#jewish dean my beloved
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chrispineofficial · 1 year ago
more fics with jewish dean please i want him doing christmas for sam and john as a kid then quietly turning around and scrounging up candles for hannukah, keeping a meticulous watch on the calendar every year despite the timeless feeling of their constant travel so he can privately observe yom kippur and do his best for other high holy days like his mom used to like - dean feels such kinship with his mother and with his jewishness that sammy just doesn't because he doesn't remember mary and john doesn't remember all the jewish holidays, doesn't think to celebrate them because Christmas is right there and even christmas isn't a priority for him but dean remembers, dean knows dean gets more jewish the older he gets because he clings to it, seeks it out, dean dreams of having a home with a mezuzah
i'm so sorry i'm just rambling at you i'm just very passionate about jewish dean
ohhhhh my god anon. i am compromised this is beautiful thank you sooooo much also anyone feel free to drop jupernatural fic links on this post hi for the love of god hELLO
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justinspoliticalcorner · 2 months ago
Dean Obeidallah at The Dean's Report:
The outpouring of praise for Jimmy Carter on his passing has spanned the political spectrum from the MAGA right to the left. Some cited his work as President while many others focused on his post-presidency efforts from monitoring international elections to earning a Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 to as—Barack Obama highlighted—"building or repairing thousands of homes in more than a dozen countries with his beloved Rosalynn as part of Habitat for Humanity.” But to me—as the son of a Palestinian immigrant and who has family currently living in the West Bank--there is something else that must be on that list. That was Carter’s championing of Palestinian humanity and self-determination at a time when he knew it would cause him to be viciously attacked and smeared. And he was. But Carter’s courage must act as an enduring reminder that we must stand up for what is right even if it will cause us to suffer personally—a lesson especially needed now as we head into Donald Trump’s second term and we watch so many bend the knee.
As a reminder, in 2006 Carter wrote the groundbreaking book, “Palestine Peace Not Apartheid.” Carter made it clear at the time that he had two-fold goal with this book. First, as he explained to NPR in 2007, the book was intended to “reveal for the first time, to the American public, the horrible oppression and persecution of the Palestinian people and it would precipitate for the first time any substantive debate on these issues.” And secondly, “it would stimulate peace talks,” noting that for the past six years under GOP President George W. Bush there had “not been one single day of good faith negotiations between Israelis and their neighbors, the Palestinians.”
To do so, Carter did something unheard of at the time for a former US President with a huge following. He bluntly wrote and spoke of the conditions Palestinians—like my family—lived under in the West Bank as being "one of the worst examples of human rights deprivation" in the world. He shared something we know today but was not covered greatly then and that was Palestinian land in East Jerusalem and the West Bank was still being “confiscated and then colonized by the Israeli settlers.” (This continues to today as Israeli settlers for the first time—embolden by Netanyahu’s right-wing coalition—are seeking to steal some of my family’s land in the West Bank simply because my family is not Jewish.) The former President also criticized US administrations for “unofficially condoning or abetting the Israeli confiscation and colonization of Palestinian territories.” And yes, Carter used the word “apartheid” in the title of the book. Now to be clear, Carter spoke of the apartheid system being in the West Bank—not Israel proper. As Carter explained, the term apartheid was “a very accurate description of the forced separation within the West Bank of Israelis from Palestinians and the total domination and oppression of Palestinians by the dominant Israeli military.”
Carter gave examples of how Israeli settlements were connected by roads in the West Bank that were expressly segregated for Israeli use only--preventing Palestinians from crossing those roads and in some cases accessing their own land. He noted in interviews—even in the Israeli media as he tried to reach Israelis themselves—that these Israeli policies in the West Bank “perpetuates even worse instances of apartness, or apartheid, than we witnessed even in South Africa.”
Carter was not naïve. He knew that he would be demonized by daring to politically criticize Israeli policy so boldly. The attacks on Carter included smears-as NPR noted in 2007—that he was an “anti-Semite and a bigot.” Abraham Foxman, then national director of the Anti-Defamation League, slammed Carter as “engaging in anti-Semitism” and he commissioned ads in papers and billboards attacking Carter and his book. Others also smeared Carter for daring to share the actual suffering of Palestinian Christians and Muslims—something not seen before in US media.
The fact that Jimmy Carter championed Palestinian dignity at a time the cause wasn’t mainstream to support makes me like him for his courageousness.
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rockabully · 1 year ago
adem appreciation post... also sort of an intro post?? this is my oc adem yavuz. he is a 20 year old greaser (at least in 1956) and he eventually becomes a famous method actor (think brando, dean and clift, but maybe not THAT that famous. but famous). he's an amalgamation of all of my interests (the 50s, old method actors, actors from the 50s and 60s... old hollywood. greasers. rockabilly. theatre. OK U GET IT). he's an impulsive, mean turkish-italian ashkenazi jewish new yorker (i know it's a lot. he's also egyptian) greaser who likes cars a little TOO much and is extremely and super emotional all of the time. he's a total manwhore, wears a lot of leather and is honestly one of my fave ocs of all time. he ends up falling in love with his best friend he meets in college, billy blair, who belongs to my beloved friend @corvidayyy. we've had them for like 2 years now. their shipname is called bildem btw, i love it. a lot of his story has to do with his relationship with billy, trying to achieve his dreams, and his struggle with mental health (he has a lot of disorders. ask for specifics if you want), trauma, racism, queerphobia, etc. a lot of that great (sarcastic) stuff. he starts off as a total delinquent (while also trying to complete college with a bfa in theatre) in a gang called "the bats" (which is a total inside joke for them, they don't actually call themselves that). he works up to becoming an actor, with his first movie as a main character being in '57.. methinks. here's a timeline i drew a year ago on his aging or whatever :^)
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and here are some of my other fave drawings of him that i think showcase his personality well or are just. fun.
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he's actually pretty athletic; he boxes, does a bunch of other fighting stuff. and i mean he also has the occasional street fight. because he's a greaser doing greaser things ofc. at some point he starts to embrace and explore his genderqueerness (he uses he/she/any pronouns btw!), but not as openly as he would wish due to the time period. it's mostly around friends, family, etc, where he'll show his transness a little more. there's honestly so much i could write about this guy. if you have any questions about him, please ask. not even kidding. i could go on for hours, and questions give me the greatest starting point to sharing my passion with you guys. if you want to read more about him, here's his toyhouse profile. it's a little unfinished because there's so much more to his story that i need to write there, but the general stuff is out.
ANYWAYYYY lol. yeah. thanks for lending an ear
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nancydrewwouldnever · 2 years ago
The Infamous Jenny Vulture Interview
So, I keep losing access to the infamous Jenny Vulture interview from March 2017 because of caps on access they have on their website. So, in case anyone else hits the same problem, I'm cut and pasting it here, to have an easier to access copy of it.
The Year of Living Publicly
Jenny Slate’s got two new films and a new home and, oh, by the way, she’s fresh off a breakup with Captain America. 
By Jasa Yuan
Published March 2017
Most pillows are just pillows, but for Jenny Slate, the floral-print puffs arrayed on her pristine white linen couch in her freshly rented apartment in L.A.’s Silver Lake are metaphors. For a bright future. For a new life. For freedom. The Obvious Child star and her bichon frise, Reggie, just moved into this sunny one-bedroom in February, and every time she looks at those pillows, she gets so excited because she remembers how she’d bought them while still married to editor-director Dean Fleischer-Camp, her husband for three years, but had to stow them away because she realized it felt like they were living in a box of tampons. Now she and Reggie don’t have to run their decorating decisions by anyone. “I’ve never lived on my own, because I really did go from one relationship to another my whole life, so I’ve never had a chance to go really girlie,” she says. “And I had my ex-husband over last night and he was like, ‘These flower pillows look great. But they’re just for you.’ I’m like, ‘Yeah! That’s right!’ I love them so much. I just love them for what they represent, which is that all my choices are for me.” She turns around. “I’m gonna pee really quick.”
The bathroom door doesn’t quite close — she’d warned me of this. “You can snoop around if you want,” she shouts. “It’s just a little mouse house. It’s fucking perfect for me.”
I have been in her presence for about two minutes. The first thing she did was offer to loan me a T-shirt because I mentioned I was hot. Slate used to do a stand-up routine about how her mom refused to sew her name into her shirt in elementary school, “because she was like, ‘You’re too friendly, and some stranger would just be like, Jenny! Come into the van!’ ”
There’s an obvious person missing so far from this tale of pillows versus patriarchy, but she’s not hiding anything; we just haven’t gotten to it yet. “When I moved in here, I’d been through my divorce and a breakup,” she says, returning from the bathroom and referring to the ten or so months she spent dating Chris Evans, best known as Captain America, and her much more famous co-star in Gifted an upcoming film about a family struggling with a young girl’s genius affinity for math. The internet went wild over their apples-and-oranges compatibility: a brash Jewish comedienne beloved for oversharing about her bodily functions on talk shows and voicing Marcel the Shell With Shoes On, a tiny stop-motion conch with a single eye and feet who talks about being so small he can hang-glide on a Dorito, in a series of YouTube shorts she made with Fleischer-Camp — and a world-famous Marvel superhero, who also happens to be a Massachusetts momma’s boy with one of the most insanely ripped bodies on the planet. “We used to talk about what kinds of animals we were,” says Slate. “Chris said it’s like I’m a chick riding on a St. Bernard’s head. We’re an odd match.”
Paparazzi tried to snap them, bloggers scrutinized their Instagrams, tabloids obsessively covered their one appearance together on a red carpet. Slate didn’t read the coverage, but it was extremely kind, with most articles praising Slate for taking a chance on Evans, or noting that his coolness factor had jumped several notches because of his proximity to her. Maybe this crazy thing could work out! There was something beautiful, in a year marked by division, to think of these two opposites finding common ground. He was 35; she was 34. They’d grown up half an hour from each other. They were both outspoken liberals. They’d said really adorable things about each other on Anna Faris’s podcast.
And then, a few weeks before I met Slate, news broke that it was over. In her life, though, she’d already spent several months dealing with that loss and having to find a place to live, crashing with friends in Venice Beach in January. “I watched You’ve Got Mail so many times, it was unbelievable,” she says. Was she weeping most of the time? “Yeah, I did it right.” Eventually, she found this new apartment and purged everything she owned except for a few clothes she loves, books, precious objects, and a velvet chair once belonging to her great-grandmother. “I was like, ‘You need all new things. You are a working woman. Maybe this is an indulgence, but just start over,’ ” she says. “It’s like, Fuck.”
The other night, she tells me, she was sitting at a bar by herself, reading a book about the Holocaust, and finally sent an SOS text to her friend Mae Whitman. “I was just like, ‘Can you please help me? I’m so lonely.’ And she came and we got shitbombed, and I woke up the next morning and saw my headphones on my neighbor’s yard. I have no idea how they ended up there.”
As Slate gives me the tour of her place, Reggie trails her every move. “He’s like a little soul mirror of me. We’re a lot the same,” she says. How so? “Needing closeness. Despair when left alone. But also he’s very excited to misbehave when left alone. So he doesn’t know what he wants.”
Ever since she was a pip-squeak at Camp Tapawingo in Sweden, Maine, Slate has known what she wanted to be: an actress, like Amy Irving or Gilda Radner or Madeline Kahn. That or “Jewish Felicity,” taking over Manhattan, like in the TV show. In the aughts, she came up in the alternative-stand-up-comedy scene in New York, where she garnered attention for a one-woman show as different characters eulogizing an eccentric millionaire, got cast on Saturday Night Live, and wasfired one season in after accidentally cursing on-air in her first sketch. That ego blow hurt a little less when she made the awards-circuit rounds for Obvious Child, a low-budget romantic comedy about two people navigating an abortion after a one-night stand, and she’s built a devoted fan base through her outrageous characters on the Kroll Show and Parks and Recreation, not to mention her great voice work with Marcel, Bob’s Burgers, The Secret Life of Pets (as an anxious Pomeranian), and Zootopia (as a villainous sheep). In 2012, she relocated from Brooklyn to L.A. Her relationship with Evans is easily the most Hollywood thing she’s ever done. She shows me a photo of her aura on her fridge, taken in New York’s Chinatown. There’s a thick concentration of “productive energy,” which is good, since she has a lot of work coming up, and a giant cloud of worry and overthinking, which seems to be dissipating. By the sink are potholders she made as a kid on a little loom and a drawing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg that Fleischer-Camp brought her as a housewarming gift. “We’re good friends. That’s why we got divorced,” says Slate. “If we didn’t get divorced, we wouldn’t be able to be friends and we wouldn’t be able to do our work. We had just grown apart, and we love each other. It wasn’t easy, but not bad.” She pauses. “No, it was bad. But not essentially bad.”
Her mother, a ceramicist, and father, a lauded poet, are still married; she wrote a book about her childhood home in Massachusetts with her dad this year. Her younger sister, Stacey, a mental-health counselor in Brooklyn, had come over on the previous weekend and helped her put up pictures. (Her elder sister, Abby, is a nurse-practitioner in Massachusetts, and Slate is convinced her middle-child need for attention is what nudged her toward showbiz.) Covering the top of her dresser are snapshots she hasn’t figured out what to do with, such as the one of her in a revealing tank top at Columbia University, where she went from high-school valedictorian to pothead almost instantly. “This is me when I was a slutty virgin,” she explains. “A virgin but trying to act like I knew what was going on.”
Somewhere beneath a pile of half-read books is her bedside table. She hates computers so much she doesn’t keep one in the house, and she often turns to books when scrolling through Twitter on her phone stresses her out, which it always does. Current favorites include The Collected Stories of Lydia Davis, Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning, and Emma, a children’s book with Barbara Cooney illustrations that she bought on Etsy and loves so much she put it on display so she could see it when she wakes up. “It’s about an old woman who doesn’t love how she’s alone, and then learns to make herself not alone through art, and draws people into her life through art. It’s the fucking best thing.”
The instinct other young actresses have to keep every interesting thing about themselves under wraps — or the toughness that female comics often give off — wouldn’t be very useful in Slate’s case. Her brand, if you can call it that, is built on vulnerability, whether she’s revealing her innermost insecurities through an animated shell or telling Seth Meyers on TV that she was so stoned in college she accidentally signed up for an astronomy class thinking she’d learn about astrology. Not to mention that she and Evans met while playing love interests in a movie that is now coming out and that she needs to promote. That’s hard to get around.
“I don’t mind talking about him at all. He’s a lovely person,” she says. “I don’t know. It feels like such a huge thing. Last year was a giant, big year for my heart. I’ve never, ever thought to keep anything private because that’s not really what I’m like, and now I’m learning those things, and they’re weird, kind of demented lessons to learn.”
She didn’t set out to have a tabloid-­fodder romance. She’d fought hard for her part in Gifted, as a teacher who falls for Evans’s character, a working-class guy trying to give his prodigy niece (Mckenna Grace) a normal childhood. Slate’s part is not huge, but it’s a big studio picture. It got her in the room with director Marc Webb and Fox Searchlight. She liked the script, but more than that, “I was just like, ‘I want viability as an American film actress. I want to find my own seat at the main dinner table, because I want to do this forever, and I want to show that it doesn’t always have to be a bikini model opposite Captain America.’ ”
Evans and Slate met at her chemistry read — the audition in which it’s determined whether two romantic leads play well together — and they instantly got along. “I remember him saying to me, ‘You’re going to be one of my closest friends.’ I was just like, ‘Man, I fucking hope this isn’t a lie, because I’m going to be devastated if this guy isn’t my friend.’ ” The first time they went out to dinner, as co-workers getting to know each other, she remembers insisting they split the bill over Evans’s strenuous objections. “If you take away my preferences, you take away my freedom,” she says she told him. “Then I was like, Oh, man, is this dude going to be like, ‘Ugh, this bra-burner.’ Instead, he was like, ‘Tell me more.’ ” They drew from that friendship for their flirting on film, but the time when they jump into bed together in the movie felt as awkward as you hear all love scenes do. “It’s one of those scenes where you bust through a door making out. I’ve never done that in my life,” says Slate. “I remember apologizing to him after. I’m pretty sure I kneed him in the balls.”
Slate was in a weird space at the time. Her marriage was dissolving, and she was working only two or three days a week, and spending her days off wandering around Savannah’s many parks and doing yoga and writing that book, About the House, with her dad. (Which, incidentally, the publisher gave away free with any donation to any charity.) Every weekend, Evans would organize a game night for the cast and crew — usually something called “running charades,” which sounds like high-speed pantomime — that she begrudgingly went to, even though all she wanted to do was hang out on the porch and drink beer and smoke cigarettes. “At first I was like, ‘What a fucking nightmare,’ ” she says. “Chris is a different speed than me — I think he really did just jump out of a plane for an interview. And so when he was like, ‘Game nights,’ I was like, ‘This is annoying. This guy’s like a sports guy. He’s the kid that likes P.E.’ ” But finally his enthusiasm won her over. “I first really liked Chris as a person because he is so unpretentious,” she says. “He is a straight-up 35-year-old man who wants to play games. That’s it. I was like, ‘I’d better not discount this, because this is purity.’ ” It also helped that she’s so competitive she constantly won.
As they got to know each other, she learned he’s still close with people from his childhood, and his best friend is a woman. “What’s the same about us is not just that we’re from Massachusetts, which was such a delight, but Chris is truly one of the kindest people I’ve ever met, to the point where sometimes I would look at him and it would kind of break my heart,” she says. “He’s really vulnerable, and he’s really straightforward. He’s like primary colors. He has beautiful, big, strong emotions, and he’s really sure of them. It’s just wonderful to be around. His heart is probably golden-colored, if you could paint it.”
They didn’t fall for each other on set. “To be quite honest, I didn’t think I was his type,” she says. (Evans has dated Jessica Biel and Minka Kelly). “Eventually, when it was like, Oh, you have these feelings for me?, I was looking around like, Is this a prank? I mean, I understand why I think I’m beautiful, but if you’ve had a certain lifestyle and I’m a very, very different type of person — I don’t want to be an experiment.” Evans never made her feel that way, but it was hard to get past how so many people seemed to feel some ownership of him and view her as an interloper. “If you are a woman who really cares about her freedom, her rights, her sense of being an individual, it is confusing to go out with one of the most objectified people in the entire world,” she says. Especially when she’s aware that in Hollywood, she says, “I’m considered some sort of alternative option, even though I know I’m a majorly vibrant sexual being.” And especially when random ladies would come up to her at CVS, “being like, ‘Oh my God, is that Chris Evans? He’s so hot!’ You’re like, ‘How dare you? That’s my boyfriend. But yes, he’s so hot.’ ”
Every time Slate mentions Evans, it keeps coming back to the same thing: As much as they loved being with one another, she says, “we’re really, really different,” with different social circles and different lifestyles. Slate comes from a DIY comedy scene, and most of her friends are fellow comics and gay guys. “Chris is a very, very famous person,” she says. “For him to go to a restaurant is totally different than for me to go. I sit in my window and I say ‘Hi’ to people on the street. I have more freedom because I’m not Captain America. I’m mostly a cartoon.” She kept waiting for everything to feel normal, but it never did. “This is what I needed to do to feel normal. To be alone.”
That meant day-to-day they mostly stayed home, “which was really nice,” she says. But it was also one of the most anxious years of her life. She fretted over the “psychos” on the internet who turned her relationship with Evans into a pissing contest with Fleischer-Camp. And she struggled seeing the person she was in love with deal with the side-effects of fame. “The stress that I saw him be put under, I’ve never seen that before, and he handled that really gracefully,” she says. What she wasn’t taking into account was that he’s used to it. “He’s not stressed,” she says. “I was the person that was stressed.”
She’s also aware in hindsight that she hadn’t processed her separation before she got together with Evans. It wasn’t as scandalous as tabloid reports made it sound — as with any long-term relationship that splinters, they’d been on the rocks long before it was official. But, she says, “When Chris and I started dating, my husband and I had only been separated for a couple of months.” The divorce actually went through while she was at the Sundance Film Festival, after she and Evans broke up. “Even though we had an amicable divorce, I think that’s still something that you need to mourn. When you get separated from somebody that you actually care about, it is the destruction of a belief system. That is really, really sad.” Throughout all of it, the divorce, the new love, she says, “I just didn’t have the tools. And I didn’t think very hard about that, to be honest. I wanted to step into the light. Chris is a sunny, loving, really fun person, and I didn’t really understand why I should be prudent.”
Are she and Evans on good terms? “We’re not on bad terms, but we haven’t really seen each other, spoken a lot,” she says. “I think it’s probably best. I’d love to be his friend one day, but we threw down pretty hard. No regrets, though. Ever.”
Slate introduces me to the mascots of her new home, two cute mice figurines in jaunty outfits who look like they’re off to travel the world. “The way I feel now is I’ve stepped out of the woods and I’m a forest animal and I’m standing on the lawn,” she says. “And if anybody tried to approach me right now, they’re seeing a creature that’s just trying to figure out what the lawn is like. All I’m thinking about is the lawn. I’m not thinking about whether or not they are going to be a fun person to be on the lawn with, because I am just trying to be on the lawn.” And what or where is this lawn? “It’s just where I am,” she says. “I like the lawn. It’s filled with air, freedom, sunlight, and I’m alone.”
Slate wants to step out in the sunlight now, with a walk around the Silver Lake Reservoir. She bids good-bye to Reggie and turns on the TV to keep him company. “I watch Twin Peaks, but Reggie watches Frasier,” she says. That morning, while Slate was walking him, a woman got out of her car and stopped in her tracks. “She was like, ‘Oh, are you Jenny Slate?’ And I said, ‘I am.’ And she said something nice to me and I said, ‘Thank you so much. I need a lot of encouragement,’ which is usually what I say because it’s true.”
Dating Evans actually, weirdly, spurred her to double down on her career, because, she says, “I don’t want people to ask me more about my love life because of him than they ask me about my work,” and in order to ensure that, she’d have to produce a lot of work. She does stand-up in small clubs whenever possible and had two films at Sundance this January, just as the paperwork for her divorce came through: The Polka King, the true story of a polka-world Ponzi scheme, opposite Jack Black; and Landline, a story of two Jewish-Italian sisters and their parents having life and love crises in ’90s New York City, with Obvious Child creators Gillian Robespierre and Elisabeth Holm (out July 21). Soon she’ll be heading to Vancouver for a road-trip movie with Evan Rachel Wood, Alison Pill, and Cynthia Erivo, which is also Wood’s directorial debut. She and Fleischer-Camp are also at work on a feature-length Marcel the Shell movie, which she says will be “a character portrait much like Billy the Kid or Grey Gardens.”
Today, she’s leaning in to International Women’s Day by wearing a sundress covered in red roses and made by a company, Day Space Night, that’s run by women. She even canceled her one meeting with a man, an appearance on Snoop Dogg’s podcast, so she could have an entirely penis-free day. And she’s planning on ending the day by going with her girlfriends to a 90-minute seminar on fertility and reproductive rights.
A vocal supporter of Planned Parenthood, Slate credits Obvious Child not just for allowing her to prove she’s a legitimate actress, but also for turning her into a women’s rights activist. Back when she signed on, she says, “I still felt embarrassed of the word feminist.” Then one day discussing a costume fitting with co-star Gaby Hoffmann, Slate jokingly apologized for showing up with “crazy bush,” she says. “And Gaby did not take it as a joke. She was really serious and she looked at me and she was like, ‘I didn’t know we were supposed to apologize for that.’ I was like, Oh, I’m being a fool. I need to learn this shit right now.”
And now that she’s got a financial cushion from Zootopia and Secret Life of Pets, she can act on what she’s learned and say “no” more often. Specifically, she’s drawing the line at any movie that, she says, “makes it okay to laugh about things like women’s bodies after birth, like when women who’ve just had babies are referring to their vaginas as all ruined. I think it’s really rude for someone to disparage a vagina in the female body after it’s just fucking created and exploded a baby into our world. It makes me furious and I will not change my opinion on that.”
Also a no-go are any roles she’s offered that “seem like a weird stereotype version of me. Like Quirky Best Friend: ‘She doesn’t have a filter! She talks about poop!’ ” She thinks it’s worth it to hold out for roles with nuance, that will allow her to lean into humor and tragedy equally, and get to the heart of the human condition. In the meantime, she has plenty of personal-growth goals. She wants to learn Norwegian this summer. She wants to spend time with her family on Martha’s Vineyard. And she wants to find a farm she can help on so she can be around animals.
Eventually, she’ll try dating again, too. “I am inclined toward partnership,” she says. “I’m like a mallard, definitely looking for my other duck. But I’ve been in love in very strong ways enough times now that there are just some compromises maybe I won’t make.” He has to know who Gloria Steinem is, for one thing. She’s thinking maybe a scientist with a sense of humor. But definitely someone who’s sure enough in who he is to accept that she’s had a past without him. “Whoever is the next person is going to have to respect that I had a husband who I loved and this boyfriend who I loved so much, and I don’t want to have to act like they weren’t important.”
We’re back at the apartment and Slate is overjoyed that Reggie hasn’t peed on anything. Speaking of pasts, she’ll also soon be hitting the press tour for Gifted with Evans. “I feel pretty relaxed about it right now,” she says, sounding not entirely convincing. “That’s because I know Chris and he’s a very nice man. And we’ve gone into our separate lives. But that doesn’t also mean that I’m going to sleep well the night before, you know?”
First, she’s taking her parents to Cabo San Lucas to celebrate her 35th birthday. I suddenly have a horror flashback to a similar trip to Cabo I took years ago and warn her not to drink the water or brush her teeth with it, or to have ice or eat anything raw, or maybe to eat anything at all.
“Oh God,” she says, laughing, “having raging diarrhea is just a real on-brand nightmare for me.”
She thinks for a second. “But, you know, it would be such an icebreaker. If I showed up with, like, a spray tan and a blowout, he’d be like, ‘What happened to Jenny?’ But if I was able to say, ‘Aw, man, I have diarrhea,’ he’d be like, ‘It’s you. I remember you.’ ”
*This article appears in the March 20, 2017, issue of New York Magazine.
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bustyasianbeautiespod · 2 months ago
Episode 108 Transcript: Hello, It’s Allergies. Hello, It’s Rhinitis. And this is Stuffy Asian Beauties.
[intro guitar music]
G: Hello, it's Grey.
C: Hello, it's Crystal.
G: And this is Busty Asian Beauties, a Supernatural commentary podcast where I, someone who has seen the show many times...
C: And I, someone who only knows the show through social media, discuss every single episode of Supernatural from start to finish. Also, we are both Asian.
G: Both Asian! For today's episode, we are discussing Season 6, Episode 4: "Weekend at Bobby’s," written by Andrew Dabb and Daniel Loflin, directed by Jensen Ackles.
C: Ugh. I couldn't really tell that there was anything special, director-ing-wise, so.
G: Which is probably a good thing, yeah.
C: Yeah. It means he wasn't noticeably bad at it.
G: Yeah. And this is like a gimmick episode. Like, there's a gimmick. I suppose every episode supposedly has a gimmick, though. [C: Yeah.] Yeah, but this one, it's a gimmick episode. Okay, let's start with, did you like it?
C: Yes, but I don't think the writers like women.
G: Well, that's obvious fro everything that Supernatural has done.
C: Yeah. And every time they brought out the damn cobbler, I started booing and throwing tomatoes at my screen. I think that was stupid.
G: Didn't they just do it one time?
C: No, there's several times where Bobby brings it out, and he is like about to take a bite or whatever, and then somebody calls, and he's like, "Oh my god! I never will have rest in order to like indulge in the domestic life provided to me by women, which could comfort me. This is so sad!" [G laughs]
G: Yeah. And I think me asking, "Does it ever come up?" is proof that I did knit while watching this episode. So sorry.
C: Yeah. Hmm.
G: No, not "hmm." [both laughing]
C: What's the right sound? "Yayy!"
G: You're supposed to say, "So true!" Like that.
C: Okay. So true!
G: I do like this episode, I would say. Like, if I was a person who liked Bobby- [C laughs] It is incredibly hilarious to me that Dean was like, "Wow! Some things are more important than Sam, aren't they?" And it's like, dude, you're talking to Bobby. [C laughs] [C: Yeah.] Everything's more important than Sam, it seems like.
C: For real.
G: What did you know about this episode before going in?
C: I knew that people liked it, and that's about it.
G: Or did they? They did, yeah. I mean, this is a beloved episode, and allegedly, Bobby is a beloved character, so that's not really a surprise. [C: Yeah.] Yeah. Do you think watching this, you understand better the people who are like, "My favorite Supernatural character is Bobby"?
C: Um, no. I mean, he's fun this episode, I suppose, but he's just sort of a POV character. [G: Yeah.] I feel like I don't know him or like him better in the episode. I think it's just like, "Oh, it's interesting to have an episode to think about all the effort that goes behind these sort of phone calls that come up sort of deus ex machina during a case episode for the Winchesters." That was what this episode added for me.
G: I think the Bobby aspects of characterization that we're supposed to learn is that he doesn't know what to ask for help, and he neeeeeds to! or something.
C: Yeah. I guess so. Who cares? [G: Yeah.] Bufus are in love, though.
G: I do think it's incredibly fun- Okay, let's start with the "Then" sequence. I do think it's incredibly fun that we start in like a "triumphs of Bobby's bisexual history." [C laughs] [C: Yeah.] Good for him. Like, we meet Crowley, we meet Rufus, and we see Kim Rhodes. [C: Jody.] What is her character's name? [C: Jody.] Jody, yeah. We see Jody. And it's like, is Bobby involved with these people in different manners that are similar? Yes, is the answer. [C laughs] [C: Yeah.] I am so happy to see Rufus again. [C: Oh, absolutely!] He is incredibly fun, as always. And we get Jewish Rufus confirmation this episode, [C: Yeah.] which is also fun. I do think because Bobby's character type is grumpy old man, they play into that quite a bit, and I think it's the first time I realized that they do actually- like, that is Bobby's archetype. For some reason, I never really realized that before, that they're doing an archetype with him. And they are. He's the grumpy old man! [C: Yeah.] And he is so grumpy and so old, and he has never been so cold [C laughs] or something.
C: He's not that old, but yeah.
G: He's like 61 at this age.
C: Is that so old?
G: No, that's like normal.
C: Well, I guess Penelope Scott wasn't that old when she sang that song. She was younger than 61.
G: Yeah, allegedly. It's about feeling old. Do you think Bobby feels old?
C: Yeah.
G: I think he feels tired. I think he's going to say "estoy cansado" next episode.
C: Alright, we start the episode, and we're in Bobby's house, and he's working on some kind of summoning ritual. When it succeeds, Crowley shows up in his house, and Crowley's, you know, being a flippant, silly guy or whatever, and Bobby's quite antagonistic.
G: And this was like, a year ago, so this was like, pretty much immediately after the Apocalypse shit went down.
C: Yes. They have an exchange where Bobby offers Crowley a drink, and Crowley's like, "Ewww!"
G: "I only drink alcohol that is Scottish" or whatever.
C: Yeah, something called Craig that has reached at least 30 years.
G: Okay, I have a question. Do you think they use the Scottish accent to make fun of that guy later? [laughs] I think they do!
C: I don't think so. Really?
G: I think I think they make the whole Scottish thing a way to make fun of Crowley, or something that Crowley should be embarrassed of, or something. [C: Really?] They asked him if he wears a skirt, and he's like, "It's a kilt." [C: No, that's true.] Bobby's like, "What's his name? That's not true. That's Scottish." And Bobby-
C: Well, that's just because he has a British accent.
G: I know, but they make it a reveal and everything [laughs] [C: Yeah.] that Crowley is Scottish, and it's like a whole thing. It really is a whole thing, seems like.
C: Yeah, I guess so.
G: And I do think an aspect of it is like, because it's funny or it's supposed to be. [C: Huh.] Like, it's supposed to be funny that he's pretending to be British, and he's actually Scottish.
C: Yeah, I think it's funny that he's pretending to be British and he's actually Scottish.
G: "It is funny." [laughs]
C: But like, I don't think that the fact that he is Scottish alone would be played for laughs. It's the fact that he's ashamed of it.
G: He's hiding it. [C: Or hiding it.] No, yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it. But like, I don't know. Don't you think the fact that he is hiding it is something that is like, whatever? Are they trying to say something? What are they trying to say?
C: I mean, within the UK, there is accent discrimination [G: Oh, yeah. Of course.] So, just, I don't know. He's just trying to seem what other people would perceive as more fancy and sophisticated. But yeah, I think they they just put it in with his whole like, "He's a fake!" stuff along with his selling his soul for an extra three inches on his dick.
G: Yeah, I do think it's a fascinating choice to have him be a tailor in his life, which is something they mention later, [C: Yeah.] and then one of the things that he was like, upset about because he was like-
C: "They ate my tailor."
G: Yeah, they ate his tailor, and that's like a sign of him not living the fancy life that he wants because he's being, you know, Apocalypsed. [C: Yeah.] And like, yeah, I do think I get what you're trying to say, and I think that's true.
C: I guess it's the- [laughs] were you asking if it's bad that they're doing it?
G: No no no, I'm asking, what is the intentionality behind it?
C: Yeah. I do think people in general take Scots less seriously than Brits, though. [G: Yeah.] So that's part of it.
G: My baby sister did say when we were listening to the David Tennant How to Train Your Dragon audiobook that she can't understand his accent, and "Can we just watch the movie instead?" [both laugh] So yeah, it very well may be.
C: Yeah. Well, your little sister is the arbiter of the greater social opinion.
Bobby tells Crowley, "We put Lucifer in the cage, so you promised that you would give me my soul back." Crowley does this thing where he snaps, and all the writing on the contract appears on Bobby's arms.
G: Yeah. Pretty fun! Later on in the show, they would just have a scroll.
C: But he says, "You didn't read the little paragraph that I added in the contract particularly closely. That part of it is on your crotch, that might be why. But anyway, it says that I only have to make the best efforts to give you back your soul, so, um, you know, I tried. But I can't!" So Bobby's stuck with the usual demon deal thing of he lives for ten years and then he goes to Hell. Bobby's like, "I hate you and want you to die. And also, you're standing inside a devil's trap painted with invisible ink or whatever the fuck. So I'm gonna keep you here until you give me my soul back." But Crowley is just like, "Whatever." and summons a hellhound to threaten Bobby with. So that's our cold open.
G: So we go to modern day, and the situation is that Sam and Dean are looking at a case, and they realize that they don't know what the fuck is going on, and so they ring up Bobby. At this point, Bobby's outside, and the phone rings a lot. And then when he comes in, Dean is being like a fucking horrible guy. He's like, "Ah, I can't believe you didn't answer me within two rings, Bobby! I can't believe it! Do you have better things to do? Did you have a fall and you can't get up?" which is very rude of Dean. And yeah, he delivers the news of they can't figure this thing out. "Can you figure it out for us?" Bobby goes, "Okay, whatever." And so Bobby starts his investigation. His research, even. And he like, starts reading books from his house. And this is all set in a soundtrack. A song I don't recognize. He's like, "Oh, damn it! I can't find anything!" He goes out. He goes to the Sioux Falls University Library. Very fun.
C: He passes his neighbor-
G: Yeah. On his way there, he's driving. There's this lady who he smiles at, and the lady smiles back and waves. And yeah, I do think there is like, a fun aspect of this where he seems familiar with like, the people and the place, and, you know. That is fun to think about with the respect of Sam and Dean, especially Dean this season, thinking of hunting as something that has no roots, and that that is fundamental to the hunter experience. And then you see Bobby, and he has roots!
C: He says that he's done a lot for the town. I guess in "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid," we learn that he has a reputation as the town drunk, but that's still a role in the community, I guess. [both laugh]
G: No, I mean, he does save people and stuff, but I mean, the only reason why those bad things happen to this town is because he's in it, so like, really, [C: True.] what is he doing for this town? A lot, allegedly.
C: I'm sure he's hunted other things before that weren't after him specifically.
G: Stuff is happening. His car won't start, you know, and a door is locked. He breaks in to get inside, and he does say "Balls!" throughout this montage. Before this, was it ever like, a Bobby tagline? I don't think it was.
C: He'd said it before, and nobody else had said it, so.
G: Yeah. But like, was it a thing already? Perhaps it was. I just didn't care about Bobby. It's a very distinct possibility.
C: It's possible, indeed.
G: There's like, you know, more of the montage, and then he figures it out. He calls Dean. Bobby is about to deliver his lore speech, and he says, "You're hunting a lamia," which is a Greek monster that they've only seen in Greece, and it's weird that it's not there, it's outside. Anyway, Dean asked, like, "How are we gonna kill it?" And Bobby just goes, "Well, the easiest way is silver knife blessed-" blah blah blah, and then Dean just goes, "Okay, whatever!" and then hangs up immediately. And Bobby doesn't get-
C: He told Bobby, "I only love you like a coworker."
G: Literally. Bobby's kind of upset because Dean didn't let him finish his lore montage.
C: And it's 5AM for him.
G: Yeah. What time was it for Dean? Where are they? They're in Wisconsin.
C: Well, I think it's about the same time for Dean, but-
G: Well, it's also 5AM.
C: - they make a big point of the clock changing [G: Oh, yeah, showing the clock, yeah.] while he's doing research to show how he never gets any rest because he's working for Sam and Dean and all these other people.
G: Yeah, he's working for the knife that is Sam and Dean. He goes, "You're welcome," reinstating to us that Dean didn't even say, "Thank you"!
C: Wow. So at this, there's a call from the basement where some woman yells, "Hey, I'm still here!" And Bobby goes downstairs, and he has a crossroads demon tied up in his panic room. And he's been questioning her, trying to get her to tell him Crowley's real name, his human name, so that he can threaten him into giving him his soul back. And this demon is a hot woman in a little black dress, like every crossroads demon we've seen, and she's doing the whole thing where she's crossing and uncrossing her legs and all that stuff because nobody knows [G: Yeah.] how to write evil women on Supernatural.
G: And she's being sexual, and she's saying sexual innuendo. And you know what? A part of me was like, "Wow! I thought the demons were just into Sam and Dean because they thought Sam and Dean were hot, and the show is trying to tell us that Sam and Dean are soo hot [C: That's true.], but no! They also do it to Bobby, who is just fine!" [laughs]
C: Well, they also have Bobby have a love interest this episode, so maybe [G: Ugh. So true.] their point isn't that all demons are sexual, but that Bobby is so hot!
G: Yeah. Is Bobby hot? A question we will never answer. [laughs]
C: Yeah, I mean, I can answer it. [G: Okay, answer it.] No. I don't know. I'm sure Bobby has appeal to some people.
G: You know, people say that the older you get, older people are more attractive to you. [C: Yeah.] And that lady later is, I think, younger than him.
C: I don't know. We'll be able to look up the actress later.
G: Are we?
C: We will. [laughs]
G: Yeah. Or will we? [laughs]
C: What do you think is gonna happen that we won't be able to? We might forget.
G: Yes, I think the main thing would be forgetting. [C: Yeah.] I think the second main thing is [C: Uh-huh?] life in the world as we know it collapsing entirely and IMDb being inaccessible.
C: Okay, you know what? I'm just gonna look up "Marcy Supernatural." She's gonna have a Wiki page where she has the actress's name.
G: [laughs] Okay.
C: The actress is Jennifer Aspen. [G: Hell yeah.] I'm going to find the birth year of Jennifer Aspen. [typing] She was born in 1970, so she is younger than whatever this guy's name is. Jim?
G: Beaver.
C: What's his name?
G: Beaver. [C: Yeah.] That is a fun surname.
C: He was born in 1950, so she is 20 years younger than him.
G: If you're 40 years old, would you want to date a 60-year-old? Question of all time.
C: I'm not 40 years old, so I wouldn't know.
G: Yeah. But at 20 years old, you do want to date a 30 years-old. So it's possible.
C: I don't wanna date a 30-year-old.
G: Yeah, that is true. Well, I want to date a 50-year-old, but let's not talk about it. [both laugh]
C: She'll notice you one day.
C: She starts trying to provoke him by bringing up how he killed his wife again and again, and Bobby's just like, "No, I just want to torture you by taking something that's yours"--they don't tell you what it is until the end of the episode--"and lighting it on fire." And she tells him that it's a myth, but he lights the things on fire, and little patches of fire show up on her skin, and she's screaming in pain, etc, etc. And she tells Bobby that Crowley is the king, not of the crossroads, but of all of Hell.
G: Hell, baby! Good for him. Very fun.
C: Then the bell rings, and he goes up, he looks through the peephole of the door, and his neighbor is there, and she-
G: And she's fixing her hair.
C: - and she's arranging her hair to look nicer, [G: Yeah.] and Bobby checks that his breath doesn't smell bad and straightens his clothes a little before he opens the door.
G: Which is fun, yeah.
C: Yeah, I think it's a nice, cute way to show that two people are mutually interested in each other.
G: Yeah. Is this the equivalent of having a crush on your coworker? [C: How so?] No, this is the equivalent of having a crush on your neighbor, which allegedly happens.
C: Yes, which is what's happening.
G: Yeah. She brought a peach cobbler. What is the thing that Karen was into making? It was pie, right?
C: Yeah, it was pie. [G: Yeah.] And Marcy says it isn't just a peach cobbler. It's a ginger peach cobbler.
G: Which sounds wonderful!
C: It does sound fun and good.
G: Yeah, anyway, she brings it over, and, you know, she's like, "Oh, it's really good. It's my specialty!" And she tells Bobby to like, smell it, and then he does, and he's so awkward. But he does give a smile, and he's like, "Mm, very fun." There is screaming in the back [laughs], and he goes, "Oh, yeah, I'm so sorry. I love horror. It's a guilty pleasure of mine." And she's like, "Love it! Love horror! Have you seen Drag Me to Hell?" [both laugh] and he's like, "Well, I'm trying to avoid it," which is also funny. Anyway, she goes, "Well, you know, over the weekend, you can come over to my place. We'll have dinner, and we can watch a movie, and I can whip up my batch of famous white chocolate popcorn!" She's really trying.
C: Yeah, "I'm gonna cook so much 'cause I'm a woman!"
G: Ugh, this is true. But like, how do you invite people to your house? "Have a drink." Don't have drinks. Don't like drinking. "Have some coffee." Hate coffee, more than alcohol! [C: Yeah.] "Have some tea," I guess.
C: Sure, yeah, or it could just be a chips and salsa situation.
G: I don't like salsa. I also don't like chips.
C: You're not Bobby Singer! [both laughing] Why are you talking about this like this?
G: No, this is true. She should have just invited Bobby for some nice whiskey or something.
C: Yeah, I mean, I'm fine with- well, I'm not blaming her as a character. I'm blaming the writers.
G: No, no, yeah. No, but like, this is like that situation where it's like, "Oh, Jimmy was having a crisis, but he's not gay. So how do straight people have crisises?" You know?
C: Ah, yeah. How do women invite people over without cooking? [laughs]
G: No, how do people in general? Like, how do you do it? [C: Yeah.] "Let's watch a movie," I guess, is something.
C: Yeah, I think that's enough. You can just have it during not meal hours, like 2PM, so they have lunch beforehand by themselves.
G: Yeah, this is true. Or you can go out somewhere else that isn't the house. Allegedly people do this.
C: Yeah, I don't think there's that many restaurants in Sioux Falls.
G: Yeah. But he's done so much for the community! Maybe even established a barbecue joint. [C laughs]
C: So true. That's one of his other jobs. We just didn't see it because it wasn't important to his journey?
G: Yeah, it's like, you know, it's like automatic to him. [C: Yeah.] It doesn't even register anymore that he's absolutely killing it at the grill. [C: Yeah.] That is a thing that he does. He grills stuff, right? [C: Yes.] So true. Go Bobby. Anyway, Bobby kind of hesitates, and Marcy's like, "Okay, yeah, well, that's fine. But I also have a woodchipper that's broken, and if you would like, you can come over and look at it, because people say that you're like, handy and stuff," [C laughs] which is very fun. Yeah, and Bobby's like, "Okay, let me see!" Before she leaves, she extends a hand for Bobby to shake, and they're a bit awkward about it.
C: Yeah, 'cause he's holding the cobbler with both hands. [G: Yeah.] So he has to maneuver it.
G: Yeah. As she goes, Bobby closes the door in this like stance, like, thinking about it a little bit. And then he's like, "Okay!" He puts down the cobbler, he heads downstairs, [laughs] he starts screaming, "What's his name?!!" to the demon while blasting it with a flamethrower. We are again faced with the question of all time. What is Supernatural's deal with torture?
C: I mean, didn't we already answer this question? [G: Yeah.] It's that they don't think monsters can be convinced or reasoned with, so the only language that they can understand is pain.
G: I mean, this is a rhetorical question. It's a rhetorical question.
C: Yeah, okay. [laughs]
G: But they really do have a deal with fucking torture is what I'm trying to bring up. [C: Yeah.] She finally reveals that Crowley's name is Fergus MacLeod. The name has been revealed, and the crossroads demon was like, "Okay, well, now, you gotta send me back. It's our deal." But Bobby just holds up the bag. Of what? We'll figure out later. And he's like, "You know what? I gave it my best effort, and I'm still going to burn you alive." And so he does by torching the thing in the thing.
C: Are we supposed to think he was cool for that, or is it like a, "Wow, he's really gone off the rails."
G: The thing is, I think we're supposed to think he's cool because it's not like they make any effort to show us that, like, Bobby's losing it or whatever the fuck. [C: Yeah.] And the thing is, I think we're also supposed to think Sam is cool later for going, "You know what, Dean? We had a deal." So like, what's the situation?
C: That they hate women, maybe?
G: Yeah, I mean, that is the situation. Very obviously this situation. [both laugh] It is fascinating that like, "Oh, we had a deal. But you know what? I'm not gonna respect it." is a sign of strength, but also, "We had a deal, and I will respect it" [C laughs] is also a sign of strength. [laughs] [C: Yeah.] So it's not about the respecting of the deal. It's about the existence of a deal itself, I think, is the thing. I think also-
C: That you're the one with power?
G: Yeah, it's the power of like- But like, you also have the power if you let the deal hold by itself, right? Or I think the point is that with Crowley, I honestly thought this is what Sam was gonna say later. With Crowley, Crowley can do things for them, [C: Yeah.] but this demon is dispensable, I think, is the situation. So it's like, why would I- With Crowley, if we let him go now then, it's like, he owes us. Versus this demon, yeah, she owes us. But like, who the fuck cares because we don't need her? I think, is the vibe. [C: Uh-huh.] Horrible!
C: Bobby is doing some research on Scotland in general.
G: Literally just Scotland. [laughs]
C: He picks up a call from Garth! [G: Yeah.] Who we haven't met yet.
G: Yeah, it's Garth reveal. Hi, Garth! Love Garth.
C: Yeah, and it's a fun little bit where he's like, "This doesn't sound like a vampire. You should call the FBI." And then [laughs] he immediately gets a call on his fake FBI phone and it's Garth. [G laughs]
G: And Bobby goes, "Not me, idjit, like the real FBI! I wonder how you're still alive by now!" [C: Yeah.] I do love that he was just researching Scotland. It's like when Sam looked up vampires. So real.
C: Yeah, so real. [laughs] It's where to start. Yeah, he's picking up a bunch of different phones where he's being an FBI guy, a CDC guy. [G: Yeah.] Female hunter mention where, at some point, while picking up a phone, he goes, "Of course she's one of ours, and if she says she's gotta dig that grave up, you better damn well let her."
G: Feminism. [C: Slay.] I do love this scene, and I think it's quite evocative. The visual of having all the phones there. I am a bit sad that Jensen Ackles, the director of this episode, did not linger on the visual of it because it's good. It's a good look. Maybe it did linger on it, and I just wasn't looking. That is also a possibility.
C: No, but you mean sort of a wide shot [G: Yes.] with the montage where he's moving around, hitting different phones at different times. That would be fun.
G: Yeah, like, have like a shot that is the phones that is not focusing on Bobby, but focusing on the phones, I would have enjoyed. And they do do that later in the show when it's Sam and Dean's turn to be those people, where it's like just a bunch of flip phones, and it's like, "Oh, yeah, FBI," which is very fun. And like, that is- I mean, this scene, like, it's fun, but the value of it for me is it showcases what Bobby's role is in the community. He really is a pillar in the hunting community, which is very fun, and also, the fact that they bring up this virtual again later on with Sam and Dean as they now become a pillar of the hunting community, now that Bobby is gone. [C: Yeah.] It is like, fascinating to think about the fact that Sam and Dean have this such loyalty to the hunter brand when they have like, actually quite little connections in the hunting life. Like, you know. I think it is telling that John brought them up in this lifestyle or culture and environment but also made them pretty much not intermingle with anyone who is also that lifestyle and environment. You know what I mean? [C: Uh-huh.] And I do think if they had more hunter friends, they would ease up a bit. [laughs] Like, maybe they'd calm down, you know?
C: Yeah, they would unclench.
G: Yeah, unclench a bit. And I think the times in the show where we have seen the concept of a bigger hunter commune is with Ellen and Jo's bar-
C: The Roadhouse, yeah.
G: The Roadhouse. I'm so sorry. I completely forgot the word for it! That's so sad!
C: Yeah. Do you hate women?
G: [sadly] No. [both laugh] I don't. But yeah, so we have the Roadhouse, we have this Bobby thing, and I suppose we'll see it later on in the show.
C: Someone starts pounding on the door, and it's Rufus! [G: Yeah!] Iconic scene, I think we've all seen it, where he's like, leaning on the doorframe, out of breath, and he goes, "Oh, good. You're home. Listen! You gotta help me bury a body."
G: And Bobby's just staring at him like, "What the fuck is up with this guy?" Yeah. This scene is wonderful. It is iconic. And yeah, love Rufus! It's the first time we're seeing him since the beginning of Season 5 if I'm correct, right? I am correct. [C: Yeah.] 5.02? [C: Stupid-ass episode.] I think, because in the past, we have established that Rufus and Bobby are kind of like a- they're mad at each other, but jokingly, but also not jokingly, which is a fun dynamic. [C: Yeah.] And you know, what we've seen of Rufus and Bobby- Okay, let's do a like, timeline of Rufus and Bobby from what we've seen in the show so far. We have, like, Bobby telling Dean, "Go to Rufus. He'll help you."
C: Yeah, Season 3.
G: Yeah. And Dean being like, "Hi, Bobby sent me" and Rufus being like, "Okay, well, then, fuck off," which is very fun. [C: Yeah.] We have "If you call again, I'll kill you." [laughs] [C: Aww.] and then Rufus calling again immediately. [C: Yeah.] We have, "And Rufus? Take care of yourself." Ah! Love it. [C: Yes.] And then we have this. And I do think, like, it is a consistent-
C: Was there anything else? I think throughout Season 4 or 5, Bobby was like talking to Rufus about apocalyptic signs a few times.
G: Yeah, but I don't think we actively would see it, right? A lot of the times, it's Bobby saying, "Yeah, Rufus said." But I think the phone calls I mentioned and you mentioned are the ones that we really see them talking. [C: Right.]  don't know. I think it is an interesting dynamic of like, antagonistic friends. So important. [C: Yeah.] And they are friends! Look at them!
C: In Bobby's scrapyard- and yeah, so Rufus brought some body over because police were chasing him, and they rib each other about like, "Oh, you're getting slow!" "Oh, I'm getting slow? All you do is sit on your ass all day taking calls." And we see the body, and she's Asian!
G: It's an Asian woman! She's literally Asian, and it's because she's a Japanese monster. It's literally the reason. [C: Yes.] And I mean, I do find it hilarious that they were like, "Oh, we need-" I mean, it's better than having a white woman play it, I guess. [laughs]
C: Yeah, which they've done a lot of times.
G: But also, like, again, we come up to the whole thing where it's like, you only have an Asian person to be an Asian monster or whatever. Or like, you know, having the-
C: Yeah, this monster is an okami, which I think is just "wolf" in Japanese and not like, a creature. So yeah, she has these sharp teeth or whatever. They're both surprised at this because the only time Bobby has ever seen an okami was in Japan, and that also tracks with Sam and Dean hunting something that's usually only in Greece in Wisconsin. So Bobby has a mechanical digger, which can dig a hole for the okami very easily. [G: Love it.] And we get Jewish Rufus confirmation where he's looking at it, and he goes, "Man, I know what I want for Hanukkah." Love it! They bury the body, and they're chatting about the whole Crowley situation. [G: Yeah.] And Bobby says that what he's gonna pursue is that Crowley said in the beginning that he liked Craig, and that he'd been drinking it since he was in grade school, which means that he probably grew up where Craig was made. And Rufus immediately is like, "Oh my god! I know everything about Craig. It's only made and sold in a tiny area on the north tip of Caithness County," and he starts going into like, you know, wine tasting people's descriptions [G: The notes, yeah.] of what alcohol tastes like. And he's like, "I'm not a heathen. I obviously know what Craig is, you dumbass!"
G: So true. [C: So true.] Rufus- when Bobby sent Dean to Rufus, he told him to get a Blue Label, right? [C: Yeah.] That already happened, right? That was in Season 3. [C: Yeah.] And also, when he dies, they pour a whole bottle- whole bottle?! Dude. [laughs] Give a half to yourself, is my opinion. Does Sam and Dean have like, hobbies similar to this? Well, I suppose Sam has serial killers.
C: Cars? One car.
G: Car. Serial killers. [C laughs] What else?
C: I mean, Dean's music is sort of a hobby, [G: Oh, yeah.] especially the fact that he knows trivia about Led Zep.
G: I think pop culture is Dean's hobby. He loves a TV show, movie, a song. [C: Yeah.] A book. He reads. [laughs] Aesop, etc.
C: Yeah, The Odyssey too.
G: What are Sam's interests? He loves serial killers. [C laughs] [C: Yeah.] He loves being vegan, but they never say it. He loves being secretive about the fact that he's vegan, but also very explicitly open about it, just never saying the word, that's a hobby.
C: Uh-huh. He loves doing it, so much. Sam doesn't have a lot of-
G: He loves lore.
C: Yeah, I guess that's a hobby.
G: Yeah. What else are Sam's hobbies?
C: Nothing.
G: He loves a Dewey decimal system, but that's just us projecting.
C: Yeah. Projecting? I don't love the Dewey decimal system.
G: Well, I do love to do a decimal system.
C: You're projecting on Sam and me.
G: Well, he would grow plants after Dean dies, but also again, that's just us, I think. [laughs] Is that true? Or do we see him grow plants when Dean is dead?
C: I don't rember. Well, I haven't seen it also.
G: You haven't seen. [laughs] I was viciously reminded of Jared Padalecki's wig at the finale of Supernatural recently. [C: Yeah.] What a horrible thing they do to Sam Winchester, even. [C laughs] Maybe he's into bag wigs. yeah.
C: Rufus tells Bobby, "You know I have contacts over there in Scotland. I can make a few calls." And Bobby says, "I ain't asking for no help." And Rufus says, "I ain't asking for your permission." They're in wuv!
G: Bobby is allegedly about to eat a piece of his cobbler, but then he is stopped by Dean calling him. And Dean's like, "Okay, well, what's the other way to kill a lamia?" And Bobby's like, "Well, did the first one not work?" And Dean's like, "Well, no. So what do we do?" And then Bobby says what they should do, but as he's saying it, there's a massive knock on the door, and Bobby's trying to hold him off, but eventually he had to let them in because it's the cops, including Jody. Well, it's Jody and some other guy. Bobby does this thing where he's like, "Oh, I'm talking to my mom," which is very fun. [C: Yeah.] "Just wait a minute. I'm guiding my mom through cooking." And then he goes back to the phone and he's like, "Okay, well find salt and rosemary, and really cook it well-done" or something. [C laughs] Yeah. And then he goes, "Is it okay now? Okay, well, have a have a fun roast, mom!" [laughs] Would Bobby's mom still be alive? I think so, yeah.
C: Yeah. Well, I don't know. He's 61.
G: In her 80s, probably.
C: She's be 90 or in her 80s, yeah.
G: I mean, allegedly. She's probably dead.
C: Yeah, she's probably dead. I thought it was sweet that he stayed on the phone until he knew for sure [G: Yeah, it was done.] that the lamia was dead.
G: Well, the last time Dean hung up on him, it didn't work, [C: True.] so by the process of elimination, it is Bobby that killed that thing.
C: Yeah. I can't believe that he said the easiest way was a silver knife blessed by a priest when like, you can just get salt and rosemary from the grocery store!
G: How do you get a priest who is maybe not aware of what that silver knife is supposed to do to bless your silver knife?
C: Just be like, "This was my dad's favorite knife, and he died recently" or some shit?
G: Do you think that's gonna work?
C: I don't know. You're the Catholic.
G: My first idea was that they would have- They have a car, so they'll be like, "Oh, our car is new. It's vintage. We just bought it. We want it blessed," which is something people do. People get car blessings. And so they have the car there, and then they put the knife in the car, and then the priest blesses the car, and it will in turn bless the knife.
C: Will it?
G: I don't know. The intentionality is, in fact- [C: Yeah.] But you know, when you bless a car, you open everything.
C: So he sees the one million guns they have.
G: No, I'm assuming they would put that compartment down. But if they put the knife somewhere that a bit of it is peeking out like of the seat or something, but it's still obstructed, and the priest does the holy water, it will touch the knife, and will therefore bless it. What do you think?
C: Sure, why not? [both laugh]
G: Honestly, I don't think it works like that. I think there needs to be an intentionality behind blessing this specific thing. But you know what? It could be possible.
C: Yeah, I guess it was the flamethrower aspect of it that was harder, but they just had one.
G: Yeah. Do you think they do mass blessing to weapons? At this point, just have every weapon blessed, right?
C: True. Does it ever wear off?
G: I don't know. I mean, does holy water wear off?
C: Yeah. It evaporates.
G: Not if you bottle it. Oh, this is true. But would the vapor be holy? [laughs]
C: Well, the vapor would be in the air and not on the weapon.
G: Would the particles itself- This is a separate conversation.
C: Oh, like, do demons walk through the world, and occasionally they go, "Ow!"
G: "Ow! Owie!" Yeah, because there's a concentration of holy vapor.
C: Yeah. Probably.
G: So fun! Love it. Anyway, that's all said and done. Bobby greets these cops and what they're saying is, they put up a sketch of Rufus, and they're like, "Okay, well, did you see this guy? His name is Rufus Turner, aka Luther Vandros, aka Ruben Studdard." And Bobby's like, "Nah, I've never seen that dick." [laughs]
C: Love is real!
G: The cop is like, "How do you know he's a dick, then?" and Bobby goes, "I don't know. I just think maybe he is." [C laughs] And the guy cop is like, "Well, people saw him carrying a body over here. So what's that about?" And Bobby's like, "Look, man, that's soo ridiculous!" And Jody steps in, and she's like, "You know what? Me and this guy, we have a relationship." And she says she's been arresting him for ten years now, so why don't we just separate, and you investigate outside, and I investigate inside. And the cop's like, "Okay, fine." And as soon as the cop goes out, Bobby goes, "Why did you let him go out there?" And Jody says, "Well, I think it would be better if he was out there than in here. I don't think you want him in here." And Bobby goes, "Well, yeah, because I have a body in the basement. But I also have a body in the yard!" [C laughs] Jody is like, "Oh, fuck! Damn it!" And so they go out and they pace about, and they see the guy, and the guy's like, "Bobby, there's a giant fucking hole [C laughs] in the yard. What's that about?" And Bobby's like-
C: But it's empty.
G: Yeah, it is empty. I actually couldn't figure out what they were trying to tell me until later. The hole is empty. I thought they just did a bad job of like, putting the dirt back in the hole.
C: But we saw it completely smooth over it earlier?
G: Is that true?
C: Yeah.
G: Okay, well, that's my fault. My bad, even.
G: Bobby's like, "Oh, yeah, I did a septic tank thing, so watch where you step!" He calls Rufus like, "Rufus, this thing is dead!" Or, well, "This thing is not dead!" [C laughs] Rufus is-they start going back and forth on if Rufus did the proper methods of killing so that this thing will actually be dead. And Bobby's like, "Did you use a bamboo dagger?" Rufus goes, "Yes." "Blessed by a Shinto priest?" And Rufus is like, "I'm not fucking stupid, Bobby!" And Bobby goes, "Did you stab it seven times?" And Rufus goes, "Well, I stabbed it five times." And Bobby's like, "It's supposed to be seven!" And Rufus is like, "No, it's supposed to be five." But anyway, this thing is alive because Rufus forgot two stabs. [C: Yeah.] [C laughs] Bobby asks, "When you found it, what was it doing?" And Rufus said it was feeding on, you know, single white females, usually while they sleep.
C: [laughing] Incredibly funny, incredibly funny. They're usually in Japan. How do they survive off of this diet?
G: No. What Bobby is saying is like, what were they doing when you found it? Not necessarily like, "This is their diet. What's their diet?"
C: Okay, yeah, this is a special one, and it had to come here all the way from Japan because it wanted to eat white women so bad.
G: No, the point is like, "What is the modus operandi of this specific thing?"
C: Yeah! [G: Yeah.] Which I think it's funny that they wrote it to be this.
G: I mean, it is hilarious that they wrote it this way specifically so Bobby can go to his girlfriend's house.
C: Yeah, like, I feel like she doesn't need to be specifically into single white females. Like, I think just the fact that this is your neighbor and it escaped from your property is enough. You could be like, "I saw some tracks" or whatever.
G: Yeah, like, Bobby could be like walking around, looking for a clue to where this went off, and he sees that like, there's a track going to the house or something. [C: Yeah.] Well, that's how it happens.
C: Have we ever had a monster who was only after, like- besides the racist truck [both laugh]- a specific racial or gender group?
G: Well, there's the gay gorgon who was going after gay men.
C: Well, we haven't had him yet.
G: Yeah, but he's iconic, so I thought I should mention him.
C: Alright. Thank you for mentioning him because he's iconic. I just feel like they really went out of their way to do this, and it's silly to me.
G: No, I mean, yeah, they did go out of their way to do this, and it is silly to you and me.
C: So we're now in Marcy's house, and she's preparing to go to sleep, but there's like a shadow crossing the window, and then Bobby fucking kicks in her door. He says that she needs to show him where her bedroom is, and he's swinging around a gun and checking everywhere, and she's like, "I'm trying to be chill about this, but what the fuck is going on?" And Bobby asks if she's seen anything weird, and then she notices the okami on the ceiling about to jump at her. And there's a whole fight thing where Bobby's wrestling with the okami a bunch and crashes out of a window into the outside, and they're still fighting, etc, etc. And then they're at the woodchipper, and he accidentally hits the power button, and it turns on, working completely fine, and during the fight, he is able to shove the okami into the woodchipper, and she gets destroyed.
G: Yeah, and Bobby gets sprayed with blood, but then we go to Marcy, and she's completely drenched. It is a fun look, and she's in a white nightgown.
C: She sure is. They're both a little bit in shock, and Bobby goes, "I thought your chipper was broken." And Marcy goes, "I just said that to get you over here." And Bobby says, "I guess I could come over for dinner some night. It might be fun." [laughs] And Marcy just goes, "I don't think so."
G: You know what who would have said yes? [C: Who?] The woman from "Dead Pig Collector," a very fun short story. You guys should check it out. [laughs]
C: From what?
G: No, I'm just promoting it. What? What do you mean?
C: Oh, who wrote it?
G: Warren Ellis, I think. Wait, let's see.
C: It's called "Dead Pig Collector"? [G: Yes.] Okay. Yeah, I see.
G: By Warren Ellis. Very fun!
C: Yeah, and Bobby says, "Story of my life," which did annoy me.
G: Bobby calls Rufus now, and Rufus is like, "Wow, I can't believe you're still alive." And Bobby's like, "Yeah, well, I killed it. So fuck you." And Rufus asks-
C: Yeah, he also calls the okami "Godzilla."
G: Is that supposed to be a thing?
C: Well, I guess it's a Japanese monster.
G: Do people think of Godzilla as a Japanese monster?
C: It's a kaiju, isn't it?
G: Yeah, but then like, that's just some guy at this point. Is Godzilla so tied to culture? [laughs]
C: Well, to Rufus, it is.
G: Yeah. Isn't there Godzilla vs. King Kong? Isn't that a thing? [C: Probably.] Yeah, what the fuck is that about? [laughs]
C: I think Godzilla probably fights King Kong.
G: No, but like, is it an underdog story? Like, King Kong is the underdog?
C: I don't know what King Kong is like.
G: King Kong's a giant gorilla.
C: What's Godzilla then? Oh, it's a lizard thing! Godzilla is sort of a dinosaur-looking thing?
G: Yeah, like a giant lizard that is a dinosaur. Yeah, love it. Do you love Godzilla? Yes or no. 5. 4. 3. 2-
C: I've never seen anything. I mean, I didn't even know who Godzilla was briefly.
G: I do think he's removed enough from the concept of being Japanese for this joke to be a thing. Although now that I think about it, why else would they make it?
C: Yeah. [both laugh]
G: And also, this was in 2010, so maybe the concept of Godzilla is less pronounced in pop culture. Anyway, Rufus asked, "Oh, so you just happened to have a bamboo dagger blessed by a Shinto priest?" And Bobby goes, "No, I shoved her through a woodchipper." And Rufus goes, "Oh, okey-dokey! Well, woodchipper, that trumps everything," which is pretty fun, and does remind me of when Rufus was like, "I'm gonna blow their legs off!" and Dean or something was like, "That's not gonna kill them," and he goes, "Well, they can't run if they don't have legs." Rufus thanks Bobby and apologizes. He says, "I screwed up."
C: Okay, Bobby says, "Forget it. I figure I still owe you more than you owe me," which is a reference to a thing we never learn in canon, which is that Bobby is partly responsible for Rufus's daughter's death. Right?
G: Is that true?
C: Yeah, there's a bonus content thing where-
G: I mean, I know that. But like, is that really what this statement means?
C: I think so. I think it's about their past. It felt loaded.
G: Yeah, Rufus does do a "Hm." about it, so maybe.
C: Yeah. It's so sad that that never makes its way into the show in actuality. And they kill him. So it's not like they were like, "We'll reveal this later down the line in the Bobby/Rufus story" and then they forgot. Rufus takes a moment to process those words, and then he goes, "Okay. Well, you owe me another thing because I have a lead on Crowley. His full name is Fergus Roderick MacLeod. He was born in Canisbay, Scotland in 1661, and he had a son named Gavin."
G: After Caravaggio and Shakespeare. So true.
C: So true. The son was the captain of a trading ship that sank in 1723 off the coast of Massachusetts, so he has a ring that is inside a maritime museum of Andover, and Bobby says, "I need that ring." and Rufus goes, "Are you asking for my help, Bob?" Very cute. [G: So true.] And Bobby very reluctantly says, "I'm asking for a ring, and I'd appreciate your help getting it." The world's best proposal.
G: They're engaged! They're about to get married! So true. [C: So true.] Bobby said, "Marry me a little." Is that a funny joke, or is it so corny? [laughs]
C: I don't know.
G: I think if I committed to saying it, it would be.
C: I think Dean and Lisa are sort of the "Marry Me a Little" relationship.
G: No, because his name is Bobby, and he's saying, "I'm asking for a ring."
C: Okay, I see, I see. Yeah, okay, yeah. It's a funny joke. I'm sorry I didn't get it. That's on me.
G: Thank you. You were too invested in the plot of Company to realize the incredibly shallow joke I made.
C: Silly me.
C: Rufus is already heading to Andover to get this ring, and Supernatural thinks we're stupid, so he has him exposit to Bobby that "Oh, so your plan is to get the ring and summon Gavin's ghost in order to exchange hostages with Crowley, so that you can have your soul back!" Bobby says, "Yeah, something like that." He is trying to eat the cobbler again, where he takes it out of the fridge, but then the phone rings, and he's so sad. And Dean called-
G: Just eat it while the call is happening, just like me in the podcast and you in the podcast.
C: I don't get it. And me in the podcast! I love to snack during the podcast.
G: No, yeah, it is incredibly funny when I'm editing the podcast, and I start speaking in a way that will imply that I will speak for a long time, and then I hear a crinkle of snacks from your end. [both laugh]
C: Yeah, I mean, it's always first thing in the morning for me, so I usually haven't eaten before. [G: So true.] I got hungry during. But yeah, so Dean's like, "Yeah, the case is fine, Bobby. But it's Saaam!" [both laugh] And Bobby looks up, kind of annoyed. [G: So true.] And he's like, "Something's different about Sam, he's not right-"
G: Honestly, this is a hilarious scene. I mean, it is a hilarious scene. I don't think it's supposed to be funny. It is funny, though.
C: I think it's supposed to be a little bit funny with the whole Sam looking at Dean being like, "Ugh. Okay!" during Bobby yelling at them.
G: I do find it so amusing that like, if you're not like fully invested in the Sam and Dean story, and you're just like, a bypasser in a way- Like, Bobby is invested, but also, he's not like in the day-to-day like we are as an audience, how ridiculous it all sounds. [C: Yeah.] [laughs] Like all their drama? So fucking true. Now, I'm thinking about like when Ellen was like, "Okay, so what's up with you two?" and being like, "Okay, fine, here we go again."
C: Yeah, yeah. I mean, she thought that they were both fighting for the same woman or something, so yeah, to her, whatever their drama is, it seems very frivolous to her.
G: Yeah. Literally. And it probably is. [C: Yeah.] What was happening when she said that? Sam just-
C: Sam's demon blood thing.
G: Oh, yeah and opening the gates or whatever.
C: Dean wouldn't let him hunt.
G: Not the gate, the Cage.
C: That was in Season 2. They didn't know about the Cage yet. This was specifically in 5.02, right? So it was that Dean wouldn't let Sam go outside to hunt on his own.
G: Oh yeah, because of the demon blood. [C: Yeah.] So true.
C: So it was about that.
G: It was about Ruby. Oh, that is the implication that they're doing. Like, they're fighting over a woman-
C: Yeah, but in a different way than Ellen thinks. [G: Yeah.] Dean's like, "Ugh, I know he's been through so much, and he changed, but like, something's wrong, Bobby!" And someone starts calling Bobby, specifically Rufus, and Bobby's trying to cut this short. But Dean's all like, "Can you tell me everything about what Sam was like during the year while he was away?" [G laughs] And Bobby is just like, "Dean, no. I have another call." And he goes, "You what??"
G: Yeah, he puts Dean on hold, and Dean is so bitter, upset, sad, crying, throwing up.
C: Bobby says, "I have to take this. It's important." And Dean scoffingly laughs and goes, "More important than Sam???"
G: It's literally Bobby, Dean. Bobby doesn't give a fuck. [C laughs] And the thing is like, it is not urgent. It is a conversation that can have a pause, you know?
C: It can happen at any time.
G: This is not something that is- The thing is, to be perfectly clear, Bobby didn't hang up. He put Dean on hold, which means that he is committing to going back to this conversation. And if Dean later on wasn't like, "Oh, yeah, Bobby. Never mind, then. Fuck you!" like, Bobby would have continued that fucking call.
C: Yeah, I mean, Dean's just meant to be extremely selfish right now in order to cause Bobby to snap, so these are all things that the writers agree with. It's about how Dean doesn't think about how Bobby has other hunters that he's in contact with. He thinks that he's so special, so he can't imagine that anything could be time-sensitive for him, etc.
G: Yeah. You know what should have happened at some point in Supernatural? [C: Yeah.] While Sam and Dean are visiting Bobby, there happens to be two other hunters that are visiting Bobby that are around their age, [C laughs] and they realize that Bobby has so many like, "like a kid to me" people in his life. [C laughs] It will be hilarious. Dean would literally cry and throw up.
C: Oh, absolutely. In "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid," he was like, "Karen, I hate you, and Bobby's like a father to me! [G laughs] So I don't know why you're up in my business trying to control his life." even though she was like a wife to him, so this is a pretty consistent characterization.
G: So true. Hilarious.
C: So it's Rufus on the phone, and he's driving very fast. There are police chasing him because he stole that ring from the museum, and he's like, "I have to hide this ring!" and Bobby says, "Don't swallow it!" and he says, "I'm swallowing it!" And he does.
G: And it's so cute because it's not like he didn't hear Bobby well. It was more like Bobby going, "Don't swallow it" gave him the idea that he can swallow it, and so he does! [C laughs] So true and so important.
C: Yeah, they are in wuv. And the rest of this, we only hear from Bobby's perspective, they didn't shoot this, but the police catch up to Rufus, and he says something about how the police are using unnecessary force, and that he knows his rights. And Bobby hangs up and goes back to Dean.
G: I did wonder here about like the concept of a, you know, a Black hunter like Rufus, [C: Yeah.] and the types of leeways that Sam and Dean get for being white men. [C: Yeah.] I mean, Rufus was retired for a long time, or at least retired on the hunting side of hunting. He was on the research, as he said.
C: Yes. I have also wondered this, but I don't think I really have anything to say. [G: Yeah.] Except that I do think that him like pointing out the force, and that he knows his rights is something that I hadn't heard Sam and Dean say, and it seems like something that he did like, I don't know. You know-
G: This is more conscious thought about it, yeah.
C: Yeah. Yeah, I guess these weren't the same people who wrote last episode, or are they? Who wrote last episode? Bedlund. [G: Bedlund.] I don't know how much they coordinate, but this is two police brutality against Black people mentions [G: Yeah, they're back-to-back.] back-to-back in this season, so yeah. I wonder if they talked about this amongst themselves at all while writing.
G: If I were to place a bet, I would say no. [laughs]
C: Yeah. Yeah. Just a coinkydink.
G: Bobby is like, "Okay, well, Rufus is being arrested." He goes back to Dean, and Dean is like, "Bobby, what the hell??" [both laugh] That is what he sounded like. And he's like, "You know what? You're the one person I can talk to about this stuff. I'm so stressed out about everything. There's Sam, and there's Lisa and Ben. I don't even know what to do anymore! And you won't even listen to me?"
C: He says that he's the only person he can talk to about leaving Lisa and Ben, which is also the language [G: Not true.] I think Sam used last episode about Dean joining him on hunting. Like, did I totally misunderstand 6.02? Isn't he literally just on a business trip?
G: I think- you know what? When you were saying that, halfway through, I thought what you were gonna say is "Has Sam convinced Dean that this is, in fact, leaving Lisa and Ben?"
C: Or, I don't know. I guess I was more wondering if Dean told Sam that it- phrased it in a way that made it seem like it was more permanent.
G: No, but like, if you remember, the start of that scene is Dean-
C: He is on the phone with Ben, yeah.
G: - telling Ben off in a way that is very much like he is still solidly a part of Ben's life. So like, I think it was explained well to Sam.
C: Yeah. So like, why are they saying leaving?
G: Well, Sam got into Dean's head. [both laugh]
C: So true. He's not coming back anymore. [G: Yeah.] Except when he's a vampire. I know that happens.
G: Only when he's a vampire. Any other situation, he's not coming back. [C: Yeah.]
As Dean is going on this retort, Bobby just does the Kubrick stare, and like, you know, he goes, "Okay, well, I hear you, Dean, but now, it's not a good time." And Dean just goes, "Yeah? You know what? Forget it. I mean, I'm baring my soul like a freaking girl here! [laughs] And you've got stuff to do, so that's fine. But seriously, a little selfish. It's not all about you, Bobby." [both laugh] He's hilarious.
C: They really ham it up here.
G: In fairness, he is incredibly funny.
C: I don't think Dean would say this. [laughs]
G: Yeah. Anyway, Bobby just goes like, "Okay, well, where's your brother?" And then they put him on speaker, Dean calls Sam, and now they're listening to Bobby deliver his angry monologue. He goes, "Well, I love you both like you're my own, I do. But sometimes, you two are the whiniest, most self-absorbed sons of bitches I've ever met!" And you know, he's like, "I can't believe you call me selfish when you two are so fucking annoying." True. "I dig up so much lore for you two, and I pulled you out of fires, and when you need someone to bitch about about each other"--[both laugh] and then Sam hears this and looks up at Dean like, "The fuck? That's what you were doing?" [C laughs] And Bobby is like, "You call me, and I come through, and just for this once, you won't even give me whatever. Anything." And he says, "You guys are not the center of the universe," which will be disproven by the show, [C: Yeah.] "But in case it slipped your mind, Crowley has my soul, and time is running out, and I will be damned if I'm going to sit around and be damned." And he goes, "Well, how about you two help me for once?" And Sam goes, "Bobby, all you gotta do is ask." [both laugh] I can't believe Sam is being included in this! He did nothing wrong. [C: Yeah.] This is Dean's fault.
C: Yeah, I don't know, man. Maybe Sam was really annoying during that year, and Bobby's just been building up to this for him, too.
G: Literally. Do you remember that one time when Sam was drinking, and he was like, "Bobby, I think I'm gonna throw myself into the pit."
C: Yeah. [laughs]
G: Bobby has resented him ever since that conversation.
C: So true. Dean says, "Anything you need, we're there."
G: Yeah, which is how Bobby manages to guilt Dean into going to Scotland via plane.
C: Yeah. Hell yeah. So the next day, he meets up with Jody, and yeah, she says that Marcy called the police and she told her that she'd look into the home invasion but didn't file a report. That seems quite mean. Like, Marcy saw the okapi. Or sorry, the okami? Yeah. Marcy saw the okami. [G: Yeah.] I feel like Jody should probably just explain it to her.
G: I mean, not only saw the okami, saw the okami go through a fucking woodchipper. Like, what's going on?
C: I don't know. But yeah, they don't care. 'Cause what Bobby needs is a favor for his boy best friend!
G: He did not let go.
C: Rufus is being held in Massachusetts on a burglary charge, and he needs Jody to extradite him for a murder charge. And this is, you know, Bobby, reaching out and asking for help more, that's his arc, as you've mentioned, and Jody's like, "That is not going to happen. It's so hard. I would have to call in all my favors. And how are you going to help him escape from being here under a murder charge? This is going to ruin my career." And Bobby's like, "Pwease?? Yeah, I've done a lot for this town, including things you don't know about, and I'm not good at this asking for help thing, but pwease?" And Jody says, "Sorry. I can't." And he's very sad in his house, and then there's a knock, and Jody's there, with Rufus! And Rufus goes, "Miss me?" Ah! I love love. [G: Love it.] Jody says that they have one hour, and then she's going to call the Feds and say that Rufus escaped. And Bobby goes, "Thank you." And Rufus produces the ring, which I guess he shat out at some point, and Bobby is off to clean it.
G: Bobby summons the son of Crowley, and this dude's name is Gavin. But later on, and honestly, until now, I mean, honestly, I thought his name was Kevin. [both laugh] Because the entire time, I thought Crowley was calling him Kevin. But no, his name is, in fact, Gavin. It would be incredibly funny to be a guy from the 1660s or whatever- well, I suppose 1670s?- and be named Kevin. Bobby starts talking to this guy, but we don't hear what's happening, and it's like, ominous on what's going on. But then we go to Bobby summoning Crowley. And Crowley allegedly looks bad, but I think he looks completely fine. And Bobby goes, "Well, you look like hammer crap," and Crowley goes, "And you're a vision as always." Love is real! [C: Yeah.] They do this with Dean and Cas, too, in a way that I find completely amusing. I think it was Season 10 after Dean goes back to human from being a demon. Cas goes in, he's like, "Well, you look like crap." And Dean goes, "You, on the other hand, looking good!" or whatever. Incredibly funny.
C: Yeah, I've seen this.
G: Yeah. Are they gay? Question of all time.
C: Yeah. [laughs]
G: They are? Or it's a question of all time?
C: Well, I don't know. That's for you to find out.
G: Yeah. Well, happy November 5 to everyone who celebrated, including meee! Crowley is like, right under a devil's trap, and basically, Crowley talks about how he has trouble in paradise because it's so difficult to run Hell. Crowley goes, "You know what the problem with demons is? They're demons. Evil, lying rats, the whole lot of them. And stupid. You try to show them a new, better way, and they don't want it!" So, you know, etc. He says that maybe Lucifer was right when he wanted to kill every demon in the world. Bobby shows like, the kid. Gavin. [laughs] The kid is a grown man. He's just Gavin to Crowley. And then Crowley goes, "Kevin?" [both laugh] He goes, "Kevin, is that you?" And he starts putting on the dramatics like, "Oh, I love you so much! I miss you! I can't believe it!" but then he laughs, and he's like, "Well, sorry, Bobby. I don't actually give a shit about this kid." I think he says "I loathe the little bastard." So true and so fun. What if the kid has bad vibes?
C: - was had out of wedlock?
G: Yeah. He says, "You picked the wrong bargaining chip, Bobby." But Bobby goes, "Well, what I actually did was that I digged up some dirt on you, and your kid, Gavin, really helped me out with this one because he loathes you more than you loathe him." And you know, Crowley goes, "What did you tell him?" Kevin goes, "Everything!" Bobby says that Crowley was, as you said, a tailor who sold his soul for an extra three inches on his dick. And Crowley goes, "Well, I'm just trying to hit double digits." So true! [C: Real.] Bobby also says, "And I know where you're buried." And he calls Dean, and Dean's like, "Hi, Crowley! We're in Scotland right now." And we pan over to Sam and Dean, who are in Scotland right now, and there's a castle behind them so you know they're in Scotland right now, and they're digging up a grave, and they go, "Oh, we've gone international. In fact, we're in your neck of the woods." Do you need a visa to go to the UK?
C: I don't know. [muttering, typing] No.
G: No?
C: No.
G: Oh, you are permitted to go without a visa! That's cool as hell! Dean asks like, "Did you really used to wear a skirt?" Crowley goes, "I had very athletic calves." Anyway, they explain that what they're doing is they're digging up his bones, and they're going to burn that thing. And Crowley says, "Well, it's a myth. You can't kill me by burning my bones." But Bobby goes, "I know an employee of yours that would disagree," and then we flash back to the demon and realize that what's inside those bag? Human bones, and they're her bones, and Bobby burned them to kill her. RIP! Bobby has this speech about how like, "You think you're so special? You're just a ghost, but worse!" Anyway, Dean [laughs] does this thing where he's like, flicking the lighter over and over again. And then he goes, "You hear that, Crowley? That's me flicking my BIC for you." And I went, "Ew!" [C: Yeah.] Kind of disgusting. But okay. Eventually, Crowley accepts his fate, and he lets Bobby go from his contract. And Bobby makes a comment about leaving the thing with the legs in, and he does. "Pleasure doing business with you."
C: Sam and Dean are still in Scotland, and Crowley has teleported towards them. Dean's like, "Maybe I'll just light your bones on fire anyway!" But Sam closed the lighter, and he goes, "Dean, he's a dick, but a deal's a deal." And Crowley tells Sam like, "Fuck you. I don't need you to fight my battles for me." I think that's supposed to be another hint that Sam is soulless, because his whole thing before was that he hates Crowley so much and wants to kill him every second they're together. Crowley disappears, and they do a shot of Scotland, where they pan out to the castle and like, the woods and shit. [laughs] [G: So true.] Don't know why.
G: I mean, they don't know how to show anything. [laughs] I do think the bit where Dean is driving on the other side is very fun.
C: Right. So Dean's driving on the wrong side of the road. He's on the phone with Bobby, and Bobby says, "Thank you for doing that, especially because I know you hate flying." Dean's like, "No, it's cool. I love riling up Crowley and shit." And Sam says that Dean was so nervous and puked four times, and Dean says that if some nut job decided to try something, he was going to attack them with a fork. [laughs] So Dean's afraid of flying because he thinks 9/11 is going to happen again? It's not because it's just like, it's really high up in the air??
G: Is that what it implies?
C: He says that what he was afraid of was like, somebody trying to attack him, right?
G: Yeah.
C: So I thought 1.04, he was just saying that humans aren't supposed to be that high up or something.
G: Yeah. But now they're like, "He's afraid because he's afraid that someone's going to be a terrorist in the plane"?
C: Yeah.
G: I thought what they were doing here was that, "Oh, yeah, Dean's afraid of flying, and it's made him paranoid in all other aspects."
C: That could be it.
G: Yeah. Just like when you were flying, and I was like, "What if the plane crashes or Crystal chokes on a cracker or something?" [C laughing] So true.
C: Those Biscoffs are really dry, and I don't like them. I know that's not a popular opinion, but I don't like Biscoffs. I think they're bad.
G: I like them. I'll eat them.
C: Okay. I'll bring them all to you.
G: Thank you.
C: Bobby's like, "I'm sorry for what I said earlier," and Sam's like, "No, you're right! We take you for granted!" Dean's like, "You've been helping us for so long, and we would be dead without you!" And then Bobby says, "Okay, then. Let's roll credits on this chick flick." And I guess I was literally just making fun of them for having emotions earlier, too, but it wasn't gendered, and that's why I'm better. [laughs]
G: Or is it?
C: Or is it?
G: When were we making fun of them having emotions?
C: By saying it in a silly voice. [both laugh]
G: Oh, okay.
C: I think maybe my silly voice is gendered, though. Like, it's higher pitched than my regular voice. Maybe I am the same.
G: I think it's supposed to show childishness. A child would have a higher voice.
C: That's true. Okay, but when we do valley girl accents when we're making fun of them, I think that is gendered.
G: What is a valley girl accent?
C: Like, "[honestly sounds more New York than valley girl] Oh my god!" or whatever. No, not that.
G: This is the first time I've heard you use that voice.
C: Not exactly that, but like, I don't think that was a valley girl accent. I need to review what a valley girl accent is.
G: I think you have a valley girl accent just fundamentally.
C: In general?
G: Yeah? You think that's not true?
C: I don't think that's true. [G: Okay.] Maybe it's true. Yeah, so Bobby says that- No, you're right. They are weird about Scotland because he says, "Try some of the local grub. I hear it's exotic." What does that mean?
G: Yeah. They have that sausage thing, right? It's blood or something? Which is normal schnormal in many places.
C: Yeah, I don't know. Something. Dean's just going to Olive Garden. Good call. Their all you can eat deal is good.
G: You know what? They should have said they should try the whiskey there, which they should have. They're whiskey enthusiasts!
C: That's true. The thing is, they just drink to have alcohol. I don't think they're that into having like good stuff. [G: Fancy stuff.] After finally hanging up, Bobby has cut out a piece of the cobbler. He's sat down with his fork. He's ready to eat it, but the phone rings. And he answers it, and it's back to same old, same old, pretending to be the FBI. And it's so sad that he'll never be able to eat the cobbler because he never learned how to fucking multitask. [G: Yeah.] The end!
G: I mean it also- I think it's supposed to be like, "Yeah, same old, same old, but he doesn't have this burden burdening him anymore." [C: That's true.] Which is nice.
C: He doesn't have this burden burdening him anymore, but he'll also never have a normal life where he gets to eat a cobbler! And that woman won't go out with him because he's a hunter, and he sprayed her all with blood.
G: I mean, I think no, the point is that, you know, you can have this life-changing thing happen to you, and you just go back to your life, and it's still your life, which is pretty nice, I think.
C: Yeah. But the fact that he's like, "Oh, of course this is how it turns out" when she turns down his "I'll come over for dinner" thing.
G: But he's not like, upset. He's not upset at this point in this episode.
C: He's not upset, but I think that the general whole thing is like, you're supposed to feel bad for him because he can't have a normal life, and that normal life by woman thing, you know?
G: Are you? I think it's excellent when someone is pursuing you, or you're pursuing someone, and it falls apart, and you're like, "Now it's done, and I can go back to my life." [laughs] which is what's happening to Bobby.
C: So you think he was really, really happy about it?
G: Well, I mean, he was- I think there is a feeling of like, "Oh, new thing, new thing, new thing. My new thing's over. I can go back to my life."
C: But he's not happy about it.
G: Is he not? He looks fine.
C: [laughing] He's upset during the episode. He's often upset.
G: No, he's upset because there's this fucking time that's ticking for him, and his soul is gonna be taken to Hell and tortured forever, and now that's done, and he's fine.
C: Yeah, no, it's done, it's fine, but he also can't eat a cobbler, and he's been trying to for many times throughout the episode.
G: This is true. But I thought it was like, you know, like at the end of a sitcom, and you're like, "Silly me!" Like that kind of thing. [laughs]
C: I think we're supposed to be sad about it.
G: Really? Who even likes a peach cobbler?
C: Because he tries so much to eat the cobbler. It's a real storyline.
G: Just take a bite while you answer the phone.
C: I agree, and I think that they could have done that as like a, "He's still able to have joys and little things in life while pursuing this life," but like, they don't have him do that to be like, "His life is so hard."
G: I think it would be fine if he delivers a sentence and then takes a bite, which I think will be fun!
C: I agree, but they didn't, because they were trying to say something else.
G: Yeah. Well, that's it for this episode. [both laugh]
G: Best Line/Worst Line?
C: It's- yeah. God! There were lines? I'm sure I laughed at points.
G: I do love Rufus this episode, so I think my best line should go to him.
C: Oh yeah!
G: I would say I love when Bobby goes, "Woodchipper," and Rufus takes a pause and goes, "Okey-dokey. Woodchipper. That can do it." They're very cute.
C: He's so charming! [G: Yeah.] I like when Bobby says that he's not asking for Rufus's help, and Rufus says, "I ain't asking for your permission."
G: Yeah, that is good. And you know what? I do think it's fascinating that both of them play the role of like, grumpy old guy, but Rufus is charming and charismatic, and Bobby's just there. [both laugh] I'm so sorry. It's true, though.
G: Yeah. It's because Rufus smiles, and Bobby doesn't.
G: Yeah, Rufus is like, he's more expressive, I suppose, [C: Yeah.] in both the bad and the good aspects of his feelings.
C: And Rufus is also hot, and Bobby isn't. [both laugh]
G: Yeah, well, worst line. I don't like when the demon is flirting with Bobby, 'cause Bobby's not hot. [both laugh]
C: [laughing] And that's the only reason. I think there's like- When Dean says that- well, that's in character, but when he says he's "baring his soul like a frigging girl" in combination with Bobby bringing out the chick flick line at the end.
G: Yeah, they do love to do that. [C: Yeah.] Spreadsheets?
C: Yeah. Alright. Misogyny? It's there.
G: It's there. Two? I do think Dean and Bobby's girl comments and then the portrayal of the demon, so.
C: And also Marcy.
G: Oh, yeah! I suppose Marcy, the thing that they do with Marcy is fundamental to the episode. [C: Yeah. 3?] So I would say a 3.
C: Yeah. Racism?
G: I don't think so.
C: I don't think so. Well, was the okami a little bit? I don't know.
G: Oh. Yes, I would say 1 point.
C: Alright, 1 point.
G: We're allowed. We're Busty Asian Beauties: A Supernatural Commentary Podcast.
C: Yeah. [both laugh] We're allowed to overweight things that happen with Asian people. Just like our breasts.
G: Just like our what?
C: I said our breasts.
G: Ugh!
C: We can cut that. Homophobia. Is the making fun of Crowley for wearing a skirt thing- I don't know. Homophobia and transmisogyny is always pretty combined in Supernatural.
G: I'll give it a 1.
C: IMDb. People like this episode. I know that people like this episode. Do they like it enough to stop hating Season 6 so much? It's like, back to regular Supernatural rating.
G: Well, I'm the first one who's going to guess, and I would say yes. I'm giving this an 8.6.
C: Okay. I was thinking 8.5, but also, that might be, I don't know, I think I want to go higher, because I feel like I know this episode's really liked. But also, every time we've gone high, it's been wrong 'cause people hate Season 6. I'll just go with my initial instinct of 8.5.
G: Okay, let's see. Ha.
C: Watch it be a fucking 9.
G: It's a 9.1.
C: We're so wrong about everything, always.
G: Well, I'm righter, so.
C: Yeah. [laughs] Okay, people really love this episode. People do like it when you go outside of the typical format.
G: Yeah. "Absolute gem of Season 6. The second best episode overall."
C: What's the first?
G: Overall what? Over all of the show? [C: Maybe.] They said that gag with Garth is wonderful. So true. I do love it. I suppose that is also a favorite line of mine if I were to choose two.
C: Yeah, that was fun. Yeah. "Bobby and Crowley were such a good break from the boys. I love them, but sometimes it's a bit much." Real. "There are some very disturbing scenes (the demon execution in Bobby's basement) and some very funny scenes (the woman)."
G: What the fuck is the woman?
C: Marcy? Do they mean Marcy? [G laughs]
G: They love the movie Drag Me to Hell and is very glad that it was mentioned.
G: "The only thing I'm asking myself: Does this episode solve the problem Dean and Sam had all Season 2 in just one Episode?" What the fuck was your problem in Season 2?
C: Like they could burn Azazel’s bones?
G: Oh. Hell yeah. They could. But isn't Azazel a Prince of Hell?
C: Crowley is the king of Hell.
G: No, but like, a Prince of Hell means you're old as fuck.
C: Oh, maybe.
G: Yeah. They were going international.
C: Oh my god, wait! This is so fun! Someone rated this 10 out of 10, said "I'd been waiting for this and didn't know it," and then at the end, they say, "Now can someone tell me if there's one like it for Castiel? That would be worth continuing to watch..." I can't wait for this person to have probably already gone to "Man Who Would Be King."
G: Yeah. Let's give it a like. I'll make it helpful. Oh, no, it's asking me to sign up for an account! [C: You need an account.] Fuck off!
C: Oh my god, this is their only review on IMDb.
G: Oh my god, they reviewed "We Go Together." "We Go Together"? They review- [C: What?] No, sorry. I thought they reviewed Much Ado About Nothing [both laughing], but I'm just looking at my recently viewed.
C: Incredibly funny. My last ones before the last two Supernatural episodes are Crazy Rich Asians, Jimmy O. Yang, and Love Hard. [both laugh]
G: No, yeah. We can see the journey and the destination.
That’s it for this episode of Busty Asian Beauties. Next week, we will be discussing Season 6, Episode 5: "Live Free or Twihard." [C: Hell yeah.] Leave us a rating or a review wherever you get your podcasts.
C: Follow us on social media! We are on Tumblr at bustyasianbeautiespod.tumblr.com. And... wait, I didn't open our sticky note for what this last part is. I thought I knew it. I don't. Our official tag is #BABPod, B-A-B-POD. Thanks to everyone who's donated to our Ko-Fi at ko-fi.com/bustyasianbeautiespod, which is where our outtakes live, and check out our merch at babpod.redbubble.com.
G: You can email us any feedback, comments, or inquiries at [email protected]. See you guys next time! [both] Bye!
[guitar music]
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baltha-zara · 3 years ago
I think that jupernatural Sam definitely does not care about all the weird Jewish superstitions but Dean takes them a little too seriously.
Like when they were kids any time Dean saw Sam sitting on the floor he would make it a point to step over him because walking over someone is supposed to make them stop growing (and he was very annoyed when Sam ended up taller than him anyway) and any time they’re on a case and Sam sneezes Dean comes running over demanding he pull up his ears because they’re talking about death Sam! Now pull up your goddamn ears before I pull them up for you, we don’t need to invite death to us more than we already do on a daily basis! Meanwhile Sam is like Dean we literally met death and we know he isn’t summoned via sneeze what are you saying
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arsonistsam · 3 years ago
When Sam repeatedly asks why like the annoying little brother he is <3
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septembersghost · 2 years ago
in literal tears laughing over your response to the Dean message, you're the patron saint of deangirls. you died for our sins!!! A BIT
i rode into battle with my shimmering raiment and my dean shield, and they shot far flung arrows at me and missed, so they arrested me and tried to burn me at the stake for witchcraft!!! but i walked out of the fire because that's how resilient my love is. true. true story. i beneficently embrace you and your patronage, dearest. 😌💘
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morbidromantic · 4 years ago
i know all i do lately is come on here with half formed thoughts to expand on later and then not have the energy/time to expand on them later. but i am back with another half baked spn take.
dean's prayer when he's begging chuck to bring them all back in s13 and talks about how he owes them that is an incredibly jewish prayer and i literally paused it to shout covenant!!! out loud at the tv
what do we owe to each other and to g-d and the earth is a fundamentally jewish question!!! what does g-d owe us in return is even more so imo!! we have a responsibility to and for each other, and chuck absolutely never holds up his end of the bargain
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Comfort from your Angel
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Type: Request by @smiling-girl
Summery:The reader deals with some emotional stress being hunter Castiel comes through and Give some comfort that you might not have realized that she needed
type" FLUFF
"yeah, thanks Dean for the heads up. I'm Kinda surprised you and Sam aren't driving out yourselves to handle this but I'll get on it. Send my love to Cas and Sammy"Dean Winchester had called You weren't sure why he just didn't handle the case himself and that's normally what he did was to call saying hey I'm on my way into town I think we can crash at your place but this time no he wanted you to take on a case Making you just a little more stressed.
You initially thought living out in the middle of nowhere rural place all yourself Just on the outskirts of the town would mean fewer people knew where you were more chances for you to find your cases and work them solo which even for the most experienced on hunters isn't an easy task. But no due to many trips to the roadhouse on Bobby Singer's junkyard led to a few too many people knowing where you were Some hunters were not a big deal when they wanted to come and crash others were for cases sometimes Sam and Dean would just come over and help They needed your hand or you needed theirs But this was different You hadn't seen the Winchester brothers in a while nor had you seen your beloved friend cas.
a couple of nights you pray to him I'm just for comfort knowing that he could hear you You wish you could hear his reply or see that smile on his face. You missed the nights where the four of you would be all in one motel room or just sitting in your living room conversating and you just say a silent prayer to cas and see him smile as he listened intently not caring if Dean was talking to him or not. Times like this are where you could use him the comfort of a shoulder slightly unknowing angel It wasn't fully aware of how human customs worked but he knew better to Stay away when you're angry Try to bring you something like a sack of french fries if you were hungry. He knew you weren't much of the drinking type is unlike most Hunters But he's still offered to take you out to a bar once in a while or Guard your back when sam and Dean were too wasted.
there were already four different cases around you in any direction. This would make five it was a matter of which case had more priority, More lives at risk simplest to hardest .anyway put it You wish that you had your friends along your side to fight but this was not a case where you could just say hey can you guys just drive out here I don't feel like hunting alone lately It was bad enough that you had such a relationship with the brothers and cas that you always have a target on your back at every hunt.
Get the guns, get the food, fuel up Get some extra clothes couple of fake IDs get on the road. Time to deal with a very haunt the Dean called you about. You should have picked another life This is the one you chose When you were born into initially. Left after Dad died. Got back into it cuz you missed the thrill You missed the danger. Sure as hell did not miss the apocalypse though.
Should be an in-and-out Should have been an in-n-out You shouldn't have come out with a scratch on you No you decided to bleed all over your damn car. It could have been much worse thankfully weren't getting light-headed while driving back to your little homestead But the whole way home you one thought on your mind was Castiel. he'd be able to patch you up in no time He'd be able to come for either the stress with what little knowledge of how to do that he has. He tried to crack some jokes that he poorly translated from Enochian into English. But that was your cast You were a little sliver of an angel You couldn't have asked for anything better. Jewish he wouldn't hang around Sam and Dean so much She wished you hung out with you more but he's an angel nonetheless you can't just beg him to stay and expect him to It's a busy man Busy following Chuck's orders and keeping Uriel from killing Sam.
You're mentally beating yourself up knowing that he and Dean and Cass could have handled that hunt better than you did usually left a bit of a mess and got hurt in the process. But as many times as you kept saying cast's name and following it up with damn I'm an idiot blaming yourself and being thankful that he wasn't there to see it You started to catch his attention not knowing it but Dean noticed.
"cas Buddy you good"dean asked him then took a swallow of his beer
"Yes, Dean I'm fine just listening to a prayer." short and to the point like normal from him
" I need to go"
"well see you soon Cas" sam piped up from his book wishing cas well on his travels
The light sound of wings came in the car. You knew that sound all too well typically met your favorite or least favorite person to destroying you In this case you felt a handset gently on your thigh causing you to almost freak out But the smell of his cologne kind of warmth of his hand Let you know that it was Castiel. that you for a little more safe and could let out the breath you weren't even aware you're holding in.
" You shouldn't be so hard on yourself It's not like you plan to get hurt. Could you do now all you have to do is ask for me to be here and you don't have to continue sleep act like I can't hear you? Just say the words and I'll always be there for you as I am for dean"You couldn't tell if Cass was trying to be soft with you or if he was mad because you're beating yourself up Just sat there and silence feeling the pain in your arm of your homemade tourniquet That's when he took notice.
" You didn't get hurt just for me right." the angel in the passenger seat tried to joke around. contemplating healing your wound but from the experience of healing other hunters without permission, he has hesitated.
"I didn't just get hurt for you It was an accident Got a little too swift in my movements and didn't think. It could have been a lot worse I can stitch it up when I get home I wouldn't mind if you stayed there with me" Was this a horrible attempt inviting a man into your home? Yes. Did he nod and say he'd stay? hell ya.
For some reason, he left his hand on your thigh made you a little more tense, but also very aware of your surrounding .those comforting but sent shivers through your body. you didn't want to ask him to move his hand but It was almost a point where you couldn't focus on the road because You wanted him to hold you But didn't know how to say it. you tried to keep your mind blank of his name so he didn't get any ideas So didn't seem like a prayer. So instead you are thinking about all of the dumb times you would seem to be trying to do a few too many shots at a bar to impress some girl. How many times you had to drive the Impala back to a motel just because of Dean's stupidity.
You took the last turn under your dirt road into your driveway cheer humble little Farmhouse that you had grown to call home. Got about a fast as you could after shutting the car off and headed for the door. Got it unlocked like Cassin even though he was hesitant to let himself in first Because he hadn't learned the rule of humans It's always ladies first but cast me better than to try to fight you.
The walk to the bathroom to find your first aid and suit your coat started to feel more and more familiar normal Cuz it just kept happening Were you losing your edge Probably not It's just in your head that you're not as good as a hunter as you would be without your friends. without Joe, without Sam or Dean.
"shit front to make it run to the store to get the antiseptic. Cas Grab some booze please and maybe my lighter from the kitchen."Don't feel like risking infection from unsterilized equipment or an unsterilized wound even though You knew the whiskey you kept on hand for Dean Would hurt like a son of a bitch. Cas wasn't slow and getting the materials you needed Use the flame to sterilize your needle and the booze for your arm and you got to work about as fast as you could while still being thorough. Cast whence watching you do this knowing that he could have fixed it way faster and with less pain. but he let you do your thing. So we went to the other room turned on the television and just sat and watched Unfortunately whatever TV porno was on. the TV had not been turned on since the last time the Winchesters were there you'd been reading too many books to be watching TV.
When she was finished and all cleaned up and were done screaming about her arm hurting made her way to the living room
" Dammit, cas. I forgot Dan was the last one watching that TV Please turn the fucking porn off You can watch TV We can watch TV I will get the popcorn I don't care just turn the porn off."
He did just that and found some black and white movie And grabbed your blanket off the edge of the couch.He then proceeded to take his trench coat off which was a very rare occasion to see just the light shirt and tie. made some popcorn and got ready to watch TV with your favorite angel. He could tell you were still in emotional distress but didn't want to ask about it But he knew that was the only way to get the information out of you Hero to self-dependent hated putting your problems on even somebody like Castiel. So when you return with the popcorn He asked the dreaded question of what's wrong
You explain to him the situation knowing that hopefully it wouldn't go any farther than him and you And it didn't But he said he listened That's when he wrapped his arms around you very strange action for him considering his people skills are always rusty Hey hell doing your ear multiple times that it was going to be okay that you were one of the strongest people he knew But if anybody could handle this situation and make it out alive it would be you. They wrapped his trench coat around your shoulders along with the blanket Who told you to lay your head on his shoulder or just sit at the moment He would do anything in his power to keep you comfortable Was you too sad on the couch and watch TV. for that moment I felt Kind of like Cas was more your boyfriend than your best friend Which He didn't see an issue with that either Tip the fact that he was Eons old angel Age is just a number right.
THANK YOU FOR READING(sorry for grammar stuff )
Taglist:(don't be afraid to ask to get on the list ) @smiling-girl@french-vanilla-in-the-clouds
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aberfaeth · 4 years ago
hi im back! leverage redemption thoughts
alec hardison my most beloved
for real the alec speech in ep one about redemption and forgiveness and. alec hardison jewish real! also kills me. top ten moments of my life was when he said that
breanna casey my beloved
chloe my dear friend chloe can tell you that in the magic the gathering episode when she said that thing about loving the way you do you know the gay thing. when she said that i stood up paused the show and walked out of my house and straight into the pool. fully in all of my clothes. just walked right in.
sophieharry which in the beginning i was not for but i warmed up to SO QUICKLY and am now the biggest advocate. chloe my dear friend chloe can tell you that every time she called him our mr. wilson in the last two episodes i paused the show again and just screamed at a decibel only dogs can hear. the real girlboss malewife because that would definitely be some kind of title ix violation but i dont care about harry being taken advantage of so its fine <3
ot3 vibes throughout the whole show IMPECCABLE as always. hardisons aforementioned speech wrt eliot. the way that hardison is ALWAYS present even if aldis hodge isnt in the episode. the parker and eliot conversation where they finish each others thoughts. eliot ditching texts from the marshall to hang out with his family
speaking of the marshall. you have ten seconds. do you call 911 when you want some bootayyyyyy who’s the cop and who’s the bottom weeeoooweeeoooo wait i had one more etc etc etc FMAILY FAMILY FAMILY
breanna and harry’s Jaded Bitch Squad. genuinely SUCH AN ICONIC DUO I ADORE THEM. so many moments like. im the worst person to comfort you, him saving her life, etc etc
breanna and hardison literally everything about breanna i made a bullet point about this already but i want to make another because her arc is just so fucking good like. figuring out who she is and who she wants to be and being a person separate from hardison to herself and to the team and its just so good
girls night out job 2! wheres the ep of hardison harry and eliot doing their thing where is it. dean. where is it mr. devlin
the headache i have from making high pitched noises
eliot breanna siblingship. parker breanna siblingship. siblings in law energy SUCH a good dynamic btwn them i love them all so much
gen my only gripes are that i wish the midseason finale had more of a team focus than this random guy named milton who i hate. and also wish the surveillance ep would have touched on its susceptibility to human bias and the danger that would also cause when its incorrect. like they almost got there with it saying eliot was gonna rob a coffee shop but wtv
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violenceenthusiast · 4 years ago
Thank u for that response I only just started following u and the idea that Cas would bring trans dean back in the “””right””” body is so gross to me as a transmasc person....I’m not interested in being cisnormative and that type of storyline is just....like it’s not this universal trans experience to “feel like ur in the wrong body” like that’s not how I feel! I’m in the wrong societal construct or whatever and the dysphoria I feel is 95% bc of how society makes me think masculinity should be (5% is aesthetic hehe want hairy body 😈) but yeah......trans bodies aren’t inherently wrong or defective and the changes we make to them doesn’t mean what was there before was a mistake.
referring to x
yes we are holding hands. every time i see a laz rising post abt cas magically altering dean’s body for trans reasons i make the Lemon Face (uh just realized this is a theater/choir kid thing and my experiences are not universal). like. “feeling wrong” not being universal to trans exp aside i just hate the consent issues of it!! but gd YES judy butts was right the rest really IS drag i am always Doing gender when i go out to try and get people to gender me correctly, not based on how i want to present necessarily, rather negotiating how i know i will be read by others!! it’s exhausting!! if society fixed their gender shit yea i’d personally still have dysphoria about my body but holy shit would it be a great start!! also i love my body?? my body does so much for me and works so hard to keep me alive?? the dysphoria coexists with that 
jewish transmasc privilege is that i’ve always been kinda hairy >:)
and you said it. the beauty and variation in transness and trans bodies my beloved
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I have too many SPN fic ideas so here's a fucking list of my brainstorming pulled from the notes app on my phone someone tell me to pick one so I can stop thinking about all of them and actually do my physics homework:
-That one with teen Dean and all the little brothers of Sam and Adam and Jack and basically it's a lot of boy in small spaces and they're not great but they're okay and Sam is petty as fuck. Cas shows up at some point? Many people are adopted and how the fuck are they all going to fit in the car. -Please let me keep him with a side of jewish prayer. Like yes he will fight God and argue with God and wrap his dead beloved as Jewish funeral rites arguing the entire time that he should be allowed to keep him please let me keep him I am begging you let me keep him -He's SHORT and BI and TRANS and JEWISH -okay okay Sam and Cas doing shenanegains while Jack and Dean are also doing shenanegains and they're trying to hide them from each other until Eileen gets tired of their shit and says YOU KNOW WHAT FUCK THIS I am going to screw you all over and she locks them all out of the bunker. They spend a good week trying to win back the Favor of Eileen. -Dean you WHORE -Jessica Moore driving 67 hours from Florida to Stanford, binging basically the entirety of the Magnus Archives the whole way, pulling up as MAG 200 ends and somehow ends up with a whole lot of boy in her car listening to it together he only introduces himself after it's over and she doesn't even register the social strangeness cause what the fuck was that ending(Time has no meaning TMA can exist in 2003) -Hes a Xerox of a Xerox of a Xerox he knows he's a character and cannot escape it -CAS MEETING HIS PAST SELF HE'S LIKE "Heads up, we're gay and winning" -Fucking Andromeda and Fucking Perseus SHUT UP IT WORKS
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comixconnection · 4 years ago
Choose Your Three Free Comics!
At long, long last...Free Comic Book Day is here! Unlike the usual “first Saturday in May” celebration that has defined the even in normal years, due to issues with the ongoing pandemic the folks in charge have decided to move this year’s celebration back to August 14th. Want a sneak-peak at the books...?
The following titles will be available at Comix Connection on Aug 14th (while supplies last!). Everybody gets to pick three! Unlike previous years, we will NOT be accepting FOOD DONATIONS in exchange for additional comics. Instead we will be collecting monetary donations to give to the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank. For every DOLLAR donates, you may select an additional free comic book!
We know the line for the FCBD comics can get long (if you want to come in and shop first, you can skip the line and head straight inside!) so in an effort to both entertain you while you’re in that long line and to help it go a little faster by giving you a preview of the various titles so you can decide ahead of time what looks good, the Comix Connection Counter Monkeys have read and reviewed all of the available FCBD books! Take a peek!
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One hundred years before the Skywalker Saga began, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy! In this prelude to the ongoing Star Wars: High Republic Adventures comic series, follow padawans Ram Jomaram, Lula Talisola, and Zeen Mrala as they try to save Lonisa City from the dreaded Nihil. Also read the beginning of Star Wars: High Republic Adventures #1! [All Ages]
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“Two brand-new adventures from the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender! In Clearing the Air, Tenzin attempts to teach his rambunctious children a lesson Aang taught him about how to resolve conflicts. In Match Makers, Iroh runs into some trouble with a few friends...that just might lead him to something fun he’s been trying to hide from!” [All Ages]
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Who Sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott? gives a sample of the upcoming graphic novel by the same name, a tale telling the true story of the “Mother of the Civil Rights Movement,” Rosa Parks! This excerpt features the immediate aftermath of Rosa’s arrest, and her decision to start a legal battle that would change the course of American freedom! [All Ages]
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“There's nothing better than a beautiful sunny day reading comics, so join us for a look at this summer's fantastic all-ages reads, courtesy of Oni Press! From the gentle, magical worlds of The Tea Dragon Tapestry (by K. O'Neill) and The Sprite and the Gardner (by Rii Abrego and Joe Whitt), the adventurous magical mystery of Mooncakes (by Suzanne Walker and Wendy Xu), and the action-packed Jonna and the Unpossible Monsters (Chris and Laura Samnee), there's something for everyone. Sneak a peek at these four fantastic fantasy graphic novels!” [All Ages]
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Sonic is 30 years old! Celebrate the anniversary of the world’s fastest hedgehog with this peek into the ongoing Sonic comic series. Things get meta when Amy Rose starts drawing a comic about Sonic, Tails, and their friends...but what will Sonic think when he finds out he’s been turned into a comic book? Prepare for the big 30th Anniversary Sonic Celebration here! [All Ages]
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It's the crisis of infinite Archies! Celebrate 80 years of the Riverdale Gang with this tale featuring a dimension-hopping Archie Andrews in his quest to save the multiverse. Then, witness Archie go toe-to-toe with... himself?! May the best Archie win! Plus, get a preview of the newest Archie One-Shot in shops! This title includes several versions of Archie (from classic to TV to horror) and showcases his evolution as a character over eight decades, all while being a tie-in to the company's 80th Anniversary plans. [All Ages]
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“Despite the pandemic and the swirl of world events, back issue comics are booming! It's not all record prices (though there are many) or bargain basement deals, but rather it's many different categories! The team that brings you The Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide shines the spotlight on this exciting part of the universe of comic books. Includes tips on how to collect, care for your comics, and preserve them, among other things.” [All Ages]
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“Get a sneak peek at book four in the bestselling InvestiGators series! With agent Brash trapped in a mysterious coma, the technicians at S.U.I.T. have designed the ultimate replacement: RoboBrash! This high-tech replica has been programmed with all of the original Brash's crime-fighting skills and know-how--but it seems he's got a few bugs in his system! Will Mango and his new partner be enough to stop the giant ants that are on a rampage in the city? Orchestrated by the spaced-out villain, Maestronaut, and Houdino, the dinosaur escape artist, it seems criminals are certainly upping the ANT-e!” [All Ages]
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“My name is Grace, not ‘Kyle's little sister’!” Having a good-looking, friendly, outgoing older brother sucks--especially when you're the total opposite: someone who likes staying home and playing video games. Your parents like him better (even if they deny it!) and everyone calls you "Kyle's little sister" while looking disappointed that you're not more like him. Grace was really hoping she'd get to go to a different middle school, but no such luck. At least she has her friends...until he finds a way to ruin that, too! What will Grace have to do to get out of his shadow?! [All Ages]
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Jewish mythology has it that when God created the universe, He left one corner of it unfinished. Opinion is divided on why, but everyone agrees that the Unfinished Corner is a dangerous place full of monsters. Twelve-year-old Miriam is too busy preparing for her Bat Mitzvah to care about the Unfished Corner. She spends her days wrestling with whether she even wants to be Jewish--until a peculiar angel appears, whisking her, her two best friends, and her worst frenemy off to this monstrous land with one mission: finish the Unfinished Corner. [All Ages]
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“The City of Gloomhaven isn't "safe" at the best of times, but lately, more folks than usual seem to be disappearing. In a city paralyzed by an unknown menace, only one adventuring crew will do: The Jaws of the Lion! Based on the hit games, Gloomhaven and Jaws of the Lion from Cephalofair Games, comes a fantasy adventure with humor and heart.” [All Ages]
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The Last Kids on Earth and their friends each tell their own best story of the Monster Apocalypse, including Jack's high-stakes baseball game, Globlet's attempt to take over the world, Quint's bad-day-away invention, Dirk's bragain with a witch, and June and Skaelka's creepy carnival--plus a surprise story from some bad guys on the run... [All Ages]
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Being the new kid is tough, even for a superhero/ward and heir to a billionaire, Damian Wayne (aka Robin)! Join Damian as he struggles to learn patience and understanding from the students at Gotham Metro Academy, including star student and all-around Great Guy, Howard! Plus, an adventure of Amethyst, princess of the mystical realm of Gemworld by bestselling authors Shannon Hale and Dean Hale! [All Ages]
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To celebrate the new animated TV series premiering on Nickelodeon Fall 2021, Papercutz is releasing a new series of graphic novels entitled The Smurfs Tales. Preview it here with a number of silly short Smurfs Tales, with a back-up appearance by one of Peyo’s other beloved creations: Johan and Peewit, the young page and the court jester. [All Ages]
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In Edge of Balance, a new High Republic story set in the wake of the Hyperspace Disaster, meet new Jedi and their enemies 100 years before the events of the Skywalker Saga! Young Jedi Knight Lily Tora-Asi is assigned to help displaced civilians relocate to Banchii in the Outer Rim. She and her padawans will face more threats there than just anxious settlers, from the insidious Drengir to the Nihil! And in Guardian of the Whills, encounter Baze and Chirrut before they join the Rebellion against the Empire in Rogue One! Presiding over the Kyber Temple on Jedha, the Guardians of the Whills had hoped to maintain the balance despite the growing presence of the Empire in their Holy City. Yet when a rebel named Saw Gerrera appears, Baze and Chirrut must decide if they're willing to compromise for peace, or if Saw's plan is too dangerous to risk. Read the first chapter of these two new Star Wars Manga Graphic Novels here! [Teen]
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It wouldn’t be the Teen Titans without heightened teenage emotions and romance! Fan favorites Beast Boy and Raven are travelling away from the dwellings they know to find homes they can feel comfortable in. Along the way, their paths cross, sparks fly, and even a destiny or two might be found. [Teen]
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“Street Fighter heads back to school, as the world's young fighters flex both their academic and martial arts prowess! Fan favorites Sakura, Ibuki, Karin, Makoto, and Elena come face-to-face with a new challenger - the leather-clad, motorcycle-riding Akira! It's a square-off of (rival) schools in this action-packed one-shot!” [Teen]
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[NOT FINAL ART] “This Fall, jump on board here as VALIANT UPRISING overthrows the status quo with new titles, new creators, and new takes on Valiant's most iconic characters! The VALIANT UPRISING FCBD SPECIAL features: A brand new X-O MANOWAR story from Harvey Award-winning writer Dennis Hopeless and breakout star Emilio Laiso. It's the perfect jumping-on point as Valiant's flagship hero prepares to "Upgrade the World"! Then, get a special advance preview of THE HARBINGER #1, an all-new series from co-writers Jackson Lanzing and Colin Kelly join superstar artist Robbi Rodriguez that promises to take Valiant's psiot rebel in a vivid new direction! Plus, find out how the world's greatest spy responds to being unmasked, hunted, and trapped in a first look at NINJAK #1, the pulse-pounding thrill ride from Ringo Award-winning writer Jeff Parker and legendary artist Javier Pulido. Finally, get a sneak peek from writer Cullen Bunn and artist Jon Davis-Hunt of what's to come when SHADOWMAN returns!” [Teen]
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Three epic new Marvel moments begin here! Read the beginning of the upcoming Spider-Man Beyond story that will be starting in Amazing Spider-Man #75! Big changes are coming to everyone’s friendly neighborhood Spider-Man...but are they for good, or ill? Also discover the new Venom series, which will take spider symbiosis to whole new levels in the wake of King In Black. And last, sneak a peek at the Luke Cage: City On Fire mini-series, which will pit Luke against not just the Kingpin, but Daredevil too! [Teen]
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Gotham is under attack, and it’s by the people claiming to keep it safe! Billionaire Simon Saint has slowly been taking over the institutions of Gotham with his insidious private security Magistrate program. Meanwhile, Batman finds his mind infected by Scarecrow’s fear gas, forcing him to question every decision he makes. It is all leading to the DC-spanning event FEAR STATE that will rock Gotham to its core. Plus, read a preview of Oscar-winning screenwriter John Ridely’s I Am Batman series in which the sons of Lucius Fox struggle with the legacy of both their father and Bruce Wayne as they take up the cowl to defend Gotham. [Teen]
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Who is Avenger Prime? And what has spurred the chronal collapse that has them sending their army of Deathloks out to save all of space and time? Discover the start of the end here! Then, journey into the unknown with the Incredible Hulk! Bruce Banner never wanted to smash, he wanted to discover. Now, it’s finally time for the Hulk to expand his horizons with Operation: Smashtronaut! [Teen]
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In this story from Critical Role, explore a small but important corner from the adventures of the Mighty Nein. Then, in The Witcher, it's an original tale featuring the iconic witcher himself, Geralt! Created in close collaboration with CD Projekt Red! [Teen]
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A fascinating graphic adaptation of historian Timothy Snyder’s book On Tyranny, a collections of essays and reflections on lessons from history and how they can help America steer away from the course of authoritarianism. Recommended for anyone looking to learn more about how tyrants all through history have manipulated people and systems to take away the freedoms of others. [Teen]
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“Side A: "BLACK: Interlude" What else was going on the night Kareem Jenkins was shot by police and discovered only Black people have superpowers? Find out in this FCBD one-shot! Side B: "CALEXIT: Hollywood Babylon" Once California refused to be ruled by the US government, its resistance fighters became overnight celebrities. Zora used her infamy for recruiting, but Emmie-X has other ideas.” [Mature]
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In 2019, James Tynion IV (Batman) and Werther Dell'Edera (Briggs Land) introduced the world to Erica Slaughter, the iconic monster hunter who came to Archer's Peak, Wisconsin to save the town's children from the monsters only she can see. But Erica is not the only member of the House of Slaughter... With nearly half a million copies sold, Something is Killing the Children has become a true comic phenomenon and this Free Comic Book Day you are invited to enter the House of Slaughter...if you dare. [Teen]
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Crewed by teenage geniuses frozen in cryosleep, the JEMISON is on a mission to terraform other worlds and provide hope for the human race. But when the ship is mysteriously stopped over a planet that isn't on any of their maps, the crew finds themselves suddenly awoken ten years early. One half remains behind to try and assess the damage and the other is dispatched to the planet below to figure out the answer to a perilous question: What stopped the ship, and is it friend or foe? [Teen]
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As the earth dies, salvation is offered to five thousand children who will be spirited away from our planet’s apocalypse -- but what of the other children, still hoping to find one of the bracelets that give them their ticket off planet? In this wistful one-shot from the sci-fi hit We Live, go into the Broken Lands with a group of friends...but there are four of them, and only one bracelet to be found. How will they decide who gets to leave? Then, preview the Rainbow Bridge graphic novel where Andy has to help his beloved dog Rocket save eternity! [Teen]
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“The comic adventures of Max, Chloe, and Rachel from the award-winning video game Life Is Strange continue in this exclusive lead-in to an epic new story arc! This FCBD special features the first comic book appearance of an all-new character who will feature heavily in the Life is Strange universe in 2021! This FCBD issue contains exclusive original material!” [Teen]
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“To reclaim the Dungeon that fell to the scheming William Delacour, the plan is simple: Marvin the dragon, Isis, and Herbert the duck must find some magic “fugus purit” and use it to dislodge the current occupants of the fortress. But is this really the Guardian's plan? Our heroes will have to fight against everyone to save the Dungeon. Meanwhile, will Marvin succeed in his engagement blast-of-firebreath 'Tong Deum'? Preview the new series here!” [Teen]
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See the next chapter of the super-powered scifi epic The Resistance, and then meeet the “Moths”: a subset of the super-powered Reborn. The pandemic that granted the Reborn their gifts during The Great Death gave power to people like  Emily Kai and the rest of the Moths, too...but the moment they use their gifts, their clock starts ticking and they have six months to live. Also, get a sneak-peek at the just-released Not All Robots futuristic techno-depressive-thriller! [Teen]
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The second semester of School for Extraterrestrial Girls is in session! Peer into the lives of Tara Smith (fire lizard!), Misako Sato (extra-dimensional fairy!), Summer Cortez (pink tentacle void beast!), and Ekaterina and Zvenislava (anthropomorphic Russian kittens!). They’re all normal teenage girls...except that they’re all aliens stuck on Earth, and since Tara partially destroyed their old school they’ve been sent to bunk at the School for Extraterrestrial Boys while it’s repaired...that’ll go fine, right? Read the first issue here! [Teen]
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This official spinoff manga of Rent-A-Girlfriend, the rom-com turned hit anime, features fan-favorite Sumi, the shy girl longing to come out of her shell. Written and illustrated by original creator Reiji Miyajima! Catch up on the manga before the Rent-A-Girlfriend anime returns for a second season, coming soon! [Teen]
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Zom 100 is a violent and funny take on the zombie apocalypse! Its main character, Akira, is so depressed in his soul-crushing job that he uses the undead hordes as motivation to finally complete his bucket list! Also included is a sample of the hit fantasy manga Demon Slayer. [Teen]
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“Known as the the Weakest Hunter of All Mankind, E-rank hunter Jinwoo Sung's contribution to raids amounts to trying not to get killed. Unfortunately, between his mother's hospital bills, his sister's tuition, and his own lack of job prospects, he has no choice but to continue to put his life on the line. So when an opportunity arises for a bigger payout, he takes it...only to come face-to-face with a being whose power outranks anything he's ever seen! With the party leader missing an arm and the only healer a quivering mess, can Jinwoo somehow find them a way out?” [Teen]
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In the small Pennsylvania town of White Ash, there isn’t much going on aside from mining...and keeping the fact that there are elves and dwarves living in the town secret, of course! In this pre-launch of Season Two of the ongoing series, a romantic rendezvous for the grieving dwarf Alex and mischievous elf Lillian doesn’t go as planned...with potentially disastrous consequences! Also read a preview of The Game, a new series where your every action affects impacts the score of your life! Plus a sneak-peak at some vampiric troubles in colonial America in Stake! [Teen]
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World of Zorro gives readers a peak at the upcoming titles for the legendary masked swashbuckler, both new stories (that range from the familiar to supernatural horror) as well as newly-translated classic tales! [Teen]
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For FREE COMIC BOOK DAY, enjoy this special expanded edition of the hit IMAGE series, STRAY DOGS! Stray Dogs is a comic thriller that features art inspired by classic Don Bluth-style animation, telling the story of a group of dogs brought together by a mysterious loner. Rather than behave like four-legged humans, the brilliance of Stray Dogs is that it gets inside the heads of its canine characters, showing the human world from their perspective. Unique, entertaining, and creepy. [Teen]
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The undead Vampirella has been around since 1969, and as the celebrations of her 50th anniversary draw to a close, Dynamite presents a reprint of the first issue of their series that kicked-off her modern adventures! [Teen+]
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Take an inside look at everyone’s favorite bipedal shark god, King Shark (aka Nanaue)! Suicide Squad’s many-toothed muscle is currently inside Belle Reve prison, but he won’t remain there for long. PLUS: a sneak peak at the just-released Suicide Squad miniseries Get Joker! [Mature]
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“After 20 years of antics coming out of Sunnyvale trailer park, the underground TV phenomenon Trailer Park Boys is finally coming to comics! Full of short stories and activity pages, several of comics' finest join to create a series of comic book specials in 2021 and beyond honoring Ricky, Bubbles and Julian and everything fans have come to love about the series.”  [Mature]
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Fungirl is a humor comic that is as unpredictable and hilarious as it is observant and smart. Cartoonist Elizabeth Pich’s creation does as much smashing the patriarchy as she does dreaming of delicious donuts and being spit on by llamas. [Mature]
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“Tensions between the clans are high, so when Cecily Bain, an enforcer for the Twin Cities' vampiric elite, takes a mysterious new vampire under her wing she finds herself in over her head and dragged into a massive undead conspiracy! Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the city, a rebellious found-family of clan-less vampire cast-outs investigates a vicious killing.” [Mature]
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“Preview the forthcoming full color, original Space Pirate Captain Harlock series from ABLAZE, personally overseen by the legendary Leiji Matsumoto!  In this brand-new Captain Harlock adventure, planet Earth is threatened by an upcoming invasion by the Sylvidres and despite being banished as a pirate, Captain Harlock won't give up trying to save the world. Will Captain Harlock and his crew manage to solve this mystery and save the Earth from yet another menace?  Also includes teasers for 3 highly anticipated upcoming manga/manhwa releases from ABLAZE, including The Breaker Vol 1 omnibus (critically acclaimed martial arts manhwa), Versus Fighting Story Vol 1 (Capcom e-sports shonen manga) and Crueler Than Dead Vol 1 (zombie horror seinen manga).” [Mature] 
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“An evil so profound it threatens all mankind... the mightiest heroes on the planet uniting to defend us all... a secret crisis of such utter finality that a countdown to civil or infinite war seems unavoidable... but have you ever wondered what really happens during Crossovers? The Seven, Payback, Teenage Kix, Fantastico and every other supe on Earth team up for an annual event like no other... and where the supes go, can a certain "five complications and a dog" be far behind? Vought-American prepare to make their move, in a story that will change the world of the Boys forever: Herogasm #1. The first-ever Boys spin-off mini-series features the pairing of Ennis with Hitman artist John McCrea and covers by Boys artist and co-creator Darick Robertson!” [Mature]
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“The most eagerly-anticipated series of 2021 gets the FCBD treatment with this ALL-NEW "bonus" issue of the series! Featuring 33 pages of comics produced exclusively for FCBD, from the creator of Hip Hop Family Tree and X-Men: Grand Design, designed as a perfect entry point for new readers and a must-have for those already on board. Aided by the anonymous dark web and nearly untraceable crypto-currency, there has emerged a subculture of criminals who live-stream and patronize webcam murders for entertainment. Who are the murderers? Who are the victims? Who is the audience? How do we stop it? An outlaw, splatterpunk masterpiece, as seen on Piskor's YouTube channel sensation, Cartoonist Kayfabe!” [Mature]
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“An award-winning comic and soon to be Netflix anime series!  When dusk arrives in the city of Manila, that's when you become the most likely prey of the underworld. Kidnappers and thieves will be the least of your worries. Beware the criminals that can't be bound with handcuffs nor harmed with bullets.  Beware the ones that crave your blood, those who hold your heart ransom, and the ones that come to steal your soul. When crime takes a turn for the weird, the police call Alexandra Trese. Featuring a preview from TRESE Vol 2: Unreported Murders, a section on the forthcoming Netflix TRESE anime series launching this summer (including an interview with Director Jay Oliva), bonus pages with w/ background about the monsters of Philippine myth as told by TRESE creators Budjette Tan and Kajo Baldisimo, and a teaser on TRESE Vol 3: Mass Murders, coming this Sept from ABLAZE!” [Mature]
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“2000 AD Presents All-Star Judge Dredd is a thrill-powered showcase of the past and shocking present of the iconic lawman of the future! Witness the birth of the world of Judge Dredd in an incendiary preview of upcoming prequel graphic novel Dreadnoughts by Michael Carroll with art by Watchmen's John Higgins. Fan-favourite Judge Hershey travels to the ends of the earth to dispense her own brand of justice in long-anticipated blockbuster spin-off, Hershey: Disease by Rob Williams (Suicide Squad) and Simon Fraser (Doctor Who). Along-side these teases for Fall 2021 epics enjoy a bone-rattling all new stand-alone Dredd caper from elite writer Al Ewing (Immortal Hulk, Marvel's Empyre) and Caspar Wijngaard (Star Wars, Home Sick Pilots)!” [Teen]
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“Four titanic tales of pure fun and entertainment for everyone to enjoy! First up. It's no dog and pony show here! Bringing back the iconic puppets from the San Francisco Bay Area "Charlie and Humphrey"!! The modern-day Gumby and Pokey! A true love for al ages featuring a tale by Justin Sane and John Hageman! Next up is "Red Dawn" Written and created by Brandon McKinney, with inks by Bill Anderson and vibrant colors from Ross Hughes!! The government has created the first "controlled" superhero doing the bidding of a shadow operation until things go bad leaving our hero to blame and now on the run. The following story is only exclusive to this FCBD edition. Written by Greg Boucher and illustrated by Victor Moya they bring you "Rock and Roll Biographies: FIGHt" See how a troubled Rob Halford leaves the world biggest heavy metal band to form his own supergroup and take metal back!! Our last preview is written by Mel Smith, illustrated by Frank Cirocco/Alex Sheikman and hand colored by Gerhard! "Becoming Frankenstein" takes down the journey of a troubled Victor Frankenstein as he grieves the loss of his mother while harvesting the body parts of victims to create life again for his monster! Learn the tales of the victims and who they were before they became what becomes Frankenstein's ultimate creation! : This will be the only edition to feature this Rock and Roll Biographies story featuring FIGHT “ [Mature]
Enjoyed your Free Comic Book Day books? Want to read more? Let your friendly neighborhood Comix Connection Counter Monkey know which ones caught your eye, and we’ll be happy to direct you to the next part of the story!
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deadmegumi · 4 years ago
kinda late to the party but uhh,,, *cas voice* hey bestie 👋🏻
1. First impression: dean IS trans and jewish ur right. iconic url
2. Truth is: your mind! I love all ur dean hcs
3. How old do you look: never seen a picture 😔
4. Have you ever made me laugh: yes!!! Eric kripke WOULD be spinning in his grave if he had one.
5. Have you ever made me mad: nope!
6. Best feature: ur writing/posts for trans + Jewish dean are so good!!!
7. Have I ever had a crush on you: no but <3
8. You’re my: very very smart and beloved mutual
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gibelwho · 5 years ago
Top 5: Best Films of 2019
2019 was another momentous year for me - spent the first half of the year living at my in-laws house while we waited to move into our forever home, then spending the back half of the year doing house projects as we slowly unpacked. We weren’t consistently heading to the cinema, but we’ve done a race to fit in many more films before the Oscars, which was held this past weekend and where Parasite made history as the first foreign language film to win Best Picture. This is my second year in a row publishing my thoughts on ranking the past year in cinema, so despite the many life changes, excited to keep the tradition going.
Gibelwho Productions Presents Best Films of 2019
5. Marriage Story
4. Parasite
3. Little Women
2 Jojo Rabbit
Marriage Story (November 2019): The film, written and directed by Noah Baumbach, explores the unraveling of a marriage, where the two people are navigating their way through divorce and must forge some sort of ongoing relationship for the sake of their son. The story is an exploration of identity - being part of a couple, emerging as an individual, surviving as a parent, and balancing one’s career. Scarlett Johansson and Adam Driver shine in their performances, finding the truth in each scene, displaying the humanity of flawed people, and really going at it during their epic meltdown fight. The supporting cast is stellar as well, delivering moments of humor, ugliness, and empowerment - notably Laura Dern’s speech about society’s different expectations placed on mothers and fathers. Filmed on location in New York and Los Angeles, the story casts a devastating eye on how two people who have separated can still retain some love in the face of heartbreaking agony.
Parasite (October 2019): A film that starts off as a comical exploration of a poor family slowly infiltrating the house of a rich family in Seoul, then shifts halfway through to become a suspenseful thriller with sequences of violence. Co-writer and director Bong Joon-ho explores the nature of the upstairs / downstairs dynamic, not only having the story center on those in service of the rich family, but also with the production design of the two houses featured in the film. The rich family lives far above the main streets in a multi-level home, with stairs that lead up to a beautifully manicured garden; the poor family’s living quarters is in the lower section of town, they live below the streets, and must contend with the danger of flooding. Avoiding spoilers, a third set of staircases hold a secret that ultimately spells danger for both families. This film has made Oscar history and has opened more people up to the world of International cinema; as Joon-ho said so eloquently in one of his acceptance speeches: “Once you overcome the one-inch tall barrier of subtitles, you will be introduced to so many more amazing films.”
Little Women (December 2019): Adapting a classic novel for the modern era, especially one that has been relatively recently brought to the silver screen, one must insist on bringing an original take - or why else bother. Writer and director Greta Gerwig not only took on that challenge, but elevated the material to a higher degree than has been achieved in previous adaptations. Splitting up the linear story into two timelines allowed a commentary on the past and present that gave more life to the characters and depth to their journeys. Having never read Little Women, I was enchanted by discovering these characters brought to life by a terrific ensemble, including Saoirse Ronan, Florence Pugh, and Timothee Chalamet. Additionally, Gerwig pens an ambiguous ending that will satisfy book readers who felt betrayed by character turns that Louisa May Alcott felt pressured to deliver for publishers in 1868, but that didn’t feel true to her character’s spirit.
Jojo Rabbit (October 2019): Imagine writer and director Taika Waititi pitching his adapted screenplay to studio executives: a story that centers on a young boy growing up in Nazi Germany, who attends the Hitler Youth camp, and whose invisible friend is Adolf Hitler himself. Oh yes, and it will be a comedy, tragedy, hopeful, heartbreaking, hilarious, and shocking - dancing between the shades of tones and the audience will follow along with each beat. What makes this film succeed is the casting of Roman Griffin Davis, who despite his love for swastikas, steals the heart of the viewer with his earnest innocence and hilarious delivery, along with his interaction with his little friend Yorki (Archie Yates), his Hitler Youth leader (Sam Rockwell), and the Jewish girl he finds hidden in the upstairs bedroom (Thomasin McKenzie). Waititi is a genius filmmaker, who took all his Marvel Cinematic Universe clout and made a film about the dangers of youth growing up in the time of fascism, preaching an anti-hate message that the world needs to be reminded of in these nationalistic times.
1917 (December 2019): A film that centers on one technical conceit - that a full length feature film is constructed as one continuous shot - could fall under the weight of that enterprise, but 1917 delivers on all fronts - artistically, emotionally, and yes, technically. While the film is not actually one long shot, whole sequences are sustained for minutes on end, an environment more accustomed to theater actors than those working in film and one that brings a weight of reality to the character’s journey. Due to the story - two men must cross No Man’s Land to deliver an urgent message to a general that could save thousands of lives - the leads are constantly moving, through trenches, across the muddy no man’s land, through fields and streams, and finally the battlefield. The camera follows them through tight interior spaces and open fields, finding inventive ways to track their movements in the war zone. The two leads (George MacKay and Dean-Charles Chapman) deliver incredible performances as they slog through the countryside, encountering incredible British actors for short, yet powerful, scenes along the way. Co-writer and director Sam Mendes leads an incredible team that achieves cinematic glory and Roger Deakins proves for the second year in a row that he is producing the best work of his career. 1917 is not a traditional war film - through its formal choices, it endeavors to place the viewer directly inside the experience of soldiers in the First World War.
Honorable Mentions: 
Knives Out (November 2019): A classic whodunit that involves a twist of all twists - solving the mystery halfway through the film; what can the movie possibly spend the rest of the runtime on? This is the genius of writer and director Rian Johnson - he somehow manages to ratchet up the tension and reveal deeper twists and turns that subvert genre expectations. A stellar cast supports the murder mystery, led by Ana de Armas, a lighthearted Jamie Lee Curtis who is chewy the scenery, and a broad performance by Daniel Craig as the lead investigator. Chris Evans’ winter sweater became the breakout star of the film and the production design included an epic knives sculpture that plays a vital role in the climax of the film. 
Terminator: Dark Fate (November 2019): I am not a huge fan of the Terminator franchise - I’ve seen the first and second installments, but have skipped the rest of the sequels and never went for the television shows. I entered the viewing of this film with low expectations, and thus was pleasantly surprised by how feminist this film is. Linda Hamilton commands every moment of screen time, the enhanced human protector from the future was an incredible mix of strength and vulnerability, and even when Arnold enters the picture, he knows when to stand back when the women are in command. Yes, there is a totally ridiculous action sequence in a falling plane that defines reality and physics, but there are more moments of women communicating intelligently and emotionally and also women taking command and driving the action forward that fully impressed for what could have been a throwaway addition to the Terminator canon. 
Avengers Endgame (April 2019): With this film, the MCU has concluded its first major story arc, wrapping up a 10 years long buildup of the Avengers and affiliated heroes fighting the Mad Titan Thanos in an epic battle. Yes, the film does build up to a climactic final battle, but it takes it’s time getting there, choosing instead to focus on how the character’s we’ve grown to love over the past decade deal with the Snap that killed friends and family and left the world a broken place. The plot really gets moving when a time travel element is introduced and, in one of several lovely tributes to my beloved Star Trek, brings the viewer back through memorable moments in the MCU’s history, layering on meta commentary or radically changing the shape of the past. This film was a bold risk to focus on character over spectacle (at least for a while) and to craft a fitting tribute for the two titans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Steve Rogers and Tony Stark.
Apollo 11 (March 2019): The American space program of the 1960s has long held a fascination in our household and so we rushed out to see the documentary that promised new footage for the seminal event that landed a man on the moon. To our delight, the film revealed itself to be a cinematic achievement as well. Director Todd Douglas Miller chose not to narrate the film with an omniscient voice; rather, choosing to fill the audio landscape with diegetic sound from contemporary source material - journalists asking questions in a press conference, back and forth between the astronauts and NASA headquarters, and newscasters reporting the progress to the nation. Some of the shots included in this film, all archival footage and some newly released 70mm material, are so beautifully composed and complex shots; it's an astonishment that this thoughtful filmmaking was done to capture one of the nation’s greatest achievements and this documentary honors that effort on its 50th anniversary.
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