powdereddean · 8 years
i! dont know who i am! who the fuck am i!!! what the fuck do i want to do in life!!! what are even my own interests besides the things i cling to!!! i dont know !!!!
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powdereddean · 8 years
The Signs as Strange Shit Found in Space
Taurus: Galactic Cannibalism; where galaxies literally devour each other. Those savages.
Gemini: Gliese 581 c; May be a candidate for future colonization. Only thing is that one side will melt your face off and the other will freeze you to death :). But there is a little strip in the middle that is a-okay. 
Cancer: Universe’s largest water reservoir; contains 140 trillion times more water than Earth, makes a kick-ass water slide. Also a big ass black hole :/ 
Leo: The Diamond Planet; pretty self-explanatory, worth 29.2 nonillion dollars. Take that Bill Gates. 
Virgo: The Cold Star; thinks its the shit, really aint. Our sun is hot af and this star is only 80 degrees. That’s a regular day in LA basically. 
Libra: El Gordo Galaxy; Spanish for “the fat one”. Has a lot of galaxies in there.
Scorpio: The Planet of Burning Ice; its literally an ice ball that is literally on fire. 
Sagittarius: Sagittarius B2; basically a fucking huge cloud that is “a giant river of raspberry-flavored rum” 
Capricorn: Dark Energy; we don’t know what the fuck it is that’s why its called “dark” energy. it’s making the universe expand faster. how? we don’t know. just does its own thang. 
Aquarius: White Holes; the opposite of black holes, may be the key to time travel. Only exists in theory. 
Pisces: Pillars of Creation; makes little star babies (✿◠‿◠) 
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powdereddean · 8 years
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So you really came out, huh?
Doesn’t mean I’m gonna wear a fucking dress or anything.
Nobody fucking asked you to. Though you do have really nice legs.
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powdereddean · 8 years
I’ve already talked about Jared at Minncon, but now i wanted to talk about something I noticed about Jensen (I’ll still make my Minncon post when my trip is over).
So, Sunday morning after gold panel it was time for Jensen’s op as usual. I noticed that he wasn’t too talkative and wasn’t smiling much. He was just taking the pictures and keeping it to himself. Maybe he was tired from all the bochee or he was upset about the shit that went down at the hotel earlier, i don’t know. But he wasn’t interacting much. So I went, took my pic with him and left. Right after, it was time for the J2 op. And when I entered the room again, I found another Jensen.
This Jensen, only half an hour later, was smiling, talking to fans, making jokes. It was like he was a different person. And there’s only one possible thing responsible for that: Jared.
I always knew that Jensen changes when Jared is around, it’s like he feels safe with him there, but now I could see it firsthand. It’s like a switch is flipped when Jared is with him, he lightens up and there’s a different shine in his eyes. It was the most awesome thing I’ve ever seen.
I cemented that theory during autos, he was by himself and not interacting much with anyone again (unlike Jared) and now I know for sure Jensen is really shy and feels much more comfortable when Jared is around. HEY CREATION how about you put those two together at the table for autos please? It would be the best.
Anyways just wanted to share this, how I got to see first hand how close these two people are and how jared helps jensen come out of his shell. I can’t love those two more if I tried.
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powdereddean · 8 years
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Prove it, Jensen. 
Also I feel like there’s a subtle dig at Arrow in there. (X)
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powdereddean · 8 years
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Actual Five Years Old (x)
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powdereddean · 8 years
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powdereddean · 8 years
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powdereddean · 8 years
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jensenackles #olympics #goworld
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powdereddean · 8 years
Your Own personsal sub-genre:
The last thing you ate followed by “-punk”
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powdereddean · 8 years
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In a general sense, I’m always most interested and find myself most affected by the nonverbal moments between the two of them. —I think you need two people in these roles who can express things with just a look. To me, those are always the most powerful moments: seeing the swirl of emotions in either of these two guys at the end of a scene, knowing all the things that are going through their heads and hearts, those are always the ones that land on me the best. — Shameless’ executive producer, Etan Frankel
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powdereddean · 8 years
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sam was busy studying then dean woke up and demanded pie and coffee
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powdereddean · 8 years
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powdereddean · 8 years
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jensen and his cute expressions (◠‿◠✿)
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powdereddean · 8 years
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powdereddean · 8 years
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powdereddean · 8 years
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