tactiquegenie · 6 years
im going on indefinite if not permanent hiatus from this blog, burter and my oc. (oc will likely be deleted. other two archived.) my love for the fandom is basically gone and i have no time/real desire to write here. thanks for the good times y'all. peace out.
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tactiquegenie · 6 years
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    ❛ You’ve always bloody got things to do, you twit, ❜ he huffs. ❛ If I don’t take my chances, I’d be gettin’ no attention from you at all. ❜ Still, he calms himself a bit, though remaining in his lap, he turns his body perpendicular to Salza’s, his own thighs overlapping Salza’s own. Hopefully, that would at least give him slightly more work space.
    His head rests upon Salza’s shoulder, arms wrapped around his neck loosely. ❛ Whatever. ❜
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     “Amazing what being in a high ranked position entails, is it not? If you would like, I can start dumping some of my work on you.” He pauses, then quickly shakes his head. “No, I take that back. Then I would risk death over some stupid mistake you made.” At least he now has enough room to pick his tablet back up, shifting his arms just enough to be comfortably wrapped around Jeice and still able to see.
     “Sometimes I wonder if you are trying to distract me on purpose.” Despite the gruff tone of his voice, a small kiss is laid on Jeice’s neck.
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tactiquegenie · 6 years
    ❛ Shut up, SHUT UP! I highly doubt you’re gunna be givin’ me a choice, are ya?! C’n ya go just make yourself useful elsewhere?! I’ve got this area handled and King Cold wanted this mission done right quick! ❜ little did he want to admit he was growing tired, he had too much pride in himself, too much shame in coming across as something like weak. He knew deep down, however, Salza would jump in when he needed him most.
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    He knew Salza, he would just heckle him until the point it was clearly too much, Salza wouldn’t let him get hurt– at least too badly. ❛ Forreal, why the fuck’re you still just hangin’ around right here–? Don’t we gotta blow this place t’hell or something–?! ❜
     It was hard not to laugh at the obvious frustration in his voice, the weight of the exhaustion it was starting to carry. It was a game he enjoyed playing on these missions, a subtle enjoyment found in the work they had to do. At least it was a far step above where they had been before. He hummed into his communicator, giving a nod to Ume who just sighed and took off in the opposite direction. It was likely he was glad to be sent away from them.
     “Ume, Suey and Canta are handling that. Besides...” a lower hum is given as he watches Jeice take a particularly hard hit to his left shoulder. A grin spreads wide over his face as he gently lifts off in flight. With a rush of ki, he is at Jeice’s side in mere seconds, one arm slipping around his waist to keep him from toppling, the other holding a short blade that blazed with ki as it sliced deep into the closest enemies throat.
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     “It is more fun to watch you struggle.”
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tactiquegenie · 6 years
     A deep sigh rushes from his lungs at the all too predictable response. Jeice was never one to admit when he was wrong, even when it came to life threatening situations. Nothing had changed in all the years he had known him. Even still, he can’t help a slight grin. All the enemies on the high ground had easily been taken out, though there had been considerably less of them. So from his vantage point he had simply watched Jeice fight, knowing if he or the squadron jumped in too early, he would simply complain later.
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     “How can I possibly focus on myself when I get to watch you working so hard, my dear? It is far too enjoyable.” A small laugh breaks his words, simple hand gestures given to Ume to hold off on rushing in. He remains at attention himself, ready to leap in the second it looked out of hand. “Are you sure you do not wish to ask for me help~?”
@tactiquegenie ( cont. )
    ❛ Like fuck if I’m playin’ bravado–! ❜ he responds, voice filled with his usual uncouth aggression. He still hated to admit that he was wrong– that he needed help, as he always has. Teeth are grit, focused on the abundance of incoming enemies. Already, he was beginning to wear down, of course the majority of them were going down in just a blast or two, some closing in close enough to force Jeice to dodge and retaliate, knowing that Salza was watching him, knowing that Salza knew that Jeice would soon be unable to manage this on his own. Hell, he probably had already sent one of the others out for support.
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    ❛ Focus on yourself, babe–! ❜ Salza would come when Jeice was ready, he wouldn’t even need to say anything.
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tactiquegenie · 6 years
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hi yes call an ambulance
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tactiquegenie · 6 years
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Used to be an old sketch, finished it digitally I like what I made
Picture inspired by:  Instant Heaven feat. Eve - Nanawo Akari
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tactiquegenie · 6 years
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a commission i got from @tenhimi :“) god theyre so cute
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tactiquegenie · 6 years
    Hearing the insults in his native tongue cut worse than if they had been said in any other, easily able to recognize the vile disgust behind such phrases, and though he was secluded from most other Brench, whenever he had heard such words, it wouldn’t hurt any less, only causing him to growl yet again.
    His fist seared with pain, but even that wouldn’t falter him at this point. He wanted Salza to hurt, he wanted him to feel his anger. He wanted nothing to stop him at this point, and even as he was pulling away, Jeice had fully anticipated that Salza was going to fight back. Good.
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    – The impact of Salza’s feet against his stomach was enough to make Jeice short of breath, but he was much tougher that, only stumbling back a couple steps before he had fully regained his balance, livid if only just to be livid. It isn’t even a split second before he’s swinging his leg at Salza, hand just out of sight burning with ki, a distraction.
     Those few steps back were all he needed. Now free from the hold against the wall, his mind flips into overdrive. He had fought this imbecile enough times now to know many of his tactics. There was no expecting a straightforward fight with him. Every subtle motion needed to be watched. Where Salza’s fighting skill lacked, his intellect prevailed.
     In just that split second he decides to take the kick, moving just enough to avoid the worst of the damage his ribs had already sustained. The impact sent him sprawling, still managing to take his breath away with the fresh wave of pain. If he kept this up, that fractured rib would move right on to broken.
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     Managing to land on his feet, his own hand blazed to life with ki, a technique he had been working on since mere days after he had joined the PTO. With a growl of his own, he launched back at Jeice, fighting to keep his rage from clouding his mind.
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tactiquegenie · 6 years
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        That makes sense. I don’t imagine they hold any opinion over what you do anyway.
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Not anymore they do not. I actually think they would be pleased if I were dead at this point. I could not be a bigger disappointment in their eyes.
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tactiquegenie · 6 years
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        You literally just said he’s the scum at the bottom of your boot.
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My opinions have long since changed. I did say most everyone from home world. My parents opinions are...some of the strongest. It is hard not to think the same when that is what you are raised with. That was decades ago.
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tactiquegenie · 6 years
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        I was, actually. That’s what not being purebred implies.
        … And you two are in a relationship…?
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Maybe for most cultures. And as for my personal life, let us just say I would not care much if my planet was destroyed. My choice in relationships hardly matters.
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tactiquegenie · 6 years
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        Well, now I just feel cheated.
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Oh, I am sorry. Were you hoping I would tell you he was a half breed with some scandalous mix? Sorry to burst your bubble. Best I can give you is that basically everyone from home world looks at them like dirt on their shoes.
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tactiquegenie · 6 years
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        Heh. Oh, this is good.         What’s he crossed with?
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I do not believe crossed is the word to use. He simply developed differently. Different environment. If I am not mistaken, the planet he was from was incredibly hot and dry. In comparison, Brench is humid and temperate. So really, he is still Brench, in a sense.
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tactiquegenie · 6 years
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        —Time out. He’s not fully Brench?
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No. He is from one of the off world colonies. It is why his complexion is far different than mine and the reason for his... almost unintelligible speech patterns. Those from the home world tend to look down on those not from it.
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tactiquegenie · 6 years
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        …That was supposed to be my counter argument for not being jealous of your kind. Of course I was part of Frieza’s army.
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Can not do something personally for someone you do not know. Not as though I would have anyway. If you want a Brench to do something for you, go talk to Jeice. Even if he is not pure blood.
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tactiquegenie · 6 years
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    ( He’s pouting. )
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tactiquegenie · 6 years
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        What did you ever do for me, first off?
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I do not even know you. How could I possibly have done anything for you? ....Were you not a part of Frieza’s army at one point?
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