#jfc what an ordeal
warlordfelwinter · 2 years
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as usual, none of my mmo characters survive without at least one slight redesign. upon getting to know erazara a bit, i decided he needed a different color palette. i don't know why... the reds just weren't suiting him. he's a cool tone kind of guy
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atopvisenyashill · 5 months
Do you think Viserys would have executed Aemond or sent him to the wall if, during the whole ordeal in Driftmark, he had actually smashed Jace’s head with a rock?
Sent him to the wall almost certainly of those two options. Executing your own son is a bad look regardless of what shit that son has gotten himself into. Although it might be difficult to do what with Aemond having just claimed Vhagar, but Viserys is not going to let it go that Aemond killed one of Rhaenyra's kids nor is Rhaenyra going to let it go. As far as both Rhaenyra and Viserys are concerned, Aemond just murdered the Crown Princess' heir completely unprovoked. It's worse than the Lucerys situation honestly because at least you can argue there was a tiny bit of provocation and its hard to control a dragon in the rain - as far as the other kids are going to tell it, Aemond stole Vhagar and then murdered Jacaerys in cold blood.
Not to mention, whoever was on watch for them that night is going to be in massive trouble. Aemond getting his eye cut out is bad enough - and should have been punished jfc i hate criston so much - but one prince straight murdering the other? That's not just like, criminal negligence that's practically aiding and abetting at that point. How do you not fucking notice those kids getting to that point? And I do imagine that since Alicent can't take her anger out on Luke - given that her son just murdered Jacaerys - she might take her anger out on the Kingsguard. It's going to be rough for Alicent to lose her baby boy in this way and Rhaenyra is not only going to be devastated but likely her fear and paranoia are going to kick into overdrive. I think the greens take a massive L here but again, Vhagar having been claimed...he might just have Aemond go into exile with the Kingsguard who fucked up on watch and a household in Pentos - can't exactly exile someone who's barely teen aged on his own the way he was always doing with Daemon but not only do dragons not like the Wall and the cold, it.....might be difficult keeping Vhagar at the Watch considering how underfunded they are, and it make the Starks a little uncomfortable to have Vhagar just chilling in the North. He could separate the two, but we know from canon that dragons don't always like being separated from their riders for long stretches of time, and given that Vhagar is the largest dragon in Westeros right now, I can't imagine anyone could stop Vhagar from leaving Driftmark to follow Aemond.
Anyways...tricky tricky. Aemond isn't getting executed but he's in deep shit, the greens look really bad, and sweet, traumatized Lucerys is now Rhaenyra's heir.
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vitanithepure · 9 months
Again, spoilers for act 3 of Rogue Trader below cut. Big ones, be warned.
I...I was not ready to hear Heinrix actually yell at me. I think I got used to silent grumbling and eye-rolling, some snide comments here and there...
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And...I think he has the right to react this way. We, as characters not the players, have no proof at this point. Only the word of Yrliet, who betrayed us once already, and the testimony of Marazhai who orchestrated the whole thing and straight up said he tortured Achilleas until he agreed to work for him.
How much we trust them, Heinrix included, is up in the air of course, but...man, I was so anxious during this whole ordeal, I can't imagine what all of them would feel after all they have just been through the last few...days? Weeks? Just...jfc.
I believe Achilleas was, indeed, forced to betray us by Marazhai because he leads us into a trap if Yrliet is no recruited, I think? That happened during my first playthrough (that bugged the hell out on act3 and I had to start over, mind you, so maybe things didn't play out the way they were supposed to).
So, yeah, Yrliet did do us a favor in some convoluted way, but the whole situation is so stinky I don't hold it against anyone if they lash out. Just top-notch storytelling there, is all.
I'm waiting for Owlcat to get a budget for a AAA game, they would destroy us with it.
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prozac-shaped-urn · 2 months
update on the clituation
(also i'm back to regularly scheduled blogging on my laptop so fuck proper punctuation and capitalization)
i need input! i have a choice to make since this whole ordeal just seems to continue. it's either a hair or a fiber that's poking into the damn thing at odd intervals and since i have showered and have wiped it down with a cotton swap dipped in lube - and that doesn't hurt any more or less than it normally would - i can safely assume it's hair that's poking into it. but now my question becomes this
do i shave the pubes to get a firm answer knowing full well that if i do that then the hair will grow back and i'll have to deal with this all over again until the hair grows long enough to where it's not poking into the clit OR
do i wait for the hair to grow out while still not being completely certain that's what it is and just wait to see what happens
the pain is still intermittent and without discernible cause. if it gets too overwhelming at any point i'll go to the er. but as it stands now, and how i hope it'll stand forever, it's not that much of an inconvenience. the pain zaps are still accompanied with a bit of a burn in the general area, but it's nothing majorly concerning. my hemorrhoids have felt a million times worse than this and have landed me in the er on multiple occasions. i can handle some weird random pain in my clit. i'd just like to know what it is that's causing it.
thank ya
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jfc if donna knew the type of posts i use gifs of her on she'd cry and not tears of joy
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figmentof · 1 year
quick! who’s the most babygirl? who had the most tragic breakup/separation? who most yearns for the mortifying ordeal of being known? ed, crowley, neo?
holy shit sam you can't just attack me which such questions randomly like this 🤯
uhhhhhhhh. Neo did sacrifice himself after Trinity died but then they got their happy ending later (although he was trapped in the matrix again for like 20 years so like... ignorance is bliss at least???) so i'd say he's the least tragic of them all also he got Trinity who is like the baddest bitch in this entire universe so he's the biggest winner to ever win lbr (that's my lesbian ass speaking tho Trinity if you read this i'm free on thursday night and would like to hang out. if you see this please respond and hang out with me on thursday night when i'm free)
you cannot ask me to pick THEE babygirl i cannot choose between my children....... okay fine it's Ed. the most babygirl imo she is everything she's barbie she's the blueprint actually i will not take any feedback at this time
most tragic breakup is probably Crowley bc this poor dumbass (affectionate) spent like 6000+ years yearning and pining and understands/speaks every language known to man but he can't articulate his love to Aziraphale and even after having lesbians smack him over the head about saying what he means he still didn't... do it. you cannot be more cringefail than to allow some old angelic fart trigger religious trauma in the love of your existence and have him leave you for superheaven even though everything Aziraphale is doing is for Crowley but damn you can understand his duolingo unit 15 french but you didn't Get™ Aziraphale's "i need you" and "we can be together" was an admission of reciprocated love. i really hope he doesn't drive his Bentley directly into the Thames but i also wouldn't blame him if he did lmao
both Ed and Crowley yearn to be known don't they, as much as it scares them to lay themselves bare. though Ed's already a lot more straightforward with that what with him already being vulnerable with Stede TWICE (Stede really fumbled the bag with the bad bitch he pulled by being autistic there yikes). Crowley...... has a lot of work to do. 6000+ years of repression jfc maybe if she read some jane austen in those years maybe then she wouldn't be in this pickle skajdhksjdhkajsdh
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blkpntherxo · 1 year
My unasked review of the 1st episode of The Idol after watching it 2x because I kept pausing during the first time
The writing on this show is a hit or miss. I felt myself kinda cringing at certain points because why would you have your actors do that? Also, 30 minutes for one scene? When all of that could've been half that time? A waste.
I think the best thing about this episode was the cinematography. I am a graduated film student, so of course my eyes and brain would pay attention to the way things look because that's what four years of film school has ingrained in me. The shot where Jocelyn is in that rectangle all alone was sooo good. The one shot I didn't like was the bar scene in Jocelyn's house. There was so much shaky cam, I almost thought this was a found footage show. It ain't that hard to put the damn camera on a tripod. You did it for all the other shots.
The acting was also fine? Lily and Rachel are amazing, Troye was so so, Abel.... I'll just see what the second episode has to offer. Jennie was serving during that dance number, as she fucking should. Jane Adams annoyed me, mostly because of the rumors about her on set behavior and what she did to Lily.
I was surprised to not see a bunch of sex in this episode. The way critics were talking about it made it seem like there was sex every 5 minutes. Then again, they did watch 2 episodes so this episode might be the calm before the shit storm.
One thing I have learned after following this whole show's ordeal is that writers rooms are very, very, VERY important. As we all know, Sam Levinson doesn't have a writers room because he believes he can write all of this himself. He's like the white Tyler Perry, although Tyler Perry gathered some type of sense in the past few years because he now has writers rooms for his shows. What I want to see is the original script for this show, because cast and crew has said that that script was amazing, and then they changed it to fit Sam's needs, ego, or whatever. I love Abel down, but jfc I am getting pushover vibes from him, just from this alone. This is the same man who demanded to keep his masters, and you mean to tell me he folded and decided to rewrite an amazing script for a white man? A MEDIOCRE WHITE MAN AT THAT??? I get not wanting to burn bridges in the beginning of your film career, but there's a difference between burning a bridge and making a boundary, which Sam and HBO (because they decided to add him on instead of getting someone else) crossed. I have more hope for the movie he's gonna be in since that was written by the director who did "It Comes At Night" and "Waves".
My final thoughts: I'm not gonna say HBO should've cancelled it based off the first episode alone, but if the rest of them are ass backwards, then yes they should've cancelled it. Not like they're worried about losing money since Batgirl was cancelled AFTER IT WAS FILMED (I know Warner Brothers cancelled it, but HBO is under them so 🤷🏿‍♀️).
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threadmonster · 1 month
It's stupid, but my current hyperfixation of Mia Atsumu is making me so depressed. I had this huge ordeal with my sibling that I got into Haikyuu!! and the introduction of the Miya twins was like "👀 wanna cosplay them?" This never happened, of course. There is nothing that could fix what they did and jfc I miss that time when we got along and regret sharing something so important to me with them.
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tamayokny · 2 years
ugh okay so this week sucks. basically my grandpa had to be hospitalized and my dad, along with his siblings, visited him tues-fri. well, long story short, his wife and her daughter were there too and they’re just stupid fucking cunts. no brain cells whatsoever. anyway this ordeal has been a huge mess, especially today: the doctor(s) told wife that grandpa shouldn’t go home and that he should be in a rehab facility. well, wife says no and she has the final word. my uncle and aunt (grandpa’s kids) are upset and my dad was so fed up at this point that he yelled at the wife and her daughter. GO DAD THANK GOD FOR FINALLY GROWING A SPINE!!!
also wtf this bitch cannot take care of grandpa by herself. she’ll kill them (her and grandpa) both. fucking dumbass.
oh and then there’s kind of some tension between managers at work??? idk my supervisor texted me today and jfc i just don’t care. i was off the clock what happened today was no longer my issue and i don’t care about what transpired during my shift I WAS FINE.
i’m just so tired and done with everything. fuck grandpa’s wife (stupid cunt) and her daughter (stupid cunt jr) they probably want grandpa’s money; and i pray to god that shit won’t be weird when i go back to work monday.
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transgenderwizard · 3 years
i dont think any scene in the magnus archives has given me more stress or anxiety than melanie waking up when jon and basira are giving her surprise surgery
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gothambirdz · 3 years
Finally!!! After two and a half weeks I have water again
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pegsephone · 6 years
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i guess @scottish-egalitarian decided to finally block me after this smoking hot take bc it won’t let me respond but can we all please appreciate the irony of someone who supports “polysexual” and “pansexual” labels telling a bi person that bi people can’t just “change the meaning of their terms and leave them with nothing” like i cannot believe they really said that Shit like that’s not the fucking origin story of Omni/ply/pan labels djsksjsjs
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sortagaysortahigh · 2 years
Yall at this rate you might just get sex ed before this other steve fic bc i literally dont know how to end this fic, i woukdve had it up hours ago but im just at a cross roads for an ending, like love confession? Hate confession? Fwb ordeal? I dont know but what i do know is writing about getting fucked in a family video is not very family friendly jfc. Also writing mean dom steve??? Its kind of hard like it feels so out of character for him shejwkdjej
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
dating the armed detective agency’s medic
a/n: of course i have to write one for the ADA even though i’m a biased port mafia bitch. there’s a bit more characters here so i’ll try to keep each one short but still very fluffy and sweet <3
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this man is always getting himself injured and even though agency has yosano, fukuzawa thought it would be a good idea to hire another medic who could deal with less life-threatening injuries
ofc dazai flirts with you the first chance he gets and every time he comes into your clinic
dazai: good morning my dear belladonna! the weather is beautiful today, but not as beautiful as you of course
although as much as he likes to slightly mess with you, dazai genuinely enjoys coming to the clinic and being treated by someone like you
he likes observing your hands and how careful they are when they bandage his arm or that cute little scrunch of your brows when you’re bandaging his forehead
while on a mission, atsushi and kunikida go the extra length to protect dazai because they know you’re worried about him 
and then one day dazai comes into your clinic again and instantly you think that something has happened
until he surprises you by bringing out a bouquet of flowers
‘if i get injured less on missions, would you let me take you out on a date?’
jokes on you though after you guys date dazai finds every excuse to visit you in the clinic
he’ll get papercuts on purpose just so he can get you to put a bandage on them 
kunikida is annoyed because dazai they’re just papercuts jfc also please go back to work
seeing that you’re always concerned about his health and well-being, dazai finds himself making much less attempts cause he knows the stress it puts on you when you have to bandage him up after and make sure he’s alright
thanks to you our man is able to take care of himself a bit more
even though he is your boyfriend he’s still going to mess with you in any way he can
he’ll barge into your office claiming that his chest hurts because you didn’t give him a kiss that morning
also will highkey hug you from behind even if you’re treating another patient
the first time he meets you is for a physical exam check-up because it was required at the agency and he feels embarrassed at first seeing that the agency’s medic was gorgeous
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atsushi was fresh out of the orphanage so of course he was quite malnourished and still had some injuries from his abuse
you had no idea who’d dare hurt such a sweet boy so you do your best to treat him and instructed atsushi to come in for some follow-up check-ups
although when he comes in for that check-up he talks about how he’s been healthy because he eats a lot of chazuke and you’re like ‘oh no, no, no, please eat other things too’
you end up packing him a bento box because he’s your patient so ofc you have to keep him healthy 
the two of you run into each other a lot in the morning because atsushi tends to come in way earlier than he’s supposed to so you often find him sitting in front of the locked door
thus begins your early morning chats. atsushi’s always polite and never interrupts when you talk and you love how he shows so much interest in whatever you say
atsushi began to realize that he has feelings for you but boy is he bad at concealing them also ranpo kind of busted him in front of everyone in the agency including you
but atsushi was saved by you hinting that you wouldn’t mind going on a date with him at all and he’s ecstatic until he realizes he hasn’t been on a date before
he takes you out to a nice restaurant and insists on paying for everything
nothing much changes with your routine but atsushi likes to bring you breakfast in the morning and the two of you have little dates before going into the office
he knows how worried you get when he goes out on especially dangerous missions but he does everything he can to protect the city and the new home he found with the agency and you
this guy was one of the people, other than yosano and fukuzawa, who interviewed you for the job and you can’t forget how intense he was when it came to asking questions
of course, you answered all of them well but kunikida was very serious that you knew how dangerous it could be to be involved with the agency
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there was a self-defense portion in the interview that you knew about and of course kunikida was the one who added that
to his pleasant surprise, you managed to dodge all his incoming attacks (kunikida lowkey found it hot, like that’s requirement number ten on his list checked right there)
kunikida does get injured a fair amount during missions and he doesn’t want to get dissected by yosano all the time so he goes to your clinic that’s right near the office
he likes how efficiently you work and how gentle your hands are that even when you’re stitching up his wound he almost can’t feel a thing
however, kunikida does have a bad habit of not resting for the appropriate number of days. like, even with a bullet wound he’ll still hobble over to his desk to finish his paperwork
once, he came down with a terrible case of the flu so of course you sent him home only for kunikida to sneak back into the office when he thought no one was looking
you ended up taking kunikida home but poor guy could barely do anything by himself so you took care of him too
kunikida is definitely the delirious babbling when he’s sick so he ends up talking about his list of traits for an ideal woman and how you filled out a good portion of it
when he wakes up (much more sane) he sees you reading that list on his notebook and he’s like WAIT WHAT ARE YOU DOING
he handed you the notebook personally before passing out and kunikida can’t live it down
you: well, even if i don’t match all these requirements, would you still be interested in going out?
kunikida: yes... please
everyone can tell that kunikida’s about to go on a date because of how nervous he is the entire day
he knows how tight your schedule can be and how busy he is with with work but he always makes time to have his lunchbreak with you
loves to hear about your day and even has some space in his notebook dedicated to any interesting stories you have
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the first time you met him was when he also had his physical check-up which ranpo insisted he didn’t need but fukuzawa made him so he had no choice but to follow
the entire time ranpo’s just like ‘nothing’s wrong with me, see?’ and then you do a simple dental check-up and find that he has like two cavities he didn’t want to tell anyone about it because he’s scared of the dentist *cue ranpo trying to run away and you grabbing him by the poncho*
of course fukuzawa makes him go to the dentist too but ranpo insists that you have to be the one to take him and schedule the appointment and come along
truth be told, you’ve always been pretty attracted to ranpo because you know of his skill as a detective so you were excited to have this day with him
only for you to have to physically restrain ranpo to the dentist’s chair (you even had to call kenji to help) while his teeth was getting checked
ranpo was squeezing your hand the entire time and he was fairly grumpy after the whole ordeal that he wouldn’t even talk to you until he asked if you could get ice cream
you: the dentist just told you to eat less sweets
ranpo: but i neeeeed them
you: fine, how about frozen yogurt?
after the dentist trip, you know how much of a hard time ranpo has with eating less sweets so you decide to leave fruit on his desk as a healthier alternative but he won’t TOUCH IT
after some bribery on fukuzawa’s part (’i’ll acknowledge you if you eat fruit more and also tell atsushi to give you a piggyback ride every day’) he finally concedes
he actually finds himself liking fruit so in the afternoon he’ll swing by the office just in time for you to be slicing fruit
ranpo gets over the fact that you sent him to the dentist and enjoys his time in the clinic eating fruit with you and sleeping on the cots inside
your clinic is where he hides when he doesn’t want to do work and when he pouts and asks you to say that he’s sick you can’t help but go along with it
he’s also super physically affectionate around you. will literally have his body draped over yours sometimes while you work
people start talking about how you two look good there and one time someone asked if the two of you are dating and ranpo’s like ‘of course we are!’
and you’re surprised self is about to protest when ranpo smirks at you and says ‘why? am i wrong?’
lmao ofc he’s not you’ve been struggling to keep yourself from being a flustered mess around him
he’s still clingy around you but this time he comes into the clinic every few minutes to ask for a kiss
▸ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ◂
taglist (check out my post for details on being part of my taglist): @waitforitillwritemywayout @atsumu-brainrot​ @laure-chan @goodfoodxoxoxo ​ @guardianangelswings @ah-kaashi @amberalisa​
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sauntering-down · 2 years
it's Monday and i did not wake up in a good mood, so i cheered myself up by rereading that time i experienced the first book in the New Jedi Order EU Star Wars series and liveblogged it to @cassiopixie. yes, that's the book where Chewie dies. no, she did not warn me. in case you want to experience the Nonsense™ for yourself...
well, i'm just diving into Vector Prime with absolutely no knowledge of the larger EU, so we'll see what happens
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can't believe that run-on got published
…in what universe would Threepio's voice be considered "melodious" Leia. honey. are you okay. blink once for yes and twice for no.
if Mara's eyes sparkle or twinkle one more time i'm gonna riot
Mary: I was suddenly slammed with the memory of how there's a whole side plot in the EU with Luke falling in love with a Force Ghost who possesses another body and is from the planet CHAD me: ...what the unholy fuck
jfc i hope "Wurth Skidder" isn't a name because it's a fecking terrible one
hm, getting the impression Nomnom might be a bit of a douchebag yeah, he and his buddies just stoned a pit full of droids to death
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tell me what's wrong with this, Mary. prove you're better than whoever edited this novel. also they're all young, in case you forgot. in case you forgot Danni is a young woman… she's young.
ah yes, he happily removes his disguise and surveys his "ornamental disfigurements" like a split eyelid and torn mouth, because that's totally a normal thing to do
the thing turns itself inside-out and resembles the head of the dude he's talking to. what. the. fuck!
ah yes, recreational organ transplants, my favorite activity
this Wookiee's name is Triebakk and i s2g i keep reading it as Trebek so this Wookiee is Alex Trebek, the beloved host of Jeopardy gets really funny when the dude howls in protest imagine someone getting a Jeopardy question wrong and Alex Trebek just screaming wordlessly at them
politics are boring. i hope Jacen goes full Darth Brayden on them soon and stabs somebody
me: how much younger is he than the twins? Mary: Like…three years younger, I think??? Mary: So obviously he's not a baby, but a BABY all the same me: the wiki says a year and a half lol. so he'd be between 14 and 15, since the twins are 16… me: not QUITE a baby. a senior baby, perhaps. (aka the reason Anakin Solo is referred to as 'Senior Baby' frequently for the rest of this thing)
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this story is going to be an ordeal
okay yeah Anakin's 15 and fucked up the Falcon by trying some flashy flying lmao gosh i love reading about characters who don't, you know, get off on MUTILATING THEMSELVES
HAH Anakin insults the Falcon and Chewie threatens to bite the kid's lightsaber in half. this is why the sequels sucked. none of this tomfoolery.
Lando invented an asteroid-dodging game that's only MODERATELY dangerous and somehow i'm not surprised at all
Mary: God do these guys ever RELAX and NOT TORTURE EACH OTHER
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me: that'd be a no Mary: I…are we just reading carefully disguised hentai? me: very possibly
Mara's sick, the ~mysterious illness~ aka what's probably like mutated YV sperm or something, these sick fucks, is attacking her uterus and she's afraid she won't be able to have children… got some news for ya, lady you'll have a Ben eventually. he's MUCH better than the one we have now, i'm sure…
Jacen's in a Mood so he goes to annoy his little brother, a relatable sentiment
oh god Jacen is in top "i'm older and i know best so let me lecture you" form
YES THEY'RE GONNA LIGHTSABER BATTLE FUCK EACH OTHER UP a proper non-masochistic beatdown fuck yeah
Han's still fixing the Falcon and in the process gets annoyed at Chewie and zaps him in the ass with a live wire. i think this is flirting.
point in this book's favor, Leia occasionally feels a little jealous of Mara's mentor-student relationship with Jaina, but overall the two of them get along REALLY well and it's just nice to see. no bitchiness or nonsense. good female friendship.
Yomin Carr, sabotaging a ship: ew ew ew i have to touch this filthy technology with my pure mutilated Yuuzhan Vong hands
i'm glad you're my copilot on this adventure. i think otherwise i would've quit right around the time the sadomasochistic rituals started…
k we're starting off at a dock on a planet called Reecee. i initially read that as Reeeee and wondered why anyone needed that many Es
Lando: hugs Han Lando: hugs Leia LONGER Han: >:||||| Lando: gives Mara the ULTIMATE HUG Luke: hell yeah my wife totally deserves this
this rando Jedi named Kyp has the top time when it comes to racing through the asteroid belt and Jaina reeeeeally wants to beat him lol Jacen crashes Anakin does better and then faceplants into a giant asteroid Jaina finally crashes after 27 minutes, more than doubling Kyp's time Anakin hasn't come back so i'm just gonna assume he's still floating around out there until i'm told otherwise
lmao Kyp's squadron leaves while blasting music through the loudspeakers and showing off their cool flying
okay, so far Jaina is all awesome all the time, Jacen won't quit philosophizing, and Anakin's the only one who acts like a normal teenager
Kyp's squad is called the Dozen-and-Two Avengers and ngl that does not roll off the tongue at all
OH BOY now Lando wants Han to go to Sernpidal, aka the next target of ol' Nomnom and Luke and Mara are going to the planet Yomin Carr just climate-changed to death Leia tells Han to take their least exciting Senior Baby son with him
sweet, it's Miko! he's going to be fed to a tentacle beast shortly, but hey, he's alive for now what with all the hentai and sadomasochism so far, i guess vore was next on the board
Nom Nom and Da'Gara: wow can't wait to mentally break this Jedi before we toss him to the tentacles!!! evil chuckling
every time Anakin and Chewie are in the same room, they pick on one another lol Chewie, you're like, 300 years old. stop stooping to a fifteen-year-old's level
welp, apparently in seven hours the moon's going to crash into the planet. THANKS NOM NOM
they've figured out SOMETHING is pulling the moon down. i can tell them right now it's disgusting because the YV thrive on that shit Anakin's gonna go find it while Han and Chewie evac as many people as they can… look at Senior Baby, finally getting to do something
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god dammit Artoo you're supposed to lay off the rum i bet you haven't been going to your AA meetings again
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me: this stuff would be really cool if it wasn't the fucking Yuuzhan Vong Mary: It would also be cool if it wasn't ONE WHOLE SENTENCE
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MARA SHANKS THIS BITCH FUCK YEAH press F to pay respects to Yomin Carr? I DON'T THINK SO
oooh, Miko's still alive! i guess they're torturing him by tricking his brain into thinking he's being repeatedly vored
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Anakin Solo Has Two Dads
Chewie just fucking YEETS Anakin at Han lol
me: OH MY GOD WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK me: WHAAAAAT THE FUUUUUUUCK Mary: …I didn't want to tell you that this was the infamous book where Chewie dies, but… me: CHEWIE NOOOOOO .__.
like, okay, getting an entire moon to the face is a badass way to go, but OMG WAS THAT REALLY NECESSARY??????
now i feel bad for Senior Baby. he is baby. someone give him a hug
well, at least Anakin Gets Shit Done, rescuing the x-wing while they're being attacked by insects and he fries them with some electricity, which even Han is happy about. i am also happy because the last couple interactions between them were difficult to read lol
me: oh good, Jacen's not being a dick to Anakin about what happened to Chewie me: awwww Jaina is a good sister, hugging him and all Mary: They're good sibs me: too bad about that death and Sith thing
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maybe you should lend Mara to your sons for a while, especially Senior Baby
let's EAT while reading about the fucking Yuuzhan Vong jerking off to pain
i have to revise my earlier prediction, i kinda love them all might be ride-or-die for Senior Baby, surprisingly. he's growing on me
Anakin: alright Jaina's the good pilot let's do some wild telepathic mind-joining shit so she can kick ass and take names through us! Jacen: welp, okay
we were deprived of Darth Aiden and got Darth Jaiden instead. tragedy.
anyway, the sibs do amazing for a bit, but then Anakin gets overloaded and loses the bond then i think he blasts off into hyperspace to escape the asteroids before he goes splat, but blacks out in the process nobody has ANY idea where he went, but Han and Leia go after him anyway. good luck dudes
meanwhile, Anakin's chilling out in dead space like "well, if my sibs are okay, that's cool, i don't mind dying. if they're dead, i'm gonna fucking riot"
Da'Gara: maybe i should be worried about the lack of communication from Yomin Carr? nah lol gonna focus on glory and shit instead
Han: WHERE did these idiot kids get their recklessness from????? Leia: wow. much wonder. very surprise.
Lando: the pilot was wearing a mask we think connected her to the ship, but nobody's tested it. Luke: aight hold on a second
oh thank GOD Han's stopped being a dick, actually hugs his poor kid
Jacen gets to put on the creepy YV living pain suit and creepy YV living breathing apparatus such fun
Miko… goes down taking two more YV with him. godspeed, dude
Jaina, Consummate Badass Pilot, catches the iceborer and skips off into hyperspace in one gorgeous movement
the war council convenes and pretty much decides they are SO fucked …so they're gonna like. evaporate as much moisture off the planet as possible, cool it down so the volcanoes quit working and the entire thing freezes. that doesn't sound right but i don't know enough about science to refute it
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Senior Baby getting all excited about physics over here
…there are NINETEEN books in the NJO series how many different ways can you have the Yuuzhan Vong fetishizing pain and destroying entire planets
Mary: Thank you for letting me come with you on this wild ride hahaha me: no problem, my dude me: i will never ever touch anything from the EU ever again me: fucking Yuuzhan Vong Mary: Any EU book is better than Crystal Star, where Luke is sad because he can't feel the Force because a sun exploded near them, so he joins a cult that worships a giant golden blob me: that's just an average Wednesday afternoon for me
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dusterson · 2 years
JFC stop hounding people over weeks old incidents via anon hate challenge 2022!
I am/was Switzerland over the whole gifset ordeal from some weeks ago. But holy shit can you lot just DROP it already. The person who made the inital callout post is STILL being harassed over this. I'm appalled.
And they had a point. The gifset was in poor taste at best. More so they have a point in the fact that they're STILL being attacked over voicing that it was, in fact, a decision of poor taste. From what they say, were also specifically stalked by the gifset poster. I don't get how blog trackers n whatnot work and never will so don't ask me if that proof is viable 'cos I dunno man. The possibility of it being true however is intensely alarming, and also appalling.
I do not know what to make of all this other than: whoever it is, that is still sending ANYONE aggressive/hateful messages over the situation, needs to stop. Please.
For the sake of your own mental health(s), the sake of the people's mental healths that you are directly harming, for the goddamn sake of helping and healing instead of hurting and hating,
please, stop.
Leave each other alone. Move on. You do not change others' minds by being cruel. You only hurt them.
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im-some-lionheart · 3 years
Michael's ass had to be made of gold bc how else did Ben stay beside him through all of that last season drama. Jfc... What a self righteous asshole Michael became. And funnily enough, in a very interesting parallel to s1-2 David, in s5 now it's BEN who's defending Brian from Michael's attacks, and trying to find a middle ground between Brian's desire to remain "sex, drugs, thumpa thumpa" and Michael's need for growth and heteronormative stability.
And Michael is just such an asshole about the whole ordeal when HE DIDN'T NEED TO BE. Ben also wants to move to the suburbs and form a proper family BUT he never thinks that makes him better than anyone else who doesn't want that, he never passes on judgment on other people's (and specifically Brian's) choice not to.
He was too good for Michael. How the kindest most centered character of that show willingly put up with the most selfish one, I'll never understand.
and before any of y'all tries to come at me with "bRiAn wAs tHe MoSt SeLfIsH oNe". No. No, he wasn't. He just was honest about being his own #1 priority. Was he also arrogant and emotionally immature? Yes. But not selfish. In fact, we see him care for others throughout the series WAY more than we ever see Michael do:
Paying for Debbie and the gang to go to David and Michael's expensive fundraising dinner because of how disappointed Debbie looked when Michael said she couldn't come
Visiting Justin every night, helping him in his recovery then stepping away the second Jennifer asks him to
Paying for Justin's college tuition, even after Justin CHEATED ON HIM and left him for the fiddler
Risking everything he had, his career, his livelihood, and belongings to stop Stockwell
Concerned Citizens For The Truth
Giving recently sober Ted the chance to turn his life around with a great high paying job at Kinnetic
Getting rid of Pendergrass before he could scam the Center even more
Changing the Liberty Hospice to the Vic Grassi House
Getting a 100k sponsor for the Liberty Ride
Getting Lindsey a good lawyer and paying him so she could have parenting rights over JR
All of those things had no personal gains for him. In fact, most of them were detrimental for him. But he still chose to do them every time because contrary to popular belief he DOES CARE about people other than him.
Michael, however... I'm sorry but when do we see Michael make ANY decision for the sake of others and not him??? I'm genuinely asking cause I don't remember.
So yeah.
Brian Kinney was A LOT of things, but selfish was never really one of them. I will not take Brian Kinney slander.
And fuck s5 Michael. He was such a self righteous asshole jfc.
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