#jeepers i like women
the-kestrels-feather · 10 months
Mariah Rose Faith Casillas hot
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
*sighs in post mildly broke containment again* there's nothing wrong with reading willow as a lesbian, this is a piece of fiction, and the post I made took on a jokey tone for a reason and is ultimately more about underlying bi-erasure on tv than anything else kaybye ✌
#im watching btvs#jeepers creepers but btvs is bringing out the *taking it all very seriously in a very morally high-and-mighty kind of way* crowd#and i dont mean about shit that matters such as discussing racism or misogyny in fandom#just about whether you agree or dislike someone's read of a situation - move on my friend if you dont agree#i mean i could go on a rant about HOW the show portrayed willow-the-now-lesbian#(and while im at it why i hc buffy-the-apparent-heterosexual as bi too but nobody has disputed that part oddly enough)#but that would be an effort im truly not interested in expending on this day and possibly never and has been written before#im mostly just live-blogging and moving on#if im writing anything fanfic-wise it'll be about kendra and that'll be my full fandom contribution#ok but the ONE thing i'll mention is the fight willow has with tara which is one of the rare Ls for tara#where she basically admits that she's afraid this is a phase because willow has loved men/been with oz#and that's just an interesting fight from a meta perspective because the idea that bi women have to *choose a side*#and are consistently questioned and doubted by their lesbian partners#is a core element of biphobia within a gay relationship that many people can attest to#hell it's a big part of bisexual rep that is conscious of itself that at some point there's a plotline where the person is questioned#about their true loyalties and asked to take a side#btvs ofc is NOT conscious of this underlying tension and in fact i would argue is agreeing with tara that this is what needs to happen#for several other reasons as well#but literally people have WRITTEN about this im not saying anything bold and controversial here AND it doesnt take away#from lesbian willow reads to acknowledge the flawed approach of the show to her sexuality like come on#willow rosenberg
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buckys-metal-arm · 11 months
Sylvie looks fine as HELL in this episode my GOD
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anonymouscheeses · 5 months
Big fckn redesigns here. Well mostly Charlie but Vaggie somewhat too 🥰🥰
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Blue fits Charlie soooo much and I cease to see that many redesigns with this color. I still want red to be used in most of their designs because well. They are in hell, but not too present so to make way for other unique colors. Charlie has several physical traits from her parents but also she has some details in her clothes that match with them. When I uhh, introduce their designs you'll see lmao. I also tried to make her have a more roundish design, I jst LOVE those typ of designs omg. I just want the characters with not too many sharp corners pls Viv bro... 😔 oh yeah she's mixed cuz her mom's are darker in their redesigns. Alot of their genetics went down to Charlie so she doesn't look like an exact copy of Lucifer, I kind of hate that trend with hh and hb characters, like did the moxxies dad give birth to him bro 😭 also I kept her bow because it looks so cute and silly on her it just fits, I wish they made it bigger in her show design because it would fit her silliness so much. She has a cape with stars because morningSTAR smh why didnt they do something fun with that, missed potential but whatevs yknow I still love og designs no matter what anyone sayss. Did you know I love Charlie, I could ramble for days. I think I love Charlie guys. Maybe jst a hunch idk... also... s-snake fangs.. jeepers anddd..... snake tongue.... shiver me timberz
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The wife ever. I had animation in mind more when I designed her, not like in a "How easy or hard would this be to animate" way. But I like to imagine when she's shocked her hair kind of fluffs out plus her actual fluff, when she's mad her bow turns into kind of horns and then her jacket expands like wings. Gave her a more hotel like outfit, she likes to work for fun (ew). Her socks are socks but she has some fluff under them she just tries to cover it up because she hates herself 🤪 (she doesn't hate her bigger body she actually feels much more comfortable chubby than when she was skinny with Adam. She was burdened with the weight of Adam's image of women... In this sorta rewrite she gained weight when she goes to the hotel because she's more happy. I'm dying I love chub Vaggie so much guys please) headcanon: she kind of likes fashion, it's like a fun hobby of hers to stitch together clothing and go out and buy clothes she'll never wear. She taught Charlie how to stitch and she SUCKS so you can jst see it on Charlie's pants.
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Second outfits! Charlie's hotel uniform for. Well. Hotel stuff. She usually only wears it when new people come to the hotel, which.... isn't often, if at all. She still likes to keep it just in case. Also she goes really cartoonish when it happens, she does the looney tunes run and changes into her clothes in like 2 seconds. Can you see my vision? 😭😭
Vaggie's is in her armor. She has several pairs of armor lying around in the hotel in completely hidden spots. It's kind of surprising uhh. Yeah she wears it alot more than Charlie wears her alt uniform but still rare to find her in it. I don't get the whole thing with the exterminators and them not being able to fight according to Carmilla. Which is kinda stupid, I'm not gonna lie. So, instead of that, Vaggie has just let her guard down and has gotten much more comfortable in her surroundings so she feels like she doesn't need to fight anymore, she's just gotten rusty 's what I'm sayin. I have no idea how to draw armor. You can tell...
Extra below cut vvvv
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BABY CHARLIE!!! With the heads of my redesigns for Luci, Eve, and Lillith. Haha you still cant see them. Uhh, ill definitely finish the thing one day. Its not even that big of a project thing, i think i jst keep going to other drawings so im like not focusing on one thing lmao. Lucifer has heterochromia because he was cursed to forever be reminded of his betrayal. I only explained that because Charlie has it too, it's kind of a curse on the entire blood line where at least one eye is red. This is like. Slightly older Charlie than the baby Charlie in show? I jst wanted to put her in overalls cuz omg that's jst so cute ughhh 😭😭
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wheels-of-despair · 1 year
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Worth It | Ralph Penbury x You | Masterlist
{<-Previous} [Just the Way You Are] {Next->}
Summary: Ralph needs some reassurance. You need an axe. Words: 1.8k
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Thankfully, Ralph's house was empty when you arrived. Victoria was out, and the staff had half a day off because it was Sunday. Thank God for small miracles, you thought. Ralph had been through enough today, without having to explain himself to anyone.
You walk your soggy fiancé up the stairs and into the bathroom. You let go of him for the first time since putting your arm around him in the park, just long enough to plug the large claw-foot tub and turn on the water, then return to his side to peel the muddy jacket off of him. It lands on the floor with a plop.
You focus on unbuttoning his shirt, which is nearly see-through and clinging to his chest, when a drop of water falls on your hand. You look up, thinking it odd that his hair is still dripping after your long walk home… but it's not his hair.
Ralph's face crumples when he sees you looking at him, and you instinctively pull him close. You let him sob into your shoulder as you rub his back and whisper soothing words into his ear. Donald the Dull is going to become Donald the Dead if you ever get your hands on him again.
Ralph's sobs eventually cease, and he pulls back to wipe the tears from his face with a sniffle. You lean up to kiss him on the cheek, and resume unbuttoning silently.
Once he's down to his shorts, you reach for the bottle of bubble bath sitting on a shelf nearby and pour a generous amount beneath the faucet, watching the bubbles form and cover the surface with a white foam almost immediately. For modesty, of course.
"I'll turn my back while you get in," you offer, making a show of spinning around and covering your eyes. You hear another wet garment hit the floor, a slight splash, and a sigh.
"You can turn back around," he says quietly.
You retrieve a fluffy towel and a cloth from the cabinet. Kneeling beside the tub, you fold your arms on the side of it and place your chin on them. Ralph draws his knees to his chest and hugs them as he stares at the bubbles with a vacant expression. With a sigh, you dip the cloth into the water and begin cleaning his face as tenderly as you can. He closes his eyes and lets you.
"Why do you bother with me?" he asks, so quietly you almost didn't hear him.
"Because I love you," you tell him, dipping the cloth into the water again as you move to wash behind his ear.
"I'm a joke."
"You are not."
"I am. Everyone knows it." Tears begin to fill his eyes again.
"Everyone's an idiot."
"But they said--"
"Ralph?" You drop the cloth and gently grab his chin, making him look at you. "They don't matter. Nothing those overgrown oafs say or do will ever matter. Do not let them get under your skin. They're not worth it." That's it. You're going to have to kill them all. Anyone who gets their jollies by making the sweetest person in the world feel this way deserves to suffer. Greatly. For an extended period of time.
He looks up at you with sad eyes, which makes your simmering rage soften. If you killed them, you'd be chucked in a women's prison, far away from the only man you've ever loved. Perhaps a light maiming? Oh, it's useless. You lean forward to kiss your Ralph on the forehead, searching for sweeter, more reassuring words that never come.
You pick up the cloth and slowly work it over his back, his chest, and his arms in silence. You wish you knew some magic word or phrase that could make everything better. You'd do anything to see him happy and smiling, like he usually is. But Ralph just sits there obediently as you wash the mud off of him, staring into space.
"Ralphie? Can you lean back for me so I can wash your hair?" He nods and repositions himself. You sit on the side of the tub and cup the back of his head with one hand, using the other to try loosening the product in it, which has now dried again. A task easier said than done.
"Jeepers, Ralph, how much of this hair goo did you use today?" you tease lightly, bringing a half-hearted smile to his face. You keep working at the seemingly impenetrable product as Ralph's blinking gets slower and his head gets heavier. You're putting him to sleep, you realize with a smile. You'll have to remember this trick. Finally, you declare his hair washed and rinsed. His eyes open when he notices that your hand has stopped kneading his scalp, and he looks up at you with an adorable pout.
You reach out to scoop up a few bubbles, hoping to give him a bubble beard and make him laugh, but realize that they're all gone. You settle for dipping your finger in the water and leaving a drop on the tip of his nose. Ralph seems to notice the bubbles you'd added for the sake of modesty are gone now too, and shifts to cover himself.
Now that he looks a little less likely to drown himself, you hand him the cloth.
"You wash the rest, and I'll go get you some clean clothes to change into. Alright?" He nods and takes the cloth, and you and your blushing cheeks make a hasty retreat.
You didn't realize how wet your dress was until a blast of cool air hit you in the hallway. You shiver, hurrying down the hall toward Ralph's bedroom. Quickly locating his well-stocked pajama drawer, you pull out a pair that looks warm and comfortable. You close the drawer and begin to walk away, but a thought stops you. You'd just reached a new level of intimacy with your future husband, surely he wouldn't mind you borrowing one of his two hundred pairs of pajamas while your dress dries?
You're hit with another chill, which ends your internal debate. You pull out another pair of pajamas, and begin stripping out of your wet clothes in Ralph's bedroom. The pajamas you'd grabbed were thinner than they looked, and there was a rather obvious situation, given the cold inside the house and your lack of undergarments, so you kept looking until you found a cardigan to cover yourself. Make yourself at home, you chastised before returning to the bathroom with Ralph's dry pajamas in one hand and your ruined clothes in the other.
His eyes bulged when he saw you wearing his pajamas. You panicked.
"I'm sorry, I just… my dress is wet, and it's cold and drafty out there, I didn't think you'd mind."
"I don't," he says as he stares, "not at all."
Clearing your throat, you ask, "all clean?" He nods, still not taking his eyes off of you.
You hang your damp garments on a hook near the door, and place his pajamas on the sink. You return to the tub and hold up the towel, turning your head to the side and scrunching your eyes as you wait for him to get out of the water. He chuckles and stands up, and you feel him gently take the towel from your hands.
"I'll just… be… over there," you stammer as you walk toward the window. You focus on the colors of the stunning sunset in the distance. Not the reflection of Ralph getting dressed in the window pane. Definitely not looking when he bends over to step into his clean, dry pants. You didn't even notice the muscles in his surprisingly broad back rippling as he put on his top. You swallow, hard, and try to force your eyes to focus elsewhere. No such luck.
He rubs his head with the towel, then drops it on the sink and comes over to you. You don't trust yourself to turn around yet. His arms circle your waist and pull you to him, hugging you from behind. "Thank you," he whispers in your ear. You lean back into him and make eye contact with his reflection in the window. Did he know? You feel your cheeks burn. With a sigh, you turn around and place your hands on his shoulders. You might as well gaze upon his beautiful face one last time before you die of shame.
You open your mouth as if to say something, but no words come out. He smiles in a way that makes his eyes crinkle, then leans down and kisses you one, two, three, four times, each one lasting a second longer than the one before. The blush that was in your cheeks shoots through your whole body, making you regret putting on that constricting cardigan. You stare at each other, out of breath and unsure of what comes next.
Then Ralph turns his head and sneezes loudly into his elbow, breaking the spell and making you laugh. He rubs his nose and gives you a shy grin.
"I didn't know your hair was this curly," you note, reaching up to touch the beautiful locks that were becoming lighter and fluffier as they dried.
He ducks his head and brings his arms up to cover his hair.
You let out a shocked laugh and ask, "what are you doing?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to see me like this," he says quickly. You grow even more confused.
"Ralph, I literally just bathed you. Again. What do you think you can hide from me?"
"My hair."
"You mean the hair I just washed for you?"
He nods his head... well, his arms, which he's still attempting to cover his hair with.
"Ralph, I was complimenting you. It's cute."
"You… you think my hair is cute?"
"I think everything about you is cute." You place your hands on his, lowering them and holding them between you. "Why would you try to hide your beautiful curls?"
"Victoria told me I looked like a poodle."
You snort, and he casts his eyes downward.
"Ralphie, my love, can you do something for me?"
"Anything!" he replies eagerly, hair-related shame already forgotten, awaiting your orders.
"Stop listening to your sister."
He smiles sheepishly.
"You are perfect, just the way you are." You reach up to take his handsome face in your hands, and stroke your thumbs across his reddened cheeks fondly. "Absolutely, unconditionally, breathtakingly perfect. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise."
Ralph's eyes fill with tears.
You pull him in for a hug and squeeze him tight. Now that it isn't slathered in gunk, you allow a hand to settle in his hair, massaging his scalp lightly with your fingertips. He melts into you with a whimper. Damn that Victoria, for making you both miss out on this for so long. When he finally pulls away, he gives you a look that tugs at your heartstrings.
"No one's ever said anything like that to me before."
"Well, you should probably get used to it, because you're going to be hearing it for the rest of your life."
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coloradosnumber1dad · 4 months
Andy Buck relationship hcs + nsfw
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on a Jeepers Creepers kick so here’s some relationship hcs for Andy Buck (he’s so adorable I’m actually going to combust)
• Okay first he’s definitely the type of guy to buy you flowers every time he sees you. I mean EVERY time. His favorites are daffodils and tulips.
• Even after you’ve been with him for a while he’s still stammering through his words, fiddling his thumbs when he talks to you. You’re just so special and gorgeous how could he not?
• Will 100% let you sit in his lap and do his makeup. He wouldn’t let anyone else ever know about it, but it’s happened on more occasions than he cares to admit
• Chronic yapper s/o 🤝 “uh huh” “oh yeah?” Bf
• Loves to listen to yappers but also likes his s/o to listen to him yap occasionally
• If you play sports, he’s there. Every single time without fail. He probably manages your team tbh.
• Adding to that he’ll def run drills or practice with you. Running every morning, spotting you if you lift. He’s like a little kid who’s just eager to help
• Not in a sexual way (also in a sexual way) loves your thighs. Just lying on them, rubbing them, always has a hand on you
• Bro has a sweater vest collection and you can’t tell me otherwise. Every color, pattern, style possible. Will let you borrow them but gets super annoyed or upset if they come back with a stitch out of place or a little stain
• Finds it absolutely adorable when you steal his glasses. He’ll be annoyed at first and take them back but sometimes he’ll walk by and just put them on you
• Downs energy drinks like a menace. Like emo type monster addiction (does the hug/kiss soda tab thing. Like has a whole ass jar full of them to give to you)
• Dates usually consist of sitting around talking or watching movies, occasionally going to the library
• LOVESSS when you read to him
• Overall just a cutie boyfriend
• Whimpers when you suck him off
• Also sweats like a pig
• Switch, sub leaning. Will dom if you want him to but not his favorite
• Begs you to let him cum. Whining and pleading with you when you ride him
“P-please I’ve been so good” he whined as you grind down onto him harder. “Please please” “such a pretty boy huh?” You coo, leaning down to press kisses on his neck and chest. Your fingers find their way to his face, wiping away the streaks of tears he has from you edging him for the past hour and a half. “Should I let my pretty boy cum? Hm? Tell me baby?” His eyes roll back into his head as he nods his head up and down frantically “Yes, ohhh yes please. I’ve been so good. God fuck, please” he bit his lip trying to fight back his whimpers when you nodded your head, he let go almost immediately, dick twitching inside you. “Such a good boy”
• Isn’t very kinky, he’ll bend you over and fuck you in doggy sometimes but it’s mostly missionary, mating press, and you on top of him
• If he’s really desperate he’ll take you into the locker rooms and fuck you against the wall but this only happens once in a blue moon
• Average sized, a little thick with a slight curve
• Like I said above, my boy loves thighs. He will be down between your legs sucking hickies and bruises into your thighs before he even thinks about licking your pussy
• Total munch though, will be buried between your legs eating you out for hours you’ll be crying from overstimulation
• Pants like a dog when he’s a dom. Idk it just takes a lot out of him I guess
• Likes his women a little thicker (more to mark up and more to love)
Anyways that’s it! (I need him carnally)
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gynarchyboi · 1 year
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An old missive From Ms Lane
You should fear what this might do to you.
MsReneeLane 48F Dom
For a long time I have thought that women needed a physical place where we could push the envelope of Domme Fem and the limits of male consent. Think about an actual OWK but let's make it a Queendom. Also, this time, let it truly be run by women. It has all been fantasy but lately I've been involved in a project that might fund it.
My rumination of the Queendom led me to think about institutionalization. This is something that people who work in mental health and prisons worry about. And, they should. However when I read about it and thought about our slaves in the Queendom I got all slippery..............
"Institutionalization is an often-deliberate process whereby a person entering the institution is reprogrammed to accept and conform to strict controls that enables the institution to manage a large number of people with a minimum of necessary staff.
(1) Depersonalize from the beginning. The process of denying the person their old identity starts when the inmate enters the door, including weighing, photographing, fingerprinting, searching, bathing, disinfecting, removal of personal possessions and dressing in undifferentiated clothing.
(2). Force a break with the outer world. Separate the person from the external world. Deny them visitors. Force them to face into the institution rather than hanker after external contact. Allow visitors only as a reward for acceptance of institutional rules. After a visit, watch how they behave carefully and only allow subsequent visits if they show no signs of rejecting the institution.
(3) Force obedience Unquestioning obedience is forced by harsh punishment, both psychological and physical. The person may be required to 'willingly' engage in humiliating acts. There may be deliberate 'will-breaking' activities, typically as a part of the 'welcoming' initiation rites.
(4) Destroy the self....................Forcing obedience acts to destroy self-determination. This may be continued to the point where the inmate does not even know who he or she is. Attacking them with verbal abuse continues to erode their sense of an integrated self. Giving them menial tasks show them as inferior.
(5) A simple and powerful method is to deny them even their name, reducing them to a number. Everything that they possess, even bedding, may be regularly changed, so they cannot even form attachments to inanimate objects.
(6) Physically assault them Physical handling, defacing them with tattoos, shock therapy and more teaches them that not even their bodies are sacred and are under the control of the institution.
(7) Control every aspect of their lives Controlling every element of their lives takes away their ability to decide. When they speak, how they eat, how and when they use the toilet, may all be controlled. What they do, including the repetition of futile and useless work is dictated to them.
(8) Normalize. The model of outer and inner worlds mirrors the individual's outer and inner world. The institution needs to create inner models where the institution is introjected as accepted normality and the outside the institution is projected as a bad object. The process of institutionalization is complete when the inmate fears and rejects the outside world, feeling at home only within the institution. Of course this brings another problem when the inmate leaves, but this may not be the concern of the institution, although it may have a period before release in which it seeks to de-institutionalize the inmate."
Jeepers. It's like someone wrote me the playbook. I'm know I'm bad. You don't have to tell me. I am worried about the power corrupting the women of the my Queendom. The fear is not without merit. I don't want to scare anyone from engaging in FLR but I want you to remember that we are playing with very dangerous forces. One can release something in your guard. Check out this site about how power invades the soul.
Of course you shouldn't worry about the women. Imagine what this regime might be do to you.
Date Apr 19, 2021
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k6risma · 5 months
im new to tumblr i just wanted to share facts about myself ! 🌷
bands/artists i like/love : fiona apple, arctic monkeys, the beatles, the smiths, djo, metallica, descendants, george harrison, mazzy star, the doors, nirvana, vacations, blur, oasis, alex g, frank ocean, childish gambino, elliott smith, air, hole, mac demarco 🩷
shows i like/love : freaks and geeks, dawsons creek, gossip girls, that 70’s show, ginny and georgia, i am not okay with this, ouran highschool host club, stranger things, shamless, gilmore girls, american horror story, skins UK, icarly, sam and cat, victorious 🎀
some movies i enjoy : stand by me, leave the world behind, black swan, 21 jump street, superbad, the 2nd hunger games, saw franchise, the virgin su1cides, jeepers creepers, white chicks, mysterious skin, pretty in pink, ferris bueller day off, the breakfast club, the holdovers, prisoners, waiting…., dazed and confused, the outsiders, napoleon dynamite, bones and all, call me by your name, ladybird, little women, beautiful boy🕯️
i like reading
i like watching new movies and shows
i like being outside in the quiet
i like pinterest
i like watching scary and romace movies
i like paranormal
i like sam and colby
i love calico critters
i loved lizzy grant/lana del rey as a kid
i love the colors pink, black, white and emerald green
i love britpop
i love rock music
i am mexican and salvadoran
i love being by myself
i love music
i love mila kunis
i love fairs/themeparks
i love rollarcoasters
i loved star wars as a kid
i love everything 50s-200s
i love kelso saying “well damn jackie i cant control the weather”
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my dearest friend @rabbithearted tagged me to talk about my top 6 movies i watched in 2023! <3
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poor things dir. Yorgos Lanthimos this one is the most recent movies that i have watched and LOVED. any modern adaptation of Frankenstein WISHES they could be this, women takes agency of her life and body. knowledge is power and knowledge is life and it's really cool in the sci-fi aspect and leans into it soooo well, lots more to say about this movie but im keeping it brief and also i can't articulate right now i am sooo sleepy
30 days of night dir. David Slade thought this movie was alright but wont say too much but the ending made me SOB (it reminded me of midnight mass)
the martian dir. Ridley Scott after so many years saying i was going to watch this movie, i finally did! had a movie night one night at my house and my friend brought this one up. such a beautiful movie, i cried TWICE. and again, sci-fi! jessica chastain *mwah*
jeepers creepers dir. Victor Salva part of the halloween movie marathoning i did with my siblings in october and out of all the movies we watched, this was my favorite! it's terrific, it's a classic and perfect for the spooky season (or any season really) love me some monster flicks and the jenner siblings were *twirls my hair*
rope dir. Alfred Hithcock i watched this one solo after having it in my to-watch list for so long! it was fantatstic visually, clever, loved the characters and the suspense. i'll have to watch more movies directed by alfred
polite society dir. Nida Manzoor this one was a brightly colorful and wonderfully choreographed movie to watch in the theaters, the cast was amazing, hilarious and energetic characters. the twist did lose me a bit towards the end tho
tag! you're it @akita-kira @ninjysworld @luvcall @steph-luvs-klaine @bowties-and-klisses @poweredbycreativityandcake @100dabbo @lethargix and anyone else who would like to share their fave movies this year! i wILL read it
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odditycircus-2002 · 9 months
Jeeper Creepers: Unexpected Turn of Events Chapter 4
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They continue to drive for a bit until they pulled up to a roadside dinner. Trish sighs as she takes the keys out of the ignition before turning to face her brother beside her.
"Gonna make a phone call?"
Darry nods stiffly in response.
"You two better throw some water on yourselves, you look like you crawled out of a sewer."
Corbin glances over at Trish with the same stony expression she kept for the entirety of the ride.
"To be fair, that's close to what happened, only much worse."
Trish looks over at her using the rearview mirror to meet her green eyes with her own brown eyes before giving a hum to signify she heard her.
"I guess."
That is all Trish had to say to her as she then opens her side's door, followed shortly by Corbin and Darry. Not too long after, the familiar ominous rusted truck racing down the highway they just got off of.  The trio all tense up at the very vehicle none of them ever wanted to see again, with the Jenner siblings simultaneously feel their hearts drop to the pits of the stomach. Corbin on the other hand clenches her fist as if ready for a fight with her jaws clenched together. Trish was the first to spring into action, reaching over to grab both her brother and friend's arms.
" He's going back. He going back. Come one!"
She then dashes towards the diner, dragging the others behind her. The dinner bell rings loudly as they all burst through the door. Trish looks towards the rest of the patrons, staring back at her and the rest of her companions. She feels an uncharacteristic rush of heat flow into the back of her neck and into her cheeks, hoping nobody notices, as she speaks up in a tone that she internally cringes at, seeing as sounded as if she were asking her 1st-grade teacher to head to the bathroom cause she had an accident. 
"Excuse me."
Trisha asks out loud for anyone of authority here, even with the rest of the diner's patrons still staring at her, she repeats with a bit more confidence as she approaches the crowd.
" Excuse me, we need help. I need you to please call the police."
Trisha asks the diner waitress, who appeared to be in her 40's. The diner waitress stops her path towards the kitchen to approach the three strangers with a dish towel still in hand.
" The police? " 
She asks them but doesn't say more, hoping that the young woman and her two dirty pals that burst into her job place would give an explanation as to exactly why. However, she doesn't divulge any further explanation.
" We need help now, please!"
Corbin pleads to the older woman on behalf of her friends. The waitress takes a look over her and Darry's filthy appearance, Darry's wide eyes reminding her that of a deer in headlights with the other women in obvious distress, before relenting. She makes her way towards the breakroom to use the phone there to fulfill their request. Trish then turns her attention back on Corbin and Darry, both women walking back towards Darry.
"Just tell them what you saw so we can get out of here, alright?"
Trisha instructs. Corbin nods, but Darry stands there still visibly trembling. With her frustration now reaching a boiling point, Trish pushes her brother to the wall near a payphone, to hell with the people staring at them!
" Come on, brat! I mean it! I need you to hold it together."
Trish shakes her brother by the shoulders as he fruitlessly holds out his hands on her forearms before leaning his head from her, not wanting his sister to still see his horrified expression. However, she did catch that expression which gets her to stop shaking him before talking in a softer tone. 
"Look at me Darry."
Corbin pushes them a little bit away from each other, gently prying Trish's hands off of Darry's shoulders. Darry looks back towards both his sister and friend both speaking in a voice that's barely above a whisper, yet both could still pick up on the slight shake to it.
" I'm so scared guys. I'm so scared."
Corbin sighs putting a hand on Darry's cheek.
" We're all scared, all right?" 
Corbin gently assures him as she gestures to Trish and herself, to make her point. Trish nods in agreement. Darry frantically shakes his head in response.
" He's gonna get back to that church,"
Darry gestures with his head towards the window.
 "and he's gonna know that we were there."
Darry counterclaims. However, before either Trish or Corbin could say anything, the payphone rings right in their ears, making Darry practically jump out of his skin as he backs away from the phone instinctively. The other customers once again, turn their attention toward the trio's direction as the phone continues to ring. Corbin, in turn, gives them all a hard glare at all of them with her hands clawed at her sides, her height helping her in literally staring down at most of them. Not wanting to challenge her wolf-like stare, the others awkwardly take their own eyes off of her and her close friends. However,  one middle-aged customer decided to voice the collective curiosity of his fellow peers, albeit without any direct eye contact.
"A-are you g-gonna get that?"
Trish acquiesces, after taking a breath to steady her nerves, to answer the phone.
" Yeah, hello?"
Trish asks into the phone. However, instead of answering Trish, the voice, clearly belonging to an older woman with a slight southern drawl, answers with her own question. 
"Have you seen the cats, yet?"
The younger women's brows furrow in confusion, but she didn't have time to answer when the woman on the other end continues.
" You, your brother, and your friend."
All of them look at one another in clear confusion, all of them having heard what the woman said.
" Me, my brother, and my friend?"
Trish parrots back with puzzlement clear in her voice. Darry just stares at the phone in his sister's hand as Corbin shrugs her shoulders just as dumbfounded.
" You, Darry, and Corbin. I saw you with lots of cats."
Corbin forcefully takes the phone from Trisha.
"Who the hell is this? How do you know us ?"
Corbin demands with an authoritative voice that left no room for nonsense, but then Darry takes the phone from Corbin.
"Who is this? "
Darry demands as, his sister and friend huddle closely together around the phone to listen to the conversation.
Is Darry's only response before the woman persists in a hasty tone.
" You know the cats I'm talking about ?"
Darry once again repeats his earlier question, frustration laced in his voice as the knot in his stomach continues to tangle further even tighter.
"You have a torn shirt, right? And a bloody hand?"
Darry looks down at his appearance as she lists them off, running a hand down his body to find her frighteningly accurate.
"Shirt's torn right above a small rose tattoo, on your stomach. And, and your friend with the  bandanna has a rip on her jeans, with brown stains all over her jacket, with a hoop earring on her right ear with a raven engraved in the golden metal."
Darry moves the torn section of his shirt away from his stomach area to run a hand over the rose tattoo that is indeed on his stomach, winding across his belly button. Corbin automatically touches her earring at the mention of it, a brief flood of nostalgia and grief washing over her at the moment. Trish looks closely at Corbin's signature earring to find that there are swirled markings making up the shape of a bird. 
" Who is this?"
Darry demands once again, starting to walk away with the phone in hand. Only to be pulled back by the phone's line, which caused a slight ting from the bell. Neither Trish nor Corbin gave a chuckle at that as they were too focused on listening to more of what the unknown woman had to say.
" How the hell do you know us?"
The woman once more doesn't do so, instead, she speaks in a tone that had a terror in her undertone.
" You found its House of Pain."
Darry questions confused. Corbin and Trisha try to move closer to the phone to hear the call, practically shoving one another to get closer to the speaker.
"The what?"
"Those bodies down there, that what it likes to call it, its House of Pain."
The woman elaborates, the terror in her voice now much clearer to them all.
" I don't know what the hell you're talking about!"
Darry shouts shaking his cut hand, frustration, and fear rising within him as he sweats at the next words the woman had to say.
" I don't know if it's a demon or a devil, or just some hungry thing from a dark place in time. Just that it's similar to your friend Corbin."
The siblings' eyes go wide as they look back at one another before turning their gaze to the woman they called their friend, unable to truly comprehend what the unknown caller is talking about. No Corbin isn't like that... right?
Quickly, both siblings mentally run through what they do know about her. She works as a seamstress, goes to a different college from Darry, has no relatives to speak of, lives alone, and clearly had it rough in life.
But as they think back on her, some things about her don't see, to add up. Why she always goes out to eat and never invited them? Corbin told them once she never needed to drive before yet, how does she get to places miles away so fast? What exactly happened in her past before coming to the city where they lived? Is she involved in some kind of gang or criminal history?
Darry just shakes his head, another issue to worry about later. 
" I don't know what the hell you're talking about."
" I just know it's not gonna stop coming after you, "
Darry puts his cut left hand on the side of his head at the woman's pause.
"or anyone else it wants to. Once it has the scent of something it likes, it can't stop."
"Is what-"
Darry starts but gets interrupted by Trish, demanding confirmation.
" What is she saying?"
" I saw that awful truck too."
The woman continues, but when Darry makes a noise of befuddlement again, the woman speaks in a clearly irritated voice.
" With the license plate!"
" Beating you ?"
Darry answers, unsure what the strange woman is going with all of this before briefly wrestling his sister for the phone.
"The license plate on its truck!"
By this time, frustration and exasperation could be heard in her voice. Darry answers, having been the one to claim victory over his sister.
" Right, beating you?"
Darry repeats, still obviously in the dark which the woman could practically feel from the other end of the line.
" No think about it, for Christ's sake!"
Darry shakes his head, eyebrows scrunched up, and throwing his cut hand up in the air.
That is all he could manage to utter.
"Hold on, I need you to listen to this."
Over the phone, the trio could hear a chorus of men singing an upbeat tune.
"Jeepers Creepers, where'd ya get those peepers?
where'd you get those eyes?"
The trio on the other line, all look at each other with dumbfounded expressions at this seemingly random 40s song. Was now really the time to be listening to this woman's oldies collection?
That is all that Darry could muster again. The woman continues to speak, as the song played in the background. 
"You hear that song, you run. And I mean run. 'Cause that song means something terrible for you. Something so terrible you couldn't dream of it, not even in your worst, most terrible nightmare."
Darry feels his hands shaking once more as he looks in all directions as if expecting something nightmarish to suddenly burst through the wall and drag him to its lair. As the woman continued, Darry feels his own frustration finally reaching its peak, leading him to just shout into the phone.
" Fuck you lady!"
Then he slams it back on the receiver, a ring sounding out through the entire restaurant, getting them more unwanted attention. Darry barely acknowledges them, instead, making his way to the entrance to slam his hands against the door. Trish turns to Corbin with a raised eyebrow and a slightly fearful look, that twists the blonde's own stomach.
"What did she mean by,"
"Later, now is just isn't the time."
Corbin answers curtly, making it obvious there's no further discussion. Trish and Corbin then turn their attention back on Darry, who was leaning against the diner's entrance with both hands on the door. Neither approaches him, seeing that he clearly needed to gather his bearings. He gave a great sigh as he pants quietly to himself, the urge to crawl up into a ball and hide from everything coming to him strongly as the women watch.
Corbin calls out in a soft comforting tone as she slowly approaches him, her converse tapping against the tiled floor.
"Darry? Hello!"
Trisha shouts at her brother, watching Corbin put a hand on his shoulder. Darry shakes the handoff, causing Corbin to retreat it when he turns to face the others with eyes wide enough to where 
" Let's talk with the cops, and get the hell out of here."
Neither Trish nor Corbin argues with that plan, considering the clear conviction in Darry's tone and the practicality of it.
'What is this, avoid all questions hour?'
Trisha ponders irritably. Corbin starts to softly rub his back, in a soothing manner calming Darry only slightly. She wrinkles her nose at the smell emanating from both her and her friend, the pungent odor extremely unpleasant to her senses. 
"Let's first clean up, I can barely stand being this near you when you smell like rotten meat."
The other siblings murmur their agreement, Darry now able to smell more of himself sending nausea into his gut. With a quick trip to the car and rummaging through their respective luggage for a change of clothes and some hygiene products before parting ways to the separate bathrooms that fit only a single person.
Corbin assesses the bathroom, seeing one toilet, sink, trashcan, mirror, and a single small window too high up for anyone to just walk by and take a peek at her. She makes her way towards the bathroom mirror, inspecting the grime and dirt-covered woman in the mirror that she felt as if it were a separate being even though she knows her and her reflection one and the same. Due to her youthful face being a ruse compared to how weathered and old she felt within her being. She leans against the sink, hand on either side of it, as she feels her bottled exhaustion creep into her bones as she lets her shoulders fall as if she were physically carrying the entire weight of the entire situation on her back. She lets out a breath of her own as her mind drifts off.
'What are we gonna do? We're being chased down by a maniac with no qualms about the things he does. Sooner or later, he'll catch us. The police won't be of any help or, most likely, no help at all... As they usually are...'
Corbin's lip lifts slightly as if in a snarl at that before shaking her head to banish herself of those thoughts. Instead, she reaches towards her necklace, stopping short of touching it with her grimy hands. She clenches her hands into fists instead to the point the nails pierced her skin enough to draw pinpricks of blood.
'I won't hesitate to end that son of a b*tch if the time comes. It won't come to that... I've already let so many other people down.'
Instead of divulging into that train of thought further, Corbin turns on the sink to thoroughly wash both her hands and face. The blonde envisions that she's not only washing away the filth on her away but her some of her anxieties and doubts as well. Yet, a small part of her already knows she can never be fully clean no matter how much soap and perfumes she uses. 
Once she dries herself off, Corbin finally takes off her hoodie along with her bandanna. She notes how her ribs are slightly outlined from her tank top, which she's used to seeing from not eating for a while. However, Corbin is not alarmed at the sight given she's used to having scarce meals from her childhood. However, while in those days, her family could at least get by on the little that they could scrounge up for everyone, she hasn't eaten a speck of anything for almost a week now. While her job as a seamstress pays well enough for rent and other expenses, it's not enough for her in the end. Yet, this Spring Break should be able to solve that issue when they reach their destination, but it seemed outside forces had other ideas.
Without thought, she scratches at her exposed right arm in irritation, not caring for the dry skin she was removing through this action. She stops as she reaches the bottom of her tank top, the familiar sense of eyes gazing upon her making her senses on high alert, compelling her to look at the window where she felt those eyes burning into her. Only to find nothing or no one.
While others may brush this off as paranoia, Corbin doesn't take any chances and uses the cleaning supplies and rolls of toilet paper to block the high window's view. When satisfied that her makeshift cover blocks out enough of the glass then does she undress out of her soiled garb into the second set of clothes and a jacket. Just in time, Corbin looks towards the door at the sound of a fist knocking onto the wooden door and shouting, recognizing the familiar shouting belonging to none other than Trish herself. 
"Are you still busy doing your hair or something?"
"No, I'm busy preparing for the big beauty pageant."
Corbin grins to herself as she could almost hear the frown in Trish's tone of voice. 
"Whatever, just come out, the police are here."
Her grin falls, but she acquiesces and picks up her bag before exiting the bathroom.
"Yeah yeah, I hear you."
Unknown to any of them, there was a figure watching the blonde woman, whose growing infatuation with Corbin continued to grow even more. Now that the driver had a face to go with the alluring scent he found in his lair. The strong one that carried a slight spice to it that mixed well with her smokey aroma and natural sweetness. He could tell from her scent alone that she's full-grown albeit very young compared to him, in good health, carried no young, and fertile. His hungry gaze took in her appearance along with her smell, taking in her flawless smooth skin, beautiful long hair that looked to be soft to the touch, a well-built muscular figure, good proportions, well-groomed, and eyes that reminded him of the uncut beauty of emeralds. 
Just when he thought she couldn't get any better, she removed her hoodie and bandana which only made her even better in his eyes. One important tidbit he picked up, was her lean body and the obviously exposed ribs that told him that she hasn't eaten in a good while. Judging by the slight odor that usually clung to people coming from cities, apparently that hunting hasn't been well there either because the female was unable to or lack of skills is not something that concerns him. However, her exposed body causes a sort of thrill to rush through his entire being at the implications of it all. Right here in his grounds, he had a full-grown female, clearly starving, unmated, ripe for breeding, and a sight to behold.
Clearly, she came here for better hunting grounds and to find a mate. He could see no other logical reason, given she isn't in the best condition in the first place and there's plenty of meat here for the taking. She's already aware that he's here as well, possibly waiting for him to approach her first by attracting his attention. Well, she's succeeded in that part. It's just a shame that she then blocked further viewing of herself. Still, he found that he still couldn't deny her from the stunt she pulled earlier, entering directly into his lair. 
While he's here, he still could kill two birds with one stone. The driver couldn't help darkly grinning to himself at the truth of those words. 
Later on in the evening, the siblings and Corbin explain everything to the police including the strange phone call they received from that unknown woman. They observe the pair of police officers talking to one of the employees at the bar stand on the other side of the restaurant. Corbin impatiently taps her nails against the table she and her friends are sitting at. Trish rolls up Darry's own tattered Bannons shirt as Darry puts on a new one, completing his freshly washed look, catching the waiter and the officers looking over at them from where they're seated.
" Maybe you should've left out the part about the phone call."
Trish then takes a seat right by her brother with Corbin on the opposite side. 
" It sounds like too much like a bad dream."
"I wish."
The blonde grumbles out in agreement, sounding more agitated more than anything. A feeling that Darry didn't seem to share as he clasps his hands together.
"Well everything I said I saw, I saw."
Feeling that this wasn't exactly unanimous, Darry turns his head to look at his older sister.
" What, you think I bumped my head or something? "
"I didn't say that."
Trish simply replies to her brother. Seeking confirmation, Darry raises his voice's volume. 
" Well you believe me, right? Right?"
Darry questions his sister, who didn't answer, instead, turns her head away. This causes the young man to nearly shout his next words with desperation clear in his tone.
"Look me in the eye and tell me you believe me."
 He then grabs his sister by the arms and starts to shake her, his words going off like a bomb next to Corbin's ears
"Look me in the eyes right now, you tell me you believe everything I said!"
Having enough, Corbin gets up from her seat to pull him away from his sister before placing her hand on his shoulder firmly to keep him in place.
"Stop it Darry."
She then looks over to Trish before putting a hand on her shoulder too. She gently squeezes both siblings' shoulders as she spoke in a softer and quieter tone compared to Darry's, her expression softening at their faces.
" Look we both know what we saw, I can vouch for that. But right now is not the time to lose our heads? Alright? We have to stick together, no matter what. "
Darry and Trish stare at each other's eyes as if in a mental conversation then both siblings simultaneously nod in agreement. Corbin gives a satisfied smile then gives them one last pat each before returning to her original seat. The police officers, a man, and a woman make their way over to where the trio was currently seated. The man, who appeared to be middle-aged, is the first one to speak.
"We're running the plates, and we got some people out to the old church."
Darry waits for the policeman to continue. Sensing his anxiety, Corbin places her right hand on his back to rub it in soothing circles. 
"These kids you saw on that wall, who did you say they were again?"
This time, Corbin answers with no hesitation in her clear voice.
" Darla Cleeway and Kenny Brandon."
The policeman continues his questioning, causing Corbin to feel the first stirrings of impatience.
"We found their car all smashed up, about 23 years ago. Am I remembering this right?"
Corbin has to hold back an irritated groan before smoothly answering.
"Yes, that is correct, officer."
Darry reaffirms with a nod of his head as well. 
"Those bodies would be nothing but bones by now."
'Golly, you think?! Yeah, we came out of something called the House of Pain in an abandoned church with stitched bodies and decided to spin this tall tale on two high schoolers who disappeared in the fucking '70s, mystery solved!'
The blonde doesn't share this cynical thought with the officers, understandably. No need to make an unusual situation seem even worse with a sharp tongue now.
Now your friend Corbin here said here, that they still had the skin on them and he had a ring on his finger."
Darry narrows his brows together in suspicion.
" What are you saying?"
Corbin lets out a huff with her fists clenched. She reaches over to the policeman's arm to grab it with her own arm to jerk him towards her.
"Look he told you already, and I confirmed it! I grabbed one of the hands like this."
She then starts to shake his arm, hoping to get her point across.
"The texture was hard and smooth, those two bodies well preserved to the point looked to be life-size dolls.
She then releases his arm, letting it fall to his side. Darry then speaks up with urgency prevalent in his voice.
"Y-yeah yeah yeah and he's got them all stitched together like some kind of quilt!"
Trish looks at both her brother and friend in concern, frightened herself at the image the two were creating in her mind.
"I'm just trying to get all the facts here."
The police officer tries to calmly reason. Corbin only throws her hands in the air as she doesn't even try to hide her irritability.
" And we told you all the facts!"
Corbin irritability tells the officer, throwing her hands in the air then leaning back in her chair.
" This guy drives an old brown truck, and it nearly killed us. And we saw him throw a body down down a pipe, that dumps in the cellar of that old church."
Darry continues to rant on, not caring how his voice rises in pitch at his description.
"This guy must have 500, maybe 600 bodies down there and we both saw them!"
He gestures with his right hand at himself and his friend. 
" Stuck up on the walls l-like some psycho version of the Sistine Chapel!"
Corbin looks up at the police officers with a tilt to her head seeing them staring at Darry in, what she recognizes, as judgment. She then practically seething out her next words in a sardonic tone as her free hand continuing to rub circles into Darry's back which he sighs at.
"If you don't believe us, think of us as two college hooligans looking for some trouble? Then how about you get in your cars, drive down to that old church, and have fun looking into the dead eyes of porcelain corpses all stuck with expressions of what, most likely, was their final moments!"
The policeman puts a hand up in order to try and appease the clearly simmering woman. Unnoticed by either of them, a crowd starting to gather around the front windows.
"No one is saying you two are lying."
" Well good 'cause we're not lying!"
Darry butts in as well, slightly rising out of his seat his hands on the table. The policeman continues to speak in the same monotonous tone.
"Look at this from my point of view, this is a pretty big story you're laying on us here."
" Hey!"
The waitress from earlier interrupts the two police officers, who turn their attention to her as she addresses the siblings and Corbin. The trio also now just realizing the gathering crowd.
"That's your car by the pumps, isn't it? "
The trio takes one glance at each other before immediately running outside followed by the waitress and police officers. They're greeted by the sight of Trish's car with one of the doors open and a pile of laundry trailing out. They start to walk up to the car but turned around when the waitress starts to explain to them. She gestures to the car in question.
" Bunch of folks saw him from the window, the man there at your car."
She then puts both her hands up to her face in a vague gesture of what she heard from the other diners.
"He was standing there at your car, sniffin' that laundry,"
The woman pauses when catching Darry's frightened and disgusted expression which isn't helped in the slightest as the waitress continues.
 "Holding big handfuls of it under his nose."
The group shares a glance at one another in bemusement at the woman's words.
"Looked like he was liking it, too"
 Darry bends down to pick up his scattered laundry joined by both his sister and Corbin, who recognizes some of the clothing being her own. She lowly growls to herself at the thought of the same sick fuck from earlier putting his hands on her own belongings, much less her own private garments. Darry spares another look at his sister as he continues his task, his voice laced with sardonic and an I-told-you-so tone.
" Still think I bumped my head?"
However, he doesn't maintain this attitude when his voice starts rising as dread crawls under his skin at the implication of such an act.
"He had time to get to the church, then back here."
The young man didn't care for the crowd of people gathering around to see the commotion, including the officers, as h
"This guy is after us! 'Cause he knows what we saw!"
Darry loudly proclaims shaking his laundry in the air. He then picks up one of his undergarments that's lying on the ground, with his name clearly written on the inside of the waistbands. Darry couldn't help but think to himself bitterly that this is a clear sign that he's screwed.
"And now he even knows my name!"
Darry shouts, slapping his underwear down on his leg in frustration. 
'Dammit, mom! Why does she have to insist on writing my own fucking name on my tighty whities!?'
 Corbin was picking up the last of her own laundry, just as the policewoman reports into her walkie-talkie. Corbin looks down at the car handle, noticing the dented metal in the vague shape of a hand with, what looks like, dust covering the handle.
'There's no denying it now...'
"You interested in a handprint?"
This immediately got the police officers and the Jenner siblings to rush over to inspect what Corbin found. Darry clutches his laundry to his person as he turns his head at the policeman.
"You can dust that right? Get a print?"
The officer looks over at the dust-like material on the prints.
"Looks like someone already did."
The officers and Darry continue to observe, however, their conversation becoming white noise as Trish looked up to the sky at the sound of heavy flapping noise. 
'No birds, but what could've made that sound?'
 She then turns her head to see Corbin looking up to the sky too with a steely look in her eyes. Leaving Trish to ponder to herself, watching her friend scan the skies.
' What is she even searching for?'
A/N: I hope you like that little scene with Corbin in the bathroom. FYI, her whole beef with the cops is nothing personal from me or is it meant to slander individual policemen as well, who are people with good legit intentions and save lives. For Corbin, she has a personal grudge for reasons having to do with her past experiences. Please comment and share, let me know what you think of the rewrites and how I can improve on them. Stay weird, my fellow humans.
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tazzykiki · 2 years
📺🌅🙀✨ For the ask game!
📺 = Favorite Childhood TV Show(s)?
Had to come back to this one because hoooooooooooooooo boy do I have so many that I can't even remember. I practically grew up with tv and spent a good chunk watching it, so uh mannnn. Here's some in no particular order:
-Let's just start right off with Wild Kratts. PBS show about two dudes helping animals live free and in the wild. So popular it always won the vote every Friday to air a double-special. It's also where I got my username, based off my fave ep "Tazzy Chris". ive no idea where kiki comes from.
-Jane and the Dragon <3
-Dreamworks Dragons series, especially Race to the Edge. I practically breathe HTTYD. Sucks they won't let it fuckin rest peacefully!!!!
-Obviously, Transformers Prime. I had a Bumblebee backpack and everything! And that whole almost getting hit by a train ordeal.
-Saddle Club, i watched a bunch of rerun episodes on Pluto TV! I still adore the theme song!
-Winx Club! Sucks they won't let it fuckin rest peacefully!!!!
-Monster High!! They had some lows but hey the new show seems to be wayyyyyy better than the live action movie, tho idk if any new incarnation can live up to the vibes of the first one for me.
-Code Lyoko! I still need to rewatch it(again), and honestly I'm not even sure I finished it. The latest I remember is the William Arc.
-TMNT 2k12! The show has some serious character writing issues and keeps tricking itself into thinking half-assed romance arcs are the peak of story telling but I still very much love it and it has a special place in my heart.
-Ninjago!!!! It recently just ended and I might cry aaaaaaaaaaaaa
-Ben 10 all the way to Ultimate Alien!
-Danny Phantom -Incredible Crew -TMNT Fast Forward -Spectacular Spider-man -Ultimate Spider-Man -Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes -Super Hero Squad Show -Teen Titans -Pearlie -Strawberry Shortcake(2003) -My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -Sleepy Hollow -Max Steel -Slugterra -Kim Possible -Lilo & Stitch the series -The Little Mermaid series -Powerpuff Girls -Okay i know this is the speed round but istg I watched cartoon shows The Swiss Family Robinson and Little Women but when I looked them up there was only 80's anime???? Were those my first anime that I remembered completely wrong???????
I also tried to do ones before 2018 as this is childhood, oughhhh my brain is full of many things
🌅 = Early Bird or Night Owl?
While I love the sun, absolutely a night owl. I only get up early when my body forces me to for some reason and then I just end up passing back out.
I am also mostly active near the evening and such, as evident by me answering this near 2am lmaoo
🙀 = Favorite Scary Movie?
I have to be super careful with horror as I get pretty freaked out easily but a few horror movies I love in no particular order:
-The Endless
-The Ritual
-A Quiet Place 1 & 2
-The Cube
-Vampire in Brooklyn(idk if it counts but it's marked as horror so HA)
-Event Horizon
and probably a few others. I know there's some like The Thing, The Ring, and Jeepers Creepers 1 & 2 that I like but aren't exactly my faves.
✨ = If You Could Be Any Supernatural Creature, What Would You Be?
While mermaids are an entire vibe, the ocean is fucking scary!!!!
Maybe a fae? I could shapeshift and do some funny supernatural shit to mess with people. I already love speaking nonsense.
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For the MBS character ask game: a mix of Constance Contraire and Dr. Garrison.
This is mostly based on your posts mocking Jeepers and Curtain's outfits (which were wonderful by the way 10/10). Which Constance would totally do to make fun of them (because they deserve it), and I feel like if Jeffers or Curtain saw those posts, they would be emotionally devasted and Constance would be so proud.
I also love you header and Dr. Garrison posts (which are also funny), and you have wonderful "I support women in STEM vibes". Though, to be clear, you remind me of Dr. Garrison in that your posts are well-made and well-thought out (not because of the fact that she's done crimes and cried in a root cellar).
Oh my god I love both of those, that’s so wonderful! (And the detail is amazing, you pulled sources and everything, I’m so impressed). And I feel like they suit me really well! The idea that Constance would be proud of me is truly SUCH an honor, I feel like I have a tiny constance in my brain when I make those posts, and I hope I get her vibes again for any future posts of that sort. 
And I love the comparison to Dr. Garrison! She’s always been very interesting to me, both in an analytical character way, and then half in a meme way, but I do really like her, so being compared to her is super fun! (Also thank you so much for saying my posts are well-made and thought out- that’s so sweet! I think the same thing about yours!) 
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purlturtle · 2 years
001 TNG
Thanks for the ask! (link to the original post)
Ah, TNG, my first love. Let's do this, then!
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Deanna Troi
Least Favorite character: Geordi LaForge
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): I suppose Deanna/Will. Although I can see them both as friends and as a romantic couple and as the core of a polycule etc etc
Character I find most attractive: Deanna Troi
Character I would marry: also Deanna 😅
Character I would be best friends with: ... also Deanna? Jeepers 😅
a random thought: where are the cetaceans?
An unpopular opinion: I wasn't really all that bothered by Wesley, and I also wasn't all that big of a fan of Data. They're both okay, but I know plenty of people really love Data and hate Wesley, meanwhile I'm over here like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
My Canon OTP: Deanna/Will (canon as of the movies)
My Non-canon OTP: Deanna/Beverly
Most Badass Character: Guinan with her gun under the counter
Most Epic Villain: Q
Pairing I am not a fan of: Deanna/Worf. Mostly because I'm also not a big fan of Worf?
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Tasha Yar deserved better. Gates McFadden deserved better treatment (all the women and non Picard, Riker, Data men did) by The Powers That Be.
Favourite Friendship: Deanna and Will.
Character I most identify with: Deanna, out of any show and by a wide margin.
Character I wish I could be: again Deanna.
Wow, this was really one-sided! 😅 I hope you don't mind; I just imprinted on Deanna as a kid and never lost that love for her. Identifying with her and learning how she navigated the world gave me a template for how to navigate my life and who I am. I dread to think where my life would have gone, had I not had her to look up to. I am a highly sensitive and empathetic person and was surrounded by people who were neither. Her insistence on not being any less of who she was even if others didn't understand her or mocked her for it, and her insistence to trust her own sense of who she was and that that was alright, helped me come to terms with who I am, and even gave me the permission to like it. I am my own best friend and cheerleader because she showed me how. And for that, I will love her forever.
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project1939 · 11 months
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Day 66- Film: My Wife’s Best Friend 
Release date: October 10th, 1952. 
Studio: 20th Century Fox 
Genre: comedy 
Director: Richard Sale 
Producer: Robert Bassler 
Actors: Anne Baxter, Macdonald Carey, Cecil Kellaway 
Plot Summary: Virginia and her husband George are flying to Hawaii. While in the air, the engine catches fire, and a terrifying emergency landing is attempted. Believing they are about to die,   George confesses that he had a night he regretted with her best friend when she was out of town. Virginia tries to deal with it in the worst possible ways, with comedic (?) results. 
My Rating (out of five stars): ** ½ 
Jeepers, this film had a lot of issues. (Hey, am I kinda talking 1952-ish?) The concept described to me was that this was a fantasy comedy, where Virginia imagines she is punishing George by taking on the guise of different famous women in history. That sounded cute. That’s not what it was. It was a disjointed film based on a popular “comedic” set up of the era- “What would a woman do if she thought her husband was unfaithful, but she’s just being ridiculous?” Ha! Ha! Worrying about infidelity is so funny! (But only when women are the worried ones! When men are worried, it’s a drama, of course!) 
The Good: 
Anne Baxter. I will forever love Anne Baxter for being in All About Eve. She could have made no other films, and she would still be a legend to me just for playing Eve. I can’t say I loved her in this movie, though. I mostly just liked her because I like her. 
Aunt Bea! Frances Bavier, the actress who played Aunt Bea on the Andy Griffith Show was Baxter’s mom in this. 
The Cleopatra fantasy flashback. The funniest fantasy woman Virginia imagined herself to be was Cleopatra. And Baxter looked very yummy in her costume! I didn’t know she had a body like that! I'd pay to see her as Cleopatra in a full length film any day.
Jane, the titular best friend. I thought she was an interesting and funny character. She’s the fast talking, sharp tongued, sardonic type that breathes life into a movie. 
The Bad: 
The premise. The idea of making a comedy film about a wife who believes her husband cheated on her with her best friend is... a choice. It reflects the way so many films and TV shows of this era viewed male infidelity- "It's not that big of a deal, right? As long as he loves you and he’s sorry, you should forgive him! He’s a man, so this kind of thing is just to be expected!" ... It’s gross. Thankfully that cultural view has changed quite a bit. 
The shiftiness with what did actually happen between George and Jane. We don’t find out until the very end of the film what really happened. George always denies anything happened, but Jane remembers it too, and it was three years ago. So something happened! From what I gather at the end, George was feeling lonely when Virginia was out of town. Jane came over, they started drinking, and they both seemed to have the intention of cheating... but George drank too much and just barfed and passed out. Knowing this sooner would have made the movie funnier, that’s for sure, but then it would have screwed up the “surprise” for the ending. It was just bad in any scenario. 
The Middle Eastern fantasy. Virginia imagines she’s a veiled woman in the dessert, acting like George’s slave wife. The whole thing was more offensive than funny. 
Virginia and Nick. In the later part of the movie Virginia flirts shamelessly with one of her husband's clients, spends all night out alone with him, and then packs her bags to go to Chicago with him for the weekend. George is furious, as he has every right to be, and he walks out on her. ...Funny? The whole thing was just sad. 
Sometimes the movie seemed like it was trying to be a wacky sitcom, and it just didn’t work. 
Virginia and George’s marriage didn’t seem very healthy even before all the plot trouble started. She belittled him for having boring interests and for his lack of intellect or cultural sophistication. They never seemed especially happy.  
The structure. The different vignettes were abrupt in their changes and disjointed in general.  
It just wasn’t very funny. If you go into this expecting a laugh riot, you’ll be disappointed. 
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "Jeepers Creepers 4 - The Final Battle With Monster? The Fate Of The Creature And More" on YouTube
Here you can see his injury and it went through an eye but the back of the stick has his brain on it and he left it there and it's gone, rotted and smelly and small now, and liquified into black stuff and it was pretty much a bunch of it it pushed out the back and came out what half is brave but it almost was a full rear. Now you see him as a creature and you think he's terrific it is horrific as a person he's terrific too and he's going after his higher up stuff including Cherry cheeseman and you think that would stop is going to have to dancs stuff too. You still up to it so you wonder how that's happening it's almost automatic and you see his girl messing with him and that's who's doing it she was astounded at the wound that was the gross the thing she's ever seen but saw kill all these women her whole life I didn't care at all. And yeah mostly he's hitting and killing his own Army and putting them into the cave this is one stupid son of a b****. Is a huge loser and she's greedy too and doesn't care about her people and is the problem she's going to be cut up into little pieces they say right now there's huge armies to face and possibly a giant dormant Army which is very high tech and monsters and more and here's this spazmatic jackass good afternoon and our son is like this guy is nothing he's meal if that is probably s*** after and he's processed meal and we agree he is absolutely not there he's a piece of s*** and if anyone wants to revenge on him this wasn't coming to doing and son says it's probably the idiots who are from Concord and it's killing their own people with with just him and that's what he was doing back then he wasn't killing his own so it's got to be these people from that town who survived and you can see who it is in the movie and they want revenge and so on so forth and against Mac and her son and they f***** everything up and it was blaming everybody else this is jackasses for the most part it's a huge f******
I want to say this is very patient with us and holds on pretty good but boy these people need to go a long time ago they're heinous and they don't even know if it was a trick or not I just keep on bothering your son like he was doing stuff so we're attacking them now you don't have any more use for you losers and yeah we know who you are he's putting hits on you now and you're not big, and some of you are PGA summer Trump's and you're not in a big because you're cleaning that hammered during the stupid yapp s***. True too it's usually some idiot in your group that did it on purpose so you changed his chemical makeup and to collect stuff from them and people are trying to figure out who cuz they would have the Lions share from the world
Thor Freya
We sorta figured out something this is how it goes most of the time and this is what it's about and this is kind of the technique that they use Trump is way ahead of schedule and this other idiots but they figured they'd show people how it works
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awrittenrebirth · 2 years
Friday, 21 October 2022 
Coffee sipping, mind unfurling. TGIF, bruh.
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#personalblog I am the same broken record, writing about my “tortureed” identity as an attempt to come into terms with who I “really” am. 
This is my self indulgent place, so suck it.
A startling realisation is maybe I am not that sophisticated and just a plane freaking Jane. Not really special at all. 
It is not untrue to say that I have these identity crises frequently, maybe it is my mental health qualms coming to the surface. Hey wusgood Bpd kings and queens. 
Continuing on this tangent of life and identity, I realise on this Friday morning, I have seen a lot and really not a lot in my small lifetime, (my “young” lifetime at 24 on the edge of 25). December here we come! 
Formative experiences, include multiple bouts of depression including me tryna knock on the doors of death, a pretty cool European study abroad in the beautiful land that is Deutschland , and oh did I mention a disastrous, toxic string of “lovers” (I use that term loosely, for there was little love, just lots of self-loathing and validation-seeking -  I mean  just see the endless stream of broken hearted “love” poems I have penned for the better part of 8 years.) 
Yes, Hello darkness my old friend
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I have for a long time now, “studied” women in pain, female icons who had their heart fucking trampled upon and then rose like a Phoenix to create amazing THINGS.
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I don’t really trust anyone who says they haven’t been through trials and tribulations, nor do I trust those who claim to not be uncomfortable in their vulnerability but clearly are - oh no, is this me projecting my own worries, OH Jeepers!
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