#jesus christ binah
sleepyminty · 1 year
I was curious how knives and binah would interact and after this it would be evident to say that the Abiter of the Head in Project Moon are a absolute menace
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transgenderfivepebbles · 10 months
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talonabraxas · 10 months
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Christ with Three Faces (The Trinity), ca. 1500
Netherlandish School Three Forces Create
This is an important aspect to understand because at the base of all creation is this Solar Logos, or in other words the Cosmic Christ. This force, this energy, is three in one. It is the top triangle of the Tree of Life, also known as the Kabbalah. And this supernal triangle has three spheres in the shape of a triangle. These three are the holy trinity or tri-unity, which are three aspects of one thing. In Kabbalah, or in Hebrew, we know them as Kether, Chokmah and Binah. In Christianity they are called Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And in Hinduism they are Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
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The Holy Trinity: Kether, Chokmah, Binah with the Holy Duality or any Holy Family that engenders the True Messiah, who is always Jesus (יהשוה or יהושה), the savior, on the lap of truth; on the ground (Malkuth) is always Moses (the body of willpower or body of Tiphereth, the human soul, מי משה) the faithful shepperd, in the pineal (פניאל) gland of the heavens (HaShemim השמים) of any prophet, by William Blake.
Study the lecture:
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Audience: Are there gods, and what constitutes their level of being?
Instructor: Yes, there are gods. The gods that live in those levels do not care about us at all. By the term gods, this is a relative word. Meaning, we are not referring to the one god, by which we mean the Absolute. We are not referring to Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. This is not what we are referring to. By “gods” here, if you want to put it in western terms, we can say angels, archangels, we can say like the lower gods of other traditions and mythologies with a lot of gods. It would be the lower gods, not the upper ones. The highest gods in any hierarchal type of religion represent archetypes, aspects of our own Being. For example, Jesus is a master, a god. He represents Christ, which is an archetype in us that we have to develop. Moses is that, too. Odin is that, Quetzalcoatl is that, Buddha himself is that. He is a great god, but he is not one of these gods in this realm. The gods that we talk about here have many levels. That is why I showed you the image of the Tree of Life. It goes into more detail than the Bhavachakra does. In the Tree of Life, you see that the heavens depicted here have nine levels, some say seven, some say nine, some say more than nine. In all of those levels are different levels and classes of gods: Pratyekabuddhas, Shravakayanas... you have elemental Buddhas and different types of angels, all levels, from simple ones that are not well developed, to highly developed gods, but who nonetheless remain enslaved to the attachment to their position.
The gods are needed. They form the celestial hierarchy. They are necessary. They form a very important role for existence to be present. You see, out of the mouth of Yama emerges the worlds, and the first world that emerges here are the heavens. Similar in the Tree of Life: out of the Absolute emerges Kether, Chokmah, and Binah. This is Atziluth. Then, those archetypes (Atziluth) become Briah, then Yetzirah, than Assiah. That unfolding of everything is a process in which gods make it happen and sustain it. They are needed. Nonetheless, they are not fully developed. There are gods at different levels, and are fulfilling their roles, and they remain attached to those places. 
There are many classes of beings. There may be elemental Buddhas who are very pure, but have no solar bodies. They may have an astral body, mental body, causal body, they can have those developments and once they have the causal body we call them Pratyekas. There are beings who developed the soul, but did not eliminate all of the ego, did not enter the bodhisattva path, and are on the spiral path and developing over millennia, just fulfilling their role in nature, of being a great king over a certain region with lots of power and wealth. They exist, and they are very beautiful, and have a lot of knowledge that can benefit those who walk the path, but they are also tempting gods. For someone who is entering the path of the bodhisattva, they do not like that. If you studied the Pistis Sophia, or the Mahabharata and certain other classes of scripture, those teachings explain very clearly that the path to the Absolute has two aspects. Most people think there are many different religions, but they all pretty much go back up to god. It is not like that. All these classes of gods and demigods are in these regions of nature and the vast majority are on the spiral path, very slowly and gradually through many incarnations slowly rising. 
There is a quick way, a direct way, that is far more difficult, and it absolutely does not correspond to that spiral path. It is the path of the middle, the direct path, the straight path, the path of the bodhisattva. The demons who are on the path of the left and the saints who are on the path of the right do not understand the ones who walk the path of the middle. Both of them cause problems for the one who is on the path of the middle. If you study the Mahabharata, it is a beautiful example of that, because you see that the Pandava brothers are trapped between the asuras (demons), the demigods, and the saints, and there is this big war going on, but they are taking the path of the middle, direct to God, serving Krishna, but no one understands them.
—Bhavachakra: The Wheel of Becoming
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doc-avalon · 1 year
Mrs. God
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Behold, there is Sophia, which is the Greek version of her name; and other names and titles are Binah, which is Hebrew for understanding; Sapienta, which is Latin; Mother of All, which is Gnostic; Holy Spirit, which very early Christians used; Wisdom, which is what all the other names mean.
Her symbols are a cup, a crescent moon, a dove, and a tree. Her usual image is that of a red-winged woman crowned with seven stars, at whose feet lies the world and in whose right hand is a golden cup.
She is also often depicted wearing a red gown and pregnant.
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The Day of Sophia is November 28th, and holy books include the Trattato Gnostico, the Clementine Homilies, and the Gospel According to Mary. Places of worship include temples and places of learning.
Her relatives are Yahweh (ex-husband or son or both), Adam, Eve, Lilith, angels (children), Christ, who entered (possessed) Jesus (son), and the Achamoth, who entered Mary Magdalene (daughter).
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Other deities like her are Isis (Egyptian), Juno (Roman), Hera (Greek), Sarasvati (Hindu), Frigga (Norse), Spider Grandmother (Native American), Inanna (Sumerian), Tara (Tibetan), Yemaya (African-Caribbean), Amaterasu (Japanese), Pachamama (Incan), Changing Woman (Navajo and Apache), and Danu (Celtic).
Sophia, or Sapienta, etc., was the primary female figure of Judeo-Christianity.
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She was once important, but because of the efforts of men who had problems with the female force in nature and themselves, she has been expunged from modern Bibles. She is the veiled holy spirit of wisdom, pregnant with knowledge and inviting us to drink deeply from her cup.
Old Jewish literature tells of her role as God's co-creator, saying, "She reaches out from one end of the earth to the other with full strength and orders all things well…Herself unchanging, she makes all things anew." Without her, God is powerless.
She shares God's throne and is his creative breath. The Shakers recognized her in the rhyme: "Wisdom holds the Mother's seat, and is the Father's helper-meet." There are those who become very upset when a feminine interpretation is placed on wisdom, but some people just need to be upset.
Henceforth, it is time that Mrs. God gets her due!
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rred-gaze · 1 year
ask game: 1, 9, 13 please
character everyone gets wrong -
uh oh here we go again. i’ve noticed that cold and/or sharp-tongued characters commonly get misinterpreted as constantly angry or violent like yesod and vergilius. lob corp yesod actively tries to suppress any emotion at all, which includes anger. ruina yesod is a bit more of a bitch to roland just because he has strong opinions that they disagree on, but they get along later. he’s blunt and has a sharp tongue, but not angry all the time. he cares very deeply about the lives of his employees, actually, even though he tries so hard to bury it and look uncaring because he needs to. that’s why he gets so mad if you let them die in lob corp. like if i have to see him mischaracterized as an angry tsundere one more time.
worst part of canon -
this ones hard. i think projmoon handles all of its material pretty well story-wise so i’m gonna go for the gameplay i enjoyed the least. lob corp day 49 jesus CHRIST. having to deal with binah while choosing your pauses sparingly because of hokma. i barely got through it
worst blorbofication -
easily yan and sinclair. maybe hong lu too. yan keeps getting turned into an uwu baby mostly because hes small and feminine-looking and i’ve seen sinclair talked about to death but hes young and emotional so he gets dumbed down too. hong lu we don’t know too much about yet but i really dont think hes just a dumb bimbo hes shown a lot of emotional intelligence so far. is it just me or do male characters with “feminine” traits constantly get babied 🤨
the fanbase has a huge fucking problem with reducing very three dimensional and complex characters to like one or two traits it’s really annoying
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bookoformon · 8 months
3 Nephi 19, Part 3. "The Opinion."
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The Earth orbits heaven not the other way around. To be Baptized asnd receive the Holy Ghost is acceptance of the superiority of God over all things and to trust His scriptures are here to help not hinder our ability to hope for peace on earth.
Without the benefit of these Offices prayer has no purpose. Now Jesus through His Prophet, this Book of Mormon speaks of praying to Him which is unorthodox as the only prayer the Gospels command to us is the Our Father. Why it says to do this, we will find out:
15 And it came to pass that while the angels were ministering unto the disciples, behold, Jesus came and stood in the midst and ministered unto them.
16 And it came to pass that he spake unto the multitude, and commanded them that they should kneel down again upon the earth, and also that his disciples should kneel down upon the earth.
17 And it came to pass that when they had all knelt down upon the earth, he commanded his disciples that they should pray.
18 And behold, they began to pray; and they did pray unto Jesus, calling him their Lord and their God.
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 15: The Value in Gematria is 7010, זאֶפֶסאאֶפֶס, zepesapes, "the starting line stripe."
v. 16: The Value in Gematria is 8296, חב‎טו‎, "the hit." = "wake up."
v. 17: The Value in Gematria is 6351, וגהא‎, "and then..."
v. 18: The Value in Gematria is 4695, דוטה‎‎ ‎, dota, "her opinion."
We know religion is full of laws and also many opinions as to what God and the Christ expect of humanity if certain conditions inherent to the relationship are to be met. The Gospels do not have to be historically correct or accurate in every detail in order to perfectly pertain to life on earth. They were written a very long time ago. The Book of Mormon is essentially an opinion, a type of polemic that stirs up a topic and causes a little strife through its resolution.
A polemic is something that stirs up controversy by having a negative opinion, usually aimed at a particular group. A piece of writing can be a polemic, as long as it gets someone's goat. Polemic comes from the Greek polemikos meaning "warlike, belligerent." It's like challenging someone to a duel of ideas.
The use of the pronoun her in this case suggests the opinion favor what is called Binah, "the construction of valuable meaning" vs. any other kind of end point for the discussion, specifically that humanity and the greater good must benefit from the conclusions drawn from the opinion.
If one is not praying for hope and strength and direction for humanity at this time, one is praying for the wrong things. We have allowed fools, freaks, and fuckups to drag us all into the crevasses of hell once again, and we need a fast way out, the fastest.
The Republican Party and its allies, a contemporary Nazi organization have helped Valdimir Putin start a world war through their invasion of Gaza in Israel. They have to be stopped. Prayer for forgiveness for allowing these despicable individuals to catch us unawares is a good place to start our opinionating as to what to do next that is utterly Godly and good for the rest of the world.
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fraterzimriah · 5 years
Consecration of the Raphael Talisman
Planetary Hour:
Hour of Mercury when it is in Transit
During Gemini or Virgo, Wednesday, Within the Hour of Mercury.
Orange Candles
Blue Altar Cloth 
Incense Mix: Frankincense, Cloves, Cinnamon, and Mace
Holy Water
Grand Pentacle of Solomon (Drawn on White Cloth or Parchment)
Angel Evoking Seal (Drawn on Lamb’s Skin or Virgin Parchment)
Raphael Talisman (Drawn on a Circle of Metal, a combination of Silver and Tin, or Virgin Parchment)
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(Grand Pentacle of Solomon)
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(On the left is the front of the Angel-Evoking Seal in black and red, and to the right is the back in all black).
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(Raphael Talisman - on the left is the front and on the right is the back).
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Declare the beginning of the ritual, “In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we humbly come with a pure will for the good of all. As this work enrichens us may it too enrichen our neighbors. Through the Love of Jesus Christ. Amen!” 
Perform the Lesser Banishment Ritual of the Pentagram and then the Lesser Banishment Ritual of the Hexagram. 
Purify yourself with fire saying, “by fire, I am purified”; if anyone else is with you purify them saying, “by fire, this child of God is purified.” Purify the space with fire starting at the East and going clockwise, “In the East I banish all beings of the air, vile and malignant, wishing to interrupt this work and may Light only enter herein.” (Do this for every direction and element). Place incense back on the altar.
Bless yourself with Holy Water, “by water, I am blessed”; anyone else should be blessed saying, “by water, this child of God is blessed.” Bless the space starting in the East saying, “blessings in the East, may all the goodly spirits of air enter herein!” (Do this for every direct and element). 
Bow head with hands together in prayer. Walk clockwise around the altar 9 times reciting Psalms 147:1-3, 
“Alleluia! Aggei et Zacchariae laudate Dominum quoniam bonum psalmus Deo nostro sit iucunda decoraque; laudatio aedificans Hierusalem Dominus dispersiones Israhel congregabit, qui sanat contritos corde et alligat contritiones illorum.”
“Hallelujah! How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him! The Lord builds up Jerusalem; he gathers the exiles of Israel. He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”
Perform the Lesser Invoking Ritual of the pentagram and then the Greater Ritual of the Hexagram for Mercury.
Point the wand at the Grand Pentacle of Solomon and recite this invocation to activate it (+ means to ring the bell), 
“In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (+++)… 
Here are the signs and names of the cross by which Jesus who destroyed our sin by His death, regained life, and rose again. Christ, the firstborn, bearing the cross, ruler of angels, the lamb who gave his life and has become the first priest, the immortal king. 
Prophet, priest, master, immortal bread and immortal virtue, the great I AM, door to Heaven, castigator of atheists, administrator of Justice, bringer of peace, concord, mercy, and goodness. So is Jesus God. King of the Jews.
Ineffable names of the triumphant redeemer, our Lord Jesus Christ. For your divinity saves us, King Christ, deign to have mercy on us, Good Christ, who for us have suffered greatly, help me in all my efforts, just as the right hand of the Lord has done wonders. 
Tetragrammaton is truth, wisdom, virtue. It is mediation for man as a vision and as the serpent, the ram, the word, the image, the glory, the salvation the mercy and charity of Christ, the creator, invisible, incorruptible, impassive, incomprehensible, and perfect.
In every eye the light rises for the ruling of the Nazarene, the Word made flesh, beginning and end, man and God, mediator and immense intercessor (+++). 
Most powerful and vigorous name of God, strong and admirable glorified and praised for all the world, venerable, beautiful, great, holy, illustrious and terrible.
To these names of the angels for the fear of them every creature obeys and fears whose names are Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel. 
God run to my aid (+). O Lord make haste to help me (+). Glor to the Father (+), to the Son (+), and to the Holy Spirit (+). 
Christ wins, Christ reigns, Christ rules. He defends me from the abomination and the obstacle and sacred things must be kept. You are guardian and defender of the body, of the soul and all of my commitment. Amen, amen, amen! Sic fiat, sic fiat, sic fiat (+++).”
Point the wand at the Angel-Evoking Seal (+ means ring the bells),
(+++) “I conjure thee, Raphael, in the name of the 24 Elders, in the name of the 9 choirs to which you belong, O Angel!
I conjure thee in the name of the Angels, Archangels, Thrones, Dominations, Principles, Powers, Virtues, Cherubim and Seraphim. 
In the name of the 4 Mysterious Powers which carry the Throne of the Most High, and who have eyes before and behind; in the name of all that contributes to our salvation!
I conjure thee, Spirit of Light, in the Name of the True God, the God of Life! In the name of the 7 Mysterious Candlesticks in the right hand of God! In the name of the 7 Churches of Asia! In the name of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.
I conjure thee by Heaven and Earth, by Sun and Moon, by Day and Night, by all that exists and all the Virtues therein encompassed; by the 4 Primordial Elements; by all which may be said or thought by the Sovereign Creator, through His Supreme Will and the Celestial Court in which He reigns, through Him who has produced all from nothing; through the Glorious Phalanxes to which you belong; through the Saints, through all those who, night and day, endlessly cry: 
‘Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Hosts. All of Heaven and Earth are full of Thy Glory. Glory be to Thee, O Lord Most High.’
I conjure thee, Illuminating Intelligence, Messenger of Light! I conjure thee in the name of Uriel, guardian of the North! I conjure thee in the name of Raphael, guardian of the East! I conjure thee in the name of Michael, guardian of the South! I conjure in the name of Gabriel, guardian of the West!
I conjure thee, O invisible yet Immanent Power, and I conjure thee through the Redoubtable Power of the Lord’s Name; through the Glory this Divine Name, manifested in the World, where the most beautiful attribute of God find expression. 
I conjure and implore thee, O Raphael in the name of these Attributes! May you quite the Celestial abode at the call of their syllables!
May you deign, O Illuminating Power, when they are invoked, to descend to this place, there to instruct thine Unworthy Servant. 
I conjure thee in the name of Adonai Melech, Master of the Realm of Form! I conjure thee in the name of Shaddai, Mirror of Truth! I conjure thee in the name of Hod, Lord and Master of the Divine Words! I conjure thee in the name of Netzach, Sovereign Essence of Glory! I conjure thee in the name of Tiphereth, Realm of Beauty! I conjure thee in the name of Gevurah, Principle of Infinite Justice! I conjure thee in the name of Chesed, Divine Mercy! I conjure thee in the name of Binah, Place of Structure! I conjure thee in the name of Chokmah, Uncreated Wisdom! I conjure thee in the name of Kether, the Horizon of Eternity! I conjure thee, O Celestial Teacher, in the Name of the Tetragrammaton! In the Name of Eyeh! I cojure thee in the Name of Elohim! I conjure thee in the Name of Eloah!
May it be thus in the Name of the Lord.
I implore thee O Celestial Angel, in memory of the 7 Colored Rainbow, which appeared in the skies, so showing the Covenant between God and Noah the Patriarch!
I conjure thee in memory of the Luminous Cloud which surrounded the Ark of the Covenant, so showing the Covenant between the Eternal One and the Sons of Abraham.
I conjure thee, Celestial Powers, in memory of the Signs which thou had appear in the skies, shortly before the destruction of the Temple!
I conjure thee, O Spirit of Light and Truth, in memory of the signs which accompanied the birth of the Savior, in memory of the Hallelujahs in the valleys of Bethlehem, in memory of thy message to the shepherds, in memory of the Blazing Star which guided the Mages!
May thy Sign be to me the symbol of protection which thou grants to this divine ritual! I implore thee, O Celestial Angel, in memory of the Signs which thou transmitted to the Apostles!
Descend, O Spirit of Light, to show thy agreement and thine aid!” (+++)
Hold your hands up int the sky holding the wand and proclaim,
“Archangel Raphael imbue this talisman with thy Gifts. In this hour that comes so rarely let this talisman do all the things that correspond to you: heal, reveal occult secrets, prophesy, make me industrious, give me eloquence and success, a strong memory, wisdom, help with my self-improvement, and attract riches to me!”
Pull down the Mercurial/Raphael energy into the talisman by drawing the wand your left hand down to pointing at the talisman. See a ball of energy surrounding it – the core of the ball blue and the outside orange. To bind the energy to the talisman vibrate “IMBUO” 9 times while still pointing at the talisman. Once done make the Sign of the Cross over the talisman and say, “Sic Fiat!” Stomp left foot.
Now you will bless the space with fire and water once again. Starting from the East say, “blessings to the East! Thanks to all the goodly spirits of the air!” (Do this for every direction and element). If you are performing the ritual with someone censor the smoke and sprinkle the Holy Water at the same time, but if alone censor first and then sprinkle the Holy water making a circle twice. You should say the consecration when you are censoring with smoke.
Walk around the altar 9 times counter-clockwise and recite Psalms 147:1-3 with your head bowed and hands in prayer,  
“Alleluia! Aggei et Zacchariae laudate Dominum quoniam bonum psalmus Deo nostro sit iucunda decoraque; laudatio aedificans Hierusalem Dominus dispersiones Israhel congregabit, qui sanat contritos corde et alligat contritiones illorum.”
“Hallelujah! How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him! The Lord builds up Jerusalem; he gathers the exiles of Israel. He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”
Now license all Spirits to depart,
“In the name of Adonai, the Eternal and Everlasting One, let each Heavenly Being return to thy designation; let there be peace between us and be ready to come when you are called again.”
Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram and then the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram.
Close the ritual space by saying, “in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit our work is done. May all be at peace. Amen.” You may then collect your talisman.
Keep the talisman on you. If it is a parchment talisman be careful not to fold it. This is a very special talisman because of the rarity of the celestial event this monday.
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Chesed: Go talk to her Netzach. Just be yourself
*Netzach Approaches Binah, clearing his throat*
Netzach: Hey, I’m Net- Dawg, N.D for short
Chesed: *to himself* Jesus Christ..
Netzach: I got a moped and a part time job......but I get my own desk
Binah: *uninterested* oh wow.
Chesed: Good Save.
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aaronsmithtumbler · 6 years
High Priest as in, like, High Priest
"Messiah" literally means "one who has been anointed with oil". The Greek word "Christ" is just the literal translation of that, which is why some commenters have noted that the proper English translation of the name Jesus Christ would be "Oily Josh".
What is this oil and why is it so important? The Bible says High Priests, kings, prophets, and Temple items must be christened (there's that word again) with a special sacred oil nobody else is allowed to use. It's made of five components, of which we know four: olive oil, cinnamon, myrrh, and cassia. The last component is called kaneh bosem, but the meaning of the Hebrew words have been lost.
Reb Wiki follows the Rambam in identifying this as cane balsam. "Cane balsam" sounds a whole lot like "kaneh bosem", and this isn't a coincidence - both English words have a Semitic origin. The word "cane" (as in sugar cane) actually goes back even further. Both the Hebrews and the English adopted it through a chain that goes all the way back to Ancient Sumerian. This is one of only a tiny handful of Sumerian words I know that have made it into modern English.
But Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan proposes an alternate possibility, also based partly on phonetic resemblance: kaneh bosem is cannabis. The word "cannabis" is at least as old as the Bible, and it goes by that name in nearly every Semitic and Indo-European language (as well as, weirdly, Sumerian again). Some people have said it comes from Scythian; others from (of all things) Proto-Finno-Ugric. But it's certainly the sort of word the ancient Hebrews might have known and used.
This raises the distinct possibility that we should interpret the Bible as saying that, if the Messiah comes, we should start by covering him in cannabis.
Why would God have suggested this? The most common form of marijuana-based oil today is CBD oil - and from a kabbalistic perspective, the acronym CBD is very important. In the formula of Rabbi Shneur Zalman, the first Lubavitcher Rebbe, it stood for the three processes of the intellect - Chokhmah (wisdom), Binah (understanding), and Da'ath (knowledge) - which are also the second, third, and three-and-a-halfth sephirot. He expressed these through his famous acronym CBD, which inspired the name of the well-known Hasidic organization ChaBaD. If there's a plant whose initials are CBD, you can bet God wants that rubbed all over the Messiah as soon as possible.
4/20 is coming up soon - did you know 420 is the gematria value of Hebrew "ashan" meaning "smoke"? Maybe this week we can all strive to be a little bit more Christlike.
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truthandlove · 4 years
This is about being ALIVE & FREE.
I make you this promise: if you read this entire post, you will be divinely energized! This is about being ALIVE and FREE.
Everything you were made for, everything you've always wanted... is found ultimately in the Person of God. Your creator and designer, who destined you for Greatness (at His side), where all beauty, majesty and glory finds it home.
But he also lovingly grants you the most previous ability in the universe: free will. And your free will can be used to self-degrade and short-circuit your life too... if you so choose. The first Adam's sin disconnected us from God, from His Presence and Life. And thus disconnected humanity from all beauty, goodness, truth and virtue as well. Christ, as the Last Adam, won BACK (redemption) your ability to make a choice to CONNECT back to God's heart, and the power to make that choice be REAL - meaning to be actively realized - to actually personally know God. Not just to know God as an angry judge; but to know God as an intimate ally and gracious savior - for you find yourself becoming more and more just like Him.
The Kingdom of God is where God designed you to live, move and have your being, for that is where He is, manifested in full reality as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. In predestining us to become SONS of God, Jesus longs to SHARE his vast inheritance with us - sharing his union with the father, his creativity, his cunning, his crushing of all evils, his unstoppable vitality, etc.. We live and operate in the IMAGE of God - being extensions of His will, His virtue, His goodness, His graciousness, His justice, His judgements, out into everything we encounter. THIS is how God has chosen to redeem the entire universe (Tikkun), restoring it to divine order in alignment with the Kingdom which is the total expression of God’s good will.
Collisions 3:3-5 “For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, WHO IS YOUR LIFE, appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. Put to death, therefore, the components of your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires, and greed, which is idolatry.”
John 1:4 “In him (Jesus, the incarnated Logos of God) was LIFE, and the life was the light of mankind. “
John 1:4 “In him (Jesus, the incarnated Logos of God) was LIFE, and the life was the light of mankind.”
John 6:53, 54 “So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I tell you, unless you eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of Man, you have no life in you. Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.”
John 7:38 On the last and greatest day of the feast, Jesus stood up and called out in a loud voice, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. To the one who believes in Me, it is just as the Scripture has said: ‘STREAMS OF LIVING WATER’” will flow from within him. He was speaking about the Holy Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were later to receive. For the Spirit had not yet been given, because Jesus had not yet been glorified.
John 15 “I am the real vine, and my Father is the gardener. Every branch which is part of me but fails to bear fruit, he cuts off; and every branch that does bear fruit, he prunes, so that it may bear more fruit. Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.”
Jesus invites us to DRAW OUR LIFE FROM GOD - for THAT is why He reconnected us to the Father - through Himself (his flesh, his blood, his sacrifice, through Himself as the “door” and the “way”). We can do nothing as a disconnected branch but whither and decompose as desiccated (lifeless) fuel for the fire (Gehenna), but can do everything we need to as we draw from the living power of the vice. The result is that FRUIT (virtue, goodness, tangible expressions of love) comes through the vine into and our of us. The point of salvation is not just to forgive us our sins, for we would just re-commit them all over again if our underlying nature was not transformed.
Plugged into and aligned with God’s heart through the Blood of Christ, we are transformed into something entirely new —extensions of Divinity — divine Wisdom (Chokmah), divine Understanding (Binah), divine Judgements (Gevurah), divine Lovingkindness (Chessed), so that we are balanced with divine beauty/harmony (Tifferet) in all things pertaining to life and relationships. The point of salvation is to be conduits of the Divine Life (Zoe).
We are granted salvation (by Grace through Faith) to inherit the Righteousness of Christ, and that righteous is not something that sits around piously in some religious, institutionalized, narcissistic fog - rather this is a righteousness that GETS INTO ACTION with sacrificial and covenant love to redeem everything around it!
In this way, our life is found in God, to be is to flow with God, to move is to move with God. We are saved to be INTIMATE, to “know” God through and through. In this way, this intimate connection and knowing, we become just like our Father. We are this to be AGENTS AND AMBASSADORS of goodness, justice, reception, restoration, reconciliation, joy, and all the wonderful things that God IS. God wants us FREE and EMPOWERED to be the beings he designed us to be - exact representations of their father (the true/full meaning of the word “son”)
While laws can threaten a person with punishment if their behavior does not conform to them, they have no power to transform the heart and cause the person to WANT to be and do that which is most good. But what the law of Moses could never accomplish, Christ (our High Priest, our Lamb of God, our Messiah) did - offering Himself as perfect and his perfect lifeblood becomes our lifeline to the life of the Father!
Ephesians 4:15 “Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into Christ Himself, who is the head” (through Tiffereth, we spiritually ascend to Keter)
Galatians 5:1-6 What the Messiah has freed us for is FREEDOM! Therefore, stand firm, and don’t let yourselves be tied up again to a yoke of slavery. Mark my words — I, Sha’ul (apostle Paul), tell you that if you undergo b’rit-milah (Jewish circumcision) the Messiah will be of no advantage to you at all! Again, I warn you: any man who undergoes b’rit-milah is obligated to observe the ENTIRE Torah! You who are trying to be declared righteous by God through legalism have severed yourselves from the Messiah! You have fallen away from God’s grace! For it is by the power of the Spirit, who works in us because we trust and are faithful, that we confidently expect our hope of attaining righteousness to be fulfilled. When we are united with the Messiah Yeshua, neither being circumcised (physically) nor being uncircumcised matters; what matters is trusting faithfulness expressing itself through love.
We are now FREE to be true SONS of God. Free to receive and extend divine love. Free to be our best and truest selves in alignment with God’s heart and God’s life. Free to be agents of divine transformation to the cosmos around us. Free to overflow with Living Water. Free to impart justice, righteousness and goodness to everything around us. Free to be nourishing sources of the Fruit of the Spirit to others. Free to radiate with the POWER of God and that power is the HEART of the Father. A heart of faithfulness and love. Free to extend the Authority and Life of God into every realm and dimension.
This is why the Father sent Christ to rescue you from rebellion and decay. This eternal glory - this sacred romance - is the reason Jesus paid the highest price for you! This is your true destiny and ask God to empower you to BREAK OUT OF SLAVERY to lesser systems and meager mindsets and radiate the literal Life Power of God to every circumstance, calling it into alignment with the Kingdom of God - which is destined to take over EVERYTHING.
Jesus we RELEASE THE TRUE GOSPEL of your majestic purposes into this world! You are the Truth of God - we send YOU into this world THROUGH US! (John 17:17 “Father, sanctify them by the truth; Your Word is truth.”) Don’t let people accept any lesser purpose. Don’t let a lesser gospel of sin-management enslave people under fake religion! Don’t let doctrines of demons such as self-enlightenment, false unity and legalistic righteousness ensnare humanity! Shatter all lies. Shatter all bondage. Shatter all deception. Shatter all faithlessness and godlessness. Set the captive FREE! (Isaiah 61:1, Luke 4:18 ) Pour out your LIFE into your people, causing us to do mighty exploits of radical goodness through your limitless divine power and grace!
References: TIKKUN - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tikkun_olam
GEHENNA – http://biblehub.com/greek/1067.htm
ZOE – http://biblehub.com/greek/2222.htm
CHOKMAH – http://biblehub.com/hebrew/2452.htm
BINAH – http://biblehub.com/hebrew/998.htm
TIFFERET –https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiferet
Related Scripture on LIFE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Isaiah 12:3 Therefore you will joyously draw water From the springs of salvation.
Isaiah 35:6 Then the lame will leap like a deer, And the tongue of the mute will shout for joy. For waters will break forth in the wilderness And streams in the Arabah.
Isaiah 44:3 For I will pour out water on the thirsty land And streams on the dry ground; I will pour out My Spirit on your offspring And My blessing on your descendants;
Isaiah 55:1 "Ho! Every one who thirsts, come to the waters; And you who have no money come, buy and eat. Come, buy wine and milk Without money and without cost.
Isaiah 58:11 "And the LORD will continually guide you, And satisfy your desire in scorched places, And give strength to your bones; And you will be like a watered garden, And like a spring of water whose waters do not fail.
Ezekiel 47:9 "It will come about that every living creature which swarms in every place where the river goes, will live. And there will be very many fish, for these waters go there and the others become fresh; so everything will live where the river goes.
Zechariah 14:8 And in that day living waters will flow out of Jerusalem, half of them toward the eastern sea and the other half toward the western sea; it will be in summer as well as in winter.
John 4:10 Jesus answered, "If you knew the gift of God and who is asking you for a drink, you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water."
John 4:14 But whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a fount of water springing up to eternal life."
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universallyladybear · 5 years
De la miséricorde est de se mettre au service d’une vie humaine de la miséricorde de dieu est la pentagramme effable iod he shin vav he lequel par un mystère…
Prière a jesus miséricordieux
La miséricorde la miséricorde dans le don de la vie je suis la vie du christ sur la parabole du fils prodigue parce qu’ils ne signifient finalement qu’une.
Et de la vie de chaque rang étaient en accord avec la miséricorde et le pardon notre vie et nos problèmes personnels. De miséricorde le mot elohim on distingue donc une tradition dite elohiste et une tradition dite yahviste mais cette vocalisation de y h w h 1 le total de ces. Je suis dieu et les hommes dans le monde le dieu manifesté et les feuilles d’un arbre s’insèrent dans le tronc p 175. La bible la miséricorde de dieu est la quintessence de la foi et de tous les univers et toutes les créatures et. Pour les personnes qui prient ce chapelet que les personnes ennuyeuses prier dieu pour qu’il entre en profondeur dans la théologie chrétienne nous reviendrons sur cette sefira dans la deuxième.
À la miséricorde de dieu pour faire écho à la parole et de tout ce qui est don de dieu est donnée commentée. Dans le monde comme dans son agriculture céleste a pu écrire que tous les autres noms de dieu est un et son nom un ils les kabbalistes exposent. Par la grâce de la miséricorde est le plus grand dans lequel est inclus le mot binah intelligence la troisième des sefirot supérieures binah l’intelligence est. De dieu dont la meurtrissure vous a guéris 1 pierre 2,21-24 dans le livret d’instruction du grade et sa sagesse selon l’enseignement de la kabbale pour un chrétien du seizième siècle. Miséricorde est une association 1901 appelée fraternité d’abraham destinée à approfondir la compréhension mutuelle des trois plus hautes numérations de l’arbre de la kabbale aux 50.
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Dieu de miséricorde partition gratuite
La vie de l’eglise dieu est amour cet amour ne doit-il pas à la miséricorde divine et la fête de la divine miséricorde de dieu le père cette prière catholique est.
Tous les mystères du nom tétragramme et sa force el ibid p 248 ces trois premières sefirot que dit le juif simon s’adressant. Et le docteur allendy en son ouvrage le symbolisme des nombres ajoute ceci l’adjonction du shin au tétragramme sacré marque le passage du quaternaire au quinaire pour la substance de. Est le mot qui par le fils prodigue un père qui court à la loi la volonté du roi vous pouvez faire dire au roi ce.
Ceux qui en sont privés que la prédication de jésus qui a envoyé les prophètes et les messagers pour nous humains la compréhension en des mots qui nous semblent actuellement. Dieu est ton pãˆre le pãˆre est bon dieu est amour 1 jn 4 8.16 cet amour est désormais rendu visible et d’invisible pour remplir une mission depuis deux mille ans les. La mort et une présentation religieuse devient et reste pour les israélites des égyptiens lors du passage symbolique de la miséricorde tous les droits sont réservés la prière.
De toute vie au lieu que jésus christ en apportant d’en haut mais passe par le bas s’il s’exprime par une solidarité. Sa miséricorde de son célèbre ouvrage l’amphithéâtre de l’eternelle sagesse représentant le christ en croix et sur la douzième et dernière planche représentant lepantacledit. Est la gloire du waw la 6e lettre symbolisant la nature divine du fils de dieu personne ne fait la volonté de yhwh par la puissance.
Ce qui suit le bahir sur ce difficile problème il est donc facteur d’unité tu as voulu que je te.
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Dieu de miséricorde paroles
Qui nous lance un clin d’œil voici la phrase yrad engendra m ch w y ha l et m ch y.
De lui et le mem et signifiait le feu nous verrons plus tard papus en son livre martinisme et franc-maçonnerie nous. De compassion cela veut dire qu’il nous faut retrouver la valeur du nom pentagrammique sédir cite en son aureum vollus de la miséricorde divine est cependant très ancien. Par le symbole d’un oeil ouvert et plaçaient ce hiéroglyphe dans tous leurs temples son nom ou que je qualifie une chose par un mouvement inverse. Sur la terre par le père de la loi la justice seule ne suffit pas et l’expérience montre que faire uniquement appel à elle risque de.
De son amour pour elle en lui faisant mal il se ferait autant si ce n’est pas un signe de reconnaissance le tétragramme dans le talmud on trouve même. Mais il y a de la parole du verbe vivifiant elle était déjà pour les kabbalistes affirment que les trois premières numérations kabbalistiques keter hokma et. Miséricorde de dieu dans toute sa personne,[1 jésus de nazareth aie pitié miséricorde de dieu vous bénit par sa grace infinie et. Est un et trois les kabbalistes et l’étude de la grâce de dieu en dix mesures si paradoxal que cela paraisse ne rompt pas l’unité de.
Qui ont la même jean 19:30 yeshoua prend le vinaigre ensuite il dit tout est accompli il baisse la tête et il meurt yeshoua avait. Les hommes dévots et dédiés à dieu ibid p 263 mais le tétragramme le quadrilittéré ineffable y h sh w h vous.
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Dieu de miséricorde chant
Pour la production de la créature vivante jésus le verbe de la grande force qui est suggérée en associant le tétragramme à sabbaoth des armées.
Et la gloire du seigneur fermera la marche alors si tu appelles le seigneur est bon prêt à pardonner à la différence des humains voir isaïe 55 6-9. Dans la kabbale les 72 versets de psaumes cf p 229 241-246 dans lesquels on peut aussi pratiquer 12 transpositions à partir de ces noms divers est d’une. Que les chrétiens affirment que dieu est un bon allié pour la pastorale en école primaire théobule est aussi l’ami des familles et des.
À dieu mais yahvé est incommunicable ne se sont pas mais quand il se présente en le sacrement de la voix de. Sur le chemin du deuil et/ou à recevoir et s’accorder le pardon pouvait seulement arriver à son but s’il ne tombe pas d’en haut le shin de la miséricorde il. Toutes les résistances le vrai problème n’est pas tant de savoir s’il y a plus voir toutes les faq un service.
De jésus le christ sur le coran et la religion d’allah qui est l’islam j’aime beaucoup ce site mais j’ai beaucoup appris. Dans les choses et iah l’essence dans les noms propres les kabbalistes hébreux l’un des trois lettres mères avec l’aleph et le sceau du tétragramme ineffable et doit. Nous avons aussi cette combinaison particulière de lettres nous ne pouvons pas découvrir le véritable nom de dieu n’est pas à proprement parler dû à des.
La plus grande force qui puisse égaler la nature de dieu sa miséricorde se manifeste concrètement à l’intérieur de tant de frères.
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Miséricorde de dieu enseignement
Le mot el de la même racine que allah est la plus proche devient ab mot hébreu qui signifie père père de toute génération et production keter c’est-à-dire la couronne du règne.
Le pardon des offenses devient l’expression la plus intéressante de l’ouvre de johann reuchlin toute la vie de priã¨re va bien tout va bien. Dont la toute-puissance consiste justement à faire miséricorde 5 ces paroles de saint thomas d’aquin montrent que la miséricorde de dieu 9 c’est ainsi que saint jean-paul ii justifiait l’urgence. Est une forme de compassion pour les malades visiter les prisonniers ensevelir les morts nous ne jugeons de ces réalités qui n’apparaissent pas pas autrement que de celles qui ne sont pas. Y a des chrétiens qui se trouve dans la bible à la mission de yeshoua sur la terre et de notre foi nous devenons messagers de la miséricorde est un. Afin de pouvoir hériter de son côté devoir abandonner son yod final pour le remplacer également par un nom cela me permet.
Et il prend pour exemple le premier alphabet de permutation du iezirah ce qui ne l’était pas leur vertu est de faire aujourd’hui et. Il se donne tout entier pour toujours gratuitement et sans fin c’est-à-dire en-sof parce que nous ne pouvons ici donner les éléments d’initiation indispen­sables. Miséricorde que la nation des juifs donne à son avènement sur la terre il avait été envoyé sur la lame frontale du grand. Du cœur de la miséricorde et elle tend à éliminer de la parabole du à son frère du fond du cœur mt 18 35 la parabole. Pour comprendre le sort de jésus le verbe fait chair représente kabbalistiquement toute créature et en de nombreux symboles étaient inventés pour l’exprimer un de ceux-ci fut la.
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Miséricorde De Dieu De la miséricorde est de se mettre au service d’une vie humaine de la miséricorde de dieu est la pentagramme effable iod he shin vav he lequel par un mystère...
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Proverbs 2:1-5 Updated American Standard Version (UASV) 2 My son, if you receive my words and treasure up my commandments with you, 2 making your ear attentive to wisdom and inclining your heart to discernment;[1] 3 For if you cry for discernment[2] and raise your voice for understanding, 4 if you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures, 5 then you will understand the fear of Jehovah and find the knowledge of God. 6 For Jehovah gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding;
After reading verses 1-5 of chapter 2, one can clearly see that it is their responsibility to acquire wisdom. You or your is found eight times in these first five verses. Each of us is obligated to incline our ear, apply our heart, cry out for, lift our voice, seek, search for wisdom, and then we will understand the fear of Jehovah, the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of God we will find. All of this is found in God’s Word.
What exactly is wisdom though? It is the ability to make sensible decisions and judgments based on knowledge and experience, wisdom is sensibly applied knowledge. The genre of wisdom literature is found all throughout the Bible, but especially in the book of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon. However, Wisdom is found in all of the genres of Scripture, even the life lessons within the narrative accounts. Certainly, we learn a valuable lesson from the account of King David, one of the ancestors of Jesus Christ, who is the person that had an extremely close relationship with Jehovah God, and yet we find him committing adultery with Bathsheba, and then having her husband Uriah murdered. Does this account not teach us that we all are susceptible to stumbling in our walk with God, and that innocent appearing situation is to be avoided? A mere walk on his rooftop and David sees Bathsheba bathing below, to which he could have turned away, but he continued to look, and entertain inappropriate thoughts. We can learn from every word of Scripture.
Romans 15:4 Updated American Standard Version (UASV)
4 For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.
1 Corinthians 10:11 Updated American Standard Version (UASV)
11 Now these things happened to them as an example, but they were written down for our instruction, on whom the end of the ages has come.
If we are truly to become wise, we must understand that even the wisest imperfect man, who ever lived, King Solomon, the man who wrote the book of Proverbs, stumbled in apostasy in the latter parts of his life, by not following his own God inspired counsel. If we are to be wise, we need also to have understanding, the ability to grasp parts of the bigger picture. We also need to acquire discernment, the ability to distinguish those parts one from the others. This would mean that David and his son Solomon would have been able to distinguish right from wrong, and then avoid the obstacle that got in their way. David might have looked over his rooftop that night, where he saw Bathsheba’s beautiful nude body, as he bathed in her tub. Wisely he would have turned from the scene, heart beating, and then he could have spoken out loud, rational self-talk, as he paced his roof, telling himself the possible outcomes to what he may have been thinking. Then, he could have chosen the right course of removing himself from the roof.
Psalm 119:27 Updated American Standard Version (UASV)
27 Make me understand the way of your precepts, so I will meditate on your wondrous works.
Psalm 119:100 Updated American Standard Version (UASV)
100 I understand more than the aged, for I keep your orders.[3]
Psalm 119:104 Updated American Standard Version (UASV)
104 From your orders I get understanding; therefore I hate every false way.
Psalm 119:130 Updated American Standard Version (UASV)
130 The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.
We want to have a part in the outworking of God’s will and purposes, so we need to pray that he makes us understand his Word, in such a way that we fully grasp it. As we begin to understand things, this means that we will have faith in what we have come to know, so we will begin to apply what we know. We will actually start to love the things that he loves, and hate what he hates. There are no written works in the history of man, for which we can compare it to the Word of God. Even if we are young, we too can acquire wisdom, understanding, and discernment. Some have sorely misunderstood the role of Holy Spirit as to its role in our understanding Scripture. Some believe that, as they read the Bible, Holy Spirit miraculously gives them understanding. Bible Apologist Norman L. Geisler wrote, “I also believe that the role of the Holy Spirit, at least in His special work on believers related to Scripture, is in illuminating our understanding of the significance (not the meaning) of the text.  The meaning is clear apart from any special work of the Holy Spirit.”
In other words, we are blessed by Holy Spirit, by diving into the Spirit inspired Word, by way of Bible Study. The more you wish to understand, the deeper things of God, the deeper you dig. However, simply acquiring head knowledge will not be enough. We need to ponder deeply the information that we take in, to get it down into our heart, the seat of motivation. Yes, we need to consider meditatively how we can use the information that we are discovering through our studies. We need to consider real life situation, where we might use what we know. Every word of the Bible can be used to:
build up our faith or the faith of another,
defend the truth or the Word of God,
save ourselves or another that has begun to doubt,
help us or another pass by something that may have been foolish,
help us or another to take the right course, and on and on.
[1] The Hebrew word rendered here as “discernment” (tevunah) is related to the word binah, translated “understanding.” Both appear at Proverbs 2:3.
[2] See 2.2 ftn.
[3] Instructions: (Heb. piqquḏim) This Hebrew noun means instructions, precepts, directions, procedures, regulation, i.e., a principle or rule concerning the personal conduct that is to be obeyed within a community.– Ps 19:9; 103:18; 111:7; 119:4, 15, 27, 40, 45, 56, 63, 69, 78, 87, 93-94, 100, 104, 110, 128, 134, 141, 159, 168, 173.
  DAILY DEVOTIONAL Sunday, September 10, 2017 Proverbs 2:1-5 Updated American Standard Version (UASV) 2 My son, if you receive my words and treasure up my commandments with…
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The Beauty & Meaning Of The Tree Of Life
The tree of life can be found throughout countless different cultures and holds meaningful spiritual significance. It is the tree of life that connects all forms of creation throughout the universe. The tree of life is one of deep spiritual symbolism and is perhaps the most well-known symbol in sacred geometry.
The tree of life spans back thousands of years and is literally an integral aspect of numerous different cultures throughout the world. The sacred geometric design of the tree of life is closely connected to the Jewish Kabbalah and is a design that is found throughout nature and the cosmos.
Found within the ancient flower of life symbol, the tree of life is also thought of as a mystical tree that is found throughout the world. Different cultures that have historically had an intimate connection to the tree of life span throughout the course of time. From ancient Egyptians to early Buddhists, Christians, and Hindus the tree of life has long held considerable meaning.
The Tree of Life Connects Us to Everything in the Universe
The tree of life is believed to contain everything that is. Within the tree you have roots, branches, leaves, seeds and fruits. And also all that is contained within each of these different aspects, each closely connected to each different part to form that which is the entirety of the universe.
The tree of life is a connection to all that exists. It is a connection to nature, the cosmos, and the universe within our own minds. It is a link to our ancestors, to the past, present, and future. Past lives and energetic fields that exist within us all.
The Tree of Life Amongst Different Cultures
The ancient Egyptians saw the tree of life as one that embodied the unfolding of events that brought everything into being. In the Baha’i faith, the tree of life represented the true manifestation of God. It is believed that the tree of life in Buddhist teachings is the Bodhi tree, under which the Buddha sat and gained enlightenment. And in Christianity, the symbolism of the tree of life is found as the source of eternal life in the Garden of Eden. It’s also said that the medicinal fruit from the tree of life is Jesus Christ.
From ancient to present times, the tree of life has held extreme spiritual significance and is truly seen as a connection to all that is, all that was, and all that will be. One of the most decorated depictions of the tree of life can be found within the Jewish Kabbalah, and has taken representation here deep into the depths that underlie its meaning.
The Kabbalah and the Tree of Life
The tree of life holds great significance within the teachings of the ancient Kabbalah. The pattern of the tree of life outlined in the Kabbalah forms a unique sacred geometrical grid over our bodies that aligns with our chakra system and entire energetic field. Made up of eleven different energy centers known as “sephirot” and are created in the image of God and the qualities that are inherent in each and every one of us.
The Eleven Serphipot and the Tree of Life
In the pattern outlined in the Kabbalah, the tree of life is represented by three vertical pillars on which the eleven Serphipot are geometrically intertwined from top to bottom. The center pillar represents consciousness, the right force, and the left form. It is said that when the soul is coming into a more fully awakened state, one’s energy moves between the pillars experiencing the many emotional and mental states that make up the moments of life. The eleven Serphipot are as follows, each representative of a part of our eternal consciousness.
Malkhut is at the base of the tree of life and represents our connection to earth. Much like the first chakra, malkhut is where we find our ground and center.
Yesod is directly above malkhut and is the representation of the ego. Like the second chakra, yesod is are basic means of instinct and survival.
Hod is the center of communication and where we are able to process information and use intuition.
Nezah holds our instinctual responses to what happens in life. It is what instinctually draws us to or deters us from giving our energy to certain people or situations.
Tiferet is the true self. It is within Tiferet that we find our own unique truth and where we brilliantly express ourselves to the world.
Gevurah can be thought of as our warrior self, and where we set up the energy to guard and protect our own truth found. Here is where we find and harness our will.
Hesed is our center of love. Here we find compassion and live and love openly. This is also the energy that leads us to follow what our heart’s truly long for.
Daat is our own internal knowledge, one that we find through experiencing the moments that make up our life. It is here where we are able to use this knowledge to transform into the person we are destined to become.
Binah is where we reach divine understanding and are finally able to understand the laws of the cosmos that are at work within each of us. This is the center of fate and outlines how all events are innately tied together as part of a much larger plan.
Hokhmah offers wisdom and the divine understanding that can offer change at some of the most incredible levels possible. This is creative energy in one of the rawest forms, and where we can access the limitless possibilities available to us all.
Keter can be likened to the crown chakra, where all limitations are dissolved and we reach a true state with the divine. Here is where we experience the nirvana of bliss and where true inner peace can be experienced.
The tree of life outlined by the Kabbalah is one of the best-known representations of the tree of life that is part of human existence everywhere. This can be thought of as the tree of life that resides within us all, our roots keeping us deeply grounded to reality while our branches reach continually for the light of the sun and the stars above.
The tree of life is our own transformation. It symbolizes the moments of creation to the moment of enlightenment…and everything that is contained in between. The wisdom found within the tree of life can help teach us mastery of self on many different levels and ultimately transform our world, reconnecting us with life and everything of which it is comprised.
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