#jeordie rants
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tilskkarishma · 2 months ago
I loved Sailor Moon when I was young.
I wonder why. 😇
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And yes I love men in feminine clothes. :3
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But I guess you all already knew that anyway. ^^;
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I just love this dude so much. ♥
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trentsleatherboots · 5 years ago
I just randomly thought of this colleague I had while interning. He always kind of creeped me out and he was ATLEAST 10 years older than me (he sure looked like it) and after only 3 weeks of knowing eachother he confessed he liked me and I went as far away from that as possible.
Then last valentines day he dm'ed me on whatsapp asking a raunchy question and I just blocked the guy, no questions asked. But we also had eachother on discord (bc group discord) and he proceeded to cuss me out with "I was always nice to you" and "you dont deserve to treat me like this after all we went through" bitch we were co workers and you were fucking creepy.
Anyways it made me laugh because wow what a sad excuse for a human being hahahah
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legal-lost-boy · 3 years ago
The boys literally didn't have to die. Sam screamed no before Marko got staked, he never wanted violence. The boys only got violent the moment they got disturbed in their sleep and because their friend got killed??! David literally said "Stop fighting me Michael, I don't want to kill you" to Michael??? The boys literally only died because of those stupid Frogs' plans, all because they 'knew everything about vampires' and just decided to kill everyone when they didnt know who the head vamp was.
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mysticzombiellama · 7 years ago
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i am horribly disgusted how some “fans” are to him. he was emotionally unstable or under the influence of something, but he tried his best and it’s horrible to see something like that happen to a celebrity you really care about. the last couple months have not been good for him; in october when he released heaven upside down, he had to cancel upcoming tour dates because of when he broke his leg onstage. shortly, daisy berkowitz (scott putesky) died from colon cancer, and twiggy ramirez (jeordie white) was fired from the group due to sexual assault allegations. manson then returned to concerts in november but immediately received backlash due to aiming a fake rifle to his audience in san bernardino, california. we’ve all had our bad days, but when a celebrity has one, no one lets them be like how we want to be when we’re having a bad day. y’all need to understand that celebrities are just normal people like us, they have feelings like us, they have symptoms like us, they have rights like us. something was bothering manson and he still gave his best to his fans at the concert and most of y’all didn’t appreciate it, yeah he said things about how y’all got “ripped” off, but it’s not a ripoff if you’re able to see or be able to go to a concert. cut him some slack
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leatermouth · 7 years ago
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Fuck jeordie white.
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ballato · 7 years ago
How do you feel about all the things you've heard about Lynz and jimmy + the rest of the band? If prove true, how would this affect your blog?
Ended up typing a lot more than asked for but since I’ve gotten multiple questions about this, I figured I’d put my thoughts down. Just blog about what makes you happy and follow your conscience, these are just my thoughts.
I have a lot of mixed feelings about what’s been going on, it’s a polarizing issue. I don’t think it needs to be polarizing, but that being said I’ve been in jessicka’s position before where you’re outcasted from the cool kids group and/or bullied out of a ring of friends and I think that’s one of the shittiest things you can do to a person. I was outcasted from a ring of people I thought were my friends when I came out about who assaulted me (a person in that ring), assuming people would rightfully take my side. was blindsided. was told to respect the person who assaulted me and not smear his name. when chantal followed jeordie white on twitter, that memory resonated and it really hurt. hurts seeing people you very much liked/supported/gave money to disappoint you. I have a hard time ignoring a lot of the things that the spooky pie coven has reacted to jessicka with, and let the record be known I do not, do NOT like when people throw around the word sociopath as an insult towards a normal, emotionally-hurt woman (honestly those images looked like the first images that pop up when you search “toxic friends :(” in the tumblr tag, but I guess that’s besides the point).
makes blogging about them bring up a slew of mixed feelings. if anything, I’d of course keep this blog up for what it has been as an archive. I’ve listened to lucinda and jessicka talk together privately and confirm a lot of the things she’s been saying. she very much does not deserve the online harassment of fans trying to clear their idols name so their conscience feels better, it just isn’t her job. she says what she knows to be true, she’s not a liar for not providing the evidence people are demanding for. it’s the accused’s job to clear their name of rumors and they’ve spoken next to nothing about it. which either means they haven’t heard the rumors (unlikely), or they don’t want to lie by denying things there is evidence of (and be caught in a lie).
that much is just common sense, it’s easy to clear your name if there is no evidence of wrong-doings out there.
I’ve been in this MSI/chantal/jessicka bandom for a very long time and have seen the fan-dramas, old fans who came out about being bullied by these band members and everyone just believing they made it up for attention, I defended my idols back then along with everyone else and it’s not a smart way to live.
I know a couple of the sweetest fans who have been crushed by certain encounters with chantal and lynz but I’ve looked the other way, thinking those two must be in the right for some reason but they aren’t. they’ve had a long history of these encounters, frankly everything jessicka’s ever said about them has lined up with their history and the timeline. and the way they react to her is quite telling.
I’m not sure what they can do to remedy themselves of this history and get some philosophy changes, I do believe they can do it, however. I have faith that people can change and be the best versions of themselves that people admire them for. but I also believe that starts with rectifying things with jessicka. you truly can’t ignore a problem (especially hurt ex-friends) and expect them to go away, in the scope of the public eye that they are in especially you can’t just cut people out of your life. if they weren’t famous, they could get away with cutting off an ex-friend, but that’s just not the situation they’re in.
For the record I also believe all of this dirty laundry should be hashed out behind closed doors, not on twitter or tumblr or facebook or whatever. lynz and chantal will have to bring it behind closed doors to solve it if they want to save their reputations.
also for the record, lynz and chantal have been nothing but sweet and lovely to me, but I was also in the position to give them a lot of support and money. and I walked on eggshells to try and be in best standings with them. for other fans who didn’t have the privilege of my position, their behavior to those fans is inexcusable and just because they were nice to me does not mean they were nice to everyone (for example, when lynz ripped some young girls throat out on twitter for calling her “lindsey” and “gerards spouse” because she barely spoke english and there was quite clearly a language barrier)
I ended up ranting on this subject longer than I intended, as for my blog though my archived posts won’t change. I may begin to migrate towards blogging about my other interests/endeavors as I already have been, depending on where this situation goes.
The situation’s effected me quite a lot based on my history with them & the history of my trauma which is why I can’t really sit in good conscience blogging about them. and why I’m predisposed to jessicka’s side because I’ve been in the same position and the situation looks/feels awfully similar to me. I hope they’ll try to fix things (privately).
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trentsleatherboots · 5 years ago
Confession and probably unpopular opinion: I love Beetlejuice, I love everything about that movie and especially the cartoon it spawned but the musical that got made is fucking atrocious and shouldnt exist I absolutely loathe it.
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trentsleatherboots · 5 years ago
Right now Im at that point of being so utterly fucking confused and done with myself.
I dont know what I identify as. I dont know if I even count as trans. I dont know who I am.
Its so weird because whenever I see post op trans guys I get this horrid horrid feeling of jealousy in my gut like "I fucking want that" but on the other side Ive lost any and all hope of ever starting transition because Im stuck in a non supportive household with no money and an insurance that will cover next to none of those medical bills and Ive basically given up at even trying at this point. Meanwhile the transgender system in my country is so fucked that it can take up to 2, 3 or even 4 years before even starting medication because you get put on an insanely long waiting list and need to get forced gender therapy.
And not only that but the regret rate of post op trans people is so fucking huge I dont want to change my body only for it to turn out it didnt help my mental state at all and making an abomination of myself that cant revert back!
I only know I dont like being referred to as she, or any other girly nicknames. But really wtf does that mean. I have hormone problems and need to sort it out but with what support and money?
Im so tired Im so done Im so sick of myself I want it all to just stop. Why cant I just be normal.
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trentsleatherboots · 5 years ago
Its nearing 2 AM, I walk downstairs to get one last drink before going to sleep. I make my way down as quietly as I can to not wake the rest of the house with its aweful creaking. I get to the kitchen and turn on the light.
I jump.
Right there, in the middle of the kitchen floor, sits a frog.
Quite a big one as well. The back door was open so it must've jumped in for some reason.
Apparently I spooked it as much as it spooked me because it sat up straighter, waiting to pounce.
I lightly poke at it with my foot and it skedaddled right out of the door towards its little home in the bushes in my yard.
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trentsleatherboots · 5 years ago
Yo when I say no thinspo/depression/s-lfh-rm do not interact in my bio I meant that. If you only post ab that kind of stuff I dont even want you following me. That shit is extremely toxic for me and can cause some people to relapse (aka me)
Unless I deliberately choose to follow u:
Read my fucking bio.
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trentsleatherboots · 5 years ago
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trentsleatherboots · 5 years ago
I've been living of water and cereal the past week.
Life's just peachy
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