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jhoumous · 3 months ago
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Cognitive dissonance
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kaise batau baatein main laila
rakhi hain dil mein chupa ke jo laila
kaise batau kaise batau laila
majnu kahin na ho jaun main laila
jhumu main nachu main gaun main laila
rang mein tere malang firun main laila
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issywalaarham · 8 months ago
Kuch toh tu bhi kehde
Khamoshi Teri ati hai tufaan leke
Kashti ko kinare de
Ya fir dubade tu mujhe teri panaah me leke
Jo lautegi toh intezaar dede
Raatien kathti nahi , din bhi imtehaan lete
Ye mere haal-e-dil ki tujhe zimedaar kehte
Ye bekhabar mai zinda hu tere hi aasre pe
Faaslo se yeh mohabbat kam na hogi
Lutado khudo waado pe toh kasar kya hogi?
Asr na hogi koi dawa bhi mujh dewaane pe
Gawa hai raatien tere bin jo ab basar honge
Baarishon me ab Mai jhoomu kaise ?
Wo saath ankhoun me,ankhoun ko mai chumu kaise?
Haat kaampe mere jhumu kaise?
Sabaq jo Sikhe tujhse, unko ab mai bhoolu kaise?
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muhtesemz · 3 years ago
Some books from old bookshops in Dhaka. Why do people have to sell every book?
Credit: Salman Siddique Prottoy
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To myself, on my happy birthday.
31.12.94 Saturday
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Vaiyya (Brother)
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To Shifa apu
- Drubo
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A kiss 'To Sumon'
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This private collection is only for S. A. Khan
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Ela Apa, on the wedding of Shanta
11th February, 1984
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In memory of the day,
When you cried out loud and
let the world know of your existence.
- Muyeed
Fuller Road, Dhaka
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'Mountain can vanish
River can dry
You may forget me
But never can I'
- Pran
(Does Jhumu still remember the boy named Pran, the person who once vowed not to forget her ever? Or life is too busy to remember every old memory?)
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halloithmeagain · 3 years ago
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'Mountain can vanish, River can dry, You may forget me, But never can I.”
- Pran
(Does Jhumu still remember the boy named Pran,the person who once vowed not to forget her ever? Or is life too busy to remember every old memory?)
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yug-singh · 4 years ago
He : I Love You
She : Who r u ??
He : Main Rang Sharbaton Ka Tu Mithe Ghaat KaPaani
She : Tumhe Pata H Mai Kon Hu ??
He : Tu Mohobbat H , Tu Meri Chaahat H
She : Tum Mera Picha Kyu Krte Ho ??
He : Bakhuda Tum Hi Ho Har Jagaah Tum Hi Ho.
She : Akhir Tum Chahte Kya Ho ??
He : Kese Bataye Kyu Tujhko Chaahe YaraBatana Paye...
She : OK !! Tum Mere Liye Kya Kar Sakte Ho?
He : Tere Liye Jhumu Deewana Banke ..😙😙
She : Mujse Acchi Tume mil jaayegi
He : Nhi !! Tu Chahiye Tu Chahiye Shaam-O-Subah Tu Chahiye
She : Tum Mujse Kitna Pyaar Karte Ho ??
He : Be Intehaan Yun Pyaar Karu Be Intehaan
She : Tume Mai Itni Q Pasand hu ??
He : Tumhi Ho Beshuba Tumhi Ho
She : Jhoote
He : Sacchi Si H Ye Taarife Dil Se Jo Mene KariH...
She : Chalo Ha .. I Love U Too
He: Dehliz Pe Mere Dil Ki Jo Rakhe H TuneKadam Tere Naam Pe Meri Zindagi Likhdi MereHumdum
She : Agar Hum Dono Kabhi Alag Hogye Toh?
He : Kaash Wo Pal Paida Hi Na Ho Jisme NazarTu Na Aaye Mar Jaaye Ha Mar Jaaye
She : So Sweet...
Apko story psnd aaye to plz comments me jrur daase and nave nave story reading k liye profile nu jake visit kre
#storylover& writer
My Instagram
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helluvascribe · 3 years ago
Michael Newton’s Journey of Souls: Soul Names
Ariani = "pure"
Amephus = "formless"
Quazel = bird
Valairs = "son of the wolves"
Quan = "coin"
Allum = "farm"
Norcross = "north cross roads"/ English surname
Vilo = "air"
Raqul =Innocent"
Idis = "divine female being"
Kumara = twinning plant
Junnus = "blessed"
Jor = "vigor"
Kalish = "rosebud"
Eone = "eon/eternity"
Talu ="palate"
Pomar = "orchard"
Eaan = "eon/eternity"
Tammano = "fields"
Banyon = "God tree"
Makil = "Gift of God"
Selim = "Safe"
Numi = "Peace"
Achem = "find"
Canaris = canary
Uras = Sumerian earth goddess
Seena = "moon"
Enity = "fair"
Likiko = fruit
Fotanious = fortune
Klaris = leg
Shath = glory
Kliday = "son of the servant of God"
Rendar = "make"
Joaquin= "established by God"
Emmanuel = "God is with us"
Kars = snow
Orick = "oak"
Kimoye = helpful
Iri = light
Baatak = Philipine group
Kala = "fate"
Jhumu = "fate"
Kamo = "duck"
Obidom = "scholar"
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odishaphotos · 3 years ago
Spring slave
Spring slave
Oriya fiction actress Jharna Das (born 1945) is an Oriya film actress. She has acted in films such as Malajahn, Amada Bat and Actress. He is the Assistant Director of the Cuttack Television Center. He has also worked in V.B.
 Personal life-- Jharna Das was born in 1945 to a Christian family in Chandni Chowk, Cuttack. Everyone was calling him Jhumu. They had ten brothers and sisters in the spring house. The play, written by his mother, was staged at home with his brother-in-law pulling a bed and pulling a sari. Jharna Das made her acting debut in a play by Narasimha Mohapatra. His elder brother's close friend actor Akshay Mohanty (Kashyap) and musician Akshay Mohanty wanted Jhum to be an actress. Some of the talent of being an artist was also seen in the case of Jharna Das as a child. He often played hide and seek with his father's guitar. While still in school, Akashwani took part in Cuttack's "Children's World" program. Jharna Das learned Odissi dance from Odissi dance guru Kelucharan Mohapatra. He was married to painter Deepak Das.
Education-- At Jharna Das's house, his father, uncle, etc. were musicians and played various musical instruments. They had ten brothers and sisters in the spring house. The play, written by his mother, was staged at home with his brother-in-law pulling a bed and pulling a sari. She started acting as a child artist in Akashwani Cuttack. After graduating from Mission4 Girls 'School (Eber Buckley Girls' School), Jharna Das graduated with a degree from Rocky Women's College. She is the first Oriya actress to graduate. Shailabala started playing radio while studying in college. Narasimha made her acting debut in a play by Mohapatra. She learned Odissi dance from Odissi dance guru Kelucharan Mohapatra. Conservative families were not allowed to act in movies. Acting and directing-- Made in 1964, Amada Path made its debut in Oriya fiction. He gained popularity by playing the role of Sati in the 1965 film Malajahan. In addition to films, he is also involved in airwaves and television. He also directed a documentary on Harekrishna Mahatab. While there, he starred in "Rent a Home" and "Man." In addition, he continued to act in his films.
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jhoumous · 2 months ago
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Vegan option planned for you
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climatecalling · 3 years ago
Hilda Flavia Nakabuye, 24, Uganda
“It wasn’t my dream to be a climate activist. I always thought I would go into acting or be a designer, like my mom. Activism just came along the way. I am doing it because it’s something that is very urgent and necessary and vital to each and every one of us. It’s a global challenge, and we need to come together like global communities to fight it.”
Farzana Faruk Jhumu, 22, Bangladesh
"I go through cycles where I’m so positive, thinking, Yes, we can change, and then there are times where I feel like, No, we can’t do it. It’s a part of my life. When I started with climate activism, some people mocked me, saying that the government should take action. Then I realized that there were people who actually denied climate change, and that was so new for me. That was so depressing. How can you deny what I am seeing every day?”
Nicki Becker, 20, Argentina
“I am vegan, and I always use my bike to go everywhere. I don’t use plastic. There are a lot of things that I do now that are normal to me because they are a part of my habits. I always used to think that if you are only doing this in the little things, then you get comfortable in doing that and forget that there is a big problem. But if you only talk about doing something about the big problems and the structure and systemic change, sometimes people get comfortable and don’t ask themselves about their daily life.”
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luizacarvalhocardoso · 4 years ago
Mudança climática põe em risco 1 bilhão de crianças no mundo
As crianças vivendo em países como Guiné-Bissau, Chade, Nigéria e República Centro-Africana têm mais risco de sofrer os impactos da mudança climática, que ameaçam sua saúde, educação e proteção.
Esta é uma das conclusões de um estudo lançado pelo Unicef na última sexta-feira (20). “A Crise Climática é uma Crise dos Direitos da Criança” é a primeira análise compreensiva desses riscos sob a perspectiva das crianças. 
Combinação fatal  
O Unicef avalia a situação de vários países, levando em conta ciclones, ondas de calor e o acesso dos menores a serviços essenciais. Segundo a agência, cerca de 1 bilhão de crianças (quase metade do total de menores de idade no mundo) moram em uma das 33 nações classificadas de “risco extremamente alto”.  
Essas crianças estão expostas a “uma combinação fatal de choques ambientais e climáticos, com uma vulnerabilidade alta devido à falta de serviços de água e de saneamento, cuidados de saúde e acesso à educação.” 
Direitos básicos sob risco  
A diretora-executiva do Unicef declarou que “pela primeira vez, existe uma noção completa de onde e como as crianças estão vulneráveis à mudança climática”. Henrietta Fore afirma que os direitos dos menores estão sob risco, já que ficam sem acesso à ar limpo, à água potável, à alimentação, à habitação e educação, além do risco de serem exploradas.”  
O relatório do Unicef traz também o Índice de Risco Climático das Crianças, que revela:  
240 milhões de crianças estão altamente expostas à enchentes costeiras;  
400 milhões estão altamente expostas a ciclones; 
600 milhões de menores estão altamente expostos a doenças transmitidas por vetores;  
815 milhões de crianças estão altamente expostas à poluição causada por chumbo;
820 milhões de crianças estão altamente expostas a ondas de calor;  
920 milhões de crianças estão altamente expostas à escassez de água; 
1 bilhão de crianças estão altamente expostas à grandes níveis de poluição do ar.  
Desigualdade entre emissões de gases e impactos  
O relatório revela também que os 33 países onde o risco para as crianças é alto, na verdade produzem apenas 9% das emissões globais de CO2.  
As enchentes estão aumentando no mundo todo por conta da mudança climática. Foto: ONU Mulheres | Mohammad Rakibul Hasan
Por outro lado, 10 nações que mais emitem dióxido de carbono são responsáveis por 70% das emissões globais. Mas apenas em um desses países, os impactos da mudança climática são muito altos para as crianças.  
O Unicef lembra que na comparação com os adultos, as crianças têm menos chances de sobreviver a eventos extremos do clima e são mais suscetíveis a químicos tóxicos, a mudanças de temperatura e a doenças.  
Apelo aos governos  
O Unicef está pedindo aos governos e empresas para aumentarem os investimentos da adaptação climática; para reduzirem as emissões de gases de efeito estufa e para fornecerem às crianças educação sobre o clima, para que possam estar adaptadas e preparadas para os efeitos da mudança climática.  
O prefácio do relatório foi escrito pela organização Fridays for Future, representada pelos jovens ativistas Greta Thunberg (Suécia), Eric Njuguna (Quênia), Adriana Calderón (México) e Farzana Faruk Jhumu (Bangladesh). Confira o relatório na íntegra.  
The post Mudança climática põe em risco 1 bilhão de crianças no mundo appeared first on CicloVivo.
Mudança climática põe em risco 1 bilhão de crianças no mundo Publicado primeiro em http://ciclovivo.com.br/
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issywalaarham · 3 years ago
Kuch toh tu bhi kehde
Khamoshi Teri ati hai tufaan leke
Kashti ko kinare de
Ya fir dubade tu mujhe teri panaah me leke
Jo lautegi toh intezaar dede
Raatien kathti nahi , din bhi imtehaan lete
Ye mere haal-e-dil ki tujhe zimedaar kehte
Ye bekhabar mai zinda hu tere hi aasre pe
Faaslo se yeh mohabbat kam na hogi
Lutado khudo waado pe toh kasar kya hogi?
Asr na hogi koi dawa bhi mujh dewaane pe
Gawa hai raatien tere bin jo ab basar honge
Baarishon me ab Mai jhoomu kaise ?
Wo saath ankhoun me,ankhoun ko mai chumu kaise?
Haat kaampe mere jhumu kaise?
Sabaq jo Sikhe tujhse, unko ab mai bhoolu kaise?
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giopte-soufla · 4 years ago
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"This Is the World Being Left to Us by Adults" by Greta Thunberg, Adriana Calderón, Farzana Faruk Jhumu and Eric Njuguna via NYT Opinion https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/19/opinion/climate-un-report-greta-thunberg.html?partner=IFTTT
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zaatca-qiuzho · 4 years ago
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"This Is the World Being Left to Us by Adults" by Greta Thunberg, Adriana Calderón, Farzana Faruk Jhumu and Eric Njuguna via NYT Opinion https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/19/opinion/climate-un-report-greta-thunberg.html?partner=IFTTT
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jhoumous · 1 year ago
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Emotional people are attacking me
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huimde-niowku · 4 years ago
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"This Is the World Being Left to Us by Adults" by Greta Thunberg, Adriana Calderón, Farzana Faruk Jhumu and Eric Njuguna via NYT Opinion https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/19/opinion/climate-un-report-greta-thunberg.html?partner=IFTTT
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