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“Da fuc is that?”
I was just wondering the same thing!
It appears quantumsigularity has an answer
replied to your photo
“Da fuc is that?”
Apparently its for a Q+A session with the band Fall Out Boy
Thank you :D
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“Da fuc is that?”
Why must they force this?
I have so many answers to this one, all of them snarky XD.
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For some reason it's not allowing me the opportunity to reply to this, so I shall post things here.
Alrighty, so for the most part, I'm just going to post pictures of the pages from the books. Since each book is over 500 pages, I simply stuck to things that relate to the Methuselah section; I found other examples of where similar wording to express Spock's emotions were used [mostly the terms "quietly" applying to the similar word "gently" - the implication, reading between the lines and comparing them to the facial expressions and vocal cadences when such dialogue appears in episodes, gives that whole "intimate relationship" feel between Kirk and Spock, which - in turn - allows a much deeper level of meaning than these pictures of a few lines may actually show]. For the most part, it's just the written word of those things that make a bigger impact that the .5 seconds on screen that can be hard to miss - text makes things more obvious, in my opinion, though it is far more fun to go back and see these pieces come to life on screen.
* An Introduction To Script Vs. Tele By DC Fontana
* The Disclaimer Of Novelized Adaptations By James Blish
* Proof Of Such Slight Differences [note that in this novelization version it's implied that Spock cries over Kirk's "dead body", whereas in the episode he was in the hallway and Kirk came up behind him]
* Use Of The Term Quietly Implying Deeper Emotions [revealing said emotions towards Kirk and connecting them intimately to Kirk]
* Why That One Above Matters [in that it really is an implication of emotional connection to Kirk, as seen through the eyes of others in a completely different scene that reveals Spock's dedication to Kirk]
* Note the use of the term "quietly" with Methuselah becomes "calm", "silent", and "gently".
So. Tying "calm" and "silent" together, and connecting how Spock has a "calm accusation" when discussing how Reyna's love led to the agony of her death with very personalized vocabulary that can potentially imply a bleed through of Spock's own feelings being paralleled - which is quickly followed by McCoy falsely assuming that Spock is unable to understand such feelings. Yet as soon as McCoy leaves, Spock acts on such potentially presumed feelings, if connecting the idea that Reyna "could not bear to hurt" Kirk because she loved him, and (again, implication is key) Spock feels what McCoy speaks: McCoy wishes Kirk couldn't feel such pain of Reyna's death, and Spock - mirroring Reyna - acts upon that and makes sure Kirk cannot bear that pain by erasing his memories.
I HOPE THAT MAKES SENSE??? As to why I find it more heartbreaking in text than in tele? Hahaha~!
[Also, if you enjoy Spock + Emotions, I highly recommend "Sarek" by AC Crispin: it's written completely from Sarek's perspective, and it's during the time of Amanda's death - so there's a lot of Sarek and Spock trying to connect with each other, since Amanda was their bridge of understanding. Lots of interesting inner admittance that Vulcan's truly do feel emotions.]
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happiness - I think it is a favourite for polish learners :)
ahahah yesss it might prove to be a bit of difficulty in pronouncing ;)
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jewelspartaland replied to your quote “I WANT A DEEP FRIED TURKEY. I was a moistier, tastier turkey.”
Haha yes I watched that vid about a dozen times yesterday. Love it!!! Thanks so much for the link )))))
HEHEHE You're welcome!! <3 It's so addicting, right?! XD
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I got tagged by both Rowan-Baines and Orioncadet in this.
If you don’t know your personality type, take the test here
Rules: Find out what characters share the same personality type as you here and list the characters you find relevant below. Then tag however many you want and let them know you tagged them!
Type: INTJ (There seem a lot of that going around tight now XD)
Artemis Fowl from the Artemis Fowl series
Rupert Giles from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Yay!)
Le Chiffre from Casino Royale
Havelock Vetinari from Discworld
Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg from The Fifth Element
Severus Snape and Lord Voldemort from Harry Potter
Ernst Stavro Blofeld from James Bond
Am I the only one beginning to see a trend here?
The Brain from Pinky and the Brain
Roose Bolton and Tywin Lannister from A Song of Ice and Fire & Game of Thrones
The Borg Queen from Star Trek: First Contact
John Harrison AKA Khan Noonien Singh from Star Trek Into Darkness
Sooo, according to Hollywood ITNJs are more or less all despots and/or bend on world dominion? Sounds about right.
Well I guess it makes me your go to girl if you ever need a plan to take over the world.
Who to tag then... writergrrrl, jewelspartaland, lucycantdance, artlesstumbles, beyondspock.
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jewelspartaland replied to your post “I’m a snotty mess, my body temperature yo-yos between freezing and...”
Aww hugs! Get well soon! And thanks so much for the fic recommendation from a few days back. I've read the first and almost finished the second, and they are absolutely fantastic! <3 <3 <3
Thanks for your well wishes :D.
I'm glad you liked the fics because I never actually read them myself so I had no idea if they were any good or not. Maybe I should have a go at them.
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Spock: ☾ / ☠ / ■
Ooooh, lets see
Sleep headcanon
Spock sleep in a black silk robe, with Vulcan letters on it and a deep V-neck cut. (Inspired by a piece of fanart I saw a while back and now can't relocate :( )
Angry/violent headcanon
Whenever Jim's life or health is threatened Spock can feel the fiery rage that ruled his ancestors . On one hand he fear what that makes him, on the other he will not relinquish it - one day it may be all that stands between Jim and death.
Bedroom/house/living quarter headcanon
Spock doesn't generally get attached to things and if an item gets lost or destroyed it doesn't affect him, not that he is careless with his possessions but an item is not a person and therefore replaceable. The only exception to this is his lyre which he treasures dearly.
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Books (and fics) that have stayed with you.
Rules: In a text post, list ten books (or fics) that have stayed with you in some way. Don’t take but a few minutes, and don’t think too hard — they don’t have to be the “right” or “great” works, just the ones that have touched you. Tag [ten] friends, including me, so I’ll see your list. Make sure you let your friends know you’ve tagged them.
So I got doubled tagged (yikes) by phene-thyla-mine and plaidshirtjimkirk in this.
This is going to be a mix of books and fics in no specific order.
1) Song of the Lioness by Tamora Pierce.
I don't know if I should do this as one or four, because it's really a series, but it had a really profound impact on me when I read it at 14. The main character Alana has to disguise herself as a boy to fulfil her dream something I could wholly relate to at that age. I wanted to do all the boy stuff but being a girl often got me barred from doing it, so I took on boyish persona and mannerism. I didn't want to be a boy per se, just do the stuff they were allowed to (football, mechanics, stuff like that) and if I had to pretend to be a boy to do it then so be it.
2) The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas.
A fabulous story about revenge, what can drive a person to sacrifice all else to achieve it, the unforeseen consequences and the innocents that gets caught in the crossfire.
It really should be read by everyone.
3) The Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle.
I read this when I was seven and down with the flu. Started my lifelong enamourment with Holmes and Watson and strongly coloured my perception of both characters, so I'll never be able to see Watson as an idiot or Holmes as some flawless superhuman deduction machine.
4) The Heart in the Whole by verityburns.
[BBC Sherlock]
The first fanfic I read in the Sherlock fandom and what got me into fandom again. I had originally been a part of the Vampire Chronicles fandom about ten years before, but Rice's vehement persecution of fans scared me off. Here was the second beginning.
5) Fulfilling the Needs of the One (or the Both) by plaidshirtjimkirk.
If I had to pinpoint the time where I fell in love with OMS it was reading this story. But since plaidshirtjimkirk is the captain of this ship that is hardly surprising is it?
6) This Deadly Innocence aka The End of the Hurt/Comfort Syndrome by Leslie Fish.
[TOS] This one is from 1979 and I find that and several others from that period that I have read interesting because of the portrayal of the characters, in particular Kirk has far more in common with the popculture image of him than how he is portrayed in Spirk fanfics today.
Could be an interesting subject to delve into someday, how the characterisation of Kirk has changed over the years and how.
But even without the historical context this is a brilliant story.
7) Meat Dreams by J S Cavalcante.
In the aftermath of events on Sarapeidon Spock has dreams about eating meat and having sex.
I'm a sucker for all fics that involve Vulcan culture pre- and post-Surak and how things have changed, and some times not changed, and for "Spock character development". This one has both.
8) And In the Darkness Bind You by Greywolf the Wanderer.
Takes place between Spock going blind in Operation: Annihilate! and when he regains his vision. It's a very realistic portrayal of how a person faced with suddenly loosing sight might cope with it. One of the better fics I've read on this and far, far better than most original works I've read on the same subject.
9) A Logical Form of Relationship by WeirdLittleStories.
Ficlet in which Kirk and Spock have a pillow talk about why Vulcans find same sex pairings logical. Very much formed my opinion on the matter.
10) After Altair by SnapeInDrag.
Began my fascination with pon farr stories and helped form my headcanon that a mental link is needed for Vulcans to have sex.
Well I could keep going, but it said ten. And if I don't stop here I never will.
Tagging (but only if you want to): lucycantdance, sartrek, jewelstpartaland, thesadchicken, noodleinabarrel, gracie-is-pregnant, obsidianwhisper, tardistogongen, withthesecinderedbones, kastik-goh-yokulsu
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jewelspartaland replied to your video:I’ve seen a lot of good Spirk fanvids using Wrath...
oh! which song is it? We’re not allowed to watch it here :(
Damn that too bad. Can you look it up on youtube (that's where I found it), or is it youtube that's blocked?
The song is "Our Farewell" by Within Temptation.
It feels like Star Trek fanvids that use songs by Within Temptation are hunting me right now, everywhere I turn they pop up. Not that I'm complaining mind.
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