is not fair! I want to be king sized too!!", Jimin whined while walking away, but later on you could hear is laugh. 'Such a slytherin..', you thought while trying your best to hold it togther. But the situation was just to funny and embarrassing. "I- What??", Seokjin looked down on himself as he realised that he was still naked after our exciting event earlier on. "Shit! Jungkook out! I'll be there any minute", he stuttered and you could already imagine how red his ears must have become. "Sure sure hyung! I'm happy for you. And nice hickeys Y/N~", the younger flashed you a smirk while walking away, closing the door behind him. That left you two alone again.
Silcence. Now it was quiet. The embarrassment still in the air. 1,2,3..laughter was heard. Seokjin and you both bursted out in tears of laughter while looking at each other. In your head you agreed with Jimin's words. This all was a beautiful scene! And your bound was a beautiful present.
(I hope you enjoyed! ♡ )
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lethesomething · 5 years ago
The ghost and the witch
I am still dealing with the emotional gut punch that is the ending of Ghost of Tsushima, so have a very indulgent… fluff piece? My proofreaders have told me I can’t call it a comfort fic, so let’s go with ‘soft fic with canon levels of angst’ instead.
Tags: Jin Sakai x Reader, fluff, soft, comfort (?), angst, ridiculously poetic descriptions of nature, ludicrous levels of symbolism, so much pining
You scoop the dry green dust into the pouch, carefully checking the weight on a tiny brass scale. With a small wooden spoon, you stir the dust into the clay powder and dried grass already present, checking the contents of the pouch one final time before closing it up and using a few quick stitches to secure it. 
"There." You add the pouch to the pile and hold out the order. "One bag of stomach salts for the Fushikawa boy, and five wound ointments. That should keep you going for a while longer."
The Ghost, sitting in seiza on the opposite side of the table, bows his head as he takes them.
"Thank you."
He looks tired, sweat and mud mixing with caked blood on his brow. You're fairly sure it's not his, but that knowledge does not soothe you as much as you'd like. There are hard lines in that face, drawn by sacrifice and pain, etched in stubbornness and unwavering, never-ending pursuit.
"It would be better if you rested, lord Sakai."
He looks up. His eyes are clear and focused, crisp as the winds blowing up the northern cliffs of the island.
"Please, call me Jin."
"My apologies," you say, "force of habit."
"I don't recall you ever calling me 'lord' when we were young," he grumbles.
"That's because you wanted it too much back then," you grin. "But either way. Jin. Please take a rest. Your body cannot keep this up, no matter how tight your resolve is. You need actual sleep. You can stay the night if you want. You'll be safe here."
His gaze drops down and his brow knots, as if he's thinking over a new concept, something so foreign to him that it leads to confusion. Then he gets up. "The boy."
You're not about to argue. He's the most stubborn man you've ever met. With a sigh you follow him to the door of your house. "Then come back."
His retreating form stops briefly. The wind twirls leaves around his silhouette, outlined against the moss-covered trees. It's late in the afternoon, and light comes down the canopy like droplets, skittering from branch to branch until it falls to the ground in ever smaller pools. Shadows rule here, hiding his face, obscuring even the horse trotting to his hand. "I'll see what I can do," he says, and then he's off.
 Rain beats like hooves on the roof, mercifully muffled by the thick layers of thatch and greenery that shield your abode from prying eyes. Still, for a short moment your heart stops when you hear the screen door softly slide open, and just as quickly, slide shut. He stands there, slick with rain and glowing faintly orange in the light coming from the fire. "Excuse my interruption," he says.
You shake your head. "Welcome back." Embers fall off a log in the fire, popping and crackling. The rain drums above you. "Have you eaten?"
"A little," he mumbles, too stubborn to admit to hunger, but not composed enough to keep his eyes from wandering over the shelves for supplies you may have.
Movement comes to you in a sudden rush. "Sit down, I have some millet porridge leftover."
"You don't have to-"
You wave away his concern. "And I have water in the hearth, I'll draw you a bath."
"That's really not necessary," he starts saying, but he stops when you turn and raise an eyebrow at him.
"Yes it is."
For a long moment he halts, as if to take stock of the dirt, the sweat, the blood, the horse hair dampened by the rain but not washed away fully. He watches the fire, breathes in the smell of herbs that fills the very air inside this house and looks towards you, bustling over a pot of warm food. He nods. "Alright," he concedes, and gets comfortable on the floor. "Thank you."
 Steam rises, curling and dancing in intricate patterns toward the rafters. Jin rests his back against bamboo planks and rolls his neck. The tub is just big enough to submerge his lower half in warm, fragrant water. Whatever it is you’ve put in there smells nice. Calming. He takes a cloth and rinses it, before he wipes it on his face and shoulders, rubbing away what feels like years of grime and fatigue.
You’re tending to the fire, your form similar, but somehow more graceful than what it was. Your hair is longer, the skin on your hands rougher, but the years have not taken much else from you. Certainly the bright flame behind those eyes is still present, unrelenting and unyielding in the face of everything. 
You look up. “Did you want me to do your back?”
He blinks. “Uhhh.”
And then you smile, and that hasn’t changed either. Your lips curl up in a way that could be read as polite or mischievous, depending on the outlook. He’s always been fond of it. 
“Please,” he says. 
-- -
You sit on a stool by the bath and knead the heated skin on his shoulders between your fingers, the pads of your thumbs running small circles on his neck. His back is a patchwork of colours, from dark purple bruises to blues and reds and yellows.
You try to avoid the more painful looking blotches while you make your way down, but he does not protest at your touch. He’s silent, save for an occasional sigh and a roll of the neck. 
He’s grown, you notice. There is a dignity and a will to him that he lacked when he was younger. You’re well aware of what he’s doing, the lives he chooses to take, and those he chooses to save. You know of the enemies he’s made. Part of you is very proud of him. Another fears for his wellbeing at every turn. The path he’s chosen is not an easy one to walk. 
“How long has it been since you last washed your hair,” you ask into the silence that sits on top of the rumbles of fire and the splash of water. 
“I’m not letting you do that,” he says lowly. 
“Can I at least pick out the leaves?”
He chuckles. “If that’s what you want.” He leans back against the side of the tub and lets his head fall towards your knees. “Next you’ll ask me if you can shave me as well.”
“Would you let me,” you say, tugging at the cord that holds his bun together. 
He grins. “I just might.”
He closes his eyes and a curtain of black falls across your lap. You take a silver comb, one of your few treasures, and start gently tugging at the knots, unraveling the work of the sea and the wind. 
Jin leans back and closes his eyes. Your comb runs across his scalp in languid, repeating motions, like waves lapping at a beach. He times his breathing to their rhythm and sits there, relishing in the soft intimacy of your hands. 
There is comfort in the motions of your fingers running across his head. The smell of camellia’s is faint but nostalgic as you comb out the strands and oil them. It’s been a long time since he felt this warm, this content.
“Can I ask you something,” he says. 
“Go ahead.”
“Why did you leave?”
Your hands pause for a  second, but do not falter. Your fingers continue their gentle motion,  starting at the scalp and gliding down to part the hair, followed by the comb. 
“I suppose they never told you.” He feels a weight to those words, but can’t quite make it out. 
“I have always wondered,” he says. “I didn’t really understand what happened. One day you were just gone.”
The weight shifts. There is a pause, a silence in which your fingers keep moving and steam fills the void between the two of you. The rain outside has stopped, he notices, and then you take a breath. 
“We were close,” you say. “Close enough for people to notice.” Your voice gains a raspy edge, as if it is difficult to speak. “I was not good enough. Not for you.”
But you continue before he can form the sentence. “It was decided that it would be best that I move north, so as not to needlessly distract you from your studies.”
He swallows. “I’m sorry,” he says. “I didn’t know.”
“That was, perhaps, for the best,” you say softly, and your fingers start gathering his hair. “You were not in a position to do anything about it.” You collect the strands in the palm of one hand, smoothing up any stragglers with the other. 
“The last I heard was that you were to marry one of clan Terushima’s retainers, but you didn’t.”
“I did not,” you hum behind him, as you coil his hair and tie it with a thin piece of string. “I’m sure he was nice enough, but I was never going to be some random man’s wife. I decided on a different path.”
You tap his shoulder and Jin sits up, takes in the herbs drying from the ceiling, the shelves of jars and powders. The pebbles, the statues, the trinkets. “You did,” he says, and he watches as you wipe down the comb and carefully fold it in embroidered silk, a piece of an old kimono he vaguely remembers, and store it in a box on the shelves. 
“Do you regret it?” he asks. 
You shake your head and carefully put away the oil. You rinse your hands in a bowl of water and dry them thoroughly. You set your shoulders before turning to him. “No path is easy to walk, Jin. Especially if you follow what you feel is right,” you say, finally. “Some roads are smoother than others, but we all crash into the walls and thorns confining us eventually. Whether you pull back from the edge or push through is up to you. We all do what we must.”
“We do,” Jin says quietly. His eyes feel heavy now. The fragrant water hanging thick in the air seems to call out, beckoning his senses deeper into the mist. When he looks up again, you are standing by his side, a towel in your hands. 
“And you must really rest, so get out of there while I pick up some more firewood in the shed.”
The birdsong of early morning filters through the blankets of vegetation that swaddle your house. The light will take a little longer to get here, traveling all the way from the top of the forest canopy like honey oozing off a spoon. 
You get up from a nest of fabric and straighten your clothes, combing your hair with a wooden pick before tying it back.
The Ghost lies on a mat in the corner, chest slowly rising and falling.
You poke the dying embers in the fire, sparking them back to life. There are many things to do: clothes to darn, balms to brew, but for now you are content to sit here and listen to soft breaths as you watch the sparks rekindle, adding branches to a fire that is sure to burn you if you continue to let it grow.
Jin Sakai adjusts the strap of his glove, tightening it. There is a dull ache in his chest that he didn’t notice before today. It has come to the foreground now that many of his other stings and pains have found relief. 
His breath is deeper, his head is clear. The deep, gnawing exhaustion that turned his every movement into a deliberate act, a decision to go on despite the waves crashing down, is shallow now. It tugs at his feet like mud, enough to annoy, but not to trip him, certainly not enough to stop him.  
You’re leaning against the door style, arms folded. Your lips are curled, smiling, but your eyes are not. 
He sighs. The sun dapples you with blossoms of light, crowns you in golden glory. Slowly, his hand reaches up, fingers tracing the line of your jaw. 
You blink rapidly up at him. “Jin?”
A sudden gust of wind whirls around you, tugging pieces of thatch off the roof and blowing strands of hair into your face, obscuring your vision.
He leans in and softly, briefly, places his lips on your forehead. “Thank you,” he whispers. “For everything.”
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bang-to-the-tan · 4 years ago
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Stray Cat Strut
Chapter 8
Reader x OT7
► Faerie!AU
Fluff, Comfort
Warnings: Mention of Death, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Faerie Mischievous Bullshit
↳ Summary: When your grandmother passes away, she leaves her countryside house in your name. The longer you stay, the harder and harder it becomes to explain away the odd happenings. What kind of secrets does this sleepy town hold? And why do the local animals act so strangely around you?…
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Water. Rushing water, in your ears, in your eyes, in your nose, and you can’t even tell which way is up. You can’t breathe, the river—it’s too fast. Warmth, strength, snakes around your midsection despite your flailing, and pulls.
You wake, disoriented, just as you breach the surface, still gasping. Sunlight sneaks through your curtains and paints the ceiling in bands of yellow above you. Your blankets, tossed in your restless, fitful sleep, circle your legs, and you have to shake them off to sit up. Your nightmare spins in your head as you sit and ground yourself to reality. It’s been a very long time since you dreamed of drowning...You shake your head. Best not to think about it any more than necessary. An old childhood fear, brought about by sleeping in your old childhood home. That’s all.  
You stretch, yawning. You’re listening absently to the distant birdsong outside, and that’s when you realize the birds aren’t the only ones making noise. A distinct voice is holding a one-sided conversation just outside your house. It occasionally breaks into a loud laugh or some odd sound effect, halting here and there for some answer that you can’t hear. You pause. Maybe whoever it is is only passing by? But no, the voice doesn’t move anywhere. The wood beneath your feet creaks traitorously when you slide to the window, sneaking a peek out the corner of it, to around the front where the voice is. From here, you can see very little, but for a shape that moves out of sight just as you spot it. 
Confused, you get dressed, and check your appearance in a nearby mirror. You aren’t going to be winning any awards, but you’d like to at least know what they’re doing out there. You make sure to slip the cat’s totem around your neck and check for the bracelet around your wrist. 
Moving to open your door, you brace yourself to put on a brave face. Maybe the locals are themselves getting ‘squirrely’ around Spirit Lights. It is tomorrow, after all. Your facade proves to be wholly unnecessary once you actually swing the front door open. Hoseok turns to beam at you cheerfully, pink and gray hair ruffled, his hands and knees covered in dirt. He’s cradling an uprooted tulip in his palms. For a moment, you go to protest, heart sinking at his demolition, but you pull up short once you realize he’s not destroying it. He’s replanting it; settling it at a more comfortable distance from its brethren, judging by the hole at his feet. Much of the garden has been likewise tended, the color seeping back into the plants and the dirt turning a dark, rich brown. It smells like fresh greenery, roots, and clean soil out here, the wafts of breeze bringing with them that distinct scent of blossoming lavender. You wonder that he was able to accomplish this much just in the time that you were sleeping in.
  Behind the gardener, sitting atop your fence like it had been born on it, is the cat from the first night you spent here. You would recognize those eyes anywhere. It’s black pelt glimmers in the sunlight, turning almost blue in the warmth of its rays. Even as it lounges, watching Hoseok work with its paws tucked beneath itself, you are again given the impression that it knows and observes plenty. 
“Good morning!” Hoseok crows, his grin pushing dimples into his cheeks. “Did we wake you?”
“Um…” you look to the cat, a faint smile curving your lips at the familiar animal. You wave a little at it, wiggling your fingers. It blinks slow at you, turning its luminous eyes elsewhere. “Kind of. What are you doing here?”
“Gardening,” is Hoseok’s cheerful reply. 
“...right.” You aren’t sure you want to look the gift horse in the mouth, but is it odd that he just...showed up? Then again, that’s how you met him in the first place.
“Yoongi wanted to apologize.”
You blink at him, amused and baffled at once. Yoongi? Ah, you recall the brown-haired youth calling the cat by that name. Absently, your hand drifts to the bag around your neck, inhaling the faint smell of cinnamon. You level a stare at Hoseok. Has he been talking to...the cat? This whole time? If the cat really is Yoongi, and Namjoon and the young man are both right, then the cat is definitely a kepry—really, it’s not that surprising, then, that a local tradesman would be holding a conversation with him. He probably has to deal a lot with them. You wonder briefly if he’s ever met the kepry under your house.  
Probably, if they both are working on the garden. Considering the bright, sunny nature of the two of them, they probably would get along.
You pull out of your distant musings. “...The cat wants to apologize? What for?”
“He says he scared you on accident. Something about his totem? And Taehyung?” Hoseok shakes his head, laughing a little. “It’s always something between him and Tae, though, so I don’t know about that much.”
Right. The dog and the cat have a rivalry. That tracks. You raise your eyebrows. “Scared me?” you echo. You wrack your brain, throwing back to the last time you saw the cat. Scared you by disappearing, maybe. You really were concerned for its safety to begin with. But what does that have to do with Taehyung?
Hoseok shrugs, bending to place the tulip in its rightful place, patting the dirt around it with the ease of someone well-practiced in gardening, his face soothed into a gentle expression of focus. 
“He chickened out when he got here.” He throws a sly grin at the cat, who beholds him with incredible disdain. “I’m not apologizing for you.” 
  Uh-huh. You watch Hoseok dig around in the dirt for a moment longer before realization careens about your head and crashes into the opposite side with almost an audible sound. 
“Payment!” you say, aloud. He blinks at you but you’re already turning to dash back inside, scrambling through the cupboards for the candy you had left. You rush back outside before either of them has even moved, presenting the half-empty bag of sweets to him. 
“I had to,” you start babbling, as he flicks his eyes comically between you and the bag, a surprised smirk creeping across his face, “I had to, use the rest for something else, someone else, there’s—” you quickly abandon the thought of trying to explain the kepry. If he knows, he knows, and if he doesn’t, you’ll only confuse him or make him think you’re crazy. “—but the—for the gardening, I can’t pay you much—”
“You already—” he starts, bemused, but you’ve already started and its very difficult to stop even as you’re becoming breathless, plowing forward. 
“—But I hope we can be friends anyways and I just wanted to say thank you for not ruining the garden,” you finish, having to draw in an embarrassingly deep inhale at the end.  
He breaks out into a full smile, teeth bared, and laughs, bending with the motion. He takes the bag from your hands gingerly and sets it on a clear patch of grass beside him without looking directly at it. 
“Thank you,” he chuckles. “I’ll put it with the rest.” 
“The garden looks beautiful, by the way.” 
Hoseok glances back up at you, obvious pride crossing his fine features as he stands, dusting his hands off on his pants leg. 
He practically glows, posing with his hands on his hips and surveying his hard work. “Thank you. I’m glad you like it.”
“Between you and the spirits, this place is going to be the loveliest garden this side of Eden,” you add, half-joking, reaching to caress a nearby daisy, feeling the soft petals between your fingers like the kiss of sunshine across silk.
He pauses thoughtfully for a minute before shaking his head and giggling.
“Jin wasn’t kidding. You really are clueless, huh.”
  Jin. You start with a gasp, turning to lock the front door and rushing past the gardener to the gate, swinging it open and throwing yourself through it. You almost forgot! How could you forget?? You’ve got to go and help Jin finish cleaning the pond today! You hope he isn’t too upset with your probable lateness... Your steps hesitate. You throw a quick glance over your shoulder. 
“...Are we...are we okay?” you ask after a moment, directing the question at the gardener. “Is the candy okay?”
“It’s all I wanted,” he replies, nodding reassuringly, eyes glinting with humor. “Thank you.”
“Good. And…” 
The cat, Yoongi, cranes to watch the ground a little ways from you, only momentarily looking up to meet your gaze. The gesture is definitely as close to repentant as you think you’ve ever seen a cat manage. You pause again, reaching to curl your fingers around the totem around your neck faintly. 
“...I...I forgive you. For scaring me. Thank you,” you add. “For the totem. I promise I’ll use it well.”
His head dips, pretending suddenly to be incredibly engrossed in stretching, bending to deftly clean his paw, but the cock of his ears tells you he isn’t not paying attention, nor is he entirely discontented. Hoseok bursts into another bright peal of laughter. 
You peer at him, a smile crossing your face. You wonder if keprys can purr. But even as you ponder that idea, now that you’re aware of your tardiness, it’s like there’s a clock counting down in your head, and every second passing is more disappointment from Jin. 
You start moving down the path, keeping an eye on the strange man tending your garden and the strange cat pretending not to watch you go before you turn and start to run. Maybe if you finish up with Jin fast enough, you can continue your search for the elusive little dog.
You’re reminded of the youth you met yesterday when the wind hits your hair, fresh and clean from the morning. The pound of your feet against gravel and stone and dirt. The quickening of your heartbeat in your throat, assuring that you are alive and well. The sunlight ahead bathes the trees in gold, dapples the ground beneath as you continue along, turning across the pathway and emerging at the bridge. You scour the clearing for your companion, catching your breath in heady gulps of sweet air that tastes like springtime. There, beneath the willow, on the opposite bank. He’s sitting against the trunk, head bowed and eyes closed. Guilt sinks into your chest at the thought that he fell asleep waiting for you. 
The bridge carries you over to his side of the water, and you gingerly navigate a way down the steep incline towards him. You have to brush the long, trailing tresses of the tree out of your face as you approach, peeling it apart like the lifting of a veil. Not for the first time, you’re struck both by his beauty and his timelessness. He looks like if you left him, he could sleep forever. A statue, carved out of the moon. But you reach forward, quickly wiping your sweaty palm against your trouser leg, and touch his shoulder. 
His dark eyelashes flutter and he blinks sleepily, casting a look up at you. 
“Hey, Jin.” You admit, “I don’t know what time it is. I’m sorry if I’m late.” 
The smile he gives you is radiant, warm, creases his eyes and softens his lips. 
“Not at all,” he returns. “You’re just in time.” 
You grin back, moving to crouch by him. “Good. Thanks. So where do we start today?” 
Jin’s mouth purses and his eyes flit to the bridge, hesitating. “Start?” he murmurs. “I don’t know...Maybe today we take a break?” 
“A break?” 
“Yes.” He shuffles, patting the dirt beside himself with another gentle smile. “Yes, why don’t you join me here? How was your day yesterday? Tell me about it.” 
You pause, considering. It sounds nice, just to hang out with Jin all day. And admittedly, you’ve been wanting for some real companionship. What with everyone around you disappearing into smoke. But on the other hand...you kind of want to find Taehyung. It’s not just a matter of the librarian anymore, really. You’re legitimately becoming concerned about the small dog’s wellbeing.
“Maybe later,” you reply. “I’ve got other stuff to do today.” 
Jin frowns, and for a beat, you can sense a strange energy from him. You’re reminded of when you caught him talking to Taehyung over your fence. That same coldness. It dissipates when he turns away from you, casting a melancholic look over at the pond. 
“Other stuff to do today?” he echoes. “Other...people to be with?”
You aren’t sure where he’s going with this train of thought. “...Yes? Kind of? I’m going to go  looking for Taehyung after.” 
He goes silent, watching the surface of the water with a distant gaze, his mouth briefly quirking. An uncomfortable quiet settles between you, broken only by the sound of the wind through trees and the occasional distant birdsong. You straighten, looking for something else to say, maybe you can sit for just a little while after all, but he sits up before you have the chance, moving to stand with one fluid motion. 
“You want to finish quickly so you can look for Taehyung,” he says, his expression faraway. 
It’s your turn to frown, staring at him incredulously. “I don’t get what you’re so upset about.”
He shakes his head, turning back to you with a long sigh drawn through his nose and a bitter smile curling the edges of his lips. 
“Never mind.”
You eye the man. What’s up with him? “Let’s finish the pond, then.” 
He blinks, hard, gaze briefly casting to the side before meeting yours again. He takes the space between you with a step, his expression turning earnest, his hands rising to his sides as if to placate you. 
“I meant what I said yesterday,” he puts in, low. “I don’t want to stop seeing you. I like you.”
“I like you too.” You add, “When you aren’t being weird. What is this about?”
“I miss you when you’re gone. It gets so lonely up here. Nobody comes to the pond anymore—no one tends the pond, or visits me, or prays at the shrine. It’s been so long…” He hesitates. “If we complete our deal...you’ll leave, too.”
“I won’t, Jin. I said I’d come and visit, and I meant it.” 
His short laugh is humorless. “This isn’t the first time I’ve heard that.” 
He interrupts before you can reply, shocked at how bitter he sounds. How sad. 
“Taehyung is happy with you. He adores you. You take care of him. And he protects you. And now that you’re here...now that you’re back...he hasn’t left your side, has he?” 
You pause. “He...he disappeared yesterday,” you confess. “I’ve been looking for him since. But I don’t get what—”
“ You’re searching for him .” He sounds heartbroken. “You miss him.” 
“...of course I do. He’s my…” You catch yourself in your confusion, unsure of what you were going to say and finishing lamely with, “...my dog.”  
  Another beat of silence falls between you that feels significant.  You don’t understand why. The wind that cards through the air, entices your hair with it, brings with it the cool of the water’s surface. It soothes the touch of the sun shining above you, filtered through the willow tree into spots of sweet gold and dappled shadows that encase the two of you.
When Jin reaches for your hand, his expression soft, his movements gentle, you let him. You jolt in surprise when you feel something press into your palm. Wasn’t his hand empty just a moment ago? Looking down, you watch as he curls your fingers faintly around a small charm. About the size of a walnut, it looks like it used to be a brooch of some kind, but the fastener is long gone. A lily, fashioned out of clouded glass so thin and delicate that despite its size, it’s incredibly light. The edges are gilded, though the gold has rubbed away in places. It’s beautiful. Fragile, and old, but beautiful. Your confusion only heightens when, as he bends your fingers to wrap around it, you can feel electricity course through you. Like a wildfire, but warm and soothing instead of burning, crackling down your neck and hands, centered around his peculiar offering, and suddenly you’re hyper-aware of his cologne. Lilies. As clearly as if you were the one wearing it. All around you, the world has ceased making noise—allowing you your own private world in itself. All that is, all that matters, is you, the radiant man in front of you, and the tiny sun blazing heat into your palm. The wind holds its breath.
  “Would you miss me?” Jin murmurs. Even his voice seems to have changed, almost sonorous in tone. 
You look up. He looks different. He looks vulnerable, strangely tired, even as he seems to shine, the sun outlining his frame and lighting up fireflies behind his eyes, through the strands of his hair.
You’re taken aback, but you’ve misunderstood the question. 
“Please?” he adds, earnest, pressing on your fingers again. 
  “Secret club.” A voice suddenly weaves through the spell that had fallen across the two of you and you jump faintly, turning to spy the pink-haired boy craning past the willow’s tresses with a wide, playful smirk. “Can I come in?”
Jin immediately breaks the silence with an offended scoff. When he speaks again, he’s gone back to normal, sounding at once both harried and annoyed. “Jimin, go away.” 
All around you, the world has returned as if it never left. The birds calling far away, the gentle sound of the air through the trees. Why is that surprising? It’s hard to recall what, exactly, that moment felt like, even though it was only a second ago.
‘Jimin’ throws his eyes skyward and sags exaggeratedly against the willow leaves, swinging. “Ah, but I’m bored ,” he complains. Even his whine is musical, pitching into a huff at the end.  
“We are involved in something,” is Jin’s deadpan reply. “Leave.” 
Jimin squints at him, pausing. “No,” he says finally, brattish. “I want to play.” 
“I am busy.” 
Jimin swings gracefully one last time, disentangling himself from the willow and ghosting nearer to you, his smile growing until it pushes his eyes into crescents, his cheeks buxom. 
“I don’t want to play with you ,” he snipes at Jin. He reaches forward to grip the edge of your shirtsleeve with his small, delicate fingers, childish. He bounces slightly when he tugs at your sleeve. “You and me! Let’s go!” 
“She’s busy, too,” Jin tugs on your hand a little, turning his body towards the other boy as if to physically block him out. 
Are they...arguing over you ? Like schoolchildren? There’s no way of defining the cross between humor and disbelief that washes over you at the realization. Grown men. Grown strangers. 
Jimin’s pink hair waves when his head snaps upwards, a sharp look crossing his face suddenly. His grasp on your shirt tightens, fingers spidering upwards for a firmer grip, though still avoiding touching the meat of your arm.
“She’s in my debt,” he says, low, warning. “And I just decided on my payment.” 
“Whoah,” you interrupt, eyes wide, brow cocked. “Wait, debt? Payment?” 
“Go play with Taehyung,” Jin ignores your questions.
“He doesn’t want to!” Jimin protests. “He’s really upset for some reason.” 
  “You know where Taehyung is?” This time, your outburst catches both of their attentions. Though Jin looks dismayed, frowning, Jimin only looks curious.
“Yeah,” he says after a moment. 
“Could you take me to him?” Hope, excitement rises in your chest. Could it really be that easy? Maybe this whole time he’s been hanging out with someone else? That hope turns a little questionable when Jimin’s face smoothes into something sweetly conniving. 
“I could,” he replies, light. He tugs on your shirt again, pointedly. “But you have to play with me first,” he adds in a singsong.
Jin huffs. 
But you quirk your mouth and nod, moving to step away from Jin. “Alright. What are we playing?” 
Wait, is your hand empty again? Did you drop the brooch? Shocked, you turn to look for it, already forming apologies in your head, but you can’t see it anywhere near your feet, and when Jin speaks up again, he sounds more annoyed with the newcomer than concerned for the delicate item. 
“You’re being rude, Jimin.” 
Jimin sticks his tongue out at the other man, scrunching his nose in the process, while he turns to you and starts excitedly half-pulling you back up the incline, towards the bridge. 
“I wanna play Red Jay!” 
“You would!” Jin calls, trudging after you sullenly. He brushes off a spot on the bridge’s wide railing and seats himself on it, watching the two of you like someone jilted. 
“Isn’t it blue jay?” you ask. You aren’t exactly an expert on bird types, but you rifle through your limited knowledge anyway. Blue jay? Red robin?
“No.” Maybe this far out in the stix they have their own versions of games and/or birds. 
  Your pink-haired consort leads you to the mouth of the bridge and circles around until he’s facing you, holding his hands out, palms forward. He waits expectantly.
You blink at him. 
“I...I don’t know what red jay is,” you confess after an awkward beat. 
He snorts, rolling his eyes. “You used to,” he says, and before you can comment on that, he reaches for your hands, holding them up in the position his had been in. “You’ll want to know how to play it for tomorrow, at least.” 
His eyes sparkle. “Kids love Red Jay during Spirit Lights.” 
  “Like this,” he directs. “First, you’re the red jay.” 
He presses his palms to yours, crossing his arms over one another, then moving in a circular direction until his are straight and yours are crossed. 
“‘Red jay,’” he begins, “‘O, red jay, when will the spring come?’
And then you turn your hands like this,” 
You obligingly switch your palms to face you. He taps the backs of your hands with his. 
He nods at you. 
“Your line is ‘When snow has stopped falling / and winter is done’.” 
You hesitate, watching him, but repeat it back slowly. 
The two of you continue in this manner, him feeding you your lines and teaching you to move your palms up, over, sideways—like a slow game of patty-cake.  
“Red jay, O red jay, when will you come home?”
“When tears have stopped falling / and I cease to roam.”
  Curiously, you think, you might actually remember doing this. Your body tenses with excitement without really knowing why. 
“Red jay, O red jay, again, shall you run?”
Jimin’s eyes glint and his smile grows wide. 
“When lights have stopped glowing,” you reply, seized by a rush of giddiness. “and my work here is done.” 
  “And now, we run —” Jimin barks, turning, beginning a game of tag. You’re the red jay, adrenaline courses through your veins and you remember this, suddenly kicking a leg out, obeying the laws of the child’s game by keeping your hands folded to mimic wings, but filled with triumph when you hook your ankle under Jimin’s and he trips with a scandalized yelp, falling to the ground beneath you. Unmatched glee washes over you. The red jay, victorious, spreading its wings above him and squatting to cradle him in your arms, laughing.
“And now I take you with me!” you shout, enthused. “Across the river and through the forest we’ll go!!” He whines, struggling out of your grasp. 
“You cheated!” he complains, but even though he’s trying to pout, frowning away from you, he’s obviously still pleased that you played along. 
You’re still giggling, allowing him to clamber upwards, your arms dropping to your sides. “I win. Take me to Taehyung.” 
  “I want to keep playing,” Jimin protests. 
“No. I won.” 
“One more game,” he wheedles. “One more game. Something easy. If you win, I’ll take you to where I saw Taehyung.” 
He ducks his head, lips pursing into a perfect pout, searching your eyes through bubblegum strands of his hair, his own wide and glittering in the sun. “Please? Just one more game.” 
He looks at you like his heart is breaking. Like he’s never known loneliness so terrible. For sure, some of it is an act, but there has to be something there for someone to pester a stranger so much...Besides, he’s sweet enough, you think.
You hesitate, feeling pity for him despite yourself. “...What game?”
The smile that bursts across his face is brilliant. “Hide and seek! See? Easy.” 
“You live here,” you point out with a wry smile. “You probably know this town better than I ever could.” 
“I’ll give you a huge head start.” 
You consider it. But there’s no real reason to deny him this last game, and eventually you cave. 
“Alright, one more—”
“—and then you take me to where you saw Taehyung, no matter who wins .”
He immediately pulls up short, voice pitching into a whine. “But that wasn’t—”
“Those are my terms. Take them or leave them.” 
Jimin pouts again, throwing his arms across his chest, but he nods anyway, looking put-upon and deeply upset. “Okay, fine.” You don’t worry about him for too long, because he almost immediately sneaks back into a grin, mischief raising his brows. “Ready? One…” He spins on his heel and starts counting. 
Suddenly at a loss for what to do, you flounder, spinning around wildly to look for a good hiding spot. Under the bridge, maybe? Up in the willow tree? Neither of those will do at all. You’ll be found so quickly….Why do you care? The sooner the game is over, the sooner you can get your side of the deal. 
You jolt when a hand winds around your arm, tugging you gently to the side. Jin, standing just to your right, his expression unreadable but for the grim, strangely serious, curling one side of his mouth. 
“This way,” he urges in a hush. “I’ll hide you.” 
You aren’t sure why you nod, but the minute you do, he starts into a run. He’s fast, footsteps sure as he leads you back over the bridge, past the trees, swift and almost silent. Behind you, Jimin’s voice softens and fades until you can’t hear him anymore. Tugged along ungracefully, you struggle to keep up, but Jin never yanks too hard, and never slows. Beneath your feet, the path peters out, yet still leads faintly through the foliage as it grows denser, less tame. The wind whips at your hair, soothing over your face, sunlight turning to filtered rays and dollops of sun warming the green leaves ahead and the soft grass below. 
Jin takes you around a corner, his pace finally, finally slowing, and you’re treated to a small clearing edged with tall trees and old, climbing foliage. He lets go of your hand. You bend at the middle to reclaim what breath you can manage, thankful for the breeze that cools the sweat at your neck. When you can, you straighten to survey your surroundings, casting a doubtful look behind you. Could you find your way back out of here? Probably not. Even now you aren’t sure between which copse of trees you burst through to get here. Hopefully Jin doesn’t disappear before he can lead you back. Now you can hear the river that rings around the back of the town, but there’s no hint of the road that must surely be just as far away.
Before you, ringed by light, is a shrine made of stone. It reminds you of the one behind your house; a boulder about knee-height set in front of a lantern carved of the same type of rock. Ontop rests a shrine about the size of a birdhouse. The entire thing is cracked, covered in moss, vines threatening to overtake one side of the lantern and snaking into the walls of the shrine. 
“I’ve seen these before,” you manage to wheeze to Jin, gesturing. You straighten with a steadying breath. “There’s one in the forest down the road.”
“They used to be everywhere,” he replies quietly. He doesn’t seem out of breath at all as he steps forward to caress the tip of the lantern with a familiar touch. Something in his eyes gleams. 
“Kinda seems a little out in the open for a hiding place,” you add, throwing another look around. This time, you’re certain you don’t know the way back. The thought makes your skin crawl a little, but if you just keep an eye on Jin, he won’t be allowed to vanish into nothing—as apparently everyone in this town can do at will. So much for a quick game, you guess. 
His hum is wry. “I’ll keep him turned around for a minute. I still wanted to talk to you.” 
“I don’t mean to frighten you at all.” When Jin turns towards you, his face is earnest again. “I...I just…” he hesitates. “I get lonely.” He ducks his head, picking absently at the vines crossing the lantern. “People used to come up here all the time. And now...”
It's the second time he’s mentioned people visiting the pond. Admittedly, you’re curious. “Why? What are those for?” 
“To pray. They used to pray.” 
You watch him remove a tendril creeping inside the shrine with a delicate hand, and as he does, you recognize a shape hidden inside. A tiny bronze swan, with its head curled back towards its wings. The shapes carved into its back tell you it might have been an incense burner, though by now much of it has turned green and mottled. How long has it slept here?
“The swans? People prayed to the swans at the pond?...” You pause. “Miss Eunju and Mr. Sungmin did say that people don’t believe in the older stuff anymore. I guess they stopped coming when they stopped believing.”
“I never needed the faith,” Jin adds. “That was never the point. But reverence turned to fear, turned to….forgetting.” 
“People think the pond is haunted, you said.”
“Yes.” His frown deepens, his eyes desperately sad, aching with some ancient scar. 
“An old god, shunned by its people...” 
Jin’s laugh is a sudden one, hiding bitterness. “Was never a god. Didn’t mind being treated like one, though.”
You think of the swan, with all its enchanting, ethereal beauty, and can’t help but smile at the thought of it lounging on silk pillows, being fed fanciful scraps of expensive bread. “I bet.” Was that Jin’s job, you wonder. A caretaker for the godlike swans? But surely not—not for how old this shrine must be. Why does he take the town’s crisis of faith so personally? 
There is a moment of silence, punctuated only by the rush of nearby water and the distant calls of birds. The shifting of tree branches in the wind. The man standing before you looks like he belongs here, in the strangest of ways. A perfect addition to a painting depicting the ancient shrine, the greenery growing up around it, and a tall man with years beyond his time in his stare. 
Maybe he’s like you, you think. His family must have ties to this place, considering the man in Granny’s photograph. Years and years of history. He must feel an obligation to the pond, the shrine, the bridge...But the locals avoiding it must make him something of an outcast...yeah. 
Yeah, you can understand that. 
  “You don’t have to bribe me with antique jewellry,” you say finally. “To come and see you.” 
He snorts, still not meeting your eye. “Bribe...?” 
“Yeah. I...you know, I like it here. This town. I haven’t made any real decision yet,” your hands raise in premature defense, “but...for as long as I’m staying...I don’t mind just. Coming to see you. To hang out.”
“You don’t?” His voice is quiet.
“Of course not. We’re friends.”
“We are?...”
“I’d like to be.” 
Seokjin turns to blink at you, like he’s in awe. At first, he seems unsure. Unconvinced, but the longer you watch him patiently, the more he appears to understand. His eyes catch the light, pushing into glittering crescents when he smiles broadly, without some of that bone-deep sadness you’re so used to seeing from him. He looks hopeful. Hesitantly so, but eager enough to try. “Friends. Yes...I-I’d like that, too. I really would.”
“Maybe once we’re done with the pond, we can come back here and clean this up, even?” you suggest, stepping to place your hand on the shrine, feeling the sun-warmed stone under your palm. “Get some foot traffic back here?”
“It’s okay.” He’s still grinning, brushing absently at the moss, his hand hovering. A beat, two, before he finally touches down, his long fingers curling faintly over yours. “It was a long time ago, anyway.” 
There’s a moment that you take, there, in that clearing, standing by this tall man as the mild breeze dances around you both, smiling softly and feeling warm where your hands meet. You seem to have banished whatever cloud was casting its darkness over him for the time being, his entire frame lit by the sun and brightened still further by the legitimate, excited smile he’s wearing.
“Yes,” he murmurs. “I think I see now.”  
To your shock, he leans forward, craning closer. Heat rises in your face. You back up, balking, but before you can react properly, Jimin’s voice once again shatters through the clearing, ruining the mood threatening to descend upon you. 
  “You’re such a cheater!” The pink haired man complains loudly as he clambers through a thicket, popping into view just to your right. That’s...now, that’s strange. You could have sworn the path was the opposite direction….? “Both of you! Cheaters!” 
Jin halts, his entire frame sagging with an exasperated look that almost makes you laugh with all the nervous energy now buzzing in your skull. “Distracted for two seconds,” he grumbles, raising a brow at you. “And that’s all it took for him to worm through.” 
“Distracted from doing...what?” you return, edging backward and sliding your hand out from under him. He lets you go easily, turning to survey Jimin instead of replying. 
“I won’t count this, you know,” Jimin continues in a whine. “It doesn’t count.”
“Yes, it does,” Jin replies, scoffing.
...Was Jin going to kiss you?
“It doesn’t , you interfered—”
“—the terms that you laid out—”
Would you have stopped him? Of course. Of course you would. You shake your head at yourself, more engaged in recovering from your slight shock than their argument. Your cheeks are still on fire, heart pounding just at the memory of the handsome man’s proximity just then.
“—between me and her —”
“—explicitly said—”
Maybe he took it the wrong way. You said you’d be friends, he said he was lonely...How likely is it that he’s just gotten the wrong idea? How long has been alone for, exactly?...But you did mean it. You don’t want—can’t, with a clean conscience—to leave him by himself. And you do like him. As a friend. When he isn’t being weird.        
“—for your own ends, you always do this—”
“—at my pond—”    
  “Hey,” you interrupt their bickering when it threatens to turn to yelling, stepping forward, arms raised placatingly. “Alright, enough. I agree with Jimin.”
The shorter man throws a triumphant look to the other, head cocking, eyes wide. 
“The game was supposed to be between me and him, and I had help. Those weren’t the terms. I’ll admit to that.” 
“ Ha .” 
“But—” you add, hesitating. You don’t want to promise Jin you won’t leave and then leave. You also don’t want to leave him with whatever... that was supposed to be. If you run off with Jimin now, he might keep the wrong idea. “But...I think Taehyung will be okay without me for a little while longer. So long as he’s doing alright.”
“ What ?” Jimin sounds devastated. When Jin looks over his shoulder to recapture your gaze, he’s practically glowing.
“I think I should keep up my first bargain.”
“You were —”
“Fixing the pond. With Jin.” you continue, interrupting Jimin’s scowl. “And maybe hang out. As friends.” You make sure to put extra emphasis on ‘friends’, but if it has any particular effect, Jin doesn’t show it. He still beams like you’ve gifted him the stars.
“But….but you…” Jimin’s face crumples into a familiarly distraught look, plump lips parted beseechingly. “But you said…”
“You can always help,” you point out. “And you said so yourself, kids love playing during Spirit Lights. So why can’t we play tomorrow?”
“Not with me, they don’t,” he harrumphs, glaring at a branch as he reaches to tug at it absentmindedly. “Not anymore.” 
“I wonder whose fault that is.” Jin’s voice has gone surprisingly cold, enough so that Jimin physically flinches at it, rolling his shoulder to deflect the words themselves. He pouts at the tree beside him as if it could rise up and defend him.
“ Hey ,” you recapture their attention, shifting your weight to the opposite foot. “Look, I came here to help Jin clean the pond, and that’s what I’m going to do. Jimin, you’re more than welcome to join. I’m sure we could use an extra pair of hands.” 
There’s a beat of silence, but eventually, all parties agree. Some more enthusiastically than others. Jin practically nods his head off his neck, while Jimin mumbles something incoherent at the tree he’s pulling at.
To his credit, Jin does lead your merry little band back out of the clearing and towards the pond. (In a third different direction from where either you or Jimin had entered the clearing—which you quickly decide not to ponder too deeply. Obviously, you don’t have as good a sense of direction as you might have originally suspected.)
And to his credit, Jimin does help. Somewhat. Kind of. Mostly he complains, refusing to wade through the muck and instead tugging petulantly at weeds by the banks. You come to enjoy the banter between them, Jimin’s high whine and Jin’s playful nagging. It feels like an old friendship, and it leaves you wondering why, if they’re so comfortable with each other, Jin doesn’t have him for company. 
Sooner than you would have thought the sun is threatening to go down, the air cooling around you, and you begin to think of calling it a night. How long were you in that clearing anyway? It’s hard to remember. Coming back it didn’t seem like it was too far away. You frown at the weeds you’ve plucked from the pathway, as if they could answer your questions.
  “So,” you begin, directed at Jimin, who’s squatting by the bridge, distracted from weeds by a stray dandelion. “Could you just tell me where you saw Taehyung? Maybe I can look for him after Spirit Lights?” 
Jimin shakes his head, pulling his hands into the sleeves of his fluffy sweater absently. “The festival lasts until sundown,” he replies in a faraway pout, resuming his fiddling with the fluff-headed flower. 
“Yeah, but—”
“You can’t be out after dark,” Jin puts in, firm, from his position waist-deep in the water, tugging at the growths on the underside of the bridge. “Not on Spirit Lights.” 
“Not without a mask,” Jimin adds. 
“Still not a good idea to go looking for Taehyung, though.”
“That’s true.” 
“What about before?” you try again. 
“He’ll be at the festival, maybe.” 
“He isn’t usually.” 
You roll your eyes. “Okay. So. What you’re saying is that I just need to give up.” 
  Jimin cranes to grin at you, his cheeks going round at the corners when he does. “Maybe after,” he says. “The day after. We’ll play again, and I’ll take you to where he was today.”
“What good does that do me if he isn’t there?”
He shrugs, but his smirk doesn’t abate. 
Jin starts to walk towards you through the water, sloshing through the muck as he goes, clambering up the bank past Jimin. He flicks his fingers at the smaller man who shrinks with a scandalized noise. “You could always come back here.”
For a brief moment, you think of that half second in the clearing, where you were almost sure he was trying to kiss you. But you think next of after, of the cleaning, the banter, the laughter. Surely the strange mood that had snapped him up then has dissipated to something more...friendly? Acceptable? 
“I might do that.” 
His answering smile is like the sun. 
  When you bid them goodbye, Jin is for once the more vibrant of the two, waving and smiling. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he promises. “At the festival.”
“But not after dark,” Jimin adds quickly. 
“Not after dark,” you agree, chuckling inwardly at how adamant they are about the old superstitions. “But tomorrow.” 
  Your house is still so strangely empty when you turn in for bed. Hoseok and Yoongi are of course, long gone, and Taehyung is still missing. (Though, according to Jimin, alive and well—which soothes your worry for the small dog greatly.) But the sheets are cozy, the bed is soft, and there’s something exciting, exciting about the thought of the upcoming festival that has you asleep in moments, drifting off the moment you land on the pillow. 
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starsfic · 4 years ago
hey, i know that this isn’t usually your forte, but i was wondering if you could make a short fic about the demon duo Yin and Jin?- i really love their characters so it’d be neat to read something about thwm. but if not that’s totally fine!-
A/N: I have been looking for some point in the Journey to the West to write a flashback drabble on and this is perfect, thank you.
Jin kept a steady pace above and out of the sight of the small group below. His focus was on two things: his disguised brother that the Monkey King was holding and the monk leading the way. He held up a hand to keep his soldiers from popping up. Yin would give the signal.
And there it was!
He could barely hear the “What the-!” from the monk before the mountains were crashing down on the Monkey King. There was a startled “Wukong!” from the monk again before Jin pounced.
The Monkey King looked very dazed from the sudden mountain attack. His brother had managed to grab the monk and was holding him tight, trying to dodge the blows from the staff he held. The horse was letting out furious neighs while the river demon sprang into action against their soldiers. Jin didn’t care about that.
“You got him?”
“Yeah, but be careful! He’s a wriggly fellow!” Yin held out the clearly terrified and pissed-off monk so Jin could wrap the rope around his wrists. There were two loud bellows. He dodged another blow from the staff before yanking the staff out of his hands and finally tying his wrists together. “Now, come on!”
“Yeah, before he wakes up!”
The twins cackled as they ran with their prize, far enough to faintly hear the Monkey King’s enraged screech when he finally came to.
Send me a prompt, please!
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tomorrowsdrama · 4 years ago
I’ve been watching Tribes and Empires to get my Zhou Yi Wei fix whenever I run out of episodes of Rebel Princess and it’s official.  I’m just a big ol’ Zhou Yi Wei fangirl now.  He’s sex on legs in this drama too!  But whereas Xiao Qi is calm, collected, and poised, Shuofeng He Ye, the character ZYW plays in Tribes and Empires, is hot-headed, angry, and wild.  The drama itself is good on its own but OMG whenever ZYW shows up on screen, whew, I swear, the cavewoman instincts in me come out.
It’s funny because I remember seeing a trailer for Tribes and Empires last year or so before I even knew who ZYW was and I thought, hm, none of the main trio really do it for me.  What a difference a year and actually watching ZYW act makes!
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just look at him!
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This is Jin Zhu Hai.  She’s just met He Ye after he saved her from a sandstorm and girlfriend wastes no time declaring her intentions to make He Ye hers.  i can’t say I blame her.
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This is Jin Zhu Hai’s father, trying to reason with his young and clearly infatuated daughter.
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said every crazy secondary love interest ever (I don’t think Jin Zhu Hai will be a crazy secondary girl though)
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Her poor father
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She spots him in a slave market and tells her pa to buy him for her.  I swear, she’s got one of the best dads I’ve seen in a period drama.  But of course, he’s not for sale.  So she then attempts to steal him and is easily caught.  When her dad finally tells her enough is enough and to let it go, she takes things from 0 to 100 real fast...
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...by going balls to the wall and threatening to cut her own throat if her dad won’t buy He Ye for her.  She literally was ready to risk it all for him.  Girl, I get it, he’s hot, but you literally just met him and very briefly at that.  I think he’s spoken maybe one sentence to you.  And of course, her dad has to give in and pretty much uses up his life savings to buy He Ye.  Pa, you really shouldn’t be letting your young hormonal daughter make these decisions.  Like talk about making bad life choice-
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Hm, okay so maybe she’s wise beyond her years and knows what she’s doing.
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Yes, she is definitely a woman of her word.
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I can’t believe the censors allowed this to air.  Someone at the censor’s office must have been a big ZYW fan to let this pass.  And then right after this scene, I kid you not, iit cuts to a shot of waves crashing on the beach ahahaha.
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And then I turned into a pile of goo as I watched him take her on a horse ride along the beach, nuzzle along the nape of her neck with his nose, and then make out with her.  I literally had both my hands on my face and was squealing as I watched this scene because ZYW is just so flipping sexy!  Ugh, and the way he gives her bedroom eyes with that intense gaze of his.  Okay, Jin Zhu Hai!  You clearly knew what you were doing!  She literally was like, I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it, and she deserves serious props for that.
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You mean having a banging hot husband who takes you on horse rides along the beach for some sexy make outs?  Yeah, I wouldn’t want that kind of life to change either.  But as any drama viewer knows already, the moment a character says something like that, you know life is going to get real ugly real fast.
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guqin-and-flute · 5 years ago
Are You Here to Stop Me? (Peony to Lotus!verse)
[First post/Setting of Peony to Lotus]
[Ao3 Series]
The sky was dark with night and the storm by the time they reached QiongQi Way, rain pelting down like arrows into their faces until they were left nearly gasping from the stinging cold. As Lan Wangji landed Bichen, Jin Guangyao splashed off into the ankle-height slurry of mud and water, sheet white and knees nearly buckling--probably from flying through a sky filled with lightning and ear shattering thunder as much as the height. Lan Wangji should have inquired as to his well being, but he couldn’t stop, couldn’t focus on anything but getting to the camp, finding Wei Ying, stopping him before he could do anything that would further ostracize him from the rest of the Cultivation World. 
From him.
In any case, the smaller man gathered himself upright and simply followed him as they climbed up the path, squinting through the rain and stunning flash-bangs of brilliant light, then utter darkness. There were people already fleeing down the rocky embankment, covered in blood and mud, eyes white rimmed, faces terrified and that icy clench around Lan Wangji’s heart tightened. Deftly, he caught a gold-robed man in his middle with Bichen’s sheath, demanded, “What happened?”
“Someone came to their rescue!” He babbled, pointing back the way he had come. “He resurrected the dead to kill people!”
The storm crashed in a sick parallel to the horror that flashed its way through Lan Wangji, and Bichen’s ornamentation cut into his palm. Jin Guangyao muttered something beneath the deafening hiss of rain--a curse, an exclamation, something in disbelief--Lan Wangji didn’t know, for he was already moving, taking the path to Wei Ying in long, ground eating strides, blood pulsing in his ears for every step, for every thought that was just one word repeated--no, no, no, no. He didn’t know exactly where the camp was, but he didn’t need to. He just followed the trail of escaping people, frantic from animal panic. Running from a predator. 
No. He musn’t think that. It couldn’t be too late to call him back. It couldn’t.
He stopped when he saw it, reached out to catch Jin Guangyao’s elbow when he nearly lost his footing to the thick mud--hulking, undulating shadows, moving down the path toward them, backlit in silver relief with every lightning flash through the sheets of pounding rain. The shadowy forms resolved themselves into horses, then people huddled on horses. A familiar, slim figure at their head, clad in black, burning in the night with a fierce purpose. It felt like fire just to look at him in such a state, eyes alight, face pale as death. Wei Ying. The Wens.
Surely if he had broken such a core rule, he should look it. He should look stained, should feel tainted to Lan Wangji’s trained senses--but for all that he was bright with rage and intent, he looked cold and bedraggled, sopping. And scared. Familiar as he ever was to him.
The horses stopped, dancing from foot to foot with anxiety and Wei Ying looked down at them, mouth tight, eyebrows pinched. “Lan Zhan. Jin-xiong. Are you here to stop me?”
“Wei Ying….” Lan Wangji’s breath caught, searching, aching for the words that were right, that could fix this, that could convince him to stay. And if there were no words, his limbs hummed with the tension to simply pull Wei Ying off his horse, to pin him to the ground, keep him until he saw sense--but he couldn’t make himself move. “Where are you going?” Away. You’re going away, aren’t you? 
Jin Guangyao looked over at him sharply, then up at Wei Ying, face pinched and unreadable. Wei Ying’s hands tightened on the reins as he shook his head. “I have no idea. But the world is wide. There must be a place for us.”
Lan Wangji’s hands were numb, his stomach a void of cold. “You need to think again. If you go, it will be considered a rebellion against orthodoxy with no way back.”
Wei Ying’s face darkened and he demanded with the hint of an trapped, disbelieving smile, “Rebellion against orthodoxy? What kind of orthodoxy is that?”
Jin Guangyao took a step forward, his hands coming up in placation as he grimaced against the onslaught of the rain. “You may be right, but this isn’t the time for ideology--”
“Isn’t it? Isn’t this about right and wrong? Who has done what and why? The Jin Clan has done this, Jin Guangyao, Lan Zhan. They killed Wen Ning--they skewered him with a lure flag and left him to die in a field, alone and in pain and--” Wei Ying broke off as his horse gave a harried half trot to the side, spurred by his wild energy and the broken sob of a bedraggled older woman from the crowd. “They tortured them. Toyed with their lives, murdered so, so many. I don’t regret killing them.” He looked straight at Lan Wangji as he said it, face tight. “They deserved what they got. Payment in kind. It was justice, carried out by his own hand.”
“Wei Ying...they’ll hunt you.” Lan Wangji’s voice was low, the air squeezed from him, but Wei Ying heard it, because his chin raised, jaw growing hard.
Beside him, Jin Guangyao shot Lan Wangji a look that he didn’t parse beyond extreme displeasure before he lunged forward to latch 2 hands onto either side of the bridle of Wei Ying’s mount, holding the thing’s head as it tried to step around him, his face all at once earnest and pleading. “Wuxian, think about A-Li. What will she do if you leave? Jiang Wanyin? What will you do?”
“I don’t know,” Wei Ying snapped back, seeming locked between shaking him off and listening. “I don’t--”
“It doesn’t have to be this way. Take a moment. Take a breath. We can fix this.”
Wei Ying shook his head, jaw tightening as he sucked in a breath. “No. No, I….”
The horse tossed its head again, trying to shy away, and Jin Guangyao braced his feet in the mud, hauling it back down, insisting, “We can talk about this, Wuxian; what’s happened? What did you do?”
 “Nothing I wouldn't do again. What should have been done long before this. I’m not going to leave them,” Wei Ying landed fiercely on this last. “I won’t.”
His expression smoothed into wide-eyed, placating understanding, Jin Guangyao shook his head. “No one says you must. What happened?”
Lan Wangji felt frozen in place as rain pounded down on his head, rushing down his back, his neck, spray invading each inhale. He didn’t want to hear because he knew. They knew already what he had done. He could see in the smattering of pale faces behind Wei Ying, one paler even than bone, laced with blood and black as only a fierce corpse puppet could be, dormant and propped on a horse. Wen Ning. Who he said had been killed.
Wei Ying has done it again, but not for war, not for defense. The night felt as if it was slipping away beneath his grasping fingertips, water over metal, no handholds. Uncle will find it unforgivable. He will be ostracized. He will be imprisoned. 
It was wrong. He knew it was wrong. 
But it was Wei Ying.
“I made Wen Ning a puppet. I killed them all. The overseers. I can’t...they are not going to forgive this and I don’t want them to. If this is their world, if this is what they’ve made of this peace, I don’t want any of it--”
Jin Guangyao hissed something under his breath, face hard, before he released one hand to reach up and grip Wei Ying’s knee, staring up at him. “Let us help. Let me help. Trust me.”
Something passed over Wei Ying’s face, then, a strange tangle of relief and panic and he looked at Lan Wangji with wide, scared eyes. Then at the huddled Wens, watching him with terrified awe. “I don’t….” he said again, quieter, with less bite to his tone. 
“Wei Ying….” bled from Lan Wangji and the man looked back over to him again, this time, his face full of frozen grief. 
Then, his gaze went down to Jin Guangyao, grief slowly inching into the fear of a child in the presence of an adult. Relinquishing control. “Jin-xiong, I don’t know what to do.” His voice was a choked whisper barely audible over the rain chatter.
“Then wait,” he insisted. “Just wait a moment and let me….” He trailed off, his mouth set, brow furrowed, eyes tracking back and forth in the nothingness of the mud. 
Everyone flinched at the splitting crash of thunder and lighting right overhead and, for a moment, Jin Guangyao’s face curled into a snarl of frustration as the horse tried to half rear in its panic. Wei Ying waited, frozen and staring down at him as if he was an anchor in the sea. Lan Wangji stepped closer in a daze, staring at him, the urge to simply latch onto his ankle with an iron grip, ensure that he could not run, he could not leave--
Jin Guangyao sucked in a breath. “You need to come to Lotus Pier,” he said, finally and Wei Ying bristled.
“I told you, I’m not--!”
He was shaking his head, “We’re bringing them.”
Lan Wangji tore his eyes away from Wei Ying to stare at Jin Guangyao, squinting through the rain running into his eyes, threatening to sink his waterlogged headband down his forehead. What?
“We have to go quickly; news will reach Koi Tower soon and my father will send people after you all, but if we reach Yunmeng, they have to address Jiang-zongzhu first before they take any action on his territory, if we send someone ahead to ensure Jiang disciples are waiting at the border to receive them.”
Lan Wangji forced himself to speak. “To what end?” Talking to Jin Guangyao was easier than trying to talk to Wei Ying, where the words were compressed, bottlenecked by their own foreign pressure to be released. Don’t leave me, don’t do this, don’t go.
“Hanguang-jun, these are not abnormal conditions for their prisoners to be kept in and if they reach them before we get out of Lanling, they will be slaughtered as escapees, not recaptured.”
“To what end are you bringing them back?”
The smile that Jin Guangyao flashed him through the rain was edged and slightly manic. “Distance. I don’t have a better idea, at present, than to get far enough away to think of one.” He raked his gaze back over the refugees, then stopped and stared. “Is that Wen Qing?” he raised his voice over the din as the sky released itself fully, pounding down with a deafening fury that blurred the scene to silver-gray darkness, smudging the outlines of everyone and everything. 
Wei Ying looked where he pointed, what Lan Wangji could see of his face rigid with confusion and fearful hope as he shouted back. “It is. Why?”
Jin Guangyao stared into space, before he nodded slowly. “Alright. Alright. You have to go; now. Hanguang-jun!” He wheeled on Lan Wangji. “I need you to take me back to Koi Tower.”
[Part 2]
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jjk-biased · 5 years ago
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youtuber! jungkook x youtuber! reader
crack! social media au
genre: angst, crack, fluff
chapter summary: a peaceful day isn't something fate wanted to give you today after your brother decided to crash your moment with jungkook. how delightful. chaos ensues.
words: 1,170
warnings: brief mentions of abandonment and cussing (cannot be read as standalone)
25. i'm home
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“Daniel Y/L/N.”
“Hello there, little sister.”
Jungkook was without a doubt clueless. Standing in front of the both of you was your “brother”— he could guess just as much when he heard the Daniel guy utter those words. However, the contrast in both of your faces made him wonder.
What did this guy do to make his cheerful and friendly pumpkin this mad?
Daniel donned a grin that was far from pleasant. In fact, it was obvious that this grin he had was strained, forced even, with malice behind it.
You, on the other hand, did not shy away from expressing the immense anger you had for him. If not for the piercing glare you had, the twitching of your fist was enough to tell that you were at your worst mood.
“I see you’re still with your guard dog, Y/N,” He hummed, finally breaking the stare-down you two had.
Jungkook’s eye twitched at that remark. Before he could do anything though, he feels your small hand clutching his as a way of telling him to stop.
“He isn’t a guard dog. If anything, he’s much more human than you could ever be.”
Daniel visibly scoffed, not moving from where he stood to stare the both of you down.
“Why are you even here? I thought you were desperate to contact me? But you were so high on your horse you didn’t even show up,” You snidely commented, arching an eyebrow.
“Well, my dear sister,” you interrupted by asking him to stop calling you that, “I was given the delight of knowing you’d be visiting our hometown. So I might as well do so too.”
None of whatever he said made sense to you. Why would he contact you now?
After all, he was the reason you had no one else but your seven friends to call your family. He was the reason you had to shed blood, sweat, and tears just to get by. He was the reason you had to live all by yourself while your so-called family lived in luxury in another country.
It wasn’t even all those he did that made you so angry. In fact, you loved your brother dearly before your shitstorm of a life took for the worst.
To think that you had meant nothing to him. That moving to America was much more important to him. That losing a sister didn’t matter.
He hurt you.
And you never forgave him for what he did.
Who could forgive a person who would turn their own parents against their sister? He was too self-centered. So much so that your childhood had been nothing but criticism and trauma. So much so that your family had the nerve to leave without even telling you.
“I’ve come to take you back, little sister. I don’t care if I had to do it by force,” He hummed.
It was then that you noticed two other bulky men behind him.
“Mother thought it was time to use your influence and help us expand our company. How delightful, don’t you think?”
How dare he.
The audacity he had to think you’d even willingly join them after what they did. Were you really that easy for them?
No. You will not join them. Thoughts of forgiving them were long gone.
You had your family now. And while they aren’t family by blood, you know that everyone loves you. You have Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok. You have Jin, Jimin, and Taehyung.
You have Jungkook.
Said guy stood in front of you, acting as some sort of shield so none of them could grab you from him. He tightly held one of your hands as a form of comfort and security.
“Looks like Mr. Jeon here really is your guard dog,” Daniel mused, gazing at this sight in front of him.
“One finger on her and I’ll be sure to show you how much of a guard dog I can really be,” Jungkook growled.
Though no one could see it (you were behind Jungkook after all), you were taken aback by this sudden change. You’d never thought that he would come to your defense, despite how much trouble you’ve led him into.
You won’t admit it but Jungkook really is the best you could count on. He’ll calm you down when you feel nervous, will cheer you up when you’re down, and will gladly beat someone up if they did you wrong.
He’s the best friend you could ever have. (not that Hoseok needs to know that. besides you love your seven dorks just as much)
“We really don’t want to cause a scene here. Might damage my reputation, you know? Hand her over and we’ll be gone,” Daniel grinned, gesturing for the two bulky men to snatch you from Jungkook.
“We won’t want that either.”
A new voice joined the conversation. Halting from their tracks, everyone peered over to look at whoever intruded.
It was Hoseok, along with everyone else.
You breathed a sigh of relief, more than glad to see your best friends behind your backs— quite literally and metaphorically.
“Mr. Y/L/N, in our possession is a recording of your entire conversation. It includes you verbally stating your intent of kidnapping our dearest friend for the sake of your parents’ company,” Namjoon smoothly talked, smirking widely as he waved his phone for them to see.
He had been calling with Jungkook the entire time.
“How delightful, don’t you think?” Yoongi parroted.
Gritting his teeth, Daniel really couldn’t do anything anymore. With a roll of his eyes and a snap of his fingers, he and his goonies left you eight alone.
He finally left you alone.
You let out a sigh of relief you didn’t know you’ve been keeping in. Before you could say or do anything though, you were engulfed in the warmth of Jungkook’s embrace.
“I’m glad you’re okay, pumpkin.”
It was muffled because he tucked his head by leaning down on your shoulder. This gesture was enough to set your face on fire. You decided to return his bear hug by wrapping your arms around his waist.
He melted even more as you tightened your hug. Jungkook will never get tired of this feeling— you in his arms.
Sadly, your soft moment was ruined by a series of coughs and teasing grins.
“Shut the fuck up and get in here,” was the only thing you could say in full confidence without stuttering from being flustered.
Everyone squeezed you to death. It might have been a weird sight to see a group of adults crushing each other in the middle of Lotte World but none of you minded.
You were content with this— having everyone by your side. Jungkook could say the same. Almost all of his worries today have disappeared.
Well, almost.
He still had one problem left and it was figuring out how to tell you what he wanted to say earlier.
I like you, Y/N.
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[extra: when you get home from seoul]
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a/n: >< daniel is finally over whoop dee doo
taglist: @armymaknae @rjsmochii @chogiyeol-utopia @deolly @liitlefaiiery @patpus @br0ther-s @borednia @tyraparker @ancailinaerach @tae165 @cherrycolababie @nininek12 @atulipandarose @hannahdinse8 @hereforaus @amoreguk @thewariestofheads @parkmaeri @thia-aep @diorhobii @seungcheoluwu @mipetronella @callmesenpaix @jungshookmeup @yoongisabby @parkchaeyoung1997 @alpaca1612 @bangtan-serendipity @karissassirak @fullsunkook @salty-for-suga @cholychi @smolbeaniejimin @netflix-batman-sleep @snickerdoodleeee @faeriegukkie @kpop4mysoul @crazylittlemay @theneighborhoodfangirl
permanent taglist: @luvinseokjinnie @97faerie
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writemywaytoyourheart · 5 years ago
Onsra- Chapter 38: The Velveteen Rabbit
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banner created by: @envity ♥️
pairing: vampire!jungkook x female reader
genre: E2L, romance, drama, angst, horror
warnings for this chapter: blood, a lot of sad shit I'm sorry.
word count: 4.4k I know she’s short. sorry
Onsra: ML, Previous
“Does it hurt?” asked the Rabbit.
“Sometimes,” said the Skin Horse. “When you are real, you don’t mind being hurt.”
“You become. It takes a long time. That’s why it doesn’t often happen to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or need to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and are very shabby. But these things don’t matter at all, because once you are Real you can’t be ugly, except to people who don’t understand.”
“Y-Y/n? Y/n?” Jungkook stutters in disbelief and lets his body slide to the ground, holding your smaller one in his arms. “No, no, no. Please no.” He pulls you closer and swipes away the hair that has fallen in your face. “W-What did you do? Why did you- Y/n, look at me. Look at me, love.” 
Your body starts to shake, the air having turned cold in the last few moments and the adrenaline pumping through you leaves you convulsing. You try to heed his request and keep focused on him, but you can’t concentrate.
You see the horror on Jungkook’s face as he keeps touching your cheeks and whispering to you, “Hey, stay with me, yeah? Please stay with me. It’s gonna be okay, you’re gonna be okay. Just breathe, alright?” You can sense the panic in his voice, so you nod softly and smile at him. It doesn’t hurt, it feels like nothing, but your arm is heavy like it’s weighed down by bricks. You manage to pull it up enough to caress his warm cheek.
Jungkook looks up and sees Seungwook standing there in shock, horror seeping its way onto his face, the gun in his hand that’s hanging limply from his side. If looks could kill, Seungwook would be dead in an instant. The absolute rage inside Jungkook is barely containable; the only thing stopping him from leaping up and shredding the other man to pieces is your small voice bringing him back to you.
“I- I’m okay, Jungkook. Please don’t cry, it hurts me when you cry.” His tears won’t stop though; streaming down his cheeks and dripping onto your heaving chest. He nods, an idea flitting through his mind as he cradles you more in his arms, putting one arm under your bent legs and one behind your back; Jungkook goes to stand up. He shifts you in his arms and turns; picking up his pace as he dodges around everyone and out of the old barn.
You can hear the cries and loud crashes of the war fade behind you two, your body a flopping dead weight in Jungkook’s arms. Tears stream down Jungkook’s face as he runs, trying to be as gentle with you as he can.
He just needs to get you there.
He knows he can.
Then suddenly, his legs give out underneath him and he crashes to the ground; making sure to take the brunt of the fall on his elbows instead of it being on you. He shakes his head to clear it and tries to stand up again, only for his knees to buckle and collapse. His body is weak, and it feels like he’s been beaten almost to death.
What’s going on?
He doesn’t care though, you’re all that matters. Jungkook doesn’t know what’s happening to him but he pushes it out of his mind, standing up before wobbling unsteadily.
A sharp pain flares up and down your spine and you yelp. Jungkook freezes at your cry and sits down again, still keeping you close, “I’m sorry, but I need to save you. I can make it to Jin-hyung, I know I can. Please just hold on.” You feel your eyes well up at his words knowing all too well that he can’t make it to Seokjin, and even if he did, it wouldn’t matter.
The bullet hit your spine, you can’t feel your legs anymore and everything else is slowly going numb as well. A sob escapes Jungkook’s throat when he sees how pale your face is, your eyes half closed and struggling to stay open. You’re losing blood fast.
Jungkook springs into action and gently lies you on the grass, turning you as softly as he can and trying not to let a horrified gasp escape at the sight of so much blood on your floppy white shirt.
You had decided to wear your old white shirt that you wore when he first found you, declaring that morning that it was too hot to wear black. His chest had ached at the sight when he saw you earlier, remembering when he first found you.
To think someone could hurt something so delicate, and precious. To think someone could hurt you.
Jungkook swallows his tears and lifts up your shirt slowly, but then he lets it back down quickly. He can’t do anything about the small bullet that’s now lodged into your back. So, he tears at his shirt and presses the bundle against your wound, being as gentle as he can while trying to make the blood stop flowing. Then Jungkook unbuckles his belt and slides it off his waist; wrapping it around you and securing the shirt against your back. He turns you back to face him and smiles softly at you to keep you calm.
“Jungkook?” You blink in confusion, Jungkook’s mind is reeling as he tries to think of what to do to save your life, but he answers your question shakily, “Hm?” You tilt your head and touch his cheek, looking deep into his gaze, “Y-your eyes… t-they’re brown…so beautiful.”
And they were.
The deep red color that covered his irises are now a brownish black; the most comforting and gorgeous you’ve ever seen. You’re glad they’re going to be the last thing you see. A tear slips from his doe eyes and rolls down his cheek, “Y-y/n, please don’t leave me.” Your heart clenches and you feel his grip tighten around your waist, “Jungkookie…I’m sorry I made you cry, but I’m not sorry I did it. I love you, and I couldn’t let him hurt you. I think maybe-”
He clenches his jaw, the way he often does when he’s refusing to back down. “Stop it. I’m going to save you, y/n.” Tears slip down your cheeks when Jungkook starts to scream into the nothingness, “Help! Somebody help us! Please! Anyone, please!” You shake your head, there’s no one for miles in this deserted field. The closest is the battlefield and no one there will hear him, nor come to your aid for that matter. You start to speak but he cuts you off, “Kookie-“
“Someone’s hurt! Please help us! HELP US!” His voice is already scratchy and it breaks when he screams at the top of his lungs. “Jungkook, please stop…it’s okay.” He frantically runs a hand through his hair, trying not to lose his mind. “It’s not okay! I can’t lose you. I can’t.” You feel your own tears pouring down the sides of your face, you didn’t wish for this to happen either.
“Jungkook, I’m asking you to listen to me.” You whisper it weakly, your body convulsing again from the cold air surrounding you. He looks at you in despair, yanking his overcoat off and covering you with it like a make-shift blanket, “Just stay awake, y/n. Just stay with me, you’ll be okay.”
“Kookie, you aren’t a monster, and you never were.”
“Shush, I’m trying to tell you something…please listen.” A tearful nod from your boy and you continue slowly, trying to contain each painful breath.
“I’m so proud of you, Jungkook. Darkness had your heart, but there was always light. None of it was your decision for you to be turned. You defeated that though, all by yourself.” You cough and gasp when a sharp pain flares down your back. Jungkook cradles you closer and takes deep breathes to calm himself. Then you notice his teeth.
Just bunny teeth. No fangs.
You smile weakly at him and whisper.
“You won, Jungkookie.”
You can feel the life draining out of you, and that’s when it hits.
You’re never going to see your family again, hear Ga-In laugh at your stupid mistakes or see her become the model she always was, or see Yuri’s silly antics to make Jimin laugh. You’ll never see your little goldfish eat his tiny pebbles again. Seokjin’s jokes, Yoongi’s smile, Hoseok’s laugh, Namjoon’s comforting hug, Jimin’s goofy dances, Sooyoung’s blushing cheeks, Honey’s sweet kisses, Taehyung’s fascinating stories.
Jeon Jungkook.
The boy you ran into on the way to math class all those months ago.
The boy who ties his stupid combat boots on the second to last lace holes.
The boy with the bunny smile and sparkling eyes.
The boy who went through hell and back, but still found it in himself to love you.
The boy you fell in love with.
Not a monster.
Just a boy that conquered the darkness planted in his heart.
Your boy.
The one you’d do absolutely anything for, no matter what.
The boy that saved you.
You would never see any of them, ever again.
The fear hits you like a tidal wave and you start to hyperventilate, because this is it.
This is where your story ends.
~                     ~                     ~
As you start to panic, Jungkook can see it in the way you start whimpering and moving around. He gathers you into his arms and holds you tight, “Shh, shh. It’s okay, little flower. I’ve got you, it’s alright.” You hear his calming voice and try to pretend like he’s just putting you to sleep, “Jungkook?” He swallows his tears and nods, “Yes, love?” You breathe in again. It’s getting harder. It’s so cold.
Don’t be afraid little flower, I’ve got you.
“Can you sing to me? Don’t leave me.” His face scrunches in pain but he swallows again and lets out a choked ‘of course’. Jungkook can tell you’re scared, and he’ll be damned if he lets you die like this. He stands up, determined to save your life, apologizing quietly when you whimper at the pain in your back. He starts to slowly walk with you in his arms, singing the song he wrote for you and never got to show you while tears stream down his face.
“Did you find your dream erased like me?”
But, he can make it.
You can make it.
“It’s not like destiny, your hurt gaze looking at the same place as me.”
After a few steps he collapses again, anger burning in his chest at how weak he is right now. His skin has become blotchy and sweaty, his eyes have dark bags under them, bruises and cuts litter his face, and he gasps for every breath.
“Won’t you please stay in your dreams.”
But, he’s the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen in your life.
Jungkook feels a raindrop fall on his shoulder and then sees one drip onto your forehead when he looks down to check on you. He wipes it away gently and continues his song while his mind turns with every possible way to save you.
“Going to that place that becomes clearer. Take my hands now.”
That line stirs something inside him and he gets to his feet.
Another minute and his knees buckle once again, sending him to the ground. Jungkook heaves in as much air as he can, it feels like his lungs are closing. He swallows the lump in his throat and forces himself to his knees, “Ok y/n. I need you to be strong for me, okay? I promise I won’t stop singing. It’s going to hurt, but whatever happens, do not let go of me, understand?”
You nod and he lies you down, then he turns and gently takes your hands to bring your arms around his neck, pulling your legs around his waist and holding you securely. You always loved it when he gave you piggyback rides, you just never thought one would turn out like this.
“Hold on tight, baby.” He stands carefully and ignores the dizziness from just getting upright.
Just one step.
Now another.
He continues like this with you flopping around on his back, him holding you still, so as not to hurt you as best he can while you two trudge along slowly. There’s no way he’s going to let you go now.
“Take my hands now, you are the cause of my euphoria.”
His voice is fading as his strength withers. He’s not sure how much longer he can go. The rain is pouring down now, and both of you are soaked. He can feel you shivering even when you have his coat wrapped around you. Jungkook is shaking and again his knees collapse underneath him, jolting you both when he hits the ground hard.
“No!” Jungkook screams and pulls himself back up, “Not this time! I won’t let you go, I promise.” His words are barely registering in the haze of your mind as you shake uncontrollably from the cold, pain, and sheer determination to live. Now on his hands and knees, Jungkook starts to crawl while you still cling like a koala on his back. The pain coursing through you is indescribable, but you don’t have the strength left to cry or scream or do anything but hold on and wish to stop shaking.
The grass is muddy and wet, but that doesn’t click in Jungkook’s brain. All he’s focusing on is one hand then another, one knee and another. He can’t see three feet in front of himself with the rain and mist clouding his line of sight.
Your eyelids start to close slowly, the idea of sleep inviting you tauntingly. The slight rocking of Jungkook as he crawls is starting to lull you into a fog. After a few seconds, you struggle to open your eyes again; reminding yourself of what’s going on.
Don’t fall asleep.
Don’t fall asleep.
“One time, when I first met Namjoon hyung; I saw him after he just got out of the shower.”
Jungkook’s breathing is labored and you can tell that it’s hard for him to speak. So, why is he telling you this?  
“I saw his thighs because he was wearing boxers and let me tell you-” He takes a deep breath before continuing, “-they were very impressive thighs.” You smile weakly and hug him tighter when you realize he’s talking to you about random things to keep you from falling asleep. Because if you do, you aren’t going to wake up again. That thought gives you the strength to shake your head a little and blink your eyes.
You don’t want to leave him.
It wasn’t supposed to be like this.
“Once we were playing Twister in the dorms.” You nod and hum, acknowledging him and letting him know you’re still awake. The pain has faded to a dull thud, because you honestly can’t feel anything but your arms at this point, and your arms are getting tingly now.
“Yoongi hyung was definitely cheating and Hobi hyung was yelling at him while they were in the-“ he takes a shuttering breath and halts his crawling for a minute, “-in the most funny twisted up positions.” You try to laugh but all that comes out is a choked breath. You feel Jungkook’s wet hand that’s warm despite the cold deluge, reach back and rub your thigh comfortingly.
“We’re almost there, y/n. Just hold on a little longer.”
It feels like an eternity has passed as you and Jungkook slowly make your way across the sopping wet field, both shivering and frozen to the bone. Yet, as cold and tired as he is, Jungkook won’t stop crawling. He keeps telling you the silliest and most random things, all to keep your mind on him and not falling asleep.
The horror and rage in his mind is hardly bearable, but he puts on a calm front so as not to make you feel worse than you already do. The guilt is eating away at him and he keeps remembering the way your hands felt when you wrapped yourself around him to save his life. The shot keeps ringing in his numb and reddened ears.
Yet with all these thoughts floating around, there’s only one constant in his mind:
Save y/n.
Save y/n? Ha, you did this to her.
“No.” Jungkook’s voice shakes, but he keeps his attention on crawling painfully across the slippery ground.
You’re weak.
You were always weak.
“We tried to go camping once, y/n. Seokjin hyung was the best at cooking but he really couldn’t manage well in the woods, especially at night.” Jungkook laughs weakly and you smile softly.
I guess the sweet girl couldn’t fix everything in the end.
“One time, Jimin and Tae were fighting over a dumpling. I’ve never seen them so upset.” A cough leaves his throat and he sucks in a breath. “You still awake, love?”
“Mm.” You mumble weakly.
Pity…it’s such a waste.
Suddenly, fear grips your heart when you feel the tingling in your arms increase and the strength in them start to fade. It was moving up your body the whole time he was crawling. One of the last things you could feel was your arms. But, now…
Not now.
Please not now.
I don’t want to die.
“J-Jungkookie.” At your whimper he stops and tries to keep his mind and voice calm. “W-what’s the matter?” You try to reply and tell him you can’t hold on much longer, but he sees for himself once your arms go limp and you slide off his back. Dread courses through him as he catches you when you slowly flop to the side. With the last of his strength, Jungkook cradles your dead weight body in his arms like he’s holding an infant and starts to shuffle forward on his knees. His strength and determination would astound anyone. All you can see is a blurry black sky, and Jungkook’s exhausted face. His chest heaving and dripping wet from the rain.
Please, God.
A couple more shuffles and Jungkook can’t go on another inch. Jungkook’s strength is completely gone, even though his mind is screaming at him to go. He physically can’t move another inch. Against his own will, his body slumps to the ground, defeated.
Jungkook lies next to you on the hard ground, heavy breaths escaping him as he’s pulling you closer and cuddling you. The realization that he can do nothing now washes over him and takes his breath away, his mind going a mile a minute. Maybe you two can just lay here and leave this world together.
“I’m tired, Kookie…” He nods and brushes your hair out of your eyes softly, “I know, baby.” You breathe in as much as you can as your lungs finally start to fail you, “I can’t feel anything. My arms, I can’t feel them.”
“I know, flower. I’m so sorry.”
He doesn’t know what to do.
For the first time ever.
Jeon Jungkook has no idea what to do.
“We’re just going to take a nap, ok?” It takes every ounce of strength in him not to break down completely and sob his eyes out, screaming for someone somewhere to do something. He knows you’re scared, so he needs to stay strong for your sake, he can’t be selfish now. You’re dying and all he can give you is comfort.
Nothing hurts more than that.
You nod weakly and your eyes start to close, listening to his soft breaths beside you.
Just a quick nap. Then, you can cuddle him the rest of the day.  
Because you two will be together forever.
He promised. You promised.
Jungkook’s body is shaking uncontrollably because his entire world is shattering in his arms.
And there’s nothing he can do to save it.
“Jungkook.” You whisper softly and he caresses your cheek as gently as he can, “Yes, beautiful?”
“I’m sorry, I broke our promise.” The tears glistening in your dazed eyes sends his own tumbling down his beaten and bruised cheeks.
“No, you didn’t.”
“I’ll save you, Jeon Jungkook. I promise.”  
The memory makes him choke on his own tears. You never broke your promises to him, and you would keep your last one too. “Thank you, y/n. For loving me and believing in me and seeing my true self when no one else did. You saved me, you made me myself again.”
I can’t do this. Jungkook starts to panic again, because you really are leaving him.
“I love you, Kookie.”
No, don’t.
“I love you too, so much. Now get some sleep. I’ll be right here.”
Please don’t fall asleep, y/n. Don’t leave me.
“You won’t leave? You’ll be here when I wake up?”
I can’t live without you.
I don’t want to.
Why did you have to do this?
We can be together.
I was going to marry you…
No. I can’t keep thinking like this.
He won’t let your sacrifice mean nothing. To the world that would never know the hell you two went through, it meant nothing. The world never cared about Jeon Jungkook, vampire or human. It would never have cared if he died that day.
But, Y/l/n Y/n. She cared. She cared enough to love him when he was nothing but a cold monster with no heart. A nothing to the world of mankind. Nothing but a despicable nuisance that needed to be gotten rid of. Y/n cared enough to give up her own life for him, so he could escape the fate he was given that was worse than death, and return to his old life, the one that seemed so far away.
One that has no meaning to him now.
If he could, he would turn back time and take the bullet. If he could, he would turn back time and tell you again and again how much he loves you. With every breath he would tell you everything he loves about you. He would take in every inch of your face, and never let you go. He would do everything in his power to keep you happy.
He would have done everything you wanted to do; taken you on a walk under the cherry blossom trees and kissed you during the first snow, taken you to the beach and thrown you into the water despite your protests and held your hand on a rollercoaster that you were scared of.
Now, there was no time.
No time for anything anymore.
So, he nods his head and smiles down at you; his gaze scanning over your face, trying to memorize every little detail. Every little perfect imperfection.
“I’ll be right here.” He whispers as a tiny tear slips down his face, his eyes swimming with agony as you stare up into the night sky. The rain has turned into a light sprinkle and you can see some stars shining through the darkness. Calmness envelopes you as you lie in the arms of the only boy you ever loved and gaze at the inky blackness splattered with shining lights.
Jungkook’s eyes are gaunt, and his face is a sickly pale, dark brown eyes shining with pain and agony. Dark bags hang under his eyes and cuts and bruises litter his gentle face. He looks like death itself, but he’s alive. You let your eyes drift closed then you whisper for the last time, “Jeon Jungkook, you’re beautiful. I love you.”
Yes, his eyes definitely hold all the stars in the sky.
“I love you too, y/n.”
Jungkook sees your body relax, then your chest- that was struggling for breath moments before- slows to a stop. He lets out a choked sob in disbelief and pulls your limp body into his shaking cold arms, a desperate prayer for you to come back tumbling from his chapped and bleeding lips. Jungkook presses his face into the crook of your neck, kissing your neck softly as he lies next to you, feeling the last of his strength leave him. But, it’s okay, he won’t fight it anymore. Because if he can die in your arms, that’s all he wants.
Then, a sharp pain where his heart once was causes Jungkook to gasp. A moment later, he feels an odd sensation in his chest. It’s almost familiar somehow…then it hits him.
His heartbeat.
Jungkook looks down at you again in shock and hugs you tighter to his chest. He cries freely as his sobs wrack his entire body. You’re gone. But, you can’t be gone. He was supposed to save you. You already saved him. This wasn’t supposed to happen.
“I’m sorry, y/n. I’m so sorry.” He sobs between each word as his breath is chased away from him and his heart pounds heavily in his chest. “I could have saved you if I wasn’t so weak. I’m so sorry, y/n. Please, please don’t go. Don’t leave me alone.” Jungkook kisses your head and touches your face gently, as if you could shatter at any moment.
This is it. Everything is gone. Everything that he’s been living for is gone.
Jungkook scrunches up his face in pain when he shifts to stand once more. He puts every tiny little ounce of strength he doesn’t have into lifting you up, his arms shaking uncontrollably.
“Jin!” Jungkook screams at the top of his lungs into the night.
He stumbles forward with your limp body in his weak arms, not willing to believe you’re actually gone. After a couple minutes, he starts to fade. His vision goes blurry and he falls to the ground.  
I’m sorry, y/n.
“Jungkook-ah! Jung-…”
Jin shouts as he runs over to Jungkook, staring in horror when he drops to his knees in front of the bloodied boy that’s holding your fragile body to his chest like you’re a life source. Jungkook looks up and Seokjin almost gasps at the pure agony swimming in the boy’s dazed black eyes. Jungkook is soaked and shaking, and his words come out in a choked gasp.
The little Rabbit grew very old and shabby, but the Boy loved him just as much. He loved him so hard that he loved all his whiskers off, and the pink lining to his ears turned grey, and his brown spots faded. He even began to lose his shape, and he scarcely looked like a rabbit any more, except to the Boy. To him he was always beautiful, and that was all that the little Rabbit cared about. He didn’t mind how he looked to other people, because the nursery magic had made him Real, and when you are Real, shabbiness doesn’t matter.
a/n: im sorry pls forgive me. 
the lyrics are obviously Kook’s Euphoria, therefore they do not belong to me. Also, the excerpts are from The Velveteen Rabbit book, I do not own them. 
tag list: @jjungkook99 @ditttiii @rubinora @fekitza @xxxanimangxxx @jkhey97 @nikikookie @elliegrace1999tvd @krystle1990 @hopeworld-baseline @squidyelmosquidbutt @howbizarre @jeonjungkookismyfuture @your-best-behaviour @adelina1299 @lettersforjoon @karissassirak
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syubub · 5 years ago
ok, it's been overdone but every witches have their own perspective. can i request ideal type of bts? and personality of bts members? thank you
For some reason I feel like these readings didn’t want to stay on topic and definitely more heavily focused on personalities rather than physical attributes (which are pretty hard to predict) but I hope you all get something out of this!!
BTS Ideal Types (kinda)
4 of Pentacles rev., The Tower, The Sun, 2 of Pentacles, Hero/Heroine, Networker, Avenger
First thing I get for Seokjins Ideal type is that he wants someone that’s gonna crash into his life and shake it up. He wants someone with a strong sense of self and someone who isn’t afraid to open up. He also doesn’t want someone who is stingy. He would like a power balance in the relationship in terms of money. Someone who is not reckless with money. Maybe attracted to the social people or people who know people, you know?
Someone with a bright personality and presence.
For my little type cards I got, Feminine, fashionable, sweet, youthful and physical touch.
You know the type. Everyone either wants to get with them or be them and they’re also great people? Jin wants the full package
Possibility of Air energy especially Gemini. ( I pulled cards for zodiac signs and the lovers popped out which is the card of Gemini)
4 of Swords, 8 of Cups, 4 of Pentacles rev., Strength, Knight of cups, 2 of Cups, Priest, Child: Wounded, Servant.
My sweet sweet Yoongi wants a clone of himself. Someone quiet, introverted, and has been through shit before. He wants someone who understands the struggles that he has been through and I’m surprised the 5 of Pentacles didn’t show up.
He wants a person who is emotionally strong but needs him. He needs to feel needed and he shows love through helping. He will want to be a rock for someone but needs the same in return. I definitely see him wanting someone who has a good heart and does good deeds just because. His ideal type is someone who is devoted to him because when Yoongi falls in love he puts his everything into it and he expects the same of a partner.
My little cards that I pulled were, blue, introvert, short hair, purple, red, physical touch, outgoing, music, younger, fashionable.
I don’t know why so many colors are associated with his ideal type?
Long story short, Yoongis ideal type is someone like him. He wants someone thoughtful, kind, semi-reclusive, woke af, on equal footing, and just a good person.
Yoongi is looking for a soulmate and I felt that sort of creep in here. Like he knows that there is someone he is meant to be with and he knows that that person is what he needs. I also wouldn’t be surprised if they were manifesting each other right now.
Let’s see what 2020 has in store for Yoon.
Possible Fire, air and water in their chart
3 of Cups, 5 of Pentacles, The Sun, student, Lover
Hopes ideal type is someone who loves life. He wants someone who enjoys what they have and celebrate the people around them. He wants someone magnetic and a bit mysterious. He wants someone who has built themselves up and isn’t afraid to be who they are. Wants someone who is always looking to learn something out of a situation. Again pretty romantic, I think Hope wants something deeper that just a date.
Cards I pulled for signifiers, unique, younger, yellow, black and acts of service.
I feel like Hobis ideal type is kind of a wild card. Like this could be anyone. Hope keeps a weird lock on his emotions when it comes to love and I think he might need/ want someone to help him unpack his baggage.
Possible signs, Air, earth (mostly air?)
Queen of Swords, knight of Wands, The Fool, The Star, saboteur, guide.
Joonie wants a sexy intellectual who is a complete go getter. I think with this ideal type, he also has an ideal romance, the first love sort of thing. He wants someone that can make everything feel like a new experience.
Joon definitely wants someone to call him out on his shit. Almost like a coach? He wants to know that this person by his side won’t knowingly let him stumble but rather help him grow and avoid unnecessary mistakes. I also think he wants someone who lets him fuck up when he needs to but is there to pick him back up afterwards if that makes sense. Joon really wants to grow as a person at every chance he gets and he needs someone that will do that for him in his romantic life.
The cards that I pulled for him were, loud, masculine, green, hard working, light hair.
I get strong healthy Leo vibes. Or possibly Taurus.
King of cups, Queen of cups, 5 of wands, The sun rev. Damsel, companion, clown.
I think that Jimins ideal type would be someone who is very in tune emotionally. He wants someone who isn’t clingy but makes the time that they spend together wroth while. Maybe someone a little bit on the shy side too. I can see him enjoying banter. I have this thought in my head of Jimin and his Ideal type being very grade school about it. Like being all cute and getting each other little gifts but also like squabbling a lot. And I think he needs that kind of energy in a partner.
Cards I pulled, red, quality time, long hair, blue, gifts, physical touch, masculine.
Basically Jimin wants a best friend. That is his ideal type.
Temperance, The fool, The empress, The Star, Death, teacher, father, rebel
This an interesting dynamic. To me Taes energy feels so light and pure but this energy of his ideal type is so... hefty? This isn’t even in line with the question but I’m picking up like soulmate vibes. I don’t think that Tae has an ideal type? This is a similar vibe to Yoongis. This boy is waiting for his soulmate to come along. Someone to guide him to being a better version of himself spiritually and all. This person is like a fucking deity or something and will come and change everything for him. He is such a romantic.
I have a scene in my head of Tae just chilling on a farm somewhere and the person legit rides out from the horizon line on a horse and swoops him up.
He wants to be swept off of his feet. I get a really strong feminine vibe. This person is so connected to shit that I have no clue about.
I honestly don’t know what else to say other than Tae doesn’t need an ideal type because he trusts that his soulmate is perfect for him and he will accept that in whatever form it take?
I’m confused. Def not expecting that one at all.
Knight of wands, 9 of Pentacles, 4 of wands, visionary, prostitute, slave.
This one is a bit hard for me to understand. I think that he ideally wants someone like a keeper. His ideal type is spouse material. I see him with someone athletic and fun, someone who matches his personality well.
Honestly JK doesn’t seem like he’s open to talk much. It’s kinda like the shut the door on his energy so it’s hard to pick much up.
It almost feels like JK is going through an upheaval and he is too busy reinventing himself to care much about his current ideal type.
The cards that I pulled for him are, free spirit, words of affection, masculine, hardworking, competitive and tall.
I think overall JK is working on himself and leveling himself up to jk. 2.0 this is such a positive and happy thing that he is doing this but as we change, our outlooks and ideal types change too. Though I think the overall core values stay similar.
Jk wants to be the best he can be for his partner. He wants to feel worthy of them.
Honestly I think we should all buy flowers for JK everyday.
Possible signs are Air and Earth
Note: especially for Jk I get the vibe that this is all a soul level upheaval/ emotion party. So I don’t think he’s quite sad or lost consciously but I think he might just feel a little glum while his soul is fucking shit up (in a good way)
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