urumisu · 6 years
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princessxbulla · 6 years
'I need a new outfit'
“Anything for a member of the most stylish team in space!”
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jindouycn · 6 years
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Ya know, if you keep annoying Vegeta like that he’ll knock your teeth out~
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amontilladont · 6 years
// sorry if its weird following you csjhbcs, i saw you reblogged an old edit of mine from my personal n got curious!! i used to rp robert and ernest back in the day and im blessed to see the fandoms still kept alive ngl
// its fine! lmao thanks for saying tho, normally i block personals but hey, im cool with you following me XD im rarely on tho so you might not see me for 2 months at a time lol
btw idk which edit it was, but good job!
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angelfccdie · 6 years
@jheece replied to your post: �� half a melted strawberry milkshake
*Whining* Why nooooottttttt
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Motions to the melted milkshake like it’s obvious. “You really must ask..?”
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tactiquegenie · 6 years
jheece replied to your post: reacoome replied to your post: ...
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You first.
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fyu-ture · 6 years
@jheece said: 
Wh-- what....
Oh, come on--
   He takes a few strides forward, bumps his chest into Jeice's and grins down at him.
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You're not the type that makes such exciting promises just to leave a guy high and dry, are you?
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wildxcannon-blog · 6 years
jheece started following you
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“Crying out l-- Can you stop following me, already?!”
Shallot tossed up his arms in a burst of frustration, whirling around to glare daggers at the red humanoid who’d been following him for the past several kilometers, now.
“If I’ve told you ‘Ginyu’ goons once, I’ve told you a thousand times! I’m not Frieza’s lackey like you guys are; I’m just against the same guys he is! And that’s only for now!” He throws an arm out in a shooing motion. “I ain’t gonna swear loyalty to him; I ain’t even gonna say anything nice about him! Mostly because there’s nothing nice to be said!”
He folds his arms over his chest.
“And I’m not doing any goofy poses, either! So get off that train of thought before you even board it, buddy!”
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friendlygeko-blog · 6 years
🤝 cui or jeice, whichever
Howzabout mmm BOTH
texts the other memes at 3 am: Appule
tries to convince the other to do an idea that definitely sounds questionable: Cui
is the designated driver and who always gets wasted: Appule drives, Cui is drunk of his ass. 
always has to host the impromptu sleepover: Appule
who’s netflix account gets mooched off of: Cui’s
brings all the snacks and who supplies the movie: Appule brings snacks, Cui chooses movies (that are probably always too scary for appule)
is usually the first one to say sorry after a fight: Appule
is the ‘ mom friend ‘: Appule
calls the other at 12 am to wish the other a happy birthday without fail: Appule
is the better wingman to the other: Cui
‘ the strong must protect the sweet ‘ , who’s the ‘ strong ‘ and who’s the ‘ sweet ‘: Cui is the strong
pulls the other up for karaoke to sing a duet together: Hopefully neither
texts the other memes at 3 am: Both
tries to convince the other to do an idea that definitely sounds questionable: Jeice
is the designated driver and who always gets wasted: Appule drives a dear comatose Jeice home, or to the hospital. 
always has to host the impromptu sleepover: Jeice. Appule never has a choice.
who’s netflix account gets mooched off of: Appule’s.
brings all the snacks and who supplies the movie: They both bring snacks and Jeice accidentally broke the movie so now they’re just eating until they pass out.
is usually the first one to say sorry after a fight: Appule
is the ‘ mom friend ‘: Appule
calls the other at 12 am to wish the other a happy birthday without fail: Both
is the better wingman to the other: Jeice
‘ the strong must protect the sweet ‘ , who’s the ‘ strong ‘ and who’s the ‘ sweet ‘: Jeice the stronk boy, Appule the sweet. 
pulls the other up for karaoke to sing a duet together: Jeice.
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jindouycn · 6 years
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A lesser known fact was perhaps that Goku was mischievous, something that seemed to more often than not get mistaken for stupidity when really it was nothing close. There was an idle enjoyment in antagonising Jeice, needling at him and getting a reaction that he otherwise might not. Anyway, what else was he supposed to do with someone who had once been amongst Freiza’s elite? Make nice? Ah~
“I hope you brought croissants this time.” Or something else tasty at any rate if he planned on hanging around.
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shallxt · 6 years
lets mash it up!!!
A Saiyan-Brench fusion. Would definitely have the Ginyu Force logo on his breast. Would have Jeice’s red skin but Shallot’s dark eyes and tail. The hair would be a white version of Shallot’s hair but it’s long enough to be the same length of Jeice, a bit more fluffier. 
It’d be a blue verison of Jeice’s Ginyu force armor minus the shoulder pads. Would have silvery white accents and Shallot’s greaves. The undershirt would be short sleeves with arm warms underneath fingerless white gloves. Would be wearing black short-shorts though instead of the speedos. 
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redhaiired-blog · 6 years
                                                                               && @jheece.
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     [ 🍊 ]  “ yo, jeice. differences aside, why don’t we team up to kick shallot’s ass together, yeah? i’m fuckin’ tired of this pineapple pizza bullshit. ”
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sybernetics · 6 years
‘ i don’t think i can. ’ 
       “Why not? It’s just a baby dragon.”
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Seventeen normally didn’t allow others to interfere with his work, but there was really no harm in this. Besides, he was almost certain that the small creature could fend for itself if Jeice somehow managed to mishandle him. “I just need you to hold him so I can bandage his leg.”
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songotcn-blog · 6 years
  @ supreme kai muses give Goten Potara Earrings so...
my anat muse is GLARING
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“Can I have them pleassse!!!??”
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reigneternal · 6 years
@jheece  | starter call
Compared to his own diminutive size, the orange tinged golden sphere sat before him amongst two others is an impressive sight for his eyes to behold. He knew of what they were, though lacked the name for which to call them, a treasure for which many a village had been razed and plundered to acquire. Seven in total, the tyrant had been within arm’s reach  of reaching his goal of gathering the legendary wishing balls together when interference manifested itself in the form of an enemy that eluded all efforts to capture, even when they had spirited away some of the magical objects themselves. 
Now, down a few good men and with frustrations rising, he’d made the decision to call in specialists, summoning his elite squad to Namek to prevent any more disruptions to his plans from taking place. After a brief discussion with Ginyu, where plans of tact were decided upon, the team had been split up, with the captain, as well as his second in command, remaining by Freeza’s side until the rest of the team’s mission reached completion.
Afforded the chance to kick back and relax a what was taken from him is returned by capable hands, Freeza’s spies opportunity for small talk to take place, and so turns to Jeice with a question, hands remaining on top of the gleaming balls as he says; “Been part of Ginyu’s squad for long, Jeice?” And then, to heap on more succulent praise, he adds; “If not, then I dare say that Mister Ginyu sees potential in you. You must be a man gifted with many talents that prove useful in combat situations.” 
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