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[pm] Hey Winter! I just wanted to say that I have 0 trauma from that thing that we did (which rhymes with jurder and jover jup and jiding jhe jevidence) and am totally okay and normal. Anyway I'm ordering a pizza. What toppings do you like?
[pm] Could you not have walked twelve feet into the living room to tell me this? No, now you've implicated us in everything. Do not send me anything like this in writing again. I don't care if it rhymes, it's still incriminating.
Thea [....] I don't know what you're talking about. Maybe you should come talk to me instead? Please don't elaborate on here, I'd rather talk in person.
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I Want You to Show Me Weak

Fandom: Andor
Pairing: Kino Loy/F!Reader
Chapter 24/27 (3.9k words)
-> start at chapter 1 <-
<- Chapter 23 | Chapter 24 | Chapter 25 ->
Summary: You're pretty sure Kino Loy hates you. He screams at you, grabs you, and shoves you against the wall, and it's becoming a problem because, well...it shouldn't fluster you as much as it does.
Warnings: Explicit rating, Smut, Prison, Prison sex, minor non-graphic injuries, Dom/Sub, sexual tension, dirty talk, praise, hair-pulling, choking, unprotected sex, oral, angst, orgasm denial, humiliation, slut shaming, references to domestic abuse, discussion of domestic abuse, minor violence, discussion of violence, description of violence, come eating, discussion about sexual assault, allusion to sexual assault
A/N: Hello, friends. It has been many months, but here I am working on finishing this fic. I split what was originally going to be 1 chapter into 2 parts (it got really long, which was overwhelming 😅). So this chapter is a little shorter with no smut, but a week from today will be the rest of it and that will have PLENTY of smut. After not posting something in so long, I just wanted to get something published to stimulate the Kino center of my brain to inspire me to write more. That way I can get this finished sooner rather than later! Also PLEASE take note of the new tags. There is a discussion about hypothetical harassment and assault in this chapter, but no description or specifics are mentioned.
Work title is from "Poison" by Vaults. Chapter title is from "Delicate Dream" by Shana Halligan.
AO3 Link
Chapter 24 - Well, you reap what you sow, and I know that you know what we have is a chance to get off while we can

"Okay, so tell us again exactly how you knew about the fucking floors. Because I'm still confused," Alis says as you both work the joint cylinder into place. He's clearly gotten over being angry at you at this point, which means he's circled back around to being chatty. Not that you're complaining.
"Yeah, I'm actually really curious about it as well." Taybus perks up across from the two of you. "Considering, well, you know…"
"Don't look at me! That was all Threl." You jerk your head in his direction.
Everyone peers over their work to eye Threl expectantly. Even Jevid gives him a bored look, which translates to downright curious when it comes to the grizzled, older man.
"It wasn't that difficult." Threl shrugs off all of your stares without even looking up.
"He's being modest. It was fucking brilliant," you say to the rest of the pod as you pick up your wrench. "Come on, tell them! If I do it, I'll just mess it up."
"Alright. If it will get you all back to work, then fine." Threl lets out a sigh of resignation. Then he straightens up, pulling himself to his full height—the muscle memory of Threl the engineer still ingrained within him, even years later on the other side of the galaxy. It gives you one more glimpse into what he must have been like before prison. "Look, you all know I used to build starships. The construction of the interior rooms and halls isn't that much different than the way they designed this place. Different function maybe, but I know how they think in terms of utility and cost. So when I look at the layout of this place and what kind of things made it into the final blueprints, I know what would have been scrapped to save time and money. You know?"
"I absolutely do not know," Taybus laughs, "but keep talking and pretend I do."
"Okay. Everything from the layout of this room to the connecting bridges and the design of our cells was once a blueprint. The first draft was rough and bulky and contained a lot of extras. Probably amenities that would have made our lives a little better," he frowns at that last part, "but no one was going to approve it. They don't care about us and they want cheap, so every draft afterwards was more streamlined. They kept cutting and cutting until it was as basic and functional as you can make it without losing value."
"So they…cut more floors?" Taybus's face is scrunched in a nearly comical attempt at concentration.
"Don't hurt yourself, dude," you mutter. Alis chokes on a laugh next to you and coughs politely to cover it up.
Threl sighs through his nose and shakes his head in disappointment at you before turning his attention back to Taybus. "You're half right. Bare tunqstoid steel panels on the floor, easy to install. Reliable. You know exactly how much electricity they conduct and that they'll do exactly as intended. They're necessary to keep us in line. It's also expensive to cover every inch of this place. Not to mention the extra weight of the panels and structural support needed to compensate for it…that drives the bill up, too." Threl pauses so everyone can take a step back.
"Clear," Jevid grumbles. The center console comes to life as the next piece lifts to slot into place. You all move in unison, like a well rehearsed dance, to lift it so it can be rotated.
"Do you see bare panels up the walls? Or anywhere in the cells other than the floor?" Threl glances around the group, waiting for an answer.
"No," Sorrek responds quietly from across the table. There's a pensive look on his face and you can tell he's curious about where this explanation is going.
"That means, if they were there, they would be under the molded plastic where we can't see them."
"And they don't work under plastic?" Taybus hesitates before getting back to work.
"Correct!" Threl smiles widely at him. There's a hint of pride on his face as he glances over. "When you put plastic over metal, it's usually as an insulator. Because plastic doesn't conduct electricity…unless you mix the plastic with something that does conduct electricity during the molding process. Then the electric current travels along those particles instead. But doing that makes the parts more expensive. The current that can pass through the plastic also isn't as strong as the bare metal. That makes it unreliable. So you tell me what's more likely. That the Empire paid to have the walls and benches in every inch of this place lined with tunqstoid steel and a composite plastic of conductive filler or that they saved money by cutting those plans for the final blueprint and just wanted us to think they put them there?"
"They're definitely cheap. Hence," you add, "no panels or sensors in the benches."
Jevid and Sorrek exchange a look of shock. You wonder how many years both of them have been living with the acceptance of the lie. You also wonder what else about this place has been blindly accepted as truth.
As you glance around, you can't help but notice that the walls don't seem quite so oppressive anymore. Especially now that you understand on a much deeper level that that's all they are.
"Damn, Threl." Alis lets out a long whistle.
"See? Told you. Fucking brilliant." You give Threl a stare that says 'I told you so,' which he pointedly ignores.
"Wow dude. You're really smart." Taybus gapes at him.
"Yeah," Threl laughs as his posture finally relaxes back into the man you're more familiar with. "I know my way around this shit. I did it for over a decade."
"Wasted in here on this bullshit," you grumble.
"Don't disagree." He shrugs. "Unfortunately, when you start sabotaging the Empire's plans and they catch you, they don't just slap you on the wrist and let you keep your job. I'm lucky I didn't end up someplace worse than this."
"Well, I appreciate it a lot," Taybus says with a sincerity that makes him look almost sweet. Almost. "Thank you."
"You're welcome, kid." Threl puts a hand on his shoulder and gives him a gentle shake. "Just enjoy it."
"You get laid?" You smirk at him.
"No." His cheeks redden, but it doesn't hinder the look of excitement that spreads across his face. "We finally made out, though!"
"Hell yeah, man!" Alis stands on his tiptoes as he reaches over the table to give Taybus a high-five.
"Congratulations!" You beam at him. "Nice, isn't it?"
"Yes." He ducks his head as he blushes some more, and a strand of hair comes loose from his ponytail to hang in his face. He tucks it behind his ear and breaks out into a goofy smile. "It's really nice. I get why you were so annoying now."
"Hey!" You protest, only mildly offended. It's not like you disagree.
"Were?" Alis pipes up next to you.
Scratch that. Now you're properly offended. "Oh, is this what we're doing now that we got the excitement about the floors out of the way?" You yank the soldering gun off of the table. "Picking on me?"
"You make it really easy, to be fair," Threl teases.
You let out a noise of disgust. "Fine. Go ahead. You can't hurt my feelings because I know Kino will just kiss them better later."
"Gross," Taybus mumbles. You smirk at him.
"Yeah, that's right." You lean in his direction and lower your voice. "Keep teasing and I'll talk about how good he is at it, too."
"I'm pretty sure most of us have heard already." Alis gives you a knowing look. Next to him, Sorrek shakes his head in disapproval—though whether it's directed at you or Alis, you're not sure—while Taybus and Threl snicker at your expense. "Besides, you think that will deter me? You're going to have to try harder than that."
"God, you're obnoxious. Why are we friends again?"
"I grow on people." He grins.
"Like a fungus, maybe," you mutter.
"Fungus is very useful, so thank you for the compliment." His grin widens to an intolerable degree.
You roll your eyes as you work the soldering gun on the joint. While you do, you're surprised to find that, despite how much you brushed it off, being teased about last night bothers you. Not on your own behalf, though.
On Kino's.
When you finish, you straighten back up and clear your throat.
"Listen, since Alis brought it up, I know all of you heard me last night and I want to apologize for it. Clearly we got complacent and weren't being as respectful as we should have been. I'm really sorry. It'll never happen again." You can feel your face burning with embarrassment as your expression turns sheepish. "I'm absolutely mortified. So you guys are welcome to tease me about it if you want. I deserve it, honestly. Just…do me one favor and please make sure he isn't nearby to accidentally overhear when you do. Alright?"
Jevid grunts, which you assume is an agreement, and Sorrek nods, also looking a little embarrassed at the memory. You can't imagine what shade of red he turned after it happened. You also can't imagine either of them—or Edii—doing the teasing. They aren't the ones you're worried about.
"No problem, kid." Threl says easily. And it's no surprise he would agree to something for Kino's benefit. Or yours, for that matter.
Next to him, Taybus makes a face. "Why? He overhears us teasing you all the time."
"Because," you shift your attention to the part as you get back to work, "this will actually upset him."
"What's the big deal? Is he embarrassed because people know you're having sex in your free time now?"
"It's a big deal because it's him." You say it as though that should be obvious.
"He's still gotta be the shift manager after this." Threl tries to explain when Taybus continues to look unconvinced.
"Do the managers take a vow of celibacy or what?" He scoffs.
"No, but there's an inherent power imbalance between him and her." There's the cranking of a wrench as Threl works through the conversation. "That's enough to get people focused on them more than, say, you and your boyfriend. No offense."
"Plus," you interject when you see Taybus opening his mouth to protest, "if people are gossiping about us, he'll think of it as a distraction. Distracted people work slower, get lower numbers, and make mistakes. Mistakes lead to injuries or worse. They draw attention. He'd rather they didn't think about us at all. We're all safer that way."
"And he's right," Jevid adds in his gruff voice. "The last thing you want in here is them keeping tabs." He jerks a crooked thumb up towards the viewing window for emphasis. "That's why Kino runs the floor the way he does. Good numbers mean they leave you alone."
"Besides, you all remember what Wem pulled. Not everyone is gonna politely gossip or chuckle about it. Some of them are definitely pissed." You shoot a dark glance over at Wem's table.
"Why would they be pissed?" Taybus follows your line of sight, but with less subtlety.
"Jealousy, do you remember?" Edii finally speaks up. "There are some who did not look happy for her last night."
"Let me guess," you sigh. "Table 4 again?"
He nods. "Most. I see others, too. A few."
"Jealous of what? Of Kino?" Then after another second of thought, Taybus nervously adds, "Of her??"
You choose to ignore his last comment. Because they should be jealous. Kino is a fucking catch.
"They think he plays favorites. That because of her, he favors our table best." Edii stares at Taybus with a hint of his old irritation, clearly bothered he has to spell it out. "They are also mad they do so poorly in their numbers, so they blame us because that is easier than accepting they work bad together."
"Okay, so they bitch about it. So what? I seriously don't understand what the big deal is." Taybus still looks confused and you know it's because, for him, it is that simple. He's still young. The world hasn't taken on as many shades of grey yet.
You toss your soldering gun down heavily on the table to get his full attention. When his head jerks in your direction, you give him a serious look—though you do your best to keep your tone patient despite the frustration.
"I'm gonna forgive the ignorance here, Taybus. I know you don't mean anything by it. It's easy to forget some things when we're over here bullshitting half the shift. But take a look around you and remember one really important detail. Something I have to keep in the back of my mind every moment of every day." Taybus glances around the floor while you continue talking. "I am one woman trapped in here with a bunch of men."
The rest of the table freezes. You watch them exchange uneasy looks out of the corner of your eye while Taybus processes what you mean.
"Now, I feel completely safe around you guys, and I'm lucky we're usually stuck together. I think some of the other guys out there seem like decent men, too. The shitty thing about being a woman or someone vulnerable is that thinking someone is decent doesn't always keep you safe. What if someday some asshole decides bitching isn't enough? What if they think that I, or Kino, need to be taught a lesson? Or they want to take out some frustration in a more active way, so they sneak back while I'm taking a shift break?" You let the implication hang in the air. Taybus's eyes finally go wide in realization and horror.
"Then one of us takes our break with you!" He protests.
"You know we can't, kid. It's one at a time from the tables so we don't get behind." Threl gives you a regretful look. Your face softens in appreciation. You know he's right, but you also know that he would do it in a heartbeat if he could.
"That's bullshit! Surely Kino would make an exception for her." Taybus jabs a thumb in your direction.
"Then he's seen as playing favorites for sure and that pisses them off further." You put a hand on your hip as you step back from the table. "Clear."
"If they touch you, I'll deal with them." Sorrek stares at you with that cold rage you've seen a few times now. The kind that sends an uneasy shiver up your neck. You know it isn't directed at you. That's not why. You worry for him and how he would feel afterwards if he did something he couldn't take back. Or if he got stuck in here longer, away from his wife. From his daughter.
"I know you would." You give him an affectionate, sad smile. "But that would just prevent it from happening a second time."
Sorrek's face falls, the dangerous threat immediately shifting into helplessness. Jevid shoos him away from the machine before he can protest. Or start tearing up.
"It's not just that. What if a group of them decides they don't have to listen or be respectful out of spite? Maybe they even do it on purpose to make it look like Kino can't control his men and isn't fit to lead because they want the guards to replace him as shift manager. Imagine having an asshole like Wem as a manager. Sure, Kino's a hardass, but he's fair and he's a good man. But someone cruel with the perks and the power of that position?" Not to mention the ability to keep the two of you apart out of spite, you think to yourself.
"Wait, they could really do that? Put someone else in charge of the floor?" Taybus is starting to look even more worried.
You turn to look at Sorrek, Jevid, and Threl with an eyebrow raised. "You guys have been here the longest. Could they?"
"They choose whenever a floor needs a new one. I guess it's possible." Sorrek answers carefully.
"They could." Jevid gives you a confident, hard stare. "Not only could they, it wouldn't be good for him either. Never seen it done, but they'd probably add more shifts to his sentence and he'd be back at a table."
Taybus stares at him in shock, as if he's waiting for Jevid to suddenly take it back. When he doesn't, he stares dejectedly down at the table. "Damn. That's all fucked."
"It's all fucked indeed," you sigh.
"Okay. What should we do, then?" Taybus glances around at the rest of you for answers. "We keep an eye on her, obviously. Especially during breaks. Then we also…keep an eye out to help Kino so our lives aren't even more miserable?" Taybus's face scrunches in disgust. "God, never thought I'd say that."
Edii waves a dismissive hand at him. "I will keep an eye out on ones that look…what is the word? Suspicion?"
"Suspicious," Taybus mutters to him.
Edii continues on like he didn't hear him. "If they say or do anything, I will know."
You smile fondly at him. "Thank you, Edii."
"I was going to do so anyway. I keep a look out a lot of the time I have been in here already. Many people ignore me. I hear a lot." He turns to stare directly at you. "Incredible hearing." And then he nods seriously.
"You're damn right," you chuckle. "Sorry I ever thought it was a curse."
"It is alright. Makes people uncomfortable when they realize what I hear." He gives you a piercing, knowing look. You shift awkwardly in your spot as you remember that morning and all the filthy things you and Kino did and said to each other. You're confident no one else heard. You're now far less confident Edii didn't.
"Hey, wait!" Taybus perks up like he just remembered something. "I know Vage's table would be on our side. Table 1 is pretty cool."
"Oh, we drawing battle lines now?" Threl teases him.
"No!" Taybus protests. "Just, you know, in case."
Alis gives him an exaggerated wink and a nod of encouragement. Taybus gives him, what he thinks, is a subtle thumbs up in return.
"No, none of that," you gently scold both of them. "Look. I'm not saying any of that is going to happen, it's all just worst case scenario. I'm not saying someone will definitely try to corner me or harass me or hurt me. Or that suddenly me getting laid will turn into a riot. In fact, I'm not actually worried about any of it. All I'm saying is…" Your face softens with affection as you turn to look where Kino is standing on the other side of the room, bent over his tablet. He's frowning intently at something, and the way his forehead wrinkles and his lips pout in disapproval makes your heart flutter. "He is. There's a lot that could go wrong every single day and he's stressed about it. All the time. Because he thinks everything is his responsibility. I just don't want to remind him of what happened and add to that." You turn back to them with a pleading look. "Okay?"
"You love him very much." Edii gives you a rare, half smile.
Your cheeks burn hot and you look down at the table, embarrassed, because now the entire pod knows and is staring at you with various degrees of amusement and softness. It's almost too much attention, and it feels worse than when they all learned you were having sex. Because this is exposing your heart and laying bare your vulnerability, while sex is just sex. 'Which was also because of Edii,' you internally grumble. Okay, maybe his hearing is a bit of a curse.
"I do," you respond quietly.
Edii nods, as if he already knew the answer and you were simply confirming it for him. Then he returns to work, just like that. You do still admire his ability to readily accept something and move forward. However, you're less enthused about him bluntly supplying the table with updates about your love life. You wonder if that's just an Edii thing, or if it's a natural, open topic where he comes from.
"Fine, alright," Taybus relents with a huff. "I'll keep my mouth shut."
"I was never going to let him hear anyway, are you crazy? The man could probably toss me halfway across the room if he wanted." Alis shudders. "And if he heard me making fun of you, he would definitely want to."
"Oh, yeah, he would definitely want to." You grin wickedly at him. "And I promise, from experience, he probably could."
Taybus groans again.
The rest of your shift continues on with more teasing until they finally get bored with it. Partially because you threaten to supply them with more intimate details since they're clearly so interested in your love life. Alis is, of course, the last one to relent, but only after Sorrek has turned a concerning shade of red and looks dangerously close to tears.
Then they start badgering Taybus to tell them the plot to another one of Vage's holonovels. Not because Taybus is a particularly good storyteller—he'll frequently forget a detail and have to backtrack to fill in the blanks, making everyone else groan in frustration—but because it's something to pass the time.
And the easy camaraderie really does make the time go by faster rather than focusing solely on the work. As you talk and listen, your hands move automatically over the parts, expertly repeating the pattern almost as an afterthought. It would be easy to lose yourself in the rhythm.
You don't, though. You can't help but be aware of every passing hour. Nine.
You laugh at one of Alis's terrible jokes so hard your stomach hurts. Kino has to walk by the table to scold all of you and tell you to stop messing around and pick up the pace. You glance up at the clock. Eight.
Sorrek tells a story about one of his fights in a house so packed, the crowd ignored their seats to push and shove against the ring to get a better view of the main event. He was convinced the ropes were going to buckle under the pressure and that the match would be called when the crowd swarmed the ring. Jevid's heard this one before. Seven.
Threl once altered ship blueprints to include hallways that went nowhere and closed ventilation systems that cycled back into themselves rather than properly vent through the filters, which would cause a steady buildup of carbon monoxide. They caught the first one before construction began. They didn't catch the second one until afterwards, and whole sections had to be scrapped and rebuilt. "That's the trick," he says. "You distract them with one hand so the other can do more damage." You notice a look on Edii's face—a thoughtful concentration—and you wonder what he's thinking. Six.
One more down. Five now, and soon that will pass, too. You smile around your table.
One less hour until the end of your shift. One less hour in your sentence.
One less hour separating you from Kino.
A/N: As a reminder, the next chapter is coming out a week from today! And as a heads up: There are only 3 chapters left before the fic is over, so 27 chapters total. (I know 😭)
Also I have the most rudimentary understanding of how electricity works, so please do not @ me if I'm wrong because I simply don't care that much. What I do know is the floors in Narkina 5 shouldn't work at all, but they do because space magic. So anything I got wrong is clearly just more space magic 😂 I just wanted to take the opportunity to give more of Threl's backstory and show off how cool he is. He's from Naboo and he worked for Theed Engineering (for the other Star Wars nerds: they built Governor Tarkin's personal starship.)
#kino loy#kino loy x reader#kino loy x f!reader#x reader#i want you to show me weak fic#andor fanfiction#andor#fanfiction#andy serkis
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Jess and David- Chesapeke Shores
#chesapeake shores#jevid#jess o'brien#carlo marks#laci j mailey#tv show#serie#art#digital painting#art digital#sketch#draw#painting#actor#actress#love#cute
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You've already filled one of my prompts (it was amazing. It was amazing and wonderful and lyrical and OH MY HEART...) and - thank you so much. If you don't mind, I'm just going to leave a second prompt here if you feel like filling it - feel free to ignore me if you'd rather not! Prompt: Jerry/David: "One short sleep past, we wake eternally." (John Donne).
“Death, be not proud - though some have called thee mighty and dreadful, thou art not so…”Monitors beep. Outside, despite the light drizzle which washes the sky a heavy grey and teases the cheery flowers, a bird sings. David’s breath rattles in his lungs, like something’s trying to pull it from him, and he’s fighting to keep it. Jerry supposes it is - either the decay in his bones or the poison they’re pumping into his blood to fight it. Jerry stalks into the room with all the grace of an apex predator - careful, fluid, quiet. A decision precedes every movement - every placement of his foot, even the trailing of his index finger along the rail at the end of David’s bed - it’s all thought out. All the experience - four hundred years of escaping burnings and stakings, four hundred years of hunting - go into each flex of his toe, each twitch of muscle fibre.But he isn’t hunting. Jerry settles on the very edge of David’s bed, feels the hard mattress give beneath his weight, sighing like a disappointed parent. When Jerry takes David’s hand, the skin is cool and an awful shade of pale. Jerry barely suppresses the urge to flinch, to gag, to throw something. He doesn’t. Jerry inhales deeply, shakily, and grinds out the words which haunt the very periphery of his brain - some twisted phantom teasing him. “Thou art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men; and dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell…”Here Jerry raises David’s hand, pressing it to his nose like he’s done so many times over the last five years. David smells different now - bitter like ash and sickly sweet with the stench of something Jerry has only ever described as Death. Jerry shudders, his eyes squeezing shut. Over his long, long life, Jerry’s grown accustomed to dying. Humans die - animals and plants die - even vampires, if you’re particularly stubborn. He’s got so much blood on his hands you could probably fill a couple of olympic sized swimming pools with it. This shouldn’t scare him. This shouldn’t hurt him. And yet it does. As he recites what was first scratched into surface some four hundred years ago, Jerry can’t help but wonder how much of his own mutilated existence plays back in those words. Then David stirs. Eyes, once bright but now dozy with pain and medication, blink in the dim, spring-morning light. He smiles, face which was once soft and round now skeletal where sickness has sapped the life from him. David looks tired - tired of fighting, tired of dying. “Hi,” David whispers.“Hi, yourself. How are you feeling?”David shrugs one protruding collarbone. His cardigan - originally one of Jerry’s - and hospital gown slip down his shoulder, revealing skin tainted with bruises and veins. Jerry reaches out, tugging the material back up over to ward off the chill. “I feel the same.”Jerry wants to be sick. He swallows reflexively. “Have you… Are you…”When had he become so weak? Why swell’st thou then?
David blinks, and a tear jumps from his lashes, plunging down his face. Jerry isn’t fast enough to catch it, but he wipes it before David has to. “I’m scared.” David admits. Oh, doesn’t that break Jerry’s cold, undead heart? Here’s a man who’s faced down the end so many times, who’s never once admitted anything close to fear. “I’m here,” is all Jerry can manage in response. “You’ll stay?”“Forever, baby. Until the end of time.”David nods. He leans back into his pillows, and settles with a great sigh, eyes fluttering shut. Jerry squeezes his hand a little bit tighter, before glancing around to ensure no one’s watching. They won’t be though - they’re all on break. “I love you.” Jerry tells David. David smiles. “I love you too.”He doesn’t flinch, when Jerry reaches forward, doesn’t flinch when corpse-cold skin presses into his, doesn’t make a sound when those fangs sink through skin and sinew and into blood. Jerry pushes everything he has into that bite, presses his tongue against the glands above his fangs to milk the venom. All the while, David remains still and sweet and calm. On the monitor - his heart thunders wildly for half a second, before it goes silent. Jerry pulls himself away, wiping off the blood. The wound is sealing already - by the time the nurse gets in here, there won’t even be a mark. Jerry presses the call button, but he can hear feet already, thundering down the hall towards the distinctive sound of a flatline. “One short sleep past, we wake eternally, and death shall be no more…”The nurse pulls Jerry away, people are talking and giving terse orders. Jerry lets himself be hauled out of the room, towards some sort of grief counselling probably. He stares at David’s face until the door slams shut. Beyond that, lies eternity.
Bonus Scene:David comes to with the instinctive urge to dig. Wood lies above him, but on all sides he feels a gentle caress, is encased by a lovers hum. It reminds him of the warmth of Jerry’s arms. Jerry. David punches through the lid of the coffin without much thought, fist cleaving through earth which morphs and twists about him, as if parting for his touch. Then, it’s only a matter of pushing upright, hauling his way through six feet to the surface. Sitting beneath a great Oak, illuminated by a patch of moonlight, sits Jerry. David yanks himself up out of the hole, before crawling over to his mate. Jerry welcomes him with a fierce hug and a kiss which crossed the line of desperate a long time ago. “One short sleep past, we wake eternally, and death shall be no more…”David whispers the words against Jerry’s lips.
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jevid fan fic
Summary: Jerry and relationships just don't work for him. He find some one dump them, move to next one. His recent ex was the first to leave before him now Jerry is required to go this hotel to find "new partner". What shitty luck he has....
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So how do we feel about David Schwimmer and Jennifer Aniston and will we ever get a real-life Rochel (Jevid?) in this lifetime? 🥺🥺🥺
Real life? Have I missed something? 👀
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the ship also goes by jevid , or just jerry X david. Check out my blog, and my pals funkzpiel, allforthegreatergood and my brol skips-supports-ships for content
Oh awesome! @wanderingquill thank u ❤️
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Jerry gives this card to David

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I Want You to Show Me Weak

Fandom: Andor
Pairing: Kino Loy/F!Reader
Chapter 5/27 (4k words)
->start at chapter 1<-
<- Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 ->
Summary: You're pretty sure Kino Loy hates you. He screams at you, grabs you, and shoves you against the wall, and it's becoming a problem because, well...it shouldn't fluster you as much as it does.
Warnings: Explicit rating, Smut, Prison, Prison sex, minor non-graphic injuries, Dom/Sub, sexual tension, dirty talk, praise, hair-pulling, light choking, unprotected sex, oral, angst
A/N: You can all have some light smut. As a treat. Work title is from "Poison" by Vaults. Chapter title is from "Bedroom Hymns" by Florence + The Machine . Previous chapter links up above.
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Chapter 5 - Sweating out confessions, the undone and the divine
"Look at those smug assholes at table 3. They're a rack up and they think they're so great, even though there's still two hours left." Taybus throws a large socket wrench down a little too hard and it clatters on the table. Threl straightens up and glares at him.
"I know you're not trying to break shit when there's only two hours left," he scolds.
"If they gave us better tools then we wouldn't have to worry about breaking anything." Taybus pouts as he checks his work.
"They aren't gonna give us better shit, boy." Jevid grunts as he passes Sorrek the hanging drill. "So stop whining about it."
"I'm bored. This shift is taking forever!" He picks the wrench back up to tighten the part he half-assed the first time.
"Are you? We hadn't noticed!" Alis doesn't look up from locking the joint in place opposite you. "What are you in such a hurry for anyway? Got a hot date? Dinner plans? Wanna see how much your mustache has grown since we been in here?"
You can't help but finally crack a smile and you look up to see Alis grin and wink at you.
"I have to take a shit and I already used my second break. If I go back, Kino will kick my ass."
Your face immediately falls at hearing Kino's name, and you hover closer to the table. Alis sighs. He opens his mouth to say something else, but there's the sound of a fist on the table.
"Taybus," Sorrek's voice is stern and angry, "I know things have been tense around here, but this isn't helping."
"They're up one more," Jevid cuts in.
"If you want first place that god-damned badly, then focus on work. That's what will help. What you are doing right now serves no one. So stop it. Now." You look up just in time to see Sorrek give Taybus a thin lipped, angry stare down. Taybus breaks the eye contact first and looks at his feet, dejected. You can't really blame him. It's Sorrek's full disappointed dad voice. Even you feel a little guilty because it's your fault things are so tense in the first place.
"What's gotten into you anyway?" Threl shakes his head.
"His sparring partner isn't up for his shenanigans and he's worried, but doesn't have the emotional capacity to handle it." Alis slaps the top of the part to let Jevid know he's done, and then looks between you and Taybus daring either of you to tell him he's wrong.
"I'm fine," you grumble.
"I am not worried! What's it to me if she's sulking because she got yelled at?"
You take a step back and glare at Taybus. "Yep, that's me, the giant baby at the table that has never gotten yelled at before. It hurt my delicate womanly feelings."
"Then what the fuck did he do back there? Spank you?" Taybus rolls his eyes, but you feel a wave of hot anger.
"Shut the fuck up, Taybus! Right now." Your usual light tone is missing and everyone, not just Taybus, seems taken aback.
"Hey, sorry, I didn't mean it! I was just trying to make you laugh." He sounds genuine and you know things must be bad if he's actually apologizing. You suddenly feel like an asshole because of course he doesn't know.
"No, I'm sorry." You sigh and look around the table as the next piece clicks into place. "I know I've been miserable to be around. I'm really trying, here. Just...give me time."
Kino walks by at that exact moment, and glances up from his data pad to look over the table. You're the last thing his focus lands on. When his eyes meet yours, there's a flash of something in them. Sadness? Concern? You can't tell, as usual, and you're tired of trying to figure it out. You quickly look away.
"Good work," Kino pats Threl on the shoulder and moves on to the next table.
"Wow, he didn't even yell at us." Any trace of Taybus's humility from being snapped at by the rest of you is already gone. "Being in second place is kind of awesome."
You just grumble, "Give me a lot of time, apparently." The only one that hears you is Alis.
"Want me to shit on his bed for you?" He whispers.
And you can't help it, you howl with laughter. For the first time in too long. It feels nice.
Your table gets second place by less than a rack. You're all a little disappointed you were so close to first, but it's still second place. The mood has been bleak for a while now so you'll happily take the small win. Maybe tomorrow you can actually get first, now that you have a taste for it. Maybe tomorrow you'll start to feel better.

It's that evening, on the heels of your second place victory, that Kino visits you. You're lying in your cell, facing the wall once again, so you don't know he's there at first. Or how long he stands there just watching you. You hope it isn't long so he didn't see the way you hug yourself as you curl your knees to your chest, or hear your little sniffles and world-weary sighs.
"Are you busy?" His voice comes from the doorway of your cell. Your stomach knots and rolls with dread at the sound. It's the first time he's spoken to you since…since The Hallway. With a deep, calming breath, you school your expression into an impassive stare and get up from your cot to stand in the middle of the small room.
"No. I'm not busy," you deadpan. You briefly meet his eyes, but you keep your focus on his shoulder instead. It feels safer that way. He looks the same as he always does, that halfway point between irritable and indifferent, so you're not expecting an apology. Why bother to give yourself that hope?
You expect him to talk to you from the main floor while leaning against your bench. That's what most people do when they chat during freetime. Instead he takes a step directly into your cell. Right before his foot touches the floor, you call out "wait!" and tense with panic, anticipating a shock that never comes, even as he stands before you.
You slowly unclench as you attempt to convince your body it's safe. Then you turn to him, wide eyed in surprise. "How?"
"Manager privilege." He moves to stand in front of you, and he's too close. Not as close as he gets when he's mad, but close enough that you can see every line on his face and darker hair in his beard. The strong angles of his jaw and speckled blue of his eyes. And god, how did you ever look into those eyes and not immediately feel like you're being plunged into water, swept into a wave, and dashed upon rocks? Because this has to be what drowning feels like.
"Oh." You blink at him, trying not to get distracted admiring his worn face, even though you've already failed at it. "I...didn't know you had that as a perk."
He shrugs and says gruffly, "Never wanted to use it before."
You're disgusted by the small thrill in your chest, both at his words and his presence.
"I'm going to guess you would like to talk, then." You want to sound flippant, but can't keep the ache and curiosity out of your voice. You also wrack your brain trying to think of anything you could have done during your shift that could be construed as worthy of a conversation, and nothing comes to mind. You've been very careful.
"You did well today." He takes a step closer. Now he's so impossibly close. You could lift your hand and touch his chest to feel the steady rhythm of his heart if you wanted to. And with dismay you know that you do want to. "In fact, you've been doing well for a while now."
You blink at him again. "What?"
"I thought you deserved to know that I've noticed." He leans in and lowers his voice to that gravelly half whisper. "And it made me realize that I've been so focused on punishment, I haven't given any consideration to how I might reward you."
You jump back like you've been slapped and your legs bang against the raised platform of your bed. Reward? Is he mocking you? Whatever this is, it's cruel and you've officially had enough. You don't deserve this.
"What is this?" Your voice is stern and outraged, and he looks taken aback by your tone and your reaction. "I know you hate me, but I guess I don't understand what the angle is here. To hurt me? To break me?" At that the creases on his forehead deepen in confusion. "If so, mission accomplished."
"I don't hate you." He frowns.
You give a bitter laugh. "Yes you do. You yell at me all the time." You lift your chin in challenge, daring him to refute it. You want to say more, to throw the rest of it in his face, but you don't trust yourself to not start sobbing or screaming or to push him out of your cell.
"I have to keep order on the floor. If I don't, they fry all of us as punishment. I yell at anyone that's disruptive. You just happen to have been particularly disruptive lately," he says, as if that should be obvious. As if he doesn't understand why he has to say it out loud.
You lean back, trying to create space between you to process that. And he's right. You have seen him yell at other people before. It's different with you, though. You know it is. "But you don't…grab anyone else like you've grabbed me."
His eyes flicker to your lips when you mention grabbing you and you watch a brief glimmer of heat appear on his face. If you hadn't been watching him so closely, you would have missed it.
"I suppose I don't, do I?"
Your heart pounds alarmingly against your ribcage, then, because that small action brings you a moment of absolute clarity:
"They aren't allowed to bother you." Every thing he's said to you. "Says me." Every piece you've been missing. "I know what she needs." Every double meaning of conversations you weren't privy to. "Are you going to behave?" Every damn shred of context. His nose brushing against yours as he holds you against the wall. It all slots into place in your mind, like stepping back from a puzzle to view a full picture. You see. Finally. He doesn't hate you.
Kino Loy wants to fuck you.
You have to sit down.
It's only after you sit that you realize you said that out loud. He's standing in front of you, waiting patiently.
"I didn't say you could sit."
And, oh God. You've just realized what this is. What you've been doing this whole time.
"Fuck," you swear under your breath. You know at that moment you have a choice to make. You can stay sitting and walk away. You can end this and heal and move on with time. You can try to resume what little semblance of a life you had in here. Or you can stand up.
You also know this isn't even a choice for you. There was only ever one outcome when it came to him.
You stand back up so you're face to face with him. He smiles at you, and it is triumphant and ruthless. He's been waiting for this.
Then he lessens the gap between you, but doesn't close it. His mouth hovers near yours, and though it's something he's done before, it is an entirely new and intoxicating sensation now that you realize what it fucking meant. That he enjoys it just as much as you do. That he's into it. A shiver travels down your spine from your neck to your tailbone, and overflows deliciously to your core.
"Stop me if at any point I'm wrong," he growls. "The first time I grabbed you, you liked it." You take a quivering breath, but don't say anything. "When I pushed you against the window you liked it even more." Your tongue darts out to unconsciously lick your lips as you remember just how close he had gotten and how you thought he might kiss you. His own lip curls into a gratified smile at your continued silence. "But when I grabbed your face and humiliated you in private? You liked that best of all."
You swallow hard because despite how much it hurt you emotionally, physically you fucking loved it. "You know I did."
"I wanted to hear you say it." His mouth ghosts against yours, a phantom of a kiss.
"Were you pushing me to see how far you could take it before I would break?"
"Not break," his voice rumbles, "surrender."
You shiver at the word. At the implication of the word. "If I didn't figure it out and continued to sulk, what then? What was next?"
"Do you really want to know, or do you want me to save it?" He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, and you have to fight to remain upright and focused.
"Would it be my reward for behaving?" You're panting now and your entire body feels like an overstimulated, exposed nerve.
He gives you a smug, hungry gaze. "I told you I realized you don't respond to yelling."
You whimper and desperately want to press against him, to bring your bodies flush together, to touch him, but you stay where you are. You behave. "Save it."
"Does that mean you want this?" He lets the very tip of his nose brush your cheek.
"Yes," you gasp.
"Say it."
"I want this, Kino." You quickly bite your lip to stifle a moan. "Fuck, have I wanted this."
"I thought you may have. Now do me a favor and be very quiet for me." He shifts on his feet to further block the view from the other cells.
You give him a dazed look and manage to get out "what?" before his hand is running through your hair and he's massaging your scalp. It feels remarkable because it's touch, but more specifically it's his touch. You lean into his fingers like a lothcat, seeking more, and he rewards you with a slow drag of his nails. Some of the tension you had been holding on to for weeks at this point starts to melt away.
Just when you're ready to smile lazily up at him, his hand tightens around a large fistful of your hair. Then he wrenches your head back, exposing your neck to him. You start to cry out, but the sound dies almost immediately when you remember what he said to you.
"Very good," he purrs in your ear before moving to breathe against your now vulnerable throat. "You don't want to draw attention to this, do you?"
"No," you whimper.
"I don't think your table would appreciate it, would they? What would they think of you if they saw you whining and eager for this?" He lightly drags his scruffy cheek along your sensitive skin.
You feel a surge of arousal in response, which causes you to redden in shame. They can never know about this. About him, yes, but never this. This is yours. He tilts his head until his lips graze your neck as he talks.
"If they knew how wet you are right now, just from my hand in your hair?" He squeezes his fist to emphasize his point and you gasp. "Because you are, aren't you?"
"Yes," you choke out.
"Are you going to touch yourself later and think about me?" You swallow down the groan that nearly escapes your mouth. The tip of his nose traces your jawline and you feel your knees go weak, but he holds you steady. His hand is an anchor while you stand there in your cell, the backs of your knees against your bed.
"I will," you arch against him, breathless. "I do." He pauses, fighting to maintain control of himself after your admission. Feeling bold you add, "Do you want to know what I think about?"
There is a twitch of his lips against your throat, then he slowly resumes the near touch of his exploration. "Tell me," he sounds more unbalanced than before.
"I think about you fucking me in that hallway with your hand still on my jaw and my throat." He grunts and rests his forehead against your cheek for a moment.
"Fuck," he pants. "You don't make this easy for me, do you?"
"No," you whisper back, "I intend to make it very hard."
He wrenches on your hair again and you're expecting it, but the sting still causes a swell of pleasure between your legs.
"I'm going to have to come up with something to keep your mouth occupied, aren't I?" You gasp and lick your lips. "I take it you like that idea."
"Yes," you moan as quietly as you can.
"Are you going to think about it later with your hands down the front of your pants?" He runs his rough, fuzzy cheek against your neck again, but harder this time so that it burns.
"Yes, Kino." You're so lost in sensation that your words are almost inaudible.
"Do you think about anyone else when you touch yourself?"
"No," you hiss, "only you." You vow it with such ferocity that you almost don't recognize your own voice.
He hums in approval and rewards you with firm, open mouthed kisses below your ear. They trail down your neck and his tongue laps hungrily at your skin. Just when you've adjusted to the feeling enough to stop squirming, he nips at your throat and your eyes close in rapture. In that moment, everything you know and everything you are is bliss.
"You did so well," he praises. His fingers immediately relax in your hair, and he's tenderly massaging your scalp and hovering before you once more. Your muscles are weak, there's a dampness between your legs, and you crave more.
You also know he's not going to give it to you. You're going to have to work for every touch. For now, reward is caress. It's a kiss. Soon it will be stroking and touching until he finally fucks you. Punishment is humiliation and none of that. And god, do you want him to reward you.
"Thank you." You turn your head so you can nuzzle your face against his arm.
"You understand now?"
"I do," you sigh.
"And you still want this?"
"I want this," you insist.
"If at any point you don't, you tell me. Because you are not powerless here. I want your surrender and your devotion, but only if you give them to me. Do you understand?"
"I understand, Kino." The word devotion sets your mind and nerves alight, makes you ache and tingle. You look into his eyes so he knows you mean it. They're so wide and blue and beautiful. It's almost as if you can see the sky again. He fills you with such warmth that you want to bask in front of him like he's the sun.
He softens and his other hand delicately cups your jaw, which is so different from the last time his hand was on your jaw. You're nearly overwhelmed by all of the affection he's giving you after feeling nothing but misery for too long. "I'm sorry you didn't before. That was my fault. I really thought you did because the way you came undone in my hands…" he takes a shaky breath, "but I should have made sure. That will never happen again."
Then he kisses you—truly kisses you. Lightly at first, adjusting to the touch of your lips and how you slot together, which sets your mind reeling and draws another whine from your throat. And that would have been enough because Kino is kissing you and you're allowed to finally wrap your arms around him. To touch him. To feel his hands gripping your waist and running a long your hips. It would have been everything, but when you moan against him, he deepens it, tasting you and letting his tongue slide against yours.
It isn't reward or punishment. It's just him, and it's an apology. One you know you deserve. You want to lose yourself in it, to never stop kissing him and letting your hands roam over his back and shoulders, but too soon he pulls away. When he looks at you, his lips are red and kiss swollen against the grey of his beard. You can't help but groan at the sight. To wonder what he looks like further wrecked.
"Do you…?" You trail off, suddenly shy. Which is silly, you think, considering what just transpired between you. But there's still a part of you that hasn't accepted he doesn't hate you. That needs to absorb this.
"Do I what?" There's an amused look on his face.
He doesn't hate you, you tell yourself. He knows. He knows and he wants you.
"Do you touch yourself and think about me?" You whisper.
"Every night." He growls and presses your foreheads together.
"When?" You sigh into the touch. "How long?"
"The first time I grabbed you and just held you there. I had intended to yell at you, but god, you were trembling and writhing, and making this little noise in your throat. Every thought I had then was gone. I just stared at you, thinking about what other sounds I could coax out of you."
"Oh," you gasp because he could have fooled you. Did, in fact. He was so stoic. "I didn't realize what it did to me at the time. Was I that obvious?" You cringe thinking about how it must have looked to everyone else.
"It was to me." His voice is a husky rasp.
"Good." You can feel another surge of arousal between your legs.
"Unfortunately, I should go now. It's getting late and it will be a hot floor soon. Everyone at your table will be returning to their cells any minute." He sounds regretful, at least.
"Okay." You sag a little in disappointment and look down at the floor because you just got this and you don't want to let it go yet.
"Hey." He places a finger under your chin so that you are forced to look him in the eye. "Continue to behave. I'm always watching." He gives you a hungry smile. "And I can come back tomorrow."
You nod, your disappointment fading away at the promise of more. "You know I will."
Before he leaves your cell, he pauses and looks at you over his shoulder. "You really thought I hated you?"
"Yes." You say without hesitation.
"What did you think was happening then?"
"That you knew how I reacted and how I felt, and you were humiliating me out of cruelty. To get me to listen." He flinches and you know it hurts him to hear, but you aren't trying to cause him pain. It's simply a truth that had hurt you to go through. You don't want anything left unsaid.
He looks at you with an expression of profound conviction, one so open and sincere that you could never doubt it for a moment. "Never cruelty."
It's breathtaking, and you wonder why he scowls at all. You give him a nod because now you believe him. Now you know the truth. Satisfied, he exits your cell.
Later that night, you do exactly as promised. You slip your hand into the waistband of your pants when everyone else is asleep, wondering if he's down the hall doing the same. You think about his hand clamped around your jaw and twisted in your hair. Think about him pressing you into the wall, his lips on yours, the feel of his tongue. What would have happened if no one else had been looking? Would he have taken you against the window? Pushed you to your knees? You think about supplicating yourself before him and showing him just how devoted you can be.
#andor fanfic#andor#kino loy#kino loy x reader#kino loy x f!reader#i want you to show me weak fic#fanfiction
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Jess has a new honey
And his name is The Doobs
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Yay prompts! I'm sad I didn't see this earlier - hm. Jerry/David, role reversal.
I meant to get to this last night, then I fell asleep, and then I meant to get to this this morning, but christmas shopping… and… sorry it took so long! As usual I have no idea where I’m going with this, but we’re gonna see anyways.
“Sorry!”David mumbles out the apology, steadying himself and pushing his glasses back up his nose. He doesn’t know why he keeps them, honestly, it isn’t as if he needs them, but they’re a comfortable weight he can’t bear to part with. The man - taller than David with wide, muscular shoulders and raven black hair - just offers him a one armed shrug and a quick flash of a grin. His teeth are white and straight, save for the slight hook of his left front incisor. David swallows, managing to pull a smile onto his own features.
His stomach rumbles, throat closing suddenly when the slight breeze shifts and wafts towards him. Above the stench of sex and sweat and booze, the scent of this man’s blood, rich and thick and healthy, has venom flooding into David’s mouth. He can practically taste the subtle edge of the cologne the man is wearing, something as dark and equally rich, teasing.
David swallows again. The guy is looking at him strangely, instincts probably picking up on the fact that something isn’t quite right. Dark eyes sweep over David, assessing the small frame and rounded belly, the moustache, the way the strobe lights play across skin that is far too pale to be healthy. The guy looks away for a moment, giving David time to breathe, before saying, “Don’t worry about it, guy.”His voice is quiet, a low tenor laced with something distinctly American. He’s still searching David for something, seeming a little curious. When he shifts, the muscling plays beneath the thin fabric of his teeshirt, practically teasing David. He can hear the man’s heart thudding, slow and solid and sure. The guy grips his beer more securely. It somehow, miraculously, avoided their bumping into each other. “You okay?” The guy asks. David starts, “Me? Yes! I’m fine!”He isn’t sure why the man cares. He receives another grin, and his stomach curls in sudden excitement. David smiles back. “You don’t look like you’re used to places like this.” David shrugs, collecting his own beer, which the bartender set down on the wood just a moment ago, and takes a sip. It’s nothing compared to what he really wants - his body will burn through the alcohol like a kid on a sugar rush - but it’s something to distract his hands which ache to turn to claws, and stop people from looking at his teeth too closely. “I’m not, but I thought I’d give it a try.”It’s taken David decades to get used to lying like this. When he was young, just a fledgling, his lies were made of tissue paper, so thin and transparent he could barely hunt for himself. Now, he’s much better. The guy nods, humming and sipping at his drink.“What about you? You don’t seem too bothered by all these flashing lights.”The guy throws back his head and laughs a little, giving David time to analyze the sharp curve of his jaw, the way his carotid pulses with his heartbeat. David licks his lips. “Nah, just wanted to let off some steam after work, ‘s’all. Clubs aren’t usually my thing either.”“What do you do?”“Night construction,” the guy replies, “My buddies are a bunch of morons sometimes, foreman really let us have it tonight but he let us go early. And so here I am.”There’s a beat of awkward silence, before the guy shifts his beer and extends a hand, “I’m Jerry, by the way.”Gooseflesh races up Jerry’s skin when David takes his hand, the chill bleeding through rough callouses into capillaries, running straight to his heart. David watches as his arm hair stands on end, idly wondering if it’s doing the same elsewhere. Then he scolds himself, because he didn’t come here looking for that. “David,” he says. Jerry gives him a crooked grin, eyes sparking just a little, “Good to meet you, David.”
It isn’t supposed to go like this. David is supposed to charm Jerry, lure him out of the club, and eat him. That’s how it’s supposed to go. It doesn’t. David finds himself pressed back against the side of the guy’s truck, a hot mouth pushing into his while an equally warm hand starts a slow slide up David’s shirt. Those callouses scrape against soft skin, and David shudders. Part of him - that animalistic aspect - snarls that this isn’t what he should be doing, but the rest of him is too focused on the thigh Jerry pushes between his legs. “This okay?” Jerry murmurs, pulling back just enough to find David’s eye. His are dark, pupils blown. Lust races through him and god, David can smell it, just as he can practically see the capillaries in the man’s face and neck dilating, giving him a soft flush. “God, yes.”
Jerry chuckles, “My place isn’t too far from here.”David gets the memo, climbing into the passenger seat while Jerry goes around the side. The truck roars to life, and they practically fishtail out of the parking lot, merging onto the road and heading to a part of this unfamiliar town that David is really unfamiliar with. The house is nice, in a nice neighbourhood - quiet. That kind of quiet though where it isn’t just peaceful, but the sort of quiet that comes when people don’t ask questions. The beast in David’s chest purrs at the thought. He’s too busy resting a hand on Jerry’s thigh, slowly driving him to distraction with careful motions. The human snarls and swears, they jerk to a stop and Jerry hikes the parking break.
It doesn’t devolve from there - not really - but at some point between Jerry getting David’s pants off and them ending up on the couch together, the human notices David’s eyes. “Guy, your pupils, they’re huge.”David just shrugs, tugging Jerry closer again. His fingers card through soft onyx hair, nails scratching against his scalp. Jerry shudders. He supposes he should be thankful. Jerry’s a good lover, a considerate one, he makes sure David feels good too. David feels bad for what’s going to happen next, his arm snaking around those perfectly sculpted, broad shoulders while the fingers in Jerry’s hair grow tight. As the man starts to lose himself, David guides his head to the side, leaving a wide expanse of throat where he can settle his head perfectly. Jerry makes a sound, shuddering again. David whispers another apology, directly against the pulse point, and bites.
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Jerry why?
It’s October David people must know
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David: Please? For me?
Jerry: Don’t do that.
David: What?
Jerry: You think every time you say “Please? For me?” I’ll do whatever you want, well not this time.
David: Please? For me?
Jerry: ......
Jerry: Okay.
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Let’s not also forget this is Jerry’s onesie, cause he a s h a r k(tm)
Oh my goodness, Jerry and Halloween! Of /course/ he'd love it! (I wonder what costume David would dress up in on their first halloween together...)
Oh lord my first instinct is lobster but also I feel like the poor dear is probs traumatized by lobsters, too. I feel like he’d be something very subtle without too much effort or something stupidly adorable that he’s mildly embarrassed about – like a teddy bear. Don’t listen to me, I’m stupid tired. XD
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Prompt: Jerry/David. "I have been one acquainted with the night."
The rain comes down in buckets, sleuthing through his clothes and washing down the streets in streams. Cars go whipping past, uncaring of the pedestrians which inhabit the sidewalks and end up blown over in the spray. David pulls his collar up more tightly, trying to keep out the wet and chilly wind which whistles through the skyscrapers on this miserable summer day. With each passing second, the grey of the sky grows darker. Street lamps start to flicker to life, one by one, like sentries coming to life and falling in line to light David’s way home. Combined with the neon of signs and stoplights, the soft yellow light bleeds into a ruddy mess which reflects in the storm water and paints concrete a strange colour. Normally, David might stop to admire the architecture. He fell in love with this city for it - old facades and brand new buildings - but today he just wants to get home. At the junction of Fifth and King, he becomes aware that someone is following him - footsteps masked by the patter of rain and the roar of traffic. Every time David rounds a corner, he sees a distinctive flash of black coat with a silver stripe. Initially, he tries to play it down, but with each consecutive twist and turn the man matches David stride for stride. Fear starts to tingle, lighting like a match in his heart and beginning to spread, making him warm and tingly, making him forget that it’s cold and wet and his feet slide around in his shoes on uneven sidewalks. David picks up speed, hurrying forth, walking straight into the coming nightfall. Get home, get home, get home, David thinks. He’d call for Jerry, normally, but some ass of a stranger knocked it into a puddle earlier and it won’t turn on now. Get home, get home, get home.
He scans around for someone - anyone who might help. He could flag down an officer, if he could just find one, but this isn’t an area frequented by police. Jerry’s quiet warnings - ‘if you think you’re being followed, call me and find someone, anyone, to walk with’ - are coming back to David now. Little things he’d never fully considered because he never thought he’d be in this situation, which niggle at his frantic heart and make it beat faster. David is well acquainted with night in large cities - but he isn’t acquainted with being hunted in the pouring rain. “Fuck, fuck.”David rounds a corner and runs right into someone, a rather pathetic yelp leaving his throat, followed by an apology. It dies on his lips however, when he rights his glasses and realize it’s Jerry in front of him. His husband’s eyes resemble coals, and there’s a tension in his shoulders which frightens David. Water runs in rivulets down his face from his hair, but he makes no movement to wipe it away or push his hair from his eyes. “What are you doing here?” David asks, almost sagging with relief into Jerry’s chest. The vampire pulls him in close, tugging him into an alcove off a building. “Something was wrong, I could feel it. Why the fuck didn’t you call me?”Jerry hisses the words into David’s hair, inhaling deeply in the way he does when he’s upset. “Phone died, literally died,” David explains, voice growing thick as the adrenaline wears off and he comes down off his high, “I couldn’t - I - I panicked.”“Shh… I have you now, baby. It’s okay.”They stand there for a few moments longer while they both collect themselves, and David’s heart calms down. Then they push off, back out into the rain. David keeps hold of Jerry’s hand tightly, all the way home. “I don’t recognize the scent,” Jerry murmurs, “But whoever they are, they won’t be around long.”When he speaks, his lips curl back over his teeth and reveal a hint of his fangs. His expression sours into something almost feral, and most definitely angry. David shudders at the implication and the rage in Jerry’s eyes, but the vampire mistakes it for cold. He frowns, tugging his jacket off and hooking it over David’s shoulders before leading him up the stairs to their recently acquired brownstone. “C’mon, baby, I’ll draw you a bath.”David doesn’t miss the sweep of Jerry’s eyes around the neighbourhood as he closes the door, nor the fact that he applies their rarely used deadbolt too. It’s frightening - but David knows he’s safe as he’ll get, so he tries not to worry.
#jevid#jerry/david#jerry dandridge#david (the lobster)#adene writes#adene answers#fright night#fright night 2011
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