#jellywalker apoc art
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"When YOUR kingdom is the only truly safe haven in all of Earthbread — how could you POSSIBLY know that your OH-SO-DEAR FRIENDS are PERFECTLY SAFE AND SOUND?! That's right, Vanilly!~ YOU CAN'T. So allow yours truly to demonstrate some possible ... Outcomes of what may be happening as we speak!"
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thegreatlock · 1 month
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Banner art for an AU Blog !!!
You should totally check it out if you like ancients suffering & zombies . @jellywalker-apocalypse
Issa fun project my friends and I are working onnnn! ( ^ ∇ ^ )
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floppa-whoppa · 1 month
hey *posts cookie au designs and leaves*
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ratiosilence · 1 month
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YAY second art dump! this is my jellywalker apoc au design stuff the actual blog for it is here though go look !!!!!!!! Anyway yay my design for eternal sugar since she (they/she) has a Lot of plot relevance (as do the other beasts) :] she is my favourite beast i love them very much
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ALSO my kouign-amann design for jellywalker apocalypse au!! she gets bitten twice and loses her sword at one point and gets bullied by an actual beast (eternal sugar) but she keeps going!!!!!! shoutout to caramel arrow cookie best parental figure
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also rye!!!!!!!I wanna redraw her properly w the watercolour pens at some point that was just a test doodle but <3 she shreds her own hair short and ends up with a nice big bite mark Thank you jellywalkers (it might be on the wrong side on that doodle i forgot). both kouign-amann end up getting free hair cuts..
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i promise this is the last set of images but. ocs!! ember and bubble coffee are made for jellywalker apocalypse meanwhile thats just honeygolds design for it. ember belongs to the toast kingdom made by me and floof , bubble coffee is from the dark cacao kingdom (and wants to be a host cookie!) and honeygold is from the apple kingdom (rip the entire apple kingdom)
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"I've brought a FRIEND this time around! Both for yourself and I!"
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And that's what makes her so cutely pitiful!
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My dear, here’s a sign
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The Beasts ... Their plans ... First shitpost hello there !
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thegreatlock · 2 months
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Ghhhh . Gato
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thegreatlock · 1 month
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Insomnia Squared ... You know it .
Imagine getting bit ?
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thegreatlock · 2 months
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Why you so . Prune
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The Dark Cacao Kingdom was always barren.
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It had always been like that, for the longest time that Caramel Arrow—or really, even Hollyberry—could remember.
But.. seeing it completely empty, with snow filling in holes of destroyed lives and broken dreams, was still such a shock to witness. Every footstep they took echoed. The silence felt deafening, especially after so long hearing blubbering zombies over your shoulder for months. It was just so.. weirdly different. The corridors that Caramel Arrow once knew almost felt new, despite their layout being unchanged. It was simply.. unsettling.
Though.. even with the growing worries, Caramel Arrow felt herself being unable to give up hope. Desperately grasping for any ounce of hope that the Kingdom she so suddenly abandoned managed to find any way to persevere. Any way to keep both itself and the people within safe, continuing on with their duties in complete and utter control. Any way to make sure there were as little casualties as possible.
Hollyberry stood close behind the younger cookie, sharing almost the exact same hope—the hope of finding any survivors that may have survived whatever form of Jellywalker invasion hit the Kingdom so badly.
Neither of them said any words, though. The surrounding silence, although being usually scary, felt somewhat like a relief to hear. No sounds means no Jellywalkers, but.. also means no people.
As they approached the throne room, their hopes began to grow.. faltering. Absolutely zero signs of any stray cookies, right outside of the King’s throne room..
The two share an ever so slightly concerned glance. The King.. Dark Cacao. What had happened to him? There had been zero sign of him around their mini patrol of what was left of the Kingdom.
Dark Cacao.. no. There was no way he could have fallen—he was so set on protecting what he could. Determined to make sure his Kingdom was safe, kept away from danger..
The two are snapped from what felt like their own shared thoughts as another, quiet pair of echoing footsteps begin to sound throughout the hallway.
Yet, as soon as they come, they disappear, setting the hallway into silence again.
Caramel Arrow’s attention is almost immediately taken to the throne room’s entrance.
And she wastes absolutely zero time, practically running as fast as her exhausted body could let her without letting Hollyberry even get a single word out about anything that might’ve just made those footsteps.
Caramel Arrow’s mind was so set on the possibility of her King still being alive. She’d rush into a whole swarm of Jellywalkers if it meant at the end she got to see him alive.
But.. even while rushing as fast as she could to get a glance of what just walked around, the feeling of immense guilt brewed in the back of her mind. What would she even say to His Majesty? Admit that she ran from her duties, broke a vow she made years ago?
The watcher shakes her head as she continues bolting into the throne room, already beginning to feel her growing, everlasting exhaustion start creeping up on her.
As she makes it into the throne room, she pauses-stopping right in her tracks as she’s met with a figure sitting unmoving and unbothered delicately on the throne.
Dark Cacao Cookie.
He was dressed in his usual beat up armor, long cape draping down to the bottom of the throne itself.
Yet.. his crown was missing from his brow, instead being hung from the side of the throne. Almost as if he felt like he did not deserve to sit at a throne and wear a crown at the same time.
His face was obscured by his own messy and heavily unkempt hair, while his posture made it even harder to recognize his facial features. Furthermore, he made no noise or movement as Caramel Arrow began sprinting to him.
She stopped a few short feet away from the king, landing on one knee while she rested her arm on the other-tilting her head downward as a sign of respect and eagerness to follow his orders. Her feeling of guilt, though.. she could not deny it was continuing to grow at a rapid pace now that she knew he had lived through the invading swarm.
She would have to tell him everything while she could, but.. god, she didn’t want to.
Hollyberry followed shortly after, moving to put her hood down as she immediately recognized the cookie sat on the throne.
So he had lived.. she was incredibly relieved to at least know that. She wasn’t sure what she would do if she had to travel back to the Vanilla Kingdom after her voyage and bear the news of his death to Pure Vanilla and White Lily. It still brought up the question of what had happened to everybody else, though. Why was it that his kingdom is so.. empty?
She wishes she could talk with him as soon as possible, but.. she’s sure that the two Cacaoians need some of their own time to discuss what had even happened. Caramel Arrow didn’t seem too fond about talking directly to her about it.. perhaps she had waited to try and find the king of the Cacao Kingdom itself to mention it directly to him?
She carefully stops a few moments behind Caramel Arrow, keeping a concerned glance at the poor postured king sitting at the throne. Something was clearly.. wrong. There should be very little reason for him to be sulking like this atop his own throne…
The large room is thrown into complete silence, spare the noises of the blizzarding snow outside of the kingdom’s faltering walls. Nobody seemed to speak, to move, to try and reconcile..
It was all just silent.
And it was only making Caramel Arrow’s guilt eat up at her more and more.
With every moment of utter silence, Caramel Arrow grew guiltier and guiltier.
Her hope was dwindling. Having the king alive is only one step in the bigger picture of things.
Everyone else could be dead.
Everyone else could be dead because of her.
She ran.. she ran from—-
“…Caramel Arrow Cookie.”
Dark Cacao finally spoke, voice loud yet audibly broken and mentally weak.
“First Watcher. You’re.. brave to come here again. After everything.”
Caramel Arrow’s free hand grasped at the brick below her feet.
The room fell into silence again. Caramel Arrow’s breathing began to hitch. It was now clear she was struggling to keep her own composure.
Still, despite that, she attempted to speak in response.
The words she spoke, though, were saddening to even bear witness to. Words that she shouldn’t have to say. Not after everything Dark Cacao himself had put her through, even if the situation had been taken the wrong way. They were words that should be said to her, not words that she should have to speak.
“I’m sorry.”
That was the most quiet either Ancient had ever heard her. Her voice was wavering, unstable and shaky. Everything, from her own exhaustion to the guilt of her leaving everything behind, was crashing in as she tried to speak.
Hollyberry’s attention flicks back and forth from Dark Cacao to her, but the Ancient Cookie’s expression of pure worry does not waver. It was clear to her now that something was going to unfold, and she would be yet again powerless to stop it.
“I..” Caramel Arrow picks up again, her voice continuing to grow defeated at each word she struggled to force out of her mouth. “I failed to.. to complete my duties.. my vow..”
Dark Cacao repositions himself slightly, posture becoming more formal. He did not say a word.
“I did not stay true to my word.. my word of fighting until I couldn’t,” She continued, grip trying to grasp onto the floor more as she persisted in an attempt to ground herself. “Instead, I.. I failed to warn the Kingdom of the incoming threat. The.. the Jellywalkers.”
Dark Cacao lifts his head upwards, taking his attention to Hollyberry as Caramel Arrow mentions the Jellywalker horde. His expression was.. cold, but not towards either cookie displayed in front of him. He was simply.. troubled greatly by whatever pain this horde had caused.
It is another few moments before Caramel Arrow speaks again.
“I ran.”
And that’s all she says. That’s all she says as Dark Cacao quietly begins to rise from his slumped form on the throne and take heavy steps towards her figure, stopping only to continue listening intently to her. He has no.. words. No proper words to tell her, to comfort her, to do anything.
Caramel Arrow completely collapses forward, both of her hands desperately fumbling at Dark Cacao’s long, purple cape. Instead of the cruel, blizzarding winds outside, the citadel would instead be filled with the tired, dolorous cries of the devoted soldier in front of the king himself.
“I RAN!” She repeated in shout, grip tightening as much as possible on the fabric she had managed to grasp. “I ran, and I failed everything.. everyone.. I failed all the things I swore my own life to protect!”
There’s no room for silence. Caramel Arrow won’t let herself get quiet. She was going to spill out all her guilt, all of the truth she began to suddenly gather about the situation. She was going to cry until she couldn’t anymore.
“I failed my colleagues, the other Watchers. I failed the people within a now.. now completely shattered kingdom. I failed my only brother..!”
She just managed to choke out the last word of that sentence, throwing a weak punch at the ground below her as Dark Cacao only listened on. His gaze was turned onto Hollyberry, eyes clearly upset and considerate of everything the younger cookie was desperately speaking about.
“And— and worst of all, I.. I failed you. I failed you. I failed my own king, I failed the kingdom he told me to protect, I.. failed everything I ever cared to devote my life to. I failed it all, I..”
Caramel Arrow lets out a weak noise as she finally lets herself get quiet, sobs still filling the large throne room.
Dark Cacao’s attention doesn’t leave Hollyberry as Caramel Arrow continues to cry and sputter weakly at his feet, expression only growing more tender as the situation completely settles into him. If his situation was not already incredibly saddening, the fact that his most devoted soldier is blaming herself for saving her own life is making it infinitely worse.
He is so, so proud of how she was truly devoted to his Kingdom, even while in exile, but.. she shouldn’t begin blaming herself for a situation that was utterly out of her control and skill level.
Dark Cacao’s eyes slowly and somberly close as Hollyberry’s attention is brought upsettingly to the floor.
It was going to be a long, painful moment of silence before he could get himself to speak.
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Where did you mess up?
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You knew — knew that it would be a bad decision, knew that it would be bad to agree with him, bad to go through with the procedure, yet you still did it.
You’re the cause of the disease.
You’re the cause of the apocalypse.
You’re the cause of every single death, every single infected cookie, every single fallen kingdom.
You’re the cause of every innocent cookie added to their hivemind.
And still, somehow, even after working with it for so long, you don’t know how to stop it? You don’t know what caused it, what makes it so hard to beat, so hard to stop?
You don’t have a cure?
You, the lead scientist of a program you knew had a high risk of backfiring, and you had no solution for if it did go wrong?
Now you’re watching the consequences of the mistake that slipped through the cracks.
You’re watching the land crumble beneath you.
You’re watching cookies band together just to survive because of your improper judgement.
And.. it makes you constantly wonder.
It makes you constantly ask yourself the same questions.
Where did I mess up?
Why did I agree to letting him help me?
Why did nobody stop me?
Why did no one see the dangers?
Why didn’t I just tell him no?
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This is fine.
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If shadow milk can get a hi, I wanna say hi to Golden Cheese Cookie, or Hollyberry Cookie! You can do it!
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I will not be ignoring Pure Vanilla 😭
You okay, bud? Can I get you a kool-aid?
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He's ok we promise! ^-^ He appreciates it.
(Edited - Forgot to color him in lol)
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