reigneternal · 1 year
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I HAVEN'T DRAWN HIM IN A WHILE SO frieza arttt also kinda practice,, I think i was bit much with the textures and such but i lowkey like it I missed drawing this form its so cute :p
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reigneternal · 6 years
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Frieza vs Broly: 2 of ??? Dragon Ball Super: Broly
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reigneternal · 6 years
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Frieza vs Broly: 1 of ??? Dragon Ball Super: Broly
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reigneternal · 6 years
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reigneternal · 6 years
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reigneternal · 6 years
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Thriving in silent periods, he waits until the rustling of the grass at his feet by the wind subsides to break the ice between local and soon to be conqueror. “Ah, excuse me.” Deceptively polite, Freeza hails the stranger for their attention, and only once it was gained did he choose to continue.    “You wouldn’t possibly know where I might find those, ah, wish granting orbs, hmm? I’m afraid their proper name seems to allude me.” 
@reigneternal started following you
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“…” Well, there was definitely a bad feeling in the air, but the guardian was not going to say so aloud. Past experiences showed that if you actually speak it, then it drew the attention even faster.
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reigneternal · 6 years
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“On the contrary, this is no mere nightmare -- it is quite real, Namekian.”
@reigneternal started following you
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“Noooooono nonononooooo… it’s a nightmare… that’s all…”
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reigneternal · 6 years
so i saw the broly movie. and i gotta say.
broly beating the sh!t out of freeza was 👌👌👌
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reigneternal · 6 years
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reigneternal · 6 years
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mkay but two things; first -- why, and second -- this is what i get for farming for 600 tp medals? gg @ xenovers.e, man
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reigneternal · 6 years
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Hey look my activity feed done broke
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reigneternal · 6 years
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reigneternal · 6 years
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he be the universe’s greatest fear; the lizard midget
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reigneternal · 6 years
The young Saiyan searched his blank memory for the name “Freeza”. He swore he heard it before, someone must’ve spoke it to him once before. Why else would it tickle something in the back of his brain, like it was important or something. 
A light bulb dings. Ah! His eyes widened to remember that the Galactic Patrolman Jaco had warned him of a space tyrant named Freeza. He was the boss of those thuggish aliens who were on his usual menu of bad guys to beat up. Shallot’s eyes narrow in suspicion at him now, now on high alert. 
Already he sounded like he knew too much, or was he that obvious? “I’m looking for someone,” He replied stiffly. He could feel the other’s eyes looking him up and down like he’s a piece meat. “What’s it to you?” Already starting off splendidly with a unpleasant tone. 
“I believe you’re the one giving orders to those mouth-breathers that took my friend? Huh?” His bore his teeth, pointing an accusatory finger at him.
The shift that came about in the other’s posture once thoughts had latched onto dug up memories causes the cunning frost demon to smirk, as if appeased by this reaction. Was it some instinctual reflex, that saw such vermin turn against him? Or was it the pervasiveness of his reputation broaching those who listened to express caution around a tyrant like him? He couldn’t say for sure.
“Yes, and how fares your search?” Sounding genuinely curious, he was fishing for information to add to his ever expanding repertoire of knowledge. Whilst he was a capable fighter, and something of a prodigy amongst his clan, Freeza preferred partaking in a game of verbal manipulation first before obliterating his foes with ki blasts.
“That is correct, and from the sound of your tone, I imagine you like to, ah, have stern words with such individuals?” Rather than point out the obvious that theorised how rage was piloting the saiyan’s every twitch and current action for the moment, the villain comes up with a surprising offer-- with, naturally came with certain conditions attached. 
“I could arrange for you to meet with these henchmen of mine, should they still be found to be breathing if you like? Do you wish to accept such an offer?” And seal their fate in the process.
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reigneternal · 6 years
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“He lives–err–wait! This is private property y’know!”
Could this be that Freezer guy Goku had told her about once upon a time? This was bad news! Better keep him occupied until Goku arrives. 
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“Is it? My apologies, then! But, heavens, where are my manners?”
Wise to the deception that she is attempting to carry out, Freeza coyly plays along. Despite his wish to eradicate that saiyan monkey, he is in no rush to root him from hiding. When his destruction of this planet begins, he’d be flushed out from cover in no time.
“I am the known known as Lord Freeza. Perhaps you’ve heard of me?”
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reigneternal · 6 years
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Most people trembled in the presence of the Emperor, most dared not even act the way Bardock did around him.  The thing is Bardock wasn’t afraid of him– Call it a near non-existant sense of self preservation, one evident by how he came back near death after every mission, evident by how strong he’d become by his little power boosts he’d been getting after said experiences.  He tugs absently at the bracers around his wrist, straightening himself out a little.  Maybe he should behave for his teammates’ sake.
“Guess it doesn’t matter who I am then.  Does it?”  Of course, five on three was not fair was it?  The Saiyan’s didn’t care how it might have seemed, not when it was very nearly an even fight in terms of power levels.  Bardock’s team were  not to be underestimated, though, least of all by so called elite warriors that had no business being so easily torn to bloodied pieces by Bardock and his team at the whim of Freeza.  Bardock didn’t do it based on orders though.  It was always fun to wipe that look off of the pompous warriors faces as he and his team killed them.
They’re barely out of breath when all is said in done, but they’re definitely messy, from wounds sustained and wounds given.  Not one of the five of them seem perturbed by it though.  Just relishing in the whim and warmth given after a well fought battle.  “You want us to take care of the guys who made those other guys look like pansies too then, Lord Freeza?”  It was more saiyans seeking out more conflict and battle than it was serving the emperor who annexed their planet.
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Guilty of taking little notice of the increasing power of his subordinates, he viewed them as little more than fodder to be directed at a problem in a bid to remedy it. Sure, he had been visited from time to time by some of his finest henchmen like Zarbon and Dodoria, each expressing concerns than the saiyan’s unrivalled might, particularly those amongst their filthy ranks who desired battle. And on each occasion, his response would remain the same; assurance given to quell rising suspicions, that hadn’t he not wiped out their miserable planet with but the raising of a finger? Soft chuckling pervaded the silence that was common amongst the underlings that cared to warn him of such troubling possibly. And just like then, he ignored their claims.
Concerned only with his orders being followed, no matter the gruesomeness of his instruction, Freeza is quick to clap his hands together, shouting “Bravo, bravo!”  as he applauds the squad’s work. Without fail, none would hear of the now deceased trio, nor would the frost demon spare them another moment’s thought as attention now shifted to the larger problem at hand; dealing with a  populace that refused to die easily.
“How perceptive of you,” he compliments, delighted to see that the squad’s leader had at least some smarts to show, if for how much time it saved that would otherwise be wasted on explanation. “Yes, I would like this world to be rid of the vermin that clings to its surface. Oh, and, be quick about it, will you? We have fallen behind schedule enough for me to meet any further setbacks with appropriate action.” Which was his way of saying succeed if Bardock and the others wish to continue their trail of carnage and destruction. “Now unless you have any further questions, I shall be off. Feel free to contact me by Scouter should you encounter any trouble.”
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reigneternal · 6 years
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