#jigsaw character
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tapeworrmart · 5 months ago
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Withdrawal 💫
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leghorned · 5 months ago
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a silly saw assortment
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gethighdropacidneverdie · 3 months ago
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Happy Spotify wrapped release day guys!!
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elthebat · 2 months ago
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🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️💨 Till the next time folks
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zombie-jed · 1 year ago
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phonydiaries · 2 months ago
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you don't understand how badly I need context for the circumstances this picture was taken under and also why Scott has a physical copy of it at all
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madame-mortician · 5 months ago
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Billy the Puppet’s Top 4 Movies lmao
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lesbianwithchainsaws · 1 year ago
In the community movie, they should mention that Abed's saw analysis is now at least 4 hours long because of the new movies in the franchise. Like Troy should just casually mention how he spent a whole afternoon just listening to Abed talk about saw
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moonyflesh · 26 days ago
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MARK HOFFMAN character analysis — (in the eyes of someone who’s rewatching the entire franchise).
— [no timestamps] • SPOILERS !
— (i have a ‘PETER STRAHM character analysis’ posted for those that keep asking!!!)
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Mark Hoffman's character is one that is arguably rather divisive and hard to pin down, and I wanted to provide my thoughts on it as I think it may expose some ideas that haven't been discussed before. My thoughts are also from the perspective of looking back, so this is perhaps wrong and not how the directors or writers intended it, but, just the way I interpret the films.
I think the best way to describe Hoffman is as a murky/dirty body of water. This is because he is putting on an exterior face the majority of the time we see him, so we have to be careful how we read him. I think in the timeline, when we first see him around the timeframe John kidnaps him, he is a moral, decent man then. Clearly heavily effected by the death of his sister, and his killing of Seth Baxter, but still noticably removed from the Hoffminator we see in Saw VII.
But at this point lore wise, the first major character defining trait we observe from him is he believes in dispensing justice - just not the same as John, or the law. Seth Baxter for example, or in Saw IV when Hoffman covers for Rigg when Rigg punched Rex, even though Rigg was in the wrong. Hoffman saw Rex as deserving, and viewed what Rigg did as justice served, so he stepped outside the conventional methods of law and took his own actions for what he felt was right.
I don't think Hoffman ever completely bought into John's framework and moral philosophy when it came to rehabilitating suspects. In the flashbacks of John and Hoffman working together in Saw V, Hoffman seems uneasy about all of it, and reluctant. By the time of Saw III lorewise, and based off the body language and the way Costas plays him, (Saw V flashback of III) I feel it is very safe to say Hoffman was always planning to have an exit out of working with John. If Saw V established anything about his character, it's that he is a cold, quiet, calculating man who is also thinking one step ahead.
He is also seen to be critical of others, when he views them as not appreciating life. Such as the "all he had to do" line in Saw III, and him criticizing Rigg in the beginning of Saw IV for questioning his choice of being a cop. This may be an aspect picked up from John, it may be Hoffman's own judgmental side coming out. However, I think there is another very important aspect of Hoffman's character that is pivotal to understanding him, and why he acts the way he does: the sociopathy.
I don't believe this to be a natural part of his character, I think the more brutal elements were simply added as an attempt to add depth to him because his character was arguably all over the place with no real clear motivation. Which, personally I really like. It makes reading into him much more interesting. But, lorewise, I think it is safe to say the killing of Seth Baxter induced this sociopathy like a seed into Hoffman, and taking part in Jigsaw's schemes allowed the seed to grow.
Hoffman is a hard to read character, but the way I see it, he has a clear moral descent, because lorewise, the first time we see him and the last are two opposite moral extremes. Logically speaking, there has to be a descent. This descent, because of the writing, and Costas' acting, is complex to read. But 100% there. I believe it happens in the early days of working with John, but you could make an effective arguement for another specific time.
Regardless, in Saw VI, we observe elements of sociopathy and clear sadism influence his actions.
At this point, the morals and justification attempts Hoffman may have had when working with John earlier are quickly evaporating - Hoffman is clearly primarily acting out of self interest. This is that seed of sociopathy growing, and manifesting in cruel ways, such as listening to the audio of The Pound of Flesh Trap or grinning while pouring extra gasoline onto Erickson. Hoffman has always been more concerned with punishing wrong-doers than rehabilitating them as also seen when he carelessly dumps Timothy Young on the ground. It seems in Saw VI they really wanted to highlight this sadism of Hoffman's, which likely took time to manifest in his character.
As for Saw VII, I'd say it's clear Hoffman clearly has lost any trace of morals he once had. Saw VII was full of great ideas with mixed exectution, and one aspect that really suffered was the strategical intelligence that Hoffman previously displayed - being one step ahead. It was inconsistent in VII, from outsmarting Gibson with the machine gun but sending in dvds??? It could be understood as Hoffman's cockyness, and narcissism. But, Saw VII is a bizzare case to put it lightly, so I won't go too harsh on it. We just have to enjoy it for what it is.
I don't know if I'd describe him as a vigilante the same way as John. I think some may struggle with understanding his motivations because of how murky/neutral Costas plays him. (Which I personally enjoy). While I think there's a effective discussion to be had about how the shift towards vigilante killers in Saw as well as misunderstanding John Kramer's character hurts the later films, I do genuinely enjoy Hoffman's character and the depth it has.
Here’s basically a summary of why I fell in love with Hoffman’s character:
1.) There’s this hard to pinpoint, unclear-descent in morality through his behavior as the movies go on, making him so much more mysterious than Kramer- he doesn’t have nearly as much a reason as John to continue with the role of ‘Jigsaw’.
2.) He’s just a man seeking to dispense justice the way he sees fit— the definition of a ‘vigilante’.
3.) There’s a budding sadism/sociopathy that continues to grow the more he kills- making him less like John and more like Amanda (with the sole purpose of revenge instead of giving someone a second chance; opposite Kramer’s motive).
4.) There’s also an underlying narcissism in him that I think not only I, but a lot of the fandom seems to relate to (whether willingly or not).
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stxrg0re · 9 months ago
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VERY messy funny little saw oc wip :p
i need to finish this i have to LOL i won’t forgive myself if i don’t,,,
my beautiful jade,,, ✰
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peachyfnaf · 7 months ago
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so uhhh @bumble-the-sun-bee, happy last day of art fight lol. your sugarsweets are quite the cute creatures :)
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tapeworrmart · 1 year ago
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Not so little pig 🐷🔪
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giddlygoat · 1 year ago
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gethighdropacidneverdie · 2 months ago
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ALSO LOVE that Saw fans are either like "yeah this character that barely had any screentime and was barely given a name or backstory is my favorite character!" Or "my favorite character is Amanda (mark, John, Amanda, Adam, strahm, perez, Jill etc) like name one of the Characters from the Saw 5 trap plot that aren't Brit and mallick 😭
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theinfamousmaybelle · 3 months ago
Songs that DON'T fit TSAMS characters! Day 4 - Ruin! @nightixx I am VERY proud of this one
Tagging every Ruin I know:
@ruinthebritishboi @sociopathic-ruin @tea-for-me-trauma-for-thee @/any other Ruin!
I know you see when I tag you. You get notified. I am 100% aware that you have seen this post. Do not ignore it...
No threat intended :)
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what-would-your-blorbo-do · 6 months ago
Prompt inspired by Saw movie! :)
This poll was submitted to us. If you’d like to send us your own scenario (plus different ways a character might react to said scenario) so we could make a poll for you, feel free to send them to our inbox.
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