sleepywinchesters · 9 years
URL Drabbles
Friendly reminder that I’m doing URL drabbles as I approach 100k posts. Shoot me an ask here
You don’t have to be following me but it’s cool if you are
If it’s a nonfandom URL please be specific if you want a certain pairing or fandom
Reblog this post because exposure
Remember I have a running list of these so it may take a while to get to you.
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theeternalghost · 9 years
New game on the other server since ours crapped out. 
Same password: hellatus. 
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followdelight · 9 years
Okay so. I'm gonna actually try to graduate to being a 'real' writer (whaaaat?) and like, write a fic that's actually more than 1k. And is actually beta'd. But to do so I actually need a beta. Now, mind you, I've never had a beta reader before so this prospect stresses me out some. And I genuinely don't know how receptive I will be to constructive criticism. But I feel like I'm never going to grow as a writer if I don't try. So. If anyone would be remotely interested in helping beta a Sam/Chuck story, please message me? And I can give you the basic premise. I'm not too far along so it might be a bit before you get anything from me but I would be forever indebted.
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theeternalghost · 9 years
Wanna play? Password is hellatus.
No ship, show, or actor hate please!
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followdelight · 9 years
Oh no.
I forgot the finale was tonight. Okay pigeons. If you're feeling like you might be in need of a little fluff tonight, I'll be taking fluffy prompts for little ficlets :) just send me a ship and a short premise (1-2 words) and I'll spend tonight writing! xoxo
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peterparker-one · 10 years
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How to Enter:
Must be following this dork
Reblog this post, likes for bookmarking but won't count as entries!
One winner will be selected, and three runner ups
Ends February 28th, winners announced early March 
What I'm Looking For:
All blogs are welcome, multi-fandom or not!
Unique and clean themes
Organised tagging system preferably 
Friendly and active bloggers definitely welcome
The winner will receive
A promo on announcement, and whenever they please throughout the month of March on request. 
A fanfic, graphic or fanmix on request
A spot on my updates tab
My friendship and love 5ever
Runners up will receive
A promo on announcement
A fanfic or fanmix on request
A spot on my updates tab
My friendship and love 5ever
Have an awesome month & reblog away!!
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riddleblack246 · 9 years
I’m about to head to class. Please send me any Supernatural, Kingsman, or TMFU head canons you’ve got.
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sleepywinchesters · 9 years
Headcanon Jam
Headcanon Jam tonight because reasons. 
Supernatural and Marvel
Any and all ships (esp femslash and polyships yeah?)
Specific questions, drabble prompts, favorites, meet-cutes, all of it okay
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brothersinsync · 10 years
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Supernatural Graphics Challenge:
brothersinsync vs. deansbeerbottle
prompt: Ed Zeddmore + 9.15 Thinman
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theeternalghost · 9 years
Who wants to play cards against before the finale? 
password: samndean
Note: Please no hate of any kind, be it ship, show, actor or otherwise. 
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riddleblack246 · 10 years
Need PMS Help
Okay, this is horrible. I got my period last night and usually it’s no biggie. Like, mild cramps, medium to heavy flow, headaches, nothing crazy-crazy. And I was fine last night at the movie and when I got home, but when I woke up this morning, I nearly threw up and have been crying most of the morning because these cramps are SO FUCKING BAD. The flow isn’t even that heavy, it’s just cramps. I can’t get in a comfortable position and I’m in the dark because my head hurts so bad. I was going to work to try and fix my computer some today, but even that feels like it’s too hard. Does anyone have any ideas on what I should do?
If not, please send dumb SPN or Kingsman messages my way and I will love you all so dearly.
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drunkdean-blog · 10 years
 hey guys i'm so sorry i haven't been active these past few weeks. i've just started high school and i just really haven't had time to reblog and queue things on my blog. i still love you guys so very much and i've been a complete asshole for not announcing my sudden leave but i'm not sure if i'm coming back yet. if anyone would be willing to blog sit for me me while i decide what my plan is for this blog i would really appreciate it. I haven't even done my celebration for 1k and i really can't thank you all enough because i never though i would ever, ever get this far. I'm a horrible person but i really love you so much i've just been too busy and tired from school. i'm so surprised that more of you haven't unfollowed me but i completely understand if you want to or already have because i've been shitty recently. thank you so much for everything and if any of you would be willing to blog sit please message me it would mean the world for me. i love you all so much and i'm so sorry i've just abandoned you. 
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sleepywinchesters · 9 years
CAH game here
Password: winstucky
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theeternalghost · 10 years
Well, I'm going to be home (like place where the parents live home) around 8 or 9 MDT tonight and will be there until sometime Sunday afternoon. So...I'm gonna take prompts over at my sideblog, that way I have something to do this weekend.
I strongly recommend that you include ship + genre/kink or you're probably going to get Wincest and the genre/kink of my choice. Further information here in regards to prompts.
Also, dear multi- and rare-pair shipping friends, the SPN Rare OTP Fic-A-Month Challenge has started posting this month's fics, so you can check those out here. Femslash, Poly, and Het ships have gone/are going up, and Slash ships go up tomorrow.
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followdelight · 10 years
New Year's Blog Compliments!
Darlings.  I have been remiss in doing nice things for you all for a while, and I've got no plans this evening, so here's the deal:
- Must be following me - Reblog or like this - Send me an ask with one of your New Year's Resolutions! (or a '<3' if you don't make them, or don't want to share :)) - In return you will get a compliment on your blog!  And some enthusiastic support for whatever your resolution is!!
All will be tagged 'blog compliments for ts.'
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