#jessie Pokémon
nintnd-ho3 · 1 year
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Today I found out what a Snom is and immediately thought of @yamujiburo’s comic and that Jessie needs to meet one!!
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Snowgasboard friend!!!! I can imagine so many cute ways Jessie meets one (or a whole squad!) and they become friends <3
And they evolve from friendship! Which also invites heartfelt storytelling
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mizuribbons · 1 month
pjsk pokeani au where jessie and james are mizuki and rui respectively. you agree
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jokeringcutio · 11 months
"Jessie" Pokémon Jessie x Female Reader Romance. - Part 1? Meeting Jessie
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Fandom: Pokémon Pairing: Jessie x (f) Reader Rating: NC-17 Warnings: One mention of Serious Offenses by Team Rocket (other than stealing Pokémon). Has the potionetial to become a Smut fic with darker themes in it, but will overall be a romance between Jessie and a Female Protagonist.
Summary: You are a pokémon trainer who meets this wonderful young woman named Jessie.
The sun beamed down on you, its warm rays caressing your skin as you strolled through the verdant fields. The sweet scent of wildflowers filled the air, and the gentle hum of insects accompanied the rustle of tall grasses swaying in the breeze. As a Pokémon trainer, you were on a journey to prove your worth, seeking out new companions along the way.
Your path meandered past a small grove of trees, their branches casting dappled shadows on the ground below. A sense of joy filled you. Nature looked marvelous and it felt as if the very earth sang to you of adventure and discovery. You hummed along. ‘To be a master…’ No one would hear, except the Pokémon you carried and those scurrying in the fields.
As you continued along the winding path, your eyes were drawn to a figure reclining beneath one of the trees. A young woman with long magenta hair that cascaded to the ground like a waterfall of silk sat engrossed in a magazine, seemingly unaware of the world around her. She wore a simple sundress that matched her hair and sunhat, and her enigmatic green eyes were hidden behind a pair of fashionable sunglasses.
As you approached, one of the woman’s Poké Balls tumbled from her bag, rolling across the dirt road to stop at your feet. You bent down to pick it up, examining the glossy red-and-white ball in your hand. You wondered what Pokémon would live inside of it.
"Excuse me," you called out gently, not wanting to startle the woman. "I think you dropped this."
She looked up from her magazine, a faint smile playing upon her lips as she met your gaze. Then slowly, she removed her sunglasses, revealing the bright sparkle in her eyes that hinted at equal parts mischief and curiosity. For a moment, you stood entranced, drowning in those blue eyes.
"Thank you," she replied, her voice as smooth and soothing as the breeze that rustled through the leaves above. She accepted the Poké Ball from your outstretched hand, her fingers brushing against yours for a fleeting moment before she tucked the ball securely back into her bag.
"Enjoying the day?" you asked, making small talk as you took note of her magazine filled with fashion trends and glamorous models.
"Very much so," she answered with a nod. "It's not often I get to relax like this."
Then she turned back to you with a bright smile. “Let me introduce myself. Hi, I'm Jessie," she said, extending a hand for you to shake. The warmth of her touch seemed to send a jolt through your arm as you introduced yourself in return.
"Nice to meet you," you replied, feeling an unexpected connection to this stranger. You glanced down at the magazine in her lap, noticing the array of fashionable outfits and accessories sprawled across its pages. "I see you're into fashion."
Jessie's eyes lit up. "Yes, that’s it,” she said, making you frown at the weird answer, but she quickly chuckled and ran a hand through her hair. “I mean, I love it. There's something about the way clothes can transform a person, don't you think?"
You nodded in agreement. “Tell me about it,” you said, and Jessie did. She started about all sorts of outfits and the jobs they belonged to, talked about how clothes made the man – or woman, or even both. You enjoyed her light chatting. The conversation flowed smoothly between the two of you, like a gentle stream finding its way through a lush meadow. With each passing moment, you found yourself drawn to Jessie – her laughter was infectious, her eyes captivating.
Eventually, the topic shifted to your own journey. "I'm actually on my way to becoming a Pokémon master," you shared, feeling a surge of pride as you recounted your dreams and aspirations.
"Really?" Jessie leaned in closer, her interest piqued. "Which Pokémon do you plan on using?"
You thought for a moment, reflecting on the bonds you'd formed with your Pokémon so far. "Well, I've always been partial to water types," you began, recalling your fascination with the sea and its mysterious depths. "My Vaporeon has been with me since the beginning, and together we've overcome countless challenges."
"Vaporeon, huh?" Jessie mused, her eyes shining with admiration. "They're beautiful and powerful creatures, much like the mermaids that grace the ocean's depths."
Your heart fluttered at the comparison, a soft blush coloring your cheeks.
“So you don’t happen to have a Pikachu on you?” Jessie said with a smirk.
You shook your head and laughed. “Nope, not a water-type is it?”
“And if someone used one on yours?” She asked, curiously.
Now it was your turn to return the smirk. “They’ll see when they try it.”
Jessie stared at you for a moment as if you had just told her a riddle, then her smile returned and she laughed. “Good answer!”
You continued discussing your other Pokémon companions, from the graceful Lapras to the steadfast Blastoise. With every word, it became clear that your connection to these creatures ran deeper than mere strategy or battle prowess – they were family, partners in a shared dream.
Jessie listened intently, her gaze never leaving yours as she absorbed your stories and experiences. For that brief moment in time, the world around you seemed to disappear, leaving only the two of you beneath the comforting shade of the tree.
"Your passion is inspiring," Jessie said softly, her eyes reflecting the sincerity of her words. "I can tell you're going to achieve great things."
You couldn't help but smile at her encouragement, feeling as though a newfound strength had been kindled within your heart. You liked this woman, liked this new friend you seemed to have made.
The sun cast a warm, golden glow upon the fields as you continued your conversation with Jessie, completely forgetting the time or the fact that you still had a while to go until you reached the nearest tavern.
Jessie’s laughter was like a melody carried on the breeze, and you couldn't help but be captivated by her vibrant presence. As you shared stories of your adventures, you felt a sense of camaraderie that had been absent in your life for far too long. You could have talked to her for hours, had not a voice called out from somewhere at the end of the meadow. You turned, unable to see who it was, but you had recognized the masculine tone to it. A man, probably.
"Jessie, we need to get going!"
"Ah," she sighed, her magenta hair swaying gently as she turned towards the source of the interruption. "I'm afraid I have to go."
"Will I see you again?" you asked, trying to mask the disappointment creeping into your voice.
"Of course!" Jessie reassured you, flashing a warm smile. "Here, let's exchange numbers." She quickly pulled out her phone, and you did the same, exchanging contact information in a matter of seconds.
"Until next time then," she said, her eyes lingering on yours for just a moment longer before she stood to leave.
"Goodbye, Jessie," you murmured, watching as she walked away, her figure growing smaller in the distance. A pang of sadness struck you at the thought of her having a boyfriend. Wait. Did you really just think that? You’d only just met Jessie. She was nice, you got along.
Shaking off your feelings, you continued on your journey. You needed to find a place to spend the night. The dwindling warmth of the setting sun and the gentle rustling of the grass beneath your feet served as reminders that life was full of beauty and wonder. Yet, the beauty of your surroundings could not fully distract your mind. Your thoughts kept drifting back to Jessie, her laughter echoing in your ears like echoes of a siren's song. What was it about her that had captured your heart so completely?
As you lost yourself in your musings, your phone vibrated in your pocket, jolting you back to reality. You got it out, skeptical about who might be sending you a message, when you saw it was Jessie’s. She texted you? Your heart skipped a beat.
"Hey! I really enjoyed our chat today. Would you like to meet up again sometime soon? 😊"
A smile spread across your face as you read the words, warmth flooding your chest at the thought of seeing her again. You quickly typed a response, your fingers dancing across the screen with eager anticipation.
"Definitely! I had a great time talking with you too. Let's plan something soon!"
With a sense of hope and excitement fluttering in your heart, you resumed your walk, the promise of another encounter with Jessie lighting your path like a beacon in the night.
The moment you stepped into the sushi bar, the scent of fresh seafood and soy sauce enveloped you like a warm embrace. The dim lighting created an intimate atmosphere, casting shadows that danced across the walls as laughter and conversation filled the air. You spotted Jessie sitting at a corner booth, her magenta hair shimmering like a mermaid's tail beneath the soft glow of a hanging lantern.
"Hey! Over here!" she called out, waving you over with a smile that could rival the sun itself.
As you slid into the seat across from her, your heart swelled with anticipation. You looked at her with a smile and shook you head laughingly. “It’s fashionable,” you said, gesturing at the rather exotic costume she wore.
Jessie’s cheeks colored and she huffed defensively. “It is! Latest!” And then she laughed along, because you both knew that Jessie looked rather ridiculous. She stood out in the crowd, her heavily adorned silken clothes shimmered in the lights of the lamps. You nearly wanted to ask her if she’d been to a costume party, but decided against it. Instead, the two of you starting chatting about everything and nothing.
Throughout your meal, Jessie regaled you with stories of her adventures, each one more enchanting than the last. Every so often, she would lean in close, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she shared a particularly juicy tale. You couldn't help but notice how her hand brushed against yours on the table, the warmth of her skin sending shivers down your spine like waves crashing against the shore.
"…and then I told him, 'You know what they say about curiosity and the Meowth!' We laughed so hard we nearly fell out of our seats!" Jessie exclaimed, punctuating the story with a peal of laughter that rang like a melody in your ears.
Her laughter was contagious, and soon you found yourself joining in, the two of you laughing together as if you'd known each other for years. Time seemed to lose all meaning as the evening wore on, the world outside fading away until it felt as though you and Jessie were the only souls there.
Eventually, the laughter subsided, replaced by a comfortable silence as you both savored the last bites of your meal. Jessie's eyes met yours, a hint of something deeper lurking beneath the surface like a secret treasure waiting to be discovered.
"Thanks for meeting me tonight," she said softly, her voice barely audible above the gentle hum of conversation that surrounded you. "I had a really great time."
"Me too," you replied, your heart swelling with a mixture of joy and longing. "Let's do this again soon."
"Definitely," Jessie agreed, her smile warm and alluring. As you stood to leave, she reached out to touch your arm, her fingers lingering just long enough to send one last wave of heat coursing through your veins.
"By the way," she added, her voice low and sultry, "you look absolutely stunning tonight."
Your cheeks flushed with a rosy hue, the compliment taking you by surprise. You stammered out a thank you, your words tumbling over themselves in a clumsy attempt to express your gratitude.
You parted ways, the promise of another date hung in the air like a beacon of hope. Tonight had been a success, your heart felt warm and alive. You had found a new friend, perhaps someone potentially more than that.
As you stepped outside the sushi bar, the cool night air caressed your cheeks. The streetlights cast a warm glow on the cobblestone path beneath your feet, their light reflecting off the puddles left behind by an earlier rainstorm, creating shimmering pools of liquid gold.
Your heart felt as light as a feather, the memory of Jessie's laughter and the electric thrill of her touch resurfaced in your mind. You couldn't help but smile, the corners of your mouth curving upwards like the crescent moon that hung in the sky above, its silvery light casting a spell over the world below as you started walking. Arms drawn around yourself, you tried to avoid the pools.
You pulled out your phone to look at the time, but saw a notification at the top of your screen. An alert. Your smile began to fade, replaced by a growing sense of unease.
"Team Rocket spotted in the area," the text read, followed by a series of warnings advising trainers to keep their Poké Balls secure and to report any suspicious activity. The words seemed to loom in front of you like dark clouds on the horizon. Team Rocket was a famous criminal organization. Anyone unfortunate enough to encounter one of their members usually didn’t get out in one piece. At the very least, they were missing their Pokémon and any personal belongings that held any value.
You shivered and didn’t want to think of it. This was how your sister had lost her virginity. And her life.
Criminals. Thieves. Murderers.
"Jessie should know about this," you thought, concern for her well-being tightening its grip around your heart. Your fingers danced across the screen, tapping out a message as quickly as they could manage. "Hey, just got a warning about Team Rocket being around here. Be careful and guard your Poké Balls!"
A moment passed, and then another. It took way too long. You hurried your way back to the hostel which you stayed at, but you kept checking your screen nearly each step of the way. Finally, a reply appeared on your screen, bringing with it a sense of relief that washed over you like a cool breeze on a sweltering summer day.
"Thanks for the heads up! Don't worry 😊" Jessie's message read, accompanied by an emoticon that seemed to sparkle with good-natured mischief.
You couldn't help but smile, reassured by her words. Jessie was amazing and a confident woman. She was warned. She could handle any of this herself. But most of all, she’d be safe. That was the thought you clung onto. And as you tucked your phone away and continued down the cobblestone path, you wondered when the next time would be that you’d meet again.
AN: Quick Drabble. Should there be more?
I have an entire outline ready for a multi-chapter fic.
Liked my work? :) ♡ Support me on Ko-Fi ♡ Love you all
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girlbosswar · 2 years
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fluffyyymocha · 2 years
I'm torn between perceiving Jessie and James as a couple or as the iconic lesbian and gay duo
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Hanamusa DTIYS Hours
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This DTIYS by the lovely @yamujiburo was posted a while ago, but I only now got to finish my contribution, so here it is! I haven't done a DTIYS in a while, so this was fun ^^
Also, if Hanamusashipping (Delia x Jessie) tickles your fancy at all, I recommend Yamujiburo's ongoing Hanamusashipping comic. It's really cute and the art style is so, so nice. I love it.
Original DTIYS Post:
Original Comic Masterpost:
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flossflowergarden · 8 days
I finally updated my fic!
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mateushonrado · 1 month
Notable Pokémon roles from Rachael Lillis
Status Post #11310: As you know that earlier today, Ash's original voice actress Veronica Taylor confirmed the sad news that her fellow friend and co-star Rachael Lillis passed away at age 46 (or 55 depending on which source) two days ago after a battle with cancer, so this is a tribute to her.
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The original female protagonist of the anime.
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One third of Team Rocket.
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The fairy-type Pokémon who can put their enemies to sleep by singing a lullaby
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The fox-type Pokémon with six tails.
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gabedraws4u · 1 year
Precious Gift
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The most beautiful part of @yamujiburo hanamusa's lore for me is Ash's emotional evolution and acceptance. For a character that surprisingly did not evolve much in its own journey (in a show full of evolutions) and made the same mistakes year after year, this proximity with Jessie is my most expected part of this story
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bulbagarden · 1 month
The two of us running this blog, as well as all of Bulbagarden's staff members and users, would like to offer our heartfelt condolences to the family, friends, and fans of Rachael Lillis, who passed away on August 10, 2024, at the age of 55.
It's truly difficult to properly convey the impact Rachael had on our lives, as she was the original voice actress of Misty and Jessie for eight seasons of the Pokémon anime, from 1998 to 2006. Her impact was not just felt in Pokémon, but also in titles such as Revolutionary Girl Utena and Hunter x Hunter, and it's safe to say that she was a beloved member of our fandom that will be sorely missed.
Our thoughts are with Rachael's family and loved ones as we take a moment to remember and commemorate her life and work, which will certainly never be forgotten.
Thank you, Rachael, and rest in peace.
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jj-are-25 · 19 days
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Well I have over 100 followers now, have some low quality hanamusa <3
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lilcatastrophe · 6 months
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joining in on @yamujiburo ‘s 550k dtiys, congrats kiana :))
this was very fun, love em sm <33
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gleaming-glasses · 3 months
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Team Rocket in their disguises
inspired by a Puss in Boots cover illustration by Erik Bulatov and Oleg Vassiliev, a picture of that and their costumes are under the cut
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arturhunter · 6 months
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I just had to participate on this 😭
I love them so much! Congrats on 550k @yamujiburomu !!
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ninebaalart · 6 months
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HanaMusa DTIYS
been following @yamujiburo's work for a bit, so of course I had to do my own version of this picture when asked
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cloudvaria · 1 month
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Rest in Peace to a part of my childhood.
May you be blessed and eased after,
Rachael Lillis.✨🌸
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