fisherwill · 10 years
truedean >>>> jensentrash
sorry i couldnt not do it
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ragesam · 10 years
Hey so would any of my artistically gifted friends be willing to make a December botm graphic thingie?
It doesn't have to be anything too complex, but a pretty font would be rad
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acklestrash · 10 years
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drunkdean-blog · 10 years
 hey guys i'm so sorry i haven't been active these past few weeks. i've just started high school and i just really haven't had time to reblog and queue things on my blog. i still love you guys so very much and i've been a complete asshole for not announcing my sudden leave but i'm not sure if i'm coming back yet. if anyone would be willing to blog sit for me me while i decide what my plan is for this blog i would really appreciate it. I haven't even done my celebration for 1k and i really can't thank you all enough because i never though i would ever, ever get this far. I'm a horrible person but i really love you so much i've just been too busy and tired from school. i'm so surprised that more of you haven't unfollowed me but i completely understand if you want to or already have because i've been shitty recently. thank you so much for everything and if any of you would be willing to blog sit please message me it would mean the world for me. i love you all so much and i'm so sorry i've just abandoned you. 
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fisherwill · 10 years
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gadreil · 10 years
celebration promo!
because my sideblog just reached 100 followers!
also I’m taking a day of school tomorrow!
and if that’s not reason enough to celebrate idk
go follow me and/or my sideblog
reblog this post
and you’re done!
probably ends sometime tomorrow
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jensenackle · 10 years
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'why didn't you go with something endverse-related?' that is the question (credit)
  ↪ rules
must be following this jerk 
check out my beautiful july botm ♥
reblogs only, likes don’t count as an entry
reblog until august 1st
1-2 winners + 2-3 runner-ups
no polls
winners announced on the first week of august, i swear
must reach at least 50 notes c:
  ↪ winners will receive
+ follow from me (if not already)
a link in my sidebar/updates tab for the entire month
promo whenever you want + inclusion in every promo that i do
my friendship forever (not negotiable)
also my undying love and adoration
help with whatever you need
new; a spot in my hall of fame forever
  ↪ what i'm looking for
fandom blogs ((supernatural, mostly))
awesome, clean themes
cool urls
amazing posts
nice & friendly bloggers (important!!)
some what a tagging system
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acklestrash · 10 years
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userobiwan · 10 years
hey guys i'm pretty close to my next thousand so i was wondering if you could vote to help me decide how to celebrate?
clickity click click
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powdereddean · 10 years
pls talk to me i am very lonely
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gadreil · 10 years
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IT’S CHRISTMAS TIME! in my opinion the best time of the year, I mean you get snow, warm jumpers, tea, biscuits, hot chocolate, presents and all the other christmassy stuff. so I’ve decided to organize a secret santa! this is my first time doing this so it might be chaotic at times but I’ll try to give it my best.
how can you participate?
it’s not a must, but it would be nice if you followed santa claus
reblog this post 
you can like to bookmark but it won’t count as entering
make sure your ask box is open and also that people will be able to send you messages anonymously otherwise this won’t work
what will happen then?
once you have entered I’ll choose another person whose secret santa you’ll be
I’ll try to match everyone up with people who have a somewhat similar blog, so that it’s easier to talk
you’ll get a message with the url of that person probably around the last week of november
the game will officially start on the 1st of december
what will you have to do?
throughout the month of december you’ll simply have to write to the person whose url you get 
you don’t have to send them super fancy stuff everyday (although you’re welcome to do so aswell)
just sent them nice little messages every other day that’s all but make sure you sent them anonymously, so that you can stay the secret santa
and then on christmas day you can reveal yourself!!
what else should you know?
you don’t have to be any particular type of blog to enter. wether you post fandoms, books, art or porn, you are all welcome!
only enter if you’re really willing to oull this off, I don’t want anyone being sad because they don’t receive any messages from their secret santa
you can track the tag ‘the secret santa army' to see any updates or further information
if you have any more questions don’t hesitate to ask me
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jensenackle · 10 years
hiatus notice
just wanted to let you all know that i'm going on a full-hiatus until tuesday 22th because i have 2 huge tests coming up. i'm so lazy and i love procrastinating stuff (specially when it comes to not studying history, of all things) but this time i really really need to study, and internet is just so distracting. i don't wanna go back to that frustrating and stressing place i was on february, so this time, i need to concentrate for real. my winter break ends on the 23th (sadly) and i go back to school on the 24th, so i'll probably go back to my permanent semi-hiatus after this.
i don't think i'm going to desperately need a blogsitter, but if any of you volunteers to blogsit for me, then i'd be more than glad. my queue runs 24/7, like always. i'm gonna check my inbox, if you wanna talk to me, then you can always send me a message. i think that's it? well thank you for reading, wish me good luck, and i hope you have a wonderful week! c:
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acklestrash · 10 years
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userobiwan · 10 years
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Since I haven't done one in months (: 
mbf this nerd (hint it's me)
reblog this post, likes do not count so don't do it.
i mean u can like the post to bookmark if u want i'm not gonna tell u how to live ur life qtpie it just won't count as an entry
this post must reach at least 40 notes or it goes away
remember to smile cause u look hella cute
winners/runners up chosen on August 1
One winner with two or three runners up depending on notes
What I'm Looking For: 
fandom blog (multifandom is fine)
groovy mutations URL
cute as heck posts
adorable blogger
your soul
Winner/Runners Up Get:
a follow from me if not already
solo promo for the winner and a group promo for the runners up
spots in my updates tab for a whole month
basically promos whenever you want to 3.9k followers (:
i'll write you fics or make you playlists if you want!
i think that's it! just message me if you have any questions (: 
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drunkdean-blog · 10 years
hey i made a supernatural family
i made a supernatural family (bc i'm seeing other people's families and i'm jealous) 
so basically 
following me would be really cool 
reblogging this would also be really cool because i want people to enter but not required at all ;) 
and message me with who you'd like to be!  
here is the list of characters!
and blacklist "natasha's spn family" if you don't want to see the posts
also I might not be doing them all for the next few hours because i'm still using my mom's computer and it's really hard to do on the ipad but I'll definitely do them by tomorrow :) 
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powdereddean · 10 years
like this if u would enter if i did a blograte thing
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