#jendrush sept
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aaaand his other versions <3
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#swtor#bounty hunter#cathar#faun#mermaid#role reversal au#modern au#apocalypse au#fantasy au#mermaid au#void attempts art#voids ocs#hunter!jen#oc: jen sept#oc: jensen sept#oc: jendrush
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ok because I'm gonna run out of tag space trying to do it there, I'll put it below the read more! >:D
ok so first of all, it's not uncommon for me to use either SWTOR's or the Star Wars Fantasy Name Generator thingy to get some ideas. once I see some I like, I'll then proceed to dissect the name, piece it together with other sounds/spellings, until I get something I finally like (yes I've taken anywhere from like five minutes to over an hour to figure out a name before)
I also Really like using "V" in names, which might be obvious oops
Varrich Tophrik : I knew I wanted his first and last name to have a similar sound. I also knew I wanted his last name to sound like something that could have been a working class name - so I eventually ended up settling on "phrik" since it's a type of metal in Star Wars. I was kinda like "okay, he's got ancestors who were metalworkers," and the "to" was added over time, partially because just Phrik sounded odd, partially because I wanted it to look like a more believable name to have changed over time. the pronunciation adjusted over time, from "too" to more like... uh, like Toph's name in Avatar, idk how I'd write the pronunciation out. and from there, I played with what letters I could put in front of '-rik' to make a first name, adjusted it to '-rich' but still pronounced with a K, and eventually came up with Varrich
Synnda V'ehsz : I wanted a gentle giant of a Jedi with a name that could be kinda scary to juxtapose his nature, so I used SWTOR's randomizer for a while until something with "sin" in it popped up. then I started playing with the spelling and changing bits. hence Synnda and his boyfriends both usually call him Syn. his last name didn't come until Much later (OG Synnda file only had the first name), when I was trying to figure out what to make my Legacy Name. idk where V'ehsz came from, but as soon as I thought of it I Loved it and it didn't take long to Also make it Synnda's last name
Cathar in general : so, I've done A Lot of worldbuilding on the Cathar ok so like. I started thinking "how would their naming conventions work hmmm" while kinda throwing canon out the window I think. anyway, I liked the idea that their first names tend to be longer, 2+ syllables, and might be a bit tricky to pronounce, with some being almost impossible to pronounce right by species that don't growl as a part of their language. whereas their last names are almost always really short and easy to pronounce, often just 1 syllable - though 2 isn't unheard of, just uncommon. so my Cathar have names like:
-Liolana Vetiko - unusual surname, it's longer than most. but it's easier and faster to pronounce than her first name still -Jendrush Sept -Ve'ren Alvihr - another 2-syl last name, but again it's easy to pronounce. her first name is really hard to pronounce right as it requires a growl where the apostrophe/R is, so she actually goes by her last name instead -Kidak Hess - kEEdahk, with the EE being very quiet growl-y sound -Xandosc Tsill -Lucella Sept -Tetriza Sept
Rediaex'aere'zortiea : so for Chiss in general, I come up with the core name first, then build the rest of the name around it. his name so far holds the record for longest to come up with (ironic, considering it's also longest name I have so far). after playing with letters and spellings for a while, I really liked Xaerez as a core name. then I slowly built the first part of their name, then the last part, kept adjusting letters and sounds, and I knew I wanted a silent letter in there (idk why, I just did). so "zortiea" is actually pronounced "zotay-ah" because I decided on a silent R. ...and then I realized that the name I came up with was too long for the character creator 😂 so I spent another ten minutes or so trimming it down to get what it is now- the name limit was fairly recently expanded by a few spaces, but even with that I would have trimmed my original plan down. I think it was something along the lines of Redaienax'aere'zortenale??? it was something like that I didn't save it anywhere, but I do like the final version better
I'll stop there jakl;sjalkd
why'd you choose your oc's name?
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Jen Sept
Full Name: Jendrush Sept
Prefers: Jen, Captain
Gender: Cis man (he/him)
Faction: Neutral (Republic bias) -> Alliance
Rank: Freelance Smuggler -> Republic Privateer -> Alliance Privateer
Aliases: Captain, Voidhound (boyfriend jokingly calls him “Voidcat”)
In-Game Class: Smuggler - Dirty Fighting Gunslinger
Playlist: Personal playlist / ship playlist
Physical + Mental
Species: Cathar
Height: 5′ 11″ (180 cm)
Hair Color: Black
Fur Color: Gray, black, silver-white
Eye Color: Yellow
Notable Features:
-Hair always in a ponytail.
-No tail.
-Often grinning.
-Likes to paint his claws.
Scars: Base of spine scarred from having tail cut off. Scar across right eye. Missing a patch of fur on ribs. Other various scars across body.
Personality: Arrogant, Impulsive, Immature, Loyal, Sympathetic, Optimistic
Type: ESFP (“Entertainer”)
-Natural leader.
-Quick thinker.
-Quickdraw + good aim/eyesight.
-Doesn’t play fair/good at getting the upper hand
-Doesn’t think things through.
-Mouthy - it can bite him in the ass.
Fears: Dying, pain, slavery
Disabilities/Disorders: ADHD
Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Pan
Status: Dating
Boyfriend: K’hedif
Parents: Tetriza (mother) & Lucien (father) Sept - deceased
Siblings: Milthe (sister) & Forah (brother) Sept - they were triplets, statuses unknown
Children: Jessi & Jeva Toklar and Liakige Harren (adoptive)
Usual Attire: Leatheris jackets and pants, scarves, fingerless gloves, comfy boots.
Weapon of Choice: Duel wields blaster pistols
Home: Star Hopper
Place of Birth: Aboard the Star Hopper, Unknown Regions
Favorite Color: Blue
Pets: None
Born and raised on the Star Hopper along with his siblings, one could argue Jen was born to be a smuggler and any other life would have never fit him. He embraced the life he was raised into and was taught to pilot Hopper from a young age. After their parents’ deaths, the triplets were left on their own where they continued smuggling operations for a time--however, they’d started to butt heads without a mediator, and their operations fell to the wayside when arguments would break out between them.
After dodging a payment to the Hutt Cartel, the triplets were hunted down. Jen managed to escape--losing his tail in the process--but his siblings were both captured and sold into slavery. To this day, he keeps an eye out for them but has lost hope in ever finding them again.
Jen continued operations as a one-man crew for many years, with Corso being the first person in a long time who’d worked with him. His crew grew substantially over the course of a year or two--from a Wookiee, to a Mandalorian, to a Sith Pureblood who’d fled the Empire and the two children he’d adopted on the streets of Nar Shaddaa, to a cranky Bothan who was a retired bounty hunter.
From one-man crew who didn’t want to work with anyone, to a large crew he started to see as family, it came to a point Jen couldn’t understand how he’d been able to stand being alone for so long--his crew is his family, now. He fell in love with K’hedif, and embraced the fact he had kids with open arms. Jessi, Jeva, and later a Sith apprentice they rescued named Liakige, are all Jen’s kids as far as he’s concerned.
Jen goes through the class story with the intentions of helping the Republic where possible while still remaining as independent as he can. Come the expansions, he’s part of the goings-on to varying levels. On Makeb, he was sick of all the waiting around for a plan and often led the charges for the isotope and whatnot. Whereas, for SOR, he was more in the background, with he and Jakarro bombing things in tandem with their respective ships.
Into KOTFE, he briefly takes his crew underground so he can figure out how to get around the blockade on Coruscant, then proceeds to run supplies to worlds in need. When Hylo reaches out needing smugglers for the Alliance, Jen isn’t long to take his crew and join up to work for it, and continues doing so after Valkorian is defeated.
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oh, Jen....
I’m not sure why you were expecting a cocky smuggler to apologize, Rogun
#star wars the old republic#star wars#swtor#swtor screenshots#smuggler#showoff#jendrush sept#jen's attitude resulted in having to fight lots of people#risha wasn't pleased
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More Cathar Stuff
*disclaimer: most of this is headcanon, I'm throwing some of the canon out the window bc Cathar have so little info
because my old post on Cathar is a little outdated now, I made some massive edits to it (linked in anatomy section), and also decided to expand on stuff I've never really talked about
here's a new one on my Cathar Worldbuilding™️ because that name post got me in A Mood and that mood is for cool cat people
Naming Conventions
Cathar typically have long first names, at 2+ syllables in almost all cases, though some may use shortened nicknames. Those names can be difficult to pronounce for species who don't growl as a part of their language; while not all will have growling as part of their first name, it's not an uncommon thing, either. First names can sound harsh, with hard consonants or letter combinations. Some first names include:
-Lucella, shortens to Luci -Liolana, shortens to Leo -Ve'ren -Jendrush, shortens to Jen -Xandosc -Tetriza, shortens to Riza -Nylvash
Their last names are often very short and easy to pronounce, with 1 or maybe 2 syllables. Longer names are often the result of either the slavery their ancestors endured when the Mandalorians invaded their home planet, or that they married into non-Cathar families. Some surnames include:
-Tsill, pronounced "sill" like a windowsill -Sept -Hess -Alvihr, a little long, but only 2-syllable and easy to pronounce -Vetiko, long compared to most, origin unknown but likely related to Mandalorian invasion of Cathar -Jo'll
Cathar usually only have two-part names: a first name and a surname. Only those raised by non-Cathar, or Cathar who picked up on other naming conventions, will have things like middle names or two last names.
Apostrophes, when the name is translated to Basic from Catharese, are used to help signify where a growl is meant to be. Ve'ren Alvihr has a very obvious growl that makes her first name impossible for a non-growling species to pronounce it correctly. Whereas Kidak Hess technically has a growl on the I (pronounced kEEdahk), but because it still sounds accurate enough without the growl, the apostrophe wasn't used to signify its necessity.
Over many generations, Cathar anatomy and color patterns have evolved slightly. They all possess unusually long tails that were believed to be prehensile hundreds, if not thousands, of years or even generations ago. While their tails are a lot more dexterous than other tailed humanoids, most variants' aren't prehensile.
After the Mandalorians invaded Cathar, many of the species scattered to other worlds, and have adapted over time to new environments. Some Cathar have adapted to the point that in a few thousand more years they could become a separate species.
Go here for the different variants and their traits/adaptations
Their language, Catharese, is often difficult for other species to learn how to speak, even if they can learn to understand it.
The reason for this is that growling and hissing are common sounds in Catharese - and for species that can't do that, or only one or the other, their Catharese can end up sounding clunky and in some cases even unintelligible.
There's also two main dialects of Catharese - the commonly used/heard one, then that of the mountain variant, which is almost its own language entirely due to their seclusion.
Fun fact: it's not uncommon for Cathar and Trandoshans to learn one another's languages! Both of them are so used to other species either not wanting to speak their language, or just straight up being unable to that it's become a point of comradery between the two. Their hissing/growling isn't Quite the same, so some things sound a little clunky, but they will often learn each other's and willingly speak the other species' in conversation.
Culture & Tradition
...Varies massively not just between variants, but also individual families. Because their numbers scattered all over the galaxy, many of which due to slavery or escaping it, many families ended up developing their own cultures either unique to them, or inspired by those already around them. Because this section could become impossibly long, I'll just give some examples using my own Cathar OCs.
Xandosc Tsill comes from a wealthy family. For him, family heirlooms are Incredibly Important and treated with utmost care. His vibrosword was passed to him from his father, who got it from his father, and so on - it's been in his family for at least two hundred years. The Tsill family also take incredible pride in their appearances and home, which is a large stretch of land their ancestors stole back on Cathar. Coming-of-age celebrations were important to his family - one, when a kitten began speaking and walking; one, when they turned sixteen; and a final one when they found a partner and became engaged.
Jen, Luci, and Riza Sept come from a line of smugglers. Jen's parents (Luci and Riza's grandparents) weren't interested in the life their relatives had all lived as politicians or law enforcement, so they ran away together. The first Tetriza, Jen's mom and who his daughter Riza was named after, built the Star Hopper herself. Jen ended up with it, and eventually passes it on to his own kids; Hopper is incredibly important to the family, to the point that even thousands of years later, one of his ancestors steals it from the museum a previous relative had donated it to.
Liolana Vetiko, while she was raised by the Jedi so didn't really know what culture or traditions their single mother had, kept the beads and other decorations her mother had braided into her hair before sending her to the Jedi. The decorations are handmade, and they made a habit of making others themself. She ended up passing the craft to her girlfriend, who passed it to the daughter she has later, and from there it becomes a tradition for the family to make their own hair beads and such.
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just gonnaaaa...
drop these here 👀
say hello to "What If?" AU Jen - a bounty hunter doing whatever it takes to get by
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It's 1 in the morning and I should be sleeping but a headcanon punched me in the face and I need to write it down or its not gonna let me sleep
Excuse any errors I'm like half asleep and rambly but here's a Cathar headcanon
Cathar have a tendency to walk on their toes. Some do it more subtly with their heels barely off the ground while others literally end up looking a good few inches taller bc they REALLY walk on their toes
1) it results in Cathar, with or missing their tail, Force-sensitive or no, having incredible balance. Like...good luck pushing one over without being super forceful about it their balance is like scary good
2) they have incredible strength in their calves. Take a Cathar to a gym and have them do those leg lift thingies - they'll lift way more than it looks like they should be able to
3) other species HATE being lent a Cathar's shoes lol. With the way they walk, their shoes wear out in a weird way and are super uncomfortable at best and will make them roll their ankle at worst. Like, if you need to borrow a pair of boots you better hope the Cathar in your group isn't the only one to match your shoe size, it's that bad
Jen walks with his heel just above the ground, so it's not very noticeable with him. He had to borrow a pair of boots from Corso once. Since they weren't worn to how he walked, he ended up complaining the whole time about how uncomfortable they were.
Leo is the opposite: she very obviously walks on her toes. Her girlfriend tried to wear her boots once and about rolled her ankle within two steps.
Kidak walks somewhat between how the other two do.
All three of them hate hate hate when they need new shoes because it means they'll have to wear them in so they're actually comfy with the way they walk
#swtor#cathar#blitz rambles#blitz's ocs#jendrush sept#liolana vetiko#kidak hess#im goig to bed now gnight#jdsjjssk
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OC Inspirations
tagged by @raven-of-domain-kwaad thank you! had to consider it for a while but interesting to think about!
Tagging @thedinalixlegacy @shanfamilydrama and...whoever else wants to do it? :0 I’m not sure who hasn’t been tagged yet
What three fictional characters is your OC a combination of?
I’ll use Jen for this!
Character 1: Han Solo
Probably not surprising, but yeah!
Like Han, Jen is a hotshot, flirty pilot/smuggler who’s full of himself.
Jen is confident, he’s cocky, he thinks he’s about the most attractive guy in the galaxy and it takes a patient person to deal with him...
but also like Han, his friends are important to him and he’d do anything for them and his crew is his family. (plus, Smuggler has a Wookiee companion lol)
Character 2: Robin Hood (primarily, Disney’s animated Robin Hood)
He takes after his mom for this one.
Like Robin Hood, Jen takes advantage of the rich--stealing from them, tricking them, swiping stuff from right under their noses.
Now, Jen is greedy and likes to have wealth for himself, but he also tries to help the less fortunate and if he has a choice between giving someone in need something they desperately need or making money off of it, he’ll give it up in a heartbeat and be on his way.
Also foxes are catlike and Jen’s a Cathar which was just coincidence but still lol
Character 3: Tony Stark / Ironman
Attractive, charismatic, (eventually) rich? Yeah, I’ll admit it: Jen was somewhat inspired by Tony.
Also like Tony, Jen will use his wealth to help others. He might not make an amazing suit to save the day in, but he does try to help others and will be there to help when the galaxy’s in danger.
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Jen, you ass
that should not have made me laugh like it did
#star wars the old republic#star wars#swtor#swtor screenshots#smuggler#cathar#jendrush sept#showoff#i'm playing jen as light side#that Does Not mean he has to be nice tho#smug bastard
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World Building Wednesday for Jen? 👀
hehe thank you! :D
full name: Jendrush Sept (hates hates hates being called Jendrush tho)
gender: Cis man
sexuality: Pan
pronouns: He/him
family: K’hedif (boyfriend); Jessi & Jeva Toklar, Liakige Harren (adoptive kids); his crew. Parents (Lucien & Tetriza Sept) deceased, siblings’ (Milthe & Forah Sept) statuses are unknown
birthplace: The Star Hopper (the XS Freighter), Unknown Regions
job: Smuggler, Republic (later Alliance) privateer
phobias: Dying, pain, losing loved ones
guilty pleasures: Sweet/salty combos. Also, not necessarily a “guilty” pleasure, but he likes letting Jeva paint his claws
morality alignment?: Neutral good (I was. very surprised to get this result for him - chaotic good & neutral evil weren’t far behind, tho - I think having a greedy lawbreaker who also tries to help those in need effed with the results lol)
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
organized/disorganized: Organized chaos, more accurately. Go on his ship, and everything is in unlabeled, stacked crates, but he’ll know where everything is.
close minded/open-minded: Want someone who can think outside the box? Jen is your man.
calm/anxious: Depends on the situation. Usually he’s pretty calm/confident, but when things really start going downhill he’ll start to get nervous.
disagreeable/agreeable: Stubborn little shit. Getting in an argument with him is like trying to make a concrete wall move.
cautious/reckless: Let’s just say, Kitty must have an endless well of patience to be Jen’s medic.
patient/impatient: He can’t sit around waiting for stuff to happen. He’s gotta get right to the task at hand, ASAP.
outspoken/reserved: If he has something to say, he’s gonna say it. Whether he actually should or not. He’s got a mouth on him.
leader/follower: He’ll try to take change even in situations he’s not suited for. He doesn’t like to be a follower.
empathetic/unemphatic: This is the one that really messed with the alignment test lol. He’s greedy, he’s a lawbreaker...and then there’s his compassion and desire to help those in need because he has a strong sense of empathy for those in bad situations.
optimistic/pessimistic: He’s...kind of a weird combo of the two. Like...optimistic pessimism??? Okay I just looked it up and that actually is a thing and it fits him super well: He prepares for the worst, but is happy when things turn out. He also says things that can really contradict each other (”Oh, it’s just a [insert horrible thing they have little chance against]. We’ve got this!”)
otp: K’hedif
ot3: N/A
brotp: Bowdaar, Corso
notp: Akaavi (fun fact: in my original playthrough for him, he DID romance her, but I wasn’t fond of the chemistry between them and retconned it when I remade him)
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V’ehsz Legacy (Part 1)
I’ve started getting a lot of characters to keep track of, and I want something for them with really brief info instead of full bios (plus. the last one of these I made was messy and a pain to read through). This’ll help me keep track of everything and off a look at what my OCs are like!
Starting off with my main eight who follow their class storylines
Terrin - Synnda - Qizulth - Liolana - Azan - Jen - Azuma - Varrich
Part 2
(only Terrin, Synnda, Qizulth, and Varrich’s outfits shown above are finalized - other four are not and I’ll try to update this when they are)
For more in-depth information, there’s a link to my SWTOR characters in my bio. Going there will lead to a list, and the list contains links to their Toyhouse files (if they exist yet), and I’m slowly working on putting the detailed info there
This is subject to (likely minor) changes
Ar’eonis’terrinxx (“Terrin”) - She/her - Chiss - Bounty Hunter (Power Tech) & Outlander Random Pointless Fact: She has a headband that Blizz made her to help keep her hair out of her face when she has a helmet on. She always wears it if planning to wear her helmet, but sometimes she’ll wear it in her regular day-to-day to change things up a little. It’s very dear to her and she keeps it stored safely in a drawer when not wearing it.
Reckless, likes a challenge, temper laying at the end of a short fuse, and anyone who’s worked with or for her quickly discovers she isn’t one to sit still for long. She takes great pride in being Mandalorian, but her tendency to take challenges she probably shouldn’t makes her a handful and easily gets her into trouble. When sent on a mission with her, it’s wise to bring a fire extinguisher; she likes to set things ablaze. She’s the type who if told to use her head, would actually headbutt the thing before thinking of a better solution.
Rough around the edges and quick to speak her mind or blast a hole in something, she’s surprised people with how caring she can actually be. Family is extremely important to her, and when the galaxy comes under threat credits become the last thing on her mind. Terrifying Force shit she doesn’t understand threatens an entire planet or the whole damn galaxy? She’ll step between it and the innocent without second thought.
When Marr reached out from Wild Space, Terrin wasn’t the only one he contacted (Varrich and Azan were even en route!), but she was the only one to arrive in time to try and aid him when the Eternal Empire attacked his fleet--much to her frustration, that also meant she was the one to get Valkorian in her head. Upon becoming Alliance Commander, she made the difficult decision to leave behind bounty hunting for good so she could focus on what was really important, and has matured because of it.
...That doesn’t change the fact she’s still Mandalorian, though, and Lana has her work cut out keeping Terrin from trying to fight everything.
Synnda V’ehsz - He/him - Zabrak - Jedi Consular (Shadow) Random Pointless Fact: Broke two horns as a Padawan. His lightsaber had been knocked out of his hand and he was more or less pinned, so he tried to headbutt his opponent... Who was... Wearing armor... It wasn’t his brightest moment.
Always calm, keeping a level head regardless of the situation, able to diffuse even the tensest situations and often finding allies in unexpected places, Synnda could be considered the ideal Jedi and those who know him aren’t surprised he was named Barsen’thor. His seeming emotionless and flat voice can easily make him seem cold or distant or disinterested, however, and he has a hard time really connecting with people as a friend rather than a simple acquaintance. Upon being offered a Council position, he was hesitant to take it, though did accept.
He has great interest in other cultures and--especially--other languages and is always trying to learn what he can of them. So, while his tone may put someone off, his commonplace willingness to speak their language instead of Basic, and that he’ll show respect as is custom of their culture rather than of the Jedi, shows the type of person he really is when his voice has a hard time conveying it. He tries not to form too strong of attachments to others, even if those others happen to be friends, but has definitely become attached to his crew.
When Marr reached out from Wild Space, Synnda had been busy with the rebuilding efforts on Corellia and missed the call until it was already too late. When the Eternal Empire attacked, he helped a few small groups escape to Ossus before attacking the fleet himself. He ended up captured, and was kept in a prison on Zakuul, but broke out during the blackout caused by Terrin’s escape and later joined up with the Alliance.
Qizulth Verryn/Darth Nox - He/him - Twi’lek - Sith Inquisitor (Sorcerer) Random Pointless Fact: He and Talos will totally geek out over ancient temples together. He’d have a hard time admitting it aloud, but Talos is easily his closest/most trusted friend and Key is much more open with him than anyone else.
Impulsive, sarcastic and cocky, yet also always trying to prove himself and his abilities. He doesn’t let it show, but thanks to Harkun and growing up a slave, he feels the need to prove to others that he’s worth something and easily becomes frustrated with himself when he can’t. He has a habit of trying to be better than others, as well, so he makes a lot of enemies and isn’t exactly the best at making allies unless he does it through manipulation.
Before being taken to Korriban to become an acolyte, he’d always dreamed of the stars and exploring unknown places, enjoyed learning anything he could in what little free time he had. As Sith, he found excitement in ancient tombs and texts and artifacts, took great interest in learning about peoples and cultures from long before his time. It made him fitting to head the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge upon his defeat of Thanaton--and also brought him to have his strange little crew he actually cares a lot for but shh. He’s scared to admit it.
When Marr reached out, Key had been exploring a tomb on Hoth, so the message never came through due to atmospheric interference. Upon the Eternal Empire’s attack, he sneaked off to Belsavis without telling anyone, hoping to confide in Ashaa or find something that could help against Arcann’s empire. His wandering led him to accidentally trap himself in one of the many prison chambers deep within the planet, suspended in the air by a force field and more or less frozen in time. It’s not until years later that others find and free him after finding clues of his whereabouts, and he joins the Alliance.
Liolana “Leo” Vetiko - She/her - Cathar - Jedi Knight (Guardian) Random Pointless Fact: Most people don’t know it, but she’s actually pretty good with repairing machines and is even a decent slicer. If an actual mechanic isn’t available, she’s a good replacement.
While she does try to fit the card of the ideal Jedi, her emotions and attachments can get the better of her to make her impulsive - so much so that she risked the entire mission of confronting Vitiate to save Rusk when he’d ended up in trouble. She works hard to feel like she’s worthy of her position of Master, and has a bad habit of comparing her failures to the successes of others, so has been known to push herself too hard to the point she’s fallen ill for it on more than one occasion.
She’s still young and, while honored, didn’t feel like she was even remotely ready to be named Battlemaster and was nervous about it. While she didn’t outright say, she did wish Satele and the Council had reconsidered their choice. However, it didn’t take long for her to love the position, and she took pride in watching the lightsaber skills of those she trained grow with her lessons.
When it came to Ziost, she ended up as one of Theron’s contacts and met with his other three (Havoc, Jen, and Synnda) planetside where they eventually paired up to work with Lana’s contacts. She ended up badly injured by a possessed Sixth Line Jedi, but in the end that’s what saved her life. Because of the severity of her injuries, she was taken off-world to be tended to, so ended up surviving the devastation Vitiate caused. She was still recovering when the Eternal Empire attacked, so had no choice but to follow others fleeing to Ossus, where she stayed until Jedi Under Siege.
Azan Tarnak/Lord Wrath - She/her - Sith Pureblood - Sith Warrior (Juggernaut) Random Pointless Fact: She’s not exactly graceful in a duel. She’s large and incredibly strong, so tends to lean with brute force rather than acrobatics in a fight. She’s even been known to swing her lightsaber more like it’s a club than an elegant weapon. Her fights aren’t pretty and many an opponent have lost limbs to her.
A follower of the light, Azan has learned to be cunning and manipulative just to survive among other Sith. She’s incredibly good at lying and finding ways to cover up things she’s done that would otherwise seem very not-Sith-like. From claiming pragmatism, to simply turning around and threatening someone not to question her choices, rarely using the Force in the presence of others and able to prove she doesn’t have to rely on it to be formidable, or simply covering up her actions altogether, she’s gotten good at wearing her mask.
She wasn’t exactly thrilled to get her apprenticeship to Baras. He irritated her and she had a bad feeling about him from the start--she sassed and disobeyed him every chance she got. Even on the instances he grew tired of her attitude and threatened her, she was one to just cross her arms and wait for him to get to the point. To say she was surprised by his betrayal would be a lie, and she quite enjoyed finally kicking his ass. Becoming Wrath was a different matter, though. She wasn’t pleased and thought she was about the worst possible choice for the position--though having even (most of) the Dark Council itself scared of her was certainly interesting and made things easier for her when she’d no longer be questioned about her actions due to that fear.
When Marr reached out from Wild Space, Azan had been at Ziost. She was on the surface after the destruction, protecting teams from Monoliths while they tried to study what happened. She and Havoc Squad met on Ziost’s space station and opted for a temporary truce to go out to Marr’s location together. By the time they reached the coordinates, the Eternal Fleet had already come and gone, and all that was left was the remains of the fleet and a few escape pods that they rounded up. Azan ended up going into hiding once the Eternal Empire attacked so she could try and figure out what to do about it. She was separated from her team, but met up with an old ally--Master Timmns--and the two worked to survive together until the formation of the Alliance, which they were quick to join.
Jendrush “Jen” Sept - He/him - Cathar - Smuggler (Gunslinger) Random Pointless Fact: Want to lure him into a trap? Don’t bother with anything elaborate. Simple and easy are just fine, and he’s sure to walk right into it without thinking. It’s a wonder how he’s still alive.
Overconfident, aloof, a huge flirt, and boiling over with enough sarcasm he could share, Jen isn’t exactly “friend” material. He has a hard time connecting with people unless he’s flirting, and has an easier time making enemies than allies. He used to run smuggling jobs solely for the money. He didn’t care what the job was or if it harmed anyone, as long as he got paid in the end. Fortunately, he did start to make better decisions after he had to work with others to get his stolen ship back.
It wasn’t until he was hired by the Republic that he really started to change for the better, however. He found that he actually liked helping people and became easier to be around, though still wasn’t the most friendly if you weren’t part of his crew, and even then he could be testy at times. It wasn’t until he hired K’hedif (so his two kids wouldn’t be in the streets; he didn’t trust K’hedif himself at first) that Jen finally started to soften up. Jeva was too little and too much of a sweetheart to be rude to, while Jessi would snap at him to quit being an ass and kinda gave him the reality check he so badly needed. And...yeah, he might have eventually fallen for K’hedif once his heart was good an tenderized after knowing them quite a while. He and his kids were the best things that ever happened to Jen.
Jen wasn’t contacted by Marr, and had instead been running a job when the Eternal Empire struck. He took his crew and his ship and went underground (possibly literally) until he could find a way around the Coruscant blockade. Once he did, his priority became running supplies to worlds that needed it until Hylo Visz got in contact needing smugglers for the newly-formed Alliance.
“Azuma”/Cipher Nine - She/her - Zabrak - Imperial Agent (Operative) Random Pointless Fact: The jewelry attached to her horns are extremely durable. She can (and has) removed them to use to choke someone from behind, and they can also undo/short out handcuffs and shock collars. Just assume that if she looks like she’s wearing something just for looks, it’s there for a reason.
Doggedly loyal to the Empire and severely lacking any form of moral compass, “Azuma” does whatever it takes for the Empire to come out on top. She’s intelligent, cunning, manipulative, and a quick thinker - able to smoothly run with a last-minute plan or come up with one herself on-the-spot, she can prove effective in any situation. She took the “you no longer have a name” very seriously, and went on to only go by whatever her latest disguise was for what her team should call her (with Azuma Kathrak being her current one). Her original name has been purged from all records and no one speaks of it - not even her own husband knows what it was.
While not good in an actual fight, she has a stealth generator and is armed with a multitude of poisons that she can use to do her dirty work for her. From dusts that her target can inhale, to setting off poisonous clouds that affect only certain species, to a toxin hidden in her earrings she can pour into a drink, her collection could make any chemist or assassin jealous. When she joined Intelligence, she very quickly learned it was no place for a moral code and left hers far behind in her old life. Now, she becomes whoever she has to be to get the job done.
Marr didn’t have the time to track down Azuma when he was in Wild Space, as she’d gone under the radar again after Ziost to conduct her own search for the Emperor. As such, she didn’t hear about what was happening until it was far too late. From then on, she parted ways with her companions and went into deep cover on Zakuul to figure out what was going on and strike at Arcann’s empire from within. She joined the Alliance when she was discovered by it for mutual gain: She’d help it by providing information, and it would help the Sith Empire in return.
Varrich Tophrik - He/him - Mirialan - Republic Trooper (Vanguard) Random Pointless Fact: He always wears the same style of helmet, even in different colors to match different armor. It’s become a running joke that he must have a hoard of lookalikes hidden somewhere like they’re some grand treasure. He is not amused by said joke. Because it’s probably true.
Steadfast, loyal, and unflinching in the face of danger, Varrich tries to be the perfect soldier. A teenage resistance fighter on Balmorra who later joined the Academy in the hopes he could better help his planet that way, he never expected to graduate top of his class, nor to be recruited to Havoc because of it. Already having trust issues, his original team’s betrayal only ingrained distrust deeper into him. He doesn’t let himself get close to anyone, trusting only his team and the sister he so rarely gets to see.
Trained in a multitude of weapons and fighting styles, he’s like a living arsenal. Missiles, blasters, grenades, knives, even a generator that lets him give his opponent a shock, he’s armed to the teeth and it’s not just for show. While he does have a strong moral code, he also knows that he can’t always follow it if he needs to get a job done and is willing to do some pretty messed up things in the name of the Republic. It can make him seem callous, and the fact he remains professional and even-toned even as bodies lay at his feet even more so.
When Marr called from Wild Space, Varrich and his team were on Ziost looking for signs of Vitiate. They dropped everything at the call, and when they’d head up to the orbital station, they encountered the Wrath who’d also gotten the call. Deciding it would be in their best interest, Varrich reluctantly agreed to head to his coordinates with her. They arrived too late, however, and Havoc eventually went to Zakuul’s surface to try and fight its empire. They were in over their heads, and Varrich was separated from the rest of his team in an explosion - he was captured by a black market group working out of Breaktown and used as a test subject for cybernetics they planned to sell in the streets. He was there about five years, but was able to escape thanks to Terrin having caused a blackout.
#swtor#bounty hunter#jedi consular#sith inquisitor#jedi knight#sith warrior#smuggler#imperial agent#republic trooper#the v'ehsz legacy#blitz's ocs#ar'eonis'terrinxx#synnda v'ehsz#qizulth verryn#liolana vetiko#azan tarnak#jendrush sept#azuma#varrich tophrik#hAH can you find the self-projection?? :')#apparently i did it with more of them than i thought#synnda and key are probably the biggest ones i did it with tho#long post
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it’s starting to get to the point I can draw Jen’s markings from memory alksdjskl
I love drawing him
#blitz rambles#blitz's ocs#jendrush sept#i still look at a pic of him to make sure i'm not forgetting any stripes#but still
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Today on: Jen Doesn’t Think Before He Speaks and That’s a Mood
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Jen: *is waiting for the perfect moment for a smug comment*
#star wars the old republic#star wars#swtor#swtor screenshots#smuggler#cathar#showoff#jendrush sept#i love this lad okay#i restarted the cutscene for the sole purpose of catching this shot
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Deleted Jen’s old file so I could run through with him again now that I have his personality figured out and his design got a bit of an update (kinda maybe just clicked random dialogue options the first time so had a hard time connecting with him oops)
lookit that glo up! handsome boi
(old version at the end)
#star wars the old republic#star wars#swtor#swtor screenshots#cathar#smuggler#jendrush sept#showoff#haven't figure out his outfit yet#just trying to get him off the starter planet first
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Canon Eight wip
Ar’eonis’terrinxx (“Terrin”)
Bounty Hunter
Grand Champion
Alliance Commander
Synnda V’ehsz
Jedi Consular
Varrich Tophrik
Republic Trooper
Meteor, Major
Jendrush Sept
Liolana Vetiko
Jedi Knight
Jedi Battlemaster
Qizulth Verryn
Sith Inquisitor
Lord Kallig, Darth Nox
Azan Tarnak
Sith Warrior
Lord Wrath
Rediaex’aere’zortiea (”Xaerez”)
Imperial Agent
Cipher Nine
#sorted#canon eight#ar'eonis'terrinxx#synnda v'ehsz#varrich tophrik#jendrush sept#liolana vetiko#qizulth verryn#azan tarnak#rediaex'aere'zortiea
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