#jenn tran
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archivist-goldfish · 3 months ago
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chmerkovskiyvalentin · 4 months ago
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drawyourblankas · 3 months ago
Draw your characters like this
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**To be very clear, the people in these photos are actual real-life people with their own lives and when I tag the post as both besties pose option and/or OTP pose option, I'm talking about the pose only and am not shipping the real-life people!
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jamiehayterz · 4 months ago
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Jenn Tran and Sasha Farber
Disney Week
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always-rolling-my-eyes · 4 months ago
Jenn: I got broken up with a national television
Stephen (Laughing): That really sucks, I’m sorry
I am 🤣
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zmazingzoe · 6 months ago
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Me @ Devin watching the bachelorette finale
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my-unwanted-comentarry · 4 months ago
Ok, final thoughts: as I have been hinting, I was watching this with a friend, and we’ve been talking about it, sorry it’s late,
What the actual heck was going on with Carrie Ann tonight. Like, she was giving wild scores. How did chandlers not get a ten. I was a Carrie Ann apologist before this, but idk. Ilona deserved higher over all, but like, was it like a production thing that Chandler can’t get a perfect ten this early?
It should not have been Jenn, it should have been either Dwight, bachelor or football. (I’m so sorry, I cannot tell them apart/ remember their names, I’m really not trying to be disrespectful)
I was honestly shocked it was Jenn, she deserves better. I think this show was really an outlet for her working though some stuff. I’m now waiting for the bombshell about whether the showmance was real or not. I’m leaning towards they are good freinds, but idk.
I wish Jenn the best, she was truly iconic. 🫶🏻
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probablymoons · 4 months ago
Strobe warning for end ⚠️
Jenn Tran and pro Sasha Farber perform a Contemporary dance to “vampire” by Olivia Rodrigo. [src]
on a slightly lighter note, i still can't believe she got sent home after this. didnt even know who she was, like its wild that she is not a professional dancer
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between-the-pages-ofa-book · 4 months ago
There is absolutely no way Jenn should be going home right now. And it definitely should not have come down to Chandler, Stephen, and Jenn at all.
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lifewouldbebetteronmars · 3 months ago
Ugh Jenn’s costume is so pretty I love it
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skyhawkstragedy · 4 months ago
as soon as they announced Ilona being safe I knew Jenn was a goner 🫣
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chmerkovskiyvalentin · 3 months ago
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drawyourblankas · 1 month ago
Draw your characters like this
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destinyc1020 · 6 months ago
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I wholeheartedly agree! 🙏🏾
They did that poor woman so wrong 😔
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dwtsfun · 5 months ago
Dancing with the Stars Season 33 Week 2: Sending Off an Ingrate and a Shocker
Work is still awful, but I need to come on here to talk to you all about the show this week. A lot happened and we need to discuss. I'm gonna rank the stars based on my enjoyment of each performance (mostly) combined with how I feel they may fare with votes. But before that, let's address the elephant in the room. That elimination. So first of all, I was SHOCKED to see Tori Spelling out in the first week. Was she amazing? No. But I think she did enough to cement a third week. I guess I underestimated the fact that she seems to be really disliked. Because between being a part of Beverly Hills 90210, being the daughter of Aaron Spelling and being constantly talked about for decades at this point, I thought she was gonna be around til week 5 at least. Y'all know it takes a lot to shock me with regard to this show. The double did her in and that's why I always hate double eliminations in week 1. It always takes out one person that maybe needs a little more time to get going. As for Anna? Well it was expected. What I wasn't expecting was her parting words. I feel for Ezra mostly, because that man was riding for her since the day he met her. He took amazing care of her and I know it was hard for him to see the heat she was taking. And you're telling me she couldn't even thank him for showing her that she was more than her crime. Or CAI who tried uplifting the past two weeks? What a waste. Even I didn't go in like I could've and really wanted to because I think people deserve a second chance after committing certain crimes (not drugging, murder, sexual assault, trafficking and your third time physically assaulting someone).She played in all of our faces. You know who I don't feel bad for? Conrad and the rest of the producers for DWTS. I said on twitter, "play stupid games, win stupid fucking prizes". She got on that show, on that platform that y'all gave her and bent over backwards to make it work for her, just for her to spit in your faces and tell y'all that y'all ain't shit, ain't been shit and will never be shit. And honestly, that's the one positive thing I can take from her response. Showing them that they are fools for casting her was great. Hate that this show has fallen so far that someone can say that and the show deserves it. Alright, let's get into these couples:
Top Four
Chandler and Brandon might be my favorite partnership in quite some time. They work well together. Chandler is an incredible dancer with the most gorgeous movement quality. And Brandon is creating some great dances. That was a beautiful rumba. I want them to go far. I think they can go far. I don't want another Tinashe situation to happen. But so far, they are doing exactly what they need to do.
Stephen and Rylee are super fun to watch together. They mesh well and Rylee is definitely choreographing some good numbers that showcase Stephen extremely well. I have a concern though. Stephen is a very awkward mover. That was super obvious in this paso. His hips and shaping looked strange. His footwork made me scratch my head. It was a little strange. His timing is still a bit off. He's got a lot of potential, but they really need to work on finetuning these dances. I can see this being a bigger problem in the more fluid Latin dances and the Argentine tango.
Ilona and Alan are just so much fun. I'm glad Ilona let her guard down a bit more this week. She wasn't moving as small in this salsa and really settled into and owned her sexy more. I love that Alan added a couple of lifts for her as it may have helped her feel more comfortable. She has a ton of potential too and I'm super excited to see their dances once she really lets loose. I actually feel like she might shine in a ballroom dance. I know they have that coming up next.
Dwight and Daniella actually did a great job with the foxtrot. Dwight really really wants to do well and you can tell. He is paying so much attention to the details. He connects his moves. He finishes his lines. And he really handles Daniella with so much care. Two things though. I know that the height difference definitely affects this, but he's gotta work on tucking his butt under him. Second is the footwork needs to be cleaned up.
Middle of the Pack
Joey and Jenna made a believer out of me this week. He is definitely one to watch for sure. He is charming. He seems to be a fast learner. He has great movement quality, especially for a man this early on in the competition. He's still gotta work on his hip action. It isn't natural. Once he get that figured out, I'm a little scared about how good those Latin dances will be. Because this rumba was really really nice.
Danny and Witney are my dark horses of the season. Danny is light on his feet and he stays on time (mostly). Witney is doing great choreography and his technique in this jive was great. I still want him to loosen up more, but I can tell that he made a big shift from week 1 to week 2 in comfortability and confidence. These two, as well as the 5 above them, have me super excited for this season. I can't remember the last time I was this genuinely excited for 6 different couples in one season.
Phaedra and Val are interesting to me. I don't think Phaedra is very good. And I don't think Val is choreographing to her dance strengths that well. That section of their foxtrot that was super fast exposed A LOT of Phaedra's technical setbacks. She was super hoppy. That said, I like their partnership. Phaedra is a larger than life personality, so she makes up for the lack of ability with her performance. I want Val to slow things down though. I think that would better suit her at this point.
Jenn and Sasha are an interesting couple. While Jenn handled some of the production issues like a pro, some of the choreographic choices were a choice. I do not understand why there was a cartwheel thrown into this dance. Or jumps and side by side choreography? I'm cool with that stuff being thrown into quicksteps, but a tango? Why? And why are we using these types of songs for tangos while we're at it? There are so many movies that have been nominated for Oscars that have actual tango music in them. Moulin Rouge comes to mind immediately. I feel like that could've forced Sasha to not make stupid choreography decisions. So this is what I'm going to say. Jenn is a good dancer. A lot of her undoing and early departure (because I'm feeling a "shocking" elimination from her) will be due to his choreography. Because again, why?
Bottom Three
So I'm just going to make this easy for these three. Eric and Reginald are both terrible. There's really not much that either Britt or Emma can do for either one of them at this point. They really won't get all that much better, if at all. In fact, I can see both of them getting worse as the season goes on. The one thing I can say is that they both improved this week.
Brooks and Gleb are interesting. Brooks is good. But that quickstep was not it and Gleb is relying way too much on this STUPID SHOWMANCE that they keep trying to shove down our throats. We're TIRED! It sickens me to my core. The fact that Derek clocked that they did a tango hold instead of the correct hold lets me know exactly where his priorities are. So I say that it's time for us to take a stand. We have to stand against showmances on this show. We gotta let these folks know that we are TIRED. We are not stupid. You cannot play us for fools. I'm ready for them to GO!
So that's it. No show this week. Two shows next Monday and Tuesday. Let me know your thoughts and I will talk to you all soon.
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always-rolling-my-eyes · 5 months ago
Ok, I loved that. Jenn moved and looked amazing
And honestly, that’s one of the best dances I remember Sasha choreographing in a very long time
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