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Regarding canon the reason I only consider what's filmed canon is because until 2011 since Trek's inception, that's what was defined as canon. It said as much on the official website. You seem to give weight to Bob Orci, this is what he said "As far as my understanding goes, canon is defined by whatever is FILMED." July,1 2011 on trekmovie. I actually knew about this long before I became a Trek fan because one of the major selling points of the Star Wars EU was that, unlike Trek, it's canon.
derailing the topic. I don’t care what you consider canon or not (again, when all is said and done Roddenberry didn’t consider some of the movies canon. Including the final frontier one) Following your own statement that you consider canon only what is showed, then you’re contradicting yourself big time with this whole ‘Scotty and Uhura were in love and a couple’ thing when it was never showed/filmed in canon. Eveything you have as ‘evidence’ is a scene where it’s implied they wanted to go shore leave together (which is something Uhura also did with Chekov in tos. Also a scene Nichelle Nichols considered as a mirror of her friendship with James and concerns for him) and a scene, that you’re essentially romanticizing, where Uhura is mindwarped by a God into trying to seduce her friend because she feels alone. You’re free to have your own interpretations (but then, can’t act as ‘the canon keeper’ when replying to that Uhura fan because, again,  practice what you preach guys) but you have no evidence on and off screen (behind the scenes stuff like actors and writers quotes as well as the scripts) supporting your interpretation as more valid than those who see no developed couple and interpret their interactions as friendship. And actually, even behind the scenes stuff (script, what the actors say etc etc) contradict your interpretation of them being ‘canon’ and her loving him and viceversa.and when you actually claim that their ‘relationship’ was better developed than reboot Spock/Uhura (and more progressive!) one has no other choice but see your ulterior motives here and your bias.
tl dr: it seems you want us to accept your headcanons as canon all the while lecturing others about what is ‘canon’.Also, doesn’t seem to me you care about ‘canon’ when it comes to your own headcanons about why S/U is wrong. Thank God, not everyone saw him as the bad guy you make him out to be (and like my friendly anon told me, if Spock is so bad that begs the question why you spirk fans desperately want Kirk to have a relationship with him when they already make barely sense as friends, in the reboot. - Uhura and Bones had been more a friend for Kirk than Spock ever did IMO )
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luminousfinn · 10 years ago
I got tagged by tardistogongen in this:
Give five facts about yourself and tag your 10 favourite followers.
1) I love both Star Trek and Star Wars and nothing is ever going to make me choose between them.
2) I have chronic arthritis and osteoarthritis.
3) I'm a reserved and quiet person. Unless I talk about something I love, in which case I come across a hyperactive, speed-talking nerd.
4) If snark and sarcasm were Olympic disciplines I'd be a fav for taking a medal.
5) English is not my native language.
Since I have far more than 10 favourites I'm just going to tag at random.
entrenous88, randsexual, christinefuckingchapel, thesadchicken, phene-thyla-mine, pywren, spockshair, museaway, plaidshirtjimkirk, silkspectred.
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museaway · 11 years ago
phene-thyla-mine answered to your post “What's the story behind your username?”
Phenethylamine is a stimulant in chocolate and affects dopamine release. It also contains the word "t'hy'la." Vulcans, chocolate, t'hy'la.
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You win all the awards!
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petimetrek · 11 years ago
Can we participate in Uhura appreciation week even if we don't like the way Spuhura is written in the reboots? It's an awesome pairing and both are wonderful characters, but I think Orci, Kurtzman, and Lindelof are poor writers, unfortunately. So I don't like the way it's done in the film, but I think the fanfic of them and the idea of them as a couple is great. Along with other pairings too -- like Kirk/Uhura, Scotty/Uhura, or even Carol/Uhura. Just…I have a lot of issues with Orci...
OF COURSE! Everyone can participate! This is just for spread our love for Uhura (TOS or AOS)
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plaidshirtjimkirk · 11 years ago
phene-thyla-mine replied to your post:gohugavulcan replied to your post “32, 33,...
"I want something to grab when I’m destroying him." — That is incredible. I kind of want to make it the tagline to my blog now. :D
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luminousfinn · 11 years ago
phene-thyla-mine replied to your post:Books (and fics) that have stayed with you.
Oh, The Count of Monte Cristo — I’ve heard that’s an absolutely amazing book. I haven’t read it because it’s not free on Amazon but given that it’s only $0.99 I might have to check it out. And I LOVE Fulfilling the Needs of the One (or the Both)!
The Count of Monte Cristo is very, very good, but it's also really hard to read because Dumas writes that various characters so well. You really get an up close look at all involved and how much that whole thing costs everyone involved. I had to put it down several times while I read it because it was that hard to read emotionally. Rivals some of the most tragic fanfics I've read, and that's saying something.
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luminousfinn · 11 years ago
phene-thyla-mine replied to your post “phene-thyla-mine replied to your post:Okay so. A while ago I bought a...”
How about Devil's Bargain? Looks interesting. I look forward to your review! :D
Devil's Bargain it is then. I'll write and post it sometime this week, I'll promise no more than that.
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luminousfinn · 11 years ago
phene-thyla-mine replied to your post:Okay so. A while ago I bought a bunch of TOS...
I would enjoy your reviews! If you want to post them, I’d take a look. :)
I'll see what I can do then.
Any preferences between the books? Otherwise I'll just toss for it.
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luminousfinn · 11 years ago
For your "Send Me a Fandom" -- Star Trek
In answer to phene-thyla-mine.
All answers are for TOS.
THE OTP: Kirk/Spock
M/F OTP: Amanda Grayson/Sarek. I haven’t seen a hetro couple work this well on screen since Mulder and Scully (and imo they only worked before they actually became a couple).
M/M OTP: Still Kirk/Spock XD.
F/F OTP: Uhura/Chapel.
Fav Female: Uhura. She’s completely badass and I wish she got more screen time. She’s closely followed by Chapel, a character I’ve come to love more than I thought I would based on what I read about her. (Just goes to prove that one should never base one’s view of people on what others say about them.)
For a slightly more unknown character Yeoman Martha Landon from The Apple. Very badass too, wish she had got to be in more episodes.
Fav Male: Spock.
The first thing I saw with the original cast was TMP and I have to say I was none to enamored with Kirk. When we first see him there he’s a belligerent, autocratic, class A jerk and I was just about prepared to stop the movie. Fortunately we had already had Spock’s aborted Kolinahr ritual and it got me so interested in both him and Vulcans in general, so I decided to sit the movie through and try my best to live with the Autocrat. This movie made me fall so hard for Spock and I doubt I’ll ever stop obsessing over Vulcans.
N.B. My view of Kirk made the scene where Spock comes on to the bridge hit all the harder. It’s like someone waves a wand and poof, the Autocrat is just… gone. So Kirk comes a close second.
And Bones, Chekov, Sulu and Scotty share third place. I couldn’t choose one to save my life.
Least Fav Female: I haven’t seen all episodes of TOS yet so I might change my opinion on this later, but Helen Noël (Dagger of the Mind) irritates me.Least Fav Male: I could make you a list here, but this is long enough already so I’ll just pick one. Nilz Baris from Trouble With Tribbles, a belligerent, autocratic, class A jerk of the kind Kirk is at the start of TMP, so he’s definitely a least fav.
Why I joined the fandom: By accident. I watched STiD because I like Benedict Cumberbatch and then watched ST09 just because. Looking into the fandom on-line I read so much about STiD being a Wrath of Khan rip-off and always needing to check things for myself I went back and saw the original cast movies and a couple of episodes of the TV-series.
And boy am I glad I did. I fell so hard for all of them. I’m still surprised that I actually lived to be 33 before finding this series.
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museaway · 11 years ago
Thanks so much for your response! By the way, have you ever seen the gif of William Shatner writing "sex" on a chalkboard? Do you know what it's from? I have no clue, but it cracks me up every time I look at it. Science Blues was also amazing by the way!
You're so welcome! (And aw, thank you!) :-D
Ooh! I haven't seen that gif. Does anyone have a copy?
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