#jewish doesnt mean zionist
official-oshun · 11 months
I'm not going to lie, I hate the term "Jewish Supremacy" when discussing Israel, because I'm 99% sure it is also a conspiracy theory term. And none of these same people using "Jewish supremacy" would ever say "Muslim Supremacy" to describe a fascist self-proclaimed Islamic country.
Anti-Zionist, please mind your words. Language matters.
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thewoodbine · 4 months
Calling Isreal, Isrealis, zionists, and other Jews you disagree with "Nazis" is extremely hurtful, upsetting, and offensive to many many Jewish people regardless of their political stance and that alone should be enough for you to pick a different word.
Call Isreal any number of other fitting things, speak out against it as much as you like, but Jewish people are telling you that the Nazi comparison is painful and offensive and needs to be dropped from the rhetoric. I know you're trying to hurt *them* when you use it, but you're hurting all of us.
Hearing other Jews be called nazis, even if we are already speaking out against those individuals actions, brings us so much shame and heartache when we are already feeling so much. When there are other words that could apply and be used that wouldn't add to this, you're an asshole for not using those instead.
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The discourse about Sarah J Maas being called a Zionist is giving witch hunt vibes at this point. Nothing I've seen has been conclusive at all. Just because she's a Jewish woman who went on birthright doesn't mean you should loudly denounce her as supporting genocide.
I am a Jewish woman who is pro-Palestine — so, not a Zionist — but who loves her Jewish diaspora culture. I have anti-zionist and non-zionist Jewish friends who went on Birthright because it's a free trip abroad. I know Jewish people who are staunch Israel supporters and I have Jewish friends going to pro-Palestine protests. Jews are not all one thing, and in fact it's ingrained in our culture that we have NEVER been one thing. There are Jews of all races, of all levels of religious belief, across the political and socioeconomic spectrum, scattered across the world.
If I were a semi-public figure (I say semi because Sarah has been clear that she is not the one posting on her public accounts and she doesn't have much interaction with fans outside of tours) people would probably have loud assumptions about me being a Zionist because I am publicly Jewish, I was a Jewish Studies minor in college, and I used to work at a synagogue. Guess what? I'm not a Zionist. I donate to UNWRA monthly, I do my clicks for Palestine, and I do my best to support with what I have. As a multi-disabled person that's all I can handle right now. If I were a semi-public figure I don't know if I would feel comfortable posting anything publicly either, because people are vicious and terrifying creatures. Sarah has a husband and child. She had gotten threats about fucking ship wars. This is so much more intense than ship wars.
Making these loud assumptions and calling for boycotting SJM, commenting on her social posts even though she isn't the one reading those comments — this is what antisemitism looks like. I know those of you who are angry at Sarah won't want to hear that, or will say that 'everything is antisemitic now' — which is a refrain that should raise red flags since it's the same argument other people use about transphobia, homophobia, racism, etc. You're the good guys, you support Palestine and you're anti-genocide and so on. But using stereotypes about an ethnic group to make assumptions and harass an individual of that ethnic group is not a good look even if you're convinced you're doing it for a good reason. Take that energy and put it toward spreading awareness, contacting politicians, attending protests, maybe even sharing messages from public figures who have posted publicly.
I understand that a lot of non-Jews (and a small number of Jews) are saying that it "has nothing to do" with Sarah being Jewish, it's just that she hasn't "used her platform." I implore you to consider why you are seeing and sharing such anger toward this one (fairly private) Jewish woman and not toward other prominent authors, especially those who are more active online, who have also not spoken out. Do some soul-searching and many of you may find that because Sarah is Jewish, you feel that she owes you a public stance more than other people. Because she is Jewish you feel confident enough to make an assumption about her views and post publicly about these assumptions. That is antisemitism at work. That is why this feels like a witch hunt to me, and why it is upsetting to watch.
As a reminder, I am pro-Palestine. I am not posting this to defend anyone. I am posting this to remind everyone that Jews are not all Zionists. Jews are not all one thing, ever. And deciding you get to hand down judgement on a Jewish person who has not shared their views publicly is antisemitism. It is deciding that you can assume negative things about Jewish people from afar. It is deciding that some antisemitism is actually okay — good, even, if you think it's warranted. I understand that people have other qualms with her writing, but those are not tied to her Jewishness, they're tied to her doing things like using the name Illyria and Illyrians for her ACOTAR series, etc, which is the kind of thing other fantasy authors have done over the years. Doesn't make it good or right but it certainly doesn't have anything to do with Palestine or Zionism.
If you disagree with me, please do not send hatred into my inbox. I am asking you to interact with this post thoughtfully. If your disagreement is going to be an explanation of how Jewish people owe the world every ounce of our energy, health, safety and lives, please step away and take a breath. I do not share your opinion. I have great admiration for those risking life and limb, risking jobs, risking arrest, to support Palestine. However, not everyone should be *required* to do all of those things, especially if you're disproportionately expecting those larger actions from Jews, thinking we "owe" it to the world.
Also, I want to be clear: This is not really about whether Sarah is a Zionist. It's about the fact that we don't know, and you cannot pretend to know. Most of the arguments I'm seeing are making a lot of assumptions, and that is the part that makes me uncomfortable.
If Sarah ends up being a Zionist, I still stand by this post, because it isn't about defending Sarah, it's about my hurt and disappointment in seeing people make assumptions rooted in antisemitism, assuming someone's views based on Jewishness and little else.
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i-love-river-song · 7 months
in DESPERATE need of jewish friends, whole world against us now and ive only got my mum and sisters to relate to😔
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storm-of-feathers · 11 months
People keep responding to seeing the magen david by pasting the Palestinian flag over it. you're all so fucking stupid.
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painandalsosuffering · 8 months
reminder that you can be anti-zionist and NOT anti-semetic.
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scarecrowgolem · 9 months
Lmao and now nativenews is defending the menorah thing with "well it was put up by chabad so" like shut the fuck up you dont know shit clearly and this is harmful
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borrelia · 11 months
that thing that keeps happening where a blogger attempts to point out the pervasive spread of casual antisemitism from otherwise well-meaning pro-palestine blogs (as in: reblogging posts that slip some dogwhistles into their support for palestine) but then as you read the replies + their other recent posts it becomes apparent they r in fact believing zionist (state of israel and its allies in the us, uk, others) lies about hamas beheading babies and "from the land to the sea" advocating jewish genocide and it turns out even if they did have a salient point in there abt the spread of antisemitism they are also generally upset about people being vocally pro-palestine and anti-israel.
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determinate-negation · 5 months
This whole thread is shit tbqh as per usual with smol bean zionists but I wanted to take the opportunity to know your opinion as an open anti-zionist jewish person abt the point near the end of the og chain:
Is it true that at some point in history jews are/were indigenous to the same land without that inherently denying Palestinian roots? Also wtf do they mean with "The Arab Empire" colonizing Palestine???
These are all gen doubts btw you're cool with cool opinions so that's why I'm asking lul
its true that jews lived in eretz yisrael, the geographic land of biblical israel, until the destruction of the second temple around 2000 years ago (and not all of them, even before this there were jews living in various other places) but this really has nothing to do with claims of being indigenous today. the concept of indigeniety is specifically in relation to colonization and modern colonialism. the history of movements of people and the collapse of ancient empires, tribes, kingdoms is really complicated and long, and in palestine in particular there were a lot of different periods of rule and different religious groups living there. i dont really study ancient history or biblical history but there is a lot you can read on it. its not denying palestinian roots to say this because who lived where thousands of years ago and the religious significance of a geographic location doesnt change the settler colonial nature of the modern nation state of israel. its a purposeful misunderstanding of modern colonialism when zionists say this, and ignorance of the academic work that shows israel operates like other settler colonies, and that the basis for something being settler colonial is actually material in terms of the aims, government structure, land policy, displacement and dispossession, justifications for colonization, and economic relations between colonizers and colonized, not religion or ancient history. this article Settler Colonialism and the Elimination of the Native is pretty good
and zionists also are probably referring to ancient islamic empires when they talk about arab colonization, which again is really not the same thing as modern colonialism
theres a few posts in my tag for resources and for anti zionism that have links of books about this
also decolonizepalestine.com
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xclowniex · 3 months
from a realistic point of view, i dont see how zionism doesnt lead to non-jewish palestinian death or at least repression. if you have a state which has it enshrined in its founding documentation that it is For "Jewish People" (israel has been carefree about fucking over people they dont consider to be Jewish in the right way). two state solution doesnt even solve it since the assumption is just to have another israel and shove all the people they dont think count as jews over to palestinian state and pretend like they didnt just make an ethnostate
The reason you do not see how it doesn't lead to palestinian death is because on a fundamental level, you do not understand zionism from a jewish perspective.
Jews can and have, taken DNA tests and proved that we are descdant from cannanites who lived in Southern Levant. There is history too proving our orign from the region. A lot of jews were forced out due to various empires wanting to kill us, however some jews remained in the region.
Zionism is simply about self determination for jews as one of the indigenous peoples to the region. It does not inherently imply that palestinians are not indigenous as you can very much have two indigenous groups in a region, eg Moriori and Maori for example, both are indigenous to land which is part of New Zealand, but are two different groups.
I'm not going to say that no zionist ever wants harm to palestinians as there are, however the majority of zionists want a two state solution or a land for all solution (which is different to a one state solution of israel or palestine).
Indigenous groups do deserve self determination. This applies to all indigenous groups world wide. One indigenous group gaining self determination does not inherently harm another group of people, indigenous or not.
Ideologies can be implemented badly and not mean that the inherent concept is bad. For example, communism. No country has ever sucessfully implemented communism as they never leave the transition phase without something going wrong. Saying that zionism always hurts palestinians is like saying that communism is inherently genocidal because of China and Russia.
There are plenty of zionist solutions which does not harm palestinians which are deemed as ideal solutions by zionists, such as versions of a two state solution and land for all solutions.
Israel is also not an ethnostate. The percentage of israeli jews is almost equal to those who are New Zealand European in NZ, yet no one calls NZ an ethnostate. There are plenty of other countries whose majority population is around a similar percentage of 70% - 75% of a country and that country does not get called an ethnostate. Either, all countries with the majority ethnicity percentage above are ethnostates, or the threshold percentage needs to be higher for a country to be an ethno state, or if its only Israel who is an ethnostate and other countries with similar percentage are not, then you hold an antisemitic belief as the only jewish state should not be an exception for purely being a jewish state.
I would also like to touch on yoru usage of "non-jewish palestinian".
Whilst palestinian jews do exist (and I do know one personally), they are a very small minority of palestinians. It is illegal to be jewish in Gaza and the West Bank, so there are no rabbi's there for palestinians to convert. So I am very confused as to what you mean as there are no palestinian jews in palestine, and those that exist in the diaspora are a minority in both aspects, so whilst they deserve recognising and care, your wording is very strange and dogwhistle like. The reason I say dog whistle like, is because it is a common dog whistle for people to say that palestinians are the real jews and who we refer to as jews today are fake jews, which is obviously antisemitic.
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official-oshun · 11 months
Reminder that some freak broke into a Jewish household just to spew insane antisemetic shit like??? How is this freeing Palestine be real and focus this + smashin in jew-owned Business windows? California get it together
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telling jews (yes, even israeli jews) to go back to europe is absolutely antisemitic. it doesnt matter if they're ethnically european or not its still a disgusting thing to say. and it doesnt matter if you say "oh i only mean zionists" bc first of all you dont, second of all zionism was created as a response to rampant antisemitism in europe. do you think europe has been historically friendly to jews? do you think ANY place has done that? have you considered there may be a reason why jewish people consistently move to israel? or do you see 1 jew with a shitty misinformed take and immediately decide we shouldnt have the right to decide where to live? huge fuck you to anyone who claims to give a shit about intersectionality then all that falls out the window when it's time to talk about jewish people
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ch4liz4rd-jpeg · 6 months
one of the absolutely most frustrating things in the western leftist attitude towards "zionism" is that they use zionism to describe something that has its own word. kahanism. but instead they choose to go through hoops to redefine a belief system that ISNT theirs to define. words change overtime, but westerners and goyim dont get to decide what a word that is culturally significant to jews means. and just because the tiny fraction of jews that are antizionist allow you to decide doesnt mean that the wider jewish community who are zionists agree with that.
lets also get one thing clear: zionism is an ancient jewish value. throughout the jewish peoples time in exile away from the land of israel, there was always a strong desire to return to zion, which refers to yerushalayim or the land of israel as a whole. just because someone jew in America might tell you "well i feel no connection to israel" DOESNT MEAN THAT EVERY JEW AGREES.
zionism is the belief that the jewish people deserve self determination in our ancient ancestral land, which encompasses the kingdom of israel and judah. that what it is at its very core. in modern definitions its the idea that the state of israel deserves to continue existing.
ive seen antizionists define zionism as "facism" just a Different ideology, or something along the lines of "kill palestinians" and "take over the world" no where in zionist belief do we think that jews must take over the world, or that palestinians must die for jews to live. or that the modern state of israel must be an exclusively jewish state. the founders of israel picked sovereignty snd safety over maximalism, meaning they chose to settle for the land given in the agreements ALTHOUGH a lot of the land that has our ancient history wasnt actually in our defined land which remains as such to this day.
now, kahanism. kahanism is in my eyes an appropriation of what zionism is. kahanism is an extreme right wing and racist take/"branch" of zionism. the idea that israel must be exclusively jewish, no arabs no muslims no christians, and many kahanists like ben gvir even believe that israel should reoccupy the gaza strip. kahanism ( the kach party) was banned from the knesset, israels parliament. but i think its with this move that our rotten politicians did to circumvent this ban is what has really fucked the perception of israel and zionism beyond repair alongside the propaganda about what zionism is. kahanists have essentially decided that kahanism is actually what truly zionist belief is, so they decide to call their movement a Zionist movement. so the "oztma yehudit" (jewish power, disgusting of them to call themselves this btw 😀😀) party peddles the idea that theyre a zionist movement when really, they are just kahanist and anti arab and anti palestinian. its not fucking "jewish power" to be racist. its maddening to me how many "zionists" are actually racist and bigoted and kahanist and then a lot of antizionists see them and say "look at so so, they say theyre zionist and theyre actually racist bigots who want to flatten gaza, every zionist believes that" and when you believe in palestinian self determination and the continued existence of israel and are thus a zionist, youre now morally wrong and inferior, when the perception of zionism is so beyond warped from its true definition. and as much as people will say "not all jews are zionists!" and "im not antisemetic im jusy antizionist!" its very clear how this has given a lot of closeted jew haters the chance to spew blood libel and misinformation. i do believe that there are well intentioned people in the anti israel/anti zionist/pro palestine movement. i truly truly want to believe that. and if you got this far and consider yourself pro palestine, look left snd right in your movement. learn about the old blood libel thst was used against jews for thousands of years thst is now beinh rehashed with more palatable language. there is a LOT of antisemitism in the palestinian movement, and if people who are truly not jew haters have to stand up for what is right to wash the movement clean of antisemitic libel and violence.
i couldnt find a place to fit this in the previous paragraph but israelis are constantly fighting bibis coalition, most israelis crave nothing more then our hostages back and bibi out of politics. our government has done literally nothing to actually help us for a long fucking time. it is incompetent snd we are in dire need to a better prime minister. im thinking of doing a post about how israeli elections, coalitions, parties and knesset works plus an overview of the parties and their ideologies at some point, so lmk if youd be interested
so, pro palestinian and dont hate jews or israelis? actually want to stand for peace?? seriously, put in the effort. because we cannot see you. you are overshadowed by people using the movement to be antisemitic and spread lies about the jewish people.
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s-c-l-n · 8 months
fuck noah schnapp man its so easy to be jewish and not a zionist he just doesnt have the balls on him to do so
and yes being raised jewish does mean zionist indoctrination we cannot overlook that but we are also smart people who can look at an issue and go “wow !! thats bad !!! we shouldnt let anyone do this !!!” and it doesnt mean we hate our religion or our people it just means we are humans who understand tragedy
and an open letter to any jewish zionists out there: we as a group have lived through horrible and horrific things, but that does not give us a right to continue the cycle of abuse of colonization/genocide. we as a people are better then this and we do not need a country tied to us. do not let israel weaponize and abuse your religion snd your culture in the name of justice they dont care about us. if they cared they would take much better care of their holocaust survivors. they wouldnt be begging people to come to their country. they wouldnt be cherry picking judaism to what matters to their cause. be on the right side of history and said for our brothers and sisters of palestine
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p41nty · 10 months
adam katz has done way too much shit and y'all just let it slide we all know about the ableism in the show and the fact he blocked who dared criticize him, but let's talk about the blatant ZIONISM of this man:
he had an isreali flag in his instagram bio until he was called out for it.
he said he put it there for "jewish pride" BITCH THAT'S NOT AN EXCUSE, THE GENOCIDE HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR 70 YEARS
he originally wanted to delay an episode for ONE DAY "to express our condemnation of violence"… sounds like shitty white man capitalist performative activism doesn't it
when he was called out he deleted his twt, privated his instagram and blamed it all on "harassment" and "death threats". what a fucking coward. y'all yt ppl love using the word "harassment" as a fucking buzzword
his mother, jill katz, openly expressed her support for isreal and was following the IOF on twitter. guess the apple doesn't fall far away from the tree.
we should kill this fucker already
do i even have the mental capacity to reply to this coherently.
adam is not his mother? he doesnt share the same views? hes made it explicitly clear he does not support the genocide. hes a jewish man who wanted to celebrate jewish pride but all of you motherfuckers think that just because someone is jewish means they support israels actions. news flash, they DONT.
have you even been on twitter to witness the threats actually happening? i have SEEN people be absolutely horrible to that man and send him death threats and harass him. but just because hes a white man you seem to think he just throws around that word to get sympathy. how is he gonna SEE any of the sympathy if he doesnt have any accounts to begin with?
and im not gonna pretend i wasnt pissed off at ae's shit episode delay, i was. i was infuriated that they thought one day was enough.
they heard us and changed it in the end didnt they? they listened to us and delayed it another week to make room for more awareness
of course at the time preferably not air it at all as it would act as a distraction from what was happen but ae is kinda going downhill so im not really surprised + the ableism thing has been going on for a while with the entire team and not just adam on his own (this is not defending him im mentally disabled myself so seeing him do this stuff is also harming towards me)
"blocked people who dared criticize him" because it resulted in him getting harassed. he unblocked them and apologised + put out a public apology about it later on (and it was well written might i add) since he had to step back and take a breather due to all the harassment he received
let me say this again.
the fact youre wishing actual DEATH on him makes you no better.
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faggypuppywhore · 1 month
Oh my god that Jewish person doesnt want to be lumped into the label zionist or anti zionist by a random ass goy who doesn't know what those terms means!!! They must surely be a far right genocidal zionist!! They must surely be blood thirst and want to oppress everyone around them!!! There is no other explanation!!! (Sarcasm)
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