#jimmy deserved better
nancylou444 · 1 month
"Cas would have the knowledge that Dean thinks he has the prettiest eyes in the world" They mean JIMMY'S eyes? I mean, that isn't Cas' body or his face. Those belong to the man he possessed through manipulation (aka: by possessing his daughter).
Exactly, my darling.
When Celeste Charlie called him "dreamy", she was really referring to JIMMY's looks.
Who knows what Cass' actual eyes look like.
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Day 2: First Kiss
Warnings: canon-typical violence
Rating: T
Pairing: Boyd x Jimmy
Boyd spends five seconds debating on whether or not to send the message.
He heard Jimmy over the phone, the subtle quaking in his voice, the hesitation. It took him a moment to put the pieces together, and it takes him just a little longer to decide whether he wants to handle this for himself – but ultimately he deems the risk too big.
Jimmy doesn’t get scared. Not easily. If something’s there putting that fear in his voice, it’s something Boyd’s likely not going to be able to handle himself. So he texts Raylan an SOS, and hopes the man doesn’t leave him hanging.
Ten minutes later, he walks into the bar and hears Jimmy groan, muffled and weak, the kind of sound a man only makes when the pain is real. So he’s not surprised when he turns the corner into his office and sees Jimmy duct-taped to a chair. Upset – distressingly so – but not surprised. 
(The third man with a gun, the one who comes up behind him – that’s a surprise).
Boyd tries to stall. He tries to reassure Jimmy with nothing but a nod and a bit of eye contact. He’s afraid he fails at both. Jimmy still looks a step from terrified when Alberto says he was with a gravitas Boyd doesn’t like at all. And Boyd desperately scours his mind for another solution, another play he can make.
But it doesn’t do much good. Manolo raises the gun, and–
Well, a lot of things happen at once.
Tim bursts through the back door, gun raised, at the same time Raylan comes through the door just behind Boyd. Raylan’s the one who shouts, “U.S. marshals! Drop your weapons!” – words Boyd’s never been so damn grateful to hear in his whole life – but Tim’s the one who fires when the guns pointed at him twitch upwards instead of towards the ground.
Three shots, so fast they almost sound like a single one. Three bodies hit the ground, two with neat little holes between their eyes, one with blood spilling out between the fingers he has clutched to his chest. It pleases Boyd more than it should to see that Manolo is one of the ones lying motionless on the floor.
“Well,” Raylan says dryly. Boyd hears him holster his gun. “Thanks for leaving me something to do.”
Tim mutters something along the lines of, “Some of us don’t get paid to stand there and look pretty, Raylan,” before his eyes shift to Boyd, and then flick pointedly to Jimmy. “Go on,” he says, and Boyd doesn’t need to be told twice.
He’s in front of Jimmy in a moment, his own throat aching at the sight of the tears on the boy’s face. “Easy, son, easy now,” Boyd murmurs, something in his chest twisting with every desperate, shaky breath Jimmy takes. “I’ve got you. Here we go, now this is gonna sting."
He's quick with the tape that's covering Jimmy's mouth, ripping it off in one clean motion. But Jimmy doesn't whimper in pain or cry out - no, the first thing out of his mouth is a desperate, ragged, "I'm sorry, Boyd."
Boyd knows what it’s for without asking. Sorry for being the one to lure Boyd back to the bar. Sorry for getting himself captured. Sorry for putting Boyd in the position to ask Raylan for help. Sorry for a whole mess of things Jimmy doesn’t have any business being sorry for.
“Hey, now.” Boyd reaches up, taking Jimmy’s face in his hands. He’s careful around where the boy is still bleeding sluggishly, gentle when his thumbs smooth over Jimmy’s cheeks. “Just breathe for me, nice and slow. You hurt worse’n I can see?”
Jimmy shakes his head, careful not to dislodge Boyd’s hands, and somehow that makes the ache in Boyd’s chest worse. He ignores it, swallows it down best he can, so he can deal with it later. After Jimmy. Because right now, and for the short foreseeable future, Jimmy is his priority.
Boyd sinks down to his knees, and he drops his hands away from Jimmy’s cheeks only to fumble with the knife on his own belt. When he flicks it open, Jimmy flinches – it’s a little thing, but Boyd’s too wired not to notice. “Just going to cut you loose, son,” he says, pitching his voice so he hopes it’s warm and comforting. “Need you to hold still, all right?”
Jimmy nods jerkily, and Boyd sets to work. He does his best to be quick, while being careful not to add to the bloodstains drying on Jimmy’s shirt. It’s not easy. They wrapped him good and tight, and Boyd didn’t need to be told – he knows Jimmy fought against it all tooth and nail, knows every inch of that tape was needed to keep him in that chair. He’s proud, almost as much as he’s furious it happened at all.
As soon as he gets the tape pulled away, Jimmy reaches out and tangles his fingers in the front of Boyd’s shirt, all but clinging to him. He looks a little surprised by the gesture, like his hands moved without his own volition – and, after a moment, he looks like he’s going to try to make himself pull back, deny himself something he so obviously needs.
Boyd doesn’t hesitate. He reaches out, cups the back of Jimmy’s neck and drags him forward, letting him all but collapse into Boyd’s own chest. The gut-wrenching sob that escapes from Jimmy’s mouth makes Boyd hold him a little closer, a little tighter, and he feels the way Jimmy’s breath hitches, the way he immediately tucks his nose into the crook of Boyd’s neck, seeking out comfort there. “I’m sorry,” Jimmy says again, his voice wet and muffled this time, and Boyd can’t help but slide his fingers up into the boy’s short hair, stroking gently, reassuringly.
“Hush, now,” he says, and before Jimmy can take that the wrong way, he adds, “You got nothing to be sorry for, you understand? I can see how hard you fought. Couldn’t ask for anything more.”
Jimmy pulls back a little, and there are tears in his eyes and on his face, and he looks… wrecked. There’s no other word for it. He looks like he got worked over and came out worse for wear, like the grip he’s got on Boyd’s shirt is the only thing keeping him tethered to the here and now.
It only seems natural to kiss him.
Jimmy makes a keening, muffled noise against his mouth, and Boyd feels the way the boy’s grip on his shirt goes white-knuckled and desperate. Almost like he’s more afraid that Boyd will pull away now. Now. It’s easy to reach up, to cup Jimmy’s jaw with one hand, to stroke his thumb reassuringly over his cheek. Easy to keep the kiss soft, sweet, even when Jimmy shudders against him in a way that makes Boyd want to grip and cling a little himself.
When he pulls back, he makes sure not to go far, shifting to lean his forehead against Jimmy’s. It’s gratifying to feel the shaking of the boy’s body subside, slowly, to hear his breaths begin to even out. 
“The kid okay?” Raylan asks, and there’s real concern in his voice. Boyd nods, trying not to think about how close they got to that not being the case. If Raylan and Tim had been just a minute later…
Raylan’s hand lands on his shoulder, squeezes just hard enough to be reassuring. After a beat, he asks, “Are you okay?” and Boyd’s known him long enough to hear all the things he isn’t asking. All the things he won’t ask, not with other people in the room.
“We’ll be fine,” Boyd says, and when Raylan’s hand squeezes again, Boyd even lets himself believe the words. Just a little.
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chillbean-427 · 3 months
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I’m literally gonna kill Kara’s robot dad, I swear to god
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will-graham-coded · 4 months
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samijey · 8 months
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Royal Rumble 2024
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canisalbus · 8 months
I really appriciate how often Machete is depicted struggling and feeling like a burden, while still being loved and supported by Vasco. It gives the top tier angst of "i'm not good enough, I'm not worth it" but you frame it in such a way where it's clear that's just how he *feels* and is not how things really are, but also it's so nice to see someone who struggles quite often in a loving and unique relationship that suits them. The narrative of not being able to love or be loved unless you're consistently healthy is really tiring lol.
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kimswexler · 11 months
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Jimmy: *speaks* Kim: 🙄😬😕🤨😳😟
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llamome · 3 months
babygirl alone, kidnapped by the only blood family he has left, realizing he’s about to get forced to kill the planet and people he loves so much, all the while he thinks his best friend AND his lover don’t want anything to do with him :)
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I find Trevor from shameless the most frustrating characther.
When he first introduced, I really liked him, the way he could really help Ian explore life outside of his southside world and more of the LGBT world was interesting. And I love the actor who plays him, but his character just did not work, and I know why. It was bad writing. (Also, I have to admit I didn't feel the chemistry between the actors, even if they were both playing their roles well.)
Now, first off, I think that Shameless really dropped the ball in writing new characters after season 5 or 6. Especially love interests. In the early seasons, all the Gallagher's interests were people outside of their relationship with a Gallagher. Love or hate them. I could tell you plenty about them, and they interacted and had storylines outside of their love interest.
I mean, think of Karen, Jimmy, Mandy, Shelia, Mickey and even Svetlana.l. They were all interesting outside of just being a love interest, and they all had personality and backgrounds. I really think Shameless lost that in their later seasons writing.
See Kelly, Trevor, Tammi, Caleb, Ford and Cassidy for example. It felt like they purely existed to only further thier LIs storyline. Even the writing of Mickey, when he returned as a main character, wasn't as in-depth as it was in either early seasons.l and just seemed to be more to drive storyline and comedy than in-charachter for him
So, back to Trevor. I wanted to like him, and I did for his first few episodes, but his writing frustrates me so complelty. I think as a person who also works in social services, his actions and contradictions make no sense. So in the episode that Mickey comes back when Ian goes to see him, he is really busy because his trying to place a kid. And when he thinks if he can't, he says he may have to just let them crash on his couch. Which pinged me as completely inappropriate as a social services worker as you can never have a child just say on your couch like that as you are crossing so many professional boundaries and as he rightfullylayer says can give the wrond ide. But in S8, when Ian has that girl stay over, he (rightfully) tells Ian that is completely inappropriate and then gets really mad at him for it, which just made him annoyingly hypocritical.
He is apparently working with at risk youth and abused kids, yet he tells Ian that Monica is trying and to give her another chance as Ian is being unfair to her, that he is being to hard in her. Crazy. I could not think of a single person in this job who would have that attitude towards neglectful or problematic parents. Because anyone in this job would know setting boundaries is healthy and that anyones trauma is thiers to feel how they feel about. Same with the way he treats Ian's grief after losing Monica. When he takes him to the place with the chubby guys, they lost me completely.
Then we have the idea that Ian was clearly sprialing later in S8 and going off his meds, but Trevor seems unaware even though anyone could see it let alone someone with any kind of training.
His writing is just so bad and seems literally to be only to serve Ian's storyline and screw his character development outside of that. Especially in S8. Then he doesn't even appear at Ian's court preceding and just disappears
I think he could have been good for Ian. And I think with the lack of chemistry I felt between them maybe they should have just been friends after the whole cheating thing. And maybe it's the fact that Cameron's chemistry is off the charts with Noel that made it really feel like he had none with Caleb or Trevor but that doesn't make up for bad writing. I get that writing a new post-Mickey love interest is hard after how much fans love him, but the writers can only blame themselves for that too as the never wrote a good ending storyline for a loved charcther they though was leaving for good at end of S5.
Shameless really lost a lot for me when they stopped writing their supporting character as interesting people outside of their relationship.
Trevor is my example charcther of that. That actor deserved better.
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eluminium · 1 year
an unfriendly reminder that the name "Skranchers" for the Skizz, Tango, and Jimmy trio is actually an awful fucking name! And maybe we should come up with something original instead of gluing Skizz's name onto the Ranchers name like he's just an afterthought! Calling it "Skranchers" doesn't fix the problem of people throwing Skizz out of his own series that he started with Tango! We could call them, idk, Crazy Chefs? Plate Up Pals? Goodfellas as a reference to the mafia "Jimmy Jiggles" jokes and how restaurants can be fronts for mob activity? the classic STJ, or TSJ, or JST, or whatever combo similar to ZITS, TIES, and JITS? JUST. SOMETHING. THAT ISN'T. SKRANCHERS. WHAT THE FUCKING IS A SKRANCHERS.
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tumbler-nerd13 · 15 days
“Do you just have sex with people to make them like you?”
Ricci when I catch you Ricci😡 Ricci when I catch you Ricci😡😡😡 Ricci when I catch you Ricci😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
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nancylou444 · 2 years
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Notice what tag ISN'T on the post. 😒
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IF Cass cared about Jimmy, he would have given him back his body a looooong time ago.
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cartoonsbyandie · 1 year
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More Det-Gi-Coh! Content because I've been feeling very self indulgent
Harley absolutely makes a better Joey stand-in and Richard should probably be like Tristan or something, but consider: I love Richard and you can't stop me. Also, gambling-themed deck.
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angelsberrymilk · 8 months
Does anybody know any fanfics where Castiel learns abt human culture? sarcasm? unwritten rules and expectations and dumb random rules?? I need him exploring humans so bad. idc what ship it is. as long as he's learning new stuff and being silly.
probably fluff and some crack. but he makes me laugh regardless so anything with him exploring the human world will do PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
give me any usernames, any links either on tumblr or ao3 I don't mind at all.
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will-graham-coded · 5 months
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Get it- because bev is cut-
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samijey · 6 months
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#the way i immediately started crying was embarrassing
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