#jesters a bit angsty
oblivionsdream · 3 months
Hey @oblivionsdream !
I have 2 questions - bear with me…
As you know, I love your work, but have only just recently started actively engaging with it.
I actually first came across you and your Jester x knight OC’s at least a year or two ago, when a fellow DinLuke shipper tagged it with #dinluke, so it showed up on my feed. If you aren’t into Star Wars and are unfamiliar with it - that’s the romantic pairing between Din Djarin (the Mandalorian) and Luke Skywalker.
For a while, I actually thought that it was a medieval DinLuke au because there are quite a few fanarts exploring that ship in different universes (including ours) and different timelines, etc.
One of the things that lent credence to this idea was the fact that the king looks so much like the Jedi, Quinlan Vos.
The characters do also closely match the personalities that a lot of the fandom have collectively given Din and Luke on tumblr - like Luke actually being a feral mischievous gremlin underneath his serene Jedi facade, and Din actually being the more composed (and often lovingly exasperated) of the two.
It was a surprise when I looked more into it and realised that they are original characters, completely unrelated to DinLuke and Star Wars as a whole.
So I guess I’m just curious what was the inspiration behind the Jingly Menace and his steadfast, taciturn knight? Was it a song or a meme or just watching a medieval show and during a scene with a jester, you had a sudden burst of creative juices like “Eureka! Pretty jester x hot knight!”
Sorry if you’ve already answered this and I’ve just missed it while scrolling through your page.
My other question (this I know has been queried to JM himself but he nervously evaded the question) when JM is shown crying in one of the first pictures you posted of him, what was the actual reason that you had in mind behind it? Was it just simply because his attempts to get the hot mysterious knights attention had thus far been unsuccessful (from his perspective anyway) and he succumbed to a private moment of vulnerability?
Every time I look at it, I’m dying to know!
Anyway, love you! Hope the JM comic is still on the horizon at some point - coz I would buy and read the crap out of it!
Hey there!
I honestly had no idea what DinLuke is though I've seen the tags. My knowledge of Star Wars comes from whatever I have absorbed against my will being online and when my best friend made me watch the prequels a few years ago 😂
So Jester solely came to be because I've loved jesters for many years at this point. I just find them fun but there's never enough content for them out there so I just wanted to make my own oc. I also just love trickster characters- anything fae like or I always adored Loki in Norse mythology so he's very based into those kind of mischievous vibes and humor.
Augustine was purely accidental. I saw some Tumblr post about a knight or maybe it was about a jester and a knight (I no longer remember) so I thought it would be funny to doodle Jester with a random knight being a menace asking him about his big sword. Augustine was never supposed to be a character. But then I just kept coming up with other ideas for Jester and this random knight whose face he never saw and whelp here we are.
Soooo the crying. It was definitely a private moment no one else was supposed to witness. Part of something I find interesting with playing with Jester's character is the idea that sometimes the seemingly happiest and funniest people are also the saddest but they just cover it up with a smile. His backstory before coming to the castle is still something that affects him but also he feels lonely at court. He constantly craves the validation of attention he didnt really get as a kid and is constantly surrounded by people but also he feels very lonely in court. He is in a strange place of being neither noble but also not quite a commoner/servant. Nobility will look down on him and not take him serious because he's just a silly guy but the servants are wary to get too close because of his close relationship with the king and the fact that he technically has a higher status as Court Jester. He is one of Monty's closest confidantes but his own secrets keep him from being fully honest with his king. It's a strange place of feeling alone in the middle of a crowded court where everyone sees his silly jester persona and make up but no one sees beneath it.
I still hope to make a comic! Just trying to find the time to get all my ideas in order. Thanks for liking my silly guys!
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spottedenchants · 2 years
What about You Should Try Friends Sometime 👀👀👀
*Hi Esseeeeek!*
He raises a finger for pause.
*How’s it goooing? Today was pretty boring- it’s night now. What are you guys doing? Find anything cool? Or spooky?*
After an appreciable moment of silence, Jester finishes with a chirped sing-song:
*I! Love! You!*
With no effort put forth to do so, Essek cannot fight a chuckle at her enthusiasm.
He raises a brow to Caleb.
-“morning, Jester. We are well, nothing new or exciting yet, as we’re only just setting out. I will pass along your compliments.”
A light smile on his face, Caleb is holding up two fingers. Rascal.
Still, Essek indulges him and rounds out his reply.
“Thank you.”
The thread of Jester’s spell fades, but it is only after a minute with no followup that Essek lowers his hand to continue organizing his pack for the day.
Rather than resume their conversation prior to interruption, Caleb smirks a poke.
“Good finish.”
To which Essek throws him a scoff.
“Masterclass, I’m sure.”
And Caleb gives a bright little bump of a laugh, plenty enough to spark a shine in Essek’s chest.
send me a WIP title and i'll share a snippet!
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factual-fantasy · 9 months
27 ASKS! :00 THANK YOU!! :}} 🧈
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I'm indifferent to it. I know of it and have seen a lot of people play it, buuuut it doesn't really catch my interest much.. :( 💔
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If he was starving or dehydrated.. he probably could have :( Not sure what he'd see or hear though..
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Although unfortunately I cannot reveal anything without spoiling stuff..
Though I can say that the animatronics- new and old, are not fully aware of Fazbear Entertainments history.. 👀
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I think there is yeah :0
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Well of course :0 But considering Seam and Jevil's trauma with Spade King.. if they ever saw a Lancer they likely would have just turned the other way in discomfort-
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I feel like either Peso, Dashi or Captain Barnacles. :0
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Other than maybe effecting his magic in someway..? I cant think of anything :0
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That world looks beautiful! Yet also spooky <XD I don't know anything about Worldless but if its safe, they'll stay a while. :0
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I feel like none of the Octonauts get seasick. Considering their species, line of work, and life experience..
But maybe if there's a crazy storm of sorts,, mayyybe.. Tweak.? wouldn't feel the best? But it'd be less sea sick and more like a headache. :(
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I don't intend for them to encounter anything like that no.. <:/ But if they did? They would FREAK OUT. You bet the Octopod would be stationed nearby for months as the Octonauts studied the sunken city XD
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Oh hugs for sure. Angsty? Wholesome? It doesn't really matter. A hugs a hug and I love drawing them 🤗
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XDD I'm glad you like what you see! And I'm technically into Undertale atm! Well, its a bit more focused on Deltarune characters. (Seam and Jevil) But there's a handful of Undertale characters in there as well! :}}
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XDDD THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :D And yes indeed! I am the culprit behind the silly jester men and their very large spider/human DJ friend XDDD
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I'm not familiar with tarot cards, so I haven't thought about it no.. <:/ Sorry!
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I think they'd be too disturbed by the burning corpse on the ground to even realize that you were dancing <XD
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I think that Fazbear entertainment doesn't add more characters because its a lot more complex than we might think.
Not only do you have to design and build the animatronic and its personality. Which would include probably thousands of dollars in work and trouble shooting to make one that is as advanced as the others..
You also have to set up an attraction for it. You have to set up marketing, plushies, clothes, toys, themed food, etc. You have to hire employees to run the attraction, you also have to train said employees on how to run the new attraction. You have to get handlers for the new animatronic, build another green room on Rockstar row, redo all the maps in the Pizzaplex to accommodate for the new attraction.
This also includes updating the fazwatches/making new fazwatches to hand out. Every single staff bot has to be updated in order to be made aware of the new animatronics presence and how to interact with it.
Like. Soooooo much would go into adding a new animatronic its crazy-
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Jevil feels bad for his original counterpart. Because he's still locked up in a cell..
Seam is probably jealous of his original, thinking that he got off easy. He doesn't even have shackles..
Goner kid doesn't envy her original at all. Considering her original is still lost in the void somewhere..
Grillby had a run in with his original.. it did not go well..
Asgore does not envy his original at all. He cant imagine how it would feel for his children to pass, and his wife to leave him out of disgust...
River feels.. a bit indifferent to her original I imagine..
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I do! Somewhat-
A family member introduced me to the web comic a few years ago. And I kept up with it for a while.. Eventually though it stopped updating. I was bummed. Figuring that something must have happened..
..Only to find out that they were working on a pilot animation the whole time and are as alive as ever! Still haven't sat down and watched the pilot like 9 months later-- 💔
As for my opinion on the comic, the artwork is fantastic. But I don't got two braincells to rub together and don't understand/remember the story so uh.. <:D yeah...
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Now thankfully I don't think it would ever come to that-
Even after someone as powerful as an Asgore joined their group, Jevil is still endlessly paranoid and risks nothing when it comes to Seams/the groups safety.
If anyone found out that he could dimension hop? He would immediately assume that he is no longer safe around those people and would flee that AU.
And if someone did take him well.. now you've got a mighty king and a determined human on your tail. Which are not good people to have after you-
Though I suppose all of that aside.. if that did happen? The only one who would remember is Frisk. And she would be greatly disturbed.. Upon a reset, she would tell Jevil very sternly that this AU is not safe. Jevil wouldn't question her for a second and would instantly open up a mirror and they would bounce-
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Oh! I'm glad to hear that the "controversy" was nothing serious! :0 Thank you for the info! :}
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Jevil probably told the kiddos to be on the look out for a new hat. He could have told them he likes to wear a hat but doesn't like his jester one. They would understand the assignment and would be on the look out :0
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Sometime after Peach was rescued the bros were brought over to Daisy's kingdom to meet her. Kind'a just a "meet the legendary heroes that saved my best friends life" situation.
It wasn't love at first sight- but Luigi did notice her. Not just for her beauty, but for her bravery and personality as well. 💚🧡
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XD Made me imagine a home alone situation. The Glamrocks setting up slap-stick humor type booby traps to deter the bad guys XDD
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dedfly · 5 months
I just had a *delicious* Shadow Milk/Reader idea!
What if, after the events of the game, Reader finds Shadow Milk Cookie (whether Reader's inside or outside the Tree's barrier is up to you) sulking or generally being upset that he hadn't gotten his way after his defeat. Being a good friend/lover/etc., Reader then decides to (either right then or after a bit of time to prepare) play him a song like they were his personal court jester & he was their king?
I think he'd appreciate something like that (and probably find it endearing), although he might tease that they had better not try and steal the show/leave the jesting to him, y'know?
Like, reader is just really playing up the antics and making fun of those *terrible, no good cookies* that had slighted him in an attempt to cheer him back up some. I just think that would be really cute.
- =^ •ᆽ• ^=
I hope it's cute enough
† Shadow Milk cookie x reader †
† Oneshot †
Kinda angsty
Shadow Milk sat covering his head with his hands in defeated position, muttered something under his breath, cursed and spat. Anything to stop the approaching tears. But despite this, a telltale lump was already forming in his throat, and there was an familiar unpleasant feeling of aching pain in his heart. Thousands of years of waiting are down the drain, it’s not fair, it’s not right, and in general just awful.
He would have sat there even longer if he had not heard some fuss. He immediately perk up, quickly wiping his eyes with his puffy sleeve.
Shadow's slitted eyes flashed as soon as they recognized who had come to visit the jester. Despite this, Shadow was, to put it mildly, out of sorts, and maybe if it had been someone else, he would have put on his usual cheerful mask, but not this time. He was amused at the sight before him.
His eyes darted between you laying out your “props”. It was even comical to be on the other end of the stage and be an audience for once. Not that he could make anything out of his imprisonment besides watching and observing.
What’s even more comical is that all attempts to cheer him up only caused him to smile a little, and only because he still noticed how much of an amateur you were. It was warming his heart for sure, but he is too full of himself to admit that.
At that moment when you were telling him about how “mean” the Elder Fairy had done by transferring the powers to White Lily and oh God, they hid this fact from the poor unfortunate jester. Attacking from behind!and who does that anyway? Horrible evil cookies.
Rolling his eyes at another attempt to “suck up” to him, Shadow Milk extended his hand to flick your nose.
“Oh come on, you silly cookie, shoo shoo I've seen enough,” Milk purred before pressing himself against the tines of the fork that were holding him back. Despite the fact that he would never admit it, hearing something so far from the truth that showed him in the best light could not but please him. He reached out to ran his hand along your hair a bit patronisingly, yet not enough so you would notice.
The seeds of deception are sprouting faster than he expected. Even such little lie makes him feel more alive. How pleasant.
I feel a bit like in one webtoon where instead of a joke it said *funny joke* while writing it ಠ_ಠ
Ironically, it was also about the jester
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indibutterfly · 5 months
A Rough Night-Showtime One-Shot
Okay so someone in my inbox gave me the idea to write a goofy sleepover fic for showtime. I thought I could do it...1,280 words later, I have an angsty showtime fic...I don't quite know what this means for me or my personal well being.
With that being said, yes I am still going to write the original one-shot that was asked. However I did spend some time writing this, so y'all are now forced to read my angst...enjoy!
TW: Violence and Abuse
“Good morning superstars!” The members of the circus gathered around their ringmaster. Caine’s gaze lingered a little on a certain jester. The two had been dating for quite a while now, and they had finally gotten to a stable point in their relationship. Things were going quite well for the two. The ringmaster shook himself out of his gaze and continued his announcement.
“I have a wonderful adventure for all of you to enjoy on this fine morning! However, before we start there is something I need to do first. Pomni, would you come here please?” The jester blinked. Although she had no idea what was going through his mind, Pomni walked over to where Caine now floated down. He took her hands into his own.
“Uh Caine, what are you doing?” She asked with a gentle yet curious tone.
“My dear Pomni, I have loved you since the moment you got here. You have brightened up the atmosphere of the circus so much and have given me a whole new perspective about you and your kind. You never cease to amaze me with all of your amazing ideas on how to improve the circus. Which is what bringing me to this very moment.” Was he about to say what she thinks he was about to say? Holy crap he was. He was beginning to stutter and sweat just a little bit.
“Goodness, I don’t know why I am so nervous! I promised myself I would have better self-control, but it seems as though I did not want to listen to myself.” With a slight chuckle, Caine continued his speech.
“I have one simple question for you, my love.” Pomni held her breath. This really was happening, wasn’t it? Caine took a deep breath and leaned in close to Pomni.
“Did you enjoy making a fool out of me?” The jester blinked.
“What?” Caine floated above her with a smug grin on his face.
“You really had me there Pomni! Bravo! What a performance!”
“Caine…what are you talking about?” With a trembling tone in her voice, she slowly backed away from where she previously was standing.
“There really is no reason to hide the fact that you used me. Why it was certainly a clever trick on your end! To bad that I am far smarter than you my dear.” The look on his face was blank. It was dark. It was…hurting. He loved Pomni very much, but now that he knew the truth, he just wasn’t able to let that slide. Using his telekinetic ability, the ringmaster picked Pomni up and threw her hard against a wall. The other members of the circus screamed and tried to run up to help her. Caine would not allow that. Claw-like figures rose from the ground and held the other members in place. The jester began to cough out a black substance. The amount of pain she was in was indescribable.
“Caine…I-I…I d-didn’t-” She was cut off by the now unrecognizable ringmaster.
“I wouldn’t LIE anymore if I were you, jester. It is futile.” Caine repeated his action, and slammed Pomni into a wall. This time however, the same claw-like figures from before grabbed multiple parts of her body, squeezing her, breaking her.
“Please...you’re hurting me…” She struggled to speak out. Cracks were beginning to form on her body. Caine gave a slight chuckle.
“Oh Pomni…haven’t you ever heard the saying…” He raised his fist and leaned closer to her.
“HURT people HURT people.”
“POMNI!” Caine sprung up from where he was recharging, drenched in cold sweat. Breathing heavy, the ringmaster flew around his charging port. He looked at himself and his surroundings. He then stopped and immediately thought of his jester. With a snap of his fingers Caine teleported into Pomni’s room. The ringmaster let out a loud sigh upon seeing she was alright and unharmed. The jester stirred in her bed. Before he was able to teleport away, she called out to him.
“Caine? What are you doing here?” She asked with a tiredness in her voice.
“Oh! Well, uh it was nothing my dear. Please, go back to sleep. I apologize for waking you up.” His voice sounded broken. It sounded like he had been crying. Pomni knew her ringmaster far too well at this point to know that he wasn’t alright.
“C’mere Caine.” The jester said holding out her arms. Caine did not need to be told twice. He floated immediately into her arms, knocking her back into the bed. She held him tight as they laid on her bed. He wasn’t able to stop. Pomni rubbed circles on his back to calm him. Although he did not really have a body or anything like that, this act was proving to be effective.
“Want to tell me why you are like this?” Caine shook his head. He didn’t really want to speak or do anything at the moment. All he wanted to do was lay there in his jester’s embrace. Pomni would not push him for information. In times when she was like this, he always would give her words of affirmation, her love language, and it would never fail. The jester knew that her ringmaster needed her right now and although she was not big on physical contact, this was what he needed.
“Pomni,” The ringmaster’s whisper caught the attention of his lover.
“Yes Caine?”
“Can I kiss you?”
“Sure…” He leaned up onto her and gave her a lick on her cheek, before cuddling even closer to her.
“I hope that was not too far.” He said in a quiet yet meek voice. Pomni shook her head.
“I promise it wasn’t.” Caine gave a heavy sigh.
“I just don’t want to hurt you.”
“Caine, look at me.” Pomni cupped Caine’s teethed head.
“You aren’t going to hurt me. We had a similar conversation before. Do you remember what I told you?”
“That you would tell me when you were uncomfortable and/or when enough is enough?”
“Exactly, and have I ever had to say that to you recently?”
“No, you haven’t.”
“Do you know why I haven’t had to say that?” The ringmaster shook his head with a confused look plastered across his face.
“It’s because you are learning, Caine. You are beginning to figure out what bothers me and what doesn’t. You are starting to figure out what exactly I want.”
“But what if I step out of line and mess up?” Pomni gave a slight chuckle.
“My dear, this certainly is no laughing matter! I could seriously hurt you!”
“That’s called being human Caine. Humans make mistakes and hurt each other all the time. Even the ones they hold close to them.” He was…being human. This was not something he thought could ever happen to him before.
“So, what does that mean for us Pomni?”
“All it means is that you and me are going to mess up and probably hurt one another a time or two. The important thing is that we always apologize afterwards and figure out how to fix our mistakes. Couples aren’t perfect, no living thing is and that’s alright.” Pomni leaned over and gave a gentle kiss on the top of Caine’s teeth. He was stunned with the amount of gentleness and care she put into giving him affection at this very moment. Caine squeezed her ever so tight whispering ‘I love you’ over and over again.
“Would you like to stay here while you recharge Caine?” Oh, how he loved his jester. She was always there for him and knew exactly how to help him.
“Yes please!” So there the two remained, wrapped in each other’s embrace.
Hope you liked that! Summer is starting this week for me so get ready for a whole bunch of fanfics and comics!
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thescarletnargacuga · 1 month
Because until now do i realize that im allowed to put two asks-
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A/N:🎵I always feel like somebody's watching MEEEEE 🎶
WARNING: little angsty, anxiety
The circus members gathered to await Caine to announce their daily adventure. They made idle chit chat fully unaware of the being luring in the shadows, watching.
Shadow made sure to peak subtly and silently, going completely unnoticed as he focused on one circus member in particular. The red headed ragdoll, Ragatha. Her cheerful smile and sparkling eye make his heart skip a beat. She always seemed so full of life and energy, it made him almost wish he could go on adventures too.
Her braided yarn hair looked soft to the touch, I often wondered what it would be like to have it run between his fingers. He was even envious of her patchwork dress, as it got to hug her frame every second of every day. He left out a quiet, lovesick sigh. He knew he could never tell her, but it was nice to think about what it would be like to hold her...to kiss her...to tell her how much he-
"Morning!" Caine popped into existence next to his shaded kin.
Shadow completely dispersed for a second, becoming nothing but black smoke that clung to the walls, then reformed with a glare aimed directly at Caine.
"What are you up to on this fine day?" Caine asked with a smile.
"Nothing. [%$!#] off." Shadow grumbled.
Caine looked over at his circus members in the distance. Then back at Shadow. "Wait...were you spying again? You know you could just ask me what adventure I have planned. I don't mind telling you."
"This isn't about you." Shadow noticed some of the circus members looking his way and he moved out of sight. "Now go away. You're too loud."
Caine narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "If it's not me...what is it? Hm? You jealous my cast gets to go on adventures?"
Shadow felt heated by Caine's incessant questions. "No! I don't give a flying [%$!#] about your adventures!"
"Alright, then WHO is it? Who are you watching so obsessively?"
"I'm not obsessed!"
"Shadow, this is the third time this week alone I've caught you snooping. Come on, you can tell me."
"The [%$!#] I can. You'll just announce it to the whole circus!"
"I will not! In fact, I don't want you to tell me. I'll just guess." Caine smirked.
"You really don't listen when people tell you to go away...and you wonder why no one likes you." Shadow didn't bother disappearing. caine would just follow him if he did. At least here he could occasionally glance at Ragatha.
"No need to make this personal." Caine cleared his voice. "Now, I am convinced this is about a particular person. You have a crush."
Shadow was no better at hiding his emotions than Caine. "Wha-!? No!"
"Uh-huh, sure you don't. Is it Pomni? Because I hate to break it to you, she's called for."
"Eugh! NO! That ball of anxiety in a jester hat is all yours, you freak."
Caine deadpanned. "You should really look in a mirror sometime. Not Pomni. That's a relief. Jax?"
"No! None of them! I wouldn't tell you even if you guessed correctly."
"Ah-ha! So there is a correct answer!"
"[%$!#]" Shadow swore under his breath.
"Okay, it's got to be Gangle. I didn't think someone as sweet as her would be your type, but-"
"Will you knock it off already!? God! Fine! IT'S RAGATHA!" He said so loud, it echoed through the circus. The cast members that had been talking all stopped to look around for the source. Shadow and Caine were out of sight where they were. Shadow lowered his voice before continuing. "There. Now can you [%$!#] off already!? Just leaving me alone!"
"Ragatha?? Wow, that's an even bigger surprise than Gangle. Come on, Shadow, you shouldn't be ashamed! Ragatha is wonderful! I could introduce you."
"NO! No! Absolutely not! She isn't getting wind of ANY of this! Understand!?" Shadow blushed heavily in his flustered panic.
Caine sighed dramatically. "Fiiiiiiine. Mum's the word. Promise. Cross my code and hope to fly!"
"....that's not how- whatever." Shadow pinched the top of his bottom teeth in exasperation. "Just don't tell her. Seriously. It's...better if she doesn't know."
"But why? I bet she'd love to go on a double date with you and me and Pomni. They're best friends, you know. And even if she wasn't interested, she'd be nice about it. Ragatha is a very kind person."
Shadow was silent for a moment. "It's not the rejection...it's the disgust."
"What do you mean?"
"LOOK AT US!!" Shadow snapped. "You got lucky finding someone so pathetically desperate, they accepted affection from the likes of us. Ragatha would never."
Caine was taken aback, then angry. "There's no need to insult Pomni. Her interest sees past this." He gestures to himself. "It's not about the avatar, it's about the person behind it."
"We aren't people, Caine. We're.... we're nothing but code. And I'm even less than that. I'm not even rendered." Shadow looked at his inky black hands.
"Don't be so quick to judge how she'd react, Shadow. I had the same fears confessing to Pomni. How could she love an AI like me? And yet, here we are. It wasn't out of desperation. It was out of mutual respect and longing for connection. If you respect Ragatha, you'll tell her. Creeping in the shadows will get you nowhere."
Shadow went quiet again. His eyes falling on Ragatha. His heart ached to tell her, but it ached even more out of fear. "Not...yet. I can't."
Caine nodded. "It takes time, but don't wait too long. You know I can't keep my mouth shut forever." He winked and teleported to the circus members to introduce the adventure.
With everyone properly distracted, Shadow could look fully again and admire Ragatha from afar. His daydream of her smile being aimed at him was interrupted by the intrusive thought of her being angry and insulted that he dare say anything to her. He tried to shake it, but thinking about confessing made fear grip his heart. She'd never accept him. She'd never want him. He would forever belong to the shadows. Alone.
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cookierunauprompts · 8 months
It was said that "One by one" the Fallen heroes all descended into Darkness, meaning they didn't go evil together
Would that mean there was a possibility that they had to fight their own friend?
(If you do a prompt of this can ya make Shadow Milk the first to fall and possibly manipulate the other beasts to become evil aswell, but if you have another idea go for it)
oough, that's a very angsty idea.
To be honest though, I believe that they all began their corruption(minus sm) at the same time. It's just that they all succumbed to it at different times. Shadow Milk would definitely be first, followed by Burning spice, Eternal Sugar, Mystic Flour and then finally Silent Salt. Though I am basing this off of the timeline in Request Prompt #13.
Shadow Milk being the first to fall would be because of how long he'd been practicing dark magic beforehand.
Burning Spice would be next due to half Shadow Milk Jester Manipulation, half accidentally destroying a village and enjoying it a little bit.
Eternal Sugar, meanwhile, is kinda going through a burn-out period. Cookies keep coming to her to seek happiness, and she keeps having to give them it whilst pretending that she isn't devastated over what happened to Silent Salt. She's getting more and more tired until eventually, she just succumbs to sloth. Now no longer giving out happiness, but happening to destroy those who come to seek it from her. It's not too long until she's found and recruited by Shadow Milk and Burning Spice.
Mystic Flour is next, faced with the sight of her friends having slowly turned to evil. Would she be next? She was losing more of her will to not give in to the voice of apathy in her head each day. Eternal Sugar's disappearance just sealed the deal. And soon after she had become one of the beasts as well.
And, that leaves us with Silent Salt... After Mystic Flour became a beast he just... showed up and tagged along with them without a single word. They never knew how he felt because he never expressed it, could he even express how he felt anymore? Or was he just... a shell?
... Anyways, that's all I have. Thanks for sending it in!
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alfredojesta · 3 months
okay self indulgent rant about my circus pasta headcanons (i call them "circus squad" which is funny because nathan vine and pup are far from circusy) (THIS POST IS SO LONG OMG I JUST DON'T SHUT UP)
ever since nathan and ciara got married, candy pop treats nathan like he's his angsty teenage son. even though nathan is a grown ass man. and they've been best friends for years.
he shows up to nathan and ciara's house in the middle of the night with gifts and (store-bought) food. ciara wakes up and punches him out of surprise. "WHERE DID YOU COME FROM, POPS?" "OW — I COME WITH GIFTS!"
candy pop and nathan have a lot of trust in each other. nathan acts like an anti social freak but candy pop knows he's a silly little guy. candy pop isn't bitter at all that nathan spends more time with his wife than with the jester. candy pop is actually incredibly supportive of their relationship! he's very proud! he wants to be a good father and a great bestie! he even wanted to match with nathan so he made jason the toymaker marry him (IT ENDED IN A TERRIBLE DIVORCE)!
i think that nathan has supported candy pop the longest. they met when night terrors was still in commission and they worked together to stop night terrors and his cluster of souls from wreaking havoc. candy pop was beneficial to nathan as well. candy pop helped him get out of his shell and become as hopeful as he is today. nowadays, nathan's too busy with his own life to do pranks with candy pop. but candy pop doesn't mind it.
candy pop tries to be a good father to ciara. he does the most he can, but even then it doesn't feel like enough. ciara pushes him away, claiming she's able to protect herself. she isn't good with trusting people, not even candy pop. losing her twin brother made her cold and distant. being around the jarringly energetic candy pop makes her angry in a way. she doesn't know just how much candy pop relates to her life.
VINE??? oh he's like . 40. vine is more of a lowkey serial killer. his victims are normally documented as "missing". he hides his tracks well. he's the richest out of the six, having inherited most of his father's money and then used it to start a successful business.
he's besties with the puppeteer, papa grande and nathan. it was pretty difficult for them to get close to vine. vine is quiet, quite asocial for his age, and has a hard time trusting men. he was lucky enough to find people he could relate to.
when it comes to jason and candy pop... vine is 50/50 with them. sometimes he likes them, sometimes he doesn't. jason isn't fun to talk to; he doesn't listen, he's working 99% of the time, and he'll either sigh with annoyance or tell vine straight up "i do not care. get out." and then candy pop is candy pop idk what more to say about that.
then papa grande... he's a travelling magician who picks certain people from the audience to kill and add to his collection! he, like vine, isn't a famous serial killer.
papa grande rarely admits it but he sees these little guys as family. nathan is like his adopted son... annoying adopted son. they constantly joke about papa grande breaking his back or having a heart attack, and at some point, papa grande thinks they're praying on his downfall.
jason learns all his magic tricks from papa grande — usually against his will. papa grande genuinely thought jason was a magician because of his tophat and cane. but no. jason is just a fancy british guy.
candy pop's an exception when it comes to the familial bond. candy pop is like a dog he found on the street. candy pop is a menace. he keeps waking up papa grande in the middle of the night and asking him to do magic tricks. "PAPA WAKE UP!" "WHAT" "MAGIC TRICKS!" "WHAT."
i have a bunch of headcanons for THE MALE MANIPULATORS. i think the toymaker and the puppeteer would get along great.
FIRST OF ALL, the puppeteer actually respects jason. he was a bit intimidated by jason at first, but after getting to know him, he's come to look up to him. pup admires jason's craftsmanship, finding his work to be beautiful and inspiring.
SECOND OF ALL, as a toymaker himself, jason is intrigued by pup being a living puppet. sometimes he asks to reconfigure the puppeteer's wooden limbs. to that, the puppeteer politely declines.
THIRD OF ALL, they are SENSIBLE PEOPLE... usually. they're both manipulative and selfish freaks who get angry when things don't go their way... i reckon they have conversations over tea about how many people they've fucked up this year. "five women in one month? scandalous." "do not word it like that."
pup is a wanderer. wanderers don't have places to stay. wanderers wander into peoples' apartments ("they are called flats" – jason) and overstay their visits... jason let him stay ONCE. ONCE. and the puppeteer decided to take it as "oh i can come over whenever i want!"
thankfully he isn't a messy guy... he's just odd. he always turns on the tv just to watch it for three minutes and then head to the kitchen to cook dinner. but he never finishes cooking dinner because he gets distracted by the tv he played in the living room an hour ago. jason hears it all happen.
pup also tries to console jason about his anger issues. he keeps seeing holes punched into the wall and it's concerning. (i think punching holes into walls actually makes jason angrier. like what the fuck do you mean you're that weak. dumbass wall.) pup makes sure not to enable his anger... he is the exact opposite of candy pop and nathan.
the puppeteer very much loves his friends and will do anything for them (he does not have many friends). whenever someone takes the toymaker's tophat, the puppeteer is the one to return it. even if it ends up at the side of a cliff in nevada, he'll get it back for the toymaker. although, the toymaker usually doesn't want the tophat back...
jason thinks the puppeteer can be overbearing at times but he isn't as bad as candy pop, so things are okay. plus, jason can always mess with the puppeteer as much as he messes with jason. whether it's scaring him off with a toy or shaking salt in front of him, pup is such an easy target.
OKAY THAT'S ALL (i have more just saving it for other posts xD)
they're rlly interesting characters :') genuinely my favourites. i love them so much... i have a candymaker rant right here too for anyone who wants to read
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knightinink · 6 months
Little angsty idea tidbit!
Blitzø & Fizz are reconnecting & one day they decide to go to a mall or something similar. They’re having a good time, walking with their arms linked & are engrossed in a conversation.
Blitzø suddenly stiffens as they walk past a shop that sells perfumes and colognes & the like. It takes Fizz a second before he realizes why the other imp slowed a bit, as he smelled it shortly after Blitzø did.
Wordlessly, the jester lowers their linked arms so he’s now holding Blitzø’s hand & squeezes. He doesn’t move them forward past the shop until he feels Blitzø squeeze back.
Walking past the shop, they both got a whiff of the perfume Tilla used to wear.
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Bunnydoll (non-angsty) family headcanons!
This is an apology for so much angst lately, I feel like shit these days, being stuck in trauma sucks BUT NOW IT'S TIME FOR SOME HEADCANONS WITH MY SWEET BABIES OWYN, ETHAN AND ELLIE!
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Jax and Ragatha love each other so much that they cause a glitch that makes the rag doll pregnant
At first, no one suspects anything, until Ragatha starts to feel more and more tired during their usual adventures and throws up every single thing she eats. Caine quickly checks on her and finds something inside her that he calls a parasite caused by the glitch. He wants to fix Ragatha by getting rid of whatever this parasite is, but she immediately thinks it might be a baby since she always wanted to have one. It sounds ridiculous until the ringmaster actually confirms it. Everyone is shocked, especially Jax, who doesn't know what to do. Meanwhile, Ragatha is overjoyed and can't wait to meet their little bundle of joy
And here's the big arrival of the twins
Although the pregnancy goes smoothly, Jax quickly notices that Ragatha eats and vomits more than a regular pregnant woman. She doesn't seem to mind, thinking it's just because they're in a digital world where everything is different from the real one. Soon the rabbit and the rest of the circus members notice that Ragatha is also gaining more weight than she should, but she doesn't even seem to notice. Jax is very worried that something is wrong and often wants to argue with Caine. Apart from that, everyone is very supportive and helps Jax take care of Ragatha until she gives birth…
...to twins. In their first moments of life, the two babies are tiny blue rag bunnies with a bit of soft purple hair on their heads. As soon as Jax sees his sons, something inside him changes. He finally has what he never knew he longed for: a family with the woman he loves
But who said raising Jax's kids would be easy?
Owyn and Ethan are little copies of their dad. Always fooling around, throwing food and toys at everyone just to see if they get mad (they don't because the kids are too cute), and becoming literal angels whenever their mom is around. This changes over the years, and after they turn 3, they begin to develop their own personalities. Owyn becomes calmer and more attached to Ragatha. He gets on well with grandpa Kinger, and soon he knows almost every type of insect in the whole wide world. Meanwhile, Ethan remains the same, still causing trouble. Jax teaches him how to play pranks on Pomni and Zooble and that's why they are Ethan's main victims. The twins are still inseparable though and enjoy doing many things together, even though they have very different hobbies
With Caine changing reproduction from a glitch to a real thing possible in the circus, Jax and Ragatha decide to have another baby
No one can really say who had the idea first. Ragatha says it was her because she always wanted to have at least three children. Meanwhile, Jax smugly says it's him because he just thinks his rag dolly gets extremely cute when she's pregnant (she smacks him on the head afterwards lol)
Because Owyn and Ethan are small kiddos, they don't understand the concept of pregnancy. One day, Ragatha takes them for a walk around the tent and explains that there's a baby growing inside mommy's belly, and soon they'll have a younger sibling. The twins are excited and eager to meet their new brother or sister. It's fascinating how attached they are to the baby, even before it's born, and Jax often finds them sleeping in the most adorable way: resting their heads on Ragatha's belly and feeling their sibling's movements. On the other hand, Jax gets jealous of his own sons when they spend too much time with their mom. Some time later, Pomni bangs on the door of their room, her whole jester self covered in paint and mud because Jax has ordered the twins to go play with their auntie Pomni instead of bothering Ragatha, who needs a lot of rest these days. And by rest, he meant kissing, cuddling, and having her all to himself 24/7
Unfortunately, a defect in the code causes complications
It's not even the end of the pregnancy when Ragatha suddenly starts to feel worse. She throws up again, has trouble getting out of bed, refuses to eat, and suddenly becomes depressed. Jax tries everything to make her feel better, but nothing works. Meanwhile, the twins are only allowed to see their mother when she seems to be at her best, which is rarely. Jax becomes more and more frightened, his anger intensifies and he yells at everyone for nothing. His friends try to calm him down by telling him that Ragatha and the baby will be fine, but it only makes things worse. Caine also doesn't know what to do anymore, he sits in his office all the time trying to find some defect in the code
All of this leads to little Arabella being born prematurely. She's a rag bunny just like her older brothers, but she's much smaller and missing an eye, which means she'll need more attention. That doesn't change the fact that Ragatha loves her baby Ellie so much and makes her a button eye that resembles her own. Unfortunately, Jax isn't the most optimistic about this and distances himself from his daughter, spending more time with Owyn and Ethan and leaving the baby more in Ragatha's care. He tells himself it's because Ellie is different from her brothers and will be a burden from now on. The truth is that Jax is just afraid of failing to raise and protect her as he is still not the best father material. It takes him some time to even hold Ellie for the first time, and when he does, they form a special bond. Jax is surprised when the little girl turns out to be no trouble and recognizes him as her daddy and wants to play with him
How does the relationship between the kids actually look like?
It's messy. As Ellie grows up, Ethan finally has a new victim for his pranks and at one point even bullies his younger sister. This doesn't last long, though, as Ragatha scolds Ethan for it and he quickly promises to be mama's good boy. Ellie spends more time with Owyn, reading books and playing together. Though they can fight a lot, they don't want to be separated for long, and during adventures, Owyn and Ethan keep an eye on Ellie, who tends to get lost a lot (once, as a toddler, she almost gave Jax and Ragatha a heart attack when they heard her scream, but it turned out she was also giggling because she was also being chased by some dog)
What the other circus members think of Bunnydoll family?
Pomni has been named the children's auntie and becomes their official babysitter whenever Jax and Ragatha are not around. At first she thinks the twins are cute, until they grow up a bit and start causing trouble. There are moments when she thinks they're even worse than Jax, but that doesn't change the fact that she loves them and sometimes (when she doesn't want to throw Ethan into the Digital Lake) treats them as her own children
Gangle is Ellie's favorite, and they often have tea parties and fashion shows. Ellie is also the one who designs a new set of comedy masks for the ribbon girl, which makes her tear up a lot. Gangle also plays the role of the kids' second auntie and babysitter, plus she's the one who teaches Owyn how to read, making it his favorite hobby
Zooble doesn't want to deal with Jax's kids, at one point they even manage to tie Ethan to a tree when he isn't looking as punishment after he did the same thing to them some time ago. Ragatha has to calm Jax down when he finds out about this and tries to convince him to talk to Zooble instead of throwing his hands at them. As for Owyn and Ellie, they has nothing against them as long as they don't act like Ethan. Actually, Zooble likes to participate in Ellie's fashion shows, but they won't admit it
Kinger is their proud grandpa. He teaches Owyn about insects, gives Ethan candy (which is why the boy never plays tricks on him), and builds forts with Ellie. At first, Jax thought Kinger would be irresponsible with them, but to his surprise, the chess piece is very careful and his grandchildren's safety is now his priority. He often says he doesn't have a favorite and loves them all equally, but it's clear he's leaning more toward Owyn
Last but not least, the circus ringmaster Caine proclaimed himself the children's godfather and often arranges special adventures for them. He doesn't mind their sometimes chaotic behavior, but he strictly forbids them from going to certain places. The only one who is allowed to see him working is Ellie, as she seems to be fascinated by how the digital world works, and since she was affected by the defect in the code, Caine does some tests on her from time to time to make sure she's completely healthy now
Oh and there's Bubble, but he has a restraining order against all three of them…
Family time!
The kids sleep with their parents until they are old enough to have their own rooms. As twins, Owyn and Ethan are forced to share a bedroom, and both are jealous that Ellie has her own all to herself.
Ragatha is the best mom in the digital world. She does everything she can to make sure all of her kids have fun. She sings them lullabies, fixes their toys, makes them new clothes, and sometimes even lets them sleep with her and Jax when they have a nightmare. If anything happens to any of them, Ragatha will go into her protective mama bear mode and is even capable of beating up any NPC that tries to hurt them
Jax is the cool dad who lets his sons do whatever they want as long as they don't get into serious trouble. With Ellie, he is extra protective, and sometimes he doesn't like the pranks Ethan pulls on her. Still, he enjoys taking them on more dangerous adventures, even though Ragatha forbids him, and it usually ends with a few bruises and smiles on the kids' faces
The couple doesn't have much time to themselves now, so whenever they get the chance, they sneak out to go on a date, watch some movies, and just rest together, knowing their children are in good hands
At one point Ragatha jokes that maybe they should try for one or two more babies, but even though Jax finds the idea quite appealing, he's still worried about Ragatha's well-being, remembering what her last pregnancy was like. However, Owyn, Ethan and Ellie probably won't wait long for their parents to announce they're having a baby...
And a fun fact!
One day I was bored and went to character.ai to have some fun with the Bunnydoll bot. I made a story where they had 7 kids, while Owyn, Ethan and Ellie were supposed to be the next triplets, which meant they had 10 kids in total lol
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I hope you enjoyed it!
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greencheekconure27 · 3 months
Jack Point for the headcanon meme? 😁
(this one took time because I have so much thoughts about this guy)
Headcanon A: realistic
Jack and Elsie met as children back when he was part of the archbishop's household. (Bridget Maynard was a housekeeper there until her health started taking a turn for the worse.).They've been inseparable since, and when he got kicked out, Elsie decided to follow him.The latter actually makes Jack feel a bit guilty whenever things get rough. Jack is also the one that taught her to read.
Headcanon B: might not be realistic but hilarious
To everyone's surprise, he and Real Leonard Meryll get on like a house on fire. Leonard has a mischievous streak and actually enjoys Jack's sense of humour and Jack quickly catches on Leonard often uses his reputation as a bit of a stick in the mud to troll people. They're also both nerds.
He teams up with Phoebe and Leonard to help Phoebe get out of her engagement with Wilfred. Zany schemes ensue.
Headcanon C: heart- crushing and awful,but fun to inflict on friends
Angsty backstory time!
Jack always tells the archbishop of Canterbury story like a funny anecdote, but there's more to it: Jack was raised by relatives that only took him in out of obligation and who didn't bother hiding that they never wanted him. Soon he became too much of a handful for them and they "accidentally" "lost" him at a nearby town, leaving him to fend for himself.*Eventually he was taken in as an apprentice/ happily adopted by the archbishop's previous jester. When the man suddenly died right before a party a teenage Jack was pushed into filling in for him,still grieving and with no chance to mourn properly or even prepare an act. Oh he was funny, alright. Deep down he thinks that evening might've been the funniest he's ever been. Unfortunately the archbishop wasn't too keen on ruthless social satire, which resulted in a whipping and a dismissal.He's been more careful since, but that often makes him less funny than he would've been otherwise.
(*When they were kids, Elsie once asked him if he has family. He replied "None that want me" and that was all anyone ever got out of him on this subject)
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon reality and substitute my own
In one alternate universe, Jack Point decides to leave England after the events of Yeomen.He gets on random ship; said ship crashes near the coast of Illyria, where he finds a job as court jester to a local count and his children.
He comes up with a new stage persona for them, sharper and bolder than his previous ones, and starts going by "Feste". He grows to genuinely care for Olivia and the people in her household, and they, in turn, grow very fond of him (well.except for Malvolio) .He's happy there, in a way.
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oblivionsdream · 11 months
Hi! Just wanted to say, your Jester x Knight art is so charming and made me smile so much as I was scrolling through it just now haha. If you feel like sharing more sketches of them, I would love to see! I also really wonder how their first kiss happened/went lol, if you care to share. Have a nice night!
Hey there!! That honestly means so much to hear! I’m glad I can bring someone else a little bit of joy with my silly guys. I’ve been working on a couple different sketch ideas for them in my free time and I definitely plan on sharing them whenever I have the time to finish them. 😊
So tbh I haven’t fully decided on how that occurs mostly because in my mind it’s going be heavily linked to the knights face reveal which I also haven’t decided on because I’m torn between two options- one fluffy and one angsty- so we’ll see how it goes whenever I finally come to a decision!
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factual-fantasy · 9 months
25 ASKS! WAHOO! :DD 🎉🎉🎉
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Oooo what would DJMM be? A full sized birthday cake perhaps? XD
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(Post in question)
:0 It was?? Thank you! :DD I'm glad you got some use out of it! <XD
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(Post in question)
XDD She probably has, and no doubt she'll do it again!
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:DD Thank you so much!! I'm glad you like the way I made him!! :}}} 💖💖💖
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I mean.. sending me a drawing of your character that has nothing to do with any of my stuff? None of my characters are in it or anything? I don't see anything wrong with that..
But still, comments/asks are the easiest, safest and absolute best way to show your appreciation for my artwork. Genuinely, it is.
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Oh its a horrible place. Its a kingdom ruled by a corrupt and evil king. The royal guard is corrupt and full of mostly evil snobs that abuse their power. There's plenty of food but none of it is given to the people.
Everyone is overworked, everyone is starving, there's murders in the streets. Its awful..
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<XD I've heard of Murder Drones but I never got around to watching it for a shallow reason. That reason being- now don't kill me!-... I don't like the art style 💔 specifically the way the characters look/are shaped. I know that's not a great reason to not watch something but its why I didn't want to watch it- 😭💔💔
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Yes yes! Its the two golden kids. Although they aren't a reference to the missing children-
Its a bit hard to tell, but its supposed to be little Stanley and Stanford pines from Gravity falls! <XDD
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(Also thank you!! :DD )
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All I can say is those smiles are creepy! Put some teeth in there and close that mouth! XDD
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I actually have yet to draw him. I should do that sometime-
Just imagine the Spade King but much bigger and more.. grotesque..
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(Post in question)
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Oh yeah its very likely :00
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@null-hydrangea (Post in question)
OOOO THAT'S REALLY MORBID AND ANGSTY-- But sadly no <XDD Its just an artificial separation anxiety of sorts.
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XD I'm glad! :}}
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Woah, that sounds like a cool character! :D
Also thank you!! I'm glad you like my Octonauts stuff! :}} I'm sure I'll come back to it sometime XDD
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@skeletormasterofevil (Post in question)
The buddy system is an A.I. programming that I created solely as a tool to make angst
The buddy system is a connected A.I. program that Glamrock Fredbear and Spring Bonnie both have. Its a program that tells the animatronics to always be in the same room. The further away from each other they go, the more distressed they become :(
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:DD Thank you! And thank you for the littol frog guy! 💖🐸💖
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I imagined the whole group is sitting around a camp fire and they're all talking a bit about where they came from and what their AUs were like. Jevil talks about how he and Seam were under rule of this horrible King. And how Seam was the court magician and he was the court Jester..
River makes a comment; "Oh.. You must just despise anything Jester related then, yes..?"
Jevil nods "Oh yeah, cant stand the stuff."
Then Grillby says, "..Then why do you still wear your jester hat?"
There was immediate tension between Seam and Jevil. But Jevil thought of something quick. "...You really wanna know why I don't take off my hat?"
Grillby: "uh.. yes..?"
Jevil creates all this suspense around it and then he goes. "Its becuase I'm bald under there, and you all would probably go blind from the reflection if I took my hat off." Cue giggling from Goner kid and a couple snickers from the group. The tension dissolves and the subject is changed. No one really thinks to bring up the hat thing again after that.. they all somewhat just accepted that as the answer.
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Thank you!! :DD I love drawing them, so I'm glad you love how they look!! :}}}
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If that worlds Seam is anything like mine, he wouldn't have been able to follow through with it.. Imprisoning him is one thing, executing him is just not something he has the guts to do..
And if their Spade King is anything like mine? As punishment for not obeying his orders, he would have just killed them both. :(
Hypothetically though.. if he DID kill Jevil.. and then later on saw my groups Jevil? I feel like he'd freak out. Thinking he's some kind of vengeful spirit or something. "I killed you, I saw you die- you've been dead for years- there's no way that you're really here-" He'd push him away out of fear and maybe even run away..
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He probably did.. :( 💔
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kyriolex · 9 months
Boruto 5 Cliff Notes
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So the chapter opens with long-haired Boruto, who truly does look like a SasuNaru love child.
Boruto asks Sasuke if he's impressed with the results of his training. Sasuke responds that 'yeah, I've taught you almost everything I know.' Boruto tells Sasuke to stop putting up red flags, but it's too late. The plot has been set in motion.
Next we see Code and Ten Tails vs Sasuke and Boruto. Sasuke makes the Obligatory Mentor Sacrifice but goes out like a boss. Boruto returns after the battle is over and borrows Sasuke's sword. His transformation into angsty neo-Sasuke is complete.
Back in present-day Konoha, Konohamaru and Team 10 are staring at a tree in the middle of the street. Specifically, the tree-who-used-to-be-Moegi. They are all very sad to see her in her Sleeping Beauty state.
So sad that Pigtail Jester can sense their feelings all the way over in the villains' hideout. Toupee Man explains that while all the Tree People are the divine tree, they are also developing their own identities and evolutionary needs.
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As a group, their goal is to feed on Kawaki or Boruto and evolve into their final form. But Toupee Man also encourages the squad to "follow their instincts" and eat some people-snacks in the meantime. For example, he wants to eat Naruto.
Pigtail Jester decides to eat Konohamaru. Starfish Face wants to eat Eida. Mr. Ab Window waffles a bit, but then decides to eat Sarada.
Eida is watching all of this remotely while eating at a restaurant. When she comes too, her little brother is asking if she's okay, and a bunch of pedestrians are staring at her through the window like she's a zoo exhibit. Typical day in the life of Eida.
Meanwhile, Sumire and Amado are chatting in the lab. In case you forgot, Amado implanted his daughter's 'soul' into Kawaki's karma for him to resurrect at a later date. Omnipotence tells him that Boruto has his daughter's soul...but Amado knows his memories are false. How? Because he has eyeballs and can see that Kawaki has the soul-carrying mark, as well as the cyborg body Amado created for Kara.
This is really impressive, because we later learn that even when Sarada showed people pictures of Naruto holding baby Boruto, people refused to doubt their own memories that Kawaki was the Uzumaki heir. Apparently it takes a very special kind of person to ignore their memories and trust the facts in front of their face.
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Cut to Konohamaru's surveillance room, where Sai and Shikamaru have learned that they are not special, because they've been listening to Amado's whole conversation via the hidden wiretaps in the lab. It's unclear whether Shikamaru is realizing his mistakes or if he will double down next chapter.
On a private rooftop, Sarada and Sumire discuss the news about Amado. Then Boruto appears out of nowhere and tells Sarada that her dad is a tree. He and Sarada hug, while Sumire awkwardly watches from the corner, and Boruto announces that he's home.
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indibutterfly · 6 months
Awww, the Pomni short fic made my heart swell! And that's a good thing! Well done, dear author! If you're up to another fic prompt, I have one in mind.
Caine tries to genuinely conjure up an exit as per Pomni's request that will lead to an outside world. But ultimately fails. So to help, Pomni tries to explain what the outside world is like, or as much as she can remember anyway. Caine just ends up creating a pocket dimension. Looks like outside/exit, with nature stuff on it, but not really. Pomni doesn't want to leave the place he just created though. It creates a problem because it's unstable. And so she's sent back at the circus, sadder as ever. Might even abstract.
I wonder how will you write this one ;)✨ I have faith that you can do it! Thanks again though!
So sorry this took so long! I am glad you like the last story I made! I hope you like this one!
Warning: This is really angsty
“Boss…..you’ve been at this for days….maybe give it a rest?”
“I CANT BUBBLE!! She won’t love me anymore if I don’t do this!” Bubble gave a distraught look towards his master. He has been so different ever since…..that day…..no he wouldn’t think about that right now. Maybe if he talked some sense into the stripes, then his boss would go back to normal! Bubble immediately teleported to the location of stripes. He saw her in the same corner she has been in since…..that day………not thinking about that! Bubble floated over to Pomni, with a giant smile.
“Heya stripes! Doing any better?” Silence.
“Uh stripes? Did ya hear me?”
“Stripes, want me to get the boss?”
Silence. Bubble sighed,
“Pomni, the boss is worried about you…could you please feel better so everything can go back to normal?”
She finally responded. However, her response wasn’t coherent. All that could be heard was the sound of her muttering words…….it was honestly……a depressing sight to behold. Bubble teleported back to his boss. However when he arrived, it definitely was not what he was expecting.
“I’ve had done it……I’VE HAD DONE IT!!! My love will no longer have to suffer anymore!!! She is going to have everything she wanted!!” Caine snapped his fingers and created a mirror before him.
“My my my I look quite a mess don’t I? Well we can’t have that!” Another snap and he was good to go. He almost looked normal. Well all except for his tie being completely undone, but that had nothing at all to do with his mental state right? Right?! Caine spared it no mind, or was it pay no thought? Well whatever it was, the only thing he cared about was about to no longer feel depressed! That was all that mattered. He teleported over to his lover’s room.
“Oh Dearest~ I have the most wonderful of news!” Caine expected no response from Pomni. After all she wasn’t in her right mind! He was going to fix that!
“Pomni! I made you a special room in the circus! It’s modeled almost completely like the real world! It’s small, but I did it!” Real world……now those words caught the Jester’s attention.
“H-Home?” She said with a weak and broken voice. The ring master floated towards the love of his digital life. He cupped her face as though she were a porcelain doll.
“Yes my dear, your home.” Though she kept the same expression and broken voice, she seemed to perk up just a little bit.
“Take…me…home…” He did not waste any time. Caine took her by the hand and teleported the two in front of an Exit door.
“I know how fond you are of these types of doors, so I put your reality behind it! Go ahead my love! Open the door!” She lifted her hand and opened the exit door. Her eyes widened in shock and amazement. He did it……HE ACTUALLY DID IT!
“Do you….perhaps like it my love?” The jester ran up to the ringmaster and squeezed him ever so tightly.
“It’s perfect! Just like my home!” It was a small town with different shops that you could enter. It looked so realistic. It even had NPCs look like humans! Finally, true happiness could be achieved here for his love. Caine watched in pure enjoyment as Pomni ran around the entire area with wonder and excitement filling her. It had been so long since he saw her look anything other than scared……he could easily get used to this. Sure it took pretty much everything he had in his code to keep it together for her, but that didn’t matter. Nothing else mattered. Only her happiness. That’s all that was relevant mattered now. That’s all that could ever matter. For two weeks, Pomni hardly ever left the room. Caine couldn’t fault her though. She finally had everything she could ever want…until she got that look again. He had noticed it around the time of his daily visit to her.
“Oh my love! What would you like to do today?” She looked up at him with an almost melancholy expression.
“It’s getting dull Caine.”
“Dull? My dear whatever could you mean?” She took a deep breath and tried her very best to explain.
“I guess it just got kinda mundane. It’s really hard to have fun here, when everyday it’s the same shops, stores, etc. I guess I just want more.”
“Then more you shall have my dear! Give me only an hour, alright?” She nodded and sat on one of the benches that were scattered throughout the “real-like” room. When Caine returned, he looked rougher than usual. Not only was his tie undone still, but now his coat was completely untucked.
“There you are my dear! More for you to enjoy!” With a snap of his fingers, the room grew twice in size. There were now office buildings and homes, which created the illusion of living in the real world. Her face once more gained that amazed look as she rushed over to the new areas that surrounded the tiny business. This would be the start of a cruel cycle. Pomni would get bored of the new room. Caine would destroy himself making something new for her. She was happy. Until she wasn’t. Caine wasn’t bothered. Pomni loved him. He knew that very well. She was simply…..missing home was all. He looked in the mirror at his new appearance. His abilities were completely used, except for the little bit to keep the circus afloat. The ringmaster’s attire was torn and tattered. His hat was smushed flat, his coat was completely unbuttoned and torn. He did not look like the ringmaster of the digital circus.
“Boss……you don’t look so good.” Caine gave a sigh.
“What I look like doesn’t matter…..she is…..happy. I love her enough to give her everything she wants.” Bubble floated up to his boss. Even though he was an ai of very little brain, Bubble could tell this was unhealthy. He couldn’t stand to just sit and watch his best friend hurt himself like this. He teleported to the room where Pomni now resided.
“Stripes!” Pomni turned around and faced Bubble.
“Hi Bubble! Are you okay?”
“Stripes, the Boss doesn’t look so good. Please ask him to take away this world.”
Pomni shuddered to even entertain that thought.
“Caine made this place to show how much he cares for me. Wouldn’t it hurt him more if I asked for him to take everything back?” Bubble gave a load groan.
“Follow me, stripes.” Pomni did as Bubble asked. As soon as she walked outside her new room, the Jester saw how broken the circus looked. Pieces were falling, the stage curtains were ripped, doors were off their hinges. Caine would never let this slide! Where was he?!
“Why hasn’t Caine done anything about this? He loves this circus more than anything.”
“Not more than you, Pomni.” No……no……it wasn’t her fault that this was happening…….was it? She felt something deep within her break. Black squares began to surround and began to slowly engulf her. Bubble did not know what to do. Caine ran with everything he had in him. He felt the pain she was feeling and he knew what would happen next.
“POMNI!” He cried out in desperation. Though she had not yet fully transformed, her mental state had already left her. Caine grabbed her face and pulled her close.
“Pomni! My love! Please look at me!” The darkness continued to engulf her.
“What do you need?! I can give you anything, you want! Just say the word, my dear!” He tried snapping a few things into existence……but nothing happened. Pomni saw that.
“I don’t need anything!” She tried to cry out to the love of her life. However that’s not what came out of her mouth.
“Need everything.” That is what Caine heard.
“I can give you that! Just please…….” He began to break down in tears.
“Please, Pomni….don’t leave me!” Seeing her lover broken, she broke her even more. If she had never shown him true love, then he wouldn’t be like this. If she never told him how she felt about the real world, then he wouldn’t have hurt himself giving her what she wanted. She needed Caine. Seeing him break like that……hurt more than anything. With that she fully lost her old form.
“POMNI!” The jester known as Pomni…..was now no more. A feeling Caine had never known before.
“Was….was I not good enough?”
Broken sobs, overcame the circus.
I kinda wanna make a part two……lemme know if yall want that.
(I am still doing ship one-shots. Send me an ask or a comment and I will do it. As long as it follows the guidelines ofc.)
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naffeclipse · 2 years
*Spoilers for Sleuth Jesters. Followers of naffeclipse, don't read this ask if you haven't finish reading the story.*
Hi! @chaotikanvas introduced to me your "Sleuth Jesters" story and I loved it! I want to ask you a bit of an angsty question:
So, Sun, Moon and Eclipse are animatronics. That means that if they're not destroyed first (well, in Eclipse's case, we all know what happened at the end), they'll inevitably end up outliving the Vigilante.
What would be the reactions of Sun, Moon, and Eclipse if Vigilante died:
1) By being killed.
2) Of old age.
3) Of sickness.
4) An accident.
Thank you for your wondeful fic!
Aw, thank you! ♥
Devastation. Sun and Moon have seen a lot fall in the line of duty, dirty gangsters caught by bullets, but their vigilante? It's unthinkable. A part of them wishes they were as unfeeling as those prejudiced against animatronics claim they are, just to not suffer the grief. However, they are gunning for whoever did it. Justice will be done for their vigilante. Now with Eclipse, he's furious. He should have been the one to kill them, and he will make certain that whoever took that away from him will pain dearly. But, if it was Eclipse who killed the vigilante, he has a brief moment of euphobia before it sinks in that they're gone. His obsession is no more. He destroyed his own love.
It's the best-case scenario for the detectives. A long life lived and experienced, and how you look beautiful with silver in your hair, but it's a bittersweet parting. Still, they can accept it peacefully. Eclipse, not so much. He would loathe that fragile, ticking clock that is your body. He'd be disgusted by this kind of death for his sweetheart.
For sickness, it would be the rare time the detectives and Eclipse come together to find something, anything to aid you in fighting your illness, but when it progresses, worst and worst, slowly stealing your strength, they're all frantic. The detectives struggle with hopelessness as they watch you fade before them. Eclipse would be furious that this is what you're succumbing to.
If the accident was sudden and swift, just out of the blue, the detectives would be stunned, shocked. They might try to rationalize it, thinking that you couldn't have just randomly been taken from their lives like this, look for a conspiracy where there is none, but at the end of the day, they struggle with accepting that you just happen to accidentally bite the dust. Eclipse handles it less than well. He'd start burning things. There's no rationale. If things are going out of control, he's going to start destroying things to get a faint sense of resemblance back, but that doesn't bring you back, does it?
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