voxmxchina · 5 years
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Searching for the answer buried in his heart, Thinking, is there anybody out there?
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beekeepercain · 8 years
The bar is quiet at this time of the day; only a few patrons sit here and there, most of them drinking coffee instead of alcohol. It suits Gadreel, the quiet, the dimly lit atmosphere and the comforting murmur of traffic outside. He doesn't feel trapped here, but neither does he feel exposed: it's a good little hiding hole for him to disappear in and spend the day, maybe a bit of the evening as well, watching the tables slowly fill up as the sun goes down. At night, he prefers his small apartment with the balcony door wide open to let in the city's sounds and the cooling air, even though this far south, it never gets cold, not even during the winter months. All in all, he's quite satisfied with his lot in life, even if it's nothing like he thought it would be. He's no longer an angel - literally, after burning away his grace to save his friend in a last desperate attempt at redemption, which has slipped away from his hands and now landed him in this strange human-like existence. He'll never be one of them, but it hardly depresses him: he enjoys watching more than participating, anyway. And bartending, well, it's what his vessel did. It seems as if those skills remained within the vessel even after Gadreel's existence melted into oneness with it. He's good at it. He likes being good at something, at least.
Gadreel barely raises his gaze when a familiar stranger enters the bar. With a hood covering his face, he could be just about anyone, if not for the faintest glow that resonates with something almost completely buried inside Gadreel's core, and it's that glow which makes him take a second glance. He watches the male move towards him, and their eyes suddenly meet: within them, the distinctive glimmer of grace still shimmers, and it's obvious that they've met before.
A devilish little smirk crosses the angel's features as he seats himself on a stool before Gadreel.
"Make me something sweet," he says and spreads some money over the counter.
( AO3 )
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stolenimpala · 9 years
i got a giraffe onesie compliment promos
i feel like it’s been five thousand years since i’ve interacted with anyone so yeah. i tried to come up with a creative title :’) but literally i got the onesie as a xmas present from my bff and i want to die it is beautiful never taking it off
mbf moi
reblog so angels are watching over you
list promo w/ compliments beside your url :) 
ends whenever
happy holidays~
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symphorine · 9 years
Hi, so you might have noticed that tumblr user kevinfreakingsolo’s blog is gone.
She didn’t just up and leave us all, but she got a warning for spam, and then her account was deleted for being the source of spam, according to the answer she got when she asked for explanations.
Now we’re pretty sure she didn’t spam anyone, but she did use both times this website (dev.goose.im/tags.goose.im) to replace tags just before getting the warning and having her account deleted, and unless it’s a crazy coincidence, it’s possible using it makes whatever the staff uses to detect spam think you’re spamming, so I’d advise not using it.
kevinfreakingsolo isn’t planning on recreating an account, since she doesn’t feel like starting from scratch and rebuilding her blog (and the lack of helpfulness of staff wouldn’t make me want to come back either to be honest), so you probably won’t see her again, sorry!
(I’ll be happy to relay any question or message you want to give her!)
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blueskysammy · 9 years
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Spn Hiatus Creations  // Week 4
Sam Winchester
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voxmxchina · 5 years
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spn meme: four objects [2/4]    ↳Impala
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stolenimpala · 9 years
promo because i’m getting handcuffed tonight!!!!!!
i’m going to an escape room (you get locked into a themed room and have to find clues to get out in a certain amount of time) tonight and i’m so excited! our room is called The Hangover and we start by, well, getting handcuffed to a chair lol 
mbf this giraffe enthusiast 
rebloggy plz (so you don’t get handcuffed for real)
random screenshot promos along with list promos
looking to follow some great blogs <3 <3 
ends tomorrow morning 
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Hey guys remember that Tahmoh's birthday is on May 20th so we should all wish him a happy birthday because we won't be doing anything else because nothing else happened on May 20th. Lol, that would be crazy could you imagine something else happening, especially if it was LAST YEAR! Crazy I know. Nothing (except Tahmoh's birth) has ever happened on May 20th.
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idijt-blog · 10 years
ONLY 15 DAYS TILL MY BIRTHDAY so imma do a promo 
mbf this spring duckling
reblog this (likes won't enter you #sorrynotsorry)
You can check out my personal blog or my instagram if you want to
Ends tomorrow (3/11) either when I wake up (8:00AM MST) or when I get home from school (10:30PM MST)
I love all you little chickadees :) 
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daddypadackles · 10 years
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gif request meme: lehviathans asked supernatural + favorite villain →  Crowley
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blueskysammy · 10 years
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roxyandelsewhere · 10 years
Apparently this blog turns 2 today so in honor of that, to do something to celebrate:
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castiel graphics challenge round nine- march 2015. [i recycled an old graphic for this sorryy]
how to participate
reblog this post until march 1st
follow the challenge’s blog.
message me with “i participate in cgc” (you won’t be accepted otherwise)
important: i will reply to each message with “accepted”. if you do not receive the reply, send the message again. these replies will be separate messages, not an answer to those you sent.
you must have a gif/edit/graphic tag, whatever you make with ps
between march 2 and 3 i will answer to your message sending you your prompt and partner (so that i’m not on ask limit)
make a graphic before the end of march.
tag your post with #casgc. tag your partner, and put the link to your challenge, prompt and the urls of you and your partner in your caption.
message me if you’re going to be late or drop out.
don’t know how graphics / captions are supposed to look? visit the blog
graphics will be reblogged immediately after they’re seen, not like previously in pairs
if you’re not on time and don’t message me you will be banned from the challenge permanently.
if you’re 100% sure you’ll make it and up for making a second graphic for someone who drops out, include “willing to pinch hit" in the message you send me.
if you meet all the criteria but don’t receive the prompt and partner, message me. tumblr malfunctions sometimes
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jensenackle · 10 years
promo ~
because i haven't done one in ages
must be following me
reblog this post
some +f because my dash is slow
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beekeepercain · 8 years
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Gadreel.             On Society6.
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stolenimpala · 9 years
blog compliments+music stuff
mbf moi
reblog this post AND ALSO CHECK OUT THE LAME GRAPHIC I MADE (because i’m thirsty af)
tell me a song you really love and i’ll tell you one of mine and promptly shower you with nice things uwu
must reach 3 notes, my standards aren’t really high sooooo...
also i’m 20 away from my next thousand ;)
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